#when i read today's prompt i knew INSTANTLY which album i was going to pick
Albumtober Day 14: Live at Leeds
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(Prompt: An album to play loud) The Who - Live at Leeds (1970)
I mean, it was obvious from the start I was going to pick this one. Live at Leeds is the definitive live rock album, from a band that was one of the loudest in the world during their prime. This isn't an album to play loud, this is the album to play loud. This album is pure distilled rock at its absolute peak. This album is… okay, okay, I'll stop before I start sounding like someone's boomer dad. But you get the idea.
The original LP is under 40 minutes long and contains only six tracks, three of them being covers. (It also contains various posters, flyers, receipts and other oddities.) The 1995 CD version, on the other hand, contains 14 tracks, bringing the total length up to 77 minutes. This version includes some great songs like "Heaven and Hell" (a live staple, written by John Entwistle, that never appeared on a Who studio album), "A Quick One While He's Away" (a nine-minute "mini opera" that foreshadowed their later rock operas), and "Amazing Journey" (a highlight from Tommy.) Personally, I dig the CD version. (You can't play vinyl records in the car.)
The centerpiece of any version of the album is undoubtedly the fifteen-minute "My Generation" medley featuring themes from Tommy and some riffing that would later form the basis for the song "Naked Eye". If you had to choose one track to represent the Who at their best, this would be a pretty strong contender. They were on fire here. They were on fire for the whole album.
Favorite tracks: "My Generation", "Substitute", "A Quick One While He's Away". (Yes, I'm counting the expanded version. Don't @ me.)
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youarejesting · 4 years
hey bb💜 I got another request for you: Mafia!Yoongles, SFW, prompt: Bonnie & Clyde
Yoongi: Bonnie & Clyde SFW
Beta: @jung-hoseok-s-airplane
Word count: 3k
Warnings: paranoia, thriller, drama, terror, but soft and fluffy, and angsty. Talk of guns and multiple fight scenes, protect Yoongles at all costs.
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Yoongi wasn’t the boss of a Mafia, he wasn’t even high ranking within the gang. He was just an underlying member of the outer circle. Why? All because of a stupid loan. One small sum of money he borrowed for his Tuition that has left him forever in debt.
Now he spent his days working earnestly to pay everything back, however, every year they added a ridiculous amount of interest. They did it to keep him stuck in a rut.
While working and making the payments he was able to open his dream music shop, where he taught children how to play and read music on the weekends.
Seven years passed and he was finally ready to close his accounts; he had saved up his last few thousand and the undoubtedly large interest he knew he would have to pay. They would come up with excuses like ‘account keeping fees’ or ‘providing him with insurance’ which he knew it was all part of the scam.
He would go on whatever “Jobs” the boss asked of him. Whether it was drug trafficking or to rough up some people who owed the boss money.
You had seen it all, broken noses and busted lips, remembering the first day he came home beaten with a purple swollen eye. He had tried to cover the eye with his hair, but you notice the change in his demeanor instantly.
Yoongi wasn’t a pushover, he never whined and never asked for help and it took everything to convince him to allow you to provide first aid for him. He stood in the bathroom as you provided him with medicine and tried to ease this pain and discomfort.
At his worst, Yoongi had returned home with several broken ribs, fingers and a serious shoulder injury. He refused to go to the hospital and you did your best to patch him up. His shoulder however never healed the same causing permanent damage. His face often became pained as he played the piano pinpointing the exact moment when it would start to ache. Yet he never broke and never complained.
“Yoongi, where are you going?” You asked, pulling on your sneakers ready for your ‘spin class’ at least that’s what you called it and what you told Yoongi you were doing. Looking up after securing your laces you saw him in a suit, never a good sign.
There were few occasions Yoongi wore a suit, and he had a different suit for all occasions. He had his beautiful recital suit with coat tails and bow tie your favourite. He had his wedding suit his business casual suit and then this one. It was black on black reminiscent of a funeral but you knew it was because it was easier to hide blood stains.
He was going to Mister Bang, the leader of the Gang. The uncertainty kicked in. Would he return home, if he did would he be injured?
“I am paying out my debt today” He gestured to the duffle bag with a grin. “I even have interest on top of the interest amount just in case, I am ending this today.”
His voice was firm, it baffled you how he did it, how he managed to keep his faith all this time. Always positive that this day would come. Of course, you knew and supported his plans of leaving, but he was finally doing it.
You gave him a quick kiss on the cheek wishing him luck, but he pulled you back kissing you firmly and passionately. You could feel how tense he was, there was so much weight on his shoulders.
“If something happens to me today, I just want you to know”
“I don’t want to hear it, you can tell me when you get home, I will order your favourite”
His soft smile brought with it a soft twinkle in his eyes, he seemed to be burning your image into his brain. Sharing a kiss before heading out to the gym.
When you got there you were met by Jungkook, a trainer in self-defense. Jungkook trained you to box using some elements of taekwondo to keep you strong. Jimin on Fridays taught you a series of mixed martial art styles and kept you agile.
You had spent almost all four years of your marriage with Yoongi working with these men to always be safe. It was after that first day when he came home hurt. Knowing you had to learn to protect yourself, so they could never use you against him. Never knowing what might happen to you or Yoongi.
Arriving home after your training you saw Yoongi alone in the dark nursing a whiskey bottle in his hand. Every step closer made your eyes prickle with a sad and angry emotion.
His suit was ripped and parts of him were discoloured or stained from blood and bruising.
“Baby, what happened?” You asked grabbing his face noticing the way he winced. His voice was so small and his lip shook eyes misting up.
“He took my money, he said “thank you for paying back your debt, but the only way you get out is by death” Yoongi sniffed, the tears spilling from his eyes dripping onto your hands as they held his cheeks.
It felt as if your heart was breaking at his words, never in your marriage had he shed tears like this. Sure one or two tears at your wedding, but that was it he never cried otherwise and especially not in fear.
“I said firmly that I was leaving and they beat me, when they finally stopped Bang told me to go home and when I come back I would be promoted.”
He hugged you arms wrapping around your waist and he cried against you. His body shook with uncertainty, his strength leaving him as he leaned on you. They had broken him and you weren’t going to stand for it. Pulling the bottle from him, you had a mouthful the burn in your throat and stomach much needed for what you were contemplating. Gently kissing the unbruised area of his forehead, you stepped back. “Go pack some clothes.”
“What?” He looked confused and you wanted nothing more than to tell him everything would be okay. But it was not.
“Yoongi trust me okay” His watery eyes locked on yours and he seemed to notice the fire behind them, sure he had seen the embers dimly lit whenever you saw him injured or heading out again but this was different. Two glowing orbs holding a pure and fiery strength he needed at this moment.
He watched you lift the floorboard and raised an eyebrow when you grabbed a collection of money stacks.
There were so many things you wanted to bring with you but you knew you could only take the essentials. That didn’t stop you from picking up your wedding album with shaking hands and having one last look at your happy life together. Yoongi stepped out of the bedroom room with a duffle bag in his hand, his expression turning soft.
“Bring it?” He smiled making a gesture to the book “If you want it, bring it. But I want you to know, I am here. Always, and we can have a hundred weddings if you wish.”
“We were so happy?”
“I am sorry, that’s all I ever wanted was for us to be happy and I ruined it my love”
“You could never ruin it Yoongi, you just made it more adventurous I have experienced things I never would have if I didn’t have you”
“You experiences things you shouldn’t have because of me”
Tearing out your favorite photo and slipping it into your wallet you looked around the room.
He sat in front of the brown upright piano, running his hands over the smooth and worn wood. He was saying his goodbyes before turning and taking your hand leading you out of the house immediately.
You traveled for almost two hours until you arrived at Cheongju. You both wanted to go further but it was late and you had to make a plan, driving around aimlessly wasn’t going to help.
So you stayed at a dirty motel using cash. Yoongi said it was better that way they could trace everything else.
Stepping out of the shower and laying on the bed; Yoongi was setting up a burner phone and trying to contact an old friend in his home town Daegu.
The two of you had drifted off to sleep for what seemed like an hour when there was a loud thudding on your hotel door. Sitting up and Yoongi swore, trying to reach for his gun but the door was beaten in.
“What do we have here?” One hulking man asked his gun halting your movements, he was sweaty and made you scrunch your nose in distaste. The other was thinner and taller he had a large burn on the side of his temple and you wanted nothing to do with them.
“Looks like two runaways,” this man pointed his guns at Yoongi, “Get out of bed!”
Hands in the air, you followed their orders stepping from under the warmth of the blankets. Walking cautiously to the middle of the room, Yoongi didn’t raise his hand but followed their orders, taking your hips and trying to move you behind him, you didn’t budge.
Jimin in many occasions had taught unarmed combat and how to use your body as a weapon, he also taught you how to disarm someone.
“You have to move fast. I cannot stress it enough, your small and female they won’t expect you to have the guts to do anything” he smiled “so you have the advantage, what I want you to do is take the weapon quickly and with the least trouble.”
Jimin showed you meticulously how to disarm up to three men, “any more than three and I don’t think you will come out of it unharmed”
Jungkook taught you the importance of the first strike and all the power behind it.
“You need to prove you won’t go down easily, when you strike, you strike hard and fast, don’t miss and don’t give them the chance to fight back”
They had trained you well the only problem was you had never experienced a real weapon in your face. “You made a big mistake Suga and you better realize we are leaving here with your wife, and only your wife, the boss doesn’t forgive desertion,” the gun turned on Yoongi and you couldn’t explain what came over you.
It was like someone had taken over your body, it surely couldn’t have been you. Disarming the first guy was easy and you were proud and thankful the weapon was no longer pointed at your husband. You turned fluidly from the now limp figure to throw a punch into the face of the other man, moving quickly flicking the gun out of his hand. A loud gunshot rang through the room, but it didn’t hit you so you must have done something right.
Knocking the second man unconscious, you took their weapons and turned to Yoongi. He was on the ground leaning against the bed, you raced over, “Yoongi!”
“I’m okay, it’s a graze” Yoongi laughed a disbelieving smile on his face. “You actually just kicked their asses!”
“It really is a graze love see” the wound was indeed pretty superficial so you trusted him. Collapsing into his arms crying and shaking. The adrenaline that had been causing through your body was plummeting, as the crisis was over.
“Hey it’s okay, I am so proud of you, come on we have to move” he said lifting your chin and wiping your tears. “I got somewhere we can go, grab your stuff” The two of you took precautions taking everything.
You drove while Yoongi bandaged his arm, he had gotten good at first aid, as was expected since he got injured often.
Deciding to ditch the car as the number plate was traceable you waited by a truck stop. Paying a man to ride in his truck as close to Daegu as he could.
Once inside the cabin of the vehicle you told Yoongi to sleep but he refused instead holding you to his chest and eyeing the driver. “You sleep love you had a big day”
You were woken by Yoongi who was tapping your arm, “Honey, wake up, the nice man drove us as far as he could?” You opened your eyes noticing Yoongi’s heavy Daegu accent had slipped through, he must have been angry. When you sat up you noticed Yoongi had a gun pointed at the man.
“What happened?” You asked looking between the two males.
“He tried to touch you and I wouldn’t let him,” Yoongi smiled but this wasn’t a friendly smile his eyes were full of anger. “Thank you for your help sir but we will be on our way?”
“Thank you for getting us this far, but if you even think of hurting someone, I will kill you,” you smiled and waved him off. “Yoongi we have to keep moving, it’s almost morning and we can’t have traces of ourselves on CCTV’s.
He nodded and while walking along you passed a small hairdresser, inside was a young man. You convinced him to give you a makeover. He seemed very excited to help you, “Yoongi, you are going first okay?”
“Whatever you say?” He smiled, the staff bleached his hair before dying it a mint green giving him contact lenses that were a grey color, He went off with the few male staff members who were going to dress him.
When he stepped out, it was a bit of a shock to see him in something a single twenty-year-old male would wear and not a married man in his thirties.
The owner smiled “hey don’t be nervous, Look at how handsome I am, I only make beautiful people, and you are already beautiful, so my job is easy, you know”
“Jin what are we thinking?” The woman said and he gave the woman some instruction.
She took scissors to your hair, giving you a straight-across fringe and removing several inches from your hair which you had kept long since your wedding. They gave you a blunt cut to your collarbones and began dying your hair. They had faded your hair from a caramel blonde/brown to a bright red.
There wasn’t much time to think as they did your make up and pierced your ears a few times. You looked quite youthful, putting on the clothes they provided feeling self-conscious. This wasn’t you, you felt naked, your legs were on show.
Wearing a denim skirt that stopped midthigh and a tight shirt wasn’t really something you wore at your age but Jin assures you that ‘if you act young, you will look young’. It was a strange notion, but he did look good for his age. When you stepped out Yoongi gave a small laugh. Unable to stop yourself from wondering what he might think, you shuffled your boots against the rug. “Does it look weird?”
“You look as beautiful as the day we met?” His eyes drank you up and down “Do you remember?” He opened his wallet and showed you a picture from your group mixer, “you looked not much different from right now”
“I don’t… look weird?” You said looking in the mirror and seeing the bright lipstick, you looked like you were styled by one of those idol girl groups.
“Hell no, you look like a dream, I love you no matter the style of clothing and hair colour you have. Cause you can rock them all” He smiled and thanked Jin explaining that the two of you never came in, before paying them an enormous amount of money and taking the bus to Daegu countryside.
When you arrived you were met with a tall man with golden blonde hair, he was what you expected a golden retriever to be if they were human. “What a look, you must be Yoongi’s wife” He had blue paint on his chin, the only blemish on his beautiful face, along with a matching green strip of paint through his hair and on the tip of his ear.
“Y/n, this is Taehyung,” Yoongi smiled leading you along after the charismatic young man, “an old friend.”
“I just picked up some paints, do we need anything else from town or shall we retire home?” He was walking backwards and you laughed at how happy he looked it seemed so odd how calm you felt.
Was it wrong to feel safe in this moment, your eyes darted around and the sick heavy feeling of paranoia set in. Could they see you? Were they watching? Waiting for you to let your guard down so they could strike?
Was Taehyung really on your side or had they already got to him and this was their plan. You grabbed Yoongi’s arm, “Can we really trust him what if he is leading us into a trap?”
“Trust me okay?” He said kissing your cheek and sighing. “We can’t turn on everyone without giving them a chance”
He was right but how could you not worry, this wasn’t a normal situation this was doorways some leading to freedom and others death.
It took some time, a bus, and a tractor before you finally arrived at a large farm. “Make yourself at home,” he smiled.
Three months had passed and things were going great, but you did something you shouldn’t have. You went into town that morning with a disguise and rang your parents telling them you were safe before quickly hanging up.
They were thankful to hear from you and you headed back to the farm shaking unable to stand the crowds.
For about five days you stayed awake at night trying to listen for any sign that someone was coming for you. Finally deciding that you may have just got away with it, you all were going into town for groceries.
The boys went off to look at farm supplies while you went through the shop. “Y/n?” a voice called you turned seeing a man in a suit and realized what you had just done.
His smile bloomed across his face, a sick sadistic grin. Your eyes flickering around for an escape. Slamming the trolley into his legs and elbowing him to the ground was your first move.
You tried to race passed him only to have him grab you by the ankle causing you to hit the floor. Stomping your foot into his nose until he let you go. Running down the street and into the supply store you began looking through the clothes rack for something to hide your appearance.
“What are you doing?” Yoongi asked confused as to why you were hiding in this store instead of buying groceries. One look at the fear on your face and he knew his answer, dropping the bag of birdseed Taehyung had asked him to carry. “We have been found?”
“Just me, you will be fine as long as you don’t get caught” You looked around “I just need to leave here without being seen” You looked around for another escape seeing a bloody nose man bossing around some other men point at shops to raid, Taehyung ran over. “I found these bags, the owner says we can fill it and he will weigh it and we pay what we get.
You snatched the bag and looked at Taehyung, “Put me inside and let’s go we are busted,” Taehyung looked around spotting the manager and pressed a finger to his lips as you curled up inside he picked you up in his arms, Yoongi paid the man more than he needed and the three of you left the store.
You held still, barely breathing, as Taehyung walked to the bus stop Yoongi patted the bag softly trying to calm you. Soon you heard the bus, Taehyung carried you onto the bus, they gave you the all-clear to emerge from the bag but you waited an extra few minutes for the bus to leave the town before you busted out.
“How did they find us?” Yoongi hummed and you looked down feeling guilty, that you had ruined everything.
“I made a call in town,” you hung your head and Yoongi frowned, “we will have to leave dove,” his fingers brushed your cheek soothingly.
Taehyung had gotten in contact with a man who went by the name RM for his own protection, a man who made passports while you and Yoongi were busy changing your hair again.
The passports arrived after three days. “What the hell kind of fake names are these?” Yoongi facepalmed at his friend's stupidity, “Taehyung, I asked you to take this seriously.”
Glancing over Yoongi’s shoulder at the Passports you couldn’t help but laugh. Taehyung was an old ball.
In three days you would be boarding a plane as Bonnie Lui and Henry Clyde. A newlywed couple from an urban town in Busan heading to Gwangju. Where you would be meeting a young man named Hoseok in Jungnim-dong, a penguin eccentric village.
It was that night when Taehyung got a call from the neighbour, the ringing of the phone put everyone on high alert and Yoongi and yourself spared no time getting dressed. “Hey Tae there are vehicles coming towards your house, is everything okay?”
Taehyung sighed “thanks bob, keep your back door unlocked I will be there soon”
You looked at Yoongi and grabbed everything and took off through the fields.
You got to town and onto the first bus out of Daegu, as the sun rose you looked over at Yoongi his hair was dark and he was starting to grow a bit of facial hair. He looked handsome. He took your hand fondly, running his thumb against your wedding ring.
Before he slipped it off of your finger, “you should go, I can’t keep dragging you around because of my business. “You deserve a better life”
You snatched your ring back, tears falling. “Don’t you ever remove my ring again Yoongi I vowed in front of our families that I would live and die by your side no matter what and I meant it”
“You really want a life of paranoia, looking over your shoulder and wondering who around you is holding a knife ready to stab you in the back”
“Yes.” You said determined “if it means I am spending my life with you”
You were classified as missing persons and you tried your best to not get caught on your way to the airport. Once on the plane you relaxed significantly, feeling a breath of fresh air like you had done it.
Aiming to start a new life, to settle into a home again. For as long as the Bang mafia would allow you, of course, you knew one day you would have to move and you were ready. There were days where the paranoia took over, there were days where you saw suspicious figures.
One day you even woke up to men in your house, realising they found you again. But you were ready. You were always ready. You both did things you weren’t exactly proud of but you tried to stay pure given your situation.
It was just you and Yoongi against the world and you were in it for life, he was your ride or die and you really were the Bonnie to his Clyde.
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sunsetinmyvein · 4 years
The Radio Station - Chapter Six - Why Can’t We Be Friends?
26th of November, 2018
  Eventually, she saw it all unfold in the headlines. The lies. The heroin. The trip to rehab. It was devastating to discover the root cause of Matty’s behaviour in such a disconnected way from how she might’ve expected to discover it a few years ago. A part of her wanted to reach out, to check in and see if he was doing all right, offer to help, but she suspected after their last two interactions that maybe she was better off just leaving it. However, in contrast to the sinking feeling from knowing he had been going through such turmoil, it was incredibly uplifting to see him getting back on his feet. For him to be writing and releasing music again meant that he must’ve successfully made it to the other side. Whenever the announcement of a new album came, she waited in anticipation for the email confirming that he’d be coming back on the show. She wasn’t entirely sure if she was excited at the thought of seeing him again, or absolutely dreading the prospect of things still being uncomfortable between them - her emotions seemed to regularly flip flop between the two. It was awfully close to the album release date when she finally got the confirmation from her boss; she had begun to suspect maybe he didn’t want to come back on the show after how they’d left things. He’d have every right to resent her after how she’d treated him.
 She was knocked out of her thoughts whenever she heard a soft knock at the door, turning in her chair to see Matty standing outside with a sheepish smile, having arrived early. His hair was cropped quite a bit shorter than she’d seen it before but he was still sporting his natural curls. He was wearing some puffy yellow coat over a plain shirt, and stock standard worn out blue jeans. It was probably the most… average, that she’d ever seen him look (not that average was ever a truly fitting word to describe Matthew Healy). She waited for him to push the door open and come in, but he seemed to be waiting for her to let him in. As she stood up and opened the door, and he gingerly made his way inside and loitered next to her desk for a minute, she was suddenly vividly reminded of the first time she’d met him. All she could see was the nervous twenty-three-year-old that she’d met six years ago, who was scared shitless about his first proper radio interview. The nostalgia hit like a freight train, and before she could give it a second thought she grabbed him in a tight hug.
  He hugged her back, pressing his face into her shoulder as he let out the breath he had been holding. “I’m sorry…” She said quietly after a moment.
He gave an incredulous laugh at that, “You’re sorry? For what?” He asked. “I was the dickhead.”
“I just…” This hadn’t really been the way she expected herself to instantly react, nor had she thought of anything to say in this situation. Her mouth was running dry trying to come up with the right words to explain what she was feeling. “I wasn’t exactly a good friend.”  
“I think we were both a bit guilty of that.” He chuckled as he ran a hand through his hair, taking a step back.
“I should’ve tried harder.” She tried to explain, frowning at herself as she floundered for the right sentiment.
“It’s fine, truly.” He reassured her. “I wouldn’t have told you what was happening, anyway. Nobody knew.” He added with a shrug.
  They took their seats opposite the desk, both feeling slightly relieved but well aware there was still tension surrounding them. “Uh, is there anything you want me to avoid asking about?” She asked eventually, busying herself with checking the text line to avoid looking directly at him.
“No.” Matty replied instantly. “I’d prefer you ask what you want to rather than censor yourself for my benefit. I won’t answer it if it’s too much.” He clarified. “Thanks for checking, though.”
“Are you…” She hesitated, unsure of the boundaries of their friendship now and how much she should be asking for her own curiosity. “Are you all right now?” She asked as she looked across to him.
He cracked a small smile, “Considerably better. Probably not all the way there yet, though. It’s hard with my girlfriend back at home for the moment, but I’m managing. Keeping busy with other stuff to stay occupied.” He answered truthfully. She nodded in understanding. “And you? It’s been at least three years since we’ve had a proper conversation.” The realisation of how long it had actually been stung slightly, but she ignored that feeling and instead focused on the fact that he seemed to genuinely want to know how she’d been.
“Good.” She grinned. “Doing well on the morning slot now that it’s been a few years.”
“You’ve been making a bit of a reputation for yourself over here, I hear your name get kicked around a bit when I’m at home. It’s nice to see you getting proper recognition for your efforts.” She tried her best not to blush at the subtle compliment.
 Thankfully she didn’t have too long to dwell on his kind words and any connotations behind them before the interview started. The nervous butterflies sat at the pit of her stomach as she switched the live audio and video feeds over, lying in wait in case the interview still felt as awkward and forced as the last two.
“Matty, great to have you back.” She spoke, clearing her throat slightly.
“Great to be back after so long.” He said cheerfully.
“The 1975 release their new record in six days, A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships-”
“Only six days?” He muttered to himself in slight disbelief.  
“We’ve only got a relatively short interview today, because after this you are heading straight into the live lounge to play a few tracks for us.” He made a noise of agreement. “We’ve heard five singles off it, all of which sound very different from one another in true 1975 fashion.” Matty laughed lightly at that. “And I noticed that you did the same thing with this album as what you did with I Like it When You Sleep; the first single you released was the first track on the album. Is this becoming a habit for you guys?” She asked.
“Probably not a habit.” He started, letting out a huff. “It just felt like the most natural thing to do. Whether it felt like a primary statement or not, I’m not sure. We’d already made an album by that point, we hadn’t made a group of singles. I hadn’t been thinking ‘oh, how do we butter them up?’ Just thought… this is the first song on the record. Put it out.” He shrugged.
  “Do you think this is your strongest record so far?”
“A hundred percent.” He answered instantly.
“I’ve heard people comparing it to OK Computer. Saying that it’s a similar thing for the millennial generation.” She prompted.
He let out a groan, “I try not to think much about it.” He admitted. “I mean, what do I say? It’s so humbling and amazing, but strange also, because… the only realisation that I really came to, about the record – I think the reference to OK Computer is maybe it’s kind of, the narrative is incredibly twinned with how we communicate and the internet and all those kind of things. Which is obviously OK Computer in a nutshell. My favourite records are about life.” He said, clenching his fist for emphasis and knocking the microphone lightly. “It’s maybe a bit of a big thing to say, but I was just writing a record about relationships. Well… I wasn’t even doing that; I was just writing a record. And it turns out if you’re trying to write an honest record about relationships and how they’re mediated in the modern day, you’re kind of by proxy writing about the internet.” He explained. Things already felt more natural than what they had of late. Matty felt more open and responsive, which instantly put her mind at ease.
  “One of the other singles that we’ve heard from the album is Love It If We Made It, which is…” She tried to pick her words carefully to best capture her thoughts on the song succinctly, “a pretty powerful song to say the least.”
Matty nodded enthusiastically before answering, “The thing with Love It If We Made It… it was very, very difficult to write. It’s a list of information. The idea stemmed from the fact that over a year we collected tabloid newspapers every day to make the lyrics. Unfortunately, when we got to trying that, it was too slapstick. The song was hard to get right. It needed to be as objective and as fair and as anti… ‘watch out sheeple’ as possible. And that’s hard to do.”
“It seems you guys did a good job with it in the end. It’s been resonating well with our listeners.”
“Thanks.” Matty grinned proudly.  
“It’s Not Living If It’s Not With You has also had quite the response.” She added, hoping he’d have a bit to say about that, and that maybe it could work as a segue to the questions blowing up her screen in her peripheral vision.
“It’s… I don’t know…” He sighed, staring blankly at the wall behind her as he tried to formulate an answer. “The way I always explain it, it’s like it’s a song that sounds poppy but it’s about something serious. Which, okay, that’s straight up 1975. And that’s because the feeling that I get from music, narratively or musically, can kind of be the same thing. You know like being nervous or being like, er, anxious for a date, physically could be the same feeling as the fear of heights if you get rid of all the intellect. Emotionally, you get the same thing. I’ve always been like, I get this feeling when I read the lyrics of Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen but I get the same carnal feeling when I hear the music to Girls Just Want to Have Fun. So… the synthesis of those ideas has just been the most obvious thing in the world for me, you know what I mean?” He looked across to her for confirmation. “I think that idea really sums up The 1975. If you’re a big fan of The 1975, that’s the most 1975-iest song on the record.”
  She had hoped he would jump straight into the lyrical content of the song, but clearly she would need to segue into it herself. “That totally makes sense.” She agreed. “There’s been a bit of a debate about the subject matter of It’s Not Living.” She said, giving him a cautious glance. He’d said not to worry about asking whatever she wanted to, but that didn’t stop her from feeling like she was delving too deep into his private life.
He hummed thoughtfully. “I’m pretty sure most of the fans know what it’s about.” He said with a dry laugh. “I’ve not like… done some big reveal of my relationship with drugs over the past couple of years. I think that because…” He stared down at the desk with a frown, “I used to have nightmares about being exposed. Because remember, my whole game has always been that ‘do I know that you know that I think that I’m a rock star?’ that’s always been my whole thing.” He said with a pointed look. “So, the idea though, of actually being known for being a junkie and doing those kinds of things, used to terrify me. Because then I’m a cliché. I lose all of my irony and lose all of my funniness because I’m an actual cliché. So, I think even when I’m talking about it on this record, I’m still going ‘Danny ran into some complications-’ it’s like I’m using characters. It’s a bit like somebody going ‘I’ve got this mate, right, and he’s got a bit of this weird rash-’ “ He chuckled. “Like ‘yeah, all right, well tell your mate-’ it’s like we know who you’re talking about. I think the idea that I’m still trying to hide and remove myself from it is part of the gag. But then the chorus is brutally honest. It’s difficult to write a song like that. It’s hard to despise the idea of fetishizing or romanticising drug use as a behaviour but then only having my truth. Like I don’t have anything else, I don’t have anywhere else to talk about it. There is a hopelessness to drug addiction. You don’t keep doing it because it’s cool, you keep doing it because you feel like there’s no life without it.” His expression seemed to become quite sombre at that before he continued his train of thought. “And to express that… it wasn’t like a relief for me. The music is a catharsis for me, but it wasn’t like I needed to get that out. Unfortunately, I’m only my set of experiences, and they’re pretty limited as somebody who’s been on the road for four years trying to mediate his life through drug addiction, y’know? So yeah… it’s difficult to walk that line. Um… But I just had to make sure that… like with most of my work, any discussion of my behaviour is normally with a profound distaste. And kids are smart, man.”
  She hadn’t really expected him to be so open about it so readily. “What started it?” She asked instinctually, almost forgetting for a moment that she was at work and meant to be providing entertainment. “If you don’t mind me asking.” She added as an afterthought.
He waved a hand dismissively at her worry. “I’d be on stage, and there would be however many thousands of people. And I’m genuinely trying to connect with people, you know? And then it’s done. Go back to the hotel room. Go to sleep. Like… what?” He answered with a frustrated huff. “I was trying to change culture in my head ten minutes ago and now I’ve gotta go to sleep? I used drugs to go to sleep primarily. I’ve never had a good relationship with sleep, anyway… I’ve always been jealous of people they’ll tell me about a dream and they’ll kind of like explain this little kind of film that they’ve been that has a dynamic of emotions and it was up and it was down and my dreams are just like terror. Just fear. I’ve never had that many good dreams. And drugs stop you dreaming. But then obviously… you have solutions to get rid of that post-show buzz. Didn’t really get me anywhere. Spoilt it, as well. Did way too much. Did loads of it.” He admitted. “So, I can’t do anymore of it… when I’m older.” He laughed.
  “So, you became reliant on that as a comedown?” She questioned.
“It was always gonna happen with me with opiates.” He said bluntly. “I only say this in case people relate to it, but like, when I was younger, I kind of used to dream about being sedated. And unfortunately, sex, drugs, other things, religion, I’ve loved all these things in my life but they’ve never just-” He clicked his fingers, “turned it off. And unfortunately, when I tried those drugs, I – temporarily, for a moment – had that. And I was like, right, this is gonna help. And erm,” He picked at his nail anxiously. “It just takes your shine off, slows you down. Makes you lie, which is a nightmare for somebody who is so Mr Tell The Truth.”
“The lies are what got you caught?”
He made a noise of contemplation. “The problem is… I’m very, very lucky, is what I am. And I have an infrastructure around me of like… we’ve been a band since we were fourteen, I’m twenty-nine, right.” He said with a pointed look in her direction. “We’re like brothers, we love each other. I have amazing opportunities like this,” He gestured around the studio, “I have my health, I have all these things. There’s not a lot of people around me who allow stuff like… hard drug use. And that’s really annoying when you’re a drug addict. But it also makes you reflect, you know what I mean? Because you just end up lying, and being a version of yourself that- but that’s part of the sickness. You incentivise things weirdly.” He explained with a shrug.
  “And the rehab centre you went to was in Barbados?” She asked. He nodded in response. “I heard that the band paid for that?”
His expression visibly softened when she brought that up. “Yeah. I think the nice story was that uh… Obviously, I’m in a fortunate place in my career that - obviously I have to think about those kind of financial things - but before I went I was kind of thinking ‘I’ll sort that out when I’m out there’ and then I remember saying to Jamie ‘oh-‘ and he was like ‘aw nah, nah, it’s all sorted’ and I was like ‘Oh, how much did it - what was it?’ and he was like ‘oh, well we just did it out the band’ and I was like ‘oh really??’ “ He seemed visibly touched by this story, even retelling it now.
“That was pretty amazing of them to do.”
“Yeah… Yeah, it was.” He muttered, still clearly caught up in his own thoughts. “And you know what, if you want a band to last forever, share.” He added simply.
  “And this place you went to, supposedly they do a bunch of stuff with horses?” She asked in confusion. When she had heard this information, she was almost certain she had gotten her wires crossed, but Matty was already confirming what she had said.
“Equine therapy, yeah! It was, basically…” He started trying to explain, before cracking a smile and looking across to her. “In reality what it was, for the first two or three days was me stood in a field rolling my eyes next to a horse.” He said with a laugh. “That’s what it was really. This guy put me in a field with a horse and was like ‘talk to the horse’ so I’m like” He gave a sarcastic look, “ ‘…all right?’ So, he leaves me alone and I’m like ‘hey man’ and the horse obviously didn’t say anything.” She couldn’t help but laugh at the image. “And then he put me in the round pen, right. He put me in this pen which was just round – was a good explanation of it.” He reprimanded himself with a snort. “And I stood in the middle, and basically he said ‘I want you to walk towards the horse. It’s gonna send the horse around in a loop, and I want you to assert your position. You’re not going to get the horse. You’re just telling the horse that this is where you’re going’. All this stuff. So, I do it. And he goes ‘you’ll notice three things, at one point the horse will dip its head, then it’ll bow its ear to you, then it’ll start biting its lips. Once it’s done these three things, I want you to turn your back and drop the rope.’ So, I’m like right, lips, thing, do this, yep. And the horse is running, the horse is running, I watched for these three cues, and I dropped the rope and I turned round. The horse stopped dead.” He clapped his hands together for emphasis, staring at her seriously.
  “I swear to you, it was one of the most profound moments of my life. The horse stopped dead, came over to me and stood behind me – and this is a horse that for three days had mugged me off. And I was… stood there with this horse, that now… wanted to be with me?” He seemed entirely perplexed by this. “Then when I walked it wouldn’t cross my feet,” He gestured to his feet as he said this, knocking his microphone in the process. “Sorry, I keep hitting the microphone. Way too gesticulated today. Erm, when I went into the field and hung out with it, it wanted to be with me. And then I stood there and was like ‘Ah… Right…’ Then all of these profound things… It was so…” He tried his best to find the words. “It ate everything it needed to eat, and didn’t complain about it, and didn’t eat too much of it, and ate the right stuff. It had the ability to destroy anything it wanted, but the desire to hurt nothing. It was physically perfect and strong. It was forgiving with its time with me. And it was kind of compassionate in a way, ‘cause he’s a horse, he doesn’t want me there, he just wants to be a horse. But he let me be there.” It was abundantly clear how much of an impact this experience had on Matty. He spoke about it so passionately that it was hard not to feel moved by what he was saying. “I found myself envying all of these human qualities in a horse. And I think that was the point of it…” He said with a look of finality. “At least, I hope that was the point of it. Otherwise I’ve screwed it up and learned nothing.” He laughed loudly. “But it worked for me.”
  “How are you finding it? Being off the drugs?” She asked, leaning back in her seat after having been leant forward in interest for the last few minutes as he told his story.
He pulled a face as he tried to answer that in a manner suitable for a mass radio audience. “I mean… I wouldn’t say I’m this ‘beacon of sobriety’ “ He punctuated that with air quotes, “that’s kind of, telling you how it is to be an ex addict. I don’t know.” He answered sincerely. “I’ve not gone long enough. I’m not gonna start talking about ‘I haven’t done drugs in five years - ten years’ it was only a few months ago. I was still doing loads of them.” He said as he scratched at his neck.
“Is it harder now without them?”
“I don’t sleep as good as I used to with it, but I’m getting by.” He replied with a nod. “I’m all right with sleeping now. The band and my girlfriend have been really supportive and helpful. I’m doing all the things now that I used to do when I took drugs all the time. So, I’ve just made a record without doing it all the time,” He ticked that off on a finger, “so that was an experience, that was a challenge. I’ve now started touring without doing it all the time,” He ticked that off as well, “that’s an experience, that’s a challenge. I’m now about to start getting on planes all the time and touring internationally,” He added that to the list, “that’ll be a challenge. But you’ve just gotta take it day by day as the cliché says, or you’ll freak yourself out.”
  “You talk about drugs pretty freely in your music, but you don’t really speak about it in interviews, was that to try and stay… disconnected from it to some degree? Did you think it was going to get as bad as it did?” She asked. She had entirely tuned out of the fan questions being sent in now, asking these questions almost purely from her own curiosity to know what had happened to the Matty she knew.
“No, no, no… I didn’t. I mean, I think the thing that I think I always have confidence in is that because I’ve – regardless of if it’s drugs or relationships - the main thing I’ve done with The 1975 is spoken about myself with kind of quite a profound disdain.” He answered. “There’s not really been a celebration of the behaviour. I think that if I was ever romanticising or fetishizing the use of drugs, I think I’d catch myself doing it. And if I ever have done that in a lyric, it will be immediately met with a lyric that shows that one up to be ironic or flawed.” He elaborated. That made sense. Most of his songs did reflect that attitude. “I’ve just had to be honest. Religion allows you to kind of give something away, sex, exactly the same thing. They’re just ways of giving up some kind of responsibility in the moment. But by that point I’d done ‘em all!” He grinned, still trying to keep the mood light despite the heavy topic. “Drugs was the only one left.”
  She stared at him for a moment, just taking in all of the information he’d given her in such a short timeframe. It was a lot to process all at once, but it made a lot of the pieces click into place and answered a lot of questions that had kept her up at night when they had lost contact. Eventually she clocked back into reality, seeing that he was watching her just as intently as she had been watching him while he had divulged some of the most intimate aspects of his life.
“So, to a lighter note-” She segued.
“It’s fine, I don’t mind talking about it.” He said with a chuckle.
She smiled back at him, “I’m sure our listeners have enjoyed hearing it all in such great detail. But, there are some other big events that have been happening in your life as well that we haven’t brought up.” She said.
“The 1975 will be headlining Reading and Leeds next year.”
“Yes!” He beamed. “It’s our first big headline festival. It gets me proper emotional. We didn’t just go as kids, after I got to thirteen, Christmas took a back seat and the date on my calendar was Reading and Leeds. I went one year with a tenner and no tent. I mean, I’ve had some moments there. It’ll definitely be a very humble show. All of this ego and confidence here will be gone.” He scoffed, “ ‘Honestly guys, thanks so much for coming.’ ” He said in a feigned blubbering emotional voice, before giggling at himself. “But like, we’ve just become a really good band in my opinion. I think we could headline Reading and Leeds tomorrow if you asked us to.”
  “Are you particularly excited to have content off the new album to perform there?”
“Definitely. There are some songs on there that will be added into the festival setlists. It was about creating a distillation of what preceded it. Everything needed to be better, more extreme. Poppy bits poppier, heavy bits heavier, honest bits more honest.” He explained with a nod. “You can look at your work and be like ‘what did I do there that someone likes’ or ‘let’s try and do that piano thing’. Me, when I’m like, really personal, really honest, that’s when I get the best reaction. So, I just tend to do that. Like what’s gonna make me, y’know-“ He started pretending to tear up for emphasis.
“And you guys are already working on the next album, Notes on a Conditional Form? This one’s not even out yet!”
He just laughed. “We went away and what happened was, we finished A Brief Inquiry, kind of had a week off and then we started with Notes. I’m just letting it happen.” He shrugged. “I’m letting it happen in the next six months. It’ll be before…” He seemed to be doing some calculations in his head. “August. It has to be in time for Reading and Leeds.” He added decisively.
  Glancing down at the clock on the screen next to her, she could see that they had in fact gone over time. “Well, as always Matty, it’s been lovely having you on the show, but I think we have to wrap it up so you can scoot over to the live lounge and get yourself set up.” She said with a small sigh, disappointed that the interview had to end after how well it had been going. Matty had felt entirely captivating as he spoke today, clearly on his game.
“God, this’ll be the first time we’ve played together in… ages.” He said as he pulled a hand through his hair and leaned back into his chair. “And we’ve not played these songs live yet, either. This will be the debut.”
“Incredibly exciting.” She nodded. “So, I’ll let you go. Tune in folks in half an hour, The 1975 will be playing a short set for us of songs from their new album, A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships, in the live lounge.” She spoke into the microphone, before rounding out the interview.
  Matty didn’t move from his chair across from her as she switched the camera feed off and switched over to the next round of tracks.
“Are you coming?” He asked as soon as she took her headset off. “To the live lounge?” He clarified.
Her shift was meant to end in just over twenty minutes, and they started in thirty. She could probably finish up quickly enough to make it down there in time. “Yeah, I can do that.” She said with a nod.
He grinned eagerly, “It’ll be wicked to have you there for it.”
“It’s probably about time I saw you guys play.” She laughed as he stood up.
“I’ll see you shortly.” He said over his shoulder as he made his way out of the studio.
  * * *
 By the time she made her way down to the live lounge quite a crowd had already formed. Her handover between shifts had been fairly rushed in an attempt to get out of there quickly, but obviously The 1975 knew how to draw an audience. She managed to squeeze her way through a few crew members to get a decent enough viewing point. Whenever she caught Matty’s gaze, he waved at her excitedly. She waved back, suddenly feeling a bout of nerves at the thought of finally watching him in action. Once the cameras were set up and all of the equipment had done one final round of checks, they launched into quite a boppy first song. She recognised this instantly as Tootime, as it had been her favourite of the singles that were released. He sounded a bit rusty and raw, which thankfully he could cover with the filter over his voice, but his enthusiasm to be performing again was unmistakable. The looks he was throwing to his band were nothing short of ecstatic, and despite being out of practice they played the song flawlessly. They finished up the first song, and he shrugged off his yellow jacket as they changed their gear over for the next two. Their little live set was only three songs long in the end, but they felt It’s Not Living and Sincerity Is Scary were excellent choices to best get across the vibe of the new album. After seeing what they could do in a tiny room with minimal fanfare, she was suddenly kicking herself for never getting out to one of their live shows.
  When they had wrapped up the set, Matty started packing away his gear before seeing her starting to leave. He quickly dropped what he was doing and called out to her to wait up. She turned to face him, as he suddenly realised that he hadn’t worked out what to actually say. “Look, I’m sorry about… how I’ve been lately.” He eventually settled on.
“It’s okay, you were going through a rough time.” She reassured him.
“I was,” He nodded, “but it’s not really an excuse.” He added with a sigh. “Can I take you out to lunch after this? To apologise properly.” He asked with a hopeful look.
“You don’t have to-” She started, before he interrupted.
“I know I don’t have to - I want to.” He corrected. She considered this offer for a moment. “Please?”
“Sure.” She nodded, trying to conceal her smile. “That’d be nice.”
  She waited patiently as he packed up his gear, feeling slightly awkward for loitering around a studio that wasn’t hers while she watched everyone else clear out. Once everything seemed fairly put away, he exchanged a quiet word with the band and walked over to where she was standing.
“Any preferences for where we eat? It’s your apology lunch, after all.” He said as he slipped his jacket back on.
She grimaced at his choice of words. “Don’t say it like that.”
“Why?” He laughed.
“It makes me feel worse than I already do.”
“Suppose we’ll just feel bad together, then.” He said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and ushered her back out of the building. She couldn’t deny, it felt nice to be seeing Matty act more like he had when they’d first met. Whether that was because she enjoyed the attention or because it was nice to see her friend feeling more himself was up for debate.
  Due to neither of them being the one to want to make the call about where to eat, for fear of the other not enjoying it, they ended up going to the only place that served food within their direct eyeline – a bakery. It made her feel less like she was taking advantage too for him to only have to pay for pastries and coffee, not a proper fancy meal with drinks. They caught each other up on the fine points of their lives that they’d missed out on hearing over the last few years: highlights in careers, people who’d come and gone, other artists they’d met that had proved to be noteworthy (for good reasons and bad). It was incredibly reassuring for the both of them to know that conversation still flowed easily enough between them when they weren’t actively disliking each other.
“Sorry if the interview was a bit… too personal. We didn’t really talk about the record all that much, in the end.” She said, thinking back to how long they’d spent discussing his drug habits rather than his impending album release.
“Stop apologising.” He said around a mouthful of food. “I’m the one who’s supposed to be saying sorry. And I’m sure the fans would’ve liked it.” He shrugged.
“Yeah, but I don’t want to force stuff out of you for the sake of entertainment.”
“Like I said, I wouldn’t have answered if I didn’t want to.” He reminded her.
  He waited a beat, composing what he had originally wanted to say today before clearing his throat. “I really am sorry, you know. For how I left things.” He said as he stared down into his mug of tea.
“It’s genuinely okay, Matty.” She reassured him. “I wasn’t really any better.” She added under her breath.
“I was just a bit oblivious and hopeful when I fucked stuff up initially. I wanted to act like I hadn’t dropped off your radar for two years.” He admitted as he scratched at the side of his head. “If I’m honest, I was reaching out to get some support from an old mate in a time when I felt pretty overwhelmed by everything that was happening. But I went about it in all the wrong ways and just made it a whole lot worse.” He clarified with a dry laugh. As if she hadn’t already felt bad enough, now he tells her that she’d shut him out when he had been trying to ask for help? The guilt increased tenfold.
“Sorry.” She said. He was about to tell her off again for apologising, but she cut him off. “I was already pretty shitty that I hadn’t seen you in so long, so I was pretty quick to want to end that interaction when things started getting… difficult.” She explained.
  “Guess you live and learn, huh?” He said with a small smile. “At least we’re still mates now.” Hearing him say that helped ease a bit of her worry that she’d done as much to fuck things up as he had. At least now that it was all out in the open, they could move past it.
“Yeah.” She concurred, returning his smile. They finished up the pastries that Matty had bought before stepping out of the bakery. Both of them felt like a weight had been lifted now that they knew they hadn’t screwed stuff up for good between them. Having each said their piece, they were pretty confident that they could give friendship another shot.
“It was great to see you.” He said as he pulled her in for a hug tight enough that it almost made her lose her breath.
“Next time we’ll have to make sure it’s not so long.” She said as he moved back from the hug.
“We’ll keep in touch.” He agreed with a nod. “And I mean it this time.”
Taglist: @imagine-that-100 @ghostlightqueen @tooshhhy @robinrunsfiction @approved-by-dentists
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nctxdreamies · 4 years
Just another fan
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can this really be true?
summary: you’re a big fan of nct dream, and na jaemin is your ultimate bias. somehow you won a chance to go to a fansign to meet them...
who: jaemin x reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none!
parts: part 1 // part 2 
a/n: hello reader! since this ff got a little long I decided to split it up into two parts. this is part 1 and part 2 will be up shortly. hope you enjoy reading :)
You can’t believe your eyes when you opened your brand new reload album. The panic and excitement going through your body when you see that you got into a fansign. You didn’t think that this would ever happen in your life, but it really did happen.
“Omg I don’t even know what I’m going to tell them when I see them!” You think about this.
It took a good minute for you to process everything that was going on in this very second. So many thoughts were running through your brain like, should I even go? What am I going to say to them? I don’t think I’m good enough to go. But you realized that this was literally a once in a lifetime experience that many people die to get in to. You quickly FaceTime your best friend to tell them the news.
“Girl you can’t believe what just happened to me just now!” You tell your friend unable to get all the words out properly.
“What happened?! I’m kinda scared...” she replies with confusion.
“Your girl just got into an nct dream fansign!!” You scream at the screen.
“What the heck. How did you even get in??” she replied in shock.
“Okay I just opened my album like usual and bam it was just there, so apparently I’m going to the fansign this weekend. I’ve gotta prepare omg!” You explained to her.
“Yeah that’s really soon, also I’m super happy for you! You finally get to meet your ultimate group, and Jaemin...” she winks at you and teases you.
“I don’t think I can even spit out words if I met him... I need to plan out what I’m going to say” you start laughing.
“Well I gotta go now, I have to help my parents with some stuff. Call me if you need help” she ended the call.
After the call you just stared at the fansign ticket for a while still unable to process this. You only had 2 days to prepare what you were going to wear and say, this was a big deal.
*the day of the fansign*
You woke up this morning with a big smile on your face and butterflies in your stomach. This is the day that you finally get to meet the boys who you’ve been watching through the screen, and were that fan in the crowd and cheering for them. This meant so much for you.
With that, you got ready and did your makeup and hair nicely so that you looked presentable. Your mom drove you to the venue where the fansign was being held and once you got out of the car and walked to the front doors everything got so real.
“I literally can’t believe this is happening right now, I don’t know what I’m doing.” You think to yourself.
You walk through the doors and feel the air conditioned lobby. There’s a sign directing you to where the fansign is taking place. You follow the signs and meet with a security guard who will be checking your ticket and doing a security check on you.
Passing the security check the guard prompts you into the fansign room and you see a bunch of other fans that are just as excited as you. You wait in line as the other fans start piling in. As time passes it starts to get packed.
One of the managers comes out and speaks through a microphone getting everyone’s attention. The manager is introducing nct dream and explaining the rules that need to take place in order for things to run smoothly. As she finishes nct dream walks out and they take their seats at the table.
Your eyes are instantly focusing on the one and only na jaemin who’s literally in the same room as you. And shortly you’ll be right in front of him and talking to him. Your heart starts beating really fast and you feel the colony of butterflies in your stomach.
The line starts moving and you’re getting closer and closer to the table. After an hour you’re basically in front of nct dream and they can clearly see you in the front. You get really nervous and can barely look at their beautiful faces. It’s finally your turn to get your album signed and an opportunity to talk to the boys. You start walking towards the table and the first person you meet is renjun.
“Hello! Thanks for coming out today, what’s your name?” Renjun asks you looking into your eyes.
“Hi! It’s so nice to meet you, my name is y/n!” You reply with a smile.
You two start talking about his career and he signs your album. Your time is up with renjun and you move onto haechan.
“Hi haechan! I’m so happy to meet you!” You look at him with a smile.
“Hello, thanks for coming today! What’s your name?” Haechan asks you.
The conversation in the beginning is very similar to what you and renjun had so that he knows what to write in your album. Somehow you managed to make haechan laugh with a stupid joke which was the best feeling. Your time is up with him and you move onto the next person.
“Hello jisung! I love your dancing and you’re such a nice person.” You tell jisung.
He smiles and says thank you to you. Again, asking for your name so that he can write in your album. Jisung and you have an interesting conversation since you two can relate to things well, since you’re the youngest in your family you told him that and you two told each other about your struggles of being the youngest. You then moved on to jeno.
“Hi jeno! I’m so proud of how successful you are!” You tell jeno.
“Aw thank you! It wouldn’t have been possible without you and the other nctzens!” He thanks you.
The two of you start talking about your interests and surprisingly you have some things in common, jsut like you and jisung did. Before you left he smiled at you and thanked you for coming and you couldn’t help but smile back looking at his cute eye smile. You moved onto the next person, you were getting really close to meeting Jaemin.
“Hi chenle! I love your voice, you’re super talented!” You complimented him.
“Thank you so much! It means a lot!” He thanked you and smiled.
The two of you laughed a lot during the time you had together and you had a fun time laughing with him. His laugh killed you and you couldn’t stop laughing. Finally the most nerve wracking part of the fansign, it’s time for you to meet Jaemin.
“H-hi Jaemin! You’re such a great rapper and dancer!” You can’t really get your words out right, you didn’t really notice since your were extremely nervous.
“Hello! Don’t be nervous haha I don’t want you to be scared!” He looked at you and smiled.
That big smile he had when he looked at you held so much power you can feel your heart beating at 100 miles per hour. It really got you.
“What’s your name? Also I like your outfit, it looks really nice!” Jaemin asks you and also compliments how you look.
“Ah my name is y/n! Haha it took me a while to pick out what I was going to wear today, thanks for the compliment!” You respond, you can feel your ears getting hot.
Jaemin keeps making you weak with the things he’s saying to you. It feels so unreal. The two of you had a deep conversation about life, which you didn’t expect but as soon as you knew it, it was already time to end the conversation.
“Thank you for coming y/n! By the way look at what I wrote in your album.” He whispered the last part to you, so that nobody else would hear.
“Thank you Jaemin! I’ll look at it!” You respond with a smile on your face.
You walk away from the table feeling relieved but very nervous to see what he wrote in your album. You walked out of the room and into the lobby. You found a place to sit so that you could open your album and see what he wrote. You found his page and couldn’t believe what he put there. It read...
“Thank you y/n for coming today! I’m glad we were able to have a great conversation and I would like to get to know you more since you seem like such a great and beautiful person. If you’d like to, please meet me at the back entrance in an hour since that’s when I’ll be done!”
Your jaw dropped and you couldn’t believe your eyes. Na Jaemin, our ultimate bias, really wrote this in your album. How could you even be the one that stood out to him? All these thoughts running through your brain made it hard for you to think about what you were going to do next. After a few minutes you realized what he wrote so you wanted to do what he said. With that you made your way to the back entrance and waited there for a good hour.
*to be continued*
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writingandimagines · 6 years
Enoch O'Connor x Reader One Shot ~ Photos of Love
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Requested by Anonymous: “Hello! Can you write a one shot for Enoch O’Connor X reader and it’s like their 1 Year anniversary and it’s romantic and fluffy please? Thank you & I love your work!!💕
A/N: This is based on the movie!Enoch, I hope that's okay. Thanks for requesting this one shot and also for your kind words :) - 🌸
Disclaimer: I do not own Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children nor do i own this gif or any other gifs on this blog unless otherwise stated. If you are the owner of this gif (or any other gif on here) and would like me to remove it or credit you please let me know :)
Word Count: 2,017
Warnings: None just fluff
Slight Modern AU with Enoch O’Connor
If someone had told you that you’d be standing in this position a year ago, you’d have called them crazy, but here you were getting ready to celebrate your one-year anniversary with Enoch.
The two of you had liked each other in secret for quite some time, well that was before your feelings had accidentally been shared with all the older children, not that either you or Enoch knew at the time (and didn’t until a couple of days later when the younger children found out) so of course that was a fun experience for a few days. Needless to say, Enoch was not best pleased when he found out, and as entertaining as you found it to watch him be an interesting mix of his usual grumpy, sarcastic rudeness, it was even better to watch the bright red flush appear on his cheeks. This was something no one had ever seen before, which to be honest only confirmed everyone’s suspicions that the rumour was in fact true. Not that you were complaining at all, in fact you too were donning a similar blush and Enoch had noticed. Honestly if certain events had not occurred that day, the two of you would probably still be hiding your feelings, too scared to say anything.
As you finished up getting ready, you sighed deeply at the thought of the inevitable teasing that would no doubt take place. Although since the two of you had taken part in the teasing at the other couples it was only time that you got your comeuppance for it.
You had no idea as to what Enoch had planned for the day, and the thought worried you a little. There had been multiple conversations and rules put in place by Miss Peregrine specifically for these occasions/milestones, which unsurprisingly included a long list of things that were not allowed to happen in the Home or anywhere on the grounds for that matter. Some of the other children had also decided to throw about their ideas on what you should do to celebrate, a lot of which were shut down by Enoch almost instantly.
Despite all of the glares and cynical comments, it was agreed by everyone that you brought out the best each other. The two of you saw in each other what others had previously failed to see and although neither of you would admit it, it meant the world to you both.
Your moments of reminisce were sadly brought to a close by a knock at your bedroom door, a knock you were all too familiar with. It was the knock that came during the day when hugs and cuddles were wanted, it was a knock that appeared during moments of weakness when you wouldn’t speak to anyone but him, it was the only knock that could put a smile on your face without any hesitation.
“Come in!” You yelled from the centre of the room. The door creeped open slowly to reveal your boyfriend with a rather nervous look on his face, his eyes avoiding your gaze. “Hey… what’s wrong?” You asked calmly, moving closer towards him.
“I wanted to make an effort but I… I can’t…” he stuttered a little, and lifted his hand up to reveal a tie. “I… Can’t tie this and no one… was around to ask…” he trailed off, his eyes finally shifting to meet yours. You smiled, laughing a little before taking the tie from his hand and folding his collar up his neck, beginning to loop it around. Enoch just stood, watching the concentration in your eyes as your fingers moved quickly on the fabric.
This was it, the vulnerable side that he didn’t let anyone see, all his fears, his insecurities, the things he was scared to share with people, what he hid behind the strong exterior, the softer side of him that just wanted to be loved by someone. The only other person that he had dropped these barriers around was Miss Peregrine, so the fact he trusted you enough to show everything with you meant a whole lot.
You tightened the knot and shuffled it upwards towards the collar, before folding it back down and gently adjusting it.
“There, all sorted” you confirmed with a proud smile etched on your face.
“Thanks Y/N” he nodded as he turned on his heel and began to leave.
“Hey wait a second” he stopped, turning his head back towards you, lifting his head up slightly indicating to you that he was listening. “What exactly is it that you have planned?” you asked as the worry reappeared in your head. He turned, pausing before he answered evidently taking his time to figure out what parts he wished to share with you.
“You’re going to have to wait and see my love” he muttered, turning back and walking towards the door, closing it behind him. You sighed, having expected something like this to occur.
For the majority of the day after that Enoch was nowhere to be seen, and neither was Jacob for that matter, which was odd concerning they weren’t always friendly with each other. You weren’t the only one that picked up this either, Emma too had been wondering where her boyfriend had gotten to, and with the day being an important event for you and Enoch the two of you assumed they were together, preparing.
It was early evening when the two of you finally crossed paths again, however this time he looked slightly more dishevelled, his usual neat hair was now a windswept mess, his clothes were creased and his eyes looked teary, a clear indication that he had in fact been outside or had at least needed to travel outdoors at some point. A soon as his eyes met yours, he adjusted himself, fixing his hair and patting down his clothes, gesturing for Jake to the same before whispering something to him. Jake then left, motioning for Emma to follow him which left you and Enoch alone in the sitting room. You moved towards the sofas, sitting down on one as Enoch followed and sat down next to you his arm wrapped itself around your shoulders pulling you closer to his chest.
“So, what have you been up to Sweetheart?” He asked, now resting his chin on your head.
“Not a lot really, just hanging out with Emma, reading to some of the younger children” you paused and moved your head, so that he would no longer be able to rest his head on it, this of course prompted him to frown at you. “I’m more interested as to what you were doing if I'm honest?” he smiled, his eyes shifting down towards the floor for the second time that day, why on earth was he still so nervous? You thought, titling your head to one side you slowly and gently lifted his chin up so that his eyes would meet yours. “What’s wrong Enoch?” you questioned.
“Nothing’s wrong sweetheart, I promise” he said, bringing his lips towards your forehead and kissing it sweetly.
“Then why are you acting so weirdly?” He sighed, a smile appearing on his face as he looked down once again,
“Because I'm worried, you’re not going to like your present, and I know how stupid that must sound to you” Enoch answered his eyes finally coming back up to meet yours as he spoke.
“Oh Enoch, I’ll love it whatever it is, it’s from you after all” You assured, playfully hitting him in the arm, him faking an injury from it.
It was then that he closed his and inhaled deeply to calm down his remaining nerves before re opening them and reaching down the side of the sofa to reveal a brown paper package.
“I hope you like it; it was Jake’s idea he thought since you’re closer to his time that you’d like something with a modern touch” he explained as he handed the parcel to you. The curiosity immediately took over you as you began to shake and pat areas of it, to try and guess the contents, being sure to be careful just in case it was fragile. You decided against voicing your guess and instead dived into opening it. Enoch watched on, excitement rushing onto him face as he saw your eyes light up when the gift was revealed to you.
Inside the brown wrappings lay a photo album, with a picture of you and Enoch on the front that Jake had taken of you both towards the start of your relationship. Your smile turned into a massive grin as you pulled the packaging off completely and threw it to the floor, opening the book to look at the carefully selected pictures of all your happy memories together. IT was clear that a lot of time and effort had gone into it, between pieces together to right pictures, writing quotes or sweet poems that had been suggested you him by others. However, that wasn’t what really got your attention, it was the handwritten note at the back, sealed in a silver envelope.
It read;
My darling Y/N,
It’s not like me to sit here writing out love letters as I'm sure you’re already aware, but for the sake of today I thought I'd give it a shot.
You’re the sweetest person I've ever met and I feel privileged to have been able to know you, let be able to say that yours. I know that I'm not the easiest to put up with at times, given the dark side to both my humour and peculiarity but despite most finding my abilities scary you instead were intrigued, asking questions that no one else ever had. You chose to spend your free time with me, watching me build the homunculi and waiting to see the epic battles take place. While all the other children had difficulties understanding me you didn’t,' instead you saw everything they couldn’t, even some that I thought I hid well. All the hurt from the years before I entered this loop and very reason, I left the other, somehow you managed to see it, though of course you didn’t know any of that back then, you could sense that it was there. I felt comfortable from the moment I meant you and for someone like me that’s a rarity.
I know how all of that sounds I don’t like it either but after 10 attempts at writing this this is the best we’re going to get at this point, I hope you like it and the present too. I wanted to give something back to you for all that you’ve done me.
Love Enoch xxx
Tears formed in your eyes as you read, unable to control or explain how his kind words had made you feel. You placed the letter down on the table and leaned over to hug him tightly, your tears now even more obvious.
“Thank… you so… m…much Enoch…I … I love it” you sniffled out before pulling away. Enoch smiled and gently wiped your tears away with his thumb and kissed your forehead tenderly.
“You’re more than welcome sweetheart” he assured, the happiness he felt evident in his voice.
Enoch leaned forward and caressing your cheek with his right hand and stroking his thumb across it affectionately. The two of you gazed into each other's eyes for a moment, sharing the emotions your words couldn’t. It was then that Enoch closed the gap between the two of you and kissed you softly.
The two of you spent the rest of the day together, trying your best to avoid the other children, determined to make the day as perfect as you could. Although, this may have included breaking a few of the birds rules by sleeping in the same bed, cuddling each other tightly until morning came.
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buckybabybaby · 7 years
Sweet Enough.
A/n: This was a request, which is super scary because I don’t want to let anyone down, so I really hope it turned out okay!
Proof read by way of a text-speech device.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Reader (gender neutral)
Word count: 1816
Warnings: None! Just fluff.
Summary: “May I ask for a Bucky imagine where your great grandma used to run a little bakery back in the 40s and buck came there everyday. Now in the future you own the little shop and buck still comes by and meanwhile you got really close friends. One day he comes there, looking sad and bothered so you bring him his favourite muffin and sit down with him trying to find out why. Then he shyly admits how much he likes you and asks you for a date.” 
Thank you @tieddown-withbattleshipchains!
Bucky isn’t that shy but apart from that I basically followed the prompt exactly.
The tiny bakery you have inherited is barely more than a counter and back room where the magic happen, but you love it dearly. Somewhere along the way a tiny bar had been fixed to the wall opposite the cash register, allowing a few lucky costumers to enjoy their cakes and pastries in the comfort of the shop, but most of your trade is from busy professionals rushing between meetings so the lack of seating isn’t really an issue. 
Recently, though, you have thought that maybe a couple more stools would help, as one of the few you have squeezed in now has a pretty permanent resident. Bucky Barnes had quite literally burst into your life about a year ago, and it doesn’t look like he is leaving it any time soon.
Not that you want him too. After the initial shock of a well built, six foot tall guy dripping from the rain, shouting ‘Muffins Delight!’ in your face had worn off, the two of you had become very close friends and you don’t know what you’d do without him now. Bucky had only been back in America about two weeks when you met; he had been trying to rediscover the area he grew up in, and the cosy light from your shop-front had caught his attention through the drizzle. 
Apparently, back in the forties, both he and Steve had been regulars and he had remembered the name and how he used to come by. You had dug around in the old photo albums under the counter and found a very faded photograph of the two of them with your Grandma, then just a small child, which must have been taken by your Great Grandma, who owned it back then. 
You had seen that picture before but you hadn’t know who the men were, but when you looked closer you could definitely see the resemblance. Steve obviously looks significantly different, smaller, at the least, but there was something in Bucky’s eyes, even in a black and white shot, that wasn’t there when you first knew him, and you had been determined to get it back. 
In the last year he’d begun to open up more and it was wonderful to see. 
Today however, it was like all that work to make him feel comfortable in his skin had been completely reversed, judging by the slumped figure in the corner of your bakery, who hasn’t said a word since he came in. He’s been there an hour now and you are worried. Friday evening is always busy for you, so you haven’t actually had a second to go speak to him, just had to watch as he played with his jackets zip and reread the same pamphlet dozens of times, looking miserable. 
At ten to six, deciding enough is enough, you usher your assistant out the door slightly early and lock it behind them, then turn back to Bucky. 
He doesn’t react until you switch off the light in the window.
“It was named by your Great Grandma, right?”
You straighten up to find he’s sitting sideways on his chair to face you. “What was?”
“The shop, 'Muffin’s Delight’?”
“Yeah, that was what my Great Grandpa used to call her, and anything she baked was delightful, so when she got her own business she had to call it that.”
“You must miss her.”
“Obviously, but look what she left behind, she’s not really gone.”
Nodding, he turns back to face the wall, and that appears to be the end of the conversation so you go get your secret weapon. Placing it on one of the prettier plates, you walk back round the counter to sit by Bucky who glances up in surprise.
“All right mister, I’ve got one of your favourite muffins, but,” you slide it away from his grasp, “you only get it if you tell me what’s wrong.”
He half smiles at you for the first time today, before asking, “Do you think I’m weird?”
“I think you’re being weird right now.”
That isn’t the right answer, apparently, as his face falls. It’s a heartbreaking sight, but you don’t know what to say, so it’s a good job he goes on to explain. 
“You know, I don’t have what you do, when it comes to a past, I don’t have memories of my family. At least not clear ones.”
“Where’s this come from Bucky?”
He shrugs, picking at the leaflet in front of him. “I dunno. Something Sam said I think.”
“Sam?” You knew when they first met they didn’t exactly get along, but it really seemed like they were close friends now, long past the stage where they’d exchange snide comments. “What exactly did Sam say?”
“Nothing bad, just…” He steals a piece of muffin and you let him, “Do you ever feel like the chances you don’t take are the ones that would have been the best?”
“I guess?”
“Yeah, I’m not sure what I mean either, sorry for being a grump.”
Pushing the plate back towards him, you smile. “That’s okay, you have a right to be upset, and I definitely don’t think you’re weird. Anyway, enjoy, I made this especially for you.”
His seems to perk up at that. “Especially for me?”
“I know how much you like them.”
“I could get used to this. Beautiful cakes made for me by the beautiful Y/N.”
You feel a blush rising up your neck. “Shut up! It’s a slightly new recipe though, do you think the muffin could do with more sugar?”
“Oh doll, I think you’re plenty sweet enough for me.” 
Is he flirting? There was always a hint of it in the words he spoke, but it has never been this blatant and you’re unsure how to react.
“I bet that’s what you told them all back in the day.”
“Not really, none of them were the one for me.”
“Bet you told them they were.”
“No.” He looks hurt, so you apologise, kicking yourself for upsetting him. “I may have been a bit of a ladies man back then, but I don’t think I ever strung anyone along.”
“Steve did say you weren’t that bad.”
“’Weren’t that bad’, wow, thanks.” 
He’s smiling again though, and just like that the horrible tension is gone. But it’s replaced by something new. When he twists to face you fully the look in his eye isn’t one you’ve seen before.
“I think maybe I was too young then, in the forties, but now I’m older it feels different, which I guess is called growing up. Finding someone you want to spend your life with is scary, because, what if they don’t want that too? I don’t want to put myself out there if I’m going to be rejected, but I think it’s worth the risk. Since I got back my life has been a bit of a blur and I didn’t know what I wanted, but then I met you and it all became clear.”
“What became clear?” Your voice sounds funny, nervous, because you are; scared you’re interpreting him wrong.
“What I want, who I want. I didn’t think I was capable of feelings like this any more, so you were a shock, but a lovely shock. Especially when you come with such great benefits.” 
The rest of the muffin is shoved into his mouth as he smirks at you.
“I knew you were only here for the free cakes!” You gasp, hitting his arm playfully.
Bucky grins. “I’m trying to tell you I’m in love with you, stop laughing!”
The clock on the wall suddenly sounds ten times louder as you stare at him. Your giggles die instantly, watching his smile slip a bit as the seconds pass.
“You’re trying to do what?”
“Tell you I love you.” 
So you hadn’t heard him wrong. Now he looks worried, or maybe that’s regret on his face, whichever it is it quickly morphs into sadness, and then he’s pulling his jacket back around himself and moving to get up.
“See Sam, told you you were wrong. I’m sorry I’ll just-”
Surging forward, you cut his muttering off with a soft kiss. It only lasts a few moments but you feel him relax under your touch, his mood flipping once more. Pulling away you cup his face gently.
“Sam wasn’t wrong. I don’t know what he said but he wasn’t wrong.”
“He said I should go for it.”
“It being..?”
“You. He said I should just go for it with you. Tell you how much I care, how painfully in love with you I am because, oh doll, I really am.”
Laughing breathlessly, you allow Bucky to pull you into his lap, trusting him to support you both on the rickety stool. 
“Well it’s a good thing I love you too, isn’t it?”
Twenty minutes later you relock the front door and Bucky helps you pull down the shutter, before linking his fingers with yours and smiling down at you.
“So I’m guessing coffee and a cake is a little too everyday for you, huh?”
“For our date?”
“Yeah. What would you like to do instead?”
It’s raining again, just like on the day you met, making the street shine in the early evening light. It’s a beautiful backdrop for Bucky, his hair curling just a little round his face, that image distracting you from his question until he raises his eyebrows. You mentally shake yourself.
“Erm, I really don’t mind.” Lightning strikes across the sky, followed almost immediately by thunder that shakes the ground and makes you squeak and lean into Bucky’s side. “I think we need to get somewhere indoors, though. Pizza at my place?”
Home is only a few blocks away but you still manage to get properly soaked on the short journey, both of you creating a puddle in the hallway as you fumble with your keys. 
Bucky gently takes them from you and hooks a finger under your chin so you’re looking directly at him.
“Before we go in, I just want to check, this is really happening?” 
You laugh and nod, pulling him into another kiss. His arms twist around you and you don’t break apart for a couple of minutes, out of breath when you do, hardly aware of your sodden socks as your forehead rests against his. 
A rush of affection runs through you at the look in his eyes, the one you’ve only seen in old photos, the one you were hoping to find.
You really do love him. 
“Not to be overly soppy, but this feels very right, doesn’t it?” As you speak he nips at your bottom lip, grinning into your mouth. “We should have done this a long time ago, shouldn’t we?”
He leans in properly again and you know, without him having to say anything, that he completely agrees.
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impala-dreamer · 7 years
This Ain't No Joke, Sweetheart - Chapter 1
SPN FanReality
~Let me tell you about my weekend with the Winchesters…~
Beka ( @impala-dreamer​ ), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Steph ( @torn-and-frayed​ )
3,379 Words
Warnings: It’s insane, but clean. Maybe some curses, I can’t remember.
A/N: This is not a joke. My weekend was pure insanity, and I thought I would write it all up and share it with you because, that’s what I do. You probably won’t believe me, but here it is. I’ve broken it up into chapters to save you all from reading almost 24,000 words at once. So… enjoy, I guess. I did…
Go To Chapter: One ~ Two ~ Three ~ Four ~ Five ~ Six ~ Seven ~ Eight
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Chapter One: Friday Evening…
Hey guys. Here’s the thing: I usually tell you stories when I get inspired by a song, or an episode, or a prompt, or whatever. But this story… as much as I still can’t believe it, this is all true. Not “inspired by true events,” no, 150% all natural, 10/10 this happened to me…true. I know you won’t believe me. Hell, some mornings I don’t even believe me, but unless I was hallucinating for forty six hours this weekend… this is legit.
Let me set the scene for you just so you can follow along. I’m Rebekah. I go by Beka, as you probably know. I live somewhere in the lower end of northern New Jersey. I can see New York from my house, which is where I grew up. I’ve got an attitude, an accent, and resting bitch face. My eyes roll freely and my eyebrow is usually raised. I’ve got a husband, two kids, two cats, and life is fairly normal. Well, OK. Some days are harder than I’d like, but that’s not what I want to tell you about. The boys and hubby were gone that weekend, out on a boys-only retreat with grandpa, leaving mommy home to relax and recharge. But, damn, that didn’t happen.
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Friday evening. My favorite of evenings, especially when the house is quiet as it was then. It was raining, so I lit a candle like I always do. Some strange tradition my mother and grandmother passed down to me. This one was particularly yummy. A large, three-wick Bath and Body Works Bergamot Mint scented candle. I like to think that’s what Sam Winchester smells like. Manly, kinda spicy, hints of orange and mint. Just a little headcanon of mine. Anyway, the candle was lit, the lights were dim. I had a tumbler of honey whiskey on the rocks, and Netflix loaded and waiting. For good measure I brought my plush Tardis blanket to the recliner and snuggled down, ready to commit to finishing Season 6 in one sitting. Hey, don’t look at me like that. You’ve done it too. And anyway, it was for research. I’m working on a Soulless Sam smut. *insert shoulder shrug here*
I clicked play and episode 6.9 began. I gave a little chuckle when I read the title. “Fight the fairies!” I exclaimed to no one. Yes, sometimes I talk to the TV. Ok, most times I talk to the TV. Whatever. Anyway, as I’m waiting for the opening disaster, I take a nice long sip of my whiskey and then roll my eyes as the doorbell rings. “Seriously?” I pause the show and take a moment to adjust myself after climbing out of my chair.
My front door is directly behind the recliner, in a little “entryway.” I stumble over my son’s snow boot that keeps escaping from the closet and peek out the large frosted glass door. Two tall figures darken the portal, their faces in shadow, their outlines lit by the yellow street lamp behind them. Now, I’m not a tiny woman by any measure, but I’m still a woman, home alone, on a dark and stormy night, so the thought of opening the door to two huge men kind of panicked me. But, whatever, this isn’t a movie. What could happen?
I turned the knob and opened the door. Their images were still dark, and slightly skewed by the screen door, but I gasped in shock nonetheless. Standing before me, in all their denim and flannel glory were Sam and Dean Winchester. My mouth dropped and my brain sizzled. I’m not an idiot, I realize that’s impossible. Someone was playing a joke on me. A strange, brilliant, expensive joke. But it was April, and my birthday had just passed, so… maybe. Or I was dreaming.
“Rebekah Jones?” the Dean-like one asked. He was holding a slip of wet paper, his eyes narrowed and examining my face as he spoke.
“Er… yes?” I wasn’t sure I had actually answered, what with the shock I was in, but I suppose I did make some noise because he nodded and continued.
“Hi. Uh, my name’s Dean Winchester, this is going to sound strange but…”
I laughed. He stopped and glared at me. I laughed again. I couldn’t help it. “Dean Winchester? Uh huh, and this is Sam Winchester, right? Nice. Um… you guys are like, really good impersonators, like… really good. But, I’m sorry, roleplaying kinda freaks me out. I don’t even cosplay at Comic Con anymore so…”
The Sam-looking man on the right spoke up, his voice a perfect copy of the man I knew from television. “We’re not roleplaying. I’m Sam, and we need your help.”
The laughter was unstoppable. It bubbled up from my stomach in awkward giggles as I held onto the door frame for stability. “This is just odd. Wow.”
“Dean” reached for the handle of the screen door and pulled it open, leaning down a bit to meet my eye line. “Rebekah, this is serious.”
God, his eyes were so green. Wow, even in the darkness they stood out like a forest. “Sam and Dean are fictional characters. On a TV show. Thanks, but I’m not buying crazy today. I’m all stocked up.”
He let the screen door close as he spun around exasperated, turning his back on me. When he spoke next, it was to Sam who kept his eyes on me, watching carefully. “I told you she wouldn’t believe us. What’s the plan?”
The taller man pretending to be Sam shook his head, “This is the plan. She’s the only plan.”
OK. They were good, I had to give them that. Same facial expressions, same tone of voice, same… wait… My brain clicked into something and I went with it. “Holy shit!” I exclaimed, causing Dean to turn back around with hope in his eyes. “Are you guys…” My heart beat so fast at the thought I expected to pass out. “Jensen and… Jar- Jare- Jared?” To say my eyes grew wide at the idea would be an understatement. I probably looked like a creepy anime with heart eyes.
“What? No,” Sam said. “I’m Sam Winchester, and this is my brother, Dean. Could you please let us in, we need to talk to you.”
“Jensen Ackles and Jared Motherfucking Padalecki are on my porch!” I squeezed my eyes shut tight as my hands shook. That had to be the explanation. Had to be. But then again… “Wait, aren’t you guys supposed to be in Vancouver? No, wait… what con is this weekend… Seattle? No, that was last week, wasn’t it? Oh well, either way you’re a long way from where you should be.”
“You ain’t kidding sister, but we’re not Jensen or Jar-whatever. Dean. Sam.” Dean pointed between them both, trying desperately to get me to understand.
“This is an April Fools joke. I love it, I do. Please, come in…” I stepped back and opened the door to let them pass, my hand closed tightly around the door knob. I was shaking, there was no hiding that.
“This ain’t no joke, sweetheart,” Dean said as he nearly tripped over the same boot I had.
“Gah! He said ‘sweetheart’!” I yelped under my breath and bent to pick up the shoe, tossing it towards the closet.
Once Sam was in, I closed the door and turned to face them. Dean was in my living room, looking around cautiously while Sam kept his attention on me. I looked up, my body practically melting at the sight of him. He really was incredibly tall. I’m six foot tall in socks, and I know he had boots on, but wow, they did not exaggerate his height at all. Also, he was fucking gorgeous. I hadn’t realized how hard I was staring until he blushed and rubbed the back of his neck with one hand. Just like Sam. Oh, he was good. Totally in character.
“Listen,” I said, mustering up as much courage as I had left, “I don’t know what contest I entered to win this, but this is like… incredible. You guys are my favorite. Supernatural is like, my life. OK, that sounds weird, but you have no idea how much your show means to me. Like, literally saved my life so many times, and I just… thank you.”
Jared/Sam smiled kindly, showing off those prized dimples and making my knees a little weaker than they already were. Behind us, Dean was wandering about, peeking behind corners and generally being nosy.
“I know this is strange, Rebekah,” Sam said, “But this is real. We’re the Winchesters.”
“Beka,” I said with a sigh. “You can call me Beka.”
“OK,” he laughed, “Beka. Nice. We got sent here, given your address and…”
My attention was no longer on the man in front of me, but on the other who had just found my shelf of collectibles. Jensen/Dean ran his hands over the dark cherry wood and picked up a matchbox car replica of the Impala. “Hey! No touching! Those aren’t toys!” I snapped as I had so often done with my kids. Nobody plays with mommy’s things.
He laughed and set the car back down, grabbing my favorite Pop Figure, Mark of Cain Dean.
“What are these?” he asked, spinning the toy in his hand and looking over at me with raised brows.
“They’re Pops. Put it down!”
Instantly he returned the toy to it’s spot and stepped back with hands raised in surrender. “OK…” He rolled his eyes as if to say, “hey, crazy person alert.”
I turned back to the Sam character and sighed. “OK, so… what are you doing here? I mean, yeay! Oh my god, you’re here! But also… what are you doing here?”
Sam took a deep breath and began, “There was a portal, apparently a bunch of monsters got sucked in and dropped into your world. We found it, hopped in, and here we are. We need your help.”
“Uh huh,” I crossed my arms and considered his words for half a second, deciding to play along. “OK, let’s say I’ve not gone crazy and you’re not Jared and Jensen.”
“We’re not!” Dean chirped from the stairwell. He was peeking down into my husband’s workspace, nodding in approval at the vintage albums that covered the walls.
“OK, you’re not,” I continued. “So you’re Sam and Dean and I’m not insane. Gotcha. What do you need with me? And how do you even know who I am?”
“Cas,” Sam said simply.
“Cas. As in Castiel, angel of the Lord, baby in a trench coat, love of Dean’s life, Cas?”
Dean’s head popped up, “What?”
“Don’t worry about it,” I yelled back, and then winked at Sam, “You know what I’m talking about, right? Him and Cas…” Sam shook his head in confusion. “OK, nevermind. That’s for another time. Castiel gave you my name?”
“Yes.” Sam nodded. “And told us you could help.”
“I’m not… I mean, I’m not a hunter. I’m an office manager. I do paperwork and answer phones. This isn’t… I can’t… nope.”
“Listen Sweetheart,” Dean said, walking back towards me. My heart leapt at the nickname once again. “Why don’t you suspend your disbelief for a few hours and help us out? Obviously we’re here. We’re real. Just roll with it.”
He had a point. And yet… “OK,” I looked back at Sam. “Jared just had a new addition join the family. What is it, and what’s it’s name?”
Again he scrunched up his face, confused by my question. “I don’t know… a dog?”
If he was acting, it was believable. I swallowed hard, my face falling as my brain tried to decide if I was happy that it wasn’t Jared and Jensen or terrified. “It was a baby. Odette.”
“Weird name,” Dean chuckled.
“I think it’s sweet,” shrugged Sam.
“I need a drink,” said I.
I pushed passed Sam and headed towards the kitchen for the booze. Behind me, Sam called, “Do you mind if I use your computer real quick?”
“Yeah,” I waved behind me. “It’s over there,” I pointed towards the messy desk. “Password is Impala.” I heard Dean laugh but I kept my course steady, retreating into my kitchen and collapsing against the black countertop.
I ran my hands down over my face, trying to calm the shaking in my brain and sighed. “You are not crazy. You are not crazy. You might be crazy.” I pulled my phone from my back pocket and pulled up Skype, needing to tell someone and confirm that I was still alive and not floating in some psychotic hallucination.
I shot off a quick message to Steph and waited somewhat impatiently for her reply.
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Well, that got me nowhere. Good to know she’s not a millionaire though, I guess. Why would she believe me? I didn’t believe me. I shook my head and dropped the phone onto the counter, turning to the liquor cabinet. I say liquor cabinet, but it’s really just a Tupperware graveyard with a bottle of whiskey tucked into the back. I pulled out the JD and went to get some cups as my phone buzzed. I picked it back up and swiped, the screen revealing a Tumblr notification.
@torn-and-frayed mentioned you in a text post… 
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Goddamn it, now everyone would know I was teetering on the edge of insanity. I considered reblogging and yelling at her for a moment, but Sam’s voice pulled the idea right out of my head.
“Um, Beka? What is this?”
That can’t be good, I thought as I carried the bottle and glasses back into the living room. Sam was seated at my computer, Dean lurking over his shoulder. They were both reading something on the screen, Sam’s eyes wide with shock and Dean’s face filled with a smirk. Oh…shit.
I set the booze down and ran over to them to see what could be so horrible. Yup, my worst nightmare was coming true. I had left my docs open and Sam Winchester was currently reading a half finished Sam Winchester smut piece.
“Ohhh my god…” I cringed and fought with his hand for dominance over the mouse, quickly clicking it closed.
“What was that?” he asked innocently, looking up at my red face.
“It was…nothing.” I tried to laugh it off, but there was no way.
Dean grinned. “Sam’s long fingers brushed against your nipple, teasing the bud into a stiff peak…” he quoted me.
“Oh fuck me,” I groaned. “OK, I might… dabble in… erotic fanfiction.”
“Dabble?” Dean laughed again, “There’s like a hundred docs here.”
“OK fine, I write porn!” I threw my hands up and spun around, more embarrassed that I thought could be possible. “I’m sorry! I write porn about you guys!”
“Wow,” Sam said, sitting back in the chair, quite embarrassed but hopefully flattered.
Dean strutted over to me, “Do you write any about me?”
I frowned and nodded. “Yeah,” I confessed quietly, “Those are my more popular ones.”
He laughed and looked at his brother. “Hear that Sammy? I’m more popular.”
“OK, let’s forget we had this conversation,” I begged and grabbed the whiskey, pouring three large drinks, and shaking myself again. How could this get worse?
Sam cleared his throat and agreed. “Yeah. Forgotten.” Somehow I didn’t believe him. “So, it looks like there was a 911 call placed earlier this evening.” He began reading from some website I’d never seen before, it looked like a police blotter. “Says, police responded to a call on West 5th Street, two bodies found behind a dumpster at SGG Window Factory.”
My ears perked up, “Holy shit, I know that place. It’s by my office. Like, four blocks away from here.”
“And you didn’t notice the sirens?” Dean asked, picking up a glass and swirling the contents.
“I mean, I’m not exactly in the woods here, sirens are like background noise at this point. No, I didn’t notice.”
Dean shrugged and downed his whiskey in one large swallow. He lowered the glass, licking his lips. “Is this honey flavored?”
I grinned, “Yeah, I’m a girl. Sue me.”
Sam stood up from the desk and joined us. “So you wanna go take a look?”
“At what?”
“At the crime scene.”
“Me?” I shook my head. “No. Why would I want to do that?”
Sam sighed, his big shoulders dropping, “Beka, we’re gonna go look. For whatever reason, you’re involved in this or Cas wouldn’t have sent us to you. You need to come with us.”
“Yeah but…no.”  
“Come on,” Dean urged, “What’s the worst that could happen?”
I sneered at him, “Uh… death? Dismemberment? Heart ripped out? Um… take your pick. Look guys, I watch the show. Maybe I’m not the opening scene victim, but I know what happens to women who team up with you two. They die. Bloody. Beka don’t play that.”
“That’s not true,” Sam defended, a twinge of hurt in his voice.
“It kinda is,” I said. “I can give you a list, if you want.”
“Hey,” Dean pulled my attention to him with his stern yet calming voice and laid a hand on my shoulder. “Nothing’s gonna happen to you. You hear me?”
Maybe it was the pressure of his hand on my shoulder, or the look of utter truth in his eyes, but I suddenly believed him. He was real. Sam was real. Whatever was happening, was actually happening. I had two choices. One: run away screaming up the stairs, locking myself in my bedroom until they left, or two: have an adventure of a lifetime.
The closest I’ve ever had to adventure was this one time, before we were married, Billy and I went on a camping trip up in the mountains. It was July, and it was terribly hot, but the couple we were with insisted we have a fire, so my man and I went in search of firewood. We came across a motel sporting a sign offering wood for cheap, so we pulled over. The manager greeted us, and seeing what a nice couple we were, offered to get us some top quality hickory firewood from his private stash. I still don’t know why we did it, but we piled into his golf cart and let the man, Mike, drive us into the woods. We got the firewood and before returning us to our car, he asked in a more than creepy voice, “Do you like views?”
Well, hell, we were in a horror movie. I cowered and gripped Bill’s arm for security, but he laughed and said, “Yeah, why not?”
What I had thought was the dumbest mistake of our young lives turned into one of the best. Mike drove us literally up the mountain and took us to the very top where he had cleared a lot to build a cabin for his wife. We stood in the clearing and looked out across the sky. The trees around us framed a perfect sunset; the mountain air was fresh and clean, and the scene was magical. Sometimes, what appears to be a recipe for danger, actually yields something good.
“Beka, you good?” Dean asked, pulling me from my memory.
One look up into his sparkling eyes and I had made my decision. I was in. All or nothing. Crazy or not. Possible impending death be damned.
“Yeah. Let’s roll.”
To Be Continued… Chapter Two...
FOREVERS: @27bmm @allinhishands @amanda-teaches @arryn-nyxx @atc74 @autopistaaningunaparte @babypieandwhiskey @bea789 @because-imma-lady-assface @becauseyouwishedit @blacktithe7 @blanketmadeofstar @brewsthespirit-blog @bulletscrossbowpie @callmesatansprincess @captainemwinchester @chaos-and-the-calm67 @charliebradbury1104 @chelsea072498 @chumi-la-chula @cyrilconnelly @dannnyphantomm @daughterleftbehind @disphandomgirl @docharleythegeekqueen @dreamingofwinchesters @dustycelt @emptywithout @evansrogerskitten @evyiione @fabulouslycassie @faegal04 @feelmyroarrrr @fiercespnbaebeyonce @freddy-fuckboy-tammy @fuckyeahfeysand @gemini75eeyore @growningupgeek @hareliketherabbit @hexparker @idreamofhazel @ilsawasanacrobat @im-super-potter-locked @impalaimagining @inthedepthsofdespair @j2-winchester-boys @jayankles @jesspfly @jotink78 @jpadjackles @lauren-novak @lipstickandwhiskey @luciisthebest @maddieburcham1 @meeshwalsh7 @megansescape @meganwinchester1999 @mein1928 @mija-novella @milkymilky-cocopuff @mjdoc90 @mogaruke @mrsbatesmotel53 @mrswhozeewhatsis @my-life-is-here-soo @myfand0msandm0re @mysteriouslyme81 @naadestiel @neobemurak @nerdysandwichqueen @nervousmemzie @notesfromalabprincess @ohgodjensen @ohmychuckitssamanddean @percussiongirl2017 @petrovadixon @pinknerdpanda @poukothenerd @pretttypadalecki @riversong-sam @roxy-davenport @sam-w @sgarrett49 @shhhs3cret @sumara62 @super-not-naturall @supernaturallymarvellous @tennesseewhiskey-and-pie @therosecolouredpost @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @tmccarney @trexrambling @typicalweirdbookworm @wayward-marvel-sommer1196 @winchesterprincessbride @wordstothewisereaders @wvnchxstxr @yearoftheweasley @yvngkinggchristyy
The Dean’s List: @brihughes4 @bringmesomepie56 @girliciousdreams @jealousbitxh @jojo-nz @leather-moccasin-hero @love-me-some-pie21 @niamandthings @ofloveandlonging @paleogamrgrl @rdy4thevoid @samikitten @spontaneousam @torn-and-frayed @wanderlustnightwanderer @zanthiasplace
Sammy Lovers: @akoya-pearls @jealousbitxh @niamandthings @ofloveandlonging @paleogamrgrl @spontaneousam @troubletrumble 
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