#wherever there's trouble we'll be there on the double
ryansholin · 1 year
How many times per week does this song pop into your head, on average?
Is more than 12 normal?
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pacificwaternymph · 1 year
Hi so. Double life absolutely wrecked me. I am never going to be over DL!Pearl, that has now been accepted as a fact of life. So... would you mind fixing the canon for me?
Prompts 17, 24, and maybe 28? You don't have to do all of them, but they all fit the plot I'm imagining in my head rn, so I listed all three.
Thank you!!! Poor Pearl needs some more love :'( I love Scott, but Pearl deserved so much better than what he gave her. I will cite multiple tumblr posts and write a whole essay if you need me to to prove this. I don't have many things I'm this passionate about, but I will die on this hill.
17. "You don't have to be alone anymore."
24. "Unless you ask me not to in the next five seconds, I'm going to hug you."
28. "...I don't hate you." "...you don't?"
This one's a bit shorter bc I'm tired today. But I hope it will suffice <3
"I don't hate you, you know." Pearl blinked, and looked up at Scott. Her soulmate, who never wanted her. Who she had abandoned the first day and who in turn refused to have anything to do with her.
It was just the two of them, now. Somehow, against all odds, they were down to the last two. There was no one else to focus their anger on, no one else left in their way between them and victory. And so, there was no more avoiding what they'd been dancing around for so long.
"...You don't?"
Scott shook his head. "I'm angry, with you. And I don't know if I really like you, right now. But I don't hate you. I never did, really. It was just... easier to pretend that I did."
Pearl felt a lump in her throat. She looked back down at the lake before them so that she didn't have to face her soulmate's expression, completely unreadable. It didn't work, and she still caught Scott's eyes in the reflection of the water.
Silence fell over the two of them once more, nothing but the sounds of the surrounding forest to fill the space. Pearl wanted to say something, but the words stuck in her throat. How did she do it? How did she even begin to describe the complicated snarl of emotions in her chest that even a mere mention of Scott pulled back up to the surface?
She'd spent this whole time justifying everything she did with the fact that Scott didn't want her, that he couldn't stand her. He had Cleo, his chosen soulmate, he didn't need anyone else and certainly not her, reckless and constantly endangering both of them as she was.
Yet here he was. And his words didn't line up with her thoughts at all.
"One of us needs to die for this to end," Scott eventually said, pushing through the quiet in another attempt to reach her. "After that, it will all be over. We'll go back to whatever world we came from and we can forget this ever happened."
Pearl nodded. She knew this. Everyone in the games had known this, and she was sure that many of them were eager to leave this place behind.
Still, she had to wonder how the more functional pairs would handle having to leave their soulmates along with everything else.
"But... let's not do that." Pearl blinked, looking over at Scott with widened eyes. Had she heard him right?
"What do you mean?" She asked. Scott smiled wearily, highlighting the bags under his eyes.
"Wherever we end up, let's find one another. We can start over. We'll do better, be better." Scott's tone turned wistful. "You won't have to be alone anymore."
Pearl's breath caught in her throat. That was all she had ever wanted, wasn't it? To not be alone anymore. To have someone she could lean on, someone she could depend on not to abandon her at the first sign of trouble.
She was sure that she must have had something like that, in one of her past lives, to want it so badly. But she could not for the life of her remember when.
She sniffed, and Scott's smile dropped, turning to sympathy. Fat tears welled up in her eyes and streamed down her cheeks, dripping down into the lake. Her shoulders began to shake, despite her best efforts to keep them still.
Scott laughed sadly, looking not too far from tears himself.
"Unless you ask me not to in the next five seconds, I'm going to hug you," he breathed. Pearl stared at him for a few seconds, then nodded slowly.
Then there were arms around her, pulling her in close, and a hand on top of her head, gently stroking her hair.
Pearl returned the embrace, fingers curling into the back of Scott's jacket and holding on so hard she was almost worried about hurting him. But he said nothing, so she didn't loosen her grip, burying her face into his shoulder.
Eventually, Scott began to pull away. For a moment, Pearl thought about not letting go. But if Scott truly meant what he was saying, and he really did want to find her in the next life and fix things between them, then she couldn't allow herself to mess this up. She released him, already feeling colder without the context.
"Alright," Scott shook his head, and pulled himself to his feet. "Let's do this."
He offered her a hand, and Pearl hesitated for only a few moments before she took it.
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polina-tvorozhok · 5 months
The Talk
(trigger warning slight cursing)
As the sun was rising, it shone upon everything that it's bright, summer beams met blessing the earth with warmth and happiness.
The Rescue Team have just woken up and now are preparing for the day. Jin made her way inside the basement to check on Helly, whose propeller wasn't functioning right due to yet another accident. Once she greeted him the inventor started checking oh her "patient". After a few minutes of careful investigation Jin realised that she doesn't have parts to fix her mechanical friend.
- I'm afraid I can't fix you right now. We've run out of parts again!
- Oh... Well, it's fine I guess. I can wait.
- Glad to know. Hey, wanna check on the others?
- Can't say no to that one!
As they were making their way to the main entrance of the HQ they found their teammates, who were yawning and stretching their metal shelves and wheels like if there were cats. The two could not help but laugh at the sight.
- Good morning ya sleepy heads!
- Good morning Helly! How is your propeller.
- It doesn't hurt but I can't fly either so I'm afraid I won't be able to join you today.
- It's fine buddy. Just make sure you get lot's of rest while we're gone.
- Thanks!
- Well, it seems like we'll have to double the patrol today. Since Helly won't be able to spot cars and humans who can't call fir help we'll have to find them ourselves.
- Wait, what if I join you guys today?
- Are you sure? It's pretty dangerous you know.
- Come on guys! I won't do anything dangerous, not like able to do them anyway, I'll just patrol and report if I see citizens in trouble!
- What about the HQ-
- Don't worry guys! I will look after it and answer the calls. I'll get really bored if I have nothing to do. Jin has showed me many times how operate her place! Besides, she always has a phone on her wherever she goes.
- Ok, I guess you can come with us. Just promise to be careful.
- Guys this is an emergency! Max is hanging of a cliff in the woods! I'm sending you the coordinates.
- We'll be right there Jin!
Jin closed the phone and put it in her pocket. She looked up to see Max, who was desperately trying not to fall.
Just about an hour ago the weather suddenly changed and now it was raining heavily. The rain was turning soil into sticky mud and was making the rocks slippery.
Jin knew that the car wouldn't hang on for a long time. She tried to make her way up to see if there's anything she can do.
Once she reached the top of the cliff she heard Max shouting.
- Jin! I can't hold on any longer!
- Don't give up Max. The rescue team will be here soon.
Just like if her wishes were heard her teammates appeared. They transformed in record time and run towards Jin.
- Jin! What's going on?
- Help me!
They turned their heads in Max's direction. He was slipping of the cliff! Poli and Amber quickly used their lines to hold him. It was just then when Jin realised that Roy was missing.
- Where is Roy?
- He's dealing with another accident right now!
Another rock cracked under Max's wheels which caused him to fall further down. His position wasn't allowing them to lift him anymore.
- Poli, we won't be able to lift him! The ground is too slippery and his roller isn't helping either!
- There's gotta be another way!
Suddenly Jin remembered something.
- Listen, below the cliff there's a small ledge. It may not be big but it's enough to place Max there.
- Alright then! Amber you go down and make sure Max lands safely, use your cushion for that. I'll pull him down slowly.
- Alright!
Amber unhooked her line and started following Jin. Poli hooked his other line to Max and waited for signal.
- There! If you place the cushion there he will be able to land safely and come down afterwards.
- I'll try to go down.
A few careful skips and Amber comes to not the best realisation.
- Poli, I can't reach the ledge, nor can I throw the cushion there! The path is to narrow!
Poli was not happy to hear this. He was clearly struggling to keep Max where he was. He took some steps back just to make sure that the road roller was staying put before replying.
- You'll have to try!
Amber takes a small step and the ground immediately crashes under her weight.
- I can't!
- Ok, then come up here and we'll both try to pull him down- Ahh!
Large rocks started slipping above Poli's head. One fell directly on his foot while the other one fell right in front of him damaging his line in the process. It unhooked from Max, causing him to fall further down and making him scream.
Poli was desperately struggling to hold him. The situation was getting worse. The robocar wouldn't hold him for much longer.
- Poli! Amber, you need to give me your cushion! Poli won't hold Max for much longer!
- What?
- Jin, what are you up to?
- Trust me! Just give me the cushion!
- Jin don't you dare to go down there!
- I-
Amber didn't finish the sentence. Jin grabbed the tool from her hands and ran down to the ledge.
Something from the past clicked inside Poli's head. That little unimportant something made him scared for the girl's life. He wanted to run towards her but he was stuck between the rocks holding someone else.
Finally Jin gives a signal.
- Pull him down Poli!
He tries to do it but the line goes out of control, just like when he and Helly were stuck in a canyon.
Max falls down taking some large rocks with him along the way.
- AHH!
Then there was silence. Amber looked down the ledge. She found Max safe on the cushion and Jin, who was covering her head with her hands. She was scared but unharmed.
A few moments later she looked at Max and then at Amber, who still was really scared for her.
- We're fine!
Amber sough of relief and tried to find another way to reach the two, who were making their way to lower, safer grounds.
Once she reached their level she ran towards Jin and Max to check on them.
- Jin, Max! How are you guys? Do you hurt anywhere? Let me check you!
- I'm fine Amber, just shaken up that's all. How about you?
- I'm okay!
- Jin! Max!
The three of them looked up where the voice was coming from. Poli, who had finally freed himself from the rocks, was making his way towards them. His look was full of worry.
- How are you? Jin, what were you thinking?! Don't you ever run away like that you hear me!
- But I-
- Do not do that again I beggin' you!
He held little control of his voice, let alone his emotions. He probably sounded angry which he did not intend. Seeing the robocar like that was something really rare. He could tell he scared everyone away. Especially Jin, to whom he was speaking.
When he realised what he just did he took a deep break and spoke.
- I'm sorry... Is everyone okay?
- I'm... I'm alright.
- Me too.
- Good.
- Poli, we need to get going. We won't be able to reach the rescue centre if the rain gets worse so we'd better leave this place as soon as possible.
The rain stopped when the gang left and the bright summer sun dried everything. It was hot inside.
The rescue team managed to fall asleep despite the heat. The only one who could not rest was Poli. It wasn't the heat that bothered him. He spent an hour lying in his room and thinking about how he spoke to Jin. He scared the poor thing. He probably, no, he sure hurt her feelings. He failed to solve the problem fast enough and if it wasn't for her the rescue would have been a total disaster.
He drove out of his room to breathe some air. It was dark outside, a warm air was blowing. The sky was full of sparkling stars that were forming the Milky Way and the brightest of them all was the Moon which was on it's first quarter phase.
Poli was driving away from his place when he saw warm light on the ground. It was coming from the garage. Through it's open door the police car saw Jin, who was filling in some documents and checking her blue prints.
He knew why she was awake and he felt bad about it. The dispatcher would always spend her night here, trying to find comfort when she was stressed. It was the place where she would let out every bit of her enthusiasm and her emotion, whatever it was.
The guilt was eating him from inside. He couldn't stand watching one of his teammates like that. He had to make up for it.
- Uh, Jin?
The girl turned towards the owner of the voice, clearly not to happy to see him.
- If I don't bother you I'd like to talk to you.
She shook her head giving a positive answer. Good so far. He shook his head as well inviting her outside.
They didn't go too far. They sat on a grass field under the starry sky, just few feet behind their building.
The two were sitting in an awkward silence. None of them was too enthusiastic about their situation. That was until the blonde haired girl broke the silence.
- You don't really trust me do you?
- What?
- Just admit it Poli, you don't really believe that I could be a rescuer just like any of you. You don't have to say it.
- No, of course I believe in you-
- Then why did you act the way you did?! All I was trying to do is to help! Everything turned out fine so why did you act that way?!
- I was scared!
- Amber was also scared so what scared you this much?!
- I was scared of losing you, okay?!
Another moment of silence. There it is. It happened again.
- I'm... I'm truly sorry. For now and for what happened earlier today.
- ... Oh.
- I never thought of you as someone incompetent, let alone as someone who could never become a rescuer, because you already are one! I failed to think of a good plan and execute it. If it wasn't for you the rescue would have failed and who knows what would happen to Max.
Jin's look softened. She expected to hear the opposite from what she heard. She still was feelling bad but now it was because of how quick she was to accuse Poli of not trusting her without even asking him why he raised his voice at her.
They spent the whole day not willing to talk to eachother. If one of them spoke earlier, all of this would be over.
- Do you remember when I promised you to explain some things about my past?
- Yes, but that was three years ago. You never really explained anything even though you promised.
- So I guess now it's time.
He took a deep breath and looked at the sky. Memories of his past were filling his head.
- I was born in a police department in small town called Highray. There I grew up with my fathers and my little brother Strike. We were living a very happy life except... One day something happened and our dads started arguing. They would do that all day, every day and would only stop when Strike was in front of them. He didn't realise it back then so I tried to cover it. I tried to cover everything, that they weren't paying so much attention to us anymore, that they were arguing, that they didn't love eachother anymore. I managed to keep up the facade for some years but he was getting more and more suspicious until he learned everything himself. That day we had a big fight over how I would treat him like a child and would not tell him the truth, how I wouldn't let him do anything. The same day someone attacked our department. When we heard the sirens Strike ran away to try and help people. I tried to follow him but wasn't able to keep up. The wall next to me exploded and I got crushed by rocks. I blacked out and then...
- What happened then?
- *sight* One of the older officers freed me. I was told that Strike was gone. We couldn't find him anywhere. Soon, he and other four workers were called dead. Our family was devastated. Things started going downhill. I tried to cheer them up but I couldn't. No matter what I did I couldn't become the sun that he was to out family. To the whole place. At that time our best friend started blaming me for his death. After half a year I ran away. I had enough of what was going on. And so, I joined the Lemcon Police Department where I trained together with our past friend.
- I'm... I'm sorry to hear that.
- That's OK. All of this is in the past. It's just... When you ran of to that cliff it reminded me of when I lost my brother. I was trapped under these stupid rocks and I couldn't do anything but watch. I was scared of the thought that the history would repeat it's self. It's not an excuse for my behaviour of course! I understand if you're angry with me, I should not project my past issues on you. That's very selfish of me-
- I'm not angry. I was just upset about today. I should have thought about your feelings as well. Of course you would be terrified if a meat bag like me would jump under tones of metal and copper.
- First of all don't call yourself a meat bag.
- Don't "fist of all" me. It's not just about me it's about the whole humanity. Then I'm sorry for yelling at you too and because I know that you won't calm down if I don't say it, I Jin Reed, forgive you!
- ... Thanks!
- If this hell of a meeting isn't over I have one last question. Why did you tell me your story?
- What do you mean?
- I mean you could have just told me that your brother died in an accident and my actions reminded me of it, or you didn't even have to say it. You could have just said that it reminded you of something really, really bad and that would be the end of it!
- Well, when we first met you told me everything about yourself. Every single thing that you though that mattered, you would tell me. It was the first time after so many years that I felt that someone truly trusts me. I felt that I had pay it back.
- Now let me remind you that we first met when you saved me from two bastards. Of course I would trust you.
- You have to admit that I did them good.
- You did them so good I thought you would do me good. And now I see you hiding behind my back when you see a caterpillar!
- I wasn't scared of caterpillars back then!
- Well you're regressing then!
- Pfff!
- By the way, do you know what happened to the two bastards?
- Oh well, they were left out of the prison, like, a week ago and then they went back in for the same crap they did to you! Not anything important.
- You little liar!
- Woah!
Upon hearing Poli's words Jin jumped on his screen covering his view.
- You promised you would make sure they wouldn't get out of jail!
- I'm sorry the law does not allow me to make the prison their new home, now please come down!
- No this is my revenge!
- Oh really?
- Yeah now feel my ra- Wait are you doing? Stop please- Hahahaha!
Poli transformed into his robo form and pulled Jin away from his screen. When the enemy was on the ground he began tickling her.
The place filled with loud laughter as Poli and Jin were fighting with eachother. The officer would carefully press the girl down against the ground to tickle her, all the while the dispatcher would constantly kick him with her feet. None of them would retreat. Or at least until the girl kicked the damaged hand of the robocar.
- Ouch!
- Sorry! You good?
- Nah, I call for a truce.
- Yes!
- Heh!
- You want me to check it?
- I can wait until morning.
He carefully sat on the grass resting his damaged foot and hand while Jin layed on his other lap lookin at the sky.
Their paces slowly returned to normal as they admired the sparkly Milky Way.
- It's beautiful.
- It is.
Jin was peacefully sleeping on Poli's lap. He looked down at her and left our a quiet giggle.
- Looks like somebody's really tired huh?
He carefully lifted the girl so that he wouldn't disturb her and headed back home.
Once they reached the HQ Poli went into Jin's room to place her on her soft bed. He remembered that Jin was filling some documents so since he wasn't feeling sleepy he decided to do that for her. He wrote a small note for her and left in on the cupboard next to her bed.
Before Poli left, he did one last thing. He covered Jin with a light blacket.
- Good night Jin. Thanks for everything.
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astramthetaprime · 2 months
And the Wave Hits
So. Lost my job on Friday. The contract ran out and was not renewed.
It feels good to have some time off, I've been tired. But at the same time, y'know, I'm doing applications again. But thanks to paying off the house and all the rest, I'm not actually in a bad position at the moment. So I'm in a weird lacuna where yeah, Trouble is In The Air but at the same time Imma Taking It Easy.
The Year of the Jackpot has now run to sixteen months. We're in overtime gameplay.
My therapist yesterday encouraged me to try to get published, use this time to work on my writing and associated skills. Which, yeah, I'm always in favor of that. In an academic way, really, so to speak.
I'm a coward, honestly. Fear of rejection kicks the hell out of perfectly valid skillz and abilities and deprives the world of good quality content. I have no actual concrete reason to believe my work would be rejected, btw. But fear needs no reason, only implication of a reason.
For most of my life I've shoved print-outs into people's hands saying "read this, read this, please!" The vast majority of the time the prints have been put aside with an obviously fake smile "sure, I will" and never another word. They're forgotten, or tossed in the trash after. I don't get feedback, good or bad. Very rarely, I get vague "it was good, it was fine". No specifics. Just ... nothing.
So I stopped trying to get feedback. I don't talk about my stuff, I rarely print anything out, and I don't try to get people to read my stuff. No one wants to know, no one has time. No one cares. I've never seen any evidence that anyone near to me cared. My mother outright hated science-fiction, and the rest of my family either doesn't care or considers genre fiction of any sort to be garbage.
My dad would have read it, and that would have been good enough for me. But, well ... he was dead long before I ever really got started.
So yeah, I write all this stuff, hundreds of thousands of words, and never submit it anywhere or try to get anyone to read it. Because I figure it's not worth it, it's not good enough, and no one cares.
People care about the fanfic, and AO3 is a hothouse environment because people are actively reading ships and fandoms and actively commenting. That's like building one of those zero-tick farming machines in Minecraft, where you've got a dispenser chucking bone meal onto one square of tilled dirt and you've standing there with carrots in one hand and a hoe in the other and it's instant villager food by the ton. In original fiction, in the real-world publishing biz, especially these days where everybody is producing content, it's a mosh pit fight to get eyes on your work. We're all competing for a finite resource, readers' time and attention. Someday when we've got robots doing all the jobs and none of us have to work and money is no object, we'll all have much more time to read. But right now, when we're all trying to survive? No. People read when and as they can, if they can, if they care to.
I come from an era where you had to have perfect copy arranged to very specific margins and double spaced, single-sided pages, your print had to be absolutely perfect or an editor would toss it out without reading the first page. And then they might toss it at the second page when your characters didn't immediately grab his attention. Or at page 30 when they realized your theme was something he didn't agree with. Maybe not so much in sci-fi, we're more open-minded than that thanks to our entire genre being based on differences. But still. Editors were the enemy and you had to work your ass off to convince them your story was worth bothering with.
And now, there doesn't have to be an editor at all. Anyone can print anything whenever wherever. Do everything from cover art to ebook to audiobook to promotion. Or if you can't do it yourself, you can hire other people to do it for you. There's no gatekeeper to convince. And one wonders what that does for quality, because the gatekeepers of old were the arbiters of that.
I don't know precisely where I stand on the subject now.
But I've thought I may teach myself how to do prompts in Midjourney, to do my own cover art. And there's Reedsy.com. And ACX. And my old ebook publisher sent me my latest royalty payment from a book that they published in 2003 and is still selling one or two copies every six months. I made a whole $1.73. Maybe they'd like to take a look at some of my old stuff.
The future isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes it's just as much worry and bad decisions. But it happens nonetheless.
As ever, for you Sir Arthur, with my fondest regards.
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 6 months
Heart’s Choice - Chapter 39 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Shaking her head, Rebecca rises as we approach and goes to John with her arms outstretched.
"Everything makes so much more sense now," she says.
"Why you never let me in completely and all the weird shit that follows you wherever you go. Part of me wishes you had trusted me but I completely understand why you couldn't."
"It's not that I didn't trust you, Becks," John says quietly, accepting her embrace.
"It's just I didn't want to drag you into more trouble than was good for you. This isn't the sort of thing you can easily forget. Once you know what's out there, your world will never be the same."
Laughing a little, Becky draws away and carefully wipes her eyes with the pad of her thumb.
"Didn't take you long to drag Carlos into the deep end, though, did it?"
"I was already drowning," I say, coming to John's defense.
"If anything, he rescued me."
Becky nods.
"I know and I'm glad he found you because you do the same for him."
John casts me a glance that holds the soft warmth and the promised heat of a banked fire but with the same calm focus I've come to expect from him, he keeps his mind on the present conversation.
"So, what happened? I haven't, uh... been in much contact with anyone since the shit went down."
With a glance at Becky, Freya speaks up.
"We handled it, with the chief's help, of course. The official story is that Carlos got hurt, and you took him to the hospital, and you've been on leave even since. Now, if anyone ever really digs, for whatever reason, things fall apart. But Coleridge has enough sway and enough connections to pull strings, and a surface-level check shows Carlos was admitted and treated for a gun-shot wound at Spring Lakes General."
"What about the Morellis?" I ask.
"How did you explain a guy's head getting torn off?"
Becky shrugs.
"Easily enough. We pinned it on Rexi. Said she'd gone insane and killed her brother, hacked his head off as part of her 'ritual.' The rest of it's true... Rexi shot you and we shot Rexi."
"Officially, I did," Freya says.
"Takes the heat off Becks."
Becky gives her a fond smile.
"Which I appreciate."
John's brows lift.
"And Chief Coleridge bought all that?"
Freya laughs.
"Hell, no. She's seen too much and she doesn't like covering shit up, feels too close to corruption, probably but she knows it's the only way. The truth is too crazy for most people to believe. She knows we're not the bad guys and she trusts us. She's practically family now."
"Speaking of bad guys..." I glance at David and John.
"The Morellis told me about their family. It sounds like there are more of them out there. What if someone comes looking for them?" David opens his mouth and John takes a breath but Becky speaks first.
"We'll be ready, if they do," she says.
"That's what friends do."
"Friends?" John repeats slowly.
She turns her keen, dark gaze on him.
"Sure. That's what we've always been, John and what we still are. Friends. I know you were afraid you'd lose that if you told the truth but the truth is that friends don't just dump each other over a little thing like vampirism. I trust you. Always have and always will."
David chuckles.
"I always knew she was a wise one, John."
Becky frowns at him.
"You, on the other hand. I've never trusted and I still don't, entirely but the dogs like you and I trust them."
David's smile only widens, revealing double pairs of sharp teeth.
"A wise one indeed."
He turns to John and I.
"And now, Carlos, it is time for you to go home."
John sits up.
"Wait, what?"
David nods at Becky and Freya.
"He will be in excellent hands, from what you've told me. I have done all I can for him, his wounds are healed and he has a life to resume. Meanwhile, you will remain here for the time being."
"That is not a request, John," something in David's voice changes, making the hairs on my neck stand on end and all the warmth seems to flee the room.
John clenches his jaw and I brace myself for a battle of wills to match the battle of strength I witnessed upstairs, but after a moment, John looks away and the tension subsides.
"Good. Then it is decided."
David stands and bows to Freya.
"It was lovely to make your acquaintance, Ms. Hunter. Please pass on my regards to Monsieur L'Amour. Becky... a pleasure, as always."
Becky narrows her eyes at him and doesn't smile.
He turns to me and extends his hand.
"Carlos, do take care and do not fear, I shall send John along soon. There is merely some, official business we must attend, before I can safely set him loose, upon the world."
I frown.
"What sort of business?"
John sighs.
"The vampire council, if I'm right."
David nods.
"Indeed. I must present John as my blood heir before he is officially recognized and receives the full protections due his class."
"His class?" Freya asks, raising her eyebrows and John shifts uncomfortably.
"Yeah. David's a... well, he's something of a prince, I guess. His bloodline is sort of a big deal, in the vampire world."
"Don't oversell it, John," David says dryly.
"But yes, I am what you would call 'vampire royalty.' The council is nothing so organized as a governing body, more like a mobster family, you might say, useful to have on your side, dangerous to have as an enemy. Regardless, it's best John starts off on the right foot, as it were."
"They know he's a cop, right?" Becky asks.
"Was a cop, surely," David answers.
"Is. Is a cop," John insists.
"I'm not giving up my career over this."
David blinks at him.
"Over this? Losing your humanity and becoming immortal?"
"Humanity, as a quality, isn't restricted to humans," John returns sharply.
"Just look around."
He nods at Freya, who shrugs.
David sighs and waves his hand.
"Very well. Is a cop, for now. We shall see how things unfold."
John rises and draws me into his arms.
"Will you be okay?"
"Yeah. I guess so."
"Stay at my place. You know the code. Keep an eye on the dogs for me."
"So, I'm your dog sitter now?"
"We can play it that way, if you want."
A smile teases my lips.
"I wanna play it lots of ways."
David sighs loudly.
"And I am certain you shall. For the moment, I think you had best be on your way, Carlos. John's control is remarkable, I admit but you are testing it and I assume you'd rather not have an audience when you find its limit."
John kisses my cheek and squeezes my ass at the same time, sweet and sharp and whispers near my ear.
"He's right this time. I'll see you soon."
Reluctantly, I let him go and with a few more words of goodbye, I follow Becky and Freya out to their rental car and return to the remnants of my life in Spring Lakes.
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drelmurn · 11 months
Also, I was relistening to Folk Songs for Folar Sailor because I put up Hope Eyrie earlier, and I think this song is appropriate for the season. :)
14. "Wobblies From Space" A salute to Joe Vlad, then the oldest member of the IWW at 96, and unions. Solar Sailors booklet notes: Dedicated to Joe Vlad, the oldest member of our union, who was 96 when he died on May 26, 1977. I've often wondered why so few SF stories deal with the future of the labor movement; doesn't anyone believe there'll be unions, strikes, or labor organizers in the future? This was written to fill that gap; as long as someone works for someone else, we'll need men like Joe.
Listen and I'll tell you a tale I've been told of a union organizer who knocked a starship cold. They met where the stars are scattered thin out on the galactic rim, And Starfleet command is sorry that they ever ran into him.
Fold up your guns, Run while you can. Look out, here comes the union man.
Now the ship was patrolling rim stars when she got a call for aid, And up come a local convoy in a hurried grim parade. Saying, "Captain we've caught a monster who's too much for us by far So take him please and throw him in the heart of the nearest star"
Fold up your guns, Run while you can. Look out, here comes the union man.
"Just why do you need a whole convoy?" the Captain wished to know. "Three ships to guard the other lest he grab it as we go." Now the Captain was intrigued and he said, "stand by for scan," But all that showed on the viewing screen was a little old union man
Fold up your guns, Run while you can. Look out, here comes the union man.
The Captain said, "I can take him," and he beamed the man aboard The convoy turned and raced away crying "Thank the Lord!" Then the Captain looked him over asking, "just what's going on That they sent out half their trading fleet just to make sure you were gone?"
Fold up your guns, Run while you can. Look out, here comes the union man.
The little old man just chuckled saying "Captain don't you know? My job is organizing wherever I may go. And I can build me a union out of anything you got, And the folks who run that planet well they disliked that a lot"
Fold up your guns, Run while you can. Look out, here comes the union man.
"I first organized the laborers, Then I unionized the clerks, Then I unionized the robots who staffed the atomic works. But when I organized the milk cows and led them out on strike, Well you can guess what official reaction to that was like" Wha-ha-ha!
Fold up your guns, Run while you can. Look out, here comes the union man.
"Amazing," said the Captain, "but you cant do that in here, My crew are loyal navy men and we've no cause to fear." But he heard the old man saying as he walked out the door, "Captain, y'know, there have so been navy unions before"
Fold up your guns, Run while you can. Look out, here comes the union man.
Well the Captain soon forgot him setting course for Starbase Five. For all he saw the union man he might never have been alive, Till a troubled ensign asked him "is it true sir what they say? That we've got high hazard duty without high hazard pay?"
Fold up your guns, Run while you can. Look out, here comes the union man.
Well the Captain couldn't answer except to say "its true, Starfleet could pay you better but theres not much I can do." But when he woke up next morning he found out what morale was like, For the bridge was filled with pickets and the whole crew was on strike.
Fold up your guns, Run while you can. Look out, here comes the union man.
Then the union man walked up and said "I'm sorry to trouble you, But your ship is now a job shop of the I double-W. We've sent our demands to Starfleet command and they said they'd grant us none, So we're just gonna keep on sailing until this strike is won."
Fold up your guns, Run while you can. Look out, here comes the union man.
"Now further we've decided to run this co-op style, Giving everyone experience at each other's job awhile. We like you too much to dump you at the first starbase we see, But we voted you to the galley and this week's command to me."
Fold up your guns, Run while you can. Look out, here comes the union man.
So somewhere down in the galley you'll find poor Captain Kirk, Scrubbing away on dishes swearing it'll never work. And Spock as he dries those dishes says, "It might succeed I fear, And please, Sir, while you're washing don't splash water in my ear."
Fold up your guns, Run while you can. Look out, here comes the union man.
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meetall · 1 year
Innovative Uses for Finger Spinner Keychains
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The world of trendy and practical Finger Spinner Keychains awaits you! This trendy item's popularity has skyrocketed in recent years due to its adaptability and ease of usage. If you're a busy professional, a fidgety person, or just someone who enjoys unusual or unique objects, this keychain spinner is for you. The Finger Spinner Keychain can be used for more than just keeping track of your keys, and we'll take a look at some of those uses below. Put on your safety straps, we're about to move, and you need to pay attention.
The Best Keychain Finger Spinners and How to Choose One
When searching for the most suitable Keychain Finger Spinner, you should bear a few things in mind. Consider your needs carefully. Is it something simple and understated that you seek, or would you like something more elaborate?
The keychain's overall feel and longevity could be altered by the material you use. Spinners made of plastic or acrylic are a good option if you don't want to overload your keychain. However, spinners made from metal will last far longer.
The size of the spinner is also an important factor. Do you prefer something that blends into the background to something that demands attention?
Don't rule out the existence of gradations in color! Use colors that reflect your personality or aesthetic preferences to make it truly yours.
Consider your individual preferences and needs before making a final decision on the greatest Finger Spinner Keychain.
You Really Should Have a Keychain Spinner: Advantages Exposed
Do you tend to twitch your fingers or other body parts incessantly? You might have a habit of clicking your pen, tapping your foot, or drumming your fingers on your desk to keep yourself from getting bored. Perhaps a keychain finger spinner is the solution you've been seeking.
In addition to satisfying the senses, this activity has been shown to alleviate stress and anxiety. Stress can be mitigated through spinning's parasympathetic nervous system stimulation, which has been proved in studies.
One of the added advantages of using a finger Keyring Spinner is that it aids in focus and concentration. It has been hypothesized that performing tasks that don't need the use of your hands, such as listening to a lecture or sitting in a meeting, while keeping your hands busy can help you remember more of what you've learned.
However, aside from their practicality, these gadgets are also fun. You can see how long you can keep it spinning, or experiment with different techniques.
Including a keychain finger spinner in your routine may improve your health and happiness.
Spinner Keychain: The Necessary Accessory
Looking for something that can multitask and still look great? Then a keychain finger spinner is what you require. This tiny toy's fascinating spinning design is making it increasingly popular among buyers of all ages.
The trendy finger spinner keychain doubles as a pleasant stress reliever and an extra adornment for your keys or bag. Spin the device with your fingertips to relax your mind and body.
The stress-relieving finger spinner keychain can also be used in novel ways. Use it as a conversation starter at gatherings or in team-building exercises at work. The potential results may go on forever.
With so many options in style and hue, you should have no trouble finding the perfect finger spinner keychain. Holding off on adding to your collection? It might be useful at any time!
How the Spinning Keychain Has Become an Essential Item for Successful People on the Go
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Working life can be demanding, therefore professionals need tools for keeping their cool under pressure. Now is the time to pull out your finger spinner keychain and put an end to your tension wherever you go.
The freedom to spin your keys around is a major advantage of this item. The attached clip makes it easy to carry around with your keys or in your purse. In times of tension or anxiety, all you have to do is reach for your keychain spinner and spin your worries away.
Professionals that use finger spinners report increased focus and productivity. Because of the hypnotic repetition of the action, spinning keychain is an excellent technique to get some work done without getting distracted by stray thoughts or ideas.
These stress relievers can double as stylish accessories for your handbag or clutch. With so many options in terms of size, color, and material, finding a look that complements your individuality should be a simple.
The finger spinner keychain has proven to be a useful tool for professionals who are constantly on the move, serving as a welcome distraction while also helping them focus on the task at hand. If you need services that you can rely on and are delivered in a professional manner, Meetall is the company for you to engage with.
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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Comment If You'd Like To Be Added To The Taglist.
Edited: 5-5-20
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Kai had his hand on your back as you walked together to the room where he would once again be meeting with the league of villains, however this time he wouldn't be meeting with their leader.
This time he wouldn't be meeting with the leader but rather some of the men that Shigaraki temporarily traded to Kai over whatever business they had excluded you from when they went to talk in private.
Kai led you back to the same couch with the same glass table. Not wanting to work Kai up, you quickly took your seat and kept your head hung low.
You were sure you looked as pathetic as you felt. All scared and polite. You were hugging yourself and made yourself look as small as possible. You were simply playing the game to survive.
You weren't sure why Kai even brought you to another business meeting, especially after he excluded you from parts of the last one. You were nearly positive that Kai was letting you out of the bedroom as a reward for the way he forced himself on you the previous night.
But no amount of rewards would make up for it. No amount of rewards could make up for the way he made you feel.
It wouldn't make up for the way you flinched when someone touched you. It wouldn't make up for the way you couldn't look people in the eyes.
It wouldn't make up for the way you felt so lonely, and naked under the gaze of everybody you passed. It wouldn't make up for the nagging voice in the back of your head that said you deserved it, that it would've been avoided if you loved him better.
You truly didn't know if you wanted to hate Kai for doing it, or if you wanted to hate yourself for not fighting him better.
Kai sat down next to you and you slightly flinched. You tried not to pull away from him, but you did. You raised your head and saw him look over at you, and the look in his eyes said it all. You shouldn't have flinched, you shouldn't have pulled away. You knew once the meeting was over you would be in trouble.
You lowered your head again and bit on your lip as the group of villains came into the room. They stood across from you and you stared at their shoes, too intimidated to meet their eyes.
The first pair of shoes were brown. They stopped above the ankle and the wearer had grey knee-high socks. The second person had ash-white shoes, they looked like they were leather or latex, you weren't sure. The last pair of shoes were a pair of combat boots.
You were sure the combat boots belonged to Dabi, the villain you met at the last meeting. Your lips slowly quipped into a smile. Kai could take everything. You freedom, your dignity, but he wouldn't have this.
Kai had yet to figure out how you destroyed the ties of your dress. He would never know that it was Dabi, a random man showing you an act of kindness. This was one thing you would always have, a secret Kai would never know. Despite the naked, violated feeling Kai gave you, you could find solace in the stapled mans smile. 
"My name's Toga and I was told to come here. Hiya."
"Long time no see, birdman. Be warned, I'll never forgive you. So happy to be on the team!"
Despite the second man's half peppy sentence, you could tell the group of villains weren't happy about being here. You wondered what it was Kai must have done to them to cause such anger, but it wasn't hard to guess.
"Wonderful. Sorry about the whole Magna thing. It's unfortunate, I didn't wanna kill him."
"You mean her."
"Don't make that mistake again."
You could tell Kai wasn't really remorseful, he was just playing nice with his new lackeys. If anything, he was remorseful because he had to get his hands dirty. 
"Anyway, this is no time to be making grudges, we're on the same team now. I want your help with my plan."
"Bastard, you tried to play it cool the first time we met too, like you don't care about anything. So what are our orders?"
"Just follow what I tell everyone else in the organization. But first things first. I want the details of your quirks. It'll be easier for us to work together if I can fully understand what you do."
You couldn't help but let your eyes linger on Dabi's face. You knew you shouldn't stare, especially with your boyfriend next to you, but you couldn't find the will to care. The more you thought of Kai or anyone associated with him, you thought of the way he held you down. But when you looked at Dabi, you thought of the way he smited the ties off your dress. You thought of the way he helped you. 
"I think I'll tell you about my powers when you need to know about them, and just so we're clear, I don't like you people."
"I agree with Toga, we'll tell you when we feel like it. Won't get anything outta me. No way. My lips are sealed."
"What is your quirk?"
Memento, using his quirk, forced the ash-colored villain to talk.
"I can make doubles of anything. I can make two doubles at a time. Huh, what just happened. It's like the words just tumbled out of my mouth."
"So much for my lips are sealed."
"What is your quirk."
"If I drink someone's blood I can turn into them. If I drink lots of blood I can turn into multiple people."
The girl, Toga, looked shocked that the information was pulled out of her. Memento turned his eyes to Dabi, ready to force him to pipe up with his own quit. However Dabi spits the information out willingly, he must have realized Memento had a quirk which could force his words.
"Cremation. I can create blue flames from my hands."
"One more thing. Did Shigaraki say anything about betraying me." 
The three villains each say different variations of no in unison. You wondered if they were lying based on their body stance, but Dabi seemed calm. Although, you suspected you could kill someone in front of him and he would be calm. Something about the teal eyed villain gave you vibes that he was a chill guy.   
"Alright then, I'll accept you as members of the Shie Hassaikai. You'll be part of my temp squad, except for you. Your staples are too attention-grabbing. I want you to stay inside the facility and watch her. Follow her around wherever she wants, just don't let her leave or see Eri."
Kai leaned down and whispered in your ear. 
"See, good girls get rewards." 
It wasn't a reward but a punishment. Punishment in the form of a reward. A punishment for flinching away from his touch. He knew this would kill you. The ability to roam around the base but not being allowed to see her, not even being allowed to break his rules because his dirty little worker would be watching you. It was going to kill you. 
Kai got up from the couch and beckoned for Toga and Twice to follow him, leaving you and Dabi alone. Dabi sat down pulled his shoes up on the couch and you had to smile, Kai would so strongly disapprove of it. But as quickly as the smile came, it disappeared.  
You hadn't noticed it at the time but Dabi was observing your expressions, just as he had been observing them when he first met you.
Dabi couldn't help but notice how you smiled at him, but this was a different kind of smile. This with the type of smile he remembered from his childhood. The kind of smile he remembered his mother showing people. He only hoped that the circumstances of your expression were different.
"Who's Eri?"
"Eri is my little sister." 
"How come Kai said your not allowed to see her?"
"His whole operation revolves around her, and I don't really condone or support his actions."
Dabi gets off the couch he was sitting on and walks over to the one your on. He peered down at you and held his hand out for you to grab. 
"I told your little boyfriend Shigaraki wasn't planning to betray him. That didn't include me betraying him. Let's go find your sister." 
Your lips quipped up into a huge smile and Dabi looked away as his cheeks heated up. Your smile was so wide and bubbly, it was ethereal. There were only three people who smiled like that because of Dabi, but they were long gone from life. He liked the feeling he got when he made you smile, it reminded him of his childhood. 
"Yeah. It'll be a secret between us." 
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nikx83 · 4 years
At first sight (M!Kayden x mc)
Book: The Royal Masquerade
I have never written any fanfic before but wanted to give it a go. Missing TRM so I felt inspired to try and get Kaydens perspective on when he first met MC! Hope you enjoy! 😁
Characters owed by Pixelberry.
Kayden maneuvered around the mass of nobles keeping a close eye. As he passes snippets of mindless dribble filtered through his ears. He spots Queen Kendra making her rounds, slowly heading towards the throne room. He is aware of her holding a private audience with the lady from House Aster regarding her noble debut so has doubled the guard.
As he scans the crowd his gaze falls upon two ladies near the entrance in conversation. After watching for a few minutes from a distance his years of training picked up that the lady in blue was clearly not familiar with this court. Her eyes were everywhere, taking in every detail as if for the first time. He watched her as she said a friendly goodbye to her companion and then head to the banquet table.
As he approached closer he stopped in his tracks as another man engaged with her. Even in his sun mask his identity was far from hidden. Ever since he walked into the room women flocked around him like moths to a flame. Hunter Fierro, the Queen's favourite and resident philanderer. This lady was bound to have found his eyes. Not only was she out of place, she was beyond beautiful. Kayden hovers close by but not near enough to hear them. They talk briefly, Hunter clearly showing an interest before he takes his leave. Kayden can not help but feel relieved at his departure but shakes it off.
As he approaches her back is turned towards him. He notes the details of her finery. Her dress is not without well born decoration. It hangs off her delicate shoulders exposing her back. The royal blue colouring detailed with golden trimmings and jewellery makes it a dress of privilege. Her hair was the most glorious gold, emphasised by the candlelight brightening the room. It was weaved perfectly, resting on her shoulder. She truly was a sight to behold, with everything else around her seemingly melting away until all that was left was her.
As he stepped forward she turned abruptly, nearly walking straight into his chest. She looks up at him, a questionable expression on her face. Her eyes were the most vivid green that it took him a moment to realise he had better say something or she would think him peculiar.
'There are rumours of people sneaking in.'
She seems a little taken back by his abruptness. Subtlety was not his strong suit when it came to conversing with others.
'Funny that someone else in a mask would question my motives. I'm sure neither of us has anything but our faces to hide.'
'Then you shouldn't have a problem showing me your invitation.'
He observes a slight hesitancy before she begins to speak again.
'Someone else is holding it.'
'And who would that be?'
'Someone else I believe I said. Or did you not hear me the first time?'
He found her difficult but intriguing.
'I can't decide if your being cunning or coy.'
'Then I will leave you to deliberate in peace. If you'll excuse me..'
She begins to move away to the left of him to rejoin in the festivities when impulsion took over and he instinctly stands in her way.
'Wait! Would you like to dance'.
Even as the words leave his mouth he is in shock. He never lets pleasantries take over his call of duty. He is meant to expelling the intruders, which this lady undoubtedly was but he did not want her to go either. He wants to know who she is. She looks at him with confusion, and possibly a fraction of wonder.
'A moment ago you sounded suspicious of me. Now you're asking for my company?'
Although he wants to he doesn't let his guard down.
'Let's call it a pleasant way to keep my eye on you. Unless there was someelse you promised your dance to?'
She looks towards the edge of the dance floor, and as he follows her gaze he sees her sight falls on Fierro. A slight nervousness fills his stomach as if he is about to be dismissed.
'I'll dance with you.'
Relief replaces his anxiety but he quickly composes his thoughts.
He lifts his arm ready to escort her, and she gifts him with an alluring side glance and smiles. Her touch is gentle when she takes his arm. He instinctly places his other hand on top of hers. She does not protest. They carry on holding to eachother as they pass Hunter.
'It was a pleasure to make your aqquintance, my lady.'
She nods.
'Perhaps we'll dance another time.'
'Until then enjoy your dance.'
Hunter turns his look to him, and with a straight face gives a respectful bow of the head and leaves.
The middle of the dance floor is filled with all types of high society. He can not help but feel a little misplaced, but again shows no signs of affecting him.
'You're popular tonight'.
'It's a nice change of pace.'
It was hard to think this as true, although he absolutely believed her. How could she not be swamped with admiration wherever she was to go?
They begin dancing and he sweeps her across the floor. While holding her hand the detective in him picked up years of writing on her fingers. Nobility only ever tended to write when they felt the need to. Most would have servants write their correspondence for them so they could galivant at events like this. These hands were working hands.
'You seen to know your way round a dance number.'
'Perhaps you're an excellent lead'.
'It would be the first time anyone has said that.'
He slowly puts his arm on her corset and dips her low. As he lifts her back her the sound of her laughing replaces the music bellowing off the walls. Although she does not look at him he smirks at the thought of making her smile, even for just a moment. She spins with him with eloquent grace, her hand gripping tighter to his shoulder, she pulls herself closer.
'Few move with so little effort.'
'One shouldn't belabor grace.'
He twirls her under his arm and stop facing one another. Their faces only inches apart, staring into her eyes and finding it impossible to look away, he knows what he wants to do but restraints himself.
'Who are you, really?'
'Tired of our game already?' she grins.
'Why play games at all when you can ask directly?'
'In that case I am a typical noble like yourself.'
'I'm not typical, nor are you.'
He eyes her intently in the hopes she would lower her guard.
'You can look as hard as you like. You won't find anything.'
He leans his head slightly forward.
'If you had nothing to hide I wouldn't be dancing with you.'
She looks away from him, her face seemingly less enthusiastic. Maybe he was to direct. Too regimental in his words. He had very little experience talking to women. He never really was interested in anything but making sure he did his best at his job. But she was different. As they danced through the motions but she was more lackluster than a few minutes ago. He wanted her to laugh again but was afraid she lost interest. The dance slows and people switch partners.
'It seems our dance is over. Yet I know nothing about you.'
She lets go of his shoulders and steps back. She shrugs at him in an almost sulking fashion. It is at the moment he knew he hit a nerve in the conversation.
'You had your chance.'
He knew if he let her go now that would be it. Going against everythinh that he has ever been trained to do he let a compulsion take over him and out once again. He steps towards her to gain the distance she put between them seconds before.
'I'd like one more.'
She does not move, inclining her head slightly to the side. He knew sge was trying to work him out just as must he wanted to know her.
'That's not something I have to give.'
'A bargain then. We continue a dance on a private balcony and can use the chance to discover the other.'
Eventhough he is wearing a mask he can not help but feel it is slipping. This was no longer an interragation to him. He knew from the moment he saw her it did not matter if she was invited or not. He could see that she was intrigued in the elite way of living and by what he had already gathered about her was not full of ill intentions. He wanted her for no other reason than he wanted her for himself. But yet again he gives nothing away to her and remains outwardly guarded.
Her eyes narrow and steps closer.
'Is this really about figuring out my identity? You seem to be going through a lot of trouble.'
'I'll admit there is something about you that I can't explain. I'm finding it hard to pull away.'
She leans towards him and whispers in his ear.
'I'll join you.'
For the first time in his life there was an unfamilar feeling in his chest when she uttered those words. It was overwhelming.'
'Follow me.'
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diazevans · 4 years
wherever we're standing, I won't take you for granted (cause we'll never know when we'll run out of time)
It's not the first time Eddie has been hurt on the job, and it's not going to be the last, but this time it was so close. One second he was just behind Buck and the next, the building was collapsing and Eddie was just not there. He doesn't remember much after it, only that Bobby and Chimney had hold him back from running straight back there and that an eternity later, they had pulled Eddie from the ground, with just a few scratches here and there.
Buck had not being able to calm himself down for a long while, not even with Eddie's reassuring words against his head, not even with his arms around him.
Eddie is in danger and it puts a lot of things on perspective for Buck.
Today has not been easy.
Buck is used to being the one running straight to the fire, to doing things first and asking later, because that's just the person he is. No natural disaster or bombs would ever take that away from him, not ever. It doesn't mean he is not careful, he is, especially now that he has Christopher and Eddie to come back home to, but it's just part of his job. He knows that his boyfriend understands that, so it's logical that Buck would also rationalize that sometimes, Eddie has to behave the same way.
His brain, apparently, did not get the memo.
It's not the first time Eddie has been hurt on the job, and it's not going to be the last, but this time it was so close. One second he was just behind Buck and the next, the building was collapsing and Eddie was just not there. He doesn't remember much after it, only that Bobby and Chimney had hold him back from running straight back there and that an eternity later, they had pulled Eddie from the ground, with just a few scratches here and there.
Buck had not being able to calm himself down for a long while, not even with Eddie's reassuring words against his head, not even with his arms around him.
When he comes back to himself, the anxiety still doesn't leave him. He feels too big for his own skin and if there is the slightest space between his body and Eddie's, he is already moving towards him. Buck needs to feel him, to know he is alive and they both know there is nothing they can do until it passes on it's own. Eddie has told them he feels the same sometimes and in that moment, Buck had trouble understanding how it felt. Now? It's crystal clear.
As soon as their shift is over, they are already on their way home when Eddie asks him if he needs to pick Christopher from Abuela's. The kid is staying with her until tomorrow, considering that they had a double shift, but he understands why he asks. They haven't been officially together for long, but they have been family for a good while; they have rituals for these kind of situations. Some times, they stay around the station or go out for drinks with their friends. Other times, when nature and accidents have taken apart families in front of they eyes, they both need to hold Christopher extra tight to their chests, to remember how lucky they are. In other occasions, what they really need is each other.
Buck is quick in shaking his head, because it's one of those times.
The rest of the ride is silent, staying in that way while they take their things inside of their home.
He is on Eddie as soon as the door is closed.
Eddie is not surprised, by the way he kisses him back with the same intensity, letting him press his body against the door. Buck needs him, needs to feel his beating heart against his hands and there is no more time to lose and his blood flowing in his veins. Eddie is alive and the only way that Buck is going to be convinced of it is when he feels him falling apart around him.
Eddie screaming his name in pleasure is the only way Buck's soul will come back to him.
Later, when they are both too tired to move and finally lying on their bed, Buck's mind still refuses to turn off. Eddie is lying content in his chest, happy to have his hair played with, but he let's him figure out his thoughts in peace. He is not sure what is taking him so long to get over and even when he knows it's different now that they are together, it's not like he didn't worry sick about Eddie when they worked. But now they have… They have so much more. They get to come back home together, to have a family together and there is still so much more they don't get yet and still, Buck could have lost everything in a second.
And that puts everything in perspective. He almost wants to punch himself for taking so long to figure it out.
And is not the fact that he almost lost the love his life today, but somehow it feels like it is . They could lose each other at any moment and Buck is tired of waiting. He wants to be with Eddie in every way he can imagine, do everything they can do, before they run out of time. It’s never going to be enough time.
He knows Eddie is awake when he presses a quick kiss to his temple, by the way that a little pleased sound comes out of his lips. If he was ever nervous about this, that little thing seems to calms absolutely every part of him.
It's so easy to say it. And mean it.
“Marry me.” It’s a whisper, but loud enough for his boyfriend to hear. He feels Eddie go rigid in his arms, but far from scaring him, it only makes him hold him tighter, preventing his boyfriend from moving. There are still things he has to say, to make him understand. “I don’t want to waste another moment where I am not your husband, when I don’t get to call you mine in every way I can." His hand continues to move his hand in the other's hair, feeling the corners of his mouth turning up already. "Marry me, Eddie."
The man he loves is strong, so it's pointless to still try to keep him from turning around. He is surprised and yeah, Buck recognizes in the way his eyes are so soft that it's talking everything on him to not move forward to kiss him.
"Evan." Eddie speaks in the same tone he did, quiet and worried to break the moment they are in. “You are scared.”
“Yeah Eddie, I’m fucking scared.” There is no point in denying it, mostly because he knows Buck probably better than he knows himself, but he is sure they are not talking about the same thing. One of his hands moves towards Eddie's cheek, brushing it with his finger. “I’m scared that if something happened to you today, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself knowing I didn’t tell how sure I am of this. Of us. ”
He has never being sure of anything more than this. That no matter how much time he has left, this is his place, beside Eddie and Christopher and any other kid that comes in their way. This is where he belongs, the love he wants to build. And he knows Eddie feels the same, by the way he is trying to collect himself by looking at the ceiling. "You are it for me, Eddie.  You and Christopher are it for me.”
There are a couple of moments filled with silence, but Buck is perfectly happy on giving him all the time he needs while he rubs his cheek. When Eddie's eyes focus on him again, they are so bright that they take his breath away.
“I was saving…”  The beginning of the sentence makes him chuckle.
“For marriage? Buddy, I think that ship has sailed…” To prove a point, he looks in between them, to where they are still clearly naked under the light sheet.
It earns him a smack on the head, what does nothing for his laugh, but it stops as soon as he hears Eddie's voice again. “For a ring, dumbass.”
It takes him a few seconds to feel anything apart from.the loud beat of his heart. Eddie had thought of marrying him and even when he knew, when there was no doubt in his mind that he was loved with the same intensity he loved Eddie, it was still something that made him blush like a schoolgirl.
Eddie must think it's amusing, because he has that cocky grin on him, the one he always uses him when he thinks he is being clever. “Really.”
It occurs to him that he is so flustered by Eddie's revelation that he still hasn't asked for an answer. “Is that a yes then?” He feels a little bit dumb, but Eddie's smile turns sincere and that is so worth it.
His boyfriend moves forward, cradling Buck's face in his hands before he kisses him, softly and lingering. Like a promise. “It’s a hell yeah.”
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breathebangtan · 5 years
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Ch. 4: Lurking
Genre: FallenGuardianAngel! Jimin, Supernatural
Members: Jimin
Pairings: Jimin x y/n
Synopsis: love is an uncontrollable feeling, even for those who were meant to protect, and only protect. Nothing more and nothing less. Yet somehow, there was always outliers.
Warnings: Slight manipulation and a small accident
Word count: 3.6k
A/N: Hope you all enjoy! Please like and reblog if you do!
Ch.1 | Ch.3 | Ch.5
My weeks were usually uneventful, aside from the occasional accidents here and there. Like this morning for instance, when I didn't tie my shoelace tight enough. I accidentally tripped on it and fell down the stairs. Luckily, I was only three steps away from the ground, only ended up with a scraped knee. Jimin, of course, took care of my wound. I was late to class, but at least my knee wasn't burning, thanks to him. I hadn't realised just how much my guardian would be around me, now that I knew who he was. He gave himself full reins on my life. Sitting in the empty seats next to me in class, giving me the answers to tests, literally telling me where to walk because he was afraid I'd get hurt again. Maybe I was over exaggerating though, he wasn't with me 24/7, or at least he wasn't visible to me. But he was a little overbearing, about everything I did that could potentially harm me.
Not that I could blame him, my track record wasn't in my favor by the slightest. He let me be once he thought I was fine on my own, which was nice. I was grateful that he trusted me. The week came to an end sooner or later though, and my double date was getting closer. Jimin seemed to feel funny about the whole thing, sat on the edge of my bed as I did homework, asking me for details. “Where will you guys be going, anyway?” I could only shrug, I didn't know either. Rae had only stated that it would be a double date this Friday, and that was all the information she gave me.
“I wish I knew that too, but Rae didn't give me any specifics. Hopefully the guy isn't a douche.” I giggled to myself at the last part. “Are you sure you want to go out with some random dude you haven't met?” He questions me, and he successfully inserts doubt into my mind. It doesn't go unnoticed by me, however, the fact that he's trying to push me away from the whole thing. At least it would seem like it. “I mean, Rae knows him. Why? Do you not want me to go out?” I question his motive but he just shakes his head.
“It's not that, I just know you don't like socializing, much less dating. It just seemed odd to me that you gave in so easily. That's all.” He smiles, and I brush it off. His excuse was pretty valid. Even I was astonished at how surprisingly okay I was with this, even somewhat excited. Albeit, very little. He spent the rest of that night watching me study, helping me here and there before he disappeared. There was nights when I couldn't sleep and he'd stay with me, until I could. On nights like that one however, he'd disappear randomly, and I wouldn't see him until the next day.
Finally I was home, after a long day of work. Maybe the fact that work was stressing me, was the same reason why my excitement for tonight was growing slightly, and I gave in. Spending the remaining hours, before the double date, preparing for it. I tried my best to look presentable, yet casual. A simple pink knit sweater, that was torn at the bottom, making it barely reach past my belly button, that paired with a denim skirt and black sneakers. I hoped I wasn't underdressing myself, nor over dressing. I was just so nervous on what my first impression would be, and I wasn't sure why. Maybe the comfort Jimin had given me, was changing me.
Just as I thought of him, he chimed in out of seemingly nowhere. “Is that what you'll be wearing?” He asked, as I finished applying the last bit of makeup. “Yeah, is it too much? It's not enough, is it?” I questioned. My tone made me seem desperate though. I always disliked feeling desperate, which made me shake my head. “No, you look perfect.” He smiled at me, I was relieved as I looked myself over in the mirror.
“I just think it might be too revealing.” He spoke in a quitter voice, with a tone I couldn't figure out. I tilted my head slightly, in questioning. Too revealing? It's just my legs, but it's nothing bad, right? “Are you sure? It's just a skirt.” I asked him as I looked at my mirror, contemplating what to do. “I'm just saying, it's supposed to get cold later tonight. Are you sure you want to be wearing a skirt? I don't want you catching a cold.”
He might be right, I didn't want to get cold later. As much as I didn't want to go, I didn't want to not enjoy it because I was cold. Besides, I was slightly excited, I didn't want to ruin it for myself. “Should I wear jeans instead?” He was quick to nod his head at my suggestion. It was cute though, making me giggle as I went to grab a pair of jeans from my drawer. After successfully changing in my bathroom I walked back out. He wasn't in the room anymore, I figured he'd left and grabbed my purse. As if on cue, Rae called me. I didn't hesitate to answer her call. “I'm outside, are you ready!” She screeched full of excitement. How could she not be though? She'd had a crush on Henry for the longest time. Just another reason why I wanted to be on my best behavior tonight. I didn't want to jeopardize her chances with him. “I'll be right out.”
I was thankful that Rae had a car in this moment, because I wasn't sure how far our date would take place from my apartment. I was sure that walking wouldn't be ideal though. The only reason Rae had a car now, was because her parents finally took the next step and bought a new car. Resulting in Rae receiving their old one. “So, have you guys decided on what we'll be doing today?” I asked her as she drove down busy streets. The moon was high up in the sky, shining as bright as it could, but still overshadowed by all the street lights. “Yeah, we're going to the boardwalk. Ride a couple rides, play some games. It'll be fun, plus it'll be easy to get to know each other.” She happily cheered. She was always so bubbly, in contrast to me. I always wondered what made her befriend me, we're so different. Maybe opposites do attract.
“Well, it does sound exciting.” I looked out the window, looking at all the stores and cars passing by, all the people out shopping. The city was booming with activity right now, it was Friday night after all. Not too long after, we made it to the location. Just as I expected, there's a huge crowd of people. I guess the incident from last Friday night did have an effect on me, because I was worried that in this large crowd of college kids, that jerk would be too. I prayed that he wouldn’t and got out the car, sighing slightly. I guess my thoughts were obvious, because Rae questioned me. “Are you alright? You look a little pale.” She looks over my features as she walks closer to me. I can only smile at her, nodding. I was determined to make this night amazing for her, without having to worry about me. “Yeah, of course. I think I’m just a little nervous. I mean you never told me who my date will be, or what he’s like.” I try to act like that’s what’s bothering me, and nothing else. Not a complete lie though, I was curious as to who she paired me up with, what he was like. Which didn’t really matter because I wasn’t thinking of being in a relationship or anything, but a fun date couldn’t hurt, right?
“Oh, you’ll have so much fun together, I just know it!” She responds as she ushers me into the swarm of bodies that are running around, enjoying their night. “That doesn’t really help me, but okay?” I let her lead me to wherever, guessing she and the boys probably agreed on a specific spot to meet up. We quickly end up in front of a booth that look like it sold tickets and passes for the rides. Rae didn't bother to get in line, instead opting for cutting half of the line. “Um, Rae… What are you doing? Shouldn't we go get in line back there?” I question her, but quickly realise why she had done so. We ended up in front of two guys, laughing with each other. One was Henry, who didn't take long to notice us. “Hey! You guys made it.” He smiles at us as Rae smiles shyly, going in for a hug, which he reciprocates. Next to him is someone I haven't seen before, which wasn't unusual as I didn't socialize much. Aside from parties at least, which wouldn't help because the alcohol made everyone's faces blurry.
He stuck his hand out to me, smiling widely as he introduced himself. “I'm David, it's nice to meet you. Rae was boosting about you all week, it's nice to finally see why that is.” I blush slightly, a light giggle escaping my lips. Wasn't sure if it was because I found that funny, or if It was a nervous laugh. “Well, she hasn't mentioned you at all. So I'm excited to see what mysterious you hold.” I smile as we step closer to the booth, the line making progress. He laughs at my words, “I'm an open book, so you won't have any trouble. Trust me.” He smiles and I nod my head. I had to admit he was a very good looking guy. “I'm Y/n, by the way. So, do you go to school with us? Or?” I ask him, trying to make conversation, I just hoped that it wouldn't get awkward. I couldn't count the many times I made small talk with someone, and I somehow made it awkward. “Yeah, I'm studying law now. To be honest though,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck, “I wish I could pursue something else, but my father is a lawyer. He wanted me to be one as well.” He comments.
“I see, that's always hard. Have you tried talking to him about it?” I questioned him, and as I did I realised he most likely has, but it wasn't like I could retract my statement now. “Of course, but he's insistent. I just wish he could understand that it's just not for me.” His shoulders droop slightly, in defeat. We take a couple more steps. “No, I totally understand. We only have the one life, we should do what we like and be happy.” He smiles genuinely at me, his mouth opening to say something, but Rae interrupts us. “You guys, I’m getting a little hungry.” She pouts cutely, we all smile at her.
“We could eat something before going on the rides. Although, I don’t know how much of a good idea that is.” I contemplate my own suggestion, as I realise that eating before going on any roller coaster isn’t exactly ideal. It could lead to an unwanted accident. “We could eat something light, maybe a snack. You know, just to tame your hunger.” David chimes in. I agreed with him immediately. As we were all agreeing, the person in front of us had finished buying tickets, we walked up to the booth after they’d walked away. The girl behind the glass window spoke up. “What can I get for you?” Her tone was bored, it’s not that she was rude, but you could definitely tell she didn’t want to be here. I didn’t blame her, working Friday nights, in a ticket booth, watching others having fun wasn’t ideal.
As much as I hated myself for what I was about to do, I tried not to think about it too long and just did it. “How about you guys go and get something to eat for Rae, David and I will buy the tickets.” I say as I give Rae a little push. “Are you sure?” She asks but I just nod and turn back to the girl behind the window. I didn't want to be alone with David, but I also knew Rae probably wanted a little alone time with Henry, and I was determined to make this date the best for her. David and I decided on what free passes to buy, and walked away from the booth. The loud laughs of the people running around the boardwalk filled the night. “So how did you meet Rae?” I ask David as we walk around, looking for our friends.
“Oh, we were friends when we were younger. We use to live in the same town. I saw her on campus not to long ago and we started talking again.” He explained to me, I was glad in away. At least it meant she knew him pretty well. He wasn't just a complete stranger. “Oh, so you know her since she was a kid. Has she always been this bubbly?” He laughs at my question as he nods his head. It was a good thing, she's always been the bright person that she is today. “It's quite endearing, isn't it?” He wasn't wrong at all, it was the feeling I always got when she got excited about things, or acted like a schoolgirl fawning over Henry.
“So tell me about yourself, I mean Rae talked a lot about you, but it's not the same as hearing you say it.” He leads us further down the boardwalk, where I see Rae and Henry near a pretzel stand. “Well, what are you interested about?” I realise that I’m making myself sound mysterious in away, but I just genuinely don’t know what to say. Aside from Rae, I never really had to talk about myself. I mean I didn’t even with her, we just gradually figured each other out the more we spent time together. I thought that was the norm, but I guess not? “Anything, are you from here?” He asks. We’re getting closer to the other two, that Rae sees us and waves at us to hurry.
“No, not originally. I use to live two cities away from here, but I moved here on my own for school.” He nods taking in the information. “Just like Rae and I, I guess it’s not that uncommon for students to be out of town.” It really wasn’t, I was sure around half of students were out of town. It was just such a common thing. We finally reached our friends, Rae handing me a pretzel. “That’s for you,” She says, in a sing song voice. “and this one's for you.” She hands David another. I take a bite of it as we walk away from the stand. Out of nowhere Rae starts jumping excitedly and we all laugh at her antics. “Oh my god! Look!” She points at a carnival game, the cliche knock down the bottles and you win a prize ones. She was usually really good at these games, but I figured that she’d want the typical date experience where the guy wins the prize for the girl.
“Hey, why don’t you go win her a prize?” I suggest to Henry, trying to set in motion my plan. He looks like he wants to respond, but David picks up on my intentions and pushes him forward. “Come on, win the pretty lady a prize.” Henry gives in and pays for a game. I was starting to notice how nervous he was, they were comfortable with each other, and he was confident. Even so, he would do slight things that made it apparent that he wanted to impress Rae. Which of course, I was happy about, because that could only mean he liked her as well. “Do you want to come up to the ferris wheel with me?” David seemed like a nice guy, from the small sentences we interchanged, but I was here for Rae and to have a good time. I feared that spending too much alone time with him would make ideas in his head.
“I… I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I stuttered out, rubbing my arm awkwardly. “Why? Are you afraid of heights?” He asked, I could tell by the tone of his voice he really wanted us to go. “No… I just…” My voice caught in my throat, as a new thought came to mind.
It’ll be fun, he’s cute. I couldn’t help but agree with myself, but I was still silent. Not sure if to say yes to him. The thought brought along an unpleasant and odd aura. A sudden emptiness left inside me, but I was totally fine with the vacancy within me. It was as if I could become addicted.
I’m so lonely, he’d be perfect. Everything I need. My lips turned into a smile on their own. It’s time to live my life, and he’s the one to do it with. My voice rushed out of my mouth, “On second thought, this should be fun!” I hooked my arm around his and pulled him along, yelling over to Rae that we’d be back as I ran off. David laughing beside me as his steps picked up. I couldn’t argue with myself, even if I wanted to. I just went along with my instinct. Thankfully the line wasn’t long. Barely anyone was waiting, we were up and in the ferris wheel in no time. David helped me sit down, and in my head I marked down a point for his chervillry acts. When he sat down, I noticed he tried his best to give me space. Something if never Do was my next move. I brushed my hand over his, leaving some fingers lingering over his.
His slight smile was evident. The pink hue in his cheeks forming was utterly cute to me now, the wind pushing his hair back as he looked to the side. “I know we just met, but you seem super nice and I’d like to spend more time with you.” He scots closer to me, my head leaning on his shoulder. “That would be nice, you and I.” I say in a dreamy voice. A familiar scent came to me in that instant. Vanilla and roses mixed with lavender. Such an amazing scent, one I could lose myself in. It was utterly familiar but I couldn’t place from where, not in this instant at least. “What made you change your mind, back there I mean. When I asked you to come up here.” I shrugged slightly. Even I wasn’t sure what that was, all I know is that I did and we were here now.
“You seem like a nice guy that I’d like to spend time with.” I didn’t want to let him down, and it was a complete lie. I hooked my arm around his again, sliding closer. “Maybe we can make that happen.” He suggested and I nodded my head In content. We spent the rest of the time in peaceful silence. Until the ride stopped, our cart at the very top. “Wow, look at all those light.” I pointed out at the city, everything looked so small from here. He laughed at me slightly, “The view is amazing, isn’t it?” He looked out as well. Our eyes opened wide suddenly as we felt the ferris wheel shake. My heart started to palpitate quickly, as a more violent shake was felt. My breath hitching in my throat.
“Are you okay?” David asked, as he kept his arm in front of me, gripping the metal handle next to me. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I told him, as I dared to look forward, to see what was happening down there. The all too familiar feeling came to me. Only accomplishing for me to look like crazy all over for Jimin. However, I couldn't find him anywhere in the crowd of onlookers on the ground. “Be careful, you’ll fall.” David said protectively, and as he did Jimin’s presence became much more unbearable.
“Where are you?” I whispered to myself, gaining a strange look from David. “What was that?” He asks, confused making me shake my head. “Nothing, I just don’t understand what went wrong down there.” My sentence barely making it out as the ferris wheel rushes to rotate. A scream escapes my lips, my body slamming against David’s, which I was quick to hold on to for dear life, wishing it was Jimin instead. But he wasn’t making himself visible to me.
I’ve got you. Jimin’s voice filled my ears as the ferris wheel came to a halt and started to slowly move. My breath was irrational but I was trying to stabilize it. Finally, our cart reached the bottom and it all stopped as we did. I didn’t even wait for the man to open the gate on our cart, I unbuckled myself and opened the gate, running out. I didn’t even stop to wait for David, rushing to where Jimin was in the crowd. I wasn’t even sure how I knew where to find him, probably our connection. Either way, I crashed into him, hugging him with all the strength that I still had in my body. A stream of tears falling down my eyes.
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