#whereas the opera though it is hella stylized due to genre
gothic-chicanery · 5 months
I just realized if I want to write about Oppenheimer for my final paper for my west class I probably have to rewatch it and it is So Damn Long. I’m also writing about it in comparison to a production I saw of Doctor atomic (the Oppenheimer opera (yes there’s an Oppenheimer opera)) but that will be a little bit easier bc I’m pretty sure no footage exists of that production so like at least I don’t have to rewatch that
#if curious the class is like. stories about the American west#and it’s fantastic.#one of the best I’ve ever taken#I was this close to writing about breaking bad for my final lowkey but I don’t have a Thesis#and I do have a Thesis here which is that Oppenheimer sucks#well. more. I want to look at how the movie Oppenheimer uses tropes of westerns#like. the single figure of an empty west reshaping the world#and the like the attraction of that as a story#and the thing is that it just like. is not fucking true#where they were resting wasn’t empty there were people within a couple of miles of where they tested#*testing#and they made a conscious decision to test anyway bc they decided that they couldn’t risk breaking secrecy#and that is NOT in the movie#and I think a lot of discourse I’ve seen about the movie about whether it glamourizes Oppenheimer or not#is kinda informed by that#bc my take on it is like I don’t think it’s depicting oppenheimer as a good person#but it is still depicting him as a story#like his guilt and experiences are very abstract and Greek tragedyesque promethean whatever whatever#it examines things in grand arcs and asks the question of to what degree he is complicit#but doesn’t show that conversation#doesn’t show anything beyond the very abstract#whereas the opera though it is hella stylized due to genre#when possible it draws from the historical record and uses the actual things people said#however it also recognizes that like there’s a lot that didn’t make it into the historical record and tries to fill those gaps#like. not perfect still and like while I think the opera did better there’s still much to be said for like. accessibility esp#anyway that’s the essay outline I was procrastinating it by posting but I think that’s basically the outline right there
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