#which he wasn't expected to survive last holiday season
thistaleisabloodyone · 5 months
So I have discovered that my aunt's wake up alarm sound is a duck quacking - but I didn't figure that out until I started hearing it in my room when the only other potential source of sound was Bunny, my cat.
I may have thought that sound was Bunny struggling to breathe and I may have panicked a bit. But Bunny's fine, I found the source of the noise, and I went upstairs to double check my aunt's fine since her phone is down here and she is not. But I explained why I was upstairs and added "I thought it was Bunny struggling to breathe," to which my dad immediately went "Are you okay?" because he knows I have really bad anxiety about the cats having health issues. (I am - doing okay! Somewhat! I only kinda wanna cry a little)
0 notes
lottiebagley · 6 months
'Tis the damn season- Sirius Black
If I wanted to know Who you were hanging with While I was gone, I would've asked you It's the kind of cold Fogs up windshield glass But I felt it when I passed you
She felt weird being there, an intense feeling of guilt. She hadn't meant to leave. Really, it was the last thing on her mind at first. But everything felt claustrophobic, like the walls were closing in on her. Things with Sirius were in a weird place and really she wasn't 100% sure how to handle it. Then, all of a sudden, she had this job offer. It was temporary, 6 months in New York and she needed something that felt new and alive and she wanted to be far away from Sirius. Now everything had changed because 5 years later and she still lived an ocean away. 
Remus was a teacher now. Lily and James were married with a kid and trying for another. Marlene was thinking about filing for divorce. 
They weren't kids anymore. They were in their mid 20's. 
She was home for Christmas. She didn't have family in New York nor England, but as they had every year prior Lily and James demanded she spend the holiday at their place. 
"God I'm so glad you're here!" Lily is squealing, arms flung around her friend in the busy airport. Little Harry, who's 4 now is clinging to his godmothers leg with gleeful giggles 
"Hey Lils," She smiles, a soft smile, as she returns the hug. Leaning down to pick Harry up "How's my little trouble maker?" She questions, propping the dark haired boy on her hip as she grabs her suitcase, listening to the child's babble and responding when needed as her and Lily make their way to the Potter's car. 
Harry is babbling excitedly from the backseat, about father christmas and presents and chocolate, as Lily attempts to join the stream of traffic leaving the car park
"James is so sorry he couldn't come with us to pick you up, he got called into work last minute," Lily apologises as they start the hour long drive back to her home. 
"Prongs knows I don't mind Lils, and so do you. Just grateful to have somewhere to spend Christmas," 
"And you should know we would never let you spend it alone," Lily reminds, her friend smiling softly. 
"I do know that," She reassures. It was true. She'd grown up next door the Potter family, so inevitably James was one of her best friends. When they both made Gryffindor they stuck together, as everyone who knew them expected. They had their little group which eventually adopted her dorm mates, Lily, Dorcas and Marlene after Lily and Severus stopped speaking. 
It had been content, the war was fought and they survived.
 The friendships survived too for the most part the only lingering awkwardness being the one shared by her and Sirius. They never dated, technically, but they were in love. Utterly deeply in love. They had been since they were 15 and though they never actually confessed it, never allowed their friendship to blossom into something more, they both knew it. Sirius was her first kiss, her first time. He took her to dances and picked her up from class and she painted his quidditch number on her cheek for each game and stroked his hair. It wasn't a relationship, but in all ways but labels it was, which led to inevitable drama. It was unsustainable but nothing changed, they both knew it was why she left.  
"You can ask y'know," Lily comments, eyes ever so briefly flickering to glance at her friend knowing the thoughts in her mind.
"Don't think I wanna know the answer," She shrugs, glancing out of the window. "Is he gonna- y'know," She trails off embarrassed to admit seeing him again had been on the forefront of her mind. 
"Yeah he's spending the holidays too," Lily confirms, watching as her friend nods and knowing better than to ask her what she's thinking.
"Is he..." She trails off not entirely awkwardly, Lily glances at her intense eyes and a knowing smirk "Does he. I- A date? Is he bringing someone of the holidays?" She lets the question spill out 
"No," Lily informs simply, she doesn't offer anything else, changing the conversation quickly. 
There's an ache in you Put there by the ache in me But if it's all the same to you It's the same to me
She'd known she was going to see him, with Lily's confirmation in her mind. She didn't know though, how she felt about it. Excited and nervous all at once, would he hate her? would he have moved on? Just because he wasn't bringing someone for the holidays didn't mean he didn't have someone.
She hadn't expected though,  to see him quite so quickly. The car pulls into the drive and she knows immediately that he's there, motorbike tucked at the end of the drive way and the door is being pulled open by him. His hair is a little longer, though she hadn't seen him since last Christmas so she could have predicted that. He's clad in a warm looking jumper and some sweatpants, clearly cozy inside the comforting home. 
"There's my little man!" He's cheering, wide grin, as he rushes to open a giggling Harry's car door, quickly fetching the child from his car seat and lifting him into a tight hug. 
She wonders, briefly, if he was concentrating on not letting his eyes fall to her, or if maybe that magnetising need to look at each other wasn't there anymore. For him at least. She still can't imagine a view on earth she'd rather look at than that of Sirius Black. 
"Thought you were coming tonight?" Lily questions, she's helping the girl with her bags but her eyes are watching Sirius, watching as he seems adamant on not looking at the girl who's staring at him so desperately Lily thinks she looks as if she could combust. 
"Regulus' new girlfriend is a bore," Sirius shrugs, he knows he should greet her, that it's awkward not too, after all they are spending the next week in the same house. But he doesn't want to be the first to say something. He didn't leave. He didn't not return any calls.
"Hi Sirius," Her voice is timid and as much as he's glad to hear it, to see she's here, she's here and well and not got some boyfriend to spend her holidays with he hates it. Hates that she is reserved around him now. 
"Hey, good flight?"
"Fine, crying baby but no turbulence," 
"That's good then, aside from the crying obviously," he feels like an idiot the second the words have left his mouth
"Cool," he wants to curse whoever has decided now would be a good time to  remove every word he has ever known from his mind and leave him a boring, lifeless shell. 
"What about you? How was Regulus?" 
"Fine got a new girlfriend,"
"Heard she's a bore," The girl jokes and Sirius smiles, a real smile. Wondering, for a moment, when he last didn't have to force a smile. 
It's then that Harry begins to whine, Lily swooping in to get him inside and get him a snack. The small moment effectively ruined.  
So we could call it even You could call me "babe" for the weekend 'Tis the damn season, write this down I'm staying at my parents' house And the road not taken looks real good now And it always leads to you and my hometown
The house is cold, it hadn't been the whole evening, upstairs and tucked in the spare bed she hadn't been. James had insisted she take the guest room. He'd assured time and time again that Remus and Sirius didn't mind her having it. Remus was going to have a blow up bed in the office and Sirius was taking the couch. She had consistently tried to take either sleeping situation, feeling bad to be the one taking the bed. The offer was refused. 
She's humming softly, some Christmas song that had been stuck in her head for days having heard it so many times recently. Her hands make light work of pouring milk into a pan, the lights in the kitchen set to dim. 
"Let me guess, hot chocolate?" His voice is velvety, not at all laced with sleep. She wonders if he was laid awake too, thinking about how she was directly above him, so close yet impossibly far. 
He had been. 
"You know me too well," She agrees, voice soft. She doesn't turn around, feels almost embarrassed to be clad in reindeer print pj bottoms and some old jumper she'd had forever. 
"You just haven't changed since we were eleven," He returns, leaning on the door frame. 
"You want one?" She asks, moving towards the fridge to take out the milk once more. 
"I got it," He announces. She nods, lets him cross the room to take out the milk, instead taking out another mug, and dumping 2 tablespoons of hot chocolate powder into it.
He arrives by her side, placing the milk down alongside a can of whipped cream. 
"Pretty sure that's for Harry's special christmas eve hot chocolate, the one with a flake and marshmallows and smarties," She comments, her tone is soft, the adoration she has for the child evident. 
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him," Sirius shrugs, he watches as she carefully adds more milk to the stove, "Just promise you won't tell on me yeah?" 
"Your secret's safe with me," She confirms, she looks at him then. For the first time since he entered the room. He's already looking at her. With a look she can't read and so much intensity she wonders if anyone has ever looked at her like that before. He looks beautiful though, glowing in the soft lighting of the room. 
"Y'know, I still do this every time I can't sleep," She informs him, eyes sincere and voice quiet, almost lost in the night. 
He knows what she's trying to say. It had started when they were kids, he'd found her in the common room late at night on the second day of school. They'd spoken a little, but she'd stuck to James like glue, quiet when he wasn't by her side. She'd looked at him, wide glassy eyes. He'd asked what was wrong and she'd whispered to him about feeling like she was never going to belong in Gryffindor, not even at Hogwarts. He'd comforted her, wiped her tears away and helped her sneak to the kitchens, acting confident when in reality he'd never done it before either. He'd made the hot chocolate and she'd sat on a counter, he made her laugh and she suddenly felt like maybe everything would work out, like she might belong here after all. 
It had become ritualistic for them. If one of them was sad they'd sneak to the kitchens and make hot chocolates and vent and cheer each other up. 
Her first break up. 
His bad fight with James. 
Her dad passing. 
His parents. 
The war. 
"I do too," He'd said quietly. Looking away now, almost like her words had hurt him even though it was the last thing she intended to do. "Milk's done," He adds, he wanted to leave the room, he was scared. Scared if he stood there, looking at her all domestic and cosy and glowing and beautiful, he wouldn't be able to resist the urge he'd been fighting since she climbed out of the car that morning. 
I parked my car Right between the Methodist and the school that used to be ours The holidays linger like bad perfume You can run but only so far I escaped it too Remember how you watched me leave But if it's okay with you It's okay with me
Her legs are curled under lap, almost cat like in the large arm chair. Remus in next to her, sprawled across the sofa with the crossword of the day from some muggle paper in his hands. 
She has one too, in her lap, though she's hardly looking.
"Ok, I'm at a wall. Trade me," Remus announces, leaning across to hand her the paper he had been working on 
"Trade me?" He questions, eyebrows furrowing at her despondent face.
"Right," She nods, switching papers with him. 
He looks at her crossword, hardly started and suddenly he feels bad. 
"You okay?" He asks, he glances out of the window she's clearly looking out of. Sirius is out there, leather jacket and a loose scarf. He's laughing, head thrown back and eyes crinkled. Helping Harry, who Lily had bundled up extra tight, to build a snowman. 
"Fine," She confirms, pulling her eyes away from Sirius to look at her friend. 
"I can only imagine how hard this is for you," Remus says gently
"I'm okay," She shrugs. Remus nods, not sure what to say. It felt like a theme recently. In the 24 hours she'd been there Lily, James and Remus had all struggled. Not sure what to say to either of their friends. They clearly missed each other, clearly pined for each other. Yet, neither of them was doing anything about it, neither of them even wanted to talk about it. 
"You know he never wanted kids," She speaks quietly, head motioning outside. "It was weird. I always thought he'd be a great dad. Still, think he would. I just- I guess I got it. His parents were-well, y'know- and I understood him not wanting to repeat that, thinking he'd be like him, his dad I mean. He wouldn't though. He'd have been a good dad. Still could be I guess," 
"I think so too," Remus confirms, eyes traveling to watch his friend as he helps Harry to roll a head for his snowman.
"I get that he was scared, just think it's a shame," She comments. She turns back to her crossword, to Remus' familiar scrawl. She'd said too much, she didn't want to put anyone in the middle of things.
"You're wrong," Remus speaks, still watching Sirius
"How so?" 
"He wanted kids. He talked about it a bit," Remus explains, watching as she turns to look at him face contort with confusion, "Said he wanted them after the war.  A boy first, then a girl,"
"He'd be a good girl dad," 
"Didn't seem to care too much," Remus shrugs, "He just wanted a family. Everyone to be happy and healthy and safe. Said he wanted a daughter cause he thought she'd look like you," 
"Who else would he have had this fictitious family with?" Remus shrugs 
"Sirius didn't want to settle down, we all knew that," 
"If you'd asked he would have done,"
"Remus-" She sighs
"You know I'm right. He'd have done anything you asked," 
"That's not fair, I wasn't even his girlfriend," 
"Sorry. I'm not trying to put anything on you. I'm just saying, he would have done anything you asked. Think he probably still would," 
"I asked him to be my boyfriend. He said no," She states simply. She'd asked too early, that's what Sirius had always said. To ask right before a war was starting, when their lives were so imminently in danger. The label would make something happening to either of them so much worse, it's what he'd said when he rejected her.
Remus wants to say that if she'd asked again, asked after the war, that Sirius would have said yes. That he'd have married her on the spot if it's what she'd wanted. That Sirius had told him that the day before she left. But Remus decides it's not fair to put that on her. She left and Sirius stayed and either one of them could have changed everything. 
"Let's talk about something else," Remus decides.
We could call it even You could call me "babe" for the weekend 'Tis the damn season, write this down I'm staying at my parents' house And the road not taken looks real good now
Lily was stressed, that much was clear. Her hair was messy and Harry was whining on her hip. The kitchen a mess around her. James wasn't much better. Somewhere outside with Remus and Sirius, a desperate attempt to try and construct the goddamn gazebo. 
"Lil, everything okay?" Her friends voice speaks from the doorway 
"Oh hey, I didn't hear you get back," Lily speaks, her voice a little quick and eyes wide as she turns around, Harry starts to let out a whine and Lily's eyes screw shut. 
Her friend is quick, reaching out to the toddler and distracting him quickly when she passes him his dinosaur toy from the kitchen counter. "What can I do?" 
"Remind me to never listen to James and agree to host a stupid Christmas Eve party next year?" Lily questions, she's moving quickly back to the counter. Stirring the chocolate that's melting in a pan for dessert, momentarily abandoning the vegetables she had been cutting. 
"Okay, and for right now?" 
"I hate food cooked with magic, but this is hard and I have a thousand things to do and no time and-" Lily complains, eyes starting to turn glassy 
"Lily, sweetheart, you are gonna be fine. Delegate okay? I chop a mean carrot," 
"No, you're a guest and-" 
"Lil, what do you need?" 
"Can you run to the supermarket?" 
"Done," The girl nods, scribbling the list Lily recites onto an old envelope 
"Take one of the boys with you, there's going to be a million bags," Lily instructs, pointing out her car keys as she turns back to her food prep "You're the best," She calls after her friend. 
The silence in the car is awkward, they both hate it, because before all of this silence between them was never anything but comfortable. She has so much she wants to say and he does too, yet neither of them can even begin to find the words they would need. 
"Got a lot to get?" Sirius questions from the passenger seat, fingers tapping anxiously at his thigh. 
"There's a list in my bag," The girl answers, suddenly questioning if she'd come off blunt, she hadn't intended to. 
"Can I?" He questions, head tilting to the tote bag on the back seat, unaware whether they were at an appropriate level to go  rifling through each others bags.
"Sure," She agrees, he leans back, grabbing the bag and pulling it onto his lap. 
He rifles through the bag for the list, trying to ignore the de ja vu the bag causes, her essentials the same as they were in her high school bag. 
"You're a shit driver y'know?" he teases, looking up from the list when she takes a turn much too quickly, jolting him in his seat 
"Maybe I had a really bad teacher," She shrugs in response, they both find their minds running to the summer Sirius had taught her to drive, her home opposite the Potter's allowing them to hang out every vacation. 
"At some point you can't teach someone, trust me I tried," 
"You gave up,"
"Well at the time I was a glorified taxi service,"
"I'd say private chauffeur," She corrects, he smiles lightly 
"I'm driving home," 
Time flies Messy as the mud on your truck tires Now I'm missing your smile, hear me out We could just ride around And the road not taken looks real good now And it always leads to you and my hometown
The black dress sparkles a little in the light of the guest room, ending at her thighs and tight to her body she turns a little in the mirror, she was running a little late but it had taken forever to get her hair to fall right. 
She thought maybe she'd dragged out getting ready a little too long. The party had started downstairs, there was so many people. People from school. People she didn't know, new friends and colleagues. Her friends, all of them. Yet it was daunting. She thinks maybe it was the thought of Sirius, Sirius all dressed up because she just knew he'd look perfect. Sirius flirting with some girl he'd invited, or one of James' colleagues or someone from school. 
She'd been drinking wine as she got ready, something she'd done to ease her nerves but now she almost regretted. Feeling a little tipsy and overly emotional, the idea of watching Sirius with someone else left her feeling a white hot anger in her very soul. A feeling she knew was incredibly unjustified, yet she couldn't push it away. 
It's why, as she walked into the decorated living room, bee lining to Marlene, who was squealing at the sight of her well missed friend, she was glad to see Sirius was in the corner of the room playing with Harry.
She spends hours catching up with friends, making polite chit chat with people from distant memories, smiling and exchanging pleasantries with strangers. She allows some guy from Lily's work to flirt with her but doesn't give anything back. 
 She watches Sirius from afar. He looks beautiful, so utterly beautiful. He's dressed in a white shirt that's tight around his form, the top few buttons undone and his blazer abandoned somewhere. 
He spends as much of his night as he possibly can with Harry, staying with the kid until he's tucking the sleeping boy into his bed. Partly because he firmly believes Lily and James deserve a night off, partly because it's the perfect alibi. 
After that Sirius tries to float, doing little jobs to help things run smoothly and using a plethora of excuses to excuse himself from conversations. He feels rude, particularly to a girl from school who he is sure is nervous to approach him. He isn't rude. But he thinks maybe it comes off that way. 
He's not sure is it's just that it hurts to see her so okay, head back laughing with her friends. Or maybe it's just how drained he's felt all day. 
He grabs a bottle of champagne and his blazer, sneaking outside and to sitting on the floor round the side of the house. Out of sight from any windows. He digs through his blazer pocket for a packet of cigarettes and a lighter, a habit he's been trying to drop but honestly was struggling with. 
Its 5 minutes of silence before he is the slight click of heels on the floor. He holds his breath, hoping to not be found. She rounds the corner and he exhales. Feeling less drained just at the sight of her. 
"Got a light?" She questions, Sirius nods and watches as she crosses towards him, cigarette in one hand and glass of champagne in the other. She holds the cigarette out to him and he lights it for her. "Mind if I sit? Or I can go smoke in the back garden and we can both pretend the other person isn't out here?" 
"Sit," He says simply, she nods, sitting next to him on the cold ground, Remus had shovelled snow all afternoon. "Since when did you smoke?"  
"Since 2 years ago, I had some project due at work and I was crazy stressed. Some guy I work with offered me one and I accepted. Stupid looking back," She informs simply.
"It's bad for you," 
"I've been telling you that since we were 17," She reminds
"Been trying to quit," He admits, watching her as she stares at him. Her eyes are slightly hazy, he can see she's drank a little too much but she's holding herself together gracefully. 
"That's good. I have too,"
"Good," He nods, he watches as she inhales and exhales and sips her champagne. 
"Why are you out here?" 
"It was too much in there," Sirius admits, she nods in quiet understanding 
"I get that," 
"You always did. Get me," He sighs, almost wishfully 
"I guess so," 
"Do you regret leaving?" He asks. He thinks maybe he shouldn't. That come morning maybe he'll regret it. But there's something about the way she looks in the moonlight. The way she's been looking at him since she came outside, and how it's the same way she's always looked at him. 
"I'm really proud of my career. I wouldn't have it if I had stayed," She's careful in her words, he can see her thinking about them before she speaks
"Right." He nods, her words in his mind are a polite rejection. 
Sleep in half the day Just for old times' sake I won't ask you to wait If you don't ask me to stay
"Merry Christmas!" James' voice is loud as he enters the guest bedroom, flipping the light on without a care in the world
"I hate you," She states simply, they grew up together and James really was the closest thing she had to a brother. He smirks watching as she uses the thick sage green bedding to cover her eyes from the light.
"I know. Haz wants you to come downstairs so we can do gifts," 
"What time is it?"
"6. He's been up since 4," James informs, she pulls the duvet down from her face to see him leaning in the door way 
"Fine," She agrees stretching a little before clambering from the bed. The matching Christmas pjs Lily had purchased for everyone bunched up a little. 
"Hey, you doing okay? With Sirius I mean," James' voice drops low as he asks, eyes scanning the landing behind him briefly
"I'm fine," She can tell from the look on his face he doesn't believe her "Promise," 
"Mooney said he saw you guys sneaking back into the house last night. At the party," she hates the way his voice sounds hopeful
"We were both having a smoke James. It's nothing," 
"Thought you were quitting,"
"You sound like your mother,"
"Harsh! Go downstairs already woman," James teases, his tone light as he shoves her playfully on her way past him. 
Lily makes mimosas and the group of friends share easy laughs as the day passes by, gifts exchanged and Harry smothered with love and attention. She decides it's the easiest day, people are distracted enough in the festivities the Potters have planned to not spend the whole day worrying about her and Sirius.
Without eyes on them they both find it easier to talk, they share whispered jokes and his dizzying beauty seems softer when he's smiling at her as they peel veg together. 
"Lil I'm serious, go play with James and Harry. We can handle veg duty," She's determined in the way she gently pushes the girl through the archway into the kitchen. 
"Thankyou sweetie," Lily is beaming, looking between her friend and Sirius's back knowingly before shooting her friend a knowing wink. "Rem, come with!" She calls as she retreats to the living room. Remus does as told, but not before giving Sirius a pointed look, one that screams 'SAY SOMETHING'. 
"I've got the potatoes if you've got the carrots," Sirius offers
"Sounds good," She confirms, fluffy socks pattering on the floor as she takes her place beside him at the oak counter. 
"When are you flying back to New York?" 
"The 28th, I promised Mitch I'd be back in time for his birthday stroke crazy new years party," 
"That's fun," Sirius is lying. Nothing about what she just said is fun. It's the opposite. He has three more days before she's an ocean away all over again. She's rushing home, not staying for new years like she has every other year for some guy.
 That's the least fun of all, Mitch. Who the fuck is Mitch? Sirius is racking his memories, in all the awkward Christmases they'd shared since she left she's never once mentioned a Mitch. 
She sees the question in his eyes but doesn't say anything else. She's about to, truly she is, until the song playing through the small radio changes. 
"Oh my god it's my favourite Christmas song!" She's beaming, dropping the carrot and knife she's holding and rushing to turn the music up. 
He smiles gently, watching as she begins to dance around the kitchen. Red tartan pyjamas and the knit jumper Remus gifted her, he can't stop his mind from running to all the summer holidays they'd make breakfast together in the Potter's kitchen and she'd dance around. 
"God, you still can't dance," He teases, gentle smile 
"Shut up and dance with me!" She demands, she stretching an arm out to him and fuck he wishes he knew how to say no to her. 
They jump around and sing along, hands linked together as he twirls her around the room, hearts beaming and flooding the room with laughter. 
The song ends and she's breathless, chest to chest, so close to each other. 
"Mitch?" He can't help the question, not when he's so close to her, not when it's taking everything in him not to lean down and kiss her
"He's gay." 
"There's no one else for me," She says it quietly, hands dropping his and looking down to her feet, almost embarrassed to admit it 
His hand shoots up, cupping her cheek gently and forcing her to look at him 
"Me either," He reassures, voice smooth and soft. 
So I'll go back to LA And the so-called friends who'll write books about me if I ever make it And wonder about the only soul who can tell which smiles I'm faking And the heart I know I'm breaking is my own To leave the warmest bed I've ever known
James Potter can make a kick-ass espresso martini. It wasn't new information, he always made cocktails in the evening on Christmas. The rest of the inner friend group (the other girls from the dorm at school) and their spouses would come over, they would play stupid games and listen to the music they grew up on and the parents would take it in turns to check on Neville and Harry who by this point would be sound asleep in Harry's space themed bedroom. 
Lily had gawped with wide eyes when she'd chosen the seat next to Sirius at Christmas dinner. Remus almost choked on his carrot when Sirius had ever so casually wrapped his arm around her at the table and she had leaned into his touch   Marlene had been shooting her friend knowing looks all night, eyebrows raised in question at the way she'd been perched on the arm of his arm chair the whole night. 
Nothing had happened. Not really. But something in the air had changed, something in the way he was looking at her was different, the longing glances had lost their sadness. 
The night ends slowly, Marlene and Dorcas wander out into the night. Alice heads to where James had pulled out the sofa bed in the office. Lily leaves having checked on the kids one last time. 
She's the next to head to bed, acutely aware of the sound of Sirius behind her on the stairs even though he's been sleeping downstairs the whole trip. 
"What are you doing up here?" She whispers the question in the hallway as Sirius arrives on the landing. 
"I wanted to say night," He whispers back, he looks too pretty. The warm lighting from the downstairs light makes him almost glow and he has a drunken grin on his face. She's no better, her eyes glassy from one too many of those damned martinis. 
"You said night downstairs," She counters, he rolls his eyes fond gentle  smile as he tucks her hair behind her ear. 
"I'm glad you're here," 
"Me too," She confirms it quietly "Look forward to getting to see you, talk to you all year." He doesn't know if the light blush on her cheeks is from the alcohol or the whispered confession. 
"Doesn't have to just be at Christmas y'know? You could call, visit even. I really miss you," He isn't shy in his confession. He'd scream it from the rooftops if it meant she might be a part of his life again for more than just the holidays. 
"Sirius," Her voice is soft, he's too close. He is so close and she feels overwhelmed by him, drunk on his scent and using all her self control to keep her hands out of his hair. 
"I mean it, darling. Truly," His hand reaches out, firm against her chin. "Hey, look," He speaks, face close enough she feels his breath on her face. She follows his eyes, looking up to see a sprig of mistletoe above them. 
James does it every year, enchants mistletoe to sprout above two people in love. Mainly, he does it so he can kiss Lily and remind her to stop being so stressed about hosting and actually enjoy the holidays. Partly, he did it in the hopes it might help his two friends find their way back to each other. 
"Can I?" Sirius's question is full of nerves, scared he's pushing her too far
It's gentle and timid, the way he pushes his lips to hers. It's safe at first, a peck. Neither wants the other to freak and run. 
He's the one to push it further, though that isn't really surprise. 
He pulls her ever closer, chest to chest and his big arms wrap around her, holding her to him. He kisses her like he's desperate, scared if he stops he'll loose her all over again. 
She feels like she can breathe properly for the first time in years. Feels a weight off her shoulders as she allows her hands to tangle into his hair, a craving she'd had every time she looked at him. She lets him man handle her towards the door to the guest room. 
His tongue pushing into her mouth as he holds her against the wall by the door. One of her hands stays tangled in his hair as the other moves down to hold onto the warm skin of his hip, fingertips slipping under his maroon sweater. 
His hand travels down, landing on her bum with a firm squeeze and the motion seems to bring her back to her senses a little. She pulls away, though Sirius is quick to chase her kiss swollen lips with his own. She giggles in response, one last chaste peck to his lips before she looks him in the eyes, blown out a little with lust and creased from his bright grin.
"Sirius," She sighs out, he smirks head falling to allow himself to press a trails of kisses down her jaw and onto her neck
"Darling," he murmurs against her skin 
"This is a really bad idea," Her point seems a little futile as she moves her head to the side to allow him more space to press his kisses 
"Tell me you want me to stop. Say the word and I'll go back downstairs and you can go to sleep and we can wake up and pretend none of this happened," 
We could call it even Even though I'm leaving And I'll be yours for the weekend 'Tis the damn season
He doesn't think he's ever seen a sight so beautiful. She's laid next to him, body lit by the pale moonlight casting through the window. Her skin is bare and flushed and she fits against his body as perfectly as she always has. 
Her leg is strewn over his naked torso, her head resting on his chest, hand reaching up to comb her fingers through his hair. 
His arm that wraps around her lands on her back, thumb pressing comforting circles into her back.
"You're so perfect," He speaks into the quiet. She tilts her head up on his shoulder, allowing him to see her beaming face 
"Sirius, you are the most beautiful person I've ever known," Her tone is impossibly soft, as his heart in that moment. The sincerity in her voice makes his whole body feel warm. 
He feels too overwhelmed by the sickly sweet love in his chest to come up with much of a response, instead he presses his lips to her forehead an action so full over love and comfort it almost hurts her chest. 
"I'm gonna hate having to miss you again," She says softly, her settling back into his chest as he squeezes her closer
"Only ever a phone call away," He hums hand moving to toy with the ends of her hair
"You could visit?" She suggests, scared he'll laugh at the thought though she has no reason to be 
"Anything, if you want me to do it I will," His promise makes her grin widely, she leans up to press a gentle kiss to his lips. 
The quiet takes over once more, both basking in having the other in there arms again, a feeling they'd been craving in the years of absence. 
"I'm sorry I left," She whispers, she'd wanted to say it a thousand times, truly she had. 
"I'm sorry I didn't come after you," He pauses for a beat, he thinks maybe the question is too big, what he's asking of her too much. His eyebrows furrowing as he thinks, deep pout on his lips.
"What are you thinking about?" She questions, thumb gently  smoothing out the lines in his frown 
"Stay," He says it quietly, so quiet she almost misses it. "Please, I need you to stay,"
We could call it even You could call me "babe" for the weekend 'Tis the damn season, write this down I'm staying at my parents' house And the road not taken looks real good now
She hadn't technically said no. She hadn't said anything really. 
She'd felt like an idiot, sitting up in the bed to better at Sirius. Blinking as her mind raced, what if she did stay? what would she be staying for? would he finally be ready to commit to her or was he asking her to give up the career she worked so hard for to be around when he wanted a casual fuck? 
"Say something," He hated how much his own voice sounded like it was begging, he hated the look in her eyes. The guilt. She was going to say no. He was certain of that as he looked at her. 
"Say anything," He doesn't mean to sound angry. Doesn't mean to make her feel bad. 
She's left, blinking as she desperately tries to gather her thoughts. He gets out of bed. 
His movements around the rooms are sharp and hurried, tugging his clothes back on. 
"Sirius," She says, she needs him to look at her. Needs him to stop for a second, to talk to her. 
"No," His hands tug his jumper over his head as he moves towards the door 
"Stop. Sirius, please just wait," She clambering out of the bed to follow him, grabbing her pyjama pants and pulling them up quickly as she reaches for the large knit sweater. She's following him down the stairs of the silent house. 
He slams the front door in her face before she has the chance to follow him out into the snow. She hears the revving of his motorbike before the engine kicks in, hears the way it fades away as he races into the night. 
She feels like an idiot. Feels pathetic as she sinks to the ground, back pressed to the front door. She had vowed a long time ago to stop crying over Sirius Black yet she can't stop herself. 
"What's going on?" Remus is calling. Woken up by the sound of the slamming door. She wipes at her tears, desperate to hide them from him but the second he sees her and sends her a soft smile she's blubbering all over again. 
"He left. He fucking just left," She's hiccuping through her crying, and he joins her on the old wooden floor. 
"What happened?" He asks gently, a comforting hand squeezes at her knee. 
"We slept together," 
"Ok, ok and then he just left?" 
"No. He asked me to stay and I- I froze Rem. I sat there like an idiot and didn't say anything. He just- I needed to think and he wouldn't give me fucking second," 
"What would you have said?" 
"I don't know what he wants. If he wanted to try like really try I would have said yes," 
"He needs to know that," 
Time flies Messy as the mud on your truck tires Now I'm missing your smile, hear me out We could just ride around And the road not taken looks real good now
She hadn't been to his apartment before. Remus had apparated her there and waited with her in a comfortable silence until he'd arrived. Sat on the curb outside, her head on his shoulder. Knowing he was home Remus left, she was safe on the busy London street, Sirius wouldn't let any harm come to her despite the deep sigh he lets out at the sight of her. 
"I wanna be alone,"
"Too bad. I need to talk to you," She demands, arms crossed in front of her. 
"We can talk later," 
"No Sirius. You don't get to say all that shit to me and then just leave," 
"Fine. come on,"
He leads her in an awkward silence up into the building, refusing to look at her in the short elevator ride to the 8th floor. 
His apartment is very him, it's cosy and homely and smells like the Gryffindor common room. 
He drops onto the sofa in the living room, she's too busy eyeing the framed photos on the wall, heart melting a little at the photo of the two of them, both in school uniform sat by the black lake her head on his shoulder his arms holding her close to him. Matching bright grins staring back at her.
"You wanted to talk," He reminds, embarrassed that even after rejecting him she's seeing his framed photo of her. 
" The other day, at the party You asked me if I regret leaving? I lied. No I didn't lie. I just- I didn't tell you the truth. I regret it, every fucking day I regret it, I lay awake every night thinking about what we could have been if I'd stuck around,"
"It's a little late for that," he grumbles, arms folded and a stoic look on his face
"Could you just listen to me?" She snaps, "I've been in love with you since I was 14 Sirius and you have never ever wanted a relationship," 
"That's not true," He protests
"Oh. So you just didn't want one with me?" She feels like an idiot, standing in front of him. Their friends were wrong, she was wrong.
He hates the hurt in her voice, the tears in her eyes.
He's on his feet now, passing over the burgundy rug to grab her hand in his
"That's not what I mean. I just- I was scared, scared if you were mine and something happened. I couldn't have lived through that," 
"You never told me that, you always just said you weren't a boyfriend guy," 
"I could be. For you I could be,"
"Why did you leave?" She questions, desperate to know why he couldn't have given her just a few minutes to work things out
"I couldn't hear you tell me that you don't love me enough to stay,"
"I would never say that,"
"No?" He questions timidly, his eyes searching her desperately
"No," She shakes her head "If I stay this can't be what it was. I'm giving up my life here. We are older now and we are safe and this has to be real,"
"It's always been real to me. I'm in love with you, been in loved with you since second year and I will be until the day I die. So sweetheart, please, please be mine? for real this time,"
"It'll always be you Sirius," She promises, his lips kiss her and she feels herself fall in love with him all over again. 
And it always leads to you and my hometown It always leads to you and my hometown
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kalee60 · 3 years
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So my plan was to have a 2020 selection of new soft Christmas fics for you all to read - but then life got a little topsy turvy... Therefore in the spirit of Christmas, sharing and finding love, here are some fics I wrote last year during the silly season. So if you're after a small selection of Stucky holiday stories - you might find something to your liking here...
Just check the tags before diving on in 😘
Deck the halls not your coworker
Bucky wouldn't say he hated Christmas, but it also wasn't his favourite time of year, especially the thought of having to schmooze with people at the inaugural SHIELD Christmas party. A party he had now been tasked to organise - with Steve (stupid idiot) Rogers.
How in hell was he supposed to survive the holiday season having to assemble a damn Christmas function with his sworn work enemy?
He was just going to have to use his Barnes smarts and either get kicked off the two-man committee or push a certain blondes buttons until Rogers had no choice but to quit.
It shouldn't be hard to get out of it. It's not as if they liked each other after all...
Wish yourself a merry Little Christmas
Bucky had adapted well to his life with the Avengers, he now saved lives, he was one of the heros and the best part - he got to fight beside Steve. It didn’t matter if he was still a loner, not great at verbally interacting and avoided touch without realising it. These were all residual habits left after the Soldier had been removed.
But when he overhears Steve’s Christmas wish to be close to someone - to have a real connection and possibly gain love for the holidays, well what else could Bucky do since he was already head over heels for his best friend?
Cue Bucky and his hairbrained scheme to give Steve all the intimacy he craves without the actual dating part (and without saying anything). But what happens when Bucky suddenly realises that maybe, just maybe - he wants it all? Ignore it, obviously.
Really what’s the worst that could happen? It's not like he could fall even more in love - could he?
I could never - wear that sweater
Steve should have known better than to get into a bet with Clint Barton, especially when he didn't know the terms of losing said bet.
Suddenly, Steve found himself having to buy and wear a different ugly Christmas sweater every day of December, and as Captain America, it was all a little embarrassing and slightly awkward.
But when he meets the owner of White Wolf Apparel, and is charmed to within an inch of his life by the gorgeous blue eyed brunette, Steve decides that losing the bet might actually mean in the end - he wins.
Reading between the lines
Bucky always loved reading, it was one of the reasons he opened up his own bookstore after all. Seeing the joy on peoples faces as they discovered new worlds, new authors and a way to ease their troubles never failed to bring Bucky a sense of contentment.
Which is why when just before Christmas, Bucky sees a man at the diner who appears to be lonely and in need of comfort, he walks up and hands him a book. An escape.
What Bucky didn’t expect was to form such a strong connection with a stranger over something as simple as reading, a stranger who started to look vaguely familiar somehow. 
Having a massive crush wasn't an issue, finding out exactly who he was falling for happened to be slightly more problematic...
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H.Shinsou x S.Todoroki, H.Shinsou x I.Midoriya, S.Todoroki x I.Midoriya, I.Midoriya x O.Uraraka, and various hints to other ships
Warnings: Slow burn(?), unrequited love, brief breaking of the fourth wall lmao
Have been writing since 03/07/2019
Word count 2810
Reblogs > Likes, pleasepleaseplease–
Lengthiness under the cut!
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xx/12/xxxx ; The afternoon ; Outside ; Hitoshi Shinsou
Hitoshi shuddered, hands instinctively reaching to cup over his mouth in some attempt to warm them through his thick gloves. He gave warm, drawn out breaths that helped to spare his lips from the almost burning cold, however otherwise, the gesture proved fruitless– Even more than the occasional, leafless trees that he passed. And so, he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jeans and gave a somewhat frustrated sigh that easily converted into Winter fog.
He hated almost everything about the season– Shivering in the snow, persistent carolers, and the pressure to buy gifts for people that he barely knew. At least he had the excuse to take a break from school and hide inside during the whole of said break.
Regardless, however, the purple-haired male was there: Walking through the snow, toward the mall– clad in two-and-a-half layers of clothing–, with the intent to buy a Christmas present for a bush.
Said bush's name was Izuku Midoriya, one of the famed former students of class 1-A who not only survived multiple villain attacks, but also managed to help get Hitoshi into the hero course. Maybe it wasn't the achievement that he was most recognized for, but it was the one that truly spoke of his sincerity and kindness, in Hitoshi's heart.
...So what if he had a crush? Izuku already obviously had his own on a certain brunette from 2-B, so he knew he didn't have any chance– Having fallen for a straight boy.
As he continued to walk, a bitter taste was left in Shinsou's mouth.
xx/12/xxxx ; The afternoon ; Commons room ; Shouto Todoroki
A gentle sigh flitted from between the heterochromatic boy's lips as he laid on the sofa in the commons room, scrolling through a website that he'd found on his phone. As if to loosen the tense feeling that only Shouto seemed to experience, he hummed to himself, searching through lists upon lists of gifts upon gifts.
And still, nothing.
He wanted to find the perfect gift– Something that conveyed his feelings to Izuku without needing to use words; Something unlike anything else that he had ever even seen; Something special and completely unique, made only for him. That was what Shouto wanted to give his classmate; That was what Shouto wanted to give to his favorite person;
That was what Shouto wanted to give to the boy that he loved. While he was aware that his feelings weren't returned, and while he was aware that they never would be, he was going to tell him, come Christmas. And, with their relationship becoming deafeningly awkward, he was going to ruin the holiday for everybody in class 2-A. And he'd run back to his mother, and cry, and hide from the rest of the world until somebody other than Enji would inherit the agency– And then he'd become a hero through that and never have to see the pro hero Deku, again. He could already see it happening.
The boy with bicolored hair blinked before shaking his head, turning to pick his dead phone back into his hands.
As he stood to charge the pocket-sized computer, a solemn, cold feeling spread throughout Todoroki's veins.
25/12/xxxx ; The morning ; Commons room ; Neito Monoma
Neito was somehow of the first up, slipping down the stairs to see a pajama-clad Tooru, Mina, and Denki. The electric blonde was sitting at the table, 'recharging' himself with some oatmeal topped with whipped cream and banana slices– A combination that the former 1-B student saw disgust in. Tooru and Mina, however, were sitting near their bad excuse of a Christmas tree– of course, bless Ibara for growing it for them, but she admitedly could've done much better–, snooping around to see who got the most presents and guessing what said presents were. And Monoma, of course, was going to be the one to put a stop to it.
"Ashido, Hagakure! Don't be so childish as to peek through the presents! While it is to be expected of you 1-A brats, those are saved for later when we're all up together!"
"Omigosh, Monoma, you're starting to sound like Iida–" Ashido's attention was immediately captured by the boy, albeit not for the reason that he'd been looking for. Monoma's frown grew.
"That isn't the point!–"
"Eh?... 'S too early for this..." An all-too-familiar voice complained tiredly, an open yawn sounding from the same direction. "...Why not be Christmasy 'n cheery 'n stuff, instead?" Hitoshi sounded half asleep, as he always was before his usual morning coffee– Bitter and black, as he often described his soul.
A steel-haired boy– having previously gone unnoticed– then gave his hum, sending a sunshine smile from the kitchen to his classmate, "Coffee's on the pot if you need some, Shin!" Tetsutetsu called, being one of the few 2-A students who could easily bear the early hours.
A thin, lazy smile found its way onto Hitoshi's face. "Perfect timing. Thanks."
25/12/xxxx ; The early afternoon ; Kitchen ; Momo Yaoyorozu
The bushy-haired boy hobbled downstairs with a yawn, fuzzy sock slipping at the bottom– But, of course, a tall ravenette was there to catch him.
"Good morning, Midoriya." The young woman called softly as she gripped his shoulders, easing him into more of an upright position. She chose not to comment on it, as based on the shorter's expression, the near incident was enough of a wake-up call. "Did you sleep well?"
"Um–" Izuku began as they headed toward the kitchen, still recovering from the split-second panic. "Y-yeah. I was really excited, last night, so I think I went to bed, too late, though..." His voice trailed off into more of a tired mumble, which was always adorable– Sometimes, Momo was convinced that she was surrounded by a litter of cute, rambunctious puppies and not the future's greatest heroes.
"Yes. I think that you're the last one up, actually." She commented matter-of-factly, reaching into a cupboard to retrieve a pouch of caffeinated tea. "Would you like some tea to help wake you up?" She asked before her friend had the chance to feel guilty.
Sometimes, Yaoyorozu very easily read her peers. More than just Izuku knew this, as he nodded with his "Mmhm, thank you."
25/12/xxxx ; The early afternoon ; Dorms ; Fumikage Tokoyami
Quite the diverse group was walking through the snow, making the short trek from class 2-B's dorm building to class 2-A's– Said group consisting of an explosive boy, a bubbly brunette, a horned blonde, and a bird-headed boy. Katsuki Bakugou and Ochako Uraraka were exchanging their comments, as the frenemies often did, while Fumikage Tokoyami and Pony Tsunotori kept to themselves.
That was fine, however, as the trip was short– It wasn't long before a sharp redhead was opening the door, laughing at something that his twin-like friend had said. "Come on in, guys!" Eijirou'd said between chuckles.
Of course, Fumikage gratefully accepted the invite to come in, happy to shed his thick scarf and jacket– Even if he enjoyed the cold, he could only take it to an extent. The crow-like boy made a point to leave his garments on the coat rack, for later, before perching onto one of the arms of a couch.
He only observed, for a time– How Ochako easily found her way toward Momo and Izuku, and how two other boys also seemed to be carefuly regarding the group. How Mina and Denki seemed to momentarily deflate when they'd been told their tape friend was celebrating off-campus. How festive Yuuga looked, with his Rudolph-inspired makeup and fake antlers. How Tooru and Nirengeki seemed to really enjoy decorating Ibara's head.
25/12/xxxx ; The afternoon ; Commons room ; Ochako Uraraka
Eventually, conversations around the sofas seemed to float toward Ochako's distaste with being separated from her previous classmates. "Yeah, I've gotten to know lots of great people in 2-B, but kinda miss sharing class with my friends from last year, y'know?" She'd pointed out, which had lit flares of passion in those such as Katsuki and Eijirou.
"I miss my friends, too." Izuku chimed in, at some point, which seemed to easily halt Ochako and Katsuki's oncoming argument. "But, I think it's just natural that we.. Mm, I don't know how to put it. Expand? But, also, well..." The green-haired boy paused, trying not to spiral into a moment of muttering. "And, we can all still see eachother, after classes." He pointed out with a smile, and that was that.
"Such is the way of life." Fumikage added as somewhat of a word of advice.
Ochako couldn't help but notice how Pony folded her hands in her lap, leaning back into the couch as her blank stare and almost wistful smile faced nobody in particular. "I have no idea what you just said." She commented, which did cause some giggles and snickers to sound around their sort of cirlce– Ochako's sweetly humored one, included.
25/12/xxxx ; The afternoon ; Commons room ; Eijirou Kirishima
Everybody who said they'd attend the gathering seemed to be there, and most importantly, everybody seemed to have relaxed. The faux-redhead gave a shark-toothed grin as he carefully slid a headband onto a blonde's head– Of course, as soon as said blonde felt it, his hand lifted for a deathgrip around Eijirou's wrist.
He was glad that his quirk easily resisted his friend.
"Can you guess which reindeer you are?" He gave suppressed giggles as Katsuki's grip lightened, hand soon dropping into his lap. It was nice that the explosive boy's temper seemed to have lengthened– Even if only somewhat, at least something had definitely changed between his first argument with Tenya, and now.
Katsuki shifted slightly, his expression more of a neutral sort of grumpy. "Rudolph?" He guessed the obvious one, an eyebrow raised.
"Nope! I'm pretty sure Aoyama's got that covered, haha."
"...None of the other names are important." The blonde mumbled lowly, head leaned back to ensure only the boy behind him heard that. It was his way of admitting that he had no clue what the other reindeer's names were.
"Blitzen–" Kirishima couldn't help bursting into laughter, and admittedly, a small smile did tug at Katsuki's lips. "Because– Y'know–" He tried to speak between laughs, as he imitated the sound of an explosion.
25/12/xxxx ; The late afternoon ; The kitchen ; Rikido Satou
"Hey– Where are Midoriya and Todoroki?" Rikido asked, just about finished with handing out his festive sugar cookies– Only a little candycane and bushel of holly were left. He set his tray onto the counter as he glanced around the kitchen, no Izuku nor Shouto in sight.
"I saw them head for the elevators," Ochako chimed in, finding her seat atop the corner of the table. "Maybe Deku's giving Todoroki another present? Or– Y'know, the other way around?"
It made sense– Not long after the bushy-haired shounen protagonist had woken up, the group took their turns around the tree to hand out gifts. While they both received their abundance of presents, it'd seemed Shouto was still somewhat anticipatory, an emotion unlike his usually stoic self. Though the brunette gave a shrug, deciding to dismiss that detail, for the time being.
"Oh, well– Todoroki can reheat them, when he gets back, if they're cold by then."
25/12/xxxx ; The late afternoon ; The hall ; Mina Ashido
She didn't mean to eavesdrop, she swore to herself– She'd only been headed to the bathroom, when she'd overheard Izuku mentioning something about how much he loved something. And Mina, being the occasionally less-than-polite person that she was, couldn't help but to stick around, pressing her back to the wall and listening to two boys, around the corner.
"I'm glad– I wanted to make sure that my gift for you was special." She could tell that that was the deeper voice of Shouto, albeit uncharacteristically warm. And maybe Mina was somewhat upset that she didn't have the chance to know whatever the supposed special gift was, but she wasn't going to risk compromising her position in what sounded like a private moment.
"Well, thank you, Todoroki. I... I really appreciate you, y'know."
"And I–" Shouto cut himself off, though, and the pink girl physically recoiled as she realized that now was the moment that he'd finally be attempting a confession. She may not have been the most academically exemplary girl, but she'd been damned if she hadn't noticed every fleeting touch, every shy glance, every missed opportunity that her peppermint peer had suffered through.
She decided to walk away, though, keeping quiet as not to alert the boys. Part of her felt guilty, feeling as if she'd tainted the secrecy of the special interaction.
But as she stepped away, she did catch a quieter, forlorn phrase. "...You're my best friend, Izuku."
30/12/xxxx ; The morning ; Dorm room ; Kyouka Jirou
"The original is a lot less shitty." A certain Katsuki Bakugou commented gruffly, as the plumette experimented with her playlist. At current, she was playing some song called 'Hey There Delilah,' albeit sung in the Japanese that she knew, as opposed to its originally English version.
Kyouka raised a brow, ony briefly letting her attention flit toward the other. "Sure, but none of us can really understand the lyrics." She spoke nonchalantly, pushing herself up to fiddle with one of the speakers that Momo had previously helped her set up.
Katsuki gave his little "Tch," as he turned away, mentioning something about how he had no problem understanding English. And knowing the overachiever, that was likely true, she figured as he left the conversation.
This year, part of class 2-A– and even some 2-B students– had decided that they would be staying at the dorms for the New Year, watching whatever festivities and celebrating behind the safety of their tv. As such, Kyouka, Momo, and an unexpected Katsuki had banded together in lieu of decking out the Heights Alliance, for the upcoming holiday.
They mostly spent time cleaning and setting up a dorm sound system, but if all went well, every second of effort was going to be worth it.
31/12/xxx ; Shortly before midnight ; The commons room ; Izuku Midoriya
His peers had really done well with decorating, Izuku acknowledged for the umpteenth time as he chose his spot beside Ochako. Admittedly, he's been set on confessing for a while now, but never quite found the courage to voice his feelings.
But that was okay, as he gently tapped the brunette on the shoulder– Her cheeks grew rosier than usual when she noticed his outstretched hand, taking it after only a second of overthinking.
Maybe he didn't need words, after all, because he already had a passion in his heart and what seemed to be reciprocated feelings. Their fingers intertwined as the television flashed, counting down to a moment that both anticipated dearly. And Izuku couldn't stifle his shy grin, watching tentatively as Ochako's attention flitted between his face and the brightly-colored screen.
Neither had to say anything. Not now. Not until the rest of the small group cheered "Zero!", and not until they shared a wonderfully perfect kiss.
01/01/xxxx ; Shortly after midnight ; The roof ; Hitoshi Shinsou & Shouto Todoroki
After that, Hitoshi found himself fleeing the scene. Of course, he knew that it was inevitable, but that didn't stop him from hurting as much as he did. He rode the elevator and then climbed the stairs, stopping only once he stood atop the roof.
Shouto couldn't help but trail the plumette up to the top of the building, masking his similar need to escape with curiosity and concern. Considering they were heroes-in-training, it had been unusually easy to do so, to slip out of the room and follow him. Almost concerningly so, as the bicolored boy paused to eye the other's silhouette– To anticipate his next move.
Now, he wasn't stupid. He knew that much as he leaned forward, resting his forearms on the roof's railing. Hitoshi glanced over his shoulder to acknowledge the other's presence, sending a silent invitation to join him. With the way that he strode beside him, it was apparent that the youngest Todoroki was reluctant.
But neither had to say anything, for a long time. They simply stood beside one another, gazes focused on the moon or the sky or the city below them. Or maybe even one another. Shouto found comfort in this moment, but he did eventually break away, wanting to allow the plumette to mourn in peace.
But as the other turned, Shinsou reached and gently gripped his forearm. "Hey," his voice was smooth and gentle enough to coax Shouto back, to make him want to return to that moment. And he did, standing closer to his peer, now.
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oliverdant · 5 years
The Hollywood Reporter rounds up the major twists, epic fights and big reveals on all the DC Comics TV shows.
Welcome back to The Hollywood Reporter's weekly DC TV Watch, a rundown of all things DC Comics on the small screen. Every Saturday, we round up the major twists, epic fights, new mysteries and anything else that goes down on The CW's Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, Black Lightning and new series Batwoman. This week, we're rounding up all the teases to the upcoming Crisis On Infinite Earths crossover so far and what it means for the Arrow-verse.
Which shows are participating? | For the first time, the Arrow-verse crossover will be five episodes long, one hour for each Arrow-verse series: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and new series Batwoman. The epic event will be split into two chapters: three episodes airing December 2019 and the remaining two airing January 2020 with the holiday hiatus in the middle. This will be the last crossover including Arrow, as the flagship series of the franchise will end with a 10-episode final season that brings it right to the crossover (with one or two episodes remaining after to tie up loose ends and say goodbye with a proper series finale).
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Which character will die? | Unless you've been hiding under a rock for the past six months, you already have a pretty clear idea of what the Crisis is. First introduced during this past Elseworlds crossover, otherworldly being Mar Novu aka The Monitor (LaMonica Garrett) came to Earth-1 to test the heroes of the world to see if they'd be enough to fight the impending Crisis. In the fight, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) made a deal with The Monitor to save Barry (Grant Gustin) and Kara's (Melissa Benoist) lives. But as fans learned in the Arrow season seven finale, Oliver had no idea what kind of a deal he made. It wasn't until The Monitor showed up at Oliver's new off-the-grid home after he had retired from the superhero life with his wife Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) and their newborn daughter that he learned it was his life he traded for theirs. Oliver now knows that he will die in the Crisis, but he went with The Monitor anyways to help save the world. And in the Arrow season seven finale, his death was confirmed in the future flash forwards, as his gravestone revealed the year he died: 2019. That means Oliver will die at some point in the first chapter of the crossover (the first three episodes airing in December 2019), with the second chapter in 2020 dealing with the fallout.
What is the Crisis? | But for what exactly is Oliver going to die? The conflict of the upcoming Crisis comes ripped straight from the comics in the huge, 12-issue series published in 1985-86, widely regarded as one of the most important comic arcs of all time. The story was designed to get rid of the multiverse and make one continuity for readers, making the world of DC easier to understand and more exciting with more opportunities for characters to cross over with each other. And the effects were far-reaching for every single comic book series. The Crisis kicks off with The Monitor's evil counterpart, The Anti-Monitor, as he begins destroying Earths with antimatter so he could become the ruler of all realities. This means Garrett will most likely pull double-duty to play both The Monitor and the evil twin. However while The Monitor does return briefly to recruit heroes from all Earths to stop The Anti-Monitor, he's killed pretty quickly. The Anti-Monitor plays a much bigger role.
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What will the Crisis do to the Arrow-verse? | Aside from claiming at least one major hero's life (expect many, many other casualties from the big event in addition to Oliver), the ultimate goal of the Crisis is to destroy the multiverse. That's right: while the heroes do ultimately defeat The Anti-Monitor, they don't succeed in stopping his plan fully. At the end of the arc, there is only one single shared universe left standing, a merger of five different Earths. While Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and new series Batwoman all take place on Earth-1, it's important to note that Supergirl takes place on Earth-38. As of now, Kara requires breach technology to cross dimensions for crossovers. But after the Crisis, whatever Earth is left over will have all of the remaining Arrow-verse heroes who survive, making crossovers that much easier to pull off and explain. But could Black Lightning also become a part of this new reality? It's currently not part of the Arrow-verse, but if The CW really wants to make an impact, having a surprise appearance of the other DC TV series in the crossover would be the best surprise. The possibilities for lasting impact are endless with this crossover if the writers fully lean in to the potential.
What teases have dropped so far? | So many clues that the Arrow-verse was heading in this direction were planted from the very beginning of the franchise. When The Flash first debuted, Barry had access to a future newspaper headline: "Flash Missing, Vanishes In Crisis," which has always meant the show was going to take on the Crisis arc. It was also referenced throughout the entire Elseworlds crossover as The Monitor noticeably kept using the word "crisis," warning that one was imminent, and that was why he was rewriting reality to test every Earth to see if there were any heroes good enough to face whatever was coming. But the end tag of Elseworlds confirmed that he was indeed trying to prepare Earth-1 (along with all the other alternate versions of Earth) for Crisis on Infinite Earths.
After that, the Arrow-verse had fun dropping in even more teases leading up to the biggest crossover yet. First The Monitor showed up in the Arrow season seven finale to collect on the deal he made with Oliver, bringing him along on his otherworldly journey as he tries to stop the Crisis. In the future, he brought Felicity through a portal to presumably reunite with her dead husband, implying that she was moving on to the afterlife. Then The Monitor showed up on Supergirl in the season four finale, bringing a revenge-motivated Martian with him and doing something to Lex Luthor's (Jon Cryer) dead body. Then he showed up again in the Legends of Tomorrow season four finale, but he didn't do anything besides observe the Legends in action and eat popcorn while shaking his head and smiling. This was the first time The Monitor came in contact with the Legends since they had sat out the Elseworlds crossover, and it will be interesting to see how they fit into Crisis.
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The final tease (so far) came at the very end of The Flash season five finale, when the future newspaper headline first seen in the series premiere changed as a result of the timeline changing. The date of The Flash's disappearance moved up from 2024 to 2019, confirming that it's always been warning of the Crisis. In the comics, The Flash is one of two heroes to die during the Crisis. But there's no way The Flash is going to kill off Barry Allen. It's more likely that he'll actually disappear at some point in the first three episodes of the crossover (since it occurs in 2019). And while The Flash's disappearance was permanent in his daughter Nora's (Jessica Parker Kennedy) original timeline, that doesn't mean Barry won't ever return from the Crisis now that the timeline has changed. In fact, he could return during the second chapter of the crossover airing in 2020, after that newspaper headline is printed. Seeing as how The Flash has a full season six, the star probably won't be written off entirely. And Oliver did trade his life for Barry's, so it wouldn't make sense for both heroes to disappear permanently even though Barry is one of the casualties in the Crisis comic book arc. Expect the Arrow-verse to make some changes from the source material in that regard.
One last prediction ... | Since Oliver traded his life for both Barry and Kara's, it would stand to reason that another major hero is going to fall to make a balance. So what other Arrow-verse hero will likely die in the crossover alongside Oliver? Since Supergirl sacrifices her life to save Superman's in the comics, the inverse could come true onscreen. Superman (Tyler Hoechlin) is the obvious choice for the second major casualty, both because he wouldn't take down an entire show with him and because he would serve as an equal trade for Supergirl, laying down his life to save hers. And it would be all the more heartbreaking to lose him, as he received news from Lois Lane (Bitsie Tulloch) that she's pregnant with his child during Elseworlds. So if Superman were to die in the fight against the Anti-Monitor, he would do so knowing that his legacy (and love) would survive with Lois and his child, and the world would be in good hands with Kara. He left Earth-38 at the end of Elseworlds to live with Lois on Argo City with their unborn child, but that he'd return if the world needed him (and it will be all hands on deck for Crisis). Plus, he told Kara point-blank he felt he could leave because Kara was the hero the world needed. Sure sounds like the groundwork for Superman's death has been set.
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indomitablemegnolia · 5 years
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From on high, I look down, the world still moving; going through its petty pace. Life had left me behind so very long ago; sadly Madness asked me not to call, ironically. God, I miss them still. All I want to do is just fall; to let go, float out into nothing. Upon a time I thought it could not go on like this; as if the only way to breathe is perched on the edge of this universe. Moving forward seems impossible; not from lack of will, but time. Theoretically I know time is a fluid and as changeable as any other thing in this existence is, but isn't; does, but doesn't if only I had the power of theory, laws of physics, space and the probability of another day stands in defiance to my will. I was never one to want to go back, repeating the ills of living, every breath reminding me of the feckless nature of ... being. No this is not bravery, I know of no other choice, but when I wake, I breathe, but all I want to do is fall. Don't you ever do the same?
I have always been so particular about who was allowed in my space, understanding me was a duty; I would only allow to a select few ever constant souls, which number in small digits.
I take a horrible shuddering breath as that cold lonesome empty road feeling crept in. The breeze was light, the night was mellow, the only sound I could hear was a light hum of crickets and a dog barking in the distance. I lean far over the railing, I just leaned my head on my right shoulder and just listened. I fell in love for a moment with this changing season. Frozen winter nights gave way to something loving and horribly gentle; I fell in love with the softness on the breeze and the subtle change in the light because of the changing colours of the leaves. I smelled that haunting spice of organic decay on the soft breeze, and the same moment it pulled that soft feeling to the top of my senses, I banished the thought of spring, nauseated by the smell of cut grass; it triggered a terror.
A subtle warmth basked over me, the breeze kicked again, then his gentle breath as he spoke low, coaxing, "Ah, look at you," his hands rested on the rail, arms bracketing me in place; "wanting to fall again. I know; I know how you dream, sweet simple. I know you dream of having a home, a belonging; by the water. No expectations, no ambitions, no needs." He began to kiss my neck," ah Possibility, my heart swelled so much that it started to squeeze water from my eyes. "No need for having or making money... you know that is the next life and you don't quite belong there yet." Licking and kissing intent on the nerves of my neck.
I moan lightly, "So, you say."
Chuckling he bent me farther over the rail, "Some were born to run wild; you were born the wildest, so Wilde, always on the edge; you live from that edge, of heartbreak, of love, of loss on a neverending search for what? What are you looking for kitten? Syllables of words that no one knows; names of things no one know the words; tunes to songs no one remember; broken clocks; straightened springs; explanations to enigmas that people pondered for eons." Then as I was becoming used to the neck kisses. He took a deep breath, warm and damp behind my ear..
"I have always marveled at the motions of the people below;" I took a shivering breath ignoring my disappointment; I gasp as his hands had join this... distraction, "like mad little ants; where did they come from, where were they going, why; I wonder if any of them were in love?"
"Shhhh, Don't say anything. Just feel, you remember the last time I came; you were tied in emotional knots, much like now; wanting to fall and never land. All you wanted was delicious feelings; you lusted, thirsted to be experienced. I want to watch you revel in the feel of my hot breath against your ear; my fingers on your skin. Focus on the feelings." As if to highlight his words his hand slipped in past the hem of my shirt, teasing my belly; the other fondled idlely with my breast through my clothes; deliciously his mouth played at the cords on the side of my neck. The warm sun kissed my face, a cool breeze caressed my hair; his glorious hands gently rubbing and caressing, I roll my face skyward; my eyes soak in the perfect cerulean of the sky, light gray blue clouds with Opal edging floated like feathers on the breeze. Slowly skimming, one rather boldly audacious cloud subtly obstructed the sun, the edges refracting causing a tiny embrace of rainbow colors caught at just the right angle; his thumb grazed lightly over a welcoming wetness that had me panting.
“Come softly, darling.  Come to me, stay…” Crooned that baritone; he always mocks his singing voice, I suppose, thinking that only tenors sound pleasant.  I wrapped myself in his eroticly deep dark tone.
I grasped his hand smiling, guiding it, my will taking a mind of its own, I trace his hand over all the places that howl for Possibility's attention; suddenly I was Wilde, fulfilling all of my own little Wilde fantasies; I rock back against him. His stifled moan was enough to send me mindless; my soul following its own archaic rhythm; he gripped roughly stroking firmly. My body tensed, not yet fracturing, but it wasn't far; he laughed as he continued kissing, locking then as I tensed more he rocked me forward, biting lightly on the side of my neck.
Held tightly in his arms I floated high above the world, I fell, but just tumbled lightly on the air, gravity taking a holiday; "You see you couldn't fall, people fly when they take themselves lightly. It feels like I have waited for an eternity for your kiss.”  He kissed my lips softly.  “Soft, soft, oh soft,” his fingers like butterfly kisses made of nothing but air and intention, our conversation nothing but sighs and lips and space. His touch formed from an absence of substance, like lace and shadow, we hung together in that space between. Sweetly like the tendrils of the feathers tines, spaces shrink and grow with the rhythm of our breath, his fingers caress my every nerve, quieting my every fear, all becoming, blooming; the space between all things so relative, our skin only separated by thin layers of cotton and Xeno's paradox. All of those half spaces stripped away quickly, souls colliding.  The distance between planets, the distance between atoms; all existence is counted in blessedly tiny, enormously infinitismal increments.
Figments and fragments of symbols form, the space between thoughts and action those seconds of hesitation and the faulty steps, those things that berate a mind as it slowly drifts to slumber. The motions and caresses, our practiced ideas and those mindless grappling movements. Letting our instincts our bodies take command; we use those lifetimes lived between breaths and heartbeats, the horrible eternity that lasts between a yes and a no; between heartbreak and hope.  We ride high the tide of our true feelings, sensations, scents and flavours. I was smoke, I was air where his lips traced my neck, our bodies like water, their motion smooth natural.  The moments of survival counted in milliseconds. We let ourselves drift mindlessly outside of those countable seconds of time and space; the motion of the world and the ebbing of the tide; planets spinning and suns imploding, in the end, it wasn’t softly nor quietly we reach that exploding plateau.
Those spaces all fitting into that one second as I watch soft white feathers dance on a breeze as the vision returns to my eyes. The space between his fingertips and my skin is equal to the distance between our bodies our hearts, between lips and kisses from lips that kisses can only dream of we drifted on a soft kiss. The space between my fingers and his cheek in this moment is everything; to me, it is a thing like hope, lived, survived, desired for and then what is not to be;this was what it meant to be experienced, it exists only in possibility. The feeling was a poem that starts as a lump in my throat, a feeling of warmth, of love or heartsickness and peril; the fear, the idea that this would end in broken hearted homesickness.
Then my only want would be for the two of us to meet somewhere by chance one day, passing on the street or sitting on a bus and for that second we would feel this moment again. That space, all time, like faith, like lace, like those dancing feathers, a substance of things hoped for. That space, the suggestion of things not seen, only felt… only in Possibility.
@keeper0fthestars @pedeka @writernotwaiting @iamhisgloriouspurpose @littletesla
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