#which dentist have done with patients and do often
tinylittlecubby · 1 year
I just don't trust her judgement. I feel like another person could've said the same thing and I would've agreed...
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sockiestupidity · 3 months
The Dentist-Joel Miller x Platonic reader
Relashionship(s):Dentist Joel x reader (platonic)
Reader is implied to be autistic but i feel like its rlly obvi.
Warnings: Dental trauma, y/n used like once, Joel praises a lot (BUT NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY U FREAKS), use of sweetheart, bad writing
You knew this day would come, it was inevitable and yet, it still took you by surprise when it actually came. Your dentist appointment. Just the thought of stepping foot in a dentist office filled you with immense dread.
You tried to ignore your underlying anxiety as you got yourself into a comfortable outfit. You grab your comfort item and place it in your pocket, feeling grounded by the weight in your pocket.
Before you leave you decide to quickly brush your teeth and rinse with mouthwash, quickly flossing despite the fact that you had done so a couple earlier. A little extra maintenance could never hurt right? And maybe if you did well enough, your usual one hour teeth cleaning could hopefully turn into a 40 minute appointment. (which is so like unrealistic btw💀)
You grab your keys and start to lock your apartment once you headed out. Struggling to do so due to the anxious tremoring of your hands. You eventually succeed in locking your apartment successfully and leave the building.
As you walk towards the dentist office, which was fairly close to your apartment, you take deep, calming breaths, attempting to ease your anxiety. You never had any success at the dentist. You found the sound of drilling to be extremely overstimulating, and always cringed at the sound and feeling, of your teeth being scraped at. As you got older and your parents started lacking involvement in your life, you gained more leniency in the dental department, only scheduling for the dentist when you absolutely had to.
As a kid and even as an adult, you found difficulty with brushing your teeth most days. When at the dentist, you would be met with judgemental remarks about how "hating the flavor of your toothpaste", "having difficulty flossing", ''lacking motivation", and "forgetting" were not valid excuses and you had to brush no matter what. You were also laughed at by one of your past dentists for crying when she had started scraping at your teeth in a way that caused you pain.
Too lost in your thoughts, you barely even notice the fact that you had already entered the office. You take a deep breath and approach the receptionist.
"Hi Im checking in?" You manage to awkwardly squeak out. The receptionist nods and asks for your name. You give them your name and get checked in.
Once that is taken care of, you take a seat, bouncing your leg nervously as you wait for your name to be called.
"Y/N?" a man calls out. You get up and approach him.
He smiles softly "Hi, I'm Joel, I'll be doing your cleaning today."
You slowly nod, not fully acknowledging him, despite his comforting aura. Ever since your previous dentist had moved away, you had be anxious to return since you had little luck with finding gentle and understanding dentists such as her.
Deapite your underlying hostility, he attempted to chat with you as he lead you towards his room. Once you arrive you take a seat on the dental chair.
"Alright, since you're a new patient of mine, I need to ask you a couple of questions, okay?" He asks with a comforting tone.
You nod. "That's it." He praises "This shouldn't take too long." He pauses "Okay, first question. You ready?" You nod. He smiles again "Good. First question is pretty simple. How often do you brush?"
You hesitate, debating whether or not you could tell him the truth. You eye him up and down. You decide that based kff of his demeanor, you could probably trust him.
"As often as I can." you answer meekly. He nods and types your answer down in his computer.
"Thats alright. It's better to brush at least once in a while than not at all. Do you mind sharing why?"
You shrug "It's hard, toothpaste is gross n the brush always hurts."
He looks at you with understanding "Understable , I'll write down a couple of flavoured toothpaste recommendations for you so you can try them if you'd like. As for your brush, try using one with soft bristles. I know there's a lot of debate between hard bristles and soft bristles and which one is better currently, but I think softer bristles could really help you out. Don't tell anyone I said this but you could also give miswak toothbrushes a try. But again, don't tell anyone that I said that, it'll be a secret between the two of us."
You giggle slightly at that, causing his smile to widen. "Moving on from that, what about floss? How are your flossing habits?
You shake your head "Bad. Really bad. I can never floss right and I struggle a lot with it."
He nods "I'll give you some handheld floss to try, some people find more success with it."
You let out a relieved sigh, watching as he types up a couple of things again. "Any pain or discomfort?" you shake your head "That's good. I see here that your last dentist made a note saying that you struggle with remembering to brush your teeth or finding the motivation to do so?" you nod "May I suggest something for that?" you nod, curious as to what he has to say. "Theres a couple apps that I could right down for you that can remind you to brush your teeth, and give you rewards such as points to do so. Is that something you'd be interested in?" you nod "Good. we're all done eith questioning. mind laying back for me?.''
You hesitate, "Um before I do can I ask something?"
"Yeah sure, go ahead." He permits you.
"Can I- can I please wear my headphones?" you hold up your noise cancelling bluetooth headphones.
"Oh of course! Do whatever you need to do to be comfortable!" you smile slightly at that. You connect your headphones to your phone to play your favorite music (or show) in the background and lay back.
He lowers your chair and turns the light in front of your face on (idk what its called tbh.) you squint at the bright light ''Sorry about that. Would you like to borrow some sunglasses?" You nod.
He hands you a cheap pair of sunglasses and you put them on, dimming the bright light. He fastens the disposable bib around you (idk if there's an official name for it but thats the only way i can describe it💀).
He gets his tools out, causing you to tense up. "Hey, it's okay, take a deep breath yeah? I'm going to tell you exactly what I'm doing with each tool okay? We'll get through this together. I'm going to check up on you every once in a while, let me know if you need me to stop so you can take a break at any point."
You feel more reassured and comforted by this. Your body eases up and relaxes a bit. "That's it, good." He praises.
He puts on gloves and picks up two tools "So this to will be used to count your teeth and scrape at any plaque. This other tool is a mirror that will allow me to take a look at the back of your teeth as well." He informs you.
"You ready?" He asks gently. You nod "Good, open up yeah? If you can't open wide that's okay, I'll figure something out.
You manage to get through the whole cleaning, only tearing up slightly once. The whole time Joel makes sure to reassure you and provide praise throughout the whole process, stopping when you need a break, and making sure to inform you of every single action he makes.
Once you're done he gives you a cup to rinse and gets together a goody bag for you, placing his list of suggestions in there. "You did good today. I'd like to see you in six months but if it happens to be later than that I'm perfectly fine with it." He smiles and hands you the bag.
"Thank you Joel." You shyly thank him.
He smiles and nods "Anytime sweetheart."
You smile and exit the room, feeling the weight of dread lifting off your chest. You pay your copay at the front, deciding to schedule your next appointment later.
Once you arrive at your apartment you settle down and curiously look in your bag. Inside is a soft toothbrush, some handheld floss, his list, and a separate note. You decide to read the note out of curiosity. "I'm proud of you, looking forward to seeing if my tips helped you out. -Joel." You smile at the note at hold it close to you, dozing off with the note against your chest.
real talk some of this is based off of shit that actually happened to me like its kinda crazy.
once i told my dentist that i had a rlly hard tome finding the motivation to brush my teeth and she legit said "find the motivation"😐 also recently they changed ny dentist w/o telling me bc mine doesnt work weekends anymore and i started crying bc i wasnt told and the lady was like hurting me a lot and she laughed at me😝
anyways dental trauma is a very real thing esp for mentally ill/neurodivergent folks/autistic folks like i wish it was taken more seriously bc it leads to a lot of ppl neglecting their dental health
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clatterbane · 2 months
Yeah, l really am going to have to find a dentist.
I've got one obvious (thankfully not so visible) problem in a front tooth which doesn't hurt yet, and I'd really rather keep it that way--and with any luck keep the tooth. The more pressing issue right now, though, is this toothache in a molar that keeps coming back more and more often and giving me trouble eating on the side that has all the molars still.
Guess what's hurting tonight, yeah. 🙄
I would go for one of the closest dental offices. There are a couple with decent reviews attached to the shopping center near us. But, I am pretty sure that I do need some work that requires sedation by now, if I am actually going to force myself into it. Other people's numbing is unfortunately my IV sedation, since locals just don't work and I am frankly pretty traumatized after growing up like that with lousy celiac enamel.
The closest place that I know of which thankfully does offer sedation for "anxious patients" is downtown near the central station. Seems like I should probably just go there straight away if whatever they're going to need do to fix it will require doping me up to tolerate the work, but yeah it's been easier to put off than if it were just over within "strolling" distance.
The mobility problems and need to ask for help from Mr. "Hope a cracked tooth will magically heal itself" don't really help. I don't know that numbing works any better on him either, since he's also bendy as hell with the previously big red beard.
I'm no doubt working this up into a bigger deal than it needs to be, but jfc there is NOT a lot of good history there. And I am not imagining any of it.
This tooth really is getting obnoxious, though, and I need to get something done about it. That was enough of a hassle where I did speak the language as fluently as my autistic ass is ever going to.
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st0rmyskies · 11 months
Sitting here waiting for the numb half of my face to figure itself out after getting some dental work and thinking about how the boys all handle their shit at the dentist. 
Under the cut because I'm sure some people don't like talking about dental stuff.
Time - Incredibly mistrusting. He hates being in the chair, will stand awkwardly in the doorway until it’s absolutely necessary that he takes a seat. Unless he gets to WATCH the dentist pull up the numbing medication from the bottle he will refuse any injections. Can and has sat through fillings without procaine before. And Time has a fair number of fillings, seeing as his dental health kind of fell to the wayside during his teens. Also has a dental implant or two. It's easy to lose teeth in his line of work.
Twilight - Goes to the dentist every 6 months because he knows he needs to, but doesn’t necessarily relish this. Luckily he takes such good care of his teeth that he hasn’t needed anything major done. The hygienists all fight over who gets to take the cute cowboy each time he comes in. So much blushing and "thank you, ma'am"-ing that it gets the entire office distracted for the afternoon.
Champion - Will sit straight-backed and stiff in the chair, staring straight ahead the entire time. Instant compliance with everything the dentist asks ("Open your mouth." "Spit." "Turn this way."). Even if he white-knuckles the arm rests, he’s not going to complain or flinch for anything: not injections, not drilling, not cleaning. He’s in good oral health for his age. 
Warriors - Gets all the dish on the office drama every time he goes. He has his One Special Hygienist that he requests specifically for each cleaning. The day he is diagnosed with a cavity, he is disconsolate and needs a box of tissues. He takes a lil something to take the edge off before his filling appointment and refuses to leave the office without a face mask to hide the fact that half of his face is drooping. Resents being swollen afterward. 
Sky - Is the asshole who hasn’t gone to the dentist since he left home, gets berated by Sun until he finally makes the appointment. He dislikes dentist visits quite a bit and definitely has a wide-eyed look on his face the whole time, is much too chatty with tools in his mouth, and at the end is given a clean bill of health despite his lack of conscious upkeep. Jerk.
Legend - He let his oral health fall to the wayside during his early teens and didn’t pick it back up again until after he started living with Hyrule. Consequently, he’s needed a fair amount of work done but he takes it like a champ. What, like it’s hard? He’s had road rash that hurts worse than this. Just pops in his headphones and vibes while his face gets numb.
Hyrule - Has religiously seen the dentist twice yearly for quite some time, although often it's more than 6 months between visits because life is like that. He and the dentist compare notes on patient stories and treatment options. He usually has some case he wants to consult with them on anyway. His coffee addiction means that he’s had a fair number of cavities as he’s aged. Definitely has fallen asleep in the dentist’s chair. 
Four - Doesn’t like the dentist, but doesn’t hate it. Is very specific about which hygienist he sees, absolutely refuses the ultrasonic cleaner, and is pretty meticulous about most things, including his teeth. Has definitely played with the canister of laughing gas when left alone in the room, and now they don’t leave him alone in the room anymore. Hasn’t needed major work done yet. 
Wind - If this kid could pay someone to go to the dentist for him, he would. He goes only when he’s having a problem and then bitches and bellyaches that he needs work done. He pesters someone into going to his appointments with him so that he doesn’t have to do it alone, and they usually get sweets after, defeating the purpose of dental care.
Dark - Nope. No. Absolutely not. He would need to be heavily sedated for any type of dental work, and even then someone would need to bring him to the office and stay with him the entire time to make sure he doesn’t just up and leave. The chair, the masks and goggles, the gloves and tools, the light over his face, it all brings back bad, bad memories for him. He has a mouth full of veneers and is pretty good about his teeth mainly because he never wants to see the fucking dentist, ever.
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karu5379 · 19 days
こんにちは、私はTDの大ファンで、皆さんのTDに関するコンテンツを見るのが大好きなのですが、TDに関するストーリーや性格が確定していないため、皆さんはTDを一人の人間としてどのように解釈しているのか気になりました。 彼らの性格やバックストーリー、習慣などについて、何かアイデアがあれば教えてください。 他の人がGHOSTのキャラクターをどう見ているのか、いつも聞くのが大好きです!
(私は英語話者ですが、このメッセージを読みやすくするために翻訳機を使っています。 翻訳機が正確であることを願っています)。
Are you a TD fan too?!?!?!
I'm very happy... really happy because I haven't met a big fan of TD in a long time…😭😭✨
Your translation is very clear and helpful! Please rest assured that all the meanings have been conveyed! Thank you for the translation…🙏✨✨
We can always talk about him!
This may be a long story, but I would be happy if you could take a look!
First of all, NOVOCAINE and HYPERDONTIA were "drawn to reflect the mental abuse of their parents," GHOST said, so I will look at his background with that in mind
By that logic, most parents who abuse their children often unintentionally hurt their own children due to the family environment in which they were raised and the environment around them, so TD is probably also a former "victim"
I think the fact that he took off his mask and showed the stitches around his mouth was meant to say, "This is what you are about to become," and also to present TD himself as a "victim" who, like Hurty, used to be a patient and had his mandible torn out
I don't understand how TD is doing this, but I think he is probably just doing what he thinks is the "right thing" and doesn't see it as a "wrong thing" at all (Self-centered)
As mentioned above, parents who abuse their children often do so unconsciously and are rarely aware of it
So I have a feeling that TD is one of those who are unaware of it as well
And besides presenting himself as a "victim" by taking off his mask, the lyrics of the song also say.
This is something he can say because he was a victim himself and understands the pain of being a victim
As I mentioned earlier, he was originally a victim, so I think he can say these things because he knows what it felt like to be victimized at the time
probably means that he is afraid that Hurty will become a "victim" of what he thinks is a "righteous act" and that she will harbor the same vengeance and hatred that he harbored for himself in the past and turn it against him
He says, "DON'T BE AFRAID," but he also seems to be frightened by the phenomena caused by his own actions and decisions, which suggests that they are scared of each other
(The meaning and thoughts about the lyrics may vary from person to person, so please don't worry about that)
And while he is called a dentist, officially he is supposed to be an oral surgeon
I did some research and learned that when excess teeth are treated, it is often done by an oral surgeon
I suspect that this is deeply related to the fact that he says in his lyrics "I am a surgeon" and wears a white coat
("I'M GONNA OPERATE," he says in the lyrics, which may have something to do with it)
And as I mentioned above, if we look at him as a victim too, I think that perhaps his childhood personality may have been reserved and quiet
So I feel that it is possible that during the period when he was treating Hurty, he may have seen her and felt that she was a mirror image of his past self and was angry about it
So it is possible that he would have told her "YOU DONT DESERVE IT"
I feel that such a possibility is not impossible, as I believe he hates his school days and childhood
I have also discussed with the same TD fans that TD may have suffered from memory loss due to the abuse of anesthesia when he had dental work done as a child
I don't know if he went into medicine for revenge, or if he followed his instincts, which he doesn't remember
I'm still fuzzy on that part and don't really know
Either way, I find this work really wonderful because I see TD treatment as a revenge play against his past self
I assume he's sensitive about dental matters, so I assume he keeps a collection of x-rays of patient teeth and patient-extracted teeth
I think he probably takes very good care of his own teeth as well, but I think he smokes occasionally
This is self-injury in his own way
Although it is not so obvious when compared with the general self-injurious behavior, I still believe that the act of smoking is self-injurious for him
And I know this may be off topic, but I wish Hurty was the only person TD had ripped out of a patient's jaw
She was probably the only one chosen out of all the different patients
I'll try to touch on his living arrangements, but if you look at his profession as oral surgery, I think he makes quite a bit of money
But I don't think he spends a lot of money, and I think he lives a frugal life
I don't think he'll spend much money because I think his only hobbies are things related to teeth
I can get my teeth at work🦷
I think he's awfully happy with his life right now
As for TD and the other GHOST characters, I don't think he is a very social person, but he gets along well with the doctors
That's all I can say about TD right now!
If I have anything to add, I will write later!
I'm glad to have met you, thank you so much!🙏✨✨
(There may be some translation errors, but I would be happy if you could look at it with a warm eye🙏🙏 )
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writtenbynath · 2 years
What hypnosis can and cannot do
On the one hand, I am inclined to reiterate that I don't have all the answers because I'm just a human being in her thirties who only has limited experience. On the other hand, I am a woman on the internet, I probably need to prove that I know what the fuck I'm talking about. So, with that in mind: I am a hypnotherapist who majored in psychology and social sciences, and I teach kinksters about hypnosis and consent.
What hypnosis can do
People often ask me what hypnosis can be used for. They know little about it, they've seen some unlikely things in the media, and they wonder how to separate facts from fiction. The first thing I like to explain is how the American hypnotherapist Dave Elman devoted his life to teaching hypnosis to doctors and dentists. Because hypnosis is a really effective anaesthetic for small procedures, Elman developed a foolproof method that any person who is not even a hypnotist could use to hypnotise a person. It's a sad story really, because despite all of his efforts his method never really caught on, despite the fact that his son continued his legacy and is still teaching hypnosis in the USA today. Medical professionals rarely use hypnosis as an anaesthetic, despite its scientifically proven efficacy. I've still taught some people self-hypnosis to help people relax and feel less pain at the dentist or the tattoo parlor.
But hypnosis can do so much more than that, it's not just about helping you relax. It's an incredible tool that can help you instantly connect ideas and feelings together, which can be used to learn or unlearn habits and behaviours, to overcome fears and to make other positive changes in your life. Hypnosis can for example be a great help for smoking cessation, something that people often struggle with for a long time. Typically, only one hypnotherapy session is needed to help a client to never touch cigarettes again. The same can be done for nail-biting or stress eating, but such things may require a few more in-depth sessions to figure out what is causing this behaviour to continue against the client's wishes and to help resolve internal conflict that may be holding the client back. A hypnotherapist who is also a qualified psychologist can help their clients overcome trauma, unlearn old coping mechanisms that are no longer useful, and learn new ways to deal with their emotions and the challenges life throws at us instead.
But here's where shit gets murky
Psychologists and hypnotherapists work with a person's mind, and we can't see the mind, we can't dissect it or make a map of it. Psychiatry and neurology has taught us many things about the effects of brain chemicals and how the brain works, but it remains difficult to predict what kind of effects a drug designed to help against psychoses or epileptic attacks will have on a patient. We may be able to scan and study the brain, but that doesn't mean we know how the human mind works. Psychologists and hypnotherapists only have models and metaphors to work with. And in my not so humble opinion, hypnotists often seem to forget that the tools we work with are just that: metaphors. The unconscious or subconscious mind? It's a metaphor that helps us understand that a person is not aware of everything that happens in their own mind, it is not a separate entity with a mind of its own. Metaphors are powerful tools when it comes to understanding the world around us. Something as simple as anthropomorphising an object we interact with has a big impact on our behaviour, for example. And another metaphor hypnotherapists often use is regression.
When you're in a hypnotic trance you can use your imagination to vividly visualise metaphors and memories, just as vividly as when you're dreaming. And it can be a helpful therapeutic experience to use this ability to vividly reimagine a moment from our past, to examine our feelings about this moment, to understand why this moment had so much impact on us. We can learn something about what is bothering us, and what we need to overcome our problems. This is why even past life regression and guided meditation journeys can be valuable, cathartic experiences: because they are an exercise in letting our imagination create a metaphor for our struggles, which in turn helps us accept ourselves and be happier. So if you thought I was going to mock people who believe in past lives, you're wrong. The problem is not with people who use hypnotic trance for more spiritual experiences, it is more nuanced.
How human memory works
Regression, like the word hypnosis itself and many other technical terms in the field of hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming, is a misnomer. We don't really return to a moment in our past, we imagine it. The way memories are stored in the brain is not like a computer or a filing cabinet at all, our memories are flawed and biased by our own perceptions and feelings. Every time we recall a memory it changes a little, as if we're not actually remembering the original moment in our life, but the last time we recalled this memory instead. Yet many stories about hypnosis are about retrieving and reliving memories, even though it is simply not humanly possible to use hypnosis to "uncover what truly happened back then", let alone to remember things from our early childhood, or from the womb, or a past life.
The big problem with the dream-like experiences we can have in a hypnotic trance is that they can feel super real, and when we are hypnotised we are extra suggestible. If the person helping you regress to this "memory" tells you with the authority of a therapist this is a real memory it is incredibly believable. What is worse, research by the FBI has shown that creating a false memory is alarmingly easy with certain interrogation techniques. The frequency with which people in relationships gaslight each other also shows that no hypnosis is required to fuck with people's memories. So my point here is: it's good to be incredibly critical of hypnotists who claim to help people remember the past more clearly. Though forensic hypnosis exists, it has never been proven to actually provide accurate information. It is not an effective way to use hypnosis, and it doesn't help with the credibility of hypnosis in general.
Why I as a hypnotherapist curse so much
There are many things that fuck with the credibility of hypnosis in general. Not just people trying to use it in ways that simply don't work, like I just mentioned, but also for example fun stage shows that use hypnosis. It is real hypnosis that a stage hypnotist uses to make people come up on stage and pretend they are a chicken, just to name the most obvious example. And that example doesn't help with our academic image, does it? But you know what really, really fucks with our credibility? "Hypnotists" who never actually hypnotise people.
Two things are at play here. One is the trend where self-help gurus are only out to sell their seminars and make money, instead of actually teaching people how to help themselves. This trend motivates hypnotists to try to sell hypnosis recordings, to the point where it might start to resemble a multi-level marketing scheme, which results in people who sell their services as hypnosis but really they make you listen to a hypnotic script that they didn't even write or adjust to your situation.
The other thing is, and this is probably the reason why Dave Elman's method never caught on (although I'm pretty sure aggressive marketing of anaesthetic drugs also played a role), that in order to hypnotise a person the hypnotist must make an effort to understand how that person thinks. Many famous hypnotists and experts in neurolinguistic programming have developed techniques and models that can help a hypnotist understand how people think. And those techniques and models are often detailed in books they try to push on people because they just really want to make money, which brings us back to my previous point. Many of the techniques in those books may not actually be bullshit. The problem is, again, with the people who treat metaphors as truth, who stick to the script and neglect the fact that therapy is about making a connection with another human being, helping them deal with the struggles of life.
Fucking mesmerism
And this the part where I rail at the charlatans and misguided souls who really ruin the reputation of hypnosis. It started way back when Franz Mesmer thought he had invented energy healing. Although Mesmer's claims about how that works were debunked in the late 1800s, many people still practice mesmerism today. Yes, you read that correctly. The thing with mesmerism is that because the technique is a precursor to hypnosis, it brings the client into a relaxed and suggestible trance, which greatly increases the placebo effect. I would like to point out that I am actually a believer with some knowledge about energy healing. Having studied reiki and some pagan forms of energy manipulation, my not so humble opinion about mesmerism is that it is not only bullshit, it can also be harmful.
Practitioners of mesmerism will often half-heartedly use techniques taken from hypnosis and from energy healing to help their clients become more open and accepting, and then encourage the client to relive the memories that are still bothering them from the past, which has a high risk of retraumatising them. Mesmerists will silently watch their clients resolve the images unfolding in their mind by themselves, without offering the client any new coping mechanisms. Perhaps some people who practice mesmerism are really out to help other people, but for fuck's sake, if you really wanted to help people, do your fucking research and don't place your faith in shit that's been debunked over a hundred years ago! Go with reiki, that is well-documented, well-taught stuff! And there are awesome energy healing traditions from other corners of the world as well, you could learn those! Or here's a radical idea, you could learn how real hypnosis works! I know it's a chore to wade through the self-help gurus who just want to make money selling more NLP seminars, but if I could do it, so can you! Learn some fucking psychology and the dangers of retraumatising a person by making them think about the shit that happened to them in the past!
Ok that's enough for now
Thank you for accompanying me on this train of thought, we have now arrived at our destination. I realise that the end of the ride was a bit rough, but I hope you learned something about hypnosis in practice, and why the reputation of hypnotherapy is so shady. If you're still wondering what kind of hypnosis things I teach to kinksters, that is a topic for another time. I write a lot about hypnosis kink, but my patreon is for smut. If you enjoy hypno smut, have a look at the stories on my Patreon and consider becoming a patron. If you want to talk about what hypnosis can and cannot do, leave a comment.
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fluffy-critter · 1 year
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smile-again · 1 year
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There are a number of reasons why dental treatments are necessary. The most obvious reason is to improve the appearance of your teeth. But there are also other reasons, such as to prevent gum disease, to improve your oral health, and to avoid tooth decay. Dental treatments can be very expensive, but they are often worth the investment. This is because they can improve your appearance and your oral health. They can also help you avoid more expensive dental procedures in the future. If you are considering dental treatment, it is important to consult with a qualified dentist. They will be able to assess your needs and recommend the best course of treatment .
Why Smile Again
Choosing a Dental clinic is not a quick process, as they decide the fate of our teeth and gums. A proper research should be done before visiting any dental clinic, experience, skills, and reviews are some of the factors to be considered before visiting any dental clinic. Smile Again is one of the top dental clinics in Mumbai. We at Smile again have the best dental surgeons in Dadar, We have well-qualified, experienced, and skilled surgeons to give you the best treatments. We have all the best types of equipment set up specially to look after your issues and treat them in the best possible ways. We have digitally equipped devices that help to visualize your oral problems on a big screen and help find a perfect treatment for the same. We are given the Eminence for our painless dental care, thanks to our experienced and skilled team of surgeons/doctors. We have the upgraded and latest types of equipment that help in your treatment by lessening the pain. Moreover, this reduces the cost of your smile makeover. The cost of treatment is low compared to other dental surgeons in Mumbai. Our team of dentists makes sure that the dental procedures are transparent and that all the information about the treatment is shared with the patient. They also make sure that you are relaxed by the time dental procedures take place, as we have a team of the best dentists in Dadar. We aim to make dental procedures at an affordable cost, with the latest technological equipment. We have our focus on quality care, a comfortable experience, and putting our patients on priority. Our main motto is to protect, improve and create beautiful smiles. Our dentist in Dadar center are highly acquainted, skilled, and well-known for their best results and favorable feedback which helps us to grow more. We use all advanced high-tech equipment with the finest sterilization standards so that you can be ensured that your dental visit with us will be executed with the best quality and secure method. All the dentists in Smile Again Dadar east are experts in all kinds of cures, creating a pleasant and healthy environment, as our patient’s comfort and satisfaction is our top priority.
Services at Dental Clinic
Smile again is one of the best dental clinics in Mumbai . We do provide all types of oral and dental treatments for giving you a smile makeover, our team of the best dentist in Mumbai are specially skilled and experienced to cure your oral problems in better ways.
Services offered by Smile Again are —
Dental checkups – It is said, One must visit a dentist twice a year for his overall oral examination. The Oral examination is also an important part, and we at Smile again do perform all basic general oral examinations at our place.
Visualizing signs of gum disease
Visualizing evidence of tooth decay
Checking for broken fillings
Carrying X-rays
The technique of oral dental cleaning helps in removing plaque or any substance stuck in your teeth. This technique also helps in removing the tartar. After the dental cleaning procedure is done the next step is brushing and flossing.
We at Smile Again work to give our clients a perfect smile makeover, and how the best smile is possible if there is a cavity in your teeth and gums, we aid in cavity filling. In this procedure, the decayed tooth is cleaned and filled with substances like Gold, silver, etc.
Tooth removal is performed when the tooth's condition is irreversible owing to tooth decay, gum disease, periodontal disease, infection, teeth damage, or wisdom tooth.
This is essentially a removable tooth or tooth replacement. Dentures are made to be both practical and comfortable. It boosts your smile and facial characteristics because it resembles natural teeth.
We are renowned for our painless root canal treatment, in root canal treatment the pulp is removed first and after the procedure, the leftover space is cleaned, shaped, and filled. This procedure fills up the root canal treatment. These are some of the treatments that are performed by the dentists at Smile Again we also do treatments like Cosmetic dentistry, Dental Implants, Laser Dentistry, Full Mouth Rehabilitation, Teeth Whitening, Orthodontic Emphasis, etc.
How to find a dentist in Dadar?
Finding a perfect, skilled dentist is as important as choosing perfectly healthy food. The dentist helps to maintain the oral health of an individual. Visiting a dentist only during pain is not enough, one must visit the dentist even for a routine dental examination. Timely visits to a dental clinic is the key to a healthy smile, starting with the attributes that function best with your lifestyle and dental care needs. Choose Smile Again, as we are one of the top dental clinic in Mumbai having a team of the best dentists in the town. We provide comprehensive information and understanding about dental problems so that you can make informed treatment decisions. To obtain consistent and successful results, we adhere to accepted clinical protocols. Our post-treatment follow-up team engages with patients to ensure good patient compliance and clinical outcomes, as well as to obtain feedback on our therapies in order to enhance our service. For all treatments, we give a documented invoice and receipt and adhere to the highest standards of corporate governance. If you are concerned about your dental cleanliness, you must choose the best when it comes to oral checks and treatments. Smile Again is frequently regarded as one of the best dental clinics in Mumbai's Dadar East. People who visit Smile Again will not only receive world-class dental care but will also have one of the best in-clinic patient experiences in India. Regardless of an individual's background or occupation, we make certain that all of our patients are at ease and have no difficulties contacting or communicating their dental issues to our dental surgeons. For More dental clinic information you can visit our site https://www.smileagain.in/ and go through our site, you can even book an appointment through our site to save your precious time and give yourself a perfect smile makeover. Happy Smiling!
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drdeviusa · 9 days
The Benefits of Same-Day Teeth: A New Smile in Just One Visit!
For many, the thought of getting a dental procedure is daunting, especially when it involves multiple visits and long waiting periods. But what if you could walk into your dentist’s office and walk out with a new smile on the same day? Thanks to advancements in dental technology, this is now possible with same-day teeth procedures. Let’s dive into what same-day teeth are, how they work, and why they might be the perfect solution for your dental needs.
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What Are Same-Day Teeth?
Same-day teeth, also known as immediate load dental implants or teeth-in-a-day, refer to a process where a patient receives a set of new teeth on the same day that their natural teeth are extracted or after old dentures are removed. Unlike traditional dental implants, which require multiple visits over several months, same-day teeth allow for a much quicker transformation.
This innovative procedure involves the placement of dental implants into the jawbone, onto which a temporary prosthetic (a set of teeth) is attached. The temporary prosthetic allows patients to leave the dental office with a functional and aesthetically pleasing smile immediately. After a few months, when the implants have fully integrated with the bone, a more permanent set of teeth is placed.
How Do Same-Day Teeth Work?
The process begins with a comprehensive dental examination and consultation. During this initial visit, the dentist will evaluate your dental health, take X-rays, and possibly perform a 3D scan of your mouth. This assessment helps in planning the exact placement of the implants.
Once you are cleared for the procedure, any remaining teeth that are damaged or decayed are removed. The dentist then places the dental implants—small titanium posts that act as artificial tooth roots—into the jawbone. These implants provide a stable foundation for the new teeth.
Immediately after placing the implants, a temporary prosthetic is attached. This temporary set of teeth is carefully designed to match your natural teeth's size, shape, and color, ensuring you have a beautiful smile right away. Over the next few months, while the implants integrate with your jawbone, you can eat, speak, and smile confidently.
The Benefits of Same-Day Teeth
Immediate Results: One of the most significant advantages of same-day teeth is the immediate improvement in your smile and dental function. Traditional dental implant procedures can take months, but with same-day teeth, you walk out with a full set of teeth after just one appointment.
Less Discomfort: Since the entire process is done in one day, there is usually less swelling and discomfort compared to traditional dental implant procedures that involve multiple surgeries.
Cost-Effective: Although the upfront cost of same-day teeth might seem high, it is often more cost-effective in the long run. Fewer appointments mean less time off work and reduced costs associated with travel and repeated consultations.
Improved Oral Health: Same-day teeth help preserve jawbone density, which can diminish over time when teeth are missing. By placing implants immediately, you stimulate the jawbone and prevent bone loss.
Enhanced Confidence: A new smile can greatly enhance your self-esteem and confidence. Whether you're at work, with friends, or just looking in the mirror, having a set of functional, attractive teeth can make a world of difference.
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Is Same-Day Teeth Right for You?
While same day teeth offer many benefits, they may not be suitable for everyone. Ideal candidates are generally in good health, have sufficient bone density in their jaw to support implants, and are non-smokers. It’s essential to consult with a qualified dental professional to determine if same-day teeth are the best option for your specific needs.
In conclusion, same-day teeth provide a fast, efficient, and effective solution for those looking to restore their smile quickly. If you’ve been putting off dental work due to time constraints or fear of lengthy procedures, same-day teeth could be the answer you’ve been searching for. With the ability to transform your smile in just one visit, there’s no reason to wait any longer for the smile of your dreams!
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raviverma4588 · 10 days
Step-by-Step Guide to Root Canal Treatment for Infected Teeth.
When faced with an infected tooth, many patients experience anxiety and uncertainty about the treatment process. Root canal therapy, often misunderstood, is a highly effective procedure aimed at saving infected teeth and relieving pain. If you're searching for the "best root canal treatment near me," it's crucial to understand what to expect during this journey. In this blog, we'll provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide to root canal treatment so you can approach your dental visit with confidence.
What is Root Canal Treatment?
Root canal therapy is a dental operation used to treat infection in the middle of a tooth (the pulp). The pulp includes nerves and blood arteries, but it can get infected as a result of extensive decay, several dental treatments, or trauma. If neglected, an Infected tooth root canal, can cause extreme discomfort and possibly tooth loss.
Step by Step Root Canal Treatment
Step 1: Diagnosis and X-Rays
Your dentist or endodontist will do a comprehensive examination before beginning the root canal procedure. They will do a clinical examination and take X-rays to determine the severity of the infection and to inspect the tooth's root structure. This is essential for correctly planning your therapy.
Step 2: Local Anesthesia
To guarantee your comfort throughout the process, your dentist will numb the tooth and surrounding regions with a local anesthetic. This step is critical because it helps control any discomfort you may have throughout the root canal procedure.
Step 3: Tooth Isolation
Once the tooth is numbed, the dentist will isolate it with a rubber dam. This maintains the region dry and saliva-free, which is essential for maintaining a sterile environment throughout the process.
Step 4: Access Opening
To access the pulp chamber and root canals, the dentist will make a tiny incision in the tooth's crown. This permits them to remove contaminated materials.
Step 5: Cleaning and Shaping the Canals
Using specialized instruments, the dentist will clean out the pulp chamber and root canals, removing all infected tissue. They will shape the canals to prepare them for filling. This step may take some time, depending on the complexity of the tooth's structure.
Step 6: Disinfection
After cleaning the canals, the dentist will disinfect the area to eliminate any remaining bacteria. This is typically done with an antimicrobial solution, ensuring that the space is clear of infection before proceeding.
Step 7: Filling the Canals
The dentist will thoroughly clean and disinfect the canals before filling them with gutta-percha, a biocompatible material. This substance closes the canals, preventing further infections. After filled, the access aperture will be sealed.
Step 8: Temporary or Permanent Restoration
Following the root canal procedure, the dentist may apply a temporary filling to safeguard the tooth until a permanent repair is done. This could involve a crown or other type of filling to restore the tooth's structure and function.
Step 9: Follow-Up Visits
It's important to have follow-up visits as recommended by your dentist. They will monitor the healing process and ensure there are no complications. If a crown is needed, your dentist will help you schedule that appointment.
Aftercare and Recovery
After root canal treatment, you may experience some soreness and sensitivity. This is normal and can usually be managed with over-the-counter pain relief. It's essential to follow your dentist's aftercare instructions, maintain good oral hygiene, and to return for any follow-up appointments.
Root canal treatment may sound intimidating, but it is a safe and effective way to treat an infected tooth. If you're experiencing tooth pain, don't hesitate to reach out to dental professionals for the best root canal treatment near you. Understanding the step-by-step process can help ease your fears and prepare you for what lies ahead. Remember, saving your natural tooth can have lasting benefits for your oral health!
If you have more questions or need to schedule an appointment, please contact your dental provider for guidance tailored to your specific needs.
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Is the Wisdom Tooth Extraction Cost Too Expensive?
Wisdom teeth can be a pain and worsen if you do not know how to deal with them the same. In most cases, the only way to treat the same is by extraction from the roots. However, it might be more expensive in some cases and hence a lot of people take a step back thinking about the wisdom tooth extraction cost.
Some simple factors can govern the same and this tends to add to the skepticism as well. Today we are going to analyze in detail if wisdom tooth extraction is too expensive and what are the guiding factors behind it. 
Guiding Factors That Decide the Wisdom Tooth Extraction Cost
Some of the most poignant factors that have a role to play when it comes to wisdom tooth extraction cost are:
Complications of the Tooth Extraction
The current complication of your wisdom tooth often plays a deciding role in the cost of the extraction process. In the case of simple extraction procedures, the price is not very high. However, when it comes to surgical procedures, the cost tends to go higher. Your dentist will be the best person to guide you through the same and help you to have a clearer insight into the current status of your wisdom extraction. 
The Exact Location of The Tooth
Another important factor that often plays a pivotal role in deciding the cost of wisdom tooth extraction is the exact location of the tooth. Usually, the upper wisdom tooth is quite easy to extract and hence they cost you less. 
On the other hand, the ones that are positioned lower usually are quite difficult to handle. In such cases, it can cost you more because the process is much more challenging and there can be an impact on the nerves too. It is the complexity of accessing the lower tooth that leads to a higher cost. 
Impaction of the Wisdom Tooth
Did you know that it is possible to have various degrees of impact on your wisdom tooth? Even the degree of the impact usually has a role to play in the cost of extraction. Soft tissue impaction is one where your tooth is all covered with gum tissue. 
There is also partial bony impaction where a part of the tooth is under the impact of the bone. Finally, there is the complete bony impaction as well. In this case, the entire tooth is under the impact of the bone. Usually, it is most costly to treat the complete bony impaction as it is indeed much more complicated than the other versions. It usually takes more time and careful supervision hence the added cost. 
Anesthesia (If Needed)
Usually, most types of dental procedures are quite difficult to handle and painful. Hence in such cases, the dentist must keep the patient under anesthesia or sedation. The type of sedation the dentist uses usually contributes to the cost of anesthesia. The most common type of anesthesia that dentists use is local anesthesia which sedates an area around the tooth. This is the most affordable option. 
Even nitrous oxide is a common option and this usually has a mild sedative impact. This option is priced at a medium value. Finally, there is IV sedation or general anesthesia which is the most expensive. The impact is quite deep and it is suitable for any kind of surgical procedure. The choice of using the type of anesthesia depends on both the patient's and the dentist's recommendation. 
Dentist's Expertise
The expertise and experience of the dentist performing the extraction also affect the cost. Specialists, such as oral surgeons, usually charge more than general dentists. Their advanced training and experience in complex cases justify the higher fees. It's crucial to choose a qualified dentist for the procedure to ensure safety and effectiveness.
Number of Teeth Extracted
The number of wisdom teeth being extracted affects the total cost. Extracting all four wisdom teeth at once is more expensive than removing one or two. However, some dentists offer discounts for multiple extractions done in a single visit. Discuss with your dentist to understand the cost implications of extracting multiple teeth.
If you want to get the most affordable wisdom tooth extraction cost then choose none other than Imperial Smiles Dental & Implant Clinic. You get access to the best quality care on a budget, without any compromise on the quality of your dental procedure. 
Book an appointment with our experienced dentist before you visit for a hassle-free experience of wisdom tooth extraction.
Source: Medium.com
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10daysmiles · 2 months
Dental Implant Bridges: Benefits, Procedure, and Care
Dental implant bridges offer a durable and aesthetically pleasing solution for replacing multiple missing teeth. Unlike traditional bridges, which rely on adjacent teeth for support, implant bridges are anchored directly into the jawbone, providing a stable and long-lasting option. This comprehensive guide delves into the benefits, procedure, and care involved with dental implant bridges, equipping you with the necessary knowledge to make an informed decision.
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Benefits of Dental Implant Bridges
Enhanced Stability and Functionality: Dental implant bridges are firmly anchored into the jawbone using dental implants. This provides a level of stability comparable to natural teeth, allowing for normal eating, speaking, and overall oral function. Patients can enjoy a wide variety of foods without worrying about the bridge shifting or coming loose.
Improved Oral Health: Unlike traditional bridges, which require the alteration of adjacent healthy teeth to serve as anchors, dental implant bridges do not impact surrounding teeth. This preserves the natural tooth structure and reduces the risk of additional dental issues. Additionally, implants help stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss that typically occurs with missing teeth.
Natural Appearance: Dental implant bridges are designed to blend seamlessly with the patient's natural teeth. The crowns attached to the implants are custom-made to match the color, shape, and size of the surrounding teeth, resulting in a natural-looking smile.
Long-Term Durability: With proper care, dental implant bridges can last for many years, often a lifetime. This longevity makes them a cost-effective solution over the long term, as they typically do not require the frequent repairs or replacements associated with traditional bridges or dentures.
Comfort and Convenience: Dental implant bridges eliminate the discomfort and inconvenience associated with removable dentures. They are permanently fixed in place, eliminating the need for adhesives and daily removal. Patients can maintain their regular oral hygiene routine without any special accommodations.
The Dental Implant Bridge Procedure
Initial Consultation: The process begins with an initial consultation with a dental implant specialist. During this visit, the dentist will evaluate the patient's oral health, discuss their goals and expectations, and determine if they are a suitable candidate for dental implants. This assessment typically includes X-rays, CT scans, and a thorough examination of the jawbone and remaining teeth.
Treatment Planning: Once the patient is deemed suitable for the procedure, a detailed treatment plan is developed. This plan outlines the entire process, including the number of implants needed, the type of prosthetic teeth to be used, and the estimated timeline for completion. The dentist will also discuss sedation options and answer any questions the patient may have.
Implant Placement Surgery: The first surgical step involves placing the dental implants into the jawbone. This is typically done under local anesthesia or sedation to ensure the patient's comfort. The dentist makes small incisions in the gum tissue to access the bone, drills precise holes in the bone, and inserts the titanium implants. The gum tissue is then stitched back in place, and the implants are left to integrate with the bone over a period of several months.
Osseointegration: During the healing phase, a process called osseointegration occurs, where the jawbone gradually fuses with the titanium implants. This creates a strong and stable foundation for the dental bridge. Patients are usually fitted with temporary teeth during this period to maintain aesthetics and function.
Abutment Placement: Once the implants have fully integrated with the jawbone, a minor surgical procedure is performed to attach abutments to the implants. Abutments are small connectors that serve as the attachment points for the dental bridge. The gum tissue is allowed to heal around the abutments, creating a stable platform for the final restoration.
Impressions and Fabrication: After the gum tissue has healed, impressions of the patient's mouth are taken to create a custom dental bridge. These impressions ensure that the bridge fits precisely and matches the patient's natural teeth in color, shape, and size. The bridge is typically fabricated in a dental laboratory.
Final Restoration: Once the dental bridge is ready, the patient returns to the dentist for the final fitting. The bridge is securely attached to the abutments, completing the restoration. The dentist will make any necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable fit and proper alignment.
Caring for Dental Implant Bridges
Oral Hygiene: Maintaining excellent oral hygiene is crucial for the longevity of dental implant bridges. Patients should brush their teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Flossing daily is also essential to remove plaque and food particles from between the teeth and around the implants. Special interdental brushes or water flossers can be particularly effective in cleaning around the implant-supported bridge.
Regular Dental Check-Ups: Routine dental check-ups and professional cleanings are vital for monitoring the health of the implants and surrounding tissues. During these visits, the dentist will examine the implant bridge for any signs of complications, such as gum disease or implant loosening, and perform professional cleanings to remove any plaque or tartar buildup.
Healthy Diet: A balanced diet supports overall oral health and helps maintain the integrity of dental implant bridges. Patients should avoid chewing on hard objects, such as ice or hard candies, which can damage the prosthetic teeth. Limiting the consumption of sugary and acidic foods can also reduce the risk of decay and gum disease.
Avoiding Tobacco: Smoking and using tobacco products can negatively impact the healing process and increase the risk of implant failure. Patients are strongly advised to quit smoking to ensure the success and longevity of their dental implants.
Protective Measures: Patients who engage in contact sports or activities with a risk of facial injury should wear a mouthguard to protect their dental implant bridge. Additionally, those who grind or clench their teeth at night may benefit from wearing a nightguard to prevent damage to the implants and prosthetic teeth.
Dental implant bridges offer a superior solution for replacing multiple missing teeth, providing exceptional stability, functionality, and a natural appearance. Understanding the benefits, detailed procedure, and essential care involved in dental implant bridges empowers patients to make informed decisions and achieve successful outcomes.
The benefits of dental implant bridges, including enhanced stability, improved oral health, natural appearance, long-term durability, and comfort, make them an attractive option for those seeking a permanent solution to tooth loss. The detailed procedure, from the initial consultation to the final restoration, ensures that patients receive a customized and effective treatment plan tailored to their specific needs.
Proper care and maintenance are crucial for the longevity of dental implant bridges. By adhering to a diligent oral hygiene routine, attending regular dental check-ups, maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding tobacco, and taking protective measures, patients can ensure the success of their dental implants and enjoy the benefits of a beautiful and functional smile for many years.
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Reasons To Have a Root Canal in Seattle and Northgate, WA
A visit to the dentist is common enough but not popular in the least. From young children to teenage kids and adults, all sections of the population are scared to think of a stranger prodding and poking through their teeth and gums. It is a necessary service that needs to be done, especially when one experiences excruciating toothache or inflammation of the gums. Sure, merely medication only works sometimes. The dental professional may recommend a root canal in Seattle and Northgate, WA, to restore badly damaged teeth or treat diseases of the gum and other parts of the oral cavity. The smile remains intact, and the patient can chew food perfectly after the procedure.
Reasons to opt for a root canal treatment The dental professional may suggest getting root canal treatment for infected tooth pulp affected by bacteria. Specific reasons for going through the treatment include symptoms that point to severe infections:
1. Excruciating & constant toothache- Popping pain-eliminating pills do not subside such pain. Moreover, the pain caused by a severe infection of the tooth pulp may spread to the lower jaw, adjoining teeth, gums, and the face.
2. Pressure- When the slightest pressure put on the tooth results in unbearable pain, it is a sign of damaged nerves that are exposed due to the infection.
3. Inflamed Gums- The gums adjoining the base of the infected tooth pulp may become inflamed and reddish. It is likely to be painful as well. The dentist will advise getting a root canal done to reduce the swelling alongside the infection.
4. Pimples/Boils on the Gums- Severe infection of the pulp that is left untreated may cause tiny pimples and boils to develop on the gums. These growths are often smelly and ooze pus and blood.
5. Swelling of the Jaw- The lower jaw may also swell with the pus from the infected tooth moving into the jaw.
6. Discolored Tooth—An infection at the tooth's root or pulp stops proper blood flow to the infected teeth. This results in the tooth's darkening, which may appear yellow, brown, or even black.
7. Loose Tooth—The accumulated pus in the tooth's pulp is likely to soften the bones, making the tooth loose and increasing the patient's risk of losing it.
Sure, there are alternatives to root canals, but painstakingly removing the infected tooth and treating the infection is time-consuming and uncomfortable. The associated expenses are steep as well. The patient often has to go for implants, bridges, and dentures after extracting the infected tooth. Most people prefer this particular procedure for multiple reasons. Moreover, the patient may successfully claim dental insurance coverage for a root canal.
Many patients fear the pain and discomfort of undergoing a root canal in Seattle and Northgate, WA. It is helpful to check the facts before making the final decision. 
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bracesaurus · 3 months
Ceramic Braces in Singapore: Best Option For a Brighter Smile
Singaporeans often set the goal of having perfectly aligned teeth as a beauty goal. It's not always a good thing to have traditional metal braces because they stand out. Ceramic braces Singapore has to offer are very helpful in this case. Ceramic braces are a great alternative to metal braces in Singapore if you want something that won't stand out as much.
What the Ceramic Bracket Is Used For in Singapore?
Metal braces and clay braces Singapore are not that different in how they are put together. Your teeth will slowly move into place with the help of braces and a web of wires. The biggest difference is still the material used for the brackets. Unlike metal braces Singapore, ceramic or clear braces are almost impossible to see on the teeth.
What are the Pros of Ceramic Braces for People in Singapore?
Some of the many good things about ceramic braces in Singapore are the following:
● Presentation with no background noise that is distracting: Less visible than metal brackets are materials that are clear or match the color of your teeth. This is a great idea for people who are self-conscious about having braces.
● The Best Way to Treat: Ceramic braces work just as well as metal braces in Singapore to fix a wide range of orthodontic problems, such as gaps between teeth, overbites, underbites, and crooked teeth.
● Ceramic braces may need to be adjusted the first few times you wear them, but after that, they are usually very comfortable. Because they are flat, brackets are easier on the lips and cheeks.
Costs For Ceramic brackets in Singapore
The first thing that comes to mind is how much ceramic braces Singapore cost. Singapore ceramic braces are usually more expensive than metal ones because they are made of ceramic. In Singapore, ceramic braces cost between $5,000 and $6,500 most of the time. But the exact price might change because of things like:
● How complicated things are: How long and how much it costs to get braces will depend on how bad your problem is.
● The price of dental care may change based on things like the clinic's reputation, the dentist's level of experience, and its location.
● Getting Beyond the Bases The final price will include any treatments that need to be done before treatment, like tooth extractions.
Singaporeans Have Other Options Besides Ceramic Braces
You can choose something other than the hidden ceramic braces Singapore has to give.
Metal braces are more common, less expensive, and less attractive than other choices.
Not every patient is a good fit for clear aligners, which are tooth trays that can be moved around.
How to Choose the Best Option for You?
You should do what you think is best for you based on your own wants and needs. Ceramic braces Singapore might be the best choice for you if you're willing to spend a lot of money. Talk to an orthodontist in Singapore to get an exam and treatment plan that are made just for you. They can help you get the perfect smile.
Ceramic braces Singapore can be a good choice if you want to straighten your teeth in a way that looks less obvious and more appealing. It helps to know the pros, cons, and other options for orthodontic care so that you can make an informed choice.
Contact us:-
Visit Us: https://bracesaurus.com.sg/
Phone No.: 67323722
Address:  TripleOne Somerset 111 Somerset Road #04-15 Singapore 238164
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The Importance of Preventative Dentistry and Oral Health Services: Keeping Your Smile Radiant
When it comes to dental care, prevention is obviously the strongest medicine. The primary purpose of preventative dentistry is as follows: not only is it meant to help you keep your teeth healthy and strong, but it is also useful to your overall health. With active steps, patients can avoid common dental issues and maintain good oral health from childhood. Through this blog, we will look at the critical role of preventative dentistry to counter any scenarios requiring preventive oral health services that keep your teeth shining while your oral health is in great shape.
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Concept of Preventative Dentistry
Preventative dentistry is a set of practices that involve the utilization of various techniques aimed at creating conditions that do not make dental problems possible.
It emphasizes the importance of frequent dental visits, effective and consistent oral hygiene practices, and a healthy lifestyle to prevent dental health issues.
Through implementing preventive steps, individuals are capable of lowering the probability of developing caries, gum illness, erosion of enamel, and many other oral related problems.
Key Components of Preventative Dentistry Services
Regular Dental Check-Ups: Routine dental visits are vested with a unique feature to keep our teeth healthy through preventative dentistry process. Dentists are well trained to spot early signs of dental health issues and to give you proper professional teeth cleaning, including customized advice on how to keep your oral cavity healthy.
Professional Cleanings: There are professional cleanings that definitely help to remove plaque and tartar from the mouth, and these are the two main problems of gum disease and tooth decay. The cleaning is precisely done using the equipment and tools that dentist or dental hygienists have that can grasp all surfaces of the teeth and within the gums to promote a healthy oral environment.
Education and Counseling: The primary role of dentists is to teach patients how to take care of their oral health. These include proper brushing techniques, regular flossing, and better diabetes control. During the counseling sessions, the dentists can discuss these habits, which include tobacco use and grinding teeth to promote oral health.
Dental X-Rays: It help dentists diagnose dental problems because they are able to try and find hidden cavities, impacted teeth, bone loss, etc. Through dentistry, we will maintain the advanced practice of dental X-rays, widely recognized as an instrumental diagnostic tool for preventive dentistry.
Fluoride Treatments: Fluoride assists in hardening the enamel of teeth, reinforcing their tendency to decay. Fluorides treatments are one of the strategies dentists utilize to protect adults and children from tooth decay. Fluoride is often applied directly to the tooth surfaces and can function as a buffer against caries.
Role of Preventative Oral Health Services
Dental Examinations: General dental examinations include assessment of your general oral health by looking at your teeth, gums, and mouth to prevent any future issues from occurring. Dentists will only look for signs of cavities, gum disease, oral cancer, or other things that could need treatment.
Dental Cleanings: Dental cleansings mean giving the teeth a way back, free from plaque, tartar, and stains that appear on the surface. These steps taken by pregnant women in the early stages help save their children from the risk of cavities, gingivitis, and bad breath.
Dental Sealants: Dental sealants are thin, protective coverings filled and placed onto the top chewing surface of a molar or premolar. The main advantage of sealants is their ability to act as an effective shield against foods and beverages that are acidic or sticky and prevent the formation of caries underneath them. They act as a barrier against the bacteria and food particles participating in the process of tooth decay on these sensitive surfaces.
Fluoride Treatments: Fluorides treatments are procedures that utilize either a fluoride varnish or gel, which is brushed onto teeth. This obstructs the way acids destruct the enameling of teeth and specifically slows down tooth decay in those prone to cavities.
Nutritional Counseling: Oral health and diet are related; therefore, diet should be considered as part of the process of improving oral health. The individual instruction sessions offer tips on how to pick out meals and drinks that would not harm the teeth (tooth-friendly) and also minimally take beverages and pastries (sugary snacks) that are high in acidity levels.
Custom Mouth guards: Mouth guards, which are custom-made appliances, are specially designed to prevent injuries to the teeth during sports playing or from teeth grinding while sleeping. They aid in preventing injuries inside the mouth and wear-out of the enamel and are significant for preserving oral health.
To conclude this blog post, we hope you will like information about the vitality of preventative dentistry and oral health services as a resident of the Greater Toronto Area. So why wait? Adopt the smart home care trends of the future, dental hygiene, and let us together achieve the prestige of fresh and healthy smile. Contact us at Mobile Radiance Dental Hygiene for more information about the same. We look forward to hearing from you.
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dentisthadfield · 9 months
Gum Guardian: Navigating Gum and Preventative Treatment Near You
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Where smiles tell stories of warmth and connection, one of the most overlooked concerns to maintain them is the health of our gums. In the bustling tapestry of our lives, it's easy to underestimate the significance of our gum health. Through the "Gum Guardian" lens, we will navigate you through the terrain of preventative treatments that ensure a lifetime of healthy, beautiful smiles.
Why Does Gum Health Matter?
Well-maintained gums serve as the cornerstone for a vibrant and robust smile. Beyond aesthetic considerations, preserving optimal gum health is essential in preventing more serious oral health issues like gum disease. If left unaddressed, gum disease has the potential to result in tooth loss and can significantly impact your overall well-being.
Routine professional cleanings conducted by a dentist or dental hygienist play a crucial role in eliminating hardened plaque (tartar), which cannot be effectively addressed through regular at-home care. Furthermore, lifestyle choices such as refraining from tobacco use and maintaining a well-balanced diet significantly contribute to gum health. By placing importance on these practices, individuals can safeguard the durability of their smiles and minimise the chances of encountering more serious oral health issues.
How do you look for a place that offers gum and dental preventative treatment?
When it comes to taking care of your oral health and hygiene, it is of utmost importance that you know what to look for while getting this treatment done anywhere. Here is what to look for to get gum and preventative therapy in Hadfield:
Services Offered: Look for information on the types of dental services they provide, including general dentistry, preventative care, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, etc.
Qualifications and Experience: Check the qualifications and experience of the dental professionals at the practice. This information is often available on the practice's website.
Patient Reviews: Read patient reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, or the practice's website to get an idea of the experiences others have had with the dental practice.
Technology and Facilities: Consider whether the practice uses modern technology and has updated facilities. Advanced technology can contribute to more efficient and comfortable dental care.
Appointment Scheduling and Accessibility: Check the ease of scheduling appointments and the location of the practice. Accessibility is essential for ensuring that you can conveniently attend your dental appointments.
Insurance and Payment Options: Inquire about the accepted insurance plans and available payment options to ensure the dental practice is a practical choice for your needs.
Why Should One Get a Gum and Preventative Treatment?
At the core of this oral well-being lies the often-overlooked foundation—our gums. Beyond the superficial concern for a visually pleasing smile, the health of our gums plays a pivotal role in preventing more serious oral health issues, such as gum disease. Gum disease, if left unchecked, can lead to the loss of teeth and, intriguingly, has been associated with broader systemic health implications. 
Gum Disease Prevention
Consistent dental check-ups, cleanings, and proactive measures like professional dental cleanings and scaling play a key role in averting the onset of gum disease. Timely identification and intervention can effectively stop the advancement of gingivitis, preventing its escalation to more severe stages such as periodontitis.
Minimised Tooth Loss Risk
Sustaining gum health significantly diminishes the likelihood of tooth loss. Consistent preventive measures, such as adopting proper oral hygiene practices and undergoing professional teeth cleanings, preserve the supportive structures around the teeth. This, in turn, guards against conditions that might cause tooth mobility and loss.
Timely Identification of Concerns
Routine dental check-ups enable dentists to identify potential issues during their initial stages. This encompasses recognising indicators for gum disease, cavities, or other oral health issues. Early intervention is frequently less intrusive and more impactful, averting the progression to more severe problems.
Enhanced Oral Health
The health of the gums is intricately connected to overall oral well-being. Emphasising preventive measures enables individuals to sustain healthy gums, fostering the overall health of their teeth and oral cavity. This encompasses averting concerns like bad breath and reducing the likelihood of developing cavities.
Improved Systemic Health
Mounting evidence suggests a correlation between oral health and overall systemic well-being. Proactively preventing gum disease with regular dental care could enhance overall health, decreasing the risk of certain systemic conditions like cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Cost Savings in the Long Term
Prioritising preventive dental care, such as regular cleanings and check-ups, is typically more economical than addressing advanced oral health issues. By committing to preventive measures, individuals can sidestep the necessity for more extensive and costly dental procedures in the future.
Profound Significance of Gum Health: Preventative Treatment in Hadfield
Beyond the cosmetic allure, our gums are sentinels guarding against the encroachment of gum disease, a disorder that can reverberate through our entire well-being. Reflecting on the intricate connection between oral health and systemic vitality, it becomes clear that preventive measures and proactive care are essential investments in our long-term health. Let us commit to the proactive care of our gums. Schedule a consultation with us at Hadfield Family Dental and take a step towards preserving your gums' well-being.
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