#when you’re not being cocky and arrogant Zoro
misslovasstuff · 6 months
no cause I love Zoro’s portrayal of masculinity. He’s tough sure, but he’s level headed and emotionally intelligent. He sees women as equal but still holds back from injuring them heavily or killing them in fights. He drinks alcohol like it’s water but also likes his little tasty onigiris that Sanji makes. He protects all the time and doesn’t let anyone risk their lives for him, knows when to speak up, gives and takes orders well, takes care of his body (except the showering once a week part), always welcome people for a drink , and doesn’t fear dying for his ambitions or his friends.
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
I-I very much enjoyed your fic with the S/O having a mean & horrible ex. I-I was wondering if you could do one with Law, Shanks and Crocodile?? (It’s cause I too had a very horrible ex and it was very comforting to read your lovely fics) thank you so much and I hope you stay safe and have a lovely day 🥺💖💖💖💖💖
Law, Shanks + Crocodile And A S/O With A Mean Ex
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A/N : I’m sorry this took a while, I really hope you all are okay, with having to experience and deal with exes like that :/
note : mentions of abuse / harsh words / names
no mention of specificity so I varied scenes.
Summary : these boys reacting to your mean ex coming by and talking to you.
Zoro, Mihawk, Ace » Here!
Law is harsh. He is sadistic. He is angry. But yet, he remains calm. Though, he is quite the provoking type. He’s almost a Yandere.
It starts off on just coming onto an island in hopes to pick up some supplies. As much as the others focus, Penguin and Shachi are easy to get distracted and immediately made friends with a particular someone, while you were out with Law.
Once the crew regrouped at the coast, you and Law find Shachi and Penguin laughing with an unfamiliar person and your eyes widen at the sight.
“[ Ex Name ]?”
Almost immediately, laughter ceased and your ex turn to you with wide eyes before a sneer was seen, shocking everyone else once again.
“[Name]? What the hell are you doing here?” Your ex scoffs as they roll their eyes. “Everywhere I go, it seems it always links back to you, I swear.”
Your brows furrowed as you unintentionally took a step back, Law quickly noticing the said action as he narrows his eyes at the person.
“Who are you? What business do you have with [Name]-ya?”
“What business? Who the fuck are you?” Your ex then snaps in realization. “Ah, you must be the surgeon of death, captain of the Heart Pirates.” They began to cackle.
“Doctor? You went for a doctor after me?” They continue to laugh, you just gulping as they continue to take step by step closer to you.
Unknown to the group, Law was creating a giant room and his sword was ready to slice your ex apart.
“It makes sense you’d go for a doctor. Maybe he could find what the hell is wrong with your brain for even thinking about leaving me, you little—!”
Shutting your eyes and bracing for another physical attack from your ex, you widen them when you hear Law’s voice.
“That’s enough.”
“You really have the nerve to come to my crew, to walk towards my significant other, and dare attempt to hit them?”
Swinging his sword to rest on his shoulder, his eyes darken dangerously and a cocky smirk was found on his lips, nearly sending chills down everyone’s spine as they stare at your ex that was cut into two.
“What were you saying about them dating a doctor? Oh, that’s right. ‘To fix something in their brain’ was it? It was actually to allow me to heal any disgusting injuries that you both mentally and physically caused [Name]-ya.” Law corrects, pulling down his sword to cut a few more pieces from your ex.
Speaking of which, your ex didn’t say a word, mostly internally panicking at the sight of his limbs apart from each other, since he was witnessing first hand, the Surgeon of Death’s skills.
“Where is that arrogant attitude just now? What happened?” Law hums, tilting his head to the side before he continued to cut them piece by piece.
“Law.. let’s go..”
Law stands up hearing you and with a piercing glare, he sheathes his sword and stepped onto one of your ex’s hands, eliciting a whimper from them.
“Next time, I’ll break off your arms to make sure you can never even attempt to hurt [Name]-ya.”
With that, he began heading back to the submarine, guiding you along with him as the crew silently followed, the room disappearing and left your ex alone, all cut up.
And though you were in public, in front of the crew, Law willingly brought you closer to him. His movement gentle with you. Only for you, was he soft.
Though Shanks’ looks are quite calm about all of this, his eyes say otherwise.
It would be when you are sailing around the New World, heading out to the Grand Line to meet with Mihawk with Shanks.
However, along the way, it seems something had occurred. A lone sailer, drifting across the water on a small boat passed out.
The kind gentleman he was, Shanks told the crew to pull him up and treat them. You almost didn’t recognize who it was, until they actually confronted you, and it seems someone still held anger within themselves.
You’d be shocked for sure, unable to say a word, just speechless that the person Shanks saved, turned out to be your ex that you left after they verbally abused you.
“Why the hell are you on Red Haired’s ship?... you don’t belong here..not on the famous, notorious one armed Emperor.” They were clutching their arm and had bandages all around them.
“I..” Before you could say anything, your ex continued to talk, unknown to the red-haired pirate Captain coming out himself.
“Even when we were dating, you always stood out. Not in the good way. You kept making trouble for me and everyone else, and just never belonged anywhere with anyone. I’m almost embarrassed I dated you.”
You simply look away, ignoring whatever he had to say, missing Shanks silent steps forward.
“You’re just an accident waiting to happen. Oh wait.. it already did.”
Before your ex could continue further, Shanks was already looming over them on the ground, the sharpest glare his eyes could muster. He didn’t even have to use haki to instantly intimidate your ex. You could tell from the fearful and shocked look across their face.
“My apologies, sir/Ma’am. I don’t think I heard you right. Could you repeat that for me?” His one arm would be gripping the hilt of his sword casually.
His face plastered the forceful and harshest grin you’ve ever seen.
“I know you couldn’t have insulted my beloved so casually like that, so I must kindly ask you to repeat your words once more. My dear [Name] is an angel and if you really have the guts to say further unnecessary things to my lover.. well.”
He began to unsheathe his sword and a smirk came over his lips.
“I can make you a nonfamous, one-armed asshole.”
Fully unsheathed, Shanks casually held out his sword, now crouching down to their level. “Would you like that?”
Hyperventilating at the thought of being cut by one of the Emperors, your ex simply screamed and ran over to the railing of the ship, before jumping off for his life.
You were just shocked, not quite sure of what to say or think but Shanks quickly snapped you out of it, his sword now sheathed and hand gently caressing yours.
“Hey, Angel. Let’s continue sailing and once we greet Mihawk, let’s have a party and relax. Okay?”
Crocodile is condescending.
He’d just sneer and scoff at your ex.
It’d be when you two are away for a bit, along with Mr. 1, Daz Bones. After Crocodile’s title as Warlord has been revoked.
You two were just together, Crocodile walking with you around the area and occasionally looking at a couple things through the display window, and if you looked at something a little too long, he’d immediately buy it for you, plus more, despite your attempts to stop him.
Now, this time, Crocodile and Daz had to discuss a certain topic that he didn’t want you to overhear, so he gave you some money and told you to wander around and buy yourself some things.
Not wanting to disrupt their important meeting, you agreed, and so you were simply just walking around the town on your own.
Unfortunately, had to bump into someone along the way. Literally.
About to fall on your ass, a hand caught yours immediately. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you! Are you okay?-“
Almost immediately, once the person recognized your face, they let go and caused you to fall anyways.
“[Name]?!” Clear confusion ran across their face as they immediately jumped back at the shock. “Why are you here?”
You barely heard them, feeling pain on your tailbone from the rough fall as you slowly stood up. “I’m here.. for none of your business..”
Coughing slightly, your ex scrunches up their face before rolling their eyes. “I can’t believe I almost saved you. Get out of my sight, [Name]. This town isn’t big enough for the both of us.”
“Why don’t you leave instead?”
Crocodile, making his way over with Daz behind him, stares down at your ex like he was inferior. Nothing more than a pest.
His cigar between his teeth and his giant coat hanging around his shoulders, which he took off and carefully placed around you once he was beside you.
“Tch. An ex-warlord? Pathetic. I can’t believe you’re actually going out with a man like him.” Your ex comments rudely, making Crocodile smirk a bit in amusement, walking towards your ex and gripping his throat with his large hand.
“A man like me, you say? Someone who is strong enough to even become a warlord. Someone with money and power that can easily take you down within seconds?”
Slowly, your ex began to lose all liquid in their body and was becoming wrinkly, due to Crocodile’s sand.
His smirk then drops to one unimpressed as he squeezed harder, until there was nothing left.
“You are undeserving to even be in my nor [Name]’s presence. Get lost, you pathetic waste of space.”
With that, Crocodile dropped your ex’s lifeless corpse and turned to you, with a soft expression. “Let’s go, darling. We’ll find you some new clothing.”
Hand pressed against the dip of your back, he gently guided you away from the scene and let Daz take care of your ex’s body.
Sorry for the delay, anon. I sincerely hope this was okay!
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eirist · 5 years
Hello! I really like your stories they are amazing. I was wondering if you could write anything in which all the strawhat find out about Zoro and Nami being together and how they react to the news
One-shot #: 15
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: M (Just to be safe)
Note: Since I took a really long time to finally finish this one-shot. I’ve decided to up the word count so it would suffice for the long wait. Hopefully.
Summary: It was just their damn luck that one of the damned doors literally opened and spilled their secret out.
Zoro grumpily poked at the dressing on his arm. 
Chopper had just finished stitching and bandaging the wound he got from an earlier run-in with the marines and had left him alone on the infirmary's bed.
Outside, he can hear his crew mates talking and laughing as they enjoy the day's dinner. He pondered on whether he would join them or just enjoy a good nap. 
He prodded at the dressing again irritably. Nami the witch had threatened to drag him by the ear if he didn’t get his stubborn ass inside the sick bay and let Chopper treat him.
When he adamantly refused to go… she stayed true to her threat before the reindeer decided to intervene.
Where the heck did she even get the strength to drag him? He was bigger and taller than her for crying out loud.
Zoro rubbed his still stinging ear while sulkily looking at the door leading to the galley. Maybe he should just nap. After all, Chopper strictly ordered him to stay clear of his weights or any activity that may re-open his wound.
But then again… like he was the kind to listen. Maybe he can…
“Don’t even think about it.” A voice whispered as dainty arms wrapped around his neck, hugging him from behind. The smell of mikans filled the air as Nami bent her head down to kiss his cheek.
Zoro raised an eyebrow as he looked back at her. She must’ve entered from the room’s back door.
The navigator rolled her eyes at his expression. “No one’s around,” she whispered, kissing his cheek again.
“That doesn’t mean you can do anything you like,” he pointed out earning a frown from her.
“Ass,” she muttered, loosening her hold on him. “Stop poking your wound Zoro!” She chastised, slapping his hand lightly.
He grunted and Nami opened her mouth to retort—but was stopped by Zoro’s hand suddenly grabbing the back of her head. With a smirk, he pushed her towards him so he can kiss her.
“Mmmm…” Nami hummed in response as she kissed back. She pulled away a little to gaze at him. “So I can’t do anything I like but you can, huh?” She cocked an eyebrow at him feigning annoyance.
Zoro grinned as he gave her a quick peck on her pouting lips. “Yes.” 
“Hmph!” She untangled herself from him and stood up straight. “How’s your wound?” 
“Better. Chopper didn’t need to patch it up.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “I already told you, you can’t just sleep off every injury you get!”
“Like I’d die from a measly wound like this.”
“It could get infected! Honestly Zoro! Why are you so pig-headed when it comes to treatment?” Nami lowered her voice purposely while glancing towards the galley’s direction.
"Because I don't need it."
"Damn right you don't!"
"I'm fine Nami. I had worse!" 
"That doesn't mean you should continuously and recklessly get yourself wounded in every fight!" She hissed at him.
Zoro scratched his head. He didn't need to remind her that he only got the wound because he stepped in the way of a knife thrown at her by some pathetic marine in the skirmish earlier. “Nami stop nagging alright? That’s Chopper’s job already. I can only handle one.”
Nami placed both of her hands on her hips. “And what’s the girlfriend’s job when it comes to this huh?”
“I dunno… kiss the wounds to make them better?”
She paused. Then hit him on the head. “Idiot!”
The mapmaker suddenly grasped his chin, bending down to kiss him hard on the mouth. 
“That’s the only place I’ll be kissing,” she huffed when she pulled away. “Talk about unhygienic!”
A low laugh escaped Zoro. "You can kiss it once it’s healed.”
Nami pinched his cheek. “Don’t get cocky.”
She released him with a defeated sigh and reached out to touch the gauze on his bicep. “You got another scar to add to your collection.”
“Yeah… no thanks to you.” Zoro shifted to sit on the edge of the bed. 
The cat burglar worried her lower lip at that. Though she knows he was just teasing, she still can’t help but feel a tad bit guilty.
Zoro quietly observed the expression on her face. He took her hand to pull her closer to him, so she was now standing between his legs.
Nami smiled as his hands settled on her hips. She ran her own through his green hair. "Thanks for taking a knife for me," she leaned down to brush her lips against his.
"My pleasure," he whispered against her lips. "Don't beat yourself up about it."
"I won't," she replied with a haughty smile. "What's the use of having a formidable boyfriend like you after all?"
"That doesn't mean I get to be your human shield all the time," he said sarcastically.
"True, there's still Sanji-kun..." she grinned cheekily at him as a frown marred his features. His hold on her hips tightened at that but he didn't say anything. 
She gently, almost sensuously, trailed a finger along his jaw to somehow appease him. "Is Chopper keeping you here all night?"
A shark-like grin appeared on Zoro's face. "No."
Nami's mouth formed an 'oh’, as she flicked a glance at the galley’s door. They can hear their nakama chattering outside as random bursts of Luffy’s demands for food can be heard.
Thank Kami they are all preoccupied and noisy. They can steal some time alone for a few minutes.
She felt his hands roamed down to her thighs, immediately sliding underneath her pleated mini skirt.
“Stop that...” she purred, her fingers playing with ends of his hair as he stared at her with intense gray eye. “You can't use your injured arm for anything strenuous tonight," Nami teased when she felt his hands moving farther up. "Your wound might re-open."
Zoro scoffed at that. Then the corner of his lips twitched up as he gazed at her amusedly. "I'm left-handed Nami," he insinuated, grabbing her backside and pulling her to him. 
"Still no," she said with a small laugh, even if she pressed her body closer to his half-naked one. His fingers were already toying with the hem of her lacy underwear. "Not until you heal."
With an arrogant grin, he quickly stood up, towering over her. "Can you stop me?" Zoro asked, looking too devilish for her taste. His one eye bored straight into hers, challenging her. 
The navigator bit her lip. Of course she can’t. Or better yet, she won’t.
Without another word Zoro hoisted her up. Just high enough to make her wrap her legs around him.
“Zoro…” she murmured, arms going around his neck. She understood his intention of course. "Head towards that direction," she pointed at the door leading to the back of the ship, knowing his tendency to get lost even with her instructions.
"I know that!"
Nami ignored that and just captured his lips with hers. He kissed her back with the same ferocity she was lavishing him. It barely registered to her that he was already moving towards the exit. 
Then the door suddenly banged opened.
"Hey Zoro!" Usopp yelled. “Sanji’s asking if —"
The sniper’s voice trailed off as he gaped at his two friends—who froze at his intrusion—locked in a... in a kind of embrace he never thought possible between one Nami and one Roronoa Zoro. 
Usopp blinked twice. Then he bowed down. “Sumimasen!” He shouted before pulling the door close again.
Then he spun around stiffly to walk away from the infirmary and from what he saw. 
Much to his surprise (and immense relief), his crew mates were all staring at the room behind him in astonishment. They all halted in the middle of either eating or leaving the galley—frozen in the very same manner as the other two inside the sick bay. 
Chopper managed to breathe out after a few seconds. The reindeer's eyes were wide. He was following Usopp to check on Zoro.
Usopp stared at the doctor. “Did you see that?”
He then lifted his eyes to look at his friends. “Uhh… you guys… saw that too right?”
No one answered. Shuffling sounds and muffled voices can be heard coming from inside the treatment room. 
“And there is absolutely nothing wrong with my eyes? Nor am I hallucinating?” Usopp continued as the Straw Hats remained silent. 
Sanji peered from behind the kitchen counter. "Oi, what are you prattling on about Usopp?" 
“A-Ano, Usopp-san," Brook spoke at last, raising one bony hand. "I don't think you're hallucinating. I also saw something even if I don’t have any eyes to see, yohohoho!”
“Finally!” Usopp threw his hands up in relief.
Sanji muttered a saw what? with an intrigued look visible on his face. Everyone seemed distracted about something. Even Luffy was chewing slowly with a thoughtful look on his face.
“Aaw!" Franky hollered. "That was, uh, how should I say this…"
“Surprising?” Robin offered.
“Yeah! Supeeer!” The cyborg nodded.
“Hmm... but rather expected.” The archaeologist said with an enigmatic smile.
Usopp stared at Robin incredulously. “Expected? Really? Those two?" Pointing at the door behind him with his thumb. "Aren’t they mortal enemies? Polar opposites of each other? Always at each other's throats?" 
“Well… from what we saw, they are in each other’s throats.” Franky casually pointed out, shrugging his massive shoulders.
"Wait," Sanji stepped out of the kitchen to join them at the dining area. "What exactly is going on? What are you guys talking about?" 
Usopp swallowed thickly. Like he will be the one to break the news to their neurotic chef. 
“Ne, minna,” Luffy suddenly spoke up, tilting his head to one side. "Are they... kissing?" His voice dropped down in a hush.
Sanji's head immediately whipped towards their captain.
Chopper bounded towards Luffy, grabbing at the hem of his shorts. "They are Luffy!"
Luffy made a disgusted face. "Why would they want to do that?" 
In a blink of an eye, the cook was all over the younger boy’s face snarling. "Who‘s kissing sencho?" 
Luffy stiffened at that and pursed his lips, looking away. As much as he is a bit slow on the uptake... the devil fruit user knows when danger is looming in. 
"Who is kissing sencho, huh?" Sanji repeated; stressing each word carefully as he clutched the front of Luffy's shirt tightly. His face drew nearer the rubber man’s.  
"Sanji kowai!" Chopper cried as he dashed towards Robin to hide—in the wrong way, of course—behind her leg. Robin reached down to pat the reindeer's head to comfort him.
The three older Mugiwaras exchange subtle glances. Sanji will definitely go berserk once he finds out who they are talking about.
They all simultaneously eyed Usopp, who shook his head violently and pointed at Luffy. 
Beads of perspiration appeared on Luffy’s forehead as he persistently refused to look at the blond. Sanji glanced around, feeling dread settle in the pit of his stomach. Nobody answered his question.
He mentally counted all those present inside the galley. 
Sudden realization dawned onto him. Two of his crew mates were missing. He knows Zoro is still inside the infirmary and his lovely Nami-swan is...
With a growl, he released Luffy and turned towards the treatment room. Usopp trembled as blazing, blue eyes nailed him on the spot. 
Holy shit!
He swallowed heavily as the chef slowly stalked towards the infirmary looking out for blood.
Usopp whirled around and pounded at the door. “Uh guys! Guys! I just thought you should know that Sanji is about to diable jambe his way through this door! Eeep!”
The door suddenly swung open and Usopp stumbled inside… right into Zoro’s chest. He clung at the tall lad’s green garb to prevent himself from falling face first on the floor.
“Oh you’re decent now Zoro?” Usopp observed, recalling what he witnessed earlier. His eyes met the swordsman’s glaring one. He grinned sheepishly before shrinking back a bit after looking at Nami’s annoyed ones.
“Just so you two also know... we all saw that.” He whimpered before scrambling behind the katana wielder. 
Nami and Zoro exchange agitated looks.
"I'm blaming you for this Zoro," Nami growled out, smacking him on the shoulder. 
"I already told you, the other door." The navigator groaned, gesturing at the door at the other end of the room. "That door! I even pointed it out!" 
"It's not my fault your instructions are confusing wo—"  
"Oi marimo," Sanji interrupted in an ice-cold tone as he stood near the doorway. One of his legs was starting to flare up. "What the hell are you doing to Nami-san?"
"None of your business shit-cook,” Zoro snarled in a dangerous tone.
Behind him Usopp shivered. There was something different about the way the two men faced off each other.  
His eyes met Nami’s as Zoro and Sanji continued to stare each other down.
The girl looked confused. "Wait... what does Sanji-kun mean? I thought you said all? Did he not saw it too?" She hissed at the sharp-shooter.
“Uhh… no. If he did, then he would’ve already busted through that door to murder your boyfriend.”
“NANI?!” Sanji spat out viciously. “Boyfriend?!” There was a sound of explosion as the cook burst into anger-ridden flames. “MA-RI-MOOOO!!! I WILL KILL YOU!!!”
Zoro stepped out of the infirmary. “Really? Then come here cook. I’d like to see you try.”
“Ah. Sanji-san’s burning too brightly.” Brook remarked as they watched the mayhem unfolding.
“Too brightly he just might burn down the Sunny.” Robin commented calmly.  
“Oi don’t you go damaging Sunny!” Franky warned, sensing the brewing clash between the two. “If you want to fight, take it outside alright?”
Nami exhaled sharply as she rubbed a finger against her temple. Things just got way out of hand.
Her brown eyes settled on Zoro, who was now looking downright pissed. She knows how he doesn’t like other people prying into their private business, which is why they kept what’s between them behind closed doors.
It was just their damn luck that one of the damned doors literally opened and spilled their secret out. No thanks to Usopp.
Zoro unexpectedly let out an infuriated sigh while scratching his head. “Well, no use hiding it anymore I guess,” he muttered in an annoyed tone.
She perked up at that. "You mean…” she raised an eyebrow at him.  “Are you ok with that?"
The former pirate hunter looked like he was thinking, then he shrugged. "I'll live. Besides,” he looked back at Nami. “We can't really lie our way out of what they saw right?"
"Well..." Nami's brown eyes skimmed over the faces of their friends, who were watching them with expectant looks on their faces. All except Sanji who was still blazing with fury, spewing out expletives and probably death threats to Zoro in a language no one can understand. 
“How bad do you think it will be?” The corner of Zoro’s lips quirked up as he ask her that question.
The cat burglar smiled, stepping beside him. If he was ok with revealing their relationship, then all the more she is. “Nothing we couldn’t handle.”
Usopp suddenly raised a hand from behind them. “I’m all for it too guys! So out with it!” 
The two scariest members of the Mugiwara crew glowered at him and Usopp cowered. 
“A-and j-ju-just to be clear,” he stuttered. “Even if I’m a bit weirded out with all this and I don’t know which is scarier, you two biting each other’s head off or you two actually teaming up to bite someone’s head off… I’m ok with your relationship guys!”
“KUSO!!!” Sanji bellowed when he heard that. “I will kill you next shitty sniper!”
“Ara…” Robin spoke from somewhere behind Sanji. “So you two are finally going to make it official?”
“Hmmm… you sound like you know Robin-san?” Brook queried.
“Seems pretty obvious to me.”
“Aah! I somehow agree.” The musician nodded.
Nami blew at her bangs exasperatedly. She should’ve expected that Robin would have an inkling somehow. “Like we have a choice,” she said wryly. “Zoro?”
Zoro dipped his head in agreement. His lone eye strayed at each crew member’s face before settling at the still blazing and snarling cook and then at their captain. “We are together,” he announced curtly.
Sanji let out a painful howl loud enough for all the New World to hear as the flames surrounding him exploded.
“Marimo kusoooooo!!!”
“Whoa! Sugoi!” Chopper whispered from his hiding place. “Sanji’s burning brighter than ever!”
Luffy held the swordsman’s gaze, studying him for a moment. “Is that why you’re kissing her?”
“… Yeah.”
At the word ‘kissing’, more profanities came out of Sanji’s mouth, viler than ever as the flames surrounding him intensified.
Luffy folded his arms across his chest then stuck his tongue out, looking disgusted. “Why would you want to do that Zoro? That’s nasty!”
Zoro jerked back in surprise.
“You are exchanging spit. How gross is that?”
A vein popped on Zoro’s forehead as everybody’s jaw dropped open at their ever childlike captain.
“Aho!” Nami shouted angrily at Luffy as Usopp shook his head disbelievingly. “Like you’re the one to talk about nasty and gross. Do not make me hit you!”
Luffy jumped back, making sure he was far from Nami’s reach, even if the orange-haired woman was on the other end of the room.  
Chopper watched the scene unfolding before him from behind Robin’s leg. “I think it’s great!” He shyly declared.
“Hmm? Chopper?” Robin smiled fondly at the doctor. “You mean you are ok with Zoro and Nami being together?”
Nami quirked an eyebrow at him. “Really Chopper?”
The blue-nosed reindeer nodded. “Yes! I think it’s really cool!”
“Why thank you Chop—”  
“You two are both scary,” Chopper continued. “You’re perfect for each other!!” He confidently, innocently stated while still looking at them with eyes twinkling in admiration.
There was a pause as his words sunk in.
“WHAT PART OF ME IS SCARY CHOPPER?!” Nami thundered as Chopper blanched and hid behind Robin’s leg again.
Franky shook his head, pitying the poor little guy. “Why would you even say that?”
“But…” Chopper sniffled.
“Nami-saaan!” Sanji wailed suddenly. “Nami-saaan!”
“Oh great,” Usopp groaned from behind Zoro. “He’s crying harder than when we met the mermaids in Fishman Island.”
“Why Nami-san? Whyyy?!” He sobbed loudly, the flames around him still burning intensely.
Nami lifted her hands in mock-surrender. “Matte… Sanji-kun…”
Zoro shoved a pinky in his ear looking irritated. “Aho.”
“Urusei shitty swordsman!!!” Sanji roared and he continued yowling a string of curses all directed to his now—officially—love rival.
“Aww!” Franky hollered above the blond’s continuous outburst. “But honestly! This is supeeer! And here I thought you and swords-bro are gonna lie your way out of that."
Nami sighed as she watched the bawling chef. "Maybe we should have…" she glanced at Zoro, who tsk-ed. 
"Girlie, we all saw you two with your tongues down each other’s throat," Franky deadpanned. "Unless you are trying to resuscitate each other, I don't think we'll be able to believe whatever it is you're going to say."
"Language Franky," Robin reminded him that there are still young-ish minds around them.
“Ooops! Sorry.”
“Well,” Robin stood up. “Congratulations are in order then, Nami, Zoro. I guess no more sneaking and slinking around the Sunny at odd hours.”
“So she does know,” Zoro grumbled. “Figures.”
“Well it is Robin after all.” Usopp mumbled. “You know? Eyes and ears and sometimes herself, everywhere.”
Brook peeked from behind Sanji, completely unaffected by the blond chef’s absurd fire. “Congratulations Nami-san, Zoro-san,” he sang aloud. “Though I believe this will happen sooner or later. Maybe for the last time Nami-san can show...”
“No,” Zoro’s growl promised extreme pain at the perverted skeleton.
“I was just kidding Zoro-san.”
“Why is everyone ok with this?!” Sanji sobbed-yelled. “I am not ok with this! I vehemently object!”
“As expected...” Usopp exhaled wearily.
“Like I care about your opinion,” Zoro muttered. 
“Shut up grass-head! Grrrrrrrr! The captain still has a say to this!” Sanji shouted at him.
At that everyone shifted their gazes at Luffy who was unexpectedly silent.
He looked like he was lost in his thoughts. A hush settled on them as they waited for their captain to say something. Even Sanji stopped burning and started waiting. 
“I don’t know guys…” Luffy finally said.
“Luffy?” Nami shared a worried glance with Zoro. She unconsciously reached out for his hand. 
Sanji smirked at the green-haired Supernova. “Oh! How about it? Looks like our captain’s gonna say no.” 
“Hmph! You’re the only one who says no.”
“I hate you shitty marimo!” Then the color drained from his face when he saw their hands. “LET GO OF NAMI-SAN!!!”
Luffy strode towards them, staring at their joined hands. His eyes met Zoro’s gray one. “Are you sure about this Zoro?” He asked in a serious tone.
Zoro met his captain’s stare directly. “Yes.”
The younger man folded his arms across his chest. “You are really brave Zoro,” Luffy said with a nod. “Really, really brave.”
Everyone waited with bated breath to hear their captain’s decision.
“Aren’t you afraid of her? Nami can be really scary you know!”
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN BY THAT AHO SENCHO??!!" Nami exploded, her fists colliding with Luffy’s head.
The whole crew, except Robin, cringed at that.
“Point,” Usopp whispered. “Gosh he is so right!”
“I heard you Usopp!” Nami whirled around and glowered at him.  
“Zoro!” The sniper shrieked, automatically taking a step behind the swordsman.
“Nami,” Zoro said in a firm tone as he reached for her hand this time. He squeezed it; a silent request for her to calm down and deal with the matter on hand first.
And also to stop her from beating the crap out of their captain and sniper.
Nami conceded but not without a pout. Zoro was right. They had to know what Luffy’s opinion about their relationship is first. She looked at him with a hint of apprehension in her chocolate-colored eyes.
He gave her a small, reassuring smile. 
“Are you ok with this captain?” Zoro asked the straw-hat wearing lad who’s currently nursing a bump on his head.
“No he’s not.” Sanji answered.
“Shut up aho cook.”
“Make me muscle-head!”
The captain pouted, still rubbing his head. He looked at his two friends, their joined hands and their somehow uneasy faces. Zoro and Nami were the first ones to join his crew, the first ones to join him in his adventure. They may be at odds with each other most of the time but he knows that deep down they genuinely cared for each other. And they may not admit it, but he also knows how loyal they are to each other… the way they are both loyal to him and to their crew.
Now they are asking him, if they can pursue their relationship. If he will allow them to pursue it.
“Shishishi!” he suddenly laughed, clutching the straw hat he’s wearing on his head.
It was stupid. Why wouldn’t he?
He gave them a wide grin. “Of course I am!”
“Luffy!” Nami squealed, heart swelling with too much happiness as the others smiled at their captain’s answer.
Luffy turned to Zoro. “As long as you promise to protect Nami’s smile just like I did!”
Zoro grinned. “Yakusoku sencho.”
“And as long as Nami promises to never let you get lost Zoro!”
“I don’t get lost Luffy!”
Nami laughed. “I promise captain! We couldn’t risk losing one of our best fighters right?”
“This calls for a celebration!” Luffy shouted enthusiastically as the others cheered and hooted.
Nami tugged lightly at Zoro’s hand. “You heard that Zoro?” She asked in a subtle tone amidst the noises their nakama were making.
Zoro grimaced when he saw that devious look on her face. The one that usually means trouble for him. “I did. And I get the feeling that I’m going to regret it.” He grumbled as Nami beamed at him.
He returned her smile. They made it past one major hurdle after another. They were able to finally tell their crew about them and got Luffy’s approval as well.
He brought her hand to his lips to kiss it.
“Oi Sanji! Make some meat! Lots and lots of meat!” Luffy pumped his fists into the air exuberantly. “Let’s celebrate!”
“You shitty captain! You gave them your blessings!" Sanji thundered, as tears streamed down his face. "Nami-san! Nami-san!” He cried as he flung himself on the navigator.
“Eeh? Sanji-kun,” Nami took a step back when the chef tried to wrap his arms around her.  
“Shit cook!” Zoro growled, shoving a hand on Sanji’s face before he can even touch Nami. “Hands off.”
“YOU get YOUR hands off Nami-san!!!”
"The one damn good thing about admitting this is that I finally get to tell you to BACK OFF!” Zoro shoved the cook away, stepping in front of the navigator. “Keep a one-mile radius away from her.”
“Damn you! As if that's possible! We are on a damn ship aho kenshin!”
“Oi Sanji!” Luffy yelled boisterously. “Let’s celebrate! Aren’t you happy for them?”
“NO!!! Only you would think that this is worth celebrating!”
"But if it makes Zoro and Nami happy, then I’m all for it,” Luffy said defiantly.
“I refuse to celebrate that asshole marimo’s  happiness!!!" 
“But… this calls for a feast. Captain’s order!”  
"I don't care even if the devil himself orders it!" 
“Quit bellyaching swirly,” Zoro groused. “It’s damn irritating!”
Nami rubbed a hand on her temple again as Sanji started bickering with Zoro. Between Robin's soft giggles, Franky and Brooks' laughters, Usopp and Chopper joining Luffy's chants of 'feast' and 'food'... she can feel a headache coming down.
"Oi Sanji!" Luffy whined getting impatient that their chef refused to prepare a feast for them. “Don’t you care about Nami’s happiness?”
That put a stop to all the noises and ruckus. The Mugiwaras all gaped Luffy. He just unwittingly used a psychological attack to make the cook bend.
It looked and felt like a ton of bricks hit Sanji everywhere as his mouth hung open in shock. His whole body trembled and he turned away from Luffy.
Of course he's all for Nami-san’s happiness. It’s the idiot moss-head that he doesn’t care about!
He immediately twirled around, kneeling in front of the surprised navigator. “My Nami-swaaan! My sweet mellorine! Of course I’ll do anything for you! Anything that makes you happy, makes me happy as well!”
Even if it's that second-rate swordsman.
It was just his tough luck that his angel had fallen for the uncouth, muscle-brained, useless marimo.
Sanji stood up tall and proud. “I hear you captain. I will prepare a feast. To celebrate their,” he glared daggers at Zoro. “Love. For. Each. Other.” He punctuated each word through gritted teeth.
“I will make all your favorites my love!" With that the cook headed towards the kitchen as Luffy followed him, cheering excitedly.
“What are the chances that we will have a stomachache after eating this feast?” Usopp whispered at Chopper.
“Chances are very high Usopp-san.” Brook answered as Chopper nodded. “Even if I don’t have any stomach to ache. Yohohoh!”
"Is the food gonna be ok?" Franky asked in a hushed tone. "I've got a feeling it would be bland... you know."
Robin placed a chin under her hand contemplatively. "Sanji's a great chef. I'm sure the food wouldn't get affected by his heart getting broken." 
Everyone looked at Robin with wry expressions.
“If our food doesn’t taste good in the next few days, I’m blaming Zoro and Nami for it.” Usopp stated with a nod.
“Oi,” Zoro protested as Nami clonked the curly-haired lad on the head.
The chef suddenly stopped when reached the kitchen counter and Luffy smashed into his back. Sanji wasn’t even fazed as his eyes zeroed in on Zoro, who in turn narrowed his lone one at the blond.
“I’ll make all your favorites too, marimo.” Sanji said in a surprisingly pleasant tone that he never, ever used when talking to Zoro.
The blond smile. But there was an unmistakably, purely evil look in his eyes that was worth noting.
They all stared at Zoro as Usopp gasped when a horrifying thought struck to him.
"Good freaking Kami! He's gonna poison you!"
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the-tv-ninja · 7 years
Trick or Treat
  Chapter 1: Costumes
Sanji wondered through the streets absent-mindedly, taking appreciative glances at the mélange of orange, yellow and red. It was nearly the end of October and autumn was present everywhere – from the colourful leaves, to the chilly wind that made him shiver a little to the Halloween decorations.
There were various cinnamon candles, pumpkin lanterns and even skeleton ornaments scattered throughout the city streets.
The cook smirked, he'd always been one to enjoy the holidays. He could debate why – perhaps it came as an occupational thing since he'd get to prepare seasonal dishes.
This time around though…there was something special about autumn. The air appeared clearer, the various shades of the trees more vibrant and for the first time since he was twelve he was actually excited about Halloween.
"Seems just like you be excited about a girly ass thing, ero-cook," Zoro mocked when he'd stupidly shared his thoughts out loud.
Still, the words lacked bite and he could see Roronoa smirk a little, as though their little banter sessions made him happy.
"What about chopper?" Sanji asked to which Zoro had promptly looked away, the way he always did when he couldn't convey emotions into words.
" He used to love Halloween when he was really small…back when Tashigi and I-"
The words hung in the air awkwardly and the chef bit his lip, opting to change the topic.
Now though he was going through town, on a mission. A sudden idea sprouted in his chest like a weed and no matter how much he wanted, he couldn't tear it away.
In the end it was decided – they were going to celebrate Halloween, regardless of what the Marimo had to say about it.
Sanji stood before the window screen of a large, decoration shop and briefly debated if he should enter. He'd always been on the prideful side and something told him buying not one but four costumes, one of them for a kid, was bound to get some raised eyebrows.
"How may I help you, sir?" the shop assistant, Keimi, as the name tag read asked when she noticed how lost he appeared.
The chef quickly explained, for once omitting his usual praise for the beautiful lady before him.
Keimi's lips stretched into a warm smile which brightened the whole shop,
"I think we have just what you need," she promised, taking his pale hand and dragging him towards the rows of different costumes.
To say Chopper was excited two hours later would be understatement of the year.
"Sanji, you're SO cool!" he cried out, bouncing on his feet as he clung onto the Halloween costume the blonde had just handed to him.
Zoro seemed stunned, unable to even comment. He was stilling sitting on his bed in his room, one remaining grey eye wide in bewilderment,
"You…really shouldn't have," he whispered after an unnaturally long pause, "But thank you."
Sanji felt something flutter in his chest, a wave of warmth washing over him. He couldn't get past the pure gratitude in the other's voice, how damn happy he looked.
Not only that but surprised as well, as though he wasn't used to people treating him nicely. It made the chef frown, he'd been the same way but as he was slowly starting to realize – things were changing. He may not have had the best biological family, sure, but he had Zeff and now, with Zoro and Chopper around it almost felt like he had a family of his own. Sure, they weren't there yet, but it felt nice, offering a long forgotten sense of security to Sanji.
"Come on, Chopper, try it on!" he insisted, shooting the six-year-old an encouraging look.
"Okay! I'll go to the bathroom and change!" the kid said, smiling brightly at them before running away.
Sanji then turned to Zoro himself, opting to sit next to him as the old bed creaked under their combined weight.
The scene of their first kiss, a mere week ago, flashed before his eyes – Roronoa being only centimetres away, hot breath dancing over his lips. And then his lips, a little chapped but welcomed... the way his tongue clashed against his. The contact had been unexpected and playful, like a breath of fresh air after being locked inside for too long.
The blonde cleared his throat, retrieving back to reality once the memory lost its grip on him,
"Here, I got one for you too, moss for brains," he offered, the insult was slowly turning into a loving pet name,
The look of shock on Zoro's face deepened - some strange emotion, caught between surprise and faint embarrassment. Then, much to Sanji's surprise things escalated further as his sides turned a pleasant red colour.
The cook couldn't help but grin at him – who knew this fearsome man could blush so deeply? He had to admit though – it suited him, making him appear younger and happier, adding some bonus points of attraction, as if he needed any. The word cute swam in Sanji's mind but he would never say it out loud though, he wasn't in the mood for getting chopped to pieces.
Perhaps he could steal a picture of Roronoa like this, all surprised and flustered, having a hard time comprehending basic human interactions. Then he would probably frame it over his bed, all in the name of teasing him.
"Thanks," the other muttered in the end, burying his face in the parcel and refusing to meet his gaze.
He stared at the costume, somewhat bewildered, evidently unable to guess who or what he was supposed to dress up as.
"You're going as Zorro!" Sanji couldn't help the sarcastic giggle, as uncharacteristic as it was for him – perhaps the man had a strange effect on him,
"I thought it would be clever – because of your name." he went, barely suppressing his own laughter, "And he has a sword as well! It's the perfect choice for you, don't you think?."
The taller man shook his head, lips curving into a smile which soon morphed into a sunny grin.
(Hearing Zoro laugh did something funny to his heart.)
"Damn, cook, you really are one cheesy bastard!" Zoro shot back but there was no edge to his words, if anything he seemed happier than he'd ever seen him before.
Sanji shrugged, a month ago he would have been offended, he'd have screamed an insult back or raised his leg for a kick. But now things were different, now he had an adorable six year old around, a directionally challenged marimo to help out in the kitchen and a twenty something child who wreaked havoc on his meat supply.
The new dynamic changed him, mellowed him down and took away the bitterness he'd felt for as long as he could remember.
"Don't just stand there, try it on, algae!" Sanji demanded, tone harsher for good measure.
Roronoa didn't protest, instead stood up and took his T-shirt off, as though that was the most natural thing in the world to do.
The cook couldn't help but stare, taking in the smooth tan skin and the strong defined muscles underneath it.
His blue eyes trailed over Roronoa's scars – thin white lines which criss-crossed over his torso, like rivers on a map. If anything they made him all the more attractive to him, as if a proof to his strength and endurance, a reminder of the pain he'd survived.
"I bet you only bought this, so you could see me strip," Zoro whispered, turning to him and winking like the damn asshole he was.
It was Sanji's turn to go red in the face, glad Chopper wasn't listening to their exchange, "Cocky bastard,"
Roronoa grinned at him, "That's how you like me,"
The chef rolled his eyes, "Touché,"
Zoro then proceeded to snake out of his torn, washed out jeans, tossing them aside on the floor. The French couldn't shift his gaze, hungry eyes falling over the man's plump ass and his strong thighs.
Various images flashed through his mind, none of them including any Halloween costumes or other clothes. He could picture the strong swordsman over himself, those damn good muscles working their magic. He'd never been attracted to a man before, hell he'd never even spared men a second look.
But Zoro…the damn bastard looked like sex on legs and he seemed to realize it which made him all the better in Sanji's eyes. Though he would never admit it, apparently he had a thing for arrogance, all mixed in with a round of banter between them. Not to mention, that six pack didn't hurt either.
"Cook, you might wanna tone down the looks, my son is in the other room," Roronoa joked, shaking his head as short locks of green swayed with his throaty laughter.
"Asshole," Sanji grumbled but still looked away, hating the way Zoro seemed to know all the right words to make him flustered, one way or another.
The private show the other man was giving him only lasted a few minutes, entirely too short in the French's opinion. Soon enough he stood before him, all dressed up as none other than the mythical legend Zorro.
Sanji grinned brightly at him, "You don't look half bad,"
Roronoa rolled his eye, stealing a look of himself in the reflection on the window.
"I'll kill you for this shit," he grumbled, "This is the cheesiest thing I've ever done."
It was true, the costume even provided a cheap, nylon cape which caught the fluorescent glint of the indoor lighting and added some bonus cringe points.
Sanji licked his lips, "You know Chopper will love it. Luffy probably too."
Zoro smirked, the look on his face shifting from slight annoyance to something else entirely, something warm and caring.
"Yeah, they will."
Speaking of the devil, the two flew in the room, much like a tornado of emotions.
"Sanji, the costume is so awesome!" the kid cried out, round grey eyes full of happiness and excitment.
The chef felt his heart melt at the sight, wishing he could seal this moment forever, so he could go back and play it on repeat, marvel at the three content faces that stood before him.
"I can't believe you got me a pirate costume!" Luffy all but shouted and the smoker was positive people in a radius of a few miles were hearing about it.
"How did you even know it was my childhood dream to be a pirate!?" he demanded, dark gaze full of awe,
The blonde shrugged nonchantly, "Must have been a hunch,"
He eyed Luffy who was dressed up in a stereotypical pirate attire, despite sternly refusing to have an eye patch as he deemed it would interfere with his trick-or-treating abilities, whatever that meant.
"Thank you so much!" the younger man cried out, throwing himself around Sanji's torso suddenly.
The chef froze on spot, sensing two long, skinny arms wrap around him as Luffy all but buried his head into his chest.
The contact was awkward at first, he was so unused to hugs, he'd almost forgot how they felt. Him and Law never embraced, despite carrying the unofficial tittle of best friends. The closest they'd got to a hug was that whole half armed thing they did at their university graduation. (And that been purely because Zeff had insisted, while pestering them about taking photos of them).
Slowly Sanji wrapped his arms around Luffy, returning the hug.
"This is the best Halloween ever!" The noirette shouted, rendering him nearly deaf in one ear.
"Glad you like it," he responded, turning to face the trio.
Zoro looked like hotness wrapped up in a cheap Halloween costume. Luffy fitted into the role nicely, as though he was born to be a pirate, travelling through the seas with some marry and probably equally crazy crew.
And Chopper was the cutest reindeer he'd ever seen. The boy looked adorable, dressed up as the animal, he'd even put the antlers which completed the look and a red nose (drawn with the lipstick Luffy had somewhere in his pockets and Sanji most definitely did not want to know where he got it from).
"Well?" Luffy demanded impatiently, bouncing on the heels of his feet, "Get dressed up as well! You don't get to go costume free."
Sanji smirked at them, retrieving towards the bathroom to change. He caught the disappointed look which flashed on Zoro's face and it made him a little smug – so the bastard did want to steal a glance of him!
Hopefully, that would happen too, though the chef didn't want to rush into things, despite the few dreams he'd already had about the two of them.
Upon retrieving there were a couple of gasps as they took him in,
"You're an elf!" Luffy screamed enthusiastically, clapping his hands at his own clever of observation.
"A garden elf or something, blondie?" Zoro demanded, smirking at him.
The cook shot him a dirty look, "No, moss for brains! For your information I am in fact-"
"Legolas!" Chopper cried out happily, eyes wide in amazement as he seemed to make the connection, "Dad, look, he even has a bow and an arrow!"
Roronoa appeared puzzled to no end, his gaze darting between the chef and his smartass son who was for sure a geek in the making,
"Uh, so this Legolas thing…he supposed to be a cartoon character or something?"
"No, dad," Chopper shook his head, the way kids did when they were eager to correct an adult making a mistake, "He's that cool elf from that big book I read, "Lord of the Rings,"
Zoro grinned, ruffling the kid's hair lovingly, "I swear, kiddo, you're too smart for your own good."
Sanji smiled warmly at the scene, memories of him and Zeff going through his head. Truth to be told his adoptive father would always fall asleep during their movie marathons but still, it was the effort that counted. He missed the old fart, he should call more often.
"I can't believe you dressed like a character from a kid's book," Zoro teased, a devious look on his tan face.
The French felt a flicker of indignation in him come to the surface, sending him a glare, "For your information "Lord of the Rings" is anything but a kid's book, it's a classic!"
"Whatever you say, blondie," Roronoa grinned, then he moved in and sealed their lips.
Luffy made an excited squeal and Chopper appeared unfazed, too preoccupied to marvel at his own costume.
Sanji smiled against the kiss, it felt warm and good and right.
Zoro tasted of sake and steel and he smelled like some cheap aftershave, still it was his nirvana and he melted into the contacted, unwilling for it to end. Their tongues collided, it felt like a challenge, something fun and simple, with the lingering feeling of something more, something yet to be explored.
For one long moment he let himself have this, soak in the feeling of happiness, grateful he'd chosen to chase after Zoro that fateful day.
"Where are we going now?" Luffy demanded excitedly, as soon as they stepped outside, "Can we please go trick or treating already?! Ace and I loved doing it when we were kids!"
Sanji opened his mouth to question who Ace was but thought against it, he'd ask another time or if the brunette felt like it, he'd share himself,
"Not yet. We have to get Mr. Grumpy here, then we head out."
"You mean, Torao right!?" the younger man cried out, "I can't wait to see him play dress up!"
"Mr. Law is coming too!?" Chopper appeared elated, "He's so cool, one day I'll be a doctor, just like him!"
Zoro patted his son on the shoulder as he held the jacket for him, "Of course you will,"
Sanji smiled, Law had better appreciate he was all but dragging him out of the apartment and offering him the chance to make friends for once.
"By the way, Sanji…you have any idea why Torao didn't reply to the text I sent him from your phone? I even asked him on a date! How mean of him not to respond!"
Law glared at his Messenger app, squinting his eyes as he took in the picture of a very happy looking Luffy.
He snorted, throwing the small device away from him.
Unfortunately he wasn't on duty that night which meant he got to spend the night at home, with the lights turned off in vain hope that perhaps the damn kids from the neighbourhood wouldn't bother him that way.
"Meow," Beppo jumped on his bed, invading the covers and claiming his rightful spot at the Spaniard's feet.
Trafalgar sighed, running tan fingers through the cat's long, soft fur,
"Don't meow-me, you're so fortunate,' he mumbled, "You're just a cat – you're not forced to socialize, make friends. And celebrate this dumb Holiday."
The cat meowed once more, as though mocking him.
Law grunted, these monologues he was having with his cat were getting concerning.
Perhaps he really needed to get laid.
It was then that Luffy's text flashed before his eyes, "Wanna go out on a date?"
And that was garnered with a photo of the brunette, that same sunny grin, which seemed to be his trademark, gracing his attractive tan face.
Law covered his eyes with a hand and sighed loudly. For the past few days no matter what he did his thoughts dragged him back to that same loud, obnoxious and kind of daring he say it - cute - noirette.
Luffy – what kind of name was that anyway? And going on a date? Didn't Sanji inform him – Law doesn't go on dates! No, he just has sex with hot people in bars, every once in a blue moon. Then he gets back to his usual lonesome life as a surgeon with a shady past. Yeah, his life would make a good TV series.
"Man, I need to go out and find someone," he thought to himself, staring at the white ceiling of his room. Great, even his own home looked as sterile as a hospital these days.
Perhaps, going on a date wasn't such a bad idea, minus the whole small talk and the obligatory fake smiles. Not to mention how would he even find one?
It was then that Luffy's sunny image flashed before his eyes, all sparkly eyes and smooth tan skin.
The kid did want a date, didn't he? Trafalgar scoffed but still took another appreciate glance at his photo, he did look good.
So…what if? No! He couldn't think about that, he was Sanji's friend and he seemed naïve and kind enough, the sort of guy who wanted an actual date and not a mind blowing one night stand. He would probably even want to hold his hand and go to the movies. Law on the other hand, had different ideas about fun,
The image of two of them, tangled in the sheets flashed through his brain and then-
The doorbell rang. How anticlimactic.
Trafalgar grunted, covering his face and his ears with the fluffy pillow and pretending he was asleep. Maybe the damn kids would scatter away and leave him alone if he kept really quiet...
"I know you're in there, asshole!"
The Spaniard froze in spot – wasn't that Sanji's voice? Perhaps the blonde had decided to drag him out of the house and for them to head out, maybe even find some dates.
"Torao, you'd better bring candy!" he heard another voice and to his horror (and perhaps his delight as well) it was Luffy's.
His heart sped up, a small part of him thinking what were the odds the man he was thinking about would just show up at his door. If were a romantic, he'd say it was fate or something like that but he wasn't one to think about that. Hesitantly Law headed for the door, shaking his head, it was going to be a long night.
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