#while boop shaming everyone/j
jikangairodo · 6 months
as expected of a mature, adult nanami rp-er I have opted out of boops because I don't like to have any fun
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Prompt: "I’m really feverish and I haven’t noticed you and this sneeze just won’t come out and I’m pulling the most ridiculous build up you’ve ever seen and shit now I’ve noticed you this is fucking awkward sorry" (I can imagine this with Klance and them being roommates or somthing. Lance coming home a finding Keith in miserable sneezy limbo and Lance just teasing him about it until he decides to help him out.)
(I lowkey love when posts I make come back to me omg!!! Also this is my first time ever writing voltron au!! I’ve always written canon verse!! So forgive me, and I have no time, so here’s a ficlet!Also great timing bc Keith’s vlog has me dead tbh)
Keith had a lot of pride.
He was fairly confident in his abilities, he had worked hard for them, and he was happy with the outcome. There were a few things about himself that he held dearly to his heart and was determined to not let them go, and with good reason. Some things, however, were slightly irrational.
Keith held pride for the fact that without fail he would always miss and avoid the annoying bout of sickness that seemed to plague everyone in school for the first while back. The plague skipped over Keith religiously every year. He’d missed it on his  first day on his last year in middle school, he’d missed it on his freshman year of high school, and he had done so on his first day of college.
He would never admit it, but deep down he knew how ridiculous this was. It was something Keith wasn’t embarrassed to show off, and boasted about constantly whenever it came up in conversation. Shiro and Lance were very close to jamming their ears out every year, without a fail, with how much Keith prided himself in this meticulous thing.
But Karma was a bitch.
He had supposed his constant teasing of Lance since they met their first day of high school finally came back to haunt him. Keith wouldn’t admit it, but he kinda deserved it.
He went through a denial to begin with, telling himself he’d just suddenly developed some allergy, and that was why he had woken up sneezing all over the place. It had left him breathless, monstrous sneezing ripping out of his throat, echoing off the thin walls of his and Lance’s dorm room.
He was a mess. Hair all over the place, sticking up in places where it shouldn’t, horribly reddened and chapped nose and the most bloodshot eyes he’d ever had. Keith was just glad Lance had a morning class that day, and that Keith didn’t have any classes until 4:30 later that day.
Keith coughed harshly, dragging himself out of bed and staggering over to Lance’s part of the room and grabbing the box of tissues he always kept on his bedside table. He resented the fact he needed them, and he was still kind of in denial. He was not sick. Not at all.
Keith blew his nose furiously into the tissue, hating the way the tissue felt soggy and all sorts of disgusting afterwards. He loathed it, and wished the cold virus had fucked off and gone to someone else. The cold virus didn’t look too bad on Lance, but the little shit never looked bad. Keith blushed furiously as he caught himself in his thoughts. He finished his trail of thoughts with the conclusion that it was not a good look on him.
Once he finished, he felt a little lightheaded and woozy. The world spun slightly, and everything in the universe was telling him to sit still and wait for it to steady again, but he was Keith, and everything was a challenge.
Keith forced himself to stand up, but the moment he did he was hit by a tidal wave of nausea that hit him in the gut, and an astounding shot of pain induced tremors throughout his head. The intense pain caused his knees to buckle, and Keith tried to find something to hold onto but the attempt was futile, because  he was tipping over and collapsing onto the floor.
“Oh for fucks sake,” Keith hissed to himself, trying to pick up his heavy and weak bones from the floor but to no avail. Keith coughed, the sound resonating from his chest as a wave of pain rang through his chest as he coughed. His chest ached horribly against the floor as he coughed.
Keith somehow managed to drag his heavy body up, only for an insistent tickling in his nose to make his breath hitch wildly. He snapped forward with a harsh, unrestrained sneeze that sprayed Lance’s bed, the force so strong he toppled over onto the bed.
“..Not sick..” He mumbled to himself, wanting to get off the bed and be productive to prove it to himself, but Lance’s bed was so soft and welcoming. His sheets were pleasantly crisp and cool, perfectly made. His pillow smelt of him, that flowery scent of his shampoo, the clean scent of his hand cream and moisturiser. So perfectly Lance that Keith was melting into it.
Keith hugged the pillow, letting its warmth engulf him into a heaven of softness. The thought of Lance made him go a deeper shade of pink, and thinking about him lifted his heavy head towards a better place filled with singing birds and swaying trees.
Then he was lulled back to sleep.
Keith woke a bit later, not quite knowing when, he’d lost his sense of time, to an annoying tickle in his nose. His chest heaved as his body began to succumb to the sneeze, breath hitching as his nostrils flared irritably. Keith tried to stubbornly scrub vigorously at his nose, still in denial of the state he was in.
But to no avail, his body was winning over him, as much as Keith hated to admit it. He managed to lift himself up with his elbows, gasping for air until he took one shaky inhale and fell into an intense sneezing fit that left him breathless.
Keith let out monstrous sneeze that sprayed across Lance’s bed, a brief, very short moment of clarity and relief coming to him before another round of intense prickling flooded his sinuses. Immediately he launched into yet another harsh and powerful sneeze that doubled him over.
Keith managed to clasp his two hands over his reddened face, feeling his nose tremble as it built up for another round of harsh sneezes. His body was racked by the new wave of sneezes, by the force of it. He kept sneezing, feeling a bit tired and couldn’t hold his hands to his face as they shook too much and went into another uncovered fit.
He felt absolutely miserable, his nose running and eyes red with irritated tears. All he could really concentrate on was the sound of his intense sneezing and the ticklish feeling in his sinuses. Everything else faded. Keith geared up for his next sneeze, but was left hanging in an awfully unsatisfying crescendo that had been building up to this very moment, the peak of the music, but it never came.
And just a little bit ago Keith would have done anything to deny his illness, but now more than anything Keith just wanted it to happen. He just needed to get this sneeze out, and he looked plain ridiculous, looking up with one side of his nose scrunches up and twitching with anticipation, his breath continuing to hitch as itchy tears threatened to fall from his irritated eyes.
“..What the fuck?” Lance gaped.
“N..n..” Keith tries to respond, but he can’t speak, too preoccupied with this tortuous sneezy limbo and the absolute shame flooding him. He doesn’t want to admit the truth, it’s deflating his pride way too much, which is so ridiculous, he knows that, but he can’t help how pathetic he feels for being sick.
“I’m uh..uh..tryi..trying to..sn..sn!!” Keith tried to make out through his hitchy, dazed voice, beginning to fan at his face desperately.
A victorious smirk crept onto Lance’s face. He crossed his arms and flashed him a grin, suddenly straightening in pride and amusement.
“So, you’re sick, huh?” Lance taunted playfully, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous light.
“No !!..im…not!” Keith protested breathily.
“Hmm,” Lance chuckles, “sure thing, Jan.”
“I just..need to..” Keith tried his best to speak, but was still overtaken by the insistent, incoming sneeze that just wouldn’t come out.
“Well well well, Keith fucking Kogane has finally caught the Fresher’s Flu. A bit late, sure, but it’s happened!” Lance exclaimed with gusto, extremely pleased with himself.
Keith could only squint as he tried to get the sneeze out of his system, nostrils flaring in a manner he believed to be horrendous and embarrassing.
“Now you’re in this sneezy limbo, like I have every single year on the first day, and now you have to suffer through it as a punishment for your relentless teasing! Karma truly is a bitch, ain’t she, Kogane?” Lance giggled, slightly bouncing from his excitement.
Lance kept rambling about his amusement, but Keith couldn’t concentrate on him as the intense tickling in his sinuses was way too much anyway. This limbo was too much, and Keith couldn’t bare one more second of it. The sneeze was right there, just at the end of the floodgates, waiting for the key to turn and unlock so it could just release.
Keith grew impatient, and he snapped.
“Lance, I’m sick! J..just shut up and help me sneeze!”
Lance grinned with victory and nodded, “Alright, sick boy!”
Lance approached Keith and tapped him on the nose, “Boop!~”
Keith finally took in a shaky inhale and when the sneeze finally came out of the floodgates, Keith had never felt more satisfied and complete in his life.
“Bless you!” Lance offered as he passed Keith a tissue to blow his nose with.
“Now, will you let me take care of you?” Lance asked gently, the softest smile framing his face.
Keith blushed hard, “W-what?”
“..I mean..you have to be sitting on my bed for a reason, Keith,” Lance stated, a little awkwardly.
Keith turned a deeper shade of red as he was hit by the sudden realisation of what he had just been doing.
“U-uh..I-I can explain–”
Lance could only smile softly, “You..don’t have to say anything. Just..let me take care of you?”
Keith had a lot of pride. It took over him sometimes, and it stopped him from doing many things, and often held him back from experiences. But somehow against all odds Keith was able to put it aside. For Lance.
He nodded shyly, as Lance climbed onto bed with him and wrapped his warm body around Keith’s shivering frame. Lance draped the blanket over the both of them, running his hands through Keith’s hair soothingly. Everything about Keith’s DNA would’ve made this moment awkward, but something felt so right. So in place.
“Are you really here, or am I dreaming..I can’t tell dreams from truth…” Lance sang softly, his lyrical tenor voice so sweet and comforting to his ears, lulling him into a peaceful rest.
Fresher’s Flu wasn’t as bad as Keith had anticipated, with Lance by his side. Lance took care of him well, so well that Keith wondered why he was so against the idea of getting sick when he had Lance to be there for him. It was almost like he had missed out.
And while Lance complained three days later when he woke up sneezing, he did not regret a thing.
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RULES: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours. When you are done, tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun!
A) Age: 21
B) Biggest fear: BIRDS! 
C) Current time: 5:45 pm 
D) Drink you last had: umm, that was like 12 hours ago, water I think. 
E) Every day starts with: Me spending like 20 minutes in the morning reading through tons of messages posted in a groupchat. 
F) Favourite song atm:  From the Dining Table
G) Ghosts, are they real?: No. I believe in angels and devils though. 
H) Hometown?: I was born in the hood part of Miami lol
I) In love with?: This super hectic band that never takes a break while they’re on break
J) Jealous of?: people who eat a lot and don’t gain weight arggg (I’m keeping Silvia’s answer, this!)
K) Killed Someone?: Nope. Imagine if I did though and this is how I told everyone.
L) Last time you cried: Two days ago maybe
M) Middle name: Safiyyah
N) Number of siblings: One
O) One wish: Being able to look however I wanted to. 
P) Person you last called/texted: My cousin, she’s like my best friend. 
Q) Questions you are always being asked: “When will you graduate?” or “When are you getting married?” I always just want to scream “I’m NOT” and walk away. 
R) Reasons to smile: The normal things like family and friends, but also sillier things like how Harry wore a blue velvet suit after wearing a green one I loved, or getting above the average on a course exam, or how Louis’ nose is perfect for booping, or the chocolate crunchies in the middle of a carvel ice cream cake…
S) Song last sung: Sex by The 1975 (I will never stop loving this song)
T) Time you woke up: 4:45 am, why does religious things have to involve waking up at ungodly hours. 
U) Underwear colour: black and red, weird question felt like I was back in middle school. 
V) Verse from a song you like: “And well, I think I’ve gone mad. Isn’t that so sad? And what a shame you lost a brain that you never had?”
W) Worst habit: I hate myself, which causes a few problems here and there.  
X) X-rays you’ve had: Legs and chest. 
Y) Your favourite food: Pizza
Z) Zodiac sign: Cancer
Thank you @melmanpur for tagging me. xx We’re the same zodiac sign, which means your birthday is coming up soon. Yay!
I’m going to tag @anitasundays, @captiveharts, @captivekinqs, @larrytruther, @loveisalaserquest17, @millionlittletings, @moonblessd, @morganwintermiller, @mydnytkiss, @vintage1der
(I attempted to tag the other half of the groupchat, but I did it from memory, so if you got tagged twice…oopsies) 
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