#where skoodge
short-and-ugly · 8 months
i know all the secret skoodge lines.... (<- listened to every clip of him speaking in the background obsessively until i was able to parse through the noise and figure out what he was saying)
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moffymoth · 4 months
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couch-house · 2 years
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Well since it's been almost three years since I've touched this, I figure it's probably pretty dead and abandoned and I can just share the draft as it is. Behold: my ZaSr school prom comic, complete with stand-in dialogue and Too Many Pages (rest of em under the cut)
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sunnyorsomething · 2 years
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they are watching a scary movie !!!! uh oh they are scaaaared !! 
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stump-salsa · 2 years
I have only one criticism about etf and the iz comics: Skoodge wasn’t in them
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dont-talk-to-us · 1 year
can. can you eat things whole and just leave them there?
Yeah, sort of-
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edgy-artkid · 2 months
Send asks plsssss
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crazyufokid · 6 months
invader zim episode where skoodge, inspired to "prove himself" after zim refuses his help for the 20th time, decides to go after dib. dib SEVERELY underestimates him and actually almost gets killed, but at the end zim shows up, saving him on accident (and oblivious to the fact he saved him). skoodge's efforts continue to go unrecognized.
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esthyradler · 18 days
Aw I wonder if Miyuki and Skoodge would ever have a talk where they bonded over befriending Irkens like Zam and Zim.
They're probably the only two who can relate to each other to some extent.
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The struggle only these two understands
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short-and-ugly · 2 months
urge to write with no idea where to fucking start why do i have so many words????
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irkendogma · 4 months
do you think a secondary reason invaders are issued SIR units instead of more conventional, less autonomous information-gathering equipment is to give them a deferential, easily-anthropomorphized figure to act as the target for any isolation-spawned attachment rather than risking that attachment being directed toward the native species infiltrated?
because while irken culture discourages attachment in general, individual irkens are shown to be very much capable of it (see zim and gir, red and purple, skoodge and zim, and with a bit more inference tak and mimi + takship), which makes perfect sense: the reason humans have a social need, after all, is that our evolutionary survival strategy is to function as a tightly-knit group in which each member specializes in a particular part of the system rather than being self-reliant, in contrast to other, largely solitary wild animals for whom another member of their species usually presents a threat and elicits a stress response rather than filling a social need
by virtue of functioning as a sprawling society with individual roles to be filled, i'd say that, in light of the aforementioned individual examples, irkens are likely the same in having evolved to be in close proximity with each other at most if not all times - which i'd imagine means that even with the state of modern irken society as loveless as it is, there's still proximity. there's still people, even if those people suck
so when you're shipped off alone to a planet where, by definition, the real you must not be known by anyone and whose inhabitants you consider barely even sentient as outside species, it can't hurt to have with you a neotenous-looking underling who meets all the criteria for desirable companionship by irken societal standards - helpful, obedient, and physically unable to act against your interests or exhibit personality traits that could create friction with your own preferences
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Headcanons for the 'Dib has a best friend that believes Zim is an alien' AU:
*Dib's BFF is calmer, sometimes sarcastic and more down-to-earth than Dib is.
*Dib's BFF believes in aliens and the supernatural like Dib does, but he's not as loud about as Dib.
*Dib's BFF is an outcast like Dib and Zim, but unlike Dib and Zim who get mocked by the other kids, the BFF gets constantly ignored and forgotten by them (much to his frustration).
*Professor Membrane and Mrs. Bitters also sometimes forgets about the existence of Dib's BFF.
*Gaz respects Dib's BFF more than Dib and Zim, but only slightly.
*Zim constantly underestimates Dib's BFF.
*Dib's BFF actually becomes friends with Gir and later Skoodge.
*The BFF was sick when Zim first arrived, so he doesn't meet Zim until after episode 1.
*In the 2nd episode, the BFF immediately knows that Zim is an alien, but tells Dib that they're might be a chance that Zim isn't an evil alien.
*So when they go to spy on Zim, they see him replace Keef's eyes with hypnotic robot eyes and Dib goes 'I told you so'.
*The BFF is by Dib's side for most of the battles against Zim.
*Although sometimes the BFF helps out in other ways, like when Zim is replacing organs, the BFF runs away from the school to call 911 (since the kids won't survive long without their organs while Dib tries to stop Zim... Or during the hypnotic pimple episode, the BFF tries to convince Dib to find something sharp first to pop Zim's pimple, but Dib got impatient; so the BFF had to wear a blindfold and pop Zim's pimple with a super sharp pencil... Or the episode where micro-Zim is trying to destroy Dib's memories, the BFF is trying to battle Zim's tiny robot to save Dib (in this AU, Zim keeps Dib's arms frozen after destroying the evidence), but the BFF fails and lets Gaz take over.
*In the planet battle episode, the BFF is by Dib's side and tries to battle Gir... In the episode where Zim controls the Tallest's ship, the BFF can only watch nervously as Dib uses Tak's ship to hack Zim's base... In the episode with Tak, the BFF gains a crush on Tak, but it stops after learning she's an irken (although Dib and Gaz playfully tease him about it).
*When Dib and his BFF meet the Tallest through Zim's alien TV, the BFF helps Dib get information about irkens, by complimenting the Tallest into giving them the information.
*During the florpus event, the Membrane Family and Dib's BFF help take down Zim together.
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agtartzz · 3 months
hi I recently found your art just today and omg your oc x canon is so fucking adorable! 😭😭 really liking voss (is that their name?) and zim
would love to know more abt them and their dynamic :DD
!!!! SCREAMS FROM THE MOUNTAINTOPS THANK YOU!! i get so giddy when people say nice things abt my characters (especially since this is a canon x oc situation, i know some folks aren't really into that) AND YEAH HIS NAME IS VOSS!! voss is a bit of a philosopher; a scholar who enjoys the simple things in life but yearns for life beyond the confinements of irken rule. he's defective, and is well aware, but tried to make peace with it by pursuing a career as a military navigator, the closet he could get to being able to travel. it wasn't long before he grew tired and eventually defected, choosing to live as a nomad scouring the far galaxies. as for his relationship with zim, they were in the same irken elite training class and voss was severely injured after a training session with another soldier that escalated. skoodge was the one who suggested fixing up his eye to facilitate healing. zim begrudgingly agrees. but even though skoodge is the one who's actually doing all the work, zim is the first person voss sees when he opens his eyes and he is absolutely taken aback. they don't really speak after that, but voss has always remembered zim's eyes and the novel aching in his heart. voss' quiet curiosity balances zim's relentlessness and impulsivity, it's a natural push and pull. he's enigmatic, but gentle nevertheless. voss came into zim's life at a time where zim was feeling a bit lost, having been cut off from the irken empire permanently. and it kinda just went from there
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duckapus · 2 months
Nicktoons: Fractureverse
An idea based on FusionFall.
The Mawgu somehow returns, seeking revenge on the nine (technically eleven but for some reason Cosmo and Wanda don’t count as separate from Timmy for the purposes of the prophecy) Chosen Heroes who defeated him on Volcano Island. To that end, he tears the space-time continuum asunder, linking their worlds and many others (so every Nickelodeon universe I can think of) with unstable portals called Fractures, and then exploits the ensuing chaos to stage an invasion. He manages to do a lot of damage, most notably conquering Bikini Bottom and transforming it into his new base of operations, causing Fairy World to crash-land in the desert just outside of Retroville (it’s still mostly intact but it’s stuck on the ground afterwards), and stealing about 40% of the Irken Empire, but is met with resistance far sooner than he anticipated.
It turns out that Jimmy was aware of the possibility of the Mawgu escaping and had been working on countermeasures, creating weapons specifically designed to destroy his ooze’s unique chemical makeup and sap the energy his true self consists of. They’re not enough to defeat him outright, not yet, but for now they’re enough to turn this into a war instead of a slaughter. It also helps that the Mawgu’s powers don’t work well on machines (and that he doesn’t really understand them, though the Irkens now under his control do mitigate that somewhat), and that he’s somehow developed a weakness to weaponized ectoplasm. By contrast, his presence (and probably the whole shattering spacetime thing) now severely weakens Fairy magic, hence the quite literal Fall of Fairy World.
A war as unconventional as this requires an unconventional army, and one is formed by the various heroes and altruistic oddballs of the newly dubbed Fractureverse, as well as their allies, a handful of their enemies who can see the writing on the wall, and anyone else willing to step up and help. They call it the United Dimensional Defense Force, or UDDF, and its main headquarters is in a newly built part of Dimmsdale called Dry Atlantis, which is where most of the Bikini Bottom refugees are staying. As you’d expect, the actual Nicktoons team (particularly the Chosen Nine) end up as key players in the war, with Timmy in particular somehow ending up as the leader of the entire UDDF.
And then, of course there’s the villains. While a few of them either joined the UDDF or are still acting on their own, most of them have joined the Syndicate. However, there’s been a divide there. The New Syndicate, led by Plankton, have decided to put aside their antagonism for now and cooperate with the UDDF while remaining a mostly independent faction, seeing the Mawgu as a greater threat to their plans (and lives) than the heroes could ever be. The much smaller Old Syndicate, led by Professor Calamitous, were unwilling and/or unable to curb their ego and ambition, and are trying to exploit the war for their own ends. Interestingly, despite the name, Calamitous is the only one of the four founding members of the original Evil Syndicate to be part of the Old Syndicate, with Crocker serving as Plankton’s head of R&D and Vlad being too busy as the mayor of one of the Mawgu’s biggest targets to join anyone, though he has been financially and politically supporting the UDDF, and supplying the NS with his ghost research and knockoff Fenton Tech. Also the GIW isn’t working with anybody since the NS and UDDF have ghosts on staff and aren’t even remotely willing to hand them over, the OS is literally a war profiteering criminal organization, and they’re too Xenophobic and patriotic to even entertain the idea of betraying earth and siding with the Mawgu, which is good for them considering they’d either get turned into puppets or just destroyed. The Irken Empire isn’t getting involved (aside from a few individuals like Zim, Tak and Skoodge) despite the heavy loss they were dealt because Red and Purple, as per usual, don’t give a shit.
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ms-scarletwings · 9 months
Actual question, what on earth was Skoodge even doing in Zim’s basement this entire time?
Canonically he reveals himself in a lost episode when he finally got bored hiding out down there and overheard there were shenanigans about to happen that he could join in on.
But he’s explicitly been there since Hobo 13.
That was Season One. There’s been like 18 episodes between that and the series end. Valentines Day, Halloween, Minimoose’s birth, AND Christmas has passed in the meantime. Wtf has he been up to down there while also being undetected by Zim and Gir. Earth Tv? Space Tv? Stealing out of the pantry like a little mousey boy? Crawling through the walls looking for cheese and eavesdropping on Earth drama????
Not a week goes by where I don’t imagine how funny it would have been if Zim and Gir were out of house for a while and Dib just catches Skoodge casually wandering around on one of his spy cameras. Just
“Holy smokes Zim really let himself go” and then watched the round bastard do fuckall for like 3 days
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stump-salsa · 2 years
It’s nearly 5 am and my ears are ringing and I’m stressing about the Christmas holidays ending on wednesday BUT wouldn’t it be nice by the beach boys. Prime zasr material.
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