#while laptop is in repairs have this
Fic Stats Meme
Tagged by @ziskandra
Rules: give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the fewest words.
Most hits: The Night In Gale - Good Omens (TV Series) and Supernatural fandom fusion, air conditioning observed by the Winchester brothers. 5739 hits, a statistical outlier in the popularity of my fics.
Second most kudos: The Original Feeling of Sharing - Dragon Age: Origins. Modern Girl In Thedas playthrough with a twist. Graphic Description Of Becoming A Golem. 110 kudos.
Third most comments: Unexpected Feeling of Sharing - Dragon Age: Inquisition. Continuation of the above, during DA:I. Raleigh Samson for Inquition Commander. 70 comments, 34 comment threads.
Fourth most bookmarks: Cosette Chapeau - Les Misérables. Javert adopts Cosette instead of Jean Valjean. 21 bookmarks. I need to finish this, it’s good.
Fifth most words: Lost in Translation- Ace Attorney Chronicles. Barok van Zieks & Ryuunosuke Naruhodou. Barok goes to Japan where he, among other things, learns kendo. 31299 words.
Fewest words: Observations of an Unconcerned Bus Driver. Stardew Valley. Farmer & Shane. Romance speederun slice of life. 159 words.
If you are comfortable with being tagged and haven’t done this yet… @you
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chenziee · 4 months
Me: *is tired, overwhelmed, with like 10 things I need to write, including 5 lawlus*
Also me: I want to write some lawlu...
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tried to fix my laptop today and the guy basically was like: its safe for now but unfortunately you gotta buy a new one
i just feel shitty about it not lasting a long time (roughly 2.5 years) and even said it to him and he pretty much said its not bc of me or the computer but because the computer companies arent making the right materials in order to push purchases and he cant get what he needs. he then recommended the lenovo think laptops bc he said they are literally the only ones that he never sees come in with any issues
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I'm taking a few days off for my birthday, I have some appointments, but otherwise I wasn't sure what I was going to do, until today when I decided to strip my laptops for fun parts
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prettyboybuckley · 1 year
so uhmm about the first chapter of the high on you sequel coming tomorrow. that's going to depend entirely on if i can figure out a way to post it from another device because my laptop screen just fucking broke
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navramanan · 6 months
I feel so horrible
#last evening i spilled tea it was obv an accident but i should have been more careful it was through a too careless action#some spilled on the book i got from the library. i thought that was the worst part#a bit spilled on my laptop. very little. while i was busy with the book my mom wiped my laptop#my brother immediately turned it off & told me to keep it upside down overnight#so i put it upside down. for hours. at least 4. before that i picked it up to look i could still see the water#but my laptop reacted to me picking it up & showed the battery percentage on the screen like it does#i didnt do anything else and put it back upside down. so again later i picked it up to check#it look dry. this time it didnt react to my ''touch'' to me picking it up#i didnt think anything. i wanted to do something on my laptop and tried powering it on. idk if that was a mistake or not#but it didnt react. the night is over it's almost noon it's still not turning on. it's been in rice the whole night#but honestly i dont even know if that actually helps. i know it's a popular method but idk#my brother works in IT he knows computers he said he'd unscrew & remove the storage disk to be safe#and to call someone they know who repairs computers. neither of these things happened yet bc we dont have the right screw#my brother i believe asked the neighbor#i'm not really hopeful. i've slept 4 hours last night bc i was so worried i couldnt sleep#went to sleep at 3 woke up at 7 couldnt sleep again#i said i'm not hopeful but one thing about me i never think bad things like this could happen to me so there's always this#''it's not real this isnt happening'' in me. i wish it wasnt bc if it turns out to be real it devastates me#i feel i get swayed so easily by things going wrong. it just immobilizes me#it happened when my luggage got lost. i was completely scatter brained fully gone when it happened#i was staying at my aunt's place. she poked fun at me for how much it affected me. said i have euros i could raplace my clothes#i spent four days this way. i was there to see a friend. i felt i was robbed from truly having a good time. it was our first time meeting#i cried every single day. called the airport lost & found every single day. this one thing occupied my whole being#i got my luggage back but what i'm getting at is for one i actually got it back so it wasnt a real bad thing that happened. it got fixed#and two it just had me in its clutches this one incident. so now my laptop wont turn on i cant think of anything else#cant do anything else. and although it looks real and i DONT want to be hopeful so i can let go and not be devastated when i find out#it's irreparable. idk where i'm getting at with this. except idk i really really really want it to work again#nesi rants
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sysig · 8 months
It's always something lol
Last year it was the charger, this year the hinge on my laptop broke
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skania · 2 years
So after writing that post about how inconsistent Karin's portrayal was during the war, I started thinking about what Kishi could've done to fix that. Since I can’t draw, I ended up doing a few manga edits lol
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I feel like simply doing the bare minimum already takes care of some of the issues. For example, with this:
No one would doubt Sasuke's apology + not showing Sasuke's face serves an actual purpose instead of Kishi simply being lazy and rushing the scene
Karin explains why she is moved without losing her marbles, thus making her reaction easier to understand to the casual reader
Karin directly adresses Sasuke instead of Orochimaru, which leads to the biggest change:
Karin doesn't break character by being affectionate with Sasuke in public, but we still get to keep Sasuke's hilarious reaction
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Here's the most important change IMO. Instead of literally bringing Shippuuden!Karin into the manga, if he had actually cared, Kishi could've simply taken this chance to have Karin shed light into Sasuke's chakra. Not only to keep her characterization consistent, but also to the benefit of the reader who is wondering what to think of Sasuke's behavior.
Lastly, all of the scenes with Karin crying over Sasuke can easily be perfectly in character if Karin were simply tearing up, the same way she did throughout the manga whenever she thought Sasuke was a goner lol
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So the bare minimum of more effort and care would have done the trick lol
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sunny-m00n · 9 months
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Drawing robots <3
(Ignore the giant space lol-)
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aowyn · 7 months
new computer charger was working just fine but now my computer wont charge at all..........
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mauvecardigans · 1 year
finally got so sick of having long hair that i cut a bunch of it off last night
unfortunately, this has left me with The Robby Keene
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randomwords247 · 2 years
Commissions. Any interest?
Wanna see if theres any interest in opening commissions again sometime soon - It’ll be a bit different to last time, no comic pages and a better method of going about the planning stage, and likely a price change, but I’m thinking about opening them up again
So, if I was to, would anyone be interested?
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 years
my phone screen keeps losing super tiny little shards of acrylic/glass (not actually 100% sure which bc both are common) and im worried abt using it now :[
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odysseys-blood · 8 months
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i hope hp burns to the ground actually
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henpeckedho · 9 months
Boring life update:
After looking at all the options in the budget phone range, I'm just going with the newest version of the phone I have.
While a "nicer" phone would be good, the reviews from other long time moto g fans say the same thing--2023 is a huge improvement over the other ones in this line but you can still drop your phone with abandon and have it be okay.
My phone requirements are: basic internet and the ability to drop my phone an average of 3 times a day for 3 straight years and still have it function. I AM the intended original Nokia user. And moto g delivers on that kind of durability. So, basic budget phone it is!
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makedamnsvre · 10 months
i dont like this laptop.
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