#when youre sitting at the shitty old 24/7 diner with the man you love and you think you want to say it.
gay-poet-gabriel · 5 months
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ladyalice101 · 5 years
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week 7. 
Jonsa week S L A Y E D me. seriously, thank you so much to all the amazing fic writers out there, I had such a shitty week last week, but it was amazing to come home in the afternoon and know that I had a variety of fics waiting to be read! 
considering there was so much content this week, this list is ~long~ (well, for a weekly fic rec it is anyway) 
this week I loved . . . 
something a bit different this week. I'm not reccing one fic, but an author. 
@missfaber wrote my favourite fics this week. her ao3 is here, where you can read all of her glorious fics. but here is the list of my faves from this week (which is like all of them).
anchor up to me, love
an amazing au, set in the 50s, in which sansa is a marine biologist, jon is her colleague, and they go on a deep sea expedition to find a giant squid. sounds niche, but like ... if you love “and there was only one bed” and “and they were roommates” tropes, then this fic is for you (and don’t fucking lie to me, everyone loves those tropes, so I'm expecting ya’ll to read this) 
it was a stained glass variation of the truth
this is a fake dating au, but like . . . filled with pain. jon and sansa are broken up (currently for unexplained reasons), but it’s thanksgiving and sansa doesn’t want to tell her family yet that they’re not together. so jon agrees to come and pretend. it is . . . oof. like. wow the emotional beating my heart has taken. but ALSO it’s amazing and I already know that once it’s done I'll be rereading. 
oh moon be still, she is aching
jon and sansa run an inn together. this is a wip, and I think going to be quite a few chapters, so it’s only in the setup stages atm but it’s already featuring protective jon 👀
Wolf's Teeth
a super repressed sansa undergoes a sexual awakening at a sex dungeon. need I say more? 
honourable mentions . . . 
I’ll Be Coming for Your Love, Okay? by @carbonitekisses (I'm so glad you found this list and that I could tag you!)
Willas walks ahead and Sansa hesitates before following suit. Normally Sansa would stop by and chat for a bit with Jeyne at the reception desk but she doesn't want to interrupt. She's ready to walk by and head straight to her office when Jeyne calls out her name in obvious relief.
Frowning for the first time today, Sansa redirects her route. The man Jeyne had been speaking to turns around to face her so quickly it's almost comical.
She would laugh to herself but then she see his face. Dark hair. Grey eyes. Full lips. For a second (or two or three...) Sansa's reality shatters before piecing itself back together into a kaleidoscope of bright colors and pure light.
a reincarnation/time travel au, in which Melisandre and the lord of light do some devious things and bring sansa back to life after she dies in canon-era. except it isn’t canon-sansa that’s brought back, it’s modern sansa. 
this features SO MUCH ANGST from jon. seriously that boy is just one big pile of melancholy in this fic, because he longs for sansa. but never fear, there is a happy ending, and while it certainly soothes your heart after this fic stomped on it, honestly the angst is the best part. Jon’s love for sansa really jumps out of the screen, and there were so many times that my heart ached for him. 
Swarovski Crystals by jeynestheon 
Jon has a type.
The other girls.
Short, lean, and brash, with mouths bigger than his father’s ego. Tomboys. He dates girls that make their own shorts by tearing apart their winter jeans and always wear the same battered pair chuck taylor’s. They like when he takes them hiking for the first date, and they don’t act shy when he fucks them in the car afterwards. They prefer cheap 24 hour diners to the best italian restaurants in town. Their nail polish is always chipped when they grasp his hair as he moves down between their legs. They have random stick and poke tattoos. They snort when they laugh. They have families that they will inevitably hide him from. Rich boyfriends don’t gel well with their real world. He is a fantasy. He’s a way to pass time. And that’s fine. He likes it uncomplicated. That’s his type, all in all—un fucking complicated.
And the girl sitting at the end of the bar—she isn’t Jon’s type in the slightest.
jon meets sansa in Paris, has a dirty one night stand with her, and then can’t stop thinking about her.
THIS FIC CAME AND TOOK NO PRISONERS. hOnEsTlY, I can’t rec this enough. it just fucking . . . took me by the throat and didn’t let go. jon is a rich playboy (kinda) who is utterly in over his head when it comes to sansa, and like . . . who doesn’t love jon being confused and shook by sansa, no matter how rich he is? 
A Dress of a Different Kind by @jade-masquerade
Jon isn’t so sure about a gift Sansa receives courtesy of one of their visitors from Qarth until she convinces him otherwise.
this fic is exactly what you think it is AND IT’S GLORIOUS. CUE AMAZING SMUT. 
With Joy by @alltheprettylittlewolves
By mutual, unspoken agreement, Jon spends years avoiding Sansa. Yes, she’s his soulmate, but to say it’s complicated is putting it mildly. They are finally brought together by a gift from Sam.
Written for Jonsa Week 2019, Day 2: Tropes
modern au, in which jon and sansa are soulmates but think they’re half-siblings. except they aren’t. 
speaking of fics that S L A Y E D me. now, I love a good canon-set sibling kink (holy shit that’s weird to write) as much as the next jonsa, but I don’t like reading fics in modern settings where they’re related in any way, even just cousins. idk, call me old fashioned. 
but THIS. YOU GET ALL THE ANGST BUT NONE OF THE ICK. WHO DOESN’T WANT THAT?! (no seriously, tell me, I just want a few words ...) 
Roses by @jonsastan
“Stark could be right.” One said, biting into something that had been cooking in the fire. “We never see him south of the Wall, and he never fights those fuckin’ crows like his father used to.”
Jon stood, burying his knife into the elk flesh before moving to the fireside.
“What does that southern kneeler say about me?” He asked, meeting the eye of every man and woman there. The freefolk had no monarch, no royal family, and yet Jon had become King-beyond-the-Wall after his father.
King of Stone and Ice and Snow.
- - - - - - - Jonsa Week - Day Four: Songs - {Myths} - Lies
jon sneaks into winterfell under the guise of being a bard. sansa knows he’s lying. 
honestly, I hadn’t intended to read this. Idk why I'm not a fan of wilding!jon fics, but I just don’t read them. I clicked on this bc I saw a snippet of it on Tumblr, and I don't regret it! not only that, but I obvi liked it enough to rec it! 
A Revelation by Janina 
Based on a prompt on Tumblr: cruyffsbeckenbauer asked: Could you write something angsty where Jon realizes he loves Sansa differently once Arya returns?
an oldie, but I rediscovered it this week and immediately fell in love again. most of ya’ll have probs read this, but if you haven’t, get on it. it features jon awkwardly trying to do with Arya the things he does with sansa, and realising that it is . . . NOT the same 
ok, that brings the list to a close! congrats if you got all the way through it, and I'd love to know which of them you read. 
thanks again to all the amazing jonsa fic writers out there, ya’ll kept us alive after the series ended. 
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rabbitttart · 5 years
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My Love - Cat and Lili
Chapter 1. Intro Where does a Vampire meet a Succubi? In the dark muddled streets of course. Cat, a soft outcast seeking out life sustaining blood under the veil of night. Lili, a hardened tool serving her only purpose leading humans to folly after folly. Many times they would almost meet, passing through the same streets again and again. After finding Lili's easy prey they would become a steady diet for Cat, no messy fights. Peeks and glances at one another turned into long distance crushes; "who are they really?" Lili picks up on marks as if knowingly taking care of Cat; "what do they stand to gain?" "What's up?" Lili waited this time to Cat's surprise; "You're a vampire aren't you? - I just kinda guessed since you're not in it for the wallets and jewelry and stuff." Lili remarks "Yeah..." Cat replies shamefully. "I...Um, is there a chance you wanna go get some coffee? - ...Like, after you're done here. Obviously." Lili asks. "...Okay..." Cat says rather confused. Not that Cat can taste coffee but the mutual interest should take care of that...right? Chapter 2. Coffee Seated at a center table for two in a dim red neon lit diner, the server saunters over comfortably "What can I get'cha today?" they ask, "I'll have my usual and um...they'll have a stuck coffee?" Lili responds "Heh, yeah I think we can handle that. I'll go get started." they reply before tapping the table and walking off. Lili breaks the silence "I'm Lili, what uh- what's your name?" "Cat." "Cat...Cat. Have you ever met one of my kind?" "No." Cat replies. "Well we aren't so different, we just suck souls to make a living so it's still survival in a way." Cat leans in and whispers "...What's a stuck coffee?" "I don't know, but it's all I've ever heard your people order." "My people?" Cat replies sharply before noticing the server returns with a plate and two cups "Alright, you two enjoy." "Thank you." Lili says before grabbing a large plate full of a fluffy white substance and scraping it all off into her cup. Catching Cat staring Lili responds "Oh come on, don't look at me like some kind of freak. It's just whipped cream - it's kinda my thing, half hot cocoa half coffee. They have shitty coffee but the best cocoa you can get 24/7 so I deal." Cat arches back in her chair staring at her cup then slow leans in as if about to pounce it. "Gonna kill it?" Lili teases Picking it up Cat takes a large sip of the Smokey Topaz liquid before...letting it all fall back out "Blehhh. It's pig. It's pig!" Grossed out and surprised Lili starts laughing terribly, Cat growing visibly embarrassed squeaks "I can't stand pig's blood..." "I'll remember that for the future haha." Lili responds, "Hey don't worry about it, it's not like can control what you like." "Look I...I should just go." Cat says before standing up. Lili stutters "W-Wait! Please...don't. I just wanted to get to know you. - We...don't exactly make many acquaintances in our profession...I know you're probably used to your kind but I want to try." Cat, now shouting "What kind!? I don't know how it was for you but I was shat out and left to fend on my own no "my kind" - just me, in the forest, doing whatever I had to to survive!" Lili confused asks "What about your teacher or school or kin?" "What school? In case you haven't noticed I don't exactly 'fit in' with humans. The library is it, once I finally got to the city - Books, movies, games, they're all I've had" Cat trails off. "I'm sorry...I was told your kind went to a special school..." Lili replies. Lili stands, offering her open hands to Cat "Hey...It's okay you know? There's nothing wrong, you had it rough but you're okay." Cat accepts and places their hands in Lili's. "We can work this all out, at our own pace. Give me a chance." Lili reassures. "Awwww. That was so cute. Are you two a couple?" The server says before a cup full of Smokey Topaz liquid crashes beside them. Chapter 3. Burn "Stop it." "I'm not." "Stop it." "I'm not! I'm just looking in your direction while thinking, that's totally different." Cat and Lili argue Cat laughs "Okay sure you are. What are you thinking about?" "Just...how different everything is becoming." Lili puzzles "It must be super to be able to get high, but for those of us that /can't/, you're just driving me crazy." Cat says playfully "No I mean...who we are, what we are, it's so different than we when we met and...Cat let's just go. I have a nest egg let's use it - let's not pay for the apartment and just go like get in my car and go on a journey. This city is just killing us and no one cares." "Lili...Lili what the hell are you talking about? Are you going Jack Torrance on me? Say no to the crazy!" Cat says shaking Lili's hair. "No I-" Lili chokes and spits repeatedly pulling back hairs "I just think we need to run away to face our problems. We're too comfy here." "What's wrong with comfy?" Cat says stretching out across their sofa, "This is the best it's ever been for both of us, why throw it away?" "You make a terrible partner, give me that ring back." Lili slurs, "Hey hey I don't think so, till death motherfucker we in this now." Cat replies Cat holding their ring finger up high wiggling it, Lili flops over half-heartedly trying to take the ring before giving up slumped over Cat. Lili sighs, "If that's true then do this with me, let's stop being society's bitch and go take what's ours. Our freedom, our rights, eggtoast." "Eggtoast?" Cat asks, "You just...You just don't understand the sensation of egg white in the middle of toasted bread it's so smooth and-" "Okay, okay...I don't because I can't but I'm just gonna take your word for it Method Man...You really think we should just leave?" Lili jumps up, falls down and stands back up again, "We need to do this because...you need this. I am tired of holding you back." Cats scratches their head frantically before standing up, "...Okay sweetheart, let's sleep a bit and talk about it in the evening okay?" Cat tries Lili nods wrapping her arms around Cat as they head off to bed. "You're kinda cute for someone that's dead. You smell nice..." Lili mumbles The sun setting, the soft dark washes over the city as a bright full moon now lingers on the horizon. Suddenly, an old Chevrolet sparks alive. "Wow! I honestly had no idea this thing still worked. I guess I really did luck out; don't ever play cards with a demon by the way." Lili remarks Cat laughs gleefully "I can't believe we're doing this. Where are we going? Hollywood?" Lili laughs, putting the car in drive and pulling away "Somehow I don't think we'd get along with greater demons, let's just start running. I've already got some place in mind anyway." Hours and miles pass before suddenly they're in unfamiliar lands racing without end. "So uh...Did you bring the stuff?" Cat asks nodding "The weed?", "No!" "Downers or uppers?", "Come on, the pig's blood! How am I gonna survive?" Lili grabs something from under her seat "Oh, yeah here ya' go. Whole back floorboard is full of it.", "Loose!?" Cat yells, "Ew no, what? No! In thermoses ya' sicko." Lili says rolling her eyes. Cat wanders off staring at the sprawling mountains...Are they familiar or do all mountains just look the same? Cat sits silently thinking it over. "Cat...I know you aren't gonna like this but please just do this.", "You're gonna break my leg aren't you? I always knew you were Annie." Cat jokes Lili turns on to a dirt road heading towards a forest, "I kinda got the feeling the place you described growing up was a little too familiar - when I was still getting shipped around to be fucking destroyed mentally as a child I got ended up in this little craphole town in the mountains." Lili lights another rolled paper, swerving just in time to avoid hitting an opossum "Damn adorable trash cats.", "Lili-", "Shhh let me tell you." Lili cuts in "Okay so I'm pretty sure this is us- We both came to this forest and we both lost any chance of being normal here and I think it owes us." "Lili, what happened to us is fucked up but it's just a forest, it's not like the forest itself hurt us. Well, maybe me...Fuck that tree." Cat replies Lili shakes her head "We're going, we're gonna stand in it, we're gonna think about it and we're gonna decide then. I already have the lighter fluid." "That's why you brought that? I thought that was for the grill...Why the fuck did we take a cooler full of steaks then?", "Oh shit I forgot about that - Wait...Think, WAIT! We throw the steaks /in/ the forest fire and we can have steak and justice.", "Lili I'm not burning down a forest.", "Just wait." Now deep in the hilly forest Lili stops the car, "So...This look like your forest?", "I don't know it's a forest, how the hell should I remember?" "Well get out and see!" Lili commands. Cat begrudgingly hops out before concluding...this probably isn't the forest. "I don't think so.", "Seriously? - Go look at that tree over there, that's totally not the one you ran into thinking you could fly?" Cat inspects the tree and finds gashes in the bark. "Maybe..." Cat mumbles, "What!?" Lili yells, refusing to leave the car. "What if it is huh!? What good would killing all these animals and their home do!?" Lili grabs some cans of lighter fluid and jumps out the car before walking up to Cat, "I don't recall that mountain lion asking that before trying to eat you." "That's nature, it's dumb, that doesn't mean we /have/ to kill nature for being dumb!" Cat shouts angrily, "Well I am." Lili says throwing lighter fluid around. "Stop it, what the fuck?" Cat grabs for the can of fluid, Lili being taller just holds it out of reach prompting Cat to wrestle Lili for the can, and losing. "Cat...Cat. Okay you're a lover not a fighter calm down baby.", "No!" Cat bats Lili a few more times to no effect, "...Okay...But you can't just do this." "We didn't deserve anything that happened here and I don't want to keep living knowing more might be getting hurt here Cat.", "People did this to us - not a forest, not these animals except that mountain lion I would kill that fucker if I saw it, but not the other animals. Just other people Lili." "...Yeah maybe...I just wanted this to be something we conquered together...Something that brought us closer and let us move on you know?" "Lili, you're the reason I have moved on from all this. I finally came to grips with the fact I don't have to be alone or live in the dark...mentally anyway." "Sigh...I think I might have- What the fuck is that sound?" A huge stampede of animals come out of the nearby thick running away from it, some on fire. The fire catches up to the edge of the forest near the road, "Hey, fuck you I was gonna burn this down!" Lili yells, "What? I thought you were over that!?" "Uh...yeah.", "Maybe we can still save it?" A deafening guttural growl escapes the forest causing Cat to jump back, "Fuck it!" Cat exclaims before running away. "Wait Cat, the car! THE CAR!" Lili says before giving up and laughing. Another heavy shaking growl from the forest "Eep!" Lili finally runs off to follow Cat. This? This is either an epoch or my fall right here. Five days nearly wholly dedicated to this, hours upon hours spent listening to The 69 Eyes, writing, thinking about and working on this. I fell madly in love with these two, I expect no one will appreciate this very much but this is a feeling I haven't ever had working on an art project...ever. I wanted to write! I like writing but not character making, but somehow I just wanted to be in the presence of these two and tell their story and just...yeah. Fuck mountain lions. Bad writing? Maybe. Fun? YES YES YES. See you in hack writer hell, fuckers. Writing and pretty much everything else practice. Stocks: https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1286870 https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1015826 https://pxhere.com/en/photo/233 https://pxhere.com/en/photo/81485 https://pxhere.com/en/photo/942487 https://pxhere.com/en/photo/876687 https://pxhere.com/en/photo/748395 https://pxhere.com/en/photo/71774 https://pxhere.com/en/photo/1173 https://pixabay.com/en/portrait-girl-glasses-eyes-face-1152472/ http://fav.me/d1o6rih http://fav.me/db26jfs (Mine) Brushes: http://fav.me/d1j7fpk by https://falln-stock.deviantart.com/ Credits and copyrights go to original artists/owners.
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