#which. even if he wasnt my cat specifically still doesnt. feel great.
josecariohca · 4 months
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TOP GUN HEADCANONS: Bob Floyd edition (he's my blorbo)
Gotta honor my icon for my first post here. I love bobby, hes my bby, my son, my silly rabbit.
Let's start:
HE'S TRANS. hes a transman, but he still likes to explore his gender identity trough clothes n shit. basically, I wanna see him in a dress
hes done top surgery, 2 horizontal scars below his pecs and his nipples are heart shaped. cuz i think thats cute
hes not particularly interested in bottom surgery, but he DOES have a glorious t-dick. my son is packin ;)
i also hc him as gay, or just HEAVILY men leaning. I get the pan and bi hcs, but for some reason i see him as a man lover only
he has an insomnia disorder and autism, possibly adhd. at this point, bob will just deal with his shit raw
he has a hyper fixation on the ocean. throughout his years in the navy, he was also doing a marine investigator course, very surface (hah) level of course, but he wanted it official
bob has a scuba diving certification (he ALMOST went full ocean instead of the navy. almost)
bob's family is not his biological one. they are his childhood next door neighbors, who stepped in when his family was um. having issues. I'll make another post for that I think
im just gonna say that bob's mom sucked ASS and his dad wasnt there as much because of divorce when he was 4. he also worked for the USA government, secret service, so their time was limited
he's an only child, but Sirah, the child of his neighbor family, was always a big sister to him. She figured out bob's gender identity since very young, and always helped him make small but meaningful steps to learn n accept it himself
bob is a great cook, but he does prefer when someone else cooks for him. he thinks its very sweet
bob is a supernatural skeptic. he believes more in cryptics and aliens than ghosts n demons
bob's fav animals are cats, sharks and jellyfish
bob is also very interested in space, but more because his dad was, and they would trade facts of each others hyper fixations whenever they could
his aim is IMMACULATE, scarily so. never anger bob if theres throwable or shootable objects nearby. you will be hit
the reason bob doesnt drink with the other daggers is because he has this irrational fear that somehow theyre gonna be called for a mission, theyre all gonna be drunk including him, and for some reason he'll be needed to pilot, even tho thats not his position, n then he'll crash n die somewhere. so he never drinks to ensure hes at least sober if something happens. he knows its irrational, the fear is still there tho
bob is like a disney princess, and will charm any animals that come in contact with him. even that bear that one time. and that shark while he was drunk. he will fight spiders however, verbally
he knows how to play the guitar, but he also wants to learn the drums
bob was on puberty blockers when he was around 14 and started testosterone when he turned 17. His top surgery was his 21st birthday present
everybody growing up always said he looked like his mother, which he hates considering she sucks. it wasnt until he met his grandmother from his father side when he turned 20, when she saw him for the first time since his dads funeral at 14, that she says what shes always thought: that he was the copy paste of his dad. he cried a lot that day
bobs father is actually missing. he went on a mission he knew could be dangerous, a long awaited one, so there were a few years to prepare for that. something about radiation and handling dangerous substances. bob knows this, and they spent as much time together as they can
bob actually named himself after his dad. they are both Robert Floyd. ppl normally think its either spongebob, or the minion, or bob the builder for some reason. one person said robert pattinson from twilight specifically. bob didnt know how to feel (hes team jacob)
That will do for now. cuz its getting long. I'll add of bobs backstory cuz BOY. ITS DARK. IM SORRY IN ADVANCE
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freebooter4ever · 3 years
Ref anon: I hope you can get help for that pain. Maybe a nerve is pinched? I'm really not sure about my future. I have a lot of hobbies but just work a shit customer service job. Getting motivation to do drawing at all is difficult let alone animate. Which is a great mental state to be in when my only plan for my whole life since childhood was animation. 🤷‍♀️
its tendonitis and im pretty sure the only way to get rid of it is to take a break from working which is obviously not possible so just gonna ignore it till i die i guess \o/
so yeah you struck a cord with me, this got long...
i cant help with motivation, i have too much of it. i lived with my grandparents for a year while grandpa was sick, and it was the first time they'd ever really seen me /work/ and even they were shocked. it really is constant - if i have twenty minutes and im not using it to draw its wasted time, you know? my first roommate here in LA was concerned too - she kept trying to get me to stop working and go out and back then my excuse was i didnt have a job and no money for going out, but really im just like that all the time. i try to balance it with seeing friends and social media and everyday shit like eating food, but its hard, my favorite people are the ones who will just sit and work with me lol! (or going out and working in places im not alone and quiet). i guess what im saying is...if its really your passion, is it not there all the time? i only ask because it took me a long time to realize that although i loved to analyze animation and watch it - the way i process art doesnt quite have what it takes to do that. we all love the end product, but just because the animation part is the most front facing part...doesn't mean that's necessarily where your actual passion might lie...if that makes sense? there's SO MUCH to do in the animation industry, its crazy. for me, i finally realized that all my obsessive energy revolved around character and especially faces, and i just started focusing on that. i would much rather be concepting a wide variety of characters than spending a whole year animating about one minute of a two hour movie.
that said there's also the sad reality that some people have had doors open more easily than others. i feel you about being stuck in a retail job you feel wasted in :( im sorry you are in that position. i hope you are able to make a change, but i understand just how fucking /trapped/ that can be. watching life slip by into nothingness while the tiny snatches of meaning only happen during off hours and scraped together seconds of free time. one of the biggest ironies though is that this is how a lot of original animators felt about dsn*y. i mentioned that on my road trip i stayed with the son of an animator who worked on snow wh*te - he wasnt one of the 9 old men but he was their contemporary and friend, and the animator took the job just to make money off his art. animation just wasnt his full passion and he eventually quit, moved up north, and started experimenting with helicopters and boe*ng lol. 
and in reverse of that, as i grew up with a father and a grandfather who worked for boe*ng and the US space program, ALL my open doors were flight and space related - my cousin currently works for N A S A and my other cousin for boe*ng - they took the doors but i didnt want anything to do with it. it took years for my grandpa to finally come to terms with the fact that my passion for art was as strong as his passion for airplanes. he grew up a farm boy daydreaming about flying, and had to take a circuitous route to finally get there - army, college, mechanical engineering, finally rockets. he gave my dad and me all the chances grandpa would have wanted as a kid - my dad took them - i didnt want any of it. i would much rather have had those chances that the animator got.
and then of course there are the institutionalized gates - barriers against entry for women, minorities, LGBQT, people without money...its a LOT to fight against. which is of course why we celebrate the exceptional people who DO break through those barriers and succeed despite it all. but it can be demoralizing to be on the other side of those barriers. demoralizing is too soft a word. i dont think there is a word for how much it can hurt.
some wisdom that might help: randy pa*usch's last lecture - he is a white male who definitely does not understand the race/sex 'walls', but he makes good points, and also he came at the animation industry sideways for very similar reasons - through education and research rather than the traditional job promotion route. and then someone closer to my own age/time: justin scar*ed - i dont mean his road trip videos, i mean the old vlogs from 3-6 years ago when he was 31 divorced and depressed and realizing he had to release himself from his own pressure of his music career. his quest for positivity is an interesting concept, and i sympathized with that feeling of your life taking a direction you didnt chase after but somehow ends up being the thing you were actually looking for the entire time. if you want a success story there’s always my favorite: steve aok*. he went against everything that was set up for him in life and still made it work ^_^ (of course of these three, guess who also grew up the rich kid lol). or norman re*dus who quite literally accidentally became a model and successful actor. im paraphrasing this horribly, but my impression was that as a teenager he was selling shitty cat paintings on the streets of paris - which sounds romantic but miserable at the same time - and then followed a girl to california, got a crappy job in a motorcycle shop, went to a party and yelled at some people from a balcony, landed his first stage role...and eventually created the character of daryl and finally got the chance to have his genius really shine. (sometimes i wonder though, if it was frustrating to end up being famous for acting rather than art which was arguably his true passion?)
i hope any of this helps, i am pretty exhausted lately so apologies if my sentences are incomprehensible in some parts. and you know, my DMs on here are open if you want to talk more specifically off anon <3 
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For the fic request thing some kind of human au for Desleep? Sorry, I know I’m being super vague but I really don’t have anything specific I want, just that ship? Idk
Hope you had fluff in mind cause that's where my head went. Thank you for the prompt!
Five More Minutes
Summary: Not every day is going to be a good day. But it's easy to turn it into one when a warm lap awaits you just inside your home.
Warnings: mild swearing
Ships: Remy (Sleep) x Janus (Deciet)
WC: 1,082
Janus trudged tiredly up the stairs to his apparrment. The sixth floor had seemed like a great idea at the time. Only to other occupied spaces were up there and they were towards the front, while his own was nestled safely in the back corner. Quiet and peaceful since it didnt share any walls with loud neighbors and far up enough that the fact that the buildings elevator didnt work was usually a blessing since it kept guests away when he really wasnt in the mood for social interaction, which happened more often than not.
Well. With one exception.
He dug around in his bag for the key, smiling as he caught faint music playing inside. He paused as he strained to hear the tunes better, smiling wider while unlocking the door.
Origin of Symmetry. Dark Shines. Of course. Idly he wondered how long the album had been on loop throughout the day. He knocked the door shut with a toss of his bag, leaving it where it landed for now and slipping his shoes off as he walked. The hat fell next to reveal tousled dark blonde hair in desperate need of a flattening iron if only to save his edgy style from tipping into choir boy aesthetics. He caught sight of his target resting on the couch, legs splayed and head tipped back as he hummed softly to the music. An easy work day mist have been too much to ask for either of them.
Flopping unceremoniously onto his stomach he wriggled forward until he was fully stretched out on a warm lap. If he had ever wondered why cats liked laps so much he had stopped when he met Remy and they had cuddled for the first time. Warm, safe and only slightly uncomfortable with how bony the others' knees could be it felt like all the problems of the world could be boxed off neatly and launched into the sun for all he cared to think about them while relaxing. And that wasn't even mentioning....
Sinking down even further he very nearly purred at the feeling of fingers scraping gently along his scalp, carding through messy curls and getting the worst of them away from his face. As the last guitar riff faded out, Muses cover of Feeling Good ironically began to play, the build up to the guitar drop syncing nicely with the scratches and filling his chest with warm happiness.
He didn't know when he had gotten quite this sappy. Only for Remy.
And speaking of. "Rough day?"
Humming his affirmation, his boyfriend moved to running careful fingers over his neck and any part of his upper back he could reach, chuckling as it caused Janus to stretch out with quiet contentment. "Yours doesnt seem to have gone much better, bae."
"How did I get stuck with such a basic bitch?" He groaned and buried his face further in his captured lap.
"Oh honey. Bitch? Maybe. Basic? Doubt. You wouldn't what to do with me and my coffee addiction keeping you awake until one in the morning."
Granting again, Janus flipped over to scowl at the other. "Exactly what time do you have your phone set for that you think the latest you keep me up is one?"
Smiling, Remy leaned down to peck his nose. "If I set my phone so that it only shows nine o'clock at three thirty in the morning and trick my brain into thinking I follow a proper sleep schedule then that's my business. You business is to tell your clingy boyfriend that you love him very much and then tell him why your day was shit. I can see the underlying murder under all of that pure adoration."
Pointedly ignoring the muttered "Pure irritation more like" Remy laced Janus' fingers into one hand and resumed his petting with the other, smiling softly as he watched him melt under the touch.
"It wasn't bad. I just wish it was socially acceptable to...nudge...certain coworkers down an icey sidewalk to see how many pedestrians I can knock over. I'm fully inclined to believe that that is not an unreasonable request."
Remy bit back a laugh to try not to disturb his fading headache. Caffeine kept the worst of the migraine away but he had managed to overdo it after about the 12th cup of espresso laced frappuccino. He settled for a small smile and nod of the head, expression serious as he considered the scenario.
"Maybe just use your manager to bowl over the coworkers. Innocent bystanders hardly deserve to incur your wrath."
Janjs squeezed his hand and chuckled. "It takes far goo much energy to keep righteous morals straight. I'll take what I can get. What about you? Did you have to kick anyone out again?"
The bar Remy mixed drinks for was far from high class but it was a nice establishment nonetheless. Even so, there was an occasional brawl the was left to him to break up since for at least half of the shift he was stuck on his own. Thankfully today had been a slow day, no one really came in on Thursdays, which he voiced thankfully to his partner.
"If I'm ever at the bar while you're oure working and a fight breaks out, am I allowed to shout for you to give them the chair?"
"Only if your recording it so we can say it was self defense. My insurance is good but it's not getting away with chair violence good."
"My boyfriend is such a badass."
"And mines a cuddly sap." Tiliting his head to avoid the retaliating swat he leaned his head back against the couch cushion.
"Since we both feel like tired shit I vote for takeout tonight. Pizza?"
Janus nodded. "Only if my half is Hawaiian."
Remy wrinkled his nose. "You're an abomination."
"Its not my fault you're boring with your order. The most extravagant I've seen you go is getting extra cheese put on a plain cheese pizza."
"With all the complications I put into my coffee, let me have my simple pizzas."
Remy tugged the hair he still had his hand tangled in gently. "Shut up and order. Your phone is closer and I'm lazy."
Janus shifted on his lap, turning to face Remy's stomach and wrapping his arms around his waist. "Five more minutes."
Laughing softly as the last chords of Megalomania faded around them he settled further back onto the couch.
"Five more minutes."
This is available to read on AO3!
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theparaminds · 6 years
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It’s not as though Natalie Green knew what this year held in store or what would exist at the end of the road. Though, at every step of the way, he kept going. Embodied in both his music and his story of perseverance, is a rare example of an artistic soul that found peace where few would ever dream to look. It took months of learning and continued questioning of himself and what he wanted to be. But in the end, it resulted in a man anew.
With a new project taking shape in studio sessions that contrast his earlier life, Natalie Green is finding a voice he previously was nervous to share, speaking louder than before. The ideas, memoirs and anxieties he hopes to express have become clear. With every note, he continually finds himself as much as he does connect to those who battle the same confusions.
Natalie Green now stands with a new asset he hadn’t held prior, the ability to embark on the path he wants, not the one life throws him upon. He can stand and become the artist he visualizes, the artist he knows is essential to reveal to the world. For the first time in a while, Natalie Green is in control, with a steering wheel in hand and a road of possibility on the horizon.
Our first question as always, how’s your day going and how are you?
Things have been hectic, but good. Good busy you know? There are different kinds of busy and this one has been all positive.
On your last EP last year, it sounded like you weren’t fully at peace, do you find that you are now after a year of personal introspection?
Yeah for sure, when I was writing the EP, I was in a really terrible place physically, emotionally and mentally. It was a passion project when it came out, I didn’t have to think about it. Whereas now, I’ve got a place, I’m not just in my car anymore, I emotionally feel a lot more centered, I have my head on straight. I’ve found friends and people that I love to surround myself with. Everything’s been a thousand times better.
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When you’re looking within this shift you’ve undertaken, where do you think you’ve personally grown the most, whether artistically or as an individual?
I think I’ve gotten more empathetic towards people. All people. As well, I feel more self-aware. What I realized when living in my car was that I didn’t know myself. Living in a house again with roommates made me, in a new way, learn more about myself, and where I needed to spend a lot of time mentally. As far as musically, I feel more confident, I think that’s apparent in my vocals and instrumentation, they’re far more personal in that sense.
With the new year in season, being a time of reflecting upon the past year, do you have any memories that stick out to you as positive through the difficult and turbulent times?
There’s a lot. I don’t know if there’s one specific moment, but definitely moving into the apartment. I also got to play a private show in my friend’s backyard for all my close friends. That was a big moment for me. There’s a lot of moments where I had friends reassure me, and believe in me when I wasn’t doing so myself. One of my best friends from back home came to live here a little while ago, that was really special to have him back. The whole tour with Roy, of course, was inspiring, to see him do all that and becoming closer to everyone I went on tour with will forever be in my memories.
With that tour, and even more so working on Cat Heaven, happening while you were working on your own projects, did they influence the way you approached your new work?
There are certain things I learn from other people I can implement in my own music later. There will be something I’ll figure out while I’m working with someone, be it a sound or a new style, I can kinda pull out later. A lot of it is just talking to others and learning their inspirations and how that reflects in their music. Then turning and comparing that to my own influences and seeing how I do the same. It’s all just inspiration.
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To touch on that idea of inspiration, you’ve mentioned in the past how you have a wide range on influences in your life in terms on music, but in the last year, which artists have really been influencing the work you’re putting out?
There’s been a lot of really great artists I just got into this past year-ish, but a big one is Michelle Zauner, who’s the singer for Japanese Breakfast. I’m hugely inspired by her, the fact she directs her own music videos and does all her own creative output, it’s really amazing. I’ve also loved the movies of Michel Gondry and the writing of Charlie Kaufman, anything they work on is amazing and so intoxicating.
With this new album you’re ramping up to release, has there been a difference in approach to how you wrote songs and lyrics? And how does that process look like?
I mean it’s been different for almost every song, I tried to do the album the same way I did the EP, and it wasn’t working right. Every song I wrote just felt lacklustre or the same. So to change it up, I had to change my methods, like the first song I wrote, I did two guitar parts first and then I sang, then produced over. That is very different to the EP which was songs first then lyrics. There are certain songs where before I recorded, I had a guitar riff and just wrote the song in a very traditional way, just chords and singing. Maybe loops would be first at times, and then they’d be built off of. Everything has been different.
It’s interesting because it sounds like you’ve really been adding more to your skill set as an artist, would you say that if you had a tool belt of music, that you’ve been adding towards it in the last while?
Yeah, definitely. I’ve been doing that my whole life honestly. I started in bands, not knowing how to produce or anything, but I could play guitar and from then I learned the bass just to add of that. Then I learned production, and that is forever useful. Now I’m working more to be an artist and learn what that entails and requires. Every time I learn something new I really take that and hold onto it until needed.
If you could create your ideal music creation space, where would it be and how would it look like?
That’s interesting, It would really just need to be a secluded place. A place I could disappear and a place I could be as loud as I want as late as I want. No interruptions, all the equipment I needed. Some food, drinks and a bathroom, that’s all I need.
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Over the year you’ve posted some concerts you went to, like Paramore in the summer. Are there other shows you saw live that really had an impact upon you and maybe changed the way you approach live shows yourself?
Well, of course, the tour with Roy, he’s been super inspiring in general and watching the man work is amazing. He has a lot of fantastic ideas and he goes through with them. I saw Daisy as well, and they’re so good live. Solange was also amazing with her stage design and her choreography. I also saw Soccer Mommy pretty recently, and it wasn’t too extravagant but it was so well done and exciting to see as a fan of the music.
When you’re on stage, even something like the backyard show you mentioned earlier, what’s the emotion you’re trying to achieve and what is the mindset that you find yourself within at that moment?
When I played that private show, I realized all my songs were pretty mellow and hard to dance or move to. All except for Beachwood didn’t translate very well. So with this new project, I want them to translate really well live, to feel energetic, to feel lively. The songs are just fun. But I keep that emotion in and make sure that I don’t lose what made the earlier work so special and important.
What’s been the overall message you’re trying to pursue this new work and what is it you’re hoping to convey?
I kinda just want to tell my story. Or a story of mine. If people learn things from that, its great, but I’m just saying what happened in my experience. What I realized is that there’s a lot of shitty things that happened to me in my life, but the truth is that things could be a lot worse, so far they’ve been pretty good for the most part. While I had those tough days, I’m still here kicking it.
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I apologize if it’s a repeated question, but with the topic of your story, what’s the meaning behind the stage name you’ve taken upon yourself?
It is and it isn’t part of my story in a way. A big part of that choice was that I wanted to separate myself from my old name and work. I wanted this to be super new. The name is taken from two names of people I am very inspired by. And it also, to me, sounds like the quintessential hot girl from a high school, the girl in the coming of age movie they all go after.
If you had a message to artists out there who may find themselves in the same space as you have previously found yourself within, those who may feel as unsure, what would be your lesson to pass on?
I think it doesn’t matter if you’re as confident or as talented as you want to be, as long as you recognize what sounds good to you, just put out the song. It doesn’t matter if you think your voice was bad, just keep progressing as an artist. If you wait for that progression you’ll never put stuff out, you’ll never be happy. With whatever you have right now, just start putting something, anything, out.
Follow Natalie Green on Twitter and Instagram
Listen on Soundcloud and Spotify
All Photos by Guthrie King
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zailyn26 · 7 years
The Torture fic
also known as: The begining of all plot points and character development
TW: mild torture, graphic description (if explaining what happened counts, no actual description of injury from the methods or specific methods per se) Rough recovery, drug abuse, trauma, angst. kinda sweet and sour tbh
also this was suppose to be in my side blog but whatevs roit ? i'll just reblog myself that aint weird
Capturing the lot of us was never a problem. we were all capable enough to defeat nearly an army alone, what could a small group do ?
turns out, underestimating an adversary we knew nothing about brought about our downfall.
Zailyn, Joanna and I were captured separately, quick and quiet, no one knew anything had happened until Joan was unable to perform her morning duties and was found missing. What with her being the only one to actually go outside everyday.
They had taken you to somewhere you didnt know about. all kept in the same facility, but each area was specific to exploit our weaknesses. I was kept in a sealed room void of any moisture, with barely enough oxygen filtered through to keep me from fainting much less to create water. All those who attended me were golems, no flowing blood to speak of. Though breathing was arduous for me, I suffered through watching their treatment of Joan and Zai. Constantly at war on whether to use their blood to escape, possibly killing them, or just to succumb to the fact that I was going to be tortured.
Joanna, the most human of us, was beaten daily to prevent her from gaining strength, meals only given once every two days, and a half cup of water to last her three. after a while , we couldnt even sign at each other.
Nat was kept sealed like me. Only I knew she was breathing something other than air. her hands were caged in wrought iron gloves, fingers unable to cast anything. Not that it mattered. she couldnt form a single coherent thought. drugged up to the high heavens.
everyday we had to watch as the others were tortured infront of us. Screams of help and mercy reverberated in our brains so much we could hear them in our sleep. Joe probably had every bone broken, set to heal up, then broken again.
Zai had doctors injecting her with experimental magic concoctions, zapped til she forgot herself sometimes.
and I- golems would beat me. Homunculi would come in and torture me. I dont know how i survived without water. It felt like we were there for months. It seemed impossible for anyone to find us. Eren was gone, Everything was so bright there werent any shadows. Nat had a room with bright blinding light in all corners. I wouldnt doubt that the clear glass that we could see her though was mirrored just to torture her eyes more.
when they left us to recover, we tapped on our walls, speaking in morse. just constant ' are you ok?'s and 'hang in there's and 'your doing great's
But those were few and far between. every after session they would stuff us with ambrosia til we were burning up inside.
I saved every breath and pray that they hadnt gotten anyone else.
else where Anabiel and Matt were frantic. No one had seen any of you in three weeks. there was no sign of struggle. No indication of foul play. You had thought they left for an emergency and forgot to leave a note. But Zailyn would have sent a quick message and now her familiar was clearly stressed and would refuse to let either of you rest til you found everyone.
It wasnt until a tall lithe man burst through a tree in your search baring news. speaking of the Roman daughter and her companions trapped somewhere they cannot escape. He spoke of how earthen spirits came to him to gossip about a beached water-child and her posey were screaming up a dissonant storm in the belly of the forsaken grounds.
He lead you to where they said you were but could not go farther, something about being bound to duty and such and such.
when you saw the state they were in, well, safe to say none but the five of you walked away that day.
The issue of recovery is another discussion entirely. the lot of us were placed in the ICU for numerous injuries, Joanna had to recover from her internal and external injuries; Zailyn had to have all the drugs flushed from her system which led to several close calls. they werent really sure they even got everything out, some early doses already did damage to her systems. a CT scan showed just how close she was from having her brain fried. And somehow I was left with a little mix of both.
This kind of cemented the need for weekly slumber parties, mostly because no one could really sleep without the other anymore. The lithe Man from the forrest shows up from time to time to take care of Zai's cat/child(?) she calls her her magic fairy child and not human child since she didnt technically go around for nine months bloated like a balloon. But whatever still her kid.
Matt finally talked to Zailyn about how he felt so theres that. But repercussions of the trauma still showed. None of us could stomach ambrosia anymore. Zai lost the ability to feel for magic, she says is because her barrier is cranked up to eleven for the foreseeable future, blocking nearly everything. No one has been able to physically touch her other than the god Apollo , her parents and the rest of us. Add that to sensitive eyesight she now cannot leave the safety of Matts home, most of her belongings moved to the ground floor. She says shes going to burn down her house one day.
Joann's nerves were shot, unable to feel anything. Apollo could have fixed her but the extent of her injuries would have left her with chronic pain so horrible it would have been mercy to just end her. Ana had begged otherwise, and apollo could not refuse the blessed one. Luna now goes everywhere with Joan, in both forms- to look out for her and make sure she knows when to stop training since 'pushing til it hurts too much' doesnt work anymore. Luna is now attached to her aunt who acts like wonder woman.
I had minor brain damage, so I had lapses in memory, and it showed in my speech pattern, simple words more often than not eluded me. writing is easier now though. but somehow between my brain and my tongue words just seem to get lost.
I spend most of my days in Eron's room at my home. being too far from water of any kind now fills me with anxiety.
Ana and Matt now often leave to hunt down the people who did this to us. Zailyn, Joanna and I are now unable to step foot outside the camp.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
7 Grounds That Feline Are Way Superior to Bird-dog
I dont believed to be any greater illustration of mankinds superiority at the top of the food chain than the facts of the case that we allow other swine into our dwellings for some mild presentation and intimacy. Sure, there are instances of cross-species relationships across the animal kingdom, but humans are the only species that are doing it exclusively for the recreation. Its various kinds of odd in a way.
When it comes to allowing animals to poop in our homes, “theres” two species that are more popular than any other: dogs and felines. Most beings prefer puppies, but most people also considered that the plural of Oreo is Oreos”. In both specimen, theyre wrong; the plural of Oreo is, in fact, “Oreo”, and felines are objectively better than dogs when it comes to being domesticated pets. Before you break down my entrance with lamps and pitchforks, Id invite you to hear me out.
1. Cat are altogether less labor
First things first: I will admit that the life of a bird-dog proprietor is full of awesome activities. You can take your furry friend out for feet, play retrieve on the beach, or school him nifty tricks. My cat, on the other mitt, liked to cry at my space at six in the morning until I fed her, at which point she would fall asleep and reject me for most of the working day. It can be a major bummer if you’re looking for a companion to do recreation trash with all the time, but as somebody with a more relaxed life, I’m reasonably happy to have an animal that will( chiefly) gives people cavity. I spend most of my weekends going out until the wee hours of the morning, and the last event I need in my life is to have to wake up early on a cold December morning with a hangover so I can pick up fresh, steaming poo, trying urgently not to upchuck. Cats aren’t going to bark frantically every time someone hoops my bell, they’re not going to eat my shoes or tear up my sofa, and if I tried to take my feline outside and stimulate her fetch a lodge for hours at a time, she’d look at me as if I was on dopes. She respects my time, and I respect hers. It’s a completely independent relationship.
2. Dogs give their love unconditionally, a cat’s cherish is gave
If youre a hound proprietor, youll possibly has been extremely used to your canine acquaintance accosting you with hundreds of thousands of pokes and furiously wagging posterior, as if he wasnt aware youd ever return( perhaps because he wasnt ). One of the sticks dog owners will beat cat fans with is the notion that your cat doesnt love you, or attend if “youre living” or croak. That categorically isnt true; cats adoration their humen even more than they cherish nutrient, and if youve got a “cat-o-nine-tail”, youll know theyre just as fond as any dog in their own lane. I find that it takes time and try before your feline obliges the decision to love you, and until youve proven yourself worthy of that ardour, a cat will consider you with the lethargy and defiance such a stranger deserves. Dogs are manic pellets of desiring tendernes, but there’s no animal better than a “cat-o-nine-tail” at uttering the feeling “you aint s ***, motherf *** er” until you demonstrate yourself worthwhile. A pup may plow every stranger with a high level of interest or excite, but a cat will bide its age, watch and celebrate, before opening its mettle to a human. To me, a cat’s charity simply intends more.
3. Feline are actually useful around the house
As you may already know, the common hound tumbled from the noble wolf, domesticated and multiplied over thousands of years to craft the perfect house baby. Cats, on the other handwriting, various kinds of only proved up one day and started chilling in people’s dwellings. Ancient DNA evidences cats pretty much domesticated themselves, and that’s in part due to the fact that the relationship between the bag of cats and people is naturally more symbiotic than that between bird-dogs and people, where there’s a clear hierarchy of ruler and topic. If you’ve ever come home to find a bird or squirrel carcass on your doorstep, you know that cats are moderately efficient hunters, and if you have a pest problem, they’re really useful for catching mice. I’m not sure I’m any better for having watched my “cat-o-nine-tail” catch a large moth, toy with it as it furiously tried to escape particular extinction, and eat it before vomiting it back up again, but it’s exactly an example of the subtle scout labour a feline gets through in the home( in between its 14 hours of sleep a era ). Yeah, I know that some dogs were multiplied for specific tasks like herding or fox hunting, but when was the last time you owned that many sheep?
4. Cats are generally more enjoyable to be around
A common misconception with cats and dogs is the idea that puppies are stupid, over-exuberant animals, while felines are cold, calculating executioners who could destroy you at any second. In world, “cat-o-nine-tails” are just as, if not more stupid, than your median hound. Bird-dogs are like that guy you knew at school who had mediocre points and spend all his time at the gym, but now passes a successful bodybuilding business. Cats, on the other mitt, can be like that university flatmate you had that seemed really smart or musing and was doing a really complicated route, but managed to spate the laundry room by trying to soak a duvet( spoiler alerting: I was that flatmate ). A cat will try to jump-start between kitchen bars, spectacularly underestimate the distance, fall to the field with a accident, slam and bang, and still has the fearlessnes to give you a stare that mentions: “what the f *** are you looking at? ” Watching a cat around the dwelling as it gets confused by waterbeds, DVD players or even cucumbers is a great way to pass the time, and there’s a good reason that YouTube is utterly full to the edge of feline videos. Hounds are lovely and fond and cuddly, but they’re not specially good at retaining me entertained.
5. They’re better for the environment
I’m going to be straight with you: owning any sort of domestic domesticated, especially one that eats flesh, is not particularly great for those of us who don’t is argued that climate change isa deceive developed by the Chinese. A 2009 book published by Robert and Brenda Vale, entitled( a little controversially) Occasion to Ingest the Dog? The Real Guide to Sustainable Living, talks about the massive ecological footprint a domestic companion racks up, calibrating the environmental damage in a component announced “global hectares”. A medium-sizeddog has the footprint of around 0.84 hectares, far more than the carbon footprint of a Toyota Land Cruiser( or the commonwealth of Vietnam ), while a cat’s footprint is comparable to that of aVolkswagen Golf, possibly because they’re a lot smaller. I signify, it’s not as as good as leading wholly pet-less, but I’m sure Mother Nature will thank me for electing feline over canine. Eventually.
6. They’re cheaper, extremely
When you take home your “cat-o-nine-tail” for the first time, there are some things you’ll need to pick up before. You need to get a collar, offspring container, food … but that’s good-for-nothing in comparison to a dog. First off, because dogs have often been much greater, you’ll have to dish out a lot of currency per month on hound food, but even the dogs of comparable lengths ingest a lot more of your hard-earned currency( and if they get emphasized enough, literally your billfold as well ). Spending money on leashes, grooming discipline class or even ridiculously expensive munch toys are actually leave you broke at the end of the month, while your feline is entertained by a scratching post, a couple of plaything mouse and whatever random cardboard casket you have lying around the house. They pretty much bridegroom themselves, very. The ASPCA even backs me up on this one: a study found that felines are room cheaper than your median hound, to the sing of up to $800 a year.
7. Yes, felines are kind of yanks … but that’s why they’re awesome
I’ve written this side-by-side compared to a lot of enjoy , not to mention anecdotes, but I’ve got to level with you here: my feline is an a ** gap. When she’s not riling me on purpose, waking me up at pornographic hours or invariably trying to knock me off balance while I tie lightbulbs, she’s purporting scratchings at me and climbing up on my plateful as I try to eat something. Here’s the thing, though: I enjoy her. Don’t get me wrong; bird-dogs are great, but even with the monstrous ones, I seem as if they’re mostly innocuous, and the idea of manhandling me never spans their memories. With my “cat-o-nine-tail”, I have no doubt that she’d to continue efforts to sever my carotid vein if I so much as look back her funny, and that’s the same reasons she’s enormous. Even when she’s dragging a dead fowl into my front room or looking instantly at me as she use her litter casket, I know that she could destroy me if she so desired, and that builds it additional sweetened when she doesn’t. I don’t know about you, but I think that most movie rogues would be jug to hang out with than the heroes; who’d want to get a brew with Luke Skywalker or Batman when you are able to chill with Darth Vader or the Joker? Sure, they’d maybe try to kill you, but should you come out alive, you won’t be able to say you didn’t have fun.
Well, there you have it, “cat-o-nine-tail” suitors and hound suitors. Of trend, to each their own, and I don’t visualize I’ll have altered all of you to cat admirers. I do hope, nonetheless, that some of you preparing the decision to get a “cat-o-nine-tail” or a pup will look at the entertainment-based, financial and environmental perk, and acquire the best choice. You’d be barking mad not to.
The post 7 Grounds That Feline Are Way Superior to Bird-dog appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
7 Grounds That Feline Are Way Superior to Bird-dog
I dont believed to be any greater illustration of mankinds superiority at the top of the food chain than the facts of the case that we allow other swine into our dwellings for some mild presentation and intimacy. Sure, there are instances of cross-species relationships across the animal kingdom, but humans are the only species that are doing it exclusively for the recreation. Its various kinds of odd in a way.
When it comes to allowing animals to poop in our homes, “theres” two species that are more popular than any other: dogs and felines. Most beings prefer puppies, but most people also considered that the plural of Oreo is Oreos”. In both specimen, theyre wrong; the plural of Oreo is, in fact, “Oreo”, and felines are objectively better than dogs when it comes to being domesticated pets. Before you break down my entrance with lamps and pitchforks, Id invite you to hear me out.
1. Cat are altogether less labor
First things first: I will admit that the life of a bird-dog proprietor is full of awesome activities. You can take your furry friend out for feet, play retrieve on the beach, or school him nifty tricks. My cat, on the other mitt, liked to cry at my space at six in the morning until I fed her, at which point she would fall asleep and reject me for most of the working day. It can be a major bummer if you’re looking for a companion to do recreation trash with all the time, but as somebody with a more relaxed life, I’m reasonably happy to have an animal that will( chiefly) gives people cavity. I spend most of my weekends going out until the wee hours of the morning, and the last event I need in my life is to have to wake up early on a cold December morning with a hangover so I can pick up fresh, steaming poo, trying urgently not to upchuck. Cats aren’t going to bark frantically every time someone hoops my bell, they’re not going to eat my shoes or tear up my sofa, and if I tried to take my feline outside and stimulate her fetch a lodge for hours at a time, she’d look at me as if I was on dopes. She respects my time, and I respect hers. It’s a completely independent relationship.
2. Dogs give their love unconditionally, a cat’s cherish is gave
If youre a hound proprietor, youll possibly has been extremely used to your canine acquaintance accosting you with hundreds of thousands of pokes and furiously wagging posterior, as if he wasnt aware youd ever return( perhaps because he wasnt ). One of the sticks dog owners will beat cat fans with is the notion that your cat doesnt love you, or attend if “youre living” or croak. That categorically isnt true; cats adoration their humen even more than they cherish nutrient, and if youve got a “cat-o-nine-tail”, youll know theyre just as fond as any dog in their own lane. I find that it takes time and try before your feline obliges the decision to love you, and until youve proven yourself worthy of that ardour, a cat will consider you with the lethargy and defiance such a stranger deserves. Dogs are manic pellets of desiring tendernes, but there’s no animal better than a “cat-o-nine-tail” at uttering the feeling “you aint s ***, motherf *** er” until you demonstrate yourself worthwhile. A pup may plow every stranger with a high level of interest or excite, but a cat will bide its age, watch and celebrate, before opening its mettle to a human. To me, a cat’s charity simply intends more.
3. Feline are actually useful around the house
As you may already know, the common hound tumbled from the noble wolf, domesticated and multiplied over thousands of years to craft the perfect house baby. Cats, on the other handwriting, various kinds of only proved up one day and started chilling in people’s dwellings. Ancient DNA evidences cats pretty much domesticated themselves, and that’s in part due to the fact that the relationship between the bag of cats and people is naturally more symbiotic than that between bird-dogs and people, where there’s a clear hierarchy of ruler and topic. If you’ve ever come home to find a bird or squirrel carcass on your doorstep, you know that cats are moderately efficient hunters, and if you have a pest problem, they’re really useful for catching mice. I’m not sure I’m any better for having watched my “cat-o-nine-tail” catch a large moth, toy with it as it furiously tried to escape particular extinction, and eat it before vomiting it back up again, but it’s exactly an example of the subtle scout labour a feline gets through in the home( in between its 14 hours of sleep a era ). Yeah, I know that some dogs were multiplied for specific tasks like herding or fox hunting, but when was the last time you owned that many sheep?
4. Cats are generally more enjoyable to be around
A common misconception with cats and dogs is the idea that puppies are stupid, over-exuberant animals, while felines are cold, calculating executioners who could destroy you at any second. In world, “cat-o-nine-tails” are just as, if not more stupid, than your median hound. Bird-dogs are like that guy you knew at school who had mediocre points and spend all his time at the gym, but now passes a successful bodybuilding business. Cats, on the other mitt, can be like that university flatmate you had that seemed really smart or musing and was doing a really complicated route, but managed to spate the laundry room by trying to soak a duvet( spoiler alerting: I was that flatmate ). A cat will try to jump-start between kitchen bars, spectacularly underestimate the distance, fall to the field with a accident, slam and bang, and still has the fearlessnes to give you a stare that mentions: “what the f *** are you looking at? ” Watching a cat around the dwelling as it gets confused by waterbeds, DVD players or even cucumbers is a great way to pass the time, and there’s a good reason that YouTube is utterly full to the edge of feline videos. Hounds are lovely and fond and cuddly, but they’re not specially good at retaining me entertained.
5. They’re better for the environment
I’m going to be straight with you: owning any sort of domestic domesticated, especially one that eats flesh, is not particularly great for those of us who don’t is argued that climate change isa deceive developed by the Chinese. A 2009 book published by Robert and Brenda Vale, entitled( a little controversially) Occasion to Ingest the Dog? The Real Guide to Sustainable Living, talks about the massive ecological footprint a domestic companion racks up, calibrating the environmental damage in a component announced “global hectares”. A medium-sizeddog has the footprint of around 0.84 hectares, far more than the carbon footprint of a Toyota Land Cruiser( or the commonwealth of Vietnam ), while a cat’s footprint is comparable to that of aVolkswagen Golf, possibly because they’re a lot smaller. I signify, it’s not as as good as leading wholly pet-less, but I’m sure Mother Nature will thank me for electing feline over canine. Eventually.
6. They’re cheaper, extremely
When you take home your “cat-o-nine-tail” for the first time, there are some things you’ll need to pick up before. You need to get a collar, offspring container, food … but that’s good-for-nothing in comparison to a dog. First off, because dogs have often been much greater, you’ll have to dish out a lot of currency per month on hound food, but even the dogs of comparable lengths ingest a lot more of your hard-earned currency( and if they get emphasized enough, literally your billfold as well ). Spending money on leashes, grooming discipline class or even ridiculously expensive munch toys are actually leave you broke at the end of the month, while your feline is entertained by a scratching post, a couple of plaything mouse and whatever random cardboard casket you have lying around the house. They pretty much bridegroom themselves, very. The ASPCA even backs me up on this one: a study found that felines are room cheaper than your median hound, to the sing of up to $800 a year.
7. Yes, felines are kind of yanks … but that’s why they’re awesome
I’ve written this side-by-side compared to a lot of enjoy , not to mention anecdotes, but I’ve got to level with you here: my feline is an a ** gap. When she’s not riling me on purpose, waking me up at pornographic hours or invariably trying to knock me off balance while I tie lightbulbs, she’s purporting scratchings at me and climbing up on my plateful as I try to eat something. Here’s the thing, though: I enjoy her. Don’t get me wrong; bird-dogs are great, but even with the monstrous ones, I seem as if they’re mostly innocuous, and the idea of manhandling me never spans their memories. With my “cat-o-nine-tail”, I have no doubt that she’d to continue efforts to sever my carotid vein if I so much as look back her funny, and that’s the same reasons she’s enormous. Even when she’s dragging a dead fowl into my front room or looking instantly at me as she use her litter casket, I know that she could destroy me if she so desired, and that builds it additional sweetened when she doesn’t. I don’t know about you, but I think that most movie rogues would be jug to hang out with than the heroes; who’d want to get a brew with Luke Skywalker or Batman when you are able to chill with Darth Vader or the Joker? Sure, they’d maybe try to kill you, but should you come out alive, you won’t be able to say you didn’t have fun.
Well, there you have it, “cat-o-nine-tail” suitors and hound suitors. Of trend, to each their own, and I don’t visualize I’ll have altered all of you to cat admirers. I do hope, nonetheless, that some of you preparing the decision to get a “cat-o-nine-tail” or a pup will look at the entertainment-based, financial and environmental perk, and acquire the best choice. You’d be barking mad not to.
The post 7 Grounds That Feline Are Way Superior to Bird-dog appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2vaSTMS via IFTTT
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
7 Grounds That Feline Are Way Superior to Bird-dog
I dont believed to be any greater illustration of mankinds superiority at the top of the food chain than the facts of the case that we allow other swine into our dwellings for some mild presentation and intimacy. Sure, there are instances of cross-species relationships across the animal kingdom, but humans are the only species that are doing it exclusively for the recreation. Its various kinds of odd in a way.
When it comes to allowing animals to poop in our homes, “theres” two species that are more popular than any other: dogs and felines. Most beings prefer puppies, but most people also considered that the plural of Oreo is Oreos”. In both specimen, theyre wrong; the plural of Oreo is, in fact, “Oreo”, and felines are objectively better than dogs when it comes to being domesticated pets. Before you break down my entrance with lamps and pitchforks, Id invite you to hear me out.
1. Cat are altogether less labor
First things first: I will admit that the life of a bird-dog proprietor is full of awesome activities. You can take your furry friend out for feet, play retrieve on the beach, or school him nifty tricks. My cat, on the other mitt, liked to cry at my space at six in the morning until I fed her, at which point she would fall asleep and reject me for most of the working day. It can be a major bummer if you’re looking for a companion to do recreation trash with all the time, but as somebody with a more relaxed life, I’m reasonably happy to have an animal that will( chiefly) gives people cavity. I spend most of my weekends going out until the wee hours of the morning, and the last event I need in my life is to have to wake up early on a cold December morning with a hangover so I can pick up fresh, steaming poo, trying urgently not to upchuck. Cats aren’t going to bark frantically every time someone hoops my bell, they’re not going to eat my shoes or tear up my sofa, and if I tried to take my feline outside and stimulate her fetch a lodge for hours at a time, she’d look at me as if I was on dopes. She respects my time, and I respect hers. It’s a completely independent relationship.
2. Dogs give their love unconditionally, a cat’s cherish is gave
If youre a hound proprietor, youll possibly has been extremely used to your canine acquaintance accosting you with hundreds of thousands of pokes and furiously wagging posterior, as if he wasnt aware youd ever return( perhaps because he wasnt ). One of the sticks dog owners will beat cat fans with is the notion that your cat doesnt love you, or attend if “youre living” or croak. That categorically isnt true; cats adoration their humen even more than they cherish nutrient, and if youve got a “cat-o-nine-tail”, youll know theyre just as fond as any dog in their own lane. I find that it takes time and try before your feline obliges the decision to love you, and until youve proven yourself worthy of that ardour, a cat will consider you with the lethargy and defiance such a stranger deserves. Dogs are manic pellets of desiring tendernes, but there’s no animal better than a “cat-o-nine-tail” at uttering the feeling “you aint s ***, motherf *** er” until you demonstrate yourself worthwhile. A pup may plow every stranger with a high level of interest or excite, but a cat will bide its age, watch and celebrate, before opening its mettle to a human. To me, a cat’s charity simply intends more.
3. Feline are actually useful around the house
As you may already know, the common hound tumbled from the noble wolf, domesticated and multiplied over thousands of years to craft the perfect house baby. Cats, on the other handwriting, various kinds of only proved up one day and started chilling in people’s dwellings. Ancient DNA evidences cats pretty much domesticated themselves, and that’s in part due to the fact that the relationship between the bag of cats and people is naturally more symbiotic than that between bird-dogs and people, where there’s a clear hierarchy of ruler and topic. If you’ve ever come home to find a bird or squirrel carcass on your doorstep, you know that cats are moderately efficient hunters, and if you have a pest problem, they’re really useful for catching mice. I’m not sure I’m any better for having watched my “cat-o-nine-tail” catch a large moth, toy with it as it furiously tried to escape particular extinction, and eat it before vomiting it back up again, but it’s exactly an example of the subtle scout labour a feline gets through in the home( in between its 14 hours of sleep a era ). Yeah, I know that some dogs were multiplied for specific tasks like herding or fox hunting, but when was the last time you owned that many sheep?
4. Cats are generally more enjoyable to be around
A common misconception with cats and dogs is the idea that puppies are stupid, over-exuberant animals, while felines are cold, calculating executioners who could destroy you at any second. In world, “cat-o-nine-tails” are just as, if not more stupid, than your median hound. Bird-dogs are like that guy you knew at school who had mediocre points and spend all his time at the gym, but now passes a successful bodybuilding business. Cats, on the other mitt, can be like that university flatmate you had that seemed really smart or musing and was doing a really complicated route, but managed to spate the laundry room by trying to soak a duvet( spoiler alerting: I was that flatmate ). A cat will try to jump-start between kitchen bars, spectacularly underestimate the distance, fall to the field with a accident, slam and bang, and still has the fearlessnes to give you a stare that mentions: “what the f *** are you looking at? ” Watching a cat around the dwelling as it gets confused by waterbeds, DVD players or even cucumbers is a great way to pass the time, and there’s a good reason that YouTube is utterly full to the edge of feline videos. Hounds are lovely and fond and cuddly, but they’re not specially good at retaining me entertained.
5. They’re better for the environment
I’m going to be straight with you: owning any sort of domestic domesticated, especially one that eats flesh, is not particularly great for those of us who don’t is argued that climate change isa deceive developed by the Chinese. A 2009 book published by Robert and Brenda Vale, entitled( a little controversially) Occasion to Ingest the Dog? The Real Guide to Sustainable Living, talks about the massive ecological footprint a domestic companion racks up, calibrating the environmental damage in a component announced “global hectares”. A medium-sizeddog has the footprint of around 0.84 hectares, far more than the carbon footprint of a Toyota Land Cruiser( or the commonwealth of Vietnam ), while a cat’s footprint is comparable to that of aVolkswagen Golf, possibly because they’re a lot smaller. I signify, it’s not as as good as leading wholly pet-less, but I’m sure Mother Nature will thank me for electing feline over canine. Eventually.
6. They’re cheaper, extremely
When you take home your “cat-o-nine-tail” for the first time, there are some things you’ll need to pick up before. You need to get a collar, offspring container, food … but that’s good-for-nothing in comparison to a dog. First off, because dogs have often been much greater, you’ll have to dish out a lot of currency per month on hound food, but even the dogs of comparable lengths ingest a lot more of your hard-earned currency( and if they get emphasized enough, literally your billfold as well ). Spending money on leashes, grooming discipline class or even ridiculously expensive munch toys are actually leave you broke at the end of the month, while your feline is entertained by a scratching post, a couple of plaything mouse and whatever random cardboard casket you have lying around the house. They pretty much bridegroom themselves, very. The ASPCA even backs me up on this one: a study found that felines are room cheaper than your median hound, to the sing of up to $800 a year.
7. Yes, felines are kind of yanks … but that’s why they’re awesome
I’ve written this side-by-side compared to a lot of enjoy , not to mention anecdotes, but I’ve got to level with you here: my feline is an a ** gap. When she’s not riling me on purpose, waking me up at pornographic hours or invariably trying to knock me off balance while I tie lightbulbs, she’s purporting scratchings at me and climbing up on my plateful as I try to eat something. Here’s the thing, though: I enjoy her. Don’t get me wrong; bird-dogs are great, but even with the monstrous ones, I seem as if they’re mostly innocuous, and the idea of manhandling me never spans their memories. With my “cat-o-nine-tail”, I have no doubt that she’d to continue efforts to sever my carotid vein if I so much as look back her funny, and that’s the same reasons she’s enormous. Even when she’s dragging a dead fowl into my front room or looking instantly at me as she use her litter casket, I know that she could destroy me if she so desired, and that builds it additional sweetened when she doesn’t. I don’t know about you, but I think that most movie rogues would be jug to hang out with than the heroes; who’d want to get a brew with Luke Skywalker or Batman when you are able to chill with Darth Vader or the Joker? Sure, they’d maybe try to kill you, but should you come out alive, you won’t be able to say you didn’t have fun.
Well, there you have it, “cat-o-nine-tail” suitors and hound suitors. Of trend, to each their own, and I don’t visualize I’ll have altered all of you to cat admirers. I do hope, nonetheless, that some of you preparing the decision to get a “cat-o-nine-tail” or a pup will look at the entertainment-based, financial and environmental perk, and acquire the best choice. You’d be barking mad not to.
The post 7 Grounds That Feline Are Way Superior to Bird-dog appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2vaSTMS via IFTTT
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