#which is a shame for me personally since I ship him with Karin
whatawalrus · 2 months
Little bit late here but how do you best see Darin’s dynamic in your headcanons? This coming from someone who ships them but sees it as kind of a toxic doomed situationship with one of them (always Daan) dying in the Festival.
Oh you're not late at all! I'm just slow af. XD
It will depend on the scenarios. I cant really pinpoint my hcs cause I try to line up with their canon nature, but know they are in a dire situation, being in the termina festival. I like to think outside of their lives.
There are alot of hcs I have, but alot of them might be different with what the fandom sees them as. Perhaps it's that part of me that like bittersweet or long sweet growth between these stubborn headbutting duo. Other parts, it was never meant to be. But i think they might being out the best with each other if they give each other a long time.
Yess! I do love the doomed situationships alot! I have read some great fics that display this so well. That appending doom and they have their time left surviving what appears fruitless.
First off, enemies to lovers; it's a VERY hard dynamic to pull off. They weirdly bounce off each other very well, but some cases, people mistake abuse for chemistry too. I am guilty of this trope, and maybe because of this, I was delighted by the ship (plusssss my friends got me into it xD).
The Endless and the Blank soul. A void going on forever. There's nothing but space, but it keeps going on. The Blank soul has 'Endless' potential. The Endless Soul has no finish line, blank sets of pages to skip through.
Both have some things in common, both are "selflessly selfish" in their own way. Might not be the best phase of meaning, but let me explain.
Karin pursuits selfless causes since she was young, engaging in protests against the Breman Empire, covering wars (lol) as a journalist and is compassionate for the unfortunate. A bleeding heart if you will. Remember, even being in upperclass, she was raised away from wealth from her kidnapping. She stops at nothing to get a concrete answer for everything and everyone she seeks out, and she does it very well, giving her fighting spirit. That being said, she does these without much consideration on other's feelings or opinions with how she does things, making her self-centered. She has tunnel vision, when she has a goal, thats all that matters. It makes her appear self-righteous and out of her depth. Karin definitely wears her career on her sleeve, with may come to the negative stereotype of journalists being pushy, nosy vultures. Given the "Karen" personality she has, it does not help her case.
Daan is a man who seen and experienced trauma, which he uses for helping others. A man who lives for others. Daan is very good at a doctor, passionate about it, we see him trying to aid the moonschorched villagers despite his sarcastic wit. He is willing to sacrifice his mind and body for healing others given his skill abilites relates to healing. From his background, he is sympathetic towards some contestants like Levi and Marina and rather protective of them (yes the BOP scene counts lol). The otherside is Daan can be very callous, haughty and condescending. Yes, he is polite on the outside, but its a shield; the events of Termina cracks that facade. He expresses the doom and gloom, dimissive of the silver lining. According to some folks, Daan appears as conceited and poking fun at their expense. Now that doesn't mean he thinks he is better than anyone, he had so many misfortunes in life that he is blinded by cynicism. His suffering is in serect in guilt and shame, that he seems to reflect in his sarcastic humor and sometimes projects on others. He sacrifices himself as self punishment than a viture. A doctor's job is self-sacrificing, but the way it is displayed as self-destructive. He believes he has nothing left. It doesn't help that Pocketcat is encouraging his thoughts that his life was never his in the first place. He is not his own person, he's a vessel. So why should he care what happens to him? Someone will think he is reckless and selfish how he is destroying himself slowly.
Let me make it clear; depression can be such a destructive force of oneself, and that sometimes one can be so absorbed in their self-punishment, they become deaf to other's feelings or even resentful of them. It can make one recluse away, hiding from what can help you. It makes you appear selfish or act on selflish tendencies. This is from someone who has been diagnosed with chronic depression disorder and it has been severe since.
(Fuck that was stupid and harsh on Daan, i see him as he is and from my experiences of depression and seeing friends who suffer similarly too. What happened to him is not his fault. but let me get to the hcs...?)
I like to hc alot of growth of characters being out of the festival. I am sure they act differently when not on the brick of death. It brought out the worst in people to survive.
Example; they escaped, pondering their lives afterwards. One wants to spread the word of the horrors she witness, the world needs to know to prevent this from happening again. The other, he has went with nothing to return to, only motivated by what happened to his wife and the baron.
It would be interesting to see how they will intertwined later in life.
I had ideas of drabble on how harsh Karin can be about Daan's self-deprecating humor, he will dismiss his survival as "coincidental" or his aid for others wasn't anything special. Karin is passionate and won't take his pity nonsense, be blunt on what he is was the many reasons many folks are alive and give himself more credit. Daan might ground her into reailty to see the forset for the trees cause she doesnt grounds herself in reality depsite of her denial of magic. Something like that. Both can learn alot from each other. Maybe they aren't made to last, but they would change for good cause of they knew each other....in three days. Idk anymore
I rambled way too much. Might offended some folks, might be wrong in some. Many of these thoughts are from the games, friend discussions and some fanfics that are close to the canon, i take it as such. Modern Man Traditional Medicine by @ vampireghostlawyer is one of the best ones I read. If you want more sweet, @ BrickleandFickle has very wholesome ones. Ther3es other fics can't recall but i will add a shoutout when i remember them
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alexiethymia · 5 years
Naka no Hito Genome Theory (building on what’s been said so far)
Akatsuki is Himiko’s brother who was put up for adoption, eventually he ends up in the Iride household and gets involved in the Mimicry Project, through Akito-san (?) (Iride’s father-in-law and Niki’s brother-in-law). Yuzu probably knew him when he was still Akira which is why she calls him Aki. Akira was probably in a romantic relationship with Yuzu’s older sister (the ghost in the first game, kokkuri-san). Yuzu may be attached to him because of this or she was already in love with him even as he was in a relationship with her older sister. The point of collecting the chromosomes is to revive Yuzu’s older sister (who was burned through some accident in the past), basically build a new human being through the Mimicry plants and all of the games thus far were experimental tests. Still on the fence on whether or not Akira really lost his memory or is playing the rest of the 13th Avenue to get what he wants. If that’s the case, it really is a controversial experiment Paca-san and his gang are doing because it involves reviving a dead human or building something like a homunculus. Maybe Paca-san is actually Akito-san in disguise.
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dayseternal-blog · 5 years
For @nhweek Days 6 & 7: Dreams, Yesterday.
She's a nameless girl. Strange in dress, appearance, and accent in a foreign kingdom. She stowed away on a merchant ship, running from a certain future much worse than just losing her name.
A NaruHina retelling of the fairytale Catskin.
Rated M
Read it on Ao3 at NarutoDays (DAYS8).
Chapter 3: Dreams/Yesterday
Hinata stares at the gowns, the memory of wearing them, the memory of Toneri’s grip pulling her, him invading her space, his eyes violating her.  Her lip tightens and she swallows back the rising sense of shame.
“Tell me how you came into possession of these.  Are these yours or our Lady’s?” Kurenai questions.  She has never seen Lady Kushina in such gowns.  They seem much too flashy for a married woman.  “Or are they Lady Karin’s?”  It’s possible the maid stole them when the family came to visit, though they don’t exactly seem like Lady Karin’s style, either.  For such elaborate gowns to go missing, Lady Karin would have thrown a loud tantrum, but the family left in good humour.
“Kurenai...they are mine,” she whispers.  
“How can I believe you?  How do I know you didn’t steal them?”  She believes her, but...it’s still hard to believe.  Who is this girl she saved from certain capture and imprisonment?
Hinata takes a steady breath.  She gathers her hair to the side, twisting it as if to tie it up into an elaborate updo.  She lets her hair go.  She draws herself up into the confident, impeccable, regal posture of a fine lady.  She holds her chin higher and gives Kurenai her practiced, small smile.
Kurenai’s eyes widen.  
She quickly drops it, sinking back into her comfortable posture.  She then explains quietly, “I brought them with me when I left home...I was planning to sell them for money to sustain myself until I found steady work.  Since you saved me, I didn’t have use for them anymore…”
Kurenai gazes at her, wanting to unravel the girl’s secret past.  Hina was apparently the daughter of a rich lord.  What would force her to run away?  “...Fortunately for you, I believe you.  You are a hard worker.  I won’t force you to tell me about your circumstances, but I do wonder...has it been worth it?”
Hinata looks at Kurenai in surprise at the question.  
Kurenai’s expression is one of care and worry.
She nods.  “Yes, although I must admit I miss some facets of my old life…”  My sister.  “...Everything here has been perfect for me.  Truly, thank you for everything, Kurenai.”
Kurenai shakes her head.  “Do you want to talk about it?”
She hangs her head and after a moment of thought, she nods.  It’s stifling to keep such a huge secret.
“Come.”  Kurenai guides her to the bed, and they both take a seat on it in the tiny room.
Hinata doesn’t give away anything about her home, her awful engagement, or any names, but she talks about her sister.  How the idea to run away was her sister’s, how the strange catskin coat is her only possession to remind her of her sister, and how she worries about her sister’s wellbeing.
Kurenai listens.  She doesn’t ask any questions.  She shares about her own life, how she came as a teenager to Uzushio as a part of a freak show due to her witch’s red eyes.  How a young Lady Kushina saw her and immediately sympathized.  How she was bought from the circus and subsequently employed at their household.  
It’s not until late when Kurenai bids her goodnight, and despite her tiredness, Hinata realizes she’s never felt quite so rested.  It feels good to have someone she can trust know about her past.  And it feels nice to learn more about the person who saved her.
The days fly by quickly as everyone prepares for the ball.  Hinata helps with seemingly everything.  Preparing the bedding, the linens, the dishware, the meals, the candles, the work is endless.  
She remembers the last time her family hosted a grand celebration.  It had been a little over a year after her mother had passed, in an effort for the Hyuuga family to appear still-functioning.  It was a large affair, but her father had been so unhappy throughout it all.  It wasn’t the same without her mother.  Hinata doesn’t remember the work that went into it.  She only remembers the material she helped choose for a new gown and the dress Hanabi wore.  She only remembers the dancing and her father’s silent expression.
She knows from later gatherings that other families would stress out about the choosing of the invitations, the linens, the menu.  It seems silly to her now.  The servants always did all the work.  It’s more like the servants are the ones throwing a party.
She shakes her head and sighs now at her past frivolity.  So much work and they don’t get to enjoy it.  They’ll be working all night...
But no one complains.  Although the work is more, the servants seem motivated.  The older maids more knowledgeable of the lords and ladies make bets about possible matches with the young master.  The castle comes alive as decorations and flowers are brought in, and the proud sight seems to cheer everyone up.
The day arrives, and the castle is abuzz with excitement.  Close relatives arrive in the morning, but Hinata is not high enough up in ranks to wait on them.  
When the sun begins to set, and new guests start to arrive, she carefully walks along the perimeters with Shizuka and a few other young maids, lighting candles and straightening floral arrangements.  As soon as they finish, they head back down toward the kitchens for further instruction.
But Shizuka grabs her arm.  “Come with me,” she whispers.
“O-okay.”  Hinata lets her friend pull her along.  
They head down to the servants’ quarters, and she sees Kurenai with a candle, waiting for them.  Perhaps they have some sort of special duty?
Kurenai guides her to her room, and her brows furrow, finding them flanking her on both sides.  “W-what’s going…”
Kurenai pulls open her closet again.
“Wow!” Shizuka breathes.  “These gowns look amazing!  These are really yours?”
“...yes…” she answers, unsure.
Shizuka turns and scrutinizes Hinata in the flickering candlelight.  “Put one of them on!”
Hinata stares at her friend.  Why?  I don’t...want to…  She frowns.  “These are all from my past...I don’t really-”
Shizuka shakes her head.  “I’ve heard you sighing all week.”
Hinata frowns harder.  “...Not all week…”
“I know you want to go...I might have heard you and Kurenai talking…”
“Shizuka!” she scolds.  She can’t believe her friend would eavesdrop on her like that.
“Yeah, Kurenai caught me.”  She smiles sheepishly.
Hinata sighs.
“Please, Bucchi, just for tonight!  I want to see the real you.”
She frowns again because isn’t she always her “real” self?  “I...don’t know...everyone is so busy, and I will probably be missed.”
“No one would notice you’re gone.  You’re so unobtrusive anyway.”
Hinata considers Shizuka’s somewhat rude words, knowing them to be true.  Probably no one would notice.
“I’ll take one of your work days!  You can finish that book I know you took from the library…”
“Shizuka!” she hisses, turning wide eyes at Kurenai.  
“You have my permission to go, Hina.  But if you’re going to go, we have to do this quickly.”
Hinata stalls for a moment before giving up.  Truthfully, she hadn’t been looking forward to a night of watching others dance.  She gives them an embarrassed smile.  “Thank you,” she murmurs.  “It’ll be just for a moment, though.  I’ll come back and change after a couple of songs.”
Kurenai and Shizuka smile at her.  
“Let’s get you dressed!” Shizuka exclaims.
They help Hinata into her silver gown, pulling the back tight until she can almost not quite breathe, which she appreciates.  It’s been awhile since her personal maid squeezed the life out of her, and she doesn’t think she can handle that ever again.  Kurenai assists her with pulling her hair up into an easy bun and putting a little makeup on.
She steps into the silver heels and pulls on matching silver gloves.
It’s weird, and yet, at the same time, disturbingly familiar.  As if the gown is a skin she had shed and left behind, only to come back and find it still fits.  As if time had done nothing, as if she hadn’t changed at all, even though she feels completely different on the inside.
She can almost feel Toneri at her door…
“You look completely different,” Shizuka breathes.
Kurenai slowly nods in agreement.  
With her hair pulled out of her face, the candlelight catches on her high cheekbones, her milky skin, her even hairline.  Her eyes brighten in a way none of them had seen before, and they note, they do have color, albeit not quite one they can name.  It becomes apparent to them that the ragged girl really does have noble birth.
“Oh, Bucchi, wow.  You’re beautiful,” Shizuka says again in awe.  “No one is going to recognize you.  I hardly recognize you.”
“Really?” she asks nervously.
Shizuka nods again.
“Let’s hurry.  Hina, go out the back door and make your way around the castle.  Since the dancing has already begun, you won’t have to worry about being announced, and likely no one will see you unaccompanied outside,” Kurenai says, rushing them out of the room.
“Have fun!” Shizuka whispers excitedly.
“Thank you, Shizuka.  Thank you, Kurenai.  I’ll be back to help as soon as I can.”
She heads around the castle, only to see that people are in fact still arriving.  She stands there, hiding behind some hedges, waiting to see if the crowd goes down.  But even then, the coachmen could see her.
She tightens her lips.  She can’t go back. Not after all the work Shizuka and Kurenai put into her appearance.  
She stands there indecisively, until she realizes she doesn’t have to go into the ballroom through the front door.
She steps through the manicured gardens toward the ballroom, taking the time to actually enjoy the designs.  Music filters through the open side-doors, and she sways to the music a bit as she walks around.
The last time she enjoyed any gardens was with Hanabi.  
She wonders about her sister.  Whether her sister has attended any balls since she left.  Whether she’s danced with Konohamaru.  She can just imagine her sister acting uninterested, but in the end, relenting easily to his advances.  The thought brings a smile to her face, and she wanders around the gardens, admiring the details, flowers, and scents.
“Good evening, miss.”
Her eyes widen, her heart instantly leaping into her throat at the unexpected, familiar, gravelly voice.  “M-Ma-”  Her eyes widen even more, as she catches herself about to say “Master Naruto.”  She swallows and turns, recomposing herself into the lady her father always expected of her with her practiced, small smile.  “My, it really is a good evening.”
He grins.  “It looks like I surprised you.  Sorry about that.”  His intention in saying a greeting first was to not scare her, but it looks like he fails at manners no matter what he does.
He doesn’t recognize me.  Relief floods her, and she looks at him and realizes...he’s devastatingly handsome.  It could be the embellished tunic and cloak, or the candlelight she and the maids had set up earlier, or the music, or it could just be him...but seeing him outside like this in the intimate dark feels completely different.  She blinks quickly to come back to the present. She shakes her head and smiles again.  “Almost anyone can surprise me.  It wasn’t you.”
His brows suddenly furrow.  He stares at her.  Her eyes.  He notes they’re exactly like that maid’s, that young woman who, for some reason he cannot fathom, dislikes him.  Who would’ve thought that there was more than one person in this world who has eyes like hers.  It isn’t a birth defect after all.  Perhaps it’s an eye color specific to a certain region?  He rubs the back of his neck nervously.  “Ah, sorry to stare.”  She doesn’t even know that he was staring at her from the terrace.  That he came outside for a breather, but he never got it back once he saw her.  “You have the same eyes as someone I know.”
“O-oh,” she murmurs.  
He clears his throat.  This young woman makes him feel socially awkward in a way that he never feels.  “Was the music not to your tastes?  What are you doing out here?”  Alone?  
“Oh,” she searches for an excuse.  “I just needed a break.  The party is lovely.”  She smiles a bit to herself, knowing that it’s thanks to her and the servants’ work.
He nods.  “I’m glad.”  He doesn’t recall seeing her inside at all.  Certainly he would have noticed her when she came up to introduce herself at the beginning, right?  Maybe there were just too many women.  His eyes were starting to roll to the back of his head with all the names, formalities, crowded gowns, and he couldn’t handle anymore.  Thus his escape outdoors when his parents got swept into a conversation and stopped monitoring him.
“How is the party going for you, Naruto?”  His title-less name on her lips is strange, but she finds herself savoring it.  
“Oh, it’s wonderful!  Although honestly, balls are not exactly my favorite way to pass the time...  Ah, but the household’s staff put so much work into tonight, I will do my best to enjoy it to the fullest!”
She looks at him in wonder.  He never fails to surprise her.  “Yes, they certainly do work very hard.  I...never thank them enough.”
His eyes widen.  “You understand!  My cousins never understand me, that the staff do so much, it feels wrong to call them my servants...but, you understand me, right?”
A blush rises.  She wouldn’t have understood before, but…she nods.  “I understand now.”  She notices the way his eyes glow, lively, down at her, and she feels the urge to learn more about him.  What makes him so special?  He seems to be cut from a different cloth.  Enlightened about people in a way no one else is.  “What do you usually do to pass the time?”
He grins.  He tells her of hunting, of board games with his cousins, of traveling.
She asks questions, amazed that she can carry on a conversation with him...that he lets her carry the conversation.  She asks him more questions about the places he’s been to, about the people he has met, about his hunting excursions, about his family.  She learns a ton about him, while simultaneously not giving him a chance to ask her any personal questions.
But eventually he laughs off her following question, “That’s enough about me already.  What about you?  What do you like to do?”
It’s a safe question.  One she can answer without giving too much about herself away.  “I enjoy reading.  And walking in the gardens.  I like shopping and looking at the new patterns…I don’t do too many interesting things,” she answers bashfully.
He shakes his head in disagreement of her words.  She seems so modest, unlike the Uzumaki women, all strong characters.  “What do you think of my family’s gardens?”
She smiles, looking around.  “They are certainly the most beautiful I have ever seen,” she breathes.
He blushes.  “I..uh...actually designed some of them a few years ago,” he admits.
Her eyes widen up at him.  “Really?  Which ones?”
“Here.”  He offers his arm to her, heat coming to his cheeks that he hopes she can’t see in the dark.  “Let me show you around.”
She hesitates to take his arm.  But he’s holding his arm up so earnestly, it would be flat-out rude to reject him.  She swallows her nerves, realizing that Toneri never once offered his arm to her.  Naruto is a far cry from the man she left behind.  Almost in an act of rebellion, she fits her hand into the crook of his arm carefully.
They smile at each other for a heart-stopping second.  
He bites his lip and faces forward.  “This way.”  He takes her further into the gardens, the music turning distant.  
“I-is it okay for you to be so far from the celebration?” she asks, uncertain.
“It’s fine,” he shrugs carelessly.
She can’t stop her giggle.  He’s so different from the young lords she knew back home, who were always concerned about making good impressions in front of the wealthy, who were always too scared to even talk to her due to her severe father.
He grins self-consciously at her.  “What?”
“Oh nothing…”
“What is it?”
“It’s really nothing.”
“Fine, don’t tell me.”
“W-what?” she gasps out in a surprised laugh.
They walk through the gardens, and he points out certain flowers and plants to her.  He takes her through the hedges she admired when she first arrived, and they pause before hidden fountains, talking and laughing.  He talks about how his younger cousins like to play hide-and-seek in the bushes, and how he’s had to find them when they got lost.  How he likes to study about different plants from around the world, and then try to import them and cultivate them in these gardens.  But how his favorites are the Uzushio natives.  He brings them to a small pool surrounded by blooming trees, the fragrance heavy in the air.  The music doesn’t penetrate the secluded area, but they don’t notice the quiet as he tells her the related Uzushio folklore for the blossoms.  Her expressions of wonder and curious questions keep him going.  He doesn’t know how much time passes.
“These gardens are so beautiful.  I’ve never seen any of these flowers before,” she comments as they rest on a bench.
“You’re not from around here,” he notes aloud, a little shy.  Her different speech pattern makes her seem that much more interesting to him.  “...Where are you from?” he asks, when she doesn’t answer his comment.
“Ah...I’m...from…” she searches for a lie.  She realizes they’re sitting somewhat closely.  The last time she was in his proximity was when she was his maid…
She is a maid.  
What has she been doing this whole time?  How could she so thoughtlessly keep all of his attention the entire night?  Her eyes turn down, ashamed.  “I’m from...Bath…”
His brows furrow.  “Bath?”  He’s never heard of such a place.  A strange name.
She nods, unable to make eye contact.
He pauses.  “Where are you staying?  So that I might...call on you?” he asks, nervously.  Making his intentions toward her known.
“Ah…”  She blushes.  She bites her lips.  Her insides twist in frantic joy and fear.
BONG, BONG… The town clock tower chimes loudly, seemingly endlessly.  
She looks up finally, counting the hours.  “Oh my…”  She stands, shocked.  She promised to return to work after a couple of songs.  Instead she disappeared for several hours.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, upset that his question went unanswered.
“I’m sorry, I...I need to go,” she murmurs.  “I’ve been gone for too long.”
“Allow me to escort you...”  He stands, but she’s already walking away.  “Wait, Miss-”  His eyes widen.  He never got her name.  “Wait!”
Instead, her pace picks up.
He watches her run away from him, turning around a hedge, disappearing from sight.  “What?”  After a second of confusion, he gives chase.  She can’t just run away from him like that!  He doesn’t even know what he did.  He never got her name!  “Wait, stop!”
She runs faster.  The heels!  She can’t have him see where she goes!  She needs to get away quickly.  She steps out of her shoes, picks up her laced skirt, and makes her escape around the manicured trees.
He tears his way around the hedges and finds her dancing slippers fallen over on the ground.  His eyes widen at seeing them.  She wanted to get away from him.  Fast.  He picks them up, a pang of hurt striking his chest, and continues running.  Once he gets out of the gardens, he dashes into the ballroom, searching the sea of guests for her dark hair, her silver dress, her white skin.  He doesn’t see her anywhere.  He turns to rush to the front, to the carriages.  The carriages remain unmoving.  She’s not there.  She disappeared.  As if the past three hours had been some kind of fever dream.  But the shoes in his hand tell him otherwise.
He runs his hand through his hair, messing up the carefully combed locks.  “What?!” he vocalizes in frustration.  He’s not slow.  There’s no way she left in such a short amount of time.
“Naruto!  Where have you been this whole time?!”  His mother marches up to him, a scowl on her face.
“Where did she go?!”  He turns to his mother, equally upset.
“Where did who go?”
“The girl!  The...the girl!”  He lifts up her shoes.  “She was just here!  I was talking to her!  The whole night!  She just...she just disappeared!”
His mother stares at the glittering silver heels.  An expensive pair.  “You were talking to a girl?  She disappeared?  Why do you have her slippers?”
The expression on his face is so utterly dumbfounded, she realizes he doesn’t know how to answer any of her questions.
“I don’t know.  We were having such a good time.  And then she just...she just ran away from me!”
“Were you being a gentleman?” she accuses.
“Yes!  I didn’t do anything to her!  Nothing!  I just let her hold my arm while we walked around.  I didn’t...I didn’t do anything!”
His voice sounds too emotional to be a lie.  “...What was her name?  Maybe we can contact her tomorrow.”
He hangs his head.  “I...I didn’t think to get her name.”
Her jaw drops.  Her son can be so thoughtless.  For once, his lack of manners truly backfired on him.  “You didn’t learn anything else about her?”
His hand clenches at the shoes.  What was he doing the whole night?  He had her with him the whole night, and somehow, he didn’t learn a single thing about her.  She was so attentive, so willing to listen to him talk and talk and talk and talk and...it was a stroke to his ego, having such a beautiful lady at his side...oh… “She said she was from Bath.”
“Bath?” his mother repeats.
He nods slowly.  In all of his geography studies, he had never heard of such a place.  “She was foreign.  She had a different accent and speech pattern.  Her eyes were interesting, too…”  Her eyes.  Maybe...maybe that maid would know…  “They were like Bucchi’s!”
She stares at him with a frown.  “The maid?  The maid who doesn’t like you?”
He grimaces.  It’s no secret that the timid maid avoids him like he’s the plague embodied.  “Yeah…But she was nothing like Bucchi!  She was so kind and…” He pauses again, realizing he knows next to nothing about the girl he was talking to just a moment ago.  He huffs.  She was kind and beautiful.  As if just looking at her, dancing by herself in his gardens, put a spell over him.  A young lady any man would want to approach.  He finds it hard to find fault with himself.  “If you met her, you would understand.  I...I wasn’t thinking straight,” he admits, trying to keep a furious blush from rising.
His mother sighs.  “Let’s host another ball tomorrow.  If we’re lucky, she will come again.  We’ll announce it now.”
He nods.  Hopefully she will attend tomorrow.  
In her usual maid’s outfit and coat, she rushes to the kitchens.  She slips in with the rest of the workers and helps with plating the fruits and ice creams.  
But she doesn’t forget the magical night she just spent with the young lord.  She smiles quietly to herself, remembering his closeness, remembering the sound of his bright voice, remembering his smile.  The way he looked at her so kindly.  Not at her body but at her, as if she had words worth saying, as if he was speaking just to hear her respond.  It’s a memory she decides to enjoy for now, before she can regret it.
The following morning, Shizuka finds her before the castle comes alive.  “Someone looks like she had a good night,” she whispers.
Hinata can’t help nodding.  “I had a lot of fun.  Thank you so much, Shizuka.”
“Will you go tonight?”
“You didn’t hear?”
“Hear what?”
“The young lord fell in love!”  
“Well, that’s what everyone is saying.  Our Lady announced last night that they will host another ball tonight.  It was so out of the blue!”
“...Oh?…”  No wonder everyone went to bed last night grumbling about an early start.
“You didn’t hear the rumors?”  
She shakes her head.  She was too wrapped up in her own happiness to really listen to what others were saying.
“Apparently the young lord came bursting into the ballroom, looking for a young lady.  He was carrying her heels and looking everywhere.”
“O-oh!”  Hinata looks away, embarrassed and worried.  She didn’t mean to cause him any distress.
“I heard he was really distraught!”
“...R-really?” she asks weakly.
“Yeah.  She must have been really beautiful…”
Hinata keeps her eyes to the floor.
“Was it you?”
“...It was you, wasn’t it!”
“N-no, I never saw him all night…”
“A girl suddenly disappearing without a trace!  It had to have been you!”  Shizuka’s voice heightens.
“It was you,” Shizuka whispers.  
“We just talked a little.  He didn’t recognize me, but then he started asking me questions, so...I...might have...ran away…”
“You ran away from him?” Shizuka asks in quiet disbelief.
She nods.  It wasn’t the best decision, now that she thinks about it.  She should have just lied.  But she was never good at thinking on her feet.  “Well, he’ll never see her again, so there’s no use talking about that now,” Hinata concludes, talking about herself like it was another person.
“Ohh noo, Bucchi, you’re not getting out of this so easily.  You told me you had ‘a lot of fun.’”
Hinata sighs.  “That was yesterday, Shizuka.  For me...I’d like the past to stay in the past.  This-”  Hinata holds up her plain skirts and gestures at her coat.  “This is my life now.  Last night was just a…”  She shrugs.  “I-I just did it because you and Kurenai were insisting.”
Shizuka smirks.  “Well...I’m insisting.”
Hinata shakes her head.  “No, Shizuka, no.  If I got caught, we don’t know what could happen.  And Naruto-”
“Hmm??  Where’s the honorific, Bucchi?”
She reddens like a ripe tomato.  “Th-that, I-I meant Master Naru-”
“If you don’t go tonight, I’ll tell Kurenai all about this, and I’ll get her to assign you to cleaning the chamber pots for a week, no, a month, no-”
Hinata’s jaw drops.  “You wouldn’t.”
“Oh, I would, my dearest.  This is more excitement than I’ve ever seen in my entire time here, and you are not going to leave our darling young lord heartbroken.  Knowing him, I bet he thinks he wronged you for you to take flight like that. You are going to go back there tonight, find him, and sweep him off his feet before he knows what hit him.”
Hinata looks at Shizuka with an increasingly gaping expression.  “Sh-shizuka, it’s not like that!  It wasn’t like that!  Yesterday-, last night-, we were just talking!”
“You.  You were ‘just talking’ with Master Naruto?”  
Hinata frowns at that.  Caught.  Everyone knows that she avoids him like he’s a pestilence, to the point that Kurenai had stopped assigning her jobs that took her near him.  But none of them would understand how she felt!  She spoke to him the first time while he was in his bathrobes.  It was too much for her to handle.  She couldn’t even look at him without feeling like she had overstepped some unspoken boundaries.  She could get over losing her name and her titles, but she couldn’t just forget her modest upbringing.  The only thing that kept her from turning away from him last night was the fact that she wasn’t supposed to be “Bucchi,” but some young lady that had never met him before.  “L-let’s stop talking about this now.  We need to report for duty.”
“You’re still going tonight.”
She doesn’t reply to that, but in her heart, she knows that Shizuka is right.
Though she mentally prepared herself to see him again that night, she was not at all prepared to see him that afternoon.  
Shion comes up to her, voice hostile.  “Master Naruto wishes to speak to you.”
Her eyes widen.
Shion turns around abruptly, not looking back to see if she’s following.  “Hurry, we don’t want to keep the young lord waiting.”
Her heart races, palpitating like it’s on its last legs.  There’s no way that he knows.  There’s just no way that he figured out it was her.  He never gave an inkling of recognition besides his comment on her eyes.  “Sh-shion,” she tries.  “Do you...do you know what he wants?”
The blonde maid sighs.  “He’s been pining away in the library all day.  Looking for a place called ‘Bath.’  That young lady he met yesterday claimed to be from there.  Kimiko and I have been helping him search for maps and any geographical records since this morning.”
Hinata ducks her head in terrible guilt.  
“I know you don’t like the young lord, but you need to help him out if you know anything about this.  He only finally gave up looking five minutes ago, and there’s less than an hour until guests start arriving.”  Shion pushes open the door to his bedchamber.
He’s sitting at his dresser, staring at her silver shoes.    
She’s never felt guilt like this before.  Not even when she fled from home.  At least back then she had a good reason.  
But for yesterday’s frivolous behavior?  
It was entirely selfish.
He turns his head so fast, it looks like he almost got whiplash.
She ducks her head to the floor, afraid.
“Bucchi,” he calls out.
The girl raises her head a bit, her pale eyes peeking through her hair before flashing away once more.
They really are the same.  Hope fills him.  If in the case the young lady doesn’t come back tonight, maybe this maid can help him.  He gets straight to the point.  “Do you know of a place called Bath?”
She tries to keep from squirming.  The lie has come back to bite her.  She shakes her head at the floor.  “I-I apologize, Master Naruto.  I have never heard of such a place,” she says as quietly as she can while still being heard.  What if he recognizes her voice?
He dramatically sinks in on himself, slouching on his stool, looking absolutely exhausted.  He sighs loudly, defeated.  “Am I going crazy?” he wonders aloud.
“Young Master, the dancing slippers are right there.  We all believe you,” Kimiko states, ever composed.
“Yeah, but, did I...did I hear her wrong?  Maybe she was trying to say something else or…”  He shakes his head.  “It feels like a dream,” he mutters.  “Yesterday feels like an elaborate dream.”
Hinata bites her lips, hearing his doubts.  She never imagined she would have this effect on him.  He liked her more than she could have ever imagined.  “Maybe-” her voice raises.
Their attention darts to her.
She stares at the floor, gathering confidence.  “Maybe she was...trying to hint at something else, sir…a special place...or someplace that held meaning to her...”
He leans forward, concentration revived.  “You’re suggesting she meant it like a riddle?”
She shrugs, still determinedly staring at the floor.  It wasn’t meant to be a “riddle” for him to figure out.  She had said it in a moment of shame, of disappointment.  “I-I wouldn’t know, sir.”
“Master Naruto, I truly hate to interrupt your search, but we must prepare you for the ball,” Kimiko says.  “If the young lady returns tonight, don’t you want to look your best for her?”
He straightens immediately.  “How much time do we have?”
“Very little time, I’m afraid, Master Naruto.  May I request for Bucchi’s help with your dressing?”  
He nods his permission.  “I hope she comes tonight.”
“Yes, for your sake, we all hope she does, too, Young Master.”  Kimiko turns to Shion and Bucchi.  “Shion, prepare his tunic.  Bucchi, stand ready with his comb.”
Naruto chuckles.  “Thank you to all of you for trying to help me with her.  I...I don’t know what it is.  It’s just that...after yesterday...it all feels so incomplete.”
“Incomplete, sir?” Shion asks as she readies his tunic.
“Yeah, like, I told her everything about my life, and I found out so little about her.  Not even her name!  It feels so wrong.  I can’t forgive myself.  I can’t just...I can’t just let it go, you know?  A real gentleman doesn’t just talk forever about himself.”
“I’m sure you were a fine gentleman, Master Naruto,” Shion reassures.  “You always are.”
He laughs.  “Thanks, Shion, even though I know you’re just saying that.”  He stands as Kimiko unbuttons his casual shirt.
Hinata makes sure to keep her eyes trained firmly on the floor.  She would die if she saw him without clothes...he would probably die, too, if he knew the young lady of his worries was right there beside him as he undressed.
He sighs.  “Can you believe she ran away from me?”
“We will say it as many times as you need us to, Master Naruto, but we’re certain that there must have been a pressing reason for her to do that,” Kimiko states.
He chuckles darkly once more.  “She took off her shoes.  She ran from me barefoot.”
The proof is right there before all of them.  Kimiko and Shion glance at the sparkling silver pair.
“P-perhaps...” she starts quietly.
“Yes, Bucchi?” he invites.
“Perhaps, M-Master Naruto, it’s related to...when you asked her...where she’s from?” she softly says.  She’s not sure any of them heard her.  She was talking to the floor.
Naruto hums in thought.  “...She doesn’t want me to know where she’s from.  Or where she’s staying…”  He sighs.  “Why not?” he asks aloud, and his voice comes out somewhat pained.
“Bucchi, he’s ready,” Kimiko directs.
She hesitantly steps up to his seated form, now clothed as Kimiko and Shion carefully pin his decorations and cape into place without poking him.  She draws the comb through his mussed, golden locks, the short strands straightening with each pass.  She holds her breath through the entire ordeal.  She’s never done anything so intimate with a man before. Thankfully, Naruto has his eyes closed, obviously deep in thought.
His eyes suddenly pop open.
It scares her so badly, she nearly drops the comb.  “Ah,” she breathes out in shock.
His eyes turn upward.  “Sorry, Bucchi, did I scare you?”  A strange sense of deja-vu passes over him.
“N-no, I apologize, Master Naruto.”
He breathes out deeply, his fingers drumming on his knees.  “I’m so nervous,” he laughs.  “I really hope she comes tonight.  That way I know yesterday wasn’t just a figment of my imagination.”
She stays silent for the rest of the time, only bowing when she’s dismissed.  Her mind is crowded with opposing feelings.  Guilt, anticipation; shame, excitement.  She doesn’t know what to do with herself.  Her mind is telling her that she shouldn’t carry on like this.  She’s just a maid now.  A maid in a foreign country without any family background or land to recommend her.  Just that morning she had been mopping their ballroom floor.
Her heart beats a different tune.  
But fortunately or unfortunately for her, it’s not up to her to decide.
Shizuka pushes her to her room, pulls out the gold dress, and commands her to put it on.  “Just because I know you’re secretly above me in social class doesn’t mean I can’t get you to clean chamber pots for the rest of the year.”
It’s a pretty effective threat.  
And before she knows it, she’s dressed in the gown that she last saw Toneri in, her hair pulled up and away from her face, and Kurenai’s light makeup dusted on her eyes, cheeks, and lips.
Shizuka shakes her head in disbelief, blinking rapidly.  “Really, Bucchi, I just can’t believe my eyes.  You look like an entirely different person without that coat on.  You have such a nice figure and such nice skin.  Any man would want to marry you.  I really have no idea what could have chased you away from home...”
Hinata grimaces.  “Shizuka…”
She gapes at Hinata.  “I’m sorry!  I spoke out of line.”
Hinata shakes her head.  “...I’ll tell you one day...this gown is actually a part of that story…”  She sighs.  “With Master Naruto, it’s not what you think...I’ll tell him tonight that I can’t be with him, so…”
Shizuka nods in understanding.  “At least try to enjoy yourself a little?  Who knows if you’ll ever have a chance to wear gowns like this ever again.”
I never will.  “Thank you, Shizuka,” she whispers.  
The two part ways.  
Hinata sneaks around the back again.  
Dancing music fills the air in the gardens.  
She sticks to the shadows, quietly ascending the steps of the terrace to the side doors.  The closer she gets, the faster the blood seems to pump through her veins.
She enters the ballroom, slipping into the crowd.
Older gentlemen and ladies stand around, talking and making connections.  Younger couples swirl in the center of the ballroom to the music.
She tries not to feel self-conscious.  
It’s difficult when she sees eyes turning toward her, the crowd noticing her gleaming, silky, rose-adorned gown.  
She stands taller, resisting the urge to shrink into herself.  She scans the twirling couples, wondering if the young master is already on the floor with someone.
“You came.”  The familiar, masculine voice sounds breathless.
Her head jerks to her left, to see him, standing a few paces from her.  She doesn’t know what expression to give.  So she blushes.
He draws closer to her.  Slowly.  Worried that she’ll dart away if he gets too close.  “You’re here,” he reiterates, his eyes wide, trying to take in everything about her without looking like he’s ogling her.  
In the light of the many chandeliers, she’s more beautiful than he remembered.  The dark strands of her loose bun teasing at her graceful neck, leading down to fair shoulders, and even fairer...he draws his eyes up to meet her light eyes.  The gold gown only serves to make her white skin glow with a warmth she didn’t have yesterday.  Yesterday, in the garden, an ethereal, untouchable, silver dream.  Now, gold--rich, vibrant gold; a winner’s gold.  The color taunts him.  It’s an awful, wrong, disgusting feeling, to want to run his hands over her, to grasp her tightly, a trophy for his own.  
She turns to face him fully, steadying her nerves.  “Good evening,” she greets much more calmly than she feels on the inside.  She’s almost glad that she got to see him ahead of time, already dressed with accents of blue, setting off his even bluer eyes.  Her heart only slightly more prepared for the weak-kneed feeling his unwavering gaze gives her.
He comes up a little too close.  But he’s breathing too quickly to care, a madness threatening to consume him that he needs to swallow back, and he wonders if this feeling, this sickness, is a part of her secret, her mystery.  It’s a warning she tried to teach him yesterday, but here she is, in his household, again.  All in gold.  He has no control over his actions because before he realizes it, he’s taken her golden, gloved hand, placed it at his lips, and he’s asking a question that would keep her at his side, keep her in his arms for the rest of the night.  “May I have this dance?”
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avenger-hawk · 7 years
team taka and sasuke going around and freeing orochimaru's prisoners was such a nice arc! sasuke even got a cool title like ''the saviour of shinobi''! it's such a shame it got completely dropped, it's such a shame naruto's readers don't care about sasuke at all
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So true.
(vague anti-team7, anti-s*kura under the cut)
Most fans only care about Sasuke as the counterpart of their (usually OOC) ship, like the one who always fucks up while the other one always saves and/or forgives him. Also, since I hate popular opinions like “you ain’t a real Sasuke fan if you ship him with anyone”, I’ll add that a lot of fans only care about Sasuke as their (equally OOC) self-insert character for justifying their emo phase.
It’s sad that Team Taka never got that popular, probably because when it was introduced readers were too attached to Team7 and wanted Sasuke back in Konoha so they saw the new team as a diversion and a threat, which they are, because honestly S*kura is boring and N*ruto’s personal story isn’t that flashed out in part 1, so Juugo, Karin and Suigetsu’s backgrounds and personalities are much more interesting, take Juugo and Kimimaro, Karin’s tragic past and Suigetsu’s mysterious one along with his brother, only hinted at.
When Suigetsu and Karin were fighting because no one took Suigetsu’s sword after the fight vs Killer B, Juugo made them stop saying “our relationship is like fish and water”, to remind them of how close they had become, and how they lost the sword protecting each other. It’s a very strong and beautiful way to define it.
Also their teamwork is way better and their fights much more interesting to see. Nevertheless fans preferred Team7 so Team Taka was given a support-only role, with occasional comic relief parts, as if they weren’t victims who suffered much more than other characters.
I wasn’t into Team7 so I instantly loved Team Hebi/Taka, just like I loved each and every moment of Sasuke’s narrative.  
As for Hebi formation episodes, I rewatched them some time ago and I loved them, there are many little amazing details, and the anime adds filler parts and interaction that are really cool, from Sasuke freeing Suigetsu then them two walking around to retrieve Zabuza’s sword, then freeing all the prisoners in Karin’s hideout so she won’t have to look after them (which is when Suigetsu tells everyone to spread the word about Sasuke being the savior who’ll bring peace to the shinobi world) and a filler flashback of Sasuke and Karin’s first mission together under Orochimaru, then the manga, non filler part where they free Juugo and Sasuke protecting Karin first and taking Juugo’s strong blow without even flinching and telling him he has no intention of fighting, then (after a longer filler part where Juugo attacks Sasuke, which is cool because of feral Juugo and calm Sasuke) telling him that he’ll be his cage, which is a very selfless thing to say to someone he just met and whom he just needs to retrieve Itachi. 
Team Taka moments not only are about amazing and interesting characters, but also about showing Sasuke’s personality in a way that Konoha didn’t highlight as much. In Konoha he wasn’t leading his team, unlike with Taka, and his leading style is really cool and fitting with his flexible, non-dominant/not assertive/passive, in a word, YIN personality (fight me) that doesn’t impose his will and always offers something in return before asking for something. It’s really entertaining to see him so aloof surrounded by Karin and Suigetsu’s bickering and Juugo’s bipolar personality, or to see him napping with them around, Juugo napping as well, Karin reading and Suigetsu flaunting his sword, and I could go on and on because even though I mostly focus on other things both on this blog and in my writing, I have a lot of headcanons about Team Taka that I try to add to my fics whenever I can, because they’re really important for Sasuke.
In short, Team Taka is the best team.
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bitchbrows · 8 years
Karin, Sasuke and Sakura + Love
So I got into a rather heated debate with a tumblr person whom I shall not name, but could be figured out considering how they made a post based on the worst points I mentioned. Head is more in gear now and so wanted to make my points more clear based on these 3 individuals.
Starting with Karin. Now, I have noticed alot of sasusaku fans tend to make Karin look bad, alot in order to make sasusaku seem like the ‘better’ choice, not just because it’s canon. My problem is that the one reason they berate Karin for is how she let Sasuke sink deeper into the darkness.
Okay, actually, let’s put Sakura and Karin together and compare their lifestyle and actions. For starters, at the end of part 1, Sakura insisted to join Sasuke in his quest for revenge (Not bothering to get manga caps because that is 1. too much hassle 2. describing scene and time shall suffice so feel free to prove me wrong otherwise but I recall the scenes well enough). Now if Sasuke didn’t say no to her and let assist him. is that much different from what Karin was doing? They both wanted to just be by his side. Yes, one can argue that was past Sakura but I am judging it from if Sasuke didn’t say no. After a while of assisting him, she would most likely think it was wrong, though left short on options: go on a suicidal short mission and try to stop him only to be killed or attempt to escape back to the leaf to seek help. The latter seems more plausible, but nonetheless she at least had people to turn to for help on saving Sasuke. And since then and part 2, it’s has mostly been either her heavily relying on others to do the job because she can’t or her foolishly charging in without much of a decent plan. She couldn’t bring herself to do it.
In Karin’s case, she is stuck in the dark side (No stars wars ref intended); no-one to turn to if she thought what he was doing was wrong, no full sense of morality, surrounded by bad guys whom are now neutral/good. Would Karin, in Shippuden timeline which means Sasuke was far more powerful and sinking further even before he recruited Karin..Would she really be that stupid to just throw her life away in vain, knowing full well saving him by herself (The others wouldn’t help since they don’t oppose his path.) would end in inevitable failure and cost her her life? No. What she was doing was unhealthy on both sides yes, but if Sakura was in her position, her upbringing, things wouldn’t be much different. At the end of the day, they wanted to be by his side. Also, Karin based it off one’s chakra and Sasuke’s was warm and okay up until mainly summit/Danzou fight where she finally realised that it was wrong. She had no village to return to. No-one to rely on. That is a major difference and they shouldn't be compared over that as to who was better. Upbringing/past makes up a majority of what you end up becoming in the present. Sakura had light/joy, Karin had darkness/despair, someone who was deprived of anythung good in their life (Hinted when she saw Naruto’s chakra and thought how lucky Sasuke was to have comrades/friends like them). End of.
Moving onto love. Sakura’ literally birthed from superficial reasons that were equal to that of Ino’s..He was cool and strong. That was it. No depth, nothing more..That was all we got as to how and why she fell for him. I am not saying there needs to be reason, but for a love that grew so unhealthily strong from something so weak and a mere childhood crush, that is what I call bad romance. Yes, she spent most of time with him, however they were rarely alone. Naruto was there, they barely had one-to-one interaction that didn’t add any depth to the ship when there was plenty of opportunity, unlike in Karin’s case (Sad side character life). After he left in part 1 on a bad note (the beginning of dark age puberty), that was 3 years of his absence. 3 years of no interaction nor bonding, let alone any communication at all for that matter and on their first reunion in part 2, what was she greeted with? Near-death by katana if Naruto wasn’t there to save the day for the 100th time.
Lets be realistic, if you loved someone back in childhood days only to see them leave at the start of teens, only to come back years later and not even on good terms, then there’s a problem. That problem in Sakura’s case was how self-absorbent she was with her feelings. yeah, she developed abit in Shippuden, but for someone who is set as female protag, that doesn’t suffice for decent character development/characterisation. Her love for Sasuke was ultimately what backfired her character as whole that even the plot changed for the majority of part 2. Naruto: Sasuke Hunt. Yes, the others made the choice on their own, like Naruto anyone would feel responsible on trying to make someone they love happy. Sakura was pleading throughout for Naruto yet fails to consider to his feelings until late in part 2 which was handled terribly with the fake confession, after that whole thing with Hinata protecting Naruto in pain arc too and her acknowledging Hinata’s feelings for Naruto. Good job.
Regarding Gaiden, that didnt really help much either since Sasuke was absent for long period again, and moment he comes back, can barely make eye contact or even kiss his own wife. For someone who could bang a chick and agree to a long term mission with her present only to come back all shameful/undeserving of her affection, that is rather odd. They literally became canon after Naruto done the saving, and had less depth than naruhina, despite Hinata being one who could be considered side character when looking at her screentime in comparison to Sakura. It’s a shame honestly, but am going from what was given to use and quite frankly, sasusaku ship was handled poorly and out of blue since the last Naruto vs Sasuke fight. His poke to her forehead doesn’t even justify the ship especially when just before the that fight, Sasuke acknowledged that he saw no reason why she loves him and visa versa, Christ, he could be considered a narusaku shipper as he let Sakura know of naruto’s feelings and seemed like he wanted to push away that moment for that ship to be canon.
Back to Karin. Her love for Sasuke birthed from during the chunin exams when he saved her and greeted with a ‘warm smile’ that she dearly missed in Shippuden. They spent majority of time together in Taka, not alone just like team 7. A few moments that were mainly for comic relief. Her character never really went up or down, it was pretty straight throughout. Unlike Sakura whom had plenty of screentime to see her grow, Karin was rather neglected as an individual character. Not much can be said on her end. Her behavior was vulgarly unhealthy, yes but with lack of guidance or discipline when it comes to morality, what was right and wrong? From our perspective yes, it was bad and so would be from Sakura’s perspective but from Karin’s, it didn’t seem all that bad. It was normal behaglvior to her maybe. Besides, she is not mwntally well…Clearly shown when she was, for example, locked up and had 180s over Sasuke despite planning for escape. No-one questioned it on her side, maybe background ‘ew’ reactons from Suigetsu but no-one stopped her. She wasnt emotionally manipulative like Sakura was...She comically forced herself into his personal space yes..But didn’t take it any  further.
To me nothing is more pathetic and desperate than to force ya emotions onto someone the way Sakura did. She may have toned down abit in part 2, but she ended up repeating the same she did back at end of part 1. Joining his personal journey, this time for redemption. Nonetheless, it was bad and she know Sasuke rather wants to do it alone if she really knew him. After all, claiming her strong love for Sasuke, it is rather pitiful how she lacks the understanding or even knows Sasuke from what we have seen.
That whole thing in gaiden made it more stupid when Sarada questioned if he ever wore glases and Sakura wasnt sure. Way to make her top wife. barely knows her bloke, even physically in that time.
Also, same could be said for Sakura’s relentless chase which I find bizarre when it comes to not be opposed. If I was Ino (Whom gave up on Sasuke knowing it wasn’t good for her), I would have gave some talk no jutsu or at least try. Doubt Sakura would come launching with a katana anytime soon for trying to stop her (LOL)…or choked or kunai’d (ninja shank).
They both were let to have this unhealthy obsession with Sasuke, but I am mostly disappointed with Sakura, since she is the main female. One that young females would want to look up to. Did I? No. Kishi has handled this heroine so poorly to the point where even he thought other fem characters in Naruto like Hinata would be better as the Heroine (Higher popularity) and of all shounens I have seen, she is on the low rank list for top female protag and is replaceable as a character in the series, the story would end the same anyway. Not just because of her love for Sasuke, but how she handled situations, almost cost the rest of team 7 their lives for her pointlessly reckless actions (Going to Sasuke with only a kunai for sneak attack, after literally gassing Kiba, Lee and Sai who only wanted to help. Good job. Like she could do better alone and put them out of harms way? Her likeability certainly dropped after that.) and doesn’t hold any vital part to the plot which is sad for she is the lead female. Just there to shoutout to Nardo or Sasuke and be saved or throw punches. It was Naruto and Kakashi’s choice, yes, but she should very well know them by now that they wouldn’t let her just die in vain (The repercussions of her actions are costly) and for that is one of reasons why I think Karin was wiser with her actions. She was aware of her capabilities and the outcome besides the Danzou fight - false hope. She knew her place and supring thought straight. Hell, if she was in Sakura’s place as main female, she would have grown so well as a character considering her upbringing. She’s a mix of Hinata and Sakura but more eccentric.
My point is, be it Karin or Sakura, not much would be different. The story would end the same, Naruto saves Sasuke. Both girls failed, none better than the other when it comes to love for Sasuke even if one was more in the light (Sakura), same outcome though. What would have looked better as gay couple considering the lengths they’ve gone for each other, ended up in heterosexual relationships with near to zero interaction/good bonding.
The only canon ship that made sense was ShikaTema because they had build up and were mutual. No one-sided, only the girls get their crush happy ending bullshit.
Sasuke was no good for Sakura nor Karin, but if I had to choose (Tho don't ship him with anyone tbh), SasuKari. Mainly because since the ending wouldn’t be different and ships became canon after Sasuke was saved by Naruto (‘Woken up’ by the hokages somewhat), it would be no different than sasusaku relationship except Karin would be more understanding of his actions that may look sketchy during and after sasuke shinden and would scold/berate him for doing anything stupid (As she was with him in his darkest times and shares similarities such as being the last pure bloods of their clans and losing entire family, so the empathy would be great. Saying Sakura was also with him at his darkest moments only counts for part 1. He was far worse and changed as anyone would during teens, in part 2. Plus, we barely see Sakura actually give him any rightful scoldings for his shit, even after he returned. Lets him off easy.) and it would just be the same as sasusaku was, except Karin didn’t emotionally damage herself as much Sakura had over the course several years when it comes to Sasuke. Sakura was empathetic, yes and cared but again, her actions were what ruined that. On the other hand, Karin didn’t get as much chances shown to us on to actually understanding/convey her feelings for Sasuke and see how she would be given the fact she was only in it for Sasuke’s goal. We know how she came to like him and the fact that his happiness comes before her own feelings whereas in sakura’s case, it was 50:50. She said better more selfless words back in part 1, can’t say the same as much in part 2; the scene where she was pretty much begging if there was thought of her in corner of his heart, come back pretty much. ‘Not too late’ (Sure as hell late to me, that was a horrible ending. Nopity4Sasuke.) That scene left a small distaste in my mouth though. Could have been written better. And the fact she always to be by his side when at times clearly he wants to do what is right for once, alone, like get over it and give the guy time & space..I was hoping that it would be different in part 2 near the end and she wishes him well on his journey but nope..part 1 repeat (Character development backfire, nostalgia fail)..Though she was more chill this time. However, it is really hard to compare two girls from completely different sides and whom is more right for Sasuke or meaningful feelings, especially when you barely see much of Karin and her development/growing up. Sakura would have blossomed better as a character if she got over Sasuke. I am not saying the ship is better, just prefer it judging by what it does for character and the handling. Karin’s obsessive odd behaviour wouldn’t last long as she seems to have matured and became less of comic relief in that moment she was shown in Boruto mini series with that horrible pointless plot. And although Sakura’s feelings were selfless in part 1 mostly, it was 50:50 between selfish and that depending on what Kishi decides to do with her this time when it comes to Sasuke.
I don’t care who y’all ship, just don’t go berating a character that threaten ya ship or is shipped with one of the characters from your ship just to make them look good. It's okay to ship multiple pairings that may involve the same vharacter that than ship one ir the other since both are ship threats to one another.
On another note. Sasuke…
‘Curse of hatred’ does not excuse Sasuke of his severe actions that done more damage than most of the villains we’ve seen in the Naruto verse, emotionally and physically. Letting him off with ‘oh but he was influenced greatly by curse of hatred like Hashirama said’ is like excusing a drunk man of their violent crimes because they were ‘drunk’. It may change ones behavior, but NOT their morality. He succumbed to it willfully as it was a ‘need’ in his quest to avenge his clan that was long planned before this ‘curse of hatred’ came to be known. It just fed off his anger, but it didn’t have control over his actions, that much was proven when he overcame the COH. A poke to the forehead as sign of affection after all that mess does not redeem nor justify the sasusaku ship that may have looked goodnback when they were kids and was only chick on team he was stuck with. But hey, guess Kishi started the shounen trend of throwing all these senseless couples to shipsville by the end, albeit Kubo’s ships weren’t bad to an abusive degree and was more agreeable.
Sasuke was right to say Sakura has no reason to love him. He has done nothing good since end of part 1 and I don’t even recall him doing more good than bad to her throughout. Failed to reciprocate and was absent for most of her teen years, only to come back after shinden for quick shag maybe…Go again on his travels only to have Sakura inviting herself rather than be invited on his travels then voila..Sarada, a megane child (For no reason other than to rile up the two rival ships on who is the real mother. Ugh) to piss off again for a long mission.
Overall, Sakura, a main female, isn’t far off from a side character like Karin (Both use a close friend as punching bags to vent emotion.), a major side character at that and that is bad to say because if anything, Sakura had so much potential and opportunity to be better (A promising start at beginning of part 2 then flopped after that reunion with Sasuke.) but ends up being an unoriginal Tsunade throw strong punches copycat who can’t even oppose Sasuke or berate him like she does with others (Mostly to one who done her the more good than one she loves. Constant punch-ins; comic relief or not, that was only funny in part 1..Totally appreciative) when he should be getting the most smackin’ and continues to follow him to the point where had Sarada whilst doing so. PLUS, the fact she just sweeps everything Sasuke did under thr rug and still insist to join another quest of his just baffles me..Willing to leave the leaf behind for someone that has yet to redeem himself and goes with a mere apology that was accepted just like that. For one who is said by Kishi to be the most normal and realistic girl, set a pretty bad example. At least Karin’s character was shown to be more mature with her feelings (Despite the ‘comical’ flirt attempts) and handled rejection pretty well for someone who was completely obsessive. She respected Sasuke and Sakura ending up together and I would just love to see how it would be if it was the other way around. Karin is not a bad person nor is Sakura..Just hated how she was written and all. Try considering other ‘love rival’ character’s upbringing and quality of life/circumstances, before bashing them out over narrow reasoning.
And regarding this whole Sakura didn’t force Sasuke to reciprocate or that wasn’t her goal. I am sorry, but if she really didn’t care about that, she would have put her feelings to the side and focus on the actual saving instead of constantly tearfully screaming out her feelings to him as if expecting that would ‘save the day’. That scene where she looks back on a photo of team 7 and is shown to miss Sasuke isn’t an SS moment. If it was, both sides would have been involved, but you don’t see Sasuke thinking or missing Sakura. People need to stop making a panel that involves their ship but not exactly in romantic sense, rather one sided, need to get their delusional minds straight on thatpart (Honestly hate that word since alot of shippers tend to use it on notps for something they are hypocritical for judging their notp shippers for). SavethepainofconstantrejectionSakuralove. That is no different than forcing ones feelings onto another or wanting them to reciprocate. Thus another reason which bothers me on how she goes about situations/predicaments. Emotionally manipulative, be it pure good intent or not. Ending it with just because it’s canon, doesn’t make it right or a reason to ship. Sasuke was better off alone continuing long solo travels like that. No point of putting the two together..Just because they are mains and since naruhina got canon gotta have these two sent to shipsville too? Was it really worth all that wait Sakura did to finally get Sasuke but not in the way one would expect of a couple with constant distance on Sasuke’s end and withdrawn to even show affection - from what we’ve been given in canon (‘He thinks he doesn’t deserve her love’ doesn’t excuse forbmany reasons..One being they banged and had Sarada so clearly made love yet now he is like no..I don’t deserve it. C'mon.). He would have been better off dead. His character hadn't improved much besides being allies once again with Lead, but still acts aloof and withdrawn. He got over his goal with partial achievement and is just there, unable to love his supposed wife properly. Like urh, pointless. Should veen the end to uchihas during war. Some noble sacrifice or whatever...Not some poxy rival fight to then be 'saved'.
I forgot what else I wanted to vent out about this but for now that is all. Don’t think my thoughts came out clear as I would have liked but fawk it.
P.S.I am not going just put this in anti tag, for I want everyone to know. I want discussions..Debates, no ‘yes I agree, lets bash bash bash’. Not about that life. Anti tag is pointless because the purpose of these post if for discussion/debate. By now we should be decent mature beings and accept different opinions & criticism, if ya won’t let it slide..Come reply then. A reasonable one would be nice too instead of pointless anonymous death threats.
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