#when someone asked her if she couldnt just change him to being a meat-eat she replied
slasher-lovers-blog · 4 years
The day of fate, part 2
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But it wasn't a normal man, he had a face for a mask! You screamed and tried to escape but he caught you in his arms, he wasn't trying to hurt you, he just held you.  You felt safe but then he dragged you to the dinner room.
You were tossed into a chair gently and got tied up, he tilted his head and fiddled with his hands. He looked nervous and then the crazy man walked in. "Hehe, is she ready bubba?" He asked. Oh, this friendly man is Bubba. Bubba nodded and sat down on the other side of the table. "Dinner is almost ready! So be patient" the man walked out again.
A hour later you found out their names, the old grumpy guy is Drayton, and the other Chop-Top. You looked around and sighed in despair. Then the door opened and a other guy walked in, he looked young and tall, with long brown hair and a red spot on his face.
"Nubbins! You are late, go sit down!" Drayton yelled and slammed his fork against the table. Chop-Top laughed and started to shake his chair. Nubbins walked towards you and chuckled, he grabbed your hair and pulled. You yelped out and kicked around. "SIT DOWN!" Drayton stood up and pushed Nubbins away from you.
After they sat all down and the food was ready, it was dinner time. They all were eating except you. Drayton glanced at you and frowned. "Why aren't ya eating?" He asked while swallowing some meat. "I-I can't eat...i am tied up" you looked at him. He groaned and looked at bubba. "Bubba, go feed our....umm...guest" bubba stood up and grabbed a bowl with meat and a spoon, he sat next you and he stared at you. He licked his lips and started to feed you, it went slow, the meat tasted good but you knew it wasn't cow meat...it was human meat. You stared into bubba's eyes and he stared back. His hand was shaking and he incidently spilled the meat on your shirt. You yelled of surprise, Bubba tried to clean it by using a napkin. You could hear Drayton mumble somethin and started eating again. His hand was on your chest and you could feel your heart going faster, you felt getting hotter. What is wrong with you?! He's a killer, a cannibal and you getting turned on somehow by him?! You blushed madly and bubba stopped, he pulled away and put the bowl infront of you, he stood up and walked out. Drayton stood up and took his place.  "If he won't do it, I will".
Drayton wasn't calm or patient, he hurried you to eat faster, almost choking you on the meat. You coughed and almost spit it out, he covered your mouth. "Don't ya dare waste this good meat! Swallow!" He snarled and squeezed your cheeks. You swallowed fast with tears in your eyes. He had a idea and smirked. You looked at him and he put the bowl down. "I'll tell ya what, you do what i say and you stay alive. But if ya try to escape, you are dead, understood?". You frowned and nodded. Atleast you were still alive.
Days passed and you did chores for them, doing the dishes, cleaning the house but they still treated you badly. Drayton was strict and didn't even know why he kept you, maybe because he needed a break. Chop-Top and Nubbins didn't leave you alone, they annoyed you and sometimes stole your stuff. Bubba was the sweetest of them all, he brought you new clothes, even though they were from their victims, he sometimes helped you behind his brother's back. He mostly got send away, drayton didn't want him to be sweet towards you. But Bubba kept visiting you when you were in your room when his brothers left.
You felt happy when he came, you could talk to him, even if he never answered but just made sounds. It was kinda cute, you thought. He was making happy noises untill we heard knocking. "Drayton?! Are ya home?" A voice called, it wasn't Chop-Top or nubbins. Bubba stood up and left. The person kept calling. "Hello?!". You peeked through the window and saw a sherrif by the door. What was a sherrif doing here?! Wait a minute...maybe he can save you!
You started to yell for help, he looked up at the window an just smirked. "Well well well, drayton caught a rabbit" he said and looked around. A truck drove to the house and stopped. Drayton stepped out and looked at him. "What are ya doing here?" He grabbed a bag and walked to him. The sherrif crossed his arms. "Forgot our deal? If we get caught, we could live with you to hide," he spat on the ground and looked at the window you were at. "It looks like ya catched one". Drayton groaned and walked inside, the man following. "I don't even know why, so shut up Hoyt" he dropped the truck keys on the counter. The sherrif laughed and patted his shoulder. "It's alright, how are your brothers?" He sat down and looked around. "Good i guess, even tho Bubba tries to help her" he snarled and sat in his seat. Hoyt frowned and rubbed his chin. "Y'know, if she is distracting him, kill her! She's no use to us" he mumbled and looked up at th ceiling. "I can shoot her and bubba won't stop me". Drayton leaned on his hand and started to think, hoyt was right, she's no use. But then, he might lose control of bubba. Well he will eventual forgot about her, but he don't wanna take this change. "Sorry but I'll keep her for awhile," hoyt looked disappointed. "But if she's bringing me trouble, i'll let you kill her". He smiled wide by the answer and nodded. "Good thinking drayton!".
You sat down by the dinner table and saw the sherrif sitting next Drayton. Bubba an the others were on their own spot. You looked down at your hands, your wrists started to hurt from the rope and you fiddled with your fingers. "So what's your name sweetie?" Hoyt asked with a nasty smirk. You shivered and looked at him. "Y/n, and do not call me that" you said with a disgusted tone. You heard him chuckle. "The others will come tomorrow , monty is having trouble with moving around" he continued his talking. Drayton scratched his chin and nodded. You looked at Bubba and caught him staring, he turned away with a blush.
You giggled and looked down, trying to hide the blush on your face. Nubbins started to annoy you again by poking you, while trying to stop him, bubba grabbed his brother's wrist. "What the hell bubba?! Let me do what i want!" Nubbins said and pulled away. Drayton stood up and snarled at Bubba to go to his room. Bubba mumbled an left the room quickly. Nubbins laughed together with Chop-Top before being send away. "Those idiots don't do anything usefull!" With a slam of his fist he stood up. "Hoyt, can you take her to her room?". You felt scared and cold, not knowing what this sheriff is capeable of doing, the man grabbed you roughly by your arm and pulled you to your room. "Ya lucky that we don't need ya yet" he mumbled and pushed you into your room before locking the door and walked away.
After hours of being locked in your room, the door went open and Bubba came in with a plate of food. You thanked him for the food and started eating, he fiddled with his fingers while watching you. "It is very good!" You swallowed the last piece of meat. He smile under his mask and took the plate, while reaching for it he touche your hands and he blushed. You looked at him and blushed, you gave him the plate fast. "Thank you Bubba" you said while cleaning your mouth with a napkin. He giggled and stood up. He really was adorable. You talked for almost a hou untill Hoyt walked in. "Damn Bubba! Get out!" He hit his head, scaring him out and looked at you. "You damn bitch".
He snatched your arm and pulled you to the bathroom, he locked the door behind you and waited outside. "Hurry up!" You looked around and started to brush your teeth and heart. After you finished you knocked on the door, letting him know you were done, but no one answered. He had left without letting you know, why would he even let you know. You started to panick, what if they wanted to let you starve to death. A scared feeling went through you and you started to bang against the door.
Someone walked in and unlocked it, swinging the door open. Hoyt was now right in your face, looking all pissed. "Calm down! If ya break the door i swear to god you gonna pay!" He pulled you out, you yelped and tripped, almost falling on the ground.
"You damn pig!" He kicked you out the room, and had brought you to the dinner room.
Days passed, locked up or in the dinner room, you didn't see Bubba much anymore. You heard screaming a few times, but it stopped. Drayton brought you food and hoyt had brought his family. It was chaos downstairs. You could hear a female voice, a other man that was complainin of not walking. You wonder what he is talking about. You sat on your bed that slowly turned dirty. The sun came from behind some clouds and shines through the window. A knock on the door alerted you, a woman walked inside with fresh clothes and some food. She put the clothes down on my bed and and handed you the food. You said thank you and started to eat. The woman looked at you. "So what's your name?" She asked with a sweet tone. "Y/n" swallowing a piece of bread and drinking, you looked at her, asking her the same question. "Oh my name's Luda Mae". Before you could ask anything else, she left.
It felt better when you had some new clothes on and walked around your room. It started to get boring, but why aren't you trying to escape? A voice is telling you not to try, while a other one is screaming "RUN!", you started to think that you were going insane. Maybe you were, but you weren't the one killing people, you chuckled at the thought and shoke your head.
The door went open and bubba peeked inside. "Bubba" you walked to him and smiled. He signed to be quiet and he walked out, you followed him. He lead you to his room and locked it. "Why?" You asked, tilting head. Bubba looked away being shy, he just sat on his bed. You turned a bit red and sat next him. You two sat there for almost a hour untill he hugged you. You were suprised and hugged slowly back. He nuzzled your neck and mumbled. You couldnt understand what he said but this was fine.
You hugged a bit longer untill you could hear Hoyt yelling for him. Bubba stood up and smiled at you before disappearing again. You giggled and layed down. This was actually fine, atleast you didn't get hurt or eaten. Outside it was raining and cold, for texas this was a suprise, you knew it mostly doesn't rain. Downstairs you could hear the table being prepared for dinner, hoyt and drayton laughing and the others were doing their thing.
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penvenomstarkstar · 6 years
Down on the Docks (Part one)
(Written with @maggie-thornecliff
The ship had come in about 6 hours or so ago. Penny had more or less locked herself up in the office area sending out messages and dispatches dealing with the crew and who could get shore  leave and who had to stay put
Maggie let herself in. She was dressed somewhere between plain and elegant, the sort of thing that would fit in in any town in gilneas.. or kul'tiras, for that matter. Her scars were hidden with makeup.. she was beautiful, but somehow still unremarkable. She could have been any pretty face in the crowd to those who didn't know her well. She smiled crookedly. "Isn't that the cap'ns duty, dove?"
Penny looked up it took her a moment to work out that her mate had make up on it had been such a long time since she had seen her with it"y..you look like....your would be ready for market day back home...and yes but shes done so much I thought...I wold do this"
She laughed softly, then nodded. "Kindly of you. But wo's the point've makin' port in strange new lands, if'n you ne'er step off the boat yourself?"
"Have you...been then off the boat?" "Wouldn'a dream've it, dove.""What goods an adventure if'n I can't share it?"
She smiled a bit "I...I don't know I have this work and I.....worry about going out onto the dock" "Oh merciful light, let me save m'love from the chains of 'er desk." She sort of seemed like she was praying, but maybe she was kidding around. She certainly smiled as she looked to penny. "There's street meats." She played like she couldnt be swayed "on...sticks?" She grinned, she knew she had her. "on sticks. And candied tea leaves, and peppermint corn, and mage ice cream.. chowder in bread bowls with biscuit spoons..""and that's just what I could smell and see from the railing.""I think I smelled shrimp, too." She was leaning on the desk a bit "F..fish on a bun or eel do you think they would have that also?" She so had her... "I'd be fair dissapointed in a harbor town that didn'a."She nodded. Something made her pull back a touch"Y..you...back home our real home...how much time....the docks how much time did you spend there?" She thought about it a bit. "Some. Why? Wo's th'ma' 'er, dove?" "How...it looks like....well its bigger but it looks so much like....home" She nodded a bit. "That spook you some?" She nods looking at her.That please i am trying to tell you look but cant get words out  Maggie came up to the desk, resting a hand on penny's shoulder. "Got t'be worth a look t'leas', aye? If only to eat some food that we both grew up no' havin' the coin for.""Hear your boots on the dock, smell the air." She smiled at that, wiping the ink off the side of her hand she stood Maggie held out an arm, offering her elbow with a smile. She took it sort of had this look of resolve on her face. Smoothing back some hairs she let out a breath "r...right......" "You sure everythin' is alright?" She lead her up onto the deck. "No...I don't but....worth a look..." she smiles a bit then presses her lips tight Maggie couldn't puzzle out what the worry was, but she sure looked the part where penny was coming out with her.She nodded a bit, and paused at the edge of the gang plank. "We don't have to, love." "I...I am Gilnean enough...right?" Maggie looked poleaxed by that, almost reeling. "Wo'? Course you are, dove." She nods a little "S....stay close?" "Course. No where I'd rather be, aye?" She nods and clutches at maggie a touch "W...well umm take me f...for shore leave " Maggie took her down the gangplank, smiling for all the world like a woman who'd won something marvelous."eel pie first?" She smiles real and true "Y..yes lets....see if we can find one" Maggie walked with her arm in arm, looking so happy. Wandering down the street, following their noses.She stopped at an alley when she caught a whiff of eel She looked dazed and wistful she kept looking up at maggie like it was a dream"I....I am going to wake up to you cold...aren't I?" "Light, oi hope not." Maggie pulled a rolled up news paper out of her bag, passing it to penny. "But let's be sure and check the date, aye?" She let out a breath and looked what seemed to be tears on her lower eye lids but she blinked them away"A...week....from the day we left" Maggie still reached out, brushing her cheek and the tears from it. She smiled so softly"sounds about right."She nodded, and lead penny down the alley. It smelled a bit shifty, but the pies smell for stronger. They found a little stall built into the back of a apartment. On the ledge, were all sorts of tiny meat pies. "They...smell so right..."  Maggie laughed, and the laugh brought a young lad to the counter. He looked between them, up on his little platform behind the counter. "Not from around 'ere." Penny shook her head "N...no we arnt" Maggie was just smiling, she shook her head as well. The boy looked a little brighter. "Where are you from? Tell me!" He seemed to like foreigners. "A...a ways..." she smiled a touch "h..how much for the pies?"She smelled the pies "e....eel? Lard in...the crust rather then butter? He nodded a bit. "Fifty coppers, miss. Or three for a silver." "W...we'll take 6" He started wrapping up six in that thin oil paper that protected hands from greasy yummy pies and gravy. She places 3 silver down “F...for the pie and a tip" The lad gave her a big grin that was missing a tooth or two. Maggie took up her three pies, then quirked a brow and murmured. "From Gilneas, lad. And other places, since." His eyes lit up, looking to penny as if searching for confirmation. She nodded "Y...yes me as well..." Penny held the pie and smelled it she took a bite "Oh...I haven't had one like this....since before the wall fell" He nodded, a little seriously. "You've friends here, and foes. Don't forget either." He looked up and down the alley, all suspicious, but they were alone.You kind of got the feeling it was something he'd seen someone else say to Gilneans. "A...and you are a friend I take it?" "Papa issa friend. I jes' sell pies, miss." Another thing someone had told him.  She smiles "w...well glad to have found your pies " He nodded. "Come back fer more! always open." He sort of waved them on.Two of maggie's pies were gone, and she had this sheepish grin. You have no idea when that happened. Penny had most of one snapped back she shoved the rest in the mouth "I...it's like the ones my father used to....buy from the little bakery Maggie somehow didn't have a crumb on her, nor a tiny spot of gravy. She grinned. "Aye. It's like.. well. When I was little, I snuck off to the docks. Always more interestin', there. We was only a few blocks away, aye?" "W...what had you wanted to do at the docks?" She shrugged. 'I was a little'n. There was food there, and busy folk, and shiny things on stands. It was all so magical." She laughed"It..it really was" She grinned. "I was a meddlesome, troublesome child. No' the much has changed." She shoved her second pie in her mouth Even just for the being here, Maggie’s accent seemed stronger. Penny shook her head mouth full "I..it hasn't" Maggie wolfed down her next pie, and no sooner had she found a bin on a corner for their greasy, gravy covered papers than she was following her nose again, penny's arm in hers."Wo' do we figure for the next?" She swallows and starts in on the last one Maggie was almost giddy, almost giggling. "I.....I dont know..." she hangs on to Maggies arm watching her carfuly Maggie looked at her quietly, pausing at the mouth of the alley. She arched that eyebrow. "Wo's the matter?" "y...your....giddy" "it's nice. You're nice." That got a laugh a good hardy sort one from the daughter of a man who worked the docks maybe this all was good for the little maid turned Lady. Maggie looked so pleased, so delighted at this little turn. She had such a spring in her step as they went down the street from the alley. She took a deep breath."Is it wrong for me to want to live 'ere?" "No...you could afford a place She tilted her head, frowning. "You wouldn'a want to be there with me?" "On...only of its small and above a shop" She looked so relieved. "I'll star' lookin' la'er today." "C...could be...nice" she smiled watching people go by "S...seems very few of the women wear gowns here" She thought about it, casting around a bit. "All seem like workin' folk. Look." She nodded to a trio of women with swords and a sailor's walk."It is the docks, dove. You expect folk in their finery here?" "No....just...guess I forgot...and I've been out of touch ""I...I should get some pants and a coat....if I want to fit in" Maggie tilted her head at that. "Have I e'er seen you in pants?" "J..just as a worg on a hunt” 
She laughed. "You'd look right sharp in trousers.""A little collar to your shirt, open a touch.""Old leather belt, sword on it." She flushed a bit at all of that "i...if you were my maid still I would ask you to send out for that" She grinned at that. "I still could, you know. Oi'm magical, that way " "Y...you order things already didnt you?" She gave her a grin She laughed at that. "No. I didn'a leave the ship." "I...I never know with you....and go ahead but get your self a pair...you...your legs are....well strong they would look....nice in the style here" She thought about it, musing quietly. "See, and you'd just gotten me back into my dresses, too." "I....i like you in them too! Like umm today you....I haven't seen you dressed like this in a while its umm....makes me feel umm..." she flushes and smiles"T...tea you think we can get a cup....some place?" She clearly has no idea how to express her feelings and has defaulted to tea talk.It's not maybe the best way to deal but only a little cold air puffed off her and she didn't disappear
Maggie tipped her a little curtsy and getting, before resting her arm gently in penny's elbow and going off to look for a tea House. Penny took in a deep breath the cold stopped coming off her. She watched the folks coming and going. Yes there was a harbor in Stormwind but it wasn't this. This was better by far. "Maggie..." she watched folks go by on business on a walk going who knows were. "T....this life could....it could be us...."It was rare for her to bring up anything like this. After the wedding had been put on hold and with the dreams and Rose she hardly spoke of a shared future in a meaningful way. Maggie nodded, quiet and thoughtful. "Could be. I'd like to see how deep the gutters run before we go buy something.." She shrugged a bit, shaking it off. "But it's.. fair wonderful." She nods a bit lost for a second this could not be ideal but then smiles Maggie lead her into a tea House, you could both tell from the smell half a block off. "Window?" "P..please Maggie nodded, and got them a table. It was after lunch, quieter, and tea was served promptly and hot, with more steeping in the pot. Maggie smelled it, then smiled as she looked out the window. The sun on her face through the windows.
In that moment Penny knew she was happy really and truly happy. 
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thefatdrunkdragon · 6 years
The Worst RPer I have ever met (Nemo Saga Chapter 6)
 Okay, so here we go with another standalone Nemo chapter that discusses the one thing about Nemo. His fucking temper.
 As demonstrated in the Spooky RP, Nemo has a short temper when it comes to people actually messing with him or belittleling him. Now, it’s understandable that in RP’s you can sorta make a character based on people you don’t like and have em be killed off or defeated. I havent had much RPs about those but Nemo’s case is that he resolves everything with vauge threats and murder.
 For example, before the Spooky RP, Nemo first met the Dragon Cafe Crew.
 The Dragon Cafe Crew is composed of the following:
Rubelle “Ruby” Black - The Chubby Dragoness
Calvin “Cook” O’Hara - The Alcoholic native of Philly
Jill Xhiao - The Shy Panda woman.
Oswald “Ozzie” Hempshey - A fat East End Drake
And Dexter “Dex” O’finnigan - The Irish Yang to Ozzie’s Cockney Yin.
 Out of all of those, It was Ozzie and Dex who didn’t come to immidietly like Nemo. And in character, they like to mess around with other people. So let’s say that Ozzie and Dex make some dumb jokes about the Vampires or admit that “We ain’t really friends.” What does Nemo do? He brutally murders Ozzie and Dex. But has them revived. If this were a moment in an RP with a good friend of mine, this scene would not be as brutal and would be played off for poorly done dark comedy. But Nemo was very serious about it. He really REALLY hated Ozzie and Dex simply because they didn’t wanted to be his friends right away. It get’s better.
 Another example comes when a Zombie Virus is loose in Puerto Rico. Aiden thankfully survived in a farmland, enjoy the spoils of the apocalypse and the catharsis it brings. God-Nemo, offended that Aiden can rebel in a bit of normal power fantasy in a role play, calls him an evil man who doesn’t want anything to change so he decides to leave Aiden to his lonesome... with a fucking bomb that is suppose to kill him. I playfully have Aiden Brush off his death as cartoonish as possible, but Neem’s says “no no, let him die.” And I’m like “Excuse me bitch? I couldn’t kill YOUR characters but now you want me to let you kill mine because he thinks differently than you? FUCK YOU!”
 It was after those two events that Nemo realized he shouldnt be having his marty stu kill me for not agreeing with him, he decides that he needed to add excuses for why he was killing me. And I mean excuse that would justify why he would kill my characters. And those excuses came in the form of either Demons or Rabies, and no matter what happens, there is no signs of that behavior until AFTER killing my characters.
 While it wasn’t murder, there was an obvious threat of murder for this next example. Nemo kept bringing up a Mercy Brown Video Game (Which Only Exist to him) and he made moments where he tried to act like he was some Big shot letsplayer and blahblahblah. I have never heard of this game but Only had small understanding of what it was about, so I decided that, since I was into Zero Punctuation at the time, to make a sort of faux Ben Yatzee Review of a game. I didn’t do the whole thing because Its a fake game within an RP but the first few minutes was just me channeling my inner yatzee.
The small thing I wrote as Ben Yatzee:
Ben Yatzee: i hardly do reviews about indie horror, my last one being too scary to even continue. But when you have a cult of people simply worshipping an unknown horror game for being a bloody masterpiece, you end up witth your entire fanbase asking you to review. While i really dont take request, the number of people desperate for my thoughts on the game is just staggering so here we go...
Ben: Mercy's Autumn Nights is an indie horror game created by who else? Mercy brown. The title should be so completly obvious that she made the game as its not enough for her to simply put her name in the credits, you need to make it pretty bloody clear she made it.You play as, big surprise, Mercy blooming Brown as she tries to escape an angry mob thats chasing her down. Why? I dont fucking know?! Maybe mercy brown, being the obvious killer vampire, killed some people and she just not doing a good job at hiding it. Or maybe she hasnt showered in a while and the villagers are just getting sick and tired of smelling her greasy hair...
*ben continues to critize the games story and the use of mortal things when the character plays as mercy, complements the graphics and the controls.*
Ben: in conclusion, the next time someone sends me a request, my answer will simply just be "Mercy Bloody Brown!" Why? I dont care, its there. Have a nice day, internet.
 Nemo took the Review as an offense and tried to get in contact with ben yatzee because they talked to each other once for a while like a year. Neem’s words, not mine. And this is ignoring the fact Yatzee has Social Anxiety. Ben tried to explain to Nemo that his video is only there as a means to both critique the game and be a comedy but Neemo kept trying to convince Yatzee it was a good game and that he was a good youtuber, ignoring the fact Ben reviewed the game not the Youtuber. But it was after being presented with Mercy Brown and the grave and how annoying he was, Ben basically shut him off, the video still remained though so no one won.
Mercy’s response:
Mercy: That takes care of it. See ya.
 I told nemo that it didn’t really change anything and that the thing was just a video talking about the game, not him.
Neem’s Response
Nemo: I see. But if we see another negative video about us, you know what we'll do to him. He'll never know.
 Like I said, It may not be a violent moment, but he generally demonstrates the same kind of mentality the secret police has. Censoring any form of criticism and killing off those who don’t like him
I already presented one example in the spooky rp but there is also another major example with this small rp moment. It was during the mercy saga, and it was a moment where "our dear friend and vintage American sweetheart Mercy Brown” contracted a disease just to get us to feel bad for her and give her some attention. Aiden and Ruby, not wishing to risk getting the mary sue sickness, decide to come in Hazmat suits. It’s as exaggerating as it sounds and for the time, it was just played for giggles. But later that day, she got better and Aiden und ruby had nothing to do, so they decided to call a helicopter to pick em up. This big fucking osprey shows up, lands on the garden but no one takes off because it turns out, one of the guys in the osprey, Dave, was getting married and everyone took the opportunity to celebrate it... while still in the osprey and still on Nemo’s Lawn.
Nemo, understandibly tried to get everyone out of the lawn but they ofcourse couldnt listen due to the fucking loud music inside it. He later got a megaphone, letting the message get through to them and forcing em to take off. It was there were a drunken Dave decided to just walk out on the osprey doors and flip nemo the bird, sealing everyone’s fate with that gesture.
Nemo’s Words after the vtol flew off:
Nemo: Yeah. That'll teach you how to disturb some neighbors, you mind-fucked bitch.
 Nemo went flying in the air (Somehow) and gun down the entire vtol. Killing or injuring everyone, and leaving Ruby and Adrian in a catatonic state. He later flew back and acted as if nothing happened. Before that, he made a comment that was suppose to sound like the kind of snide remark of “Oh, I wonder how that horrible accident happened” kinda  That is until Kate shows what happened , and this was the one time posession was actually close to making sense but since the RP always had Nemo act like a normal person and showed very little signs of posession, making this the only time he actually had it plan off.
Nemo’s word’s after being shown what happened?
Nemo: *whispers and closes the door* Oh my God. What did I do? What did I do? *drinks a can of A&W Root Beer* I'm getting crazy. I need blood. *licks his own lips and chewed his own lips. He grabs a meat and eats it and there was blood spilling on the floor* Master Velora. You promised me eternal life! And you did.
 Funfact: Before Velora became a Valentine Girl and was part of a trio of marceline clones, she was supposed to be evil.
 Pretty soon, Nemo suddenly had demonic powers and ordered his vampire clan to make the world a supernatural place for vampires and werewolves, and he will assend to become a Vampire God. Starting a fucking apocalypse and building a castle for him in Rhode Island.
 When Kate, freaking out over what the fuck was going on, Nemo tried to be as hidden and “evil” as possible while signs were made quite fucking obvious he was starting a vampire apocalypse. But then when asked why the fuck he started fucking armageddon, here’s his response:
Nemo: No. Not ending the world. It's my parents. My parents should pay for what kind of stuff they did to me. Sending me to dangerous places and tormenting me. They have gone too far.
... At no point has Nemo’s folks EVER appeared in the RP. And Let’s not forget, He was fucking 19 at the time, so...
 The apocalypse breaks out and the world seems like it was going to be in for one dicking of a terrible time. But we got to remember an important Detail: This is Nemo’s world. 
How it really happened:
*Then Nemo was almost killed. But then he was fighting against a Wendigo. A Native American cannibal creature. People were watching Nemo and the Wendigo have a brutal fight in Providence, Rhode Island. He grabbed his medieval sword and stabbed at the creature and killed him. The Wendigo was killed and everybody was saved. Nemo thought it was himself, but it was a Wendigo. So Mercy had to send him to a church in Exeter, Mercy and the priest got rid of the spell that cursed him for so long. Nemo was finally saved and happy. He can now live however he wants. Even Kate was happy that he is now saved. His friends and family was happy that he's not possessed anymore. So in December, in Mercy's house, the presents are under the Christmas tree and everybody was having a good time. Nemo was waiting for all his friends to come.*
After the battle:
Nemo: I hope nothing possesses me again.
Mercy: God will always be there for you.
Nemo: I know.
This was the stupidest thing to have ever happened in RP history and I just needed to share it with you all because this was fucking insanity
The point is: Nemo is a violent dick. Anything that doesn’t apppease his ego simply results in a death setence and later revival so that you can apologize to him and kiss his ass. And to be fair... it’s fucking scary. And it’s only made worse with the following subject: The Line between reality and fantasy.
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dangkinronpa · 7 years
headcanons for akane who dated peko and regrets killing komaeda
heres ur headcanons akane! i hope u like them, and feel free to ask for any changes or any additional headcanons! - mod kiibo
- when akane first met the others, she always did her best to make sure that she was seen as a strong, positive force in everyones lives, even if she wasnt ever seen as the brightest person. as long as she could keep a smile on everyones faces, and enjoy as much yummy food and meat as she could, she would be pleased
- akane was really curious about peko, who never seemed to smile for some reason. she would always do her best to get peko to smile, though it rarely ever worked. even though her attempts never went according to plan, akane still wanted peko to be happy like everyone else, and was soon incredibly focused on pekos happiness
- at some point during this time, akane actually came to the realization that she had a huge crush on peko. and when she found this out, she wanted to tell peko right away! but she didnt, because she wanted to wait until the time was right. when she did confess, though, akane loved the fact that peko smiled at her when she admitted her feelings
- once they started dating, the two of them would spend a lot of time training with one another as an excuse to spend more time together. most people didnt really think anything of it; they were both pretty athletic girls, after all, so it only made sense that they would enjoy spending time building up their fighting skills
- the two of them would also like to walk around and hold hands. it didnt matter if it were the middle of the day or the middle of the night, as the different times had their own sort of charms anyway. as long as they were together, though, it was always really nice and akane was sure to be happy either way. peko, though less likely to show her happiness, was also pretty pleased
- once the two of them start dating, akane notices that peko tends to smile a lot more than she used to. she had pretty much never seen peko smile before the two of them started dating, so even though pekos smiles were rare to come across, akane still found it to be an accomplishment whenever she saw peko with a smile on her face
- akane was perfectly happy being with peko until komaeda began behaving strangely. nobody really knew what he was going to do, and everyone was more than just a little afraid of him, akane included. she didnt want to get hurt by komaeda, and she definitely didnt want komaeda hurting peko or anyone else she was close to
- when akane killed komaeda, though, it was actually by accident. she had decided to interrogate him and try to force him to stop acting so suspicious. her intention was never to kill him. she really didnt know what to do when she stood there, staring down at him, his blood now forever stained on her hands
- when everyone found komaeda and began investigating his death, and talking to one another about who could have murderer him, akane couldnt feel anything other than regret. yes, she didnt want to die and was worried about what would happen, but she felt like the guilt from killing komaeda was eating her alive. if she could turn back time, she would
- unfortunately, though, it turns out regret doesnt save u in a class trial. despite the fact that she could tell people were crying, though, she did her best to tell everyone to stay strong and not be sad over someone who would kill another person like she did. she might have been scared, and she might have been sad, but she made sure not to cry
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gulescamisade · 7 years
Mega Texas:  Day 3, Ghostly Reunion
[ As evening gathers, all is quiet under the open Texan skies. This time of year was probably the most perferable for being outdoors as there were no swarms of mosquitos. Thank god. And as the breeze changes direction, there is the faintest scent of salt in the air. How far from the coastline WERE they? It's a good time as any for the group to ask themselves. ]
DIRK: -since the car broke down, he's been trying to "upgrade" it with all the tech he has in his sylladex. luckily a bunch of the engineers are also here, so eventually they might make this work, right?-
DIRK: -he feels the breeze on his face... feels good man, but something about it has him lifting his head curiously.-
ARADIA: -sitting outside, BREATHING IN the salty air-
NEPETA: =She hunted other meat for them to eat, if there's any place for her to steal from she's stolen from them=
NEPETA: =They've been thoroughly looted and she's left here gnawing on a bone=
EQUIUS: -It's him. He's the source of the salt. He's currently working on the other car-
DISCIPLE: -She has a little bit of a fire going... and scorpions cooking over the pit. Just in case anyone wants other, less conventional meats with a BIT of a tingle to them.-
NEPETA: =Can Equius salt her meat?=
NEPETA: =Wait a minute...... 👀scorpions=
NEPETA: :33 < =nuzzles on Disci= do mew want the rest of this bone?
DISCIPLE: Is fine. Is good. There will be many more bones.
DISCIPLE: Rrrr. Show her, yes?
NEPETA: :33 < so meowny more bones! =leans to her= (i got a diffurent weird horse anyway h33h33h33)
DISCIPLE: Yes. This is good.
DISCIPLE: But she is thinking of gathering these, for purpose. Perhaps to whittle something, something like sharp teeth. Something to sink into the things that chase us.
NEPETA: =Hands her a thigh bone=
NEPETA: :33 < we could pawlways use more of those oh!
NEPETA: :33 < we can also eat what's chasing us!
DISCIPLE: Both of these things.
DISCIPLE: -she produces a lil whittling knife and begins to WHITTLE-
[ As Disciple whittles, the smell of the ocean brought in by the breeze is then accompanied with the sound of it. A distant hush that blurrs the horizon to make it seem heavier than it actually is, the sound of waves coming and going. Can the group be sure that was there before? ]
DIRK: ... -he's PRETTY sure he can be, but... on the other hand... he looks around some more for the source until he's inevitably drawn to search for it.-
[ It has to be a mile out, coming from the east by the smell of it. The wind carries on as normal. ]
DIRK: -squints out at the horizon.- Alright so... I'm not the only one who hears that, right?
ARADIA: nope
[ Smoke? What smoke? There is only mile-out ocean. ]
NEPETA: =She smells the sea... she thinks about fish... she can eat fish=
TYRENA: -the whole state smells like them-
TYRENA: -anyways, oceans don't make sense for texas. SHE DOESN'T TRUST THIS-
DIRK: -the whole atmosphere feels different to him, honestly. and strangely familiar? sleepy, hazy... he looks up at the sky, then starts making his way closer to the waves again.-
TYRENA: -following with her arms behind her back-
[ The sky is comfortingly devoid of anything resembling a satillite or drone. It's a normal starry night... At least until people begin to move towards the beach. Colors are beginning to shift, gradually lighting up until It looks like dawn is coming. Keeping track of time or even remembering that it was night for that long is now becoming difficult. ]
ARADIA: -follows after dirk-
DIRK: -this is nice... the loss of time should be stressful, but instead he's just admiring the sights as he wanders along.-
[ There's a whole lot of dry shrubbery underfoot and soft soft sand instead of hard earth. Seagulls call overhead, the sky is waking up to a deep blue that shrouds everything. With the beach so close to open water at this time of morning, it may even feel a little bit chillier. ](edited)
ARADIA: -startles suddenly before continuing-
DIRK: -ye. he's gonna sit down on the sand and embrace the chill.-
ARADIA: -this is the right one, she tells herself as she keeps a smile on and allows the tension she feels dissipate. she sits down next to dirk-
TYRENA: -wiglges her toes in the sand-
[ From the peripherals of their eyes, a figure is suddenly visible. Standing at such a distance with her hand on her hip, she might have only just approached them. ]
FEFERI: You're dreaming. -grins at them with blank white eyes. She is here.-
DIRK: -tilts head in her direction. that's normal...... oh wait, no it's not.-
ARADIA: -no wonder she couldn't remember everything happening here. she immediately stands to her feet- feferi?
FEFERI: -purses her lips in a fish face. The same face as always before she snorts a laugh. Throws her hand out like you guys.- GLUB.
FEFERI: Y-EA)(! IT'S M---E! 38D
????: -there's someone behind her, a little farther down the beach, but approaching the group. another blank eyed troll. she's a little hard to recognize out of uniform and with her hair down, like she's dressed for a vacation.-
FEFERI: -They're both dressed like they're on vacation. Every day is a vacation when you're dead.-
????: -most definitely-
ARADIA: -she steps toward feferi in a kind of earnest and curious fashion. can she touch her? Can she hug her? and in the distance...who is that?-
FEFERI: -Of course she can. Feferi is as solid as it gets. Do you REMEMBER how stacked she was before? 💪-
FEFERI: -beams the whole time, glancing between the group of assembled friends.-
TYRENA: -She sniffs the air, and falls back a little bit.-
ARADIA: -in that case she runs up and holds her as tightly as she can. there's an ache in her throat-
DIRK: -he's rising to his feet slowly too, recognizing the person wandering over to feferi's side.-
CIDNEY: -yes, you all guessed it. she looks peaceful, smiling and waving in dirk's direction, but then peeps at the women beside her.-
FEFERI: OOF. -holds still as Aradia rushes her... before gently settling arms around her fairy troll best friend. Hand coming to her hair as it always had done.- )(e)(e.
ARADIA: -she doesn't want to let go. this took her so off guard that she's definitely crying a little- i couldnt find you i kept looking but i couldnt find you
TYRENA: -She's probably unfamiliar to her. She's heard of Cidney, of course, she knows pretty well, everthing that happened. Something about being this close to the afterlife seems to be... throwing her off.-
CIDNEY: -looks at tyrena with... a strange amount of recognition. she offers her a smile as well, but she's going to approach dirk, knowing he likely won't be able to come to her first. that's fine.-
DIRK: -but even once she's there, he doesn't know how to react. it's strange... bittersweet to see her so relaxed. seems like the afterlife could offer her a peace of mind that her time in their world couldn't offer her. after standing there awkwardly for a moment, he carefully... pulls her into a hug too.-
FEFERI: -Tears are okay, she finds. Feferi keeps her stance steady, holding Aradia all the same.-
FEFERI: O)(...
FEFERI: Yea)(. T)(at must )(ave totally sucked. -chirrs, returning her hug with a snuggle into her hair. The favorite thing before EXCLAIMING dramatically, peeking back at Aradia's face.- T)(at's pretty muc)( t)(is w)(ole t)(ing!
TAVROS: =He'd seen her, as the rest had, but he couldn't face her. He couldn't do this all over again. First Aradia and now Feferi. The first time had been needles and haunting memories of better times, and this was no different. If anything it was simply twofold, as the old feelings mingeled with the new. His face ran hot with tears and his veins felt cold. It's too much. It's all been too much, and he can't go on like this. Maybe he should try and face it all-- face her. But he's weak, he's realized, and that weakness had no place here right now. If he were to ever face her again he couldn't bear for it to be like this. Another ghost to hold onto with a feeble hope that was as fake as all the stories he believed in. He rushes from the beach as discreetly as possible, if it was possible, and he won't stop running.=
FEFERI: -All things in due time. Feferi isn't in any hurry.-
ARADIA: -she's actually here... and aradia isn't going to her normal place of slumber tonight--and she couldn't be more graceful. She smiles at feferi's comment and laughs through her tears, nodding- yeah!
NEPETA: =bruh u fuckin wish discreet but ok, he aint goin alone=
EQUIUS: -Notices the bull scampering and he feels like he should say something, anything. But he's quiet, standing in the background. He'd has his time. He's just going to...busy himself. Yes back to work on the human automobile-
FEFERI: -Empty eyes meet Aradia's, smiling without any kind of real warmth behind it. Like the tickle of strings in her bloodpusher that had long since been cut away.-
FEFERI: It's weird.
FEFERI: I feel like I've missed you. But I can't reely remember w)(y.
FEFERI: You were important t)(oug)(! So it all works out. 38)
ARADIA: -if anyone understands being dead, it's aradia. granted, they had different experiences that really fucked up their emotions, it seems. she smiles still, nodding again- you were always important too
ARADIA: no one can forget you
ARADIA: especially me
FEFERI: One less t)(ing sucking. -boops her on the nose and grins.- Not reelated but you've met Cidney, rig)(t?
DIRK: -there's so much he wants to talk to cidney about, but he can't seem to find any words... when feferi mentions her, he draws away from the embrace. great, now everyone is gonna see him crying. as if they all haven't already at this point.-
CIDNEY: -looks towards feferi and aradia- I don't think we have formally.
ARADIA: -looks over at cidney and smiles- not formally no but
ARADIA: oh my god i know who you are too
ARADIA: im aradia
ARADIA: wow this is crazy
FEFERI: -Totally sees Dirk crying.- )(e)(e.
FEFERI: Aradia )(as been a LOT of t)(ings. First, s)(e was an arc)(eologist, t)(en s)(e was D-----EAD, t)(en a robot, t)(en ALIV-E again, and now s)(e's back to being an arc)(eologist. -ticks all these things off her finger claws.- O)(!
FEFERI: And somew)(ere in t)(e middle of all t)(at, s)(e was and t)(en wasn't my gillfrond.
FEFERI: ... FEFERI: Matesprit. 38)
CIDNEY: ... You've had a very... eventful life and afterlife. And... life again? -half smile, kind of awkward...-
DIRK: -wipes his eyes on his sleeve. hhhh.-
FEFERI: -pokes Dirk right in the squishy cheek.- (Someone's being tideally not cool rig)(t now.)
ARADIA: -she nods- yeah i have
ARADIA: theres a lot to it
ARADIA: -there's a tiny pang of something in her pusher when she refers to their past relationship-
FEFERI: -too busy ruffling Dirk to notice.-
DIRK: -shut up. he's going to hug her too now.-
CIDNEY: -looks between everyone, smiling still.- There's much more ahead of you, as well.
CIDNEY: You were all an excellent crew, when we worked together. You did things your own way... But with compassion. -looks down at her feet- It always inspired me.
CIDNEY: You need that same compassion now, more then ever. Even if the past comes to haunt you... Remember what it is that brought you to this moment. And fight to protect that.
DIRK: -she's always had a tendency to speak in riddles... being dead probably made her all the more cryptic, but he can't bring himself to question what she's referring to. it's just nice to hear her voice again.-
FEFERI: -Eug)(. You're so sweaty. 3XP -pushes at Dirk, straining like a cat that doesn't want to be hugged.-
ARADIA: -cidney's words speak to her, and she doesn't take them lightly- we will
DIRK: -one more squeeze and then he'll release you feferz-
CIDNEY: I am pleased to be here... Feferi helped give me that opportunity. To guide you again, as best I can. -she reaches out to dirk again, holding his hand.-
CIDNEY: You have someplace you need to be. It might be best to wake up now.
FEFERI: -Okay, fine... she sweetly wrassles him in a hug. Grinning from fin to fin.- I )(ope you're R---------------EADY. 38D
[ And an instant later, the group is jolting awake. Right back in smokey smelly Texas where they were before. The beach, the ladies are gone.]
TYRENA: -she wakes with a STARTand sits up, suddenly.-
DISCIPLE: -the fire is OUT now. No more scorpions.-
TYRENA: -stands slowly and walks away from the group. IS QUIET TIME-
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becomingstrong1289 · 7 years
This week with Josh has been so frustrating. I have been mad this whole week. i actually considered keeping the kids this weekend instead of them being with him. this is the first time i have done this. after meeting his gf and not getting an apology. Monday i asked him for an apology and he looked at me and asked for what. So I had a conversation with a float nurse who is my situation 20 years from now. Her ex husband was abusive in a different way. They had 3 kids together. Her youngest would cry when going to her ex like Owen does when i leave him. She knows how heart breaking that feeling is. Her other kids adored her ex. They were never able to coparent. At events they would leave her and go sit with him because they didn’t see him. But even when they lived with him they still sat with him. I read on my coparenting facebook group that a woman was hurt because her kids were not allowed to make contact with her in public because the father would punish her kids. Alysca does it to Vanessa too. Shes so conditioned she wont even say hi when her mom isnt around. So i know that is a real situation that could happen. So Stacy, the float nurse, stayed hurt for a very long time in many situations because her and him could not get along and the kids were forced to pick sides. Now two of her kids are living with the father and since they moved they have been brainwashed into not talking to their mom. She aches for them. We are pretty much strangers and everytime she walks into our office she tells us about her kids. I can see Natalie doing that to me. Shes a lot like me and i eventually walked out on my mother to live with my dad. My mom was a shitty mother and physically and emotionally abusive. i yell at the kids but i dont beat them or call them names. i try my best but im the discipliner and josh is the weekend dad. Stacy talks about overcompensating with her youngest because she doesnt want to lose her. I do that with the kids. i go out of my way sometimes to make them happy. My biggest issue and regret is being on my phone when theyre around. its just my way of unwinding from my day and staying calm. im so tired when i get home from work and then there are 500 more things to do. i think if me and shawn get together and i have a little extra help my relationship with them will be better. right now there is only one of me and two of them and they are in such different stages of life. its hard to accommodate both of them. my other issue is my high cleaning standards. i need to relax and put it off til the weekend. shortcuts are okay sometimes. but it makes me feel like a failure. So anyway, after that conversation i really started thinking about withholding the kids for the weekend. i really didn’t see it fixing anything. it would just be rocking the boat. So i decided to talk to him first. i brought owen to the park and he called me. So i told him i was thinking about keeping the kids for the weekend and asked him why he thinks i would have to do that. i realized during this conversation that i have to talk to him like i would have to natalie. That they have the same social knowledge. He first said it was about the paystubs. It took him 11 days to send his paystubs to the lawyer and that was only after i asked for it. i told him that that was a frustration but not the reason. Then i asked again. He finally admitted that it was prolly cuz of courtney. And then i brought up how he wouldnt apologize to me on monday. he told me that he was just thinking about dropping the kids off and not about what happened. I told him that it hurt me so much on saturday that i could barely get out of bed. that i was suppose to do something very important that day but i couldnt do it cuz i was so hurt and depressed. i told him i cant be a good parent and hurt all the time. he admitted that he SHOULD HAVE apologized. they he almost said that he apolo....then he changed what he was saying. it is so hard for him to be remorseful. he just couldn’t say the words. finally, after me nagging at him about not being able to say it, he said he sincerely apologizes to me. i bet his mouth was bleeding after that. then i changed the subject a little. i asked him why he would let me go after his gf like that. he wouldnt really answer. he basically said that he was holding owen and didn’t want things to escalate by asking me to stop or leave. the truth is that i was holding owen the whole time. and he never defending her, me or the kids, only himself. he threw her to the wolves like he did to me with alysca. i told him that once i was courtney and i know what its like to have someone you feel should protect you and doesn’t. i told him that he doesn’t know how to love people and he should think about why that was his reaction because that is really important. This whole week ive been sending him quote and descriptions of sociopaths. He fits him to a tee. I dont know if he thinks so or not. theres really no cure for it. he thinks hes better than other people, he doesnt think he needs to apologize for hurting others, he doesn’t know how to love people. so in the end i asked josh if he wanted our relationship with our kids damaged because we couldnt get along. he said no. i told him i want to try coparenting again but i need a break. i said maybe around owens bday ill start talking to him again but until then its just the kids and the divorce that will be talked about. and even that will be minimal. so i fucked up and forgot owens medicine at drop off. it just didn’t cross my mind. so tonight im going out of my way to go skating with me dad. i think ill just drop off the meds with his grandma. i dont want to see the house or let the kids see me and hear owen cry cuz im leaving. it will break my heart. i dont want to see her car there. i dont want any part of it. 
Something very cool is happening to me. i started seeing Luann again for weight management. i have been basically plateaued at 220 since july 2016. i started creeping up again during the holidays and got back down and then i started creeping again so i made the decision to start weight management again. this is the only way i have ever been able to lose weight. as of yesterday i was down to 217.8. i finally got over the first hump. my next will be 210. that is where diane told me she weighed in at. if i can get under that ill be skinnier than her. 200 will be a huge one. i havent been under 200 since my jr year of hightschool. it would be amazing to be close to that when i go on vacaion. my ultimate goal is 180. when i was eating my normal amount of food i was always afraid of not getting enough nutrients if i ate smaller portions. today i kinda realized that i only eat a certain amount of food per day, say 1500 calories. Those 1500 calories better be very nutritious.  this week i ate basically a dairy product and fruit for dinner, a meat and veggie wrap or salad and meat and veggies for dinner. i did eat one sweet potato once this week. i found some bread that is 35 calories per slice and had a couple pb and js. its not perfect but its working. my snaking was out of control before i started the meds. i would just eat constantly. i was like a smoker with unsalted nuts and prunes. i listen to my dad and his diet stuff but i have to remember that he isnt to his goal weight. he still eats fast food and goes crazy on cheat days. i dont need cheat days. i like my cooking and i love veggies. why would i pick pizza when i can eat a steak and asperagus and mushrooms instead. tonight im going skating. idk if hes gonna wanna go out or not but im gonna try to get a salad or something similar to that. i can alway bring it home and eat it tomorrow or for lunch. no biggy. i feel like shit when i stuff my face. its painful. im waiting for shawn to notice im losing weight. that is going to be really cool when he says something about it. 
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viralhottopics · 8 years
On the brink of Brexit, voters reflect: I feel more strongly now. Let’s get out
As article 50 is about to be triggered, how do people feel in Smethwick, a Midlands town that voted to leave?
I moved to Bearwood in Smethwick in the hot summer of 1976. We were moving up, leaving behind the sixth floor of a block on the sprawling Lee Bank council estate for a house and garden in a safer area with large parks and better schools, a few miles from Birmingham.
I grew up there in the 70s and 80s, when there was optimism about our future. The colour bar experienced by a first generation of immigrants in the 60s, in some shops and the bingo hall, had been replaced by our own Why would I want to go there anyway? self-induced bar. The days when a Conservative party candidate could run, and win (in 1964), on the slogan If you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote Liberal or Labour seemed distant.
My mother is Jamaican and, like many of my generation, I failed the Norman Tebbit test completely. I didnt support any England team. I would rehearse long debates about how I might reject a call-up for the England rugby team, even if my ability meant that call would never come. Jamaica was great for holidays, but didnt feel like home: everyone there called me English.
So while I was always a Smethwick boy, I can still pinpoint the moment I first felt British: in 1992, when Linford Christie won the 100m at the Barcelona Olympics, this most Jamaican of men running around the track with the British flag. We had grown up hearing songs like There aint no black in the Union Jack; what Christies gesture said was, Im British: deal with it.
A mistrust of foreigners has been singled out as the driving force behind last years vote to leave Europe. But why did places where more than 50% of the population have recent origins outside the UK vote for a policy of exclusion? Smethwick is in many ways typical of the radical changes to Britains racial demographic since the second world war: in the 50s and 60s, Commonwealth citizens from the Indian subcontinent and the Caribbean emigrated here to alleviate job shortages, particularly in the NHS and transport. A large number of Sikhs moved from the Punjab to work in Smethwicks foundries. Later waves of immigration brought asylum seekers, students and workers from around the world.
When I was growing up, my white British friends liked the same music, played the same games and ate the same food as we did. We knew people who joined far-right groups; but the various gangs were largely multiracial, affiliated to the area more than anything else a loose Smethwick posse. There would be running battles with skinheads from Quinton and beyond; I cant remember a Saturday night that was not punctuated by someone being glassed or having a pool cue wrapped around their head.
Today Smethwick is home to a more diverse range of communities. It is still a relatively cheap place to live, so new arrivals often start off here. You will see Eritrean church services in Victoria Park, eastern European supermarkets on Cape Hill, a Ghanaian wedding at the community centre, alongside the more established Sikh temples and African Caribbean churches.
Speaking to Smethwick friends from white British and second-generation immigrant backgrounds, you hear support for Brexit from a diverse range of perspectives: there is the Fortress Europe argument (people of Commonwealth origin not being able to move to the UK, because preference is given to EU citizens); British Asian shopkeepers who dont like the Polish shops stealing business; an objection to the Thatcherite capitalist structure enshrined in the EU. Underlying all these things is a powerful revolt against what is perceived to be a self-serving political elite.
None of the second- or third-generation immigrants I met on a recent visit to Smethwick thought Nigel Farage would deliver a harmonious society founded on principles of social justice. But the supposed social justice champions, Labour, today have far less connection to the people they seek to represent than they once did. Todays politicians speak relentlessly about engaging and understanding these alienated communities. But even their use of the word community is loaded often based on race or religion or class, as if there were no diversity of opinion among them.
What does the future hold for Smethwick in a post-Brexit Britain? My more pessimistic side worries that inequality will increase, as the fight for a share of an ever smaller pie is orchestrated by a privileged few who use alienation, fear and loathing to divide and rule. But a bigger part of me is optimistic: a younger generation has always found ways of creating new relationships with other like-minded people, be they Italian, Irish, Ghanaian, Nigerian or Indian. It might feel claustrophobic at this moment in time, and Smethwick will struggle with the macro issues. But there are enough people there with goodwill, who want to come together, who will want to get on with it. Hamish Crooks
Theresa Robinson, 51, volunteer
Theresa Robinson and her son, Jacob. Photograph: Diana Markosian
My little boy and I moved here from Birmingham in 2009. I had separated from his father, and when I got here we didnt know anybody.
Smethwick is an interesting area because the diversity works really well. Everyone seems to get on where we live. But there are some negative aspects of multiculturalism. For example, there is no non-halal butcher around here, and I dont want to eat halal meat because they dont always stun the animal before they kill it I feel its a bit cruel. Ive had a row a few times with shops advertising places to rent, with signs saying Indian family wanted. I said, You do know thats illegal, dont you? I remember when they used to have signs up saying No Irish, no blacks.
My little boy is the only white English kid in his class, and they dont celebrate any English things at all. They didnt do anything for the Queens jubilee or birthday. I dont mind him celebrating Jamaica Day or whatever; I just wish theyd also incorporate English things. On VE Day, I took him into Birmingham to see the celebrations, because he has to celebrate his history as well. But he is absolutely oblivious to the fact that other people are a different colour to him. I think children of his generation are integrating more.
A lot of immigrants here say they dont want any more immigrants, but I havent heard many white people say they voted Brexit because of immigration. I dont know whether its because theyre scared of being accused of being racist. I voted Brexit because of all the money thats wasted on the EU. I dont think it will stop free movement and I dont think it means we wont have any trade; I just think it means well have a bit more control.
A lot of people have had enough of MEPs making so much money and not doing anything. Who can name an MEP, really? We dont seem to be getting any more rights out of it. Why not trim off all that excess spending and use it on things we do need? Theres a crisis in social care, and health services are being cut; the schools are constantly fighting cuts.
When you read about Brexit in the paper, they say, The people who voted for Brexit didnt know what was going on. Its hugely insulting to assume that just because were poor, we dont read newspapers and were all thick. Theyve got no concept of what its like to be poor, and how miserable people really are. I think it was a good result, and I think it taught the government to be careful what they wish for, because they did all this with no plan whatsoever; they were so sure remain was going to win. It serves them right.
Daljeet Singh, 40, painter and decorator
Ive lived in Smethwick all my life. My parents came from north India so my dad could work in the foundry. They were invited over, just like the Europeans were. Ive never had an issue with anyone thinking Im less British than they are. But when Punjabi people came here, they couldnt speak English, so they were victimised. Once my dad took me for a drink in the local pub and this guy at the bar started talking to him inappropriately, saying, Butbut dingding. I asked my dad, Why does he do this? and he said, Hes been doing it for years, its not an issue. I took the guy aside and said, Have you been taking the piss out of my dad for 20 years? He said, What do you mean? He never said anything. To this day that guy still buys me a drink in the pub, because he remembers that chat. I changed the way he thought.
Everybody I know voted leave. I voted leave because of my daughters, who are 12 and 15. They go to a grammar school and they feel held back because the foreigners coming into the school dont speak English well; it makes the classes go slower. It was also because Polish people are cutting off my work. Im a painter and decorator, and Im not getting the rates I used to because the Polish people are undercutting us. Thats the case generally in the building trade.
But Im angry that my parents voted out. Im very bitter about that. Its the hypocrisy of it, because they came over from India and they had an opportunity to integrate and they havent: my mum still barely speaks English. Theyve made lives and families for people like me, they worked hard; everyone else is just trying to do the same as they did. I think the way the Sikh community voted was hypocritical.
Sometimes I regret voting Brexit. In hindsight, without a shadow of a doubt, we didnt have enough information; it was turned into an immigration issue, which it wasnt, and as a whole were going to lose out. Other times, I stick by my decision. I need to think about where my works coming from.
Derek Craft, 80, retired factory worker
Derek Craft. Photograph: Diana Markosian
I moved to Smethwick in 1976, looking for work. I also had a pen friend here. We belonged to different divorced and separated clubs; I was the vice-chairman of the one in Portsmouth where I lived, and they used to have a magazine and she advertised for a pen friend. We were writing for two years before I moved here. We married in 1977 and were together for 39 years. She ended up having two major strokes, one of which should have killed her, but the hospital brought her round; I got another nine months with her.
Smethwick has changed a lot much of the old industry has gone. There were dirty factories, steel works and car component workshops; now theyre all new factories or houses, so in that way its better. Weve got more immigrants than whites. The shops are virtually all Asian, and the well-known ones, like Woolworths and David Greigs, are gone.
Its less British, because Ive found, working with some of them, that half the Asians dont want to mix. A very nice lad used to sit with us during the tea break, and he came in one morning and told us that someone in the factory had told his dad he sat with us, and his father had said, You are not to sit with them, you are to sit with your own people. It makes you feel, whats wrong with us?
I voted for Brexit because I think the common market has got out of hand. I think they waste an awful lot of money moving their offices once a month from Brussels to Strasbourg and back again. What were paying them is unbelievable, billions a year, which would do our own health service and schools good. Id like to see free movement from Europe cancelled. This country cant keep on taking people; the services cant cope with the influx, and there are not enough houses. When we won, I thought, Great, lets get on with it. I feel more strongly now. Lets get out.
Mohammed Jalal Uddin, 40, manager at a local training centre
Mohammed Jalal Uddin and family. Photograph: Diana Markosian
Ive been living in Smethwick since 2002, when I migrated from Bangladesh to study for an MBA at Birmingham City University. After completing my MBA, I managed to secure a job. Now Im living here happily with my wife and two children; my son is nine and my daughter is seven.
Smethwick has become overpopulated and there are more new faces, with a slight increase in antisocial behaviour over the past few years; the demand for housing has increased.
I had heard about that campaign slogan [If you want a nigger for a neighbour, vote Liberal or Labour from the 1964 local election], and that Malcolm X came to visit the year after, which is amazing. But to be honest, I dont think racial tension is a big issue now. From my experience, people do understand others their religions, their values, their cultural dimensions and characteristics. It could be an isolated judgment, but I havent seen the nasty side of community cohesion. People get along quite well, basically.
I felt Brexit was a protest vote, to show a lost trust in politics; traditional politicians are failing to deliver. People feel European migrants are putting unnecessary, undue pressure on public services, the NHS, school places, housing, and that if we come out of Europe that will ease the pressure. These are the day-to-day issues that people are fed up with.
I voted and actively campaigned to remain. I was really, really shattered by the result, because in the age of globalisation and connectivity, and at such a crucial time, this isnt the right decision. It is going backwards, and it was not an informed decision. The message were sending to the rest of the world is that were not open or collaborative. We dont want to work with other people: we are detaching ourselves.
Nine months on, I dont feel any more positive. Ive given up on trying to give reasons to remain because Im in the minority. But I know people who regret voting Brexit; they justify it by saying the politicians misled them.
Pat Peacock, 77, retired wages clerk
Pat Peacock. Photograph: Diana Markosian
Ive lived here my whole life. I was born in Hamble near Southampton, but my mother died having me, so I was brought here to live with my grandparents.
Smethwick has changed enormously. My road used to be full of bank managers and teachers, and there were no foreign people of any description. I remember seeing men wearing turbans for the first time when I was 10 or 11 and had taken my two cousins out for a walk. One of them said hello, and I said to my cousins, Run! because I had no idea: Id never seen Sikh people before.
My father was very racist but Im definitely not. The priest at my church is Nigerian and we have 22 other nationalities, people of all colours, shapes and sizes, and we all get on. The first foreigners who came were West Indians, and the others have come gradually. I consider them all friends. A lady down the road, Surinder, and I were once opposite each other in the hospital and weve been firm friends ever since. She called me when I came out, asked how I was and said, If you need anything at all, let me know and my family will get it for you. There are lots of kind people about.
I voted Brexit. I didnt vote for us to go into Brussels; I voted for the common market and I think we were cheated in that respect. We havent only got to trade with Europe, theres a whole world we can deal with. Im looking forward to getting back to how we were: running our own farms, being able to look after ourselves. Perhaps Im wrong but this is how I feel, that we werent told the full story back in 1975. We were just told it was good to be part of a common market; we werent told they would be ruling us. Im not really into politics, but the vote happened and I get cross when they try to reverse it. Now I think: lets just get on with it.
Taurai Chamoko, 44, salesman
Taurai and Catherine Chamoko with their children. Photograph: Diana Markosian
I was born in London. My parents were from Zimbabwe, although it was called Rhodesia at the time. We left the UK in 1977 to go to Nigeria. My dad was a civil engineer and had a job with the Nigerian government, building several highways. Towards the end of 1982, we went to live in Zimbabwe. In 1995 I moved to Brighton, where I met my wife Catherine, and in 2008 we moved to Smethwick with our month-old daughter.
I wanted to study mental health nursing at Birmingham City University, but changed my mind after three weeks. I didnt think it was something I would cope with emotionally. In 2009 I started a course in International Business and Economics at Aston University instead. We had three other children (they are now eight, seven, four and two) and they all settled in school, so we stayed. Ive spent the majority of my life in this country, and I am British.
The main change Ive seen here is the people coming from Poland. I dont think theres a lot of tension between the different communities everybody just gets on. What I worry about is the self-imposed segregation, these monocultural ghettos that are springing up: Pakistanis in one area, Polish people in another, white working class in another. It seems everybody is more comfortable with people who look the same as them, which is quite sad. Whether thats a conscious thing or if it just happens naturally, I dont know.
I was shocked by Brexit. I voted to remain. At university I learned to critically analyse things, and I was always arguing against the leave campaigns points of view. Usually when theres an election, I stay up late to find out who my MP is going to be, but this time I was confident we would remain. It was a big surprise. When I spoke to some of the parents at my childrens school, most had voted to leave. I was surprised and upset.
My point of view hasnt changed. It doesnt make sense to me that people want to leave the biggest market, then try to negotiate a good deal within that market. But I have accepted it. Its democracy, right?
This project was created in partnership with Magnum Photos. For more pictures go to Magnum Photos
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mCW3Rc
from On the brink of Brexit, voters reflect: I feel more strongly now. Let’s get out
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