#which i think is weird considering that the cast is like 5 guys who are always around each other and then 3 bonus guys. and a dog
rockeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy · 10 months
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wikipedia hour
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certifiablyinsanez · 8 months
Buckle in guys this is gonna be a doozy. Keep in mind that some people have sworn this isn’t their experience with the fandom and frankly I would like to know what spaces you are in because this is mine:
As someone who loves HH and HB, I’m going to say it; the Hazbin and Helluva fandoms are probably the worst I’ve ever encountered. Here are my top 5 gripes. Mentions of SA within the show ahead.
1. The problem fans have with the actors, studios and of course, most of all Viziepop. I’m not going into that drama, the point I’m trying to make is that white cishet men have been getting away with absolute murder for ages in this industry and have not received even a crumb of this much flack. The fact that an independent, queer, woman of color is being put through the SHREDDER online and her work is devalued despite having extensive queer, BIPOC creators, cast and characters frankly leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t think she’s perfect and free from criticism but I’ve seen people foam at the mouth in defense of people like Taylor Swift (despite her being a billionaire because yes being a billionaire is never ethical and an eco terrorist). I don’t think I have to spell out the double standards further.
2. The HORRIFIC sexualization of characters. This is so bad I have to split it in categories.
•In Helluva Boss it’s Loona. Seriously, the way people are absolute CREEPS about Loona is one of the worst cases of perversion I’ve seen of a character within a fandom. And I watch anime. I’m very familiar with the incel-y, body-pillow having, foaming-at-the-mouth weird perverts that come with animation. The fact that it’s possible Loona started out the show underage makes it worse but here’s the kicker…if Loona was not and is not underage, the obsession with her is still gross to me. About 90% of content with her is basically rule 34. They joke about it in the show with the fourth wall break, but honestly guys? Get a hold of yourselves. Especially under certain context that she might be an SA victim is worse. (See the syphilis comment in the pilot. That disease manifests symptoms over years this isn’t necessarily canon but if it ever does become canon in the future it will make the sexualization downright unforgivable).
• ALASTOR. Alastor would be a clean #2 below Loona on the sexualization scale. As an asexual aromantic person, I’m frankly insulted (but not surprised) by the fandom’s approach to Alastor. Alastor is a canonically asexual character. People will (and have) argue with me that he’s canonically ace but it’s technically not confirmed that he’s aromantic and therefore use that as a justification to use him as bait for shipping wars and fic material. Viziepop said that she doesn’t mind certain things and has the one condition that we be “respectful”. I honestly think the fandom has entirely and spectacularly failed at that. People see Alastor in 2D. He’s witty, funny, sassy, self-assured, dare I say fabulous. Therefore, people seem to forget he’s ace. I’ve literally seen people say “I’m supposed to believe this guy is ace?” YES! Because he is! This hurts me as bad as it does because I have been out as aro ace for 10 years now and I’ve been exposed to so much vitriol at our community. If you haven’t been exposed to that, I’ll just say that the general picture people have of our community is that we are robotic, loveless, and empty from something people consider as fundamentally “human”. Still to this day people debate whether we’re even real. Alastor doesn’t fit that picture with his candor and charisma, and therefore people drop his ace identity at the drop of a hat. I can see it happening here because I’ve seen it happen with real people countless times. Even if that’s not how you see it, look at it from this perspective:
It’s confirmed that Alastor had no relationships in life or in death. Some people swear that he’s canonically sex-repulsed which I agree with but can’t confirm so I don’t claim it to be true canon just yet. But look at it like this. What have we seen from Alastor so far? Angel’s advances disgust him. He rebukes all advances. It’s canon that Alastor very likely cannot see others in a romantic way (and here is why I’m sure why): because he thinks pretty much everyone is beneath him. Yes it seems he is friendly with fellow cannibal overlord Rosie and lets Nifty touch him whereas others cannot, but what does it tell you when the “closest” people to him don’t catch his eye in the slightest? Because pairings in these shows are EXTREMELY intentional. I should also say the reason I’m adverse to shipping Alastor with anyone is the same reason I don’t ship Sir Pentious with anyone. It’s absolutely not important to their character. I understand having a fascination with him, believe me I love him too, but it really seems as though these shows have been reduced to shipping fodder. Also, Angel is canonically gay and no one ships him with women because that is something folks can understand and have respect for. I personally don’t see the difference between the two (in terms of sexuality).
3. The hyper-criticalness of it all. I honestly feel bad for the cast and crew because I swear y’all are never satisfied. I see endless complaining that Hazbin sucks because the “developments are bad” or some shit. What??? Including the pilot there have been 5 EPISODES. For fucks sake WAIT. Many great stories didn’t start off awesome. Why did we all forget that stories take time to come off the ground? I feel like everyone’s been poisoned by the writing advice that if you don’t “immediately hook the viewer on the first page/episode then it’s bad” or something. With Helluva Boss that has more episodes, its usually the fact that people hate the female characters. “Loona is a bitch to everyone”, “Octavia exists solely for Stolas’ development”, “Millie doesn’t exist outside Moxxie”. I’ve even seen people SYMPATHIZING with STELLA. Okay, first of all:
• Loona is canonically the lowest class in hell and very well could’ve been born and raised in a pound for 17 YEARS. Imagine if you grew up in prison and your only chance out was for someone to come along and buy you. If the comment from the pilot holds any weight (it may not but it might), then she was SA’d too. That’s complex trauma folks and ITS NOT PRETTY.
• Octavia literally had her own episode that showcased development for both her and Loona as well as the rest of the cast. But at the end of the day, her being sidelined for Stolas isn’t a shock because who is going to carry more weight in this story? Her, or her father who is the love interest of the MC? Stolas has a bigger role, that doesn’t mean Octavia is good for nothing else. I think it’s an interesting showcase to have her as a teenager going through the trauma of a divorce initiated by an affair. It’s a very real thing that happens but I never hear talked about. I just think that it’s a pointless battle trying to have her and her fathers importance be equal. From a storytelling perspective they just aren’t and it’s okay.
• Millie is a WONDERFUL character! For anyone who has seen Demonslayer, I say that Millie got the “Mitsuri Kanroji treatment”. She’s one of few female characters that isn’t necessarily defined by a traumatic past. So far it seems like her story is a country girl born and raised on a farm with lots of siblings and somewhat iffy parents. Not exactly as dramatic and horrifying as Moxxie’s mob past, or Blitz’s life ruined by fire. I know the biggest critique is that she’s nothing outside Moxxie. Like, I’m sorry, what? Since when is it a crime to be madly in love with someone you married? I would say Moxxie is more dependent on Millie than the other way around and yet the burden of that is placed on Millie and I KNOW it’s because she’s the woman. I ADORE Millie because she’s just…normal. She’s funny, bright, sweet and bad af. If I’m being perfectly honest, I’m not entirely sure as to why she is hated so much. I genuinely don’t see what’s not to love about her.
• STELLA??? Guys it’s gone too far. Do you sympathize with her because Stolas cheated and the marriage was just as arranged for her as it was for him? Because after everything she’s done I don’t care in the SLIGHTEST. Because Stella had ALWAYS been cruel. Did you not see her kid picture??? She TORTURED LITTLE ANIMALS. If someone does that in real life, we don’t defend those people for a second. It’s clear that she’s hit him before. That shot where Stolas catches her hand implies that there were many times that Stella did that and he did not intercept. Stella always talks bad about Stolas no matter what. Whether it’s to her friends at parties or to Stolas’ actual face. I know she brings him down around her daughter too. She humiliates him any chance she gets while Stolas has been shown to usually refrain from doing so (does Via even know it was her mom who tried to kill her dad?). So far we have not seen her have any real love for Octavia (Stolas put her to bed always and she never got up for her). But also, the tiny detail of SENDING AN ASSASSIN AFTER HIM. And she had not a cent of concern for how that would affect Via. I genuinely see nothing in her that’s worthy of defending. Sometimes women are abusive guys I don’t know how to tell you this.
4. The hate on Hazbin ladies. People hate Charlie, Vaggie, and Nifty. They always say it’s because Vizi cant write women, I just think it’s the fact that their media literacy is in the toilet. If Charlie was anything other than the eternal, naive optimist the story of Hazbin wouldn’t even exist. It would be impossible. No one else would’ve ever started such a project as a soul rehab in hell. I’m excited to see more developments with Vaggie (cuz I know that five episodes isn’t enough to have the perfect picture of a character) but so far I’m fine with her. I like how easy and low key their relationship is. Which is funny because everyone else hates it for the same reason. Nifty is comedic relief and everyone LOOOOOVES those characters…when they’re men, which Nifty isn’t so they hate her.
5. Finally, the fact that I can’t tell who are the haters and who actually likes the show. Because the tie in with the hyper critical responses but also the fact that people cannot simply not interact with this media. Some people genuinely watch it to shit on it. I don’t understand why. Please leave us in peace to have fun and enjoy. I’ve never seen so many haters in a fandom space before.
If yall have a response like “bro where the fuck have you been interacting with the fandom” PLS tell me where y’all have been avoiding this because this shit has haunted me EVERYWHERE.
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oh-shtars · 4 months
RFTS!AU AskBox #4
Me to @signed-sapphire for the legendary number of 50 Questions Galore they sent me:
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Heads up though, you might notice there’s certain questions skipped. I’m either not able to answer some of the asks at all OR they’re either some art requests that I haven’t finished and will post in future posts. So I had to skip them for this post unfortunately…. I apologise as such. 😅
Anyways, let’s get speeding through them shall we?
1. How do you plan to show the songs?
It should be question 6 of this post here. :)
2. How many songs do you plan to have in RFTS?
4 or more. Depends on what I come up with.
3. What ‘vibe’ would each song have?
Uhhhhhhh, idk tbh. I’m really just going with the flow of what this story brings me. You can’t wait to see what the RFTS!plot has in store? Yeah, me too.
4. Who’s voicing Valentino and the main cast?
For Valentino, I’m not sure. I’m debating whether it should be younger Bambi or Ronno’s VA. But he basically has an actual kid’s voice this time rather than a deep-sounding one. (Because honestly, I found that a bit weird personally). For the the other characters, I don’t really mind the voices they have canonically.
And I think I’ve mentioned this before, but even though Sueño can’t speak, I could hear him singing this in this voice hypothetically.
5. Write or draw any cute interaction between Ashueño!
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Mk :3
6. I know Asha will have a different outfit by the end, but do you have different designs for anyone else?
Yeah, I do actually. Some characters have a different outfit to better reflect their current context. (Like how Sakina would have work clothes similar to Asha.) But I don’t want to reveal most of them at the moment since I would like to keep them a secret for now.
7. Some Gabo doodles, if you don’t mind. I rarely see the short king in any Wish Art.
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His design makes a lot more sense if you were me and you knew the context. Take this art with whatever theories you guys can throw at me 😂
……. 10. What made Amaya fall in love with Magnifico? What changed?
Amaya had a family who greatly discouraged her interest in studying magic and potions since it’s against what their family has done for generations. Meanwhile, Magnifico who was adopted as Rosas’ prince, is expected to learn magic but COULDN’T because he struggles to do so since he hasn’t moved on from his trauma.
When these guys were around 16-15 years old, they were mutual best friends. Mag offers Amaya to read from his magic books while he finds comfort in just having a genuine friend who doesn’t remind or push expectations onto him that he hears everyday in the castle. She’s like an escape from the stresses he has in there.
In their future years, Amaya grew to fall in love with someone who promised her the world if she only asked for it. She finds bits of herself in Mag, as both were people with crushed dreams that deserve better. (In their POV anyway.)
Falling in love was not at all what she expected since she used to believe sympathy would only hold her back from exploring the limits of magic. But you know, Amaya’s as much as a tragic character as Magnifico is.
11. Who fell first and who fell harder between those two?
Is it possible to say that RFTS!Magnifico is both?
12. Any fun fact about the Royal Couple? (You can tell who I’m most invested in. lol.)
The only reason Espino, the royal cat, is in the castle is because Amaya wanted him around. Otherwise, if it were up to Mag, that cat is out to the streets. He’s not very fond of animals and he considers them as pests. Though, Espino gets small bonus points from Magnifico just because he keeps the castle clear from mice which he especially hates.
(Good to know you’re enjoying ‘Grand Despair’ while it lasts :)
13. This may be weird but…Body Swap! How would Hopes and Dreams react?
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Asha would have zero idea how to get star magic under control. Meanwhile, Sueño finds an interesting realisation.
14. What’s your favourite fanart piece of your AU?
I LOVE all of them so much!! They’re all made by very amazing artists!! I’m so happy to see these silly characters I’ve made be brought to life in someone else’s style. 💖💖
Mere words can’t express this joy enough. I hope you all would love the final chapters once they do come out as much as you loved seeing content of them now. X3
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15. Are you telling your story via writing or art of word dump?
I’m planning to share it in chapters like how Anny and everyone else has been doing. Plus some more sketches I would keep making of them obviously.
17. Draw Ashueño dressed as another Disney couple!
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Hehehehehe guess whooo~ 🙃
19. Young!Sueño!
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Which one? 🙃
Awww, good times back then when the little guy is still figuring out the forms he likes….
…… 20. Young!Royal Couple!
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Mini Magnifico would rather drown himself or drink snake venom than call Oliver his dad- ………
22. Give some more lore on Asha’s father. Are you keeping him as close to the source material as possible? Will we see him in flashbacks or something?
You’ll definitely get to see Tomás at certain points in the story. Either in the short prologue, mentions and flashbacks. He’s generally a friendly guy but at the same time, is also assertive to defend what he thinks is wrong. But even though his life was cut short, Tomás ended up inspiring more people than he thinks. Especially his old friend, Sabino, who hasn’t given another wish or attended any more wish ceremonies after his death.
I don’t think we really knew much about Asha’s father at all in the canon movie, but I’ll pretty much be close to what is depicted there already with some more detail on how he made an influence in the lives of those he loves.
23. Give Sueño a stuffed toy for him to cuddle with. He deserves it <3
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He adores it so much 💖💖
24. More lore about the Astral Realm!
Not all Wishing Stars have the strong desire to venture down into the human realm someday and that’s completely fine. They can still guide their wishmaker from above. But for those who do want to, they need to answer one important question first:
“Why do you grant wishes?”
Since they would be going down to earth by themselves ALONE with none of their elders to guide them this time, their answer to this question serves as their anchor in case they get lost or distracted. Answers do vary and some may be the same among stars, but that’s fine. As long as they’re sincere with all their core on their answer. Some examples may be: “I like to see them reach their very best and reap their deserved rewards.” Or “I like watching them journey and discover themselves.”
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This scene is one of my dotpoints I came up with but I’m not so sure anymore if that would still fit in and whether I should scrap it. Regardless, I thought this would be a nice little thing to show you all. Proof that I’m indeed working on it 😅
(Actually, this sounds so cute to draw. Feel welcome to try and do so if you want to, my fellow artists ^^)
…… 26. How does Magnifico’s magic work?
I made a whole post on this :3
27. Where did Amaya learn potions?
She’s self-taught mostly. But I also did mention that Mag generously lets her borrow what is meant to be his books of magic soooo, he played a role on that as well.
29. What’s Amaya’s opinion on the other Wish AU Mags?
I’m not exactly sure how different her opinions would be on each of them since I think we all decided to have our fun with Magnifico just being a shameless show-off and fun evil villain. I’ll try though.
Amaya would think KOW!Mag reminds her a lot of her own husband, also short-tempered and a disgustingly sweet romantic at times. She’s kind of a play-hard-to-get girl though 😂. One thing she does notice is that what WRTS!, Wish Granted! And KOW!Mag have in common is how loud they are with their ceremonies. Is that a universal Magnifico thing? Eh. There sure is a lot of interesting knowledge to learn from these universes. Hmmm.
TKoRaT!Maggy has that same pained look that falls on RFTS!Mag whenever he’s sulking by himself and needs time alone. Usually it’s because of his old village trauma. It’s an intriguing but ever so familiar cycle she recognises well.
Meanwhile. TFS!Mag is……different, she would say. Not exactly good different. I kinda imagine her eyeing this guy like a cat. This Mag just gives off a very different vibe of non-ruthlessness(?) that she’s not used to.
30. Same for Mag, but vice versa.
RFTS!Mag gets very very very familiar vibes with KOW! And Wish Granted!Amaya. He finds it slightly amusing since it feels like his wife just became a part of some triplets. (He jokingly asked RFTS!Amaya if she had any sisters she never told him. The woman wasn’t amused. She doesn’t really like being reminded of her family.) I’m sorry TKoRaT! And TFS!Amaya, but you’ve made the decision to adopt Asha as your daughter and so he thinks lower of you now. Although…the TKoRaT!couple might just get to redeem themselves for that since they sound interesting enough. They’re going to have the ditch the girl though at some point.
WRTS!Amaya just feels off. He doesn’t know what exactly though? Is he losing his mind or something? Ugh, I think he could use devouring another Wish Bubble just in case…
31. You know what, for Asha and Sueño too!
Oh boy, here we go. 😂
Asha will NOT be able to handle Wish Granted!Star’s energy. It’s so different from the silent but still lively conversations she has with her Starboy. Star just can’t bring himself to stop talking, can he? 😅 Asha thinks WRTS!Aster and TKoRaT!Star are adorable. Cielo may be a bit much at times with his light teasing and flirting, but she’s aware he means well.
I could see Asha’s non-hesitant empathy, patience and genuine concern to Haedus would be a huge comfort for the poor guy. (Trust me, she’s done this plenty before.) She’s a bit surprised to see Naos and Nembus but I think they’d get along just fine. She’s pretty good with playing with kids from her experience with a mischievous Valentino. And lastly, KOW!Aster is a total sweetheart that she jokingly comments could rival Sueño’s. (That comment caught Sueño’s attention quickly lmao.)
Sueño is more hesitant and unwilling at first to approach humans by his own accord. He’ll still keep a short distance buuuut… if they’re just another version of Asha, it can’t be that horrible, right?
KOW!Asha’s drawings are a familiar sight for him and he’s impressed that she could bring her own drawings to life. Same goes for WRTS!Asha with her magic wand. Maybe they’re friendly… Maybe they could both do that together :D He’s neutral with Wish Granted! And Aled’s Asha for now until he gets to know them better.
Sueño recognises that same shyness and timid nature in TKoRaT!Asha. (It’s weird how she does the same thing RFTS!Asha does of turning their head away and hiding behind their hair when he innocently just looks her way.)
And then there’s…….HER. TFS!Asha. Cielo talks about her a lot….😬. But you know, that girl scares him.
Unfortunately, Sueño is staying a relatively farther distance away from the last two Ashas I mentioned. Why? Idk, probably the fact that they’re the daughter of Mag and Amaya-
32. *Gives Sueño an iPad with Duolingo on it* Here my child. Learn Spanish.
I have a feeling you did this so he could finally find out what his name, ‘Sueño’ translates into. Lol, nope. Not yet he’s not.
He still appreciates the gesture though, but the guy got distracted by the other cool features and apps this weird magical mirror-tablet thing(?) had and completely forgot all about the Owl app.
33. Will Asha ever attempt to learn Celestial? Maybe with a candle? Like Morse Code? Idk.
Idk. Speaking Celestial is really just stars exchanging screechy sound waves to each other telepathically like words, while their glowing sequences indicates the mood and tone of what they’re saying. Maybe if Asha comes to learn how to harness light magic on her own, she’ll be able to at least convey emotions such as happiness in it by controlling the brightness and duration of each flash.
35. How are you planning out your story?
I usually think of what main message I’m trying to get across first and build the story around it. After some character and world-building stuff (that I keep adding to because procrastination), I put the key scenes I could think of in bullet-point format and then just think up some in-between scenes that could occur between those points.
Usually though, the most usual process is that a random concept/idea pops into my head and then I immediately type it down so I won’t forget it. It’s basically my thing now to organise the giant mess of reminders into comprehensive plot lines.
I’m not writing the story at this point. The story is choosing to expose itself to me XD
Another main thing I do is listen to my Spotify playlist of this AU, read the Wish Artbook, or rewatch a movie that has inspired the RFTS! plot in some way.
36. Are there any kisses in your story?
Hmmmmm….. *glances at Ashueño and Amnifico*
Oh well, since you’ve asked me, I gueeeeess I’m unfortunately now going to have to remove all the kisses I had included since y’all are so desperate to know….. (/jk)
38. Will the Royal Couple have villain transformations?
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39. What’s your take on the ‘eating wishes’ thing?
As I’ve mentioned in my last post on how the magic system works in the RFTS!AU, Magnifico eats wish essence to reverse the costly effects of using Curse Magic. To put it simply, he uses them to make him more mentally stable.
40. What Easter Eggs are you planning to put in your story?
Awwwww, where’s the fun in that? Find them yourselves >:)))
And who knows? Maybe certain fellow creators in the Wish Rewrite Fandom will make a reference in some of the chapters. Keep an eye out 😉
42. What exactly does Asha’s job entail?
Being a king’s apprentice is a way to gain experience and learn how to use magic by the king himself, so you could use the attained knowledge as to however you want. Share the talent with Rosas or Go out into the world.
However, when Magnifico’s reign started, he forbade magic usage other than he and his wife with the claim that it’s for the greater good and safety for Rosas. (He kinda had a point since criminal activity and accidents did decrease in number after that rule.)
Since Mag doesn’t really need an apprentice, Asha is more of an assistant now, following in her dad’s footsteps before her. She’s tasked to do help with whatever Mag might need around his study such as keep the fire going or organise his papers. But Mag doesn’t really like having her around a lot, (since she asks a lot of questions about his wish-keeping system) so he purposefully tells her to go carry out outside tasks such as go into the garden and help the gardeners or something.
43. Did Magnifico make Sueño’s bonds?
If I told you, would that make you more blood-thirsty enough to gather pitchforks and torches for his head? Because if you are, please don’t. I still need this guy to stir up conflict in my story :((
(You can have him all you want though once I’m done with him. Lmao.)
44. How was Rosas founded?
Nearly a century ago, the kingdom was first built. I’ve read in the Art book that Rosas was apparently named to reference ‘Beauty and the Beast.’
Like, ok….?
Anyways, I found that roses are meant to represent love, rebirth and beauty. So I decided to add more onto that than just have it as another reference. The kingdom’s founders wanted Rosas to be a place where people who are wary and feel outcasted by their homes can find and start a new beginning. To ‘Rebirth’ and have a second chance to find the ‘beauty and love’ in their lives again,
Blue and white were made the royal colours because the blue was meant to stand for trust and reliability and white for new beginnings. Symbolising the past kings and queens’ responsibility to have their talents in sorcery be used to serve the people who come here. Thus, Rosas’ citizens all are in a variety of different cultures.
45. Over how many days does your story take?
I’m thinking within one month. It’s a race-against-time sort of thing where Asha needs to find out how to confront the Royal Couple before they do something horrible on Rosas’ celebration of its 100th anniversary, which is literally just a month away.
46. What was your favourite part of Wish? Are you translating that to your AU?
I really really loved how Mag’s magic looked and how he went all evil-ish green as a tribute to past Disney villains. If we ignore the awkward transition he had from sympathetic to just plain psychotic, it’s a cool magic display. I kinda wished they went more full out on the final battle because it just felt so underwhelming asf.
I’m keeping the magical final battle but with more magical funsies. :D
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47. Least favourite part?
I’m frustrated how bland and empty the character interactions and emotional beats are since those kinds of moments are usually my favourite when it comes to movies.
Magnifico’s tragic loss of his village? “Pfft- What tragedy? We don’t need that in the movie’s 2nd half.”
Asha’s dead father? “Eh. We only needed him for a few mins and he’s non-existent from that point on.”
Valentino claims to be Asha’s helpful animal sidekick. “Did I mention I have a deep voice? Oh, and my butt’s a funny thing too. Did I already mention that my voice is loud and soooo deep??”
Simon’s betrayal? “Oh wow, that was a shock…. Anyways, wanna start a rebellion?”
OMG, Sakina’s wish is back!! “What was the wish about? Idk who cares.”
Asha’s friendship with Star doesn’t even feel that special to me?? GUYS, I felt more chemistry between Rapunzel and Pascal. COME ON, BUILD IT UP. DON’T JUST SAY ‘Awww, you and I are thinking the same thing~’ AND EXPECT ME TO BUY THAT.
48. What’s your favourite aspect of the TFS!AU?
Idk why, but I like how there’s a unique twist in your AU on how Wishing Stars don’t have the best reputation to humans. It’s a nice subversion that makes it stand out a little more. :)) Because usually, the idea of wishing on stars is always seen as a positive thing but that’s not the case in this story. It’s intriguing to watch characters slowly realise that not everything is what it seems.
That, and the hilarious dynamic you’ve got going on between Cielo and Asha and how deep in denial they both are, even though it’s clear as day to the other TFS!cast. 😂
(Wouldn’t it be funny if TFS!Mag and Amaya also noticed? They may be going down a dark path but they’re not blind, girl.)
50. What’s a boring fact about you?
Uhhhhhh…. I like organising stuff by colour for fun...? Like, I used to pour out a box of legos and sort through them as a kind of pastime. I still organise coloured pencils in rainbow order if I could too. 😅 ………
@annymation @uva124 @your-ne1ghbor @ficsinhistory @rascalentertainments @gracebethartacc @spectator-zee
It’s a long read, but I think you guys would enjoy going through it regardless. I hope so anyways.
Btw, thx for all the fun questions Bo! 💖 Might post some more regarding your other doodle requests that I’ve put to the side for now if you don’t mind. :))
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fadebolt · 2 months
I've seen some people posting their attacks collection from this year, so here's mine:
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With the lovely targets being:
1. meowynn
2. aquaticnebulae
3. soul-sylver
4. sb-is-a-thing
5. saintwyrm
6. bindibites
7. phishtoast
8. pansear-doodles
9. toiletpapericecream
Decided not to ping them here, since I already did it once when I posted the attacks individually. But these are their blog names, and they're cool people with cool art - so feel free to look through their stuff!
This was an awesome first year of Artfight! Huge thanks to everyone who sent me their creations involving my powerswap scugs, I adore them all quite a lot! And thanks for all the wonderful comments and reactions to my attacks as well!
You guys were wonderful, and I hope I'll get to see you next year as well! :)
(Bonus ramblings about AF thoughts below cut. Be warned, they do be lengthy)
So when I was starting out with the site, I looked around on the internet to see what people had to say (out of curiosity, and to maybe find something helpful). And apparently, there are a bunch of entitled users that complain if the art you send them isn't "high quality" enough, or if you don't send a revenge for their attacks.
And I'm just sitting here, and wondering which Artfight did these people show up to, cus I've frankly never seen a person like that. Everyone was super sweet and appreciative when I attacked them, and I received zero scorn from attackers I didn't revenge. Perhaps it's something that happens only outside the Rain World community?
Anyhow, I ended this year with a solid 9/5, which might seem like rookie numbers for many, which... is actually kind of fair, considering that I am technically a rookie.
I really didn't expect to get attacked at all, considering that my refs were slightly rushed, and not particularly polished (something I'll hopefully get around to addressing in the meantime). Though I did have hopes that sharing my profile on Tumblr, and some Discord servers might help.
Funny thing is, I don't think any of those 5 people came from there, as they haven't interacted with me on Tumblr yet, and they haven't joined the servers that I was in. There's no way for me to confirm this, but they probably found me while browsing through the AF website itself, which is extremely flattering (especially since I initially thought that folks usually just attack their friends... turns out that ain't quite the case).
But this also proves that my theory about people liking powerswap Slugcats was actually correct! Which is great, cus they're a blast to create, and hopefully by next year, I'll get to have the other half of the cast (name ideas are 'Lightcat', 'The Crusader', 'The Solitary' 'The Augmented' and 'The Gambler', but it's all subject to change).
There were also some of my OCs which showed up in my attacks - I'm planning on adding them in, too. (So if you like necromancers, wizards that copy the spells of others, and weird fanchildren of niche ships, then I got some wonderful news for you!)
Speaking of my attacks, I definitely didn't draw nearly as much as I did for Art Month. That's because I decided it would be better to take things a bit slower, to have more fun, and avoid burnout. As I would rather send over a few attacks that I enjoyed, than to rapidly rush out like 60, to hit as many people as possible.
Sure, it'll mean that I won't get to attack as many people, but I still think it's worth it, as I get to enjoy myself more, while my target gets a better piece.
I was slightly concerned that a lot of people would find it insulting that I used a randomizer to pick targets, but nobody seemed to mind, which is great. After all, there were no bad intentions on my part, I just simply had too many people I considered worthy of being attacked, and I needed some outside help to combat my indecisiveness. There's simply too many great artists in this community!
My list consisted of SC members that stayed (I was grateful for their efforts to keep the place alive, and I felt this would be a great way to thank them), some other people from the fandom that I liked, and my attackers, who were given a multiplier of 5 to their chances, cus yeah xd
There were over 30 people there, so it's safe to say that I didn't get to most of them. I think next year, I'll give them increased chances too, and hopefully, I get around to most of 'em. (Unless I'll have to work on my thesis in July... I don't quite remember when that's going to happen. Hopefully, that won't be the case, and I'll have a bunch of free time, like this year, and I'll be able to do more than 9 attacks then. Fingers crossed)
So that's pretty much all I wanted to say here. I'm not sure if I should post any updates or uploads I do to my characters there btw. I suppose we'll see.
But the event was real fun, and I'm looking forward to experiencing it again!
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oathbreakerapologist · 6 months
Sortie Sad Sack Thought Journal 4: This One's Actually about Sad Sack I Promise
Subtitled The Haunting and Perplexing Question of the Ontological Status of Garv.
I'm finally gonna turn to a question that has been subject to significant debate (if you accept several arguments I've had with myself while in the shower as "significant debate"). What if Garv isn't, like, just another guy? What if he isn't really a person in the world of Sad Sack at all?
Okay, to explain that a bit better: Garv interacts with the rest of the crew, the plot, and the world in some weird ways (weird, that is, in the sense of inexplicable, not just Garv's usual Messed Up Guy weirdness). Among other things, a few incidents come to mind as particularly unusual:
Garv's notable absence from the epilogue of SADS #1.
Garv's ability to gain access to the warehouse in SADS #5 (particularly, how he obtained the key from Jake).
The disappearance of Garv's body in SADS #5.
There's a reading of these events that says Garv doesn't actually exist. It's a kind of speculative and somewhat silly thing to consider, but I promise I mean this seriously. Maybe he's not a guy! Maybe Garv, as he's portrayed in SADS, is merely a representation of an idea, or a motive, or a sort of shadow self of another character.
Question 4: What is Garv if not an actual person?
If that were true, his depiction as just another member of the group suggests a certain textual unreliability—I promised this wasn't going to become about Sortie; it merely lingers as an elephant in the room—which is not out of the question. While SADS gives fewer reasons than Sortie to challenge the idea that the events that occur within it occur (approximately) in the way that they depicted, I don't think that's any grounds to reject unreliable depiction. So that's one layer of plausibility to the Garv Unrealist position. But I'm getting ahead of myself—I ought to make clearer (at least two of) the positions we might take about Garv.
Garv Realism. Garv is a person in the same way as any other member of the SADS cast. Unusual Events 1–3 must be explained through circumstances not depicted in SADS.
Garv Unrealism. Garv is not a person. Garv, as he is depicted, is a representation of something intangible: an idea, a motivation, an id, a shadow self, some combination thereof, or something else.
The shadow self idea is particularly interesting, both because it explains some things about Unusual Events 1–3 and because it might illuminate some things about a character who remains (in my opinion) somewhat difficult to parse. That character is Jake. I think I want to read Garv as a shadow self of Jake. Here's why.
Jake is, in my opinion, the character whose motive for involvement in the events of SADS is the least clear. Of course, SADS #1 is his own deeply personal revenge moment, and it's obvious from the fact that he initiated the events of SADS in that way that he is, in some way, deeply messed up. But... what is that way? Essentially everyone else in SADS does a very poor job at hiding their own personal damage. Mal has the world's most malignant white knight complex. Stone's an alcoholic with abandonment issues that have been festering for approximately three decades. Sal... well. You know.
But what the fuck is Jake's problem? How'd he get here?
I'm not sure that I can explain that. But reading Garv as a shadow self of Jake does a shockingly good job of explaining that. It actually makes a lot of things click into place: why does this seemingly normal type-A guy initiate a series of torture-murders?
Because Jake, the normal type-A guy, didn't do that. The set of personality traits we attribute to Jake are incongruous with his role in the narrative because there are several relevant traits missing, because those traits are attributed to Garv. Garv is utterly incapable of hiding how much of a fucking creep he is because that is literally all he is. He's a mere representation of one facet of who Jake is as a person. To be clear, I'm not talking about a true split personality or a dissociative identity disorder—I use "shadow self" here as a looser term, and by it I mean a loose aggregate of the traits that exist within a person but which conflict with other traits that seem to define them. By reading Garv as a shadow self of Jake, we assert: Jake is what we see from Jake plus what we see from Garv.
When you graft Garv's personality onto Jake, you suddenly get almost exactly the sort of person who would initiate a series of torture-murders with very specific rules and conditions.
A Garv Unrealist reading has a lot to say about SADS #5. In that reading, the initial conflict between Jake and Garv is actually an internal conflict within Jake that unfolds as he finally confronts the tension between his sadistic impulses and his stringent moral/behavioral code. The confrontation that follows is, in some significant way, metaphorical—though Sal's physical appearance in Sortie implies it did unfold somewhat similarly to the way that it is depicted.
(Does it, actually? A question for another post.)
In that reading, of course, we don't have to account for how Garv got into the warehouse. Garv is Jake; Jake has the key. In that reading, we don't have to account for why Garv's body disappears at the end of SADS #5. Garv isn't embodied; Garv never died.
It's a deeply interesting reading of SADS, certainly, and it's not insignificant that it does answer at least two pretty big questions. But is that enough to accept Garv Unrealism? It comes at a pretty significant cost—there's a lot we must re-interpret, and a lot we must accept as unreliable depiction or metaphor, in order to accept Garv Unrealism. Is the price worth the payoff?
(For what it's worth, I think I'm still in the Garv Realist camp.)
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yc-shiya · 7 months
danganronpa universe dashboard simulator
💔 monoslayy Follow
rlly it’s not “pretentious” to not find the newer seasons better?? listen i love the new ones as much as anyone else (ESP DANRON 48 UGHHHHH WTFFF) but to act like the junko twist is still subversive is just WRONG
😈 junkosgirl04 Follow
Literally who said that lol this is not an unpopular opinion at all
💔 monoslayy Follow
are you biased maybe “junkosgirl04”
☠️ the-sauna-scene Follow
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they did him so dirtyyyy 😭 we do not talk about this hair ATROCITY!!! its not even funny
🌟dangan-wrongpa Follow
I find it really interesting that you so-called “sympathetic” Danganronpa fans are always harping on about the tragedies of the characters played by *REAL LIFE ACTORS* rather than the later seasons when the showrunners recruited and killed *TEENAGERS* for money and views. It’s one level of wrong to be a fan of the show and still acknowledge its problems, especially with the newer releases. It’s something else entirely to still be talking about seasons one, two, three…and completely ignore the ongoing human rights violation that is modern day Danganronpa. You people disgust me. I sincerely wish you could take a better look at the media you consume, because it’s actually, LITERALLY killing people.
☠️ the-sauna-scene Follow
not reading that
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🌟 dangan-wrongpa Follow
wow! posting fetish art of REAL LIVING PEOPLE too! literally nothing shocks me anymore with you freaks!!!
🍬 kimurasgf Follow
hey wait arent you the guy who auditioned for season 53 pitching yourself as the ultimate vtuber? lmfao?
🧈 death-by-balls Follow
If i had a nickel for every danganronpa man ive loved who was executed and turned into butter, i would have three nickels, which isnt a lot, but its weird that its happened thrice
#in 1 then 13 then 39 #they were cooking tho ngl 🔥🔥
🍀 hopefulservant Follow
listen i can be fucked in the head sometimes but we srsly gotta take a step back and consider how the series is exploiting mentally ill people for content. i mean, whens the last time we had a double or triple murder where the killer wasn’t already, or eventually revealed to be, mentally ill? What is that saying, exactly??
💣 togamicorp Follow
🔪 chapter3sweetheart Follow
OP i have some news about your best boy
🍀 hopefulservant Follow
….agh…….my worthless talent…….
🎹 warriorsofdope Follow
okay can someone tell me why im seeing ship discourse about danganronpa 48 again? i thought we all played the same game and came to the consensus that the optional romance event with the whole class was universally canonical
🔮 30-percent Follow
Some of us didn’t get it on our playthrough 😒 also Sorry but I don’t like some of the cast of danganronpa 48. I don’t want them all shipped together.
🎹 warriorsofdope Follow
I can’t forgive you . Im gonna have to kill you for having that opinion.
🌟 dangan-wrongpa Follow
you shouldn’t ship the cast of danganronpa 48 because half of them are confirmed clones of Junko. go through chapter 5 again if you forgot.
🚀 femmesakura Follow
🐹 gundamwenttohell Follow
dont bother with him hes the vtuber guy
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slecnaztemnot · 2 years
Comprehensive speculation about companion line-up from Dragon Age: Dreadwolf (based on leaks, concept art and more)
This post will use info we have from leaks and also from comics, concept art and short stories, plus Tevinter Nights, so if you don't want to be spoiled, steer clear! Of course, this is all speculation so feel free to add your thoughts.
The leaks showed us 3 possible/probably warrior sub-classes - Grey Warden Guardian, Lords of Fortune Berseker and the Mourn Watch Reaper. We also got a leak which implied existence of black elf, red-haired rogue (possibly dwarf?) and a female (possibly human?) mage. We got the name Rook, but I am assuming that's the code name of our player character.
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If we go based on previous games, companions always used the sub-classes offered by the game to the player character. Since there are 3 archetypes/sub-classes, its reasonable to assume the count will be 3 x 3, same as in Inquisition - aka 3 companions per class, one each archetype.
Another thing that Bioware likes to do is to use the companions as the "representatives" of various factions around the Thedas you encounter. In DaD, we know we will be operating in the northern part of the map.
Lastly, in DA:I, we had 2 elves, 1 dwarf, one qunari, 1 spirit and rest of the cast were humans, so I am considering similar numbers in DA:D.
Okay, so line-up in detail:
Grey Warden Guardian - Davrin from the leaks. Black elf, member of the Grey Wardens. Character who appeared in one previous "making of" feature as well, so this one I am fairly sure about. Represents Grey Wardens faction.
Mourn Watch Reaper - this likely will be the character with the flaming skull we saw in some promo images. Represents Nevarra and Mortalitasi. Our "weird spirit" guy, akin to Cole in DA:I.
Lords of Fortune Berseker - faction which appeared in both Tevinter Nights and Absolution. Represents Rivain/connection to the sea. No idea about gender. While some Lords of Fortune appeared in both stories and Absolution, I am betting on new character.
4. Ben-Hassrath agent and/or (Tal)Vashot Striker - our qunari character. Based on pictures, probably a tall Qunari woman. Ben-Hassrath makes more sense as representative of Qun, on the other hand, we already got Ben-Hassrath agent in the previous game, so its possible the character wont be a Qun member.
5. Antivan Crow Assasin - Crows features heavily in Tevinter nights, and we didnt get a "proper" member yet (sorry Zevran). Could be entirely new character, but if its someone already mentioned, I am betting on Lucanis Dellamorte, who is a grandson of the current Crows leader. (he is implied to be dead in the short stories, however, so we will see.) Either way I am thinking a man.
6. Inquisition agent OR Kal-Sharok Dwarf - the third rogue is definitely a dwarf. Red hair dwarf could suggest Lace Harding, who lot of fans have been asking for and who could represent former Inquisition. If it isn't her, it could be a dwarf from Kal-Sharok, as its a dwarven city we havent met anyone from yet.
7. Tevinter Magister - could be Dorian as a returning companion, but I am betting more on Maevaris Tilani, who we know is kin to Varric.
8. Dalish Keeper OR Ancient Elf mage - elven character who for their own reasons fights against Solas. Probably a new character. Since Davrin is a male elven character, I am betting a woman.
9. Apostate mage? Former Circle member? One from those Beyond the Sea? - no idea about this character. Definitely someone new. If there are only 8 characters and not 9, possibly nobody.
Brightened picture from one of the trailers matched with the numbers:
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You might be asking, what about Varric? Apart from Solas, he is the only one character confirmed to appear. Imo Varric will be our advisor/mentor and not an active companion (or only for one or two missions.) Let the poor dwarf rest! If there are advisors like in DA:I, I could see one of them being Dorian, the third then a new (possibly woman?) character.
So, with this line up, we have 9 companions, 2 are elves, 1 dwarf, 1 qunari, one weird spirit guy, rest are humans. We get Grey Wardens, Nevarra, Rivain, Qunari, Antiva, Dwarves (or Inquisition?), Tevinter, Dalish or other elves, last ambiguous faction. Hopefully we will learn the details this year.
Thoughts? Opinions? Arguments?
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afterthefeast · 5 months
ok final terror thoughts below
firstly. emotionally it wrecked me and i am considering buying it on dvd so i do sort of think it might be the best show ever made. however my official view is - very good at dread and suspense, character writing was up and down and papered over by good acting
- goodsir, crozier & franklin standout characters in terms of writing
- ships are cool
- silna silna silna i think nive nielsen is an incredible actor who gave silna a huge amount of depth in part because of the fact that there really was very little there otherwise. the fact that she loses her tongue early on is pretty unfortunate in that regard but even so i think she was mostly relegated to magical indigenous woman/goodsir character development. and given that she was obviously the main netsilik character we actually get to talk with that was a major disappointment for me
- tbh not to be that guy but i do think the story would’ve been better without tunbaaq. like i get it in the sense that it is just fun to imagine a supernatural element to the franklin expedition, but it’s a good enough story without that and i kiiiind of think it did cheapen the otherwise pretty solid themes of civilisation, empire, and dignity in the face of suffering etc. i don’t see what “and there’s a weird bear” adds to this. but maybe im just being a hater here.
- pretty torn on hickey in the sense that. idk. i generally do like when antagonists are left ambiguous but i think…hmmm it just didn’t land for me i LOVED when he was being a funny little scamp but murdering farr felt like it came somewhat out of the blue mostly because he was so intense about it. hmm. idk. maybe i should put hickey in a middle ambivalent section because i’m so undecided but yeah. hmm.
- i think fitzjames was a pretty missed opportunity character wise frankly. the show positions him as stepping into secondary protagonist role after franklin dies but he’s then mostly static throughout eps 4 & 5, there’s some interesting stuff in 6, but most of his real character moments come in 8 which is obviously only right before he dies in 9 anyway. up to ep 3 he’s got a good thing going as franklin’s yes-man with better social skills but from there i just don’t think the show spends enough time with him on his own to really do much with him. similar to silna i think tobias menzies is a good enough actor to cover this and it’s more a problem with a big ensemble cast than anything but we got more depth for franklin three episodes than we did for fitzjames in 9 which i think was disappointing. mostly because what we do get would have been a pretty good vector for the broader themes of victorian sensibilities breaking down in the arctic for better or worse
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Back in Jugdral with the Three Frat Houses AU for another important question (and actually a post I started to write before I went on a tangent about the Crusty Old Cult Leader Dudes):
What Is Loptous' Deal.
We know Manfroy's deal - he's trying to resurrect Loptous so that it can destroy the world, and he's trying to do this before A) the Grimleal resurrect Grima to destroy the world, B) the Duma Faithful convince Duma to conquer the world, or C) the Agarthans successfully infiltrate the Loptr Church, the Duma Faithful, and the Grimleal, and kill their gods.
However, we have several possibilities for Loptous:
1. Grima et al. Have A New Compatriot: Loptous presumably exists somewhere off with the other dragons and is paying absolutely no attention to the humans vying for his attention.
Pros: makes everything much much easier for Sigurd and Deirdre and they deserve it after what they go through in canon; one may consider the drama happening behind the scenes between Naga, Duma, Mila, Loptous, Grima, and the other dragon gods who are detached from the everyday.
Cons: no drama happening in the foreground in the everyday situations of the main cast
2. Sothis and Foresti Have A New Compatriot: Loptous is Julius' pet lizard and communicates with him in vaguely prophetic dreams which he ignores.
Pros: Foresti-Loptous slapfight except they're both lizards who are less than 5 inches long combined; Julius and Uncle Lewyn have this weird point of connection and bond over it; does anyone remember that viral twitter thread about the guy who ordered crickets and they got loose everywhere? that's Sigurd trying to facilitate his son's interests.
Cons: if Loptous is hanging around being a menace to Julius I want it to have begun at a very young age* and I don't think that even Deirdre would think that letting a two-year-old have a pet lizard is a good idea.
(*Canonically, Julia notes that Julius used to be a kind boy before he was influenced by Loptous and became a terror when he was older. The reverse will happen in this AU. Loptous influences Julius to be the absolute most menace of a toddler that anyone has ever known, who attends a different preschool than his twin sister because he got kicked out of his first preschool for biting other kids all the time. Then when Julius is around 8 years old, it's like a switch flips as he thinks "hm, I don't need to follow every impulse that I have, do I?" and Loptous ineffectually rages.)
3. Some Kids Have Cool Imaginary Friends But All I Got Was This Horrid Beastie: Loptous is simultaneously Julius' (not-so) imaginary friend and the monster under Julia's bed.
Pros: I think that the twins should be really weird kids and this fits the bill; duality of how Sigurd and Deirdre would handle combatting a monster under the bed (Deirdre does forest witch things to reassure Julia that monsters can't get to her; Sigurd gets a baseball bat).
Cons: there is a certain level of shenanigans that can't happen when you have an incorporeal dragon known only to two people.
4. Where'd This Fucked-Up Haunted Antique Doll Come From: Loptous' spirit lives inside a haunted doll plushie that Manfroy tossed into the yard in the hopes that one of the kids would pick it up.
Pros: similar vibes to Option 2 but Loptous has infinitely less dignity; Julius being in high school and still having this beat-up dragon plushie living at the bottom of his backpack is a really cute thought even if the plushie is evil.
Cons: similar to Option 3, as the plushie would not be able to navigate the world on its own.
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juantheashura · 2 years
Hey there! I've finally played chapter 5 of your game and well... It also happens this was my first replay after whatever overhaul happened in the prologue. I guess after all of this, I have a few questions, if you don't mind. I'm sorry, it's a bit of a long ask.
I never really thought of that in my prior replays, but this time around I started wondering if Lat always has a crush on the MC? As in, no matter if she's romanced or not, AND even if the MC is on a romantic path with someone else (since I know she confesses in Japan if that's not the case). I know depending on the author, some prefer to make these things established truths (in which case she'd simply not say anything if she sees the MC likes someone else, basically), and others prefer "conditional truths" that depend on a specific "world state" in any given playthrough. Another one is about the whole Ignis and Seeker thing. I've seen so many asks about how things pan out for Ignis romancing MCs and possible reactions to the break up etc. But I'm curious about the very opposite actually. For a MC who isn't at all interested in Ignis that way, is it possible to actively "support" them? Like, not exactly matchmaking cause that would be overstepping and weird. But being supportive in regards to that relationship or possible related issues, if the opportunity presents itself, as a friend? For either one of them, obviously. I really liked how Ignis tentatively opened up a bit to the MC in the hot springs, and now I'm craving more haha. Also well… I guess that as much as I love Mars, my heart will still go to Forlorn, forever. I guess I'll never let go of the hope of him becoming a possible RO in the far future, no matter if I'm delusional (I'm not trying to pressure you into that! Just coping here haha). But well, the actual question is: will we actually get the opportunity to have the MC crush on him, even if he never gets added as a RO? I guess the question could apply to Seeker too, now that I think of it. My reasoning is that Ignis is literally a RO despite the fact a romance with her will always be cut short as she'll choose someone else. Since such a thing is possible, I'm curious about the possibility of an unrequited crush on one of the guys, basically. And last, a bit of an unrelated question (or well, not really, since it's romance related), but the Other calling some of the members of the teams as its "dregs" in one of the dreams made me wonder… Does that entity care about the MC getting really close to someone else? Be it romantically or a very deep friendship. And if they do, would they be critical of said person being one of the "dregs"? I'm curious cause well, with Mars being my chosen RO… The entity seems "obsessed" with the MC getting stronger and all, and I'm wondering if it would consider the MC getting close to one of them "drags them down". Okay, I'm sorry for the amount of questions! I took a huge break from a lot of things online and now I have to make up for it! Questions aside, I must say I loved chapter 5! It was so tense and amazing, and I was so so proud of Lat for how well she did during it! I love seeing my MC getting stronger, but I also love to see how Lat progresses! She may not be a character I'm interested in in terms of romance, but damn I love her so much! Aaand I feel so bad for Mars because of the shit that went down during the closing scenes of the chapter. Poor guy can't take a break with the super senses... I hope an opportunity will present itself for the MC to bring him some comfort after all of that...
Hello! Sorry it took me so long to answer, I've been... occupied, to say the least, this past month. And don't ever apologize about long asks! Those are my favorites, I love both talking about the cast/setting and that anyone might be so interested in them to dedicate their time to sending them in. :')
1st: Yes, Lat always has a crush on the MC. This is canon. It's not crazy "I've been in love with you forever, MC" tier or anything, but she is pining for them. I had plans for her to act on it if you're romancing Ignis, since, as you can see in her confession scene, she can tell Ignis isn't good for the MC, but it's been... a little tiring trying to get through that convo. That said, if the MC gets involved with anyone else, she's willing to take the loss. The MC's happy, and she does think the rest of the cast would be good for them.
One thing I am considering is adding a poly route for Aki x Lat x MC in Book 2 (or at the end of Book 1), but I haven't decided on it yet. It would be pretty cute though, the three of them are tied very closely together.
2nd: I've always had plans for a non-Ignismancer to have at least some choices to prod Ignis and Seeker about their obvious relationship. You kind of get this already with Chapter 4, as you've mentioned, where you can ask what's going on with them. The biggest point where you'll get to do something like that is Chapter 8, which is about Ignis's birthday party. Seeker organizes it basically on his own, and the MC will definitely be allowed to have thoughts™️ on that!
3rd: I've not worked out the very specifics of the MC and Forlorn's relationship in Book 2 (and beyond) yet, so I can't confirm one way or the other whether I'll have a crush happen. That said, Book 2 is going to have a lot more Forlorn content, and a lot of it will give the MC the chance to be the very obvious support pillar that the PTSD-riddled, half broken man needs. So even if you don't get to smooch (or think about smooching!) him, your relationship will definitely offer a chance to become much deeper, deeper than any he has at this moment.
4th: No, you don't have to worry about Other MC's thoughts on the League's strength tiers to matter in your relationships. As far as they're concerned, "salvation is individual", so Mars's (or Nova, or Aki's, or anyone's) personal strength doesn't matter to them- their only concern is your own. They may do some one snarky one liners once or twice, but if anything, the fact that the MC also has a personal reason to listen to them to get strong is something they're happy about.
Anyway, thanks a lot for all the compliments! I'm very happy to hear you enjoyed Chapter 5- it was honestly one I was very worried about since I have littme experience writing combat. I'm happy you enjoyed Lat's parts (and felt for poor Mars!) as well.
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The Omen (1976)
overall : ☆☆
concept : ☆☆☆☆
execution : ☆☆
characters : ☆☆☆
casting : ☆☆☆
coherency : ☆☆☆☆
spookiness : ☆
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Ambassador for the UK in the US has a child with his wife, the child dies in childbirth so they are given a baby who's mother died in childbirth to adopt without his wife knowing. Years later, things start to go a little bit off the rails, Damien (the child) is given a new nanny after the last one publicly hung herself at his 5th birthday party. The new nanny is a bit creepy and encourages Damien's evil tendencies(?) Animals are frightened of the child, and his mother begins to believe there is somwthing wrong with her son. A Camera man that frequents through the movie sees that his images are prophetic towards death, when he takes images of the local creepy priest (of whom warns the main guy several times throughout the movie about many a thing.) The camera man and Damien's father discover that Damien is the son of satan, when finding the grave of his mother and discovering she was actually a wolf (somehow??). Damien causes his mother to have a miscarriage and his new evil nanny throws her out a window, killing her. its all super insane. Damien's father is supposed to try kill him but hes not very good at killing 5 year olds because the police kill him before he can do the job.
Damien looks into the camera evilly at the end.
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So as you can tell... theres a lot to cover here!!! Overall I give the movie a solid rating of... 2 stars!!! I'm quite a biased source considering I don't like old horror movies (that said, all movie reviews are biased), since I prefer a lot of newer technology for things like special effects etc etc. This in mind though, I just found the movie to be confusing and almost mind numbingly boring. There wasnt any frightening suspense, the only part that made me jump was the original death of the first nanny- and even then it was just shock value. It was like being a 9 year old and having to go to a car garage for your dad's MOT because you cant be left home alone; dull, tasteless and the only enjoyment comes from zoning out. And in true 70s horror movie fashion, you couldnt hear a fucking thing over the annoying ass 'suspenseful' music
And I feel a bit like an ass for feeling this way since people seem to hype this movie up like its some gift from the lord above, but be so for real... do you actually like this movie, or is it just old enough for it to make you feel like youre unique for liking it?
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The concept is cool, I'll give it that. The whole born antichrist thing has definitely been done a million times over, but I'll put some respect on it's name since it is technically the OG antichrist child plotline. However, the execution is questionable. It was dragged out, and it never elaborated on stuff. Why did the priest have the 666 birthmark?? why was the cameraman able to prophecise people's deaths when he had literally nothing to do with anything before hand??? why did everything start going to shit when Damien turned 5 specifically, youd think it would be when he turned 6, but whatever. The dogs are probably a metaphor for something, but they never made much sense outside of the fact its probably meant to have something to do with satan- which is also weird because why rottweilers?? congrats for giving perfectly loyal dogs a bad rep, The Omen, should have had them be chihuahuas instead, that would be damn scary.
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The characters!! Characters can make or break a story, this time however the characters... well, they were kind of just There. Outside of Damien, almost all characters are forgettable. I watched the movie YESTERDAY and I only remember the wife, Kathy's name- purely because its my nan's name and we thought it was funny. The main US ambassador lad fell into the trope of 'dad that makes stupid decisions and takes way too long to believe in the paranormal' way too much and just spent the entire film frustrating me- like when he got speared through the arm (which by the way, a gate would Not be sharp enough to skewer him like that) and the next day was just fine as if it never happened. He kept just rinsing the shit out of the poor priest who was just trying to warn him, in fact, I want justice for the priest- Damien is clearly a weird ass kid and the dude was just trying to warn him that his wife was in danger but noooo god FORBID someone criticise your darling boy who tricycled your wife into a miscarriage- which could have been AVOIDED if he wasnt such a stubborn piece of caca. Had this man just agreed to an abortion, she wouldnt have had to have been knocked down 2 stories. Hes casted terribly too, pirely because his wife is about 3 decades younger than him. I was half expecting him to drop her at high school somewhere throughout the movie, but it never happened; I get it was the 70s, but have some decorum??? Whatever happened to picking on someone your own age. He looks like what tar smells like, and I just dont get why señor tire mark gets to be with Miss Americana. But anyways... It's hard to sympathise with the main character when hes such a pain in the ass- somewhat realistically written, but he makes you want to piledrive your face into a metal beam at the best of times. The photographer man however, I like him, I can appreciate him even though he looks like every single one of The Beatles all at once. Though, its never mentioned why this cameraman is just all over the place, he really just follows them around which I mean yeah, the dad ambassador guy is famous, but at some points this dude was just taking pictures of whatever the fuck- what caused him to take the first picture of the priest?? what caused him to CONTINUE, why was he ever taking mirror selfies?? why did his death make me cackle. We'll never know, because its never explained. Damien I have nothing to say about, hes a silly little guy who is also a little bit unhinged. He's definitely cast well though, hes the most kid looking kid I've ever seen.
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Despite my millions of complaints, the movie is coherent- since I found it mind numbingly boring, I don't remember everything in enough details to list the entire plot out, nor do I have the patience too. Aside from that though, it makes sense. A lot of the events string together nicely and the pacing was pretty good, despite how far fetched it all was. Something that never made sense to me was the grave scene when they find Damien's bio mother and her skeleton was like some kind of wolf dog thing?? Me personally if I were a midwife and a wolf walked in, I'd probably have some second thoughts so god knows how THAT ever slid well. The baby skeleton made enough sense but I dont really know why the baby was killed when they could have just... put it up for adoption or something but whatever, I guess it is the devil or whatever.
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this movie wasnt scary.
I dont know WHY its hailed as some classic horror movie because truth be told, I never jumped once, i felt no sense of fear or suspense, and the fact my 50 year old mother was able to watch it without shitting bricks says enough about how tame it is. Theres some REALLY good old horror movies (even I could admit that) but this? this makes them ALL look bad. This movie is the Firkle from south park of classic horror movies, a literal fucking toddler amongst intimidating older kids- not that I've ever found gothic 10 year olds intimidating, but you get my jist. My mother had nightmares about this movie once- when she was 6 years old. The scare factor was like Scream, where its technically a horror, but it's not scary at all- difference being that Scream is a really good movie, and The Omen is just... not.
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Overall, my ranking remains at 2 stars- this movie was a sorta weird one to start with since for some reason I didn't have a LOT to nitpick, but its the most recent movie I watched thats fresh in my mind, so it gets a review while I'm motivated. No caiman footnote because I dont think hes watched this, and i cba to ask properly
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astro-candii · 2 years
The people need to know what you think about Rook.
like just whatever lay it on us
I genuinely have so many thoughts about this guy (as I do with almost every character in twist but that is besides the point), but mostly I feel like people forget or get easily lost in one aspect of Rooks personality and character and forget about everything else. Which makes it easy to misinterpret him.
//spoilers for book 5
Cause yes he’s a very weird and odd guy! There is something wrong in his head (/j) and I need him studied in a lab because what is happening why is he like that why do you twirl your hair bat your eyelashes and sigh dreamily thinking about a man ripping your throat out with his teeth.
But apart from all his weirdness and mystical extravagance Rook is incredibly sympathetic and empathetic. He loves seeing the beauty in everything and anyone. He likes to talk and ramble about what he sees as beautiful in others and what he admires about them, he acknowledges hard work and the things people go through and feel (which isn’t very common in our cast, since they are so wrapped up in their own issues and lives more often than not). It’s so refreshing to see a character who is so loving and open and loud about it when the majority keep to themselves and would rather eat glass than admit out loud they care about one another.
There is also Rooks absolute obsession with beauty itself and by extension Vil. This guy genuinely wanted to drink the poison meant to kill Neige because he wanted to know how far Vil was willing to go to be the most beautiful in the land. The guy stares in awe at this dude going on a rampage and about to kill everyone like he is not sane /lh but it’s also so interesting to look into given that Rook will see the beauty in even the most awful things or aspects of a person and would put himself in danger our consider putting himself in danger worth it if he got to witness said beauty first hand.
Overall Rook is a lot of things, he’s eccentric, weird, poetic, empathetic, living, very much would hunt you down for sport/hj but I feel like a lot of him gets lost when people don’t pay attention and simply see him as the weird over the top guy and I wish people would talk about all of his aspects and “parts” more equally instead of focusing into one aspect of him.
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iamdeltas · 2 years
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#honestly i thought it was just a me thing cuz i just normally don't vibe with characters who are portrayed as stupid for the point of comed
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Luz 100% will stumble across Camila's old Cosmic Frontiers fanfic one day. I am willing it into being, because it would be hilarious.
64 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
I haven't done any posts about general episode thoughts in a long time but I figure I ought to bring it back for Kamala's MCU debut, what with my icon being her right now and also what with her being my favorite Marvel character and my introduction to the comics.
I really think they captured Kamala's character well here and Iman Vellani is a delight playing her! It is interesting that they changed Kamala from being a fanfic writer to being a YouTuber discussing the Avengers, but it makes sense. I'll miss the fanfic angle but since fanfic of the Avengers in-universe is basically RPF, that probably gets into weird territory.
Now I'm not of Pakistani descent but I am Indian-American, and I'm Muslim, so I think I can speak to the accuracy of the cultural stuff. Honestly, I think it was dead on. The Bollywood music was a really nice touch, and I loved the scattered Urdu phrases throughout. And the aunty gossip is too real. I remember when a family friend was getting engaged to a white girl, the gossip was raging! (They all still came to the wedding though.) Also the Halal Guys shout out had me laughing, especially since I was considering getting lunch from there earlier today!
The family dynamic is very compelling and there was a lot that rang true for me. Honestly my parents would have reacted the exact same way if I'd asked to attend any cons. It was a bit amusing that the dialogue there seemed to be lifted from the comics since in the comics Kamala was actually asking to go to a party but it still worked because desi parents do overexaggerate things! That being said, I am kind of wary of how they've firmly slotted Muneeba as the "strict" parent and Yusuf as the "nice" parent when they were both equally strict in the comics. I don't know that I like that change. Anyway I'm also liking her sibling dynamic with Aamir and I'm looking forward to when we see his fiancee since she was really cool in the comics.
Kamala's and Bruno's dynamic is really fun. I did catch those ship teasing, which is... fine, they did that in the comics too. Anyway, they bounce off each other well! I enjoyed what little we saw of Nakia too and I hope we see more of her.
As expected, since I'm ornery like that, I still don't like the changes to her powers. I do appreciate the comic references though, like when she rescued Zoe in a similar way. And the end credits sequence with the art from the comics was VERY cool!
I am cautiously optimistic about the rest of this series!
72 notes - Posted June 8, 2022
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I see that "they," Netflix After School. 👀
207 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
I absolutely love that Phoenix Parks has an actual goddamn dungeon. I can 100% believe Pauline would be extra enough to have one built. Wonder who else she's thrown in there.
237 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Me: *looking at the cast list for Dead End: Paranormal Park* What do you MEAN the demon guy is voiced by Lily from Hannah Montana?
409 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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patronsaint-prometheus · 11 months
hii 5, 18, and 23 for the oc verse asks
5.) pick a theme song for the tv adaptation.
This is so difficult for me specifically. I can make any song be about the character(s) you must understand. But I’ll shoot for the song that I associate with the story as a whole which is this lovely local comedy band's signature haha. https://open.spotify.com/track/1bFgF9PAtl61J6gUd91Vbq?si=IgHi12bDT66J3svrXpISqg
Music is really important to the story. Especially since my dream for it is to be a short 10ep animated webseries so ideally It WILL include music. But this song is one of the main(e haha) pillars of it. It’s the goofy lighthearted starting ground that everything stands on before dipping into serious concepts or horror moments.
The environment of the story uses a lot of country/rock music that encapsulates the majority of people the cast interacts with day to day. Eliot is the “true” main character of the series and when he’s faced with this mix of country and rock he doesn’t really stray too far from it outside of having a more niche and nostalgic connection to oldies country than most. So if anything he takes the environment he’s born and raised in and runs with it.
Mikey is quite involved in the grunge movement with things like nirvana. He could kill a small army with his rhythm game skills(Keep in mind that includes DDR and Guitarhero almost exclusively at the time ahdhfh). He dresses in a style that would make dpop sellers today drool. BUT despite how deep he goes into it he’s not truly considered weird. Many guys in his generation are currently doing the same thing and because the older generation had just been the ones to popularize classic 70s rock. A teen boy shutting himself in a room and obsessing over another guy with a guitar is just tame enough that it gets taken at surface level and no one really listens to anything he has to say about his own music taste because of it. He’s just seen as a person in a crowed despite trying to make his own way.
Hannah (who is Mikey’s older sister I feel I should mention) nearly completely abandons her connection to the music of the environment. She’s very visibly scene lmao. She’s internet savvy and likes weird alt music and doesn’t hide it in the way she dresses. Wide open to be ostracized. But as time goes on you start to notice that even she has her connections. Specifically connections to any song about a rural woman getting drunk and/or violent.
18.) what aspect of the story would get you #canceled on twitter?
Oh definitely for sure the rural lifestyle parts of it. My characters handle guns in a fictional setting and unfortunately the real life version of that setting is already heavily demonized. This part definitely does worry me quite a bit. Because I’m not trying to make all that much commentary on gun laws believe it or not I do think they should be stricter. It’s just an important part of the plot and setting because it’s genuinely how people here grow up especially ESPECIALLY back then. I hope to god the majority of ppl who engage with THFH have the takeaway of rural settings not equating to cishet white biggest and not equating to uneducated or sloppy people. There’s people of color, lgbt people, people spanning religions, and people spanning languages and cultures all throughout these woods. Representation is insanely important and I take it seriously in this project. But I’m also not going to woobify and baby my characters in order to appeal to a close minded audience. They’re going to be a lot closer to real people then they will be a diversity point wet blanket. I hope to portray each culture I incorporate accurately. And if I fail to do so I hope it sparks people correcting me and having conversations about it.
23.) describe how everyones character gets butchered once in the public eye?
EASY. SPEED ROUND. Eliot gets whitewashed Mikey gets turned into an uwu twink and Hannah’s character growth is completely ignored because she’s a woman even though the other two have made similar levels of mistakes !!!! I’ve been in many fandoms can’t you tell AHDHFGF. No but fr I also kinda answered this in the previous question. If you go into THFH with your mind set that rural automatically means biggoted white cishet uneducated republican christians then you won’t get anything out of my plot whatsoever. Each of the classic fandom character-ruiners I listed represents a part of that. Eliot and Mikey would lose the traits that make them undesirable to a wider audience (Eliot being black and Mikey being a gay guy who ISNT used as a sex symbol) and Hannah's undesirable trait (her connection to womanhood) would be too blatant to ignore and therefore she would be torn apart as some kind of secret villain if you read between the lines.
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castiellesbian · 4 years
i feel like i need a glossary of terms or a contact list for all these people involved with the show. i have shit memory and dont pay attention to the credits who is sera (sara??) and why does everyone hate her!! why is he Bobo!!!!!! please... has anyone posted about this im desperate
lol well including everyone involved with the show would be difficult, but I’ll give you some highlights
Eric Kripke: creator of Supernatural, showrunner for seasons 1-5. People have differing opinions about him but general people enjoyed his run and he’s considered the best showrunner in the series overall. Not much to say because there’s a lot to say lmao (notable episodes: “Pilot,” “Lazarus Rising,” and “Swan Song”)
Sera Gamble: writer who was involved from the beginning of the show, became showrunner after Kripke left. Her seasons, 6 and 7, are typically regarded as the weakest seasons. She was a huge brothers-only supporter, and was responsible for Misha being written out of the show (as well as Jim Beaver, Bobby) in order to get the show to just be about the brothers again. There’s a lot of drama regarding her treatment of Misha/Cas, but more recently she’s known for the Magicians debacle, a horrendous example of the Bury Your Gays trope. She’s also involved with (the showrunner of?) You on Netflix. She was a pretty good writer, but overall fans dislike her because of her showrunning tenure (notable episodes: “Faith” with Raelle Tucker, “Death’s Door,” “The Born-Again Identity”)
Jeremy Carver: writer from season 3 that was promoted to showrunner from seasons 8 through.... some time in 12, the timeline has been a little murky to me. He was the one who brought Cas back into the main plot, as well as allowing the deancas storyline to become genuine subtext (we can argue whether it was queerbaiting or what he was intending to do if he had been running the series finale, but yeah). Unfortunately, he was also the showrunner when Charlie was killed off brutally, which dampens his legacy. People are conflicted about his seasons, but generally he’s looked upon favorably (not related, but the picture that comes up when you search him on google is NOT him, he’s really like a typical white nerdy looking dude lol) (notable episodes: “The Rapture,” “Sacrifice,” “Do You Believe in Miracles?”)
Andrew Dabb: writer from season 4, promoted to showrunner during season 12 and is the last showrunner of Supernatural (he wrote the finale). He was well-liked by deancas fans for awhile because of how much screentime they were allowed to give, and because of the focus on extended/found family. Sam and Dean only fans didn’t like him for the same reasons. Unfortunately, HIS legacy has been marred by the awful series finale, though it’s debated whether that was his fault or because of network meddling. (notable episodes: “Dark Side of the Moon” with Daniel Loflin, “The Prisoner,” “Moriah”)
Robert Singer: executive producer since the beginning of the show (he’s also co-showrunner throughout Supernatural, but I don’t think he typically was involved with the plotlines too often). He’s directed quite a few episodes, including the infamous wire fight episode (s13 finale) as well as the series finale. Married to Eugenie Ross-Leming, writer of the show
Eugenie Ross-Leming/Brad Buckner: writing partners TECHNICALLY from season 1, but they only wrote one episode until they were brought back in season 7. They are regarded as the worst writers in all of Supernatural, responsible for tactless death scenes of fan-favorites (and typically minorities) like Kevin, Charlie, and Eileen. They also feature a gross amount of dubcon/noncon, racism, weird unnecessary sex stuff, and are SUPER into Lucifer for some unknown reason (they have a crush on Mark Pellegrino I guess). They’re also just kind of bad writers in general, their pacing is weird and their plots convoluted. To be fair, though, they have written some good moments, like Dean trying to reach Cas in Hell’s Angel and Dean’s confessional scene in Paint It Black. But overall, they suck. Why are they still on the show even though BOTH sides of the fandom (who never agree on ANYTHING) dislike them? Well, because Eugenie is married to Singer. Nepotism. (notable episodes, the ones I can stand to watch lmao: “Holy Terror,” “Hell’s Angel,” “Our Father Who Aren’t in Heaven”)
Ben Edlund: writer from season 2 who left after season 8, but people STILL talk about him simply because he is arguably the strongest writer of the series. Cas fans particularly like him because he did most of the heavy-lifting regarding Cas’ characterization. He also wrote the famous bi!Dean scene with Aaron in season 8, where Dean is flustered after being flirted with. (notable episodes: “On the Head of a Pin,” “The French Mistake,” and my all-time favorite “The Man Who Would Be King”)
Robert “Bobo” Berens: writer from season 9, his first episode was “Heaven Can’t Wait,” which is all you really need to know about his influence on the deancas storyline. He’s also gay, so people particularly enjoy seeing how he approaches destiel in his episodes since it’s not just another straight guy potentially just catering to fans. He was also the one who was meant to go off and run Wayward Sisters, and is responsible for a lot of their development in recent seasons. I believe he also created Rowena? He wrote the episode this season where Cas confesses his love to Dean (along with other heavy deancas episodes like “The Trap”). Sam fans typically don’t like him because he doesn’t give him much focus. (notable episodes: “Heaven Can’t Wait,” “Who We Are,” “Wayward Sisters” with Andrew Dabb)
Steve Yockey: writer from season 12 through the beginning of season 15. Also gay, and also responsible for deancas moments in recent years. Generally loved for his deancas subtext but ALSO because he is an amazing writer who came out with iconic episodes. (notable episodes: “Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox,” “Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets,” “Peace of Mind” with Meghan Fitzmartin)
Robbie Thompson: writer from seasons 7 through 11, and wrote some fan favorite episodes in the meantime. He is also the creator of fan favorite characters like Charlie and Eileen. He was also one of the few writers who was vocally supportive of destiel during his tenure rather than just later. I’m not implying anything about his intentions, but it was validating for him to encourage fans during a time where most of the cast/crew ignored or actively dismissed it. Plus his episodes are just fun! (notable episodes: “LARP and the Real Girl,” “Fan Fiction,” “Baby”)
Meredith Glynn: writer since season 12, has worked closely with Bobo during their seasons together. She and Bobo cowrote “The Future,” which is the mixtape episode, so she has been taken in by deancas fans haha. She also wrote the episode where Cas makes the deal with the Empty, so it’s pretty safe to say she and Bobo had worked on the deancas plotline together :) She’s also liked some deancas-related tweets on twitter, so she’s being subtly supportive (notable episodes: “Regarding Dean,” “The Future” with Robert Berens, “Byzantium”)
Davy Perez: writer since season 12 (a lot of the ones I’ve mentioned are, since this is when Dabb became showrunner and made changes in the writers room). His episodes tend to either be horror or bizarre. I mention him because he’s responsible for episodes like “Stuck in the Middle (With You)” (Cas’ first “I love you”) and “Tombstone” (aka Brokebacknatural lmao). I don’t know much about him otherwise, but that’s why he’s brought up usually (notable episodes: “Stuck in the Middle (With You),” “Tombstone,” “Atomic Monsters”)
hopefully this helps, and hopefully I didn’t forget about anyone major. There have been a LOT of people behind the scenes so it’s hard to say who to include. Like, I didn’t mention Jerry Wanek, Jim Michaels, Kim Manners, Thomas J. Wright, or others who might be mentioned from time to time.
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writersblog20 · 3 years
I can't help being scared!
Sebastian Stan x reader
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Guest appearance: marvel cast
Warnings: some curse words. Little bit of angst if you squint but barely noticeable.
Summary: The reader is on the Graham Norton Show with Sebastian, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Evans, RDJ, Anthony Mackie and Benedict Cumberbatch. Graham shows a clip of the reader with her classmates for a project at a haunted house. That gives the rest of the cast a brilliant idea! But unfortunately their great plan didn’t turn out great for you… or did it?
Words: 3169
I can’t help being scared!
You were backstage with Sebastian, Tom, Chris, RDJ, Anthony and Benedict. You were quit nervous to say the least. This was your first time on a talk show host. But you weren’t nervous for the actual show but because Graham always knew how to find embarrassing videos and/or pictures. And there were enough of them! Sebastian stood next to you. His arm around you. “you’re great, they’re gonna love you” he told you. You just smiled. “Sebastian is right darling, no need to worry! We’re here with you.” Tom said sweetly. You blushed a little. “thank you guys” you told them.
Since you were the newbie you thought they would give you a little bit of a hard time but that was everything but the truth! They took you in as a part of the family. The fans already loved you! And you really grew closer to Sebastian. This was your first big role and you loved Marvel way before you got the part. And you also had a huge crush on Sebastian before that. You might have hoped that he was a jackass so it would be easier to be around him than crush on him hard. But also that was everything but the truth. He was so nice. Nicer than you thought he was, which is very hard to achieve, but yet there he was. He might’ve been the nicest person you’ve ever encountered. But the whole cast was extremely nice and kind! It just didn’t help with your crush on Sebastian to say the least….. you were full head over heels for the blue eyed man.
Graham called you one by one on the stage, leaving you and Sebastian alone for a second. “Really sweetheart, they’re gonna love you!” he told you “Thank you Seba” you told him with a slight blush. “also you look incredible!” he told you while scanning you which made you blush even harder. Graham called Sebastian to the stage and he gave you a quick kiss on the side of your head and squeezed your hand before going up.
You paced a little around when your name came up. “and a huge applause for Y/N Y/L/N!” the crowd grew wild. You walked up and waved to the people and gave Graham a hug while the whole cast smiled at you. You plopped down the couch next to Sebastian and Chris. You took a sip of your alcoholic drank.
The show was going great until the last moment. “So Y/N, do you get scared easily?” he looked at him in confusion. “ehm I don’t really know actually although the question scares me” you told him laughing not knowing what he was going with this. The crowd was laughing with you. “I’m asking because we have found a video of you, and I believe are some classmates? At a haunted house for a project…. “ he said waiting for the ball to drop in your head. “oh god” you said immediately feeling embarrassment filing up your body.
“yeah I remember….” You said chuckling. The whole cast looked at you in confusion. “well we don’t know!” RDJ said. “well luckily we have the footage” Graham said. You groaned putting your hands in your face. “maybe you can gives a little background story on this” Graham asked chuckling while holding his cards in front of his mouth. You chuckled a little as well “okay so ehm… we had a project to make a video and we were left doing what we wanted but it had some criteria we had to get of course. But ehm the group decided to go to a haunted house and well I didn’t really like it” you said “lets watch the footage” Graham said and the crew scooted over to get a good look at the monitor it was playing the video on.
“so here we are! At a haunted house for a challenge!” one of your classmates Joey said. You were in a group of 5 people. They all stood next to each other. Tyron didn’t like it as well. All the others were excited except the two of you. You on the other hand wasn’t in the shot. They all introduced themselves “and Y/N is over there!” they panned the camera to you, who was standing against the wall. You gave them a small wave. They started laughing. “what are you doing over there?” they asked you teasingly. “yeah I don’t trust anyone behind me right now. and now I can see them coming” you said.
After 1 minute of introduction a scare actor came up to you on roller skates and knee pads. He took a good run up you and went on his knees rolling further towards you. You noticed him and immediately jumped over the guy running towards the group who were now laughing their asses off. “yeah very funny can we just get this over with?” you asked the group annoyed.
“sure but now first the challenge! You guys don’t know what it is right?” you all nodded. Right so we’re going to be bound to one another. So we have a rope and we tie it up around one ankle so you’re bound to the other person. “excuse me know???” you asked unamused. They laughed. “Y/N you’re with Tyron.” They made the pairs and you tied each other up.
You went in the haunted house and already got scared. You and Tylor wanted to run but you both went the other way which made you fall down. The rest of the group laughed again. “Fuck dude!” you yelled but more at the actor and yourself. This went down for another good 4 minutes which got harder with the second since the actors had their eyes on you and Tylor because you were so scared. They figured “Let’s make it worse!”. At the last minute in the haunted house you and Tylor untied yourself and fleet the scene with a lot of actors behind your asses. You run like you never had before.
~end footage~
The cast was laughing a lot and you giggled a little while holding your face in embarrassment. “So I figured you didn’t really liked it?” Graham asked you. You laughed “no not really”. You all talked about it for a little more until the show ended.
You were standing in the dressing room changing in sweatpants. the cast couldn’t stop talking about it. “You have to give me that footage!” Chris said laughing. You rolled your eyes. You knew you were going to be the center of Chris’s scare pranks. Everyone was changed in comfortable clothes and Sebastian in black sweatpants as well.
You all got out of the building thinking of what to do next since everyone was so hyped. “I have a great idea!” Anthony said and whispered something to Chris who was now laughing his ass off. You frowned and looked at Sebastian who looked at you in confusion as well. “okay I know a great place!” Anthony said which made Chris laugh more “yeah I don’t think I trust you right now” you told Anthony. “Oh come on you’ll love it! Just follow me” he said making his way. Everyone looked at each other considering it. Eventually following the two boys.
You walked in a funfair. You frowned and wondered what the two boys were up to. You stopped in front of a haunted house. “absolutely fucking not” you told them shaking your head. “oh come on Y/N. It’s not like it is a haunted house where you went. I mean we’re at a funfair. It’s not going to be that scary!” you rolled your eyes.
Sebastian placed his hand softly on your arm. “I’m here with you. I’m not going to let you alone or fuck with you.” He told you and got a little closer “you can hold my hand if that helps.” He said and you were waiting for him to crack up laughing but he didn’t he looked sincere. “and of course if you really don’t want to we don’t have to! I mean there are a lot of great games that we can play” he told you excited which made you laugh a little. “alright I’ll come with you” you said to Anthony and Chris.
“we’ll go too!” Benedict said motioning to him and Tom. “Great! So everyone is going!” RDJ said. They bought tickets and you were in line. It was a busy night. You stood next to Sebastian “like I said I’m not going anywhere!” he told you with a soft genuine smile. You took his hand softly in yours which made him smile. “I’m not going to let you go now” he said with a grin and you chuckled. “Hey love birds! It’s our turn now!” Anthony said.
You rolled your eyes. fine now or never you said to yourself. Sebastian squeezed in your hand. What all of you didn’t know was that this was the scariest haunted house in the world. It toured all over the world and looked like a crappy haunted house but at the back it was huge! But you all didn’t know that.
You walked in and you immediately had weird vibes. Tom and Ben noticed as well and looked at you a little worried but getting scared themselves as well. You started to hold Sebastian’s arm with your free hand. He looked at you. “Are you okay?” he asked “I don’t know it feels…..” right before you could finish your sentence scare actors came from everywhere and there were flashing lights and loud sounds like they were throwing stuff.
“oh fuck….” You heard Anthony say. Sebastian threw a arm around you and still held your hand protectively. “I’m not letting go. I’m right here sweetheart.” He said while getting a little frightened himself. Tom stood on the other side of your protectively as well. Sebastian threw a mad glance at Anthony and Chris.
You were a couple of rooms further but that meant it only got scarier. A scare actor came behind you and you jumped to the front where there was another scare actor waiting for you. He came into your personal space and into your face which made you more mad and angry then scared actually. “The hell!” you said angry. Sebastian and Benedict pulled you back and took you further. “what an asshole!” you said and huffed.
You let go of Sebastian’s hand more pissed then scared and walked towards the front. You pushed Anthony and Chris out of the way which scared them to death and walked up front. “oh she’s really pissed now” said Benedict. “yup” said Sebastian with a proud grin on his face. You ignored all the scare actors and didn’t get out of the way. One actor was trying to scare you and you just stood there, pissed of with a face of steel. He also tried to get into your face. “I really wouldn’t do that buddy. I’m not playing anymore.” You told him calmly. He went out of your way and all the boys looked surprised but also mesmerized. Anthony and Chris looked at each other in guilt and stress. You were really intimidating now and they knew you were mad at them. The started to get more scared of you then the actual haunted house itself.
You got out first and waited for Anthony and Chris while you stood there with your hands on your hips. They got out and immediately started to apologize. You looked unamused with them but your face softened a little at them. “I know you didn’t know but don’t you dare to do shit like this again” you said stern “Yes ma’am” Anthony said without thinking which made everyone giggle a little.
“So ehm well, that was eventful but I’m going back to the hotel now” Tom said. Benedict nodded. “yeah we’ll go as well. And again we’re really sorry Y/N” Chris said really feeling bad. You gave them a hug. “It’s okay now just don’t do something like this again” they nodded and left. “Well have fun lovebirds! Just not too much fun” RDJ said with a wink.
When everyone left you looked at Sebastian. “Thank you for keeping your promise Seba” you told him softly. “of course! Can’t let my favorite girl suffer!” you started to blush not really knowing what to say. He smiled at you. “What about those games huh?” Sebastian said with a grin. “sounds good to me” you told him with a smile.
After a few games you started to get chills. “Are you cold sweetheart?” Sebastian asked you. A little bit yeah. Sebastian took his coat off and after that his sweater. He pulled his coat on again and helped you out of yours. He pulled the sweater over your head. It was so warm and soft and it smelled like Sebastian. “Better?” He asked you with a soft smile but yet so bright. “Much” you told him giving him a kiss on his cheek which made him blush.
The whole evening you played games. Sebastian won a lot of plushy toys for you. You both walked back to the hotel. You with a big ass plushy toy in your arms and Sebastian with four others and some food. You laughed your whole way back remembering the eventful night. “No, no, no, Y/N I’m telling you! You were such a badass. I mean even Anthony said Ma’am to you” Sebastian laughed and you fell against him from laughing so hard.
“hey I got a idea” you told him with a big evil grin on your face. He started to giggle “oh no, what have you got in mind?” You took his hand and walked towards the elevator and stepped in. “what room are they staying in again?” you asked Sebastian and he had to remain himself from laughing too hard. “ehm I believe 212” he told you. You got out of the elevator going to your own room to place the stuff down before going back again”You turned to Sebastian who looked at you curiously while you stood at their door. “payback time” you told Sebastian and you bonked at their door. You took Sebastian’s hand while running away.
You were both a giggling mess. “Hello?” we heard Anthony say. Sebastian got closer and you stood with your back against the wall. You placed your hand on his mouth to silence the giggles. “Hello???” You heard Anthony say again. Sebastian stopped giggling as well as you did. You started to look at each other. Getting lost in his bright blue eyes. and he in yours. You felt your heartbeat pick up. You realized that his body was plastered on yours at the moment and his face just inches away from yours. You slowly lowered your hand from his mouth. He got closer to you. That was when you heard footsteps. Sebastian took your hand this time and run with you. You ran across Chris’s room and you bonked on that one as well before running further.
You kind of went in circles. You saw the back of Anthony and Chris. They were talking to each other. This time you dragged Sebastian behind you. You slowly made your way towards their back. When you were finally there you started to yell. But not hard enough to wake up other guest but enough to scare them. Chris fell on the ground and Anthony held onto his chest. “Payback bitch!” you said laughing along with Sebastian. They looked at you petrified “goodnight” you said with an evil smile like a hint for them to know that there would be more (there wasn’t but you let them think that there was).
You went back to your hotel room with Sebastian. You were still holding hands. “Do you want to watch a movie maybe?” you asked Sebastian not wanting to be alone. He grinned “I would love that”. You felt butterflies in your stomach again.
You got in your hotel room and Sebastian placed the big plushy bear on your bed which made you giggle. You started to take his sweater of before he stopped you. “keep it on, looks better on you anyway” he told you with a soft smile which made you blush once again.
You got beverages out of the fridge and some crisps and you plopped on the bed. Sebastian wanted to take the chair which made you frown but yet made your heart melt at the gentleman that he is. “Seba?” He looked at you and you padded next to you on the bed. He smiled and said next to you. You both choose a comedy movie and you made yourself comfortable.
You laid on Sebastian’s chest with your arm on his stomach. He held you close to him. “Seb? Can you please stay with me tonight? You asked him sleepy. “I will. I’m not going to let you go sweetheart.” He said with hearts in his eyes when he looked at you. He crawled closer under the covers with you which made you lay almost on top of him. He started to laugh “Sweetheart, I would love to stay with you but you have got to let me breath” he said laughing. You groaned and laid next to him.
He turned so you were face to face. He studied your features with love in his eyes. “you’re staring Seb” you said chuckling and opening your eyes. he blushed a little. “I’m sorry. You’re just…. You’re just really beautiful and…. And I really like you Y/N”
Your eyes got big at his confession. You loved him you just didn’t think he would feel the same. “I really like you too Seb” You told him. He got closer again and placed his plump lips on yours. He cupped your cheek with his hand and you deepened the kiss. After a while he pulled back. “Would you like to go on a date with me?” I would love to Seb. Only if you make it just as adventurous as this one” you told him with a smile. He had the biggest grin on his face. “promise except for the haunted house” he told you. You smiled. “I had you with me so it wasn’t so bad” you told him with a grin. He kissed you again. You both couldn’t wait for the future and adventurous dates you would have. Everything would be okay because you had Seb and Sebastian had you.
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