#which would be more complicated as an elf than for humans cuz like. he doesn’t really age anyway.
boydykedevo · 6 months
Rotating Taagnus ethersea au and i guess since elves don’t really exist in ethersea Taako would be a human… (I’d still give him the ears tho if Devo gets halfelf ears it’s only fair)
I’m just trying to think how old I want him to be. I guess the question is whether I’m thinking IPRE ages or BoB ages, like if Mags is 20 or 32. Cuz if he’s 20 Taako’s a couple years older. But if he’s 32 they’re around the same age
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Have you talked about your DnD PCs before? Can you talk about your game on tumblr? What's all been going on last few sessions :o
ANON you are one of my favorite people today this ask made me so freaking happy. (So is @psychedelicships  who said I had an invitation to ramble about my d&d campaign) Sorry for my excited gushing and rambling slkdfjdsklfjskldfj
My D&D Player Character
So my current D&D PC is named Kyssarda. She’s a half-elf neutral-good monk. I’ve rambled about her backstory before but the condensed version is that there’s a pattern of people leaving her/abandoning her in her life. Her parents died in a fire that her older brother rescued her from when she was four. She passed out on the way out, and when she woke up, she’d been told that she’d been left on the doorstep of the temple. Her brother was no where to be found. When she eventually made her way back home, her home was ash. Monks trained her, but they weren’t really equipped to raise a small child, so Kyssarda had a very lonely upbringing. The monks follow Sehanine (d&d deity), so she was raised on the tenants of her teachings and the teachings about following your own path led to her eventually striking out on her own. As a result of her upbringing and past, the people in her life (i.e. the party) are super important to her, because they are the first friends she ever chose and in some ways, they’ve chosen her too. She has abandonment issues up the wazoo, and hoo has she been reminded of that in recent sessions.
She’s very... empathetic and soft. She pays close attention to the mental/emotional state of her party members. Part of that is just who she is, but a lot of that is informed by her own loneliness. She doesn’t want others to feel like they’re alone, because she knows very intimately how much that can suck. Her loyalty and protectiveness of her friends leads her to sometimes not make the most tactically advantageous decision in combat, and also means that she has basically no self-preservation instincts (which is the main reason I’m pretty sure she’s gonna die before the campaign is over).
Campaign Stuff/Ramblings (under a cut because I’m literally just never going to shut up lets goooo):
So the original party consisted of a Teifling Paladin, a Wood Elf Rogue (who is multiclassing in monk), a Leonin Blood Hunter, and Kyssarda. We met during a fighting tournament and was contracted by the king to retrieve something for him. We teamed up for that, and convinced the king to come along too. So we traveled to some ruins, fought some stuff, and found the relic the king needed. We ran into a Jotenheim giant and fought that. In the process, the Leonin ended up attacking Kyssarda (cuz he’s basically a werewolf lion, and when he goes to his hybrid form and drops below half-health, he has to save on a wisdom saving throw or he just attacks the closest figure which happened to be meeee). 
Later on in a different fight in the same place, Kyssarda freaking died thanks to 2 chain lightnings (I took damage while unconcious and then rolled a Nat1 on the death save). But the king we brought along was a cleric who had what was needed for revivify. So Kyssarda came back, with a withered left hand. The Leonin felt responsible for her death because he’d attacked her earlier, and vowed to help her fix her hand. 
I forget exactly when, but during this journey, Kyssarda and the Leonin learned that there was a war brewing between two different kingdoms and that the Elf Rogue seemed to have a personal (but vague?) stake in the outcome of that war.
but ON OUR WAY BACK to the city, we got side-tracked with a quest to help a little girl rescue her family. So we also fought a troll and a hag. And when we were getting her family out, we also found (Surprise!!) the estranged (kinda) sister of the Elf Rogue. 
This lead to some downtime back at the main city. Kyssarda got her hand fixed at a temple. We got the sister of the Elf Rogue healed up at the same temple. The Leonin had a hilarious and embarrassing fight with a creature I can’t remember the name of. And lots of research was done by all about various things. Kyssarda did the most research, as she grew up working in the library section of the monk monastery so she’s always curious. So she starts looking into things about the war going on, and learns that Mr. Elf Rogue is in fact ROYALTY. He’s a prince of one of the countries at war. And we had learned already that he had fled the city with his siblings but not that he was royalty?? So that was a trip to learn. 
Meanwhile, Kyssarda is also helping the Teifling Paladin with some research because he’s been having weird dreams. And while they’re chillin’ in the library, the Paladin finds this book and gets sucked into it. Like. One minute he’s there, one minute he’s not and the book is floating before it closes and slams on the table. So Kyssarda (Ms. Abandonment Issues and also Freshly Traumatized By Havivng Died) panics and takes the book and runs. Our Paladin is still in the book. We sent him a Sending Scroll asking if he was okay and he basically said “Yeah im fine I’ll be back eventually”. Kyssarda also had a nice heart-to-heart with the Elf Rogue about the reemergence of his sister and told him a little about how her own brother abandoned her and encouraged him to just be patient with her (because the sister is not happy with him). 
But the show must go on, and our Elf Rogue really wants to get back to his home and help in the war effort somehow, plus find his brother who also is MIA. So Kyssarda, the Leonin, the Royal Elf Rogue, his sister, AND another human PC (a guy who helped sneak the Elf Rogue and his siblings out the city all those years ago and was being played by the guy who used to be the Paladin) all travel out headed towards the Elf Rogue’s homeland. 
But we get to the border at a bridge, and the party finds themselves facing down some harpies, some marrows, and a water elemental. In the fight, Kyssarda casts silence to help against the siren song the harpies were singing. Which was mostly a good thing. The water elemental was something else though. It engulfed both Kyssarda and the Elf Rogue, and Kyssarda was down to 1 HP when the Leonin yanked her out. However, because of a REALLY unfortunate roll by the human pc to save from a drop into the river (rolled a 2 and had a minus 2 on the modifier), he was unconcious and drowning. And none of our characters knew because. y’know. Silence. He kept drowning as the fight went on. And he eventually got washed up on some rocks and could make one death save after two failed ones. And he failed. And we had no cleric, and besides... it was more than a minute before we found his body down river. 
And all of our characters felt terrible. Kyssarda has a tendency to take blame for things that maybe aren’t strictly her fault, so she definitely feels a weight of responsibility for complicated reasons. The Leonin expressed that he felt some level of responsibility as well, and also hesitation about going forward with the journey though some conversation between Kyssarda and him lead to him continuing on regardless. The Elf Rogue was pretty torn up about it. 
We got some Elf Rogue backstory that addresses the fact that he was royalty (which was something Kyssarda had thought about asking) and more explanation of what’s been going on with him and his connection to the land we’re heading towards. We run into a fey creature that was an old ally of the Elf Rogue and Teifling Paladin, and we agreed to help him.
Cue the session last night.
We go to get some stuff of his back from an Incubus/Succubus pair. And sh!t hit the fan. Our Elf Rogue rolled really high stealth and decided that was a fine reason to dive through the broken window. Meanwhile, we were going on this side-quest with a half-orc barbarian (played by the guy that’s usually the paladin and who had the first PC death of the game the session prior). And the Incubus and Succubus can each essentially mind-control people, or try to. And both our barbarian and our Leonin Blood Hunter failed their wisdom save and so our two biggest heavy hitters were mind-controlled by the enemy. THAT went about as well as you’d expect. 
Over the course of the fight, the Leonin went unconcious twice. Kyssarda once. The Elf Rogue twice. And the barbarian would have gone unconcious but thanks to relentless endurance, he was brought back to one HP. In fact, we reached a point towards the end where the Leonin, Kyssarda, and the Elf Rogue were all unconcious and our barbarian was the only one standing...at one HP. That’s when the incubus (we’d killed his mate by then) took the Elf Rogue’s sister and made a break for it. The barbarian brought me back first (because I was dying in acid and therefore automatically failing death saves). Then I brought back the Leonin and we got the Elf Rogue up too. We managed to chase down the Incubus and save the sister as well. but HOLE. EE. SH!T. Most terrifying, stressful D&D combat of my LIFE. Kyssarda came very, very close for two rounds to offering herself up as a willing victim/slave/whatever if they’d let her friends go. She didn’t because the tide was starting to turn by then in the fight but it was a ROLLERCOASTER.
Before we closed the session, we went back to that fey guy and got paid though Kyssarda stormed off kind of? She didn’t vibe with the guy because she almost lost her friends over his stupid book and she was shaken and upset. But she had a conversation with the Leonin at the end of the session just kinda... dealing with the trauma of the past few days in-game. It was actually a really nice moment. I think my favorite RP moment for Kyssarda so far. 
So yeah! If you read all of this, I’m surprised and touched. Heh. I literally love D&D so freaking much, and I’m especially attached to this party and this character... though her lack of self-preservation does have me starting to plan for another back-up character just in case. ^u^
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generallynerdy · 6 years
Companion Part 3/Finale (Legolas X Dragon-Rider!Reader)
Part 1, Part 2
Summary: During a journey that blissfully feels like it could last forever, Legolas is approached by a messenger from home. It seems that he’s being called to the Council of Elrond and drawn away from (Y/N). However, he wants the dragon-rider to come with him, where they might start a longer journey together or separate from each other’s company permanently.
Original request by @postpunkcommunist: Hello!!! I am the anon who requested the Aragorn fic and I totally loved 'Beautiful sight'!!! Your writing is so good!!! I'm still kinda shy of coming off anon but your sweet words encouraged me 💞 can I ask over a Legolas x reader where the reader is an inmortal dragon rider... I know is kinda complicated but I thought it was an interesting prompt
Part 3 requested by: @runs-with-sciss0rs
Words: 2,007 (holy cats!)
Key: (Y/N) – your name
Warnings: slight angst, major fluff
Note: And it finally comes to an end. I had so much fun writing this! Maybe a little too much fun, lol. It’s way longer than the other parts, cuz I had to cram all my plot points that I came up with last minute. Enjoy the final part of Companion!
           The days slip by faster than (Y/N) or Legolas think they do, as they speak of home and of their dreams. It isn’t common for Legolas to speak so closely to someone he’s just met and (Y/N) has never met someone outside of home in the first place, so both are in odd situations. However, it feels right, in a way. Even Nyerche has gotten comfortable with the elven prince, though it took some time.
           It’s been ages since they’ve encountered anything other than forest creatures, so when they hear thundering hooves, the trio immediately go to defend themselves. Nyerche rears up and (Y/N) draws their blade, while Legolas draws back his bow. Much to their surprise, an elf of Legolas’s kind rides in on a pure white horse.
           Legolas relaxes as the elf calls him, “Your Highness!” The elf looks put off by the dragon standing behind Legolas, as he should be, but he gathers his wits and dismounts.
           (Y/N) takes to calming Nyerche while Legolas approaches the messenger. “What is it?”
           “A message,” The elf says, drawing a letter from his bag, “From Lord Thranduil.”
           Legolas takes the letter and opens it, (Y/N) listening from afar. They know Legolas doesn’t mind them hearing what the messenger says. He doesn’t mind much what they learn from here on out, as they already know so much.
           Skimming the letter, Legolas looks up at the messenger with wide eyes. “Is this true?”
           The messenger nods slowly, “I fear it is, sir. He wants you at the Council to represent Mirkwood.”
           “I see,” Legolas mutters, glancing back at (Y/N) briefly. The dragon-rider tilts their head in curiosity, but the elf will explain in a moment. He turns back to the messenger, “Let him know I’ll do as he says.”
           The messenger nods in confirmation and mounts his horse once more. He speaks reassuringly to his steed before clicking his tongue and, with a nod to Legolas, galloping away. As he rides off, Legolas then turns to Nyerche and (Y/N), the letter still in his hands almost hauntingly.
           “What is it?” His friend asks, eyebrows furrowed concernedly.
           He sighs, shaking his head, “The One Ring has been found.”
           “The One Ring? You can’t mean-” They’re cut off when Legolas nods again, shocking them into silence. “I’ve heard stories of it. It’s supposed to be a ring beyond any other. Where is it?”
           “Rivendell,” Legolas answers quickly, his eyes skimming the letter once more to be sure he has all the details right. “Elrond is summoning a Council to decide its fate.”
           (Y/N) blinks a few times before they finish the thought Legolas has failed to. “And your father wants you to represent him.”
           He nods almost mournfully, his jaw clenched in bitter consideration. It almost hurts (Y/N) to hear this news that their journey has to end. They’re at a crossroads, completely unsure of which path to take. They could go with him, though they might have to leave his side anyway, or they could take Nyerche and leave now. (Y/N) has a feeling that both roads could lead to heartbreak.
           “Come with me,” Legolas suddenly says, looking up at (Y/N) with bright cerulean eyes.
           (Y/N) freezes for a second, “What?”
           “Come with me,” He repeats himself, stepping closer to them. “Rivendell is a beautiful place; you should see it with your own eyes. You can represent yourself in the Council, maybe find that experience you want.”
           (Y/N)’s heart lifts at the idea of him wanting them there, but falls again. This adventure was what they wanted, wasn’t it? To be honest, though, they had hoped it would be with the prince himself, not simply found by him. (Y/N) loves the time they’ve spent with him and if this is the end…
           “Alright,” (Y/N) puts on a fake smile and raises their hand to scratch Nyerche lovingly, “Let’s go to Rivendell.”
           The road to the city is long, but relatively painless for the trio. Making their way through the main gates of Rivendell, (Y/N) can tell that Legolas was right. It’s a beautiful place. Furthermore, Legolas lights up the city around him with his grin. He’s told (Y/N) of Aragorn, who he hopes to see here. He even wants to introduce them to him, which makes them nervous, to be frank.
           When they enter the city, they’re greeted by two men; one an old wizard with a tall, grey hat and the other an elven lord with long robes. Nyerche falls behind (Y/N) and Legolas while they approach the pair, (Y/N) nervous as they’ve ever been.
           “Lord Elrond,” Legolas greets first, nodding respectfully before he turns to the wizard. “Gandalf.”
           “Legolas, always a pleasure,” Elrond replies in a smooth voice, smiling welcomingly in (Y/N)’s direction as well. “Who is this?”
           “This is (Y/N),” Legolas introduces them with a small smirk, sharing a knowing gaze with the dragon-rider. “They come from far off.”
           “And this is your dragon?” Gandalf asks (Y/N), gesturing to Nyerche.
           They nod, glancing back at the mud-coloured beast, “That’s Nyerche. He’s been my steed since I was young.” They move onto more important topics. “I had hoped to experience Middle Earth’s wonders when I met Legolas. Then, he heard of the Council gathering and thought it might be in my best interests to accompany him here.”
           “We are always welcome to others, especially from other lands,” Elrond nods before he cocks an eyebrow, “And your home? Where are you from?”
           “Ah,” (Y/N) pauses, “A land far off. It isn’t known to you on this continent, nor is it written about in any of your books.”
           “I should hope to hear more about it,” The elven lord nods along to (Y/N)’s commentary, greatly intrigued. However, he glances between Legolas and the dragon-rider, noticing the way the young prince looks at them. He grins ever so slightly, “But you likely want to stay with your companion, I assume.”
           “I…” (Y/N) flushes and glances at Legolas, who seems to be in a similar position, “I was informed there was someone Legolas wanted me to meet, my lord, but perhaps I could tell you more about my home after the council.”
           “Of course,” He waves them off on their way, “Enjoy yourselves in your time here.”
           The pair thank him and gather their wits before Legolas drags (Y/N) off to another corner of Imladris. Excitedly, Legolas tells them that Aragorn is most definitely here and that he can’t wait for them to meet his best friend. Though flustered, (Y/N) agrees with his sentiments and chuckles at Nyerche, who struggles to keep up with them without knocking over any innocent bystanders.
           Soon enough, Legolas screeches to a halt in front of a scruffy man, who looks to be human, but (Y/N) believes is more than meets the eye.
Legolas grins and greets his friend, who smiles, “Legolas, my friend.”
“Aragorn,” The prince replies, “It’s been too long.”
           “Definitely. Who’s this?” Aragorn asks, looking toward (Y/N).
           (Y/N) steps forward, shaking his hand respectfully. “(Y/N). This is Nyerche.”
           Aragorn’s eyes are wide as he looks at Nyerche, who stretches his wings in an attempt to be intimidating. “He’s yours?”
           They laugh slightly, “Some days I like to think he listens to me. He’s more of a friend than a steed.” They turn to Nyerche with a frown and speaks in Dragon Tongue, “What did I tell you about intimidating new people? It’s rude.”
           While they’re distracted, Aragorn approaches Legolas with a knowing smirk. “You’ve outdone yourself, mellon. The first time I see you in months and you bring a dragon-rider with you.”
           “You wouldn’t believe it if I told you,” Legolas watches (Y/N) in pure awe as they banter with Nyerche, his eyes bright with hope. Bringing them both here was a great idea and he knows this will work in his favour. At least, he hopes it will…
           The Council itself is certainly interesting. (Y/N) has no idea who half the people involved are, but Legolas whispers helpful tips to her during the debates. Personally, (Y/N) agrees wholeheartedly with Gandalf, Legolas, and Aragorn, not to mention Lord Elrond. The Ring needs to be destroyed and, if that requires a journey, then so be it.
           When Legolas volunteers to be part of the Fellowship, (Y/N)’s heart breaks. They should have known this would be where the journey would end, but it still hurts. They can’t join the Fellowship, not when they know nothing of this world. What help would they be? They’re a keeper of knowledge, not a user of any of it. Sure, they want to experience the world, but they’re still learning how and a doomed adventure is not the ideal way to do that.
           With the Council ended, (Y/N) escapes to have a long discussion with Elrond about their home. It lasts for hours on end and involves many leaders of the different groups that arrived for the Council. After all, not only Elrond is curious about the race of dragon-riders they’ve never heard of.
           Finally, they’re free from the gathering and able to explore what’s left of Imladris that they haven’t seen. (Y/N) wanders the gardens for some time, reminded of home in their tranquil beauty. It’s there that they find Nyerche, who’s been on edge since they left him for the gathering. They comfort him by brushing his scales and speaking reassuringly to him.
           After a time, they sigh, “He’ll be gone tomorrow, Nyerche. After all this time and he’ll be gone.”
           Nyerche nuzzles them lovingly, his massive eyes looking just as sorrowful as (Y/N)’s. He wants to communicate with them something to make them feel better, but he can’t find much that will do the trick. Silence surrounds them, only the sounds of the night breaking it.
           “(Y/N)?” A familiar voice calls, entering the clearing.
           (Y/N) turns to see Legolas, still awake and walking toward them. “Legolas?” They question, stepping away from Nyerche to greet him. “What are you doing here?”
           “I’ve been looking for you,” He says, making their heart skip a beat, though they quickly shove it away.
           “Shouldn’t you be resting?” (Y/N) asks, eyes a little sad. “You have a long journey starting tomorrow.”
           “I need to talk to you,” Legolas replies quietly, frightening (Y/N) ever so slightly. He approaches them and takes their hand in his absentmindedly. They feel their hand go cold and their breath hitch as he continues to speak. “I told you about my mother, didn’t I?”
           “Yes,” (Y/N) answers hesitantly, “You told me that she died a long time ago.”
           Legolas frowns, “When she died, it was just me and my father. He grew distant and cold. I didn’t recognise him anymore. It felt like it was just me left in the world. I missed both of them more than anything. Did I tell you that?”
           (Y/N) nods again, tilting their head, “Why do you mention it now?”
           “All my life, I have been searching for something to fill the void she burned into my heart and now,” Legolas swallows, looking at (Y/N) directly, “Traveling with you, I feel as though I’ve found it. I’ve found you.”
           His words take their breath away and his hold on their hand tightens. “I,” They start, “I don’t know what to say.”
           “Come with me,” Legolas holds their hand up to his lips and kisses it gently, “You and me and Nyerche and the Fellowship. We can find that adventure you want and…we can fill the void. Come with me.”
           Heart in their chest, (Y/N) can’t help but feel this is everything they could ever want. A companion, a friend, a lover. Someone new in a new world they have yet to experience, but know all about. A brand new adventure lies ahead and it will be everything they could ever imagine, the two of them. And Nyerche, of course.
           Leaning forward, (Y/N) presses their lips against Legolas’s, taking him slightly by surprise before he adapts and sinks into it. When (Y/N) pulls away again, they press their forehead against their companion’s.
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