#which is too low on protein and too high on calcium and doesn't have the right % of amino acids
sassyhazelowl · 11 months
Sometimes, on the quail groups, I wonder what exact people do with their quail to get such poor results. Coturnix are not that hard to hatch and raise. They are literally the easiest bird I have on my property. If you have a decent incubator and take basic steps to ensure you have good eggs and good brooder practices, you shouldn't have low hatch rats/high chick mortality. 85-100% hatch rates are fairly easy to obtain with mature hens, good breeding ratios and proper nutrition for the breeders (aka not chicken feed). You shouldn't be having issues with DIS or failure to thrive or wryneck or clubfoot/splayed leg or crossbeak if you put any effort at all into picking and maintaining your breeders well. You shouldn't have to do a lot of hard culling after a few generations let alone 3/4ths of your hatches. Your hatch rates shouldn't be 25-30% from your own eggs.
This is not survival of the fittest - this is negligence and poor husbandry.
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catbreedsblog · 1 year
Can Cats Eat Cantaloupe? Is It Safely & Listen To The Truth About Vet Reviews
Can cats eat honeydew melon? And the short answer is that a few bite-sized pieces of cantaloupe are probably fine for most cats. However, if your cat has a sensitive stomach or is diabetic, you should avoid giving it this treat. 3 Both people and cats can get stomach problems from eating too much cantaloupe.
Information about nutrition
Cantaloupe, which is also called muskmelon, is a sweet and refreshing fruit that is full of healthy nutrients. When you give cantaloupe to your cat, it's important to know what it contains in terms of nutrients:
Cantaloupe is mostly water, so it is good for rehydrating and is low in calories. It also has a moderate amount of carbohydrates, like the natural sugars glucose and fructose. The fruit is a good source of vitamins, especially beta-carotene, a form of vitamin A that helps keep your skin and eyes healthy. It also has a small amount of the antioxidant vitamin C, which helps the immune system.
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One of the minerals in cantaloupe is potassium, which is important for the heart and muscles. There are also smaller amounts of magnesium and calcium.
Why your cat should eat cantaloupe
Even though cats don't usually eat cantaloupe, there may be some good reasons to give them a small amount occasionally:
Cantaloupe's high water content can help your cat stay hydrated, especially during warmer months or if your cat doesn't drink enough water.
Vitamins: Vitamins, especially beta-carotene (which is a precursor to vitamin A) and vitamin C, might add a bit of nutrition.
Some cats might like the sweet taste of cantaloupe as an occasional treat.
Cantaloupe May Be Dangerous to Give
Even though cantaloupe has some good things about it, you should know that it also has some bad things about it:
Cats have sensitive stomachs, so giving them new foods like cantaloupe can make them sick to their stomachs, make them throw up, or cause them to have diarrhea.
Can cats eat honeydew melon? Cantaloupe has natural sugars in it. Cats are "obligate carnivores," which means their bodies have adapted to a low-carbohydrate diet. If cats eat too much sugar, they can gain weight and have other health problems.
Is it okay for cats to eat cantaloupe?
How about cantaloupe? Cats can usually eat small amounts of cantaloupe without getting sick. But you have to take out the seeds and rind before giving it to your cat because these parts can be hard to digest and could cause your cat to choke.
Can cantaloupe be digested by cats?
How about cantaloupe? Cats' digestive systems are mostly made to break down animal proteins. Even though small amounts of plant matter might not hurt cats, they don't have the enzymes they need to digest and use nutrients from plants well.
Cantaloupe poisoning in cats: signs
How about cantaloupe? If your cat eats a lot of cantaloupe, especially in large amounts, it could cause stomach problems like vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of appetite.
Stop cats from eating cantaloupe by accident
If you don't want your cat to accidentally eat cantaloupe, make sure any pieces are properly stored and out of reach. If you have a garden, keep in mind that some cats might chew on plants, like the vines of cantaloupes.
How Much Canteloupe Can You Give a Cat?
Can cats eat honeydew melon? If you want to treat your cat with cantaloupe, only give it very small amounts. A small cube or one teaspoon of mashed cantaloupe should be enough.
How Much to Feed and How Often
Cantaloupe shouldn't be a regular part of your cat's diet, but it can be a treat once in a while. Because cats have to eat meat, they have dietary needs that are best met by protein sources that come from animals.
Other options and additions
Stick with commercial cat food that is high quality and meets all of a cat's nutritional needs for a balanced and complete diet. If you want to give your cat something else, you could cook lean meats like chicken or turkey, or you could buy treats made just for cats at pet stores.
Are cats able to eat cantaloupe?
How about cantaloupe? Cantaloupe is not the best thing for cats to eat, but they can eat it. Even though it's usually safe in small amounts as a treat, it's best to feed your cat meat-based foods that match their nature as carnivores and give them all the nutrients they need.
Last Thoughts on Putting Cantaloupe in Your Cat's Bowl
How about cantaloupe? Giving your cat food with all the nutrients it needs is the best way to keep it healthy and happy. If you want to give your dog something new to eat, like cantaloupe, you should always ask your vet first. They can give you advice based on what your cat needs and how well it is doing.
Why it's important to talk to a vet about your pet's diet
How about cantaloupe? Cats have different needs for food than people or even dogs. Talk to a vet if you don't know if your cat should eat certain foods or if you're worried about their health or eating habits. They can give you expert advice to make sure that your cat's diet is good for its overall health and length of life.
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catbreedstips · 1 year
Can Cats Eat Seaweed? 13 Facts You Need To Know!
 Can cats eat marine plants? Find out what seaweed contains, the benefits and risks of feeding it to cats, and how to keep your cat from eating it by accident.
Information about food and health
Seaweed is a plant that grows in water and is full of good things for your body. It is usually low in calories and fat, so it is a good part of a healthy diet. You can get iodine, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin C, and a lot of other vitamins and minerals from seaweed. Antioxidants and fiber are also in it.
Why seaweed is good for cats to eat
Small amounts of seaweed are sometimes good for cats. Seaweed's iodine can help a cat's thyroid stay healthy. Some cats may also benefit from the fiber in seaweed, which can help them digest their food and keep them from getting constipated.
Possible Dangers of Seaweed as a Food Source
Even though seaweed has some good qualities, cats shouldn't eat it because it could make them sick. Some types of seaweed have a lot of iodine, which can cause thyroid problems in cats if they eat too much. Also, some types of seaweed may be bad for you if you eat too much of them because they contain poisons or heavy metals.
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Can cats eat marine plants? How Cats React to Seaweed
Most people think that cats can eat a small amount of seaweed without getting sick. But you should be careful not to give them too much food. Some types of seaweed, like bladderwrack and kelp, are high in iodine and should be avoided. You should always talk to a vet before giving your cat seaweed or any other new food.
Seaweed is easy for cats to eat.
Most of what cats eat is meat, and their bodies are set up to break down the proteins in animals. Even though cats can eat small amounts of seaweed without any problems, they may have trouble fully digesting plant-based foods like seaweed and getting all the nutrients they contain. This is another reason why you should only give a small amount of seaweed.
How to tell if a cat ate too much seaweed
If a cat eats too much seaweed or a type that is poisonous, it may throw up, have diarrhea, stomach pain, feel tired, shake, or even have seizures. If you think your cat has eaten poisonous seaweed or if it has any of these symptoms, you should take it to the vet right away.
How to keep cats from accidentally eating seaweed
Keep seaweed out of your cat's reach so he or she doesn't eat it by accident. Make sure your cat can't get to the seaweed by putting it away safely and being careful when cooking seaweed-based meals.
How much seaweed is safe for a cat?
How much seaweed you can give a cat depends on many things, like its size, health, and how much it can handle. As a general rule, you shouldn't give seaweed to your pet as a treat more than once in a while. Talk with your vet about how much to give and how often.
How Much to Feed and How Often
It's best to give cats only a small amount of seaweed. It shouldn't be a big part of their diet, but it can be given as a treat or extra food once in a while. It's important to feed your cat a varied, well-balanced diet that mostly consists of complete cat food.
Why eating different things is important
Even though seaweed may have some nutrients, it's important to remember that cats have to eat in a certain way. To get all the nutrients they need, cats need food that is made just for them, is complete, and has the right amount of everything. Under the guidance of a vet, a cat's diet can be made more interesting by giving it different flavors and textures of commercial cat food or by giving it safe foods as treats every now and then.
Can seaweed be eaten by cats?
In conclusion, cats can eat a little seaweed now and then as a treat, but it shouldn't be a big part of their diet. Some types of seaweed have a lot of iodine, and they could also contain toxins or heavy metals. This is a warning to be careful. Talk to your vet before giving your cat a new food to make sure it is safe and good for your cat.
Last Thoughts on Seaweed for Cats
Even though seaweed may have some benefits, a cat doesn't need or even need to eat it. Feeding a cat food that has all the nutrients it needs and is well-balanced is the first step to keeping it healthy. If you want to give your cat seaweed as a treat once in a while, give it a small amount and see how it reacts. Pay attention to any signs of stomach upset or other side effects and stop taking it if you need to.
Why you should talk to your vet about your pet's food:
If you want to change your cat's diet or give it new foods, you should first talk to a vet. They can give you specific advice based on your cat's needs, its health, and any risks that may come with certain foods. Your vet will look at your cat's health as a whole and tell you what to feed it to keep it happy and healthy.
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aava9099 · 1 year
Are the paneer and cheese vegetarian?
Cheddar and paneer are both usually utilized in cooking from one side of the planet to the other, and the two can appear to be practically the same right away. Notwithstanding, there are a few varieties between the two which have a major effect with regards to flavor, surface, and cooking utilizes.
What is the contrast among cheddar and paneer? The contrast between the two items is the manner by which they are made, and the fixings which are added to the cheddar or paneer for flavor and surface.
Peruse on to get familiar with the distinctions among cheddar and paneer, the wholesome advantages, cooking proposals, and related questions.
Are the paneer and cheese vegetarian? To more readily comprehend the distinction, here is a breakdown of each:
Cheddar Cheddar is constantly produced using the milk of a creature, like a cow, a bison, a goat, etc. This is finished by the course of fermentation. Microorganisms in the milk cause this fermentation, which gives the cheddar its novel taste and surface.
Cheddar can be made in various shapes, with a wide range of flavors and surfaces. There are more than 300 unique assortments of cheddar to be seen as around the world.
Cheddar has an impressively high convergence of calories and fat, so it isn't great for those experiencing heart issues.
Cheddar likewise has a higher protein content than paneer, so it is appropriate for individuals who are needing to acquire muscles and fat. With more calcium than paneer, cheddar is likewise perfect for the bones.
At the point when cheddar is made, it goes through an emulsification cycle, which permits it to remain new for longer periods. Cheddar can endure as long as a half year in the cooler and has a more drawn out life range than paneer does.
If you have any desire to figure out how to make your own cheddar, you can look at this article we expounded on cheddar versus margarine. We remembered a video for how to make cheddar at home.
Paneer Paneer is produced using milk, similar as cheddar, yet it is warmed to north of 200 degrees Fahrenheit when it is then added to a corrosive to coagulate the milk. The most widely recognized sorts of acids utilized are lemon juice and vinegar.
Paneer has a significantly low convergence of fats and calories, so really great for those need to watch their weight, or for the individuals who experience the ill effects of coronary illness.
There is no emulsification while making paneer, so it is a profoundly transitory item. It can't be put away for a really long time and should be consumed in something like 3 days generally.
Otherwise called rancher cheddar, paneer doesn't liquefy. It is the most famous Indian cheddar, and there are a couple types of paneer too.
Paneer is likewise viewed as curds in additional western nations. In Asia, it is usually presented with masala things, and as a side dish to seared food things like naan and chapatti.
To figure out how to make paneer, watch this video by Rajshri Food:
Medical advantages of Paneer and Cheddar Albeit apparently comparable, there is a significant wellbeing contrast among cheddar and paneer.
Paneer has a low convergence of calories and fats, which makes it a better choice for the individuals who are more aware of calories, though cheddar has an elevated degree of fat and calories, so it isn't generally appropriate for the people who are weight watching.
Those with heart issues are urged to consume paneer rather than cheddar, and those with low-fat substance in their bodies are urged to consume a higher measure of cheddar.
Wholesome Advantages of Paneer and Cheddar Paneer and cheddar have totally different wholesome items also. Cheddar has a high protein content and is a decent choice for the people who need to acquire muscle and weight.
The calcium in cheddar is additionally helpful for the people who need to reinforce their bones. Paneer assists with lessening cholesterol levels in the body, causing it a decent choice for the people who to experience the ill effects of heart issues.
How Is Cheddar Utilized in Cooking? There are such countless various kinds of cheeses, it is hard to take note of the relative multitude of ways it very well may be utilized in the kitchen.
For instance, blue cheddar, which has a high shape content which helps give it an extremely impressive taste, can be eaten all alone with a wafer as a hors d'oeuvre, or it very well may be utilized to make a smooth blue cheddar sauce for a pasta or a steak.
Cheddar, which is likely the most regularly utilized, and most famous kind of cheddar, can likewise be utilized in such countless various ways. It very well may be put on a sandwich, beat and liquefied on a pizza, sizzled on a burger or handled and eaten like a cheddar straw.
Cheddar can be utilized in such countless various ways, and in numerous families, it is a day to day staple thing utilized in the kitchen, for breakfast, lunch, and supper.
How Is Paneer Involved in Cooking? Paneer is quite often cooked, despite the fact that it tends to be eaten crude. Generally, paneer is integrated into dishes to give a delicate and smooth surface, be that as it may, paneer doesn't liquefy.
Paneer can likewise be utilized as a filling in a samosa, or cleaved up and added to cooked onions and vegetables.
It is an extraordinarily adaptable fixing, and there are a wide range of ways of integrating it into cooking, both generally Asian, and presently in western cooking too.
Most western nations are know all about paneer as curds, which is much of the time utilized as a spread or plunge, however cooking with paneer is certainly filling in ubiquity, because of the ascent of Indian food in the west.
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modulesuppliers · 2 years
Losing hair is a part of life that many people have to deal with
Losing hair is a part of life that many people have to deal with. If there are bald people in your family, it is possible that you, too, may lose hair easily. If you are experiencing hair loss, or worried that it may happen to you, you can learn how to stop or prevent losing your hair.To reduce hair loss or prevent it, eats lots of protein. Hair is predominantly composed of protein. Foods in a protein-rich diet include fish, poultry, meat and eggs. You can try eating some beans or Custom BGJ Explosion-proof pipe connectors nuts if you hate eating meat. Including protein in your diet can minimize your hair loss.Avoidance of stress is critical in the prevention of hair loss. If you can't control your stress levels, your hair loss will only continue. Learn to cope with stress effectively.Do not use hair styling products if you would like to keep your hair. Many hair styling products, like mousses, gels and hairsprays, are full of toxic chemicals that can build up on your hair causing breakage and, in severe cases, hair loss.Eating white sesame seeds can help slow down hair loss. Consume some white sesame seeds each morning. White sesame seeds contain very large quantities of magnesium and calcium. Magnesium and calcium have been shown to help reduce hair loss and actually nourish your scalp.Changing your shower routine can reduce hair loss. Simply blot your hair dry by wrapping your head in a soft towel instead of toweling it dry roughly. You also should not dry it with a hair dryer. If you must, use it on low heat.If you are losing your hair, try eating more food products that contain Vitamin C. Vitamin C assists blood flow by increasing it in your scalp to maintain your capillaries, which transport blood to your follicles. More blood flow to the scalp means that hair will regenerate at a faster rate.Do not comb wet hair. Rather than doing this, use a soft towel to dry your hair, and then let your hair air dry prior to brushing it. Moisture means that your follicles are more likely to break. Combing or brushing your wet hair will make it fall faster.Regular scalp massages can stimulate nerves and engender improved blood flow. Research has shown that scalp massage can improve hair growth, as it helps to release stress that might be causing hair loss. You can try this every day without any risk at all.These products can't be expected to prove effective with all types of baldness, so if you naturally assume that they will be effective for you, you're more than likely setting yourself up for disappointment. It is very possible that they will succeed, but there is also a chance that you just end up out of money without seeing a difference in your hair growth.Use caution when using a hair treatment. Make sure it doesn't get on your clothes or bedding and ruin them. Do not let anything touch your head until the product has dried.You can purchase a wig if you are suffering from severe hair loss. Even a high-quality wig is lower in cost than most hair loss treatments offered for extreme hair loss. You won't have any trouble finding an establishment that sells wigs. The look of a wig can be realistic and natural, since they are often made from human hair. It is also easy to match a wig to the tone of your skin.Reducing or reversing the effects of hair loss can be easy, as you might now agree. The tips in this article are sure to aid you with the issues of hair loss. Don't let the fact that your losing hair get you down, use the information in this article.
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familygarden25 · 2 years
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Healthy Fruits and Vegetables
Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables is good for your health, and you don't have to be a nutritionist or dietitian to know that. In point of fact, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans call for us to eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. But how can you tell which foods are best for your health? Some packaged foods claim to be "healthier" than others, and the nutrition labels can be confusing and misleading. Fortunately, there are some straightforward methods for selecting fruits and vegetables. You can enjoy these nutrient-dense foods without worrying about how they will affect your diet by following the recommendations in this guide. Take a look at the color One of the easiest ways to determine which fruits and vegetables are best for you is to look at their color. You will notice that distinct colors signify distinct types of nutrients. Orange vegetables, for instance, have a lot of vitamin C, while green vegetables have a lot of fiber. You can choose from a wide range of nutrients because fruits and vegetables come in a variety of colors. As a result, it's best to eat a wide range of colors to ensure a healthy diet. Avoid foods with added sugars and fats. One of the biggest mistakes people make when shopping for fruits and vegetables online in Chennai is not thinking about how much sugar and fat they have. You can see how many calories, fat, sugar, and protein each food has on the nutrition label. Despite the fact that the recommended daily intake of all of these is generally low, it is important to take into account how many calories each food contains. It's possible that you're consuming too many calories (and possibly not enough nutrients) if you choose fruits and vegetables that are high in sugar and fat. You might also be making your body store more calories as fat. Due to the high levels of fat and sugar, you may also be increasing your risk of certain diseases in some instances. Try not to fear the dim green veggies Some produce has gained notoriety for being "pungent" or "acidic", however, this doesn't guarantee to mean they aren't sound. Spinach, for example, has a lot of minerals like iron and calcium, while broccoli, on the other hand, has a lot of fiber. Vitamins A, C, and K, which are essential for the health of the immune system, are abundant in the majority of dark and green vegetables. Additionally, dark and green vegetables are high in protein and low in calories. Dark greens are a great way to get more protein, vitamins, and minerals into your diet if you don't eat enough of them. online vegetable shopping in Chennai way to end a meal but don't mistake them for a healthier vegetable substitute. In fact, a lot of fruits are high in calories and sugar, making them bad for health. Fruits are full of vitamins and minerals, but they also have a lot of sugar, which can hurt your immune system and make it harder to stay awake throughout the day. Eat a lot of dark greens and low-sugar fruits if you want to eat the healthiest fruits and vegetables. Also, if you're not sure what to get, the guide to picking fruits and vegetables is a great way to get more protein, vitamins, and minerals into your diet. Fruity Conclusion Fruits are a delicious way to end a meal, but they are not a healthy way to buy fresh fruits online Chennai. In fact, a lot of fruits are high in calories and sugar, making them bad for health. Fruits are full of vitamins and minerals, but they also have a lot of sugar, which can hurt your immune system and make it harder to stay awake throughout the day. Eat a lot of dark greens and low-sugar fruits if you want to eat the healthiest fruits and vegetables. In addition, if you are unsure of what to choose, keep the fruit and vegetable selection guide in mind.
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lifestyle-foodies · 2 years
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weaarepawnation · 2 years
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Do you know why a high-quality, well-balanced diet is essential to your dog's health? Here are a few dog health issues that are specifically caused by nutrition and are seen in dogs.
Over 50% of American dogs suffer from obesity, which is a widespread pandemic for dogs. Even worse, obese dogs are more likely to get cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis. Reduced lifespan is also associated with pet obesity, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), and regrettably, of all the obese pets that physicians ultimately categorised, more than 90% of dog owners initially believed their pet to be within the normal weight range.
Pay close attention to the amount of calories and fat in your dog's food. Even though they are both essential to the diet, too much of either can make dogs obese or make it worse. Similar to humans, selecting a suitable dog diet that restricts calories and fats will aid in slimming down an overweight or obese dog and, eventually, assist in assisting your dog in leading a healthier lifestyle.
When the pancreas becomes inflamed, digestive enzymes are discharged into the abdominal region, which results in pancreatitis. If this happens, the pancreas's digestive enzymes will start to break down proteins and fats in the other organs as well.
According to Jennifer Coates, DVM, dietary fat in dogs is known to be linked to the onset of pancreatitis and can trigger the release of a hormone that prompts the pancreas to secrete its digesting hormones. Ask your vet if your dog's current dietary fat intake might be putting him or her at higher risk of developing pancreatitis. Dr. Coates advises a bland dog diet that is low in fat and simple to digest if your dog already has pancreatitis.
Not every bladder stone is the same. They can be made out of a variety of minerals and other materials. For instance, calcium makes up the majority of calcium oxalate bladder stones, while magnesium and phosphates make up the majority of struvites (phosphorus). Bladder stones may initially be small, but with time they may multiply and/or develop in size, leading to problems including urinating too forcefully, having urine that is coloured, and having accidents.
If you feel your dog has bladder stones, consult a veterinarian. If the bladder stone is one that cannot be removed surgically, such as calcium oxalates, they can determine the type of stone and suggest a meal to dissolve it. They may also suggest a particular diet to assist prevent the development of bladder stones.
Even if your dog doesn't currently have bladder stones, a diet reduced in calcium and phosphorus may be beneficial for him or her. The best course of action for your dog will be determined by your veterinarian.
Like us, dogs frequently struggle with heart disease, especially when their food isn't properly balanced. Dogs' intake of sodium (salt) is a major contributor to heart disease. According to Ken Tudor, DVM, higher blood levels of sodium are brought on by higher dietary sodium intake. "These excessive sodium levels result in increased blood pressure and blood vessel water retention. The sick heart must continue to grow as blood pressure rises in order to pump blood from the ventricles despite the increasing pressure."
Do you give your dog leftovers from your meals? Is the present food you give your dog too salty? Speak with your vet about these issues and how a nutritious diet low in sodium may assist your dog.
Dogs regularly experience episodes of diarrhoea, which can be divided into two categories: small bowel diarrhoea and large bowel diarrhoea. Dr. Coates explains that dogs with small bowel diarrhoea frequently pass huge amounts of soft stool only a few times per day. "Affected dogs typically struggle to urinate tiny volumes of watery faeces regularly throughout the day when abnormalities are concentrated in the colon. This is diarrhoea from the large bowel."
"According to Dr. Coates, a high-fiber diet has been demonstrated to be helpful for big bowel diarrhoea. It is ideal to have both soluble (the kind of fibre that colonic bacteria use as food) and insoluble (indigestible) fibre." Dr. Coates advises a bland, low-fat, readily digestible diet for small intestinal diarrhoea.
With your veterinarian, go over the critical roles that fat, fibre, calcium, phosphorus, and other dietary components play in your dog's health. He or she can even have crucial new nutritional suggestions to take into account for the particular life stage and lifestyle of your dog.
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prince-liest · 3 years
Hey 😅 mind if I ask you something? I think it may be a simple question, but I'm having trouble figuring it out. You know the saying, "you need some meat on your bones" Do we, as humans, really have meat or is it body fat? Is it healthy to gain weight if you're just adding body fat? I don't think you can spam eat pizza, heavy cheese/milk dishes and end up with "heathy unsaturated fat" that won't affect your heart. Sometimes I think ppl are born with thin bones that weight doesn't change.
I don't mind at all! c: Thanks for the interesting question!
Human beings need both fat and muscle to be healthy! As with anything, it's a matter of having the right amount - there's a lot in our culture, of course, about why too much fat is unhealthy, but too little can be very damaging to our bodies as well. Eating exclusively cheesy pizza would be pretty bad for you, though, because you're missing out on a bunch of protein and micronutrients. A good diet is much more complex than how much and what kinds of fats you consume.
Bone density is also something that is affected by diet and lifestyle. Young cis women doing high school and college sports are actually known for something called the "female athlete's triad," which is a triple-whammy of menstrual disregulation, low energy availability (because you're exercising a lot and eating too little), and low bone density. The latter is caused by insufficient consumption of vitamin D, calcium, and calories, as well as the way excessive exercise and dieting affect your hormones (estrogen is heavily involved in bone density regulation). That said, dieting isn't really going to make your bones skinnier or thicker - just run the risk of giving you osteoporosis in your teen years and for the rest of your life.
As for the concept of meat - I think when we talk about "meat" in food it generally refers to both muscle and fat, and in some cases edible organs. As a colloquial term, it's just a way of saying someone looks too skinny - which is more than possible to be, but perhaps not always somebody's business to comment on.
Overall, under-eating can have very serious health effects and despite our society's demonization of fat, a healthy diet and a healthy body are not going to exclude fat. If you are at too low of a body fat, it is definitely in your interest to gain more. And, honestly, as someone who used to have an eating disorder: it's really not worth it.
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solarpunkvegan · 4 years
Unfortunately, it needs to be said because of the news I keep seeing.
Kidney stones are not caused by eating a plant-based diet. Eating animal products will not prevent you from getting kidney stones either.
" Studies suggest that excessive animal protein consumption poses a risk of kidney stone formation, likely due to the acid load provided by the high content of sulfur-containing amino acids in animal protein, as I explored in my video on preventing kidney stones with diet. But what about treating kidney stones? Most stones are calcium oxalate–formed like rock candy when the urine becomes supersaturated–so doctors just assumed if they’re made out of calcium, we just have to tell people to reduce their calcium intake. So that was like the dietary gospel for kidney stone sufferers until this study was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, pitting the two diets against one another—low calcium versus low animal protein and salt. And it was the restriction of animal protein and salt that provided greater protection: cutting the risk of having another kidney stone within five years in half.
What about cutting down on oxalates, which are concentrated in certain vegetables? A recent study found there was no increased risk of stone formation with higher vegetable intake. In fact, greater dietary intake of whole plant foods, fruits, and vegetables were each associated with a reduced risk independent of other known risk factors for kidney stones–meaning one may get additional benefits bulking up on plant foods, in addition to just restricting animal foods.
The reason a reduction in animal protein helps is not only because it reduces the production of acids within the body. A reduction in animal protein should also limit the excretion of urate–uric acid crystals that can act as a seed to form calcium stones, or can create entire stones themselves. Uric acid stones are the second most common kidney stones after calcium. There are two ways to reduce uric acid levels in the urine: a reduction in animal protein ingestion, or drugs. And removing all meat can remove 93% of uric acid crystallization risk. Here’s the risk of crystals forming eating the standard Western diet for five days. And then, switching to a vegetarian diet leads to a 93% drop in risk within days.
To minimize uric acid crystallization, the goal is to get the urine pH up to ideally as high as 6.8, so a number of alkalinizing chemicals have been developed. But we can naturally alkalize our urine up to the recommended 6.8 using purely dietary means; namely, by removing all meat, which takes someone eating the standard Western diet up from an acid 5.95 right up to the target of 6.8 eating a vegetarian diet. You can inexpensively test your own diet with a little bathroom chemistry, for not all plant foods are alkalinizing and not all animal foods are equally acidifying.
A so-called LAKE score was developed, a Load of Acid to Kidney score, which takes into account both the acid load of foods and their typical serving sizes, and can be used to help people modify their diet for the prevention of both uric acid and calcium kidney stones and other diseases. This is what they found. The single most acid-producing food was fish, like tuna. Then pork, then poultry, then cheese, though milk and other dairy only rate down here; then comes beef. Eggs are actually more acidic than beef, but people tend to eat less eggs at a sitting, so they come in here. Some grains can be a little acid-forming, such as bread, rice; but not pasta, interestingly. Beans are significantly alkaline-forming, but not as much as fruits, and vegetables, the most alkaline-forming of all foods.
And the most important things we can do diet-wise are to drink 10 to 12 cups of water a day, and reduce animal protein, reduce salt, eat more vegetables, and [be] more vegetarian. " - (video)
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A whole foods plant-based diet is the only diet clinically proven to prevent the top 15 killers in the US, arrest some of those, and reverse some as well. It's been shown to reverse heart disease and type 2 diabetes. It can improve mood, help with digestion, clear up your skin, sometimes get rid of allergies, and more. But it's NOT magic. Every person needs an individualized plant-based diet. High carb low fat doesn't work for everyone, and eating entirely raw is NOT ideal. While it's healthier in general to cut out added oil, some people need more fat than others and oil might be the easiest way to do that. Processed foods aren't ideal but they're not the end of the world either.
Just because a plant-based diet is amazing, (which it is), doesn't mean you'll NEVER get sick again or that if you do it's because of your diet. Sometimes you just get sick, it happens. People get sick on an omnivore diet too and they don't blame THAT diet for every illness. Often, even when it IS the fault of the diet like heart disease, they blame something else anyway like genetics. (As they say, genetics loads the gun, diet pills the trigger).
However, it might still be your diet that's at fault, but that doesn't mean it's because your diet is plant-based, just that the version you do isn't the right one for you. Not all plant-based diets are created equal and everyone needs to be adjusting their diet for their individual needs. Everyone is different. There is no one size fits all plant-based diet, just guidelines based on rigorous research.
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From this source
Blaming a plant-based diet for kidney stones is ridiculous. If 1 in 10 people get them, then it stands to reason most of those people are not plant-based since being plant-based is in the minority.
If you get sick on an omni diet, no one blames the diet. But if you get sick on a plant-based diet, then it must be the diets fault. This is illogical. We get sick, it's a fact of life. A whole foods plant-based diet is the ideal diet for the average modern human, but it's not magic.
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dietplan5 · 2 years
Fitness And Teenagers: Getting Them Away From The Computer And Working Out
Nutrition is a basic element of any person's overall well-being and health. Keep reading to discover how you could be eating better. what to eat after abortion for fast recovery
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Replace white flour products with whole-grain options. Whole grains provide more fiber and protein than refined wheat products. Whole grains can improve your cholesterol level and keep you feeling full longer. You want to see the ingredients list on the label.
You need to have riboflavin in your everyday diet.It also involved in metabolism and transports iron to those parts of the body that need it.
Foods with trans fat in them should be avoided at all costs. Trans fat has been shown to elevate your risk of suffering heart disease down the line. Trans fats makes the amount of unhealthy cholesterol and increases LDL (bad cholesterol).
Most fast foods are pretty salty. If you cut back on eating salt in your every day diet, you may notice the salty flavor more easily. Foods which are not healthy for you might suddenly be too salty. You won't want it as often.
This is one great way to enjoy yourself without betraying your commitment to good nutrition.
Try eating something before Thanksgiving meal. You are likely to overeat when going to Thanksgiving dinner with an empty stomach. Eating something small before going to Thanksgiving dinner can help you fill up faster and limit your food intake.
Add the natural nutrient inulin to your diet nutritious. Foods that contain inulin are leeks, garlic and artichoke are perfect sources of inulin. It is a strong carb that can help you lose weight loss and digestive issues. Garlic is also great immune system.
Try out lots of healthy-food recipes. For example, learn how to make healthy protein bars using protein powder, peanut butter and powdered protein to make a satisfying protein bar?Oatmeal pancakes are another healthy dish you can make on your own.
A great nutrition tip is to stay away from junk food that isn't beneficial to you.This includes any fried and/or oily foods, processed, or even high in simple carbohydrates such as starch, sugar or flour.
When preparing meat, the healthiest ways to cook them include grilling, broiling, baking, and grilling. If you are used to using butter, replace this with cooking spray. Strain and rinse it off with hot water when browning beef. This can remove much of the extra fat on your beef.
Try to avoid foods that contain high levels of saturated fat. This includes foods made with vegetable oils. These oils can be just as high in saturated fat than meat does. Saturated fat can raise fat throughout your body.
Iron is very important nutrient for pregnant women. The normal adult female should get 18mg of iron daily; however, while pregnant, she should increase this to 27mg. If a woman doesn't receive enough iron while pregnant, you can easily end up anemic.
Make sure you select dairy products. While dairy products provide many nutrients including calcium, vitamin D, protein and vitamin D, you should choose low-fat or fat-free products. Drink low fat or skim milk, since this reduces calories but not the nutrients. If you suffer from lactose intolerance, opt from soy or lactose-free selections.
Raw vegetables are very nutritious for a healthy snack. They can decrease your hunger and make you feel full while providing valuable nutrients that your body thrives on. They are barely more complicated to prepare and store than junk food that is artificial. They can even be less messy compared to cheap junk foods. Raw vegetables serve to bridge between the meals within healthy diet.
Prepare basic dishes that members of your family will enjoy.When there are easy and tasty foods on hand, you can know that they are eating right.
Corn, beans, healthy meal. This meal is complete because it is packed with amino acids which are great for your body. While it lacks some vitamins which are non-essential, this is an edible meal that is healthy for your body. The nutritional pyramids in food guides are really quite old, while not technically wrong, represents a somewhat outdated model of proper eating.
An excellent method of ensuring you receive all the fruits and vegetable servings on a daily basis is a juicer. You can get a bit of bite to fruit juices by adding some vegetables to the mix. Adding ginger to an apple juice blend can add flavor. Go even farther and add some hot peppers to give your drinks a zesty touch.
You should cut back on how much sugar your children are eating per day.
Many people completely ignore their alcohol consumption levels when they are contemplating their nutrition. They might have a healthy routine for five workdays and then throw it all away during one night. Consider the fact that one mixed drink can have over 100 calories. Think how that adds up over the number of calories you'll consume if you have three or more in one night. Moderation is one of the primary goal with regards to nutrition.
Seniors need about 1200mg of calcium each day for healthy bones.Some other sources for calcium are tofu, broccoli, tofu and almonds. The main idea is to strengthen bones in order to resist painful fractures and breaks.
Foods like whole-wheat pastas, oatmeal, brown rice, oatmeal, whole grain breads, and bananas will boost your "feel-good" serotonin levels without a crash. These also help you to feel full longer since they contain lots of time. Eating unhealthy foods can give you feeling bad afterwards. Avoid junk and eat in a happy body.
Consuming smaller portions of meat and increasing plant-based foods can improve your nutrition.
A ton of people are coupon-crazy! You can channel surf right now and find a program about someone putting a hundred dollars worth of food for just pennies on the dollar. But the things they "buy" are not healthy.
The easy-to-implement tips can impact your life in a big way. Use the tips in this piece in order to boost your energy level, concentration and relaxation. Don't hesitate. Try these tips today and notice how consuming the proper foods can make a big difference in how you feel!
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smart-gen-guru · 2 years
Eat these foods daily (or at least often)
Improving your diet may seem like a lofty goal, one that people often think of as requiring self-discipline and rigid sacrifices. More cupcakes, more pizzas, more candies, sigh.
But it really doesn't have to be that way. Sometimes making better choices for your body can be adding, not taking away. This may create a more palatable option for those looking for a health boost that feels like a bonus, not a burden.
But what to add? I asked Teresa Fung, assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health for advice on which foods offer the most nutritional value in a daily diet. Below is her list of five well-rounded options that she says you should eat every day, or at least as often as possible.
Salmon. Known for its bright pink color, this oily fish is rich not only in healthy protein, but also in omega-3 fatty acids, which benefit both the heart and the brain. It also provides you with vitamin D to strengthen your bones. Still, serving salmon every day would be overkill for most people. Instead, try to eat it at least once a week to reap the health benefits, Fung says.
Brussels sprouts. These crunchy green balls, which look like mini cabbage, are nutrient-dense and low in calories - just 28 in a half cup. They offer a full group of vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, and folic acid. Like other cruciferous vegetables, Brussels sprouts contain bioactive compounds, such as antioxidants, which are chemicals that help prevent cell damage in your body. Taste-wise, Brussels sprouts can be a controversial choice because even though they're cute, some people find them bitter. If you're firmly in the "don't like" camp, you can substitute Brussels sprouts for other green vegetables for a similar nutritional boost. But keep an open mind. You can reduce the bitterness of Brussels sprouts by grilling them with a drizzle of olive oil. Add a few chopped walnuts on top for a bit more flavor and crunch (plus some extra goodness - see below).
Blueberries. These small, dark-colored berries are high in antioxidants, especially vitamin C, Fung says. Weighing 56 calories per 100 grams, blueberries also offer a healthy dose of vitamin A and fiber. Although most grocery stores sell blueberries year-round, feel free to substitute them with another dark-colored fruit, such as pomegranates or cherries, if the blueberries aren't in season. Or for a change, shake frozen blueberries, which taste great any time of year, with plain yogurt (see below) to make a smoothie.
Nut. Crunchy and filling, nuts are not only nutritious, they also provide an infusion of healthy oils, protein and vitamin E. Choose any type of nut: almonds, walnuts, even peanuts (technically a legume) , or grab a handful of mixed nuts. . Just make sure they're salt-free, says Fung. But keep in mind that this is a high calorie treat. Depending on the type of nut you choose, an ounce can contain 200 calories or more, so limit your daily intake to just a pinch to reap the benefits without gaining weight.
Natural yogurt. This creamy treat gives you a dose of probiotics, which are healthy bacteria that help keep your gut functioning well and contribute to better overall health. Yogurt is a nutrient-dense food that supplies your body with protein, calcium, magnesium, vitamin B12, and certain essential fatty acids that your body needs to stay healthy. And if you choose a high-protein yogurt, it can fill you up, which can help reduce your waistline. Although you prefer flavored yogurts, it's best to stick with plain. "The problem with flavored yogurts is that some brands contain too much sugar," says Fung. Sugar negates many of the health benefits of yogurt. Plain yogurt too sour? Add blueberries to add sweetness, Fung says, or add walnuts for a bit of crunch. These simple additions can boost flavor, and you can tick off three of the foods on this list in one easy snack. For more information visit our website.
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Monstera Deliciosa Fruit & Its Health Benefits
Monstera deliciosa is a tropical climbing fruit-bearing plant that is native to humid temperatures. They bear fruit if grown outdoors otherwise as an indoor plant it doesn't produce fruit.
Generally, new fruits start during Summer and if the fruit has already formed it ripens during this month too.
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Monstera deliciosa is otherwise called fruit salad plant, wild honey, Swiss cheese plant, Japanese pineapple and Penglai banana. All these names have been given to this plant according to the taste of its fruit.
There is a faint tartness to the fruit, but it is not sour or astringent. The kernels have a stiff texture, some sliminess, and are juicier when cut.
The fruit generally ripens in 10-14 months which obviously takes a lot of time so you need to have some patience if you want to taste the fruit.
The fruit should not be consumed when they are unripe as they possess calcium oxalate crystals and will impart irritation and tingling sensation in your mouth.
The best way to know whether the fruit is ready to eat is when the scales of the fruit fall off easily and the fruit gives a sweet fruity scent.
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If the fruit becomes overripe then it gives a foul smell of fermentation which obviously nobody will like to eat.
Nutritional value and Health benefits
In a 2.2 kg fruit or 335 calories/pounds, there is 1.18% protein, 2% fat, 57% fibre, 85% Ash, 16.19% Sugar and 77.88% moisture.
These are low in calories and contain high amounts of vitamin C and Potassium like many other fruits. Minimal consumption of this fruit is good for health.
Previously the root infusions of this plant were used against arthritis pain and snake bites too. Some parts were used as a remedy for cough, cold and fever in China.
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But consuming this fruit in large amounts might upset your stomach causing diarrhea and gas.
However, in one of the research papers, it has been published that this plant has some antidiabetic compounds in its extracts.
A raw Monstera deliciosa fruit can be stored in a brown paper bag along with a banana in order to make it ripe. In a week it will start to ripen. You can keep the fruit for a year in the freezer.
You can make various delicious recipes with this fruit such as Jam. It can be used in baked foods due to its easy blend with other fruits like banana, pineapple, etc.
The kernels can be used in fruit salads and smoothies and surprisingly Monstera deliciosa is also known as the “fruit salad plant” due to its beautiful blend of flavors.
So one should definitely try their hands to grow this beautiful and versatile plant at their own house and enjoy its beauty.
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youngengineerpaper · 4 years
Men's Health: What Foods Improve Male Health?
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1.Red Meat - Make Sure It’s Lean
Should men eat differently? As a man, staying healthy means eating mostly what's good for anyone—more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products. But there are some subtle differences between healthy diets for men and healthy diets for women, even though we share 98.5% of our DNA.
In the following slides, learn some foods you can form a healthy diet around as a man. You will find out why certain foods play special health roles in a man's diet for prostate problems, staying lean, and putting on muscle. There are even some in the list that may help your bedroom performance.
Red Meat
If you closed your eyes and imagined a meal made for a man, there's a good chance you'd dream up an imaginary steak. Men eat a lot more protein than women on average. And for the most part, all that additional protein is healthy. If you want to watch your weight, protein may be a better choice than carbs because your body spends more calories burning protein. It also helps build and retain muscle mass. The key is to have lean red meat in small portions and not eat it daily.
But not all protein is equally healthy. The healthiest proteins are low in fat, and some cuts of red meat fit this bill, including lean cuts of beef and pork. What's more, the amino acid leucine is found in red meat. That's important because this is the amino acid responsible for building and maintaining muscle mass.
However, there's reason to exercise caution when it comes to red meat. In some men, an abnormal gene can cause the high iron content of red meat to leave deposits in your vital organs. On the other hand, women need additional iron to make up for what's lost during their periods.
2.Tasty Cherries
Cherries are delicious, no doubt. They're healthy too. Cherry pigment contain anthocyanins, and these chemicals are anti-inflammatory. Both sweet and tart cherries contain these special pigments, though you'll find more of them in the tart variety.
Cherries can be powerful against gout, too, which affects more men than women. One major study showed if you've suffered from a gout flare-up in the past, chances of future flare-ups are reduced by half by eating 10 cherries a day.
3.Dark Chocolate
Wait—I thought this was a health article. It is! Dark chocolate in reasonable amounts is associated with a few positive health outcomes. Though the science is still being weighed, some signs suggest dark chocolate could help reduce your blood pressure, increase circulation, and keep bad cholesterol down.
Of course, that doesn't mean you should toss your health foods and head straight for the candy aisle. Chocolate candy is still candy, and it should be enjoyed in moderation if you want to stay healthy. How much chocolate consumption is considered moderate? Aim for no more than one ounce a day.
4.Zinc and Shellfish
Crazy about crab? Do you love clams, oysters, and shrimp? Shellfish are low-fat, low-calorie, high-protein foods that are good for anyone's diet. Men, however, may experience additional benefits thanks to zinc.
Zinc is found abundantly in shellfish. The highest zinc offering of all comes from oysters, which pack 445% of your recommended daily value of zinc into just three ounces. Zinc is required to produce sperm, and it seems to drive up testosterone levels as well. It also helps your prostate, where zinc is found in greater amounts than anywhere else in the body except bone. If you become zinc-deficient, your chances of an inflamed or enlarged prostate increase, as well as your risk of developing prostate cancer.
5.Creamy Avocados
Men, take note: avocados were named after you. Or rather, a certain part of you. The word comes from the Aztec word for testicle, “ahuakatl.” Maybe that's why this creamy green fruit has developed a reputation as an aphrodisiac. Whether or not it deserves that reputation, avocados do have several valuable health benefits.
Just like nuts and olive oil, avocados are high in fat. But don't worry—it's the good kind. Avocados help raise good cholesterol (HDL) while lowering bad cholesterol (LDL). They do this with omega 3 fat, the source of ¾ of their calories. They also have plenty of antioxidants, which help reduce cell damage, especially in the dark green part of the flesh nearest the rind. Use some caution, though, and don't overconsume avocados—they're fairly high-calorie.
6.Fish With Omega-3
Want to stop the no. 1 killer of men in the United States? Eat more fatty fish, like salmon, halibut, and sardines. These fish come loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to lower your risks of heart disease.
There are other ways to get omega-3 fats into your diet. But for men, fish is the safest bet. That's because plant-based sources, such as those found in canola and flaxseed oils, have been linked in some studies with elevated risks of prostate cancer. If you stick with fish, you need not worry. However, you should be careful not to consume too much tuna, marlin or sailfish, for example, as they can contain high levels of mercury.
7.Health Benefits of Ginger
Do your muscles ache after a workout? Maybe your back is sore when you wake up in the morning. If painful, tired muscles are causing problems for you, you may want to consider ginger.
Ginger is anti-inflammatory, just like ibuprofen. It reduces swelling and even has some painkilling effect. In one study of patients with arthritic knees, concentrated ginger extract was shown to reduce their stiffness and pain by 40% over a placebo.
Adding ginger to your meals, though, may not be enough. The amount of concentrated ginger used in the above study was 255mg, twice a day. That's equivalent to about 9 gallons of raw ginger. To get that much, your best bet is to find capsules of concentrated ginger.
While ginger seems to be good for sore muscles, its benefits don't stop there. Ginger is also known to relieve nausea. So, the next time you feel ill, consider making a tea by pouring 1-2 tsp fresh, grated ginger into a pot of boiling water. It is even being studied as a potential weapon against prostate cancer.
8.Yogurt and Milk
Just like meat, yogurt and milk whey contains leucine. That's the amino acid that helps you build muscle. Dairy products don't have as much leucine as meat, though.
Also, be careful not to consume too much dairy. Guys need less of the stuff than women, for whom dairy helps prevent osteoporosis. In fact, consuming too much calcium may actually be harmful for men. Men who got more than 2,000 mg of calcium per day stood a greater risk of advanced prostate cancer according to one study. That's quite a bit of calcium though—you'll find 305 mg in a cup of milk, and daily amounts of calcium up to 1,200 mg didn't show any additional risks for men. If you love dairy and want to avoid getting too much calcium, vitamin D may offset these risks.
9.Bananas and Potassium
Ever have a Charlie horse? These painful muscle spasms can erupt seemingly out of nowhere. But getting enough potassium into your diet could prevent them. Enter the banana. Bananas are jam-packed with potassium, which is also good for your bones. And if you've been diagnosed with prehypertension or high blood pressure, potassium could be as important as reducing your sodium to get your blood pressure numbers down.
10.Rich Tomato Sauce
Do you like lycopene? If you're a fan of tomato sauce, you're getting plenty of it. Tomatoes are naturally loaded with lycopene, which may help prevent certain types of cancer. Although the research is inconsistent, some studies have found that frequent tomato sauce eaters have a lower risk of prostate cancer. One meta-study examined 26 other studies with more than 500,000 participants. That study found that the more lycopene a participant ate, the lower his risk was of developing prostate cancer.
Beyond cancer, lycopene may have other benefits. It's an antioxidant that has been associated with a smaller risk of heart disease, too. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., killing more than half a million Americans each year. It's possible that lycopene helps reduce thickness in the arteries. However, further research is needed on this topic.
11.Tofu and Soybeans
If you want more high-quality protein in your diet, consider foods made from the soybean, including tofu and edamame. It may also help ward off prostate cancer (one study only found this in men who ate tofu). Because of its unsaturated fats, soybeans are also considered a good way to avoid heart disease.
As healthful as soybeans are for men, it's worth taking some time to knock down some of the myths that have been spread about this food staple. Soybeans have phytoestrogens, plant chemicals similar to weak estrogen hormones. While men produce estrogen, women produce more. Some have worried that soybeans could cause male hormone-related reproduction problems as a result. However, studies have shown that men who eat a lot of soy are no less fertile than other men. Studies have also shown that soy seems not to increase any risk of erectile dysfunction.
12.Varieties of Veggies
Vegetables are versatile, tasty, and some of the healthiest things you can eat. But relying on one or two of the same type of vegetable will deprive you of some of these foods' best benefits. That's why nutritionists recommend a mix of vegetables in your diet.
The reason why mixed is best is that vegetables contain phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are thought to promote cellular health and may be useful at lowering your risk of cancer, too. But different colors of vegetables contain different phytochemicals. So eat a wide variety of vegetables of different colors for optimal health.
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