#when im in a good mood im the most supportive person u will ever meet
stinkrascal · 2 years
redditors will read a post where someone does something vaguely mean and immediately the comments are filled with armchair psychiatrists diagnosing everyone with borderline personality disorder because apparently the only symptom of bpd is when you’re mean to others
#i hate reddit so much sometimes#i honestly didnt even realize people had this many negative connotations surrounding people with bpd until i joined reddit#now i hate admitting i have bpd bc everyone immediately assumes im evil and i simply want to hurt everyone around me like thanks guys :)#mental health awareness rocks :)#if u think bpd = Mean Disease you are wholly unaware of what it means to have bpd#and then these people get so defensive whenever i try to say that actually sometimes my bpd can be a good thing#because yes my emotions are REALLY intense but it works both ways you know. i feel love and happiness and joy so intensely#when im in a good mood im the most supportive person u will ever meet#and these decrepit self-hating crones come at me like NOOOOOO YOU'RE ACTUALLY INCAPABLE OF BEING KIND AND CONSIDERATE TOWARDS OTHERS#YOUR BPD PREVENTS YOU FROM BEING A KIND PERSON! YOU'RE ALWAYS ON THE VERGE OF HURTING PEOPLE!#full offense but choke <3#also they act like ppl with bpd are incapable of learning coping mechanisms too lmfao#like yes when im in a bad mood its VERY bad but im also grown enough to keep myself away from people when i get to that point#i know how to pull myself away from situations where i feel like i'll split? a LOT of people with bpd know how to do this??? like what#why do they have to assume that literally every person with bpd is unstable and constantly lashing out at others when that just isn't true#if i could i would fight every redditor with my big fucking fists
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potterology · 4 years
fave dylb scenes bc I can't get over and I’m already rewatching and noticing little things heheee 
- first meeting outside the restaurant. ohh how I love how awkward yet endearing they both were when they finally introduced themselves to one another. rewatching it made me realize that JY was already smitten by SA since the start. (like literally since the start y'all!!! he didn't even know her yet and wanted to stop the car to get SA an umbrella and this was in the first ep!!)
- when JY switched coffee cups with SA bc she spilt her cup and he started drinking it so she can’t refuse even though he doesn’t like coffee. Like he just did it bc he was compelled to do so?? like dude what if she already drank from it??? This scene was so funny to me and I love it cuz I dont think SA is used to being the one taken care of like that so it was just v cute
- when the noona was trying to get them to talk banmal but SA was like oh noooo he’s a superstar. This was cute bc you can actually see that JY was disappointed. Also they keep sneaking peeks at each other lol cute fools 
- waiting for taxi scene- this was so freaking adorable. shows how considerate they both are for each other and it’s so freaking awkward when they both realized they were standing there waiting for each other to get a taxi- but like in the cutest way
- when they were both outside that restaurant and SA asked if JY enjoyed his performance at granny’s house and I think this was the first time someone asked our boy if he likes what he does for a living and you can just tell his heart went soft for her(same dude same)
- spontaneous non-date date. ohh I love the first time they ate together at that beer place. they really started to get to know each other there. the mood and how that scene was filmed was just chef’s kiss~~
- rehearsal room we should be friends scene. when homeboy transitioned from moonlight sonata to happy birthday, y'all knew it was over for SA- god damn I would have swoon over too
- by the river “I wanted to see you” scene- high key JY sucks at communicating but I love how he is just so taken by SA that he just flat out says he misses her and as soon as he says it he was almost shocked himself. so pure
- the midnight call. I MEAN. guys. guys. he wanted to just talk to her and ask her out but tried to be nonchalant about it. ahhh they literally portrayed the first stages of dating so well I'm goo for it !!!!!!
- first walk together in the walkway. this was just so adorable. the almost hand holding. the chemistry!! the shy smiles :’’’) 
- SA’s birthday when she thanked JY for just being there for her. I love how she quietly acknowledges him and it was such an intimate interaction between them. I replay that scene a lot in my head
- when he ran to SA to give her his signed CD. He was so worried about her he forgot about JK lmaooo. Also the fact the he validated her as a violinist when SA was at a very low point... I mean... boyfriend material ugh
- the scene when SA told JY every little thing he does concerns her and that she didn’t want to feel that way about him anymore. As soon as SA said that homeboy PANICKED!!! I don’t even think he knew how much he liked SA until she said that :’)
- the lunchroom scenes 1) when they were teasing each other and 2) when JY announced that they were dating lolol I love how stoic he normally is but for SA he becomes a softie hehe
-ice cream day date; lol when SA won’t let JY tie her shoelaces bc she didn’t want to fall for him lol ok girl
-night ice cream/ stairs date. y'all know already. shit was just adorable. SA going for the kiss. I melted with the ice cream
- when JY asked SA for her handkerchief!!! it’s such a small gesture but they both knew it had a special meaning and I love how it put SA over the moon. (Also let’s include all the other times we see JY actually use that handkerchief- especially after they broke up. like homeboy was holding on to it for his dear life bc it was the only thing he had of SA~~ my fragile heart!!) ps did we ever see SA get a handkerchief from him???? No??? Sbs give me that pls
- when MS was telling JY in the car that SA has only openly confessed liking two things in her life and one them was JY. He was so flustered and couldn’t hide his smile and dimples... bruhhhhh he was full on swoon. Also when JY heard SA say that she really likes JY like he was so proud of himself lmao he’s like “yeah my gf LIKES ME” lolol
- when the lovebirds fought who was gonna clean up the broken glass at JY apartment. I love loveee this one bc SA has been beaten down so much by everyone calling her talentless that she didn’t even consider how important her hands is to her as a musician. And JY being like honey ur a violist and a musician too- UR HANDS ARE PRECIOUS. This was just v touching. Again showing how JY has always considered SA as an equal despite all the shit people say about his gf. luv him :’)
-all the moments JY just stood by SA’s side and held her hand when she needed comfort. I love how he’s just there for her. His silent support was just enough. (One thing that would have been nice is if we saw SA do the same thing, I felt like the writers were almost there but just didn't go all the way which is a shame tbh)
- Their lil day trip to JY’s hometown. I like how JY was so open to SA here. When he proclaimed that he never felt “this way before”  I screamed!! It was at that moment you clearly knew as a viewer that JY never really loved JK. He might have he loved the idea of her, yes. But he never truly loved her the way he loves SA. And his realization of this in that particular episode just made me so so so happy
- Handholding in the bus scene. That shit was so freaking tender bc you can tell how content JY was. He was beyond smitten- homeboy was IN LOVE AT THIS POINT
- when JY dropped SA home. I mean everything about this scene really makes ur heart soft right?? How both of them were beaming? How SA feet probably hurt bc homegirl was wearing heels the whole day and walked another 30 min just so she can spend more time with JY? How she literally ran back to him and JY just had this impression watching her like “my gf is cute af”?? How SA said something along the lines of JY having somewhere to belong to now and you can tell this had a double meaning for him bc at this point he prob considered SA as his home..I was literally mush oh my god. 
-break up scene. I know, v painful- but this was a rare one in kdramaland where I actually thought it was necessary for them to split (still wish it was done earlier but alas I'll take it) It was a graceful and needed breakup. Also when JY pulled out that umbrella for her.... bish it was over for me
- SA’s recital. I MEAN HOW IN SYNC COULD THEY BE. I normally skip the musical performances whenever I watch dramas that are music related- but this show makes it so magical I simply could not. PEAAAKKK ROMANCE
- JY’s recital- when he played that last song I was a big mess cuz we all knew it was dedicated for SA :’’) (I listen to this piece all the time now and im so emo when I hear it bc like god WHEN)
- First I love you scene. JY just going for it and chasing his happiness without caring if SA might reject him. We love to see it
-Second I love you scene. YALL. YALLLLL the way JY just releases his breathe when SA said she can't be friends bc she loves him more than a friend will forever slay me. Kim min jae’s acting here was real good. I love how JY said I love you four times and just went for it. top kissing scene in a krdrama for me hehee 
- dubokki date. lmao at JY with the spicy level. just plain cute
-the quick side by side peek to JY new album in the last episode. the way it showed how their relationship evolved. how he signed it as “for my love song ah” BISH I WANNA DATE A MUSICIAN TOO NOW
- that lil scene where JY wrote SA’s name as the planner bc he knows she works just as hard as the musicians and deserves the recognition. get u a boy who will vandalize a program notice for u :)
- basically all the scenes at the end of ep 16. I wish all of them were longer. I wanted to see more of them dating and happy!!! But I just love how they are both so INTO each other and you can see how happy JY is bc he finally has that person back that understood him since the beginning and it makes you feel so warm knowing they’re each other’s support system ahhhh I love their love !!
- also just all the scenes that JY looks at SA lovingly ~~ which literally happened since ep 1 I mean they are literally heart eyes emoji for each other every time :’)) 
- oh oh OH special shout out to ep 11 when JY just can’t stop holding SA’s hands !! the way he does it is so freaking INTIMATE like if I can only describe how I feel whenever I see compilation gifs of that episode where JY just reaches out and holds SA’s hands so steadily and tightly...it’s literally the most heartwarming thing.. idek how to explain what I’m trying to convey but I just vibe with it so much?? it’s so intimate and romantic.. Kim min jae I will die 4 u my love
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Bring Out the Big Guns (SMUT)
anonymous said: Could you write something where Brian is finger-fucking the reader and whispering filthy things in their ear. Then he get down and eat them out til’ they cum on his face. Sorry I’m a horndog Btw I absolutely love your blog!!!
(a/n: this is another one i rewrote several times and now im just so mad at it im just gunna fucking POST IT god enjoy more sin u little nasties ;) gif creds to @imladrs)
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“You look brilliant tonight, love.”
It was an innocent enough statement, especially when one heard it in Brian’s pleasant, saccharinely sweet voice. He had a way of making everything soothing – if you could choose one person to narrate your life, it would have to be Brian May, no contest. His voice, among other parts of him, was your Achilles heel.
But it wasn’t an innocent statement, and you damn well knew it. You were in a mood tonight, Brian having left you hanging this morning when you tried to get friendly upon waking up. And when you’d complained about him being a tease, he told you to ‘suck it up’ because he needed to go to Freddie’s before meeting you at the gig tonight.
So, you dusted off his favorite skirt of yours (Roger’s favorite as well – but Brian didn’t like to talk about that), a flared plaid miniskirt that paired well with a button up of his that you’d fashioned into a waist tie-up blouse of sorts. And because you knew it would irk Brian even more, you added to the ensemble – knee high boots, ones that made your ass pop and the skirt lift dangerously high when you were just simply standing there.
That was also Roger’s favorite, and Brian also didn’t like to talk about that. The thought briefly ran through his mind as you walked in to the dressing room just now, and he really didn’t enjoy it, so he pushed any thoughts of Roger to the side as he tried figure out what the hell he was going to do about you being a tease tonight.
“Thank you, Bri,” you replied charmingly, beaming at your mildly flustered boyfriend and wrapping your arms around his neck. He was tense – however, you disregarded the annoyed look in his eyes and leaned in to give him a kiss. His lips were unyielding for a moment, but all it took was a quick swipe of your tongue along his lower lip and he caved. He parted his lips, letting you delve your tongue into his mouth for a moment before you pulled away abruptly. An unsatisfied gasp escaped his lips, and he shot another quite irritated look at you, despite his hands coming to rest on your hips. “You look quite smashing yourself,” you murmured, toying with a strand of his hair as you stared him straight in the eye, daring him to give you another look. He was admittedly feeling a mix of intimidation and arousal right now, and you loved every second of it.
“Wow, Y/N, bringing out the big guns!” Roger exclaimed as he entered the room, making you laugh and pull back from Brian’s embrace so you could turn to face Roger. “I haven’t seen this little number since you finally got ol’ Bri in the sack.” He stopped in front of you, resting his hands respectfully on your arms as he took a look at your entire ensemble. “Brian do something wrong?
“Or, perhaps right?” Freddie added from where he was perched on an armrest, glancing over to you two with a sly grin. Roger made a face that showed he agreed, momentarily looking at Freddie before looking back to you and raising an eyebrow.
You gave Roger a look that said it all, and he clucked his tongue in disapproval as he looked up at Brian, who was tight-lipped and all-too-stoic. As Roger’s hands dropped from your arms, you felt Brian’s large hand latch onto the back of your skirt, gripping it tightly while he waited for Roger to go away. “Don’t you have girls to be chatting up? I’d like to have a word with my girlfriend,” Brian asked icily, Roger snorting at his attempt to shoo him off. Despite his anger, Brian still sounded about as intimidating to Roger as a young pup.
“Yikes, love, I’m praying for you,” Roger said, pinching your cheek quickly and getting a mischievous grin in response. “Or rooting for you, either or.” Ignoring Brian’s steely gaze, he winked at you before returning back the way he came at a lazy pace, Freddie close behind as he went to ask Roger’s opinion on the set list for the night. Once their backs were turned, Brian yanked you back against him by your skirt, not really caring much whether it stretched or not as he leaned down so his lips were brushing against your ear.
“Why did you wear this?” he hissed, making you shiver as the grin never left your face. He grabbed your hand, pressing it firmly against the front of his trousers and making you feel how hard his cock was. It was straining against the fabric of his jeans, and you almost moaned as you imagined how good it would have felt earlier, a bit of morning sex. Brian, idly fucking into you while you both basked in the early morning light streaming in from the window. His hands all over, squeezing, massaging, worshipping your body. You felt a sheen of sweat forming on your face, and you wiped it away quickly with your free hand.
“Why do you think I wore it?” you asked innocently, palming him through his jeans to tease him even more. But he only huffed and grabbed your hand, pulling it away as he dragged you out of the dressing room and into an office-type room next door. It was vacant, half of the lights were out, and he locked the door as soon as you got inside. “What’s your problem?” you muttered, Brian whipping around to stare you down with a stormy look on his face.
“You are my problem, Y/N!” he nearly spit out. His usually soft eyes were wild as he came to rest in front of you, his lips drawn back into something between a frown and an angry smile. It almost made him look scary, and that made your heart race in excitement as you felt yourself getting wetter and wetter by the second. Angry Brian was a turn on for you, and he was beyond angry at the moment. He was livid. “You waltz in here in all that, looking like a fucking wet dream, and expect me not to do anything?”
That brought a light giggle to your lips, his eyebrow arching in response. “You’re sorely mistaken if you think I didn’t expect you to do anything,” you taunted, Brian’s eyes flashing once you brought your face closer to his, unafraid of his reaction as you nearly brushed your nose against his own beaked one. His jaw tightened as he clenched his teeth together, calculating his next move very carefully. But you already knew what he would do – Brian was predictable, in the best way, when it came to things like this. He could tease for hours and hours, but as soon as it was his turn on the receiving end, he was the most impatient person you’d ever met. “So are you going to fucking take me here or not?” you asked, taunting him even more as you saw him glance down at your lips for a moment, his tongue wetting his own lower lip quickly.
“You’re walking a thin line, sweetheart,” he practically snarled, his voice no longer sweet and mellow as he wrapped a hand around your arm, backing you up towards the desk in the corner opposite of the door. “I should make you go home and change, you little tart! Coming in here, teasing me on purpose and getting me all worked up before the show.”
He was getting more and more riled up by the second, the tremble of his lower lip obvious as he held his tongue on all the things he wanted to say to you. Some of them were nice, some of them were angry, and some of them were downright raunchy. But you were getting tired of waiting, so you pressed your lips against his, pulling him into a feverish kiss as you took his hands and deliberately moved them to rest on your ass, above the cloth.
Brian immediately pulled away, however, giving you a smug look as you whined from the loss, brushing your lips over his and tugging him closer by his shirt in a non-verbal plea for him to get you off. “On the desk,” he demanded, turning you around abruptly and forcing you to bend over the desk. Your skirt hiked up at this motion, revealing the fact that you’d opted out of wearing panties tonight, and he groaned when he realized you were on full display already. “Such a naughty girl,” he nearly moaned, running a few fingers through the slickness of your sex before pulling them out and leaning over you, forcing his fingers into your mouth. But you sucked on them willingly, hollowing out your cheeks and swirling your tongue around them as he watched you with a small smirk.
As soon as his fingers left your mouth with a loud popping sound, he leaned his head down so he was nuzzling your hair, his jean-clad cock rubbing up against your ass as he did so. “Brian-“ you started, but all that gained you was a quick, sharp smack to the ass that made you cry out in surprise, his hand immediately going to massage the tender red area he’d just left.
“No talking. Got it, love?” His voice was clearly dominant, but the way he grinded up against you as he spoke betrayed how in control he was trying to be right now. He needed release, but right now, that wasn’t what he was on the warpath for. “Now…” he trailed off, moving his hand from your ass back to your core, rubbing just his middle and index finger over your clit. “You’re soaking, love, is this all for me?”
A quick nod from you and he smirked in satisfaction, pressing a kiss to your head as he massaged your clit in slow circles, his other arm supporting him on the desk as he continued to lean over you. “When we get home, you’re in for it, sweetheart.” That made your knees buckle a bit at the thought, and you struggled to hold yourself up over the desk as Brian’s long, dexterous fingers slowly worked at your clit. Instead, you let out a soft moan and leaned your head over against his slightly, wanting so badly to say something, anything to make him go faster.
He seemed to get the hint anyways, speeding up his pace as he pressed lazy kisses to your shoulder. It was odd, the affectionate manner of his kisses in the middle of such an off-color scene, but you relished in them nonetheless. His lips were somewhat swollen and felt supple against the skin of your shoulder – in fact, you were so focused on how soft they felt that you audibly gasped and moaned out his name as he suddenly pushed his fingers into you.
“Ah, ah,” he warned, pausing for a second. “What did I say?” he asked, his voice heavy and sultry as he lowered it a bit, chuckling at your silence before he starting pumping his fingers into you. Brian finger-fucked you with a scary precision to his movements, knowing exactly how to curl them in order to make you squirm, when to slow down, when to speed up. All the while, he muttered smutty quips into your ear, his hot breath blowing against your earlobe erratically as he made work of your pussy.
The phrases came one after the other, each a varying level of filthy, but all of them notably pornographic. You’d never heard Brian this talkative, ever, and it made you a complete mess. “I should have fucked the daylights out of you this morning…. Made you take my cock raw, scream my name…. So tight…. And this little outfit…. You drive me fucking crazy, sweetcheeks….” His fingers alternated between pushing in and out of you and stimulating your clit – sometimes both, which elicited wanton moans from you as you eagerly pressed back against his touch. He would watch your expression, transfixed by the look of unholy ecstasy written across it, and that would gain a low groan of admiration from him. “That feels good, yeah?”
You had your cheek pressed to the desk, gazing up at him with sinfully glazed eyes, when he suddenly pulled his fingers out and made you whine needily. Not caring whether he’d punish you for it or not, you begged him to keep going. “Brian, God, I need you so bad,” you almost whimpered, pressing your ass back towards him and wiggling it a bit to get his attention. He noticed, chuckling lowly as he went to step directly behind you, holding his hips in your hand. A wave of relief rushed over you as you finally expected him to fuck you senseless right there, but you were misled in your beliefs as you heard him moving, then suddenly felt his tongue, pressed flat against your clit.
The feeling made you jump and lift your head up, thoroughly surprised at the unexpected sensation. But he quickly placed an open-mouthed kiss to your clit, sucking on it and making a long-drawn out moan escape your lips. It was music to his ears, and he moaned against you before pulling away just a bit, gripping your hips tighter. “Had to taste you,” he almost breathed out, barely able to be heard over the sound of blood rushing in your ears. But you heard him, and you nodded before resting your head against the desk again, gripping the other side tightly as he began to roll his tongue over your clit again. His nose pressed into you, an odd sensation that honestly brought you  even closer to the edge as you imagined him kneeling behind you, his face buried in your pussy. His curly mop of hair brushed against the back of your thighs, and you shivered a bit at the ticklish feeling it gave you.
“Bri, I don’t think I’m gonna last much longer,” you panted, making a quiet, strangled noise of pleasure when he slid his tongue into you as a response. He pulled it out just as slow as he put it in, licking one long stripe up your sex before slide his tongue back into you, starting to tongue-fuck you as he moved one hand to rub your clit. Pleasure coursed through your veins as you felt his tongue curl up inside of you, and you cursed under your breath as you felt him pull away for a moment to blow cool air directly onto your clit. Shivering again, you were dangerously close now, and couldn’t stand not being able to see him as he devoured you. So, you reached back to take ahold of the top of his hair, keeping him away as you turned around to face him. “I… I have to see you,” you almost whispered, Brian’s lips curling into a devilish smile and making your cheeks redden before he dove right back in.
He pushed his tongue right back inside of you, his nose rubbing up against your clit as he looked up at you. His eyes were still wild, and you struggled to keep eye contact as your own heavily-lidded eyes kept threatening to close, overwhelmed by the feeling of Brian eating you out like he was on death row and you were his last meal. You were leaned back against the desk, gripping on to the edge for dear life when it finally hit you – your eyes squeezed shut and mouth dropped open into a whorish moan as you came, Brian dutifully lapping up all your juices as he watched you unravel.
Sinking down onto your elbows on the desk, you were riding out your high when you realized he was still going, his tongue pressing against your clit before he sucked on it harshly. The already oversensitive bundle of nerves was going haywire at the feeling, and you whimpered as you tried to back away from his mouth. But he pulled your legs over his shoulders and held them firmly, and you fell straight onto your back as your first orgasm was followed by a just-as-strong second. Brian finally pulled away, marveling at the way your back arched off of the cool wood of the desk as you climaxed for a second time.
Once you’d ridden out your second high, you melted back into the desk, exhausted by both of your orgasms, and it took a minute or so for you to gain the strength to even open your eyes. When you did, there he was, hovering over you – his face was halfway covered, slick and almost shiny as he watched you quietly with an undying smirk. “Oh my god, Bri,” you laughed, letting your eyes close again for a moment before you looked to the side and grabbed a couple tissues. “You look a bit messy, clean up, babe.”
He took the tissues thankfully, cleaning himself off as you did the same to yourself, having to fix your skirt and readjust your hair a bit. When you’d both gotten yourselves re-situated, you looked at each other, his eyes much softer than they were just minutes ago. Brian stepped closer to pull you to the edge of the desk, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a loving kiss. You smiled against his lips, hooking your fingers into his belt loops and holding him close, even as you pulled away from the kiss. “You alright now?” he asked, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead as well. A nod from you made him smile contently, and he went to kiss you again, but you ducked your head and kissed his jaw instead before sliding off the desk to rest between him and it, slowly trailing kisses down his neck. “What are you doing, love?” he laughed, running a hand into the back of your hair and watching curiously as you slid down to a kneel in front of him.
Slow realization dawned on his face as you unbuttoned his trousers, looking up at him with a sly grin. He rested his free hand on the desk and gripped the edge loosely, biting down on his lower lip as you replied quite simply: “Returning the favor.”
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rosyerim · 6 years
nct 127 as your best friend
is literally a grandmother
you’re the person he goes to everytime he doesn't understand something slang wise
“y/n,,,mark called me the goat,,,is that good or bad?”
“today jisung called me a bro but i’m not his actual brother, should i tell him?”
also needs you to explain memes to him
“johnny just sent me a picture of a trashcan and said mood should i be concerned?”
“why do you keep sending me kermit pictures, i do not get it”
but he’s the cutest bean alive
hugs you all the time!! hello hug, goodbye hug, i appreciate you hug, all the hugs!!
has the voice of an actual angel
he gets super shy when you ask him to sing but will belt out whatever song you want
also plays the guitar whenever you visit him at the dorms or at practice & attempts to each you
he encourages you to sing with him, whether you can or not not doesn’t matter, he likes it when you two are screeching the lyrics to your favourite song together
loves eating your food, even if you can’t cook, he appreciates it!!
scolds you if you don’t do your homework or leave dishes in the sink, he is a lil granny hehe
you call him beanstalk so he calls you jack, even if you’re a girl he doens’t care lol, together you’re jack and the beanstalk
sends you memes throughout the day when he has time, he just feels like you have to see them or else he’ll combust
he always messes up your hair whenever you say horton hears a who
makes you tune in to nct night night everynight & will literally quiz you on what he was talking with jaehyun about
always giggles when you hype up his singing voice and dancing
he did’t spend all that time in the dungeon for nothing
whenever you two go out and get separated you just shout “oh daddy” and he’ll find you
almost died laughing when you worse his shoes before, he’s literally bigfoot
has the ugliest photos of you on his phone but he says they make him feel better about himself
but then you just send him his predebut pics and he shuts up real quick lmao
never ask his opinion on your outfit unless you want him to just
*inhale* johNNYS FASHION EVALUATION *exhale*
3am meme wars
literally kills you with his pun, doesn’t matter where you are
johnny, holding up a pie: “hey y/n you’re such a cutie pie!”
johnny, with a bag of candy: “these may be sweet but you’re even sweeter!”
johnny;"if you were a booger i’d pick you first”
johnny; “h-” “say another word johnny seo and i would fucking cut you”
you’re highkey done with him but you don’t know what you do without him
and vice versa <3
sometimes you want to smack him because he keeps overworking himself!! & you want him to rest!!! but he doesn’t listen
 so most of the time when he has a day off you just go over to the dorms with takeaway and spend the day watching that anime he hasn’t shut up about
but he loves how much you take care of him (he won’t admit it tho)
he usually comes to you if he has a problem or just needs to rant & you listen every time!!
he loves when you send him random pictures of dogs you see because he misses his own dog ruby
he laughs so hard when you attempt to rap his parts in songs, esp in chain like,,,im convinced taeyong has gills because of how fast he raps
calls you randomly in the middle of the day just because he wants to hear your voice (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
cutest little man alive, if you’re happy he’s happy, always giggles at your puns even if they’re bad
also brings you with him when he gets a piercing, so he can squeeze your hand 
pouts when you say any member is better looking than him as a joke
“but i’m the center,,,(ಥ﹏ಥ)“ then he brings out the puppy dog eyes so ofc you take it back
he’s also super caring towards you and will fight anybody who makes you sad
sassiest man alive & will roast tf out of you
but its okay you roast him back so your entire friendship is just insulting each other
but nobody else can insult you, otherwise yuta gets angry >:[ & vice versa
judges you when you wear his jumpers because only he can make it look good
makes you watch anime with him but without the subtitles & unless you speak japanese, you’re going to be bored for ages
tries out shitty pick up lines on you they’re for winwin
all the members aid yuta is like a hot pouch so he lets you cling to him during winter or when it’s cold because he doesn’t want his bestie getting a cold smh
then’d he have to take care of you rip
comes whining to you everytime winwin rejects him but also wont accept your love???
teaches you little phrases in japanese and dies when you repeat them but butcher them 
also asks for your opinion on his outfits & piercings
“y/n should i go with the cross earrings or hoop?”
“neither you’re too ugly”
“not as ugly as you”
you two fight like cat and dog but deep down he’s a total softie for you aw
another sassy man but only roasts you if he feels you’re being annoying
whenever you’re sad tho, doyoung makes you your favourite meal & mAYHaps you cried at how thoughtful he is
treats you like you’re his little brother
he pushes you off the couch because he find’s your reaction funny rip
but whenever he goes away on tour he always comes back with hella souvenirs just for you
doesn’t let you near jeno because “you’ll taint him!!” but he gives jeno your number as an emergency contact???
he’ll randomly text you that he’s coming over then show up two seconds later & you two end up blasting bazzi all day while he bitches to you about the other members lol
when you cook, even if you’re good or bad, he’ll always be hovering over your shoulder and telling you that you’re doing something wrong, jokingly
then he’ll eat up the whole dish & tell you it was horrible #justdoyoungthings
judges you silently whenever you bring up an ex he never liked but still lends you his shoulder to cry on if you get upset
if you ever call him sad he’ll be over to yours in about 5 seconds with your favourite snack and let you pick movies for you two to watch
sends you random clips of him singing during the day & gets all bashful when you say you love his voice
you got him a toy bunny for his birthday and despite him saying he hates it, he brings it with him whenever he goes on tour & sleeps w it :’)
marine boy
glares at you every time you call him jeffery
you always ask him wtf is his skincare routine but he just laughs & says “perish :)”
sings you to sleep with his voice actually from HEAVEN because you called him when you had a bad dream & he’s hella smug because you trust him that much(▰˘◡˘▰)
doesn’t get annoyed when you poke his dimple, he’s find its cute how you find it cute which you find cute and you’re both just C U T E
encourages you to tune in to nct night night but will highkey be sad if you don’t 
you two always stay up super late talking to each other on the phone because his voice is so soothing and he thinks the same about you until one of you end up falling asleep like (´﹃��)
he has so many screenshots of you fast asleep on facetime and he sets the funniest one as his lockscreen, so when hes away he can look at it & remember you’re there for him (⺣◡⺣)♡
lets you borrow his jumpers but only if you really need it like he’s not giving you his tommy hilfiger jacket unless you forgot your own jacket and its -374873 degrees outside lol
also p cuddly with you since he’s so comfortable around you
like you’d just be chilling at the dorms and he’ll lay his head down on your lap & you’ll start running your hand through his hair as he dozes off
or when you two go out to eat he’ll loop his arm your shoulders whilst you walk & wouldn’t even bat an eyelid
you two get mistaken for a couple so much you end up just shrugging it off because lol their opinion doesn’t matter
your friendship is important to each other all thats all that really matters
only likes getting dotted on by you
when the other members yuta smother him with love hes just ( ¬_¬)
but when you do, he’s like (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
he attempts to teach you his wushu skills and his cool flexible tricks but you just end up dislocating something lol
he ends up switching to chinese whenever he rants to you & unless you speak chinese you’re basically listening to an angry winwin for about 20 mins
but so long as he gets it off his chest you don’t mind :))
do not let the boy near a kitchen he will literally set it on fire
for your birthday he tried making moon cakes but ended up burning his hand (つ﹏<。)
but you still appreciated the thought & he bought you take away 
he gets a bit down sometimes because of how little lines he has & sometimes he thinks he’s voice isnt that good but you reassure him every time that his voice!!is amazing!!! sm just need to get their shit together sm more like smh
he loves it when you speak to him in chinese, it makes him feel so at home awe
likes to fall asleep on you because you’re the most comfortable thing to him
doesn’t matter where or when because to him
your lap= free real estate
you two also get mistaken for a couple sometimes but winwin just nods hugs you close to prove his point & you two always die from laughter afterwards
he always listens to you though so whenver winwin is moody, taeyong calls you to give out to him so he goes from (-`д´-) to ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ real quick
winwin loves you & you love him too
softest boy 
whenever you meet up with him you don’t say hi, you just do his part from boss then he walks away from you lol
you always encourage him to speak up, esp. when he’s with a bunch of people
since he has a habit of copying what people say you say the most complicated words in english
“super fuck off y/n”
your entire friendship consists of either eating at your place or eating out at some random all you can eat buffet
super supportive of you even when you do stupid things, you look over at him and hes just d( ̄▽ ̄o) “you do you y/n”
sends you selfies of him so you can fawn over his beauty & tell him which pose suits him best
claps like a seal whenever you say something funny but gets pouty when you make fun of it
super affectionate with you & glares at anybody who comments on it, like jungwoo just wants to be close with his bestie, is that wrong?
is lowkey protective of you like if he thinks lucas is tryna make a move, jungwoo will swoop tf in and whisk you away to the safety of his room
you two end up cuddle under the blankets watching his favorite movie & he ends up dozing off
does aegyo whenever you get mad at him so you can’t really stay mad, he’s just too cute
always goes to your first whenever he writes a rap because he values your opinion a lot & you’re honest with him
lots of inside jokes which just consists of you two giggling to each other randomly
needs you to tell him to take a break because of how much he works
if he doesn’t listen you threaten to feed him sour candy
but you’re super duper proud of your canadian bestie, when he preforms on stage you’re deadass in the crowd like
“thats my bEST FRIEND!!!(´⌣`ʃƪ)“
pouts when he tries to call you & you don’t pick up 
he wanted to tell you about the fluffy dog he saw a minute ago!!
but texts you nonetheless & you wake up to 36 messages describing the texture of the dogs fur and how it barked
but you loved how weird mark was, the weirder he was the more comfortable he was and it was just so cute
doesn't care if you steal his jumpers, he has about 300 but will not let you touch his caps, they are his prized possessions 
he doesn’t even try roast you because of how many memes of him you can send back 
you always tell him how much you miss his ramen hair 
he laughs at anything so you could literally cough and he’d cry from laughing but thats what makes him so endearing
you call him seagull boy to annoy him & it works lol
gets shy when you watch his dance at practice & ends up making mistakes but nobody is mad about it hehe
you also refer to him as long ass ride boy or sing sang sung boy 
he threatens to block you irl 
tries to teach you how to play guitar but you end up purposefully messing it up and he cringes so badly lol
but mark is your best friend and nothing will change that
he is That Bitch
always comes to you first when he has tea on the members
“y/n bitCH, mArk actually flirted w winwin infront of me, i’m cancelling him smh”
random dance competitions at 4 in the morning are a must, he always ends up beating you (πーπ)
also snaps you selfies of him randomly because he wants you to hype him up
which you do obviously
also texts you almost everyday & keeps you updated on what hes doing
“i’m at a cafe w my hyungs tday!!”
“omg i have a shoot @5am​ i’m going to d i e”
“come over and make me ramen pesant”
buT he looooves when you baby him
before you leave the dorms after hanging out, he makes you tuck him in & give him a lil smooch on the forehead goodnight awee ( ˘ ³˘)
but would die if you ever told his hyungs s you swear not too plus it’s good blackmail for you hehe
you always say “ohmgod its michael jackson hehe” whenever you two meet up and homeboy loves it so he moonwalks over to you
he’ll randomly challenge you to singing competitions of who can hit the highest note haechan and whose voice will break first yours
also cuddles with you all the times, you’re his personal teddy bear & will snap back at the members if they try comment on it
“you’re just mad nobody will let you touch them mark”
the most savage best friend but only lets you baby him aw
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28gucci · 6 years
a super long and sappy happy pride post 🌈
just a heads up this post is going to be super sappy but it’s just how i’m feeling 🤷🏻‍♀️ i just want to say that i love being in the lgbtqia+ community more than anything in this world. it feels so good to say that and be out (at least on the internet). i don’t think i would be as comfortable with myself as i am now if it weren’t for 1d and the 1d fandom. 1d has always been an escape and a fun time for me since i was in 7th grade and i’m now going into my sophomore year of college!! that’s insane to me. this group of five random boys was able to bring me out of my shell and helped me realize that being bi or non-labeled isn’t a bad thing and that i should embrace who i am no matter what. with that being said, i don’t think i’d be as happy as i am now without the friends that i’ve made in this fandom. i still get into depressive states from time to time but i’m lucky enough to have the friends that i do and that support me and cheer me up whenever i’m feeling down. now it’s time to thank everyone individually because you all deserve it,
@lickmybooty - abby!!! you are my favorite straight person on earth i swear. you are the kindest person and you are so funny and sweet and i love all of our moments talking about strange and hilarious tinder profiles and messages in the wee hours of the night. can’t forget about our rabbit sessions either those are always so fun shout-out lil meat
@bunnyteethies - BECCA!!! i love you so so so so much!!! i’ll forever be grateful for you creating the harrie gc and actually picking me to be in it. i’m so glad that you’re in my life and i consider you to be one of my best friends and one of the most special people i know. you are so giving of yourself and so loving of everyone. i would do anything for you and i hope you know that. you’re also one of the funniest people i know like some of the jokes you were making on rabbit the other night when we were reading bad imagines had me ROLLING. anyway ilysm and u r the loml
@rosepetalnails - angie i would die for you. you are so precious and kind and i’m so glad you messaged me that one night when i was driving back to texas after i was hyping you up telling you to post a selfie agdjdhdk i love how much you care for everyone and always have something nice to say and you never leave a message left unreplied (is that a word lmao) to. you always make me happy with every message you send and i can’t wait to meet you in july!!! also ur a fellow ziam and i love you so much for that agjdhejd
@biofthetimes - alex!! we haven’t ever talked personally but you presence in the harrie gc is so amazing. i love that you’re always awake at hours you shouldn’t be bc same and i also love your little stories about things that go on in you life like that time you met a fellow gay in the elevator (or lift since ur a brit) i think it was (yikes if i remembered the story wrong). anyway i love you and i hope you know that!!!
@magneticxclouds - avery!!! you are such a sweetie and so creative!! your happy pride picture today was so gorgeous i’m so happy to have a friend as talented as you!! i also love that you aren’t always super active in the gc so when you are it’s like a little treat like woohoo avery is here right now!! i love you!!
@ot4tat - bella my fave celebrity and cello player hjdjskdh you are such a cute talented little bub i would die for you. i still haven’t read your fic yet (hashtag fake fan) bc im prolonging my inevitable death but i know it’s wonderful and perfect. you were the first person i ever made a moodboard for and i loved it!! you got me to do something i had never done before and it was amazing!! i love you so much and i wish i had an inch of the talent you do, you’re going to do big things bella and i can’t wait to see how far you’ll go!!
@thefirstfloralsuit - brenda u are one of my faves. you are the only one in the gc that appreciates soggy cereal as much as i do agdjgdkd i can’t wait to meet you at the harry concert in july!! it’s going to be so fun and wild ilysm
@shesuchaneggplant - dany!!! another talented bub!! all of your art is so so so good!! you are always so nice and kind to everyone and i love all your little voice messages you are so cute. and you get to see harry tomorrow!!! i gotta finish this post soon before he kills you ahksis. i’m also gonna name you queen of the smut gc because you always pop off with smutty art at any given time and i love it. anyway, i love you so much dany and i’d die 4 u
@blueguccisparkles - emily!!! nice url btw ;) you are so cute and adorable and i love you so much you are so kind and lovely!!! i loved your promposal video so much omg it’s one of the cutest and funniest things i’ve ever seen. i’m super jealous you get to meet becca next year but i’m so excited for you too!! i hope y’all have an amazing time at the shawn concert omg!!! ilysm emily!!
@louissinginghome - baby em omg i would take a bullet for you. you’re one of my favorites babies of the gc. you’re so cute and so not afraid to be yourself and i aspire to be like that one day <3 i’m honestly at a loss of words to say what all i love about you you’re so special and amazing ilysm
@hsbunnyteeth - izzy bub i love you a lot and i love how excited you get about things especially taylor swift, she may not be my favorite person, but i love how happy she makes you. you deserve the world and all the love in it. you are such a sweetie and i love you so much
@freelouisankles - logan!!! your url is always a mood™️ i love you a lot and i’m happy you’re the mom of the gc you always give the best advice and are always so caring. i would also die for you and your pins omg also!!! chaco bffs!!! ilysm!!!
@cactustyles - mara aka queen of hontent. you are always so smart and helpful when someone asks a question in the gc and you’re also super calming to me for some reason? idk you just give me super chill vibes and i love that about you. i also live for all your selfies and work stories even if they aren’t always good lol ilysm mara!!!!
@sweaterpawslou - meg!!! omg i would die for you in a heartbeat you are such a ziam and i love it and you’re absolutely adorable and every reaction selfie you send is my favorite picture gah meg i love you so much idek what to say but i live for every time you say “hi lomls” it makes me so happy to see it!!! i love you lots and lots egg
@sparklehiddies - silvia!! iconic url wow. you are so kind, harrie alert, and also super funny i love you a lot and you’re my favorite streak i have on snapchat!!! we’re almost at a hundred which is insane!!! ilysm silvia!!
@thepinkvelvetprince - zahra i cannot tell you how long it took me to find your url oh my lord agdjgdkd u are my lemon bae rose queen and ilysm you are my fave sustainability queen as well and i’d die for u
i think that’s everyone in the gc (that’s active that i y’all to!!) if i missed you i’m so so so sorry and i love you a lot but i’m gay™️ and have a terrible memory!!!
anyway i love all of you so so much and i’ll always be super grateful for 1d for bringing us all together!! happy pride 🌈🌈🌈
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dumbassbaby · 6 years
💃- compliment some people you admire !
first of all, you!!!!! an angel! a baby!!!! the kindest person on earth!!! my gay daughter whom i love!!! you’re so sweet and smart and beautiful and im so glad i got to meet u!!! honestly, i just love u so much :(((@namgii, the light of my life, smart, kind, strong, perfect, the best friend i could ever wish for?? the most supportive person i know!!! a talented writer! an amazing poet!! makes me feel better instantly! my sweet astrology nerd whom i love!!!!! @natulle, a sweet kind beautiful soul with a cursed sense of humour! always makes me laugh!!! their singing voice? a blessing! an overall amazing intelligent person who deserves the world! what would i do without you? love u girl :(((@moonlesbianhobi, the sweetest person on earth!!! such a kind person? honestly seeing them on my dash makes me smile! also a lesbian fashion icon with a beautiful face. you deserve to be loved and appreciated! ilusm!!!@gay-jk, my gay dog bts mutual, probably the first person i befriended on tumblr? always helpful, a sweet child, loves dogs as much as i do, extremely nice and so so smart!!! when she talks about like,,psychology im left speechless cause im so impressed!!!!! deserves to be cuddled by a billion dogs@jexxim a bit crazy but so much fun!!!!! a great artist and an amazing friend! always down to fight your problems, always there! makes me laugh like crazy and instantly lifts my mood!!!! makes me excited whenever i see a message from her :((( love you!!!@lovelyhobs-archive lee i don’t know how to find you on tumblr anymore but damn!!!!! my honey bee!!! my sweet baby girl!!! full of love and respect for everyone, so so so kind!!!! my kindest best friend!!! supportive and sweet! i would die for her. also extremely gay, 12/10@bimicdrop an angel!!!! the crylo ben jokes literally made me cry at school once. a good sweet girl who owns my heart!!! always there, always amazing!!! beautiful :OOO!!!!! makes me feel at ease! her presence is just so soft and calm and im so glad for that!!! love u!
that’s an extremely shortened version bc im writing this in class but everyone i’ve ever interacted with-thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! even if we don’t talk much, trust me, i love you!!!!!! 💞💞💞💞💗💝💖💞💕💖💓
💕 - 1 thing you love about yourself (you can do it !!)hmm i guess it would be the fact that im physically unable to give up and also how im willing to punch god if necessary when it comes to my friends🌺 - your comfort film/show?the x-men movies!! i know them all by heart and watching them is just fun and calmingthank u for asking!!! ilu 💕
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floridkore · 6 years
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
answered :)
3. The person you would never want to meet?
hm. i dont really know. 
4. What is your favorite word?
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
can i be an orange tree because i like oranges 
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
god you look pale and sick as shiitttttt (i woke up feeling extremely sick)
7. What shirt are you wearing?
this flowery pink white and black shirt 
8. What do you label yourself as?
and idiot 
9. Bright room or dark room?
bright room 
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
actually sleeping for once.
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
12. Who told you they loved you last?
13. Your worst enemy?
myself (ay saz got deep there didnt ya mate)
14. What is your current desktop picture?
its a default windows one cuz im lazy 
15. Do you like someone?
16. The last song you listened to?
uhhh paradise by the dashboard light - meatloaf 
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? 
omg donald trump 
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
i can’t tell people know this person 
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
i would be the slave, ill have to do all the chores that ive been procrastinating 
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
hm i dont know
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
id look like my brother. when we were younger we were always stopped andn asked if we were twins (which isnt true) and i wouldnt do anything. probably nothing tbh i mean id freak out but what can i do 
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
i do not have a secret talent 
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
i have no idea 
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
its gotta have turkey ham turkey breast and turkey bacon and a whole lotta salad like lettuce olives peppers - you know what just get me a subway melt from subway, love. cheers 
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? 
most likely food tbh
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? 
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
nothing. i dont drink. that aint an angel that’s shaytaan
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
oh. the first rule i would place in is that no one is allowed to harm the environment like cut down trees and shit without acknowledging people because what if they completely destroy the island??? whats gonna happen to our resources. nah you’re not allowed to do shit without approval my dude
29. What is your favorite expletive?
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
to italy i go 
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
man. i dunno anyone personally whos dead. unsure 
34. What was your last dream about?
being in an apartment with blake in italy
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? 
no. good at what you may ask. i am good at nothing 
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? 
37. Have you ever built a snowman? 
38. What is the color of your socks? 
im not wearing any right now 
39. What type of music do you like?
it varies 
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
both pls dont make me choose
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
43. Do you have any scars?
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
who fucking knows at this point 
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
46. Are you reliable?
i try to be 
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
do you get a happy ending 
48. Do you hold grudges? 
dependss on the person. my friend? ill forget what i was even mad about in like 5 minutes. someone i dislike? ill hold a grudge for a lifetime 
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? 
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
ummm i dont know but it was probably because of me 
51. Are you a good liar?
ish ? dependss 
52. How long could you go without talking?
not very long 
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? 
short bob
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? 
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
i fail at accents but im writing this in a welsh accent you know my love (dont ask me. ive been doing it the whoooollleeee thing) 
56. What do you like on your toast? 
butter and marmite 
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
samirah al abbas
58. What would be you dream car? 
damn anything big 
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. 
i sing 
60. Do you believe in aliens? 
i guess
61. Do you often read your horoscope? 
not often only when i see it 
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
hmm u because you is mighty fine 
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
64. What do you think about babies? 
i love babies 
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simkjrs · 7 years
msa ch5 asks (and others)
Anonymous said: AAA FROM 'MEET ME IN THE WOODS'- i know that lyrics!!!!! nice!!
*finger guns* nice!!
Anonymous said: -also thank you for existing you beautiful beautiful person! 😘
i think i might have accidentally deleted (or answered separately?) the first half of this ask but nonetheless thank you
Anonymous said: OK first thing: the chapter was awesome! amazing job! Second thing: the entire chapter was basically deku 'mildly' freaking out while being thoroughly pissed the entire time
it really and truly was. izuku as that one macro that’s like “this string is held up through pure stress alone” 
Anonymous said: mr compress weeb confirmed
look at his custom made villain costume and tell me he isnt that kind of guy
Anonymous said: god. Msa!izuku is /fifteen fucking years old/ and he has to deal with /so much shit/. Can someone just put him to bed and let him nap for a year, maybe
yes! maybe not a year though.
Anonymous said: God bless the new chapter gutted me and the flipped me inside out showing my true form, that of a big fan. Thank you for the blessing that is MSA
this is such a gruesomely funny image. thank you
Anonymous said: hey just read msa for the around the 9th time. you ar e so good at writing, the way you write character interaction is incredible. you should be proud. this is literally the best thing ive ever read.
THATS SO MANY TIMES, IM ASTONISHED YOURE NOT SICK OF IT YET!!! i hate staring at my writing too long it starts feeling all faded out and boring!! im really happy to hear you like it so much!
Anonymous said: As soon as Izu/ku woke up on the table I started screeching simk. Not okay!!!
haha im so sorry!!!! but overhaul literally wouldve experimented on ai/zawa and he DID experiment on eri this is completely in character of him
Anonymous said: Overhaul/Skin Beast: hi yeah can I get a fucking uuuuuhhhhhhhh experiments/faces? Izuku: Experiment machine 🅱roke *flies away with eri*
completely accurate summary of the chapter
Anonymous said: every day I long to become the amount of salty msa izuku is
valid but every day i long for msa izuku to receive the love and support that he needs
Anonymous said: sweetie noooooooo
i have no idea what part of the chapter this is referring to but first of all, big mood, and second of all, valid 
Anonymous said: hello you hurting because so am i!
i am hurting. while i was writing the chapter i kept looking at the screen like “i’m doing this? i’m really going to do this?” but overhaul is like that and i cant deny him the one salient characterization point he has
[my longest yeehaw ever]
Anonymous said: Since I might not get any sleep tonight because of flight plans and I might forget tomorrow and the next day, Happy thanksgiving! I'm thankful for your awesome stories~
Anonymous said: Happy Thanksgiving! I remembered!
happy thanksgiving!! im thankful that you enjoy my stories <3
Anonymous said: good job! i love it. and i’m crying. where did all this blood come from?
We Are All crying blood at this chapter
Anonymous said: Just read the new chapter and all I want to do is keysmash into your inbox. The chapter! Was so good! Izuku being sassy and angry and traumatized but still trying! And Eri! I'm so glad she's with Izuku now. Deku-niisan! I don't have words! And Rappa? Rappa! Also, that poem you linked is really neat. Grow up grow strong and focus your fury. Kind of feel like this is the theme for these two trauma children. Great work!
someone in the comments described izuku as “thoughtlessly kind” and i was VERY emotional over that because it’s such an excellent descriptor of the kind of person izuku is... he’s still trying, because that’s just who he is 
deku-niisan to the rescue :^) 
i’m really glad you enjoyed the chapter! thank you!
@zintiay submitted: Normally I get really annoyed when a character refuses to use an ability that would let them fairly easily deal with those around them. In this case though, you have done a really good job displaying why he doesn’t want to use this option, as well as what it takes for him to be willing to use it, that I mostly feel sad for deku that he was forced to let Eri’s spirit possess him, instead of getting caught up in the hype of an awesome moment
Honestly though, that’s also my reaction to the chapter as a whole. It was full of interesting world building and was generally an awesome chapter, but it was also well written enough that I also feel Izuku’s emotions and mostly just feel melancholy now.(Seriously, when I look back on it, “I invite you in” opened the gateway to an awesome and well deserved ass kicking, but it’s mostly just heart breaking. Why can’t I just enjoy Izuku kicking ass? Why?)
ahaha yeah, i try to have good reasons for why characters do or don’t take certain actions, and this whole fusion thing is something he keeps REALLY close to his chest... i’m glad that carried across well! it is very sad though that he feels cornered into using this ability. 
thanks for reading!
Anonymous said: Just wanted to say thank you. I think this sounds weird, but you finishing up chapter 5 of msa actually helped motivate me and I managed to finish my essay for a class.
OH? i’m glad to hear that! congrats on finishing the essay!
Anonymous said: This chapter was so fucking perfect I'm crying diamonds. What in all heavens and hells are you, you godly creature? I am so bloody happy you exist in this world. In this time line. I love your stories so damn much!
thank you so much!! i’m really happy to hear this <3 
Anonymous said: I love how just Done with everything msa Izu/ku is with everything. The fact that the only person he treats like a Person and not another threat to his Cryptid Status is Er/i and he just brings her home. I just. I LOV UR WRITING OK
it’s because eri pings None of his danger senses and All of his “i have to do something about this” senses. izuku is constitutionally incapable of helping someone in need. 
and thank you!! i’m glad you like it!
Anonymous said: I hope you know that i was able to read about half a page before i fucking died laughing i lov msa de/ku so much
i try to serve my darkfic with a large side of comedy
Anonymous said: I have the vivid image of msa Deku running into Aizawa by accident and just slowly walking backwards before turning to the sky and yelling "I HAVE DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY! I! DO NOT! HAVE TIME FOR THIS SHIT AS WELL!!!" while Aizawa slowly comes to the conclusion that he must adopt and save this troubled child.
this is hilariously close to some future scenarios i have in mind
Anonymous said: seeing a new chapter of msa honestly made my heart skip a beat in excitement. i have SO MANY questions and thoughts about this universe, i think i could ask you questions for hours, it sparks my imagination and curiosity in the best way. but for now, i just wanted to sincerely thank you for choosing to share your story and thoughts and ideas with all of us! it's always a delight, and i don't take it for granted at all. thank you, and i'm wishing you all the best always!!
thank you so much for this message!! it always makes me happy to know that others are enjoying this story as much as i am <3 i hope the best for you as well!
Anonymous said: What I expected in MSA ch.5: PAINPAINPAINPAINPAIN What I got: PAINPAINPAIN also Izuku adopts Eri, and Rappa for some reason (or did he adopt them!?!? DUNDUNDUN)
i cant publish a chapter without doing something a little fun, right? 
also im laughing at the idea of izuku adopting rappa, a fully grown man, as opposed to the other way around. izuku would hate this concept if anyone ever said it to him.
Anonymous said: so is msa iz/uku's tragic backstory basically being a walking disaster for all of his life until the point where he would have, in canon, met all might, and the msa version of the all might/one for all is the Temple and the subsequent ShitStorm™?
nope! the temple is something else 
Anonymous said: 💖💖💖💖💖💓💖💓💓💕💕💓💕💕💕💝💝💞💝💟💟💟💟💟💟💞💝💝💝💝💝💟💟💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘❤❤❤❤💙💚💚💚💛💙💚💜💚💛💚💜💙💜💚💟💞💗💞💟💟💜💚💛💚💘❤💘❤❤❤💞💟💝❤
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Anonymous said: i was stuck in a car for 3+ hours tonight but when i saw msa ch5 was up i was so excited, i spent the whole ride reading and re-reading it, it’s fantastic and you are too! <3
wow thats some dedication!! i hate reading in the car. thank you and im glad you liked it!!
Anonymous said: simk pls tell me we get roommate shananigans it would make my entire life. just a tired teen, a middle age man literally off the street, and their prepubescent daughter/little sister/niece/etc.
oh yes absolutely. this is a vital part of the au. don’t forget the cat
Anonymous said: hi hello i just want to say that your writing is amazing and gives me life and i get really really really excited every time you update. thanks for blessing us with such good fic <3
thank you so much!! i’m super glad to hear <3
Anonymous said: so izuku not only has eri but also the guy most likely to have been in kumite from bloodsport at his place. great job kiddo. (i mean that both genuinely and sarcastically)
izuku’s existence just naturally warps the reality he lives in into a circus show
Anonymous said: thanks to that one ask i can't stop laughing at the scenario of msa izu trying to get groceries and is seen by kiri / aizawa / tbh any hero. rappa and eri is with him and izu just stares at the heroes dead in the eye and leaves the place. he swears to never return there ever again
also hilariously close to some scenarios im contemplating
Anonymous said: DID MSA!DEKU EVER CATCH A BREAK ONCE IN HIS LIFE??? DID THAT EVER HAPPEN, SIMK. OVERHAUL IS UP THERE W ENDEAVOR I CANT BELIEVE U MANAGED TO MAKE ME HATE HIM THIS MUCH SNAKDNANFKW (btw? how much of a fucking RIOT would it be if the heroes did the exact same thing in canon, and when it came to the actual retrieving eri part theyd just find someone waving frantically "SHES ALREADY GONE, YOU IMBECILES. YOU FOOLS"
overhaul is easily hatable if you just extrapolate from his canon actions. cant wait for him to get fucking clowned
i think it would be really funny but kind of depressing if the heroes did that. izuku please help them
Anonymous said: u really dont fuck around, do u, simk?? this is really a chapter that i just read i really saw him getting experimented on by overhaul for real??? I REALLY SAW HIM DISMISS IT AS IF IT WAS ANY OTHER DENIAL WEDNESDAY???? DID THAT BOY EVER CATCH ONE (1) BREAK IN HIS ENTIRE LIFE?? also DAMN! HE Really Fucking Did That HUH HE BUSTED HER OUT OMG.. CANT WAIT FOR THE SIBLING RELATIONSHIP FEELINGS THING :') (also how much of a fucking RIOT wld it be if the heroes busted eri out but (1/2)
but when they ARE actually at the 8ps hq they just?? dont find her??????and everyone there is like "SHES ALREADY GONE YOU IMBECILES. YOU FOOLS." (2/2)
i really dont fuck around!! i hope!! i decide on a track and i stick to it!! as soon as i finished the first scene i knew that overhaul was going to Do That and i spent a few days agonizing over it and asking myself if i was really ready to go all the way with this. if i was really going to write it! i did write it. i am still occasionally in disbelief. 
yes. sibling relationship all the fuckin way 
Anonymous said: Is what happened at the temple the thing that made MSA Izuku give up on being a hero?
nah izuku giving up on being a hero is more just pessimism, cynicism, and paranoia trained into him by years and years of dealing with spirits and believing that he shouldn’t exist 
Anonymous said: this is all really silly but uhh,,, isn't izuku loosing credits? has his mother been informed of his absences? does he have anyone who can help him catch up with the missed material? is our boy going to graduate?
i dont really know how credits work in japanese schools, or how the absences thing works... he’ll be fine though, pinky promise
Anonymous said: Eri pulls back and looks up at them curiously. “Deku?” They peer down at her. She’s so small! She’s so near! “You look different. You…” She reaches up, and they bend down obligingly. Her hand touches something attached to the skull above the eyes -- my horn, the kirin whispers. “You have a horn like me,” she says, full of wonder, and touches it again. THIS ENTIRE FUCKING PART GOT MY HEART BEATING SO FAST. I LOVE THEM!!!! ILOVE HOW ERIS SPIRIT IS NOT A TOTAL ASSHOLE TOO!!!
trauma kid solidarity!!!! i am so excited for these two you have no idea
i, too, love it when a spirit shows a basic modicum of decency and is NOT Like That to izuku 
Anonymous said: "neptune" by sleeping at last gives me very kiri/msa!deku vibes
cool, i’ll check it out!
Anonymous said: Angry msa!izu/ku: acts like an alley cat, threatens to break a villain's dishes, talks a lot of bullshit, also kind of sad and depressed. Angry™ msa!izu/ku: frightens the hell out of everyone just by looking at them, makes everyone question their life choices, makes them feel small and insignificant and makes fun of said life choices, not exactly human.
yeah. i love msa izuku and  his anger is Valid 
Anonymous said: This chapter: Rappa: fight me MsaIzuku: no Rappa: fight me pls MsaIzuku: no Rappa: let me fight the people around you? MsaIzuku:....... Fine
this is a really great summary of that conversation
Anonymous said: Izuku's threat to throw all of M. Compress' dishes on the floor like that is the Worst thing you can do to someone made my entire day thank you
i’m really glad because this was the funniest threat i could think of besides “i’m going to break into your home and piss on your bed” 
Anonymous said: HE'S JUST A KID SIM
you know i had to do it to ‘em picture 
Anonymous said: Msa is just so so amazing!?!? I honestly love it so much. The way you write is so wonderful and it's practically doubled by the fact that the entire idea for the au is also wonderful. Izu is amazing and I love him. Thank you thank you thank you :')
aahhh im really happy you like it!! thank you for reading & supporting!!
Anonymous said: Rappa: "let me join you" ; msa!Izuku: "absolutely fucking not" ; Rappa: "I can be ur meat shield" ; msa!Izuku: *clenching and unclenching his fist, glaring up at the god he does not believe in as he leads Rappa and Eri to his home* "I fucking hate you"
izuku’s one weakness... trying to help others
Anonymous said: iirc, guardian spirits are bound to their respective charges by proximity but can still move around, but do they have to be close by when the quirk is used? Or will the quirk not be as effective?
nah, they don’t need to be nearby, one cool effect of being bound to a human is that the human has a store of the guardian spirit’s energy 
Anonymous said: Thoughts on the game OFF? Played it recently and it gave me Msa!spirit world vibes. The use of man made substances making up the natural world (e.g drinking plastic not water) just really stuck with me as something bizarre and very second intonation like. Although if you do explore the spirit world I guess you might have something maybe more mythological in mind? (Also the soundtrack is stunningly eerie).
never played OFF but i love its aesthetic so much 
Anonymous said: I'm gonna print msa out and it eat it. gochisousama
pfft itadakimasu 
Anonymous said: Hahahah holy shit that new chapter dialed things up to, like, 22 instead of 11 holy shit izuku oh no. (“Achievement Unlocked: 5+ Levels Of Trauma Added At Once!” msa!izuku: can I get a, uuuuhhhhhhh, refund?) skin creature is super creepy and perfect fit. Btw, side thought - however the heroes find out abt this whole mess, I bet they feel really guilty (shit, izuku puts foot in mouth and accidentally says smth. Kiri: horrified izuku: makes it worse by trying to leave topic) thx I Love it. V good!
once i committed i had to go all the way...
the ensuing conversations between izuku and the heroes are probably going to be kind of funny, and also a little sad. im looking forward to it. thank you for reading!
Anonymous said: Okay, I'm just catching up on the recent chapters of msa and this is what I've been getting so far Everyone: you have to understand- Msa izuku, restrained: no
correct. msa izuku refuses to accept your terms 
Anonymous said: Ahaha, geez, MSA chapter 5 was A M A Z I N G. Poor Izuku. Geez, the scene where he's tossed into his cell and just spends fifteen minutes crying and freaking out hurt so bad. And he remembered to (try and) call for help!!! Hopefully he tries again in the future, when it'll work (hopefully). I also got very excited by the Kirin!!! Like, holy smokes!!! Someone who actually doesn't want Izuku to suffer, and is willing to take steps to make that happen!! Yes good!! Plz timewalker protect this child
thanks carwash for being like the only friend izuku has
the relationship between izuku and the different spirits hanging around his house is probably going to be pretty fun. i know i’ve pulled a lot of bullshit in the past two chapters but i still have some new fuckery to introduce. i hope you are all excited for this
Anonymous said: would any other human be able to learn to speak in the second intonation in the msa au? Did msa deku learn the second intonation from someone, or is it just something he's always known?
1) good question! i haven’t decided yet. 2) he learned from someone else! who you will find out soon
Anonymous said: me: nobody has to get owned today. please, please put down the markers and step back msa izuku: Fuck oyu.
i totlaly forgot this was a thing but you know what? yeah. im laughing this is such a fitting quote
Anonymous said: you know by far one of the best aspects of msa izuku is just. He is a constant Power Move. and yet he would probs hate that. like this boy wants to be left alone and get some fuckin peace but in all his interactions whether he intends to or not he just fuckin busts a fuckin Move and its like holy shit holy fucking shit he did that.he did That. He doesnt want to do That he doesnt even realize its happening and thats why its a fuckin Power Move. Love this au i LOVE ur work and love ur storytelling
reminds me of @salvainterra‘s description of izuku: “izuku is both an unstoppable force and an immovable object and its through this paradoxical existence that hes reached the ultimate tier of not giving a fuck. good on him”
thats the secret behind it all!
Anonymous said: I love msa chapter five but I'm so worried about Izuku. He's a single teen parent of two now and he keeps missing school, how will he graduate and get in a position to follow his dreams of being alone and doing calligraphy if he misses so much of school that he doesn't get a diploma???
he will be ok! 
hey im really laughing at this because youre really including rappa as one of the people izuku adopted?? is this a thing now?? 
Anonymous said: (in msa) I am so glad you had Izuku save Eri omg. that poor child has been through enough (but also, omg the suffering you're putting Izuku through (it's great, keep going)). I'm super keen to see where you take this!!
i know im really putting izuku through the paces. while i was writing the first half of ch5 i kept telling myself that this was all for eri’s sake but MAN that was dark
thank you! im excited to pull some more bullshit. im glad you’ve been enjoying the story so far!
Anonymous said: Me reading the new msa chapter: ‘a family can be a Kirin, a girl who can disintegrate people, a supernatural teenager, a street brawler and perpetual sadness’ seriously tho it was really great and I loved it!!!
don’t forget the mysterious shadow spirit who may or may not be a cat 
i’m really glad you liked the chapter!!
Anonymous said: bc of allmights style i think of one for all's spirit just being a fucking american on the fourth of july with american flags everywhere and waving a minature flag threateningly and i cant stop thinking about it....
fortunately for us, that is incorrect 
Anonymous said: "Okay I've finally caught up on the backlog of work I've got, let's check in on my favourite blog and writer SIMKJRS and see what they're up to recently." *sees that you updated like a week ago* aaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
jflskdfj glad you’re excited for this!! i know i only update like once in a blue moon, 
Anonymous said: hey i just want to say that i love everything about msa; the writing, the story, the imagery, ALL OF IT thank you for making such a wonderful gift!
thank you!! im grateful for your support <3
110 notes · View notes
fenharelxenansal · 7 years
so i went back into my discord history to dig up some meta i wrote a while back about briala. alice, nixe, mo, merc, and cay have all already read this, but i feel like a lot of it is really important to my characterization and i want it on my blog. maybe someday i’ll format it to read in a less disjointed, chat-style way, but for now -- have 1600+ words about briala’s backstory, i guess?
cw: lots of emotional abuse and gaslighting, lots of character death
im having a mood abt the tactics celene might have used to keep briala on her side when they were fighting and aaugh
bc i think a lot about the scene at the beginning of TME where bria is getting sexually harassed by a palace guard and the fact that nobody in that scene, briala included, acts like its anything particularly abnormal. that worries me
i mean. celene killed her damn parents. i dont think encouraging a guard to harass briala from time to time to make herself look like a saint in comparison is beyond her
and i have this mental image of briala being hurt in some way, nothing serious, a bruise here or there from someone other than celene, deliberately caused to send her running back to the empress who will make it all better
to give briala someone to hate instead of celene
to give celene the opportunity to 'make it up' to her
because i dont believe for a second that celene, grand player of the Game that she is, wouldn't stoop that low
she would do anything in her power to keep briala
because she is too dangerous, she knows too much
my headcanon is that when celene tried to send her away to live with the Dalish, it wasn't for her own protection
it was to keep her from ever realizing the truth of what happened the night her parents died, because it could destabilize celene's grip on power
and when Briala came back, well, she had to come up with another plan. and she cared for Briala enough that she didn't want to just kill her. so she made her into an intensely loyal asset
so i think any time Briala started to turn on her, started to want to leave her service even a little, she would do something to make herself look like the good guy again
the thing i always think about
Briala was supposed to be killed that night along with her parents
it wasn't 'all the servants except briala' it was 'all the servants'. the fact that she survived was pure luck, and the fact that celene didn't just have her killed after that point was because. well. Celene was a 16 year old lesbian about to ascend the throne of one of the most powerful countries in Thedas. One might imagine her a bit lonely.
im pretty sure she knew sending briala away was sending her to likely bandits or death by starvation
but she didn't have to feel so personally responsible for that
its easy to kill a palace full of servants whose names you dont know
theyre just numbers on a piece of parchment saying how many bodies you have to clean up
briala made herself real to celene and that makes her harder to kill
because she could have just killed her right then herself
but celene never had the stomach for killing people herself. she just gives the orders.
and so when faced with that situation, with her personal handmaiden traumatized, crying, covered in her parents' blood saying 'they're all dead', the smart thing to do would have been to kill her. but celene didn't do that. she just sent her away to near-certain death instead.
Briala is incredibly dangerous to Celene
especially post-TME, post realization of exactly how Celene orchestrated her rise to power
she is the only one who knows that Celene's claim on the throne is truly illegitimate, no matter how much Gaspard tries to argue it
not only did she have her own palace servants murdered
she had the emperor assassinated
which i think everyone misses?
she had him assassinated and then staged the murder of her palace servants to paint herself as an innocent victim who just happened to not be there that night
thats why all the palace servants were killed
so that suspicion would not fall on her for Florian's murder
the point was to make it look like the same assassins who went after her uncle were also going after her
when in reality she was the one calling the shots all along
i did briefly toy with writing a verse where Briala never met Felassan, where she made it to the Dalish safe at 14 years old and tried to become one of them
but the fact is that the moment he sent her back to Celene was a defining moment for her, something that fundamentally changed her, and she wouldn't have been anywhere near the same person without that
it told her, right there and right then, subtextually and insidiously, that the cause was the most important thing, more than her safety - because she knew it was dangerous being anywhere near the Empress-to-be, she wasn't stupid. she didn't even really know what the cause was at that point; he never told her what he got out of their meetings. so the cause to her became helping elves. and then that really quickly became warped to helping celene because she convinced her that it was the best way to serve the cause.
"what would have been different if she'd decided what she wanted to fight for on her own?"
she would have been a lot less.....not less dedicated, but less 'dedicated to the detriment of her own wellbeing'
if she had decided herself not to go to the Dalish, to stay by Celene's side to enact change, rather than just following the orders of other people, her story would be very different
concept: briala actually processing her trauma??? what???
bc you know the moment she got back to the palace with Celene after meeting Fel for the first time she threw herself headfirst into the Game
she focused all of her energy on intelligence-gathering and supporting Celene in her bid to become Empress
She never gave herself a single moment to grieve
and it isn't an uncommon story in Thedas, an elf watching someone or multiple someones they love cut down by humans
imagine if u will: briala, trying to have a funeral, not just for her parents, but for all of them
thats the thing i really feel the need to
it wasn't just her parents
briala grew up in the palace. her parents were both palace servants.
she knew every single one of those servants. they were her friends and her family. and at the end of it she was left standing covered in blood in front of celene. celene was all she had left.
she didn't have any friends at the beginning of TME. she was friendly with the cook, but that was it.
celene took a generally happy, driven, and incredibly smart 14-year old elven girl and took away everyone she had ever known except herself. she made herself briala's world.
that's the real reason i hate that you can reunite them. its not that i don't believe they could be reunited - its that they can. because briala doesn't have anyone else. she has celene and felassan. that's it.
when you only have one person, its easy to make excuses for them and justify the things theyve done. its easy to believe them when they apologize and promise to do better.
thats why i want briala to have friends and lovers and people
i want to have a verse where she has grown so far beyond that point that she would laugh if Celene asked her to return to the palace
i want her to stop loving Celene but she isn't there yet
in my current writing, at least
she is still vulnerable to her in every verse where Celene is still alive
i just imagine her like
talking quietly about her childhood best friend among the servants
we don't get to see much of Briala's childhood
we get the moment of her mother telling her she mustn't try to hide her ears and that she must be proud of being an elf. that's really it.
but we do know that there were other children of servants who were considered for Celene's handmaiden aside Briala
i like to think she was friends with these other children. that she wasn't always lonely from the start
but of course that leads down the road of those friends being slaughtered as well so its a tradeoff
and then there's the question of whether when Celene kissed her when she was sending her away, if that was her first kiss, if she ever even had the chance to love someone else
i think a lot about how Briala spent 20 years learning how to love exactly 1 person the way she wanted to be loved
just imagining her trying to have a romantic relationship with someone else with that framework still in place is painful. it wouldn't work no matter how much she wanted it to because she'd be treating them like celene. she has no other model for how a relationship can work
she bypasses that somewhat with Lana, but its still there, thinking that the best thing to do is the thing that Keeps Lana Safe
she wouldn't recognize abuse if she got into another bad relationship
and she doesn't know how a relationship works where she isn't centering the other person's needs over her own
she gave up everything she ever wanted or aspired to for Celene
one time i got a prompt from a lyric starter list i made
'you can still be what you want to'
and briala just. broke for a moment.
'no. i can't. i never could - none of us ever could. thats why we fight.'
she doesn't have interests or hobbies or friends or a life
celene was her life and now she's filled that void with her cause
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65 Questions You Aren’t Used To
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?        nope!
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?       maybe like a 0.3
3. The person you would never want to meet?       any person in any form of the government ever they’re Scary
4. What is your favorite word?      love, for more than just sappy reasons i promise akgjb
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?       cherry
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?      the only time i look in the mirror is when i wash my hands so i don’t really Look In The Mirror. i thought i looked nice, by that my hair was greasy lmao
7. What shirt are you wearing?      dark gray cub cadet
8. What do you label yourself as?     C on f u s ed
9. Bright room or dark room?       dim room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?       uhhhhhh i had just finished watching. something with mother 
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?         i haven’t really had one? each year has been better than the last
12. Who told you they loved you last?        Alexis, because No❤️️ my mother doesnt count
13. Your worst enemy?        boredom
14. What is your current desktop picture?        a screenshot of my friend Ryver standing on top of a minecraft build with a sign that says massive shmeat because Obviously
15. Do you like someone?       i do! two someones actually but the second most likely won’t go anywhere
16. The last song you listened to?        currently listening to golden by parade of lights
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?         oh i think you know where this is gonna go :D
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?        pick literally anyone in my family
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?          .....there are. probably minors following me so im not gonna answer that
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)        i feel like it’s a cliche to say my eyes, but i really love my hair too
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?          Oh My God I Would Kill Someone To Be Cis. look in the mirror and Cry
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?        not that im aware of
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?          i feel like spiders and the existential dread of global doom isnt unique so,,
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.         alright lemme put you on smn right now, rally’s mother cruncher sandwich, but with a Fresh and not soggy brioche bun, actual campfire sauce, a slice of melted havarti, and you’re in heaven
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?         I Will Put It In Savings And Not Touch It Ever because spending money makes me very anxious and also cry :)
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?       askjbdga like it’s hard, nevada obvi
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?       something mixed and fruity, maybe svedka? the strawberry lemonade because that sounds like it slaps 
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?         if you’re a republican you’re getting fed to the sharks
29. What is your favorite expletive?         i feel like fuck is just so Versatile, but bitch is a close second
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?         a usb with every file i’ve ever saved, including all of my pictures going back four years
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?         oh boy there’s a lot of options here. either a thought i had once that i will Not disclose, or a piece of information i have about father
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!           sounds like me tbh. either norway or switzerland 
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?         Cat Cat Cat Cat Cat- :DDDDDD my cat Trinity that passed two years ago
34. What was your last dream about?       couldn’t tell ya. i meant to write it down but i did Not
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?        the first thing that popped in my head was listener, and yes!
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?        luckily no
37. Have you ever built a snowman?       many!
38. What is the color of your socks?        white and gray
39. What type of music do you like?         oh anything and everything! upbeat with guitar and im sold
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?        sunsets
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?         m i n t
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)        ew
43. Do you have any scars?        yep!
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?        either bookstore owner or interior designer, im not sure yet. maybe work in a kitchen?
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?         i want to be Cis goddammit
46. Are you reliable?        absolutely! if i care for you
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?         do we ever find a family that stays?
48. Do you hold grudges?        oh Absolutely. if you fuck up big enough im never letting that shit go
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?       is it too much to ask for a pegasus
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?          the intricacies of public school boys and their obsession with cold war russia and any world war
51. Are you a good liar?         100%
52. How long could you go without talking?        does out loud to myself count? because i do that a lot. if im depressed or just. tired then a good few days
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?        chin length bob. why did i think that was a good idea. 12 year old me is Quaking 
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?       not cake, but ive done cupcakes
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?       not Well 
56. What do you like on your toast?          butter and cinnamon sugar, or a good cherry jam
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?          gears for inktober day 3 babeyyy
58. What would be you dream car?        any ford f150 or a solid 67 chevy impala
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.        not in a While. i don’t think so???
60. Do you believe in aliens?       i Do
61. Do you often read your horoscope?         never in my life
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?        very fond of m
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?       is this even a Question. dragons obviously
64. What do you think about babies?       disgusting vomit spewing lizards, and thats an insult to lizards
0 notes
trashratmatt · 7 years
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
Now that I’m 18 and nearing graduation from high school, faster than I ever expected, I want to stop and say thank you. There are so many wonderful people that I’ve met between my first year and my fourth year of high school, who have done nothing but support me, befriend me, and shape who I am. I couldn’t thank these people enough, but I’m damn well going to try.
@harveydont You’re one of the best people I could have met at the time we did meet. Honestly, it brightens my day, even for a bit, to remember we met because I was screaming in the tags of one of your art pieces, and I screamed louder when you actually came into the IM about it. You’re one of the driving forces behind why I was so eager to get into art, and why I’m still drawing today. The inspiration I draw from you is unending and I’ve kept all the memories of our silly chats and great ideas and dumb conversations, the times you sat down and helped me through something, even as small as a panic attack, and each one makes me grin like an idiot when it comes to mind. I love you, Quinn, one of my closest friends and truly my original inspiration. And to be honest, you were there for me a hell of a lot better than my REAL dad was. Best internet dad.
@bishopinblue Rachael, where do I even begin with you? You’re fucking hilarious, the chats we’ve one on discord, both text and voice, have nearly made me piss myself laughing and your art style always helps me tell myself it’s okay for my own not to be realistic. You’re incredibly considerate and between you and Max, we’re the 7th level of best friend Hell, to be honest. We’re certainly a hilariously horrifying bunch, and I’ll never stop loving that. Ever. Your support and our chats have kept me going for the past few months and without them sometimes it would be just near impossible to lift my spirits that day. So much love and respect to you.
@delistylehardcoren MAX. MAXY. AB. AB MAX. STINKY GROSS GHOSTIE GREMLIN GARBAGE MAN. LOVE YOU. You’re such a good friend and all you want to do is be able to help, and you’ve talked me to through so much shit in bad times and lifted my heart when it was down. Everything you draw just brings a big goofy fucking grin to my face and all your characters are just lovable as fuck and never fail to make me happy. You’re just a cool ass fuckin’ friend, man, I mean, who else would I make such perfect anal prolapse jokes with? You’re funny as all hell and one of the most original people I’ve ever fuckin’ met. Love you, man, truly.
@jack-nyahpier Man, I know it’s been fucking ages and we don’t get to talk that much anymore, but I love you, bro. Good ass bro right here. A good man. Quality man. Lots of memories and I really need to fuckin’ get my ass on PS4 again for ya’ll, really. We gotta stop those fuckin’ noobsters from torbin’ in the tunnels, Jack, we gotta. Also our Joker’s kissed once that’s very important.
@sikaotu TRASH. GOOD EGG. SUCH A GOOD EGG. Good clown egg, good Handsome Egg, a quality egg that shall never ever spoil. Our Joker’s kissed once too, very important as well. We need to finish Borderlands u Hecc. I love you.
@hermannco Leeeoooooo ayyy. I know we never really got to talking that much, and yes you did terrify me to my core for a very very very long time but then we started playing DCUO and everything went to hell there was a spiral I don’t know what happened on that day, but whatever it was I’m glad it broke some thin ass ice. You’re one of my top inspirations with how far I’ve seen you come from animation to working with Codot and your work and prints and EVERYTHING, and watching you from afar brings a smile to my face, every time. Regardless of the distance, you’re still one of the main mans, and thank you for all the wonderful, though few in between, fantastic times. Truly an honor, man, love you to death.
@daddysionis I’m not sure how much we REALLY TALKED, but I got so much love you. You’re not only an inspiration for art for me, but you’re one for costumes, cosplay, make up, effects, the works. Without looking back on some of the stuff you did in the past, I don’t think I would have ever started my Junkrat cosplay back up, and the few conversations we have these days always put me in a good ass mood and I just kinda feel relaxed after chatting with you. You’re funny as well when you want to be and you’re a cool ass fun ass person. Lotsa respect to ya, man, stay safe, because I love ya.
@pinecalties FIRST OF ALL STOP DELETING ALL YOUR PERSONAL ASS BLOGS, second of all I love you to fucking death and you’re one of the MOST supportive and comforting people I know, always willing to be open, always willing to talk, no matter how weird or uncomfortable or personal the matter, and I have so much respect to you for that, especially with all the bullshit you’ve been through in the past year+. You kept me writing when I wanted to quit so many times, and I thank you so much for that, because without art, and without writing, I would have gone honestly fucking insane. We’ve had such dumb fuckin’ conversations in the past and I love each one dearly for what I can remember them with my shitty ass memory. The verses, the ideas, the jokes, the dumb ass crack concepts, everything. Lots of love man.
@everybodyknows-everybodydies Alright... First thing... I’m not sure if you even remember me, but I wanted to include you, because... Fuck. Just fuck, man, we knew each other for YEARS, we did so much DUMB SHIT together and we wrote with each other for FUCKIN’ YEARS, and I’ll NEVER FORGET A SINGLE BIT OF IT. I may not have known you through high school, but you were the person who got me INTO WRITING in the VERY FIRST PLACE, you’re the person who got me drawing IN THE VERY FIRST PLACE, you spread me out to so much stuff IN THE VERY FIRST PLACE, and I can NEVER thank you enough for the experience you gave me those, what, THREE years we knew each other? The three years we goofed around wrote sad shit and dumb shit and cute shit and fucked shit and whatever else. I’ll never forget it. I’ll never forget you, and stuff we did, the stuff we wrote, every joke, every moment. I know it’s been years since we talked, but that doesn’t change the years that we did. I love you, homie, always.
I love you all. So much. So fucking much. If I somehow managed to forget even one person, I promise it’s not that I don’t care. I have such a scattered brain and I can barely remember two days ago, but know that I love you. I love all my friends. Friends are family. Physically distant, but some of the most emotionally close family I’ve ever had. Greatest family I’ve ever had. So much love, and so many THANKS, to all of you, always.
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90sgrungelouis · 7 years
im gonna put this under the cut because ohhhhh lord 
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
like in a matrix-y, were all living in a simulation and nothing is real kind of way, or a youre actually living in a coma dream state and ur body is in some hospital right now, OR in the youre actually dead and living a purgatory world and you just dont realize it kind of way? Because yes, all three 
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
mmmmmm 3.5, bonus points if its outside
3. The person you would never want to meet?
for the first time? maybe trump, or satan cowbell
4. What is your favorite word?
what are you trying to do huh? thats like making me pick between my children, i refuse to pick
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
oooo maybe a cherry blossom tree that would be nice
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
i look a mess 
7. What shirt are you wearing?
this tank top my friend designed 
8. What do you label yourself as?
sexuality-wise? uhhh jurys still out tbh but im pretty sure im somewhere on the asexual spectrum, and im 90% sure im gay
9. Bright room or dark room?
one lamp
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
crying because i couldnt focus on writing my essay 
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
12. Who told you they loved you last?
the ot5 gc :’) 
13. Your worst enemy?
14. What is your current desktop picture?
its the default mac one, it used to be a picture of the womens march but my computer fucked up and reset it, ive been too lazy to change it back
15. Do you like someone?
i like many people
16. The last song you listened to?
irresistible by one fuckin dee boi
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
too many people
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
see above
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
my jazz hands
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
i have no idea bro
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
being the radical gay feminist in my family, its a tough job but someones gotta do it
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
those grates on the floor in the street, i always step around them
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
something vegetarian idk
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
concert tickets
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
can it be a one way ticket i want out of this shit country 
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
jose cuervos tequila yasss
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
no bois 
29. What is your favorite expletive?
fuck is always a solid choice. i like using really pg curses too tho like heck or dang 
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
my sick ass memes 
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
all of middle school LMFAO 
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
sick! that wasnt a question my dude ;)
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
my pet gerbil
34. What was your last dream about?
idek man
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
kind of
38. What is the color of your socks?
theyre pink and brown fuzzy bunny socks
39. What type of music do you like?
i used to think i only listened to indie but its a really varied mix of punk indie and top 40 tbh
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
cant go wrong with vanilla
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
43. Do you have any scars?
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
46. Are you reliable?
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
where do i end up bro
48. Do you hold grudges?
ohhh heck yea. i tend to them, like little pets 
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
ur asking a person who has a memory of a goldfish
51. Are you a good liar?
not really 
52. How long could you go without talking?
probably a couple days
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
i think ive been ok so far
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
im terrible at those
56. What do you like on your toast?
anything you got
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
halloween doodles
58. What would be you dream car?
maybe a jeep? idk 
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
60. Do you believe in aliens?
who do you think i am
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
sign me up for that astrology shit
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
u (hehe see what i did there)
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
64. What do you think about babies?
theyre cool i guess
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
idk what to do with this one soooooo tada!! i finished it woop
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beebosbitchh · 7 years
1-65 ;)
holy heck ! thank you sophiw i lov u 🍒
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
i dont understand this question?? like sometimes i doubt my own existence and other times i doubt that i exist to certain ppl? ya?
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
2,, normal amount? like good for sleep but pitch black is scaryy but not to the point i need the escape ?? if that makes sense??
3. The person you would never want to meet?
guy fieri, i dont think i need to know if hes actually real ? like is he real and from this dimension or from flavortown (which he has a very scarily detailed description of)?? thats not something i need to know
4. What is your favorite word?
hmm, probably ‘fam’ obviously
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
a willow tree !!!!!!!!!! i just talked to my mom about this :-0
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
ngl but i dont look in the mirror anymore unless its lip syncing along to a song sung by a guy/someone w a deeper voice bc i feel like it suits me better! gotta love coping w dysphoria!
7. What shirt are you wearing?
baseball tee, gay
8. What do you label yourself as?
nb, lesbian, fool
9. Bright room or dark room?
dark room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
10-11 when i was in 5th grade. i still only had two friends but i was way more extroverted and everything was so carefree and i was very invested in adventure time and art. i think that was the most of a childhood i got? i honestly did not do much as a kid and i wish i had..
12. Who told you they loved you last?
sophiw ! tumblr user almightyportraits ! the loml !
13. Your worst enemy?
14. What is your current desktop picture?
one from apple called ‘abstract shapes’ its very orange but also blue which is my fave color pairing atm so its perfect
15. Do you like someone?
tumblr user vahilla
16. The last song you listened to?
megan played ‘marceline’ by willow in her car ! a song i suggested to her a few months ago and it makes me very happy that she likes it especially bc we bonded over adventure time in 6th grade :-)
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
mmyy seelfff ??
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
mmmyseyyffelllff ??
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? 
eh whats the point
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
n o ne ? 
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
what is the opposite of nb,, i feel like if i was opposite of how i present id be a girl, which is a verryyy weird thought for me, pass
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
no :-/
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
uh first of all blood, like, ill pass out,, second of all,, literally everything worries me
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
jimmy johns #16, turkey, bacon, lettuce, tomato, NO MAYO
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
im a very practical person so the least boring answer i can come up w is more art supplies
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
fukcing , acetoNe
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
i think a FIRST rule would have to be pretty IMPORTANT so probably smt like how ~WE THE PEOPLE~ are all EQUAL would be a pretty good start and pretty UNDENIABLE and STRAIGHT FORWARD especially if it was the FIRST thing in this,, hmm lets call it the CONSTITUTION, in the completely hypothetical society
29. What is your favorite expletive?
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuk cufck ufc kfuck 
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
sunglasses??!!! that shit gotta be bright huh>?? gotta protect my retinas 
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
i wanna say my first relationship made me a better person but that shit was rreeeaaallyyyy fucking awful and 4 months (+recovery months) that i will never get back and i think ? maybe ?? i wouldve been ok without it ? idk just a thought
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! 
spain ?!?!? why not + i sorta know the language? thatd b cool
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
zoey my dog :-( i miss her a lot, this month it will have been two years oh my god i miss her so much
34. What was your last dream about?
the last one i remember was a nightmare about someone tryna murder me i was very scared
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
i think so , when i was two i got really really sick and couldve died ?
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
ahh yes ! we gave hhimm,, fruit snack nipples, please forgive me fathr
38. What is the color of your socks? 
grey w blue n orange stripes ( again i lov blue n orange together, my shirt is teal and i have an orange hat on wow)
39. What type of music do you like?
all! i had to train this new guy at work and im sooo awkward but once why started talking about music it was easy for me to talk bc it was smt we both really like !!! i felt like i could actually communicate w feeling a disconnect it was nice ! we talked mostly about rap which was cool and unexpected but i could do it ? i really love music and i love being able to know enough to talk about it ,, isk 
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
sunrises, ive been pushing myself to wake up unreasonably early to have more time to myself and i get to watch the sunrise most days which is nice
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
college? god i dont even know… smt w art.. by an illustrator or art teacher or freelance artist or graphic designer ,, i really dont know
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
one thing ?!!?!? i wish i was neurotypical
46. Are you reliable?
yes? i try hard to be? i hope so ?
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
u still a lil bitch ?
48. Do you hold grudges? 
nope i try not to, ive had too many toxic petty people in my life that i dont need to be one myself.. now this is grudges w/o reason, but if ive given people several ‘second chances’ and theyre still (thumbs down) then ill avoid them but w/i reason?
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
mm probably smt w my lab partner from last year. she always sends me weird quotes from a fanfiction shes reading and its weird but i really appreciate that she still talks to me or talks to me at all tbh
51. Are you a good liar?
nooo ?? i try not to lie? mb not tell the full truth but idk , i feel like id feel too guilty
52. How long could you go without talking?
uhh literally days like i already fucking do.. i m taking this as verbally but i dont get texts so like, it would not be hard
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
before i went to short hair i used to alllwaayyys wear a tight ponytail every single day bc i wasnt girly enough to do anything w it and it was really really gross like thank god i cut it all off
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
heck yeah
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
*clears throat*
56. What do you like on your toast?
butter and jam
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
58. What would be you dream car?
razor scooter
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
sometimes im just too physically or emotionally exhausted to stand so ill just,, lay down? ive fallen asleep in the shower before ha
60. Do you believe in aliens?
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
whenever it comes up but i dont ,, seek it out
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
dragons tf
64. What do you think about babies?
evil, ugly, dont see the appeal. open ur eyes ppl !!!! bbs are n Ot cute !!
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
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lovvercore · 7 years
1-65 >:3C
uh oh… time to do this thing
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
sometimes, but usually its me feeling like im not real
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
4, maybe 4.5
3. The person you would never want to meet?
4. What is your favorite word?
hmmmm moonstruck
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
aspen? ? ? ?
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
i havent looked in a mirror all day
7. What shirt are you wearing?
plain black
8. What do you label yourself as?
uh gay emo nerd
9. Bright room or dark room?
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
sleeping maybe idk
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
hmmm probably rn, 14
12. Who told you they loved you last?
13. Your worst enemy?
thinking emoji……… u know
14. What is your current desktop picture?
griffin cronching a banana
15. Do you like someone?
yea uwu
16. The last song you listened to?
for forever - dear evan hansen
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
[thinking emoji]
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
[thinking emoji]
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
i dont want a slave thanks!
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
uh uh uh eyes
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
i dont think so tbh,,, im kinda open with what im “talented” at
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
i dont know exactly what this question is asking but ill say uhhh talking to people and annoying them and them being tired of me
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
H i dont eat sandwiches often enough to answer this
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
UH I DOnt drink bc im tiny but i guess mikes hard lemonade it sounds appealing
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
hhhh no straights unless i say theyre ok
29. What is your favorite expletive?
does thrussy count
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
fuck uh my phone would already be in my pocket so probs my backpack bc it has all of my super important stuff
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
oofa doofa most likely some stuff from an old discord chat lol
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
heres the problem with this: i dont really…. know of many dead people. so i cant. answer this well.
34. What was your last dream about?
idk i have a shit memory something about my online friends being at my school and shenanigans started
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
u never specified so rip i guess 
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
38. What is the color of your socks?
i think i wore sushi socks, theyre grey with som sushi on them
39. What type of music do you like?
a lot
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
sunrises but im never awake for them :o
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
cookies n creammmm
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
43. Do you have any scars?
yes, quite a few
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
either an artist of some sort, a school counselor, orrrrr a teacher?? idk
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
skin type lol
46. Are you reliable?
id say so !
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
are u a single btich
48. Do you hold grudges?
for some people c:
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
horse and bird. i want a pegasus. please.
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
“ethan avery had such a glow up”
51. Are you a good liar?
thinking emoji
52. How long could you go without talking?
a long time……. id like to never talk again thanks
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
i had an a line in 1st grade idr what it looked like
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
yeah. ask me about the 8 pound cake
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
yes. sometimes when im reading something or talking to myself while doing hw i go into a british accent im turning british
56. What do you like on your toast?
butter and raspberry jam
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
me new oc bayani :o
58. What would be you dream car?
uhhhhh i dont,,,, know
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
yeah i sing a lot,,,,, like a lot,,,
60. Do you believe in aliens?
how self centered does someone have to be to think that theyre on the only planet that has living things in an infinite universe…..
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
no but i read zodiac posts a lot
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
u ;) aksudhfkasdjfkjsdh
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
64. What do you think about babies?
sometimes theyre cute but from my experience they are hell and i dont like them
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
u didnt specify sooooooooooooo lmk what this should b
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christenpressing · 7 years
91 Question Tag
thanks to @vanillabeanniall and @selkatha for tagging me :)
 1. Drink: Water

2. Phone call: my friend Sarah who happens to call me randomly like everyday
3. Text message: my sister- “yep” in response to my mom asking if we were okay
4. Song I listened to: Sledgehammer by Fifth Harmony (always a bop)
5. Time you cried: last monday 
 6. Dated someone twice: kind of?
7. Been cheated on: i mean not technically but my ex did flirt with someone else while we were together
8. Kissed someone and regretted it: i just don’t like spin the bottle
9. Lost someone special: yeahhh
10. Been depressed: ohhhhh boyyyyyyyy
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
 12. pastel pink
13. lavender
14. darker shades of red
 15. Made new friends: oh for sure. they’re super great and nice and i love and support them
16. Fallen out of love: never love
17. Laughed until you cried: one time in history class and bunch of my friends and i just watched a bunch of marching band fails and i died
18. Found out someone was talking about you: hahahaha yes
19. Met someone who changed you: yeah, a couple people

20. Found out who your true friends were: i believe so
 21. Kissed someone on your facebook? nope
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? a lot
23. Do you have any pets? three golden retriever rescues (comet, cinnamon, london) & four horses (scooter, eli, benny, calvin) & two betta fish (circe, rhea)
24. Do you want to change your name? i dont think so
25. What did you do on your last birthday? i went to this really nice italian restaurant with my family cause my grandma’s birthday is like right after mine so we did a combined thing
26. What time did you wake up? 10:30 which is like the first time i’ve gotten to sleep in this summer
27. What were you doing at midnight? watching phineas and ferb
28. Name something you can’t wait for: to go to north carolina to see my girlfriend and for my best friend to come home
29. When was the last time you saw your mother? yesterday

30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? i wish my girlfriend could live in my town
31. What are you listening to right now? my fan
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? yep
33. Something that is getting on your nerves? my mother trying to dictate my own relationship????
34. Most visited site: tumblr lmao
 35. Elementary: okay heres the thing i went to a private school for a long time and skipped 3rd grade BUT THEN when i transferred to public school i had to do 4th grade over again so i was with people my age again BUT THE JOKES ON THEM cause i knew everything and i was the smartest kid in the class
36. Middle: 6th grade was a nightmare i try to forget about but we did a 180 in 7th grade and i was popular (probably cause of my track career which lasted all of one year) and then 8th grade was a mess and i thought i was bi but i was actually gay so theres that
37. High: so far so good except for some drama last year but thats over with and im ready to embrace the junior year death this year (bonus: im playing soccer this year and im so out of shape lmao)
38. College: i really want to go to school up in the portland area but who knows??? major in english/education so i can be an english&creative writing teacher who also writes on their own time on the side
ME – 
 39. Hair color: brownnn but i have natural highlights so thats neat
40. Long or short hair? its long rn but imma cut it soon
41. Do you have a crush on someone? my girlfriend i guess?
42. What do you like about yourself? i ride horses really well and i never give up on things and im passionate at what i do
43. Piercings? just my ears
44. Blood type: who tf knows
45. Nickname: jules is a common one

46. Relationship status: taken by the greatest girl ever
47. Zodiac sign: capricorn
48. Pronouns: she/her
49. Favorite TV show(s): phineas and ferb, supergirl, pretty little liars (rip), girl meets world, miraculous ladybug (oops), b99
50. Tattoos: not yet but one day!!
51. Right, ambidextrous, or left-handed? right 
 52. Surgery: i had one on my pelvis in 2013? i think
53. Piercing: ears
54. Sport: i mean i’ve been around horses my whole life but didn’t start seriously riding till after i started soccer
55. Vacation: god idk i don’t even remember the first time i was on a plane. maybe disney world?
56. Pair of trainers: i dont know????
 57. Eating: nothing

58. Drinking: nothing

59. I’m about to: finish these questions
60. Listening to: my fan
 61. Waiting for: my girlfriend and i to be in the same area for once
62. Want: a successful career and a wonderful wife and daughter

63. Married: oh for sure
64. Career: teacher
 65. Hugs or kisses? depends on my mood
66. Lips or eyes? i think you can tell a lot about someone from their eyes
67. Shorter or taller? taller cause it makes me feel more safe i think
68. Older or younger? probably older but i’m good with both
69. Nice arms or nice stomach? both are wonderful
70. Sensitive or loud? i cannot STAND loud people

71. Hook-up or relationship? relationship definitely
72. Troublemaker or hesitant? hesitant i am literally the most timid person on earth
73. Kissed a stranger? nope

74. Drank hard liquor? nope

75. Lost contact lenses/glasses? i dont have either

76. Turned someone down? okay okay okay sooooo i may or may not have initially turned down my current girlfriend but i quickly changed my mind and now here we are
77. Sex on first date? depends how well you know the person
78. Broken someone’s heart? i wouldn’t say thattt but you’d have to ask my girlfriend
79. Had your heart broken? no thank god
80. Been arrested? i am a child of god
81. Cried when someone died? when i was at nationals in 2014 a horse got so freaked out when they were putting roses (the prize for winning) on him that he reared up and flipped over himself with the rider still on him (somehow she managed not to get crushed) but the horse snapped his neck once he hit the ground and died instantly and it was so awful to see and i cried for at least an hour and im still scarred
82. Fallen for a friend? a couple times
 83. Yourself? not reallyyy
84. Miracles? listen a couple happened to me last week 
85. Love at first sight? i dont think so
86. Santa Claus? no

87. Kiss on first date? oh yes
88. Angels? nah
 89. Current best friend’s name: vasi
90. Eye color: brown

91. Favorite movie: aladdin, jurassic world, the lego batman movie, beauty and the beast
i tag @kellexohara @spnife @atypicaltomato cause you guys are nerds
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