#whichever is my AU tag lol
since apparently there is a darklina Secret History AU in the world i had a fun ask idea. what would the general premise before these various darklina aus: - vampire story, - Heathers (1988), - POTO adaptation, - The Devil Wears Prada (2006), - Star Wars. Almost said Victorian era but i think it IS the Victorian era lol
AGDJFHDGGFF see the trouble is, most of these don’t need much adjusting!
Vampire AU
This would be really funny bc the Darkling is basically a vampire anyway. And him as like a centuries old melodramatic bitch and Alina as the disgruntled fledgling from the modern era with no sense of glamor whatsoever trying to figure out how to get rid of the fang lisp and being most bummed out bc she can’t buy a fucking mcmuffin in the morning anymore would be so funny.
As for the actual premise, I could see like really leaning into the age old reincarnated wife trope, but maybe going in the OG Dark Shadows take on it, where it’s more about trying to *make her* into the old GF and kind of brainwash her into it. But she actually turns into a vampire very early on and you get the above incompatibilities in full force.
(That being said. A typical Dracula AU of the TGT gang would also be VERY FUN)
OH MY GOD I mean frankly I don’t think this needs any changing whatsoever, the Darkling is simply JD. Alina as Veronica is a mildly harder fit but she has that same kind of sarcastic grit. I feel like the biggest hurdle is getting his characterization to a point where he’d want to suicide bomb the whole school— I do not think he’s at all typically prone to self destruction over having the chance to at all control anything. But if LB managed to make Dark Academia Darklina *cute* and actually compatible then I think Heathers!Darkling can be a messier more destructive flavor.
If we’re going way off script though. I think Darklina as the very very fucked up teacher/student serial killer duo could be INTERESTING.
Phantom of the Opera
Not going to lie, the funniest part of this is making the Darkling ugly because he’s SO vain. I think if his face ever got fucked up he’d be so wretched about it. I would like to see it!!
I think it’s actually really simple to just swap out his grand plans with the obsession over music. And there’s a fairly 1:1 similarity there of Erik’s belief that he is owed Christine’s love because he’s suffered so much in his life and the Darkling thinking Alina is like the cosmic answer to his loneliness and his rightful soulmate whether she wants to be or not goddammit! And of course there’s the mentor/protégée aspect and inherent manipulation. I think the end result of such an AU would probably just be Kay!Phantom if Christine was an angry wet cat.
Anyway literally like 75% of the reason I like TGT as a fandom source material is because it allows me to play dolls with characters that can be slotted into a POTO meets Elisabeth das Musical type dynamic with a) actual magic, b) no real history to feel weird about c) a phantom type character that is not ugly agshdf I’m shallow okay
Devil Wears Prada
I’m kind of going insane over the thought of the Darkling in the fashion world. He would kill at it tbh. I think pretty much everything would be the same as the movie except we just have Alina and him as Andy and Miranda Priestly analogues, and they shack up together lmfao. 10/10 no notes, I don’t think anything else needs changing.
Star Wars
So on principal I refuse to Star Wars AU anything but also I mean wouldn’t that basically be if Palpatine and Padme were fucking? People want to make Darklina and Reylo comparisons all the time but come on he’s 100% a Palpatine
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koipalm · 10 months
mqf poking sy with a stick: how are you alive
sy, crumpled on the floor in a puddle of sweat: spite
I'm also a fond believer of the "sy was sickly in his world" hc so if applicable here it would be so funny how little regard he has for his own health from the start. he's like yea. that certainly looks like my ribs. but they're not broken yet so we'll take that. and everyone is like what the fuck is wrong with you???? sqq is like are you trying to make me look worse and sy just "you guys are all immortal peerless beauties literally anyone slightly normal looks gross next to you" but he looks like death warmed over
GLKJDHFGAH i like that headcanon but i think it wld be funnier if sy was just actively decaying anyway. mqf just has to wait for him to collapse so he can finally get him to eat smth
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ryssbelle · 2 months
JD is going to ugly baby cry when he finally finds Clay? Like the overflow of Relief and happiness Will literally turns him into a blabbering mess That only Floyd can understand Because Floyd is the sensitive one.
I haven’t fully decided how the moment would go, there’s a lot of directions but I did decide to kind of do a concept doodle of this scenario, sort of. I was gonna send it with this ask but I think it deserves its own post for how long it is XD but know you were the ask that spawned it. But yeah I have lots of ideas on what could possibly happen, the biggest aspect of it that is subject to change is whether or not Clay is there in what would be this aus version of the Branch Floyd reunion from the movie, and then like what goes with that you know?
I’m more along the idea that Clay would be there, as would most of them, due to the circumstances having changed so drastically that they wouldn’t be separated by a fight, but you never know. This is pretty close tho to some of like my first thoughts, also sorry for taking a literal month to answer again the concepts I made were meant to go with this but I was going through so many drafts I legit just exploded.
The concept doodle will probs be posted tomorrow tho ;D
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letterstotheflre · 2 years
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summary: tonight was supposed to be the night you finally fed, only somehow eddie munson manages to satiate your appetite without losing his life. [eddie munson x succubus!reader || jennifer's body au]
cw: smut || 18+ only [ft. oral sex (f receiver), virgin!eddie, switch!reader, switch!eddie, lots of biting/teeth,], there's some mentions about not eating for a long time but it's not ed related (you just haven't killed anyone in a month okay?), general mentions of killing (no gore), lmk if i missed any
a/n: this was born out of a conversation w @ringpop-poppy who asked me to tag her lol. thank her for getting me out of my writer's block <3
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For someone who’s been obsessed with you since middle school, Eddie doesn’t notice you’re standing next to him until he closes his locker. 
“Jesus Christ!” he exclaims in surprise, bumping his side against the row of lockers. The metal boxes clank at the impact. 
“Hi, Eddie,” you say blankly, leaning your shoulder against the wall.
He frowns at the tone of your voice– dry and monotonous and devoid of the snark he’s so used to hearing. He scans your figure, the dip between his eyebrows deepening when he notices the sheen of sweat on your forehead and the dullness of your skin.
You look sick– your cheeks are sunken in, cheekbones protruding abnormally and dark circles under your eyes looking more like bruises. Strangest of all, you’ve switched your beloved dresses for a pair of baggy jeans and a purple sweatshirt that looks 2 sizes too big. 
Actually, the strangest thing is that you’re talking to him. In public. 
“Heeey,” he greets back, dragging the ‘e’ as he looks around the hallway. There’s a couple of people giving the pair of you strange looks, some jocks narrowing their eyes menacingly at him, but everyone seems to move on pretty quickly from this peculiar interaction. 
He doesn’t even hear a gaggle of cheerleaders giggling behind manicured hands as they watch you talk to him. There’s only Chrissy Cunningham, standing alone a couple of feet away from you and giving him a small wave. He relaxes ever so slightly. “You okay?”
“I’m fantastic,” you say with a lack of excitement. 
Eddie snorts. “You don’t sound very believable.”
“Oh.” You run a long finger nail down the plastic spiral of the notebook you’re cradling against your chest, raising an eyebrow when Eddie shivers at the sound. You stop. “Just hungry. I haven’t eaten in…” you blow some air as you pretend to think, cheeks puffing out. “I can’t even remember.”
“Oh, um, I got some pretzels. If you want. Here.” He unhooks one of the straps of his bag from around his shoulder and struggles to open the zipper, pulling at it with as much strength as he can muster without risking it breaking. 
He almost jumps out of his skin when you place a cold hand on his forearm. He stares at it, confused. Why are you so cold? It’s almost spring break.
“It’s okay, Eddie.” He fights back the shiver that threatens to go down his spine at how softly you say his name. “I’m working on it, don’t worry. Besides, I wanted to ask you something.”
“Ask me something,” he echoes back. “Uh, sure. What do you need?” 
You kick your foot against the dirty school floor, biting your lower lip. Eddie notices how chapped they are– what’s usually a pair of very smooth and glossy lips is now covered in dried, cracking skin. He frowns in concern even more. 
“D’you wanna come over tonight?” You twirl a strand of hair between two fingers and smile at him. “I could rent A Nightmare on Elm Street and make some popcorn. Or The Shining, whichever you want.”
Eddie blinks owlishly at you, chuckling awkwardly and gesturing between your bodies with his index finger. His heavy cross metal ring glints under the fluorescent lights. “Us. Watch a movie. At your house. Uh…” He fleets his gaze back around the hallway and notices a significant lack of students walking around. 
He leans closer to you, trying to be as quiet as possible when he asks, “Is this some sort of joke?” 
“No,” you shake your head, tilting it to the side when you see a thin chain around his neck. Your smile is more natural as you grab it and bring it out from under his shirt, the corners of your mouth tilting up minisculely when the guitar pick dangles in the air. “Cute,” you say airily.
Eddie can’t take his eyes off you. He’s pretty sure he’s going crossed eyed as he watches you play with his necklace. “So you’re serious,” he pushes.
“As a heart attack,” you deadpan, still staring at the small plastic triangle and poking it with your middle finger. If you felt like your normal self, you’d be giggling at the sound of your nail hitting the guitar pick. “So?”
“Sure.” Eddie nods enthusiastically. This has to be a dream come true. “Sure, yeah.”
“Great.” Some of your usual brightness comes back to your face at his answer. You open your notebook and quickly write down your address, rip the paper and offer it to him with a sweet smile. The kind that Eddie never thought would be directed at him. “My parents leave on vacation at seven, so come around eight.”
“Ookay,” he slowly plucks the paper from between your fingers, almost dropping it when you press a kiss on his cheek. 
You wink at him, walking backwards. “Can’t wait.”
He presses his fingers to the spot your lips touched, skin feeling hot, and stares dumbstruck as you walk back to Chrissy and hook your arm around hers, giggling at each other as you make your way to class. 
Eddie slaps one hand on the steering wheel as he drives down the street, head banging in the air to the rhythm of Black Sabbath’s Evil Woman. 
His heart beats a thousand miles per hour, blood pumping through his veins at a speed it never has before. He can’t stop the giddy smile from spreading on his lips, shaking his head in disbelief– he’s driving to the house of the girl of his dreams to watch a movie and… other stuff.
He hopes other stuff happens. You had said it so suggestively, making sure to mention your parents leaving you home alone and– and you had kissed his cheek! That had to be a sign, right?
He covers his mouth with his hand and exhales a breath out, sniffing the air. He grimaces and leans to the side, the van swerving with him as he struggles to keep control of the wheel at the same time as he looks for the pack of gum he kept in the back pocket of his jeans. 
He manages to get it out right before he has to turn the corner on the right, hooraying loudly and the wheels screeching as he maneuvers wildly. Keeping his foot on the pedal, he quickly unwraps the gum and throws the paper on the backseat, popping it into his mouth. He chews it through his deafening singing, the fresh minty flavour exploding on his taste buds. 
His singing turns into a quiet mumble when he notices that the streets get progressively darker until there are no lamp posts turned on. The hairs on the back of his head stand in alert and he turns down the music completely, his chewing slowing along with the van as he reaches the address written on the paper. 
He picks it up from where he tucked in inside the overhead visor, his finger gracing over the smooth letter you wrote. He’s sick with love as he traces the tiny heart dotting the ‘i’.
He looks outside his window and to the row of identical houses across from where he’s parked. There’s only one house with a single light turned on and, effectively, it’s the right address. 
Putting the paper back where it belongs, Eddie takes a deep breath and fixes his hair. He gets out of the car and stands facing the houses, adjusting his leather jacket and spitting out the gum. With a reassuring nod to himself he walks forward.
Everything is eerily quiet. He fastens his steps when he gets the feeling that someone is watching him, taking the short porch steps two at a time and comes to a sudden stop when he sees a plank of wood over the front door. Uselessly, he tries the doorknob anyway, jiggling it until it becomes obvious that the door isn’t going to open. 
He takes a couple steps back and looks to both windows on either side of the door, noticing a sheet of plastic hanging over the glass like a makeshift protective curtain. His eyebrows scrunch down in confusion– something isn’t right.
There’s no way that the Queen of Hawkins High, resident Mean Girl, lived in a house like this. He had heard through the grapevine how lavish her house was, how big and deep the pool in her backyard was and how she had a room designated to store all the alcohol you could imagine. Everyone raved about how handy it came for the parties he had never been invited to and how they always ended in someone being thrown into the water. 
His curiosity is piqued, though. He heads to the left side of the house, jumping off the porch and stepping on the narrow bit of grass between your supposed house and your neighbour’s. He looks up to the sky and notices a ladder out of the corner of his eye, right below an open window. 
Making sure it’s sturdy enough, he climbs it, slapping the plastic curtain back and throwing himself inside the house. He groans in pain when he hits the floor with a lack of grace, holding his shoulder and rubbing the sore spot.
Even inside, everything is still pitch black.
“Hello?” He calls out your name, taking a hesitant step forward. “Anyone home?”
No one answers him. 
He walks out of the room, quietly moving another plastic curtain to the side and starts navigating the house curiously. He thinks he’s in the living room when he finally hears something, a low and sugary sweet beat coming from up the stairs. 
The steps creak under his Reebooks. He’s almost on the landing when a crow appears out of nowhere and flies past him like he isn’t even there, its wings flapping noisily. “Holy mother of God,” he curses, resting his back against the wall and clutching his chest. 
When his heart rate is back to normal he keeps climbing, finally reaching the first floor. There’s a crack of warm light coming from the room the farthest away from where he’s standing, the music growing louder as he follows it. 
His lips pull up when he sees the many lit up candles around the room, placed between planks of wood and construction tools. There’s a radio on a workshop table playing a song he wouldn’t be caught dead listening to but it fits his fair maiden to perfection. 
“You made it,” your voice comes from behind him unexpectedly. He jumps in the air and screams, eyes wide when he turns around and sees how sick you look now. Even worse than you look at school. 
Eddie twists one of his rings around his finger as you saunter towards him, hips swaying hypnotically. He gulps, “This– this isn’t really your house, is it?”
Eddie is hit with a wave of your perfume– dark, smelling of chocolates and wild berries– as you stand in front of him. 
“No, baby,” you pout, shaking your head softly. You take his hand and place it over your chest. “This is our home. Just for us.”
Eddie chuckles, sounding uncomfortable. His eyes are glued to the chain that dips between your breasts and the heart locket that hangs from it. “What would we need a house for?”
Your giggle is sweet, your touch soft as you caress his chest and squeeze his shoulders. Eddie holds his breath as you lean forward and whisper in his ear, “To play mommy and daddy.”
Oh shit, he thinks. When did the air become so stuffy?
Your hands go to the back of his neck, long nails scratching his nape and almost making him purr. There’s goosebumps on the skin of his throat as you run your nose against it, bump his jaw up with it and nip gently at his earlobe. “Do you wanna play with me, Eddie?”
He’d do anything you asked of him. “Yes, fuck, yes.”
You pull him towards you by the hair and press your lips together, not bothering with taking it slow, slipping your tongue inside his mouth. He tastes good– minty and smokey and something else… something sweet. Not like the other boys you’ve kissed before to feed on them. They were salty with lust, greedy as they tried to control the kiss. Control you. 
But not Eddie. No, he molds himself to you, lets you take whatever you want from his and is grateful for it. 
You don’t like it. 
Determined to forget about… whatever it was that made your heart skip a beat, you pull away and drift your kisses down his neck, biting him harshly while your hands work on the belt around his hips. You can hear his heavy pants as you stroke his cock over his jeans, adding pressure and feeling the hard and heavy bulge under your palm twitch as you run your tongue over the teeth marks imprinted on his skin.
“Fuck, fuck, wait.” He reaches for your wrists to stop you from lowering his jeans. “Jesus– that was… so fucking hot. Need a minute.”
You huff out an irritated breath, snarking, “I don’t have a minute.”
Being so close to feeding, to sinking your teeth into fresh meat and warm blood, and then having it stripped away from you has made you lose some of your charm. “Just let me suck your cock or something, Jesus,” you roll your eyes in annoyance. 
Eddie laughs, holding your cheeks and kissing your still chapped lips that are now shiny with spit. “That’d defeat the whole purpose of taking a minute.”
God, why does he have to be so sweet? It’d be easier if he were an asshole that couldn’t wait to get his dicks wet and didn’t care about making it last. You can’t stand it. Can’t stand him. 
“How about I eat you out, hm? To pass the time?”
You really don’t mean to, but it’s impossible to stop yourself from blurting out in surprise, “Eat me out?”
“Yeah.” Your stunned face shocks him. “Wait, you’ve never…”
You shake your head, mouth parted. Strictly speaking, you’re not being 100% truthful. Some of your victims have attempted to eat you out, giving you a couple of licks that did nothing for you just to get you wet enough so they could sink their greedy cocks into you without your body rejecting them. Like that would happen.
Still, it’s not like any of those boys managed to get you off with their mouths, so there’s no point in explaining all that to Eddie. 
“Oh, baby,” he sighs. His hands that were cradling your face go down the sides of your body, stroking your curves and settling on your hips. He pushes you forward so your pussy can grind on his bulge. You gasp. “Baby, baby, baby, baby. You have no idea what you’ve been missing.”
You don’t like him having the upper hand. Forcing yourself back into character, you grip the roots of his hair until he hisses. “Show me, then.”
Eddie’s grin is wolfish. “As my fair lady wishes.”
He’s the one who pulls you into a bruising kiss this time, his tongue playing with yours as he deepens it. You traipse back towards the wooden table together, stumbling over each other’s feet. 
Your hips reach the table first, the tools on it clattering to the floor and the radio shaking as it struggles to keep itself balanced. Eddie chuckles against your lips and helps you get on the edge of the table, pushing you backwards until you’re laying flat on the hard surface. 
He trails kisses down your throat and chest, kissing the swells of your breasts that your tank top exposes, sucking on the skin until colourful splotches appear. You arch your back into his face, mumble a curse when his teeth graze your hardened nipple over the thin fabric of your top. 
He peppers more wet kisses down your stomach, dampening your shirt with his spit. He laves his tongue his tongue over the exposed bit of skin of your tummy and flips your skirt up, mouth jumping from your hip bone to your inner thigh, completely neglecting your core in favour of feverishly biting marks into the softness of your thighs. 
The closer he gets to your panties, the softer his nips become, turning into soft pecks that make you warm where his lips touch you. When he reaches your mound, he presses the gentlest kiss over the little bow stuck to your cotton panties, stealing a glance up at you.
You don’t think you’ve ever been looked at with such tenderness. Not even before you were turned into this monster. It makes you shiver, hips raising to help him lower your underwear. 
Eddie’s dimples show when he sees the glistening threads sticking to the fabric, spreading thinner and thinner as he separates it from your pussy. 
An involuntary moan comes out from deep within your chest when he wraps his lips around your clit, sucking it between his teeth and licking wet stripes up your clit, his warm tongue slipping between your folds eagerly. He chances another look up at you, watches you raise yourself on your elbows and brush back his bangs before tangling your fingers in his messy waves.
Your chest is already panting as you watch him swirl your little nub with the tip of his tongue, rising and falling in rapid succession with the quick, short breaths you take. There’s a thin layer of sweat forming on your hairline, Eddie inadvertently melting away the coldness that had taken over your body at the lack of nutrients and raising your temperature until it feels like there’s wildfire coursing through your veins. 
“Eddie,” you whine when he pushes you into his mouth, forcing you to grind against his face. A whimper falls from your parted lips when he forces his tongue into your hole, tasting the deepest parts of you that have never been explored by any man. “S-so good.”
It feels more than good. It is more than good and you’re not used to it ever feeling this good. You tighten your grip on his hair and Eddie moans filthily against you, finally allowing his eyes to flutter shut as he makes out with your pussy like he’s been fantasizing about for years. You taste sweeter than he imagined– unnaturally so. He’s drunk on your taste, his mind becoming foggy, all and any thoughts he had other than you disappearing from his mind as he focuses on the feast in front of him.
You don’t understand what’s happening– your legs spam around his head and your body jerks up, muscles tensing then relaxing immediately as a tsunami of pleasure crashes over you and leaves you breathless. 
You fall onto your back as you gush all over him, filling his mouth with your slick. With trembling hands, you force him away from you, hazy eyes blinking up at him.
He looks… messy. Hair mussed up from your fingers gripping it, lips red and swollen from eating you out like a starved prisoner, chin shiny and dripping with your release, pupils dilated and eyes glazed over just the same as yours. 
He’s unfairly pretty.
“Are you okay?” He asks, crowding your body as he leans down and examines your face closely. Your skin returned to it’s usual glow, your hair no longer looking oily and thin. Somehow, your lips aren’t dry anymore– they’re plump and soft.
“I feel– I feel weird,” you slur. You had expected to return to normal after feeding on Eddie, but you haven’t even punctured an artery and the immeasurable hunger you’ve been feeling all of last month is almost completely gone. 
Something isn’t right. 
Eddie’s heart skips a beat at your confession. “Shit, did I hurt you? Was that too much?”
“Too much? That was… Where the hell did you learn that, Munson?”
He shrugs one shoulder bashfully, his cheeks growing pink at your disbelief. “College girls have a thing for struggling rockstars, apparently.”
Something ugly grows in your chest at the thought of Eddie fucking other people, of another girl keeping his cock warm. You’ve always liked the virgins– they were sweet like candy and desperate and let you take whatever you wanted from them. You milked their souls dry before they could even stutter out a “thank you”.
You had chosen Eddie on purpose and had been so very careful before approaching him earlier today. You had smelled him and sensed that honeyed aura virgin boys always had around them. And you knew he liked you, poor boy wasn’t very good at hiding it. 
So you started being nicer to him: lending him your book in English class when he forgot his copy, whispering to him the answer to a problem in Miss O’Donell’s class when her back was turned to you, smiling at him when you passed each other in the hallway. You even stopped Jason from mocking him and his nerd group a couple of times. 
It had almost cost you your reputation. But you were so hungry, and he was so pretty and smelled so delicious. To have him not be a virgin, have all of your hard work mean nothing, it makes you angry. 
Your previously shining doe eyes grow dark and narrow into thin slits. Your canines elongate and you do your best to cover them as you say, “So you’re not a virgin?”
Eddie’s startled by your sudden change of mood. “Uh…” he swallows awkwardly, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down with the motion. “Uh, not– not completely. Couple of blowjobs here and there but– but I’ve never…”
“Fucked a girl?” you guess. He nods shyly and you relax your tense shoulders, returning to your mellow self from 3 minutes ago. You’re giving Eddie whiplash.
You wrap a leg around his hips and push them forward, pressing his hard cock against your wet pussy and gasping at the scratch of the denim. “You wanna fuck me, Eddie?”
His breath catches as you grind your hips against his, eyes rolling at the feel of the heat of your cunt seeping through his jeans. He’s pretty sure there’s a damp spot on his boxers caused by his leaky slit. “Y-yes, God, yes.”
You raise a hand to cradle his cheek, stroking his skin with your thumb. “Yeah? Want my pussy to be the first one you ever feel?”
“Uh huh.” He makes a broken sound, nodding repeatedly. Your voice is hypnotizing, your touch so gentle. “Wanna– wana fuck you. Need it. Please.”
You let go of his cheek and his head falls forward, forehead resting against yours and his hot breath fanning over your face. You reach forward and unzip his pants, lowering them enough so that his cock and his balls fall out. 
“Shit,” he swears as you lick your hand, maintaining eye contact, and grip him, pumping your fist up and down his length. Eddie’s hips jerk forward.
You kiss along his jawline and whisper in his ear, “Tell me what you want to do to me.”
“Fuck, wanna spread your pussy with my cock,” he whines. You press his cock down to your mound and glide your pussy along his dick, puffy and wet folds spreading around his thick girth and bumping your swollen clit with his pretty pink tip. “Aw, shit. J-just like that. So fucking good.”
You kiss behind his earlobe. “What else?”
“Want to m-make you cum,” he stutters when you cradle his heavy sack in your palm, gently squeezing it. “Want to– to fill you up and watch it drip out.”
You giggle mischievously in his ear and Eddie’s mind short circuits. “You want to make me messy?”
“So messy– oh!” he moans when you push his cock into your weeping cunt. Only his mushroom shaped head is inside but that’s almost enough to push him over the edge. He bites his lip until he draws blood. 
You lean forward to lick it up and hum dreamily as you get your first taste of him. He’s so nice and tastes so good, it’s a pity that you have to kill him. 
“Holy shit.” Eddie stares at you with eyes as wide as saucers, then glances down to where your tight heat is welcoming his cock home, spread wide around it. If he thought he had been drunk on your taste before, he feels like he’s just chugged three bottles of the moonshine the older teens at the trailer park drank when he was younger. “Holy shit.”
“Come on, Eddie,” you encourage him, “Fuck me.”
“Y-yeah.” He draws back then forward again, slowly finding a strong rhythm. His hips slaps against yours with wet slaps of skin, his balls hitting your ass with every thrust. “Gonna fuck you. Been dreaming about it for years… thinking of– of making you cum all over me… putting my cum inside you… goddamn it.”
The table creaks as he fucks you, the radio tumbling to the floor with a loud clatter but Eddie can’t focus on any of it when he’s burying himself so deep inside you he can feel your throat contracting around him every time you moan. He wants to record your every sound, every little “uh uh” you make so he can listen to them at night while he touches himself to this memory. 
His stomach burns and twists, fingers digging into your skin with bruising strength as he forces you back and forth on his cock. You can tell he’s getting close. Can smell his scent get sweeter and sweeter the closer the coil in his stomach gets to snapping in half. 
This is your chance.
Your hands frame his scrunched up face as you force him to look at you. “It’s okay,” your tone is soft, gentle. “You can cum now Eddie, it’s okay.”
Eddie looks pained as he shakes his head, cheeks red from embarrassment. “Want you to cum, too.”
You kiss from his cheek down to his jawline, smiling into his skin. “I already did remember? Now I want you to cum. Can you do that for me?”
“Okay. Okay.”
Your back scratches against the wood with every thrust, splinters digging into the skin between your shoulder blades and making you moan at the pleasurable pain. You graze your teeth over his straining neck, allowing them to grow sharper and longer. You open your mouth wide but, right before you can sink your fangs into the vein that’s popping out, calloused fingers grip your chin and pull you into a desperate kiss. 
You’re wide eyed as Eddie licks into your mouth, groans of pleasure mixing with whimpers as he spills all of his cum inside you. He loses his rhythm, rutting into you like a dog, cock twitching and painting your insides white. 
“I’m sorry,” he pants, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t– you felt so good–”
You don’t know why you do it, really. You should just kick him off you and tear a piece of his side. But he did something to you, somehow managed to satiate your appetite without losing his life, so instead of twisting his arm and pushing him to the floor, you pet the back of his hair and repeat your previous words. “It’s okay.”
Eddie’s chuckle is muffled. “That’s the last thing a guy wants to hear after sex, you know. Or during.”
“W-well, it’s the truth,” you fumble. You’ve never comforted someone besides Chrissy, but she just cried and complained, not expecting any reassurances from you. “You can just make it up to me next time.”
Eddie wonders if you’ve always been this sweet deep down. There had to be a reason why Cunnigham liked you, after all. “Next time?” he asks, hoping his hearing was working correctly.
You’re going to grow hungry eventually. If you can’t eat him then you’ll have him do whatever he did to you tonight to keep you full.
“Yeah, next time.”
You’re going to keep him forever.
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kiisaes · 11 months
omg catholic school au masterpost momence
i felt that making a "chronological" post for my omori catholic school au would help keep everything together >< there technically isn't a story here bc i like to jump around and explore ideas without stressing over a narrative, but this post details which posts would logically come before and after others. if that makes sense...!
this post only contains posts that might allude to a story/event, not standalone art. the omori catholic school au can be found under the #omori au tag, in case u want more content! it's the only au i have (so far) so .. there's no special name for it lol
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HEROMARI ("prequel")
MOMENTS IN TIME ("prequel", heromari comic)
PRE-MEETING (refs/starting point)
ART CLASS (start of friendship)
(i'm goofing around with the solar system poly ship/sunny harem lol but i don't have a set main ship in mind here, it can be whichever u want. i'll likely experiment with any ships that fit their au sexuality hcs)
the more posts i make, the more i will add to this post! either progressing the "narrative" or filling in the gaps within the "timeline" with more content. idk!!!!!! it's pretty silly!!!!!!!!! i hope this helps, have fun :>
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wooyoungisbaby · 16 days
Top 5 ateez fics you've ever read 👀
👀👀👀 hello,
oh gosh that's really hard!! so like, my tumblr fanfic tag is here, if you wanna peruse. The ones i chose for this are all smutty (or about to be, lol), except from one of the extras at the end u_u i mostly read smut u__u
Whichever Way by @igbylicious Kinky neighbours!Woosan x fem reader · smut and plot · it says on each chapter how may words are in them, i'm not gonna add them all together sry <3 also it's ongoing Im insane about this :'))) it's very smut focused but there's so much depth to it! Reader has a whole personality of her own, and Woosan are portrayed so wonderfully and aaaa i'm just, so fond of them :'))
Opposites Attract by @beenbaanbuun Addams!Matz x fem feader · smut and plot · 7k plus a bunch of drabbles · cool ass worldbulding!! I have Many thoughts about this universe :')) and none of them are anywhere in the bible.
Cast Out by beanguni on AO3 Yunho/Mingi · angst and smut · plot too! whoa · 37k · soulmates college/uni au
We Got Innocence For Days by,,, coffeekitten on AO3, @coffee-addict-kitten iS THAT YOU?? Wooyoung/everyone, polycule · omegaverse · 23k, ongoing · angst, eventual smut Omega Wooyoung gets "adopted" by the rest of the polycule all of whom are alphas, and i hAVE FEELINGS. Woo is a shadow of his normal self in this, it's heart breaking. He's so meek and reserved, and so ashamed of many parts of who he is. It's focused on Wooyoung beginning to heal from his trauma, and learning to embrace himself, lovingly aided by the other members.
The Feeling You Bring by moonrisematz on AO3 Matz · Horny Hongjoong :) · smut · 15k Hongjoong discovers that his bestie, Seonghwa, is into edging, and he starts to have thoughts™ and well. it gets real horny
More delicious treats bc i have zero self restraint: On Me · Hongjoong/reader pegging Princess · sub!Mingi/reader The Ring · bottom!Hwa/reader Can Someone Just Embrace Me? · Yeosang and everyone · angst, no smut Don't Stop · Woo/Hongjoong · mean dom joong Under My Skin · same desc as above tbh Froot · Wooyoung/Seonghwa mostly · dom Hwa making Wooyoung sit still and shut up Muzzled · Woo/San/Yunho · puppy play with bratty sub Wooyoung Tool Thrash · Woo/Hwa/Yeo/everyone · Hwa belts Woo's ass, Yeosang helps them out a little as a treat Acts of Service · Woo/Hwa · gool ol smut
...im gonna sit down and make a proper rec list at some point
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middlechildkin · 3 months
Peepaw Week Part 2
Coming soon… (reblog to share so I add more peepaws)
For those who may not remember or weren’t here to witness peepaw week 1, this is basically a full week of 1-day polls aka 7 days with 1 poll each day!
Day 1: You stuck your foot out and tripped this loser (/aff), which peepaw did you trip?
Contenders: DisMir, Yoshi AU, Egg saga, 3SC,
Day 2: Which peepaw scared you the most? (Threatening, spooky strong/protective, etc)
Contenders: LCD, TSISR, LSTMA,
Day 3: Which peepaw would you win in a fight? (You cheated and idk made him look the other way and smacked him with a frying pan)
Contenders: DMD, 2AL,
Day 4: This peepaw keeps throwing rock in a rock, paper, scissors tournament, who is it?
Contenders: DisMir, ITBOTB, LSTMA, 3SC,
Day 5: Which peepaw needs a damn bath? …rankass/aff
Contenders: DMD, POB, 3SC, 2AL,
Day 6: Which peepaw coughed and his fragile, old man body disintegrated? /j
Contenders: WDS, Egg saga,
Day 7 [closed for those who were in the original first impressions poll and perfect for new peepaws to introduce]: Which F!Leo first impression would you rather experience as Lil Leo?
Contenders: LSTMA, (A)PAF, MIM|MIM, 2AL,
Automatic contenders: fawn’s (beeceit) and nonny’s (loneAnonon) peepaws, please pick which peepaws you want in which polls :D
I’m going to keep this strictly as a f!leo poll because I can, but
Want to add your peepaw Leo to peepaw week 2? Tell me which day(s) and which peepaw(s) (if you have more than one) through this post (comments/reblogs/asks)
I’ll keep updating this post with incoming contenders/competitors until I feel we have enough peepaws for each day!
Remember: This is solely meant for FUN, for ol’ times’ sake, and NOT a popularity contest! Don’t just pick whichever peepaw you’re familiar with, actually take the time to pick which one would fit! It kind of kills my vibe when I see people vote a peepaw just because they don’t know the others… I get why people do it but, I mean, people leave their reasons in the comments and tags… let’s make it fun and take the time to vote! Look for propaganda in the tags, they’re so funny sometimes lol
Peepaw Week 1 Results
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ro-written · 1 year
Cookie Break - K.T
Synopsis: It’s midterms, and every college student enjoys free cookies! Right?
Tags: General fluff, College!AU, very slight Baker!Reader, Taehyun has a cold personality lol
Word Count: 0.9k
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Kang Taehyun was cold. Reserved. 
He kept to himself most of the time, save for his 4 best friends. He frequented the gym to work out, as well as the dance studio, coming up with dances with his friends. They could all be seen playing cards together, or chess at times in the outside student commons. He would watch with amusement as Yeonjun, the oldest in the group, flirted with the different people walking by. Watch Soobin, the quiet leader of the group, give Hyuka, the youngest, part of his sandwich after Hyuka kept poking at his cheek. He watched Beomgyu, the “pretty boy,” strum on his guitar, humming whatever tune came to mind, or picking on Yeonjun for failing to impress someone.
Kang Taehyun could also be found in the library on days when he wasn’t involved with club activities, working out, or hanging with his friends. He was studious, always working to keep a 4.0. When he was working on assignments, or studying for a test coming up, no one could interrupt him. At all. If they tried they would be met with an intense stare that told them all they needed to know. Most people knew this about Kang Taehyun.
Except you, of course.
You had transferred to the university mid-year, having found your old school to not be the best fit for you. Originally, you had been in the library with some friends, eating some of the cookies you had made and not quite taking studying seriously. To be honest, it was difficult to take studying seriously around them. Nonetheless, once they headed out you looked at the container of cookies left. Per usual, you had made way more than needed and really didn’t want to have to take them back to your apartment where they would just sit until you threw them out. So, looking around the area, you found a sparse amount of people that you were sure would be interested in cookies. I mean, what college student isn’t looking for free food? Especially during midterms.
Getting up, you walked around the book stacks, going to each table and whisper-offering the cookies to the students. It seemed as if most people welcomed the slight break in their essay writing or fact-cramming. They would deliver you back a smile, and take one or two cookies, setting their books away for a little bit to enjoy. 
Eventually, however, you arrived at Taehyun’s table. He seemed to be deep in thought and his blue light glasses reflected the essay he was writing on the screen. He had sharp features, and his lips were slightly parted, his tongue resting on his front teeth. His light brown hair was slightly ruffled from where he had run his hand through it one too many times. And he’s very attractive…
“Hi! My name is–” His intense eyes snubbed your introduction, and your words fell back into your throat. Expecting you to leave, he turned back to his paper. He typed a few words out before he saw you extend out a container in front of him. He looked down at it before looking at you.
“I made too many cookies. Don’t you need a break from working?” You tried to level out your tone to not provide him any clue of how nervous you were. His eyes narrowed down at the container, then to you. You tilted your head to the side, eyebrows raised slightly, offering a small smile towards the man. Maybe he’s having a rough time…he needs a little treat. 
“Do you have a napkin?” He asked succinctly. You let out a small sigh of relief that he didn’t start cussing you out and reached for one of the paper towels you had grabbed out of the bathroom, handing it over.
“Here, I have chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, sugar cookies, and macadamia. You can pick out whichever you want, however many you want.”
“Did you make these just to give out?” He grabbed one of the sugar cookies and set it on the table as you closed the lid.
“Uh…no. I just always end up making more than necessary anytime I cook or bake. Bad habit, I suppose.”
“It’s a waste.” He said sharply, looking back at you. His eyebrow raised and his lips pursed. It took you back slightly.
“Well from how I see it, it’s not a waste if others can enjoy it, yea?” You gave him another smile and gestured for him to take a bite. He kept his eyes on you for a moment before moving to grab the cookie and take a bite.
Kang Taehyun was never big on sweets. He preferred salty things like fried rice. In fact, he had never really had any cookie or cake that seemed to be anything special to him. Until now. As he chewed, he found himself wanting to take another bite and another, until the cookie was barely crumbs. His eyes widened at how soft it was, and he looked up to find you watching with bated breath.
He almost slipped up. He almost went on a tangent about how it was one of the best things he’s ever had. How he wants to take the entire container. How he thought it was kind of adorable the way you were staring at him with wide eyes, waiting for his review.
Instead, he simply asked:
“What was your name?”
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starmanskywalker · 1 year
knowing me, knowing you • anakin skywalker x reader
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ayyyyy here's the wip i was talking about !! 🤠 synopsis: modern!au, cop!au. you and Anakin are assigned a mission that forces you both to come to terms with the past.
first of all: acab. second of all: everything i know about police hierarchy, guns or laws is what i learned from brooklyn nine nine and wikihow lol please take this for what it is: filth with (confused) feelings ❤️
as always, +18 only. and my askbox is always open for new prompts.
tags: exhibitionism, drug use (not by the main characters), shootings, violence, unethical + totally unrealistic shooting lessons, tough breakups, undercover cops doing very shady things, this doesn’t have the happiest of endings, i kinda miss songfics and you can tell by this work
word count: 4.821
You nervously fiddle with the fragile fabric of the flimsy, short shiny dress you wear under your oversized fake fur coat as your Uber drives to the nefarious destination of that night’s mission. You notice the driver shoots you some glances as if to coyly tell you he knew what your job was, when in reality, you knew he didn’t know shit.
The anticipation that bubbled in your stomach had nothing to do with the place you were about to go or the people you were eventually supposed to arrest, but instead it had to do with who was supposed to arrest these people alongside you. Captain Windu was quite kind not to assign any missions for the both of you since the incident, but according to him, no other profiles fit the assignment as well as you and Detective Skywalker’s.
Bullshit. You knew this was Mace’s way of making you overcome by force whichever discomfort still left by your and Anakin’s breakup and putting a halt to the fruitless and neverending bickering sponsored by the precinct’s once dream couple every time someone paired you in anything together. Since you two parted ways, work life with Skywalker became unbearable to the point you considered asking Mace for a move, something Obi-Wan, your precinct’s sergeant, vehemently discouraged you to. You eventually gave in and stayed, colleagues eventually learning not to put you in the same room except in full-team briefings, but you could tell Mace was tired - no, exhausted - of dealing with whatever was going on between you.
The script’s fairly simple: you, the new girl at the Zygerria nightclub, will catch Lars' - Anakin’s - attention, who will try to negotiate with your target (who goes by Jango Fett, according to the investigation) for a night with you using a shit ton of state-owned cocaine as his hand in the deal. Of course this was far from a one night only operation because Lars had to earn their trust, and so did you. You got in your best shape in years, actually learned to pole dance, do a mean routine to N.E.R.D’s “Hypnotize U” and survive inside of a very female-unfriendly place/business; all while reporting your progress to Obi-Wan at the end of the day.
Again: the fact that this night was decisive for the sting didn’t bother you at all. This was far from your first rodeo and your reputation in the precinct preceded you. The fact that it relied so much on you getting that intimate with Anakin after all that you’ve been through is what does.
Seeing him still emotionally and physically hurt, despite the many months that passed since your relationship ended. You haven’t fucked anyone else since (which definitely wasn’t his case, judging by how cozy he was with Detective Amidala lately), and you felt like it genuinely ruined you in the matters of romance and flirting. Not that you were particularly good at it from the start, but loving Anakin was easy, inevitable. You weren’t actively searching for it, or anything really, yet he found you and struck you like lightning; leaving permanent bolt-shaped burns in your skin as the electricity and warmth gave place to resentment and mutual isolation the moment you realized you had totally different perspectives for your futures and Anakin was selfish and petulant as a child.
The car arrives at Zygerria. You take a deep breath and exit the car unceremoniously, after tipping the driver generously even if he wasn’t the warmest - that’s precisely what you needed on a night like this. You arrive way more quietly than you usually do, attributing your slight change of demeanor for your closest girls and bartenders to a bad breakup.
Which was kinda the truth, to be honest.
You store your purse and coat in one of the lockers before fixing your makeup in order to look irresistible for the men and occasional women that occupied the nightclub’s lounge - or perhaps for the one man in particular you hoped that night was as hard for as it was for you. The fabric barely covering your skin, despite being very light and allowing the wind to blow all over your body, accentuated your curves beautifully and bore within its confines the promise of showing more than it should every step you took. 
As you walk around the lounge, you gently and charmingly dodge eager bystanders, their touches and their beckonings as you look for Lars. You wonder what he smells like tonight - his “special evenings” perfume, maybe? The one that penetrated your skin and your senses like a tattoo every morning you woke up by his side? 
How is that in any way an important question to ask yourself, anyway?
After spending the time you did with the other girls, you can’t help but think of how much of a lovestruck, abandoned-by-her-businessman-lover stripper vibe you’re giving out through your behavior. But you were a woman on a mission. Literally. You look for him furtively and in every corner of the room your eyes can reach.
The moment your eyes reach his you can notice him getting steadily into the character. You’ve met many Anakins throughout your personal and professional life, having not met Lars yet makes the pit inside your stomach grow a few inches wider in anxiety. You stride towards the bar and ask for a Moscow Mule in order to calm your nerves as he walks towards you.
What killed you a bit too about doing this with him again was the fact that Anakin was so fun to work with in operations like these. He tried new accents all the time and succeeded in using them, he was always experimenting with makeup, wigs… he was a master of disguises and you could always tell this was an aspect of the job he particularly enjoyed. This time, though, he was barefaced expect for the fact he covered the scar that crossed his eyes; he opted for a shorter, clean-cut haircut that, paired with a very fucking expensive and precisely tailored designer suit he was wearing, exuded power and money to every other human being that got the opportunity to shoot him a look, which every other girl did take. 
Before they could have the chance to swarm him like moths, he reaches you with that smirk of his, which you felt wasn’t exactly real. This thought shouldn’t cause you the pain it still does. “Hey, darling.” Slight Scandinavian accent. Of course, Lars is a very Scandinavian name. His voice was slightly deeper than you remembered. Needless to say, it’s been a while since you heard his voice given that you’ve grown distant, choosing silence over animosity as the circumstances surrounding you gave you exactly what you thought you needed: space. You couldn’t tell if he deepened his voice on purpose for this role or if his cigarette habit came with a vengeance since you broke up with him. “Haven’t seen you here before.”
“Hey,” you did your best to keep up with him. You were no Viola Davis, but you did your best. “How’s your night going, Mr…”
“Sjöberg. Lars Sjöberg.” He takes your hand in his and places a gentle kiss in it. You can feel time freeze and sparks fly around your characters. “To be honest with you, I think I could use better company to spend it with. You seem just perfect. What's your name?”
“I’m Mel.”
“Short for Melanie?”
“The word for honey in many languages, actually.”
“I see.” He chuckles. After he asks the bartender for a glass of whiskey, he whispers in your ear: “I know you taste just as sweet.”
You blush furiously at his choice of words, especially his picking of “I know you taste just as sweet” over “I guess you taste just as sweet” in a scenario like this, and you can swear that for the first time in years you could hear his accent falter in the middle of a mission. It was just for the authenticity of your reaction, you remind yourself. Thankfully the Moscow Mule arrives just in time for you to swallow some large gulps before you answer your fellow detective: “Our club overlooks a lot of things, Mr. Sjöberg. But in order to find out how I taste, you gotta see how I move, first. And reward me generously for it.”
The distance between your bodies becomes smaller too quickly for you to register precisely how, and you now feel his warm breath on your neck. “I’ll take whatever you're willing to give me”, he mumbles, before leaving the naughtiest and most discreet of kisses in your skin. “I’ll do whatever you want.”
Shit. You almost forgot how smooth Anakin could be sometimes. You down the rest of that liquid courage before your perfectly manicured nails trace his chest seductively:  “Want to go somewhere more private?”
Anakin’s legs are splayed wide over the lavish, purple sofa of the VIP room alcove. He holds his drink firmly with one hand as the other rests in his thigh; his expression enigmatic while you give him a lap dance to Chloe x Halle’s “Ungodly Hour”. You adjust your choreography to surreptitiously communicate with him, your moving body dangerously close to his. He swallows thickly at the proximity.
“Where did you place your gun?” He whispers, one finger gently moving a lock of your hair out of the way in order for Lars to get a better look at your glimmering chest.
“Precisely where I’ll need it to be when we’re there. I know this place from the inside out by now.”
His unoccupied hand traces your waist and your back in a featherlight caress. You shiver at the familiarity of it. “Good. I don’t feel like making a spectacle of Jango’s arrest tonight. Ideally, everything will happen very swiftly.”
“Oh, it’ll be a spectacle from start to finish, Mr. Sjöberg. Specially if we fuck it up. How many briefings did you miss in order to spend more time with Amidala?” You ask him with a bit more venom than necessary – your entire question didn’t have the necessity to be made, actually. You just let it out out of spite. 
In order to distance yourself from his touch but also make sure you weren’t being heard, you peek out of the alcove. No burly men in sight. You take a deep breath before returning to your routine.
Anakin dodges the question and your unnecessary (?) bitterness. “What do you mean we can’t make it discreet?”
You huff in annoyance at his lack of preparation. “We can, but I told you plenty of times that Jango's room is full of his own bugs from the floor to the roof. We’ll face an entire army if we’re not cautious enough, and we’ll have to entertain him in order to get what we need.” 
“Do we even have the backup for this?”
“Of course we do! Plenty! Do you think I’m an idiot? And do you even remember what we’re supposed to do to get him to do what we want?”
It’s true what they say about breakups: you tend to only remember the nicer things in your relationship whenever the yearning hits. Well, you were just reminded of one thing that was deeply annoying about Anakin and working with him: he was too sure of himself to stick or pay attention to plans. His silence is the answer you need. “Fuck, Anakin.” Your face wrinkles in irritation. “The moment we go there and you make your bid for me, he’ll probably ask me to give you a trial. We’ll then give him something to look at - he’s a perv. He’ll love that.” 
You sit on his lap and unabashedly grind against him to the rhythm of the song - knowing he’s unable to do anything about it, that’s the best way you can find to get your revenge on his recklessness all while teasing what’ll come further in the night. And it’s surprisingly on character too. 
The breath that rushes from Lars is a sharp one; you can see how his pupils dilate, hear the pattern shift in his breathing. He palms your hips in order to keep the movement steady. “Just like that.” You moan, already disarmingly wet by the indirect and clothed friction of his already rock-hard cock against your pulsating clit. “He’ll turn all systems off because he’ll want the sights and… and sounds all to himself,” you explain, both of your bodies quickly overtaken by the desire you two still have for each other. “And he’ll excuse his men from the room.”
“How do you know that?” He groans and you feel his grip on your hips tighten.
“I just do,” you limit yourself to answer. “Unlike some, I do my research.”
And just before you get to the point of no return, one of Jango’s henchmen arrive to pull off the brakes in your interaction, making you briskly get off Anakin’s lap. Skywalker tries to hide his crystal clear excitement at having you on top of him after so long. “Sir, sorry to interrupt, but if you want to play, you’ll have to pay.”
“‘f course,” he answers, trying to recompose himself. “I do want her for a night, Rex. Can we arrange that?”
“Always, sir.”
“Good to see you again, friend.” Jango Fett greets Lars with a wide smile on his face and an enthusiastic handshake. Judging by how reserved Fett usually was, you deduce Anakin did a great job at making Jango warm up to him. Or, like many men in this world who only love women in a certain kind of way, he was only able to show true affection for other men.
He takes his seat behind the lush marble table now separating him and his “Swedish” acquaintance. Anakin follows, taking the seat in front of him while you stand still in one of the corners of the [stereotypically, really] opulent room, close to where Rex and Cody also stood. You’re glad that on your way to Fett’s “office” you got to fetch your coat again, because it was eerily cold too. “So you’re interested in my new girl.”
You found it fascinating how he talked about you as if you weren’t even there. Lars takes a good look at you as if to make his point even more clearer. “Very.” 
Jango’s eyebrows raise in amusement. He thinks you got lucky. “Well, I do work with the finest product this city has to offer. Rates might be a little higher than you’d expect them to be. What price can you pay for exclusivity?”
Lars pushes a small bag of cocaine in Jango’s direction. “Purest you’ll ever come across.”
Jango opens the bag, collecting a small sample with a nearby key and snorting it with the precision of a pro. Judging by how hard it hits him, Lars is definitely telling the truth. “Shit. That’s fucking diamond.” Fett wipes his nose, stunned, leaning back against the chair with a sigh. “How did you get it?”
“I have my contacts.”
“How much?”
“88 pounds.”
“Don’t fucking play me. Just like that? All with me in mind?”
“I’ve had my eyes on Mel for a while.” Anakin beckons you to sit on his lap, keeping his composure flawlessly intact at the slightest hint of Jango’s cocaine-fueled change of heart. You stride towards him and follow his unspoken command. “All with her in mind.”
“That’s fair. Fuck, she’s one lucky bitch.” Jango fills a cup with whiskey and downs it fast, not bothering to think too much. Perhaps Anakin’s signaling of complete confidence helped here. Jango could smell fear and anxiety - he bragged over and over about all the undercover cops he dodged or killed. “Show him what you can do, baby. You're worth it.”
“How can I prove to you I’m worth the investment, Mr. Sjöberg?” You ask Anakin, your voice deviantly silky. 
“How about we finish what we started down there?” His voice is raspy with need. “Hey, Fett, care to give us a little privacy? Your men, I mean. Too crowded.”
“C’mon, a trial’s a trial. These men have seen way more scandalous things.” Fett scoffs, the chemical hyper confidence doing wonders to his system. Anakin’s eyes quickly meet yours in worry. “Do you mind watching, boys?”
“Not at all, sir.” Cody replies, his tone scornful.
Welp, your thorough research just bite you beautifully in the ass. Anakin will probably give you hell for this.
“Is anyone else going to appear?” Anakin asks Jango, his hand caressing your leg while you see the gears in his head turning.
“Not unless you change your mind and want them to.”
“I don’t. Just to be sure.” Your colleague manhandles you so you can straddle him in front of the men. “C’mon baby. Think you can do this for me?”
“Of course. ‘s my job.” You reply, bending your knees slightly and straightening them again, rubbing up against the bulge in Skywalker’s pants, feeling your heart skip a couple of beats at the contact and at the fact that the three other men in the room are eyeing you just as hungrily as Anakin is.
As you sway your hips experimentally against his cock, the proximity allows him to feel you brought the best kind of protection with you inside your coat: your gun. A little more confident with the change of plans he’s designing in his head, he mutters, expecting you to understand where he’s getting at while his fingers coyly caress the weapon hidden in your hips: “Don’t be shy. Rex and Cody are probably wishing you took care of them.”
Jango chuckles. You answer, in a very low whisper. “Would you let me take care of them while you and Jango watch?” You indeed get where he’s getting at. 
“Sharing is caring. Think you really could do it?” Anakin felt himself growing harder in his own pants with each roll of your hips and he couldn’t deny that even though the real implication was that you were about to shoot these two men, the fantasy of seeing you ruined by them wasn’t one Anakin was completely against, but that’s something he’d keep to himself to his grave. The fact that you were doing this right now, and in front of such dangerous people nonetheless, was already too much to process. 
“Yes. But I want to give them a show first.” Understanding that you indeed needed them to be distracted - and this was a golden opportunity to give in to some of your most reprehensible kinks, too, because why not? - you press your face into his neck while he holds your hips tightly. This was all the incentive Skywalker needed to keep going.
Earnestly, you keep rolling his hips over and over again back into the bulge in Anakin’s pants, eliciting escalating moans from him. He motions for you to stop your movements and before you can reach the small gun you have on you, he asks you: “May I?” Motioning to move your very delicate panties away from your core.
He wanted to fuck you in front of them before the arrest took place. Claim his territory.
He was having way too much fun with this. And fuck it - so were you. 
“Anything you want, Lars.”
You help him to free his dick from its fabric confines without leaving him completely naked from the waist down - your big ass coat sizeable enough to conceal his reallocation of his gun - and you tremble above him as he drags the tip of his cock against your pussy. “Fett, fuck, can everyone listen and see what’s going on here? Now that I mind.” He feigns worry. 
Shit. The bugs. You were so drunk with lust you almost forgot about them. So hypocritical of you.
“No, Lars.” Anakin notices Fett pressing some buttons and he hopes he turned his microphones and cameras off. “Sorry about that. Go on. No one but us can see or hear you now.”
“Thank you. Three's already a crowd.” Skywalker sighs, basking at the sight of the trail of wetness leaving your fingers as you accommodate him a little better inside of you. You lowered yourself on his cock pornographically, a very indecent moan escaping from your lips as a result of you two finally joining in one. Anakin shoos you. He missed seeing himself disappear in your welcoming, dripping cunt; you took him so well even after all this time.
Your lips freeze in a silent ‘O’ and your eyebrows tighten as you adjust to his considerable size once again. “You’re so fucking tight, princess. Take your time.” His lips hover over yours in a silent promise of a kiss as he turns a loose strand of your hair away from your face in a gentle gesture. You reach his mouth, fulfilling it, and after a lustful swirling of tongues that leave you lightheaded, you bite his lower lip playfully as you slowly start to ride him and the uncomfortable stretch gradually gives place to mind-numbing pleasure.
“Fuck, Mr. Sjöberg,” you sigh, pleasure heightened at the sight of Rex and Cody palming themselves to the vision unfolding in front of them. “You feel so good.” And God knows you truly meant it. After he teases you just enough for you to remember his size, both of his hands cup your asscheeks so he can fuck you deeper and properly, making you gasp at the adjustment of pace. You bury his face in your neck once again so you keep yourself from getting too loud at the heavenly invasion his cock is bestowing on you.
Your nails press against his tanned skin in a quiet plea to just keep going. While you feel the grasp you have in the situation is slipping away, you couldn’t have asked for a better way to lose control. “Listen,” he struggles to whisper between ragged breaths as your walls stimulate him for all he’s worth. “I wanna try something. Put your hand back where it was, love.”
“Okay,” you answer, a bit unsure of what he’s trying to do while you wrap your fingers around your gun again. It’s hard to think clearly when you’re as cockdrunk as you are. You could even be afraid that Jango and his cronies would be suspicious of the dialogue between you and Anakin, but given how concentrated they were in how your bodies clashed against each other in a desperate pursuit for release, you doubted they were going to do something about it. “Alright.”
“Remember our practice in California?” He lowers his whisper even more in order to make sure he’s not being heard clearly; for them to think his words are sweet nothings only as he buries himself inside of you again and again. It couldn’t be further from reality. “Put it to good use in 5…”
Ah yes, the time you and Anakin got sent to arrest Asajj Ventress.
You missed 12 shots before you got lucky enough to get your hands on her. She was your first higher profile arrest, though far from being your brightest. 
Anakin, still your boyfriend at the time, promised he would rent a shooting range for an entire weekend just for the two of you. You felt a bit humiliated at first, but you knew it was necessary; he was the kindest at suggesting it and making his promise come true too, which made it easier for you to accept.
“4…” You’re scared shitless of the fact that you aren't able to do much more than take him, moaning out every time he pushes into you again. Whining at the loss of him when he pulls back. How the fuck were you supposed to incapacitate Rex and Cody?
“The most important thing along with being steady is to focus regardless of what’s going on around you or with you. Allow me to demonstrate.”
Of course there was a reason he wanted the range just to have the two of you in it. 
Anakin Skywalker slowly worked your pants and panties down your thighs, spreading small kisses over feverish, eager flesh. By the time he had you trembling in anticipation and unable to keep his eyes off his, and before he buried his face between your legs, he gave you a devilish smirk. “Eyes up. I need you to be focused.”
“3…” You tried hard to piece two and two together while feeling the wetness between your thighs and hearing the sweet slick sounds of his cock moving so easily inside you.
You obey, sighing at the subsequent contact of his tongue and talented lips against your soaked cunt. His movements were experimental, unhurried yet immensely powerful. A drop of sweat slid down your face as you picked up your gun, keeping your finger outside the trigger guard, extended straight and flat on the side of the guard. “Ready,” he croaks between drags of his tongue against your most sensitive spot. You hold your weapon in the firing-ready position, nodding to yourself in reassurance.
“2…” Heat and the musky, spicy scent that is pure Anakin surrounds your senses. Pressing against your chest and filling your nose while his filthy words fill your ears like an overwhelmingly good version of white noise.
“Steady,” His warm and wide hands grasped at your asscheeks as he kept laving over your clit just fast enough to bring you steadily closer to climax, making your legs part even wider and your attention become even more split between the entity kneeled below you and the targets in front of you. You were unashamedly whining at the stimulation, resisting the painfully strong urge to close your eyes and let go. But you wouldn’t and couldn’t let him down.
He pressed his tongue hard against your clit and dragged slowly upward, fingers digging into your butt to keep you skin tight close to him, and you came undone. 
To your utter befuddlement, the target dummy was never shot with such precision.
Just like Rex and Cody’s shoulders. Anakin just came deep inside of you while pointing his gun at a completely fucked up Jango, whose post-nut clarity hasn’t quite landed yet. “Jango Fett, you are now under arrest.” He uttered through heavy breaths, giving you a chaste kiss before you got off his lap and fixed yourself as much as you could in literal seconds. Your legs are still slightly trembling as you stride towards the injured men, cuffing them with cable ties you also hid in your coat after you kick their guns away. You throw one at Anakin so he finishes the job with his past acquaintance.
After he finishes reciting Jango’s Miranda Rights and listing all of the charges that led to his arrest, he tells the man, not taking his eyes off you: “You were right about one thing, actually. She’s sure worth it.”
The shared ride home is eerily quiet - just like the rest of the aftermath. You expected more bickering over the things that could’ve went wrong: ifs, buts, but nothing came.
And you hated that even more. But as fun as the mission was, there was no turning back to what you once had. Everyone probably thought that the fighting was just repressed desire to go back to each other’s arms, and maybe it was, but it was also a lot of unresolved pain that made you crystal clear that even though Anakin made you happy in so many ways, you were like a wishing well to his bolt of electricity, like Fiona Apple once wrote. 
The words to her song Werewolf echoed repeatedly in your head.
We could still support each other, all we gotta do is avoid each other. Nothing wrong when a song ends in the minor key.
“What did you do in order to earn their trust and admiration like that?” Anakin’s voice breaks after a considerable time of not using it. 
“What I had to do. Why do you care? We got the job done.” You answer apathetically.
He sighs, keeping any further words to himself.
“It was just a job.” He states, more in order to convince himself of that than to convince you. You feel like there’s more to come but you stop him dead in his tracks.
“It was just a job.” You answer in a reassuringly firm manner, grabbing your headphones and using sound to drown out the quiet.
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performativezippers · 4 months
As a non writer I’m curious about something. Do you decide to write a specific genre and then work an idea into the genre or do you write the idea/story you want and then look to decide which genre it is? I guess I’m curious if the story or genre comes first?
Great question!
For fic: I write whatever the fuck I want and don't worry about it! I mostly write things that end happily because that's what makes me happy, but as long as I tag things appropriately (AU, platonic, IN SPACE, whatever), I don't let any of that bother me. Fic is so fun because it can so easily slide between genres. And most fic is romance AND something else; romance and crime/mystery, romance and scifi, romance and fantasy, or simply contemporary romance. There's a big thing in the publishing world right now where people are like "omg, ROMANTASY, aka fantasy with a primary romance, HOW THRILLING" and I'm like...dude...this not new! Welcome! Have you heard of a lil fandom by the name of XENA WARRIOR PRINCESS??? Do not cite the Deep Magic to me Witch. I was there when it was written.
For novels that you're trying to get published: I had to learn what book genres were! I queried my first novel—which is when you send it out to agents like a job application, with a cover letter and writing sample, and hope they want to represent you, aka help you sell it—being like THIS HAS NO GENRE and it turns out the genre was romcom with speculative elements. Aka low key romantasy, lol. Anyway, that book was Revelations and it didn't sell, I think primarily because the genre conventions were not met and it was confusing. It worked great as a fic, but required several big overhauls and ground-up rewrites to get it to place where it meets genre expectations and is maybe sell-able.
Usually the idea that comes to me is clear what genre it is, now that I know what they are. I primarily write romcoms, some speculative and some not, and so the ideas that percolate for me most are romcoms. However, my agent said recently a new idea I have might be more on the line of romcom and women's fiction* which surprised me. But that's fine! It doesn't change the book I write; it might change how we talk about it in the pitch process and, if it gets sold, how the marketing team frames it. But that won't change the story structure from a drafting perspective, I don't think.
Some genres are very close to each other (upmarket vs. book club fiction vs. women's fiction), while others are quite distinct (if you want it set in space, that's probably going to be sci fi). I think the main questions are:
(a) Setting: Is it on a space ship? (sci-fi) Are there dragons? (fantasy) Can people use magic? (fantasy or speculative) Is it in our world, in our time? (contemporary) In our world but in 1250? (historical)
(b) Character motivations (what do they NEED): To repopulate their planet? Save their mother from the evil magician? Fall in love? Save her bookstore from capitalism?
(c) Obstacle (why don't they have it ALREADY): If the obstacle is primarily internal, like she can't fall in love because she hates herself, then we're looking at a straight romance or literary fiction. If the obstacle is world-building related, like the spaceship is broken or the magician is too powerful, that's going to be firmly sci-fi or fantasy or whatever.
There should always be at least 2 obstacles: one internal and one external, but you should know which one is paramount, or which would win in an epic battle. And that will help you figure out if you're writing, say, romance with speculative elements (soulmates) or fantasy with a strong romantic element (fourth wing, i think, i haven't read it because it seems bad). Whichever you list first is your primary genre, aka which section of the bookstore it'll be in. Are you shelving this in fantasy (fourth wing) or romance (Revelations) or "fiction," and then the rest gets more specific from there.
*also, just like, FUCK the name "women's fiction." Men's fiction is called "fiction."
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13eyond13 · 1 year
my online fandom experience in 2007-2008:
-First learned about Death Note by randomly seeing L in an AMV on Youtube in late 2007 and being intrigued by how he looked. Have never watched an anime in my life but wanting to know more about this emo lookin' dude. Found some website where I could stream it, immediately getting spoiled for his death by somebody in the comments on episode 1 (the 2000s was RAMPANT with gleeful spoiler trolls, these were the days of people driving by Harry Potter midnight grand opening lineups for the new books to scream SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE type shit)
-Binge-watched the whole show in a couple of days. Immediately haunted by the "what if"s of Lawlight and start reading fanfiction.net fics about it. Wrote a gushing review on a fanfic and start talking in emails with the writer who writes back to me. I think at the time the most popular Lawlight fic on the site was Poison Apple by RobinRocks (which I didn't read, because I didn't like reading AUs back then, nor did I like the idea of mixing Death Note with Disney princess imagery... my absolute fave fic was Coexistence is Boredom by sakurazukamori6, which was still being updated at the time)
-The Another Note novel and the How to Read 13 were already out, so most of the stuff the fans know now about the characters was already known and being used in the fan stuff by then. I bought the entire manga set at my local bookstore and read the first five volumes of it, but not the rest (because back then I was one of the people who lost a lot of interest in the plot once L was dead)
-Got invited to follow a popular fanfic writer's Death Note LiveJournal where people are doing most of the things you see them doing here, analysis and shipping and fic and memes. However a lot of the journals and communities were private and accessible by invite only, so I only ever saw stuff there as it was filtered through the journal of that one welcoming fandom friend I made
-Got into random private email conversations with the odd fan once I start posting my own fics on ff.net (I wrote one of the very first Beyond Birthday fics). At some point I remember a girl who called herself diane-chan from somewhere in South America emailing me a doujinshi she had scanlated (I think it was called Taikutsu by Balgus REC) and emailing some pics and penpal like letters back and forth. Connecting with other fans was a very slow and individual-like experience compared to something like connecting over social media is now. There wasn't much of anything like online group chats taking place in real-time, per se. I suppose MAYBE you could create one on MSN Messenger or something, but the experience of being in a fandom in general online was just much more fragmented and based on personal individual relationships, I think. Unless you were meeting up with people in person at conventions or something...
-Ships didn't have ship names like Lawlight back then! It was either called L/Light or Light/L, because whichever name came first in the pair indicated who you liked as the top (or the "seme;" people would often say "seme" or "uke "rather than top or bottom back then). They were treated almost like two totally different ships, and you definitely had to tag your fics accordingly or else people would get mad (I am very glad that ship names now exist)
-Omegaverse didn't exist back then either! That was a whole new world I had to get familiar with once I got back into this fandom around 2016 lol (and I still have never really fully got onboard tbh)
-Watched the occasional fan videos on YouTube, often things like Windows Movie Maker slideshows set to music with fanart of the characters or cosplays and the like
-It used to be REALLY hard for me to find clips of the show to use or edit or anything like that. The English dub still wasn't out yet anywhere I could watch it when i was into the show in 2008, but I remember hearing L and Light's English voice clips and thinking that L's was great and Light's was a bit cringe in comparison to the Japanese one. I wanted to watch it again but I didn't want to have to have an internet connection at all times to watch it, so I bought some shitty ripped illegal DVD of the Japanese dub on eBay from China, and it came with extremely lolworthy broken English subtitles (stuff like Light reading that passage out loud in class and the subtitles saying "the wisdom of the sheepus"... that one is burned into my brain)
-Trying to connect with other fans in person about it was not really possible for me where I lived? Being into anime was considered extremely cringe at my school at the time. And other people I knew who had watched or read Death Note either simply weren't that interested in it anymore to the same degree, or were usually straight dudebros who were only into it so far as to think about which character was smarter than which
ANYWAY I say all this just to reminisce, and I will always enjoy how easy it is to connect and share the content with the other fans like it is nowadays, because I remember the days when that was much more difficult hahaha
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leonscape · 10 months
24 hour wip poll
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly honestly i have no idea what’s going on all of a sudden people were doing wip polls and now i have been tagged 😸
if you want to join, don’t be shy. we shall acknowledge our neglected wips together 🫶
Rules: make a 24-hr poll with the names of your WIPs and then for whichever wins, write one sentence for each vote it gets
(actually i think i’m just gonna finish the wip and then post it lol)
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glitrahasconsumedme · 1 month
9. I Can't Decide(kick)
For the wip title game :)
Hi!! Okay, confession time, that doc/wip is more-or-less notes than any actual writing. I'm not even sure what characters/fandom I want to include in it yet lol (ignore that I created that wip doc like 4 months ago while it's just collecting dust) Basically, though, it's a Superhero/Superpower AU!! The premise I have in mind is like:
- Sidekicks are people training to be/interested in becoming superheroes or supervillains through a sort of temp agency
- Sidekicks are assigned to a local hero or villain in their designated district/area/town based on either whichever the sidekick would rather be or where their powers/abilities/skills would be more fitting and get to work under them to basically shadow their temporary bosses around
- The temp job pays well, so naturally people aren't just gonna quit without reason even if they don't particularly like their assigned boss (think like a VERY good salary)
- Enter the main character, who - by some computer error - gets assigned to the town's local hero AND villain simultaneously (with shifts that don't overlap naturally since this agency is very good about not working their employees into the ground unless the temp wants overtime willingly)
- The hero and villain both fall for the sidekick, who starts off oblivious but grows to realise reciprocate those feelings (my interpretation will naturally end in polyamory have you even met me)
- Hero and villain start fighting over sidekick who is Just There(tm)
My idea is for more of a comedy style fic but tbh it could be a bit drama-filled
Also if this idea/AU inspires anyone seeing this feel free to make your own interpretation with your own fandom/ship and reblog it here or tag me I would LOVE to see what anyone can do with this since it is very much a backburner "I'll get to it when I get to it" fic for me haha
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nyoomerr · 3 months
tagged for the 'fic writer interview' by @mikkeneko! thanks for thinking of me, hopefully i have something interesting to share in it 🙈
Fic Writer Interview
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
21! the bingplush fic this last week finally pushed me over the edge of the page limit, i no longer have only a single page of fic!!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Tumblr media
every time i post a fic i hope to somehow oust 'to love another' from that #1 spot... every time i know it'll never happen :'D
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
every one i get, for the most part! i never want to take for granted the people who support me, and making sure i actually sit down and take the time and effort to respond to comments is, i've found, the best way for me to do that.
that being said, there are exceptions. i generally don't respond to criticism, general negativity, comments that don't really seem to be... about the fic, or comments that have a grammar correction and nothing else 😅
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
'raised by winter winds' or 'you don't need poltergeists for sidekicks' - both have bittersweet endings, which is the closest i'll ever get to an unhappy end, LOL.
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
discounting the short fics i've done that are just slice of life / domestic bliss for bingqiu, probably 'shallow water weather.' as happy an ending as any of my stuff, but with none of the angst to get there 😂
7. Do you write crossovers?
nope, and generally don't plan to. even the AUs i do, i prefer to put them in a generic or original world than the world of another story.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
oh sure, law of large numbers and all that. the truly nasty hate, i just delete. generally i'd prefer to just ignore it, honestly, because i think deleting a comment is also a form of engagement with the hate that i don't necessarily want to give to the person who left it, but...
based on past experience, leaving the comment up and unanswered seems to invite other readers to engage with the hate in whatever way /they/ choose, and i really don't want to accidentally be the facilitator of a conflict :'D
9. Do you write smut?
nope, and i've learned to put that disclaimer in the notes of longfic i write 😅
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
ehhh not in this fandom (that i'm aware of), but i have had a translator go rogue - which is why i currently only allow translations of my fics to be posted on ao3 only.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
several times, + some podfics! outside of the odd occurrence mentioned above, they've all been wonderful opportunities. i have massive respect for everyone who spends time making fics more accessible to others!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, and i feel like i'd be too picky to do so 😅 collabs in other ways - minibangs with artists, inspiration train games, etc - are all fun though, and i enjoy them!
13. What's your all-time favorite ship?
whichever version of bingqiu/binggeyuan ends up with lbh at his soggiest and most pathetic
14. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
i have a post canon bingliushen fic that's been sitting in my WIPs for... over two years? i like the idea of it a lot and think parts of it would be very fun!
unfortunately, though, i like bingliushen because i like bingqiu and i like liushen and i think that sqq has two hands. this does not lend itself well to writing fic where bingliushen get together, since every time i try to work on this WIP the focus keeps turning to trying to get lbh and lqg to coexist well enough to allow bingliushen... and sadly i'm just not really into bingliu :')
15. What are your writing strengths?
i think i do humor and dialogue well enough! it always makes me happy to hear that my fic made someone laugh :>
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
although i think i'm alright at writing angst, i do think i have a tendency to resolve it too quickly/easily. i personally really do not enjoy fics where angst gets dragged on for awhile, and i know that this preference affects the pacing of my own angst in a way that perhaps puts me too far on the other side of the spectrum, lmao.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i'm not sure what this is actually referring to, honestly 😅 i guess i use italics for that...?
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
attack on titan (please forgive me for my crimes)
19. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
although i do have that aforementioned WIP, i really do want to actually finish a bingliushen fic... maybe i just need to give up and write a sqq harem fic like the old fandom days 😂
20. What's your favorite fic you've written?
generally, whatever fic i wrote 2-3 fics ago 😂 i tend to be offput by my most recent work, so work that i've had some space from but is still recent enough to reflect my current preferences and skills is what i always consider my favorite. right now, either rent a bingge or the sy!shixiong au!
and that's all the questions! i won't tag anyone 'cuz i'm a bit shy about that sort of thing, so anyone who wants to do it can take this as your invitation to do so!
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Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "alexbutrandomthoughts "?
"I was screaming your name through the radio" by ElectricSplatter a must-read for all soukoku fans, this shit is so good i reread it 20 times at least.
It's basically bsd retelling but they're all singers and it's focused on soukoku. Honestly writing is immaculate and i like the way it was told, format wise, like how we jump back in forth from present to past, and overall it has everything you could want from a story. I have this one saved on my phone and i reread my favorite chapters from time to time
"Time Speaks" by SmallMoon333 do not get fooled by that unassuming title, this fic made me physically incapable of reading any other Lawlight fic, bc this one is just too good. It's akin to trying a high quality steak and unable to eat any other meat anymore bc you know how heaven tastes (i obviously read other fics, they're pretty good too, but this one is just my personal favorite especially the characterization is so fucking good it's crazy)
"Electric touch" by bejeweledhaze okay so you know the feeling when you need something very specific, you go to store, and the stars align perfectly so you find that thing, just what you need it, almost feels like custom made. That's this fic.
So when Kaveh fans died (myself included) after that one official art with Kaveh as a mechanic, i just needed to fill the whole in my chest, after saving every single Mechanic Kaveh fanart known to men. I decided check out the tag, but i didn't really expect much, i mean it's been like what? Couple days since the official art was dropped. Sure there is probably couple of fics but not something i would like, right? Bejeweledhaze said "lemme cook" and turns out they were Gordon Ramsey in disguise. One chapter, 33k words of pure and unfiltered masterpiece.
"School watches Assassination Classroom" by TheSteinsGateFormula so I'm a sucker characters react to their show fics. What of it.
Yeah there are not many reaction fics that i like cuz personal preferences. But THISSSSSSSSSSSS ugh so good. And very much in character and i loved from start to finish.
"MSBY4's Lockdown Survival Guide" by mintberries
Okay so this was just good vibes. Social media aus fics for me is what Isekai is for Gigguk (but I'm also isekai trash person, their just fun) and this is ALSO a covid19 au???? With my favorite team????? This appeased my sakuatsu craving soul and it was just dumbasses having fun.
"Duo Heroes, Double Black" by Yellow_Canna
It's bsd&mha crossover and it's beast!soukoku isekai/sorta reincarnation/technically regression do i need to say more
"No Water Is Enough" by Boomchick
Hualian angst, my favorite type of angst. It's sorta memory loss and i knew the suffering would be glorious once Hua Cheng remembered and it did not disappoint
"Pick-Up and Chase" by SKayLanphear was laughing my ass off with this fic. Marinette just constantly flirting with Adrien as herself and as Ladybug was a wild and hilarious ride
"one step at a time" by OuterWilde (foreverraugust)
Honestly, this was just good old slice of life and overall nice fic. I was obsessed with Ace Attorney at the time, and well with all the crazy shit that was happening in the games, this was a nice break from it.
"A Century Between Us" by Dulllull dead ass my favorite jjk fic. It's not finished, not by a long shot but it's so GOOOOD SHIT SLAPS SO HARD and well it's reincarnation fic how can i not love it and written so WELLLLL PLEASE READ THIS IT'S VERY AAAAAAAAAAA-
As for my name, originally i migrated from Twitter cuz fuck Elon, and had another blog which had my name and this was a side blog for me to scream about my hyperfixations, whichever i would have at the time and i ended up using this one more lol. Hence the "random thoughts"
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intervalart · 8 months
Werewolf and Vampire AU Masterpost (specifically for the LAL western chapter)
I can't believe this is a thing I'm writing because this is normally NOT my thing, but the brainworms are very very real, so a few things I'm gonna get out of the way right now:
•The tag I use for this is "bark bark flap flap", so if you wanna mute it cuz you're sick of seeing it, please feel free.
• The end goal of this for me is not shipping. If it happens to end up that way, that's fine (I am even warming up on the prospect as I write the characters more), but overall I'm just playing with character chemistry. I'm stating this up front because of the explicit sexual culture around werewolves and vampires online. I will not be making any sexual content for this AU (ESPECIALLY not anything omegaverse, I have very little tolerance for that malarkey). At most it may be gore.
I would request you not use my AU writings/character designs/story beats etc for sexually explicit material, but obviously I can't stop you. Just keep it away from me, thanks.
The rest is under the cut, from hereon, gods help us both.
The overall premise here is set in the Wild West chapter obviously, but I'm not opposed to other timelines and their monster AUs hopping in for fun. (I know there's a popular theory about Oboro being a fish yokai of some kind, that one rocked)
In this AU, Sundown is the werewolf and Mad Dog is the Vampire.
"But Aima-" I hear you cry. "Mad Dog should be the werewolf cuz he literally has Dog in his name." You are not incorrect. And if you wanna expand on this yourself you are welcome to! But personally I think that since Mad Dog is already a tumblr sexyman fruitcake, his vibes work better with vampires overall. And Sundown is a stoic lone wolf anyway lol
ANYWAYS, there's monsters all around the Wild West, and the frontier folks are out there just tryin' to make it.
Mad Dog in this setting is still a Bounty Hunter, but also goes after monsters. He's still clever and crafty, but one night, he bites off a little more than he can chew, and the target he's pursuing gets the better of him and is interrupted before he can totally drain him, when causes him to turn instead. (Will make a post later discussing how vampirism and lycanthropy spreads in this universe, but the long and short of it is vampirism is a parasite, lycanthropy is a virus)
Sundown is the werewolf, in fact that's where his name came from in this AU (The sun setting and shifting into a werewolf). The current lore is Sundown saved his town from a werewolf, but got infected himself, and took out his own town.
Sundown and Mad Dog have still known each other a long time, but neither either of them knew each other when they were human. There's a bit of hypocrisy to them both, since Sundown could find others affected by the virus and stick around with them in a pack, meanwhile Mad Dog is still a monster hunter when he's a monster himself.
Annie in this setting is also a monster hunter, in training under Dallas.
O. Dio is a kelpie (design is still a WIP), and the Crazy Bunch is a group of aquatic monsters that roams around taking over water sources for their territory, and their main beef with Success is (since they used to be a mining town), some of their water runoff was contaminated by mercury.
Currently I'm just running on the premise of them hanging out, and being In Situations, with no real chronological story beats, but it's implied that Sundown wants to find a cure for his lycantrhopy (because therapy doesn't exist yet I guess lol). Or just be killed (like the canon). Whichever comes first.
Sundown has 2 forms, human and werewolf. He only shifts on the night of the Full Moon, and in emergencies/life or death cases. When he shifts, he usually doesn't remember the events of the night, only brief flashes and strong emotions. He does however have a brewed draught concocted of various vile herbs etc. that he can take the day of his shift that helps him stay more cognizant. But he can't always get all the ingredients for it, so it's not consistent.
Mad Dog has 3 forms, the humanoid form is the default, when he's running low on energy/blood he takes the little bat form, and he can take the big bat form whenever he wants, but it uses up a lot of energy, so he tends to not use it unless he has to.
Here's some reference for them so far (x) (x) (as a side note, I differentiate the big bat form with 2 thumbs and the small bat form with one thumb.)
I will add more links, refs, and info etc. as I drum it up, so if I reblog with edit notes... Y'all know why.
Also, as an aside, I don't know if I will continue to put this in the Live A Live tag cuz I don't wanna flood it with my silly AU when people are probably looking for canon stuff. I'll be open to feedback on that point though.
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