#when there’s no content for your fav ship you gotta start making shit up
yaralulu · 5 months
Based off literally nothing I like to think tamlin has always assumed or been aware that lucien has some day court in him so when lucien tells him about helion and his day court powers he’s just totally unfazed—and when lucien gets upset at his lack of reaction he’s just like“You used to walk around the spring court glowing half of the time be so fr right now.”
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katsukidynam1ght · 2 years
about me/info post! (long)
intro: hi! first things first: call me kats. that's not my real name (obviously), but my actual identity is none of your business, so that's a suitable alternative and one i rather enjoy. and no, i'm not putting my age in my bio. that's also not your business, but suffice it to say i'm an adult.
any pronouns work, so don't feel like you have to ask about that because i genuinely could not care less. what you refer to me as does not change anything about my identity, so hey! no misgendering possible, you don't get to dictate who i am so there's no use trying.
current project: Incipient/Combat Fatigue (a bakugou-centric, angst-with-a-happy-ending, krbkdk fic! no link yet but there will be soon!)
request info:
i take requests and will write most things! if i’m not willing to write it i will let you know, so don’t be afraid to request something (even if it’s anonymous!) for fear of judgment. i’m open-minded and have no fav ships, so just because you’ve seen me do kiribaku or shinkami already does not mean that’s the only thing i write. (rambles about poly class a at length and forever)
in terms of content limits it’s hard to say what’s a firm line for me and what i may write depending on circumstances, so i’m not going to list that here. it’ll just be a case-by-case basis.
however! one thing i am not capable of writing is any character x reader content. i know a lot of people like that, but if that’s what you want, i’m not your guy. i prefer to stick to canon, and i refuse to read any x reader myself, so if that’s your request, just know i can’t compromise on that. (this also goes for self-insert or y/n type stuff. you do you but that makes me gag.)
my current project will always take priority over any requests i receive, but that does not mean that i won't ever get to requests! just means that if i'm in the middle of a project, i won't drop it to write you a fic (unless you're going to pay me. /hj i might negotiate that.)
i feel the need to state that while i do not currently have any (as far as i can remember??) nsfw content on my blog, it may not stay that way. i will tag things appropriately and add necessary disclaimers, but if you want to strictly avoid any potential nsfw stuff, just be a little wary. knowing myself it’s far more likely that if i Do write anything nsfw, it’ll be on my ao3, but i think this is an important disclaimer to add just in case.
remember that i am a writer but i am doing this in my spare time while working for an education, so unless you're willing to fund that, you don't get to decide how i run my blog.
tag info:
i don't know how tumblr works. that's my disclaimer right here because this shit makes no sense to me. but tagging is important (?) so i have a few tags that i use a lot (when i remember), so here's info on those:
"kats asks" - these are posts that involve my ask box!
"kats rambles" - me, rambling. that's really it. this counts as one because it's long and mostly me going on and on about things.
"kats rants" - me, ranting. this is for the rambles that are angry. (if you start a fight with me on these i'll fight back. fair warning.)
“kats updates” - updates on me personally. so if you care about me beyond the screen, check this tag. if not then uh. ow /j
“kats writing list” - the list of posts i want to write later. would save to my drafts but i’ve saved a shit ton of spoiler posts that i want to read after i’m caught up, so uh. yeah
pretty self-explanatory. if i add more tags in the future i'll (hopefully) update this. (and please for the love of fuck if you know how to use tumblr and anything about all of this. tell me. i'm begging)
extra (probably important):
tone is a little funky online so i use tone tags (/j, /s, /gen, all that stuff) when i feel it's necessary (and please feel free to use them back at me because holy hell). if you're unfamiliar with them just ask, i'm not shy. i got the brain weird so i do what i've gotta do to not sound like an asshole all the time.
that said: i am sometimes an asshole. not in the bigoted sense, just in the "if you disagree with me about [fandom topic] i will rant at you about it and you opened that can of worms so you can lie in it" type sense. feel me?
gist is, if you tell me you don't want confrontation, we're chill! i am a nice person most of the time and am always willing to have a civil discussion. but i get dopamine and adrenaline from arguing so sometimes a little discourse is fun, and if you come at me sounding like you want a fight, i reserve the right to fight back for as long as it pleases me and then tap out when i get bored.
i don't really do the whole "DNI if" thing (see above). it's like this: anyone can interact with me, but if you interact with me, you're saying i can interact back, and if you don't like it, that's not my problem. i realize this may make me sound unsympathetic or like a dick (oops) but hey! c'est la vie. you're responsible for your own online experience; it's not my job to police you and if you don't like my content that's not my problem.
basically just tell me if you're coming at me from an angle of "hey i want to be mutuals and discuss things in a polite and open-minded way" or from an angle of "hey i think your takes are fucking stupid, you wanna go?"
also, if you insult me, chances are i will not understand the insult (i'm stupid /j), so it's best not to bother. but i can't stop you and hate is funny so i'll probably just make fun of you back. (if you're gonna throw hands you better be prepared to catch 'em ykwim)
but at the end of the day this is just a series and has no real life impact on me so y'know. i won't take it too seriously if you don't and we can walk away without being offended or hurt.
other info: if you want to know more about me or want something included here, feel free to leave a message in my inbox!
i've got a couple ask games on my blog here and here, and i'll try to remember to update this if i add more.
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imaginethathaikyuu · 4 years
How did I find your blog? I was looking for soft Kuroo content on google. And your soft birthday hc’s for him came up. And that’s also how I found tumblr
What was the first story of yours that I read? That Kuroo piece ^
Roughly, how long have I been following this blog? Well I found that piece shortly after it was posted so…. Around the beginning of December 2019 I think. Got a tumblr a few months later and you were the first person I followed (had you in my bookmarks bar before that! (still have you in my bookmarks bar and when I share my screen in classes there are occasionally questions. I ignore them))
What’s something I’ve noticed about you personality wise? You’re really clever and funny. But you’re also sweet. But because you’re clever you have no hesitation in setting up and enforcing your boundaries, and I really admire that strength and confidence.
Have we ever interacted, either by PM, ask, or in the comments? What was my perception of you? YES!!! PM, SOOOOO many asks, comments, and you sent me an ask. And reblogged it. And I cried. A lot. My perception: you’re lovely and I want to h*ld your h*nd ….please.
What’s my favorite story of yours? Oh how to choose. Firstly, I’m a nb, biracial, bisexual. Honey, I’ve never made a choice in my life. But let’s try here. Anything you’ve written for Tsukki. Literally all of it is gold. Fight me. I was going to write “especially [piece title]” but I LITERALLY CANNOT CHOOSE ONE. Your Bokuto nightmare piece. Your Kuroo angsty fight. Your Tendou dealing with S/O with parents who yell piece. Your Kinktobers. Your Futakuchi and Mattsun pieces. And your Terushima pieces. Ugh. I CANNOT CHOOSE. OH AND YOUR STREAMER KENMA!!!!!! OKay just… all of it. I can’t choose. I tried, and I failed, and I’m willing to admit failure.
What’s a story I’d love to see you write? I don’t want to say this… because it hurts me… but I just KNOW you’d write brilliant angst. Some of my fav pieces of yours are pained beginnings with happy endings. That fight with Tsukki after a bad day at work. The pieces I mentioned above (nightmare pieces and fighting pieces and angsty home life ha.. ha.ha.ha.). That Oikawa one where the reader wakes up in bed without him and thinks he left. You write these gorgeous atmospheres and descriptive, visceral feelings, and if you chose to use it for evil…. You could get evil shit done. You’re SO powerful. So I want to read it… but also…. I don’t. I’d love to see you write ABO like you mentioned a while back or just see you explore a cutesy soulmate AU or something. I think you’d be really good at writing an AU where you hear what the other person’s listening too. I feel like you’d be so good at making me feel something for someone who was in another city. (think this would be cute with Tsukki cos he’s headphones boy, OR terushima because I like the dynamic of someone flirty, who clearly cares about looks, falling for someone he can’t see) ANYWAY….
Favorite pairing you write for?/fav reader insert? Tsukishima x reader. It’s my fav self-ship. (but also Mattsun, Bokuto, Oikawa, Tanaka, and Akaashi because you write them SO WELL!!!!)
Have any of your stories helped me through a hard time? Of course. Your self-harm piece came at a time I needed it. Iwaizumi’s in particular saved my life. But also your Tendou dealing with S/O parents who fight… came right when I needed it. Also starting college… was hard.. And reading and rereading your fluff really pulled me through it.
Have any of your stories hit closer to home? YES (see above).
Do I genuinely like your blog, it’s aesthetic or posts? It’s overall feel? It’s content? Yes. The aesthetic is, ngl, a wee bit basic. But I kinda love that. And the feel? It feels like home. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Your blog is my safe space. So, yes, I love. It’s content? YES. OF COURSE. Your personality probably could have kept me here even if your content was kinda shit, but I follow you RELIGIOUSLY because of your content. So yes. I adore.
Is English my first language? Kinda??? I grew up in a trilingual household so I kinda learned three languages at the same time while growing up. But no, I don’t need to translate it in my head. Because English was one of the three.
Anything I want to share? Yes. Please keep being kind to yourself, caring for your mental health, enforcing your boundaries, loving Akaashi, and just generally being you. You’re so lovely as you are, and I hope you continue grow, but never change. Also I’m sorry about all your work stuff…. It literally makes me feel sick. And I hope you find a job where that’s not tolerated, or that your work finds a better way of protecting it’s employees. I know you know this, but none of it is your fault. I just hope things improve. AND I love you… a lot. And I’m so proud of you hitting 9K and you deserve so many more followers because your pieces are just... GORGEOUS. I can’t wait until I’m at Barnes and Noble in a few years and I can pick up a hardback copy of your debut novel. I’m so excited to say “I knew Em Akaashi (which is your legal name as far as I’m concerned) before she was so popular among the masses.”
so ive been trying to figure out the correct and worthy way to reply to this ask since the moment i got it......because its so fucking sweet and kind and amazing and pure and perfect and i just dont know how to use WORDS to explain the way it makes me feel so.......i will just reply in bullet points in regards to every question u answered to make it a lil easier :D
- the fact that u found my blog on google ....... like this may be odd and a very specific thing but before i made this blog i always hoped that 1 day my fanfic would pop up in google searches bc thats ALWAYS how i found fics when i was reading them religiously and i felt so much ENVY!!!!! LIKE I WANTED TO BE THERE I WANTED MY FICS TO B POPULAR ENOUGH TO POP UP ON GOOGLE.....that may sound very selfish but its true......so thats just very cool to me... :]
- u’ve been here for so long omg 🥺🥺🥺🥺 if anyone in ur classes ever asks jus promo my blog like its nbd 
- thats so sweet what 🥺🥺🥺 i try my best to advocate for myself and be confident for myself.....ive spent far too much of my time being silently uncomfortable because i was afraid of pushing someone’s buttons seeming rude.....but NO MORE!!!! i know what upsets me, i know my triggers, i know what i dislike experiencing, and im never gonna let myself be anxious or uncomfortable for someone else’s sake, esp if theyre being rude 2 me. i would say its less strength and confidence and moreso me attempting to take control of my anxiety in the places i can (aka on the Internet) bc i am SICK OF ANXIETY ATTACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
- BBY no dont CRY!!!! im racking my brain trying to think of who u are i wanna know so bad so i can thank u personally for being the kindest person in the world n so i can send u more asks >:(........MY HAND IS URS TO HOLD!!!!! dont tell akaashi tho 
- OMG my TSUKKI pieces.....hes so hard to write why ;-; thank u so much im so glad u enjoy my works<3333
- NOT ANGST NOT LIKE THIS!!!!!!!!! pained beginnings to happy endings are my specialty.....IMAGINE me writing a sad ending like i CANT!!!!!!!!! ive only done it a few times and it is so Difficult.....YALL ARE SO LUCKY IM NOT EVIL!!!!!! ive had this idea for an angsty akaashi fic that i think about and write in my head every night before falling asleep and it Hurts and i wanna write it but i also can’t make myself :D ABO would be very fun but i genuinely do not know how to explore the concept while making it feel like it’s Written By Me.....u know what i mean? same with soulmate aus, i really dislike writing them because theyre just boring to me like they all feel the same everything’s been done for them.....which is FINE!!! but i write enough cliche stuff as it is HAHA, a long distance type soulmate au could be fun and interesting but ldr’s trigger me bc of a past relationship so </3 but hey maybe someone else could use the idea!!!!!
- gotta love tsukishima <3
- im rlly glad my writing could be there for you friend, one of the biggest reasons i write fanfic (and write the kind of fics i write) is bc i know firsthand how much reading sweet stories abt ur comfort characters can help u through the shittiest times - i just wanna offer ppl some support and happy feelings and love cuz sometimes fanfic is the only time we can find those things (and theres nothing shameful abt that either if anyone bullies u for reading fanfic i will fight them)
- I KNOW MY LAYOUT IS LAZY AND BASIC AS FUCK AND THAT IS BECAUSE I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT LMAOOOO so im glad u think its ok...... like i dont have the patience to create a fancy ass layout that actually works are u KIDDING ME??????? I COULD LITERALLY NEVER plus i kinda like that its just the basic kinda ugly boring default layout like it makes it simple and easy and i feel like it brings focus to the only thing on this blog that i care about which is my writing, i rlly only care about the content here and not aesthetics jdbljdabsdk that blue background will be there til i Die......i adore u more btw 
- WHOA trilingual what the hell ur so cool tell me more 
- you have my word, friend, that i will continue to do all of that so long as you do the same. take care of yourself, be kind to yourself - i know u can do it, ur so kind to others and u deserve to be kind to urself, too so this is the part that genuinely brought me to tears because *sappy dumb shit ahead* ok look ever since i can remember the one and only thing ive wanted to do with my life is become an author ...... dreams of book covers with my name written on them and words in pages written by me and fanart of my characters and going into my local bookstore n seeing my book there....these thoughts all haunt my fucking brain because i want it SO BAD!!!!!!!! so bad that it makes me CRY!!!!!!!! ive never wanted something more and just!!!!!!!!!!!! idk how much u meant that part but holy fuck!!!!!! i hope so bad that one day i can send u a free copy of my book as a thank u for being the person u are. u have all my love friend, every last bit of it <333333333
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akurathereaper · 4 years
An insignificant rant on HoT&PoF
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As everyone knows, yady yady ya, everyone prefers HoT, whatever
I’m one of those people and I’m about to rant about this too.
I will be talking about story elements and stuff that happens in both DLCs.
I like Path of Fire, I really do, it gave me Elona, it gave me agent Kito whom I wholeheartedly pity cuz he has to deal with the Commander, it gave me more of Aurene (and it gave me Joko on whom I can shit on when I feel bad)
But, it didn’t give me maps I like (and I will tell you why) (please note I am no game designer, or designer in general. In fact, maps designed by me would be probably shit, but I still believe my opinion is valid, because I am a person with eyes that can see)
This is going to be a small rant when it comes to maps, now mark, english isn’t my first language so there may be nonsensical sentences, and I am no professional critic so all of this is coming from my heart, not my brain.
Ready? Let’s go
So I’m going to do a little comparison (nothing too much in depth) of the four maps from each DLC (plus Domain of Vabbi but I don’t have much to say on it if I’m honest).
 We have Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths and Dragon’s stand from Heart of Thorns, and Crystal Oasis, Desert Highlands, The Desolation, Elon Riverlands and Domain of Vabbi. 
Let me start with HoT, because it makes logical sense.
When you first start the Heart of Thorns campaign, you’re told to go from Silverwastes to... Verdant Brink. You get a small taste of it right before you enter it, in that cave where the injured pact members are talking about it. And then you load in (hopefully, if your pc doesn’t reenact an atomic blast), and first thing you see, when you walk in on that VERY SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED LEDGE
is absolute carnage.
Ships are strewn about, hanging in pieces torn apart by Mordremoth’s vines, smoke and fire is everywhere, that part of the jungle is ravaged not only by Mordremoth, but also by you. Your Pact. And in that moment you exactly realize what happened (if it wasn’t obvious from the cutscene that played before it *cough cough*)
But now you see it. The map tells you a very obvious story, and you don’t need to be a genius to figure it out. It tells you and SHOWS you exactly how strong and dangerous the Dragon you’re hunting is. It shows you what you have to overcome.  (And if you’re me, you’re crying cuz Trahearne got kidnapped)
I’m going to skip the storyparts of this map, but will instead focus on the meta of it (since i’ve done it like trillion times). There’s five main crashpoints. Each has to bring their all to successfuly make this map “safe”. The nobles, the Pale Reavers, the quaggan and her soldiers. Everyone. I’m guessing that after you kill all the five champions, the area becomes safe enough for you to move on, after all, you’re the Commander, and you cannot leave everyone to die in the middle of the Jungle. Once again, the map tells you a story through the gameplay)
And then you move onto Auric Basin (I’m guessing it’s a lot of people’s fav map)
Oh, Auric Basin... The map instantly breathes “something”, something different. You KNOW you’re somewhere else, the whole atmosphere tells you that you’re somewhere forgotten, somewhere where the touches of humans, sylvari, charr, whatever main race, have not reached. 
Your first instance of it is most likely the story instance, so you get introduced to the place pretty quickly. I don’t have to say how gorgeous the city actually is, right?
The whole place is an archaeologist’s wet dream. And again, the map tells you, it shows you, it’s story, it’s history (the Priory people are wetting themselves over the whole thing), and sometimes it’s the Exalted themselves who tell you the story. But you can gauge a lot of it just from observing. It’s not the most effective of cities, I’ll be honest, but it’s a damn impressive one. After all, Tarir was build for Glint’s scion.
And the meta? It’s about PROTECTING the city. Protecting it from Mordremoth, from destroying it, from destroying the safe place for a dragon’s egg. You stop Mordremoth from leaching the place with Octovines (or an exalted does it for you. Kudos to you, immortal and endless exalted), and you don’t rly realize the importance of this place until the whole Aurene thing happens.
And oof, Tangled Depths. 
Tangled Depths, one of the most hated maps in the entire expansion, a thing (imho) that can be very much blamed on the map limitation (I’m talking about your map, where you see where you are and where the waypoints are, etc.) Like, honestly, wouldn’t it be a WHOLE lot easier to traverse if your map made actual damn sense? But I digress.
Tangled Depths is probably one of the lesser impressive maps? Overall, I very like it, although it’s story has to be unearthed and explored actively. It’s more of a bland looking pie with delicious filling.
Tangled Depths is quite...a good map. In a way. Don’t throw trash at me, please. I also hated it when I had to walk through it, but I learnt the shortcuts and then traversed with relative ease, so I stopped seeing the whole map as a nuisance and started seeing it for what it was. 
Such an untouched piece of history... The Rata Novus? Rata Novus? Hello? Asura lived here?
The Ogres, making their village there? The Nuhoch, fighting for their survival with the Zintl hyleks and the Chak? The Chak? Such new and interesting creatures who literally eat magic! In the middle of the jungle, you see such life, such vivacity, even in the midst of Mordremoth’s reign of terror.
And the story of the meta is tying in so nicely to the overall thing! You’re literally tunneling into Dragon’s stand, to reach old Papa Mordremoth, and you’re doing it with the help of everyone on the map! The Ogres, the asuras (well they dead, so their robots lol), the Chak (yeah, Chak bois be helping, not rly it’s just the lane lol), and the useless easy line! You’re charging a thingimajig that blasts a hole through the ley-line empowered wall and bam, you’re in DS. (Excuse me it has been a while since I was in TD) And Chak bois are on your ass trying to eat it cuz magic but that’s so the meta is interesting.
And then... My favourite map. Dragon’s stand.
I played this map... probably more than I should’ve, but... the way it is structured is simply so interesting! Three lines, for three leaders, each battling their way through the jungle to get to the Generals, to get to the Mouth of Mordremoth. And along the way, you gain more and more allies, more and more people to help you fight this noodle!  You get the ogres, the itzel, the nuhoch, the skritt(!), the exalted, the... THE NIGHTMARE COURT? *cough cough* cut content *cough cough*. Yeah, some don’t get an explanation, but you see everything that you have done, everyone you have helped in the previous map, go help you out in this one? You see them and protect them at the last island (and the whole map is just one giant meta and I LOVE IT (it can be a point of criticism as well, since it’s quite hard to explore if the meta ain’t done and the last few pois are impossible to get if MoM isn’t dead)) and it’s just so epic
Everything you did was leading up to this moment, this last battle, this last stand, the DRAGON’S STAND. And the battle was just... epic. Epic, is all I can say about this map and it’s story. (Shame the Commanders/Generals were cut out, as we have no clue who they were, and knowing something about them would make it a bit more meaningful in fighting them)
To conclude.
HoT is focused as hell. You got a goal: Pop a cap in Mordremoth. And you’re going to do it. You got twice the motivation if you’re a sylvari. Each map is designed to give you the build up of the fight, first you see what Mordremoth can do, then you see what’s at stake, and then you gotta fight for it. The fact the maps are gorgeous (If a little (bit a lot) laggy) only helps the overall feel.  Anything and Everything can and will murder your ass, and you gotta be ready for it.
Now onto PoF maps. This segment is going to be shorter, because in all honesty? PoF, I like you, but you’re just... well, you’ll see. Hopefully. This is after all just my opinion lol.
Oh and if you got this far? Kudos lol I ramble a lot. <3
Anyway, PoF maps.
So the opening to PoF is... quite good? It’s a bit out of your control but it does it’s job imo.
You come in on an airship, and you see the land spread before you. You see a pyramind, and you think “Oh hell yeah, pyramids.” I would LOVE to just be able to explore the area, you know, have a chill opening, but PoF is about FIRE and FIGHT so, you fight and try to save the people and it’s very chaotic and everything is on FIRE OH GODS.
So you chase this mysterious person, you get introduced to the raptor village, all goes well or bad, and then you are directed to the city of Amnoon (since we’re still in a story instance), so you go. Amnoon is very pretty, and following the tradition of MMO cities very impractical, but hey, rule of cool. The whole time you’re not rly allowed to explore anywhere or look at anything, you’re focused, sure, but you’re also very distracted, you get me?
You want to look around, you want to explore, but you’ve just been attacked by this Herald woman and you’re tired of politics. The opening of PoF isn’t bad, but it is very different from HoT, as in HoT you first SAW the carnage Mordy did and THEN you went on down to help the remaining survivals, whereas here, in Oasis, you kinda.. live through it? You see it first hand what Balthy is doing, while in HoT you only chased the aftermaths of the massacres. This works differently for everyone, and I personally prefer the HoT approach. 
PoF is very open when it comes to the story, as in you are not AS limited to instances as it was with HoT, sometimes it works to its advantage, sometimes.. it doesn’t. 
The way PoF maps jerk you around is very confusing to me. You explore Crystal Oasis, then you go to Desert Highlands, then to Elon riverlands, and you gotta go back down through the Oasis to get there, so you are already trudging through the land you already know (and since you have mounts they took full advantage of making the maps bigger, but it makes them feel... emptier? Like I get it, it’s the Desert, but still...) so you get to Elon riverlands, you do your thing there, then you go to Desolation, then to Vabbi. Nice. Okay.
In none of these maps, there is a story meta. None. No impressive whole-map meta where you gotta all cooperate to keep the map stable. Nothing. There is no use in me trying to analyze these maps, for they are just... backdrop to what’s happening.  Balthazar this, Balthazar that. Oh no Kralky is awake, and oh look we met Vlast for like 2 seconds and then he immediately ded. 
I’ll be honest... I don’t remember much of PoF before chapter 9 The Departing (because that chapter was fire. Lol. get it), which saddens me immensely. I remember most of HoT. Where what happened when it happened how it happened, I know, and if I don’t know immediately, in few minutes my brain serves me the entire instance. I could probably play HoT blindfolded. 
This is a very shallow look into why I probably don’t like PoF as much as I like HoT. 
To try and conclude my very messy terrible rant essay:
Heart of Thorns used its maps in a way that showed you with gameplay what’s in store for you. It used maps in a way to help you build that anticipation of the fight, of everything you sacrificed along the way. The maps are smartly connected in a way where with each map you delve deeper into the jungle, deeper into the mouth of the beast. Sure, they lag as fuck, but the PoF maps do so too, don’t lie to yourselves. With each map you meet new allies that help you along the way.
In Path of Fire I just... don’t get that feeling. I run from map to map, mindlessly following the green star, hoping I will stumble upon something interesting on the way. In Heart of Thorns it was the opposite. I was walking around the map, breathing in the atmosphere of the place, and stumbling upon the green story star. I feel like the Elona desert did not get such justice as it deserved. I trudge around the maps, I complete the maps to get the reward, then I move onto the story. My interest in the whole thing only started to pick up once I freaking DIED for gods’ sake. 
My hopes for the End of Dragons, which is happening in Cantha, is that I get more of that focused map design. That story in gameplay, that map-wide meta that will have me grind my teeth at 10pm on a work/school night. I don’t need Drizzlewood metas (an inferior Dragon’s stand, mind you) that are like 2-3 hours long. A 30 min prelude and 30 min metas are fine. An hour long meta if you have the idea for it, but... give me map stories, Anet.
Feel free to share your own feels about the different feels between the DLCs. I will GLADLY take in PoF preferrers. What did you prefer in PoF? What did you like in it? Give me your opinions, give me your take on everything. 
And thank you for reading my overly long rant essay, hah.
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sortavibing · 4 years
hello , i was wondering if it was possible to ask for a matchup! if so here’s all my info !!! sorry if this is really long :/ i feel so bad i literally wrote u an ESSAY. 😰
my name is lizelle, i don’t really have any nicknames except for zellie (but that’s reserved for specific childhood friends and family members). my pronouns are she/her and i am bisexual. my personality type is enfp-t. i love writing, i’ve been doing it since i was in elementary school. i’ve also been dancing for ,,, 12 years now i think (i’m 17 :)) i also love listening to music, i could sit and listen for hours. i value trust more than anything in a relationship, i also enjoy someone who has a good sense humor. like rolling on the floor laughing type beat :) i LOVE baking, i stress bake. i also love reading and watching tv (my favs are game of thrones atla and aot) . i hate seafood, absolutely despise it, honestly i’m basically a vegetarian lol. i’m pretty short standing @ 4’11. i’m black and i’m a lil bit pudgy but i’m learning to accept it. thick thighs save lives bb 😌 so do big titties but u aint hear that from me 👀 i am a very secretly insecure person. which means i tend not to bring up my insecurities unless absolutely necessary or they’re forced out of me but they are DEFINITELY there, you just gotta be a little patient. my stomach, boobs, thighs, hair, skin color. growing up in a white town did wonders for my confidence as a kid 🤩 . i definitely use humor and fake confidence as coping mechanisms if you couldn’t tell LOL. and i would say i am the funniest damn person i know, nobody compares. when i get really exited or passionate about something i could go on for literal HOURS and i’d talk to anyone who will listen. ANYWAYS
i would like a romantic relationship ship please and thank uuu! you are an angel for writing these 😌 again i apologize for the length but heres my fucking dissertation.
i don’t know how to add onto another request ,, but i really forgot to add my zodiac sign 😐 anyways, IM A GEMINI! have a beautiful rest of your day and i cannot thank you enough for these. godsend 🙏🏾
i hate this legitimately what is my god damn problem. my love language is touch and i am also obviously the most forgetful person ever. i promise i’m done now 🥺 i am so sorry my brain is like …evaporatorating or some shit. also i hope you are receiving these OMLLLL.
ack hello lizelle! thank you so much for requesting! you seem like such a sweet person, and no worries about the separate asks, i got all of them :) please the talent to be able to dance for 12 years- that’s so amazing! anyways, here’s your matchup!
generating matchup…
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matchup: complete
i match you up with osamu!
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what first drew osamu to you was just how pretty you were- like he saw you while he was walking to class and just had to do a double take because he was internally thinking “holy fuck i need to talk to her”. atsumu saw his awe struck face, and made fun of him for a solid 3 days, but he didn’t really care, because he just wants to get to know you. 
he knows you are basically vegetarian, so he’ll surprise you at school with homemade vegetarian meals. he will always steal a little bit, because it looks so good, and he can’t resist, and you’ll pretend to get annoyed, but you still will let him take food every time. everyone on inarizaki is lowkey jealous of you because they want some of osamu’s cooking, but he only gives it to you.
on the weekends, you guys will bake together, and whatever you are making with him turns out super well, and you guys take so many pictures of the finished dessert. osamu loves to sample things while you guys are baking, so you always have to make sure he won’t eat all the ingredients before you finish. after you guys finish, atsumu will always try to take some, and if he tries, both of you literally attack him because no way in hell is atsumu going to get the first piece :)
he loves to listen to you talk, and you guys like to just vibe with each other, soft music playing, as you cuddle and he listens to whatever you want to rant about at the moment. sometimes he will put his opinion in, if you want him to, but he usually is just content to hear the sound of your voice, and learn more about you while you talk.
if you guys are taking a bus or subway, he will rest his hand on your thigh and trace circles on it, and pretend like he’s not doing anything, but you know he’s doing it just to get a reaction out of you. he will always subconsciously grab your hand if you guys are walking somewhere together, because he loves being around you, and lowkey showing everyone that you are his girlfriend.
osamu really likes to watch you dance, because he thinks you look like a true angel when you are dancing, and he’s just hypnotized by your graceful moves. the first time he went to one of your recitals, he was just amazed by your skill, and after it ended, he literally didn’t stop telling you how beautiful you were for a solid 30 minutes.
one weekend, you convinced him to binge alta with you, and he became lowkey obsessed. his favorite character was momo and the cabbage man, and whenever the cabbage man’s cart broke, he got lowkey annoyed and started insulting aang, which was really funny. his insta bio was #justiceforcabbageman for a solid week and you thought it was so cringey but cute at the same time, so you let it slide.
if you ever get insecure, he will be sure to shut it down quickly, because no one is going to slander his girlfriend, not even herself. osamu will immediately start telling you everything he likes about you (which is everything), and how lucky he is to be able to date someone as pretty, funny, and sweet as you are.
one of the first dates he took you on was a trip to a nearby city, where you guys spent the day just going to different small bakeries and trying the pastries, is arm around your shoulder or waist the entire time. the entire trip was so cute and aesthetic, and you both got so many ideas of what you wanted to make with each other next.
overall, you guys are such a cute couple, because it’s very obvious that both of you care for each other very much, though osamu tries (and fails) to be more lowkey about it. he is still surprised that you wanted to go without him, and he will do anything he can to keep you happy in your relationship.
i hope you enjoyed!
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unimpressivethief · 5 years
Can be used to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen!
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1. FIRST NAME: Spence. Just Spence. Spencer is too formal. 
Nah, but really. I was born during the single worst hurricane to happen in the early 90′s. My parents were in the process of evacuating, stuck in traffic and I decided that was my time to shine. Mum couldn’t make it to the hospital in time, so I was a car baby. My mum has never let me live it down. I ruined the seats to her car and that’s what shes still mad about. She doesn’t even own that car anymore and still brings it up. Lmao.
3. TOP THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON: Ah, fuck. This is hard. Muscles, can hold themselves with confidence, aesthetic??? As cheesy as it sounds, I’m more of a personality guy. I can’t really be attracted to someone unless I know them. 
4. A FOOD YOU COULD EAT FOREVER AND NOT GET BORED OF: Soups and warm bread. Boring, I know, but I lived in poverty all my life and I’ve learned to appreciate the simple things. 
5. A FOOD YOU HATE: Broccoli!!! I hate it!!! It’s so gross!!! 
6. GUILTY PLEASURE: Eating an entire bag of chips in one sitting. Sometimes more. I have no self control when it comes to chips. 
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN: Boxers and a comfy t-shirt. Don’t like a lotta things touching me while I try to sleep.
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS: Both??? I gotta be honest with you, I haven’t been in a relationship since my early 20′s. It was pretty traumatic and I haven’t really got over it. Still hopin’ the right person is out there for me. I’m open for a serious relationship some day.
How about a silly answer? I’d go back and teach myself how to properly dye hair and shave a mohawk. My first attempt was a complete disaster. Still rocked it like it was cool though.  
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON: Sometimes. Depends on my mood. I’m on and off distant and I don’t mean to be. 
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN: Uh, any Studio Ghibli movie? All except for Grave of the Fireflies. That shit makes me depressed for weeks. 
12. FAVORITE BOOK: Any books about vampires, or demons, or just fantasy stuff!
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE: I’m perfectly content with cats but if I had to pick a strange animal; I’d want a Deer! I just love them. 
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL]: Uh, Yu/Bo from the Beyblade fandom? This blog hasn’t had enough interactions yet to really have a fav ship list. At least not yet. 
15. PIE OR CAKE: Cake! Pie is too dry.
16. FAVORITE SCENT: Sage, lavender. I don’t like super overpowering smells.
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH: Lucy Lawless. I’ve had a mad crush on her since I was a kid, and even now she can still get it. I’m sure I can think of others but I’m lazy. I’m like Demi/Pan so like, my list is a bit long.
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO: Back to Sweden, or Japan. I really want to see Japan one day.
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT: Introvert. I’m very shy, and awkward. Being around people can hella intimidate me if I don’t know them. Among friends I lean more into Extrovert territory. It’s too late for them, they can’t leave. 
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY: Very! I hate it!!! You can sneak up and surprise me so easily!!! I scare myself sometimes.
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID: Android??? I’ve never had an Iphone so I can’t judge. I’m sure they both have pros and cons.
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES: Lots! I’ll play anything that looks interesting enough! I love open world games and horror games the best. Silent Hill 2 is one of my all time favorite games. Just starting it up and wondering around makes me feel like home. I really love Witcher 3 too! Man, its really hard to pick, I love so many games.
23. DREAM JOB: Radio DJ!!! I know the odds are stacked against me, and I do have a speech impediment but its always been my dream. 
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS: TOP SURGERY!!! TOP SURGERY!!! T O P S U R G E R Y!!! I’ve been saving for years but never get close enough. After, I’d like to put some money in saving for college and the rest i’d use to help people. 
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE: I don’t hate fictional characters as much as I hate some extremest fans of certain characters. Extremists and take a good character and completely ruin it and suck the fun out of it. 
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER: Ugh, V*ltr*n. I grew up with the old series and loved the new series but the fandom just upsets me. 
TAGGED BY: @floralcrowns​
TAGGING: @unovasgambler​ / @frozenriver​
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spidercakes · 5 years
Starker for 002 in the ask thing if you wouldn't mind dear author 💜 -StarkerBrain3000
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when of if I started shipping it.
Hard to pinpoint. I saw it probably just after Civil War for the first time, thought ‘hmm’ and then watched the massive backlash to it appear. Never paid much attention to it, though, mostly because starker didn’t sit in any of my inner circle of blogs I follow at the time, so most of it was peripheral and given the weird amount of hate Tony’s character got I already only followed hella select blogs in the MCU fandom.
I got way more into the ship about 3 months ago though. Went on a reading binge and then made this blog. I’m not sure why it happened to be when it was, but I’m already established as a fic writer elsewhere and felt a bit burnt out. This pairing has been like a nice vacation because I like producing content for it and this is a surprisingly interactive fandom? The most interactive I’ve ever dealt with anyway.
my thoughts:
Good lord people on this site take shipping and fiction in general way too seriously. Don’t get me wrong, I live and breath social justice- I have a gender studies degree- its a big part of my life. But antis seem to fundamentally misunderstand how fiction affects reality and how reality affects fiction. They remind me a lot of anti porn feminists in the 70′s claiming that porn made men violent towards women when that’s A- not definitively proven even now and B- you don’t watch an hour long porn flick and become a misogynist, you were already misogynistic and then the porn reaffirmed your shitty values, and the shitty treatment of women in the porn was because misogyny already existed in mainstream culture and was thus included in the porn. Which is generally how fiction affecting reality works- something preexisting in the culture is reinforced by mainstream media and then reabsorbed by the audience, which is why people can watch slashers without you know, turning into one.
And the fact that antis remind me of that particular group of feminists doesn’t leave me with a high opinion of them really. They lack a lot of critical thinking skills, don’t even seem to understand how fan fiction works also, and they also keep redefining the definition of pedophilia for... fuck knows what reason because it sure shit isn’t to help victims of actual CSA. They’re irritating at best and absolute hypocrites at worst- like who the hell says ‘save the children, kill yourself’ and thinks that’s actually acceptable?
As for the ship itself I’ve always preferred AUs, and this pairing is no exception though I’d never actually write it in canon. Canon sideways maybe, but it’d have to be pretty sideways for me to consider it. Plus I find it more fun to make my own sandbox to play in rather than the writers of the MCU’s box. I’ve already seen them in that setting, I want to play with them in new settings lol. That said I’ve not written much of this pairing before so its all new stuff and this particular fandom offers new tropes to play around with! That’s what had me most excited walking into the fandom, the way people toyed with the characters.
What makes me happy about them:
The unique dynamic they have- I’ve always been drawn to characters who have an interesting dynamic. Plus Tony Stark is one of my fav characters in anything anyway and I ship him with almost everyone (minus Pepper, no hate to Pepper!). I figure that’s why this ship came about too- Tony is interesting and well drawn out as a character, and I loved Tom Holland’s Spidey. He’s the best who’s had the character in my opinion so pairing them together was probably something inevitable. Other than that I like the way the fandom toys with their characters- not always in character, but still a lot of fun to read and imagine!
What makes me sad about them:
Well, half of them are dead, so...
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Good god, daddy kink. Its not even that I find it annoying, its just that its a hell of a squick for me so its difficult to find something that doesn’t include that and surprise daddy kink is not where I’m at as a person. Granted most people warn for it, which I’m grateful for, but it does permeate the fandom in a way that makes it a pain in the ass to find something I want. And honestly that’s really only it, and its more of a personal preference (seriously, no hate to anyone who likes that- you’re clearly all in good company lol, its just not for me) than an actual annoyance.
things I look for in fanfic:
I’m really picky about how I like Tony written. I’ve been writing the character for years now and fell into my own habits with him, though I do get pretty consistent compliments on how I write him so I’ll assume I do an okay job. But the result is that I have a hard time when people write him in ways I don’t like or wouldn’t write myself. Sometimes its just random squicks that pop up in a story, or sometimes I outright dislike the way he’s written. That said I do find that the starker fandom does the things I hate with Tony’s characterization in fic much less. 
This, I think, is primarily due to the fact that he’s made the more dominant one in the relationship always (and people treating top/bottom like its a fucking dominance thing is something that annoys me in general mostly because its built on the misogynistic idea that being penetrated is being dominated but also because sex positions aren’t a fucking personality trait but I digress). As per my previous rant I don’t care for the idea of the ‘top’ being the dominating one based on that alone, but I do like that people writing Tony in that way reduces the amount of Wuss Tony fics in the fandom. Actually, I don’t think I’ve read a single one like that. Its my Number One I Hate That in other MCU pairings, making Tony some weak little waif in need of protecting. Though I gotta admit I don’t care for Peter in that position either- clearly he’s capable and able, please don’t turn him into the wuss. Bonus points if everyone thinks he’s soft but then oh no he’s actually dangerous shit lmao.
Still though, my pickiness over how the character is written can sometimes hinder my ability to enjoy a fic.
My kinks:
Bro finding an entire fandom who likes feminizing dudes if fucking mint. I have my issues with the term, but I do feel men get the ass end of the stick when it comes to aesthetics and the easiest solution is to stick them in aesthetically pleasing shit and if that’s women’s clothing and lingerie so be it lmao. I also like the kind of gender bending that goes on in that too, I find it subversive in a way that doesn’t need to be spoken aloud if I want to swing it that way, or flat out more pleasing to imagine. Seriously, men’s clothing is boring as fuck so skirts? I’m here for it. Though I wish there was more fem!Tony stuff in the starker fandom- its actually something I write a lot of when I write him in other pairings (particularly winteriron).
Other than that I’m a big fan of anything sensation play related. So ice play, things fucking about with heat, sometimes electric play stuff, taking away someone’s senses (blind folds, bondage, blocking out hearing in some way- that type of thing). Things like feathers are nice too. I’m also fond of gags, preference for ball gags or impromptu cleave gags. Theoretically soft dom stuff though I will never understand why bondage is considered not terribly kinky. I know a lot of people are into it but the idea of trusting someone enough to tie me up and actually listen if I decide I want out of it? I have too many trust issues to relate lmao. But it does make for a good bit of fiction as I’m sure some of you have noticed in my writing (given that I do love to write some kinky stuff). If you want something sex related specifically for whatever reason public sex gets my goat, not sure why because if I were a random passerby I’d be pretty fucking annoyed at the people in the bathroom but hey, whatever floats your boat on the page, right lmao.
I’ve thought about some more extreme things too, knife play and toying with things like fear being two of those things. But I’d have to have the right opportunity and context to work them in.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Well, Tony is dead so. I would have preferred him with literally anyone but Pepper though. He literally had more romantic chemistry with Rhodey (who I do incidentally ship him with). But the MCU is  bunch of cowards so clearly they would never end up together. But they’d make a better pairing than him and Pepper, in my opinion.
Peter I’m fine with him being with MJ, I like them together on screen and I really like her character. If not her than Ned would also be a good pairing for him!
My happily ever after for them:
Well we gunna have to unkill some people but that’s what fanfic is for, right? Beyond that because I prefer AUs so much their happily ever after will depend entirely upon what universe I’ve imagined up for them :)
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kingloptr · 6 years
I was tagged by the lovely @seidrade !! \o/ Thank u ohmg this was so fun ~
1. Ultimate OTP — Yeah it’s gotta be thorki. I haven’t ever stuck around and continuously produced content, meta, textposts and fic for any other ship for this long or this much before. Sure there are things I’ve shipped for literally like a decade longer, but thorki is just so versatile and i still feel like there’s no getting truly tired of it ~
2. A ship you’ll always love — Sora/Riku from Kingdom Hearts :3
3. Your current obsession — im not rlly obsessing over anything atm! wellllll not visibly....but for the past couple years ive not been talking about it AT ALL to anyone but i’ve put a lot of brain energy and hardcore self-projecting/venting into a private kinda neverending fic ive been writing about Izaya and Masaomi from Durarara. it’s rlly fucked up and problematic lol holy shit. but that fic has become like a brain garbage diary and i reread parts of it constantly, still adding to it when i need it, and I’ve thought about it at least once a day for like 3 or 4 years now. anyways i’m 99.5% sure it’s never seeing the light of day so dont ask haha. If another shipper wanted to talk to me about their dynamic and stuff tho i wouldnt mind that! As long as you’re not an anti who’s gonna yell at me for how fucked up this ship can be. i’ve never been active in the DRRR fandom, just a lurker and Izaya fiend/stalker >_<
4. A ship you never thought you’d like — i hardly have this issue. i just know myself rlly well and am very predictable to myself so this doesn’t exactly happen to me >_>. I might at first not be paying attention to the ship and then in hits me very suddenly, but i basically never look at a ship and say ‘i won’t like that’ then later end up changing my mind ~ I mean well...maybe IronStrange counts for this. I didn’t start off even thinking about it and I thought I didn’t get their chemistry in that way, but seeing other ppl ship it continues to make me like hmmmm i’m kinda feelin it
5. A ship you liked but don’t anymore — johnlock. kinda dont think i need to say more lol
6. A ship you think should be canon — Stucky. I mean. Seriously?
7. A canon ship you hate — Ten/rose from Doctor Who. sorry i know this is like a crime in some circles lmao but. i just. even though the doctor is still legit one of my fav characters from anything, i just do not like rose
8. A ship you’ve shipped for years — Allen/Kanda from D Grayman :)
9. A ship everyone loves but you don’t care about — ? idk? sometimes stony is cute and ill like a post here and there but i don’t think i even comprehend how big that ship is ~ im just extra extra neutral on it tho. like yeah dads of the avengers etc but i don’t.....s HI P....? like. there’s so many more interesting or dynamic things they could be doing with characters other than each other lol
10. Favorite rare-pair — ????? hhhhhh uhhhhh ThunderShield is all I can think of rn! ThunderIron too. And I think most people are either thorki or theyre frostiron no inbetween, but I ot3 thunderfrostiron still lol and there’s barely any content or posts on it that i don’t make myself D:
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its-love-u-asshole · 7 years
about me as a writer
I was tagged by @oiivkawa <3 Thanks so much, this was super fun!
Tagging: @emeraldwaves @ivyfics @calmgeyama @ohoholyshit @yatatsukki and?? anyone else who wants to I guess lol, I feel like most ppl I know how been tagged ^^ 
I’m putting my responses under the cut as well bc I know myself lmao, my responses can be long af ^^’’
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean? bleh I have two usernames, and both stories are embarrassing LOL I’ll go with my actual ao3 name though I guess?? When I was in middle (?) school I used to watch the anime HOTD, which is like...awful first off. It’s borderline hentai, shitty fanservice, the whole thing (don’t ask me why I watched it, bc who knows, the music was A+) but my favorite character’s name was Saya, and her servants would call her ladysaya, so that’s the explanation for that ha. I put the x in front because I used to be obsessed with x men and all the marvel/dc animated series, so it felt appropriate pft. Man, even talking about this brings back so many cringe worthy memories lmao forgive me. 
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (Bookmarks/ Subscriptions/ Hits/ Kudos) for Haikyuu!! it’s definitely Slipping Underneath, and for K Project it’s There You Are <3 
3. What is your AO3 profile icon and why did you choose it? It’s Semi! The reasoning for this is because I have 3 fav Haikyuu!! characters: Tsukishima, Oikawa, and Semi. So I just try to distribute my love evenly tbh lol. I have a Tsukki icon on here and discord, Semi for AO3, and Oikawa is on my phone case ^^ 
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters? ahhh I have several but I’m not aware if many of them have tumblr?? A lot of people who comment on every chapter of my multichapters are very special to me, I love them all! Ofc on here there’s @emeraldwaves @ivyfics @momomirasaki124 @uselessvalshit @starjem and then I have my other fav supporters @serviceace @caelestisxyz and @urikawa-miyuki  <3 
5. Is there a fanfic you keep going back to read again and again? Ah damn there are so many lmfao, I have a lot of fav fics and I don’t want to make this post super long. Please check out the rec posts I’ve done here and here ! Or also message me for specific types of fics <3 I will say though, one fic I always go back to read even though it’s been YEARS is a kyoukao fic by potionwine! 
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked? I consider myself pretty picky, but I do read a LOT of fic, so I have a decent amount of both ^^ About 187 bookmarks, and 16 fic/author subscriptions! 
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most? Probably college?? even though I know that’s super broad, and all kinds of different AUs can be based in college but that’s how it is lol. I think that’s because I honestly don’t like redoing AUs?? I like experimenting and making up really weird shit and original scenarios as much as possible. Though, I’m sure you can find apparent trends across all my fics ^^ 
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? haha...I have 76 user subscriptions, 436 general fic subscriptions, and 792 bookmarks. I don’t even know how that’s real lmao I feel so blessed that so many people enjoy my writing <3 
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!) not really honestly, if I have an embarrassing or indulgent idea at this point, I just write it lmao idc but there are lots of types of fics I am scared to write just bc I don’t know if I could do them justice heh....
10. Is there anything you’d like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc. yes lmao updating better would be something I’d LOVE to improve on ; ; Also writing action scenes too fff fuck action scenes
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often? Uhhh I’ve dabbled in both but yeah, more often than not I stick to more popular pairs just because I need content to motivate me pftt
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day? 50! 
13. How many stories do you have saved in/ with your writing program? Like WIPs? ffff WIPs...maybe like 4 or 5 at this point, including multichapters, and wow that’s actually not a lot, usually I have a ton and I’m drowning in them loool
14. Do you write down story ideas or just keep them in your head? Both...I usually just keep things in my head, but if a fic starts giving me issues, I like to plot it out
15. Have you ever co- authored a story? Nope, but I’d really love to at some point with a friend! 
16. How did you discover AO3? Uh I honestly don’t remember loool I think one day I sorta just saw that no one was using ff anymore and I was like ‘aight’ 
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3? Not really lmao, I mean...my siren au does pretty well, but otherwise my fics get kinda slept on -shrug- it is what it is 
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers? lol i do not
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write? Well I’ve always loved to write so no, but @brynne-lagaao is a big reason I started writing sarumi fics back when I was in K fandom! And nowadays in the hq fandom, a lot of amazing authors really push me to keep writing ^^ 
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author? don’t be afraid to write and write whatever you want basically lmao I know it can be daunting if you think your writing skills aren’t matching up with other authors, but the best thing you can do is practice, practice, and eventually you will see results! Also read a lot, reading other ppl’s stories really helps, and above all, just have fun with it! 
21. Do you plot out your stories or do you just figure it out as you go? I try to have a basic plot (beginning, middle, end) because I used to just DIVE IN to stories and it was awful lmao I need some sort of guideline, even if it’s small
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do? yes ofc, but I honestly try not to dwell on them because they’re not worth it. I either ignore or delete in most cases
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (Action, smut, etc) action and smut are never easy for me lol
24. What story(s) are you working on now? well right now I’m working on two secret santa fics for iwaoi, as well as my two kurotsuki multichapters! I am also trying to write kacchako as a x-mas present for a friend lol
25. Do you plan your new projects before you finish your current ongoing story(s)? ha yeah, it’s a bad habit but I have no self-control
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself? I do not! I just try to write at least a little bit each day if I can, but there’s never a word minimum I try to reach ^^ 
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started? oh 100% lmao comparing some of my old fics from even a year ago to my fics now is eye opening 
28. What is your favourite story that you have written? Shaking in My Skull for sarumi, it’s also the longest fic I’ve ever written and it holds a special place in my heart ; ; For kurotsuki it’s gotta be Let My Love 
29. What is your least favourite story that you have written? fuck me, Pencils and Paper LOL it was an earlier sarumi fic of mine and I just...hate it. I’m not even gonna link it LOL 
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years? Still writing fanfic most likely, maybe some original stuff (I hope!)
31. What’s the easiest part about writing? lmao nothing, writing is super hard work, sometimes even just thinking up ideas can be difficult, then there’s actually writing and making the ideas come to life, and don’t get me started on editing lmaooo writers are my heroes 
32. What is the hardest part about writing? Finding the motivation, at least for me. I struggle sometimes with it because I’ll have the time and inspiration but depression just kicks my ass every time fff
33. Why do you write? For me it’s super therapeutic, I love the satisfaction of putting hard work into an idea you love and finishing it, and the high that comes with that. Plus sharing the story with others and getting positive feedback is a feeling that can’t be beat. I’ve always loved writing, I love how the possibilities are endless, and I hope I never stop <3 
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ruinsrebuilt · 7 years
What I’m Reading - Week 8
sorry this is like two weeks late guys! the trouble with my ears had completely unmotivated me, but I finally said ENOUGH. at least I've been reading fics here and there so this week’s post is a bit longer (yay for fic recs!) 
An Honest Man by @warriorgays
author summary: "Ask him to dance, doc."
word count: 2,435
my thoughts: Roe/Toye is one of my all time favorite rare pairs, so to see it written so beautifully is an absolute GIFT. post-canon / canon compliant, and very true to the characters, I adore this fic. 
hello (i’m here, i’m waiting) by @mjolll
author summary: “Go on,” Gene finds himself saying, ducking his head, “we got this, trooper.”
“At least let me help you get this back to the med tent, Doc.”
Spina shrugs, “suit yourself, Chuck.”
word count: 559
my thoughts: ANOTHER ONE OF MY FAV RAREPAIRS. I may be one of the only ones on this ship, but I will go down with, I swear. this is one of those drabbles that I wish I could have abut 50,000 more words of. 
I need you though by @gendryw4ters
author summary: "I’m… I’m going, George.” Luz doesn’t look up from his cereal. He’d known this day was coming, had known it since they’d first- well, not since they’d first met, but since they’d first gotten together, at least. The fact that he’d even convinced Ron Speirs to move in with him in the first place had been a minor miracle in itself.
word count: 943
my thoughts: this rare pair isn't one thats blatantly obvious but you know what? it’s golden. as proven by my lovely mind twin, with this brilliant drabble. starts out sad but trust me, the ending is worth it. 
With Naps Like These by @aces-low
author summary: Luz and Joe become napping buddies. It's surprisingly more complicated than it oughta be.
word count: 8,335
my thoughts: napping and fluff and luztoye. can you say heaven?? I adore this so much, especially the ending. there is a little bit of angst but you know what? worth it. 
Not Asked But Answered by Perpetual Motion 
author summary: Lip asks for nothing but does everything, and George is a little in love.
word count: 1,221
my thoughts: this fic is achingly sweet, just like this pairing. the whole thing beautifully written - I love how George is reflecting on how dedicated and caring Lip is. he deserves to be recognized. my heart is full :’) 
Way With Words by @donsmalarkey
author summary: Four times Luz flirts with Lip and one time Lip flirts back.
word count: 5,588
my thoughts: THIS IS SO SOFT AND CUTE AND ADORABLE AND FLIRTY AND GODDAMNIT MY FEELS. I’m so glad this fic exists, and if you even vaguely like this pairing, ya gotta read this. 
Everything’s Alright, Yes, Everything’s Fine by @ralphspina
author summary: "And we want you to sleep well tonight, let the world turn without you tonight," or: Carwood finally takes a damn nap in a damn bed.
word count: 475
my thoughts: I was begging for luz/lip content and guess who came down from the heavens to hand me this perfection?? MADDIE. IT WAS MADDIE AND I LOVE IT. 
Counting backwards by @jim-bones-spock
author summary: "He was now almost arrived. If George wanted, he could walk three steps and grab at Lipton’s coat, could pull him to safety. But Lip had ordered him not to move. George was still on his knees, shaking and breathing hard, counting the second still, just like he was keeping record to the most sadistic and stressful run ever. It was killing him."
word count: 1,227
my thoughts: another result of my pitiful begging for luz/lip content and you know what? I REGRET NOTHING BECAUSE THIS IS FRIGGEN AWESOME. such a tender moment, I swear to god, I just wanna hugs them both. 
A Close Call by luluren
author summary: Nixon always seems to find him. 
word count: 11,607
my thoughts: I was introduced to Nix/Roe a while back, but only just now have I really started to explore them, and boy I gotta tell ya, this fic is so well written that even though I went into it unsure, I walked out completely sold. 
Here By Myself (A New Color to Paint the World) by @ralphspina
author summary: When the class clown and the emotional caretaker of Easy Company take stock after Bois Jacques, it's surprisingly easy for them to smile thanks to the good company.
word count: 1,202
my thoughts: you guys have no idea how long I have waited for the convent scene told from the perspective of luz/lip. and you have no idea how loud I screamed when Maddie wrote it. and you definitely have no idea how amazing it is, but trust me. it is perfection. 
Heat Jump by @alyseofwonderland
author summary: The Army has the following rules about having a sexual relationship while deployed: 1. Please, pretty please with sprinkles on top, don’t. 2. If you find that you cannot follow the first instructions then: Do not have sex in zero G. Don’t do it. You will get written up if you even suggest it as an idea to a recruit. 3. If you have a sexual relationship with a member of your unit, please make it not your direct superior officer for the love of all that is holy. 4. If you find that you HAVE to have a sexual relationship with your direct superior officer you will be forced to fill out five times the paper work.
word count: 19,048
Operation Get Julian Laid by LT_Aldo_Raine 
author summary: Its Julian's 21st birthday, and he's still a virgin. So, his best buddies Bill and Babe take it upon themselves to get him laid before the big    2-1. Only, things don't go exactly according to plan. OR: “Shit, Julian, I gotta fuckin' spell it out for you? Do you wanna fuck me or not?”
word count: 4,879
my thoughts: I’m always a slut for Babe/Julian. Always. and this is no exception. poor Julian doesn’t wanna get laid with just anyone. he wants his best friend. sweet babies. :’) 
and the stars look very different today by @r-catsby 
author summary: Chuck gives up. “Fuck it.” He rolls his eyes, slips from the counter to pad out of the kitchen and down the hall to what was once his bedroom. It no longer feels right to claim it solely as his own considering it’s Ron’s sheets that cover the bed, his dirty clothes heaped by the door and his books mixed with Chuck’s own on the nightstand. Chuck’s not entirely sure where he ends and Ron begins, hasn’t been for the past three years. They just kind of fell together and never looked back.
word count: 3,388
my thoughts: this is so cute and domestic-y and sexy and GAH I LOVE IT. the characterization/dynamic is pitch-perfect too. I smiled the entire time. 
five kisses that nearly killed george luz, for various reasons by @renelemaires
author summary: "Holy shit," is the first thing George says, because he really can't think of anything better. His mind is drawing blank, no matter how eager his tongue feels to leap out of his mouth. Everyone has heard about Speirs -- and everyone knows that kissing another guy, even by accident, is a thing that you don't do. In the army, that could get you kicked out in a heartbeat. In civilian life, you could be tossed in prison for it. And George just accidentally macked one on Killer Captain Speirs. He's a dead man.
word count: 5,140
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sevenmothz · 6 years
my kh3 experience
howdy guys, been a long ass time since i’ve written any of my own posts on this here blog. part of it is because i just haven’t gamed a lot in the last few months, and part of it is i also haven’t used tumblr in a long time too. xD
anyway, i played through the story of kh3 the week it released and while i was doing all that gaming, i pretty much liveblogged on mine and my friend’s discord with all my immediate thoughts/feelings of the game (whether she as awake to lol @ my nonsense or not xD).
so, of course, i went through and typed up most of that shit and am copypasting it here for random strangers’ enjoyment!
naturally, there will be spoilers, so don’t look if you care about that shit.
oh my ggooooodddd the new dearly beloved fuuuuuuck
ooh this place is pretty
oh boy there’s water oh man i bet this white place is gonna be a pain in my ass to get through fucking hollow bastion all over again
sora you’re so beautiful 😭
oh jesus do i really gotta do this stupid tutorial shit again at least now we are finally rid of that awful KH1 Sora model
hey it’s the tsunami from the frist game!
am i playing a diddly dang prequel of 3? are those FUCKIN’ LOADING SCREEN PAGES FUCKING INSTAGRAMS also lol sora got nerfed
aahhhh learning curves i hate have to get used to how this game handles
uh oh sora is worried about what xigbar said to him
eat shit, titan
also i’d like to say sora runs ridiculously fast now
sora’s such a brat “awww what about new clothes for meeeee??”
i can’t computer
stop being a bitch, buzz buzz killyear
oh yeah so when playing olympus hades was all “IVE BEEN PLANNING THIS FOR 18 YEARS” it’s been 17 years since KH1 came out 18 since it was in development god kingdom hearts is a junior in high school
gdi rex stay put oh no buzz oh noes i’m in a video game lmao
omg a cactaur
yeah you go woody
oh how i miss timed events/reaction commands. makes dealing with these fuckers you gotta climb on top of a lot easier to deal with
square why don’t you have the gotdamn kh3 soundtrack on itunes i need to be able to listen to this title screen music ALL THE TIME
sully just fuckin’ chuck vanitas through a door like “NOT TODAY BITCH”
of course they’re gonna do let it go.. they really did the whole thing
climb all the way up the mountain and larxene blows us off of it rude
wow are they really gonna do all the songs or wut
keep forgetting i can switch keyblades
annnnd back down the goddamn mountains lmao sora is so done
srsly we’re going up again
damn this boss fight is epic makes the slog through the world worth it unlike the fuckin’ toy box boss hated that fucker oh no marshmallow
fuck off larxene let people be happy
lmao stfu ventus keep volunteering sora to resque aqua
demyx :<
oh hello piercings dude
these pirate nerds little pirate sora is so cute
yeesh that elizabeth voice is terrible
guh it’s always a slog getting through the disney story stuff cuz it’s just worse rehashings of the movies at least fransokyo will be new content never seen big hero 6 xD
o mai assassin’s creed lite
jack you dumb bitch
oh man davy jones voice is bad too
jesus that second luxurd battle fucking terrible
god i never through elizabeth’s speech could sound so terrible how can you let someone butcher one of the most iconic moments from the third movie so bad?
oh thank god the kraken is easy to beat
lmao luxurd taken out by jack’s breath
eat shive, dave
lmao vexen “gdi it’s a real heart organ” “WE NEED A METAPHORICAL HEART YOU ASSHOLES”
damn sora throwing hands i was wondering how sora woudl react to one of his disney pals dying wasn’t expecting bodily assault
oma lea axel* whatever i wanna see his new dudes
ansem gonna talk to ansem oh god kids do’t get killed oh boy what happening now nobodies fightin’ ansem the bad WHO DUN IT GDI oh it was vexen DOUBLE AGENT??? or is he. filTHY LIAR they’re not gonna tell me pricks
“omg a robot :D”
keyblade hero 3 omg sora why
omai visor oh wow chill music
baaah sora showin’ off
holy shit i found me a new fav strength weapon the keyblade from caribbean love it even more than the toybox one xD the fuckin’ formchanges are amaze
THAT AIN’T SEA SALT ICE CREAM <gasp> roxas rude
replica riku~
damn microbot was a pain in the ass
WOT WHAT NOMURAING THIS SHIT ALL UP is this groundhog day i s2g
is that gotdamn terra
yen sid can actually do shit
damn this a long endgame
ah there we go. good ol’ Plot Device Kairi and there i thought she’d be useful lmao man tho i seriously rolled my eyes when xehanort struck an unconscious kairi down i was just like “yeah that seem about right..” storywise, sora has such a stronger connection to riku barely talks to kairi lea talked to kairi more in one game than sora ever did in 9+ i’d ship kairi and lea if there wasn’t such an obvious age gap lmao and WHO THE FUCK IS THIS CHICK THAT DIAPPEARED ON LEA AND ISA? like is that answered in this game or was it answered in a previous game?
Roxas is a REAL BOY now
gotdamn those dudes were tough
fuck man barely gives me time to block stupid goat head lemme guess tho that isn’t the end of course not because kingdom hearts can’t just let us defeat him c’mon man let me reload my potions at least man fuck off with this boss shit motherfucker did you really just force me into rage form “I AM MORE POWERFUL EVEN THO YOU KILLED ME LIKE 2 TIMES”
omg donald and goofy’s voices from the controller speaker
just fucking die already
this bitch really thinking he was the good guy the whole time
jesus the x-blade is bigger than sora
mickey and donald finally get to be hoooome
axel and xion in their new clothes~ EVEN ISA
maleficent is gonna find that fucking box isn’t she and we’re not gonna see what is in it i’m guessing its the box the Master of Masters gave to his apprentice cuz that’s the only notable box in the series i can think of
but yeah this game this game was supposed to bring an end to the Xehanort saga so they fully intent to make moar games so we’ll get a new annoying big bad and more weird dumb lore
ok we’re getting into the dumb credits like PR manager and shit so i think they’re coming close to the end ihope never know until you start seeing the gotdamn logos
that fuckin’ xigbar THE OLD MASTERS fuck it is i knew it I KNEW HE HAD SOMETHING GOING ON i was betting he was master of masters but no it’s luxu
fak FUQ fuck off with your games eraqus
HELLO SORA and Riku THEY”RE IN INSOMNIA no wait verum rex GAH
what if Demyx is Master of Masters
Final Thoughts: me: there were pretty much no FF cameos so 0/10 AzuraSpyte: lol I give it a 5/10 for Axel alone me: lolol minus 1 for making him wear the organization coat the entire game
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