#when we got to the The Locked Room
silviakundera · 2 years
The Guardian has me SHOUTING.
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This man is a disaster and I love him.
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This whole novel is Zhao Yunlan out there causing havoc like a trashcan diving raccoon, living the life of Bluebeard's wife and It's Fine.gif -ing his way into a functional marriage, a gay icon tbh
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hezuart · 10 months
If Seven have water bending powers, Six soul eating powers and Mono space-time powers what would Raincoat Girl powers would be
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oOOOO see, I thought about this quite a bit for the past week. I don't think Raincoat girl's powers will come up in Channel Change, so I'll share my headcanon here.
Raincoat girl I've always called "Five" though I've considered calling her "Quinn" (or even "Cinc") sometimes to not be so obviously a number, kind of like Mono's naming scheme. But I don't think the name Quinn would stick with the fandom as well as "Five" would...
To me, Five would have the ability to change her size at will. (Typically shrink, but only when she gets more powerful later she will learn how to enlarge herself.) She may also have the ability the manipulate the sizes of objects, people, or animals around her.
My evidence: 1. "VERY LITTLE Nightmares" game title 2. The Nest is more like a giant doll house, and she's surrounded by children turned into dolls 3. Each collectible has something to do with the children's powers. She collects Jack-in-the-boxes; children's toys that had been made in France as little "Demon-in-the-boxes". A tiny puppet pops out to surprise/scare the person playing its music because typically, no one would expect a creature to be compressed in something so small.
Six is a soul eater. She can suck the souls out of adults for sustenance. She can suck the youth out of children, turning them into nomes so that she may remain immortal. She may have the ability to teleport through shadows. She may or may not also have the ability to create shadow proxy children?
Mono is a space-time manipulator. He can travel through time and teleport elsewhere through TVs. He can leave behind imprints of children and also reabsorb them? He has minor to major telekinesis and draws in the attention of those around him.
Seven has hydrokinesis. He can physically manipulate water. He can create air pockets to breathe underwater. If he concentrates, he can also control the water inside someone's body including his own. This proves difficult when trying to lift others, but his body is the easiest to control, giving the illusion that he's floating on air.
Five/Quinn is a size shifter. She can shrink at will to crawl through small spaces like a mouse; to get into hidden rooms or to avoid being caught. She can also enlarge herself at will and has the ability the manipulate thse sizes of objects, people, or animals around her. But this requires heavy concentration to do so.
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i have a teeny, tiny superiority complex because i didn’t watch the atla live action.
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jewishfalin · 3 months
There is a very specific sort of antisemitism that is seemingly common in mental health facilities and its fucking terrifying
#the last 2 times ive been in a mental hospital it was always the most visibly jewish person who got targeted by nurses#and i happened to be the most visibly jewish person in a psychward the last time#its like. the 1st time there were more jewish people in there and the one of us who got it the worst was an older woman with bipolar disord#and like. many of us who noticed how terrible she was getting treated had to tell staff off multiple times#like wtf stop u r literally just poking her with a stick at this point trying to get her to have a meltdown so u have an excuse#to lock her away#it was so fucked#and the rest of us jews in there were like... slightly more stable enough to ignore the taunting from staff#like they'd find the smallest shit to get on our asses about or tell us we're being delusional abt things out of nowhere#like they tried to get a rise out of us specifically so they could frame us as crazy and neurotic when we get frustrated#and the last time i had the mosfortune of being the 1 of 2 jews who was visible and very unstable#i was made sick by nurses on purpose and then gaslit when i was up all night vomiting#i had to be given an injection and sedated the next day just so i would stop projectile vomiting all over my room#i had multiple seizures and they told.me i was throwing myself on the floor#they did things to make me break on purpose#and they did it to others to but#it was different w how they did it to me?#and when they didn't let me go to the main eating area bc i kept fainting/seizing they ordered me shit with pork when i have kosher diet#it was fucked and i know this is a problem#its a problem in outpatient too#i ended up homeless for like a year bc an antisemitic counselor fucked me over#vent
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ibrithir-was-here · 8 months
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dragongirlbunny · 6 months
i want to try a higher dose of weed gummy just to see what happens but also my brain says that i need a Special Occasion to do so
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hrrgrve · 2 years
what i would give to see an actual reenactment of what happened when billy woke up after being sedated.
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my entire family goes to bed at 9:30 because i live with fucking old people (im joking. somewhat.) and from then on i have to move around the house quietly. this wouldn't be a problem except that my door is incredibly and uniquely fucked up and nigh impossible to open even remotely quietly
#and it can't be left open because the cat will beeline into my room and make my life hell#every door in my house is absolutely fucking horrible in its own way but my room is really bad#the doorknob is like. dislocated. or just made for a much thicker door because the middle part of it is like 3 cm too long#and i either have to align it carefully or pull on it (makes a very loud sound) and then using a very specific amount of pressure turning#while continuing to pull on it so it won't pop#oh and i can technically open it turning both directions but going right makes it pop so fucking loud it's actually ridiculous#the very unpleasant sound of painted metal on painted metal#kiwifae says shit#my partner of two years is just getting the hang of my bedroom door#my friend came over and literally got stuck in the bathroom cuz she couldn't make the door open again#she literally tried for a few seconds and then just yelled for me 😭#that door also pops open randomly sometimes. i do not know why. it didn't use to.#back when the front door was still semi functional i had to fish the literal latch out of the cavity in the lock with a screwdriver cuz my#mom kept slamming the door and misaligning it even though we told her that's what fucks it up#we can only deadbolt that door now. it literally won't close otherwise. (that's how we lost the cat for five days!)#(back when it still semi worked i was the only one who knew how to close it at just the right strength so it would stick but not fall out)#((why isn't there an eye twitch emoji))#but our other outside door exclusively has a deadbolt. that's the only mechanism.#i'm the fucking door wizard in my house and i cannot WAIT to move somewhere where i have functional semi modern door handles#gawd bless i want to kill my fucking landlady
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tentaclesofhate · 24 days
@ god please let the government hurry up and answer the phone I'm TIRED
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protoformx · 4 months
My cat is yelling and so so sad but I can't let her out of my room or she tires to fucking attack the other two cats in this house.
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can you write something where thena faints out of nowhere? some angst maybe?
love your fics, xoxo
Thena groans, waking up to the familiar feeling of an on-call bed under her. That shouldn't be right, though, because she's definitely supposed to be off by now. She's pretty sure she was headed to the parking lot.
A throat is cleared loudly.
Thena picks herself up, although she's dizzier than she expected herself to be. She sits up, though, looking down as she finds Gil's hoodie falling from having been laid over her. She looks up, and of course he's there. "Gil?"
He scowls at her.
Thena blinks at him. She's never seen that expression on him (at least not directed at her). "What happened?"
"You fainted, Thena," he informs her sharply, crossing his arms at her from the chair at the tiny on-call desk. "Just outright collapsed on the way to the parking lot. You're lucky I was loading up the bus when I found you."
Thena sighs. Not only is it embarrassing enough that she dropped like a fly, but also that she's sure everyone watched as Gil carried her back in here.
And that's besides him apparently being mad at her.
"I brought you back in on a stretcher, if you're worried about your reputation," he grumbles, taking his feet off the stool and slapping them down on the ground. "I wheeled you in because they're for people who are in need of medical attention."
Thena rolls her eyes, not one to take any sort of attitude lying down. "It's not a big deal, Gil. I'm sure they said I was perfectly healthy, no? Isn't that why we're in here and not in a room?"
"Actually, we're in here because I wheeled you here and asked Sersi to come check on you privately, so the interns wouldn't know."
Oh. That's...actually very considerate of him.
"And you fainted because you're barely cleared to come back to work, and you've immediately come into a 24 hour shift?" Gil glares at her--actually glares at her! "What were you thinking, Thena!"
"And I'm sure you haven't had enough to eat or drink," he looks at her, tilting his head to look at her as she holds the hoodie sitting piled on her lap over her blankets.
"You're coming back from an injury, Thena--a serious one!" Gil stands now, apparently unable to take it any longer. "I mean, what if-"
"I'm sorry."
It comes out so small, almost like a squeak. Gil pauses in his anger and Thena is horrified to feel herself tearing up. She bites her lip.
"I know I shouldn't have," she admits quietly, toying with his hood in her hands. "But I...I couldn't take sitting around at home anymore. I couldn't take...thinking about it."
Gil softens, and he looks more like her Gil immediately. She looks at him and he nods, coming over and sitting beside her. He's nice and close, allowing her to absorb some of his warmth. "I think about it too. Nightmares?"
Thena shivers, "some."
He knows. He knows because he spent a good deal of time at her apartment while she was on leave. And while he was there, more than once he had to wake her up from a dream of being stuck under that car again. He'd had a few while sleeping on her couch.
Gil takes the hoodie from her hands, and her face flashes horror at the thought of him taking it away from her. He wraps it around her shoulders, though, pulling her to lean against him. "I'm sorry I yelled."
Thena allows herself the small moment, nuzzling her face against his chest. "No, I'm sorry. I remember how I felt when you came in from a run and collapsed right in front of me. I would never want to do that to you."
Gil holds Thena to him, kissing the top of her head as she threads her fingers through his. "Thena, that was the second most scared I've ever been in my life."
She leans her head up, pressing her forehead into his cheek, "I'm sorry, Gil."
"It's okay, Sweetie," he forgives immediately, because of course he does. He presses a kiss to her forehead and looks at her, "you're off rotation, you know. You should lie down for a bit. I'll take you home later."
She could just argue. She could tell him that they can't always be driving each other's cars to work. She could say that she just wants to go home and curl up in her own bed for another 24 hours. She could tell him her godforsaken leg hurts, for that matter.
Gil helps lay his hoodie over her again as she lies down, her head on his lap instead of the pillow. She drapes her arm over his knees. She has terrible sleeping posture for a doctor.
"You should sleep too, baby," she mumbles, already half asleep again.
Gil is in the process of just that, crossing his arms over himself with his back against the wall. At least his legs are stretched out. "Way ahead of you."
Thena tugs at the back of his shirt, then shakes the pillow she's abandoning in favour of his big strong/soft thigh. "'Hind your back."
Gil smiles, leaning forward and sliding the pillow up behind his back and neck as far as possible, trying to disturb Thena as little as possible. "Thanks, Honey."
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toxictranny · 3 months
why she talking mad shit about you tho what’s the drama the juicy drool-inducing drama 🤤
okok don’t laugh i am SO embarrassed by the whole thing. when my exwife and i split up all 4 of us already lived together (there are 2 roomies, both use she/her so tht post was confusing) but things got messy as fuck. she cheated on me, i yelled at her for it more than once. absolutely not cool on all sides. we had tried to stay together to patch things up and the roomies heard us arguing a few times.
i’m not sure what exactly my ex is saying i did but none of them will talk to me anymore. from what iv heard through the walls, my ex told them lies on lies on lies. she didn’t say goodbye or anything but she hasn’t lived here since December. it’s nbd because the bills are paid and i assume she’s staying with her parents or with the guy from grindr … or reddit(: or those two classmates ,,xoxo but a few of her coworkers live in the same apartment building as us/me and she’s definitely crashing with them sometimes idfk. lurking. she also definitely maybe totally probably fucked a coworker as well so i mean
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the-four-humors · 6 months
I feel like I've been quiet on here the last few days, and that's because I've been spending my free time building knock-off Legos Mega Bloks
Here is 3 sessions of work across 2 days:
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Here's what it's gonna be:
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bro he is literally just laying there saying whatever in their head talking about anything and everything but not sleeping.
#thinking about junior high#specifically it started with me saying i should relearn the clarinet i should get one again#then somehow to getting stuff i missed from teachers 'before or after class' because they were busy or i didn't want to be late for class#then to how i was usually on time so i had like no reason to worry#except for pe because i had math all the at the bottom of the junior high hallway then pe at the entire other end of the school#and we had to change but he was pretty lenient and i was usually one of the first kids out#also how most of us left our stuff in the locker room and not the lockers because they were a hassle and somehow we never had any theft#then i thought about how this kid next to my actual locker in fifth grade (no locks) took one of my pokemon magnets im pretty sure#and i never got it back#then i remembered another thing that happened in the fifth grade hallway#where that guy i had a crush on gave me a golf ball he found in his bookbag#well he asked if i wanted it and i said yes (like having things and liked him) and im pretty sure it stayed in my bookbag the entire year#if i knew which bookbag i used that year and if i still had it it might still be in there tbh#also when i was thinking about band i couldn't think of my study hall in 8th because i quit and then suddenly i membered#and idk how i forgot she was like my fav teacher and i had so much fun cus my 2 best friends (like the waterparks song?) were also in it#and since it was like the end of the day she let us like talk and mostly do what we wanted if we didn't have any late work#and me and andi probably spent like 75% of it doodling our little oc guys#i think our other friend spent a lot of it drawing aswell.#wait. now that i think about it. was she in our study hall? doubting myself all of a sudden.#yeah she was because we walked home together and i dont remember waiting in the hall for her or anything#i do remember that when me and her were still in band andi came and got us basically because we always took our time#i miss them :(#winona has something to say
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immortalsins · 11 months
moved into my new house on the 1st and we won’t have wifi until september ... i’m on campus rn for a teams meeting (24 hour library loml) and i might have to come back again tfor no reason other than to browse lmao i’ve really missed it. worrying
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kelprot-old · 2 years
i wish i got into more situations TBH i got ppl around me doing shit that counts as situations.however 90% of the time my biggest feat of the day is probably something to do with me climbing onto the roof or something similar
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