#which it *should* be solely the player making that choice and any blame be put on them
ride-a-dromedary · 5 months
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koocycle · 3 years
play thing | drabble series (ii)
pairing. basketball player!jungkook x female reader
summary. jungkook is aware of the fact that you’re not his to love, yet he’s eager to show you what you’re missing out on. 
wc. 1578
warnings. explicit language, mild sexual themes.
taglist. if you’d like to be added, please send me an ask!
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The next time Jungkook encounters you, it is during his following training period.
He is embarrased to say that he hadn’t been expecting you to show up — not after you fled away the last time he had seen you, to say the least. He felt his chest tighten for you that day, yet he should’ve known way better than to believe in that simple act of chastity you put out for him prior to today.
It’s clear that you’re over that.
Because it had barely been a full week since that happened, yet it felt as if time was passing by tremendously slowly. Jungkook hadn’t heard a word from you; barely an effortless greeting in the hallways on campus, or even a facile glance his way during your shared lectures — however you shouldn’t have to worry. He knows that you don’t owe him a single thing, let alone a simple response to his text. He’s aware of the fact that you’re not his girlfriend, by any means — he figured you had better things to take care of.
Like that jerk of a boyfriend, for example.
Today you’re back on your usual spot on the bleachers though, on the front row just besides the messy stack of smelly duffle bags the boys had thrown around earlier. And whether that is because you’re here for him or for your boyfriend today, it doesn’t matter. He guesses he already knows the answer to that question he and doesn’t want to think about it. His head is feels heavy today, and he blames none other than you for it — he’s pissed.
Jungkook doesn’t want to make a fool out of himself and see things that aren’t as real as he would have liked, but he can feel your stare burning against his form as he plays, gazing down his every move. He’s barely able to concentrate when you put him under a microscope like this, and the only reason he refuses to look back at you is because he’s not willing to lose this silent game that the two of you are playing. It’s a tough game to play, and he’s having no fun in any of this, but he feels too sorry for himself to let you win.
It's not like he’d try to go and make a move to talk to you today. Especially not when you spent your week ignoring his texts before you continue to show up to his practices and proceed to eye fuck him to an obvious extend, as if you own the damn place. And just to clarify; you don’t.
And he swears he doesn’t care, however once he sees Minho making his way over to you the second his coach calls out for a ten-minute break, his throat goes dry. Jungkook follows him anyway, and he promises himself that it’s only for his heavy duffle bag which happens to sit next to you, but both of you know better than that.
You’re standing in place once Jungkook arrives at the spot, caged in your boyfriend’s arms.
‘‘You look hot,’’ he grins smugly, ‘‘Did you get dressed up like this for me?” Minho’s hands reach down lower, reaching for your ass. And Jungkook can’t help but to side-eye the scene as he takes a rather large sip from his water bottle. Swallowing it down his throat with a lot of effort.
He should walk away now that he’s gotten his bottle, but he instead falls down on the bench with a heavy huff leaving him, forearms resting on his knees as he decides to stick around for a bit longer.
You don’t properly answer your boyfriend, you only nod your head with an unconvincing smile on your face. And Jungkook needs to hold himself back before the vile grin appears on his face, because he knows why you’re here.  He knows and you didn’t even have to tell him – he’s convinced he sees right through you. And with the swift glances you’re shooting at him when you’re still in your boyfriend’s arms, you tell him everything he already figured out on his own.
‘‘I need you to stay here for me, okay?’’ Minho tells you soon enough, eyebrows shooting up his forehead as if you’re a pup waiting for his directions. ‘‘I’ll be right back.’’
‘‘Okay.’’ You answer him sweetly, disregarded by your boyfriend once his friends call him over soon enough.
It’s barely been a second after Minho has left you alone when Jungkook can already see you making your way over to him in the corner of his eyes, but he won’t budge – he refuses to. The least thing he wants to give you is the unbearable feeling of satisfaction that will only feed on to your massive ego. You don’t deserve that kind of power over him, he thinks. Especially not when you know exactly what you’re doing to him.
So instead of giving you the attention you’re seeking for, he’s pursing his lips in an annoyed manner and allowing his sweaty strands to fall in his face.
‘‘All good, Guk?’’ Your voice is sweet before you take place next to him, the sound of the soles of your shoes on the gym floor being all he’s trying to focus on.
Fuck. You even smell good. ‘‘I’m fine, thanks.’’
A funny silence hangs in in the air, and he figures that is because you’re trying to figure out what’s going on with him. Could he be.. mad? You’re so clueless and he swears he finds it funny, yet it’s hard to laugh over it when he’s the receiving end of your dense self.
‘‘Jungkook,’’ you whine besides him, the pleading tone that’s hidden so sneakily in your voice makes him freeze on the spot. ‘‘Look at me?’’
The guy swore he didn’t care before, nor would he invest in your dirty little games for the love of God himself, but the way his head snaps over to you once these words leave your pretty lips shows you the tiny amount of self-control he still owns.
He’s slowly, yet dangerously running out each time you’re close to him, and he knows he’s not the one to blame.
‘‘Why are you mad at me?’’ You pout, looking up at him from beneath your pretty eyelashes.
Now Jungkook sees what Minho was talking about earlier. You do look hot.
He’s been so pulled into your games just earlier, so competitive to not be the weak sheep in today’s play between the two of you – he’s been too worked up to take a good look at you. And man, that was a huge mistake.
The fabric of your skirt is rising up your thighs, tight against the thin, see-through layer of panties wrapped so deliciously around your pretty legs. He could slip his finger under the stretched material of your skirt and get a glimpse of your panties, he’s sure of it. But oh, what he’d do to see your legs wrapped around his waist some day ..
And no, this skirt is unlike the last dress he’s seen you in – this one has nothing to do with your previous fashionable choice of clothing. Nothing to do with the pretty, patterned knee-length dresses you’ve worn before. Today you came to his practice with a different motive, and to say you look merciless, would be bit more accurate for a day like this.
‘‘I’m not mad.’’ He’s keeping his answer short for a reason, and you’re aware of that. You had already caught him looking down at your lap just now, right before he swallowed his thick saliva down his throat and cut off eye contact with you at all.
‘‘No?’’ You ask sweetly, scooping closer into his side until your knees patently meet, making him look down, once again. ‘‘Then why are you ignoring me, Kook? It makes me feel bad.’’
When your hand reaches out to rest just above his bare knee, right at the spot where the fabric of his shorts come to a stop, he immediately tenses up and you can hear the slight puff that leaves his lips.
God, he wants to fuck you.
‘‘Did I do something wrong?’’ Your hand reaches up just a little higher, fingertips hidden under the edges of his shorts, ‘‘you should tell me if I did.’’ You say, your voice innocently continuing on whilst your bright blue painted nails are softly scraping against the skin of his inner thigh by now, something a little naughtier than it may look like from an outside perspective. He’s utterly losing his mind once you start massaging the sore muscles hidden under your warm palms — kneading the firm flesh in your hand.
Where the fuck is Minho when you need him?
You nearly jump off your seat on the bench when his larger hand covers yours, you’re surprised he doesn’t remove them from the warm spot on his thigh, yet you feel the desperation in his grip. ‘‘Why the fuck are you here?’’ He snarls, his temper increasing.
‘‘Why are you here, ___?” Jungkook repeats himself, clearly affected under your touch. ‘‘I doubt you came here for your little boyfriend who isn’t even here right now.’’
He’s so close to you, and he knows it’s starting to have an effect on you. You suddenly look a little less confident under his gaze, especially with his grip on your hand that’s only tightening with each second of silence passing by. Yet he doesn’t have the heart to feel bad for you right now, you’ve brought this on to yourself.
‘‘What? Cat got your tongue?’’ He snickers when you don’t answer his question, unable to think of a logical response right now. You already know that he knows – there’s no need for you to lie. Thus, he ends up one point ahead of you; claiming his victory with a cocky tilt of his head. ‘‘I don’t know what game you’re playing here, love, but I’d love to accept the challenge.’’
May the games begin.
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— taglist; @jinsalpaca
228 notes · View notes
unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
Sole Survivor -> II
summary // days eight through eighteen; blindsides, chocolate rewards, immunity idols and cutthroat words.
words // 11.5k (wowza)
warnings // reality tv, typical survivor mentions (idols, tribal, council), cursing, introducing a nickname (sweets) & some allusion to horniness but no sexual scenes
notes // this chapter & the next will probably be the longest ones because they have the most days but!! so much more development and drama here i’m actually super happy with how this came out! i hope you enjoy it :) i did some editing but there still may be some minor spelling or grammar mistakes, i will go through again this weekend!
series masterlist here. [eighteen plus blog and this fic holding eventual eighteen plus scenes mean minors should not interact with this story]
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Day Eight
Bucky’s shocked with how well the villains have been playing throughout the first week. While there may be tensions running high at camp, whispers and secret alliances, they pull it together on challenge days. 
Except - well - Bucky’s cringing as he watches this challenge because the villains are just sucking. Apparently wrestling in the mud with padded duffle bags is their achilles heel, who would have fucking thought?
The heroes had gotten rid of Sharon at the last tribal council which made the most sense to Bucky. She had been good in her season, but challenges just weren’t her thing, social skills were and right now the heroes need challenge wins. 
And it’s worked. 
One by one the villains have been knocked off the platform, the heros have five points and first to six wins, Bucky doesn’t even want to go up. 
“You got this Bucky!” You cheer from your spot on the mat. You’re covered in mud from the last round. Bucky kind of wants to forfeit to avoid embarrassing himself in front of you. It’s raining now, the platform is slick with rain and mud so Bucky’s slipping before they even begin trying to knock each other off. 
“Villains need this point to stay in the game.” Jeff calls out - yeah thanks - “Ready? Go!” Bucky stumbles around as Steve, of all people, circles him. 
They’re the same height, but Steve is definitely a little broader. “Come on, Buck! Knock him down!” You scream.
“God, she’s annoying.” Steve murmurs in response and Bucky furrows his brows a little angrily. “Come on man, leave her alone.” He mumbles, trying to keep the words off camera. He doesn’t need the world to know he’s grown a little protective of you. 
Steve raises his brows. “She’s annoying.” He repeats and Bucky sighs. He didn’t want to make the first move, content to circle Steve until Jeff forced them to make contact, but for some reason he just can’t let that slide.
So, he steps forward and goes low, pushing his huge red duffel into Steve’s stomach. It makes him stumble, but not a lot, and Steve is quick to push back. 
Bucky stumbles more, his feet sliding around the mud until he tumbles to the ground and tries feebly to block Steve’s pushes towards the edge. How were the heroes so good at not slipping? Did they have glue on their feet?
There’s almost a sigh of relief when Bucky’s body hits the mud, like thank God this is over. He crawls out sadly and feels embarrassed as everyone pats his back reassuringly. 
“Heroes, for the first time in eight days, you’ve won immunity.” Jeff hands over the small statue. “Grab your stuff head out.” The heroes cheer as they happily march away. 
Jeff turns to the villains solemnly. “Villains, I got nothing but your first date at tribal council with me tonight. You have the afternoon to discuss. Grab your stuff, head out.” 
Steve Rogers - Hero Tribe
“We needed this win. And to be able to absolutely demolish the villains while getting it? It’s a boost to us and humbling to them. We could win this.” 
Loki Odinson - Villain Tribe
“We were just pathetic today. Absolutely awful. Not one point? You can’t even blame that on a weak player because we all sucked!” 
You’re in the water with Bucky and Natasha trying to wash all the mud off your body. “Who should we get rid of tonight?” You whisper as you dip your head back to try and get it out of your hair. 
Tony and Stephen were further down in the water. Loki was laying in the shelter with Clint. You knew Darcy was sitting by the fire. 
Natasha purses her lips. “I was thinking Strange.” She says with a quick glance over her shoulder. “I know they’re going to be saying your name, Y/N, so we need to get Darcy and Loki before they do.” 
Your mouth falls open in shock. “My name? Why?” 
“It’s too soon to get rid of physical competitors.” Bucky comments. He rests a reassuring hand on your back and you fight the urge to move closer to him. You weren’t sure what it was about Bucky, but he was so comforting, you always wanted to be around him. “Loki and Darcy know that.” 
“I’ll talk to Darcy, you two talk to Loki.” Natasha orders before swimming away. You and Bucky look at each other with a laugh. 
“She’s intimidating.” You admit. Neither of you move to go and talk to Loki, both content to relax in the water for a few more minutes.
“Not as intimidating as you.” Bucky splashes some water at you making you splutter. 
You splash him back with a laugh. “How so? I think I’m nicer.” 
Bucky shakes his head. He moves a little closer to you in the water and you smile when his leg brushes against yours. “You just have this stare.” Bucky smiles. “Makes everyone around you want to drop everything and do what you say.” 
“Does it make you feel like that?” You stare at him with a smirk. Bucky presses his tongue against his cheek and looks away for a moment. 
“Sometimes.” He admits as he stands in the water. Your eyes trail up from the waistband of his shorts to his collar. He’s already got a tan from the island sun and his body looks incredible dripping water off of it. You bite your lip when your eyes meet his and Bucky smiles before moving to make his way to shore.
Your hand darts out and wraps around his wrist. “I know we haven’t talked about it a lot.” You say quietly. “But you and me, Bucky Barnes. Final two. These other alliances are just a means to an end.” 
Bucky nods stiffly, but there’s a hint of a smile on his face. “I’ll talk to Loki.” He gently pulls his wrist away from your hand. You watch as he makes his way to shore and begins searching subtly for Loki. 
Clint Barton - Villain Tribe 
“I trust Nat. Nat and I are friends outside of this. She’s a part of my life, she knows my kids, my wife. I just hope she’s made a good choice in working with Bucky and Y/N because from what I’ve seen they’ll pick each other over any of us.” 
You - Villain Tribe 
“I don’t…” You laugh. “Bucky is handsome. That’s all I have to say.” 
“Can I talk to you, Loki?” Bucky asks politely. Loki stares at him for a moment before raising his eyebrows. “Come for a walk?” 
Loki heaves out a sigh before standing up to follow after Bucky. “I’m assuming you and the siren need a vote.” 
Bucky snorts. “She’ll love that. Black Widow. Villainess and now siren.” He sighs. “Where are you leaning on the vote?” Loki looks at Bucky from beside him. Social game wasn’t Bucky’s best aspect, he always struggled with the ability of persuasion, but he was better at this game now. Six years off of it, twelve seasons, he’s had time to study up. 
“Not sure. Today was a wake up call. Maybe we’re not as strong as we thought.” Loki admits. “Who are you leaning towards?”
“Strange.” Bucky answers quietly. “We’re all pretty strong, you know? But he and Stark are just stuck in the past and Survivor is a new game now.” 
“So why not get rid of Stark?” Loki just watches as Bucky picks up logs. Bucky supposes he can’t be too upset because Loki had agreed to talk and not gather. “Stark won. Strange didn’t.” 
Bucky can admit he has a point and Strange was far more tolerable to Bucky than Tony was. Strange was good at laying under the radar though, and while he was incredibly talented at puzzles, physical challenges seemed to be a weakness.
“You won.” Bucky purses his lips as Lokie shrugs. “Like you said, we need a strong team. We just came to the decision that Strange is weaker than Tony.” 
“What can you offer me?” Bucky is reminded of how Loki won. He was always so good at giving less than what he got in return. 
“I can promise you safety tonight.” Bucky narrows his eyes. “Then we’ll talk. You have to know your reputation, Loki.” 
“I do.” He smiles at Bucky. “But we all have one, don’t we? Who’s to say your girl won’t turn on you?” 
Bucky rolls his eyes, deciding to ignore the jab. “Can I count on you Loki?” 
“I’ll let you know.” Loki shrugs apathetically before walking away. Bucky scoffs. 
Was trusting you risky? Of course it was. If he fell out with you he was sure it would be his ticket home, but he had seen your loyalty in full play too. When the alliance had turned on Shuri your season, you had refused to write her name down and gave up your idol for her. 
He was playing smart, whether or not anybody else thought so. He could work with you, save you, get saved and then when it became necessary he could turn his back on you. 
This was a villain's game after all. 
Tony Stark - Villain Tribe 
“Something is brewing. I can feel it. We got too comfortable with winning. We never put a plan in place for if we lost and now I’m afraid I’ll be the target.” 
When you get the hour warning, you can tell something is wrong with Bucky. He’s shaking his leg and his eyes are shooting around the shelter like he’s an on duty security guard.
“Bucky.” You nudge his shoulder with yours as you sit next to him. “What’s up?” 
He looks around skeptically before leaning in towards you. His metal arm brushes your’s and makes you shiver, it’s coolness offers a much needed relief from the sun beating down on you everyday. “We should get rid of Loki.” 
Your eyes widen and you look up at him shocked. “Wh...What? Why?” You whisper. 
“He wants too much from us. He wants to play that swing vote angle again. He’s dangerous, he’s won before.” He explains hastily. Tony and Stephen were whispering by the fire with Darcy. 
“I’ve won before.” You point out. Bucky shakes his head quickly, his hand lands on your kneecap reassuringly. 
“He’s not gonna help us, I’m telling you.” There’s a warning in his tone that makes your back straighten. “We should talk to them, he hasn’t made any friendships yet.” 
You nod slowly. “Okay… Okay.” You place your hand over Bucky’s. “I trust you.” He lets out a sigh of relief and you stand, holding a hand out to help him up. 
The three look up at you cautiously as you and Bucky take seats across from them. “Who are you guys thinking?” You ask gently. 
“You come to us less than an hour before we have to leave? Your plan not work out?” Tony scoffs with a defiant cross of his arms. 
You roll your eyes at his pride. It would be his downfall. “Our plan is Loki and we were hoping you could help.” You put on your sweetest smile and softest tone of voice.
Tony looks you up and down with a tense jaw. “How do I know you’re not trying to trick me?” 
“I wouldn’t have even come up to you if I wanted you gone, Tony.” You say with a smirk. “I would have just picked you off.” You stand quickly, over the conversation. You had given him your demand, there was no need to waste your last half hour before council. “I’m gonna rinse off. I’ll see you later.” 
Bucky watches you go. It’s hard not to. He doesn’t even care that the cameraman not even ten feet away captures his eyes moving over your body or how he adjusts his seat when he turns to face the two older men again. 
“We’ll vote with you tonight.” Tony says with a knowing look. “But, I’ve gotta warn you. I’ve watched her season. I’ve seen her. You, my friend, are falling right into the trap.” 
Bucky shrugs. “What if she’s falling into mine?” 
Natasha - Villain Tribe 
“We’re going to tribal tonight, which I’m sure will be a disaster. I know Jeff is gonna tear our performance to pieces and he’ll ask intrusive questions. All I can hope is that the plan works and Strange goes home.”
You - Villain Tribe 
“Bucky and I came up with Loki so last minute I didn’t have a chance to tell Nat or Clint. What’s the saying? I’d rather beg for forgiveness than ask for permission. I can only hope this doesn’t make an enemy out of her.” 
“Villains come on in. Grab a torch and light it up.” Jeff calls out as the eight of you walk in in single file. “Fire is your life in this game. When it’s extinguished, your time here is up.” Everybody takes a seat. You place yourself in front of Bucky and in between Loki and Darcy. 
“Wow. Villains. Not going to tribal for eight days is an impressive feat.” Jeff starts off his hands pressed against his legs as he looks over your group. “Do you think tonight will make you stronger? Or expose rifts? Natasha?”
You force yourself not to flinch as she begins speaking. Have to keep the guilt off your face as you think of how upset she’ll probably be when all is said and done. “Well, I think tonight will really strengthen us as a group. Sealing up any cracks.” 
You swallow and turn your head to look at her like you agree. You see Bucky out of the corner of your eye and really, really want to look at him for some comfort, but you knew Jeff would catch on. 
“Loki? You agree?” Jeff moves his eyes over you and onto the laid back man. Loki nods with a cocky smirk. “I do, Jeff. Tonight will be a clean slate.” 
You rub a finger under your noise nervously. You and Loli weren’t friends, but you did feel a little bad at the idea of this blindside. “Bucky, I mean, it seems like you guys have it all figured out? Is this a front or are you guys really at one?” 
Bucky’s knee grazes your lower back. “I mean… I feel like we’re working together well, but you never know. I mean, I could go home tonight. You really never know.” 
Jeff nods, looking a little put off by how little you’re all giving away. “Okay, well then, let’s get to the vote. Loki, you’re up first.” 
As Loki walks away you finally look back at Bucky. He nods as subtly as he can and while you’re sure it will be zoomed in on in the edit of the show, nobody sitting around you seems to notice and that’s what matters right now. 
One by one the eight of you make your way to the voting area. You write Loki’s name with a sad face in the O and fold it up. 
This was the best move for your game, you knew it was. Loki was too good and too smart to be kept for a possible vote. You knew if he made it to the merge he could make it all the way to the end again. 
And you just couldn’t let that happen. 
Bucky’s Vote - Loki
“Sorry, man.” Bucky shrugs holding the slip of paper up. “You came too hard. I need to protect myself in this game.” 
Tony’s Vote - Loki 
“If it’s not you, it’s me.” He shrugs. “Sorry, I really like me.” 
Natasha’s Vote - Strange
“Some OGs just don’t know how to adapt. I’m learning the new game while you’re stuck in the past.” 
Once you’re seated again, Jeff moves to grab the votes. “Person with the most votes will be the third person voted off the island and the first voted off the villain's tribe. I’ll read the votes.” 
He pulls a slip out. “Strange.” He marks. You hear Stephen’s sharp inhale. “Strange.” Jeff reads again. “That’s two for strange.” He pulls out another slip. “Strange. That’s three for strange. Five votes left.” 
You suck in a breath. This was the moment, either you and Bucky would be victorious or this would be an incredibly fast fall from grace. 
“Loki.” His head whips around to look at Bucky, who you know is staring straight af Jeff like you are. “Loki. That’s two votes Loki. Three votes Strange. Three votes left.” You tap your foot against the makeshift wood floor. “Loki.” Jeff reads. Natasha’s head turns to look at you with fierce eyes, but you don’t acknowledge her gaze. 
“Loki. That’s four for Loki. Three for Strange. One vote left.” Jeff pulls the last slip out. “Third person voted-“
“Fuck.” Loki hisses next to you as he stands. He doesn’t acknowledge any of you as he brings his torch to Jeff, only deigns to say something when it’s put out.
“I think you all know who’s running the show now and if you let her, she’ll go all the way again.” He warns before descending the steps. 
You roll your eyes before you turn to look at Bucky with a small smile. “Well, playing the game with vets obviously means playing the game. Villains starting off with a blindside, the only question is will it make you stronger? Grab your stuff, head out. See you at the next reward challenge.” 
Loki Odinson - Exit Interview 
“I was just too big of a threat to them. They new I would win it all again if I stayed, I can only hope they figure that out about that girl. She’ll go all the way again, she’d win.” 
Natasha - Villain Tribe
“I got played. That’s what happened. She took my trust and used it to her advantage and she played me. She’s going home next. Then her little boy toy.” 
Bucky trails behind you as Natasha stomps back into camp. “I just can’t believe this.” She hisses to the two of you as move to place your stuff back in the shelter. 
“It was last minute, Nat.” Bucky sits down next to you in the shelter. “We didn’t have time to talk to you before tribal.”
She scoffs. “Yeah. Yeah. Now I just look like the idiot who trusted you and who brought Clint down with her!” She waves her arm in Clint’s general direction and he looks away like he doesn’t really want to be a part of the conversation.
Bucky gives her a dramatic eye roll. “You don’t look dumb. It was last minute. Loki was too dangerous to keep in the game. He was going to play us all to make it to the merge.”
“The merge? Bucky! It’s not even day ten yet. We need a strong team.” Natasha hisses. Bucky feels your foot rub against his shin subtly as she yells at him. “Loki was strong!” 
“We all are! This isn’t the same survivor, Nat!” Bucky tries to keep his voice steady, but he’s getting tired of being yelled at. “If we lose again. If we somehow end up one more or one less than them, having Loki would be detrimental to numbers. Especially with Thor on the other side.” 
Bucky nudges his knee into your leg dangling off the makeshift bed of the shelter. “He’s right. You know it.” You defend him. 
“You two just made an enemy. Okay?” she crawls onto the opposite side of the shelter. 
Bucky scoffs, but doesn’t say or do anything else in response. It’s tense as some of your tribe members sit by the fire or crawl into the space to sleep. 
You fall onto your back and Bucky takes space beside you. “Did we make a stupid move?” He whispers. He can see one of the silhouettes of a cameraman near the shelter and he’s sure they’ll be trying to pick up this conversation, but he really just needs reassurance. 
You shake your head. “No.” You scoot closer to him. Bucky shuts his eyes, while laying like this during the day was a no-go, it was nice to be beside you at night. Where your heat offered some relief to cold. “And there’s no second guessing in Survivor, okay? We did what was best for us.” You whisper sternly. 
Bucky nods in response. He hesitates for a moment before reaching out and squeezing your hand. “Thank you.” 
Your eyes widen and he can see the shock reflected on your face even in the dark, but you squeeze back. “Final two.” You say so quietly Bucky can barely hear you. 
Day Ten
Bucky Barnes - Villain Tribe 
“Loki was the best move for us. I know and Y/N knows that. That’s all that matters right now. We have a challenge to win. Nat’s threats mean nothing right now.” He shrugs.
Thor Odinson - Hero Tribe 
“The villains walk in and my brother is gone! I just never expected him to go home so soon. We didn’t get to play together long on blood versus water, and I hoped that we would be able to here. If I had to guess I would say they just saw him as too big of a threat.” 
When Jeff reveals a set up of chocolate, your mouth waters. Sweets person or not after almost two weeks with nothing but water and rice, chocolate sounded like a five star meal at a Michelin star restaurant.
“You even get a little taste.” Jeff teases as he reveals a plate with small break away pieces of chocolate. Your entire tribe groans as he comes up to you with the plate. 
You turn to face Bucky as he takes his small piece. He smiles and offers it out. “Do you want it?” You shake your head quickly and he shrugs before popping it into his mouth.
You nudge him when you notice Steve handing the plate back without taking a piece. “What are they doing?” He asks amused as the entire tribe follows suit. You roll your eyes when Steve holds the plate, still filled with chocolate, out for Jeff to take. 
Jeff furrows his brows. “You don’t like chocolate, Steve?” He asks, bemused by the hero's actions. Your entire tribe turns to look at them to explain themselves. Steve shrugs. “We don’t need it, Jeff. We’re here to win.”
“So you don’t care about the reward? You just want to win to win?’ Jeff attempts to clarify. You laugh out loud. “We’ll take it, Jeff! Can we have their bites of chocolate?” You giggle as Bucky pinches your side. 
Jeff laughs and Steve shrugs apathetically. “We’re ready to win. Let’s play.”
“So you don-” 
“Let’s play.” Steve cuts Jeff’s question off, who looks at the man annoyed by the attitude. “We’ll play.” Jeff says sternly. “When I’m done.”  Steve looks away a little embarrassed which only makes your tribe laugh a little more as Jeff begins to explain the rules of the challenge. 
“It’s like basketball.” You murmur, recognizing the game from your own season. Two players from each team in the area and three on each platform. The two in the arena catch the balls and try to steal them for the contestants on the platform to shoot. You feel like your tribe has a really good shot to rebuild momentum again. “We got this.”
You end up in the arena with Clint while Bucky, Nat and Tony stand on the platform to shoot. You’ve forced Strange and Darcy to sit out, but neither of them seemed thrilled at the idea of basketball either. 
It’s a brutal match. The heroes are obviously desperate for another win, desperately trying to prove themselves to whoever watches this season at home.
Something about the villains just clicks though. It’s easy for your team to communicate and score; the closer and closer you get to five points the dirtier the heroes start to play. 
By the last round, you and Bucky are both in the arena while the other three attempt to shoot the winning score. 
With Steve. 
Who elbows you when you jump for a ball. “Shit!” The hit itself isn’t too hard, but it’s jarring enough that you fall to the ground in shock. 
“Are you fucking serious, dude?” Bucky shows up behind you with a glare directed towards Steve, who at least looks a little apologetic. Bucky’s fingers lift your chin so you look at him. 
“Are you okay? Do I need to call for medical?” Jeff calls from his spot near the benchwarmers.
Bucky’s fingers trace over what you’re sure will be a little bruise later or some minor swelling before he shakes his head. “You good?” He asks quietly, just for you. 
His eyes on you are intense as he traces his fingertips over your skin. It’s intimate, far too intimate for the amount of people watching hawkeyed and looking for reasons to vote you out.
You stand abruptly. “I’m good.” You dust the dirt off of your legs and turn to face Jeff without glancing back at Bucky. “No medical! I’m okay! Just an accidental bump.” Your eyes find Steve’s and he offers a semi-apologetic smile that you shrug at in return. 
The game is called back on. Steve seems a little shaken by his accidental brawl and it gives your team all the momentum they need to score the last basket. 
“Villains win reward!” Jeff’s arms shoot up and your team cheers. You squeeze Bucky’s bicep as Darcy rushes over to give you a hug. Thank you. You mouth, the cameras may have picked up on it, but nobody else has and that’s all that matters. 
Bucky Barnes - Villain Tribe
“I bet right now they’re wishing they had some of that chocolate.” His laughter rings out.
Peter Parker - Hero
“I really wish I had taken a bite of chocolate. It looked so good.”
There’s a large table set up buffet style with chocolate candies, cakes, milk and anything you can make chocolate, is chocolate. 
But there’s only one thing Bucky’s searching for, a clue. If there’s one thing he’s learned watching these more recent seasons, it’s that there’s always a clue hidden away on these reward trips and Bucky’s going to find it. 
For you and for him. 
“Oh my god.” You let out a moan at the bite of a chocolate cupcake you take. You hold it towards Bucky with a smirk. “Try it. I don’t think I’ve ever had a cupcake that tasted this good.” 
Bucky takes a small bite and lets out a pleased groan. He’s sure if he had been eating steadily for the past couple weeks the cupcake wouldn’t taste nearly as good, but to him it’s like heaven.
“We’re gonna go for a swim. Do you two wanna come?” Darcy offers as the rest of the team darts towards the clear water. You and Bucky shake your heads quickly. “I’m too attached to this chocolate.” You giggle as Darcy moves to follow the rest of your team. 
You move so you’re sitting beside Bucky and lean your head against his shoulder as you take bites of the chocolate treats. “Check this out.” You hold up your left hand and flash a small, white piece of paper. 
“Is that…” Bucky trails off as you stuff it into your bikini top with a smirk. “Where’d you find it?”
“The cookie platter.” You laugh softly. “It was hidden between the chocolate chip and oreos.” You tilt your head up to look at him. “That’s our safety procurement. They’re not getting rid of us anytime soon.” You smirk. 
“If we can find it.” Bucky noted, picking up another small cupcake. You grab a small, hershey kiss and pop it into your mouth. “I know where it is, Buck. I read the clue when I went to the bathroom. It’s back at camp.” 
Bucky nods and finally lets himself relax, his head resting over yours as the two of you eat in a comfortable silence.
“You and I, baby.” Bucky holds a piece of chocolate out which you meet halfway in a cheers. “Til the end!” You cheers with a soft laugh.
Natasha Romanoff - Villain Tribe
“Nobody is really worried about Bucky and Y/N because they just don’t have the numbers anymore. Clint and I aren’t going to help them and Tony and Darcy only promised one vote.” She shrugs. “If they want to sit off in their little bubble and just enjoy their last few days together until we vote them off, that’s fine! We’re not worried.”
Darcy Lewis - Villain Tribe
“I mean, she had to know nobody would want to bring her until the end. She’s a fan favorite. She plays well. It’s only a matter of time until she’s gone and Bucky following right after her.”
Day Twelve
The heroes just can’t win. Which you can tell is annoying your tribe. Immunity is nice when there are people you don’t want to get rid of before the merge. It was an issue when there was and they wanted to get rid of you.
“If we lose, we need to have a plan.” You whisper to Bucky as the two of you huddle by the fire. Your thighs are pressed against one another’s and it has warmth spreading through you. “They’re going to try and vote one of us out.”
Bucky’s fingers trace over your leg. “But we have this.” He taps the immunity idol you had stuffed into your shorts after finding it on the trek back to your camp. “We can use it against them.”
You lean your head against his shoulder. “If we play it right.” You glance over your shoulder. The rest of your tribe is floating in the water, washing off the dirt from today’s challenge. “If we play it wrong, we fuck everything up.”
You can feel Bucky nod against the top of your head. “How do we play it right? They’re not going to tell us their votes.”
“They’ll try.” You cross your arms over your chest. “They’ll whisper around us and try to make us think a certain way. We just have to play smarter.” You shrug.
You stand up suddenly, dusting off the sand and dirt stuck to your skin. “We’ll just play the defeated pair act and turn it around on them. We just have to find a weak link.”
Your eyes move back to the ocean, where Darcy floats away from the group, obviously ignored and outcasted.
“Then we have our in.” You smirk down at Bucky.
Bucky Barnes - Villain Tribe
“She’s so odd. I’m… I just find myself wanting to follow her everywhere though.” He shakes his head, like he can’t quite believe he’s saying all this. “I know how she won. She’s good. She makes it feel real.”
Day Fourteen
Things go well, but not as well as Bucky had hoped. With a double tribal council looming over them, individual immunity for you or him would have ideal, no matter who won the award. 
Natasha had won individual immunity and the reward, hot dogs and hamburgers while sitting in the opposite tribe’s council. It was good, but Bucky knew she would be power high for the rest of the afternoon. 
She had made it clear she would be coming for you and him. 
“Heroes can’t win, so they’re forcing us to go to tribal now.” You nudge Bucky with your elbow, but he can’t bring himself to laugh. He can’t understand how you’re so nonchalant as Natasha moves around camp with a vengeance, desperate to get back at you two for screwing her over. 
In the first vote, his mind tacks on. She shouldn’t be taking it too serious. 
“How are you not worried?” Bucky asks quietly as the two of you sit under the palm tree. You’re weaving ferns together for no reason other than it giving you something to do while Bucky uses a spare cloth to wipe dirt off of his arm. “She’s plotting our demise and we’re just sitting here.” 
You glance up at him with a smile. “You worry too much, Buck.” You shrug your shoulders. He watches as your eyes move over the beach and take in the groups spread out. “Have you noticed anything?” You ask quietly. 
Bucky splutters for a moment, completely shocked by your nonchalance. “Are you listening to me?” 
“Because I have.” You ignore him. Anybody else and Bucky would be furious. He thinks that may be a problem. You hand comes up to cup his chin and force his stare in the direction of the fire pit. His eyes land on Darcy, sitting alone as Tony, Stephen and Natasha chat in the shelter. “I’ve noticed how overlooked Darcy Lewis is. They don’t see her as a physical threat or social competitor.” 
Bucky nods slowly. “What makes you say that?” 
“They think she’ll fall into line because she owes them something for keeping her safe.” Your hand drops from Bucky’s face and he raises a fingertip to trace over where they had laid. You keep talking, “But she knows they’ll rid of her at the merge. She’s too smart individually to not.”
“And we get her to spill their secrets?” Bucky asks softly, catching on to your train of though. “Because they’re talking around her, but not to her right now.” You turn to look at him with a proud smile and short nod. 
“When she goes off on her own, we’ll make our move. There’s no need to stress, Buck.” You say softly. He looks down at you and almost melts at the reassuring smile on your face. 
Fourteen days and he felt something for that smile. Something like butterflies in the stomach and breath flowing easier. Was that too soon? He wasn’t sure. Time was different when you’re with people twenty-four seven. “Yeah.” He breathes out. “You’re right.” 
The cameras have no doubt caught this flickering of emotions on his face and maybe by the end of this he’ll be plastered across social media as a somehow worse victim to your Survivor game. He knows Steve had worshipped you, but it was never like this. You never smiled at him like this. 
Bucky swears it. 
Bucky Barnes - Villain Tribe 
“She’s good.” He laughs awkwardly. “We’ll see how this alliance plays out.” He looks away and watches as you get up and walks towards Darcy, who has finally drifted off to collect fire wood. “We’ll... We’ll see.” 
“Darcy? Can I come with you?” You’ve made sure the majority group has moved on to the water so they don’t see you talking with her and . “Maybe we could talk.” You shrug. 
She looks you over with wary eyes before sighing. “Yeah. Okay.” She nods for you to follow and you smile thankfully at her. Darcy was sweet, there really wasn’t any other word for her. 
Her confessionals had been hilarious; They were full of dry commentary and sarcastic quips that made her easily likable. She was a genius, in the literal sense, and forced her way to the end with puzzle wins. Her fatal flaw, and the ultimate nail in her coffin, had been her inability to make strong alliances. 
“You’re a threat.” You say easily as you both pause to pick up some fire wood. “It’s why you struggled on your first season and why you’ll struggle now.” 
She raises her eyebrows at you obviously unimpressed. “i made it to final tribal council. How is that struggling?” 
“You lost.” You shrug. She seems unphased by your bluntness and that makes you happy. “You know you lost because you didn’t forge bonds. You’re sweet. Funny. Smart and strong. People saw you as a threat from that first puzzle challenge on your season and they spent the end plotting your demise. You made it to final three because of your skills not because of your social presence. It’s incredibly impressive, but it might not help you as much in this game where people already know how truly good you are.” 
Darcy takes pause. An in. You think proudly, you knew you could crack her. “What exactly are you offering? You and Bucky have made it clear that’s final two.”
“So did Steve and I.” You give her a vicious smirk. “Darcy, thirty seasons and men always fall for the nails up their back and sunkissed legs.” You tilt your head with a cocky smile. “I want to create a more... Women led Survivor. So many men have won and used women to do it.” 
She releases a shocked laugh. “You know I could tell him all this? Just... Use it for my own good.” 
“You could.” You nod slowly. You pause, like you’re actually worried about the attempt of a threat. “You won’t though. Because you know as well as I do this information won’t get you far. Tell Bucky and I’ll just twist it so you’re gone next or tell the grandparents and they’ll try to get rid of me or Bucky, then you when your vote is no longer needed.” You give her a sarcastic pout. 
She shifts her eyes to the ground.  It’s a tell, flashes of her season play in your mind, she’s about to lie. “They’re talking about you tonight.” She finally says with a fake smile. 
Your eyes narrow before you nod slowly. Wrong choice. 
The two of your watch each other for a moment, a stock still staring match where you’re both attempting to gauge the other’s reaction. Then you smile, sweet and innocent. “It’s up to you. Vote for me or vote for Strange. I can’t force your hand.” 
You give her a wink before making your way back down the trail. She’s revealed more than she even knows and you’ve just figured out how to save your game.
Darcy Lewis - Villain Tribe
“Maybe she’s right. They’ll get rid of me when they don’t need me, but there’s days before that’s even an option. She’s trying to play me, I know. I’ve seen her and Bucky, she wouldn’t mess that up.” She lets out a defeated sigh. “We know she found the idol, Nat snooped through her bag. Now we just need her to flush it while we vote for Bucky tonight. Biggest blindside yet.”  
 “Villains, since you won reward you will have council and vote. After the vote, whoever is voted off will leave and the rest of you will move to the jury seats to enjoy your hot dogs, hamburgers and soft drinks while the heroes come in and have their council. You’ll leave before their vote and find out who’s gone at the next challenge.” Jeff sucks in a deep breath and smiles at the group. “Sound good?”
Bucky hadn’t gotten a chance to talk with you after you had followed Darcy into the trees for your talk, but you had traced a finger over his knee reassuringly when the two of you had sat down so he’s hoping for the best here. 
He knows it’s frowned upon, but he really tunes Jeff out as he begins talking to Natasha. Bucky’s eyes focus on you. The way the fire casts a glow over your skin and how you’re able to keep your face straight as Natasha accuses you of being a backstabbing alliance member.
“Do you feel like you guys made a mistake last tribal? Getting rid of Loki? Bucky.” Jeff’s voice cuts through the fog that’s in Bucky’s mind. 
His head snaps up to look at Jeff, who’s unable to hide his amusement, and Bucky quickly shakes his head. “I think we made the best choice for our game. It was never the intention to hurt Nat, but she is and I guess that’s something I’ll have to live with.” He gives Jeff a shrug. 
“We had a plan that you didn’t stick to. I think it’s perfectly reasonable for people to not trust you now.” Natasha doesn’t even look at him, she just keeps her eyes on Jeff. 
Jeff’s eyes bounce back and forth between the two like he knows he won’t even have to prompt Bucky for a response. “It was last minute.” His eyes move to Stephen and Tony sat behind her. “Stark was in on it too, but he’s trustworthy?” 
“Stark never promised me final four.” She finally turns to look at him with a smirk, like her airing that out will seal Bucky’s fate. “You did.” 
Your voice cuts Bucky off before he can even speak. “We both knew that final four promise was bogus. You were never gonna turn your back on Clint and Bucky and I weren’t gonna turn on each other. Stop pretending it was your plan to bring us to the end. Lying isn’t all that becoming of you, Nat.” You lean towards her with a pretty smirk. 
Bucky looks you over slowly and swallows thickly. He needed to get this attraction to you under check before he ended up in an embarrassing situation on national television. 
“Shut up.” Nat says just as fiercely. Really, Bucky thinks, the two of you would have worked so well together. He doesn’t understand why you had chosen him. “Let’s vote, Jeff. Can we vote?” She looks away from you with an eyeroll.
Jeff’s eyes widen before he nods. “Sure. Yeah. Let’s vote.” 
Natasha’s Vote - Bucky 
“Next time, hide the idol better.” She laughs. “We need it flushed so we can get rid of your girlfriend next week, sorry Bucky.” 
Darcy’s Vote - Bucky
“I almost took the offer, but numbers are just safer right now. Sorry.” 
Tony’s Vote - Bucky 
“Last week was a one time deal, bud. These old-timers still know how to play the game.” 
“You know the deal. I will read the votes, person with the most votes gets sent home. If anybody has a hidden immunity idol and wants to play it, now would be the time to do so.” Jeff’s hands clutch the urn as his eyes trail over the group. He pauses, waiting for somebody to speak up and Bucky’s heart races for the first time all night. He’s nervous.
“Jeff.” You speak up softly. You smile at group, who all look far too pleased to see you reach into the bag at your feet, before standing up the idol clutched in-between your hands. You walk up to him him slowly with calculating eyes. 
“You know, I’ve had a target on my back since day one. No matter what these villains want to say, they would never have actually worked with me past the merge.” You hold the idol tightly as everyone watches you completely intrigued. You hand the idol over the Jeff. “I would like to play this for Bucky tonight.” 
Bucky’s eyes widen and he can practically feel his heart stop. Natasha’s tongue presses against her cheek as she looks down at the ground with a shake of her head. Clint looks between you and Bucky in disbelief and Darcy flushes bright red. 
Even Jeff looks surprised as you make your way back to your seat in front of Bucky. He’s speechless as Jeff holds the idol up. It’s like water has rushed through his ears as he sees his name pulled out one after the other. 
One. Two. Three. Four. 
“Strange.” Jeff reads out. “That’s one for Strange. Four for Bucky that do not count.” Jeff says pointedly. Jeff pulls out another vote, the one in Bucky’s handwriting. “Strange. That’s two votes and tonight,” he pauses, “that’s enough.”
Bucky lets out a shocked laugh as Stephen Strange slowly moves to pick up the unpacked bag at his feet. Most of his stuff was back at camp, like the rest of their makeshift alliance. The man moves in a shocked daze similar to what Bucky feels himself. He honestly can’t even hear Jeff’s goodbye speech to Stephen over the pounding of his heart.
There’s a moment of shocked silence as the group looks around trying to come to terms with what had just transpired. In that moment, you turn to look at Bucky with a proud smile. “Told you, Buck. Needn’t worry.” 
Bucky lets out another laugh and holds his pinky out to you. “You and me all the way to the end, sweets.” Your eyes sparkle at the nickname and Bucky doesn’t let himself feel embarrassed over it slipping out. He’s far too happy with what just happened to worry about anything. 
Your pinky links with his and Bucky yanks you towards him to press a sloppy kiss to your cheek. You laugh unabashedly as he does so and the rest of the tribe stares in annoyance. 
It’s blatant show of loyalty. One that Bucky knows could hurt them in the end, but you don’t seem to mind and he can’t bring himself to care. 
Stephen Strange - Exit Interview
“I uh, I feel stupid.” He lets out a dazed laugh. “We didn’t split the vote. You always split the vote. Nat and Tony were sure Y/N would use it on herself though and Darcy reassured us she had told the girl we were writing her name down. We got too comfortable. It just sucks it ended up being my neck on the line but that’s the game. That’s Survivor and that was one hell of an impressive play.”
Your tribe won’t look at you. Natasha sits with Tony and Clint as they whisper and eat the hamburgers placed out for everyone. 
Darcy sits in between the two groups as you and Bucky watch the heroes trail into the tribal council chambers. “Heroes. Strange voted out at the villains tribal council tonight.” He gives the heroes a moment to whisper amongst one another as each of their eyes takes in the new villains tribe. 
“Is this a surprise, heroes? I mean did it seem like Strange would be the one to go home after today’s challenge?” Jeff asks as the tribe settles into their seats. 
The group looks at one another hesitantly before Peter speaks up. “I mean, we weren’t sure with Loki. Maybe he came on too strong... Seeing Strange go? Someone who knows the game so well? It makes us think there’s another all female alliance brewing.” 
Bucky looks at you over his sip of generic soda and you suppress a smile as you bite into your hot dog. How wrong they were. You almost want to laugh. Of course they assumed it was an all female alliance again. You had seen it time and time again, long before you came on and long after, men can’t seem to comprehend why other men go home early unless it’s a woman who plans it. 
It’s almost sad how predictable the heroes are in their thought process and game play. You and Bucky steal glances over food as they drone on about working together through honor and loyalty.
What does catch your eye though, is the obvious divide. You can only hope Bucky sees it too so you can discuss it back at camp in preparation for the future merge. 
It’s easy to tell Steve, Wanda and Scott were alone. They sat huddled together on the end while the other’s spoke. None of them piped up to support the claims of unity or strength. You wish you could speak up and urge Jeff to point it out because it was killing you not knowing. 
He was good at his job though. “Steve. Scott. Wanda. You three are so quiet, do you agree with what Thor is saying? That you’re all happy go lucky at camp?” He smiles at the blonde man who shrugs.
“I think we’re all nice to each other back at camp, but I wouldn’t say we’re united.” At this, Wanda and Scott perk up. They both nod and Wanda sits up a little straighter. “It’s Thor’s camp right now, he makes the decisions. The only reason the three of us were spared last week is because he knew we’re strong and we’ve been losing like it’s our job.” Wanda tacks on. 
You smirk. Thor was leading the charge? His first season had been nothing short of disastrous. After being kept on as his original tribes muscle, he failed to make a strong alliance post-merge. Even having his brother back by his side couldn’t save him and the end he was voted out as the second jury member. He learned. You glance over at Darcy. Not everyone could.  
Quickly after Steve’s comment, tribal council descends into chaos. Thor disagrees and the men begin talking over one another until Jeff steps in to begin the vote. “I honestly have no idea how this vote will go tonight, but I can’t wait to see. Villains, we’ll see you for the next challenge soon. Where you’ll see the new hero tribe for the first time.” 
Your group is ushered away quickly, forced to leave any half finished drinks or food sitting on your seats. “How they get to see ours but we don’t get to see theirs?” You call out. 
Your question goes ignored by Jeff and the cameramen following behind you. “Whatever.” You shrug hastily before moving to catch up with Bucky.
“Villains aren’t losing. We’re set until the merge, baby.” You wink at him, thrilled at the red you can see dusting his cheeks. 
After all, who said you couldn’t have fun on Survivor?
Natasha Romanoff - Villain Tribe
“I have no words.” She sits on the sand illuminated by nothing but the moon and camera lights. “I’m... I’m speechless.” 
Day Sixteen 
The idol is back in play. And winning reward is necessary for you and Bucky. You couldn’t care less about the rest of your tribe getting to swim in a fresh waterfall or eating a feast, all you cared about was the clue that was no doubt going to be hidden among the food. 
Last tribal had been a guessing game and a whole lot of luck. The numbers were still against you and Bucky, that hadn’t changed. 
“We need a better strategy.” You shake off what you can of the rain pounding against your skin. It’s getting into your eyes and messing with your vision. “They’re destroying us.” You look at Natasha, who stands beside you and Bucky as the rest of your tribe tries desperately to reattain control of the ball. 
Her lips are pursed together, but you can tell she knows you’re right. In the game of ocean basketball, where three points gets you the win, the heroes already had one to your big fat zero and they held the ball. 
“Next round, Bucky and you go out and keep Clint. That way there’s a strong player in each heat. Focus on shaking their-” You’re cut off when the hero team begins to cheer excitedly and Jeff announces their second point. “-Confidence.” You say defeatedly. 
You pucker your lips in annoyance as Darcy and Tony struggle through the water to the sidelines, both heaving out breaths. “We can try.” Natasha sighs going out to meet Clint and presumably explaining the new strategy to him. 
“I hate to be a debbie downer, sweets.” Bucky looks down at you with an apologetic look. “I don’t think we got this.” You don’t have a chance to respond as Bucky is forced onto the makeshift oceanic basketball court. 
You watch with bated breath as both teams struggle to maintain control of the ball. Shuri pulls Natasha underwater and away from Peter when he finally gets ahold of the ball. 
Wanda wraps her arms around to Clint to stop him from catching the ball if Peter passes, it’s an even fight if you’ve ever seen one. And Peter looks terrified to go head to head with Bucky, who’s waiting for him by the floating baskets. 
“C’mon, Bucky.” You mumble to yourself. Darcy and Tony watch in silence. “C’mon. C’mon. C’mon.” You repeat hopefully. 
Bucky’s hands shoot up as Peter makes a hail Mary shot from feet away, not wanting to go head to head with Bucky. The cheers of the heroes side are deafening as it goes in. 
You can only laugh as Peter gets tackled into the water by his tribe. Your eyes find Bucky, who won’t look up from the water lapping around his hips and you frown. 
You guess they were bound to win something eventually. 
Peter Parker - Hero Tribe 
“We won! Our second win in almost twenty days. I never thought I’d be so happy to sit out here and play ocean basketball in the pouring rain.” He laughs ecstatically. “We won! We won! We won!” 
Bucky Barnes - Villain Tribe 
Bucky can’t even look you in the eye. He’s so upset with his performance and his inability to stop Parker from that winning shot. The entire tribe is silent as they make the freezing walk in the pouring rain back to camp. 
Nobody wants to say it, but losing momentum like this is only bad news. He knows every single person here is now afraid their winning streak is officially done and with no merge in sigh that means battling it out for votes. 
He feels something brush against his hand and he looks up at your, shivering beside him in the shelter. “It’s not your fault.” You say quietly. You scoot closer. He can see the whites of your eyes and a vague outline of your face as the two of you lay looking at each other. 
“I let him get that shot.” Bucky whispers back sullenly. He can feel you hesitate before moving until you’re pressed against him, chest to chest, and wrap an arm around his waist. It’s a welcome relief, the warmth that comes with being wrapped up with you, but it makes Bucky’s entire body flush and his heart race. “I’m like, double his size, I could’ve gotten him down easily.”
Bucky’s arm comes up to wrap around your waist as the two of you whisper. “They destroyed all of us, Buck. We didn’t score one point. You can’t blame that all on you. It was a team effort.” 
Bucky doesn’t respond, his mind drifting to what will happen now. He can swallow losing a reward challenge, it just meant one more night of rice and dirty hair. He signed up for thirty-nine of those. Bucky was more worried about what happens now that momentum was gone.
Could the tribe pull it together for the next immunity challenge, or is this the end of their reign? And if it was, what would the two of you do? Numbers were numbers, and one long shot plan working doesn’t magically mean you and Bucky are safe. 
Your thumbs press over Bucky’s eyebrows effectively smoothing the wrinkles that had formed while overthinking. “Get out of that head.” You smile up at him. “There’s nothing we can do now but try to stay warm and get some sleep before tomorrow’s challenge. Okay?”
“Okay.” Bucky swallows as your wrap yourself tighter around him. If anyone asks in the morning, you’ll both say it was for warmth. Sleeping apart just wouldn’t make sense in this storm. 
Day Seventeen 
When the show airs and your friends ask why your tribe lost this immunity challenge you’ll blame the rain again. The torrential downpour has caused the small cracks in your tribe’s foundation to widen and left you all struggling to work together. 
While you and Darcy argued over puzzle pieces, Peter and Shuri flourished. They saw the same thing at the same time and barely needed to speak as pieces were handed off between them. If it hadn’t been you losing to them, you would’ve loved watching it happen. 
You’ll blame the rain for ruining your sleep and making your hands shrivel up and so cold they shake. You’ll come up with every excuse in the book except for what everyone else knows to be true; The heroes were the better team in that challenge. 
You can’t worry about it right now though. Right now you have to figure out a way to get anybody but you or Bucky off the tribe tonight without any numbers or idols to help you. 
“What would you think about voting for Tony or Darcy tonight?” Clint has huddled up with you and Bucky on one side of the shelter with one of your tribe’s two comforters while the other three members do the same. 
You make sure to keep your voice barely a whisper and turn your head so your lips can’t be read by anybody but Clint and Bucky. His eyes cut to Natasha over your shoulder before back to you. “You joking?” He asks just as quiet. 
You and Bucky look at each other before shrugging in sync. “The merge is awhile away. We’re gonna be stuck in these tribes for a long time, you know it. You need Bucky and I if you want to keep your name off the chopping block.” 
“Why? Darcy would be on the chopping block before me.” Clint shrugs. You look over your shoulder again and watch as Tony and Natasha talk to one another as Darcy tries to nap. None of them pay any mind to the group of you. You’re sure it’s because they assume nothing would happen with Clint here to watch you and Bucky.  
Obviously they underestimated you. “Maybe. Or maybe whichever person is left between Bucky and I would team up with Tony and Darcy to take one of the troublesome two out.” You smirk, Bucky smiles and Clint just blinks. “Because if I were smart, like Tony Stark, I’d agree that keeping two of the greatest to ever play together was dumb.” 
There’s a breath of silence, where all you can hear is the rain still pounding against the makeshift roof of your shelter before Clint finally nods. “If I can get a second alone with Nat I’ll try to talk to her, but I don’t see Tony moving from this shelter before tribal tonight.” 
You - Villain Tribe 
“It’s a gamble. Trying to turn Clint in the middle of this storm that has no end in sight.” You look up as the rain continues to pour down. “If anyone can convince Natasha to give us a few more days, it’s him though. They’re family.” 
Clint Barton - Villain Tribe 
“Is it risky considering her past? One hundred percent. It’s smart though. Tony could easily team up with Bucky and Darcy next tribal to break up Nat and I and make himself stronger. It’s a no-brainer. Keep the person without an ally over the person who does.” 
“Villains, almost three weeks and this is only the third challenge your tribe has lost. Is that something you’re proud of?” Jeff is bone dry as everyone sits in front of the fire and ignores the pouring rain.
It’s the warmest Bucky has been all day. If his fate in the game wasn’t looming over him, he might even be glad to arrive at tribal council and huddle beside this huge fire. 
“I think we’re proud of how far we’ve come and we understand every good thing comes to an end.” Tony answers for the group. Bucky can barely resist rolling his eyes. “It’s time to trim some fat.” 
That gets a reaction out of Bucky as his eyebrows shoot up and he can only assume you look the same in front of him because Jeff’s eyes shoot the two of you and he smirks. “You disagree, Bucky?” 
“I just want to know what fat he wants to trim.” Bucky looks down the line at Tony. “Who here is the weak link?” 
“I don’t want to call anybody out and make them feel bad, but every team has fat. It only makes sense to get rid of it for the sake of the team.” He won’t look at you or Bucky as he speaks. 
It has Bucky’s blood pressure rising as he stares at the man in anger. “You don’t want to name names because you know you’re wrong.” There’s no question in Bucky’s tone. “Because you know Y/N and I aren’t really fat, you’re just terrified of going against one of us.”
“Just admit it, Tony.” You chime in. “This week it’s me. Next week it’s Nat. Then it’s Darcy. You don’t want strong women in this final with you because you’ve seen what we can do.” 
Bucky’s eyes find Clint’s and they stare at each other for a moment before Clint moves his stare to red head beside him. Bucky can only hope she votes for Tony tonight too. That they’ve somehow pulled this miracle out. 
“it has nothing to do with women and everything. to do with how strong you are you. You’ve won. Why would I want that?” Tony narrows his eyes.
Jeff laughs. “Woah. Woah. Woah. So, Tony, she’s right? You’re admitting she’s not the weak link, but you do want to get rid of her?” Jeff attempts to clarify. “You’re really voting for you tonight, not the team.” 
There’s a tense silence after Jeff finishes his sentence. “That sounds right to me. Nat?” Your voice cuts through the air. “Sounds like Tony wants to get rid of strong people. You playing Tony’s game?”
“How did this get turned around on me?” Tony’s voice is shocked. “Only an idiot would keep a winner in this game.” 
Bucky can’t even see your face, but he knows there’s a smirk there as you nod in agreement. “Only an idiot would keep a winner. And there are three of them to choose from tonight, let’s just make the right choice guys.” 
“Let’s vote then!” Jeff claps. “Bucky, go ahead and take the urn to place the first vote.”
Bucky’s Vote - Tony 
“I’ve got to win this time. You got that check and that title. It’s my turn.” 
Clint’s Vote - Tony 
“I hope Nat heard what they were saying tonight, and that she understands ’m doing this for both of us.” 
Your Vote - Tony 
“There can only be one and it will be me.” 
You can’t stop your leg from shaking as Jeff retrieves the urn of votes to read out. Tony had said a few things tonight, but that didn’t mean it was enough to turn the tribe on him. 
It could be you, you think as Jeff recites his hidden immunity idol speech. You swallow thickly at the silence that occurs when nobody steps forward with one. This was it. 
“I’ll read the votes.” Jeff takes off the lid and reaches in for the first piece of paper. It’s almost slow motion when he unfolds it and reads of your name. When the paper is flipped you recognize Darcy’s handwriting and scrunch your nose up at the small frown drawn in the corner. 
You turn to look at Bucky as your own vote with Tony’s name comes out. ‘Breathe.’ He mouths to you with a reassuring hand on your back. Jeff reads your name two more times. 
“That’s three votes for Y/N and one for Tony.” He pulls out another piece of paper. “Tony. That’s two for Tony. One vote left.” 
You almost cry when Jeff doesn’t begin his voted out speech. “Tony. That means we have a tie.” Your head whips around to look at Bucky again who smiles. “Here’s what is going to happen. You’re going to vote again, you can only vote for Tony or Y/N. They will not vote. The person with the most votes will go home. Got it? Good. Darcy, you’ll vote first.” 
Darcy’s Vote - You
“I... I’ve just got to go with my original vote. I don’t know what happened here.” 
Bucky’s Vote - Tony 
“Please, Nat. Please. Please. Please.”
Waiting for these votes are worse than the first round of votes. You can’t even look at Clint and Natasha, completely unsure of which of two would end up switching their vote. Your hopes were set on Nat recognizing Clint’s handwriting and understanding that’s where he wanted to go, but it’s just not a for sure thing and your heart is beating fast. 
Your foot is tapping incessantly on the ground. Bucky’s hand is resting on your lower back as Jeff begins to read the votes. Neither of you can imagine the other going home right now, not with this much game left to play. 
Jeff says your name. Then Tony’s. Then his again. You almost scream when his name comes out a third time. You look over to Nat and Clint. ‘Thank you.’ You mouth as Tony’s torch is extinguished. 
They nod subtly before turning to look at Jeff again. “Villains, you once again have proven that nobody is safe in this game. Especially those who think they are. Head back to camp, I’ll see you at the next challenge.” 
Natasha Romanoff - Villain Tribe 
“I don’t know why Clint switched his vote, but he told me he would explain it to me tomorrow. I’m just hoping he didn’t screw us over royally.” 
Day Eighteen 
The rain has finally taken a break and the clouds have parted to reveal the sun. Bucky can’t stop staring at your legs as the sun hits them just right. You’re glowing. 
You’ve lost weight, everybody does on this show, but it hasn’t changed much about you. He still finds his eyes trailing over your body and getting caught on your neck and hands and legs. Imagining them wrapped around him - sue him - he’s young and been stuck on an island with nothing more than some cuddles. 
He finds himself wanting to kiss you more and more everyday and that kind of scares him. He’s hoping for the merge for individual rewards he might get to take you on more than he is for finally being off this tribe. 
“Earth to Bucky.” Sand hits his chest and Bucky straightens out his back as you stand above him giggling. “Where’s your head at, handsome?” 
There’s already red on his cheeks from the sun and despite the feint burning sensation it leaves, he’s thankful for it covering up his blush. “Just thinking about the merge. What our plan will be.” 
“If we can get ourselves to the merge, I think we’re set.” You drop to sit beside him on the sand. “Besides, we have a whole day off. No challenge or anything, just enjoy us still being here. You worry too much.”
Bucky shakes his head with a laugh. “You don’t worry enough.” He nudges your foot with his own. “We’re hanging on by a thread here, sweets.” 
“We’ve flipped the vote twice now. I think we have a fighting chance here, Buck.” You giggle softly. Your hands dig into the sand as you lean back on them and lift your chin. 
Bucky swallows as his eyes trail down your neck and chest. “You’re right.” He pushes the words out. “Humor me, though? What our plan for the merge is?”
“If we lose again, hopefully we can convince Nat and Clint to get rid of Darcy. That should bring us right into the merge where we can break them up by working with Shuri and Wanda.” You explain quietly. 
Bucky’s eyes narrow. “Shuri and Wanda were on opposite sides in that tribal we saw. Then they voted off Scott, what makes you think Wanda will be safe until the merge?” 
“I don’t, I’m just going off of what ifs here. I just know that I know Wanda and Shuri, I’m hoping they’ll trust me and work together. We’ll need numbers and they’ll have them. There’s no way Steve will listen to my opinion, but he’ll listen to Wanda’s.” You turn your head to look at Bucky and let out a sigh. “It’s just an idea. We have to see what happens at the next challenge, okay? I can’t plan everything out.” 
Bucky shakes his head. “I wasn’t trying to have you plan everything out. I just wanted to know where your head was at. Not all of us have won this game, some of us want to make it far.” He regrets the words right away. Bucky knows good and well that you were taking this game just a serious, he doesn’t really know why he even implied that you weren’t. “Lis-”
“Obviously, you’re stressed.” You cut him off as you stand up. “I’ll let you take a breather. Cool off. But don’t snap at me because you’re anxious. It’s not my fault we’re here. We’ve been working together, if we go down it’s because of both of us. Not just one.” 
Bucky almost cowers back. He’s put off by your intent gaze and harsh tone. He’s never been on the receiving end of it and he had underestimated how small it could make someone feel. 
You dust the sand off of your thighs. “I’ve done a lot for us. I’ve been the brains behind a lot of these votes, Bucky. Don’t ever try and diminish that because I don’t go around talking to everyone or because I don’t perform as well as you in competitions. It’s disrespectful and a good way to get voted off.” You hiss before stomping down the beach. 
Bucky can only watch as you go, guilt squeezing his chest and consuming his mind. 
You - Villain Tribe 
“I trust him. I know he’s just anxious about what could happen, but he needs to understand I’m just as good at this game. That I know how to play.” You let out a deep sigh. “I don’t think I would actually vote him out, but I need him to know we’re equal partners. I have just as much power as he does.” 
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ˚ ˛ • 。* 。° 。* 。 • ˚《
notes // omgomgomg hi! this took a little longer than i thought just because i’m on vacation and haven’t had time to write until tonight! i hope you enjoyed this, a lot more content and some more changes in the game! i’m so excited for how this is coming together and it’s been so fun to writer! 
thank you so much for reading & i hope you enjoyed this part. i write for free, if you can please consider donating to my ko-fi! if you can’t, please reblog/reply, comments mean a lot to writers!
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HASO, “Your Choice.”
I am having a lot of fun with this arc.  Writing it has put me in a good mood, so I hope you like it as well :)
He walked the halls of the Oxystation with a  gun slung over his front hanging from a shortened tac sling around his neck and shoulder. He rested his arms and hands against the weapon as he walked down the hall. The gun was more of a redundancy than anything, if any unwanted alien was able to breach the hull of the station with the armored patrol outside than his gun was just a token sign of resistance. Of course, there was always the possibility that one of the patients would become violent and attack a staff member, but that possibility was quite low, even lower than it was in human mental health clinics. Only five percent of the mentally ill population was any sort of danger to anyone but themselves, and a large percentage of that would still, likely, never do anything bringing that number down somewhere closer to one percent.
With aliens it was even less likely, they weren’t naturally aggressive like humans, so when their mental health tanked, it tended to do it with extreme anxiety and something that looked sort of like depression, though the different species presented the illness differently. 
Working at the Oxyclinic had been good for him. It hadn’t been long until his enthusiasm for alien life had come trickling back in, and his fear had been discarded like a sock with a hole in it. He had even offered to help with the oxytheropy that the psychologists were offering. If anything was gong to get rid of his lingering fear of aliens, it was probably going to involve spooning one.
A weird way to deal with internalized fear but there you had it.
The oxystation wasn’t just for the oxytheropy. Human and alien psychologists were taking the time to learn about other species, and put together differing treatment plans for their patients. There was a high turnover rate, and not all the people who came to the clinic ended up staying, not all of them needed oxytheropy, and not all of them would do well having it considering that some of the fear the patients had often centered  their issues around humans. To his surprise, he found that a lot of it centered around the Drev war.
He looked down at his watch and took a sharp right turn down the nearest hallway entering the guard quarters just as his watch reached the hour.
“Morning LT.” Someone called and he waved a hand.
“Anything to report?”
“Nothing, all is quiet as usual.”
He ejected the magazine of his gun, and checked the chamber to make sure it wasn’t still loaded before racking it in the safebox as one of the other men stepped up to take his place on patrol.
The other group of men and women looked up at him from where they sat around a table playing cards, “Want us to deal you in.”
Adam shook his head walking over to his locker and pulling out a fresh pair of light blue scrubs, “No I promised the doc I would help today.”
The other humans shook their heads and rolled their eyes, “leave it up to you to want to spoon aliens.”
“Spooning aliens is a lucrative job. You should try it sometime, maybe you’d finally have enough money to buy the bag you’ve always wanted.”
“YEah the nice one to cover your face.” he shut the locker and grinned at the car players to let them know it was all in good fun before turning towards the bathroom, where he changed and stepped back out. The scrubs were very breazy in comparison to his guard uniform and he shivered slightly returning to his locker.
It was important for people working on the ward to be completely unarmed, and for the humans to look as non threatening as possible. A strict list of instructions urged them not to smile with their teeth, and to keep their hands and feet covered at all times. He wasn’t entirely sure if the fuzzy socks and mittens were entirely necessary for that, but apparently some of the aliens interpreted human nails as claws, and some genius had thought that covering them up like this was very nonthreatening.
Looking in the mirror he had to admit it worked.
In his light blue scrubs and the fuzzy white mittens, he looked more like the easter bunny than he did a killer.
But then again, in real life he didn’t look much like a killer either.
He turned to walk out the door flipping off the people geering at him before remembering that he was wearing a mitten, which kind of negated the point of the gesture.
From there he wandered back up the hall and was buzzed into the ward after waving to the camera. He went through a few metal detectors which pinged on his leg, but they let him through anyway as he stepped into the hall and up to the staff room where the other workers and a few psychologists were having a break.
He took a seat in a chair and idly watched the TV.
HE looked around at the people who wore similar clothes as him and noted, not for the first time, that it took a special kind of person to do this job. All of these people were remarkably docile and relaxed people, and as far as he knew the vast majority of them had no shame. Despite humans being prone to cuddling pretty much anything and everything, its was pretty hard to spoon an alien and not feel awkward about it, but these people right here, they either enjoyed it or they were damn good at faking it.
Adam wasn’t good at faking anything so he was the former.
HE shifted slightly in his seat thinking about some of the aliens on the ward before his mind inevitably shifted to…. To him…. The alien that he dreaded seeing the most…. A big, tall hulking creature that wandered his nightmares and made his leg ache.
The Drev.
The Drev with eyes like the thing that had stolen his leg.
He put a hand to his head feeling a bit dizzy. He had only had one PTSD related panic attack since getting here, and that was only because he had been accidentally exposed to the Drev unexpectedly one day and without knowing that he was on the ward. It had been embarrassing for him as he tried not to let anyone know about his condition, but based on that incident he had been forced to come clean.
Ever since that incident  he had been quietly forcing himself to get closer and closer to the Drev despite the psychologists telling him that it was perfectly acceptable for him to step off the ward if the Drev was on.
But adam didn’t like that mentality much.
He had always felt, ever since returning from the Drev war, that people were too soft on him. They always sat there and told him that it was fine and whatever he needed to do was important, that he couldn’t blame himself if he couldn’t handle something. They were all very forgiving and very understanding, but that's not what he wanted. At some point, he felt that it was acceptable to get up in someone's face and tell them that: no you aren't doing good enough and that you behavior isn’t ok.
He wanted people to ask more of him, not less, and he wanted to get better not stay stagnant.
If other people wanted to spend their days medicated and avoiding the things that made them hurt than that was their decision, but he planned on healing all the way.
It was a thought that he espoused only for himself and did not apply it to others. 
Their mental health was their business.
Either way, he was going to make something out of this, and had slowly been approaching the Drev on the ward over time. He didn’t know if the Drev knew, and it didn’t matter to him so much, but he did have a bit of his own agenda.
The door creaked open, and one of the psychologists stuck her head into the room looking around for a quick moment before her eyes fell on Adam.
“Lieutenant, can I speak with you for a moment.”
For a second Adam’s heart stopped a little. Was he in trouble? Had he done something wrong?
He tried looking at her face to see any signs of displeasure, but  she was a difficult woman to read, so he stood slowly and followed her from the room and back into her office where he took a seat.
She sat across from him at her desk hands folded together. SHe looked him over with eyes that seemed to bore into his sole, “How are you doing, Adam.”
He shifted nervously in his seat, “Er… I thought I was a staff member not a patient.”
“Just humor me.”
“I’m good.”
“Any panic attacks recently.”
“No ma’am.”
“Are you being truthful.”
“You and I both know I’m shit at lying.”
She grunted and clasped her hands together looking at him with a stern expression.
HE shifted awkwardly in his seat, “What” “I have… a mission for you, though it is one I worry might jeopardize your mental health if it goes wrong, and the mental health of my patient as well. If it goes right however I think it would do BOTH of you a world of good. What I would be asking you to do is…. Of questionable ethicality.”
That made him nervous. “What do you mean by that?”
“I mean by asking you to jeopardize your mental health, I could be in serious violation of a couple of major statutes in my field, however assuming you do it willingly it might not be so bad.”
Despite his apprehension, his curiosity won out, “Go on?”
“Cannon, WHat?”
“No, Kanan, the name of the Drev on the ward.”
Adam shifted in his seat, stomach churning, “Oh…. go on.”
“Have you noticed he has a limp.”
“I…. suppose I haven't looked closely enough.”
“Well he does, and you want to guess where he got that limp?”
He had a pretty good guess, “The war?”
“And…..  I suppose you think….” He trailed off 
“He lost everything during the war Adam, his mate, his honor, his home. He is injured and exiled, and at this moment there are very few people in the galaxy that can even partially understand what he has gone through.” She leaned back in her chair looking at him, “I think, that having someone like you to speak with about what happened would be,.... Beneficial to both of you.” She paused, “DId you know that human and Drev psychology is surprisingly similar….”
He shook his head, “Well it is, and I think the two of you would recover faster if you had something to work on together.”
“With all due respect ma’am, my papers say I’m recovered.”
“The UNSC isn’t exactly known for their in depth medical reviews Lieutenant. I know they overlooked some things. Either way, it’s your choice.”
Adam stood in front of the door. His hands were sweating leaving the inside of the mitten’s sticky and unpleasant. He felt nauseous, but swallowed to hold it down eyes wide as he stared at the door. What was he doing? What was he doing?
He took  a deep breath.
Not being a coward, that’s what he was doing. He reached a hand up and knocked on the door before he could chicken out. There was silence and the knock seemed to echo down the hall for eternity. He waited, and waited, and waited, and assumed at some point maybe he had caught the large alien sleeping, but then the door opened.
His human knee went weak, and it was only the prosthetic that kept him standing as he stared up at the huge, hulking figure.
Adam was, tall 6,2 to be precise, but this hulking behemoth had to have been around or over nine feet tall, with blood red armor, and four bulging arms. It stared at him with bright golden eyes that brought echoes of his past welling up into his ears. He felt as if he was about to fall over, but then the creature turned and trundled back into the room, snapping Adam out of his trance.
He was breathing hard, and he thought about turning back, but instead, he stepped softly into the room leaving the door open just as crack as he moved inside.
The room around him was dark, and the floor was scattered with crumbled pieces of paper.
A box of markers lay on the ground to one side. He looked down to see he was stepping on a discarded piece of paper, and stepped back to look down, realizing the drawing there was of a tree, with striped bark and spiraling branches. It looked like something out of a Dr Seus book though he recognized it as an Anum/ Anin coiltree.
He crouched down to pick the paper up.
He looked up to see the Drev had returned to the edge of his cot and was sitting down, a shapeless form in the dark.
“You mind if I turn the light on?” Adam asked.
At first the Drev didn’t answer, but then he took a long breath through those strange holes in his neck and managed a deep, rumbling, “THe colors are too bright.”
Adam paused then, “Well neither of us can see very well in the dark and, he held up the page, drawing in the dark can’t be easy.”
There was a grunt.
“I’m going to turn the lights on.”
The Drev didn’t stop him, and as he did the room lit up showing even more pages scattered over the floor, all drawings of Anin some of them sloppy, some of them, quite artistic for a species he hadn’t thought practiced art.
He knelt down to examine a few of them, “Not bad.”
He picked up one of the pictures to examine it.
“This looks like the valley between the volcanic belts.”
The Drev turned to look at him, and when his eyes fell on Adam, the page slipped from his hand floating back to the floor.
The uncanny deepness of it’s golden eyes unnerved him.
“You were in the war?”
Adam’s hands were shaking, but he clasped them together to hide that fact.”
There was a long silence between them, and then he reached down pulling up the leg of his scrubs to reveal the titanium construction underneath, “I was.”
The Drev seemed surprised and looked up at him.
“You were one of them.” he said it very flatly, and Adam suddenly grew very worried that the Drev would kill him in revenge for being part of the operation  that decimated his people.
“One of your number killed my father.”
He went to back away but the Drev just looked down.
He sighed very deeply, “You were a strong and worthy opponent. We never had a chance.”
His voice was not bitter, or hate filled. There was some measure of regret behind his words but not enough to constitute anger. And when Adam looked at the creature, he could do nothing but feel sorry for him.
He quietly walked over trying to avoid the pages on the floor and then, unsure, sat next to the large figure.
Adam was not used to feeling small, but sitting next to the huge figure of the drev, he felt very tiny indeed.
The inside of the gloves were absolutely soaking, and with some measure of annoyance he tossed them off and onto the floor.
He wiped his palm on his shirt, reached out, fingers trembling and rested a hand on the Drev’s arm.
“You want to tell me about it? I.. My people didn’t exactly take the time to understand yours….. Now that I think about it it hardly seems fair.”
The Drev snorted ,”My mother believed that war was supposed to be fair, but my father understood that there was always inherent unfairness in battle…. The two of them didn’t get along towards the end. I think I agree with my father, to assume that your species would abide by our rules of combat was…. Ignorant of us.” The Drev turned to look at him, “Your species is much more efficient at war than mine is.”
His hands weren’t shaking anymore.
And he realized that, when he looked at this Drev, He didn’t see much of an enemy at all. 
But he did see someone broken by the war…. Just like him.
He looked down at his feet, and when he did his eyes came across another drawing. This one of a drev, It really only had an outline since it’s carapace seemed to be white, and the way it had been rendered with such delicate care, made it pretty clear to Adam who it might have been.
He picked it up quietly.
“You…. want to tell me about her?”
The Drev turned to look his eyes resting on the picture. Adam didn’t think up to this point he could read Drev facial expressions, but the welling of sadness in the creature’s face was so poignant that Adam felt his own chest tighten,
Damn the human’s heightened sense of empathy.
For a moment he thought the Drrev was going to tell him to get out, but, instead, he took the image and stared down at it, “Nechal…. Named after the moon….. She was the most glorious fighter I had ever seen in battle, strong, and graceful and powerful. She was not afraid to die, but she didn’t let that lower her guard. On the battlefield she was a goddess of war, and off…. She was…. Kind in ways that aren’t common among our people. I may have been attracted to her because of her fighting prowess, but I loved her because of the kindness she showed. Especially towards my sister… someone who needed kindness more than anyone I know.”
He took a very deep breath and when he spoke again his words were thick.
Could Drev cry? “In our people it is…. Custom not to mourn the dead who are lost in battle because their return to the spiritual realm will be glorious. It is a great honor to lose a mate in battle….” He looked down at his four hands, “But I do not feel honored…. I feel alone…. I miss her, ever day and every night I miss her, and I wish she hadn’t died…” He looked up and when he did Adam was struck by the expression of pain and grief on his face.
As if he was feeling the Drev’s pain in real time, he felt his chest clench again, and tears welled in his eyes. How could he not?
Anyone who didn’t feel the same must have had no feelings? 
“I was exiled because…. I could not follow her into the afterlife…. With my injury I should have given my body over to the fire, and maybe then I'd be with her, but I just…. I couldn’t do it. I miss her every day and yet I don’t have the strength to go to her…. I am a fraud among my people, a coward and a fraud and….
“Hey! Hold on.”
The Drev went quiet and turned to look at Adam who was now gripping his arm tight in one hand.
“You think she’d want to hear you say that.”
That seemed to take the Drev off guard and he stared at Adam with some measure of confusion.
“You said she was kind wasn’t she….. Well then I doubt she'd appreciate you talking about yourself like that.”
He was quiet for some time.
“Look I…. I lost my leg during the war to…. To one of your soldiers and. It’s messed me up for a real long time. Hell you scare the daylights out of me, but I’m moving forward.”
THe Drev frowned at him, “Scared of… us… you won?”
Adam laughed, “We didn’t win anything. Nobody won, a lot of people died and a lot of people were crippled, and for what? I think about that a lot, for honor? Honor. Well maybe I don’t understand what honor means because to me, it would be something worth dying over.”
The Drev contemplated him for a long time.
“We may have won but we did it with scared soldiers like me, and broken soldiers like me. I’m probably never going to recover from the war. That’s the difference between you and me, you guys can make it through war in one piece but me…. Humans… we may be good at war but it destroys us.”
He sighed, “I guess what I am trying to say is, instead of feeling sorry for what you can’t change, why not move forward. Do something you think is worth it, do something Ne-” he stumbled over the Drev word, “Nechal would think was worth it.”
He didn’t know what he was saying, he didn’t know if what he was saying even made sense. Nerves had always made him ramble. He knew he was talking too much but he didn’t know what else to do.
The Drev looked down, and Adam. as was his training made a bit of a decision.
He shut up.
Which was a feat in itself.
Reached over and hugged the larger alien. His arms didn’t make it anywhere close to wrapping around him, but he hoped that maybe it would help?
He didn’t know.
He was kind of just a raging idiot most of the time, so his plans were usually half assed at best.
The Drev stiffened and then relaxed. Adam’s head was resting against the creature’s huge planted shoulder. It felt like hugging corded steel cables.
He would have to say that being hugged by something with four arms was a bit of an experience. Most aliens didn’t usually hug back, they were more the recipient of hugs, but it seemed that the Drev wasn’t unfamiliar with the concept, either that or he learned fast, and damn Adam felt even smaller encircled in the arms of the huge alien.
Kanan could have crushed him if he wanted, but let him go not long after to Adam’s surprise and relief.
The Drev looked at him.
He looked back
“You are strange creatures.”
He gave a weak smile, forgetting the rule about showing teeth, “So they say.”
It was a bit of a gamble but things had worked out better than the psychologist could have hoped. Drev are more receptive to self reflection than humans are. Humans like to internalize things, and their brains become obsessive. Drev have more control over their minds in many cases than humans do, so Adam’s encouragement for Kanan to do something his dead mate would think worthwhile showed results almost immediately.
To Adam’s grudging pleasure, the Drev seemed to be recovering faster than he was.
And was well on his way to recovering completely when the communication came for Adam one night while he sat lying  on his bed next to Waffles, thinking about his future.
The pink roused him from near sleep and he sat up on one elbow to look at the time.
i t was only nine earth time, so he rolled onto his side and sat up, patching the communication through.
A light blue screen of holographic image filled his vision, and on the other side he could see Colonel Kelly sitting in front of him….. At least Colonel until he realized the star on her uniform.
His eyes widened slightly. He went to speak but she shook her head at him.
“I trust you are doing well Lieutenant.”
“Yes ma’am. I have no complaints.”
She nodded, “Good, good, I am sorry to intrude, but I am afraid this rest period is over for you. You are requested to return to earth on the next outgoing transport.”
He frowned and rubbed the back of his head, “Uh of course ma’am but…. Why?”
She stared at him long and hard, ‘I have a very important decision for you to make. It is one that is not going to be popular or easy, but I urge you to accept my request.”
He frowned and shook his head, “You aren't making sense, What is this all about?”
“Tensions are rising between our delegates and the GA, if we don’t do something soon, I am worried that this will devolve into infighting and eventually war. I have to work fast in order to stop this outcome, and you are the lynchpin that holds my plan together.”
“Me.” He squeaked.
“Yes, you, now Adam, be honest with me. What is your opinion on the GA and our involvement with them?”
He rubbed the back of his neck though his thoughts were adamant, “Cooperation wherever and however possible. We need them, and I believe they could due with being our allies, ma’am.”
“And if I gave you a job to try and reach that goal, would you take it?”
“I would do whatever I had to do ma’am.”
He was being truthful. 
She nodded her head.
“Good then, it’s your choice at the end of the day, but if we act now, we can change everything.”
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sdhjxgctisd · 3 years
A year before the crash, in 1936
A year before the crash, in 1936, Baltimoreans had been excited by the news that they would get a glimpse of the giant Hindenburg, which was to circle the city late on the afternoon of Saturday, Aug. “I was certain this would please you,” he said, puzzled. "Is this going to be a lot that the students are going to be able to build on? Is it challenging?" are the questions that are asked. It difficult. She will never wash the stain away, no matter how hard she scrubs. A few calls showed neighborhood zoning and homeowner regulations allowed it if various permits were granted. In September, 1834, the writer of this had an interview with James G. He doesn't put up big numbers, but rarely makes mistakes. It did not surprise him that his uncle had chosen to leave these men behind when the Iron Fleet went home. They were engaged over their coach satchel cookery, when Monsieur Duparc arrived from the country; and Marie oakley jean coquelin minute machine was awakened to take the horse he had ridden to men s ray ban sunglasses the stables, to unsaddle the animal, and to give him coach outlet quality his feed of corn. The report states that Hulsey got up, pushed her down twice and then started choking her. Cersei followed where they led, her head held stiffly, her eyes on the far distance. The wasps only buzzed the louder. SidePort memory is integrated RAM dedicated to the adidas eqt rose gold IGP and its presence noticeably boosts performance over using shared memory alone. The 757 went away because the 737 grew in capacity. “I know, my boy, I know all that,” the old man replied, though perhaps it was the first nike jean jacket time he had heard these stories. He was not a tall man, Tormund Giantsbane, but the gods had given him a broad chest and massive belly. So here is the information that I could find regarding the styling tool. At least they do not stink of vomit.. According to Genworth Financial's 2011 Cost of Care Survey the median annual rate of a private nursing home room in North Dakota is $78,475, while a semi private room is a bit less at $68,718. Imagine my distress. For different age group children, there are certainly a lot more creative choices of gifts. She also appeared in NJN's Su Salud Primero, focusing on barriers to healthcare in New Jersey's Hispanic communities. C. There I soon found an old woman I knew who sold old clothes of all sorts. Jones, to whom we have already alluded, when taking a survey of the condition of the negroes considered as a field for missionary effort, takes into account all the conditions of their external life. Her laughter drew more wolves to her, and she killed them too, wondering if she should start a count of her own. It not so much about whether alcohol is there or not . Jon cut him off with, “Tell me something useful. Theon arrived in Barbrey Dustin’s train, with her ladyship herself, her Barrowton levies, and the bride-to-be. If there is any doubt of this fact, and it is puma cali wns still thought that the permission of slavery among the Hebrews justifies American slavery, in all fairness the experiment yeezy off white boost of making the two systems alike ought to be tried, and we should jean coquelin then see what would be the result.. Try again, she told herself. (Mike Sakal/Tribune). So to mark his manhood, Tyrion was given charge of all the drains and cisterns within Casterly Rock. A gravel parking lot outside a former used appliance store has been converted into an owner's waiting room, with plastic chairs and Polaroid snapshots of unnamed animals stuffed into thick three ring binders.. Helps motivate them to do well academically and personally. It was not immediately clear why those steps had not been taken.. They don't see it as a thing which is about that relationship between people.". Eastern Illinois recruit Jake Verhagen led the Terrors with 20 points. The Bush administration this week ended 29 years of continuous flights by Air Force doomsday planes equipped to direct a nuclear war after any Soviet attack on the United States, the Pentagon said Friday, a concession to the budget squeeze and the superpower thaw. “The count will pass thirty before midday. Witnesses, who heard the woman calling for help, agreed that the husband was strangling the woman. 210Hon. The dollar is at a five year low against the euro, but a euro on steroids isn't solely to blame. The latter wouldn't go into effect until after the 2030 Census a provision designed to get some Republican lawmakers to support the bill knowing they probably won't be personally affected by it.. szemüveg csúszásgátló What happened to him? He did a hell lot better than any other Oz spinner I have seen in the last 2 3 yrs. The beast began to move, trunk swaying from side to side. Lions were big. It occurred to me that the poor forsaken orphan whose own mother had been cursed by an unforgiving father might, by the sad and tragic story of her life and of her mother’s death, touch the old man and move him to generous feelings. But it will never happen as mental health care is very expensive. (By the way, you'll recognize an older Rolland Smith, the anchorman from our earlier "fighting the frizzies" video.). Tune in on Friday and Saturday night and you see lots of dim photos of young folks out on the town. Wearisome days and nights again rolled on. I think that's nike air max 102 essential white obviously true, I mean Concorde keeps flying because passengers want to use it, if passengers say they don't duci alkalmi ruha want to use the aeroplane any longer than Concorde will certainly come to an end. My point is to get these cases solved, not to point fingers."Killers may not commit several murders at once, but spread their attacks over years, Brown said. From whatIhave learned, thecache frequency itself should easily be increased 300 500MHz on the new K Sku processors without breaking a sweat, but like any overclock you can go higher if you want to push it a little bit.. “He dared to kill his queen. At times I thought it occasioned by the lurking fear of betrayal. Was charged with three counts of misdemeanour assault and one count of criminal trespass. I made up my mind to buy her a new dress that morning. He’s promised everything. In a typical winter, the extreme cold and other influences from nike air vortex desert sand the polar vortex are more likely in January. Benjamin Alvarado is No. It helps them not only sell there but it helps them sell in their home market in China and wherever else they go," said Ben Cavender, associate principal at Shanghai based China Market Research Group which has studied Li Ning. This plantation will be sold in two separate tracts, plats of which will be exhibited on the day of sale:. Push and pull it out of its corner of the garage so we can charge the battery. He had drunk too much last night. I never understood why players that average less than 5 minutes a game and virtually never play in the third period or when the game is on the line are considered so important to a team.
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vicunaburger · 4 years
Admittedly, I’m Hard to See
Fandom: Beetlejuice the Musical Chapters: 13.1/? Pairing: Beetlejuice x OC (Holidae) The Players: Beetlejuice, Lydia Deetz, Holidae Bell Word Count: 2,301 Warnings: M for Suggestive Content and Language
Notes: I had to break this one up because it was getting away from me. Part 2 coming soon~
Chapter 13.1 - In Which the Mind is a Terrible Thing to Use
Time was a weird concept when you were dead.
Minutes, hours, days: none of them really had any meaning anymore. They were just arbitrary things that kept the mortal realm in line, dictating the daily lives of those still living in it. The Neitherworld time difference was one of the hardest things for the Recently Deceased to grasp upon entry, and it was part of Beetlejuice’s job as a guide to break it down in simple terms. Congrats! You’re dead, do what you want because you’re here forever. Take up a hobby or something, it makes the days go by faster.
When he was in the mortal realm, he never really paid attention to the passage of time, but he knew it happened.
It had been dark when Holidae had dragged him topside, and now her room was brighter with sunlight peeking through dark curtains. He wondered if Holidae even realized time had passed that much, since she had her nose buried in the Handbook for a while now. She had let him sit with her this whole time, occasionally leaning against his shoulder to find a more comfortable reading position.
When he realized it was already nearing the middle of the day, he offered to leave her alone so that she could sleep, something he knew breathers had to do, “Hey, your eyes are gonna cross if you keep that up. Go to bed or something, I gotta check on a project back on the Other Side anyway.”
Holidae looked up from her reading, blinking at him to let her eyes adjust, “You’re leaving me?”
Beetlejuice had been lighting up a cigarette, but her question made him pause, the unlit smoke hanging from the corner of his mouth. Something in that tone of voice was… familiar. A little nagging worm in the back of his mind that he couldn’t quite pin down.
“I won’t stay away too long, babes. You won’t even miss me that much.” He chuckled, resuming his task and taking a long drag, puffing out jagged little smoke heart in her direction. “I know how eager you are to have me all to yourself. I don’t blame you; all this sexiness within arm’s reach for so long… your willpower it amazing, ya know?”
Frowning, she waved the smoke away, “Not going to miss the crushing weight of your ego, that’s for damn sure.”
Chuckling, Beej snapped his fingers, vanishing with a soft pop. Holidae rolled her eyes, sliding off the bed and going over to check the alarm clock on the dresser, wincing when she noticed it was already the afternoon. Hearing movement from downstairs, she quickly changed out of her pajamas, heading down to see what Lydia was up to.
Lydia was by the front door, one foot planted firmly on the top of an overstuffed suitcase as she attempted to close it, struggling with the zipper. Holidae skipped down the stairs two at a time, going over to kneel down and help to make sure nothing was being caught in the closure.
“Jesus, Lyddy, you’re going away for one night. Do you really need all this stuff?” Holidae mumbled, stuffing a frilly lace skirt back inside the suitcase. “Are you going for a fashion show?”
“Hey, you never know what can happen in the uninhabited part of the woods at night. What if some cryptid comes out and want to borrow an evening look? I’m not going to be rude, Holli.” Lydia snickered, managing to secure the small padlock on the closure.
Laughing, Holidae helped to lift the suitcase up onto its wheels, “I can’t argue with that logic. Just make sure you take the dress to the dry cleaner’s afterwards. Might have fleas.”
“Speaking of fleas, it’s your turn for chores this weekend. I’ve already seen this house looking like a Halloween haunt once, don’t let it happen without me, okay?” Lydia grabbed the car keys of the entryway table, dragging the suitcase behind her as she headed outside.
Holidae spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning the house from top to bottom; mainly not wanting to incur Lydia’s wrath should the house get another inch of dust before she returned, but it also served to take her mind off of other things. Her sudden burst of confidence in inviting her ghostly roommate to spend the weekend with her… alone… she wasn’t normally such a forward person. Her brain was having a time of it; trying to decide if she should try and politely rescind the invitation, or just jump in with both feet.
Reading the Handbook hadn’t really done much to ease her fears, seeing as there was absolutely no useful information on whether or not such activities were even allowed, let alone possible. Were the going to be consequences? Did they need to take any extra precautions? How did he even retain a sex drive with no functioning organs? Obviously, Beej wasn’t shy about getting a little frisky with her, but was it done through some sort of non-biological means?
Over-thinking about such things were probably why she hadn’t slept in the past 24 hours.
Holidae halfheartedly pushed the broom around the outdoor deck, trying to gather the fallen leaves into a pile. A sudden breeze kicked up some fallen foliage, disrupting the progress she had made in sweeping the porch clear of debris. Groaning, she knelt down and picked up one of the leaves, glaring at it as though it were the sole cause of her internal torments.
“Why must you taunt me, huh? I just get this all clear and pretty and moderately balanced in some semblance of external harmony. And now you ruin it so casually?” She tossed the leaf into the small pile she had gathered with a huff.
Not wanting to be deterred from her task, she slipped her phone from her back pocket, queuing up some music to break up the silence of the outdoors. Once she found something suitable, she placed the phone on the nearby lawn chair, turning up the volume.
It was a bouncy tune; one that made it impossible not to add a few extra flourishes to her broom strokes, sweeping along to the rhythm. Before long, all intentions of actually cleaning had ceased, and Holidae was far more concerned with pulling off fantastic moves with her dance partner. For a broom, it was surprisingly limber as she swung her arms wide, twirling in some bastardized ballroom number created just for this occasion. Waltz for an autumn cleaning spree.
“You’re making a mess.” A familiar, gravel laden voice cut over the music.
Holidae looked around wildly, clutching the broom to her chest in surprise, noticing the ghost casually lounging on the lawn chair. He held her phone in one hand, scrolling idly; a half-finished cigarette burning in the other.
“Holly-baby, you’ve been holding out on me. All these cute underwear pics… and you never bothered to share? I’m hurt. Who’s been seeing these if not me?” Beetlejuice waves the phone around for emphasis. “Do I need to remove some dude’s eyeballs now?”
Her face cherry-red, she marched over and snatched the phone away, “Hey, that’s private stuff, jerkass.”
Upon inspection, the phone was set on the lock screen, meaning he hadn’t been browsing her private photos as he had claimed. Beej sat up with interest, laughing at her panicked state.
“Ah-ha! So you do have sexy pictures on that thing. Give it here… don’t you know sharing is caring?” He held out his hand impatiently. “Call it a sneak preview.”
Holidae shoved the phone into her pocket, “Whether or not such pictures exist is none of your concern. And please don’t go around removing eyeballs. Or at least don’t tell me about it. I don’t want to be complicit.”
“It’s very much my concern, babes. I should be the only one getting the honor of seeing every bit of you from now on. But fine, I will keep you out of my eyeball collection.” Beej reached up, hooking a finger through the belt loop of her jeans, tugging playfully. “So, Cinderella, you done playing housekeeper? I could always get you a little maid outfit for authenticity.”
“Well, technically I’m done, but there’s always- eep!” Holidae was cut off, having been picked up and thrown over Beetlejuice’s shoulder like a sack of flour. “Put me down! This is undignified!”
Beetlejuice ignored her struggling, humming a nonsense tune as he glided through the house, heading up the stairs. Holidae kicked her feet in protest, stringing a few choice words together as she was carried around with little effort. One of her kicks landed dangerously close to a rather sensitive area below his belt, earning her a sharp smack across her backside.
“Ow. Fuck you!” She hissed, gripping his coat as he floated up the stairs. “I don’t like this one bit! Put me down or I’ll kick you again, and I won’t miss.”
Undeterred by her protesting, the ghost continued all the way into the attic, unceremoniously depositing her on the ratty sofa; having been folded up at some point. She sank into the half-stuffed cushions, propping herself against the arm of the sofa, angrily scrunching herself as far into the corner as she could fit. The ghost settled himself into the opposite corner, amused with how flustered he had made her in such a short time.
“Holli~” Beetlejuice was purring deep in his throat, “Babydoll, look at me.”
“No,” Holidae kicked at him with her feet.
He chuckled, “C’mon. Look, I’ll apologize if you just look at me. I don’t say sorry often, so I think you should take advantage of this opportunity. Look look look…”
With a heavy sigh and a roll of her eyes, Holidae turned to look at him, “You are such a pain in the- JESUS CHRIST.”
Beetlejuice was sitting with one leg folded over the other, his arm draped across the back of the sofa. A perfectly normal pose… save for the fact he was stark naked. His pale coloring covered his entire body; the bits of green-tinted mold dotting various parts of him. A thin smattering of chest hair - green of course, matching his hair - made a trail down his pudgy stomach, the rest hidden by his crossed leg. She could only assume that all of his hair sported the same color-changing hue, but wasn’t about to ask. The only thing really out of place about him was the fact there was a brutal looking scar in between two of his ribs.
Holidae stared, slack jawed like a fish, unable to look away for far too long; desperately keeping her eyes locked onto his face. Beej waggled his eyebrows in an exaggerated manner, gesturing over himself with his free hand.
“I’m sorry I made you undignified or whatever.” He attempted a sorry look, “I take it you like what you see? All this can be yours~ whenever you want. As an apology.”
“I… I can’t look anywhere but your face.” Holidae stuttered, a flush of color spreading out from her nose across her cheeks. “P-Please put on pants. At least pants.”
The ghost mumbled disapprovingly, but complied with her request to a degree; a pair of boxer shorts covering the most scandalous bits of him for the moment. Breathing a sigh of relief, Holidae allowed herself to relax against the arm of the sofa, running a hand through her hair as she gave him a better look-over this time.
“Ah, good, my plan worked.” Beej crawled over to her side of the sofa, squishing her playfully between his body and the cushions.
Holidae head-butted him, “The plan to embarrass me to death?”
He shook his head, conveniently resting his face on her chest, “My ice-breaker. Getting naked. You ever heard of that old thing where if you’re awkward about something, you picture people naked? I cut out the middleman. You’ve now seen me naked, so it you won’t be embarrassed about later, and now we just gotta work on getting you naked.”
“That’s an ice-breaker to you? That’s… that’s like final step territory. What kind of person just immediately disrobes like that? Okay, well, not everyone can just magic their clothes away like you, but it’s the point.” She pouted, brushing through the shorter hairs at the nape of his neck with her fingers.
“...hookers?” He offered, taking a moment to adjust her legs so he was between them, using her body as furniture instead of the sofa.
“Ah, good point, but you don’t strike me as a street walker.” Her skin grew warm under her sweatshirt, fully processing the mostly naked man lounging with her. “Even then I think there’s a least a few minutes beforehand where it’s all business transaction talk. So, being naked immediately is optional. Plus, what if the client wants to keep their clothes on? There’s too many variables, Juice. Did you even account for activities that don’t require disrobing at all?”
Holidae realized she was rambling, her nerves having set her brain on fast-talking auto pilot to cover the fact she was stalling the whole situation with him. She glanced down, finding herself face to face with a pair of molten gold eyes, practically glowing in the sunlight in the attic window. It was so easy to forget how inhuman he was; things like that were a stark reminder.
Beetlejuice had a lazy grin on his face, a few sharp teeth peeking out from the corner of his mouth, content with watching the breather talk circles around him.
Not the breather. His breather.
As much as she tried to ignore him, or refuse his playful offers, he could see it in her face as she stared back at him. Who else would let him lie around like this? Who else would validate his need for constant attention without even realizing she was doing it? This was not a bestest best friend: he already had one of those.
This was a Holidae: and he only wanted one of those.
Before he could utter so much as a snarky quip, her hands grabbed the sides of his face, pulling him close, and she closed the gap between them with a kiss.
Writing Tags: @mr-geuse @paxenera @leiasolo77 @go-commander-kim @ashemspirit @asriells
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lizzybeth1986 · 5 years
Quick Thoughts on TRH Book 1 Chapter 6
• It's YEEHAW time everyone!
• And also raise a middle finger to logic as we see the MC wear something that she should have probably lent to the Platinum MC for a country performance, rather than for farm work.
• There's also the bit where she randomly takes a pregnancy test coz she feels nauseous (yes I know. It's plot related and is probably done to show a false negative. But you need to time these things, MC! The best time to look for a double line is closer to the time you're supposed to be having your period, if your period is regular).
• Screenshot Credits:
Hana: @pixieferry
Drake: @thefirstcourtesan
Maxwell: The Abhirio YouTube channel.
• These are the tags you can block if you don't want to see these posts: #long post, #trh quick thoughts, #trh qts, #trh qt reblogs.
• Drake has an AUNT? Please don't give me any more family members, I'm done dealing with the ones he already has.
• I'm wondering if Leona exists so that PB can do some serious retconning on Bianca's behalf. After all, when she appeared in the Drake playthroughs of Book 3, there wasn't much of a positive reception for her - with some players even saying that the MC should have a few choice words to say to her - and for good reason.
• Title: Home, Home on the Range
So whatever little knowledge I do have about a place like Texas is from films and pop culture, so this might not be new information to you but it is to me! 😁 So I'm probably going to be a gazillion times more excited about sharing it than you guys might be to read it! Bear with me for a sec.
From what I'm reading, "Home, Home on the Range" seems to a western folk song that's so popular it's considered an unofficial anthem in that region. Its origin was from a poem called "My Western Home" from a Kansas native called Dr Brewster M Highly, in 1872 (it was even made Kansas' state song in 1945?). The lyrics are very...Drake:
Where the air is so pure, and the zephyrs so free,
The breezes so balmy and light,
That I would not exchange my home on the range,
For all of the cities so bright.
Mostly a very idyllic, glorified portrait of country life. You find similar sentiments in Drake's diamond scene this chapter.
• Alternative Title: We Just Needed An Excuse to Use the BSC Soundtrack Twice.
• So we meet Bianca, Drake's mother, this chapter. If you married him this is the second time you're seeing her, and if you married anyone else this is the first time and you have no clue who she is until Drake introduces her to you. She also mentions in the Drake playthrough that this is not the kind of welcome she was hoping to give her son and daughter-in-law.
• We also meet Leona, Bianca's older sister and Drake's aunt. She's extremely unimpressed with this group of nobles and largely seems to blame the nobility in general for whisking away her younger sister, leaving her alone to manage the ranch?
• She pretends not to listen much to Cordonian news while talking to Liam, but seems to have the time to keep up with Cordonian gossip while talking to us - and luckily you can call her out on it too.
• She seems the type that likes a rebellious Duchess/Queen, going by her responses to the more sarcastic options from the MC.
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Hmm. This scene does two things: one, it establishes that the ranch is facing financial problems, in terms of money and staffing, and two, it possibly may build up to why Bianca had to return to the States. Both I think might become important points in the coming chapters.
• Bianca seems intent on not letting her children know anything about the fraught situation at her ranch, but Leona is having none of it. You either do your work and do it well, or she will put you through your paces. Which is exactly what is happening with Bertrand now.
• The whole theme of "we need to get pregnant, and fast" returns with the presence of Savannah, who greets us with a very excited, sociable Bartie in tow. You can choose to either pick him up and pay attention to him, ask Savannah to figure out what he wants, or ignore him completely. Whatever you choose, the topic of you becoming a mother will come up (either she comments on how you're a natural, or she will tell you that you'll eventually be able to read your own baby's signals). Savannah now joins a long, long line of people who will talk to us as if we're already pregnant (her fiancé will join this list in a couple minutes too, don't worry).
• Speaking of parents, the sole dad of the (extended) group - Bertrand - is nowhere to be found. Bianca is all praise, Leona is Unimpressed™, and Maxwell is shocked that the guy who swore never to touch fowl again after witnessing a flooded peacock enclosure is now chasing chickens. The group overall can't believe it.
• Bertrand is, in fact, chasing chickens.
• So here's the other issue that will come up. Having eventually convinced Savannah that he is serious about her and Bartie, he now wants to win the approval of the family. Bianca is more than ready to accept him, Leona is...Unimpressed™.
• This sets stage for Problem 3 of the Goings On at The Walker Ranch: Bertrand is desperate for approval and Leona seems pretty set on not giving him that. So I'm pretty sure getting her to realize that Savannah's fiancé means business and there is actually something for her to respect about him - if not love - is pretty much one of the loose ends we will have to tie up in the course of the Texas chapters.
• Savannah's laid out some clothes for everyone, so everyone gets a 'country' look and a cowboy hat.
• Like always, the outfit options come with different reactions based on the LI you're romancing:
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Liam's looks nice I think, Hana is pretty (I haven't the foggiest idea of what would on a ranch so I wouldn't know how feasible - or not - these two outfits would be), Maxwell looks like he's dressed for the ranch AND for winter and Drake looks okay (like...there's a theme or something with his outfits, like he needs to have a LOT of a particular colour. Denim on denim, brown shirt brown hat).
• While Liam and Esther collectively swoon over each other, Savannah is all shocked and like "you both know we're still here, right?". Uh huh, you had no problem fangirling over Bertrand's "stern but sexy eyebrows" in public but suddenly me flirting a little with my husband is too much for you 😑
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A little too much??? Listen, Esther has worn a hat that looked like it swallowed a hundred smaller hats on the way and cried in JOY at the sight. She has COMFORTED a widowed grieving Queen Mother and STARED DOWN Hana's awful parents, all with that honking big hat obscuring her face. How does a tiny puny cowboy hat with a bracelet thingy around it even compare??
• In the kitchen, Bertrand continues his woeful attempts to make conversation with Leona by revealing just how little he knows about running a ranch. Leona is Unimpressed™ (Betrand: How are the crops? Leona: We have cattle 😑. Bertrand: Who...ate the crops? Leona: 😑😑😑)
• Leona's like the adult version of the Unimpressed Sikh Child in Bollywood Hogwarts:
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• We get darkly roasted coffee to help us gear up for the day's work at the ranch, and it's quite...the mouthfull. If you succeed in drinking it, you get high on coffee, and if you react to the strong taste, Leona makes a smart-alec comment about how "her highness must have wanted a chilled latte" (I forget which drink she mentioned but something similar) or something. Wish there was an option to tell her "Bertrand didn't tell me about the stick up your ass" (callback! From which book? Guess!)
• You feel slightly nauseous on the way, which is a bit of a set up to the end of the chapter.
• We split up into teams. Liam and Maxwell help with getting the hay for the horses, Hana and Drake help with sorting the tack.
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Liam is a quick learner (and learns stuff just by observing), Maxwell is confused between the interests of horses and dogs, Drake is even more confused at Hana's speed, and PB has forgotten that Hana has actually ridden actual horses and would actually have at least a working idea of what actual tack with an actual horse would look like. Sure she may not have MADE tack for those horses, but you can miss me with that "imaginary horse friends" bullshit.
• See Team TRR, this is what happens when you focus on nothing else but Hana's skills. Even you fail to keep track.
• We feed the chickens (and I can see what I think are shades of Hana's upbringing in the way she says "wait your turn! one at a time!"...with chickens).
• ...there was a "no royal pets" policy in the palace that Liam waived?? No wonder we could get a corgi and Penelope could bring her poodles to court as soon as Liam became King!
• Re: Liam talking about having stuffed animals rather than pets and stating that he and Hana were on the same boat. Et tu, Liam? HOW MANY TIMES DOES HANA HAVE TO TELL YOU GUYS SHE NEVER HAD TOYS.
• I'm imagining poor young Maxwell realizing that peacocks don't like hugs and now I'm sad ☹️
• So the set up to the group scene is that none of these characters have truly experienced the joy of cuddling cute pets. It's not much even by way of a group scene, just a cute scene where the MC can direct Tiny the little calf to cuddle all these sad sad people (pushed into embroidery lessons and diplomacy sessions as children!) and cure Bertrand of his cow-suspicion (cowspicion?). The more pets you have with you the cuter it is, coz the two corgis go about acquainting themselves with everyone - the cat, the cows, everybody.
• ROE REFERENCE! We see Jess and Blake spearheading a successful business as caterers and wedding planners (did Jess take coaching from Chaz's sister-in-law Carmen? 😁) and they leave it vague (as expected, since Jess' romantic relationship with Blake is determinant - as is the possibility that Liam and Jess could be related by marriage if the RoE MC chose Leo lol) whether they're romantically involved or not, but at least this way I know they're happy with their jobs!
• Apparently they'd catered at enough disaster weddings that they decided they could do a better job
• I have two questions:
1. Did Leo ever recommend Carmen? I'm guessing not since based on whether the RoE MC married him or not, he'd probably feel more comfortable recommending family/friends than someone who - in a different playthrough - probably never really met him.
2. Why is Liam helping Bertrand and Savannah with contacts for their wedding when we ended up doing most of the searching and finding ourselves?? 🧐
• BertVannah seem to want a mix of local and Cordonian traditions: Savannah wants to recapture her parents' wedding by riding a horse down the aisle, and Bertrand asks Liam to officiate, as a royal. Maxwell and Hana will be in charge of entertainment and decorations...and the MC should not move a muscle because Bertrand has already decreed us pregnant.
• Savannah's ex Chuck is a buff ginger, and an already insecure Bertrand is made even more insecure at the sight of him. Another on the list of things PB expects us to fix in the Walker Ranch. Drake owes me both in cash, fancy hats and a lifetime supply of free smoked BBQ ribs after all this. The kind of shit a pregnant royal is expected to do...
• Time for Drake diamond scene - which is a mostly fluffy scene that takes place close to a river nearby which has a great view of the sunrise and sunset, and a ride atop a kayak.
• Here's the important stuff you can get from this scene:
- Drake knows how to build stuff (we knew this already, but here Drake talks specifically about how he and Savannah would build rafts)
- Drake sucks at taking compliments, but Drake stans who saw their MC's intro to TRH already knew that 🤭
- You get to flex your paddling muscles. Drake is...Impressed™
- Lovely sunshine
- A cute story about how Drake and Savannah had a canonball contest at this river, and happy memories of his Dad being just their dad for once, not dad + King Guard
- Drake gets to talk about the mark his father left on him, and how carefree he used to be before Jackson's death
- You can revive the cannonball contest with Drake before you head back to the estate, and if you're married you share a passionate kiss. The writers went to great lengths to describe how passionate the kiss wasqqq
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If you're married to Drake, this spot is described as 'romantic' and 'private', the MC makes a joke about being the "First Mate" of Drake's heart, the usual variations. Drake also mentions that he hopes to emulate his father's way of parenting once he himself becomes a father. I'm also guessing the story of how his father and mother used to visit this lake before they had children would have an implied added importance to a married Drake trying for a child.
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Funny how the assassination attempt on Liam always ends up revolving more around what it did to Drake than what it did to Liam. Both in the original Book 2 Italian Restaurant Scene where it was first referenced, and here (Drake's restaurant scene is also the only scene that highlights how that particular attack affected Liam - if you don't buy this scene, the attacks are mentioned in a more offhand way by Constantine when we confront him, and Liam still doesn't have a word to say). Stop. What happened to Liam happened to him. Stop making it all about Drake.
• Also why does Drake keep insisting the MC helped him find Savannah? She didn't. He spotted the envelope. He saw the address. He deduced where in Paris it was and tried to check it out. The only help we could provide was convincing him to stay and listen to her, and even that was optional.
• The MC wakes up wondering if she's going to feel nauseous, which then leads to the realization that it could be morning sickness. That's the most random race to use a pregnancy test I've seen.
• The result is negative, and the LI wakes up to the MC telling them about the result of the pregnancy test. The reactions to the news are identical. They follow roughly this template:
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I can headcanon that Hana is actually feeling and understanding the MC's pain when she says "that's not silly at all", but I won't. I refuse to do the heavy work for the writers.
• In any case, there are some guests, and only Hana seems to know who they are.
• My face as it goes from seeing Kiara, Olivia, Penelope and Madeleine (yes, in that order):
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• Sooo it looks like this week we're going to have a clash of the country and the courtly. Uh oh. I don't see this ending very well...unless there's a deus ex machina coming our way.
• General Thoughts:
- This chapter is filler, as expected, but it's the kind of filler meant to set up the major problems in that place. And there's plenty hinted at in this chapter alone: solving the financial troubles of the ranch, the clash of cultures that will come with the court ladies being guests, winning over Leona, learning about Drake's and also Bianca's past, Bertrand's insecurities. It's going to take a couple chapters to untangle all that!
- My guess is that the MC is possibly pregnant, but got a false negative (esp if she's nowhere near her expected time for her period), and will probably find out during Bertrand and Savannah's wedding? IDK. Most people I know will wait to see if they get their periods first (I did that too, waited a couple days after the expected day just to be sure), because that's when your hCG levels are high enough to show in your urine sample. That was a waste of a perfectly good pregnancy test, MC!
- The variations are very few, besides the scene where they all get new outfits and references to the MC and her spouse by different people including Blake and Jess. Perhaps there may be an LI scene coming soon.
- I mentioned earlier that Leona may be there as a way for the writing team to retcon Bianca's departure, since in the original series all we are told us was that she "was...struggling" after Jackson's death and left for the States at some point, leaving her children behind. Not a lot of people were very happy about this and though she was portrayed as a positive character in Book 3 (Drake's playthrough), it wasn't convincing enough. Leona is possibly there as a way to soften the audience to Bianca, and perhaps to get us a plausible reason for her leaving without her children. I'm not sure what could justify not taking them along, but okay.
- So Drake in his scene tells us that they came to the ranch as kids, but there is that matter of Savannah having been there long enough at some point to have had a boyfriend. I'm wondering if she spent some time on the ranch while Drake had gone to college.
- Also...if that's what happened, why was France even an option for her to bring up Bartie if she'd been in touch with her mother. Why did France, a place where she had very few contacts or living experience, win out over a place she was familiar with and where she had family?
- Leona's very Drake-like...but with an actual job that she's probably good at.
- Leona's also going to be Unimpressed™ for the most of her time in this book, with her probably becoming a little more impressed towards the end. Told you she'd be The Unimpressed Sikh Child (if you still have trouble with this meme, it's a character from a Bollywood film about a magical school called Aabra Ka Dabra. Here's some additional context from desi comedians and former Pretentious Movie Reviewers Kanan Gill and Biswa Kalyan Rath to illustrate why Unimpressed Sikh Child is so awesome:)
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"Stop trying to impress people. Impress people with how unimpressed you are." If that isn't what Leona is doing. One wry expression and that's all it takes for all of Cordonia's royalty and nobility to fall over each other to prove themselves to her.
- Leona is an ass but you've got to respect the way she plays that game.
- I hope the writers don't forget that Kiara and Savannah were...yknow...good friends. Given how badly she was treated in Book 3 (and the narrative treated her really, really badly. Like I'm pretty sure some of you might have no idea just how badly she's been treated), I have serious doubts.
- Will we get a Hana or Maxwell diamond scene next? A good one or mostly just fluff? Let's see.
- Will we get another flashback scene? Maybe. It's possible. Bianca would remember something.
- One thing I do know for sure is that there is going to be more of Perfect Angel Savannah and Bumbling Bertrand. I'm not looking forward to it.
• Next: I'll be doing TRR Book 1's QT for Chapter 6 as well! Hopefully it will be ready by Friday. As for this series...until next week, folks!
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sophiamamamia · 5 years
I will have a go at this question. Sansa seems to be a topic of choice lately. Sansa is a highly divisive character. Some adore her. Others absolutely hate her. I will attempt to be objective about her journey. I will focus more on the book character, with a bit of show Sansa added in parts.
There is a specific group of people who hate Sansa. Many members seem to be men. Whilst I think hatred of Sansa is unjustified. It is reasonable to suggest some men dislike her because it is very difficult for us to relate to a young Sansa. She is a little lady who believes in nobility, elitism, and lady-like courtesies. She also has a veil over her eyes, dreaming of gallant white knights who are beautiful, chivalrous, true and a maid’s fantasy. Male readers/viewers find this very difficult to relate to. We never dream of white knights. And we certainly do not want one to come to our rescue and marry us. Hence, we find young Sansa quite annoying. Moreover, GoT/ASOIAF is a series for mature adults. As mature individuals, we know that white knights do not exist. Absolute chivalrous saints who protect the weak and die bravely with tears in their eyes are faux. Sansa’s initial dreams and notions are not relatable to adults. We find it child-like and ‘stupid’. Sansa’s dreams may not necessarily be stupid. Young girls may have such dreams, as young boys perhaps have dreams of being a race-car driver or astronaut cowboy. But as an adult, any of these notions seem childish and laughable. Which is what Sansa is. A child with fanciful dreams. It is not fair to hate her for her dreams. It is however quite possible to find her annoying. And there is nothing wrong with that.
Sansa is the last of her siblings to grow up and see the world around her for what it truly is. Her direwolf describes her nature very well. Lady was the most elegant (for the lack of a better word) and trusting of the direwolves. That is who Sansa was. She was quite trusting and lady-like with her courtesies. Sansa falls for the superficial charms of Joffrey, his mother, and the southern charms. It is worth noting that Sansa is quite ambitious. Even as a child, she wants to be the queen of the 7 kingdoms. She idolizes the Lannister clan. As readers, we have a different perspective. We are introduced to evil, incestuous Lannisters. Then, Sansa sides with them. Despite all their nasty showings, Sansa sticks by them. She wishes and assumes Joffrey to be a gallant prince. She changes her ways to southern ways.
In the books, the readers are first introduced to the Stark family, the de facto protagonists. Ned is the ultimate good guy and we love his children. Sansa rebelling against the Stark family bothers the audience/readers. I assume readers with teenage girls would know better and understand Sansa’s behavior. The rest of us do not. It is easy to dislike Sansa. In contrast to her, there is Arya. She is ever the Stark and the wolf-girl. GoT is meant to be action-packed, a fantasy series. We prefer to see the action and the characters involved in it. Sansa is not one of them. Dresses, flowers and the thought of gallant knights are uninteresting and not relatable.
Sansa continues to worship Joffrey and the queen despite the events on the Trident. She blames Arya for the ordeal and is angry with her father about Lady’s death. Lady’s death was Cersei’s fault. Ned had no choice and Robert gave in. Whilst Ned has the right of it that a future queen must support her betrothed, I don’t think Sansa sees it the same way. Sansa withheld the truth not to have Joffrey dislike her. Not to reveal his cowardice. It was not essentially supported as a future spouse. It was self-service. To be liked.
Fast forward to Ned’s demise. This is the pivotal moment for Sansa and the opinion of the audience regarding her character. Sansa haters blame her solely for Ned’s downfall. Sansa adorers defend her tooth and nail, suggesting she had nothing to do with it as it was Baelish who betrayed Ned. I am here to say both of these groups are wrong.
Ned’s demise was multi-factorial. Sansa not divulging what she knew to the queen would not have saved Ned. As Ned was quite the imbecile in the Game of Thrones. Ned was betrayed on different fronts. No single person was the sole cause of his downfall. Baelish, Cersei, Janos, Sansa and Ned himself all played a role. To support my idea, I will appeal to authority. The following is GRRM’s opinion on Sansa and Ned’s demise.
The way I see it, it is not a case of all or nothing. No single person is to blame for Ned's downfall. Sansa played a role, certainly, but it would be unfair to put all the blame on her. But it would also be unfair to exonerate her. She was not privy to all of Ned's plans regarding Stannis, the gold cloaks, etc... but she knew more than just that her father planned to spirit her and Arya away from King's Landing. She knew when they were to leave, on what ship, how many men would be in their escort, who would have the command, where Arya was that morning, etc... all of which was useful to Cersei in planning and timing her move.
Ned's talk with Littlefinger was certainly a turning point, though I am not sure I would call it =the= turning point. There were other crucial decisions that could easily have changed all had they gone differently. You mention Ned's refusal of Renly, which was equally critical. And there is Varys to consider, as well as the minor but crucial player everyone forgets -- Janos Slynt, who might have chosen just to do his duty instead of selling the gold cloaks to the highest bidder.
So... all in all, I suppose my answer would be that there is no single villain in the piece who caused it all, but rather a good half dozen players whose actions were all in part responsible for what happened.[1]
Sansa did have a hand in Ned’s downfall. Perhaps, she and Arya could have got away to Winterfell and that would have changed the course of future events. However, ‘what if’ scenarios are impossible to address. What would have happened if Sansa didn’t share information with the queen can never truly be ascertained.
Considering this is where the most hatred for Sansa comes from, it is important to note that she had no malicious intent. She never wanted her father dead, or her family torn apart. Ned, as the adult, should have taken better preventative measures lest he falls. However, Sansa being ‘innocently in love’ is not an excuse to forgive her. She didn’t necessarily betray Ned. She did, however, commit an act that played a part in a chain of events that had heinous outcomes.
Fast forward to Sansa’s time in court on her own. This is when she pays for her mistake. ASOIAF characters pay dearly for their mistakes, often with their lives. Sansa, fortunately, did not lose her life. But she did suffer. This is another contentious part of Sansa’s story-line. Sansa supporters suggest she survived the court through her intelligence, femininity, and courtly behavior which became her armor. Others suggest she deserved everything she suffered. Once again, I would say it is neither. Not many in the story deserve what happens to them, as the consequences of mistakes are often dire. Sansa’s suffering was not deserved. Her punishment is that she will have to live through life knowing those whom she trusted and admired beheaded her father and destroyed her family. She will have to live with the understanding that her conversation with the queen played a part in the demise of the Starks in King’s Landing. That she played a part in her father’s death.
Conversely, it was very likely that she would survive King’s Landing anyway. She was a hostage. Robb had Jaime as a captive. Cersei didn’t dare murder Sansa lest they receive Jaime’s head as a gift. Sansa’s life was certain to be safe. She simply endured and went through the tribulation. Her courtly armor and femininity would not have saved her if Jaime died. She did, however, go through a learning curve that opened her eyes to the world. She realized that princes are not gallant. Queens are something different beneath their exterior beauty. Knights are not chivalrous and they do not save the weak. And she is a pawn, in a bigger game. In the game of thrones.
For all her sincerity and good heart, Sansa is still an elitist at heart. It is to do with her upbringing and her mother who raised her in a southern way. She does lash out and make those below her feel bad. But that is because she is hurt, she is angry. She does not have a copy of the books to read Tyrion’s chapters and understand he means her no harm. From Sansa’s point of view, everyone is her enemy and if she can degrade anyone, she will.
Sansa is quite naive as any child would be. She trusted in Margaery and her grandmother, thinking they genuinely want to help her. She failed to understand that they want Winterfell. Her claim. And her claim meant the death of her brother, Robb.
I think this is the turning point for Sansa. Once she realizes that the other nobles respect and help her purely for her claim is when the glass breaks. The veil is removed from Sansa’s eyes.
Sansa rapidly develops both in mind and body post the battle of Blackwater. It is a turning point for her. Perhaps it helped to see Joffrey for the little scared boy that he was, Cersei for the drunk vindictive woman that she was, or the Hound, who broke free of his duties and chose to create his own path and destiny. Her journey to the Vale and in the Vale allows her to grow into a very clever woman who can use her charms and wit to become privy to secrets of the big players, i.e. Littlefinger. And gain influence over others. She is on the road to no longer being a pawn. She is gradually becoming a player. She is still inexperienced as the bigger players such as Randa and the Royces are aware of the underhanded schemes in the Vale. However, soon she will learn to break free of mentors and be on her own. Her powers are largely untapped. She is a Warg in the books. She will have a profound influence on the outcome of the Game of Thrones.
I find her plot quite nonsensical on the show. She does not develop politically much. She is not privy to and in the middle of the political web and intrigue, Littlefinger weaves. The show has butchered her character and Baelish’s by thrusting her into Jeyne Poole’s plot. They had to have Sansa as a strong character in season 7, and so far it seems that her suffering and rape at the hands of Ramsay made her all that she is. Which is quite wrong. One does not become cunning and politically savvy post-trauma and rape. By all rights, Sansa should be suffering from severe PTSD as Theon is. Jeyne Poole is the perfect example of a trauma victim. Not Sansa.
For the book readers, and those who would like to read the books, I recommend that you keep an open mind with Sansa’s PoVs. She will annoy you. She will exasperate and vex you with dreams of flowers and pretty boys. However, take note of what happens in her chapters. To those around her. And the conversations. Sansa is quite attuned to her surroundings and environments. She senses scents, colors, and events in a different manner than the other characters. Much of the events in her chapters are hidden clues and symbolism for the situation in the texts as a whole. Give her chapters a chance and read them carefully, as you would with your favorite characters. Sansa is initially annoying, you are allowed to judge her, criticize her, dislike her, but not hate her. She does not deserve the hatred she receives. Nor the absolute adoration that makes her seem like the epitome of strength and empowerment.
Sansa is a character in ASOIAF. She is a Stark, and she is a grey character. She has her good moments and her bad. She is improving towards her better moments. She may have lapses in judgment in the future and make mistakes. However, one should treat her without bias. Judge her for her bad deeds, applaud her for the good. It is difficult to be objective about a character whose mistake hurt a beloved character like Ned. But this is ASOIAF. All men must die. Ride the journey to the ending as it is all supposed to elicit emotive responses from us.
[1] Correspondence with Fans
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 years
Who’s worse and why: Futaba or Makoto?
I mean if you’ve read this blog you probably know who I’m gonna choose, but as for why….welp under the cut
I’d have to say Makoto, both as a person and as a character. I know my bf ranks Futaba as the worse solely because of her BS hacking. And listen, for me Makoto and Futaba are both freaking close, and me saying “Futaba’s hacking isn’t as bad as Makoto” is more an opinion than fact, and shouldn’t boost any positive feelings/pride for Futaba fans because I chose her hacking over Makoto. Her hacking is HORRIBLE I was to make that clear, I still hate it. I’d probably hate Futaba more if it wasn’t for the fact that Makoto gets a single amount of criticism that we all have to come and explain ourselves (that’s the only good thing about Futaba is that her fanbase doesn’t come for my throat, but it also doesn’t mean I think about how crappy she is/think as critically about her as much as Makoto). 
With that out of the way I’ll give reasons for disliking both of them:
She never gets dragged. So you might know that I hate the P5MC, I think he’s an asshole and never gets called out on it (and not just he has asshole options, but he does asshole things we can’t not do). One thing I hate is that he drags like Anne, Ryuji, and Yusuke a lot like you wouldn’t believe (like people who are very dedicated to him). But I don’t recall really ever getting a single drag options for Makoto, WHEN SHE WASN’T ON THE TEAM AND SHE WAS AT HER WORSE (even when she drove off our only lead). It was mostly neutral stuff, defiant (not the same as asshole), or begging her not to tell on us. It’s just weird that a lot of other characters will get dragged for not really doing anything wrong, but she DOES screw us over and we don’t get to drag her at least once?
Gets away with A LOT of shit. Like she victim blames Anne, and Anne apologizes? And then has the audacity to say Anne and her are the SAME?! No boo, Anne didn’t know about the abuse, but YOU DID. Anne didn’t report the abuse because she didn’t know, you admit you didn’t report it because YOU DIDN’T CARE ENOUGH. You stalk us, take photos and video recordings without our permission (btw illegal in Japan and would be thrown out in court), but then get surprised when we (mostly Anne/Ryu/Yusuke since they can talk obvie) get mad at you? Complain about how people don’t know your struggles when they yell at you, but you are literally the one causing their grief (so of course they’d yell). Was literally an asshole from the get-go from introduction(she literally insulted Anne from her first words, no wonder Anne didn’t like her) , and pretty much the reason why every scene started to go to shit (only time she didn’t come in like an ass was the scene they called her useless in, and 1) considering her track record they probs assumed, and rightfully so, she was coming to put more pressure on them, which they didn’t need, and seque into 2))
Number 2, she was being useless to the PT! She didn’t do shit while investigating, instead just hovering over us being like “did you get the info? You know will happen if you don’t do this. SO you better do this!” And it’s like???? Bitch, you didn’t even bother to help. You’re useless in the one thing you can do (cause we know you won’t help in the Metaverse). Hell she wasn’t even the person who broke the news about Kaneshiro! We heard a rumor about it on the train as the MC/Mona before Makoto did! But the game made us freaking wait cause we needed the illusion of her doing like…ANYTHING. She also drove away our one gd lead, like WHAT THE FUDGE?! We’re all out here busting our asses and you are just sitting on yours, you really are useless. And she also withheld vital info…..
Withholding info. She does this twice, once during the Kaneshiro arc where we have to waste time investigating this one kid (and we know she knows cause he goes to her after we talk to him, upset cause she might’ve blabbed, oh if only, but like she could’ve asked him questions and she could’ve relayed the same info but NO!). She also doesn’t tell us about Sae’s Palace, and like….that would’ve been FANTASTIC considering we were all like “oh man wish we had a Palace we could go into” the entire gd game.
Her actions and words about her don’t line up (wow awkward sentence XP). People keep describing her as “scary” and “oh man you better not make her mad” and like acting like I should be scared of her. But like???? She’s really such a pushover, she needs to be saved countless times, she showcases no hidden fire-y side (in fact Anne shows that off more, but no the game is too busy dragging her through the mud for some reason). Hell even in the dance games, her and Anne’s reaction of Futaba trying to grope them is different. Makoto is shy and tries to run away iirc, Anne looks like she has the face of murder (Futaba better sleep with one eye open, like jesus what was that game thinking, 1) poor taste to do that to Anne, 2) doesn’t seem like she was having fun and…..that’s so out of place). Just….it’s just really annoying to hear it over and over, and then she needs help over and over. Like she puts up barely any resistence to the guys hitting on them at the beach, all while Anne is ready to throw down and raising a shit fit (understandable, but why isn’t Makoto????) and then if you say “you guys did well” MAKOTO is the one that responds and is like “Oh thanks but it was getting dicey” like bitch you just stood there, Anne was ready to cut a bitch, why are you responding you didn’t do anything????
She takes up too much screen time doing nothing. Her big job is to connect the player with Sae…..and she does a shit job at it. We learn pretty much nothing about Sae or her relationship, except it’s strained (but not TOO strained). She explains easy to understand stuff, but like we already had Mona for that so no need for her. She’s shit at her role as a strategist, 1) she doesn’t do a whole lot of it, 2) the few plans she’s come up with, the majority have failed, 3) her role is useless in a game where we already have a leader and choices are supposed to “matter” so why sin’t the MC just a double duty strategist? 4) Her CoOp ability should’ve already been a part of Futaba’s/Mona’s skill set (like with past Navis). She adds nothing, instead takes screen time away from other characters, as well as removing choice from the players (and possibly coming up with their own plans as well as ideas to utilize everyone). 
Her hacking is unrealistic and OP. Just….it’s just bad in and of itself.
Her hacking removes choice and other means to get around a problem. So many times it’s just “*points at something* Futaba hack it” and it’s done. Like Sae’s dungeon, a lot of people say it showcased Goro’s abilities, but all I remember is him saying “Futaba I choose you! Use hack” and that’s how it mostly went down. So like Makoto, her role screws the player out of a more enriching gameplay experience. 
Also takes up too much screen time. I mean it’s mostly for her stupid hacking too, but if it wasn’t for that and her it could’ve been utilized for other characters. It’s also weird cause she takes up a lot because of her mom, but we don’t get a whole lot about her mom…..it’s mostly just a plot device rather than a character. It just leaves you unfulfilled. 
Her mental illness is horribly written, pandering (in a sense of people thinking it’s cute and you should date her cause of it, not them having a character with mental illness in and of itself is pandering just the……fetishization of it is), and inconsistent (her gameplay and story segregation, aka CoOp and main story segregation, is just so appalling). I think I did one rank of her CoOp and she was all like “MC only you helped me. You’re the reason I started to get better! I can only go outside if you are with me MC! MC MC MC! PT who? Only MC!” and then literally the next f****ing day the main story progresses, she’s waiting outside with Yusuke and everyone is like “You went outside by yourself?!” and Yusuke’s like “nah I picked her up” HMMMM YOU SEEM FINE WITH THE PT WHAT’S THIS ABOUT MC ONLY?! It’s also…..I hate her crush, it’s soooooo unhealthy. She starts to become SO DEPENDENT on you, and is saying some very worrying things like “I don’t think I can do this on my own without you” like all the time. And apparently if you romance her she suddenly becomes more independent, which I don’t think would happen….romancing her route sounded more like I’d encourage her behavior rather than her deciding to just suddenly not do that. The friendship route was the only time it felt like it was realistic, we turn her down and we help her make one more step by herself and let her walk around Akihabara alone within a safe distance and then she gets used to it so it’s possible for her to leave all by herself later. Only time it was semi realistic, because any other time they just bring the freaking mental illness up whenever they freaking please. That’s also doesn’t take in the fact how they “cured” her so they could have a beach episode. A crash course and friendship isn’t gonna cure you suddenly (and it’s not like they actually stole her heart, which I hate she keep saying they did), and that’s an unhealthy mindset and unfair to a friend who wants to help but isn’t fair to put the burden on them to cure you. 
She’s kind of an asshole, like Makoto is an asshole before she joins, but Futaba…..I just dunno how most people even get along in the PT. It’s not social awkwardness, she’s just a straight up douche sometimes and I don’t like it (esp when you can’t call her out). It’s not just her, Yusuke is too and so is Mona (and Ryu is to Mona but he’s not an asshole, but he’s not 100% a good boi, but MC is also an asshole too, but sometimes he can be good). 
I also just don’t like her dungeon. Like how it’s written. But I could say that for most of P5′s dungeons. It tries to imitate P4 but…..doesn’t do what P4 did right. Her’s just steps on my toes even more cause it’s more closer to P4 than any other dungeon, and it’s a gd shame they didn’t expand on P4′s way of doing it (aka you don’t get the info basically handed to before going into the dungeon, there’s actually a revelation as you go through XP)
(Not points against either, but I find it weird that it feels like Futaba is closer to Makoto rather than Anne…..like nothing is special between Futaba and Makoto for them to be kinda like that, but like Anne was the one to technically appealed to Futaba to get her out of the closet…..You’d think she’d cling to Anne more….Sorry more of a confusing writing issue but since we were talking about these two and my mind wandered 8U)
Edit: I think I answered all my points (albeit it’s the abridged version), but god forbid I missed a couple.
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tobogladder · 2 years
Winning sports 사다리배당 betting strategies
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To begin, you must understand that the finest of these systems employ a low-risk, high-probability-of-success choosing method to identify the teams in games with the highest statistical likelihood of winning. Teams with many player injuries, for example, are one factor that is looked into. For obvious reasons, these are the teams you should avoid betting on. While there may be more than 600 games played during a given season, a competent sports betting system will only wager on around 4% of those games to ensure that its choices are accurate.
Another metric that is constantly scrutinized is how static the teams are in any particular athletic stadium. The NBA, for example, is a far safer sport to wager on than, say, the NFL. This is because, based on the previous year’s record and the off-season mobility of players on each club, you can forecast the final rankings of the teams more correctly year after year. In comparison to the NFL, the final rankings are more steady. As a result, if you use a strong sports betting method, you may easily win the majority, if not all, of your wagers. When the algorithm identifies continuous, persistent statistical tendencies, it understands the chances of that happening again are high, and it may suggest a wager. 파워사다리놀이터 주소 tobogladder
When it comes to sports betting, some people make mistakes by attempting to create their own predictions based on their own set of criteria. Rather of putting their faith in the system, they go against it. This is where they may encounter difficulties. Because their betting approach is deliberately designed to keep them out of high-risk wagers. So, if you utilize a betting method and then go against it to make your own choices, you only have yourself to blame if you lose the bulk of the time.
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How do the Sports Betting Champ systems compare to others?
Many online tipping services appear to have a solid track record, but you should always double-check their legitimacy before joining. With that stated I’ve used tipping services before and found that many of them are successful. The main issue with most tipping services is that they demand exorbitant monthly fees, often in the hundreds of dollars, and their choices only endure for one season.
Is it really worth it to keep paying so much for these services?
Tipsters charge hefty fees, which 파워사다리놀이터 도메인 might quickly add up if you want to follow them for a long time. After discovering Sports Betting Champ, I believe that monthly tipping services are no longer worthwhile. You must pay a one-time price of $197 to gain access to the Sports Betting Champ, which will give you with high-strike-rate suggestions indefinitely. I used to have to pay for tipster services every time there was a new sports season and I wanted to hear their advice.
What Does Your $197 Signup Fee Get You?
This sum seemed a lot to me at first, especially because I didn’t know the veracity of its claims. However, after seeing so many actual users of this system giving it high reviews, I decided to join as well. The strike rates of the bets put out by this business have consistently exceeded the success rates given on its website, and my bets have occasionally above the success rates described on its website.
토토사이트 betting is an intelligent way to increase profits
Is this a time-consuming system to use?
You will be able to download all three systems of this service and make your own decisions. You can save time by relying on John’s recommendations, which are delivered by email when there are options. These choices are based on the systems he describes as achieving high strike rates.
Sports Betting Champion’s Final Verdict
Personally, I believe that a betting package with success rates as high as Sports Betting Champ’s should be paid monthly, but John Morrison’s technique is available for a one-time cost, which I believe is excellent value for money. It’s the first time I’ve seen a method with a strike rate of 90% or higher being marketed for a one-time price, and I strongly urge you to look into it if you want to earn money betting on sports.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
WoW Burning Crusade Classic Pre-Patch: Best Classes for the New Expansion Meta
The next chapter of World of Warcraft Classic properly begins on June 1st when players are finally able to enter the Dark Portal and reexperience the first WoW expansion ever. Before then, though, players will have the chance to explore some of TBC‘s most notable upgrades, changes, and improvements as part of a special upcoming pre-patch that serves as a soft launch for the next expansion.
Whenever you start playing TBC Classic, you’ll probably want to be up to speed on which classes are best in the new expansion’s upcoming PvE meta. Even if you don’t care about joining a raid group in TBC, you may just find yourself wondering exactly how viable your preferred class will be at the start of the expansion and for every phase that follows.
While it’s still possible that Blizzard could make changes to TBC that subtly change the game’s PvE meta as we work our way through the expansion’s release phases, these are the best overall DPS, Healer, and Tank classes for TBC Classic‘s PvE mode based on what we currently know.
World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Classic – Best PvE DPS Classes
S-Tier: Warlock
Unless Blizzard makes some major changes to TBC, you can expect Warlocks to be the most dominant DPS class in the game for quite some time.
While Destruction Warlocks are probably your best bet if you’re looking for the simplest form of incredible damage output, all Warlock specs will be viable when TBC launches. If you don’t like it, blame the power level of Warlocks’ new Seed of Corruption spell as well as a few ways that TBC changes WoW Classic‘s core combat systems that just put Warlocks way above nearly every other option.
A-Tier: Hunter, Mage, Elemental Shaman
It’s pretty easy to put Hunters next to Warlocks when you’re talking about TBC‘s best PvE damage dealers, but just to highlight how insane Warlocks will be, I feel compelled to put them just a notch lower.
Still, most Hunters can expect to regularly top the damage charts throughout TBC. While Beast Mastery Hunters may do more raw damage, you may rightfully be tempted to go for more of a survival build due to their raid friendly abilities. Honestly, it’s hard to go wrong.
Mages are probably the next best DPS class, which really shouldn’t be a surprise given that their AOE and single-target damage output is even better in TBC than it was in Classic (where they were already insanely good). They should be strong in every TBC phase.
Elemental Shamans, meanwhile, are going to start strong due to their powerful utility tools and massive single-target damage potential, but they will become slightly less viable as other classes gain access to better gear. Still, most raid groups will be looking for an Elemental Shaman, which is good news for Elemental Shamans who struggled to find a forever home in Classic.
B-Tier: Enhancement Shaman, Shadow Priest, Rogue, Retribution Paladin
Enhancement Shamans and Shadow Priests are in roughly similar spots in TBC. Both are prized for their versatile toolsets that enhance the damage output of other DPS player in a raid, and both are capable of standing their ground when they’re expected to actually deal damage themselves.
Enhancement Shamans are probably the more well-rounded class overall, but the ways that Shadow Priests’ abilities make Warlocks even better than they already are mean that every raid is going to want one (and possibly more). They’re not the stars of their shows, but they’re a vital part of TBC‘s PvE experience.
Rogues are a little more complicated. They’re great melee damage dealers with some incredible abilities that raid leaders will value, but because they’re more gear dependent than other classes, they’re not going to showcase their full potential until later in TBC.
It’s a similar story for Retribution Paladins. They’re potentially powerful and bring irreplaceable abilities to any raid or party, but it’s going to be a while before they get the gear they need to really reach that next level. They’re outclassed by DPS Shamans until then in a lot of ways.
C-Tier: Druid and Warrior
While Druid players have been waiting for TBC and the chance to shine more than they did in Classic, the sad fact of the matter is that Druids are just not in the upper echelon just yet.
Balance druids are much more powerful than they were before, but they still burn through their mana pools as fast as any other class (often faster). Feral Druids theoretically got buffed, but only the best Feral Druid players will be able to outperform other melee classes (especially once those other classes start to get better gear). As we’ll talk about in a bit, though, there are certainly other reasons to roll a Feral Druid in TBC.
Finally, we have Warriors. The sad fact of the matter is that Arms and Fury Warriors will not be nearly as powerful at the start of TBC as they were at the end of Classic. Arms Warriors may sooner score a raid invite due to the power of their Blood Frenzy ability, but Fury Warriors are going to have a tough time adjusting to the new world order. They’re still capable of dealing incredible damage, but their gear dependency and lack of notable raid tools makes them a tough sell over so many other options.
World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Classic – Best PvE Healer Classes
S-Tier: Restoration Shaman
Due respect to every other healer, but Restoration Shamans are really on a different level.
Restoration Shamans become the sole source for Bloodlust/Heroism in TBC, which is more than enough to ensure they’ll be invited to every raid group for the foreseeable future. Their improved Chain Heal ability is also one of the best ways to consistently heal a raid group through some of the toughest TBC challenges.
Granted, they’re not great single-target healers, but Restoration Shamans are so powerful in every other way that it’s hardly worth talking about their shortcomings.
A-Tier: Holy Paladin and Holy Priest
Interestingly, both of these classes find themselves in roughly the same spot they were in Classic with the biggest “nerf” being that both Alliance and Horde players now have access to Restoration Shamans.
Regardless, Holy Priests are still some of the best single-target healers around. They will be coveted by raid groups for that reason alone, while their Circle of Healing and Prayer of Mending abilities finally give them the viable AoE healing options they lacked in Classic.
Holy Paladins, meanwhile, are still all about the buffs. They’re solid all-around healers, but its their buff abilities that will get them invited to most raids. Whether or not you’ll find Paladin players still interested in raiding as a healer is the bigger question.
B-Tier: Restoration Druid
Restoration Druids are in a weird spot in the early days of the TBC meta. On paper, they’re a solid overall healing class with a few new skills (most notably Tree of Life) that should make them one of the best overall healing options. There are certainly times when they are among the best of the best.
The problem is that Restoration Druids just aren’t as consistent as other healers. Very good Restoration Druids will do well in TBC, but the average Restoration Druid will likely come across as just that.
C-Tier: Discipline Priest
While Discipline Priests are going to be prized in TBC‘s competitive meta, the fact of the matter is that they just don’t bring enough to the table in PvE.
You’ll likely see some Discipline Priests in high-end raids due to some of their better buffs and utility tools, but their lack of a great AoE healing option and a few other missing key abilities makes them little more than a circumstantial option.
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World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Classic – Best PvE Tank Classes
S-Tier: Protection Warrior
You’ll have a hard time finding someone who will argue that Protection Warriors aren’t the best overall tanking option in TBC..
While there are certainly other viable tanks in TBC, Protection Warriors offer a blend of consistency and high-end defensive abilities make them the one tanking class that you’ll always want in your raid. They even boast slightly better AOE threat options in TBC than they ever had access to in Classic, so this really is a case of the rich getting richer.
A-Tier: Feral Druid
Feral Druids win the award for the “most entertaining” tanks in TBC. Their abilities and unique stat benefits make them surprisingly effective damage dealers, and their utility skills make them a more than appealing off-tank option for any raid group.
The biggest problem with Feral Druids is that they’re not Protection Warriors. They’re not as resilient, they’re not as consistent, and it won’t be long before most Protection Warriors are better geared across the board than most Feral Druids. Still, this is a fun way to play the game.
B-Tier: Protection Paladin
Protection Paladins are probably on about the same level as Feral Druids, but in the interest of separating your choices as often as possible, they’re ranked slightly lower due largely to the fact that they depend on gear that is almost certainly going to a Protection Warrior instead of them.
Still, Paladins have massive health pools (potentially), some great buffs, incredible AoE threat generation abilities, and are reliable enough to serve as a main tank for any raid that wants to mix things up a bit by relying on a more dynamic tanking option.
The post WoW Burning Crusade Classic Pre-Patch: Best Classes for the New Expansion Meta appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3tWVZhW
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feathersandblue · 7 years
Hi!I love your meta about black sails characters and I've read your last one about flint's real motivations and how much more human silver is.One of the biggest critic moved to silver is about madi, and the fact that he betrayed her stopping the war without her consent. That he has taken away from her a possibility to free the world from slavery. A cause for which she was ready to die for and to see him dying too. And for this betrayal he doesn't deserve and won't obtain her forgiveness...
Everyone is entitled to their own interpretation, and canon does not really answer the question what their future relationship will look like - or rather, it indicates that while reconciliation is possible and Madi might be willing to forgive him, their relationship will never be the same.
I don’t think canon really backs the idea that she won’t be able to forgive him. The fact that Madi comes to him in their last scene is pretty telling - it’s meant to indicate that Madi is changing her stance, rather than Silver. If the creators hadn’t meant to imply that they would still be together in some form, they could easily have their last scene be a shot of Silver looking at her longingly from a distance, and she turning her back on him and walking away. 
Of course, we also have a very concise statement from the show’s creators: 
“The way you see them at the end, they’re in the same frame but they’re yards away from each other. Emotionally, that’s as close as they’ll ever get again.”(x)
So I think it’s made pretty clear that Madi does forgive him, but that it’s not really the same after. And how could it be? Silver has betrayed her. There are fundamental differences between them that have now become obvious, which at least Madi hasn’t really been aware of before. He’s not the person she thought he was.
Concerning the fact that Silver stops the war without her consent, and that this makes him a bad person … well, I have a couple of problems with that. 
1. One of them is a distinct one-sidedness in the way people look at their relationship, where Madi is treated basically as a saint, and Silver as an illoyal boyfriend who doesn’t support her and her cause as is his duty. But in a romantic relationship, both parties have obligations toward each other, it can’t be just a one-sided thing, no matter how much we relate to one partner and their goals and ambitions.
It’s also important to point out that if Silver had acted the way she wanted him to, Madi would be dead. Madi only survived the entire ordeal because Silver chose a wife over a war. If he hadn’t brought the cache, even though Flint and the maroon queen opted against it, the governor would have shot her. 
It’s also only fair to  mention that the choice between a noble cause and the life of a partner is not one that you can dictate to anyone. It’s a deeply personal decision. The fact that Madi’s life was more important to Silver than vice versa is not something you can really blame Silver for. 
“You may think what you want of me. I will draw comfort in the knowledge that you’re alive to think it.”
I imagine it’s pretty difficult to remain perpetually pissed at a person for saving your life, going forward. 
When Madi was imprisoned by Rogers, she wasn’t willing to bargain for Silver’s life. It was her choice. I don’t see anyone pointing out that it would have been her moral duty as a romantic partner to think of Silver and what they had together, that she is a horrible girldfriend for putting her beliefs first. 
And yet I see people say that Silver’s failure to act in a way that reflects her beliefs rather than his makes him a bad person. 
In a relationship between two equals, there is no such thing as an obligation to defer to your partner in such a profound way. There is no way to justify why Silver should have to defer to Madi. And yet parts of fandom consider him a horrible human being for failing to do just that.
So really, that one-sidedness, where people look at things only from Madi’s point of view - one that emphasizes her marginalization as a black woman and comes with the premise that Madi’s wants and needs clearly exceed Silver’s - that he’s a horrible boyfriend for disregarding her priorities, which are so much nobler and more important - is something I can’t share or support. People often judge their relationship from a position of real life activism, where the fact that Madi is fighting slavery is a killer argument. In my personal opinion, regarding their personal relationship as well as their historical situation solely from that perspective is somewhat reductive and simplistic.
2. The second problem that I have is the assumption that Madi was entitled to that war, as if war was some sort of possession or property. It was “her war”, and then Silver “took it away from her”. You might recall what I said about Flint personifying that war in my previous meta post. So according to Flint, Silver is a ruthless murderer; according to fandom, he is a thief. 
But no matter how you twist it, war is not something that people have a right to, because war always requires the partcipation of other people. It requires soldiers to do your dirty work. If you are a war leader, you have to have the support of your troups, you have to lead them into battle, you have to order them to fight and kill on your behalf.
I’ve already written extensively about how Flint acts as a leader, but there’s one thing that can’t be denied, and that’s that he’s willing to put his own life on he line, fighting side by side with his men. He’s doing more than his own share of dirty work, he’s usually part of the boarding crew or the vanguard. It’s rare that we see him stand back while others do the killing. 
When it comes to Madi, on the other hand, we have an entirely different situation. Madi is the heir of what is framed as a hereditary monarchy, she wasn’t elected into a position of power, she’s awarded that position - stepping into the footsteps of a leader who is “priestess, governess, warlord.” Her authority is absolute, she even takes pride in making it obvious to Silver in 3.08. that her men obey her without question. But Madi doesn’t do the dirty work. She doesn’t spill blood. In an era where war still means a lof of close combat, Madi steps back and lets other peope fight her battles. 
What right does she have to this war, morally speaking, when that war demands the obedience and the sacrifice of other people? A position of authority where you can order people to die is not something that any human being, no mater how much we like them, should be entitled to.
Imagine there’s a war, and no one shows up. (*)
Basically, what Silver and Julius do in the finale, is to make that war so singularly unattractive to people that they are no longer inclined to show up. They are no longer willing to kill and die on Madi’s behalf because, guess what, they, too, value their own lives and those of their loved ones more than they value the prospect of a long, bloody war that puts their own freedom at risk and has very little chances at success.
Tough shit. It almost looks like it’s been Madi’s war rather than “their war”, as she so succinctly phrases it in her conversation with Rogers. Madi felt so confident speaking on behalf of her people, but then it turns out that she never actually had their vote. It should be mentioned that Madi herself has not experienced slavery first hand - not the way that Julius, Max, Ruth, or her mother and her father have experienced it, who are all far less enthusisastic at the prospect of a war because they know how much they stand to lose when England retaliates. 
I am going to copy & paste a couple of praragraphs from one of my earlier posts here. 
Fandom often treats Silver as if he were taking away Madi’s agency, but that’s not really what he’s doing.
By removing Flint and the treasure from the picture, Silver basically dissembles the nukes and cuts the finances of a war that he considers a fucking nightmare, which, and I don’t think anyone can deny it, is a valid concern. Flint, as a war leader and a brilliant tactiction, second to none, is more of a force of nature than a man. His reputation, his tactical genius, his ability to overcome the greatest odds, and his ability to get people to follow him are nothing short of amazing. So really, the analogy of Flint being the nuke - the devastating weapon of mass destruction - is not far off. And of course, the treasure is both a media-effective means of propaganda and a valuable resource. 
Both Flint and the treasure, however, are also not something Madi had a right to, or at least, her right to them did not surpass Silver’s.
Silver has bled, and spilled blood, for each of these things.
Silver was a key player in securing the Urca gold in the first place. He bled for the cause (lost his leg in Charles Town), he was part of the Walrus crew which made Flint’s name what it became in the aftermath of Charles Town. He was the one who served as Flint’s quartermaster, he was the one who sailed with him into that storm, he is the one who went with him through the doldrums. When Flint made the bargain with the maroons, he made it under coercion - because the maroon queen threatened the lives of him and his crew. But it was Silver whose intervention forged that alliance. Without Silver, Flint would have given up in that cages, and all of our pretty pirates would have ended up dead either from torture or slave labor, or slain during their escape. 
Madi, on the other hand, got that war handed on a silver plate (pun intended). She was living on that island, and, like most young people, struggling to forge her own identity by establishing herself in opposition to the more protectionsist rule of her mother. Along came a bunch of pirates who offered her a shiny war, as well as the war leader to fight it for her, a man with the persuasive power to convince her mother to support it.
Madi’s war relied on Flint - his tactical skills, his willingness to sacrifice anything and everything for the cause. It also relied on Silver, who put his life on the line again and again, torturing, killing, and descending into darkness. Silver was reluctant to step into that role, and we can see, during season three and four, how he struggles not to let that darkness consume him. Long John Silver is also not something that Madi has a right to. Nor, and that is where we get back to 1, is his unwavering support and loyalty even when it goes against his beliefs, especially since she doesn’t seem willing to offer the same.
When I say that Madi’s war relied on Flint, there is also another aspect to it, wich ties back to the previous meta about Flint and his reasons for fighting. Madi’s war relies on Flint being fucking miserable. 
The thing that Madi seems most upset about in 4.10 is the fact that Silver sent Morgan to Savannah to look for Thomas Hamilton. 
But why would Madi be upset about the fact that Silver sent someone to find out whether his best friend’s lover might still be alive? I mean, let’s assume that the Spanish invasion hadn’t happened, that Morgan had returned with the good news that Thomas was alive, imagine Silver had told Flint, there would have raided the plantation to free Thomas, and there would be a tearful reuion of two lovers. How on earth could Madi possibly see this as a form of betrayal? 
Maybe because Silver, and Madi herself, knew that Thomas being alive would be a game changer for Flint. Looking for Thomas - which is all Silver did in that moment, it’s not as if he’d really been planning to imprison Flint there at that point - can only be considered a form of betrayal if they both knew exactly that Flint was only willing to fight that war because he was so lost to his grief and rage that it drove him to such extremes, if they both knew that Flint was born “out of great tragedy”. But it’s Flint that Madi’s war relies on. Not James McGraw. 
All these things - the treasure, Flint, Long John Silver - they do not belong to Madi. There is a certain irony in the fact that Madi used Silver’s considerable skillset - his cunning, his inventiveness, his power of persuasion, the legend of Long John Silver - to fight her war, but that is is this exact skillset that is then used against her to end it. 
Of course, Madi is free to do as she pleases. If she wants that war so desperately, she can go and try to find some likeminded people who help her fight it. She can find the outsiders, the rebels, the other “scattered objections” and form her own army, wage her own war, if that’s what she thinks is right. Build her own resistance. Do it the hard way. She can send someone to Savannah to find Flint and free him. She can do a lot of things to make that war happen.
But she won’t do that, because she isn’t stupid, and she’s not like Flint, who was so consumed by his war that he simply could not let go of it. Madi has other things to live for, thankfully. For sane people, a war immdiately gets a lot less attractive the moment their chances of winning decline. Madi is a good leader to her people, and she’s a good person. She would not waste lives and resources in a war that no one wants.Silver did betray her, and I’m not saying she has to forgive him. But I think it’s important to acknowledge that Silver’s motives and reasons are no less valid than hers, and that taking out Flint and the cache did not mean denying her agency, because if her agency relied on these two things, then it was never real to begin with.
3. Third, what bothers me is to look at Silver’s betrayal of Flint and make it about Madi when it was never about her in the first place. I know we all look at the show from different pespectives, but I think it’s fair to say that Silver and Flint, their individual arcs and their complex and fraught relationship, are central to Black Sails. In Silver’s story, Flint is the antagonist, and the conflict between Flint and Silver and its resolution has very little to do with Madi - if anything, she’s a catalyst that contributes to brings things to a head. Accordingly, the idea that Madi’s wants and needs should be the determining factor in Silver’s decision-making seems quite absurd. Flint may be Madi’s nuke, but first and foremost, he’s Silver’s … friend, alter ego, antagonist, partner, captain, whatever you want to call it - this overwhelming influence in Silver’s life.
The relationship between Silver and Flint is complex, fraught, full of landmines. There’s a co-depenency that’s not quite healthy, a power imbalance that only changes in Silver’s favor in season four - and there’s a tentative, hard-won friendship between them. And in that situation - with their shared history and everything they’ve been through together - should Madi’s wants and needs really be the deteminigg factor in Silver’s decision-making? Or should it be his own moral compass? 
Of course, the situation in Black Sails is more complex than that, there are other factors to keep in mind - first and foremost, the issue of slavery, which, as I’ve said before, is a killer argument all on its own. How can Silver possibly turn aganst Flint and Silver when they fight for a better world without slavery, for a revolution? If he doesn’t want to fight, he can just walk away, can he not? 
But the thing is, people who tend to say that rarely look at the whole thing from Silver’s point of view. There is a distinct lack of willingness to put themselves in his shoes. 
Silver is in a position of an individual having to make a choice. Jack has arrived with a clear agenda, one that gives Nassau a chance at peace. From Silver’s point of view, Flint is entirely driven by rage, the intent “to see the world burn” - as someone who is decidedly not an idealist, Silver simply cannot focus on these far-away visions of a better future the same way. And in that situation, confined by his own experiences and worldview, Silver is left with two options: side with Jack, secure the peace and the freedom of Madi’s people, stop Flint, and keep Madi safe. Or turn against Jack, enable the war and let Flint set the New World on fire, then lose both him and Madi either trough a violent death or by leaving them behind. War or peace? The decision, in this moment, is not an easy one, but I think it displays a lack of understanding to suggest that with Silver’s and Flint’s relationship right at the core of it, with everything that stands between them - the things Silver has seen Flint do, the murder and the insanity and the gambling with lives, and the things Silver himself has done on behalf of the war - that Silver acting according to his personal beliefs makes him a villain, or that it is his moral duty to support his girfriend’s ambitions - the very girlfriend who, at this point, is only still alive because he’s already “betrayed” her once by prioritizing her life over the cause.
So, after all of that, we are still left with a couple of things that cannot be denied.
1. Silver acted behind Madi’s back, and he betrayed both her and Flint on a personal level. They had no reason to suscpect he would turn against them (though I would argue that there were signs, they just didn’t pick up on them), which further contributes to the sense of betrayal.  
2. Silver put a stop to a war that was meant to abolish slavery. We cannot conclusively say that it was the right choice (but neither can we say it wasn’t, as we have no means to determine what the outcome would have been).
It’s of course perfectly okay to have personal opinions about all of these things, or to think that Madi should not forgive Silver. But I can’t help but think that a lot of the criticism levelled at Silver is a consequence of a very limited viewpoint that is rooted in activism, not in empathy - to an extent where the entire thing becomes a black and white thing, where Madi gets awarded all the oppression points that forever put her on a pedestal of moral high ground, because SLAVERY! 
Perdonally, I don’t think that this viewpoint acknowledges the complexity of the issue at hand, something that the show itself is actually very good at. 
* The original phrasing, of course, is “Sometime they’ll give a war and no one will come.”  The variant used here is a re-translation of the German version, “Stell dir vor, es ist Krieg, und keiner geht hin.”
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junker-town · 5 years
How the Dodgers created this vortex of failure
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The Dodgers were primed for a third straight World Series appearance. Instead, they didn’t even win a playoff series.
The Los Angeles Dodgers set a team record for wins in 2019, which is significant for a franchise that has been around for 136 years. But after losing back-to-back World Series in 2017 and 2018, the Dodgers didn’t even win a playoff series this year.
Clayton Kershaw added to his long list of October nightmares in a stunning NLDS Game 5 loss to the Nationals, and Dave Roberts picked a hell of a time to have the worst game of his managerial career.
“Winning 106 games in the regular season and going home after one round sucks. Our season, you can put it as a failure,” said Kiké Hernandez, whose home run in the second inning was the Dodgers’ last run of the night. “Down the road when all of us retire, we can look back and look at all the records we broke as a team this year for a great franchise like the Dodgers. For us to be one and done, it’s tough. I don’t think anybody in this clubhouse expected us to be going home this soon. It sucks. There’s no other way to put it, but it sucks.”
The Dodgers held an early lead after two innings against Stephen Strasburg, who dominated them in Game 2. Strasburg settled down to keep the Nationals in the game, but it seemed as if the Dodgers’ lead would hold. Roberts said he would ride Walker Buehler and was true to his word, letting him throw 117 pitches to get through two outs in the seventh inning. Buehler departed with two on, setting the stage for Kershaw, who carried his October demons with him on his jog from the bullpen.
Kershaw has now pitched in relief in each of the last four postseasons. The first three of those outings were quite successful, and include closing out both the 2016 NLDS and 2018 NLCS on the road. Wednesday’s outing seemed like another success at first. Kershaw struck out Adam Eaton on three pitches to end the Nationals’ threat in the seventh and preserve a two-run lead.
“I thought we’re home free,” Buehler said. “But that’s baseball.”
Had Kershaw’s outing ended there, who knows what might have happened. The Dodgers might have won. But at the very least, Kershaw would not have to bear the brunt of another postseason fiasco.
The Dodgers needed six outs, but danger loomed to start the eighth inning with the Nationals’ two best hitters up: the right-handed Anthony Rendon, then the lefty Juan Soto.
A nearly full complement of relievers were available to Roberts to get those six outs, including starter Kenta Maeda, who has thrived the last three postseasons as a destroyer of right-handed batters, and left-handed Adam Kolarek, who retired Soto in each of the first three games of the series. Either one would have been a fine option for the Dodgers, both of them actual relievers with experience.
Instead, Roberts stayed with Kershaw in a relatively unfamiliar role. Kershaw had a fine season, finishing 10th in the majors in ERA (3.03). He’s a perfectly above-average starting pitcher these days, though no longer the Cy Young Award-winning ace who racked up ERA titles by the bushel. With a few miles per hour gone from his fastball, Kershaw has been much more vulnerable the last three years, especially from the long ball. After allowing 12 home runs per season in his first nine years, Kershaw has nearly doubled that average since the start of 2017, and gave up a career-high 28 home runs in 2019.
Kershaw only needed three pitches in the eighth inning to begin the unraveling of the Dodgers’ season. Both Rendon and Soto smacked home runs to tie the game.
“I had one job to do, to get three outs. I got one out, and didn’t get the other two. I cost us the game right there,” Kershaw said. “That’s a terrible feeling. No excuses, I just didn’t make pitches and it got hit over the fence.”
“He’s one of the best pitchers in the game and for him to go out there and throw [three] pitches and to go back out there and get two hitters, I felt really good about that,” Roberts said. “It’s a guy that I believe in, and I trust and it didn’t work out.”
Those home runs not only tied the game but sucked the life out of Dodger Stadium, a crowd all too familiar with this October refrain. Kershaw has the lowest career ERA among starters in the live ball era (2.44), but his postseason ERA is 4.43 in 158⅓ innings.
“I’m not going to hang my head. I’m going to be here, continue to try and fight, continue to try and compete. I’m not going to shy away from it,” Kershaw said. “Everything people say is true right now about the postseason and I understand that. There’s nothing I can do about it right now. It’s a terrible feeling.”
Kershaw is absolutely revered in the Dodgers’ clubhouse. “We wouldn’t be here without him,” Rich Hill said while fighting back tears. “I have the ultimate respect for him.”
Kershaw was the Dodgers’ superweapon when he was the best pitcher in baseball, and they used him as such, starting him on short rest in four straight postseasons (2013-16) because they had no choice. But he’s not the same pitcher anymore, and the Dodgers are much deeper than they used to be. Kershaw is what he is: a good starting pitcher who should be used in that role, and not a savior who can ride in from the bullpen and save the day.
Maeda followed Kershaw by striking out the three batters he faced — because of course he did — and preserving the tie. He was followed by Joe Kelly, who pitched a spotless ninth on just 10 pitches.
“It sucks. Obviously we had a great regular season but fell short of the ultimate goal,” Kelly said. “It wasn’t for lack of effort, we have the talent. We just got beat. In Game 5 anything can happen.”
One of those things that “can happen” is letting Kelly pitch a second inning in relief, something he hadn’t done since Aug. 24. Keep in mind that closer Kenley Jansen was already warmed up.
“I liked Joe right there in that spot, I really did. After 10 pitches there was no stress. Ball coming out well,” Roberts said. “So for him to go out there and take down that inning and to have Kenley take down the other part of the order, I felt really good about it.”
Kelly had to face the heart of the Nats’ order — Eaton, Rendon, and Soto — all while pitching in his longest outing in seven weeks. Kelly barely pitched down the stretch of the regular season for the Dodgers while dealing with a nebulously described “overall body” issue — as if this were hockey — that the team clutched close to its vest. He pitched just twice in the final two weeks of the regular season, facing four total batters. In his previous outing in this NLDS, Kelly failed to record an out, walking three of the four hitters he faced.
So when Eaton walked and Rendon hit a ground-rule double to start the 10th inning, it was not a surprise. It was, in fact, a perfect spot to bring in Kolarek to face Soto, who Kolarek retired on two strikeouts and a ground out in their three previous series meetings. Instead, Roberts opted to walk Soto to load the bases with nobody out for Howie Kendrick.
“I just felt that Joe had a good chance to put Howie on the ground and potentially then get Kenley on Zimmerman,” Roberts said. “And so my thought was to try to get a ground ball right there.”
What he got was a grand slam, propelling the Nationals to their first series win since moving to Washington D.C.
Plenty of blame to go around
The Dodgers’ season didn’t end solely because of the failures of Kershaw and Roberts.
“What’s lost in this is this was Game 5,” Buehler said. “We lost two other games along the way.”
“You lose as a team, you win as a team,” Cody Bellinger said. “It’s not on anyone in particular.”
The Dodgers hit .220/.303/.428 as a team, scoring a little over four runs per game, more than a run fewer than their National League-best offense during the regular season.
Bellinger, the favorite for NL MVP, was 4-for-19 (.211) with a double, two walks, and seven strikeouts. He’s hitting .178/.234/.326 in 145 plate appearances in the postseason through three seasons, in case anyone is looking for someone else to share Kershaw’s odious October choker label.
Or maybe it should be shortstop Corey Seager, who was 3-for-20 (.150) with eight strikeouts in this NLDS. The two-time All-Star and fellow Rookie of the Year winner with Bellinger is at .203/.275/.331 in his 131 playoff plate appearances.
Those are the two best position players the Dodgers have produced in the last decade, and both have been terrible in the postseason. Small sample sizes, sure, but any team will struggle in October when it can’t rely on its best players.
Feel free to blame the front office, too
Tasked with staying under the competitive balance tax threshold for a second consecutive year, the Dodgers’ two free agent signings last offseason were Kelly for $25 million over three years, and outfielder A.J. Pollock for $55 million over four years with a player option for a fifth.
You couldn’t go more than three or four days listening to Dodgers broadcasts without a reminder of how good Kelly’s stuff is. The problem is, it didn’t translate into results. Kelly posted a 4.56 ERA and was roughly a replacement-level player over the course of the season.
Signed in part because he threw six scoreless innings with 10 strikeouts for the Red Sox in last year’s World Series against the Dodgers, Kelly has now been a central figure in ousting three of the Dodgers’ seven straight division-winning teams from the postseason. As a starter with the Cardinals in 2013, he threw the fastball that broke Hanley Ramirez’s rib and subdued the Dodgers’ best hitter.
Pollock, who has qualified for the batting title once in his career and averaged 101 games per season in his six years in Arizona, was injury-prone again in his first year in Los Angeles, appearing in 86 games. He was supposed to provide plus defense in center field, but was eventually moved to left field in the first year of his deal.
After returning from injury at the All-Star break, Pollock was useful down the stretch, hitting .288/.348/.537 with 13 home runs, but he was completely shut down in the NLDS. In one of the worst playoff series performances in MLB history, Pollock was 0-for-13 with 11 strikeouts, and looked lost at the plate. He didn’t even start the last two games of the series, though he was sent up to pinch hit to start the 10th inning down four runs — a proverbial white flag from Roberts signaling the Dodgers’ impending doom.
The Dodgers desperately needed bullpen help by midseason, but instead added only one reliever at the trade deadline in Kolarek. He proved to be quite useful, a ground ball specialist who was hell on left-handed batters.
Kolarek had the most defined role on the team, especially in the NLDS. He was the Soto specialist. Yet in Game 5, the Dodgers did not turn to Kolarek in either of Soto’s final two plate appearances. All Soto did was hit the game-tying home run off Kershaw, then get intentionally walked so a tiring and ineffective Kelly could face his eighth batter of the night.
Not so efficient.
If you’re looking for a bright spot as a Dodgers fan, at least they won’t have to hear comparisons to the Buffalo Bills. You can’t lose yet another World Series if you don’t qualify. But this loss stings more than the Fall Classic defeats of 2017 and 2018.
“This means so much to everybody in this locker room,” Hill said. “That’s the tough part. When people say it’s just a game, you know, it’s a lot more than that.”
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26 Mar 2019: Open is powerful and helps make an organisation trustable. Netflix competes with sleep, Fortnite (and Apple?)
Hello, this is the Co-op Digital newsletter - it looks at what's happening in the internet/digital world and how it's relevant to the Co-op, to retail businesses, and most importantly to people, communities and society. Thank you for reading - send ideas and feedback to @rod on Twitter. Please tell a friend about it!
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[Image: Joel Chant/Co-op news]
Open organisations and trustable data
Barnado’s have an open intranet, which is smart because you see how the organisation thinks of itself and its people. Maybe you learn they’re a bigger, more interesting organisation than you’d thought, and then you might find yourself imagining working there. (See also: Co-op’s colleagues site.) Open is powerful and helps make an organisation trustable.
The Co-op digital data team on trust:
“a clear message is starting to emerge from regulatory bodies: the ethical use of data will become a growing priority and focus especially when considered with the perspective that ‘trust is the new currency’. Data ethics isn’t going to go away.”
More good reading: ODI’s The Week in Data newsletter.
Competing with sleep and Fortnite: streaming video and games
What does Netflix say it competes with? These are from Netflix’s shareholder letters, which are often a good read:
2016: coy about competitors, but Youtube is hiding on a chart.
2017: sleep is mentioned in an analyst call (for the Q1 results, not the full year), though not in the shareholder letter. So at this point Netflix says it competes with “non consumption”.
2017: Amazon, YouTube, Facebook, Apple, satellite TV operators, BBC - and this is the first appearance of Youtube in the text of the shareholder letter.
2018: Amazon, Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Disney.
2019: "We compete with (and lose to) Fortnite more than HBO. When YouTube went down globally for a few minutes in October, our viewing and signups spiked for that time." Very interesting that a game is the first competitor mentioned, and Netflix is quite casual about other streaming video on demand players.
In 2020: this newsletter expects Netflix to mention games again. Also Disney, which is preparing its own service. Possibly also Apple, which announced a Netflix-clone yesterday, but perhaps not the planned BBC/ITV Britbox service, which feels like it could be too little, too late.
Meanwhile, Fortnite now has 250m players and is trying to encourage players on different platforms to stop avoiding each other (which might increase loyalty to the Fortnite brand at the cost of the device).
PS: Apple also announced a games service, a news service, a secure credit card, though not a grocery service :)
Facebook passwords
Facebook stored 100m+ user passwords in plain text for years. It sounds like the audit logs were hoovering up(!) and saving(!) plaintext pwds, which somewhat undid FB’s hard work making sure that the passwords were hashed and salted in its main product storage. However, there was no evidence that passwords were accessed improperly by employees or third parties. “We estimate that we will notify hundreds of millions of Facebook Lite users, tens of millions of other Facebook users, and tens of thousands of Instagram users”, says FB.
Lost in the post
Post Office held back information about Horizon IT system errors. The Post Office didn’t tell sub-postmaster staff about problems with a new IT system because it didn’t want them to blame the IT for any and all problems. The sub-postmasters are not at all happy - they feel they were unfairly blamed (and in some cases prosecuted!) for IT problems.
B minus three days B minus 15 or 58 days, depending. The process lurches on like a rollercoaster with rusty rails. A flexi-delay has been put in place by the EU27, and “all options remain open”. A round of indicative votes this week. A petition urging the House of Commons to debate the revocation Article 50 has 5+m signatures and keeping the site running has been a herculean task (Imagine if the petition managed 17.5m!) A flowchart of the choices in front of Parliament, but by the time you read this the situation will probably have changed again. Hold on tight everyone.
Other news
Unboxing videos on Youtube are changing toys. The logical conclusion might be toys that consist *solely* of an unboxing experience. Today’s equivalent of that is a Kinder egg, a dopamine hit rendered into chocolate and discardable plastic.
Google is moving machine learning-powered speech-to-text from the cloud to mobile devices at the same time as it is trying to move gaming from the edge to the cloud. It’s not clear yet where some services should sit.
You won’t need to leave Instagram to buy products - it’s becoming more of a walled garden.
Microsoft Teams overtook Slack in Dec 18 - the power of the bundle. Both lag (Microsoft’s) Skype, which the survey said was highest rated for usability, a finding that is, er, surprising.
1m electric bicycles sold in Germany.
A list of former Google products and why they died - Newsletterbot is still sad about Reader.
Co-op news
Co-op Group launches online food delivery service - deliveries will be by electric cargo bike, with the rollout starting in London.
Together we’ve changed 1.9 million lives thanks to Co-op water.
HI future: Homeless Employment and Educating Businesses - Tue 26 Mar 9.30am at Federation House.
CMO CRM show & tell - Tue 26 Mar 2pm at Angel Square 13th floor.
Line managers' drop-in clinic - Tue 26 Mar 2pm at Federation House 5th floor.
Data Insights at Scale + Machine Learning - Tue 26 Mar 6.30pm at Federation House.
OpenData Manchester: I Can't Believe It's Not Data - Tue 26 Mar 6.30pm at Federation House.
data horror stories, including: “in 2003, Manchester City Council received a £7,500,000 budget cut due to an error with the census data, which essentially lost 25,000 people”
Tech for good live - Thu 28 Mar 6.30pm at Federation House.
Membership show & tell - Fri 29 Mar 3pm at Federation House 6th floor.
Manchester Service Jam - Sat 30 and Sun 31 Mar 9am at Federation House.
Delivery community of practice meetup - Mon 1 Apr 1.30pm at Federation House.
Code first: girls - beginners community course - Mon 1 Apr 6.30pm at Federation House.
Prototyping kit show & tell - Tue 2 Apr 11am at Federation House 6th floor.
What has the web team been up to playback - Tue 2 Apr 1pm at Federation House 5th floor.
Line managers' drop-in clinic - Tue 2 Apr 2pm at Federation House 5th floor.
Health team show & tell - Tue 2 Apr 2pm at Federation House 5th floor.
Food ecommerce show & tell - Tue 2 Apr 2.30pm at Federation House 5th floor.
Co-operate show & tell - Wed 3 Apr 10am at Federation House 6th floor.
Data ecosystem show & tell - Wed 3 Apr 3pm at Angel Square 13th floor.
Rise, Voice, Vote #PowerUp Launch - Thu 4 Apr 5pm at Federation House.
Membership show & tell - Fri 5 Apr 3pm at Federation House 6th floor.
More events at Federation House. And TechNW has a useful calendar of events happening in the North West.
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tumblngdice · 5 years
Classic Decided By Better Finishing And Tactical Nuances
January 4, 2019 Erik Elias
This game felt so close that it is hard to actually point out the better team. Manchester City beat Liverpool due to more composure on the ball and better finishing. And some luck, too.
How do you beat Pep Guardiola’s Manchester City?
If you would have to ask any manager on earth, Jürgen Klopp would come to mind pretty fast. His Liverpool went unbeaten in the last four games against Guardiola’s Manchester City, knocking them out of last season’s Champions League. Liverpool acting like pure kryptonite for his possession-oriented approach even led Guardiola to alter his tactics last time around, pressing less intense and leaving more players behind the ball than normally.
This season, Liverpool have changed their nominal starting formation from 4-3-3 to 4-2-3-1. Klopp decided to revert to the good ol’ 4-3-3 shape, even though the last time Liverpool played it was against Napoli, close to a month ago.
It is the system in which they reached the Champions League final last season, with the attacking super trio Mo Salah – Roberto Firmino – Sadio Mané in front of three midfielders James Milner, Georginio Wijnaldum and Jordan Henderson.
Partnering Virgil van Dijk in central defense was Dejan Lovren, as both Joe Gomez and Joel Matip were unavailable due to injuries.
Manchester City operated in their usual 4-3-3 formation. Aymeric Laporte played left back, as Vincent Kompany and John Stones made up the central duo. Kyle Walker seems to have been silently dropped from the starting eleven, as Danilo was preferred for the third time in a row. Kevin de Bruyne is seemingly not yet match fit, which meant the midfield consisted of Fernandinho, Bernardo Silva and David Silva.
When Guardiola and Klopp meet, a must-watch game of football ensues most of the time. The fact this game was hugely decisive to this season’s title race in England only added to that. After this match, the difference between these two historically good sides would be four, seven or ten points.
As per 11tegen11’s predictive model, Liverpool’s title odds of 66% going into the game would swing to 88% with a win, while this would drop City’s pre-game title odds of 34% to a measly 12%. By contrast, a City win would really open up the title race, albeit with Liverpool still the slight favorite (54%).
Both teams share the ball, but it does not enter the penalty area
Those who had missed Liverpool playing in a 4-3-3 formation and containing the opponent had a wonderful time in the first half. Liverpool’s attacking trio was working together superbly to cut off passes to the opposing fullbacks and midfielders, but pressed when the chance was there, for instance when a City player received the ball facing his own goal.
Whenever Liverpool tried to build up, City pressed them immediately, much more aggressive than the other way around. Wingers Sterling and Sané would simply track their fullback, while Agüero would drift towards Van Dijk, This left Lovren open, who would often get on the ball and was immediately pressed by David Silva, while Bernardo Silva would step up to press Henderson aggressively.
Weary of Liverpool’s quick attackers, City’s defenders never left their back line which theoretically meant that Liverpool had a spare man in midfield in the form of Wijnaldum or Henderson. That player was seldom found, however, which meant Liverpool played a lot of aerial balls and gave the ball away.
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Manchester City’s way of pressing Liverpool, which led to Liverpool giving the ball away a lot.
This made the opening phase of the match a stalemate, as both teams were cancelling each other out in their own, unique way. A brief moment of excitement came after eighteen minutes, which was one of the few times Liverpool managed to bypass City’s press, thanks to some press-resistance from Wijnaldum and a series of third man combinations.
After Salah had put through Mané with a wonderful through ball, the latter could only hit the post. In the aftermath, Stones booting the ball away but only hitting his own goalkeeper would have made for a comical own goal. Stones himself could save the ball off the line with a last-ditch effort.  
Liverpool contain City as match is played in middle third
City could only muster two shots in the entire first half. Their fullbacks Laporte and Danilo played about as conservative as you will see in a team coached by Guardiola. Both did not play high along the touchline to create overloads,  nor did they tuck inside to act as extra midfielders.
Wingers Sané and Sterling were not put into one-versus-one opportunities with their fullbacks often, as Liverpool’s disciplined midfielders helped out every time the ball came in their feet. Some uncharacteristic technical mistakes from their entire left side – David Silva in particular – made City’s attacks impotent. The match was therefore mostly played on the middle part of the field, which is not what you want if you are Manchester City.
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City’s complete lack of passing through the middle is quite alarming, and it serves as a great illustration of how well Liverpool contained them.
Little City danger
The only danger created by Manchester City in the first half came from passes over the top of Liverpool’s defense. In the 28th minute, Fernandinho played one of those passes in the area behind Liverpool’s fullback Andrew Robertson. Sterling got the best of him and played the ball into David Silva.
The Spaniard received the ball in a closed manner – instead of opening his body up – which meant he could only shoot with his weaker right foot.
Receiving the ball correct in the penalty area is one of those small details that make all the difference in close games like these.  
A little over ten minutes later, Alexander-Arnold was targeted, as Sané beat him in a foot race. After a failed cross that was deflected by Alisson, the ball was still at the feet of Bernardo Silva in Liverpool’s defensive zone. He played a hard ball into Agüero, who expertly came in front of his defender and fired past Alisson.
We won’t put all the blame on Lovren just yet, and just state that this was a wonderful goal from Agüero, which would turn out to be the only goal of the first half.
Klopp’s choice of formation
Klopp deliberately selected his workhorse midfield from the 2017/18 season, relying on individual mistakes by City’s players to capitalize on – something Mané almost did. City’s hyper-aggressive press in Liverpool’s early buildup meant that his side gave the ball away to easily.
Wijnaldum, Milner and Henderson can perform their pressing duties and man-marking tasks in the 4-3-3 shape in their sleep, but offered too little throughout the entire first half in terms of possession. Once again, a deliberate choice made by Klopp, which we should not judge solely on the outcome.
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We’ve seen this countless time by now, but once more Liverpool’s fullbacks were their de-facto playmakers.
Switch to 4-2-3-1 leads to goal
The first ten minutes of the second half were an exact copy of the first half: City had the ball, Liverpool retreated and neither team created chances. It gave Fabinho the time to warm up and come into the match in the 57th minute for Milner, meaning Liverpool switched to their 4-2-3-1 shape.
Fabinho and Henderson acted as the double pivot, Wijnaldum played as a drifting-inside left winger, Mané moved to the right and Firmino played closely behind striker Salah.
Liverpool’s 4-2-3-1 is a lot more attacking, direct and hectic than the more controlled 4-3-3 shape. Less players are situated in central midfield and more are playing in higher positions. This advanced positioning allows those players to be fed quicker, which can also result in those quick passes being intercepted or misplaced, ultimately leading to a fast-paced contest.
Due to two holding midfielders now being in place instead of one, the fullbacks can also play even more attacking. A direct result of this could be seen during Liverpool’s equalizer. Trent Alexander-Arnold – effectively Liverpool’s best playmaker, fielded at right back – played a wonderful crossfield pass into his fellow fullback Robertson, who arrived late in the penalty area. He put it back for Firmino to head it into an empty net. The score was level with more than twenty-five minutes left to play.
Fine margins make for fine games
It has been detailed earlier that Klopp’s 4-2-3-1 shape has not yet been tested against big teams. It can be vulnerable at times. When both fullbacks join the attack – which was the case at the equalizer, for example – Liverpool have only four players behind the ball in Fabinho, Henderson, Van Dijk and Lovren.
After scoring the equalizer, Liverpool did not change their rest defense.
This meant the match was more open, chaotic and at an even faster pace than it had been the entire first half.
A little over seventy minutes in, Ederson swept up a through ball into Salah and passed it into Danilo. Liverpool’s four most attacking players pressed forward, while the remaining six went backwards. Never a good combination. Danilo found Sterling, who was played onside by Lovren. The young English winger could easily dribble inside as both Fabinho and Henderson were a second too late to cover, which is another one of those tiny details that decide matches like these.
With Sterling coming inside, Agüero made a run that should have earned him an assist as well, as he completely opened up the space for Sané. His driven effort went off the post as well, just as Mané had done on that same goal in the first half. The difference being that this time, the ball went inside the net instead of ricocheting back into the field.
Now leading, City retreated into their own half in their 4-1-4-1 defensive shape, leaving the ball for Liverpool. Klopp’s men could not create any more chances.
On the other end, Agüero and Sterling had the chance to put City up by two, but could not, which meant the game ended 2-1 to the home side. Fine margins make for fine games, and this was one of them, ultimately being decided on all those small little details.
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Some headcanons about Oswald and Ed’s childhoods/earlier lives, and then of their lives together.
(the childhood sections are both pretty depressing, and Ed’s in particular has some details of ableism and emotional and physical abuse)
After Gertrud was thrown out of the Van Dahl house, she did consider getting the situation ‘taken care of’. She never trusted doctors (neither does Oswald really, unless it’s an emergency, which is a whole other post), and ended up visiting a back alley abortionist/midwife. She couldn’t bring herself to go through with it though, and the same woman she visited ended up delivering Oswald a few months later in Gertrud’s apartment. (Her name’s Annie, she’s irish, and could kick your ass despite being like, 80 now)
Gertrud smoked while she was pregnant, and only quit after Oswald was born because it was one of the few things she could cut out of her budget to afford to feed them both.
Gertrud worked a series of low paid kitchen and waitressing jobs, and the two of them moved around quite a bit. It wasn’t until Oswald was 10 that they finally settled in the same apartment they share in season one. That was the first time they’d lived somewhere where Oswald could have a bedroom of his own.
In addition to giving him an Americanised last name, Gertrud was determined that Oswald was going to speak English ‘properly’ despite it not being her first language, and used to read to him from some decidedly archaic books. They also didn’t have a TV for a long time but they did have a radio.
Gertrud used to buy Oswald’s clothes from thrift stores, in sizes way too big for him, so that she could take them in and then let them back out again as he grew.
Gertrud never had any boyfriends or lovers, as far as she was concerned, Elijah was her one true love and there couldn’t be anyone else. Anyway, so long as she had Oswald she would never be lonely so what did she need anyone else for...
They never had a computer (Oswald still doesn’t ‘get’ computers, which Ed finds both sort of cute and endlessly frustrating), but they did have a typewriter that Oswald did homework assignments on.
Oswald never went to prom. Senior year he got dressed up, told his mother he was going and let her take photos, then went out and stole a bottle of whiskey and drank most of it on a bench by the docks. He got picked up by the cops (led by a still in uniform at the time Harvey...) having fallen asleep there, and spent the night in the cells.
He never went to college because they couldn’t afford it. That’s the reason he gives anyway. In reality, one of his teachers had been pushing pretty hard to get him a scholarship - his grades were good enough - but it would have meant him moving out of state, and that would have broken Gertrud’s heart.
Ed grew up in the suburbs outside of Gotham
His parents, Mr and Mrs Nashton, were high school sweethearts who got married soon after graduation. It was not a good idea and they were pretty miserable together, and had Ed hoping a baby would fix all their problems. Spoiler alert, it did not.
The Nashtons were comfortable enough financially. Not wealthy but not struggling, at least not until Mr Nashton lost his job when Ed was in his teens, which caused a major downturn in their already rocky relationship.
Nobody ever really suspected anything was wrong in the family because it was all very much behind closed doors, and it wasn’t all terrible 100% of the time. Ed’s dad had been a football player, a real mans man with a set idea of what he thought his son should be like, and any time Ed showed any sign of living up to that he would latch onto it and things would be okay for a while. He taught him how to ride a bike, he built him a tree house... but Ed used his bike to ride to the library, not go off on adventures with other kids. The tree house didn’t have a ‘no girls allowed’ sign on it and a gaggle of boisterous preteen boys hiding out in it, just quiet little Ed with his books and his puzzles. Mr Nashton didn’t understand Ed in the slightest and took out all his frustrations about how his own life turned out on him, starting with emotional put downs when he was small and escalating into more physical stuff when he was older.
Mrs Nashton was no better, resenting Ed for not being the magic bandaid baby she’d hoped for and wishing she’d made other life choices. The older and less ‘cute’ he got the less effort she put into pretending she was happy being a mother.
Ed was never tested as a child to confirm if he was autistic or neurodivergent in any way, because his ableist father refused to even contemplate the idea. Didn’t stop him calling Ed a ‘freak’ later in life.
Young Ed wore a lot of oversized sweaters and went through a bow tie phase in high school.
Ed did go to his prom, and spent the whole evening trying to work up the courage to ask a pretty girl from his science class to dance. In the end he ended up asking her if she wanted some punch, despite the fact that she was already holding a cup, before disappearing back into the shadows to berate himself for being a loser.
After the final big showdown with his father about the SATs, Ed made the decision that as soon as he could leave home he was going to and would never look back. He applied for college in Gotham City, organised all his own loans and financing, moved into halls, changed his name to Nygma and never looked back.
The key difference really is that Gertrud and Oswald didn’t have any money but they had each other, while Ed didn’t want for much in terms of material things but didn’t have any sort of emotional support system. They were both lonely, outcast little boys, but Ed’s family placed the blame for that solely on him while Gertrud blamed everyone else.
They’ve ended up with very different skill sets. Ed can cook gourmet meals and has pretty advanced medical knowledge, Oswald knows how to survive on 5 dollars a week and has an extensive list of folk remedies for things. Ed’s good with technology, Oswald isn’t squeamish about dealing with rats and roaches. They can both sew, and they’ve agreed to disagree on the matter of spiders (Ed wants them gone but doesn’t want to get near enough to deal with it, Oswald would rather have spiders than flies and anyway killing spiders is bad luck).
Ed doesn’t have a lot of good memories surrounding the holidays, after the age of around 8 they just started getting really tense and unpleasant. Oswald meanwhile has all of Gertrud’s old Christmas ornaments, including ones he made as a kid, and loves decorating the manor. He tones it down a lot when he realises how it affects Ed, but Ed likes seeing him happy so it all balances out.
Ed has attempted to get Oswald into video games, but Oswald never quite got the point of them and generally just watches Ed play. Also Ed uses all sorts of abbreviations in text messages to get more information into them, often eschewing punctuation in favour of word count unless he’s trying to make some sort of grammar related point. Oswald writes texts like he’s writing a letter, no matter how many times Ed has pointed out that he doesn’t have to sign off at the end, it says who it’s from at the top of the screen...
Oswald introduced Ed to bubble baths. Ed still prefers showers for actually getting clean, but he now at least gets the ‘fun and relaxing’ side of baths.
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