#whenever you’re working on drawings you want to make a meme in the meantime
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“There is more to this guy and I’m ready to see it”
-me brain (2021)
God bless you :3
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scytherion · 7 years
youriko for the ship meme
yooooo thanks for sending!!! 
- who takes longer showers? 
yousoro, she likes the sensation of the flowing water and it’s good for washing off sweat from exercise, she probably takes showers twice/thrice a day. Uses all the hot water wwww poor riko but she’s like a satisfied cat after a good shower so riko doesnt mind. riko could probably take long showers too but you don’t tend to linger when all the hot water’s gone and you have your gf waiting outside.
- how do they make up after a fight? 
they BOTH go consult chika in a flurry of panic separately, and try to set up some romantic thing to make it up to the other but they get so caught up in the awkward atmosphere one of them’ll just start blurting out what’s wrong. it gets resolved pretty quickly. it’s usually accompanied with blankets and comfort cuddling.
- who prefers rain and who prefers sun?
surprisingly, you doesnt find rain too comforting, a feeling that’s built up from feeling anxious whenever a storm strikes while her father’s out on a boat trip. Plus, in the sun she can play all her sports. riko finds rain more comforting, less glaring than the sun and a good atmosphere to compose music. she associates good things with rain, like cuddles.
what’s their favorite place to go together? 
the aquarium!! you loves the unique fish you can’t just find from snorkelling, and riko loves drawing/taking photos of you’s delighted face as she presses up against the glass windows.. you tells her all the weird trivia about fishes and octopi and whatever, and riko’s content to listen to you’s voice, sometimes adding new information and pleasantly surprising you. they both have a real good time.
- whose more likely to win prom king/queen? 
considering how popular she is, of course it’d be you.. riko’s a lil jealous that everyone’s clamouring over you, but she admits that you definitely deserves it. if anyone else happens to get it, riko’s the first one to be shocked in outrage
- do they celebrate anniversaries? 
you’s a sentimental nerd and riko’s a really organised person, with calendars and stuff, so they’d definitely go all out. they’ll be planning weeks in advance. you’s more likely to be the one who celebrates all the insignificant ones though, like “today’s the anniversary of the fifth time we held hands!!!!!” riko finds it really sweet but their schedules and wallets doesnt allow such extravagant things so often, o77
- who’d pressure the other into singing karaoke? 
uchuira’s too rural to have too many karaoke places, so it’s a whole new concept for you. when riko realises you’s never even heard of the place, she drags you there. however when they actually get a room, riko still needs to be begged by you to sing
- what’s their nightly routine? 
wellllll they come home, meeting up with each other halfway. upon reaching home, you goes to bathe because she doesn’t like sweat at night and she doesn’t want to hinder riko’s shower too long either. in the meantime, riko does some work, or tries composing a lil on the piano. while riko bathes, you fidgets around waiting for her, eventually giving in and playing some video games. when riko comes out she joins you and they cuddle a lil while trying to kill a boss at the same time until they’re both sacked
- whose more likely to burn the dinner?
riko, she’s only got True Experience in making eggs, you’s the main cook of the house so when riko tries to cook something for her tired gf, it’s probably eggs, because from experience everything else burns. you just doesnt burn stuff.
- who brings home a puppy/kitten without the other’s knowledge?
YOUSORO, this lil shit, brings a puppy home without telling riko and when riko comes back she’s hovering at the doorway for ten minutes until you comes out of the room……
(because riko doesnt feel calm with the puppy in the house, you just ends up driving it to chika’s place, where they keep the puppy and you brings riko over every now and then to warm up to it until riko says she’s ready to take it home… it’s resolved like that.)
- who starts the food fight?
YOUSORO, our resident lil shit strikes again, riko’s ready to cry that hamburger was really good and now it’s stuck on the wall
you’s less caring about the food because she can just make it again, whereas riko’s physically incapable of making anything but eggs
- who makes all the food?
established, it’s you, but breakfast is riko because her eggs are seriously the best
- who goes shopping?
both of em, they stop by the supermarket on the way home together and riko picks out all the essentials while you picks out all the ridiculous stuff. riko’s fine with it as long as you does the heavy lifting and it isnt out of budget.
- who loses the kids in Walmart?
you knows exactly where the kids are, but chases them around the mart until riko’s lost both you and the children, and she’s at a LOSS because she has all the stuff but she can’t just up and leave without her family….. you isnt helping
- who laughs at the other when they trip?
you laughs a lil, but it’s all in good nature and she always catches riko… riko doesnt laugh but just smiles a lil exasperatedly because here we have a national class athete, landing on her ass because she tripped while trying to woo riko
- who lovingly gazes at the other as they sleep?
BOTH, but you falls asleep faster than riko so more often than not, at night riko’s gazin at you…. but in the morning it’s a complete reversal, although you’s supposed to go for a morning jog, she can’t leave, not quite yet
- who plays with hair vs whose hair is played with?
riko’s hair is long and silky, while you’s hands are pretty fidgety and can’t keep still. you learns to braid hair just for this express purpose.
- what do they do in their free time?
you: sports, exercise, video games. riko: painting, composing, reading some book (another doujinshi, really, you’re married now riko)
as for together, they like to draw together.
- how organized is their home?
riko cleans up after you. so before a certain day, everything will be a hellhole except for riko’s corner, then suddenly the next day All Is Well With The World. as for organisation in particular, you’s mess is an organised mess and she in fact knows exactly where everything is. most of the time.
- who cleans their home?
riko makes it happen, but all the physical labour intensive ones are done by you. riko does everything else.
- who eats all the pizza?
(riko doesnt eat at a quick pace, but she can just keep eating,)
- who leaves their stuff everywhere?
you, for the most part, but surprisingly many of the notebooks lying around are riko’s. for composing and watercolour and stuff.
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