#when max has the whole world against him he still had Christian
fcb-mv33 · 11 months
No I cannot deal with the way Christian moved from the group, called Max over and Max literally folded into that hug😭eyes closed, arms literally wrapped around Christian who has his eyes closed and literally they just FIT😭😭😭Christian is just that constant support Max deserves even when he’s in the wrong Christian doesn’t care!! That’s his golden boy that he’s seen grow from 17 years old, he’s seen him annoying older drivers and praised Max for it, flourishing and growing under his guidance😭😭he’s always been there to remind Max that being less that p1 doesn’t mean he won’t love him any less he will give him a massive hug when he’s upset after a race😭he didn’t change Max to fit the quota of respectable drivers, he just loves Max for Max and now he’s gonna hug him, he’s gonna give him that massive proud dad smile all. the. time cause he is the dad Max has always deserved😭😭
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illusoriess · 1 month
lestappen fic recs: an (ongoing) masterlist
here it finally is! because i promised!! a hopefully ongoing collection of my favorite lestappen fics, all on ao3.
LONG FICS (over 35k words)
Long Live (The Walls We Crashed Through) by Fabby | Explicit | 80.7k words
“What are you doing?” Charles asked, his voice cracking. Max blinked at him once before he smirked and said, “Well... I was going to kiss you.” “Why?” “Because I want to.” “Why?” Charles repeated, feeling like his legs were going to give out. “Is that not a good enough reason?” Max asked. OR: The childhood best friends to lovers fairy-tale-soulmates fic that nobody asked for. Charles has been in love with Max since he was seven years old.
I'm sure this one can go without saying since you all have probably read it, but it's a classic, and I'm including it on pure principle. This fic has it all.
2. Yours by loquarocoeur | Explicit | 53.9k words
Charles looks much too satisfied as Max leans back against the door, one eyebrow tugging up as he asks, “Do you want to fight?” “Of course I want to fight.” Charles only looks slightly amused. “Then fight.” "Stop fucking telling me what to do!" Max yells. Charles cocks his head. "What, because it turns you on?" Alternatively: Max doesn't want to like Charles, but Charles makes that really fucking difficult sometimes
To Bottom Max enjoyers, this will become your Bible if you haven't read it already. To tentative Max Bottom explorers, you will love this fic even if you never read Bottom Max again. But it might change your brain chemistry, so be careful.
3. half of a heaven by weiwuxian | Explicit | 38.9k words
“Good evening. I’m Charles,” he offers his hand, which Max takes and for a second, Charles thinks he’s going to kiss the back of it. Some muscle spasms in the tight grip, rough velvet against soft skin. When Charles gets his hand back, it feels like he lost a finger or two in the fight. “What’s your poison, Charles?” Max asks, settling on the barstool like it’s not designed to be the most uncomfortable chair in the world. “Cyanide, usually. I’ll settle for a gin tonic for now.” or: Charles is a supermodel that has learned everything he needs to make his world turn. Now, he has no idea what Max Verstappen wants from him.
charles' black cat energy is strong in this fic. and man's laden with issues. he's an eccentric supermodel and max is an f1 driver and big ol' simp. once again they're dumb, but they're lestappen, come on. fork found in kitchen.
4. give me that fire by Lady_Something | Explicit | 39.8k words
“Can you work with him?” Max has to take two drags of his cigarette before he can answer, and even then all he says is, “He knew I was the head chef, didn’t he.” Charles has to have known. Even if the news hadn’t reached him that Max had taken over as the head chef of Taureau Rouge, he would not have travelled all the way from Paris to London for an interview at a restaurant without knowing who he’d be working under. Still, Charles was the one who broke up with him. Max has to know, for sure. “He knows,” Christian confirms softly. “He outright laughed at me when I called and asked him to come work at one of my restaurants. It was only after I said it was Taureau Rouge, working with you, that he agreed to come.” Fuck. Fuck. Max could’ve gone his whole life without knowing that. He probably fucking should have, because how is he supposed to be normal about it? // Max and Charles have history, but it doesn't stop Charles from coming to work as Max's new sous chef. It does mean that everything changes for them both in the space of a single week.
Chef aus seem to be a trend in the f1 ficdom and I eat that shit up every time. This fic is no exception. Anyways they're so messy and flawed, it's beautiful
5. unwritten by NovaCloud | Teen and Up | 37.6k words
Reach for your dreams. Charles is trying, but it’s fucking hard. Falling in love with Max wasn’t part of his plans. Running away is easier, at least that way he won’t get hurt. Right? - Letting out a breathy laugh Charles shakes his head. He puts down the little shot glass and turns to Max, staring at him. “You spent my yearly pay check on me?" “I spent it on charity,” Max corrects him with a slight smirk as he casually leans against the bar. Charles wants to kiss it off his face. “I’m very concerned with wildlife conservation.” Charles snorts. “It’s for biodiversity.” “And that too, of course.” "You're insane, you know that?"
As someone in journalism I had to suspend my disbelief at some parts but that's honestly part of the charm tbh. Just silly, dramatic, fun, and cute. Plus billionaire Max is... yeah.
MEDIUM FICS (15k - 35k words)
straight lines (that unwind you) by 140445 | Explicit | 16.3k words
“Do you know him?” Arthur asks. “No,” Charles decides. Because he does not. He knows Max is a mathematics major, and that he plays chess. And that he hits the gym. And what he looks like when he comes. Details.
The tag "meet-cute but it's a meet-disaster" is used, which is accurate. A good mix of comedy but also heart-wrenching... sweetness? romance? they're both extremely stupid and extremely lestappen and it's just amazing. and great smut ofc.
2. home (is wherever I'm with you) by actparci | Not Rated | 17.9k
On the drive back to the hotel Max had turned to him, blue eyes fierce and piercing. “Promise me you won’t stop being angry. You’re angry because you know what you can do. Use it, control it, let it fuel you. Other people won’t understand but that doesn’t matter, you know what you’re capable of.” You and me, he’d seemed to say, we’re the same. Charles wonders now how he ever thought Max wouldn’t understand. Or: Charles leaves Ferrari, tries to win a championship, and learns some things about belonging. All the while, Max is there.
Another one you've all probably read. If I were to describe this fic in one word, it's "cathartic". Who needs therapy when you have Charles Fix It Fics???
3. kitty conundrum by linearity | Explicit | 18k words
Charles shows up to Monaco with kitty ears and a tail. Max is totally normal about it.
spoiler alert: he's not normal about it. thanks to some magical realism you get this almost-omegaverse-but-not-quite fic, and lestappen are just two horny idiots.
4. friday night; i'm in love by autumnapricot | General Audiences | 21k words
Charles hates Max. Well, not really—hate is probably far too big of a word for it. Max annoys Charles. Well, not really either, because Max doesn’t, like, do anything purposely to annoy Charles or goes out of his way or acts with ill intention, or whatever. At least he pretends like he doesn’t, so. Charles is annoyed by Max. Yes, that’s more like it. [Or—Max and Charles work together in an office, eight hours a day, five times a week. Strangely enough, it’s friday nights that bring them closer.]
They're so silly and sweet in this fic and I was endlessly endeared reading it. I'm a bitch for an office au, especially when it involves a ridiculous one-sided rivals to lovers.
5. even the sun sets in paradise by PrincessElectra | Teen and Up | 27.7k words
If he had to name the place where the story of Max and Charles began, if there was a moment that divided them into Before and After, there would be a few candidates. But there was only one correct answer. He would never forget the name. The place is called Val d’Argenton. Stories are still being written there. Charles likes to tell the story of the incident - turn by turn, infused with poetic drama, detailing every single emotion: frustration, anger, pure spite. Every time he tells it, his smile grows along with the laughter in his eyes, even as his words recount a tale of opposing emotions. “I never want to go back to Val d’Argenton,” Charles once confessed. “We’ll never go back there,” he promised, and Charles knew what he meant.
This fic is... everything <3 The hurt/comfort is just done so well; it gives meaning to the phrase "in sickness and in health." Their love is just written so beautifully.
SHORT FICS (under 15k words)
Cheating at Bingo and Other Christmas Traditions by WanderingBlindly | General Audiences | 12.4k words
"You know, there’s a very nice, very handsome young man in my neighborhood –” She starts back up, flagging down their waiter for another glass of wine. “Absolutely not,” He cuts her off with a dismissive wave of the hand. “Next topic.” “So you’re too good for him, is that it?” She sounds defensive, but her tone still has a mocking edge to it – emphasized by the quirk of her brows. Hardly holding back a groan, Charles tries to think of a way out of this. She’s like a cat, batting at him until he gives up, rolls over, and plays dead. “That’s not – I’m just busy, and it’s –” Or: Hallmark style fluff featuring an irritated Charles, a well-meaning Max, and the grandma that just wants them to kiss
Short and sweet, just pure fluff and Christmas joy. If you just want to read something nice and also pretend like it's Christmas in July, then this is the fic for you.
2. Clothes by Anonymous | Mature | 2.6k words
5 times Charles steals Max's clothes and the 1 time Max rips his clothes off of him.
cute domestic lestappen. they're adorable. that's all <3
3. Saturdays by NerdHerder12 | Teen and Up | 3.1k words
On Saturdays, Max visits Charles.
Proceed with caution. I feel physically ill after reading this fic and I really only read it when I want to hurt my own feelings. But it's so good.
4. And That's How I Foksmashed Dad's Championship Trophy by PrincessElectra | Teen and Up | 6.5k words
All of that would have been forgivable if not for the Green-Eyed Monster’s complete disregard for the pre-contracted occupation rights of Max’s lap. Such rights had long been pre-determined and belonged to Sassy (and occasionally to Jimmy, she admitted begrudgingly). However, no amount of quiet hisses and vicious glares seemed to penetrate the creature’s thick skull, and he would greedily occupy Max’s thigh for more than 95% of any given afternoon. Sometimes with his head, sometimes with his feet, and a few times he even straddled his entire body over Max; the latter could not have been comfortable for Max, as the Green-Eyed Monster was enormously overweight compared to Sassy. (Jimmy had insisted that it was not nice to shame another living creature about their weight, but she was not wrong. With her compact size and considerably more reasonable mass, Sassy was confident that she was much more comfortable for Max to have on his lap than that horrendously oversized creature.)
Another hit by PrincessElectra. The beauty of this fic is how hilarious but also fluffy it manages to be. Sassy needs to narrate all future lestappen fics, I don't make the rules
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charlie-lec-stories · 7 months
Hand written letters // CL16
Pairing: Charles Leclerc / Original Female Character
Summary: Y/N, a pretty cold and moody woman, has the hardest shell to break through, but Charles will take his time if he has to.
Warnings: Descriptions of child abuse, character death (not Charles or Y/N), descriptions of mental health issues.
Author’s Note: This one is kind of sad at many points, but it's a wholesome story after all. Rate: +16 (descriptions of violence)
"Cold hearted bitch", that was the most heard opinion about Y/N around the paddock and the media. When she first started driving for Red Bull everyone thought that she fitted right in with their "bad boys" particular brand, but with time, people discovered that she could be even more ruthless and mean that Max Verstappen himself, who could be extremely hurtful if he put his mind into it. Y/N literally scared people away. She didn't care about how she delivered the message as long as it was delivered and people's feelings weren't her first concern. She wasn't violent, she never raised her voice or threatened anyone, but there was this aura of danger around her that naturally frightened people. Christian Horner, Red Bull's principal, loved that. It w the perfect trait for a world champion and, to that point, competing against each other was the only way for Red Bull to compete with anyone at all. They were fully dominating the sport and things were getting boring. Max and Y/N had a good relationship with each other, but even Max was kind of scared of her, always rethinking what he wanted to say before letting anything out, which was something that he never did with anyone else.
It was common knowledge that Y/N grew up as an orphan, raised in the system along thousands of other kids like her. She wasn't open about that, but being famous means losing any privilege of privacy you have, so everyone knew where she came from. Red Bull Academy found her at 15, after she stole a car and the police had to do the pursuit of their lives to catch her. She learned to drive at 13, with one of her temporary tutors, not exactly a good guy. The sole purpose of teaching her that was to have someone tall enough to be the driver of the get-away car, and he rather have her driving than using a gun. The whole thing was shown on TV and Red Bull contacted the judge immediately to ask for her release under their supervision. She was still in the system but, in exchange for good behavior and finishing school, Red Bull would cover her whole tuition as a driver. She excelled everyone's expectations, but her interpersonal interactions were terrible. The only people she got along with were the other kids from the orphanage where she remained living in until she turned 18. Jenna was her closest friend and a terrible influence, she would constantly drag Y/N into trouble and more than once, it meant Y/N being on thin ice with Red Bull Academy. Many instructors tried to convince her to cut loose Jenna, but Y/N refused, the girl was the only family she ever had.
Charles held his first proper chat with Y/N when she moved to F2. He was 19, it was going to be his last year in the category, and she was 18, just fresh out of the system. She ignored him the first three times he tried to speak to her. He was like a golden retriever, he just wanted everyone to like him, but she was like the most feral cat on Earth. After three races without luck he gave up but, surprisingly, she was one of the firsts to approach him when his father died. She didn't do it personally, she sent him a letter, something he found rare since no one wrote letters anymore. It was handwritten and he knew she had wrote it because he had seen her lettering before. The letter was short but he found the gesture incredibly sweet. She just wrote a quote from the poet Thomas Campbell:
"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die".
No condolences, no "I hope you feel better", no more words than that, hand written on an old paper and he wondered if it belonged to that notebook she always carried around. If he was correct, that made the whole thing a lot more special, she notoriously loved that notebook. He kept the letter and had it framed to hang it in his house. He tried to thank her for it, but she completely ignored him again. She was had to understand for him, nonetheless, it made her even more appealing to him. He wanted her to be his friend.
They never became friends, he moved onto F1 in 2018 and she stayed in F2 for another 3 years, replacing Alex Albon at Red Bull from the 2021 season and on. By that time, Charles was just as scared of her as the rest, but he still saw potential, so once in a while he tried to get close. He would approach her before interviews, offer her some of his lunch, ask her about her car, everything. She would just simply look at him uninterested, like he was most likely bothering her. He started noticing that she read a lot of book: poetry, history, art, technical, academic, fantasy, music. You name it, she probably read it. Charles started reading as much as he could too. It hurt him to see her alone all the time, he wanted to find something to make her click, that way he could sit next to her and keep her real company, doing something she actually likes. It took him years for her to al least answer back to some of his approaches. He started walking up to her to ask for book and music recommendations, and she seemed to engage to that easily. He would read and listen to everything she suggested as quickly as he could, and then he discussed that with her. He learned that she liked poetry, but that the academic papers related to psychology and sociology were her favorites. Charles wondered if her particular interest about society and its work had anything to do with the way she grew up. He was happy, he couldn't say that they were friends, but she wasn't pushing him away anymore and he would take that as a win.
On the summer break of her fourth year in F1, he asked her out for a drink and she said yes. He never expected her to do so, but he was glad she did, it seemed like all his persistent work finally got him into her circle of trust. It would be the first time ever they would meet outside of the paddock, and that was important for Charles. It meant progress. They went out to some pretty private bar in Monaco, Charles always careful about his words and that him got a glint of how funny and nice she could be when she relaxed and let her guard down a little bit. What started as friendly and innocent, became flirtatious quite fast. Before they knew it, they were at his apartment, making out on his bed and giggling and smiling like teenagers. They already had their shirts off and he was about to unclasp her bra when her phone rang. He told her to ignore it, kissing and biting her neck to persuade her, but she knew that the ringtone was Jenna's, and she expected nothing good from that. She sat on the bed, grabbing her phone and picking up, and Charles got the chance to look at her back in the dim light. She had marks all over it, belt marks, covering her whole. They were all old, he could tell, but there were some that looked way older than others, the unfiltered truth of how the terrible childhood she had. He understood then just how hard it must have been for her to simply trust anyone. She grabbed her shirt quickly and put it on, promising the other person on the phone that she'll be there as soon as possible. Her mood changed completely, she went back to cold and emotionless, telling him that she had to go and nothing else. He didn't get a chance to say goodbye before she was out of his room, faster than the speed of light, the sound of the front door of his apartment haunting him the rest of the night.
He spent the whole summer break holding onto his phone, waiting for a call, a text, even a social media notification, but she never contacted him. He wanted to call her, to check up on her, but he feared he could be crossing a line. He met up with Max, who was the only one that had a decent relationship with her, aside from him, and asked for advice. The Dutchman was as lost as him. It turned out that Max had encouraged her to go out with Charles, partially sure that she liked him, partially because it was hard to know for sure what went through her head most of the time. After the date, Max never heard from her and he suspected that the date just had gone bad. Charles told him that everything went great actually, still he also added about the mysterious call and how moody she was after it. They went over the numbers again, three weeks had passed and none of them knew anything at all. Worried, Max called Christian, who also confirmed that she was MIA, and since Y/N was such a private person, they didn't know who else to call for information. They had no other option but to wait for a few more days until everyone reunited at Zandvoort. Charles, frustrated, waited, but he just needed to know what happened and if she was alright. He looked at the letter hanging on his wall everyday and thought about her, about the marks, the cold look she threw everyone and how soft her gaze was that night, while she told him about her cat and the new trick it learned. She could be so endearing and kind. He thought about how gentle she was while kissing him, as if she wanted to go easy on him, to be careful. At first, he just wanted to be her friend, but after that he couldn't go back to friends anymore.
Zandvoort finally came, and Charles got there early to make sure he could catch her. He muted everyone around him, staying close to the main entrance of the paddock and waiting for her. She had to show up, Red Bull never said anything about replacing her, but after two hours, she was nowhere to be found. It didn't make any sense, she was never late. He was about to go looking for Christian to convince him to report her missing when he saw a car pulling up at the drivers' parking lot. A sigh of relief left him when he saw her came out of the driver's side. It wasn't her old sport car, the white Lamborghini, it was a BMW black SUV. He also noticed that she looked different, her hair was shorter and dyed a chocolate shade, instead of her previous long blonde; her clothes were a more smart-style, navy blue satin pants with a white blouse, not her typical tank tops and baggy jeans. She opened the back door and a blond boy not older than 10 came out, followed by an equally blonde little girl around 6 or 7. She said something to them, and after that they grabbed each other's hands and waited by the car while she walked to the other side. From the car, she brought another boy out, younger than the other two and with brown hair. Then, she moved away from the car with a baby that she carried on her arms. The older kid took a bag out of the trunk and handed it to her, she hung it from her shoulder and took the brunette's hand, while the older kid grabbed the other little kid's hand. All together, they walked to the main entrance, the kids scanning their on paddock passes themselves while she made sure they walked trough the turnstiles safely. She spotted him through the mass of people, but as quickly as their gazes met, she looked away, carrying the kids along with her on her way to the Red Bull garage.
He did a hell lot of interviews and some of them gave him the chance to cross paths with Y/N. She was like a whole new person, talking to the press in a relaxed and sympathetic manner, answering questions without looking bothered or bored. He tried to catch up with her a few times, but she slipped away every time. He found Max, who was as surprised as he was, not even being able to explain to Charles anything. They both went to Christian and he wasn't helpful at all, he told them that Y/N was the one that had to decide if she wanted to open up about everything and she didn't authorize questions about the kids to the press, so he was sure that it wasn't his place to talk about it himself. Once Friday was over, he went straight to his hotel and tried to think about what to do. He didn't want to pressure her into tell him anything, but he wanted to let her know that he was there for her. No one becomes a mother of four over-night, something must had happened. He laid in bed, thinking, until he finally came up with something. He went to his suitcase and pulled out a paper and a pen.
" Just in case you ever foolishly forget, I'm never not thinking of you".
He knew that her and the kids were staying at the same hotel as him and with new found resolution, he walked to their door and slipped the note with the Virginia Woolf quote under it. He heard some movement on the other side and the kids running around and went back to his room.
The next morning, he went to the paddock with a more hopeful aura. Maybe she would walk to him, telling him that she received his message and that she wanted to resume what they left on a cliff hanger the last time they met. She was already in the paddock when he arrived, but once again, he was completely ignored again. Kind of hear-broken, he went to his garage, where he found a note on his car:
"The hottest love has the coldest end".
Okay, it was a pretty depressive quote from Socrates, he didn't expect that, but it was still an answer, a for of communication between each other. He had to keep the conversation alive, so he ran to his driver's room and looked for paper and a pen. Thinking about everything he read before, all the books and music they discussed together, he tried to find a quote that could summarize what he wanted to tell her. He could understand by the quote that she was sad and saw no point in letting him in. He tried to think about a quote that expressed happiness and love, all at the same time, something to show her that he wanted to make her happy:
"The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved".
Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo, was one of those books that they particularly enjoyed together. There was no way this quote couldn't work. He folded the paper and kept it close to himself. He spent the rest of the day trying to get close to her. They bumped into each other a few times, but there was no private moment to give her the letter. Closing up to the time for Qualifying, he decided to be bold and stop looking for the right moment. They were on the round of press between FP3 and the time of truth, he was finishing up when he asked the press who they wanted to talk to next. Someone said Y/N and he ignored completely that other people asked for different drivers, he smiled from ear to ear before going to get her for them. She was a few meters away, Charles walked up to her, placed his hand on her back and told her that there were people asking for her. She murmured a soft "thanks" and walked past him. He grabbed her hand, the letter making contact with her palm and making her look at their locked hands. He wished her good look and left the paper on her hand, walking away and leaving her standing there, the little paper burning her fingers.
She was visibly affected by the note for the rest of the day, her qualification was great, as always, but the sweet and relaxed façade that she showed the day before was falling apart. Charles could see that she was trying to decide what she wanted to do and he chose to give her some space to think. He avoided her the rest of the day and tried to focus on the race the next day. He went back the hotel around 2 in the morning, after a tiring meeting with the strategy team, they definitely needed to change that team, he was doing all of the work himself at that point. Exhausted and kind of moody, he stopped on his tracks when the elevator doors opened and he found Y/N at his door, sliding a paper under it. It was like catching your parents placing the presents under the three on Christmas, like catching someone doing something naughty. She quickly straightened up and turned around to face him. Charles walked up to her, slightly caging her against the door so she wouldn't run away. She was trying to escape when he decided to let her know that the game was over, that they were solving this puzzle right there and then. He opened the door, the one she was still resting against and she tumbled backwards inside, stepping on her letter in the process.
It was a little paper, definitely from her notebook. Charles closed the door behind him and picked it up:
"(...) loved for ourselves—say rather, loved in spite of ourselves".
That was easy to understand. It was the following part of the quote he sent to her, telling him what he already suspected: She didn't believe that she deserved to be loved. While he looked at the letter, her gaze was was fixed on the ground, as if being present while he read the quote was something made her feel ashamed. They had made out before, but admitting that you have low self-esteem is a more vulnerable situation than any other Charles could think of, so he understood. Placing the letter on the table next to the door, he decided not to wait anymore, he walked up to her a kissed her, no words needed. She was kind of taken aback at first but after that first shock, she kissed back as deeply as him, her arms around him like they belong there, his hands firmly grabbing her face. He was afraid of breaking it, but he knew that they had to sort things out. He wanted something more and they couldn't grow old together solely relying on letters. He pulled away, grabbing her hand and guiding her to the bed. He laid back on it, tugging at her hand to silently ask for her to join him, which she did. With her head resting on his chest and his hand mindlessly running up and down her arm, he finally asked about the call. She barely answered him with a whispered "Jenna died" and Charles automatically placed a kiss to the top of her head. He knew that it wasn't enough to take away her pain, after all, he knew that Jenna was the only family she ever had, but he hoped that he could at least make her feel like she wasn't alone. They stayed like that for a while, until she moved her arm to reach to her back pocket, and pulled a folded paper out of it. She handed him the paper and fixed her position on the bed, hugging him at the middle and burying her face on his chest. He unfolded letter and started reading it to himself:
"Dear Y/N: I feel like I should start this letter with an "I'm sorry", but more lies it's not what you want to hear right now, so I'm going to start with a "Please, forgive me". Please, forgive me for everything I did to you over the years. Please, forgive me for forcing you to babysit me our whole lives, and please, forgive me for making you babysit my own kids too. Please, forgive me for all the times I did drugs and all the times I asked you to do them with me. Please, forgive me for ever putting you in the position of having to choose between Red Bull and me, and for every time I endangered your future with them. Please, forgive me for using you so many times, for taking your money and never giving it back, for every time I choose to stay by your side because it was the smart decision and not for love or loyalty. Please, forgive me for never being there for you, for not backing you up about the Petersons and for not being a good friend to you when you needed me to. Please, forgive me for getting pregnant 4 times and each one make you pay for the fees, for asking you for money so many times and for never try to look for something to do to provide for myself and my kids. There are a lot of things I need you to forgive me for, and I know I don't deserve it, but the thing I regret the most is what I'm doing tonight. Please, forgive me for ruining your first time ever to go on a date with someone who cares about you, for doing this the same night you go out, for probably being the reason your night is ruined now. But I have to do it today, I have to do it now, because if not, I'm probably not going to do it ever, and I can't keep going like this anymore. I can't keep going knowing that I hurt you, the only family I have. I can't keep going knowing that you hate me for everything I've done to you. I know that I don't deserve any mercy from your end, but please, don't let the kids go to the system. Please, give them the life I could never give them. Ps.: As proof of how much I mean everything I said on this last letter, I left something I stole from you when we were younger. Something that you had to make the Petersons' pay for what they did to you and that I took because I didn't want to lose my place of privilege in that house. The tape is on the second drawer. I know that the crime hasn't proscribed yet, you can still get justice for yourself. Please, forgive me for keeping that from you too. Jenna."
Charles let the letter down, a long sight leaving him as he took all of the information in. He waited for her to open up, to give some context to the letter Jenna left for her. After a few deep breaths, Y/N explained everything to him. She told him how she found out before their date that Jenna was stealing money from her, and how she faced Jenna about it. How they agued and Y/N was in a terrible mood, because the argument was distracting her from her date with him. How she told Jenna that she was a horrible person and that now that she found great people who treated her with respect - "great people" meaning Charles - she understood that she didn't need to keep up with her shit anymore. How Jenna told her to go fuck Charles and that she was a bitch for caring more about a dick than her life-long best friend. How Jenna confessed that it was her who told the orphanage that Y/N was lying when she called out the Petersons, a temporary family of them both, for hitting her with a belt and making her live like a dog. For some reason, the Petersons loved Jenna and hated Y/N, and Jenna confessed that she lied to the orphanage's director so she wouldn't be removed from that house. Y/N had filmed them with an old VHS camera, but the tape was lost and she could never show that proof to anyone.
Y/N told Charles how she yelled at Jenna and told her that she hated her. How she told her to lose her number and never speak to her again, how she told Jenna that she was an ungrateful bitch and that she didn't deserve any good in life. How she told Jenna to make her kids a favor and disappear from the face of the Earth as she walked out of the apartment, and how Jenna's painful look at her made her regret her words instantly, but her hurt and pride forced her to swallow her apology. She told him how she went back home and did what she could to feel better for their date and how she literally forgot about Jenna while she was with him. She finally told him how Jenna called her that night again, asking for her to go to her apartment because she needed to apologize to her. How she initially said yes, but once she was out of Charles' apartment, she changed her mind and went back home, not wanting to explain anything to Charles by coming back in but also not wanting to go to Jenna's. How Jenna called her again around 5 am, her words slurred, as she apologized for everything over the phone. How she drove to the apartment to find her lying on the floor of her room, how she had to keep the kids out of the place as she called the police and did what she could to bring Jenna back. How she failed and how guilty she felt about that. How she ended up taking the kids in with her and how much of a betrayer she felt when the oldest, Oliver, told her that she was a better mother than Jenna after a week living with her.
Charles listened attentively to every word she said and understood why she felt like she didn't deserve anything, and even less, with him. In her mind, Jenna died because she told her to disappear and went on date with him. She felt guilty because she was happy while her friend was back home, planning on leaving this world. Yes, her words were terrible, and yes, she crossed a line, but Jenna didn't do what she did because of her words, she did it because of her own heavy feeling of guilt. Jenna did hurt her and it was understandable if she was angry. After all, Jenna wasn't the only one who faced an abusive environment and she wasn't the only one affected by trauma. He learned that Christian and some other people from Red Bull's highest places on the chain backed her up for the custody of the kids and that she won a temporary one, and they promised secrecy about the whole situation. In one night, her life turned around and she wanted him out of that mess. She wanted to keep him safe. Charles had so much he wanted to say, he just didn't know where to start. He was sure that he loved her, it didn't matter what she said, what she thought she was guilty of. To him, it didn't matter if she made mistakes, if she regretted words, if she wasn't perfect. He loved her nonetheless, and he wanted to make her happy and help her love herself once and for all. She didn’t give him any time to day anything though, right after she finished telling him everything, she ran away from the room. Again.
The next day, when Y/N walked to her car, she found Charles standing next to it, a little paper in his hand. She walked to him and read the letter. There, she understood that he loved her, not matter what, and finally let him in, sealing a deal of a happily after-ever-after with a kiss that they'll remember till the last day of their lives. To the ground, fell the paper that meant the start of everything:
"To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god".
Jorge Luis Borges.
It's a long one, took some time to edit it, but it's one of the saddest, most psychologically complex storied I have ever written. Enjoy!
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blorbocedes · 8 months
In his own words: Christian Horner on world champion Max Verstappen
Verstappen won another world title on Saturday.
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written by: Christian Horner, originally published on The Independent, 08, October 2023 [x]
I remember raising it to Helmut Marko – Red Bull’s motorsport consultant – that this kid looks the real deal. Helmut watched him at the Norisring in Germany and he was convinced.
There was interest from Niki Lauda and Mercedes, but Red Bull could take him to Formula One immediately. So, he came to us a very young age. He was 16. And I remember in his very first outing for us – a demonstration run in Rotterdam – he took the front wing off the car! But you could tell in the seat fitting the confidence he had for a young guy was exceptional.
All of the drivers that came through the junior categories learned their trade out of the spotlight, but Max became the youngest driver in Formula One ever. He was only 17. Every move and every mistake he made was scrutinised.
Jean Todt, who was the FIA president at the time, changed the regulations to ensure someone as young and inexperienced as Max could not enter F1. There will never be a driver that moves so rapidly from karting to F1 again. But the way he dealt with it mentally made him a standout character.
It was obvious in his first full F1 season when he drove for Red Bull’s sister team Toro Rosso, that he was an emerging talent, and at the beginning of 2016 he was performing beyond the capability of the car.
Daniil Kvyat was struggling, and there was a lot of interest in Max. We made the decision to move him to Red Bull at the Spanish Grand Prix.
Mercedes did their thing when Lewis Hamilton and Nico Rosberg crashed into each other on the first lap and Max, who started fourth which was already stunning, made the one-stop strategy work to win in his first Grand Prix with the team. He became the sport’s youngest ever winner, aged 18. It was a fairytale. Max had arrived.
He won races in 2017 and 2018, and in 2019 he became the team leader following Daniel Ricciardo’s departure to Renault. He grew up, and it was a transformative year for him.
In 2021 we had a car and an engine that could take the fight to Mercedes, and that season will go down as one of the most competitive sporting duels the sport has ever had.
From the first race in Bahrain through to Abu Dhabi, Max and Lewis were like two heavyweights going up against each other. Max was a dog with a bone. He wouldn’t let it go. And you couldn’t script that they would head to the final race tied on points.
Max was very cool. He put the car on pole, and we took our opportunity under the final safety car. Max had one lap to get the job done. I don’t think Lewis expected Max to attack in the corner that he did, and people overlook that he still had to beat Lewis. He still had to win the race. It wasn’t about two unlapped backmarkers. It was about Max reacting to the circumstances and getting the job done. And under the most intense pressure he did just that. He sent it down the inside and the whole place went bananas.
To see him and his father, Jos, celebrate was a very special moment because it was the culmination of all the effort that his father had put into him at a very young age. Max achieved his goal, and anything after that was the icing on the cake, because for him, it was all about becoming a world champion.
Max has still got all the tenacity he had when he got in the car as a 17-year-old, but he now marries that with experience. Outside of the car, he is a normal guy, too. He has his feet on the ground and he hasn’t had his head turned by fame and fortune. He still loves racing, and he has got good, grounded principals.
He is competitive and wears his heart on his sleeve. He is very honest. He will give you everything, but he expects everything in return.
He can go on to achieve so much more. We are riding a wave at the moment, and we want to continue riding that wave for as long as we can.
Will Max be in Formula One for a long, long time? I don’t think so. He has ambitions beyond F1 and beyond racing. And at 26, 36 seems a long way away.
We have a long-term agreement with him until 2028, and he has always said he will be happy to start and end his career here, but motivation will be a crucial factor.
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bellewintersroe · 11 months
Max Verstappen X Celeb Ex!Reader -Angst.
Reader and Max broke up only 3 weeks ago so feelings are still extremely fresh. Now she’s at Silverstone as a celebrity reporter, pinned with the task of interviewing her ex-boyfriend. With the whole world watching, the pressure on each of their shoulders is immense. Part 2?
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I felt the blood drain from my face when the name I was sworn I wouldn’t even have to think about today was mentioned. “What?” I breathlessly spoke, dropping my papers onto the table below. I felt an anxiety like no other rush through me, a sickness that caused my head to spin.
“We just need you to do a quick 5 minutes with Max.”
“You- you told me I definitely wouldn’t be interviewing him?” I held my hand against my forehead. “I know, but this has been arranged for the past few weeks, ah, before the um- parting was announced.” Paul, the Sky CEO and my current manager explained, trying to dodge around the work ‘break up’ as much as humanly possible. “Oh god.” I tensed my jaw, staring down to the ground whilst I gathered my thoughts- my twisted, scrambled thoughts. Max and I had one conversation since we broke up, and that was to publish the breakup announcement, even then the conversation lasted no longer than 3 messages each. Talk about awkward. Now, I’d been hired to do a bunch of celebrity and driver interviews at the Silverstone Grand Prix, what I did two years ago when I met Max originally.
“I’m sorry, but he’s pole, it’s how it always works.” He sighed. “No, I get it.” As badly as I didn’t want to do this, I knew I had to be professional or Sky wouldn’t hesitate to replace me. I was starting to question if that was actually such a bad idea? “Just… can I at least have some alcohol beforehand?”
“I can give you all the alcohol you want once the interview is over.” The time came where I had been walking up and down the grid, purposefully skipping the area designated Red Bull despite me being friends with half the people there. Max, I knew he was around, and I couldn’t bare to bring myself to go over there despite talking to the grand majority of other drivers. “Okayyyy, y/n, and now we have to go to Red Bull, we need to speak to Max, we’re running out of time.” Lizzie, the coordinator for the day had to push me more than usual. I’d spent a little too long speaking to other drivers that I’d known for years. Lizzie rarely had to interrupt, but on this occasion she’d cut my interview with Oscar short, and rushed me away from Lando before he could give me a hug and make me cry by asking how I was doing.
“Okay.” My palms were sweating as I attempted to wipe them on my black, short dress. The dress fit 3 weeks ago, but recently I’d been having to tie the bow around my chest tighter and tighter. The flared arms were somehow even baggier, and although I felt good, I knew there would be a lot of twitter comments at the end of the day pointing out my weight loss.
I was purposefully walking slow, eyes darting from person to person. Could I at least bump into Daniel or one of my friends before? Christian Horner, force him to talk about Red Bull’s strategy for an hour, Checo- ANYBODY, just not- “Max Verstappen, there he is!”
Fuck. My stomach churned when I saw my ex boyfriend making his way over. It felt like something stabbed me in the chest as I had to force myself to breath again. He was so familiar yet so uncomfortably different, like I’d seen him just minutes prior, yet it was nearing a month. His eyes landed on mine and I could see the immediate way his breath got caught in his chest.
I felt stiff as I held the microphone up, seeing all three cameras steadily pointed at us, indicating this interview had already begun. I didn’t even have time to compose myself. “Hello!” Max perked, moving forwards to give me a quick hug. Again, his touch felt so familiar but so coldly distant. His palm was flat on my back for about a second as I barely touched him with the microphone in my hand. How was I once so excited and giggly to see a man that now sent a wave of anxiety rushing through me.
“Hi Max! Thank you for speaking to us.” I awkwardly made the most forced smile, I couldn’t look at him, I was looking anywhere but his eyes. For the first time all day I’d followed the script word for word. “Congratulations on P1, how are you feeling for the race today?!” As I held the microphone out towards him I could see the way it trembled with my hands. It was embarrassing, I hoped he’d just take the thing out of my hand.
“Uh, same as always.” Nervous, excited? He didn’t get to do our pre race handshake- I wondered if he thought about that?
“Looking forwards to it, as long as it all goes as smooth as it did yesterday, I’m quite confident with our team strategy today.” He nodded before quickly speaking again. “How are you?” He cocked his head to the side, for the first time I made real eye contact with him now. Horrible, I regret our decision, no distance is too far, I haven’t eaten properly in 3 weeks- I miss you. “I’m okay!” My voice cracked, it couldn’t have sounded any less convincing. “Excited to be here, such a nice day as well, I think everybody’s glad the rains stopped.” I forced another laugh back to the camera men who nodded their cameras in unison. “Hopefully the conditions stay good like this all day for you.” I offered him a quick nod as I saw him swallow harshly, his eyes focused on me.
“We can make this work… I want this to work.” His words I remembered remained heavy on my chest, stinging my heart as I looked back to him now. That familiar sensation of guilt trailed through me as I then remembered his offer to come live with him in Monaco, how I’d been so absolutely foolish to decline. “Yeah, I hope so, but you know I don’t mind racing in the rain. It always rains at home.” The semi personalised answer had my chest fluttering as a more genuine smile grew on my face. “Until you all skid off the track.”
“Luckily I don’t plan on doing that.” A small breath of laughter escaped my mouth. “Hopefully not.” My eyes fell to the ground when I realised where I actually was. For a moment I’d got a little caught up before quickly returning back to the questions.
“Well I think you’re being called over now Max, but thank you for speaking to us, good luck for the race today.” I offered him another smile as he reached out, rubbing my back a little with a quick, “thank you, y/n/n.” Before hurrying off to where he was being called to. Just like that he’d vanished and suddenly not interviewing him anymore felt 10x worse than the anxiety beforehand.
“Brilliant, a little awkward at the end there, y/n/n but as always thank you for doing that with us. Now time to relax.” Lizzie attempted to choke but all I could do was bite down on my lip. I felt like I was going to be sick, “uh- I just need a second.” I think she could tell by the look on my face something was wrong. I’d darted through the grid, past endless celebrities and familiar faces to lock myself in the bathroom and burst into tears. Holy fuck, it was uncontrollable. I felt an overwhelming sense of regret over Max and I breaking up. How oddly normal it eventually felt with him there, yet how sickening it was knowing he was no longer mine. It was by far the worst heartache I’d ever been through, and being exposed to him a mere 3 weeks after breaking up felt all wrong. When I’d emerged, the race had already started. I’d walked out pathetically wiping my eyes, a couple women asking if I was okay, stunned that y/n y/l/n, famous actress had just been sobbing her heart out in the grid toilets. I was not having a good time, and if it wasn’t for a bunch of my close friends being there I would’ve left.
Plus, there was one upside to being here as a guest… the free alcohol.
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puzzlebean · 8 months
Another request, a Lestappen fic where Max takes care of Charles after he gets injured.
Hiiii thank you so much for requesting this! I had so much fun writing it! 💗
Here it is:
It was stupid. So stupid that Charles can barely believe it happened. He just spun off and hit the wall during free practice. No one was near him and there were no issues with the car, Charles was apparently just really stupid and forgot how to drive and now his hands are broken and he might have a little concussion. His ego is the most bruised, though, and he's sulking about it. He doesn't get to drive anymore this weekend, or likely the next few, and the entire world just watched him being stupid. 
"Oh my god, Charles," Max says as he storms into Charles's hotel room and sits down next to him. "I came as soon as they let me go." 
Max is Charles's sometimes rival, sometimes friend and maybe boyfriend. Max also watched Charles being stupid. It's the worst. And yes Charles knows he's being a little dramatic but he feels like he has a right to in this situation. 
"Are you okay?" Max asks and then immediately stops, frowning a little. "No that was silly. You are, of course, not." 
"I think I will survive," Charles says, dramatically. 
"Oh Charles," Max says. "I will take care of you, of course. As much as I can. I think Christian will be a little upset if I don’t race." 
Charles points out that Christian will be more than a little upset if Max fails to race because he's looking after a competitor but inside he feels warm and fuzzy. Max wants to be with him, Max wants to look after him. 
Max gently kisses Charles cheek. Then he pats his thighs and stands up. "I'm going to order us food. And then I'm going to do whatever you need." 
Charles smiles as he listens to Max order too much food. Having him here helps already, even though Charles still feels like an idiot. 
Once Max has ordered the food, he fluffs up Charles's pillow and gets him to lay down. 
"Do you need any painkillers, sweetheart?" Max asks. 
Charles nods. The last dosage had been in the hospital. That was probably a while ago. 
"Where are they?" Max asks. 
"Andrea put them on the desk. Easy access he said," Charles replies. 
"Good," Max says. 
He walks to the bathroom, grabs a glass of water and then grabs the painkillers. He reads the box carefully and then pops out two pills. He hands the pills to Charles who pops them into his mouth and then hands him the water. Charles makes a face. 
"What's wrong?" Max asks, immediately worried. 
Charles pouts. "The pills taste gross." 
"I'm sorry," Max says. He presses a kiss against Charles's forehead. "You are being so brave." 
And the thing is, Charles knows that's not true. He's being silly and dramatic and wallowing in self-pity. That doesn't mean it's not good to hear, though. Especially from Max's lips. 
"Do you want to sleep before the food arrives?" Max asks. 
Charles shakes his head. "I just want to lie next to you and feel sorry for myself."
"Then that's what we will do," Max says easily. 
He gets on the bed, carefully so he doesn't bump against Charles. He lies down on Charles's good side so they can hold hands. 
"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Max asks. 
"I was just stupid," Charles says, "so no." 
"I don't think you are stupid," Max says, "just unlucky. But, of course, if you do not want to talk about this we won't. I can talk about Jimmy and Sassy." 
"Please," Charles says. 
So Max gets into a passionate story about his cats and their antics and Charles is so fond of him. This man. God. To think they used to drive each other crazy, that they used to drive each other off the track and assumed they would always dislike each other. It's so different now. Now Max is the one person Charles always wants to be with. The person he loves, even though they haven't told each other that yet. 
When the food arrives Max helps Charles eat like it's no big deal. It makes the whole ordeal less awkward and embarrassing. It's like Max just knows exactly what Charles needs. 
"Thank you for this," Charles says. 
Max looks at him like he's being silly. "You are my boyfriend," he says. "Of course I take care of you." 
So not a maybe boyfriend, then. His actual boyfriend. Something good came out of this stupid crash after all. 
"I love you," Charles says. 
Max's face lights up. "I love you, too." 
He kisses Charles's lips. Charles is so lucky. He can't believe he gets to call this incredible man his. 
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beechersnope · 11 months
Wild Dream Come True
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Christian/Max (Past Christian/Seb), 1645 words
Warnings/Tags: major dubcon, grooming, drunk sex, anal gaping, fisting, loss of virginity, possessiveness, power imbalance, age difference, painful sex
Seb was twenty-one years old when he won his first race for Red Bull. Max is eighteen.
That matters, somehow, to Christian. He’d thought he would have more time to take Max under his wing, get him used to the idea of warming his bed, break through the hard shell that Jos had built up around his boy to keep him cut off from the pleasures of the world.
It turns out not to matter. One purposeful touch from Christian—a hand on the inside of Max’s thigh under the table at the team dinner, nice and public so he won’t make a scene—is all it takes to crack him like an egg.
Max is hard almost immediately. But Christian makes him wait. And after, when he has a half-drunk Max alone in his hotel room: Christian makes it worth it.
“Have you ever done this before?” Christian asks as Max lies on the bed, staring up at him blearily as Christian takes his time peeling Max out of his sweaty clothes.
Seb had never known the touch of a man before Christian had taken him that night in Shanghai. He’d been tight, but had acclimated surprisingly quickly to the feeling of a hard cock inside him, giving back just as good as he’d gotten by the end. Christian doesn’t think Max will do the same.
“No,” Max says, shaking his head slowly as a blush creeps down his face, deepening the already bright pink spots on his cheeks. “Never, I’ve—I haven’t. With anyone.”
Those words course through Christian like an electric current. It’s all he can do to keep himself from tearing off the rest of Max’s clothes and fucking into him right then and there. That isn’t what Christian has planned for him—at least not yet.
“Oh, my darling boy,” Christian says as he reaches up to cradle Max’s cheek, soft and gentle.
Max leans into the touch, always so eager for everything. Wins. Approval. Love.
Christian can give him all three.
“Get on your tummy for me?” Christian prompts once he has Max naked and spread out in front of him, his thighs loose and open revealing a half-hard cock already leaking precome, so wet already that Max must have been aching in his jeans for hours. “It’ll be easier that way.”
He doesn’t tell Max what he intends to do. He doesn’t want to give him the opportunity to say no.
With Seb, Christian had made mistakes. He’d sucked Seb off first, fingered him open sweetly, and then made him come again on Christian’s cock while Seb rode him, letting Seb control the pace, the force, the depth. Seb had learnt what he liked from the encounter—and what he didn’t. They never slept together again in all that time that Seb was with Red Bull, even while rumors reached Christian’s ears that Seb was slutting it up with nearly half the grid by the end.
So no, Christian isn’t going to make Max come before he opens him up. He doesn’t even really care if Max comes at all. That isn’t what this is about. Pleasure was never the point.
Max—sweet, obedient, and a virgin—rolls onto his stomach without complaint. He drags his cock against the sheets, leaving it hanging down between his legs instead of tucking it against his stomach. Maybe he thinks that’ll tempt Christian into touching him. Or maybe it’s just that Max doesn’t realize he won’t even be able to hump the bed like that, won’t be able to get the friction he really needs when it matters the most.
Good, Christian thinks to himself before turning around to get the lube.
Christian isn’t stingy about slicking himself up. Not that it matters. Christian could use the whole bottle and Max still wouldn’t be able to sit down the next day. Might not even be able to walk. It’ll make the plane home hell, and his next race might even suffer as a result, but it’ll be worth the temporary loss in points over the long term.
Christian knows when he has a champion in the making. He might have fucked it all up with Sebastian, but this time, he’s not about to let Max slip out of his grasp.
“It’ll hurt,” Christian tells Max. “Did you clean yourself like I asked?” He’d sent Max up to the hotel room first; given him detailed instructions for what he needed to do with the items he’d left in the bathroom.
Max nods against the pillow, leaving a spit-damp mark against the fabric.
“Good boy,” Christian says, smoothing his left hand against the small of Max’s back. He’s slender now, still very much a teenager, but Christian can already tell he’ll grow into his body, put on weight he won’t be able to cut like the others—fit, muscular, but with softness clinging to his chest, his thighs, his hips.
Christian wants that. He wants to insure that even a Max in his prime will still be lying in Christian’s bed with his legs spread. Open, loose-limbed, hard and wanting. Ripe for the taking.
Max allows the first finger inside him with little protest. He barely reacts, the wine dulling his senses, slowing his reflexes. It’s not enough, yet, to hurt.
The second garners a muffled sound of protest. Christian keeps going, fucking into Max slow and steady with two fingers for as long as he can stand it, waiting until Max settles down again before pulling out entirely to press in a third.
“Hurts,” Max finally says, and Christian can see that between his legs, Max isn’t hard anymore.
“It’s all right,” Christian tells him. “You’re doing so well for me. Just relax.”
Christian can tell that Max is trying hard not to cry. He feels prouder than he’s ever been. The way Max is letting him inside despite everything in his body rebelling against it feels even better than the win.
Christian waits until Max is hard again before really starting to fuck Max with his fingers, digging in deep with Max shuddering around him, pulling at the rim of his hole until his body finally gives up, stops fighting back. Then Christian squeezes in his pinky, and Max screams.
“You can take it, darling. I know you can.”
Christian doesn’t pull his fingers out even as Max writhes underneath him, too overwhelmed to really get away from what Christian is doing. Christian is happy he didn’t have to tie Max up for it, glad that he’d been right all along about what his darling boy could handle. He is doing well, better than Seb would have done if their positions were reversed, and maybe that was the real reason that things had never worked out the way Christian had hoped.
Max is perfect. And Max is his.
“Just a little more,” Christian tells Max with a soothing hand running across his back. “You’re almost there.”
Max’s rim stretches wide around the breadth of Christian’s fingers, white where the pressure has temporarily forced the blood out of the capillaries, swollen and red everywhere else. Christian can feel Max trying to force him out, but he fucks him through it, waiting until Max finally stops squirming before resting a hand firmly against the center of Max’s back so he can’t shy away from what he really needs.
“Deep breath, love,” Christian whispers. He waits for Max’s ribs to expand under his hand before pressing down hard, pinning him to the bed as he folds in his thumb and pushes.
The sound that emerges from Max’s mouth as Christian’s hand slides inside him to the wrist isn’t human.
The breath gets sucked out of both of them. Christian’s mouth goes dry as he realizes what he’s accomplished. Max, who has never been touched before this by anyone, has now been irrevocably transformed. The memory of the first time he’s ever been fucked will always be this: Christian’s fist inside him, stretching him open, remaking him anew.
It doesn’t matter now who Max takes to bed in the coming years. It will all be a pale imitation of what Christian did first. Even if this is what Max decides he wants from someone else, it’ll only be because Christian is the one who taught him to want it.
“Can you feel how well you’re taking me?” Christian asks, voice full of wonder.
Max tries to answer, but the garbled noise that comes out doesn’t resemble either English or Dutch.
Christian feels like Icarus as he carefully makes an attempt to press in even deeper. He stops when Max jerks hard against the mattress, almost dry heaving against the pillow. Christian doesn’t want to break him. Not entirely.
This isn’t about ruining Max. This is about reshaping him.
When Christian finally pulls out and sees the gaping void he’s created, it feels like another victory. He presses his fingers along the edges of Max’s hole, treasuring every muted whimper as he strips his own cock fast and hard. He has to make this official, after all.
Christian comes with all the force of a popped bottle of champagne, painting Max’s insides white and watching it drip down inside him, where it belongs.
He climbs in bed after, cradling Max’s tear-stained face against his chest and stroking his soft blonde hair until finally, Max drifts into a blessed unconsciousness, free for now from the ache between his legs that Christian had bestowed upon him like a sacred gift.
Christian waits until Max’s breathing slows, deepens, before reaching down again to press four fingers into Max’s hole. He’s pleased to find it still wide and gaping, the muscles fluttering weakly against the strength of his hand, unable to resist when Christian tugs experimentally, wondering just how long he can keep Max like this.
Perfect. Open. His. Forever.
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milesworld96 · 6 months
My Predictions on who the Devil is or more so who I want it to be
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LISTEN PLEASE HEAR ME OUT. We have Roddy going around claiming that he’s Adam’s Bestfriend, as well as MJF. But why don’t we bring back someone who also had a very close relationship with Adam Cole?
We have Adam appear at World’s End for MJF, have MJF win against Joe WITHOUT cheating this time. And after the match everything goes dark and the Devil comes out, the Devil attacks MJF; having Joe already left the arena and Adam being forced to watch his tag partner being harmed once again without him being able to help. After beating down on Max, the Devil faces Adam and removes his mask. Revealing my wife Kyle O’Reily. We go down the angle where Kyle is angry at Adam for choosing Max over Roddy when they had been together longer than he has with Max. (Referencing to their Undisputed Era/Elite days; ofc without Bobby this time💔). This spirals into another heart breaking and sob inducing story between Adam and Max; where Adam is conflicted between choosing the Undisputed Elite and Max once more, as both sides keep pressuring themselves onto Adam.
Eventually it comes to the point where Adam is forced to choose between them, at first appearing to Choose Max over them; before pulling the same shit he did to Roderick on NXT. Betraying Max, and reuniting the Undisputed Elite officially on AEW. This would lead ofc to a title match for Kyle O’Reily and Maxwell; with Roderick & Adam by his side (maybe the Kingdom if they still w Roderick at this time, we could replace Bobby with them ig). This would leave Maxwell all alone, and realize that everyone is truly against him and that he has no one left (since the Acclaimed basically said they wanted nothing to do with him too). So this betrayal of Adam and reunification of the Undisputed Elite will lead to the demise of Adamjf (when Cole gets better) AND the return of heel Max. Cus as much as I love babyface Maxwell, I need the douchebag he once was back asap.
Overall, if it really is Kyle O’Reily and I somehow manifested this into reality I think the adamjf story would be one of the greatest stories told tbh. I just really need the closure for them. And I rlly just want Kyle O’Reily back, I miss my wife💔💔. I’m not that good at making stories so I hoped this made sense💀 or atleast sounds a lil realistic
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And here is the one that’s most likely to be true, but I already know the twitter fucks are gonna be pissed ab 💀💀
This is mostly just do to all the speculations and ppl (me) making fun of the whole real glass situation at All In, but what’s actually insane is the amount of glass was actually used and broken throughout the beatings people have taken with the Devil’s henchmen😭 like, Anthony being thrown through a glass window, Max having a glass bottle broken over him, and Hangman being dropped into a car windshield. Absolutely insane at how much glass they are using, that it’s honestly making me wanna believe that they are purposely using real glass as a symbol for Jack Perry.
Story wise I have no clue as to how they are gonna get this to work, and how they’d continue with it if they do reveal it to be Jack. Cause I know a lot of ppl are gonna be let down (not me I’ll just be happy my gf came back from war), but if it is Jack I hope tk knows what he is doing. And I HOPE that they can actually turn this into an interesting feud if this becomes reality 🙏🙏
But he could also just return and reignite the feud between him and Christian as well. But idk!!! I just need him back💔
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edie-baby · 3 years
Les Fleurs du Mal Chapter 3 | Pierre Gasly
Summary: Sava Dvorakova had big dreams for Formula One. An opportunity of a lifetime comes around, so she takes it and runs. She proved just about everyone wrong, and is awarded a very controversial seat on the F1 grid. There’s smiles and grins, hugs and kisses, love and laughter. There’s tears and sobs, fights and break ups. There’s evil where you least expect it, hidden in the garden of eden. The Flowers of Evil.
Warnings: a lot of swearing, shitty parents (they’re a recurring theme), sexism, i ignored a lot of actual f1 rules because i couldn’t be bothered writing it into the story tbh, yuki is fcking adorable, a lot of smut eventually, like a lot.
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Pierre Gasly wasn’t quite sure what to do. After coming into the F2 paddock to talk to his future teammate in the Carlin garage, he passed a small girl with pink hair, a pleated skirt and big, chunky boots. She was being guided through the paddock by a woman he had seen around the Carlin garage a few times before. He had heard whispers of a teenage girl taking the ‘spare’ seat for the remaining three races of the season, but seeing her in person completely consumed his mind. Distracted by the bubbly teenager, Pierre almost passed the Carlin garage completely, quickly correcting himself and keeping his head down so he didn’t make more of a fool out of himself.
“Pierre!” Yuki’s high voice called, waving to his friend with a large smile on his face that creased his eyes. Pierre walked over quickly, dapping his friend up and beginning the regular small talk about the car, and the weekend ahead.
“So, did you hear about my new teammate?” Yuki almost giggled. He had seen the reactions throughout the paddock and in the hotel that morning, and knew the Frenchman would have his own thoughts about the pocket rocket.
“The girl?” Pierre questioned, attempting to bide his time and think of appropriate questions to ask. Yuki nodded with a smile, his own thoughts disrupted by the bubbly, high energy, almost crackhead personality of the teenager.
“She’s very pink. I heard she qualified P2. I’m not really sure what to think about her, because I haven’t watched her race, but I guess I’ll see her soon. I saw her talking to Esteban this morning.” Pierre finished with a grimace. The mutual dislike between Pierre and Esteban was common knowledge, however Yuki still found it puzzling when he would speak so openly about how much the other Frenchman gave him a sour taste in his mouth.
“She’s very good. Considering she has only ever raced in go-karts before this, she’s going to give Juri a run for his money this weekend.” Yuki laughed again, already picturing the battles the two Eastern-European drivers would get into over the next 3 race weekends.
“I’ll keep an eye out. I should go back, our quali is starting soon. Good luck Yuki!” Pierre called, waving to his friend before he made his way out of the F2 paddock, and back toward his own.
The sprint race, and ensuing feature race had been entertaining, to say the least. After the shenanigans of the sprint race on Saturday, there was a large spike in viewers for the Sunday feature race before F1’s grand prix. And, as Amelia so proudly reported to Sava later that afternoon, it was the highest ratings an F2 race had ever gotten.
Headlines that Sunday afternoon were emblazoned with Juri Vips and Sava Dvorakova’s names and cars. The two had battled it out all weekend, a few close calls and both drivers finishing a maximum of two-tenths apart. Juri had won the sprint race on Saturday, where Sava came in P2, while she took P1 in the feature on Sunday, with Juri riding her gearbox for the entire race.
To say Dr Marko was pleased was a gross understatement. He hadn’t smiled, nor been so friendly as he was that weekend, since Max Verstappen won his race in Spain in 2016. It seemed to be an absolute miracle, and Alex Albon who had fared quite poorly through the weekend, was thankful to the new driver for cheering up the man who would have ridden his ass to hell and back.
After Sava’s first P1 finish, and the ensuing podium celebration, she was greeted by a few of the F1 drivers who had made their way over to congratulate the enigma. Esteban and Daniel were the first to stride toward her, enveloping her into a three-way hug where she was basically swallowed whole by the tall men. Daniel pinched her cheeks and pushed her around while they discussed her successful divebombs throughout both races, while Esteban leaned his elbow against her shoulder and listened in to the conversation. Both the men bid their goodbyes and left, allowing the next two drivers to approach her. To her surprise, it was George Russell and Lando Norris. She hadn’t interacted with either of them prior, so there was a small moment of internal fangirling before she greeted the men with a smile so large it completely obscured her eyes.
“Hey, we just wanted to say that you drove amazingly. Lando was yelling at the telly whenever you got cut off or nudged away. Alex was going to come over and say congrats as well, but he got held up with Horner.” George explained, his accent processing very slowly in Sava’s head. So, to her chagrin, she ended up staring at the ground, eyebrows furrowed, eyes bulging while she tried to process the words. Even worse, Lando leaned down to look up at her face, laughing that high-pitched squeal of a laugh that finally broke Sava’s concentration.
“Ah, fuck. I am sorry. Your accent, I have not heard one similar before, so it took a few extra moments to process. Sava.exe stopped working for a moment, but I am back, no need to worry. I must say, I am surprised the two of you are here. I thought you would have been concentrating on your own races for this afternoon, especially you, George. You might not be able to lose positions starting at the back of the grid, but you can definitely gain many.” Sava giggled, attempting to convey to George that she really was kidding and hoped it wasn’t a sore subject to be brooching. Lando squealed again, even going so far as to run away before circling back to the small group. George stood there, stunned.
“You just got owned by the new kid!” Lando yelled, pushing on George’s shoulder before the two waved and walked away, seeing the two men standing behind Sava, waiting their turn to speak.
When she turned around, she wasn’t expecting to see the man of her dreams and her teammate waiting patiently. Sava’s breath caught in her throat for a moment, and was left standing in front of Yuki and Pierre shaking like a leaf.
“Pierre, this is Bunny! He wanted to meet you after watching your races.” Yuki smiled down at his teammate who was still unmoving save for the tremble in her hands.
“It’s nice to meet you, Bunny. It was a really amazing drive today. A lot of those moves require more balls than most of the guys in F1 have.” Pierre smirked, and Sava swore she would have fainted on the spot.
“Holy shit wow, thank you so fucking much. You honestly have zero idea how incredible I think you are. Had I known that my social media would be released to the world, I would have definitely taken down all of my posts singing your praises before I actually met you because now that you’re here it feels fucking creepy. But, I meant everything I said, including the threat about Christian Horner, so if you ask, I will obey.” Sava spoke quickly. She glanced quickly into Pierre’s gorgeous blue eyes, the words tumbling out of her mouth before she had registered them. After she had basically told Pierre, to his face, that she would obey any command he told her, she was whisked away by Amelia toward the media pen, sending Yuki and Pierre a quick wink in the process.
With Pierre caught off guard and staring in the direction Sava had walked off in, Yuki coined the new nickname 'Pierre the Pedo'.
He might have gotten a quick kick to the ass because of that one.
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sugargliderowl · 4 years
Thoughts on Janus’ Playlist...
Some of my first-time-hearing reactions to Janus’ playlist (sorry for the rambling parts):
Black Hole Sun: It’s apparently about depression according to Genius? Like it’s kinda like yearning for the depression to be sucked into the “black hole sun”... The snake references and heaven and hell is definitely Janus. Also, it sounds old-timey like a jazz song, so that sets up the mood of the entire playlist. I don’t really get this... but this feels like a mood setter for the entire thing, unless it means something else. What do you guys think?
It Seemed the Better Way: The strings? CHILLS. Leonard Cohen’s voice reminds me of Hades in Hadestown. “Sounded like the truth, seemed the better way... but it’s not the truth today” is just his motto is what I’m seeing. And then the “I better hold my tongue, I better take my place...” part feels like resignation to me. It’s either Janus is trying to help, but that didn’t work so he resigns to become the “villain” of the light sides. It could allude to the dark sides as a whole: they are all trying to help Thomas in their ways, but because being themselves doesn’t work, they need the villain, spooky facade.
Anywhere: Ooh, I’m seeing a vintage vibe from all of this... Back to the song. “It’s a beautiful / If you’ve been lied to” is a good callback to the whole “society is built on lies” from SvS from Jay Dee. “Let this be a call to arms / At the changing of the avante garde / Nothing in this world... is beautiful.” Is Janus a pessimist? If so, he’s a good juxtaposition to Patton, the optimist. Also, the vocals remind me of like a really old timey radio, semi-haunted... my instincts say that it feels like the singer is like Harrison Bergeron (Kurt Vonnegut; do read it; it’s a good short story) trying to tell the truth about this world that people think is a good place.
Talking at the Same Time: Someone please draw Janus as like a 1920s gentleman character swaggering... wait I can. This song reminds me of “Why don’t you do right” by Jessica Rabbit on “Who Framed Roger Rabbit.” Jazz or blues? Either one. This song is really depressing? I don’t know why, but there is that feel of everything is hopeless. Pessimistic, again. “A tiny boy... made a sword from a stick and a gun from his hand” reminds me of Roman in a way? But then again, the “we bailed out all the millionaires / they’ve got the fruit / We’ve got the rind” doesn’t remind me of Roman.
all the good girls go to hell: “MY LUCIFER IS LOOONELYY”... sorry I love this song. Anyways, the lyrics really speak to Janus just because of the whole duality and Christian metaphors. Also, J is the side who would definitely “want the Devil on her team”. We love the whole duality motif. I just *chef’s kiss x3*.
Denial: OH MY GOSH THE SVS REDUX... J was denial. HE WAS DENIAL. “Just don’t shut your eyes closed / Not until I get it off my chest” is basically the blindfold metaphor that happened throughout SvS, so would this be the message he wants to send to Thomas and Patton... or maybe the entire light sides. “Have you turned a corner? / Do you think of leaving me behind?” Dark side acceptance arc? Also, “I know you’re looking for direction... I know where you wanna go / Oh I do, but do you?” is to Roman and Thomas for the callback because he knew they wanted to go “so bad.”
(click for more analysis and summary!)
Trust in Me: Of course, snek boi, I knew this could be something you’ll put in. But do we trust you? So this is his suave villainy song. This again shows how Bananaconda child operates; he wants Thomas to trust him and be selfish but excessively. That’s why balance is necessary for all of the sides!
Razzle Dazzle: *gasp* MUSICAL SONGS NOW? YASSS. Definition is “noisy, showy, and exciting activity and display designed to attract and impress,” so the whole facade of being fancy to hide the insecurities and “bad” parts. Sounds like someone we know (*cough* ROMAN *cough*). “What if your hinges all are rusting / What if, in fact, you’re just disgusting? / Razzle dazzle ‘em and they’ll never catch wise” is just a jab and a stab at Roman. Or maybe it’s him. He’s also the dramatic one. If so, we have angst arriving.
When the Chips are Down: HADESTOWN OH MY YES! STRINGS! AAAAA! Does Janus give me Fate vibes in a way? Yes, definitely. “Nobody’s righteous / Nobody’s proud / Nobody’s innocent / Now that the chips are down” Holy CRAPP. It’s the perfect response to Patton’s “Nobody’s perfect... except for Thomas, he loves his friends!” in SvS. Now that the “chips are down,” Thomas should take after himself... after all, the Fates were telling Eurydice to look after herself. Sounds like what Janus said to Thomas after the Redux.
Mandy Goes to Med School: Oh. Um. This sounds like the whole jazz/20′s theme. This song’s apparently about abortion? I’m kinda confused, so feel free to add on! But it’s quite the bop, just listening to it. Maybe the whole thought that society makes laws based on a false conception? Help.
I Put A Spell On You: Janus definitely goes to jazz clubs. “I can’t stand it ‘cause you put me down” and “I tell ya I ain’t lyin’” and “Because you’re mine” makes the whole villainesque feel. I don’t know where this was from, but this stands out to me just because it was on the “Friends on the Other Side Mashup”. 
Evil Night Together: Ominous, and then jazzy. Jay Dee’s flirting skills go to the max. This also gives the villain vibe by the lyrics referencing things that Remus would be fond about. Also, “Who’s gonna make you a hero” seems to be directed to Roman like he did in SvS. This is a very seductive song with really dark undertones about crime. Janus, that slimy snek boi is a lawful neutral to evil. 
Dont’ Tell Mama: Cabaret... a classic musical, eh? “Hush up, don’t tell mama / Shush up, don’t tell mama” goes to Janus’ power to silence people. “If you had a secret, you bet I would keep it / I would never tell on you...” Janus is definitely the one about lies and secrets, so that goes to that.
You’re a Cad: “What’s the point pretending that you could be a better man? / Just give in, since you always end up right back where you began” “You’re a rascal and a rogue, a villain and a crook” is the other sides viewing him, and “Still I tug at your line, I’m a fish on your hook” and “I should be better, but I’m worse” is hinting at some Janus angst. I think it’s going to be something about trust
As Far as I Can See: JANUS ANGST TRUCKING IN ON TO YA: “Nobody loves me / As far as I can tell.” Or even “Nobody’s listening as far as I can tell / And when I’m crying out / Nobody cries back for me.” Haha... I’m totally fine (*sobbing*). Also, the “we’re all going down / all down the staircase aboard” either hints at the Redux statement of pushing people off staircases... or maybe Virgil who went down the staircase and left the dark sides. Gosh, I thought this was gonna be a hype song by the beat, but I stand corrected.
Criminal: Oh, so the angst continues. Great. Totally great. This somehow links back to the bloopers of Thomas, as J, saying “I’m not bad; I’m just drawn that way.” This is peak sarcasm in a way, but I don’t really know. “I’ve done wrong and I wanna suffer for my sins / I’ve come to you cause I need guidance to be true / And I just don’t know where I can begin”... is this from Thomas to Janus or the other way? If it’s from Thomas, Janus is kinda mad and is using as much sass as he wants. If it’s from Janus, it’s either he’s lying or he genuinely wants a redemption arc like Virgil did... but in a not so righteous way with “And I need to be redeemed / To the one I’ve sinned against / Because he’s all I ever knew of love.” I don’t really know, but this is such a bop.
Change: “I’ve been thinking it’s just someone else’s job to care / Who am I to sympathize when no one gives a d-” and “” Wow. Janus has his similarities with Logan. He wants to be listened to the sides. I mean, there is a reason why he impersonates the light sides: to be listened without bias. “Change is a powerful thing / I feel it coming in me” foreshadows some good stuff with Janus! YES! Also, “Maybe by the time this song is done / I’ll be able / To be honest” and the rest of the lyrics just hit me like a truck? It hurts the soul in a way. Change is inevitable is the message, so would that mean Janus could have an upgrade? I mean, the change started when SvS Redux happened with him coming out and being accepted by the light sides, so maybe, maybe things will change from there in a good way.
Devil In The Details: “A house of cards / A supple heart / Is not a place to dwell”.... Patton? Oh no. “But know there’s no backing out / This is gonna be reality / You can never dream it out” is going to his reputation and relations with the sides and Thomas? He seemed to have hesitated to say his name and let his reputation down since that would change everything that he has known over the years. Would this mean the dark and light side thing will break in later episodes? Maybe. “I put the past into the ground / I saw the future as a cloud / If there’s still time to turn around / I’m going to” is a big oof. And then... “I am the first one I deceive / If I can make myself believe / The rest is easy” comes in. Is Janus lying to himself? He’s the manifestation of deceit, but is he also doing that to himself? Or it could be to Thomas. But then again...
Come Little Children: Spooky. Nice. This feels like a lullaby. “It must be this way / To weary of life and deceptions / Rest now my children...” and then “The time’s come to play / Here in my garden of shadows” make me think that Janus thinks that this life is quite... painful. I am not too sure about this, tell me what y’all think!
Into The Unknown: Oh it’s not that one. It’s the one from Over The Garden Wall (the animation if I remember it right). I don’t know why, but I saw Come Little Children and connected that to Into the Unknown as words, so that was cool. “Dancing in a swirl / Of golden memories / The loveliest lies / Of all” refers to nostalgia. This song is about nostalgia. Wait. OH WAIT. Patton’s room is all about that... so would that mean nostalgia is also part of Jay Dee too because of the mood around it that is distorted by emotions? That’s something really cool to think about. One more: “If dreams can’t come true / Then why not pretend?” I feel like this points to Virgil in a way because his dream is complete acceptance, but Janus knows V was a dark side, so maybe he’s hinting at Virgil pretending to compensate for the fact that he is a dark side.
Janus’ aesthetic would be a 1920-40 vintage theme with jazz on the background, strings and piano used ominous effect, and being flashy and dramatic. He wants to be listened to the other sides, so he puts up different disguises (like to Pat and Lo), which includes his villain facade he put on for the past maybe 2 or 3 years. He strongly believes that society is built on lies, and like in SvS, he doesn’t want Thomas to be disadvantaged in the said society. He loves the whole duality and juxtapositions (I mean, his name is Janus for a good reason) because he embraces them both. He jabs at several sides for them faking themselves to hide their true feelings, but then again, he might also be lying to himself. He knows that change is inevitable after the whole name reveal, and we know that his acceptance arc is going to come. It could be about trust and facing the reality... just my thoughts. In other words, this playlist gave me a bunch of reasons on why Janus is a great morally gray character.
FEEL FREE TO ADD ON! I LOVE SHARING THOUGHTS! Especially with analysis, more people means more thoughts and new ideas and theories. Thank you! 
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neilbruce · 3 years
Jon put his heels into his horse.
You saw them, the arrogant Ser Jared and his nephew Rhaegar, that smirking worm who wears a dragon’s name. Jon put his heels into his horse. I thought to myself. One o’ your king’s knights did for him, some bastard all in grey steel with moths upon his shield. Was pretty serious stuff that happened to him. Lies on tape in the Bridgegate trial. “We choose light or we choose darkness. In those days behind every bush, nike air max denim for sale behind every tree, someone still seemed to be living, mysterious, unseen by us, fairyland was mingled with reality; and when at times the mists of evening were thick in the deep hollows and caught in grey, winding wisps about the bushes that clung to the stony ribs of our great ravine, Natasha and I, holding bottines cloutees femme each other’s hands, peeped from the edge into the depths below with timid curiosity, papuci de casa din pasla expecting every moment that someone would haibike e mtb 2020 come forth or call us out of the mist at the bottom of the ravine; and that our nurse’s fairy tales would turn out to be solid established truth. The Muskies defense did not play good in the first several innings, committing several costly errors. [Extended to other counties in 1797.—Potter, ch. By the terms of Alabama segregation, because there were no seats remaining in the white section, all four passengers would have to get up so one white man could sit down. But anything to keep the bloody bastards sweet.. A child’s flesh, he thought, remembering Bump.. “A money power of two thousand millions of dollars, held by a small body of able and desperate men; that body raised into a political aristocracy by special constitutional provisions: cotton, the product of slave-labor, forming the basis of our whole foreign commerce, and the commercial class thus subsidized; the press bought up; the Southern pulpit reduced to vassalage; the heart of the common people chilled by a bitter prejudice against the black race; and our leading men bribed by ambition either 215to silence or open hostility.”[27] And now, in this condition of things, the whole weight of these churches goes in support of slavery, from the fact of their containing slave-holders. It'll do 56.5mpg and emit 129g/km of CO2, putting it in tax band D. I think this one produced 700 fps w/ 14.3 grain pellets with 8 pumps. “Savages, and who’s left to tame them?” No one. 50/50 raffle tickets and donations will be accepted during the concert. We won't have them very long," he warns. Journalists discover what sticks and what sinks. Now that he had seen and heard the man himself, that struck him as a very bad idea. It's a little curious that the memory modules don't have heat spreaders on them, though we'd be more concerned if this was a heavily overclocked system.. Stick to what you know and do best. “They mine tin and copper for bronze, forge their own arms and armor instead of stealing it.. They had learned that the word of a slave-holder is not to be trusted, and feared they were going to be sent to Richmond, Virginia, as there had been talk of it. He says, in one place, that in order to do much good it must be begun very early in life, and intimates that people in advanced years can acquire very little from it; and yet he decidedly expresses his opinion that slavery is an institution with which no Christian has cause to interfere.. The follies and failures of Aegon the Unworthy did not concern him, but he was full of doubts and misgivings. Yandry said we ought to throw you back, but the lad forbade it.”. We got a little tour of the house. Clarke: Not with you. He visited all sorts of Josephines and Minnas; though at the same time he loved her dearly. This has to be followed with the prescription medications that may include those for topical application and/or ingestion. It is, therefore, evident that Mrs. Just as this was being composed, the oldest continuous wine festival in the country, World Oceans Day at Monterey Bay Aquarium, an epic Spartan Beast obstacle race at Toro Park, a Sunshine Freestyle Surfabout competition, a rock and roll concert to benefit homeless dogs and the 20th anniversary performance of the incomparable Smuin Ballet were happening on the same day. The greatest tribute to Dr. If I should be bailed out, I should sandisk mp3 mode d emploi return to my trial, unless my security were rich, sandalias doradas gioseppo and did not wish me to return; for I am Richard yet, although I am in the prison of my enemy, and will not flinch from what I believe to be right and honorable. Chaplin. The wrong-way rangers. He was a member of the Order of the Amaranth, a member of the VFW, the American Legion Post at Burr Oak, Kansas. It was fascinating to listen, really listen, to "The Carousel Waltz." You hear the carousel wheeze into motion, then izraeli kézműves ékszerek gradually accelerate until it reaches full swing. BRIAN PETERS LINDSEY KARPLUK Co chairs Provincial AA Basketball Committee In horno teka hc 610 me blanco search of Norkam '73 grads The Norkam Class of 73 is holding a reunion Labour Day weekend 2012 and we are trying to reach all our classmates. And I can assure you that given the hardline attitudes of current Hall of Famers, many of whom comprise a voting bloc on veterans committees, neither Bonds nor Clemens stands any chance of being enshrined after their dolce gabanna adidași bărbații BBWAA eligibility is up.. Prices are subject to change at any time and are expected to sell out. Thanks to the target pace function, I was motivated to speed up at the end of a recent run, rather than dragging myself home as usual.. Limeburners Creek Road and the Bucketts Way are expected to remain closed for some time but the Pacific Highway has reopened.. When the Crow’s Eye took the fleet to sea Tris had simply lagged behind, changing course only when the other ships were lost to sight. The restraints imposed by Microsoft were patently unreasonable. Paul Laxalt, R Nev., is 94. Houtrow said the changes could be due to a number of things. I took comfort with Lancel. And what if you have to chase down your dog or carry a box up a flight of stairs? Even driving your car could pose a problem six inches of bended foam preventing you from hitting the brakes.. Then a door he had not seen before swung open, and an old woman emerged, a shriveled thing in a dark papuci de casa din pasla red tokar fringed with tiny golden skulls. Ach, Natasha, do let’s read over ‘Childhood and Boyhood’ together. But anything the enemy hated was fine by them and if it made a girl look like a Hollywood film star into the bargain, what was there to really dislike?. “I hope Your Grace will pardon me. It a juicy car. This is a perfect opportunity for a great Wisconsin Idea that will once again inspire the world. “Rory, Pate, stay with the horses.” He might have given that duty to the recruits, but they would need to be blooded soon enough. 239 E. Of the following children all were present except John; Nancy Beamer wife of Adam Beamer; Mary Marlatt, wife of Paul Marlatt; Catharine Terryberry, wife of James Terryberry; Margaret Zimmerman, wife of Joseph H.
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
10/05/2020 DAB Transcript
Jeremiah 4:19-6:15, Colossians 1:18-2:7, Psalms 77:1-20, Proverbs 24:23-25
Today is October 5th welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I'm Brian it is a joy and a privilege and an honor to be here with you today as we move into this workweek as we take the next step forward together in the Scriptures, the…the grand adventure that we find ourselves on as we move through this year together. So, we’re reading from the New Living Translation this week. Today Jeremiah chapter 4 verse 19 through 6 verse 15.
Okay. So, Psalm 77 is what we read today when we were moving through the Psalms portion and man there's not a better argument for why we should journal our way through the Bible and maybe even through our lives. And we’ve talked about journaling a number of times as we move through the Scriptures. We see the president kind of set with the monuments and the piles of rocks that would be stacked up. What is being portrayed here is a way of remembering what happened so that what happened isn't forgotten. And we see a deep soul cry in the Psalm today. “I cry out to God. Yes, I shout out.” And let’s think about it. When do we cry out to God? I mean we…we can cry out to God if we are in a sense of worship. Mostly we cry out, like shout out to God because we are done, like because we are overwhelmed, we are cooked crispy, like everything feels like it's falling apart and we are suffering and it's agonizing and so we cry out to God. And this is the psalmist Asaph today, “I cry out to God. I shout O that God would listen to me. When I was in deep trouble I searched for the Lord. All night long I prayed with hands lifted toward heaven, but my soul was not comforted.” Oh…there’s such honesty in that. We should all be able to understand where this is coming from. It's just that Asaph actually gives voice to this. These thoughts, these kinds of things, these are the things we stuff. We just keep them inside. It’s like, “I could never…never say that out loud.” I mean…some…some of us are good at just telling God how we feel but usually this is the kind of sentiment that we…we just go like, “yeah, you’re just being a big baby. Suck it up, move on.” But the psalmist asks some really penetrating questions and likely they are questions we have asked. “Has the Lord rejected me forever? Will He never again be kind to me? Is His unfailing love gone forever? Have His promises permanently failed? Has God forgotten to be gracious? Had He slammed the door on His compassion?” Asaph is giving voice…like I just read this out of the Bible. This is ancient. People have been having these kinds of feelings for thousands of years wrestling through these. Like we might think we wrestle through these things when we try to say them but it's just like a new phenomenon? This is not true. This has always been going on. So, Asaph kind of concludes, “this is my fate. The most-high has turned His hand against me.” Have we never felt that way before? It usually goes away, right? We get some context, we get some perspective, but in the moment that feels so true. So, what does Asaph do? Like, he’s poured his heart out. He's been brutally honest about what he's feeling like. But what does he do? I continue to quote the Psalm. “But then I recall all you have done O Lord. I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago. They are constantly in my thoughts. Can't stop thinking about your mighty works.” Okay, so in the moment where we feel like everything is falling apart, we get pulled into a hurricane basically and we are just being pummeled if we have nothing to remember, like if we can't remember God's faithfulness. And this is what Asaph is essentially teaching us. “Then I recall all you have done. I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago.” And, so, as we move through the Bible, but also through our lives to be able to write down…and it can be a religious like tradition where it’s an every day thing, it can be a once week thing, it can be a once a month thing, whatever, but just to kind of chronicle our own journey in our own hand after some fashion gives us literally the written testament of God's faithfulness in our lives. So, when we find ourselves in those moments where we’re just totally gettin’ leveled, to be able to remember God's faithfulness when we can't see or feel it is a game changer. And we see this borne out in the Scriptures.
Father we thank You for the ability to write. We thank You for the ability to articulate. We thank You for the ability to chronicle Your faithfulness in our lives and we thank You that this has been done in the Scriptures, not only as a model for us, but as something we can look at and say, “okay. Honesty is coming off of these pages and leading me into a true place that can really help me.” And, so, we thank You for that. And Father as we do chronicle our lives as we do write down the things that are going on, may they be exactly that, a place to return to say, “O, I thought I was going to get destroyed in that situation but I'm still here and I remember that fear and I remember being agonized over all that. But I’m reading these pages and remembering but I see that I'm still here. You were faithful. You brought me through.” We thank You for the ability to do that. This is what the Bible does for us over the course of thousands of years. But we have our own story to tell, our own story with You. And, so, come Holy Spirit as we continue…as we continue to write the story of our lives, or maybe as we just begin to start to write down some of the days and some of the happenings and some of the things going on in our lives. Come Holy Spirit, lead us to create a testament of our own, a testimony of Your faithfulness through our lives. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is home base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what's going on around here. So, stay tuned and stay connected.
Check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop where there are resources that are available for this journey including resources for what we just talked about, journaling. We have our own Daily Audio Bible journal that we have developed over the years and it’s perfect for writing in. And we also have writing stuff like the Black Wing pencils that I…I use on a daily basis. As I’ve said over the couple of years that we've had this, there’s something tactile, something real about sharpening a pencil and writing in my own hand my own life. There is something to that to giving it honor and enjoying the process. And, so, there are resources in the Daily Audio Bible Shop exactly for this. So, check those out.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. I thank you, humbly and profoundly for your partnership. If you’re using the app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer the mail, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, which is the red button at the top or you can dial 877-942-4253. And that is it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Good morning Daily Audio Bible. So, I just heard the news Ms. China, Mr. Ben, we have the same last name, Brown that’s awesome! Congratulations to Jill Brian in the whole Hardin household. God bless you. Heavenly Father, thank You that You have given us Your written word, the word that these…this family has been anointed by…by Your hands and the words of…of Your mouth the theirs and to our ears over the years casting the bread upon the water and reaping great harvests. I ask You to bless this new baby and their parents and their grandparents and their children and their children for generations to come. Lord You said that children are an inheritance from You and that blessed is the man whose arrow…they’re like arrows that are shot out into the world and blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. So, I pray that…that just as Brian and Jill have trained their children up in the way that they should go they are training us up and the legacy is and amazing one and it’s just from God because of God because of the abiding presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts that we would seek Him daily and share this together. Lord I remember meeting China when she was 12 at the Wind…the Wind Farm café and Max was out riding his skateboard in the parking lot and Tyler was doing the audio and Christian was there. Just thank You so much for this family. I pray bless them. And thank You that the followed Your commission from Adam and Eve.
Hello family this is Demetri I’m calling from Oregon. Some of you might remember I called regarding my marriage, my wife, and everything that’s been going on with that. My wife did apply for divorce even though I told her I didn’t believe in divorce and I will not go for it. I received the paperwork and the court date is set for…for the beginning of November. I’m staying faithful to God and believing that He’s in control and He’s gonna do what…what is best for both of us. I pray and continue to pray that restoration is what’s gonna happen, but I believe that God can use this situation even if through divorce He can…He can restore us anyway. So, I pray and ask you family to continue praying for my wife, continue praying that that she will seek Him, she will find Him, and she will do the right thing. Thank you, family for…for always being there for me and Brian thank you for this amazing platform. I’ve been with you guys for about five years now and I don’t plan to stop anytime soon. So, if you can pray for my wife, pray for me to not lose hope, not lose faith, to continue relying that God is in control I’d really appreciate it. Thank you everybody for your prayers and for always being there for me.
Oh China and then and baby what wonderful news you had today and I listened to your dad earlier and it made me remember how my husband and I felt when our baby girl finally told us that she was pregnant and it turned out she had a baby girl too. We were just walkin’ on air and when I knew I was pregnant back then we didn’t know the sex but that first Christmas, and I want to warn you, brace yourself, every time we would sing Christmas carols I would just have tears streaming down my face because I was so happy and so humbled that I was going to the same thing that Mary went through to have Jesus. And, so, oh, you know that so many prayers are with you and with this baby and take care of yourself. We love you. We love Ben we love the baby. God bless you. Bye.
Hi family this is his little Cherry in Canada and I want to pray for Kim in Texas, her husband, and their family. Daddy, it’s wrong what’s happening. I can only imagine Your fury over the suffering that’s happening, and the injustice and I pray God that You would do battle on behalf of what’s right and what’s true. You love everyone involved. But I pray for Kim and her husband and their children. I pray that You would rebuke the devourer, that You would silence his lies, that You would expose him as if he’s suddenly naked in front of everyone, that he would be dismayed, turned back, that he would run screaming into the night, into the darkness that he himself has created. May he fall into his own traps and be foiled. And Lord Jesus I just pray that You would vindicate those who are in the right, that You would put a stop and an end to all the plans and purposes of darkness for Kim and her husband and her children and that they would be delivered in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Heavenly Father we just thank You and praise You because You are worthy You are worthy of our highest praise You’re worthy of our best You’re the one who supplies our joy Lord and so we thank You. We thank You for this awesome news that China and her husband Ben are gonna have a baby. Thank You for that. We needed that. We so much needed that. And how appropriate Lord with the Psalm that You picked that we saw the wicked succeeding in the world and everything going to pieces Lord, but You cause us to remember Your faithfulness Lord and You’ve done it through this __ through this beautiful thing that we get to share together as a family Lord. You are good. You’ve always been good even in the beginning of this year You were good. Throughout the year You are good. And thank You Lord for returning our attention to that goodness Lord. So we praise You and we ask that You extend Your healing hands over this child, that You protect the baby, keep the baby safe, watch over the mother, the Father, the grandparents, aunts and uncles Lord. Heavy blessings upon them Lord so they can bring this child to term healthy and strong that we again as a community can continue to give You the praise honor and glory that You deserve Lord. You are a faithful God, You’re a loving God and You’re a true God and we thank You we thank You we thank You. And all praise honor and glory belong to You. This is Byron out in Florida. Brian, China, Jill, Ben, everybody. Congratulations. So excited for you all. God is so very good. Amen.
Hey Daily Audio Bible does Paul from Houston and I wanted to call to pray for James the Mighty Warrior from...called in on the September 29th asking for prayer. He’s been…you said you that you’ve been separated two years and I’m not sure that you…that your wife was trying to move on and just wanted to pray for you with all the people and totally understand what you’re going through and just want to pray for peace Lord. I ask Lord that You would be with James marriage Lord, that You would bless him. God, I ask Lord that You would open the eyes of…of him of his wife. Lord I thank You for being with them. Lord I ask Lord that You would just see the different things that…that…that Your Holy Spirit would just guide their steps Lord, that You would be in the middle of…of what’s happening Lord and I ask Father that Your presence would be made known and I thank You Lord that as James seeks You Lord I thank You Lord that You would just bless him and be with him just give him wisdom help him to see things clearly. Help him to have the eyes to see and the ears to hear and help us all to have the eyes to see and ears to hear to know what direction to take and what steps to go and which way to go right or to go left or to go straight or to backup. There’s…there’s all these things God that we just need we need Your help and we’re just praying for my brother that You would be with him and just bless him and keep him and put Your angels around him. Lord I thank You Lord for just giving him peace in the middle of the storm no matter what’s happening. God, I ask Lord that You would just direct his steps in Jesus’ name. Love you guys. It’s Paul from Houston. Take care.
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ilovejevsjeans · 6 years
Ricciardo's 'ballsy' move: 'My instinct was telling me it was right'
The plane stopped climbing, the seatbelt sign extinguished, and Daniel Ricciardo exhaled for what felt like the first time in months. The Australian formula one ace was on his way from London to Los Angeles to meet some mates for a mid-season break, and was finally on his own time. No commitments, no fans, no media, no hangers-on. It was the headspace he'd been craving.
Out of contract at the end of 2018 and set to become an F1 free agent for the first time, Ricciardo had been determined to explore every option, even as the speculation over his future intensified by each passing month, and against the backdrop of teammate Max Verstappen committing to Red Bull Racing on a big-money deal until the end of 2020 last October. But the clock was ticking, and the 10 hours crossing the Atlantic gave him pause for thought. It was time to shake things up.
Earlier this month, Ricciardo dropped the bombshell that he'd be leaving Red Bull, home to all seven of his F1 wins since joining the team as the successor to compatriot Mark Webber in 2014, to join Renault, the French manufacturer ramping up its involvement in the sport as constructor in its own right in addition to being a supplier of engines to multiple teams, including Red Bull. It was a move few, certainly not Ricciardo's current employers, saw coming.
Leaving a race-winning team to move to a midfield outfit with aspirations of reprising its most recent glory days of 2005-06 with Fernando Alonso is, Ricciardo admits, "ballsy". But the 29-year-old feels it's a move that's necessary, both personally and professionally.
"I think a lot of people expected me to take the soft option and stay because they see me as a soft guy," Ricciardo told Fairfax Media in an exclusive interview.
"I'm maybe perceived as someone who is a friendly guy who wouldn't push back and make a big decision. It's good for everyone to see that I have the balls to make a call like this."
For most of 2018, much of the speculation over Ricciardo's future focused on Mercedes and Ferrari if he was to leave the only F1 family he's ever known. His five seasons at Red Bull Racing follow a two-year apprenticeship at its sister team, Toro Rosso. Mercedes has been the sport's dominant team since F1 switched to V6 turbo hybrid engines in 2014, while Ferrari, with Sebastian Vettel leading its charge, seemed the squad most likely to knock Mercedes from its perch. But doors that could have flapped open never quite came ajar.
As Ferrari dithered over whether to retain Vettel's 38-year-old teammate Kimi Raikkonen or promote promising young Monegasque driver Charles Leclerc, Mercedes elected to re-sign Valtteri Bottas to play support act to world champion Lewis Hamilton for a third season in 2019.
With a bottleneck at the top two teams, most expected Ricciardo to stay with Red Bull, where he's demonstrated an ability to win multiple races in machinery that, in his tenure, has never been capable of a championship push. But a surprise player came onto the scene in the immediate aftermath of Ricciardo's second win this season, around the streets of Monaco.
"Renault first expressed some interest around then, with Cyril [Abiteboul, Renault F1 managing director] contacting Glenn [Beavis, Ricciardo's manager]," he says.
"There were several options. I spoke to Renault, I had a couple of meetings with McLaren, and I got to speak with [Red Bull company founder] Dietrich [Mateschitz] in Barcelona and again in Austria.
"Initially, I had it in my mind that I'd be staying [at Red Bull]. But the more I thought about starting something different and taking on a new challenge, I got excited. I met with Renault and got a sense for their long-term plan. Obviously I want to win tomorrow, but the strength of Ferrari and Mercedes at the moment means it's very hard for anyone to take them on in the short-term."
Ricciardo says Renault didn't promise him the earth – in fact, the French team did quite the opposite.
"The thing that struck me about Renault was that they were prepared to be honest," he says.
"Straight away, they said 'we're not going to be quicker than Red Bull next year', but what they told me about their plans for 2020 and for when the next rule changes come in for '21 … they had some good structure in place, they're recruiting a lot of good key people, and they're preparing to win. They have a winning mentality and a realistic way of going about it, which I liked."
As Renault's approach became more serious, Ricciardo still had a two-year deal from Red Bull on the table, but something about the thought of standing pat didn’t feel quite right.
"There's been times this year that I've felt exhausted, maybe a bit jaded, and for the first time in my career, not completely enjoying F1," Ricciardo admits.
"There's been times when I've thought 'this is why [2016 world champion Nico] Rosberg retired', and he had it a lot more intense than me. Or why Casey Stoner retired from MotoGP very young. I can see how you could feel burnt out or a bit over it.
"I pushed for a one-year deal, which Red Bull agreed to, but still in the back of my mind, I wasn't sure. What if I was in the same position, had the same feeling a year from now? Would there still be other options available? I didn't want to snooker myself."
Renault set a deadline for Ricciardo to accept its two-year deal over the Hungarian Grand Prix weekend in late July, but he needed more time to ponder his options.
"Renault wanted an answer in Budapest, and the Red Bull offer was still there," he says.
"There was too much going on, so I managed to buy a few more days. But I had to make a call."
Three days after that race weekend, Ricciardo was in London, bound for LA, and with a decision to make. He'd been on the phone to his manager right up until his flight boarded.
"For the first time in I can't remember how long, I had 10 hours to myself, didn't need to be at a race weekend, didn’t need to be at an event, and I was on my own time," Ricciardo says.
"There was something about being alone on that flight that gave me the clarity I needed. The one thing I kept coming back to was being energised again, wanting a new challenge, and that the chance to change excited me. So as we got phone signal as I was coming into LA, I called Glenn and told him it was Renault."
Ricciardo met his three friends in LA, and as the quartet headed to Las Vegas for the weekend, spent most of the four-hour drive on the phone.
"The others all went out when we got to Vegas, but I stayed in the hotel because of how exhausted I was," he says.
"The next morning, I called [Red Bull motorsport adviser] Helmut [Marko] and then [team principal] Christian [Horner]. Helmut said he wasn't too surprised, that he expected it in a way. He said he had a feeling that I wanted to move on. Christian, at first anyway, thought I was taking the piss.
"After I'd made those calls, I felt like a big weight had come off my shoulders straight away. They weren't easy calls to make. But my instinct was telling me it was right. My gut feel was telling me it was right. I was waiting to have that feeling the whole way through the process as it went for months, and I got it for the first time on that flight to LA. When I finished that last phone call and it was done, I knew. I turned my phone off and left it in the hotel safe for three days …"
Ricciardo says the decision to leave is "one of the toughest" he's made in life, not just his racing career.
"It's been a 10-year journey with Red Bull. I was in their junior program in 2008, so amazing memories and things I'll always be grateful for, and things I'll never forget," he says.
"I'm sad to move on, absolutely, but excited by the challenge at Renault. Personally I felt it was good for me to have a fresh start somewhere else, I think it will be healthy.
"I've been pretty stressed all year, and now life feels pretty stress-free." (X)
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fabianbutler · 3 years
MR. Unfortunately the skies sometimes open up and rain does its best to stop play.
MR. Unfortunately the skies sometimes open up and rain does its best to stop play. “He wasn’t taken in, though he was scared; so scared that he’s in a funk even now. Kieran Corrigan and John Boorman have worked together on several projects in the past nike jean jacket including 'The General' and 'The Tiger's Tail' and Corrigan says he has been involved with 'Broken Dream' since its inception during the 70's. Otherwise it will be a bad look-out for her, very. None of that this time. Those followers of the Black Dragon who survived the battle yet refused to bend the knee fled zimski delavski kombinezon across the narrow sea, among them Daemon’s younger sons, Bittersteel, and hundreds of landless lords and knights who soon found themselves forced to sell their swords to eat. Son moral aura t mis rude preuve, mais Philippe Boucher lui avait confirm sa place pour la prochaine campagne.. I'm not a truck guy. Power Windows. 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So different is it from any previous Micra llantas 4x4 online that we had half expected Nissan to change the name, but it seems brand recognition won out. “Daenerys was half a child when she came to me, yet fairer even than my second wife, so lovely I was tempted to claim her for myself. I think Freddie said they (Canada team) work out one day, play two exhibition games and then it starts. These necessary laws, as they are called, are all put down to the account of the friends of freedom—to their interference. If you should undertake to answer such a man by saying that his argument proves too much,—that neither Christ adidas mariposas nor his apostles bore any explicit testimony against the gladiatorial shows and the sports of the arena, and, therefore, it would be right to get them up in America,—the probability seems to be that he would heartily assent to it, and think, on the whole, that it might be a good speculation. After that, the N5 night bus runs on Wed Sat nights only. He hasn't got the explosiveness of a Stokes in his batting but he seems more likely to make runs consistently imo. They are using me to cloak their deception, putting mine own face on their lie. The magicians in scriptural history were Africans; and the so-called magical arts are still practised in Egypt, and other parts of Africa, with a degree of skill and success which can only be pantofi sport tip soseta dama accounted for by supposing peculiarities of nervous constitution quite different from those of the whites. 31 should begin. A file of men marched past in irons, clanking with every step; they carried spears and wore short swords, but chains linked them wrist to wrist and ankle to ankle. 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Concurrent with the Perseids meteor shower and Calici di Stelle, an Italy wide wine event that marks the occasion, piazza San Lorenzo hosts a dance and dinner party after a morning parade.
0 notes
love-max1982-us · 3 years
However with an increasingly diversified global Rogue portfolio
Something flew out of the crowd. However with an increasingly diversified global Rogue portfolio, we're more resilient and not as a reliant on our domestic network and we have the ability to Mens ADIDAS ORIGINALS shift capacity as appropriate to better performing markets.. It fitted in exactly with all I had heard myself from Alyosha. V. Nelson was one of 69 competitors in 2012's Cannonball from New York to San Francisco on pre 1937 motorcycles. It was too big for her and had a musty smell, but it made her feel as if her sun-and-stars was still near her.. Nobody likes the hassles involved with moving, much less finding rental housing that accepts pets. Made it! Time of 5:29:55. All noise performance testing on the CS100 aircraft has been completed and data confirms it is the quietest in production commercial jet in its class. And while Melisandre had the knowledge to make more powders, she lacked many rare ingredients. Christ begins his reforms in the heart. She kept questioning me and trying to discover what I was doing, and when I refused to tell my secret even to her, she made me swear that I would not ruin myself by being an idler and a loafer. This had become an uncommonly troubling issue, one that cuts to the core of our common claims to the most fundamental kinds of personal security under the rule of law. She bagged her Salomon sponsorship in 2016 and was declared National Geographic's Adventurer of the Year in January. Shall not men be cast down even at the sight of him? None is so fierce that dare stir him up. Founded in 2008, The Calvin Johnson Jr. Beyond Fitness gym, 7224 Skyway, Paradise. Isn’t she awake yet? I’ll go in to her. “Let it be written that henceforth only guild members shall be permitted to name themselves journeymen or masters … provided the guilds open their rolls to any freedman who can demonstrate the requisite skills.”. They all competed in the 66th annual Golden Meadow Fourchon Tarpon Rodeo. Leiner called 911 and stayed at the scene after the collision. 28 to March 5. A whole lot bigger and amazingly better for a whole lot less. Our dna can be traced all the way back to that one original organism. With glad hearts and true, we give them to your cleansing fires, that the darkness in their souls might be burned away. Might be she had a tail too, I never looked to see.”. This weekend's Gathering of Eagles air show at Lost Nation Airport in Willoughby will give attendees a chance to admire not only some of the county's oldest aircraft, but also some of the brave pilots who flew them. I want to be treated like im fucking something really important. "I didn't know! I thought [it was] just training, and then [I realized], 'Oh my god, this is a race!' And then I felt like I [could] do it," she says. Les films Juste la fin du monde de Xavier Dolan et Embrasse moi comme tu m'aimes d'Andr Forcier, prsents avant leur sortie en salle, ont aussi connu des succs de foule mrits.. Not listed is the chip's max TDP, which happens to be 130W the same as previous Core i7s and the Core i7 980X Extreme as well.. We became close friends that very evening. Once he had gorged himself he grew drowsy. What adds to their numerous consumers is the fact that their products are space efficient and portable. Set your alarm early for the grand finale: a sunrise concert catalog cercei aur turcia by pianist Remo Anzovino (July 23, 4.45am; free with required booking). He loved being out with his friends. But it just one tenth the size of United Continental, the world largest airline company. Folk Music from around the world will be performed on drums and xylophones using the Orff approach; no experience necessary. RANAWAY, or stolen, from chanel ágynemű the subscriber, living near Aberdeen, Miss., a light mulatto woman, of small size, and about 23 years old. We shall rise to the surface, and our motto at the moment should be ‘pire ca va, mieux ca est!’ Prince Valkovsky smiled to him with revolting sympathy. But, with its added muscle legjobb kutyaruha esőkabát for 2013, the six has become a more viable option, for more buyers. Hands on, interactive courses offer the chance to investigate your favorite subjects or learn something new.. Noon in the United Arab Emirates is four in the Mens JORDAN Hoodie afternoon in the Philippines, which means that Teresa Cruz two older children are supposed to be home from school and back inside the apartment of their aunt, who is raising them. It could be a free ebook, or even a free tip sheet on how to do something related to your business. one of Sleepypods co owners and product designers. Besides, you really have a great advantage over most white people, who have not only the care of their daily labor upon their hands, but the care of looking forward and providing necessaries for to-morrow and next day, and of clothing and bringing up their children, and of getting food and raiment for as many of you as belong to their families, which often puts them to great difficulties, and distracts their minds so as to break their rest, and take off their thoughts from the affairs of another world. In fact I just talked to her this afternoon on the telephone. Weld’s book, “Slavery as It Is,” under the head of Labor, p. That all said sometimes there have to be differences allowed for in different versions on shows. Probably she had never listened from the pulpit to a sermon which should adidas stan smith j white sandisk mp3 mode d emploi tactile blue exhibit the great truth, that “in Christ Jesus there is neither Jew nor Greek, barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free.”. They know how inconsistent the curriculum is from teacher to teacher. He was fully convinced, however, up to the very last minute, that he was only leaving her for six weeks and that their wedding would take place on his return. Just wanted to let all of you know! That all of your words of encouragement today meant the world to me. He is a graduate of Oklahoma State University and has a master's degree in international relations from George Washington University. When Edd caught sight of the ragged band of wildlings, he pursed his lips and gave the giant a long look. The subject was indefinitely postponed. Success in music these days is a bifurcated proposition; you either have one of a rare number of big hits, or your products barely scrape by (it's that way in the movie business, too). A post race party and trophy presentation will be held afterward inside the fort. That much was true, Selmy knew. In the event you have additional questions that are not covered by others, please feel free to requeue and we will do our best to come back to you. Do you realize what an insult it was? In her horror and, above all, her pride, she drew back from him with infinite contempt. It is the quad core gpu that izraeli kézműves ékszerek is working 4 times harder than the dual core gpu it replaced. My opinion of NFL players is that the vast majority of them are regular guys. While the company relies mostly on e commerce, consumer packaged goods and entertainment, it starting to prove its value to vehicle manufacturers.. "People might think it's a joke store or a children's toy store. If one really might call her a child she belonged to that class of thinking children who are fairly numerous in our Russian families. Will Ackerman, Grammy award winner and founder of Windham Hill Records, puts Lanier "among the finest pianists and composers on oneil mellény the contemporary scene; playing music filled with soaring inspiration papuci de casa din pasla and remarkable peace." Admission is $15 for adults and $10 for students. With so many gooey cheeses on board, there's barely room for the noodles themselves, which results in a "super creamy, dreamy" mac and cheese that Guy dove into on Diners, Drive Ins and Dives. Neither team scored again until late in the third. "It's not an exaggeration to say the world stands at a crossroads on air max 90 ultra se climate change. The calcaneus and malleoli should also be observed for normality of shape and position.Weight Bearing Position, Medial View The longitudinal arches of the foot are the primary concern in this view. It is an oak aged Belgian pale ale, brewed with apricots. Golden Shoes separates itself by wrapping Christian's soccer story around his missing father and the deceitful neighbor (played by Eric Roberts) who takes him in after his mother's accident.. Yes those are GPUs but I am sure that AMD has had 45nm CPU models in their lab for quite some time now. Dottie Pope, a retired pharmacist and stay at home mom, represents the bulk of our readership Brentwood moms and she keeps them foremost in our minds.. Its neighbors are not supine, and they show on occasion, when needed, that they are able to coalesce against Chinese actions that they judge as going too far. He had been reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and spoke of it as a novel, which, like other romances, was well calculated to excite the sympathies, by the recital of heart-touching incidents which never had an existence, except in the imagination of the writer.”. He has cursed his daughter, and he came yesterday to ask you to take his daughter’s place. There were numbers of tenants in the building, almost all artisans or German women who let lodgings with board and attendance. We await results of judicial proceedings before commenting on the matter. Much of the evening, it was men among boys and in a lot of ways they imposed their will on us. In nearly all cases, the goods made in those regions came back to the United States as imports.. In another twist, Vroman sang a fascinating two in one number melding the Jewel Song aria from Gounod's "Faust" with "I biciclete rusesti vechi Feel Pretty," batteria ai polimeri di litio amazon from "West Side Story." She is gorgeously, operatically trained and perfectly professional. Now, the reader will perhaps be surprised to know that such an incident as the sale of Cassy apart from Eliza, upon which the whole interest of the foregoing narrative hinges, never could have taken place in Louisiana, and that the bill of sale for Eliza would not have been worth the paper it was written on.—Observe. I offered a reward of fifty dollars, and have him here safe in jail. Bryan Cranston, the "Breaking Bad" star who denied Hamm the award three times before, was nominated again for his role as a teacher embroiled in drug puma red bull racing evo cat ii trafficking. Such are the immutable laws of fekete táska női the moral world. Angus 'Steele' Redway wears clothes from Jay Jays. Navy recorded two second team all league performances on day three. While there is no set recommendation, many health professionals suggest consuming a minimum of eight izraeli kézműves ékszerek 8 ounce glasses of fluid per day. The girl obeyed, wordless. Autumn in King’s Landing, he brooded. The jump from one air jordan aj4 win in 2010 to a 5 5 mark last year in Joseph's first season running the program was substantial (though it ended at No. Irving, Esq. Almost a decade had passed since the Laughing Lion headed out from Lannisport, and Gerion had never returned. He can raise you above all temporary and worldly considerations. “Those are the same clothes you wore for the wedding.”. Well, good-bye. But I won’t give you back your promise. ALL DAY LONG. May 2 at the Mahoning Valley Hope Center, 3217 Surrey Road SE., Warren. Summer's out with a BANG! Flash floods and fierce. There were a lot of moving parts.. Walking Sarah to the car, Chuck admits he wishes he could access her file with izraeli kézműves ékszerek his mind so he could know everything about her. When you buy memory in bulk, it costs you lesser per gigabyte, than buying an entirely new drive later. While his highest profile roles were as counsel for the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) and other clients, he first gained notice as a plaintiff. Dhoni is not getting young but you cannot blame him for going slow as we were loosing wickets on a regular basis. Air Force G Tre' Coggins, 6 2, So. Ty Outlaw continued his hot spell on Saturday, scoring 16 points and finishing a perfect 5 5 from beyond the arc. She had to be oneil mellény certain. If not tonight, upon the morrow. His tall figure, his bent papuci de casa din pasla back, his death-like face with the stamp of eighty years upon it, his old great-coat torn at the seams, the battered round hat, at least twenty years old, which covered his head — bald but for one lock of hair not grey but yellowish-white — all his movements, which seemed performed, as it were, aimlessly, as though worked by springs — no one who met him for the first time could help being struck by all this. These kids knew it wasn't over. Wilson was quick to imagine it more than a decade ago. Drifts of golden hair fell to the floor. If not, he'll stop after seven or eight. From a couple of lockers away, Jerry Hairston Jr.
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