#I was this close to writing about breaking bad for my final lowkey but I don’t have a Thesis
gothic-chicanery · 5 months
I just realized if I want to write about Oppenheimer for my final paper for my west class I probably have to rewatch it and it is So Damn Long. I’m also writing about it in comparison to a production I saw of Doctor atomic (the Oppenheimer opera (yes there’s an Oppenheimer opera)) but that will be a little bit easier bc I’m pretty sure no footage exists of that production so like at least I don’t have to rewatch that
#if curious the class is like. stories about the American west#and it’s fantastic.#one of the best I’ve ever taken#I was this close to writing about breaking bad for my final lowkey but I don’t have a Thesis#and I do have a Thesis here which is that Oppenheimer sucks#well. more. I want to look at how the movie Oppenheimer uses tropes of westerns#like. the single figure of an empty west reshaping the world#and the like the attraction of that as a story#and the thing is that it just like. is not fucking true#where they were resting wasn’t empty there were people within a couple of miles of where they tested#*testing#and they made a conscious decision to test anyway bc they decided that they couldn’t risk breaking secrecy#and that is NOT in the movie#and I think a lot of discourse I’ve seen about the movie about whether it glamourizes Oppenheimer or not#is kinda informed by that#bc my take on it is like I don’t think it’s depicting oppenheimer as a good person#but it is still depicting him as a story#like his guilt and experiences are very abstract and Greek tragedyesque promethean whatever whatever#it examines things in grand arcs and asks the question of to what degree he is complicit#but doesn’t show that conversation#doesn’t show anything beyond the very abstract#whereas the opera though it is hella stylized due to genre#when possible it draws from the historical record and uses the actual things people said#however it also recognizes that like there’s a lot that didn’t make it into the historical record and tries to fill those gaps#like. not perfect still and like while I think the opera did better there’s still much to be said for like. accessibility esp#anyway that’s the essay outline I was procrastinating it by posting but I think that’s basically the outline right there
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raguiras · 3 months
POV: Deuce's very first kiss from his crush
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I'm finally officially introducing my Yuu/OC x canon/Yumeship here! (✿◕‿◕) Writing this post took me forever, but I'm super happy with it!
Reblogs are super appreciated hehehe
(While Allen isn't me, I'm calling them a Yumeship because he's based on my younger self/me when I first started playing TWST & because the ship gives me a ridiculous amount of comfort!)
Allen x Deuce (aka Spade of Storms) is my ultimate comfort ship and they mean a ton to me.
These two are best friends who become lovers and closely mirror each other. Deuce is the delinquent with rather bad self-control who tries to be a model student, while Allen is a former honor student who's now a very lowkey delinquent with stellar self-control and a mature attitude.
Due to the fact that Allen and Deuce are so similar and yet the opposite of each other, they're able to excellently understand and support the other, and they help each other accept themselves.
Their ship blog: @spade-of-storms (facts, drabbles & more est. May 2024)
Now why exactly are these two perfect for each other? Well...
Allen supports Deuce with all his heart. Instead of believing that someone "as stupid and temperamental" as Deuce could never become an honor student, Allen fully believes in him and encourages him. In comparison to when other people say it, these words actually have an incredibly strong impact on Deuce and are believable to him because he knows that Allen has similar experiences and speaks from them.
Allen doesn't think that Deuce is stupid in the slightest and views him as genuinely smart. To Allen, intelligence isn't determined by grades or academic abilities, but by morals, attitude, logic, and willingness — all of which Deuce has.
Allen doesn't try to change Deuce. Rather than turning Deuce into a full-on honor student and role model, which he isn't by nature, Allen prefers for Deuce to stay true to himself and work towards his goal while not suppressing any aspect of who he is — Allen knows exactly that forcefully becoming someone you naturally aren't would cause more issues than it would fix. In order to assist Deuce with staying true to himself while working towards his desired self, Allen does several things:
Allen lets Deuce be his 100% authentic self when they're together. Deuce tries extremely hard to always be polite and serious in order to maintain his reputation and not resort to old habits, but Allen, being very impulsive and easily angered himself, knows just too well that suppressing one's feelings and true nature isn't the way to go. When they're together, Deuce can openly rant about topics, use insults towards the people who angered him, and show his emotions without having to worry about how others perceive him or about how it might mess up his reputation — Allen would never judge Deuce nor share his secrets with others. This way, Deuce can be himself without restraints while also maintaining the way he wants others to perceive him.
Allen allows Deuce to be a delinquent in a safe, harmless way. If Deuce ever feels like doing something forbidden without breaking rules or staining his reputation, Allen (a very lowkey delinquent) has just the ideas for him. This provides a comfortable space for Deuce to live out his tendencies without falling back into bad habits.
Allen is able to introduce Deuce to a wide range of healthy coping mechanisms that work for him. Allen is a much angrier person than Deuce and is equally impulsive, but has stellar self-control due to the methods he uses, and passes them down to Deuce. As a result, Deuce doesn't feel the need to immediately lash out at others anymore and manages to become calmer and much more mature, taking steps into his desired direction.
Allen helps Deuce channel his "negative traits" into positive/helpful ones. With Allen's assistance, methods, reassuring words and unique view on things, Deuce learns how to use the qualities that he used to hate about himself to his advantage. Suddenly Deuce's anger is no longer a hindrance, but a source of energy and motivation.
Allen admires the things Deuce hates about himself. While Deuce wishes he wasn't as hot-headed, Allen views it as an amazing trait and sees the passion and longing for justice behind Deuce's fiery attitude. Additionally, Allen is able to help Deuce see the positive side of these traits, and aids him in channelling them into something good to use to his advantage (see above).
Allen is the only person to fully get through to Deuce. Due to them essentially having the same experiences, opinions, wishes and morals, Deuce felt comfortable trusting Allen with every last bit of his heart (in comparison to other friends) — not to mention that the way Allen was able to help Deuce so intensely and actually talked to him the way he needed it also played a role! Allen has his way with words and knew exactly how to talk to Deuce from the beginning.
Deuce can genuinely open up about his self-esteem to Allen. It's been heavily hinted at in the game several times that Deuce thinks incredibly lowly of himself, but this topic is usually cut short and he doesn't talk about it further with the canon Yuu. With Allen, however, Deuce can open up all he wants to. He knows that Allen has similar experiences and struggles with self-worth related issues himself, therefore not only not judging Deuce, but also fully understanding him.
Allen perfectly understands Deuce's past. Having been feared, avoided and known to be a delinquent/bad kid himself, Allen even understands the details extremely well. Neither of the two ever had a proper friend until they met each other on their first day at NRC.
Allen successfully helps Deuce with his studies despite hating school. Seeing how Deuce needs help, Allen (the "gifted kid") gladly volunteers, even though he's no longer interested in class and has sworn to drop the "honor student" facade himself. Due to Allen's easy explanations, methods, photographic memory and capability to catch on quickly, Deuce actually manages to improve his test results by 1-2 grades.
Allen's study methods are unique, which helps Deuce & is necessary for him. Being a slow learner (I also hc him to have some sort of intellectual disability), Deuce requires rather unique approaches to topics. As Allen is well-versed with both studying and psychology and also keeps Deuce's exact issues in mind, he's able to perfectly tailor methods and mnemonic bridges that actually work out for Deuce.
Allen makes sure that Deuce's desire to be a model student is & stays healthy. A fair part of Allen's trauma stems from being an honor student himself and having unrealistically high expectations regarding grades and attitude shoved down his throat by everyone at school (including himself), so he pays a lot of attention that the same doesn't happen to Deuce.
Allen respects Deuce a ton. Not only is Deuce determined, passionate, loyal, honest and eager, but he has the same core values as Allen, too. In Allen's opinion, finding someone with these traits is not only rare, but immediately makes them endearing to him.
Allen is patient with Deuce. He understands that Deuce occasionally has a difficult time processing and understanding things, and he isn't bothered by it in the slightest. This means even more when you consider that Allen is generally a very impatient person and is only able to be patient with those he truly loves and trusts.
Allen fills Deuce in when he doesn't understand something. Due to Allen being able to catch on extremely quickly, he can immediately explain things and situations to Deuce, helping him out and allowing him to get everything right from the beginning.
Allen indirectly protects Deuce. Known for being intimidating (in a good way), quick-witted, sly and a skilled schemer, most people — including those who enjoy picking on Deuce — shy away from Allen and avoid getting in trouble with his friends.
Allen stops Deuce from getting into fights. Whenever Deuce is about to get into a fight anyway, Allen gently but sternly reminds him of both his goal and the healthier coping mechanisms.
Allen understands that Deuce dislikes being picked on. Allen, being a sensitive person, hates it himself, and he actively tells off everyone who dares to make fun of Deuce or call him "Loosey Deucey". At times, Allen even gets snappy because of the inappropriate nicknames or insults directed at Deuce.
Allen inspires Deuce. Him being skilled at a variety of things and just logical in general gives Deuce the motivation to achieve the same. Deuce doesn't compare himself to Allen, either, and views him as an inspiration. If Allen can control himself and get positive things out of his negative traits, so can Deuce, right?! Not to mention that Allen is extremely tough and pulls through no matter what despite his mental and physical state...
Allen's maturity subconsciously wears off on Deuce. Even outside of the fact that Allen helps him grow and improve a lot through all the ways mentioned before, Deuce sometimes also subconsciously copies his boyfriend's mature attitude or asks himself what Allen would do in certain situations.
Allen is an advisor to Deuce. Deuce struggles with planning ahead, and Allen — a big-time overthinker who's extremely competent at scheming — is able to assist him. As a result, Deuce makes less bad decisions.
Allen loves blastcycles. Deuce can rant about them to Allen for hours, and the two often go on blastcycle dates together. Nothing is more fun than clinging onto your partner while driving at full speed!
Allen values Deuce's company like no other. Deuce regularly feels like a nobody, and Allen takes that feeling from him due to how much he connects with him and likes having him around.
BONUS: Allen is not only beautiful but also has an incredibly strong personality, drive, and determination and hasn't given up despite everything that happened to him. Deuce is a massive simp and his humongous crush on Allen has always been obvious due to how Deuce just can't shut up about him.
Deuce loves and accepts Allen's body. As we have seen through his interactions with Azul and Epel, Deuce is very protective of people who don't fit the norm, and Allen is another such person — an intersex boy who was bullied for his unconventional body. Deuce has not only sworn to protect Allen from any possible discrimination, but also loves his body dearly and thinks he's super hot.
Deuce gives Allen a sense of stability. Allen's life was all about short-lived fake joys and prevailing negativity prior to coming to Twisted Wonderland, which made him feel disconnected from many things and people and gave him the feeling that everything is temporary anyway. However, Deuce's fierce loyalty and the strength of their relationship prove Allen wrong — yes, there can indeed be things in life that last forever.
Deuce's utter affection warms Allen's empty heart. Allen was never loved by anyone but his parents, who he thinks only love him because he's their son. Other than that, he never experienced love, affection, ... or even mere friendship. He was alone... until he met Deuce, who he somehow immediately connected with. It was as if their friendship was predestined by the universe... and with every day, Deuce's affection for Allen only grew.
Deuce genuinely admires Allen. Seeing how Allen always does his best, works hard, has ambitions and aims to improve impresses Deuce a ton. This is extremely healing for Allen, whose efforts were never properly recognized or rewarded before and who thinks that he needs to perfect at everything in order to be "someone".
Deuce makes Allen feel useful and resourceful. Allen often believes that he has no worth and could never make a change for the better no matter how much he tries, but seeing just how much he's able to help Deuce with a wide range of things proves Allen wrong — he's indeed capable of a lot of things. Not to mention that Deuce even passes some of Allen's tips down to Epel!
Deuce's honesty is refreshing to Allen. After being lied to and tricked by about anyone Allen ever knew before coming to Twisted Wonderland, Deuce's natural honesty and loyalty are an unfamiliar but utterly wonderful experience for Allen.
Deuce makes Allen feel understood. Allen often believes that others would view him as a monster if they were aware of his secret anger and opinions, but Deuce shares many of them. These two can openly talk about their values together and Allen feels extremely understood because of it — a feeling he barely ever experiences with other people.
Deuce helps Allen enjoy the moment. While he has some overthinking tendencies himself, Deuce is much more spontaneous than Allen and tends to act more on impulse. As a result, he can show his ways to Allen, allowing the overthinker to finally relax and think about his problems a little less.
Deuce doesn't hesitate to stand up for Allen. The fact that Allen was bullied for something he can't change in the past saddens and angers Deuce, and he has sworn to himself that he'll always protect his boyfriend. If there should ever be another situation where Allen gets bullied, Deuce won't hesitate to absolutely throw hands — this is not being a bad person and picking fights, it's standing up for an innocent person whose life was ruined by malice. Deuce wouldn't regret it in the slightest anymore, especially since Allen has helped him learn than anger isn't a bad thing.
Deuce helps Allen with becoming a proper mage. When Allen first gains magic during the final quarter of the school year, he has absolutely no control over it and is partially even avoided due to being a "walking health hazard". Deuce, however, sees this as the perfect time to pay Allen back for helping him study theory and decides to assist Allen with practical things. Through Deuce's determination and belief in him, Allen is able to improve much quicker than he would've without Deuce's help.
BONUS: Deuce is the warmth and honesty that Allen needs in his life. The boy's mere presence lights up Allen's day and Deuce's careful physical affection makes him feel like the most cherished person in the universe.
What else is there to them? (examples)
Both are extremely close with their families.
Due to being so similar and sharing many personality traits, loving each other so deeply allowed them to realize that they can easily love and accept themselves, too.
Deuce's previous incarnation had a crush on Allen's, who died way too early. In this life, the regrets of the past are being fixed.
Allen's the brain, Deuce is the brawn.
They're both extremely cuddly with each other.
LOTS OF COMPLIMENTS (from both sides).
Deuce often gifts Allen plushies.
Allen and Deuce are basically inseparable by now.
If you hang out with Deuce, you have to suffer through at least one tiny ramble about Allen.
...and much more that can be found on @spade-of-storms!
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you like the art & ship and are looking forward to more of them! (✿◕‿◕)
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marksbear2 · 3 months
Hey, i didnt know you were back, your writinf is one of my favs!!!!!
Can i request soldier boy x top male reader smut headcanons? Please
Hey and yes I absolutely love Soldier boy so I’m happy to write this. It’ll be no problem.
⚠️Warnings- degrading kink, lowkey a power bottom Ben, rough, face fuck, blowjobs, edging, multiple rounds. Freaky headcanons. ⚠️
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— He gave you a dirty look when you first suggested finally having sex. Even more when you told him that he’s gonna be the one getting fucked.
— He squirms and move around a lot whenever your peppering him with his finger. 
— He won’t like having to prep and stretch himself. Always bring up how girls and how their pussies work and how it’ll be faster and feel better.
— He tries not to moan loud or make any noise of pleasure since he so called “Doesn’t like it.” 
— The first time you two were about to do it after prepping he tapped out, he couldn’t imagine having another man’s dick in his ass. So right when things were getting hot and heavy he tapped out and left.
— After the next few times you got him and got inside of him before he could tap out. He’d let out deep groans and squeeze his teeth together.
— He’s pretty vulgar, while other men would be moaning or whining. Solider boy would the type of man to taunt and insult you. “Is that the best you got?” “I fuck people better then is.” He’s pretty degrading and gets off on that when seeing you even more upset.
— He’s into jerking off together, he’d jerk off your cock while whisper the most mean and rude words in your ear before a small bit of praise.
— He’s not too big of being over affectionate during sex. He sees sex as sex and not some damn romantic night with your love one.
— Loves it when you grunt or whisper into his ear. Doesn’t matter what your saying how loud your groaning in his ear. He fucking loves it.
— He also loves surprises, waking up with a dick thrusting in and out of him would put him in a great mood for the rest of the day. 
— He likes the feeling of your mouth searching for his tongue and while you two makeout your fucking hard into him.
— His favorite position is missionary or any position when he can see your face in it. He’d be the type of guy to have immense eye contact without breaking or moving away while you fuck him. 
— He wants your eyes to be locked while he degrades and praise you.
— He’d be bad at giving head first but when he gets into the rhythm and knows a thing or two his mouth would be busy with your cock all day.
— Titty fucking with him, he would press his chest together while your cock moving in between his chest. 
— He always make it his goal to make you cum faster than the last type in his mouth. He can suppress his gag reflex pretty well so while you face fuck him he would stare up at your eyes not breaking eye contact for a second.
— He wants your cum on his face, he suck and your dick to the point that your getting all sensitive while he’s just eager to have your cum on his face.
— He wants it rough all night long. He doesn’t care for gentle shit. Sometimes he’ll treat you like is own personal human dildo.
— Very into edging, one of his biggest kinks.
— Once he cums a few times he’d make you pull out and he’ll go about his day as if he didn’t leave you with a hard uncummed cock.
— He let out the sharpest gasp when the first time your dick hit his prostate. He would stare down at your hips watching you fuck him as he let out heavy moans and breaths.
— Always threatened you when your close to cumming, he doesn’t want you to cum anywhere inside of him.
— But one day when it was to late to pull out and you came deep inside him. His legs immediately tensed as his head went back. His foreign from the feeling of cum inside him.
— You kept fucking him thrusting though he was full of cum. 
— Eventually it’d be his favorite thing. He wants your cum inside of him though sometimes he acts like he doesn’t. 
— Whenever you pull out he’ll stare at the cum leaking out of his hole and down onto the sheets. It’ll be hot for him so he’s turned l again ready for the next round.
— He wants you to be rough with him no limits. Choke him or manhandle him do whatever he fucking loves it all.
— He’s inpatient, sometimes he doesn’t want to wait until you guys are in the bedroom or anything. So there’s numerous times that you guys end up fucking on the living or hallway floor of the house and sometimes on the table. 
— He has stamina for HOURS and he’s needy. He’d would be focus on his pleasure then get to yours after a few rounds. 
— No matter how good you fuck him, he’ll still be an asshole, but if he actually hurt your feelings he’ll cheer you up by letting you fuck his throat.
The end
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iomoru · 15 days
❆☕︎ Cozy Winter Cuddles ☕︎❆
A/n: this is my first time writing so sorry if it's lowkey bad 🧍‍♀️
Genre: Modern Au!, Fluff, College Au, Gn! Reader, Tall! Reader (not really mentioned tho lmao), Second Person, Kazuha x Reader, Kazuha might be a little ooc, Proofread
Summmary: You and Kazuha are cuddling in your cozy,shared apartment in early December, with snow lightly falling outside the window.
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You and Kazuha had been dating for almost two years now, and as the two of you faced the final stretch of your college journey, the pressure of finals loomed over your heads. The cold of early December seeped into the apartment, making the air crisp, so both of you had decided to take a well-deserved break from studying. Bundled up under a soft blanket, you held Kazuha close on the couch, his head resting comfortably on your chest as you were the big spoon. The quietness of the room was only disturbed by the sound of the heater humming faintly in the background.
“I think I’ll go make us some hot chocolate.” you said, attempting to shift from beneath him, but the warmth of your embrace made him cling to you even tighter, his soft groan muffled as he buried his face deeper into your chest.
“Nooo… just stay here. It’s too cold without you.” Kazuha whined, his voice laced with a sleepy vulnerability that made you chuckle softly.
“Alright, alright” you sighed with a small smile, resigning yourself to the cozy prison he’d created. “But if we freeze to death here, I’m blaming you.”
“We won’t.” he murmured. “Not if we keep cuddling.” There was a softness in his tone that made the moment feel even more intimate, as if the world outside didn’t exist as long as you two stayed wrapped up in each other.
The warmth you shared was more than just physical, it was a comfort, an unspoken reassurance. Kazuha’s heartbeat was steady beneath your fingers, and the rhythm of his breathing had a calming effect on you. Time passed lazily as the two of you enjoyed the rare moment of peace in the midst of the chaos of exams.
Eventually, the lingering silence began to weigh on you, and your thoughts drifted to the finals. “Kazuha…” you began, voice quieter now, more vulnerable. “I’m kind of stressed about the final exam. I know we’ve studied together and all, but what if I still fail? What if all my hard work just… disappears, like it never mattered?”
Kazuha shifted slightly, tilting his head to look up at you, his gaze warm and full of understanding. He reached up, his fingers brushing softly against your cheek before leaning in to press a comforting kiss to your forehead. The gesture was tender, filled with the kind of affection that always made you feel safe, no matter the storm swirling in your mind.
“You don’t need to worry, my love,” he said softly, his voice like a gentle breeze. “You’ve worked hard, and I’ve seen it firsthand. I know you’re going to pass. And even if things feel overwhelming, I’ll be here. Always. You don’t have to face anything alone, okay? We’ll figure it out, no matter what.”
His words settled your restless heart, filling the cold air with warmth you couldn’t find anywhere else. You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding, feeling lighter. “Thank you, Kaz” you whispered, resting your forehead against his.
“Always, dearest.” he smiled, his hand tracing small, soothing patterns on your back.
For the rest of the night, neither of you worried about exams or deadlines. Wrapped up in each other’s warmth, the world felt softer, and soon, the quiet lull of your shared breaths led you both into a peaceful sleep.
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A/n: I was screaming and giggling while writing this ngl. (I'm feeding my own delusions, I am NOT sane.)
© ²⁰²⁴ ɪᴏᴍᴏʀᴜ
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wanderingblindly · 2 months
HI BABY 🫶🏻 welcome back from the mines of Migraine
may i please please pretty please request a directors cut of too close to touch? literally anything you want to talk about, i shall be seated
i love yooouuuu! x
thank you for welcoming me back to the land of the living, happy to be here etc etc
even HAPPIER to talk about this fic, lowkey I love Too Close To Touch and it was a haze of an experience lol
Some Backstory
Ok so this fic definitely partially came about because my goal for 2024, creatively speaking, is to stop telling myself I don't have the skills to finish certain ideas. Even if I don't execute them perfectly, I still want to push myself to put something together and get even an inch closer to learning how to make something I'll be happy with. This fic came about with that goal in mind.
I'm bad at writing kissing.
I will write an entire fic with kissing as the premise.
This makes perfect sense.
Most of my fics start with my fixating on one very specific scene. Or maybe even a fraction of a scene, a specific mannerism in one conversation. For this fic, the thing my brain latched on to was that moment in a makeout session where you're like.... you're not even really actively kissing anymore, you're just kind of breathing each other in with this open-mouthed desperation like you can't bear to separate yourselves.
So yes. A fic about kissing, and a fic about kissing that devolves into like, talking against each other's lips and breathing each other in. Sane.
My Favorite Lines
And Lando breaks. He breaks loud and hard. His hands fly to Oscar's hips, strong fingers digging in and forcing him down onto his lap with a punched out moan. "Fuck, Osc, I need –" Oscar's hands are already grasping both sides of his head, bringing their mouths together without a hint of delicacy, swallowing his words whole.
As I've mentioned before, I'm not able to see things in my head at all. Tragic. But when I wrote this bit, the immediacy of their movements played like a sound in my head; it's like I could hear the how quickly Oscar grabbed Lando's head, the sound of them pulling themselves together in the blink of an eyes.
Idk, I really loved how I conveyed the urgent pace here, I think.
"Cheater." Lando smiles, and Oscar's lips are back on his before he can get in another word. It's messy. Their mouths are open like they want to devour one another whole, far passed the stage of anything soft. Hell, beyond the point of anything even remotely appealing. It's sloppy, more hungry than sensual – Lando feels like he's trying to breathe him in, like he's trying to taste every piece of him.
This is the thesis. This is the feeling that I wrote this fic to describe, which doesn't always go according to plan. However!!! In this instance I think I nailed it.
In it's blushed innocence, its warm chasteness, it almost felt like a first kiss. He runs his clean fingers over his lips, chapped and sore. Oscar's face burns.
And finally, I thought the ending -- especially for a shoddily thrown together oneshot at 3am -- came together nicely. The shift in tone, the implication that Lando has more delicate feelings than we just saw, was an unexpectedly sweet ending that felt very... them. Like, of course these two idiots would need an excuse to make out on Lando's bed for god knows how long even though they wanted to do it the entire time. Losers. Love 'em though!
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damagedintellect · 2 years
OnePiece x Y/N Secret Santa 2022!
💌 Sanji x reader for Wurm-food 💌  
A/N: It’s finally time! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! I participated in the @onepiece-blorboexchange Haha yes it’s me unveiled! I, am your secret Santa @wurm-food , it’s been me all along! (FixedSpeech is my alt lol) I lowkey stalked your blog and was inspired to write this after I had already drawn up the sketch so you technically get 2 presents! I might have gotten a little carried away but I hope you enjoy them! Also small world I read your fic “Set Ablaze” on Ao3 a back in October  😩 👌 Good shit! 
Summary:  You decided to finally confess your feelings to your best friend ! Although on a busy day at the shop it was harder to find the opportunity to do so. You just wanted some alone time to spill your guts but who knew the weather would be your greatest wingman. 
Tropes: Modern/Cafe/Bakery/Coffee shop AU, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Friends to Lovers
💌 Word count: 3,902 💌 Oneshot (originally I planned for smut but thought this ending was cuter...might still write it later when I’m less busy tho 👀)
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It was always lively at the cafe you worked for. The Thousand Sunny was well known around town and was attached to the base floor of an apartment complex. It was a popular spot during the rest of the year but you notice people go apeshit for holiday drinks and pastries. Not that the day had been overwhelming or anything. You loved your job and your coworkers to death but on busier days like today you barely got to see the man of your dreams, your big time crush and the head chef in charge of the whole place, Sanji. Your heart swooned just thinking about the blonde but on days like these Sanji was pretty much confined to the kitchen. Sanji didn’t seem to mind much; he was swiftly gliding around the kitchen with that cheery grin that you’ve come to love but you wouldn’t be able to admire him from your spot at the register as customers begged for your attention. Currently it was you, Nami, Robin and Sanji handling the afternoon rush. Over all the noise you could faintly hear the phone go off as you rang up the next customer handing them their long awaited pastries. The line was seemingly never ending today.
“Can someone get that? My hands are kind of full at the moment.” Sanji hollered from the other room as Nami picked up the phone, relieved to have a short break from the demanding crowd. You switched off of the register with Robin to give her a breather too. You were faster at preparing drink orders anyhow. During the much missed downtime before the holiday season you asked Sanji to help you with your drink making skills. In all honesty it was your lame attempt at asking him out on a date but who could blame you. You both had naturally flirty personalities. It's hard to distinguish the line between being close friends and something more. Not to mention the way he worships women in general. You got scared that your feelings were unrequited and panicked. So instead of asking if he’d like to go get coffee with you sometime, you asked if he could teach you how to make coffee sometime. In the end you still got to spend time with the cook so it wasn’t that much of a trainwreck but ever since then you had been trying to come out and profess your love to him. Sanji may be one of your best friends but that makes it all the more confusing trying to figure out if he likes you the same way you do. You were dragged out of your thoughts when you heard Nami shout.  
“What do you mean they told you your flight was canceled, do they know who you are!”
You tried to focus on bringing the line down faster. Twirling around the selection of machinery and syrups like it was second nature. You learned from the best after all. As the waves of people died down Nami updated everyone on the situation. “Apparently Vivi’s flight was canceled due to bad weather predictions and unless someone can pick her up she’s going to be stuck at the airport all night. The next open flight isn’t until this time tomorrow.” That sucks.
You looked at the clock you’d be getting off shortly but you weren’t about to drive through that traffic hellscape and to the airport no less. You hummed as everyone was thinking over who they could call that would be able to pick Vivi up. It was going to be difficult knowing everyone's schedules didn’t line up this week. You glanced back at Sanji who was quickly clearing down the counter while he had some time before he started prepping for the next wave. That’s when you got an idea “Nami, you close today right? I’ll just cover for you instead! That way you could pick her up.” As long as you could be around and useful to Sanji you felt like you could do anything. Even if that meant you'd be working another few hours. It would at least give you a chance to say what’s on your mind. Fingers crossed.
 Her eyes lit up as she jumped up and down hugging you “You're a lifesaver! I’ll tell Vivi I’m on the way.” you hugged her back as Sanji bounced over to you with heart eyes presumably to see Nami off. You were caught off guard when Sanji casually hugged you from the side. “That’s our sweet (Y/N)-chwan as selfless as ever!” you blushed at the gesture. Sanji’s touch lingered around your waist for a brief moment before heading back to the kitchen. Robin looked at Sanji and then looked back at you softly chuckling in her knowing way as you all got back to work. 
The hours flew by with the sheer amount of customers coming in and out but as the night came the heavy traffic seemed to still. You assume it was due to the snow. People often don't want to brave the weather, especially not at night. You and Robin had about half an hour left before you properly closed when Sanji suggested you all leave before the weather gets any worse. Robin seemed eager to leave, asking if you didn’t mind finishing up by yourself. Of course you didn’t but something was weird about the smirk she gave you as she said her goodbyes. After you swept and mopped you went to check on Sanji. It seemed like he was getting started on the baked goods for tomorrow. You couldn’t help but watch the way he kneaded the dough. There was just something about the way his fingers delicately rolled the pastry that made you wish that you were those cinnamon buns and that Sanji would cover you with his icing. This is not what you should be thinking about right now! Not when you're in public and definitely not while he's a few feet away from you. Unfortunately it was already too late, you could feel the small amount of blood dribble down your nose. You just had to think about making Sanji cum for you.
You gasped unintentionally, causing the blonde to look over at you. Your face heated up as your eyes met. How were you going to explain yourself? You were so embarrassed. Sanji on the other hand rushed over to you grabbing a clean towel to delicately hold against your face. “(Y-Y/N)! Are you okay? You’re bleeding!” staring into his eyes you start to stutter.
“A-ah um, t-t-the weather! Yeah sometimes if it’s too cold outside my nose just b-bleeds?” you wanted to perish that just sounded stupid. Entirely possible but stupid. Although it didn’t seem like Sanji even heard your explanation as he picked you up and put you on the counter to help wipe the blood off of your face. Such a gentleman he was always so attentive to your needs. It’s one of the reasons you fell in love with him. 
Sanji cleared his throat “I thought you went home with Robin?” Sanji was glad you didn't leave without saying anything. He was confused when only Robin said her goodnight. He was afraid he did something to upset you but seeing you, the beautiful love of his life, stay behind to give him his own private farewell filled his heart with so much glee.
You tilted your head down slightly, unable to meet his gaze taking the towel from his hands. Your heart pounded faster in your chest as your fingers brushed his. This was your chance “Actually I wanted to," you trailed off. No, it didn't feel right you already made a fool of yourself with the nose bleed you didn't have the confidence to confess right now. At least you could come up with something else. "I wanted to ask you if you needed any help! Yeah! I know you always prepare all the pastries the night before.” That was a better idea. Honestly you missed hearing his praise and flirty remarks all day. At least now you could get your daily dose before you go back to your sad cold apartment.
Sanji loved how thoughtful you always were but if the weather was supposed to be bad enough to cancel flights he might want to say no just so that he could make sure you got home safe. As much as he would love to spend more time with his angel your safety was his first priority “That’s sweet of you but I couldn’t ask that of-”
You eagerly cut him off “You wouldn’t be asking, I'm offering to help. Besides, we sold our last gingerbread house today. I was hoping we could make some together.” 
Sanji’s eyes widened, his goddess wanted to bake with him. Just the two of you he felt blessed. How could he say no to you like that. He gave you a soft smile as he helped you off the counter bowing his head "What kind of man would I be to refuse such an offer from my princess." He winked at you for good measure. If only he understood how flustered he truly makes you. 
Sanji couldn’t help the fact that your joyful enthusiasm took his breath away, from the way you hummed while you mixed the ingredients to the way your laugh filled the room whenever a gingerbread man didn't quite come out of the cookie cutter properly. Even now as you vigorously mixed creams and icing with an intensity that had small flecks fall in your hair, all he could think about was running his hand through that soft luscious hair and capturing your lips with his. His heart felt like it was going to burst as you accidently wiped some icing on your cheek and tried to lick at it to get it off. The consistency, the color, that's when his mind went elsewhere and suddenly it was Sanji’s turn to be embarrassingly red faced on the floor with a nose bleed.
"Oh god, Sanji are you alright! What happened?" One moment Sanji was watching you making icing and the next he was on the floor. What did you miss?
He coughed bringing the corner of his apron to his face as he stuttered out "Y-your cuteness was just too much for my heart to take." It wasn’t entirely a lie but he definitely couldn't tell you the truth.
His words made your legs weak as you gracefully knelt down next to him pulling a handkerchief from your pocket to help clean up the blood, blushing at the proximity you both were in. If you wanted too, all you would have to do was lean forward and kiss him. Then he would know how you felt about him but do you risk it. You didn't have time to think about it as the oven chimed signaling the batch of gingerbread was done.
You both composed yourselves and shuffled the trays onto drying racks in silence as you continued preparing other pastries while you waited for the gingerbread to cool. You and Sanji made a good team. You were surprised how little you had to communicate to know what the other needed. Now if you could apply that to your romantic feelings then you were all set.
By the time you were finished baking and decorating it was much later than you anticipated it being but your apartment wasn't too far of a walk. You should be fine, you hope. As you walked back into the storefront you noticed that the “bad weather prediction” was no joke. More than half the length of the door and windows were covered in white barely showing the outside world. You looked at each other both coming to the same conclusion. You were snowed in. You couldn’t get home like this or well you probably could but you'd have to climb the wall of snow and then hope you could access the door to your apartment complex.
Sanji cleared his throat "You could stay the night. I don't mind. Not like you can get home like this anyway." you only nodded. You didn't trust your voice to not betray you and you were too busy blushing to realize that he was just as flustered in this situation. Sanji's inner monologue was running rampant overjoyed at the prospect that you'd be sleeping over. He would be the last thing you saw before you went to bed and he'd be the first person you'd greet in the morning. He smiled at the thought of seeing you all cute and sleepy when you woke up tomorrow. After he locked the Sunny, you followed him up the stairs and into his apartment. 
It was small but something about it being Sanji’s made it feel warm and cozy. As Sanji stepped in closing the door behind you he gestured to the couch "Make yourself at home, I'll see if I can find you something to wear. Would you like a bath? Are you hungry? I can make you something!" He needed to calm himself down before he makes you uncomfortable but he couldn’t help it. He giddy wanting to pamper his princess for always being so good to him. Before you could answer any questions he disappeared into his room. When he came back he brought you some of his clothes to wear and ushered you to the bathroom for your shower. Your head was spinning thinking about using his soaps and body wash. You were standing where Sanji has stood many times naked, as you are now. If you close your eyes you could almost imagine it. At least if you got another nose bleed you were still in the shower but still you didn't want to make too big of a mess. As you finished up it finally dawned on you that you would be wearing Sanji’s clothes. It would be like he was hugging you from all angles. You lift the shirt to your nose. Of course it smelled clean but there was a hint of something uniquely distinguishable as Sanji’s scent embedded in the fabric. 
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Sanji cursed under his breath looking at the contents in his fridge. Go figure the one time you finally come over is the one time he's low on everything he envisioned cooking for you. To be fair he didn't have a lot of time to prepare anything impressive like the wine and dine he had in his head. He knows you would be fine with something simple but Sanji still wanted to make it special. This was the first time you would be staying the night and he didn't want it to be your last. He lit some candles to set the mood as he rolled up his sleeves to get to work. By the time you emerged from the other room he had just finished setting the table. He was awestruck looking at the way his clothes fit on you. Sanji couldn’t help the "adorable" that slipped past his lips. He beckoned for you to take a seat pulling out the chair for you like the gentleman he was. 
It was all so romantic it felt like a dream. Almost like this was naturally how it should be everyday but reality is a cruel mistress and once you both finished eating the power went out leaving the candle to dimly illuminate the room as you stare into each other's eyes with shock and surprise. The weather was a force to be reckoned with.
"I guess we should turn in for the night." Sanji said, picking up the candle and offering you his hand. Your heart was racing with how warm he was to the touch. You were glad the candle was your only light otherwise the blonde would see you blushing profusely. As you made your way to the bedroom Sanji let go of your hand to open the door. He gestured to his bed.
"You can take my room, I'll be on the couch if you need me-"
"NO wait!" You cut him off grabbing the edge of his sleeve. The moment your actions register you recoil shyly nudging your fingers together. "You'll be cold on the couch without the heater on, you should stay an- and keep me warm!" Stumbling over your words aside, you were proud of yourself for not chickening out at the declaration. Even if you can't mentally rally your bravery to profess your true feelings, maybe your actions will speak for you.
Sanji’s heart clenched. Of course how could he leave his angel at a time like this. "As you wish, my princess." He practically moaned at your request hoping you couldn’t tell how sensual his thoughts were becoming at the notion of you “sleeping” together. You both got under the covers as he blew out the candle. You laid facing each other trying to focus on your breathing but the blood was rushing to your ears. Your heart was doing back flips while your mind was doing summersaults. You should confess now but the words were stuck in your throat. It wasn’t until his hand brushed yours that you even remembered how to breathe properly.
"(Y/N) are you cold?"
You nodded slowly "A little, are you?" He only hummed before he spoke in that mellow sultry voice that puts butterflies in your stomach "Turn around for me?" Oh god did he even realize the words he was saying, what he was asking of you?
Mesmerized with the idea you did as you were told. You felt him shifting closer to you feeling his warm breath on the back of your neck. You bit your lip to suppress a mewl. You became hyper aware of the space between you but the arm draped around your torso made you dizzy. His touch was so loving, you felt safe. "That better?" Sanji asked unsure how comfortable you were with his arm around you. The tension was killing him but the fact that you didn’t push him away immediately was a good sign right. He was torn between the two voices in his head. His more perverse side was egging him to shoot his shot. The worst that could happen is you say no but then you might lose all respect for him and he didn’t want that either.
Meanwhile to answer his question you wanted to say no, you were still a little cold but you wanted him to pull you closer. Instead of answering vocally you had a better idea. Taking full advantage of the situation you muster up the courage to lean back into his touch catching him off guard as he stutters for a moment not quite forming full sentences. You were going to be the death of him. You pressed yourself against him letting his warmth envelope you before he inevitably pushed you away, or so you thought but he never did. You laid spooning drowning in your thoughts. Sanji was doing the same, neither of you spoke, both enjoying the moment. Time passed but you weren’t capable of counting the minutes.
You were too busy trying to sort the words out in your head that you didn’t notice Sanji’s almost anxious nervous shifting. Without thinking about it you moved closer barely catching a muffled grunt. That’s when you notice something pressing against you that wasn’t there before. You blushed, gasping at the sensation. Sanji wanted to die. He tried to roll over pulling his arm back to hide his shame but you held on rolling over with him incidentally being pulled into his lap. You were straddling him when you finally let go of his arm. You both were seemingly shocked at the others actions speaking at the same time.
“Sanji I have something to-”
He covered his face spewing out a stream of apologies mixed with compliments of your beauty and how that's no excuse for his actions. The bottom line was that he wasn’t listening to you when you were trying to tell him everything that was on your mind. You swallowed, it was now or never and you felt you had a good chance. Grinding down on his hard on you manage to pull a groan from his lips shutting him up. Sanji threw his hand over his mouth embarrassed over his body's reactions. His mind was racing, brain short circuiting with the position he was in. His princess was grinding down on him; surely this was a dream. He let out another whimper as you finally stilled your hips. A soft pant escaping your lips from the movement. Sanji’s eyes were blown wide, taking in the image of his goddess in the moonlight. The blonde was worried that if he blinked he’d wake up from this fantasy of his.
The friction between you felt just as good to you and seeing Sanji this disheveled was doing things to your head. You’ve barely touched him but you wanted to see how much of a mess you could turn him into. You guessed now was a good time as ever to get the weight off your chest. "Stop apologizing, I've been thinking about this for a while but haven't found the right time to say it." Sanji slowly moved his hand from his face. Even in the dim lighting you could tell it was a deep crimson. Your face was warm as well but it comforted you enough knowing you both were on the same page. At least that’s what you were going to assume.
You took a deep breath to calm your nerves as you continued "When we are together every compliment, every smile, every lingering touch sends me reeling and it feels like my heart is going to burst. You're my best friend and you mean the world to me but I've fallen in love with you and I can't hide it anymore. Sanji I love you."
“(Y/N)” Your name died on his lips as you slowly crashed yours against his. Sanji pulled you closer, reveling in your soft touch melting against him as his hand wandered your body to hold you lovingly. You put your hand on his chest as you pulled away. This was it, the moment of truth. Both of you were panting with lust filled eyes as he slowly rolled you over so he could be on top. Gently grabbing your hand he kissed each one of your knuckles taking the time to place kisses up your arm watching you flush as he was mere inches away from your face smiling at you like he's waited his entire life for this moment. 
“You are my world,” he kissed your forehead. “My goddess,” he kissed your cheek. “My angel,” your other cheek. “And if you’ll let me, my lover.” He looked at you eyes full of adoration, almost waiting for your approval before saying “I love you, most.” Sanji finally met your lips, cherishing the way you met him halfway. He shifted ever so slightly, placing him right against your entrance. You moaned into the kiss pulling him closer as you rolled your hips up matching the pace of the kiss, hot and slow. You both had all the time in the world and Sanji was going to make sure you savored the moment. 
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honeyphobia · 1 year
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder review (so SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS!!!)
I guess this part isn’t really a review but is my reaction towards some parts throughout the story(also I tried to label which chapter but I got lazy, sorryy)
andie’s dad using past tense??
pippa impersonating Chloe 💀 lowkey would’ve done the same if I had to
“that’s why her hair is so big it’s full of secrets” that’s literally andie
naomi is a little sus
I thought andie didn’t have a connection w mr ward why would she be calling him an asshole? maybe dress coded her or smth?
what if Elliot Ward is the secret older guy 😨😨
The note nat put in andie’s locker??? she’s def a new suspect
why are adults messing around w Highschooler andie 🤨😨
noo sals Interview kinda makes him look sus 🙁
hippo pippo 💀
jason bell is so ew
yooo are are andie and max so close? 🤨
drink spiking? hmm suspicious
not andie cheating on Sal 😔
why does max have that photo of andie 😨
Ravi staring howie down and lowkey funny and cute at the same time
Pip and Ravi breaking and entering 💀
nevermjnd false alarm
ANDIE WRITING DOWN NAOMI’S SPARE SIM PHONE NUMBER?! It’s a clue but also kind of useless
the beginning of chapter 39 was a literal jump scare 💀
Cara did it, it was her she likes Butterfinger that’s all the evidence you need
pip you’re so smart i aspire to be you
Omg if andie is still alive that would be so much worse
pips going to the house rn so anxious
mr ward finally got arrested
but the girl upstairs didn’t andie so what happened to andie? did she go back home and die there or smth? fucking max I knew he was suspicious
aint no way she drugged pip
well obviously not because the series has 2 more books 😭💀
why is page 377 so beautifully written
“And don’t tell them the only reason you started this project was because you fancied me. You know, think of a more noble reason.” omg ravi 😭😭
”I’m ravishing. Get it? Ravi-shing. Ravi singh.” that was lowkey kinda smooth though
okay review time
Once I got this book in my hands and started reading it I swear, it was one of the best wild roller coaster experiences I've ever had. Still unsteady, blubbering without nails, baffled, and lightheaded, but yet smiling and thrilled!
While reading, I had too many questions rushing through my mind.
Who actually murdered Andie? Or is Andie truly dead? Did she earn her fate? For the reason that as soon as we find out more about her, we realize that she is a bully, drama queen, drug dealer, and blackmailer! I wanted to punch her for all of her wonderful traits(sarcasm if you couldn’t tell).
Who allocated Sal the blame? Or did Sal actually do it? He is a picture of a kind, modest, and heavenly man. We think he has been hiding something, though. His friends refused to serve as his alibis and changed their testimonies regarding his whereabouts and when he left from their location. Where hence was he when the murder happened?
Who was threatening Pippa with texts to prevent her digging?
Well, I read the book quickly, and my spider senses didnt work properly until the last few pages, I was unable to identify the murderer or murderers. always being five steps behind the author
It was moving, enjoyable, nail biter, mind bending, surprisingly exciting, satisfying read. I enjoyed every page, every clue, every thrilling moments of this book. I highly recommend it!
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taegularities · 1 year
Hello lovely Rid 💕💕
I know I haven't dropped in for a couple of days but I saw your post about what you've had to deal with recently and I just wanted to send you my love and support. That sounds like a really scary and uncomfortable situation to go through but I hope you know that there is also so much kindness and love in the world and you are deserving of it!! I feel like that's something that we can use a reminder for when we encounter people like that, who seem to lack any of those things. You don't deserve any of the pain or sadness you go through, you deserve love and happiness and it will come to you, I'm sure of it <3
On a lighter note, I saw you saying you might be able to drop cmi 10 on the sixth? That's actually the date of my one year blog anniversary lmaooo what a coincidence. I'm sending you all the energy and motivation and hoping for a smooth writing process, Rid. Life is tough though so please don't worry too much about deadlines since I'm sure everyone is excited to read it whenever it comes out.
You also asked about unhappy endings and even though I think you might know my opinion on angst and sad things already, I just want to say again that I would read anything you wrote, Rid and I would sacrifice my very fragile heart if it means reading another one of your beautiful stories. It's funny because usually when it comes to books I don't mind sad things, in fact the heartbreaking ones are usually my favourites, but with fanfiction I think I just get too attached to the characters and it absolutely tears my heart apart when there's any angst.
Speaking of books, I've been reading more recently and I started a book yesterday where the main character's name is Rin and I'm not joking when I say that my brain read it as Rid the first couple of times. So I think that says a lot about how much you cross my mind I guess.
Sorry that I haven't dropped in much lately, for some reason 9/10 times when I open tumblr these days I feel overwhelmed at the thought of reblogging anything or talking to people 😔 And I've also been in and out of bad moods in general lately so yeah. Hoping that starting classes again, being busier and setting up some kind of routine will help me a bit.
I hope things go well for you too in this busy time Rid, both with classes and with work!! Sending you all of my love always 💞💞💞
hi my love 🤍 thank you so much. it's gotten better but it was scarring for sure.. while i know that there's still so much love and positivity in this world, i'm just so :') closed off, like my brain doesn't want to trust anyone just yet. but good things to come, hopefully hehe
and yeah, i shall definitely try! can't promise anything just yet, but i really want to drop cmi10 in a week or two :D lowkey also want it out, so i can finally get to cmi11!! yeah, i'm the same lmaoo i used to read a lot of angsty novels, but pain hits a lot harder with fics. maybe bc it's our favourite celebrity, too? but like, thank you 🥺 i hope you always go into fics carefully and take a break if you need to. i'll always be grateful you picked up any of my fics at all 🤍
don't worry about tumblr.. i absolutely know what you mean. i guess it's why i've been absent, too. don't know what exactly it is, but this site's been a lot lately :') if you ever need to talk about what's going on, i'm here. hope you feel better soon and that uni starts smoothly for you. love you 💕
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dollfaceksj · 1 year
okay clover, im finally out of work & ready to give my review/analysis. but beforrrree that, I can totally relate to that anon with being delulu & thinking yk who I am by my typing style and because I was kinda the first to start these long ass analysis💀i am humbled now bcs your inbox is flooded. BUT OKAYYY back to it ! as you may or may not know tehe im a slut for angst so I actually loved this chapter don’t kill me guys, different strokes for different folks ig .. I haveeee to compliment you on the way you write because as soon as I started reading the first few sentences, my heart sunk & I literally felt everything oc was feeling. It was so descriptive & literally just so well written! But once I realized how angry Tae was omggg was I scared for oc. I can understand the betrayal tae feels but I think he went overboard with airing her business out like that! I’m not sure if he aired both their business out like that with the intention of doing it so they break it off. I feel like he knows them both well enough to know that this could possibly end them. Both pieces of information was extremely personal and really hurtful/harmful to what they’re in the process of building. I don’t want to think tae would sink that low but in the heat of the moment, nothings off limits. I understand & sort of sympathize with Tae because when I get mad I say some pretty shitty things too (im working on it!) im not saying it’s okay AT ALL what he did, but I can understand it! I was wondering when you wrote “but Taehyung loves you. He grew up with you. He knows you like the back of his hand. You're family and there's nothing that will change that. He'd do it again in a heartbeat.” Was this her thoughts or was it Tae’s, would he actually do it all again? Because if yes :( if no :((. Also "Who do you think will get the blame when you suddenly start slacking with your grades because you're getting fucked over by some guy?" OMGG did this go everyone’s head!! Like why didn’t jk say anything?? Like i get if he would’ve said something he could’ve just made Tae blow up even more .. but like he basically said you’re gonna fuck her over & you didn’t defend yourself, you had no rebuttal.. so is it because Tae’s right??!? OMGOMGN THIS MAY BE ME JUST OVER REACTING BUT also 👀👀👀. Then he drops the whole pregnancy thing !!!!! That was shitty asf tae, that was not your business to tell! Honestly oc stronger than me because the whole situation was emotional asf & I would’ve broke down as soon as Tae raised his voice at me & looked at me with disappointment in his eyes :( I couldn’t take it :((( the timing was terrible too, oc lowkey initiated the whole going raw thing so I could understand if Jk’s view changes towards her a bit. It does look bad on oc’s part. The whole “oc’s a slut” thing is a big nono bcs it’s life shit happens. Is she irresponsible, reckless & impulsive? Yes. A slut ? No. Also I’d like to point out, we don’t know oc’s entire pov of what actually happened, only Tae’s angry spew of words. For all we know she could’ve been doing it with someone she was really in love with. Also, cumming in someone & wanting someone to cum inside you is a big kink, maybe she got carried away. She’s young okay. Let’s take it easy on her! Even though part of me is saying “oc bitch come on girl!! Twice?? & you’re still at it with your risky games? bffr!!” From Taehyungs perspective I feel like he’s being really misunderstood! What oc did is really fucked up, because yeah him & jk are close but him & her are closer! They’re practically family! He literally gave up his dream school for her, he loves & protects her! If shit goes left it’s not her thatll get yelled at, it’s him .. by BOTH sets of parents. Because he was her responsibility. If I was oc I would literally go in a depressive state bcs, now all I would think about is “does Tae hate me? Does he regret what he did for me? Am I a burden? Did I ruin his life?” Shit is just really sad :(! (Omg it got long again, hold of 1/?)
wow! im so impressed with your analysis! i really read this with a cold drink in my hand like i was reading the morning news paper lmaoooo
to answer some of your questions: 1. who thought "tae would do it all over again" it isn't either of them thinking this. it is my input as the author, it's canon and it's true to what tae would do. he would
2. i understand why you would think that about the fucking over part and why jungkook didn't defend himself, but it was more of a way if jungkook said he wasn't fucking her over or trying to, tae would be confused cause its jungkook and he's known for fucking around so he might've made the connection that they weren't just messing around but that there were romantic feelings involved and he wasn't sure how tae would take that, especially with the mia thing
3. yeah. i tried foreshadowing y/n's strict parents by her being reckless and enjoying her freedom as much as she does. you know what they say, strict parents raise sneaky children
i'll go read your other half now!
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narrators-journal · 1 year
Hi ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶ Can your write a Persona 5 x F!reader with this idea?
So reader workers together with Akechi in both the metaverse and detective work and since she works with Akechi and goes on tv with him a bunch of his fans ship them together and Akechi actually has a big crush on her but she doesn't have a crush on him because she's also part of the thieves and has a crush on Joker so Akechi is super jealous of Joker because Akechi can see how much reader likes Joker, she works at crossroads and is friends with Ohya and also works through Shido too and Shido also sees her like a daughter and doesn't know that she's joined the thieves in Kaneshiro's palace.
She joined in Kaneshiro's palace because Kaneshiro is actually her dad and figure out he had a daughter after he hired a hitman to kill reader's mom because she used to be one of the girls he used to have around him but reader didn't know how bad he was until she heard from Ohya that Joker was looking into Kaneshiro so she went and talked to Joker and convinced him to let her join them in the metaverse and is surprised that she already has a metaverse outfit but she just is trust worthy so the thieves welcome her abord because she gets them into the palace, she also has 2 personas Aphrodite and Peresphone and because she has Aphrodite everyone thinks she is super beautiful and she;s also super powerful because she has two personas she can use at the same time. She also inheirates also all of Kaneshiro's wealth after Kaneshiro changes his heart so she can also pay for all the things that the thieves want which makes them trust her even more. Also Haru has a crush on her because reader saved her dad by pleading with Akechi to not kill him so Okumara has a change of heart actually.
When Akechi joins he gets even more jealous of Joker because reader and Joker are really close and she's basically Joker's right hand woman and helps with all the plans and Joker notices how jealous is Akechi but he doesn't say anything because reader already told them all about Akechi's plan to kill Joker because she doesn't want to betray the thieves and she ends up pleading with Akechi to not kill Joker so when Akechi comes in in the interrogation room he doesn't shoot Joker but actually helps him out because he just wants to help reader that much and reader vouches for him so that the theives don't hate him then they start working on Shido's palace and reader helps them get in and gets them all the letters that they need because Shido sees her like a daughter so she just has to ask. Then when Yaldobath takes over she helps Joker get everyone out of the velvet room because Yaldobath didn't break her spirit and then in the final battle reader gets a third persona who is Nyx and she and Satanael take down Yaldobath together and every one is saved.
How do you think the thieves would think of her?? Would any of them have crushes on her other than Akechi and Joker? 🥺 I would like a oneshot but headcanons are also ok I love your writing!! I'M SO SORRY THIS IS SO LONG THANK YOU 😊
I know you wanted a one shot, but your ask seems to be requesting a big ol' rewrite of the entire p5 plot, which, even without Royal's additions, is a massive game. So, I instead encourage you to write out your own fic! I'm sure it'll be quite the fun read if you do!
As for the ask, I feel like you're lowkey asking for an OC ask, but I can't be sure if you just want a really specific reader, or if you have an OC with this story. So, I just took your ending question and am gonna just do some headcanons or thoughts off of it.
Now, this isn't meant to be 'mean' or anything personal, I'm just taking from what I know of the canon personalities. Which, I admit is probably not completely accurate, but I tried my best. I also can't go through all of the confidants bc I know NOTHING of them, but ye! I hope this makes you happy, and if this was meant to be a big one shot request with an oc, I don't take OC asks. Tho, I do encourage you to have fun and try your hand at writing it for yourself in that case!
Akira: Akira's the hardest to guestimate a personality from. I know for a fact that Akira would be confused and lost at a reader with two different persona, but In canon, he's left kinda blank so that the player can choose the options they like and basically paint him however they want, so beyond that shock, I don't know. But in my head, Akira's a very friendly person when you give him a chance, but isn't trusting. He's been backstabbed by the law system, he's not a very trusting person. So, I do think Akira'd hang onto a shred of suspicion for the reader if they had a metaverse outfit already without a story like Akechi had. And even then, I don't think the thieves exactly trusted Akechi despite needing to work with him. So the reader would fall into a same issue for a good while. It'd be slow going. Especially for being a target's kid while being so eager to help.
Akechi: I. Know very little of Akechi's in-game personality, but from what I know from my boyfriend who's played the game a lot, he's even less social and approachable than Akira. So, outside of using them and maintaining power, Akechi doesn't like anybody. He doesn't like Akira, he doesn't like the thieves, he arguably likes Sae? But he doesn't seem to gt close to anyone since his goal is to take down shido no matter the cost. As for the multiple persona, Akechi would hate the reader like he hates Akira for that. Akira's already a threat to his self esteem as a person, but at least Akechi would feel he has the upper hand with loki. Another person with multiple personas would anger him further.
Yusuke: Yusuke is the first one that would have a reaction beyond shock or rage at a reader with two personas. He'd likely be confused, but his initial reaction would probably be in admiring their beauty and form, likely wanting to draw them. Beyond that, he'd probably go off of Morgana and Akira's judgement for that reveal. He'd likely play devil's advocate for the reader, but they've got a lot of explaining to do. As a person though, so long as the reader is pretty, Yusuke's not going to be an asshole. He's a rather nice guy, if a bit awkward, so he'd be easy to befriend, especially if you let him draw you. Of all the people in the thieves, Yusuke would be one that is likely to crush on the reader if they're artistically appealing at all.
Ryuji: Unlike Yusuke, Ryuji'd be a bit hostile and distrusting from the start. A stray persona user with an outfit already and two different persona? That's a little suspect. However, unlike Akira, Ryuji'd be easier to convince. He's easy going, so with a good enough explanation, he'd be okay with the reader. As for if he'd crush on a reader, maybe. He might crush a bit at the start like he did with Ann, but as time goes on and the reader works more with them, They'd probably go the route of Ann too. Be seen too much as a baby sister or brother, not a romantic option. Plus, he wants to know how you get multiple persona, so he's gonna want to know.
Ann: The reader being a girl would help a lot with befriending Ann. She'd be a little suspiscious, and shocked to find out the reader has multiple persona and is their target's kid, but otherwise she's pretty nice, she'd give the benefit of the doubt. I don't know a lot of Ann's in-game personality, so I can't really go in-depth, but she'd in general try to give the reader the benefit of the doubt and be the first to extend some trust to them.
Morgana: Morgana is admittedly far worse than Akira on the not trusting angle of things with the reader. Not exactly because of them having a costume and awakening so randomly, but moreso because of the dual persona. That's a wildcard-specific thing, normal users do not have more than one persona in his knowledge, so them having more than one would put him firmly on edge. He'd be not very nice to the reader with the whole context of their person. The odd awakening, the multiple persona, and her being their target's kid? I++t would just rub him the wrong way.
Makoto: Makoto would be SO suspicious of a user just wandering around like you. She'd downright interrogate the reader on their awakening and motives, why they have two persona, all of it. She wouldn't quite be astounded or upset at you having more than one persona, Akira has one, so it's not unreasonable. her biggest concern is the reader's connection to Kaneshiro and her help being a trap, not the personas.
Futaba: Taba would be super interested in reader-chan when they meet! Two persona? Yet you're not like Akira at all? She'd definitely hack into the metaverse to investigate. Since she comes after Kaneshiro, she wouldn't really have the instant distrust the others would get. So, she'd be easier to befriend then the others. Though, the reader being Kaneshiro's daughter would be a little sketchy to her, just because Kaneshiro is sketchy.
Haru: Kaneshiro being the reader's dad would actually win some points with Haru. Not that it isn't sketchy and a bit odd, but she's got her own daddy issues. Granted, hers isn't a sleazy, womanizing pimp, but still, there's something to bond over. This would slightly win the reader a benefit of the doubt on their lack of an awakening, especially since Haru's own awakening was odd. She has no stance on the persona though, unable to choose if that's a bad sign or not, but she'd likely go off of Morgana's vibes about it, so she'd keep an eye on the reader. But! She'd also gladly be friends with her as well, maybe just date a little, y'know?
All around, the group would be fairly suspicious and unnerved by the reader and her connections and oddities, but most would give her a chance, and her standing with them is very open to change as time goes on, so I can't say anyone, except maybe Akech's insecure ass, would outright hate reader-chan.
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sprite-real · 2 years
S/O with eczema || Part 2 w/ Sinclair Brothers. (Bo, Vincent & Lester.)
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Lowkey turning this into a series, but I honestly need the comfort myself, my eczema’s been really bad lately, and also having trypophobia… I’ve been having those scenarios that I won’t get to deep into other than damn, I hate the human mind!
Warnings: Topics of self-harm and some blood. Maybe a tad bit suggestive on Bo’s part? Other than that pure fluff!
Do not repost my writing anywhere, steal/claim as yours, I work hard with what I write!
Please enjoy <3
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Bo Sinclair
You were more than likely to hide your eczema from Bo at first for your insecurities of those damned rashes, but Bo caught on really quick.
He noticed your scratching and how’d sometimes you’d take way longer in the bathroom.
He finally confronted you about it and you came clean, telling him how you thought your eczema was ugly.
Bo would take a moment before trying his hand at comforting you, (is it the best? No not really but he’s trying.) he holds you and listens to your woes, running his fingers through your hair.
He’d tell you that worrying over something like that was stupid and he could care less about how the rashes looked on you. And if you keep going on about it? He’ll get you to stop talking about it with a little bit of… Body worshipping. ;)
Overall, Bo doesn’t care about your eczema, but he will keep a closer eye on you when he gets the chance, he can’t always but when he does and he sees you scratching, he tells you to knock it off, sometimes he’ll even grab your hands. He’s a bit rough, but he’s trying to do this for your benefit!
Vincent Sinclair
Okay Vincent would never judge you on looks, EVER. He loves you for your beautiful and nurturing personality, so I feel like you’d be more open about it.
It’d probably come up in a more casual conversation with him, and he’d grow curious and ask more about it.
When you explain more about the damned curse, he kinda takes note and honestly does some of the smallest yet sweetest gestures for you! He’ll leave you cute little notes on the bathroom mirror about how beautiful your body is.
He’d do some research on it when he’s taking some breaks from his art pieces and would Google some reliefs for your eczema then get Bo to run some errands for him. He surprises you with all kinds of lotions and eczema creams!
He’ll actually take showers with you to help rub the new soaps he got for you onto your skin. And as much as you may dislike cold baths (or you don’t) you’re gonna take a cold shower. He wants to help soothe that itch and fast.
At night he’d have you pressed up close to him and would rub his calloused fingers along your rough patches, spelling out sweet little words on them.
Lester Sinclair
This would most likely be brought up later on in your relationship, as with Lester, conversation would always be switching to different topics in an instance, and you’re always having so much fun you forget to bring it up!
It’s when he catches you scratching yourself to the point you bleed he panics. He’s rushing around getting whatever bandages he has and cleaning you up.
You have to calm him down and calmly explain that you got eczema, explain what it does to ya and such, and he’ll understand! He’s had plenty of rashes before, and he’ll feel really bad because you’re dealing with them every day.
Really puts in the effort to keep you distracted and also asking his older brothers for advice.
Always has Jonesy near you so your hands are petting her instead scratching at your skin.
He drags you along so you can join him when he’s working! Now he isn’t gonna make you touch anything you don’t want too, he just wants you to tag along so he can keep an eye on you, he doesn’t want to see ya scratching and bleeding. And plus… It’s really nice to have you with him all the time. <3
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That’s all for now, I’ll be making more parts in the future and I may do some rewriting for Tommy and Bubba, BUT that is for another time! Have a wonderful day or night everybody, hope you enjoyed! 🎃
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hollandsangel · 2 years
WIP tag/title game
rules ; post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it
thank you for the tag @luciwritesstuff !! i need to be held accountable for the absurd amount of wips in my docs...i need a gun to my head.
no pressure tags! @ddejavvu @silkscream @sunshinesteviee
please send in an ask if you wanna know more about this stuff!! i need to be intrested in writing again lmao. (was just telling my bsf last night how i miss writing tragci love stories LOL)
steve harrington 
in the midst/to live for the hope of it all (working title) (one shot; angst)
so cliche, we’ve all read it before but the trope is so GOOD. essentially reader is jealous and a little bit concerned about steve’s realtionship with nancy post break up. it’s been months, but they’re so close, and he even admitted that she was the one that changed him. it never used to bother you, you trust steve, he’s an amazing boyfriend. but things start to pile up, and the image of him confessing that she was always the picture of his future is seared into your memory.
but it’s not real (one shot; angst)
okay so this one i actually hastily wrote up a summary for last night at like two am. i haven’t started writing it at all so im just gonna show you what my docs look like half the time and copy paste what i typed up on my phone in the dark...
being in love with bestie steve but it’s unrequited 
basically him driving you home and imagining the whole “you kiss me in your car you’re driving me home whatever” 
so you watch him drive away and stare up at the sky and it starts to rain bc we’re dramatic here at hollandsangel 
tom holland 
...buckle up
at every table (one shot; fluff, prob some angst, smut)
this one i have started writing, but i’m not the biggest fan of the tone atm so i’m probably gonna switch a bunch of things up. here’s the summary i have at the top of the doc for this fic lol
there’s also this little prompt i have...
tom taking to haz, not knowing what to do bc he has to look after his daughter and put her first “well ofc you do mate, but you’re allowed to be a little selfish sometimes too, maybe this isn’t such a bad thing”
essentially this is my dream story. i’m really obssesed with the concept but i just. can’t. execute it. it’s literally been in my docs for MONTHS, like probably september of last year, i’m losing it.
perfume (one shot; smut with a little plot)
so this one is inspired by del water gap’s song perfume and is another one that’s been in the works since like august. ive started writing it up but it hasn’t really gone anywehre yet. it’s a def a work in progress but im excited bc i love this song. i think i just need to get back into writing for tom bc lately ive been feeling so...lost wiht him? like idk how to write him bc im so out of practice lol. ALL IN DUE TIME.
anyways, so this story is about tom lowkey lusting after friend!reader and when the whole gang goes out one night, he finally makes his move. everything i write is self indulgent. so.
okay, so the next three are literally just titles and have not been written at all. i just have the basic, vauge idea written under them bc i always get little ideas and then froget them whoops. i do plan on writing these...eventually but they’re pretty low on the priorities list.
when in rome (one shot; smut)
basically you’re on a hot couples get away and you get your period, thinking it ruins any chance of you and tom getting down but he proves you wrong
the extra (one shot; fluff)
this one is based off that tweet that all the extras were instructed not to talk to tom and when he went up to someone he told them he was sad no one would speak to him :(( literally sobbed my eyes out he’s the cutest man alive.
i have like two lines of text written for this LOL not even a summary.
the thunder is shaking the floor (one shot; smut)
i came up with this idea one week where it was super rainy in my town and never let go of it. it is rotting in my docs.
plans get ruined while you’re on vacation bc it’s raining. you make up for it. (basically fuck at a cabin resort while it pours outside and the windows are open)
bsf!tom (this one doesn’t have a title yet, but i love it sm, like i literally wish i had something going on in my head bc i’d love to churn this out. one shot; the holy trinity, fluff, angst, smut)
im giving you the unfiltered summary so you can how excited i was when i first came up with this lol
basically you have the worst luck with guys and you and tom get wine drunk to make you feel better and now he’s staying over and waking up with his hand under your boob and peeling himself away even tho he just wants to touch you and next thing you know he’s making love to you the way you deserve 
UGH wait she scooches closer in her sleep and subtly moans his name under her breath
director!tom (also no title or summary, just vibes. one shot; angst, smut)
remember sweet? very similar idea, might even throw some fake dating in there who knows, im crazy.
bottom of the glass (one shot; angst, fluff?? maybe??)
i dont have a summary written for this, just like two pages of text...it’s another bartender!tom moment (my guilty pleasure) and him and reader get into a fight and it’s all really angsty. i have a bit of dialoug that’s barely coherent but i’ll give it to you anyways,
“if you don’t want to move in with me, just say so! don’t be a fucking coward tom, this is an adult relationship, and i want to be able to talk about conflicts like adults.” your voice cracks a little bit, but you choke back the stubborn tears that threaten to spill over, “i don’t want to feel so stupid that i get wasted at you bar,” you get quieter, sheepish almost, because you know you hadn’t been acting very adult recently either.
“you know i love you right ? even that was hard to come to terms with-“
“what the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“that i’ve never done this before! i’ve never been in an ‘adult’ relationship and i’ve never been in love and i’ve never lived with a girl and i’m scared im gonna fuck it all up y/n” he flushes, face red with anger and sadness “so i’m sorry i clammed up, im sorry for what i said, i really didn’t mean it..i just got scared”
“and i know i didn’t make anything better but please just..i love you so much, and i know i’m making mistakes but im trying my best i swear”
feeling exeptionally exposed rn.... but this was fun!! i didn’t realize how many half started fics i had and it makes me feel like i still have good ideas!! hopefully i can get some of these out for you guys soon. let me know which ones you’re most looking forward to!!
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soleilnomoon · 2 years
hello kaia !
this idea has been on my mind FOREVER and I finally had the guts to go ahead and type up a request.
you know that scene in wano when hiyori cuddles up with zoro ? this is where that idea stems from lol.
I’m looking for a zoro x female reader ANGST where their relationship has been developed for a long period of time and it’s evident feelings are there and they acknowledge that but there’s nothing official between them. but it’s a well known fact amongst the crew that these two are LOWKEY lovebirds and are basically a thing without the label. the reader also hates being vulnerable and finds it very difficult to express vulnerability. they really don’t cry, tend to hold things in, etc. zoro’s only ever seen her cry once before so, and I think he’d be the only crew member to see it too.
then when zoro starts getting close with hiyori, and the reader finds out, things go astray. there’s a lot of angst, heartbreak and turmoil. reader feels sort of betrayed and emotionally wounded that this is happening and zoro has conflicted feelings and doesn’t know what they mean which obviously makes things more frustrating and heart wrenching. reader is very angry at first (bc she’s a tough girl) but as her anger boils she becomes much more emotionally distraught, crying, etc. (idk if this makes sense but ya know lol). basically I think the reader finding out about them cuddling would be the breaking point. (like she’s been keeping it hidden quite well, but is very distant and neglectful to zoro bc of this, but then she finds out about the cuddling and very aggressively confronts him and it’s just a mess).
sorry this request is all over the place lmao. my brain skips around a lot. do with it what you will :3 tysm! <3
hiii, thank u for being patient, i love writing angsty fics so this was very much up my alley <3
1.4k words, fem reader (no pronouns), sfw - just a lot of angst, and comfort i guess; no real warnings, except zoro is bad at communicating we all know this.
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a forgotten flower pressed carefully in a worn book, pages yellowed with time and use; ink smudged, the script barely legible to the average eye, the edges of each page frayed, crumbling with each time the book is opened. due to its fragility, it sits comfortably on one of the makeshift shelves in your room with other books similar in appearance. a breeze floats inside, thin curtains fluttering, a hint of warm sea salt tumbling in the wind, reminding you of simpler times where your mind didn’t betray you, when your heart was more sensible. 
a light-hearted conversation morphs into something entirely different, one marked by raised voices, a shattered teacup, the shards sharp enough that you cut the palm of your hand. the offer to help goes unheard — or, rather, is ignored. you’re very good at doing that, running from intense emotions, not properly listening to reason, completely ignoring his request for you to stay behind and finish talking. highly uncharacteristic on his part — he hates talking, hates difficult conversations, and finds your reluctance to hear him out bothersome.
you take your time cleaning the cut on your palm, the sting of the antiseptic makes you wince; it’s not deep enough to leave a scar, but not shallow enough to leave open. you wrap it carefully, fingers shaking, disrupting your concentration, his words replaying in your mind on a loop.
maybe you should hear him out, maybe you should go back and not let your insecurities cloud your judgment, maybe you should stop deluding yourself into thinking you have a place in his life. 
when you return to your room, he’s seated on the edge of your bed, head lifting when the door finally opens. he stays quiet as you lean against the door, eyes landing on him critically, the distance between you makes you wish you could go back in time. an impossible feat now, you know that, but it doesn’t stop you for wanting it to be possible.
the silence sits heavy on your chest, your thoughts bouncing around as you try to muster the strength to try this again. he pivots his body so that he’s facing you, although you’re looking away, at anything else — he has a way of pinning you with his looks. you don’t want that now. his mouth moves, but you don’t hear anything he says, your own heartbeat thundering loudly in your ears, taking you away unintentionally. when he calls your name out repeatedly, the dazed look fades from your eyes; you blink rapidly, the sting from holding back tears unbearable, but you try to hold it in for as long as you can.
crying means defeat — an extreme assertion, but it’s what you’ve known your whole life. it’s something he’s known too, although his aversion isn’t as great as yours. your stubbornness rivals luffy’s, which is what frustrates him the most. he’s not eloquent, nor does he possess the skill to articulate himself in a way that will make things make sense to you. still, you remain silent, your lids lowering as your eyes drift over to him. hands balled into fists behind your back, you try to ground yourself by digging your fingernails into the fleshy part of your palms. you don’t feel it though — you never do.
his story never changes, nor does he seem apologetic about a thing he’s done; it pisses you off, the anger bubbling underneath your skin, making your face hot. what you really want to do is throw things, you want to yell at him, you want him to take it back — to say that it was a joke made in poor taste. but you don’t, and his words remain resolute, each statement infiltrating your mind, adding to the rising paranoia that has you breathing shallowly.
perceptive as ever, he knows that your mind is attempting to trick you again, knows that you don’t completely understand his explanation, and knows that if he doesn’t rectify things, he might actually lose you. he can’t have that. not now, not after everything that’s happened.
getting off the bed, his legs carry him over to you quickly; he knows that with you he has to try a different approach, he has to think a little more about how he says things. it’s not because he’s achieved some sort of emotional maturity overnight, but because of the longevity of your relationship with him, he tries a little bit more. fingers hooked underneath your chin, tilting your head so that you can properly look at him, his mouth opens but the words get stuck. so he reconsiders, tries a different tactic, until he realizes that you’re still… out of it.
“hey,” he says gruffly, voice low but comforting, “where’d you go?” 
you understand what he’s asking, but you’re unsure of how to answer him. again you blink and try to center yourself. but each time you close your eyes, you see him with her and it ignites your anger all over again. with your hands planted firmly on his chest, you attempt to shove him, but the thing about zoro is that he’s equally as determined as you are. he stands firm and unmoving, eye narrowing, brows sloping downward as his confusion continues to rob him of cohesion.
“i don’t want to do this right now,” you manage to say, eyes stinging, so you blink in the hopes of chasing the tears away. “i don’t want to talk to you.” it isn’t true; you don’t want to go anywhere and you don’t want him to leave either; it’s a childish move that you don’t quite understand, but it confuses him. still, he doesn’t move.
“no, talk to me.” his words should comfort you, instead you keep seeing him in the shack, keep seeing his chest pressed against hiyori’s, keep seeing their limbs entangled with one another, and your imagination doesn’t let up as he attempts to bring you back from wherever your mind and anxiety has taken you.
but, it becomes too much. you’re not entirely unfeeling — on the contrary, you feel much too much all the time. it’s why all of this is so damn difficult. you roll your bottom lip in between your teeth, fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt, words failing you even now. you don’t want to seem like a petulant child, but your hopelessness for the situation makes it impossible to not act as such. if he wasn’t so used to your behavior, he’d be alarmed. 
because his frustration becomes much too great for him, his hand grasps your jaw, fingers pressing into your skin almost as if he needs to hold you in place there.
“it couldn’t be helped,” is all he says, “it was snowing.”
you understand, you know, you just don’t like it. hate it, actually. it’s easier to assume that his actions were due to an underlying desire on his part to get closer to hiyori. you know you jumped to conclusions, you understand that you’re not actually being understanding. his reason makes sense but it doesn’t make you feel better. and, because you body is a traitor, you suck in a bit of air before the tears start falling, vision blurring from the ferocity of your sobs. crying is always an awkward affair for him, but he hates to see you like this.
when he pulls you to him, wraps his arms around, you don’t bother fighting him; maybe because all you really wanted was for him to hold you, reaffirm the things he’s told you repeatedly, remind you that despite everything, he will always find his way back to you. 
what you don’t know is that despite finding it necessary to share warmth with her like that, he wished that it was you he was holding instead of her. it’s something he tries to convey when he wipes your tears, presses kisses down your jaw before dragging his lips to yours. and even though you want to keep being angry, you simmer down significantly, sighing into the kiss and holding onto him, as if you’re afraid he’ll disappear somehow. you’ve never needed anything remotely official to label your relationship — you don’t care about titles and correcting people; as long as what he feels for you matches your feelings, that’s all that matters. and while it may take a bit of convincing on his part, you eventually do forgive him, feeling a bit foolish for getting upset like that. 
but, in the end, he does promise to be considerate moving forward — or, as considerate as someone like him can be. it’s enough for you for now, you remind yourself, not wanting to think about a situation like this arising again in the future. you know that you can’t dictate how he lives his life, but you do appreciate his insistence on staying by your side, on making you feel a little less unstable and more present. 
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adoringhaikyuu · 4 years
when their teammate has a crush on you
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characters: kageyama, kenma, oikawa, tanaka
warnings: nothing, just some pouty boys and possessiveness
notes: i stumbled upon @kageyuji​‘s take on this while i was writing! so i thought i might as well give them a shoutout! 
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you already know this boy speaks up with no shame
and he will glare at anyone who gets in his way or on his nerves, especially when they do anything to you
so when hinata doesn’t even try to hide that he likes you, saying boldly “well why should i lie?” 
you could only imagine the rage that kageyama is feeling
he doesn’t even want you in the same room as hinata sjkdfghsdj
he will pick either you or hinata up and take you away, depending on the situation
or he’ll take hinata’s face in his hand and just throw him away
but the boy always bounces right back, somehow unharmed and you’re grateful for that 
but anyway it’s not that hinata is necessarily trying to break the two of you up, it’s more that he’s genuinely confused as to why you’re with kageyama
“how could you possibly like this bully? is there something wrong with you?” 
he got chased by kageyama immediately after saying that––
your eyes widened as you saw a flash of orange jump in front of you as you walked towards the gym, ready to meet kageyama to go home. “y/n! y/n! could you please throw some balls for us?! yachi had to go home but we really wanna practice some more!” 
you stepped back and your boyfriend came out of nowhere, practically smacking the other boy out of the air, leaving him to crouch on the ground, clutching the top of his head as he scowled at the dark-haired boy. “calm down you idiot! y/n doesn’t have to if they don’t want to! they’re probably tired anyway and just wanna go home.” he turned to you and gave you a small smile. “you wanna go?” 
you looked between the two. “i mean...i can help you guys practice for a little bit.”
the other boy sprung up again. “oh! thank you! thank you!” 
your boyfriend bowed his head quickly. “thank you.”
you smiled up at him and he felt his cheeks redden. “of course, tobio.” a smile spread on his face as well but it was short-lived as hinata spoke up, suddenly inches away from the two of you. 
“what’s up with your face? why do you look like that?” 
kageyama scowled down at him. “nothing’s wrong with my face! what’s wrong with your face?!” 
“why are you yelling at me?!” hinata turned to you, “he’s so mean! how are you with him?” he looked down and mumbled to himself, “i wouldn’t treat you like this...”
kageyama’s eyes widened with rage. “what was that?!” 
“n––nothing!” the smaller boy backed up, eyes wide with fear. 
“you know what? we’re leaving.” kageyama stormed into the gym and quickly got his things, ignoring hinata’s pleas.
“aw what? why?! come on kageyama!” he turned to you, “y/n please––”
suddenly you were facing your boyfriend’s back as he stood in front of you to glare at the other boy. “don’t even think about it. we’re done for today.” he turned to you and grabbed your hand, tightening his hold when you waved goodbye to a pouting hinata. 
when you were almost off the premises you looked up at kageyama. “you know you’re kinda hot when you’re jealous,” you smirked up at him and he stuttered in shock.
you laughed and kissed the back of his hand softly, immediately giving him a nosebleed. you handed him a tissue which he gratefully took, glaring at you weakly. 
“you know i’m yours, right?” 
he swallowed and blinked a couple times before nodding once. 
“then you have nothing to worry about, okay?”
he started muttering to himself, the only words you could make out being “idiot” and “dumbass”. you placed your hands on his cheeks and he stopped and looked down at you, eyes wide. 
“okay, tobio?”
he nodded. “okay.” he paused. “but that doesn’t mean i’m going to be nicer to that idiot––”
you laughed. “yeah baby, i know.” 
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let’s say you’d been dating kenma for a while now, a little lowkey 
and everything is fine, everything is going really well
kenma likes it when you hang around the team, the team likes you
you’re like a part of the squad
and kenma’s feeling great about it 
until lev comes along––
kenma already doesn’t like this boy, he doesn’t even know how to hit a ball properly––
but when kenma notices the way the tall boy blatantly stares at you during practice, the way he always tries to butt into your conversations and show off to you...
kenma’s practically radiating angry chihuahua energy, the air around him red and he looks like he’s two seconds away from biting––
if lev interrupts your convo w him sometimes he’d just stare at the boy deadpanned and go back to his conversation with you, “anyway–”
or he’d take your hand and lead you away
or he’d literally just say “go away, lev.” and the poor boy would just pout and whine, “aww what? why?” 
one time lev tried to tag along on one of your dates and you had to step in front of kenma so he wouldn’t kick the boy in the shins or something
lev really wasn’t trying to do any harm, he was just a big lanky puppy who had a little crush on you
but still, kenma wasn’t having any of that
kuroo leaned on the wall next to where kenma was leaning against it, sipping his water during their ten minute break. he smirked down at his friend teasingly, “so what are you gonna do about your new competition?”
kenma wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, putting the bottle on the floor as he practically snarled. “shut up.”
“woah,” kuroo smiled, raising his hands up in mock surrender. “put your claws away, man. i’m just asking.” 
kenma simply grumbled in response, making his friend laugh.
“well you should think fast cause it looks like he’s getting real close to y/n right now––”
kenma’s head snapped up immediately and his jaw clenched when he took in the sight across the gym. lev was lying on the bench, practically half his body folded, his legs bent on the ground, his head on your lap, his eyes closed. 
kenma huffed and stomped over to you two, some of his other teammates jumping out of his way when they felt the almost deadly aura around him. he stopped right in front of you and you looked up at him.
he blinked. “why is lev on you?”
you shrugged, “he said his head was hurting and then just plopped his head in my lap.”
said boy finally opened his eyes and perked up, “oh hi kenma! my head’s been hurting from all this hard practice so i thought i’d rest a bit.”
your boyfriend’s eye twitched. “on y/n?” 
“yeah!” the boy smiled, somehow completely oblivious to the setter’s rage. “they’re real soft, you know––”
“yes.” kenma interrupted, blunt as ever. “i know.” 
noticing the increasing tension, you spoke up. “hey lev?” he looked at you happily. “your head’s feeling better now, right?” 
“well i guess so...”
“maybe you should go get some water and some fresh air then, yeah?”
he pouted, “but maybe i should stay for just a little longer–” kenma was about to pop a blood vessel. 
“trust me,” you guided him up gently. “this is what’s best for your health.”
as soon as he agreed and walked away from you, you looked up at your boyfriend with a smile on your face and pat your thighs. he eagerly took lev’s place and looked up at you with a furrow in his brows that you were quick to smooth out with your thumb, smiling when he visibly melted at your touch. you ran your fingers through his scalp to calm him down and he purred, leaning into your hands. 
“stupid lev...” he mumbled to himself and you laughed, leaning down to kiss his forehead, making him blush immediately.
“you have nothing to worry about, okay? i’m yours.”
he blinked, trying to calm his heartbeat, a small smile on his face. “good.” 
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alright let’s switch things up a lil bit and mention someone i’ve personally like never seen mentioned in this scenario
let’s say mad dog likes you
oh boy
so at first oikawa thinks he’s seeing things
but once he notices how kyoutani opens the door for you, the way his eyes linger on you a little more when you come to practices or to the games, the way he gives you a small smile every now and then––
kyoutani doesn’t smile for anybody!!––
oikawa’s eyes narrow and he gets a bad feeling in his gut 
otherwise known as jealousy
now he knows you’d never leave him or anything like that, but the fact that you start getting closer to the walking time bomb and you become the only other person that he listens to besides iwaizumi––
oikawa doesn’t like that at all
he’d get all pouty and would literally drag you away from your conversations with the younger boy, almost whimpering when he glares and practically growls at him
“where is y/n-chan??” oikawa asked to no one in particular, his hands on his hips. 
kindaichi stopped and picked up one of the stray balls on the floor, “oh i saw y/n outside with kyoutani.”
“what?!” oikawa pracitcally shrieked, making the younger boy jump. he mumbled to himself, “i swear we need to get mad dog a collar with bells on it––” he stomped over to where the two of you were, a strained smile on his face as he noticed you laughing, kyoutani’s cheeks slightly pink.
“well what do we have here?” he said forceful but cheerful. 
you looked to your boyfriend with a smile and kyoutani simply glared at him, but then again, that was just his face. “oh we were just getting some fresh air. are you done practicing your serves?”
“i sure am.” he smiled, pulling you close to him by your waist and pressing an obnoxiously loud and wet kiss to your cheek which you immediately wiped off with a grimace, which he did not appreciate. “y/n-chan!” he whined, “that’s not very nice!” 
“well don’t make it so wet next time,” you rolled your eyes. 
noticing the other boy still hadn’t made a move to leave, your boyfriend spoke up. “shouldn’t you be leaving now, mad dog?”
you smacked his chest and he yelped. “don’t be so rude, tooru. he was keeping me company while you did your extra practice, you know.”  
he pouted and looked to the ground.
“i should be getting home, anyway.” the blond spoke up gruffly. his eyes softened almost imperceptibly as he looked at you. “see you, y/n.”
you smiled, “bye kyou.” 
“bye mad-dog!” your boyfriend practically sang, as he looked over his shoulder at the boy leaving. he turned back to you and you pursed your lips at his behavior, making his shoulders droop in shame. 
“you’re such a big baby, you know that?” although you insulted him, your voice was soft and he couldn’t help but smile at the way you cooed at him, your hands holding his cheeks. “but you’re my baby, okay? stop worrying so much about kyoutani.” 
he nodded. “okay...” his eyes widened hopefully, “can i get a kiss please?”
you smiled and shook your head, before leaning in. he really was a baby sometimes.  
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you already know this boy is loud
and he likes to show off what’s his because he’s just so proud that you’re his and he loves to fawn over you
so he’ll always have a hand on you, an arm around you and he’ll always shower you in compliments whenever he sees you
a total simp
and that’s just in general
so when his friend likes you ??? bruh
let’s just say nishinoya thinks you’re kinda cute,,, okay really cute and his crush only (unwillingly) grew for you after you started dating tanaka and hanging out with them all the time
he’d be really excited whenever you were around, a pink tint covering his cheeks, a smile glued to his face
he’d try to show off during practice and games, looking to you after he lands a successful rolling thunder
and tanaka would be growling in the corner sdfghj
he’d literally try to one up his friend immediately and would scream to you in the stands “I LOVE YOU BABY THIS ONE IS FOR YOU!!”
after they win he’d pull you into a crushing hug and give you loud kisses all over your face 
he’d do the most and then he’d smile all smug making sure everyone including nishinoya saw 
you laughed as noya jumped several feet in the air to high five you after winning their game, a bright smile on his face. “did you see that last receive i did y/n? did you?” 
you nodded, laughing. “yes i did noya, it was really impressive.” 
his cheeks turned pink and he ducked his head, scratching the back of his head nervously as he waved you off. “ah it wasn’t all that...it was pretty good though, huh?” 
before you could respond, you saw a flash of movement in front of you before you were suddenly being hoisted into the air. you gasped and wrapped your arms and legs around your boyfriend, “ryu!––” 
“hey baby!” he practically yelled, smiling up at you and not so subtly walking away from his best friend with you in his arms. “did you see me hit that last spike? your man looked pretty good out there, huh? better than everyone else right?” 
daichi who was walking by the two of you quickly hit the back of tanaka’s head in warning, hearing his words. “watch it––”
tanaka turned his head, “uh i mean you looked great too captain! couldn’t have done this without you––”
“yeah yeah,” he walked away, rolling his eyes and you laughed yet again, grabbing your boyfriend’s attention. 
he looked up at you with wide eyes, squeezing his arms around you tighter and you smiled, putting your hand on his cheek. he nuzzled into your touch softly and you pressed a kiss to his lips, making him blush immediately. “of course i was watching you, and yes you looked very very good out there. i’m so proud of you.” 
he smiled wide but tried to act oblivious when you went on, “you know you kinda interrupted my conversation earlier with––”
“well anyway! i think we should get going now--” he spoke far too loud, walking faster from the gym, making you shake your head at his adorably possessive behavior. 
you leaned your head on his shoulder fondly, “you know you can be ridiculous sometimes ryu...”
he huffed quietly, “well you still love me right?”
you smiled. “always.” 
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ladywaifuuwrites · 4 years
Pillars reacting to their crush who’s small but strong
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Request: male pillars reacting to a really strong female pillar whos like super short like 4′10-5′ and they crush on them.
Pairings: Male pillars x fem! reader
Synopsis: Their crush is a strong smol pillar ^_^
Warnings: manga spoiler
a/n: I smiled at your request since I’m small too. Like I’m 5′0. And I’m kinda scared to do face to face classes since the boys at my school will tease me for not getting taller. Hmph. SO HERE YA GO. You’re the first request! Have a nice day whoever u are!
And I am so sorry this is so long! ASJDAOFHHASK. I got carried away in some of those storylines. I hope this makes sense (wrote this when I was hungry).
This would be a headcanon I assume. 
I’m sorry if It’s taking me long to answer requests but don’t worry I’ll write those! I’ll probably upload rules for future requests :)
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Giyuu Tomioka
yo this guy is tall not kidding
Giyuu is head over heels for you. He’ll want to protect you since you’re the most precious things he’s ever laid eyes on
Sparkles in his eyes whenever he sees you✨
He doesn’t want to lose you so he’s butting in on all of your missions. You get annoyed and you think he’s looking down on you.
You two get into a fight and doesn’t fix it since Giyuu’s communication is bad. It ends up in you walking away.
Nighttime and demons are lurking around in the forest as you take a stroll to clear your mind. Then a demon launches on you but thanks to your quick reflexes you dodge.
It’s a strong demon, close enough to become one of the lower moons. But nothing you can’t handle.
Giyuu senses a demon nearby and he frantically searches for you. *sim dads reaction when the mother goes into labor lmaooooo*
Lights fill up an area of the forest from the techniques you use. In like 2 strikes the demon dies.
He finally finds you as the demon’s ashes blow away. Your hair is dramatically blowing too.
He’s just staring at you then hugs you “I’m sorry. I’m not underestimating you…I just want to protect you.”  
Then all good. He’s amazed by how strong you are despite you’re short stature. You’re going to missions together and sometimes he just watches you finish off the demon. Just happy to see that satisfied smile you have when you kill a demon.
Muichiro Tokito
When he first met you at the pillar meeting, he muttered his thoughts, wondering how could someone be that small? You’re in the same age but you’re small.
Shinobu heard him since she was beside him and said “that’s rude to ask someone”. She’s lowkey offended.
Tengen retorts to Muichiro. “You’re small too…??”
Since it’s rude, he kept his mouth shut. You’re the same age as him when you entered the corps. He thinks you’ll grow up anyway. 
Surprise surprise you grew up, 2 inches. But still small. 
He gets nervous a bit around you since puberty did you good. Won’t admit it though.
Cue swordsmith village arc
He’s having trouble dealing with Gyokko. (I hate his face. It’s weird and ugly.)
Then minutes later, you show up out of nowhere, giving great damage to the demon.
“Are you okay?” you ask him with concern and you two fight off the fish demon.
He’s in awe because you actually took over the fight. Sure you have injuries but those are minor compared to his and you were very careful.
He’s injured so he couldn’t do much but you saved him and the civilians by defeating the demon. That’s when he realized how amazing you are and you earn his respect. 
Days pass by and you two along with the other demon slayers are commended by Oyakata-sama.
He thanks you when the both of you are walking together. He’s very grateful for what you did and you two become closer afterwards.
“Ah young love.” Mitsuri sighs blissfully as she watches you two leave the headquarters.
Kyojuro Rengoku 
Kyojuro knows you’re small and he knows you’re strong. You’re one of his trainees along with Mitsuri, so you’ve known each other for a long time now.
You rose to the ranks of the pillars with Kyojuro’s guidance. And now you’re looked up to by the whole organization because of your excellent swordsmanship despite your small figure. 
So you’re tasked to train 20 slayers ranked below Tsuchinoto. You take them to a clearing in the forest where training equipment are already placed. You train them by remembering what Kyojuro has taught you over the years. And you smile, seeing your past self in the struggling slayers.
You gave them a 10 minute break and after 10 minutes, you do a headcount to see if everyone is in your proximity. 
Oh no. A slayer is missing.
So you set off to find the missing one and there you found him. 
Hanging upside down from the arms of a large demon. The boy is muttering apologies for straying faraway and is begging for you to save him upon seeing you. 
You are annoyed at the fact that he has disobeyed your orders and is now at the hands of danger. But this was no time to be blaming someone for a boy’s life is at stake here. 
You jump into the air and you take down the demon pretty easily with one strike of your sword. And you catch the falling boy bridal style with your annoyed face. 
You put the boy down but suddenly a demon comes attacking you both. You kill it but more of it comes at you. They are easy to take down but it keeps coming, making you tired if you have to do this all night. It just won’t stop multiplying.
You think you’ve killed almost all of it but then the slayer screams “(L/N)-SAN!!!!!”. A monstrous looking demon bares its claws at you, but before you could react a flash of flames appears right in front of your eyes. 
“Kyojuro…” You whisper in relief as he slays the final demon. The bright flames sparkle in your eyes as you’re once again amazed at the man.
Kyojuro looks at you and comes over. “You’re so amazing.” You manage to say. 
He smiles and says. “No. You’re the amazing one.”. You always manage to face whatever challenge and it always ends up in you winning. Kyojuro knows how hard you proved others wrong by becoming a strong pillar. 
Super proud of you cause you’re strong. He actually watched you battle those before jumping in to save you.
Sanemi Shinazugawa
He doesn’t really care if you’re short or tall
The important things is that you’re useful to the organization
When someone teases you about your height, you end up feeling down and he’s there to beat that someone’s ass.
He doesn’t like to admit it but he’s a softie when it comes to you. You eventually break down his walls and now you can say you’re friends with the scary wind pillar.
You always tease him though and he’s always annoyed. But everyone thinks you’re both dumb since it’s very clear that you two like each other but you still deny it.
There’s this time where Sanemi is visibly struggling fighting demons as you watch him peacefully on a rooftop. He’s glaring at you and asks you “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”.
You just smile at him sweetly😊
Sanemi pretends his heart didn’t do a flip. But his heart stopped when he saw a demon behind you on the rooftop.
He was about to call your name when another blink and the demon’s head was cut off.
He was surprised since it all happened so fast. You go down to the ground, landing safely as you battle demons that the frozen Sanemi left.
It just took you 10 seconds to eliminate those demons and Sanemi’s mouth is left agape as he watched you.
You weren’t normally like this. So why the sudden surge of power?
“Sanemi hun. Close your mouth.” You say to him with a blank face, but before you could go past him, he gripped your wrist tightly and placed your small body in front of him.
He dragged you so easily lol.
He hugged you with your faced buried on his chest.
It was the comforting kind of silence. Sanemi was scared losing you to that demon but deep inside he knows that you’re strong.
Won’t admit that your moves are amazing.
Gyomei Himejima
This man is the strongest in the demon slayer corps and the tallest
Lmaoooo you would be like a mushroom beside him💀🍄
Gyomei actually gets out of tricky situations easily because he’s that strong
You’re a fairly new pillar who earned her spot 3 months ago. You two were assigned on a mission together. A gigantic demon appeared throughout the village that was between the regions you and the stone pillar were assigned in.
Gyomei knows your capabilities so he trusts you in doing a good job, but he can’t help but worry about you.
He doesn’t care if you’re small, he thinks that height isn’t the basis for an excellent demon slayer. But he’s still worried, so he looks for you. I don’t know how he looks but he looks.
Then he sees you fighting off demons very easily. A determined look is seen across your face. Gyomei feels he’s tearing up because he’s so proud of you. Proud boyfriend here somethin.
You were just a weak mizunoto years ago and now you’re a strong pillar who can fight with him side by side.
When you finish off the demons, you look to see Gyomei smiling at you. This were the fruits of the harsh trainings you went through, it made an excellent swordswoman.
Among the pillars, you stand beside Gyomei in rankings. So you’re powerful like wow. O_O
Obanai Iguro
He’s small but have you seen him fight? He’s a demon slayer with remarkable speed and you won’t know he’s attacking you because his moves slithers secretly like a snake.
You’ve always admired Obanai even you’re now both pillars. And that admiration bloomed into something more.  
He’s a strong pillar despite his small stature and that’s what you aim for to be like.
You’re trying to show off your moves to him every time you’re in battle together, to show him what you can do. To which he’s just “meh”.
So you give up on trying to show off and just do it for the sake of the people you’re saving.
You really gave up on showing off, but you can’t help it cause your breathing forms are flashy. Obanai doesn’t show it but he loves that display of power you have when you’re fighting.
Poor man doesn’t realize he’s in love with you even though others point it out.
He’s having trouble dividing his attention on protecting the civilians or fighting the demons. Luckily you were near the area so you came to his aid.
You slay the demons with your sharp and precise movements in just a short amount of time.
He’s like 😲 but when you turn he’s back to 😐😷
He’s one of the guys who won’t admit that you’re amazing and won’t admit that he likes you. You force him to confess though.
Tengen Uzui
If Obanai doesn’t admit he likes you, this guy would shout that he likes you
Would openly flirt with you because why not? There’s nothing to be shy about.
Always takes the chance to compliment and flirt with you.
“You’re cute (y/n)” “Thanks” Tengen finds your height cute because the height difference is HUGE.
Another mushroom like moment💀🍄
He knows you’re strong so he likes to train with you. Always ends up letting you win because he just likes it when he’s pinned down by your smaller figure.
When a demon invasion came in your area,, you fight them off while Tengen is called for backup.
He slays the lesser demons easily and found you fighting a stronger demon while protecting some children behind your back.
He smirks and leans against a tree, arms folded while watching you fight off the demon. 
You did it so easily making Tengen’s eyebrows rise.
Then you see him and ask him “what are you doing?”.
“watching you.” He finds you hot and sexy when you have that focused look in the middle of a battle. He won’t say it out loud because you might smack him in the face.
Super amazed at the fact that you’re stronger than the other pillars despite your small figure.(he thinks you’re stronger than him but dismisses that because pshhhhhh).
Will throw you over his shoulder at random times. Thinking that his antics will make you fall in love with him.
And it did…
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Million Dollar Man | chapter two
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summary: Spencer's therapist recommended he branch out and meet new people who don't want to talk about his work... she didn't expect him to sign up for a Sugar Daddy website.
Content warnings: sugar daddy!spencer, age gaps (14 years), daddy kink, blow jobs, kissing, drinking mention, lowkey perv!Spencer, cum play, praise, oral (female receiving), grinding, love confessions, arrangements, Spencers anxiety, (more to add)
word count: 3.4K
a/n: updates on Wednesdays and saturdays at 2 pm est
Chapter Two | Masterlist
She sat on the subway with an anxious pit in her stomach and her purse held close to her chest. Her laptop in her bag, she didn’t want to lose it on her way to the most important meeting of her whole life.
Her story was becoming a book, she was almost done the final draft, they were making touch-ups to the cover and picking the type of paper today.
Her dreams were coming true within the next month, soon she’d have a physical copy of her book, her pre-sales were showing that she’d be on the bestseller list, and her name was finally going to be on the cover of this one.
She sighed and reached for her necklace, holding it between her fingers as she took a few deep breaths. She was doing so much better today than she was last year and it was all because of Spencer, he was the best thing to happen to her. To think she complimented his sweater vest and now he’s the only person in her life she can count on.
All she can think about is him for the rest of her journey, through 4 more stops she keeps her eyes closed as she thinks of all his little facts and his cute laugh. She smiles to herself and the anxiety slips away, she loves him and she knows that for sure, but she just doesn’t know how she loves him.
She’s never had a sibling, her best friends are all women, her previous boyfriends were all shit and her other sugar daddies were never this wonderful, and her parents are lesbians… she doesn’t know what her feelings really are for Spencer, mainly because she’s never known any other men to compare him to.
But she does know the exact moment she realized she fell for him.
He booked a hotel room in DC after a local case, asking her to meet him in there at 10 pm. She was waiting in the bathtub when he arrived, bubbles galore, her hair up and arms open, “welcome home, honey.”
He laughs, “you want me to get in there with you?”
She just nods, “let me take care of you, daddy?”
He takes off his blazer, pulls his tie off and starts to unbutton his shirt. She watches patiently as he gets undressed, and it’s not sexual to her. He’s her person, her best friend, the only human being she would ever share a moment like this with and that’s when it hits her.
She doesn’t accept it just yet.
It’s not until he’s lying on her chest, between her legs, cheek resting on her boobs as she runs a sponge over his back while he gives her a little run down on his terrible week. His co-worker almost died, his mom is stressing him out, the only good thing he has left is her and she knows that.
“And then I get to my moms facility and she’s had a really good day, she knows me and she knows all of my childhood again and she’s all right there in front of me and yet she’s so far away. I’m never going to get all the time I want with her and it’s really hard to accept.”
He shares things with her that he doesn’t even tell his therapist. Because his therapist doesn’t hold him like a child against her chest and tell him he’s okay when he get’s upset.
Y/N loves him, so she kisses his forehead, “I’m so sorry, I have 2 moms if you’d like to have one?”
“It’s okay, I would love to meet them sometime though,” he wraps his arms around her waist a little tighter under the water. “Thank you for tonight.”
“Did I mention my leg is 44 inches from hip to toe?” She asks in the middle of the silence, quoting pretty woman, knowing he hasn’t seen that far into the movie yet. “So basically we’re talking about 88 inches of therapy for the bargain price of $800 dollars a week.”
Her legs wrap around him and their naked bodies are closer than they’ve ever been and yet it’s completely platonic, “I’d spend a million dollars on you if it always meant feeling this good after.”
She runs her cheek along his wet hair as he snuggles into her neck, “mmm, I like the sound of that,” she teased. “My million dollar man.”
Her stop rolls around and she pulls herself out of her day dreams to get off the train and head to her meeting. She smiles as she walks through the station, up the stairs and onto the busy downtown streets when she gets a text with Spencers special chime. She opens it when she gets to where she’s going, safely inside and in the waiting room.
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It makes her laugh in the waiting room. People look at her but she doesn’t care, he’s so special to her she feels butterflies in her stomach even when he’s not around.
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“Y/N!” She hears her name being called by her editor, he’s over ecstatic as he comes running out to get her. “Come, come we have so many choices to make!” He jumps up and down as he holds her arm, like a child in a candy store.
“Andy, chill man,” she laughs at him and plays it cool, “It’s just the cover being finalized.”
“It’s our baby!” He teases back, pushing his glasses up and tugging her behind the glass doors of the office.
She’s surrounded by people and paper and huge versions of her book cover. She has a sharpie as she fixed mistakes and jots down final ideas. “And I wan’t Phil to look more human and less like data from Star Trek?”
“But Dorothy looks okay?” The artist asks, nervously and Y/N can tell.
“She looks beautiful! You really brought her justice,” she smiles, “really she looks the same in my head! It’s just Phil and I’m sure it’s tough getting a drawing to look like a robotic human, let alone human.”
“I have some ideas?” She opens up more, taking her iPad out and sliding it across the table, “I wanted to give him more of a Sophia feel? His face is silicone but his joints and everything are more like an Elon Musk crash dummy.”
“That’s perfect!” She’s shocked, “why didn’t that go in the first draft?”
“I was worried it was too much,” she’s a little older than Y/N, and yet her anxiety is that of a teenage girl. “I’m going to get working on the final, do you want some emailed versions tonight?”
“Yes please,” she smiles.
“So we’re done?” Andy asks, “we’ve made all our final calls?”
“I believe we have,” Y/N closes her laptop and takes her phone out, taking a photo of the final rough sketch of her book cover on the table to send to Spencer before he comes to pick her up. She can’t wait to see him now.
They’re sitting side by side in matching spa robes, he’s getting a pedicure while she gets her nails done. Leaning back in her chair with a face mask and cucumbers on her eyes, she’s never felt more relaxed in her life. And just in time too, her back was killing her from writing, her knuckles hurt and she just needed a break.
Spencer did too, he was genuinely not having a good time at work anymore, every case made him spiral and he always looked to Y/N on days like that. They met more than once a week now, she got $800 every Friday and she didn’t even really need it anymore. He was coving for so much of her bills and lively hood that her savings account was growing and growing because of him.
For the first time in her life she thought she would be okay if a man left her. As terrible as it was, as much as her moms tried to raise her differently, she fell down the daddy issues rabbit hole and she’s never going to find her way out— however, luckily for her, Spencer is down here too, and he brought a flashlight.
He understands her, more than anyone else on earth. He knows all her secrets, every crush and bad grade and snide remark she’s ever kept to herself. He didn’t judge her, he could actually listen to her issues and tell her why she had them. He gave better advice than a therapist and he was able to get information for her if he didn’t know the answer to what she was going through.
He’s absolutely everything to her and yet he’s 14 years older than her, he’s still traumatized beyond belief, he’s sad and ashamed and recovering… but he’s the best man in the whole world and she wishes he could see that. If he just looked at himself from her eyes, if he felt how she did in her soul when they were together, he’d love himself.
They’re too relaxed to drive home, and Spencer knew that would happen beforehand, bringing her a change of clothes (lingerie) and that robe me mentioned. He books a hotel above the spa and takes her to it. Arms linked as they enter the suite, she’s amazed to find more than one gift bag on the bed.
“How many gifts is this now?”
“We’re at 5 out of 24.”
She laughs as she wraps her arms around him in a thank you hug, “this is what you consider 4 gifts? Spencer there are like 8 things on the bed, let alone the massage and manicure?”
“If you think this is too much I guess you’re going to get really mad next week,” he teases as she looks up at him with a surprised look on her face.
“Spencer, I am so busy next week, I cannot be galavanting around with my sugar daddy,” she tries to act like she doesn’t want to go on an adventure with him again.
The last trip they took was the best week of her life. They went to all the historical sites in the UK that she and Spencer had talked about. Mainly old churches and castles, strange poets graves, random art and most importantly; stone henge. It was a trip of a lifetime and he took it with her.
“I watched the rest of Pretty Woman the other day,” he smiles, “and I thought I’d pull an Edward Lewis and really surprise you because you deserve it.”
“You know how the movie ends, right?” Her heart beats really fast in her chest and she wants him to love her so bad but it’s also terrifying now that she’s this close.
“He lets her choose,” he whispers.
“He rescues her,” she corrects him.
“And she rescues him right back,” he really did watch the end of the movie.
It makes her heart skip a beat as she swallows sharply, “what does this mean for us?”
“I have a whole plan, a whole sequence of events I want to stick to. I wanted to make you fall in love with me this week and ask you on your birthday, can we still do that?” He pleads with her, he’s so serious. He’s clearly put a lot of effort into this.
“Absolutely,” she smiles, “but if you’re going to make me wait that long for you to ask, you still can’t kiss me till then. No matter how much I already love you.”
“Really?” He’s so soft with her, she knows he’s not reacting to the teasing. He’s never had someone tell him they love him and then stay after.
“I would never lie to you about that, spence. I know what love means to you, I know how scared you are and I’m scared too. But I know there is no one else in the whole world I’d rather be scared with than you,” she holds him tighter and rubs her nose against his, “so what’s in the bags, daddy? Finish your surprise.”
She plays along perfectly, stepping back and hauling him towards the bed. “I got you some outfits and things for the next 2 weeks, we have a few things planned. We’re going on a flight soon, I have new luggage being delivered to your apartment this week and we’re going to see your moms for 3 days.”
“No,” she shakes her head, “there’s no way, Spencer, I haven’t seen them in 5 years, I’m going to cry.”
“I know,” he cups her jaw with his hand. “They’re really excited to see you.”
She hugs him tight, kissing his neck as she holds him. “Thank you, daddy, do you want me to put something on for you now?”
“I’m just going to take it off you, plus, what your wearing is sexy enough, he whispers back. “You’re always so beautiful, baby.”
“I thought you were saving the best for last?” She asks as she pulls back, overly eager and he can tell.
“I want to repay the favour from the other night.”
She doesn’t mean to gasp and yet she does, “please?”
He pulls on the tie of her robe, opening it enough to snake a hand behind her back and draw her in with a hand on her bare back. “Please what?”
“Please, daddy?” She looks up with her best begging eyes, perfect pout and all. “I want you to touch me, I promise I’ll be a good girl.”
He steps away from her to swipe all the bags off the bed before picking her up and laying her back against the pillows. He kisses down her body, hand on her lover back as she arches, he drags his bottom lip from her belly button to her cleavage. Nipping and sucking at the exposed skin on her chest, pulling her breasts out of the bra to suck on her nipples, she moans and it’s louder than she expected.
As she plays with his hair, he marks her, bruising small little love bites all the way down as he makes his way between her legs, “take me, please?”
He’s been dreaming of this for so long, he can’t even give you an accurate number of times his mind has drifted to the thought of how wonderful she would taste, how beautiful she’d sound…
“Tell me how badly you want me?” He asks as he spreads her legs and kisses her left thigh.
“I haven’t had sex in 10 months while waiting for you. Daddy, please you’ve owned me for so long, just take what’s yours already for gods sa- OH!”
With a broad lick, his tongue flattens against her core and it shuts her up. She gets what she wants, holding into his hair as she tosses her head back, taking it all in and enjoying it. He’s been on her mind for months, every time her vibrator was where he is now, she thought of him. he’s been the man of her dreams longer than she’s known him, and he was proving it.
“Right there, daddy,” she speaks through shallow breaths, “do you know how much I’ve thought of this?”
“You know I don’t,” the vibrations of his voice against her skin are glorious, he looks up at her through his lashes as his tongue flicks over her clit and she shakes a bit.
“Fuck,” she gasps, gripping his hair tighter, “better than I thought you’d be, fuck, too bad you— Jesus, don’t have the stash anymore…”
He stops and looks up at her, the smirk on his face glistening with her juices, “the stash?”
She nods, “I’ve thought about calling it the pussy tickler,” she teases, running her hand down his cheek and swiping her thumb across his bottom lip before bringing it up to her mouth to taste, “I want more of you.”
He kisses back up her body and she reaches for his robe the second he’s close enough. “Just grind against me? I know you’re waiting but we can still feel good together?”
He kisses the side of her mouth and she takes that as a yes, wrapping her legs around him so his hard cock is pressed right against her core as they move their hips in synchronicity with each other. His breathing is heavy as he kisses her cheek and jaw, her nails scratch down his back, he feels absolutely amazing against her.
She feels so empty, she wants him so bad she’s clenching around nothing as she squirms against his cock and wishes she was full.
“I wish I could move time,” she whispers. “Fuck, why can’t it be my birthday?”
He laughs against her, grazing his teeth over her neck and drawing another moan from her but then he stops moving his hips, “why are you so impatient?”
“Remember I said I stopped enjoying everything? Well, taking a 10 month break from sex and thinking about you every time I got off has made me desperate,” her hand cups his cheek, “I’d wait forever for you, but a girl needs to be fucked hard every once in a while.”
Only she could find a way to make something both profoundly beautiful and whorish at the same time, he loved her for it and she knew that now. He smiles and leaned in to rub his nose against hers and it takes everything in her not to kiss him. The same way it was taking everything in him not to slip into her as he began to grind against her once more.
She’s so close, the accidental edging has added a whole new level of desperation she’s never felt before. She wants to cum for him so bad, but more importantly she wants him to cum for her.
“Take my bra off,” she whispers, Spencer’s hands travel behind her back to unclasp it and he helps her out of it before tossing it to the floor.
“Cum for me daddy,” she whispers in his head with a hand in his hair, gripping him tightly as he bites at her neck, “cover me with your cum like you’re marking your territory.”
“Shit,” his hips sputter against hers.
“Say it, I know you want to,” she teases, so close to the edge but it’s too good of an opportunity. She loves seeing him fall apart like this and she can’t wait to see it again. “Who’s am I?”
“Daddy’s girl.”
He grinds down on her harder and faster and she’s so close, the bubble in her gut is reaching a fever pitch and with a gasp, she’s cumming and then she feels it. His load covers her stomach as he pants against her neck and grips her hips tighter as he comes down.
She wraps her arms around him and holds him as close as humanly possible, her breathing still heavy as he rises and falls on her chest. He’s heavy but she doesn’t care, she just kisses the top of his head and thanks him.
He brushes his nose against her neck, nuzzling her like a cat, “do you really mean it?”
“What, honey?” He remembers so much, this could be a question about something she said 2 months or 2 minutes ago and she has no clue.
“You’re not just playing along with my kinks right, you genuinely want to be mine?”
For being her million dollar man, his heart sure was broke. This is why he wasn’t ready, he still didn’t understand why she would want to stay without anything in return, he’s gotten so used to paying her for her time now that his anxiety has managed to convince him that she’ll leave when he stops being worth it to her.
“What does my necklace say?” She asks, knowing how close he was to it. “Read it to me, I forget.”
“Daddy’s girl,” he smiles again.
She soothes her hands over his back, “I would do anything with you because I love and trust you, but also because everything you do is sexy… you could read me the dictionary and I’d still want you to pump me full of cum after.”
“It sounds so crude after,” he laughs, “speaking of, we really need to have a shower.”
“I’ll wash your back if you wash mine?” She teases as he gets up.
“Only if you let me wash the front too?”
She smacks his bare ass and races him into the bathroom, turning on the water and getting in with him while still laughing and carrying on. He’s her best friend in the whole world, there’s no one else she would rather do this with… there was no one she has done this with. No one has made her feel this good, before during and after sex.
Spencer Reid was an anomaly, but he was hers.
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