#whenever I see face injuries I always think back to my first aid instructor saying they bleed more than they hurt
alpineshift · 4 months
How do you think Jack reacted to seeing Nico’s face being cut and all that blood?
Only to see him come back out like ten mins later and finish out the game.
Only to see him end the game with blood dripping down his face because the cut reopened.
ooooh boy 😳😳
-probably outwardly calm to those who only know him peripherally and outwardly & internally freaking out to those who know him well
-completely zoned in on the game while it happened (he's watching it at ass o'clock live in the US with the time difference)
-I imagine he's supposed to be getting some R&R post-surgery so he's definitely not telling Nico he saw the injury happen live
-I'm also imagining the two of them went on this ridiculous self-imposed no contact stint so "Jack can focus on resting and healing without me distracting him" >Nico (misses Jack so badly it hurts) and "I want him to be able to compete at 110% without me distracting him" >Jack (misses Nico so badly he's climbing up the walls)
-and everyone is like "a ten minute FaceTime is NOT going to ruin anything" but sadly they're lovely fools in love
-(detests all the photos that surface after with all the gory details)
-detests seeing Nico return in a 49 jersey with the energy of a cat that doesn't like where you've moved his water bowl (slightly to the left)
-detests the fact that Nico reopened the cut (and is kinda proud of him for pushing/playing hard but he's Not Happy and they Will Have Words later)
-and now the game's long over and it's missing Nico hours in his room, where he's curled up under a blanket, feeling achey, wearing one of Nico's old Devils zip-ups, hungry bc he hasn't eaten yet and tired from waking up early and wrist cramping from holding his phone up to watch. and all he wants to do is to fly to Prague and cup Nico's face between both hands and kiss the cut better but he can't, because he's here and Nico is so far away and they haven't talked in what feels like ages—
-he's opening up their chat before he can stop himself, typing out a message even tho he knows he's breaking their rule, hi babe, is your face okay?, and then immediately feeling bad because now he's distracting Nico, who's doing so well, who doesn't need him to act clingy, and Jack's so envious of everyone that gets to play with him after their season ended bc all he can think is that should've been us, together, chasing that silver dream—
-and then his phone lights up no less than ten seconds later (even tho he has to be exhausted, in pain, probably in dire need of a long rest) with a FaceTime request from 'Nico - LOML'
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thelazyhermits · 3 years
Touching Hearts
As I mentioned in this post, I’ve finally started watching season 4 of the anime, and because of that, I’m remembering things I had forgotten about since it’s been a while since I last read about those arcs in the manga.
One such thing I forgot about was how beat up Todoroki and Bakugou get from their provisional license training, which is mentioned at the beginning of the Overhaul arc, so I decided to write a scene focused on that which takes place directly after chapter 38 of TABF.
I hope y’all enjoy it! ^-^
After you convince Yagi to meet with Nighteye, the retired hero nervously calls his former sidekick in hopes to arrange a meeting with him. Much to his surprise, Nighteye quickly agrees and says you both can come by tomorrow afternoon.
Of course, you aren’t nearly as surprised as Yagi is. After all, there’s no way a diehard All Might fan like Nighteye could ever turn down a request from the former number one hero himself. Plus, you’re sure that he was happy to hear that Yagi wanted to speak with him, even though you bet he’s wondering what the reason behind the visit is since Yagi didn’t go into details.
Once that meeting has been set up and you’ve properly cleaned your tear-stained face, you and Yagi make arrangements to set up a meeting with Nedzu and Aizawa to let them know about the current situation at hand.
As expected, neither Nedzu or Aizawa are thrilled when they hear the news of Nighteye’s impending death, and the latter especially dislikes the thought of you trying to prevent it because of your drawback. 
Thankfully, in the end, you and Yagi manage to convince him to allow you both to meet with Nighteye tomorrow since you can’t just ignore your vision. You have to do something.
However, it takes a while to do that, so by the time you finally start heading back to the dorm, you’re completely exhausted, emotionally because of that horrific vision you had about Nighteye, mentally because of that meeting with Aizawa, and physically since you had training with Shinsou after that meeting finally concluded. 
That’s why you have every intention to go to bed early tonight, so you’ll be well-rested for tomorrow’s meeting with Nighteye. And you’re honestly just too tired to do anything besides cook dinner at this point, well anything except for giving Midoriya a big hug, of course, since you know he had an equally rough day and you will never be too tired to shower him with the affection and support he deserves. Plus, hugging him always makes you feel better, so it’s only natural that you take every opportunity to do so, especially on a day like today.
While you follow through with your plan to hug Midoriya once you return to the dorm, your plans to turn in early tonight end up changing when dinner comes and goes without you seeing Bakugou or Todoroki. Apparently, since it’s Sunday, today’s provisional license training is an all day affair.
Aizawa had told you as much earlier today, but you didn’t think he literally meant all day, considering how early the boys left this morning. Naturally, that just makes you wonder what kind of training they are going through that lasts from sunrise to sunset, obviously the really intense kind.
No doubt Todoroki and Bakugou will be exhausted by the time they return to the dorm. You just hope they won’t be too battered and beaten since you heard from the other UA teachers that Ganga Orca is a tough instructor.
Since you’re worried about your students, you can’t bring yourself to go to bed until they safely return to the dorm. That’s why, when everyone else turns in for the night, you remain in the living room and wait for the boys.
Fortunately, you don’t have to wait long since Bakugou and Todoroki both arrive shortly after their classmates turn in for the night. When they do, you discover that your wish for them to not be too battered and beaten was in vain.
With a gasp, you hurry over to the surprised boys, so you can get a better look at their injuries. “Are you two alright?! I heard Ganga Orca was a tough instructor, but I didn’t think you two would come back looking this beat up!”
Todoroki blinks, “We’re alright. None of our injuries are serious.”
He tilts his head. “What are you doing still up, Sensei? I thought everyone would be asleep by now.”
Frowning, you gently cup his injured cheek as you examine the damage done to his handsome face. “I didn’t want to go to bed before you two got home, and I’m glad I didn’t since you both need to get these injuries treated before you go to bed.”
Bakugou huffs, “You’re overreacting. These are just scratches. They’re nothing to make a big deal about.”
“Even so, we can’t ignore them.” You reply as you pull your hand away from Todoroki’s face. “So, after you two have eaten dinner, I’ll help you take care of them.”
Just as you turn to head for the kitchen, a question comes to mind, making you pause. “Or do you guys need to take a shower first?”
Todoroki shakes his head. “They had shower stalls at the building where our training was held, so we took showers after we changed out of our hero costumes.”
“Good.” You resume heading toward the kitchen. “In that case, just take a seat at the dining table, and I’ll bring out the food I set aside for you two.”
Rather than oblige, Bakugou drops the briefcase carrying his hero costume and follows after you. “I can carry my own fucking food. You don’t need to bring it to me.”
After Todoroki copies his classmate’s actions, he adds, “I can carry mine too. You don’t have to go out of your way for our sake, Sensei.”
Obviously, these two aren’t as exhausted as you first thought if they have enough energy to argue with you. You suppose you should take that as a good sign.
“Alright.” You huff, “I’ll show you what all I set aside for you in the fridge, and then, I’ll take care of getting some drinks for us.”
Not long after that, the three of you find yourselves at the dining table. While your students eat their food, you just drink from the water bottle you grabbed for yourself.
Rather than try talking to your students, you just watch them devour the food you prepared for them since they’re obviously more interesting in eating than chatting. You had expected they would have strong appetites after the long day they had, and you were right. It’s a good thing you made sure to prepare ample portions for them.
Once he has gotten through half of his meal, Shouto finally takes notice of what Bakugou is eating and tilts his head curiously. “I didn’t notice this earlier, but Bakugou and I are eating completely different meals. Why is that? Shouldn’t these just be leftovers from tonight’s dinner?”
Apparently, Bakugou didn’t notice that either, judging from the way he pauses his eating to examine his and his classmate’s dinner. When the blond later turns to raise an eyebrow at you, you chuckle, “Those aren’t leftovers from tonight’s dinner. Those are dishes I made after dinner.”
A grin forms on your lips. “I wanted to make you each your favorite foods once I realized what a long day you would be having since I wanted to make sure your day ended on a good note. After all, nothing’s better than eating food that you love after a long day, right?”
The corners of Todoroki’s lips tilt slightly upwards. “That’s true. My day definitely improved thanks to your delicious soba. Thank you, Sensei.”
As you return the ice user’s smile, Bakugou returns his attention to his food. “Your spicy food still isn’t anywhere near the level of spiciness my cooking has, but it’s not bad.”
An amused huff escapes you. “Thanks, and I’ll be sure to keep the spice level in mind the next time I make something spicy for you.”
Once that conversion concludes, the boys resume eating. Since it shouldn’t be long until they finish, you leave the table to collect the first aid kit that’s kept in the kitchen, so you can be ready to treat their injuries once they finish eating.
Fortunately, even though you know Bakugou finds your mothering to be annoying, he doesn’t try to make a break for it as soon as he and Todoroki finish eating. Instead, the blond takes care of cleaning his dishes and throws away his trash like his classmate does before returning to the dining table.
When you give him an approving smile after he takes a seat at the table, Bakugou scowls at you in return, but thankfully, he doesn’t do anything else. Still, you know he’ll be far from a model patient, so you decide to save him for last since you know Todoroki won’t give you any trouble.
Just as you expected, Todoroki just quietly sits at the table as you begin treating all of his injuries, only speaking whenever you ask him if he’s in any pain. Each time you ask him if your actions are hurting him, he assures you that he’s fine much to your relief.
That relief quickly turns tino frustration when you begin treating the scrapes on Todoroki’s face. “Honestly, what was Ganga Orca thinking, allowing such a handsome face to get injured like this? If the ladies of Japan saw you looking like this, they would all cry!”
Todoroki’s eyes widen slightly. “Really? How come?”
While Bakugou rolls his eyes, you answer, “Because nothing is sadder to a girl than seeing a handsome guy’s face get ruined! Looks like yours should be treasured, not treated like this! Doesn’t Ganga Orca realize a face like yours will eventually become one of Japan’s greatest treasures?!”
He continues to stare at you in amazement. “I didn’t realize my face was so important.”
Bakugou scoffs, “It’s not. Sensei’s just exaggerating. The only thing that stands out about your face is how fucking annoying it is.”
Just as you’re about to scold the hothead for his words, an idea comes to mind, making you grin. “Aw, Bakugou, is that jealousy I hear? Are you upset that I'm complimenting Todoroki’s face and not yours?”
His face reddens. “Hah?! Don’t be stupid! Like I give a fuck about that!”
Your grin grows. “I dunno. You sure sounded jealous to me.”
“There’s no need to be jealous, Bakugou.” Todoroki calmly says, “You have a nice face too.”
While you snort at Todoroki’s innocent compliment, Bakugou glowers at him. “Are you trying to pick a fight with me, Half-and-Half?! I’ll kill you!”
Confused, Todoroki tilts his head. “No? Why would you think that?”
Before Bakugou can retort, you intervene. “Todoroki is right, though. You do have a handsome face just like he does, Bakugou.”
With a grin, you add, “Although, I’m worried about it going to waste, considering how much you’re always scowling. You know, if you keep making faces like that, your face might get stuck like that forever.”
Todoroki frowns, “That wouldn’t be good. You should be careful, Bakugou, so that won’t happen.”
As you fight the urge to laugh at the stoic boy’s show of genuine concern, Bakugou’s scowl deepens. “It won’t! So, fuck off! Nobody asked for either of your opinions!”
Chuckling, you finish up bandaging the rest of Todoroki’s injuries. “Just giving you a friendly warning. After all, you want to surpass All Might, don’t you?”
Bakugou raises an eyebrow at you. “What the fuck does that have to do with anything?”
Once you’ve taken care of Todoroki, you begin tending to the blond’s injuries, taking full advantage of his distraction caused by your earlier comment. “In order to fully surpass All Might, you have to beat him in all aspects, right? Well, that obviously means you’ll have to have a smile that can outshine his, don’t you think?”
“That makes sense.” Todoroki agrees, “After all, when anyone thinks of All Might, one of the first things that come to mind is his smile since it’s so iconic.”
You give him a wink. “Exactly! If anyone ever hopes to beat All Might, then they better have a smile that can rival his. Otherwise, he’ll always remain number one in that category.”
When you return your focus to Bakugou, you see him frowning, wearing a contemplative expression. Obviously, he’s taking your words into serious consideration. 
Smiling, you finish bandaging one of his scrapes before ruffling his hair, making him scowl. “You’re amazing, Bakugou. There’s no question about that. You’re strong, smart, and talented among many other things.”
“However,” You raise a finger. “there is one important ability you and Todoroki both need to master before either of you can become the kind of pro hero who can surpass All Might.”
While Bakugou raises an eyebrow at you, Todoroki curiously asks, “And what ability is that?” 
Your earlier smile returns as you turn to point at his and Bakugou’s chests. “The ability to capture people’s hearts by touching their hearts and making your own hearts more apparent to the people you’re trying to protect.”
Noticing their twin looks of confusion, you elaborate, “The reason All Might was such an amazing hero wasn’t just because he was strong and talented. It was because he was amazing at touching people’s hearts by showing them his own.”
You rest a hand over your heart. “All Might gave people hope because they knew that no matter what he would always protect them, not just because he was the strongest but because he genuinely cared about everyone. Everyone could tell that he would always go beyond Plus Ultra to protect them because he considered them all equally important.”
Your expression softens. “That’s how I felt whenever I watched him on TV and in my visions. I could see how much he cared about others and how nothing was more important to him than maintaining the peace and giving others hope.”
When you lift your gaze to look at your students, you see them watching you intently, wearing contemplative expressions, proving that they’re deeply considering your words.
“Real heroes have the ability to not only save people’s lives but also their hearts,” You softly say, “and to some people, the latter is the most important ability a hero can have.”
“And that includes you?” Bakugou solemnly asks as he holds your gaze.
The corners of your lips curve upwards. “It does, because I wouldn’t have made it this far if it weren’t for heroes that could save people’s hearts. That’s why I hope that you promising heroes-to-be will one day master that ability too.”
“I use the term ‘master’ because I’ve already experienced firsthand you both using such an ability. Although, I’m sure it wasn’t really intentional on either of your parts.” You add, earning some surprised looks from your students.
As you’re speaking, you think back to the I-Island incident and how Todoroki refused to leave your side and was determined to get you the medical attention you needed. Then, your memories drift toward the villain attack at the summer camp and how Bakugou refused to abandon you, even though it meant putting himself at risk.
Your smile softens. “One day, you both will able to intentionally touch people’s hearts in the same way you did mine. I have complete confidence in both of you since I know there’s nothing you two can’t do if you put your minds to it, so I have no doubt that you’ll both become amazing heroes that can outshine even All Might.”
For several seconds, your students just stare at you with slightly widened eyes, and then, Bakugou smirks, “Of course, I fucking will! I’m the guy who’s gonna be the next number one hero who surpasses All Might in every shape and form! I’ll master every fucking aspect of being a hero there is, so I’ll be the unequivocal number one!”
Todoroki nods, “I’ll work hard too, Sensei, to become a hero who can save lives and hearts. I won’t let you down.”
Grinning, you reach over to ruffle their hair. “I know. You two are always meeting and surpassing my expectations. This time won’t be any different.”
Both boys’ eyes gain a pleased gleam at your words, but Bakugou tries to hide it by averting his gaze. Rather than tease him about it, you just resume taking care of the rest of his injuries. 
As you’re doing this, Todoroki asks, “Do you think our training for our provisional licenses will help us get a better understanding of touching people’s hearts, or is that something we’re supposed to learn during our lessons here at UA?”
You hum thoughtfully. “I’m not sure what all the training for your provisional licenses entails, so I can’t say for sure about that. But as far as your school lessons are concerned, I’m sure you’ll eventually get lessons focused on that aspect of heroics. Although, I would think heroes-in-training would mostly get those kinds of lessons when they’re out in the field.”
Bakugou tilts his head. “Because it means interacting with actual civilians?”
Nodding, you give him an approving smile. “Exactly. The best way for heroes to touch people’s hearts is by learning how to understand the people they’re protecting, which happens by getting closer to them. Doing this helps both parties come to learn more about each other, which leads to trust building between them.”
After you finish tending to the last of Bakugou’s injuries, you begin putting up everything that you took out of the first aid kit. “Trust is key to touching people’s hearts. It’s important that you both become the kind of hero that people know they can trust and rely on no matter what happens.”
Once everything has been put away, you turn to face your students and smile, “You both have already proven to me that you’re strong and capable heroes that I can rely on and trust. Now, you just have to figure out how to do that with everyone else. It won’t be easy since social interactions aren’t really either of your forte, but I know you both can do it.”
While Todoroki gives you a determined nod, Bakugou just averts his gaze with a huff. “Obviously.”
Getting an idea, you cheerfully clap your hands together. “However, as your teacher, I shouldn’t make you do all that hard work without, at least, first imparting a little helpful advice.”
Once you have their undivided attention, you continue, “Obviously, as I mentioned before, one of the main things you both need to do is develop your own hero smile, so by the time you guys graduate, you must have a smile that can put everyone’s hearts at ease.”
As expected, Bakugou makes a face at your words while Todoroki just gives you another nod. Obviously, that one task in itself is going to be difficult for them due their personalities and typical demeanors, but you know smiling isn’t impossible for them. It’s just not something they choose to often do.
There’s nothing wrong with that, of course, as far as their daily lives are concerned. It’s only when they’re on the field, working as pro heroes, that they need to be able to implement what you consider to be one of a hero’s most important assets.
Once you’ve reaffirmed the importance of that ability, you decide to share the idea you came up with earlier. “Another important thing you two should work on is communicating with the people you’re supposed to protect in a way that will assure them that everything will be alright now that you’re there for them.”
With a grin, you wink, “And you should also make good use of those good looks you both have while you’re at it to win their hearts over even more.”
While Bakugou raises an eyebrow at you, Todoroki gives you a curious look. “How do we do that?”
Your grin grows. “I’ll show you! Just pretend you’re a civilian who got caught up in a villain attack, alright?”
Once you get a nod from him, you grab Todoroki’s hands and hold them in between yours. As he stares at you with a mixture of surprise and confusion, you hold his gaze and give him the most reassuring smile you can muster. “It’ll be alright. You’re safe now. I’m here, so you don’t need to worry anymore. I’ll protect you no matter what. I won’t let anyone lay a single finger on you.”’
You give his hands a reassuring squeeze as your smile softens. “So, don’t be scared. A look like that doesn’t suit your handsome face. The world would be much better off if you were smiling instead since a smile like yours can make even the darkest of days seem bright. That’s why I’ll fight with everything I have to protect that precious smile; I won’t let anyone ever take it away, I promise.”
While Bakugou gapes at you, Todoroki stares at you with slightly widened eyes. Obviously, you caught them both completely off guard with your performance.
When a few seconds pass without a response, you release Todoroki’s hands and grin, “So, what do you think, Todoroki? Did I make your heart skip a beat just now?”
He rests a hand over his heart. “There weren’t any irregularities with my heartbeat, but…”
“But?” You parrot, tilting your head curiously.
“My chest feels very warm now, all of a sudden.” Todoroki replies, “How strange.”
Giggling, you ruffle his hair. “That’s what it means to touch people’s hearts, Todoroki. That’s the kind of reaction you should be aiming for when you interact with the people you’re trying to protect.”
His expression appears thoughtful. “Come to think of it, I remember feeling similarly whenever I watched All Might on TV when I was a child. So, this is what it means to touch people’s hearts.”
Todoroki lifts his gaze to meet yours and gives you a small smile. “Thank you for showing me that, Sensei. I promise I’ll make good use of your example and your advice.”
“I have no doubt that you will.” You pat his head. “I have high hopes for you, Todoroki.”
When you later pull your hand away from his head, Todoroki adds, “I promise I’ll also take better care of my face in the future since I don’t want you or any of the other ladies of Japan to cry.”
A laugh escapes you. “Good to hear! You gotta take good care of that face of yours since it’s gonna be one of your greatest assets when you’re a pro hero.”
Bakugou, who has been quiet all this time, finally breaks his silence with a scoff. “Only if he ever learns how to stop being so fucking annoying all the time.”
While you give him an exasperated look, Bakugou rises to his feet and asks, “Are we done here, Sensei?”
With a sigh, you nod, “Yeah, I’m done treating both of your injuries, so you two are free to go. Sorry for keeping you both up when I’m sure you’re both beyond exhausted.”
Todoroki shakes his head. “You don’t need to apologize. If anything, we should be thanking you for staying up late for our sake. Right, Bakugou?”
The blond clicks his tongue. “Whatever.”
While the boys move to collect their briefcases containing their hero costumes, you quickly return the first aid kit to the kitchen before rejoining them in the living room. As you all begin heading for the elevators, you ask, “So, what did you think of the example I provided for Todoroki, Bakugou? Do you think that’s something you can do?”
“Of course, I can!” Bakugou huffs, “There’s nothing I can’t do, so I won’t have any issue doing something like that.”
Even though he says that, you have a feeling accomplishing such a task will be more difficult than he thinks once he finally tries it out, considering his less than ideal social skills. While you have full faith in him, there’s no doubt in your mind that he’ll struggle with this aspect of heroics for at least a little while since it’s completely foreign territory to him.
“I’m not as confident as Bakuguou since I’m not used to doing something like that, but I’m going to work hard.” Todoroki comments, “Hopefully, by the time we get our provisional licenses, I’ll be ready to try touching people’s hearts.”
“It might take you a little while, but you’ll definitely get there, Todoroki.” You assure him. “Until then, just keep working hard and doing your best like you always do.”
Around that time, the three of you come to a stop in front of the elevators. Just as you’re about to hit the button for the elevator you’ll be taking, you suddenly realize you had almost forgotten something very important. “I almost forgot!”
Both Todoroki and Bakugou, who were about to enter the elevator which will take them to the boys’ side of the dorm, pause at your exclamation. 
Before either of them can question you, you reach over to pat their heads, smiling all the while. “Welcome home, Bakugou, Todoroki. Good work today. I’m proud of you both.”
The two stare at you with surprise for a brief moment, and then, their features relax.
A slight smile rises to Todoroki’s lips. “I’m home, Sensei. Also, thank you for dinner and for taking care of my injuries.”
Bakugou averts his gaze. “I’m home.”
After a brief pause, he then mutters, “And thanks.”
Immediately, after those two words passes his lips, Bakugou hurries into the elevator before you can say anything else. Not wanting to be left behind, Todoroki quickly follows after him. 
Chuckling, you give them a parting wave. “Good night, you two. See you in the morning.”
Just before the elevator door closes, Todoroki returns the parting. You don’t hear anything from Bakugou, but you figure that’s to be expected. 
With a smile, you turn to enter the elevator that will take you to the girls’ side of the dorm. As you’re riding the elevator, you think back to the discussion you had with Todoroki and Bakugou.
Those two definitely both have the potential to become the kinds of heroes that can save people’s hearts. It won’t be easy, but I have full faith that they can overcome any obstacles that come their way.
Just as you think that, your Quirk activates, showing you a vision of your students in the midst of their provisional license training.
Feeling a mixture of amused and surprised, you watch as Ganga Orca declares that Bakugou, Todoroki, Inasa, and the girl Toga impersonated, Utsushimi  Camie, all have to participate in a special training where they have to win the hearts of a bunch of primary schoolers since he says what the heroes-in-training need is “heart”.
Seems like Ganga Orca and I were on the same page. What are the chances?
Looks like Todoroki will be getting a lesson on touching people’s hearts during his provisional license training after all. Unfortunately for him, it won’t be an easy lesson, considering how those primary schoolers have no interest in listening to anyone, not even the teacher they came with.
Of course, you still believe that your students can accomplish such a lofty task. You just have no idea how since you hadn’t considered giving them lessons on how to talk to small children.
That’s why you’re very eager to see what happens next in this vision since you want to see what your students will do. Just how will they win these children’s hearts?
Unfortunately, you don’t get all the details you were hoping for since a time skip occurs in your vision, preventing you from seeing how Todoroki and Bakugou will react to the crazy situation Ganga Orca has put them in.
Your disappointment doesn’t last long, however, when, after the time skip, you see all the children happily playing with the four students in charge of winning them over. 
All you can do is smile when you see all the smiling primary schoolers playing on large ice slides that were obviously made by Todoroki. Those are some great smiles you put on their faces, Todoroki. Good job. I knew you could do it.
Your smile grows when you see Bakugou telling a kid that he won’t be able to recognize his own weaknesses if he’s always looking down on others. Well said, Bakugou. I’m so proud of how far you’ve come.
Around that time, your vision comes to an end, just as the elevator doors open. As you move to exit the elevator, an immense rush of pride washes over you, making you beam.
You’re amazing, Todoroki, Bakugou. You two really can do anything when you set your minds to it. Looks like you’re gonna soon be one step closer to becoming the heroes you’re both striving to become.
And you couldn’t be more proud.
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lady-daydream · 4 years
Just To See Him Smile-Craig Boone Fallout New Vegas  Imagine
“Well- that could have gone better” Boone states as he offers you a hand up, You dust yourself off. “That could have gone a whole lot better”. You agree, survey the surroundings around you. The aftermath of the gun fight only just settling as Boone had put a bullet into the last of the legionary assassins. The bodies of both the fiends you  had been sent to kill ,plus the extra bodies of the legion assassins who thought they would over power the both of you while you had been focused on the fiends, lay around the area. They had almost succeeded. But thanks to the both of your quick thinking as well as the abundance of explosives you always carry on you  - only a few fires remained. Slowly burning themselves out from the remains of Molotov's thrown. You could still smell the faint bitterness of dynamite in the air. But you both had won- and that was all that matters. 
“I mean it could have also gone worse” you comment, looking around to confirm you both were the only two left, as Boone makes a grunt which seems like a mixture of agreement and scepticism. However now that the battle was over  your eyes are drawn to Boone, who seemed to have a bleeding wound on the left side of his face, yet he was casually standing with his sunglasses in his hands. Instinctually you run over, grabbing a cloth you had on you to instantly stop the bleeding. 
“Jesus Boone, you alright! Let me look quickly, it's bleeding a lot”. You quickly fling your bag on the ground, grabbing the first aid you needed, and apply it to the wound, only a sharp wince escaping Boones mouth as he remains still, the sunglasses still in hand. As you were doing this you were able to catch glances of the tugs of annoyance visible on his face, his eyes narrowing slightly and the way his mouth frowned as he looked at the object in his hands. His sunglasses had been caught by a stray bullet it seemed, one the arms bend at an odd angle where the bullet had seemed to hit, and the glass on the left side was completely shattered, with only small bits of reflexive glass holding on to the frames. You gesture using your head to the glasses as you put the last bit of aid on what seemed to be only a gaze of a bullet. The glasses by some miracle ricocheting it
“ to borrow a friend of mines’ phrase  - you are some kind of lucky. If the shot was a little to the left or to the right, I would have had to start looking for another spotter”
“The bullet was a ricochet before it caught me, not the worst injury I have had but I guess I am lucky”. You relaxed a little that he was talking at least,  and did not seem to be suffering from a concussion, but you could feel a little gnawing feeling, that Boone didn't feel like it was so lucky. However you tried to ignore it, and move it on to another topic.
“It sucks about the glasses though, they suited you a lot” you say, stepping away and picking up your bag again.
“I guess, I should have realised that they wouldn't last forever” he says, tossing the shades aside, as they land on the ground a bit away from the both of you, and the walks towards you, setting his rifle back on his back.
You both start to walk, heading to New Vegas, where you could get your bounty. Throughout  the long journey, you had the constant feeling of worry, wanted to make sure Boone was okay, and that a concussion wasn't affecting him, Since you knew he had a habit of hiding his pain and injuries until they affected his shooting.  “ Soo- how long have you had those shades for?” You watch him think for a moment, his lips twitching to the side for a moment: A quick and small detail you have learnt to watch for to know he was thinking about whether or not to open up. You waited, not pushing for an answer- knowing him for long enough to know it takes time for him to open up about anything. After a few minutes, with a sigh he shoves his hands in his pockets.
“I got them when I first joined 1st Recon, they were a gift from the first person I was paired with to teach me how to be a spotter” he pauses for another moment, trying to read your reactions, however finding you were happy to continue listening, He continues giving a half hearted chuckle. 
“When you got them, it was seen as an acceptance into the group. What made it even better was they told me that the sunglasses would make me a better shot.” he chuckles bitterly again “of course I fell right for it- i wouldn't take them off at all, even used to sleep with them on” 
“I thought you joined with Manny?” you ask, as his jaw tightens visible: Manny still wasn't a great topic to bring up.
“I only knew the guy for a week, Died the day I got the shades, so it was always easier to say Manny and me were always paired with each other, it feels like we did anyway” You let an “ah” escape your lips as you nod, before you both return to your own silences,  knowing that Boone wasn't gonna open up much more.
After a half an hour of travelling you turn, still walk backwards to face Boone, after thinking for a while. “ I'm sorry -about your shades. I know they meant a lot” He shakes his head slightly “ they are just a pair of sunglasses, just another memory I had to let it go”. You nod, understanding what he meant . But you could see through him enough to know, and you knew that they were important. But he was doing what he always did. Hiding what he felt.
You both continue to walk once more, enjoying the silence. However as you were walking, you kept gazing at Boone, and you noticed how different he looked different without his shades. Less intimidating, more tired and hardened, however being able to see his eyes  did make it easier to read what he was feeling. Sometimes however, the cold stare within his eyes was unsettling. But you understood why. It's the same stare of most soldiers you had seen. And for a brief moment the thought that he wore them to hide them flashed through your mind before you pushed it aside. While sneaking glances though, suddenly you get an idea. A small idea but one that you hoped would work to cheer Boone up. However you realised that you needed to get Boone away to complete the idea without him knowing. 
When you reach the gate to freeside, you spin once more on the balls of your feet once more. “I should be fine from here”  he raises his eyebrows and you can see him tense slightly.
“You sure? If you're worried about my injury. I'm fine”. You nod, smiling, in hopes that it would soften him up “I'm sure, I have just got some stuff to deal with ,meet you at Novac?”,He lets the weight in his body travel from one leg to the other. “If that's what you think, I will be in Novac until I figure out what to do with myself” he states as he nods a goodbye at you, which you return with a smile. But he doesn't smile back as he turns and you watch him walk away, his back facing you as you slip through the gate and into Freeside.
He watched as the sun disappeared from his spot in the Dino’s mouth, The last warmth of the evening on his skin. He had just replaced Manny, him nodding before looking away, unable to look him in the eye. He was tired, but it's the same tired that he always felt. The weight in his body anchoring him, as if he was walking through water, that and his eyes stung every time he opened his eyes when he blinked. He hoped the coffee that Cliff downstairs had sent up for him would help.
It had been a few days since y/n had arrived at freeside, and he could feel his mind wondering to whether they were okay. Whenever this happened he tried to focus on the land around him. Try and focus on the certain. The now. He could hear his instructors. Wandering and daydreaming was a snipers sin. But a part deep in him wouldn't completely relax. He thought maybe it was just him worried they would get hurt. However he knew y/n could protect themselves. He had seen it himself plus he had been in enough fights with them, even when they first met he knew they could take care of themselves.
He first saw them when they had gone and talked to Manny. He saw them as he was swapping for the night. He saw them rush in and them out of the Dino as he was stepping out of his room. As he walked towards the Dino he saw the back of them walk towards the road, then turn right and disappear in the direction of Repconn test site. At first glance he didn't notice much, only focusing on the shotgun the stranger had, and the pistol they had half hidden on their waist. They didn't look like anyone Manny had talked about before, but then again he hadn't talked to Manny in a while. He chalked the stranger up as a wanderer. He had thought they were a prospector at first however from watching them briefly he quickly scratched that. They weren't as protective of their valuables as most prospector, nor as tense and antisocial as the few that visit. They even said hello with a smile to a few people as they walked past. They were too friendly, always had been, y/n’s weakness. He had watched y/n when he was in the Dino mouth like he was now. He saw the take out a horde with ease. Using dynamite and a good aim with a shotgun to take out the glowing one safely. He was impressed but more so with the fact they didn't die. The area over there had been causing them issues for a while now. With feral ghouls attacking people and cattle and damaging anything they could get their hands on. He knew that he and Manny  could try and clear some of them off however if they went to clear it the town would be left defenceless. 
When he saw the stranger walk off and out of view he thought nothing of it, counting them already dead. Manny had asked a few people to clear the area, and none had come back - or solved the problem.
He could feel himself relaxed into the rare thought of a memory that wasn't as haunting and he pulled himself out of it quickly. Looking at the dark night surrounding him. The sun was gone. He steadies the feeling of his rifle in his hands, once again trying to focus on something in the present. A moving tumbleweed, the swirling of dust in the night wind, the stars, the roads, his breathing. Focusing on all the things in front of him in the here and now...But a week though, what business would take that long without needing some firepower, and surely y/n would need him there as a spotter or even just an extra gun… unless maybe they had finally decided to deal with Benny. Maybe they wanted to face revenge alone. But surely if Benny was able to get them once he could attack them again - or they could have been jumped on the roads by more legionaries. He could still feel the wound on the side of his head sting , ever if it was scabbing over. But still , maybe he should  have protested even if it wasn't any of his business.
He wasn't expecting to see them again. But he did. It was the end of his shift, and he was faced with the same mixture of the relief that his shift was able to sleep, and the sinking bitterness aftertaste of what was awaiting when he closed his eyes. He was walking down the stairs like he always did; Manny was passing him as he was going up. Not able to look him in the eye as always. When a sudden crashing of a door followed by a sharp apologetic inhale of breath and a curse then the hurrying of steps towards them both. Both of them paused, hands resting close enough to their guns just in case someone was trying to attack them. However all he and Manny were met with was the stranger from earlier, flustered and out of breath, leaning against the right wall for support as they pointed to them. Their hair is a mess, feral blood on their clothes. They both continued to stand there and wait until the stranger straightened up and smiled, Finding their breath. 
“Sorted it!, shouldn't be having a feral problem anymore” He saw Manny light up, walking back down the stairs while thanking the wanderer. While he quickly made his way down the stairs and past them, hoping to get to his bed, where a whole other war awaits him. As he passed he tried to blank out the other two, but a few snippets still reached him. “They were great Khans” - “ Benny I think his name was” - “They were arguing about money” -”He shot me - in the head- I just want to repay him the favour” - “Um hey, excuse me are you the night sniper?” 
He snapped back, the door handle in his hand. Turning toward them he found the stranger in front of him. A part of him wanting to keep on walking. He nodded at the stranger and they held their hand out. 
“The names y/n, Manny said to introduce myself to you , he said your name was Boone” He nodded , with a grunt translating to a yes. Before shaking y/n hand 
And that was the start of the crazy adventure they would have. Of running through minefields and boomer territory, hunting legionary spies, going into abandoned vaults and more. He could feel a small smile tug at his mouth. y/n wasn't the worst thing to happen to him. They talked and bartered when it was needed so he didn't have to, they were good in a fight, patched him up when he was injured, and they could handle silence. And they cared. That was something he knew. That they actually cared if something happened to him. He knew deep down he couldn't think  of anyone else he would travel with -
Something moved suddenly. He quickly caught sight of whatever it was for a second  in his peripheral vision before it disappeared. A shadow moving in the shadows. He instantly went into alert, focusing again, rifle ready, eyes focusing in the darkness. Searching for what moved. The only thing he could hear was the breeze and his slow breathing. He was still for a few minutes, 15 maybe or 20. It was 5 most probably though. He couldn't hear or see anything. Nothing.
“What you looking for sharp shot “
He quickly flinched back, the bun of his gun ready to attack, as the person who just spoke over his shoulder jumping out of the way before it could make contact. He felt himself get ready for another attack when the figure quickly put their hands up, quickly removing the hat and scarf masking their face, and suddenly the voice and that smile seemed so familiar.
“Damn it y/n don't scare me like that! I could have shot you” he yells. But y/n just laughs. “What and ruin this pretty face, you wouldn't dare”
You watch as slowly the adrenaline and his readiness to attack faded when he realised it was you. You keep your hands up still, shrugging. “ Honestly, I thought you saw me. I even waved but you seemed concentrated on something”. You notice that he seemed to shake something off his shoulder, muttering about seeing something in the shadow before sitting back down again; angling the chair towards you slightly. An invitation to join him that you eagerly and happily took . Both of you just sat and watched.
Surprisingly, he broke the silence first.
 “How was Freeside? Did you get what you needed to sorted?”. You were startled by his sudden conversation but latched onto it quickly, happy that he wanted to talk.
“I did eventually, it wasn't that important of a business. But it took so long due to being dragged into some business with the kings , the NCR and the followers, a miscommunication could have turned ugly real quickly if I had not stepped in.” You weren't lying completely, yet you still felt bad keeping the secret reason you had gone to Freeside from him. But you did get dragged into the mess just from knowing all three parties . Thus being dragged to be their messenger. He nods. “ Kings causing trouble?”  You shake your head, a slight distaste of the kings in his voice. “Not really, the king was fully willing to cooperate, it was his side man who had other ideas”. Boone didn't push further. That was something you liked about knowing him. He wouldn't ask questions. Personally you were happy just trying to forget about what you had to do to Pacer. You lean more towards him, wanting to think about something else, and punch him lightly on the shoulder, causing him to look away from the landscape he had been fixated totally  on after he had sat down, as if he was trying not to look at you , and a thought suddenly hit you, destroying what you were originally gonna say. And you pause as he looks at you.
“You're not mad at me? Are you”
He seemed generally surprised  when you asked. Raising his eyebrow and tilting his head ever so slightly in confusion “ I'm not  mad at you, why would I?”. You look at your feet speaking more to the ground than to him.
“ Cause I scared you, cause I took longer than expected and just told you to go to novac, cause you got injured because of me, me accidently hit you wit that paintball gun the other  day,  I mean you have a lot of reasons “
“I'm not mad at you, just tired, Ranger Andy asked for help putting up reinforcements for the walls around town yesterday. It took longer than expected ” You could feel your lips press together, a part of you not buying his explanation completely” You sure?, you're allowed to be mad. I would be mad if i was just sent off randomly for no reason, pretty much abandoning you. I mean if I had known I was gonna be dragged into the whole kings and NCR mess I would have skipped buying your present and asked you to tag -” You stop. Quickly cursing yourself and you're loose tongue. You close your mouth swiftly, as if trying to stop the words falling out of your mouth. But it was too late. The game was up and he knew.
“You brought me a gift?” He asked, his surprised look appearing on his face again with a tone of doubt, as if he couldn't believe anyone would get him a gift other than bullets and a coffee. You look at him, finally pulling yourself away from the wall, and Nod, feeling the burning of embarrassment stinging your cheeks, as you reach for your backpack that you had quietly left at your feet before sitting down.
“I was gonna surprise you with it. Hoping maybe to leave it at your doorstep for you to find when you woke up, or maybe sneak it in your bag when you weren't looking - but I guess I can't do that now that I have ruined the surprise…. Guess I'm just gonna have to give them to you now”. You bring two packages out from your bag but before you could let Boone focus on them you hide them behind your back. Smiling cheekily at him. 
“Close your eyes”. He pauses before answering 
“Why ?”
“ Cause I said so -” you feel the weight of the packages in your hands.
“Plus its a surprise gift, so you have to treat it as such”
You watch as Boone rolls his eyes , and you swear you could see him smirk a little at the almost childishness of your request. However with a mumble of fine he closes them and you quickly place the packages on his lap before telling him to open his eyes. Mockingly stating ‘Mojave Express Premium delivery, send personally from yours truly” 
You watch him open his eyes and study the two gifts. One, thin and the size of a stop sign, the other about the size and shape of a small water bottle give or take, with the edges rounded. He picks up the large one and slowly opens it by the folds to find three t-shirts, each one slightly similar to the one he was wearing except a few details and slightly cleaner and less blood covered. 
“ I - um noticed you only have a few shirts, and with all the mess I get you into, I thought you could probably use some without bullet holes in” You eyes follow the floor again, the nagging thought that your gift was pretty lame was digging at you. So you add quickly “ if you hate it , you can always use them to repair the ones you already have”
You thought  he would respond how he always did, with a brief response , and then quickly move to the next one. But he didn't. He seemed engrossed in them. Checking each one of them , a smile visible but heavily concealed nevertheless on his face, But you saw the gratitude in his eyes, almost seeping through as he looked up from them to you to thank you. Trying to keep his indifferent tone , but failing miserably. You can't help but smile.And you point to the other package.
“Now- open that one- it's the one i intended to get you, the shirts were the ones I brought while trying to find your first gift - I really hope you like them”. You watch  him gently rest the shirts on the ground. Before slowly opening up the small package, as you watch excitingly. You watch as tinted glass comes into view, and then the wrapping is removed completely and the sunglasses come into view. You watch as his mouth opens slightly as he turns them around in his hands, the light from the radio next to him reflecting in the lens. He looks back at you not even attempting to hide his smile .
“I know they aren't exactly your old glasses, but I spent 3 days looking for them in every shop in freeside and vegas. But none had them in stock.I was gonna give up when I got dragged into the mess with the NCR and kings, afterwards I asked one of the NCR soldiers if they could get a pair for me. Once again if you don't like them - “ 
“Thank you “ he interrupted  “This - this means a lot to me. So thank you “ He says still looking at you smile on his face as he puts them on. You can feel your own smile grow knowing he likes them and you can feel yourself relax.
“You know, I got used to having an intimidating military man by my side, you wouldn't believe how many people tried to rip me off, or hit on me….. Well anyway I'm glad the sunglasses are NCR approved  -  plus I heard something cool about them” He leans forward slightly, his smile leaning towards a smirking as he turns his head to the side questioningly .
“What did you hear?”
You lean forward also. Almost at  whispering distance.
 “I heard they make you a better shot”
There is a moment of silence between the both of you as your joke hangs in  the air. Then suddenly Boone starts to laugh. A low hearty tenor , that seemed to catch itself mid laugh only to repeat itself again. You feel the burning in your cheeks return, as you cant help yourself but laugh also. His happiness is almost contagious. You couldn't start to explain how happy you were feeling. The person you had been trying to make happy since first meeting him was laughing now right in front of you, because of you. You could feel the growing sensation of pride in your stomach almost glow through you. It was nice to see him so relaxed for the first time. A part of you wishing he could be this relaxed and happy forever, where he didn't seem so haunted and stressed. 
But reality has a way of drawing people back. And you couldn't stay in your bubble of happiness forever. Someone called for you at the bottom of the stairs. The voice of a caravan trader you knew calling for you. Both of you look towards the door, both reluctantly are drawn back to the here and no.
 You flash a smile. “Duty calls I guess. I will call you if I need you “ You get up, picking up your bag and heading to the door, before looking back at Boone who was watching you leave. “Um- hey, after I sort this out wanna team up and go on another adventure with me”  
You see Boone’s smile grow into a smirk , resting his gun by his side. “I guess I can travel with you, Plus I need a new partner to spot for me, with this better aim and all” 
You laugh, the fact Boone was even joking showed how relaxed and happy he was. You apologetically point behind you as you can hear your name being called again and he nods understandingly. Then  you disappear , closing the door behind you as you rush down the stairs.
What you didn't know was that the smile on Boones face remained long after you were gone. Happiness is almost a drug . A feeling that he had been missing for so long. And for once the feeling he had for you he couldn't hide.  
This one is for you @bigmoodquotes, I'm so sorry it took so long. But I hope you enjoy it I had fun writing your imagine, plus I love writing fluffy stuff for one of my favourite companions.
I Hope you all enjoy and I'm sorry if there are spelling mistakes or pronoun errors, I try and make my all my works gender neutral however I know I slip up every now and then. If you have any Imagines you want just comment or send request, I do them for Fallout 3 - 4 and new Vegas. Hope you all enjoy - Love you all <3 
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The Most Pt. 1
A/N: Okay so this is my first ever John Wick fic! In a nutshell, it’s basically like a mentor X student AU. I don’t know why but i couldn’t get that idea out of my head and i really wanted to write it, so here! It’s called The Most bc it reminds me of the song with the same title from Miley Cryrus’s new EP. I wouldn’t say the fic is inspired by the song, not entirely at least, but idk to me it just vibes with it (if that makes any sense? i feel like once the second part is out it might make more sense?). This fic is intended to have a second part so that shall also be posted shortly as i have another mini John Wick fic i wanna start and i also want to write the second part to my short Spider-Man fic. I’m so excited about this story y’all! I hope you all enjoy it! As always, feedback is always appreciated. Without further ado, enjoy! :))))
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Words: 2.7k+
Today marks the fourth and a half year that you’ve been under John Wick’s tutelage. Only six more months left and John will have had completed his marker. Initially, John was rather reluctant to be your instructor but the marker held by your father gave him no other choice but to abide by your father’s request to turn you into a formidable assassin. Who better to teach you than the infamous John Wick himself?
In the beginning of your training journey, John didn’t bother to hide his reluctance in your father’s request. This made things rather difficult until one day you decided to confront him about his behavior. He was in his study, probably searching for a way to get out of having to train you, when you knocked to let your presence be known then proceeded to enter.
“Evening, Mr. Wick, call me crazy, but I’m getting an inkling that you don’t want to train me.”
He scoffed.
“Believe me, I get it. I bet you’d really rather not have me intercepting with your lonesome peace and quiet but the bottom line is that I have to do this too and I have to learn it all to be as good as you. Maybe not exactly as good as you, but good enough to have me not die immediately as that would be, despite your current opinion of me, quite upsetting.”
He silently glared at you for a long minute, still not very much pleased with his current situation, “Why do you want to do this?”
“Want, who said anything about want? You may be bound by a marker, Mr. Wick, but I’m bound by my family to learn and master everything that there is to know about how to thrive in this lifestyle to survive in it.”
The room remained uncomfortably silent for sometime but you still didn’t falter in your stance.
“Before me who did you train with?” he asked.
“Well I was being trained in Krav Maga by Gabriel Avdeyev for some time but he and my family had a falling out and-–”
“I heard,” he sighed. “.... Based on the results of your initial assessment you have a lot to improve on. For starters, the way you initiate your attacks are okay but they will need to be refined or you will be killed. Get some rest. Tomorrow at dawn we will continue your training.”
Despite knowing John couldn’t actually purposely hurt or kill you, he was still very intimidating and the confrontation was rather hard to execute. But, it paid off.
Training with the notorious John Wick also meant living with him and sometimes that involved taking care of each other. Along with being a good fighter and shooter, John also stressed that one needs to know how to properly patch themselves up. He’s given you medical lessons before but to really teach you, one night he decided to not go to his usually doctor for a patch up but to go directly to you instead and see what you’ve retained from your lessons. When that great idea struck him it was in the middle of the night and he gave you quite a fright when he went into your room all bloody. You almost shot him with the gun you had hidden under your pillow if it weren’t for his quick reflexes which actually made you feel really impressed considering he was critically injured.
“Are you serious, John?” you asked, rather irked at being abruptly awoken at three in the morning.
“No, I’m bleeding. Now get up, this is part of your training. Time to see how much you’ve retained from those medical lessons,” he grunted as another pang of pain struck his lower abdomen.
You promptly threw your covers over your body and got out of bed before leading him to the bathroom where the first aid kit was kept. After finding the source of his bleeding you unbuttoned his shirt and got to work. Under the circumstances, seeing John shirtless wasn’t at all awkward. However, ogling his exposed chest was the last thing on you mind considering how he was bleeding an awful lot from his lower abdomen.
“Jesus what did they nick you with? This looks really bad,” you comment as you inspect the wound.
“Broken bottle of champagne. Try to avoid those in the future, they can be pretty tricky to fix.”
“Yeah, no shit,” you proceeded to clean the wound and remove any stray traces of glass, subconsciously taking quick glances at him whenever he winced. “Do you need anything for the pain?”
“Do you happen to have bourbon in any of these cabinets?”
“No, but I wouldn’t really recommend that considering how alcohol consumption can actually thin your blood out and make you bleed more.”
“But it does help with the pain.”
“Mmmmm, I’d still wager more on the pills designed specifically for that.”
John huffed. At this point you’re finally starting to stitch up his wound but his pained grunts make it a little difficult to focus.
“Are you okay?”
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing I’m not used to.”
“That’s so sad, John,” you paused to briefly glance at him. “Also super broody. We get it, you’re a badass.”
“A bad ass? That seems rude,” he sarcastically replied.
“Oh, my god, you’re actually joking with me for the second time this night. Don’t think I missed that dad joke earlier with the ‘No, I’m bleeding,’” you imitated his gruff voice and lightly laughed. “Good one, John.”
The small smile subconsciously remained on your face for a few seconds longer and John couldn’t help but admire how nicely it adorned your face. You caught him vaguely looking at you but simply assumed blood loss had something to do with the way he was looking at you. He turned away before you could even question your hypothesis.
“Well, we’re all done now. With the abdomen wound at least,” you noticed he’s also bleeding from his head and move to inspect it but his hands reached out and gently grabbed your wrists.
“It’s alright, (Y/N), I can take care of the rest, you’ve done good with the ugliest of them.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, John, I’m here now and I’ve got this for you.”
Never one to waste words, John remained silent which you took as a go ahead.
Thankfully the injuries on his head were nothing more than a few small cuts. At least on that night they were. Some nights John would come back with much rougher cuts, clearly showing that whoever he had fought had certainly put up a good fight but not quite good enough to best John Wick. Still, not only did cleaning his injuries provide you with insights to his battles, it helped you both establish a sense of trust between you two.  
After that night, rather than go to his usual doctor John began going straight to you for his patch ups. Could he have chosen to start going to you simply because it’s quicker than stopping by The Continental first and then home? Possibly. The reason for him basically appointing you as his patch up doc never really came up but you didn’t really care. By then your affection and attachment to John was beginning to grow so you didn’t mind being the one to help him feel better after a difficult job. Not to mention that tending to his wounds meant having a good excuse to touch him. Not while overstepping your boundaries, of course, but sometimes it was just nice to be able to be able to grab his hands without it being weird. Tending to the cuts on his face was something you always saved for last. It was your chance to really admire his facial features up close while simultaneously healing it. Sometimes you were so gentle with him that he actually managed to doze off and you were able to tell when it happened because he’d look so relaxed and serene. When you had to wake him up, although you didn’t want to but you knew he’d sleep much more comfortably in his bed than in a stiff chair, he’d always apologize for falling asleep which in effect often lead you both to joke about it. However, you swear that you caught him blushing the first few times it happened and when it did it just felt so, human…
You and John have really come a long way in terms of tolerating each other and actually bonding together. You both truly did. Because John is your instructor and you are over a decade younger than him, your relationship with him was purely professional. However, after about two years of training with him, your feelings for him continued to evolve into a much more stronger and different kind of admiration.
Are you in love with The Baba Yaga?
The answer to that would be a very strong perhaps. When you and John were briefed on the deal of the marker, you were supposed to learn about weapons training, fighting forms, assassination techniques, melee weapons training, etc. You were to learn how to become a proficient and deadly assassin, such as John, not about love or anything else that might be considered a weakness.
You hardly ever give yourself the chance to ponder on your feelings for John, much less at the possibility that he could possess the same feelings of affection towards you. It’s not as if you believe that the less you think or talk about it the less real it is, you aren’t that naive. You’ve simply decided long ago that you’re not going to act on your feelings for John. Love or anything remotely close to that is just not in the cards for people like you and John. At least that’s what you keep repeating to yourself.
Still, with your training nearing to an end you’ve been feeling really glum about it. Training with the notorious John Wick hasn’t been easy but living with and falling in love with the real man behind the legend was so foolishly easy. John is an extremely proficient killer, that much is true, but he is also a man. John is a man with dry humor, a latent love for the simpler things in life, a fun penchant for stunt driving and cars, kind and gentle eyes, and, surprisingly but also not really, a man of a very chivalrous nature. Despite the initial turbulence in your mentor-student relationship, you and John inevitably became good friends which really allowed you to see him under a different light. He often took you out to nice dinners claiming that he wanted a change of scenery from an uneventful day or simply because you did very well while training. Either way you enjoyed your outings with him and also simply appreciated being in an entirely different place, not being reminded of the person you’re supposed to become. However whenever you got injured while training to become that person, John would actually help patch you up. Although he’s taught you how to do so yourself, John would claim the medical lessons were mainly for when you are by yourself and have no one to help you and he’d remind you that he’s there with you now. Which is pretty similar to what you’ve told him the first time you helped patch him up now that you think of it. For an assassin who’s extremely well known for his brutal techniques and merciless takedowns, it astounded you to learn that the same man can also be so gentle. You’re not even officially leaving yet but you already know just how badly you’re going to miss John Wick.
In spite of yourself choosing to not focus on a particular set of feelings held for a particular person, today your brain can’t help but do the exact opposite. Today, John decided to focus more on Brazilian Jui-Jitsu. Little to your knowledge, John actually enjoys training you in this fighting form because these techniques allow a weaker or smaller attacker to successfully overpower a stronger opponent by manipulating the human body and redirecting it’s force. Therefore, if you do it right, you could use the opponent's strength against them and take them down. Usually you do very well in this form of martial arts but today John is able to tell you’re not fully there with him. Although John is very good at Brazilian Jui-Jitsu you’re level of skill is practically on par with his as well and you’re current struggle to beat him is alerting him.
Currently, John has you in locked in a rear choke hold on the ground, with one arm wrapped around your neck, his other arm around your free arm, and one leg wrapped around your other arm preventing you from breaking free. You struggle for a few seconds, realizing there’s no use, he’s already one this match, and grunt in frustration. John loosens his grip around you but doesn’t fully release you yet, he brings his lips close to your ear, “What’s wrong?”
The feel of his breath on your skin sends shivers down your spine, yet you quickly and physically swat those thoughts to the side and shake your head, “Right now you have me in a choke hold and I can’t get out of it, John. I don’t know about you but this seems like a pretty big issue for me.”
John instantly releases his grip on you and rises up, he’s about to lend you a hand to get up as well but you’ve already beaten him to that.
“That’s not what I meant, (Y/N). Tell me, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” you insist. “What makes you think something’s wrong?”
“For starters, I’ve been kicking your ass in this all day when I know I’ve taught you better than that. And for another, you just seem very distracted today.”  
John is as perceptive as he is deadly, which is why you don’t bother lying to him again and instead insist on continuing to train.
You look down for a second before looking up, making sure to avoid his concerned gaze, “Look, John, do you mind if we just call it in for the day?”
“Something is wrong,” he states.
“John,” you impatiently groan.   
“Why won’t you just tell me what the issue is?”
“Because there’s nothing you can do about it!” you snap and instantly regret it, rubbing at your temples. “Okay, I did not mean to say it like that. I’m sorry. I just need to cool off right now, John…”
This time you don’t wait for permission and simply walk away, however, John doesn’t try to stop you either. Not because he doesn’t care, quite the contrary in fact. Concerned and confused, John intently watches you head towards your room. He begins to trail after you but halts in his steps deciding that right now the  best option would be to give you your space. Still, John can’t help but wonder about what could possibly be troubling your mind so much and why you refuse to speak of it.
He glances one last time in the direction you previously walked in before heading towards the kitchen and serving himself a shot of bourbon.
“You can’t do anything about it!” your words replay in his mind.
“She’ll tell me when she’s ready,” he mentally tells himself. “We’ll figure it out then.”
John downs two more shots, currently finding it difficult to dwindle his concern and thoughts of you, before taking off in the direction of his room. He encounters the door to your bedroom on his way and halts at the entrance. He balls his hand into a fist and raises it to knock on your door but slowly brings it down and proceeds to head to his room. After finally entering his room, he gives your door one last glance before closing his door and retreating to his room for the remainder of the day.
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Before the World Stops Turning: Pt.9
Hello my lovelies! I fully intended to finish writing this chapter and post it earlier this week, but alas! That did not happen haha...This is the penultimate chapter in this story and we’re getting closer to what everything has all been leading up to. THIS IS SO EXCITING!! :) So without further ado...
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Everything I’ve written can be found right here!
I hope you enjoy this chapter! (As always, additional notes/random commentary I have will be at the end beneath the tags, if you care to read that far!)
It had been just over two weeks since Izzie’s accident and although Izzie was a bit stubborn and reluctant to the changes that came afterwards, she and Rae had fallen into a routine that was working well for both of them thus far.
Izzie had reached out to her Dance and Accounting instructors only hours after she left the hospital that afternoon to explain the situation and determine what she would need to do to make up her final exams and avoid failing those classes.
Izzie’s dance instructor had been more than understanding and already given Izzie an above passing grade for her performance, but she also voiced her willingness to hold Izzie’s place in the Dance Program as long as Izzie needed to ensure that her injuries healed completely.
To Izzie’s relief, her accounting Professor had also been very forgiving given Izzie’s circumstances and he promised Izzie that he would do everything in his power to work out a solution that would not lead to Izzie failing his class.
As Dr. Jackson had suggested, Izzie made a follow-up appointment to have her ankle checked out again after about two weeks, which is why Rae currently found herself sitting in an exam room down the hall from the one she had sat with Izzie last time as she waited for Izzie to return from the additional scans and x-rays that were being taken of her ankle.
There was a light knock on the door, which caused Rae to look up at the same time that the nurse that had taken Izzie back earlier walked through the door and held the heavy wooden door ajar as Izzie followed behind at a slower pace using her crutches to aid her steps.
“Thank you for being so patient, ladies. The doctor will be right back with the results of the x-ray,” the nurse replied as she helped Izzie climb onto the exam table before stepping out of the room and closing the heavy wooden door behind her.
Rae looked over at Izzie who was sitting on the exam table staring at a poster on the wall detailing the proper procedure for stopping the spread of germs when coughing or sneezing while absentmindedly biting her lower lip.
“So Izz…” Rae began and paused for a moment to allow Izzie to turn her attention towards her friend, “Are you excited for summer classes to start on Monday?”
“Ugh, please don’t remind me, Rae-Rae! I still can’t believe my Accounting final that I missed counted for nearly a fourth of my grade in the class!”
“It could’ve been worse! And at least Professor Andrews was pretty understanding about the whole situation. Sure you have to take the accelerated version of the course again, but at least he arranged it so you could do it free of charge!”
“Yeah, I suppose so...I guess I just thought that our summer was going to be nothing but you and me going on adventures and going to concerts and just enjoying ourselves...but then I had to ruin everything by getting hurt and now we can’t do anything fun,” Izzie trailed off with a small grimace.
“Hey now! None of that negativity, Izzie! You know how much I love hanging out with you and it makes no difference for me whether we go on adventures or just watch movies...as long as we’re spending time together, I’m happy!”
“Thanks Rae, you’re always such a good mate to me! Anyways, enough about me...have you talked to Finn at all or made plans to hang out again?” Izzie asked tentatively.
“Don’t you think I’d tell ya if there were any developments with Finn?” Rae asked which earned a shrug from Izzie before she continued, “Well, no...I haven’t talked to him or heard from him at all in a few weeks.”
“Aw, I’m sorry, Rae…”
“It’s fine...I don’t know what I expected to come from our coffee date or whatever that was or why I even expected anything to come from it, but I should have known better.” Rae said in an attempt to convey indifference.
“Well have you spoken to him at all since then?”
“No...I texted him the night of their most recent concert after you hurt your ankle letting him know how much I wanted to come but that I was needed elsewhere, but I told him that I hoped the show went well.”
“And nothing, Izz...he didn’t respond. I’ve texted him a couple times since then and I even sent a message or two to him on social media, but he hasn’t responded to any of them.”
“Really?” Izzie asked with surprise obvious in her voice.
“Yeah, take a look for yourself!”
Rae handed Izzie her cellphone that was opened to her text message conversation with Finn and Izzie read the messages spanning from the last text sent by Finn, all the way to the most recent text sent by Rae nearly a week ago.
Finn: I really enjoyed meeting you formally and getting to know you better over coffee today as well. I definitely look forward to seeing your pretty face in the crowd on Friday, girl! ;) xx
Rae: Hiya Finn! You’ll never guess how crazy my day has been, but my best mate Izzie had a bit of a fall and got pretty badly injured and I needed to step up as best mate and help nurse her back to health, so sadly her and I couldn’t make it out to see you perform tonight. :( In all honesty, I’ve been looking forward to seeing you again all week long
Rae: I hope the show went well though and I look forward to seeing all the videos and pictures posted online from the show! :)
Rae: I saw the videos that Archie and Chop posted from the show on Friday! You guys sounded great and it looks like you guys drew in a huge crowd (no surprise there, since you guys are bloody amazing!) :D
Rae: So I may or may not have an exclusive preview for the new shipment of music that is being put on the shelves at Off the Record because I know the right people. I don’t know who else would appreciate the significance of this opportunity other than you, so I just thought that maybe we could grab a bite to eat together and check out what new music came in. If you’re not busy this weekend, of course...Just let me know!
“I probably sound really fucking desperate and pathetic, huh?” Rae asked as she reached for the phone that Izzie was handing back to her.
“Not at all, Rae! Don’t be silly! I just...well, I don’t understand why Finn wouldn’t be responding to you…”
“Yeah, I don’t know either…”
Izzie continued sitting on the exam table scrolling through her phone with her eyebrows furrowed until she heard a quick knock on the door of the room before Dr. Jackson stepped in and gave both the girls a beaming smile.
“Good afternoon, ladies! I have the results from your latest x-ray right here, Isabella, if you wanna take a look...it’ll just take a moment while I get them set up.”
“No problem, doctor! We’re in no hurry and I’m eager to see how I’m healing so far!”
“As am I, Isabella! So what have you two been up to in the last couple weeks?”
“I’ve been resting mostly. Rae and I drove back home to visit my family for the last week and a half, since we haven’t had the chance to go back home since Christmas. Now that I’m back here, I have a couple summer courses at my University that are starting this week, so that will be keeping me busy for a little while!”
“That sounds exciting! How’s the foot doing?”
“A lot better now! The first week was really rough, but I just kept following all the advice you and the nurses gave me!”
“I’m glad to hear that it’s feeling better now, in that case,” Dr. Jackson was still getting the x-ray images set up on the machine to view them when he glanced at one of the images for a moment before turning towards Rae and Izzie, “Ms. Ross...have you been trying to keep weight off the foot?”
“Yes!” Izzie replied with a smile
“Hmm...Excellent. And you’ve been icing down the swelling and bruising?”
“Yes, whenever it felt necessary,” Izzie said with a small nod
“That’s good! And have you been wearing the walking boot?”
“Yeah...well, mostly...it itches, so I only wear it when I know I’ll be on my feet a bit more” Izzie’s response was slightly quieter and more sheepish than before, but she knew that it would be best to be honest with her doctor no matter what.
“Hmm...I see...and the crutches? Have you been using the crutches?”
“Well...sort of…” Izzie trailed off without making eye contact with Dr. Jackson.
Dr. Jackson nodded silently before turning towards Rae and waiting for her to corroborate Izzie’s statement.
“She used the crutches for about a week when we were with her parents, but then she decided that she was healed enough to not need them anymore.”
“I see...well just by looking at these images and my most recent examination of your ankle and foot, I have some good news and some not so good news...which would you like to hear first, Isabella?”
“Good news, please!” Izzie replied immediately as her gaze fell to where her hands rested in her lap and she began pulling at a string that was loose on the hem of her shirt.
“Your ankle is healing very nicely and it definitely does not look more serious than just a sprained ankle.”
“And the bad news?” Rae asked when the tense silence hanging over the room became unnerving.
“Not bad news, per say, but the dancer’s fracture on Isabella’s foot is not healing quite so well...I think you may have been a bit overzealous with laying off the crutches. The bone is setting, but not as well as I would like it to. It’s completely your choice Ms. Ross, but as a dancer, it will be more problematic for you in the future and you’ll be more susceptible to the same injury if it doesn’t set fully”
“So what do you recommend?” Izzie replied as she looked up at him for the first time during the conversation.
“Surgery...but a very minor one at that. You won’t have to be put under, just a mild anesthesia and some local numbing should suffice and we can put a couple pins in the bone to make sure  it will heal exactly as it should. After the pins are put in, we will just need to wait for the incisions to heal and then you can begin the physical therapy regimen to help strengthen your ankle and get you walking and dancing before the end of summer...how does that sound to you?”
Rae looked at Izzie who was currently looking down at her hands again where they sat in her lap, trying to gauge her best mate’s response to what the doctor had said
“Alright, well...I trust your judgment, doctor, so if you think surgery will be the best way to ensure that I heal properly and can get back to dancing as soon as possible, then I’ll do it!” Izzie said with certainty in her voice when she finally looked up at him again after a moment of weighing her options.
“Splendid! Would you like to get this done as soon as possible?” Dr. Jackson asked as he looked at one of the sheets of paper attached to Izzie’s patient chart on the counter of the exam room beneath the x-ray image viewing machine.
“Yes, please!”
“How about tomorrow morning at 9am?”
“Oh wow...that is soon…” Izzie mumbled.
“We can do it later if you want.” Dr. Jackson replied with a smile to ensure that Izzie knew he was not intending to pressure her into making any decisions now.
“No, tomorrow will be great.” Izzie added with a nod and a small smile before looking toward Rae who was still in shock at how quickly the situation had unfolded around her.
The next morning, Rae gave Izzie a ride to the hospital where she had to fill out paperwork before being taken back for the actual procedure on her foot.
Rae remained in the waiting room flipping through the various health and home decor magazines that were piled on the table beside where she sat until she saw one of nurses walk through the door that led into the waiting room.
“Good morning, Rae! Isabella is all done with the procedure if you’d like to follow me back, you’re more than welcome to see her now.”
“Wow that was fast!” Rae mused as she stood from the chair she had been sitting in and set the magazine she was looking at back on the small table beside her.
Rae followed the nurse from the main waiting room to the recovery room where Izzie had been taken after her operation was over. Rae could tell that Izzie was still a little bit groggy and impaired from the anesthesia and numbing during the procedure, but she still appeared to be more coherent than Rae had anticipated.
“Is there anything else I can get for you right now, Isabella?”
“No thank you! I’m fine for now, I think!”
The nurse nodded and left the room as Rae walked into the room and sat in the chair that was against the wall beside the bed where Izzie currently sat with her bandaged leg propped up on a stack of pillows.
“Hiya Izz! How are you feeling?”
“So far, so good! I was afraid I was going to have a huge scar from the surgery, but it was just a small incision on the top of my foot!”
“That’s great babes! I’m so happy to hear that everything worked out fine, like I knew it would.”
A few moments later, Dr. Jackson knocked on the door and entered the room with Izzie’s patient chart in his hands.
“How is the foot feeling, Isabella?”
“It’s not really feeling anything right now…” Izzie replied with a chuckle.
“Yeah, the numbing and anesthesia has a way of doing that, but you should be regaining feeling in your foot fairly soon.”
Rae and Izzie laughed at that as Dr. Jackson set the patient chart he was holding aside and took a moment to examine Izzie’s foot.
“I just wanted to come in here and tell you that the procedure went very well and I do not foresee any problems with your foot anytime soon or in the future. The nurse will give you the prescriptions for some medications to help you heal a bit faster and for you to take if you have any pain. She’ll also give you the contact information for one of my colleagues and close friends who specializes in sports medicine and physical therapy for you to set up an appointment with once the incision from the surgery is healed enough...in about a week or two.”
“Thank you, doctor!” Izzie replied with a polite smile.
“You’re welcome! If you have any other questions or if your foot hurts too much or anything, don’t hesitate to give us a call or come back in and we can take a look for you!”
Dr. Jackson stepped out of the room again and a different nurse stepped inside to go over the aftercare details with Izzie and give her all the prescriptions and physical therapy recommendation notes she would be needing in the next couple weeks.
When the anesthesia had worn off enough and Izzie was cleared to leave the recovery room of the hospital only an hour after her procedure had ended, Rae and Izzie walked side-by-side out of the hospital—Rae walking much slower to keep pace with Izzie as she limped and took slow steps aided by the crutches that she was going to have to begin using again until her foot was sufficiently healed—towards where Rae’s car was parked in the lot outside.
“So Izz, it’s still pretty early and today is our last day to relax before you start your summer classes...is there anything you want to do on your last day of freedom?” Rae asked as she opened the door to her car for Izzie.
“I’m still a little tired from the anesthesia and I honestly think I’d just like to take a nap for a little while. I’m fine with just relaxing and watching movies with you for the rest of the day, but first...can we get something to eat? Pizza, maybe?” Izzie asked as she leaned her crutches against the side of Rae’s car while she climbed into the passenger seat.
“Of course you’re hungry right now,” Rae replied with a chuckle as she put Izzie’s crutches into the backseat of the car before continuing, “Yes, of course we can get pizza, Izzie!”
Rae had been allowed to leave work early for the first time in a couple months and since leaving work early on a Friday was such a rare opportunity, she decided to accept her boss’s offer and grab lunch with Izzie instead.
The past month of summer had seemed to fly by in a blur of work for Rae and summer classes for Izzie and while they still spent most of their time outside of work and summer school with one another, they still found it hard to find time to make any formal plans when their schedules always seems to conflict.
Izzie’s ankle and foot had been healing exceptionally well since her surgery and she had been going to physical therapy in one of the offices on the second floor of the fitness center on campus for almost two weeks to ensure that everything was healing properly and she could get back to dancing as soon as possible. After each therapy session, Izzie and Rae always tried to meet up to discuss the progress Izzie was making and with each day it seemed Izzie was getting a small step closer to where she wanted to be in the recovery process.
Rae: Hey babes! I’m at our usual table, so feel free to take your time getting here. :)
Rae had texted Izzie as soon as she arrived at the cafe close to campus that they always met at for lunch during the semester, but she had been waiting for nearly half an hour without any response.
Huh...her physical therapy appointment should have ended nearly an hour ago...I wonder if I should try calling her…
As soon as Rae began to contemplate calling Izzie, she heard her cell phone vibrate against the table where she had set it down momentarily with an incoming notification.
Izzie: I’m so sorry I’m running late, Rae-Rae! Physical therapy ran long today and the time just got away from me. I should be there very soon though!
Rae sent Izzie a quick reply letting her know to take her time, but true to her word, Rae soon saw Izzie walk through the door to the cafe talking to a very familiar looking and handsome boy dressed in athletic attire.
“Thank you for walking me over here, Alex! I’ll see you at our next session on Monday, right?” Izzie said as she stopped beside the table where Rae was currently sitting and trying to hide the mixture of confusion and shock on her face.
“Absolutely! Just make sure you keep doing the stretches and exercises we worked on today over the weekend and I think we’ll be ready to move onto some more challenging things next session. Have a nice weekend!” Alex gave Izzie a high-five and turned to give Rae a quick smile as well before walking away.
“Sorry I was late, Rae!”
“Uh, no problem...that was, uh, that was Alex? As in Alex from Kings and Queens, right?” Rae asked, still trying to hide her surprise.
“Oh yeah! Did I not mention that he has been the one doing most of my physical therapy session as of lately?” Izzie asked as she pulled out her chair across from Rae and took a seat.
“Uhm, no, not that I’m aware of…” Rae muttered.
“Oh! My bad! It must have slipped my mind because I definitely meant to tell you.” Izzie replied with an embarrassed giggle.
Rae sat there nodding silently as she took a sip of her lemonade and stared at the menu in front of her.
“Alex was actually part of the reason why I was running late to meet you. Our session was running long as it was, but we got caught up with talking and lost track of time.”
Just then the waiter stopped at their table and took Rae and Izzie’s lunch orders before refilling their beverages and assuring them that their food would be out shortly.
“So, uh, what were you and Alex talking about?” Rae asked as she tried to pick up their conversation from earlier again.
“Well he mentioned that their band just booked a new show at the end of July, but it happened literally last night, so they haven’t posted about it on social media at all.”
“I see…”
“And we talked about Finn and the rest of the band a bit...just sort of what everyone has been up to in the last month or so of summer.”
“Have you, uh, talked to Finn at all lately?” Izzie asked hesitantly.
“Nope” Rae stated matter-of-factly.
“Have you tried reaching out to him again?”
“Rae...why not?”
“Clearly he doesn’t want to reach out to me since he hasn’t been replying to any of my texts or messages on social media. I don’t want to seem clingy or desperate. Trust me, I got the message loud and clear from Finn, so I won’t try to make plans or text him anytime soon.”
“Rae, I don’t think you sound desperate or clingy…”
“Well either way...I’m leaving it up to him at this point to reach out to me if he chooses to do so…”
“That makes sense, I suppose. So...does that mean that you wouldn't want to go to their show that at the end of July or…?”
“Do you want to go?” Rae asked in response to Izzie’s question.
“Yes, I mean...I suppose so. I think it would be nice for us to do because we had to miss the last one because of me...”
“Izz...I’m not mad at you that we missed the last show, so you don’t need to make it up to me”
“Perhaps not, but I want to! Plus it’s a bit over a week after my birthday, so I just think that it might be a nice sort of belated birthday present to myself!” Izzie replied with a cheerful grin.
“Okay, it’s decided then, we will go!” Rae added with an equally wide smile when she saw how happy that statement made her best mate.
“Are you sure?” Izzie asked after the initial wave of excitement had waned slightly.
“I’m positive!” Rae replied with a nod.
Later that day when Rae was back at her apartment her thoughts kept returning to her conversation with Izzie during lunch.
Should I really give up on trying to talk to Finn?
Izzie had reassured Rae time and time again how much it didn’t seem like Finn to simply not reply to her text messages, so there must be something else going on.
“I can talk to Alex about it if you want,” Izzie had offered as a solution to figure out why Finn may not be replying to Rae.
“I can ask Alex to pass along a message?”
“I can convince Alex to bring Finn to our next session and you can talk to him in-person like that to settle things once and for all?”
“I can…”
Izzie had offered every suggestion she could think of to help Rae get the answers she needed; however, Rae had refused each and voiced her appreciation for her mate’s offers nonetheless.
Hmmm...Perhaps it is worth it for me to try reaching out to Finn just one more time…
Rae: Hey Finn, I heard from a little birdie that your band is playing a show at the end of the month. I don’t know if you all are selling tickets for less like you have for past shows, but if you are, I’d like to buy some. Please let me know!
Rae placed her cell phone on her bedside table and laid on her back staring at her ceiling once she sent that message.
What if Finn doesn’t reply to this message either?
Rae remained in her bed beside where her phone sat on the table, waiting for the chime of her phone to signal that a new text had been received, but by the time she could feel herself giving into her exhaustion after a long day at work, she had still not heard her phone sound in the time that had passed
Fuck it...If Finn won’t reply to me about the tickets, Izzie and I will just have to purchase them online.
@arathewallflower @eveerez @tinakegg @hey1tskat1e @lurkernolonger @milllott @nutinanutshell @i-dream-of-emus @milymargot @vivammfd @bitchesbecrazy89 @mallyallyandra @kneekeyta @tothetardissterek
A/N: Yay! Officially 9 chapters down, 1 to go! I don’t really like this chapter very much, but I knew it had to be posted to help speed things along for the conclusion to this fic to be post next...In fact, I already have the final chapter written, but I’ve elected to wait a few days before posting it so I can edit it further and try to make it sucks as little as possible! :D
I already have a different little story drafted up that I intend to post relatively soon...I asked for fic suggestions for what you all wanted to read next from me and a few of you certainly delivered! I just wanted to give a quick shout out to @vivammfd, @bitchesbecrazy89, and @eveerez for your input on what fics you’d like to see next...I promise that they are in the works now and I will be posting them as soon as I can! If you have any other requests about what you’d like to see me write next, I’m ALWAYS open to suggestions! :)
On a semi-related note: GUESS WHO IS OFFICIALLY DONE WITH SCHOOL FOR THE SEMESTER AS OF TODAY!!!! I think this occasion deserves a “FUCK YEAH!!!!!” don’t you think?!? :D
And last but not least, as much as I love reblogging things from the same 3 people over on my main blog (no really, they post some quality content), I am definitely looking for new blogs to follow. My main blog is @awaiting-something (insert shameless self-promo lol) so you’re more than welcome to follow me and I can follow back or just let me know some of your favorite people you follow or idk...I’m just trying to make friends and find cool people who like some of the same stuff that I do haha
I feel like this Author’s Note has gone on long enough and it’s not even related to this chapter anymore, but oh well! I love hearing what you guys think and getting questions/messages/whatever from all of you, so if you have any comments/questions/concerns, etc. related to this chapter (or anything really, MMFD or otherwise), feel free to let me know!
Stay awesome, my friends! :) 
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