#when i wasn't watching kids minecraft youtube with my brother or something
reason number 94142 why webcomics are good: i can't think of many safer options in this day & age for a little kid than plunking them on a browser with an adblocker and letting them read an (age-appropriate) webcomic for as much as they like. it's got all the benefits of like kids' youtube minus The Algorithm
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my-moony-and-padfoot · 10 months
Get to know me :) In a very detailed manner and all of this totally unnecessary and unneeded
(I found these random questions/"get to know me" thingies from Pinterest and left out a few things) I just wanted to do this because I'm hella bored and definitely shouldn't be studying
Definitely not
First name: Guess 📚
Middle name: Maria
Nickname: My friends call me Grandma, Gran and gran-gran.
Age: young and sweet, only seventeen
Height: 165.5 cm
Birthday: 31st of July
Zodiac sign: I'm a Leo ♌
Sexuality: Pan 🍳
Fave color: light pink, light purple and dark green
Fave animal/s: dogs and cats, foxes. Red pandas are cool too and reindeers. Oh oh and turtles
Pets: three dogs and four cats (in two different places tho)
Shoe size: 38-39 EU
Hair color: orange ish
How long is your hair: down to my shoulders
Eye color: blue green brown ish something I really don't know, they're weird. They like often change colors weirdly idk what's up with them. So, I usually stick with saying they're green
Do you have glasses: I do 🤓
Any siblings: half big sister and half big brother, so technically one right?
Where are you from: That there is a mystery 🌎, unless you're fucking Sherlock, or another fictional detective, or a stalker
Last dream: A nightmare of my grandma trying to kill our whole family
Fave book/s: One of the harry potters and heart stoppers. Also I love this Norse mythology book I have
Last book you bought: Poison, and before the coffee gets cold
Favorite hobby/hobbies: writing and crochet 🧶. Also I really like DND 🎲
Favorite game: Sims 4, Minecraft
Fave song/s: We made it - Louis Tomlinson, lowlife - YUNGBLUD, Mars - YUNGBLUD Call your mom - Noah Kahan and arsonist - Alec Benjamin, Body - Mother Mother, Miserable man - David Kusher, Holding on to heartache - Louis Tomlinson, Golden - Harry Styles (I'm sorry I couldn't pick just one) Theres so many more tho
Favorite artist/s: Louis Tomlinson (he's mainly on my play list) and I also like Harry styles. YUNGBLUD, Noah Kahan, David Kusher, Jordan Suaste, cavetown, Conan Gray... I like too many artists, okay?
Last song you listened to: Polygraph eyes - YUNGBLUD
Fave movie: Harry Potter Goblet of fire, I don't really watch movies 🎥 Sweeney Todd is good too
Religion: I'm a Christian, like I belong in the church but I don't really believe into anything, but I respect everyone who does <3
Have you been to the hospital: A lot when I was a child, last time was because of my knees
Ever gotten in trouble with the law: Nope
Met any celebrities: I've met a few YouTubers, does that count?
Baths or showers: Showers. Definitely showers 🚿
What color socks are you wearing: white with light purple stripes at the top
Would you like to be famous: not really no
How many pillows do you sleep with: Two, well one the other one just is kinda there but it's never under my head, it's to prop the other one up
Do you own stuffed animals: I do 🧸
If you do, how many: Six, can't sleep without one of them (it's a bunny). I lied there's seven
What position do you sleep in: The Superman position, y'know? 🦸‍♂️
What do you eat for breakfast: I don't eat breakfast, sometimes coffee though, coffee with oat milk is the best
Ever tried archery: I actually have, was my hobby for a year or something, spoiler alert; wasn't very good at it 🏹
Ever fired a gun: Nope and won't
Favorite clean word: fluffy, it's nice to say
Favorite curse word: Fuck, I say that way too much someone help me
Longest you've been without sleep: 23 hours
Have any scars: I do, a surgery scar on my knee, one on my upper lip from my teeth going through it, small one in the corner of my eyes, a lot on my knees from falling down as a kid so much, and then some others
Are you a good liar: I think I am
Can you do any accents (besides your own): Not really and I don't have that much of an accent, I think. Though my friends tell me I have a bit of a British accent, which is bizarre, and I don't really hear it myself.
What is your personality type: from the 16 personalities INFJ-T 🌛
Can you curl your tongue: I can, I can also do the flower thingy
Left or right handed: right handed
Are you scared of spiders: Sort of, I don't mind them as long as they're not near me
Favorite food: lasagna and tortillas
Are you a clean or a messy person: Messy but in an organized way 📦
Most used phrase: "No shit Sherlock" "no wayyy" "just...why?"
Most used word: Probably some curse word... Or "what" "why"
Do you suck or bite lollipops: Bite 😬
Do you talk to yourself: all the freaking time
Do you sing to yourself: I do, everytime I listen to music alone 😶‍🌫️
Are you a good singer: I'd like to say that I am, but I don't actually know
Biggest fear: someone murdering me (during the night with a knife), dislocating my knee, or any other part that can be dislocated (it hurts so fucking much, cannot recommend)
Can you name all the states: Maybe probably, haven't tried
Favorite school subject: Psychology or English 📖
Least favorite school subject: MATH, and chemistry, physics is sorta alright but I don't like the math part
Extrovert or introvert: as introverted as they come lol
Have you been scuba diving: Nope, probably never will go 🤿 deep waters scare me
What makes you nervous: Literally everything, it's called anxiety ✨
Are you scared of the dark: not anymore, unless it's outside, sometimes it's scary inside too, but not too often
Do you correct people if they make mistakes: Sometimes but not to be mean to them, but not like minor mistakes, unless I wanna annoy someone
Are you ticklish: Not really 🪶
Have you been in a position of authority: I've been a scout leader for the past three years, can't do it anymore tho, does that count?
Have you ever drank underage: Once because my sister forced me to, A glass of champagne how rebellious of me
Ever done drugs: Nope
Ever smoked anything: Nope x2
How many piercings do you have: I have earrings and snake bites 🐍 I really want an industrial but idk if I have the correct anatomy
How fast can you type: Somewhat fast, I'm faster on my phone than on a computer
Are you a fast learner: Depends on the subject, but usually yes
Can you roll your R's: No I cannot 🐐
Do you keep a journal: Every now and then, I'm not very consistent. But I do do bullet journaling in the back of my calendar
Do you like your age: ✨Sweet sixteen✨ It's fine, I don't really care I'd honestly rather be older ⚰️
Do you like your name: I think it's very pretty, I used to hate it tho when I was young (still kinda do, most of the time). It's fine but I just don't like using it with people
How did you get your name: From my mom and dad lol. No it "tells a story" and it suits well for English which my mom wanted, it's somewhat rare here where I live. With the spelling I have
Dream job: I have zero clue 🔎
What was your first job: A week at a daycare. But my first actual job (something I got paid for) was in a coffee shop for a summer
What places have you worked in: In a daycare and a preschool and two summers in that cafe, never going back there it was horrible
Last show you watched: Chicago med 🩺
Last show you finished: baby reindeer
Favorite show ever: Big bang theory, Chicago med, what we do in the shadows and 911. Oh, heartstopper :)
What is your earliest memory: Sitting on a dresser and my dad telling me to wait for a bit, or being on my mum's shoulders while she was doing something outside (I'm not sure which one is first)
Happiest memory: Moving away, getting into the school I wanted with good grades
When did you start this blog: May-June 2022
When did you start writing fanfic: January 2022 (The next few ones a writing related because they were in this one list of questions I found)
What was your first fic: Fred Weasley/reader definitely not with a self insert *cough cough.
How do you come up with ideas for writing: They just come up when I try to sleep, or am doing something random, or something happens so I just write it out. I hate brain storming with all my heart because nothing good comes up when I try
What character/s do you enjoy writing the most: Sirius and Remus <3, but lately I've fallen in love with Percy and Oliver and starchaser is always fun to write. Also lily and Pandora are lovely to write, I just never really do it
What character do you not enjoy writing: Any authoritative figure because it's hard and when there's multiple characters because it's hard to keep track
Is there a fic you regret writing: Not really, I mean I'm embarrassed of some of my writings, but it just shows that I've learned and I can write better now :)
Favorite thing you've written: "When I..." A long fic about a suicide attempt and it was very comforting to write, but then I think I've written a few good hurt/comfort fics. There's like very small bits of the stories that I absolutely love, and loved to write
What do you like to write: Hurt/comfort and just sad things, I feel like I'm good at it. I like descriptive writing too and I've been trying to work on it lately
What don't you like writing: Smut, I feel a little cringe when I write it, and like longer fics, I feel I can't come up with a good enough idea for a one 🤔 Also, I don't have the patience for that
Favorite characters: Sheldon Cooper from the big bang theory. Sirius and Remus obviously, Regulus, and then I like the Weasley twins... There's honestly too many that I like. But to mention a few more: Nick, Charlie, Elle, Tara and Darcy <3 and the art teacher I can't remember the name of from heartstopper. Loki <3. Will Halsted and Sharon Goodwin are the best characters in Chicago med, fight me. Laszlo from what we do in the shadows.
Do you keep a journal: I have a few pages in the back of my calendar for bullet journaling
One bad habit: self deprecation, I apparently do that too much. Source: my friends
What did you want to be as a child: I really wanted to be a chef or a baker
Who's the last person you held hands with: My friend when dancing, if that doesn't count, then with the same friend at a school Christmas party cause I almost lost them in the hallway 'cause there were a lot of people. Before that, no clue
Are you outgoing or shy: Shy with new people. I'm shyly outgoing lol
Who are you looking forward to seeing: My bestie haven't seen her in over a year
What does your most recent text say: "Alright :)" Another one cause it was around the same time but to a different person. "It's just a little guy"
Do you have trust issues. Oh yeah
Favorite part of your daily routine: Everything cause it always goes the same way. We love structure over here. But if I have to pick one, cracking my back every morning cause it's so satisfying
What do you do when you wake up: Turn off my alarm if it's on, then I go through the notifications on my phone and just lay there doing random things before I gotta get up. Usually reading actually if I have enough time and oh, always listen to a podcast/music
Morning routine: What I just mentioned, but when I get up, I drink water and take my meds, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth. If I'm going somewhere I pack my stuff, and then dress up. If I'm not going anywhere, I usually start watching something and drink coffee in peace and then change clothes
Evening routine: I shower, wash my face, sometimes eat something and change into pyjamas. Mark stuff in my calendar, do my journaling and then I get into bed. I usually read before sleeping, a book or fanfic.
Do you like your neighbors: I don't really know our neighbors 👀 except the ones I dog sit for. Oh at least one of our neighbors thinks I'm creepy. (Literally steered their kids away from me while I was coming from school.)
Is your hair long enough for a ponytail: it is, I just often don't keep it in one. Unless it's dirty or I'm alone and need it to get it out of the way
How many languages can you speak: Two (actually three but I'm really bad at the third one) I picked french for next year tho :)
Can you cook: Yep, I'm quite good at it. I can bake too
Last time you cried: A few days ago because I was feeling like an absolutely horrible human being
How long does it take you to get ready: Like 10 minutes lol ⏱️
Favorite number: 5. Five is the Ultimate number, and everything either ends in five or is divisible by five. I've always liked the number five :3
Alright 😮‍💨
That was quite long, Sorry about that, I just like questions :)
If there is something you wanna know for some reason, feel free to ask. Like I said I like questions.
I might write more things here, if I think of something or find something fun
Feel free to use these if you want, I just want to note that most of these I did not make up myself and I don't know who did.
Enjoy this I guess I just got inspired and stopped studying for this, anyone I can blame on my English grade after this 👀
Also there's almost hundred of you following me, that's so weird....
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