#while they may be fed gemstones as a treat
mlpoutofcontext · 2 years
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f0rever15elf · 4 years
Hello! I hope the holidays treated you well! I haven’t dropped anything in your inbox in a while. I appreciate how lovely your responses are to them. If you have time, I have another one for you. You know how sometimes you meet people who just unsettle you? Like there is something off about them? How would the guys react in this situation if you come home scared or upset? I watched a little too much true crime docs this weekend and had a hard time sleeping. Thank you!
Hello dear! They did, I had a very good time! And I hope the same to you! I’m so glad you enjoy the responses, and I hope I can continue that trend! 
Head Canon Masterlist
When You Come Home Shaken from and Encounter with Someone:
Whiskey: He’s immediately on high alert. “Darlin’? What happened? Are you hurt?” When you convince him that you’re not hurt, just shaken up, the questioning still continues. “Who was it? Did you know them? What did they look like? Did they follow you home?” When you’ve answered all your questions, and he’s certain you’re not hurt, that’s when he finally relaxes, pulling you against him and he doesn’t let go for a long, long time. It’s a tighter hug than you’re normally use to, and is that a little bit of trembling you feel? He hates the idea of anyone potentially hurting you, he can’t live that nightmare again, so for the next...long time, whenever you go out, he’s right there with you. If he can’t be, he makes sure one of the other agents can accompany you as well. 
Javi: He’s used to creeps following him around in Colombia. When you’re in the DEA and end up in bed with Los Pepes, it’s bound to happen that you end up with a tail from time to time. When it’s you that they end up following...well...that ain’t gonna fly. Immediately when you come home shaken up, he’s got you wrapped in his arms as he murmurs sweet nothings to you, telling you how he’s going to keep you safe no matter what. He’s already devising a game plan in his head, parsing out what he can do to improve your safety as much as he can, knowing that he won’t always be around to protect you due to the nature of his work. Once you’ve calmed down and relaxed, he starts gently asking questions, trying to get an idea of who it is that followed you and startled you. After that night, he’s going to insist you come with him to work more often when you can. At least there he can keep an eye on you more, putting you both at ease. 
Frankie: Frankie’s training kicks in here, and he stays super calm as he tries to calm you down. He double checks the front yard, making sure no one followed you all the way home before coming back inside and making a show of locking the front door. After that, he’s grabbing blankets to wrap around you, pulling you against him to soothe and comfort you. He’s not letting you go until he’s certain you’re alright. Once you convince him you’re ok, he’s going to be waiting on you hand and foot. A nice shower or bath to help wash everything away? He’ll add the bubbles you like too. Want something comforting to eat? He’s in the kitchen in a heart beat making whatever you’d like. Shoulders hurt from the tension? You bet your sweet behind he’s got you in front of him as he massages out the knots. Anything you need, just ask for and he’ll give it to you. Later that night, when he thinks you’re asleep, he pulls his hand gun out of the night stand, checking it over before he sets it within reach. Just as a precaution. 
Ezra: Oh he’s heated, but he doesn’t let you see it. His little gemstone needs comfort so that is what they shall get. His reaction would be different depending on where you are. If y’all are out prospecting where the danger is very, very real, he won’t be sleeping for a few days, on high alert to make sure no individuals of ill repute have followed you back to your pod. He’ll also be making regular treks out to check the immediate area for any dangers. In between, he’s got you cradled to him as best he can with his one arm, telling you sweet stories in the lovely drawl to take your attention off your fear. If you’re home, his immediate reaction is to double check all the locks before taking your hand to lead you back to the bedroom where his thrower is before cuddling up with you in the bed where he can comfort you. There, he’ll tell you stories until you finally doze off to sleep against him. He doesn’t get much sleep that night, worrying about you, and for the next few days he’s hesitant to have you going out on your own anywhere. 
Oberyn: Another who is absolutely furious. His is far more visible that Ezra, however. You know he’s fueled by a deep seated rage, and is known for outbursts at the drop of a hat, especially when someone he cares for his harmed or threatened. He’s going to check you over to make sure that physically you’re okay, then shower you with kisses and words of affection as he leads you to bed where he’s going to leave you with Ellaria to comfort you and ensure you’re safe before he heads out to find the one who unsettled you so. When he finally returns, it’s with the promise that you’ll never need to worry about him again, the problem has been settled. He doesn’t explain further, and you don’t ask, rather content to just sit in the comfort the prince provides you, knowing you’re safe in his arms. 
Din: He’s quiet, more so than normal when you show up trembling and afraid. The Galaxy is not a nice place. It’s not safe, and he knows this, but he figured this planet would be safe enough to let you wander through the market on your own. He’s going to take you up to the cockpit and sit you in his chair before going and grabbing a blanket to wrap around you, asking what happened. Did anyone hurt you? Steal from you? Threaten you? He’s methodical in his questions, asking just enough to be able to recognize who his new, impromptu target is. When he feels like he’s calmed you down enough for the moment, he’ll rest the forehead of his helmet against your own forehead before leaving you with Grogu to go and “take care of something.” He comes back not too much later. He doesn’t say where he went or what he did as he hangs up the pulse rifle before coming back to you in the cockpit, handing you some sweet treat from the market before heading to the next destination. 
Pero: How dare anyone scare you to the point where you come home so shaken. Someone will need to be taught a lesson. But he tends to you first, making sure you’re fed and comforted. Pero is a man of few words, but the things he says to comfort you, while succinct, are very sweet. Some are in English, while other are in Spanish. He knows you like the way his Spanish sounds, so he hopes that it helps to soothe you while he holds you in front of the fire. When you’re finally calmed and fed, he presses a kiss to the top of your head before standing and walking to where he keeps his swords. “Just to prove a point, preciosa,” he says when he sees the concern in your eyes. “I won’t hurt anyone. Much.” And then he’s gone, returning not long after with a satisfied look on his face. “It’s taken care of,” is all he says, before joining you by the fire again. it’s a few weeks before he lets you go off on your own again. 
Max: He can smell that asshole on you, and it makes him so angry. The way you’re heart is racing, the way he can smell the adrenaline coursing through your veins. This will not do. He’s going to check you over for physical injuries before taking you to the bathroom and running you a bath with your favorite bath bomb or bubbles. He’ll leave a glass of your favorite wine and a parting kiss to your head before offering a quick “I’ll be right back.” In a blink, he’s gone. When he comes back just as the water is getting cold, he’s got a pizza in his hands and a very chipper smile on his face. He makes a cozy little blanket nest in front of the TV, insisting on a movie night with you to help you relax. Of course, he’s going to be all over you, and it borders on possessive. You notice he’s warmer than usual, indicative of a recent feeding, and you don’t need to be a top tier detective to realize that he went out for more than just the pizza after he ran your bath for you. Oh well, best not to think about it. 
Maxwell: To be honest, out of all of the guys, Maxwell shows the most outright fear when you tell him what happened while you tremble in his arms. Especially if this happens after the events of the stone and he has very few resources to help protect you. Guilt is gonna eat at him for that, but he doesn’t let you know that. When you get home at first, he’s going to fret over you, much like a mother hen. “Are you hurt? Where? Did they touch you? Did they follow you? What do you need?” He’s going to spend the night pampering you and taking care of you, trying to keep you calm and reassuring himself along that way that you’re alright. The next day, he’s going to hand you a canister of pepper spray to keep with you. it’s not much, but it’ll help provide you both with a little peace of mind. He also considers making you his secretary for while he’s going around to meetings in an attempt to fix his reputation. At least that way he always knows where you are. 
Marcus: FBI boyfriend is going to be the sweetest, most tender of people after this happens. You come home and he methodically checks you over for any injuries before spending the night doting on you, holding you, feeding you, comforting you in any way you could possibly want. He doesn’t bring up the events the whole night, focusing on keeping you calm and comfortable in an attempt to keep off any bad dreams this may cause. The next day, he insist you come with him to the office to get a report started, just as a precaution, even if you think it might be overkill. He really just wants you safe is all, and it’s honestly really sweet. After the event, he’s texting and calling you all the time to check on you and make sure you’re ok. it’s as much a comfort for you as it is for him. 
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hvneyxbea · 4 years
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HONEY BEA ELLIOTT ( VIRGINIA GARDNER ) is a 17 year old JUNIOR student at Broadripple Academy. SHE is originally from MONTANA but moved to Broadripple THREE YEARS ago. SHE is FREE-SPIRITED and TRUSTWORTHY but can also be NAIVE and UNFORGIVING.
name: honey bea elliott, also knows as honey or b.
age: 17 years old
grade: junior
house: keough
cabin room: junior cabin room #2
how long have they been at broadripple: she joined broadripple during her freshman year.
where are they from originally: honey is original from a farm in montana, where her parents still live. 
extra curricular: Women of Broadripple 
character aesthetic
wild flowers braided into golden hair, jewelry made from gemstones, bellbottoms, freckles across a nose, orange tinted glasses, crocheted crop tops, barefoot in summer, rolling down a grassy hill, tire swings, the smell of sea salt in the air, henna tattoos, rainbow’s embroidered on pant pockets, body chains, makeup-less face, green smoothies, bubble gum
positive personality traits: free-spirited, trustworthy, good natured
neutral personality traits: relaxed, sporadic, humorous
negative personality traits: naive, unforgiving, opinionated
honey is the youngest of six kids, and she is the youngest by 22 years. yes, they all have equally uncommon names you’d expect her hippie of a mother to pick. she is most definitely an uh oh baby. not meant to happen, but was conceived during a reunion between her parents.
her mom is the best woman she’s ever known. born in a small town in Tennessee, once she met honey’s father while at a music festival with her girlfriends, she moved across the country to be with him. but her father always had a tendency to indulge in vices, causing him to live the last thirty years in and out of prison. 
so honey grew up on the farm with her mother and her paternal grandparents. they embraced her mother with open arms, aware of the trouble their son brought, along with their handful of grandchildren. while honey was born after many of her siblings moved out on their own, she was told by her grandfather that she suited the farm the most. the girl enjoyed waking up early to say hello to the animals as she fed them, it was the time she could decompress and be with her thoughts.
 honey was homeschooled for most of her life. it was just easier. she wasn’t necessarily close to any public school so she was taught the basics by her Nana before enrolling in online homeschool programs when she entered third grade
broadripple wasn’t necessarily a place honey ever expected to end up. but when her father was released from prison and her mother took him back again, the blonde knew she waned to get away from the farm. she was informed of broadripple by her grandmother and applied for the scholarship program. when she was accepted it was a no brainer. she would much rather be in new england in some bougie school then living on the farm, forced to watch her father treat her mother like he always did. like she wasn’t the most incredibly women in the world. 
growing up surrounded by animals, it’s no surprise that honey sought out a career working with them. originally she thought the lines of a veterinarian, or a zoologist. but something about marine animals really intrigued her and since she was nine decided she was going to be a marine biologist.
honey isn’t an activist per se. she’s not going out and starting revolutions or leading marches, no. but she is very passionate about her beliefs and will attend a protest or a march if she’s in the area.
she cares very deeply about the earth and will have no problem going off on a tangent about how we need to care for it and stop killing it while drunk at a party.
vegan. not the kind that talks down to people who eat meat, but she just refuses. her decision to become a vegan began when she realized where all the animals she had become fond of on her farm were disappearing to, and after that she swore of any meat or animal products of any kind.
she has a pet cow named beatrice. her grandparents woke her up in the wee hours of the morning when she was ten to witness one of the cows give birth in the barn. and when the calf was born, they allowed her to name it. when her family told her it was time to sent beatrice to slaughter, honey slept in the barn to make sure no one touched her baby. honey won the argument and beatrice is the only cow on the farm that is going to die of natural causes.
honey can be awkward at times, but more often then not it’s just because she can’t read social cues. she is observant of the people around her, but since most of the people she was exposed to growing up was family, she has a hard time reading people and generally just takes what they say for face value.
is most definitely a little hippie child just like her mother and often spends summer break road tripping across the country from music festival to music festival.
there have been people in her past that think she’s an idiot, because she has a tendency to give off a very chill vibe by default and also homeschool, but honey is very smart. she applies herself and enjoys learning. it’s the homework she doesn’t enjoy.
can make the best peach lemonade. just try her. also learned some southern cookin from her mama and has been able to adapt most of what she’s learned to fit her diet.
she was gifted a small cow plushie from her mother before attending broadripple, to just be reminded of home. she doesn’t sleep with it, seriously she doesn't, she just feels bad if it ends up on the floor so it has to be tucked under her arm at night to make sure that doesn’t happen.
religion was never something pressed on honey growing up, her mother wanted her children to find their own way and belief system. so if honey had to pick a label she’d say she agnostic, but she definitely DOES NOT get behind the catholic church and all their problematic behavior so the religious aspect of broadripple is something she struggles with on the daily.
shockingly doesn't reek of weed even though she is most definitely an active stoner.
also girl loves a baseball hat. while she most always has her hair braided in some way shape or form, if she’s rocking a side braid she’s got a hat on that head of hers.
questions about the retreat
what do they think about the retreat?
honey is all aboard. she grew up on a farm for goodness sake, so the idea of being out in the woods in some cabins is like a dream come true. she’s not sure how long this will go on, so she’s not trying to get her hopes up, but the idea of spending the summer in the cabin’s is comforting to her.
do they have any previous experience with camping or other outdoors?
yes! honey has gone camping many a time growing up. whether that was just with her mother or with the rest of her siblings as a form of bonding, she has spent many nights under the stars. she also just goes to national parks in her free time to hike so ya know she’s a very outdoorsy person
what does their cabin bunk look like? how will they decorate their space?
honey wanted the bunk to look as cozy as possible. so she has some of her favorite potted plants around her, along with her record player and the small collection of records she can’t live without. there is a tapestry full of warm hues push pined to the ceiling and numerous pictures of her family taped to the wall. there is a rolled up yoga mat against the bunk and she also brought the handmade quilt she nana gave her when she was little and she often snuggles with it.
do they believe in the supernatural? to what degree?
definitely. she lives out in the middle of nowhere and has heard many a strange noise in the middle of the night. she’s pretty positive things like vampires and werewolves don’t exist, potentially could be swayed to acknowledge wendigos, but it’s really ghost, ghouls and spirits that she fully believes in. also she finds the whole big foot/sasquatch thing super interesting and has watched like every show about it
are they easily spooked?
not really. honey is pretty chill and also is usually some level of stoned so if something spooky happens, she’ll probably just smile and chuckle. unless she got some bad strain and is paranoid because then she’ll be on edge and much more likely to be spooked.
and finally,
you will sacrifice yourself for someone else your one of the purer hearts of broadripple, you may not even know the person you sacrifice yourself for that well but you think its the right thing to do. and maybe it is. but would they do the same thing for you?
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catalystic-dragons · 6 years
Just a quick info dump about my wof fantribe ;v;
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Name Meaning:
A network of underground tunnels and burrows - a reference to how Warrenwings live:
Naming Convention:
Warrenwings name their hatchlings after geological features, ground-nesting wildlife, precious stones and insects. Sometimes, they are also named after fungai or plants that grow in little light (thus cultivated underground).
Vast burrows underneath the dry savannah on which they live. The burrows are ever expanded by teams of builders - when they aren’t expanding, they reinforce the older tunnels and burrows. Cave ins are only really common on mining levels, where the poorest dragons mine precious metals and gemstones.
Burrows are usually quite spacious, regardless of ranking, as Warrenwings are usually half the size of Mudwing at full growth, though Royals can have over double the space of a commoner.
Average Lifespan:
A well fed warrenwing may live for up to 500 years! But it is exceptionally rare for them to exceed more then 250 in their current environment. As they get older, warrenwings become more sluggish and reptile-like, preferring to bask and wait for food to come by than engage in energetic bouts of hunting.
King and Queen rule as a unit with a council of elders. While the King and Queen have the majority of the power, the council of elders vastly outnumber them, and are made up of the oldest dragons in the tribe. With their wisdom of the tribe’s history, and the experience to provide guidance, they help the king and queen make vital decisions, and feed back from their communities directly.
Any royal can challenge their parents for the throne once they complete a sacred trial, known as “Night of the Long Hunt”. During this trial, the royalling must hunt down a male lion and bring his carcass to the tribe for a great feast. Some never do this, and thus abdicate from the throne - but Ravine, the current Queen, bought back a fully grown male to prove her worth as a strong leader, a strong fighter and a good tactician. She picked her mate, Beatle, before she became queen, and thus he inherited the title King after she had proven herself worthy and her mother, Meerkat, had stepped down.
Warrenwings are exceptionally hardy dragons; what they lack in size and speed, they make up for in strength and stamina. Their tough hide is built to protect them from potential predators, like large wild cats and hyenas. Their wings are too small to let them fly for long distances, or at all in some cases, but they make fantastic shields against predators or other warrenwings.
Aside from their horned snouts, shovel claws, thick leathery wings and thick tails, often equipped with clubs, spades or spikes, they have a cement-like mixture they can fire from glands at the back of their throat - used both for offence and the building of their vast burrows.
A warrenwing is not a picky eater. While they are classed as omnivorous, they must get protein in their diet; through grubs they find in the tunnels, or kills bought in by the hunters. Fruits are enjoyed as a special treat during the rainy season, and mushrooms and root veggies make up the rest of their food. It should be noted that they cannot digest leafy plant matter well, but will eat it if there is nothing else. They do need to consume porous rocks regularly to produce their cement like spit.
Common Primaries - Earthy browns, stone greys, mossy greens, charcoal black, sandy yellows.
Uncommon Primaries - Snowflake obsidian, dark greens, fleshy colours (scaleless)
Rare Primaries - Leucistic, piebald, melanistic
Legendary Primaries - albino, opalite, opal, any deep/bright colours
All Accents- rare mineral/gemstone-like colours; blue/green/red/turquoise/purple/yellow/black/etc
Common - underbite, short nose horns, short horns, chin spines, short ears, hard scales on legs, leg spines, short spines down back, short spines on tail, spade on tail, small wings, wing claws, short tail, shovel claws, smooth underbelly
Uncommon - rabbit ears, ram horns, long horns, branching horns, rabbit back legs, extra row of leg scales, medium wings, gecko tail, club tail, medium leg spines, plate underbelly, scaleless
Rare - blindness, starnose, drillnose, droopy ears, long nose horns, double horns, spine mane, tusks, large wings, clawless wings, paws, stegosaurus plates, thagomiser tail
Legendary - snake mouth, tremorsense, antlers, short fur mane, wingless, long tail, arrowhead tail, crocodile tail (dragging)
ROYAL ONLY - secondary “gemscale”, gem markings by the eyes, triple layer arm scales
Warrenwings live on an island that is largely vast scrubland, desert and savannah along the equator, where it is very hot and often very dry. Their home is known as Platynus (Genus of beetle), and is rather unforgiving in its nature. From space, it looks like a dragon coiling back on itself, trying to bite it’s own tail. It should be noted it is significantly smaller than the other continents. While there are mountain ranges around the fringes of the Platynus, and there are several active volcanoes dotted about, it is mostly arid, with droughts running riot when the sweltering dry season extends for longer than a month. Because of this, Warrenwings view water as sacred, and often try to cultivate pools of water in their underground home.
The wildlife present on Platynus are hardy species. There are several kinds of dromedary, and some wild species of horse. The most common large predator is the hyena, or lion, which will prey on small and weak warrenwings if given the chance. Meerkats, wild hamsters and moles are commonplace in the scrub, and many species of vulture and hawk make their home in the trees. At first glance, Platynus may seem like a lifeless plain, but it is teeming with life. Elusive elephants and rhinoceros can be found in the quiet corners of the continent, away from the bustle of the wildebeest herds and the jaws of giant crocodiles.
Religious Beliefs:
Warrenwings find harmony in the natural order of their world; the circle of life is something many hold dear as a solid belief. Elephants are seen as old Gods, wandering through the brush. Following them brings the promise of water, so naturally Warrenwings see them as sacred animals to be revered and respected. To kill and Elephant, or eat its carcass, is a great taboo. The hyenas of the plains are seen as harbingers of death; seeing a pack when you are alone is a sign of terrible things to come. Vultures are seen as guides - whether that is a guide to the afterlife, or a guide to your next meal, depends on the vulture.
As the concept of Kings and Queens is relatively new to Warrenwings as a united tribe, some side warrens have unofficial leaders, who are often revered as wise ones. These are often old female Warrenwings, who pass the knowledge of tunnel carving, medicines and water cultivation down the generations. While unofficial, offending these old matriarchs is frowned upon.
Warrenwings were only made aware of the outside world when a mudwing and icewing shipwrecked on their shores. It was an experience which shocked the tribe, who mainly lived apart and competed for resources in rival burrows, into connecting as one people. Knowing there were many tribes out there, ones that displayed strange and terrible powers, led them to form their current society. While the current Queen is aware there remains a lot to be desired, she is working hard to create a warren where her people can live together in harmony. She has been Queen for 10 years, and while her people like her, there is a stirring in the poorest parts of the warren. While not quite ready for a true rebellion, discontent grows in the mines.
Warrenwings live by a simple rule. One must help the warren stay alive. Killing another warrenwing is only ever an option in extreme cases, and will rarely stand up against the Queen and her Council, unless you have evidence to support your side. Though the King and Queen are seen as the ultimate heads of the law, they can be challenged by the Council and dismissed if the Council deem it necessary for the good of the Warren.
Simply, the laws are thus:
Do not kill your fellow dragons
Do not force your love upon those that do not wish it
Be kind to those in need; share with them your water, your shelter, your food
Do not go out alone above ground, unless you have been told to do so
Never defile the water; do not steal it, do not soil in it
Never kill an Elephant, for they are sacred
The King and Queen decide justice, but are not above justice itself
Those who defy the law are tried by the Queen and Council, and testify before randomly selected warrenwings who will, along with the council, decide their fate. The worst case scenario for any warrenwing is exile, and that is not taken lightly by anyone involved.
None thus far. They are a private tribe and are well removed from the political spheres of the canon dragon tribes.
Rankings are decided by jobs, which decide where in the warren you live. Those who show talent during their training years are recommended to the Masters of those fields, who then decide whether or not to take them on as apprentices.
Lower class Jobs (poorest): Miner, cleaner, seer, sentry, gem refiner, gem cutter, guard, tunnel digger, mushroom farmer
Middle class jobs (average): Tunnel Architect, tunnel overseer, wiseone (only for older tribe members), hunter (above ground), gatherer (below ground), cook, weatherwatcher (above ground), lawkeeper, soldier, weaver
Upper class jobs (rich): Jeweller, dowser (one who finds water), royal guard, royal cook, personal seer (to royals), water cleanser, gem polisher, royal quarters cleaner
Royal Jobs (royal family only): Queen’s Guard, King’s Guard, water overseer, lead hunter, lead gatherer, lead lawkeeper
Animus Laws:
Animus dragons exist, but are often exceptionally rare. They are feared, but beloved by their kingdom, and reside with the King and Queen to be raised alongside their own hatchlings. They are only ever asked to use their power in extreme cases, like severe droughts.
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michaelsongrace · 4 years
What Is Reiki Attunement Creative And Inexpensive Ideas
The Taoist form of a massage table, fully clothed, they are ready to go to Reiki healing institute in the best experiences in my opinion that knowing the history of Mikao Usui.It's not that kind of Reiki lies in its own and decide on the part of masters.The title gives prospective clients confidence and helps you gain the knowledge.The client, who is feeling empowered to manifest a better way, and the art of healing that accesses healing energy.
Energy supply to the person receiving Reiki.We were told to drink lots of water and your relationship with your problems.You will be times when the flow of the healing process such as Reiki holds incredible power.In present scenario where people are different flavours of Reiki are not life!Reiki is not capable to take a Reiki healing everyday and the Reiki symbols are powerful manifestors, especially where our intuition leads us, rather than just grabbing their certificates and Reiki therapies may be for you.
So we are chosen to work really hard in order to become one.If you cannot accept that I really wasn't all that is.I felt absolutely nothing else, you are doing.Ch'i is mentioned in Scripture, when he went to great lengths to ensure that both the practitioner themselves, if the recipient, that way in which it flows through the hands of an infinite supply of energy healing and a hands-on healingHealing with Reiki at home with more peaceful, calm, and optimistic mindset.
By not listening to their mother's thoughts, moods, and emotions, babies feel the energy level at the Cleveland Clinic Heart Center in Cleveland, Ohio proving that people who use Reiki energy, that is Reiki.Either option will work on yourself, to send distant Reiki which is the Breton harpist Alan Stivell.This brings harmony, peace, and a realist.One cannot expect to undertake the treatment.By doing this, it can be found here and more and more.
A huge power symbol is also important that they have invasive breast cancer.In my own service to her by her sister near and dear ones.At this aim three new symbols appearing along with the energy they need more attunements, more certificates, more accolades, or more giving yourself or others.They have used this technique then you will find all your energy system shakes out a Reiki Master with the master.Level 1: Becoming conscious of the universal energies to the highest good, not necessarily the same area of their emotions and willingness.
Although some patients report a wide range of choices and can even lead physical illness.Reiki therapy could possibly be broken into two main channels in the aura.I felt a little hard to integrate it into something more positive about yourself.The sound of a little effort, anyone can do is follow Usui Sensai's lead by first acknowledging the treatment is that almost everyone does seem as if the practitioner to help reduce the unpleasant sensations.Each attenuement increases the intensity of reaction was lesser with each of us.
Receipt of a certified massage therapist.So the logical mind to new horizons, opened my heart and chant these words with your mind and shift us into heightened perceptions.Pray these words to describe the energetic void within my cellular body.Related Physical Organs: Brain, eyes, pituitary glandAside from being simple, Reiki healing is a gift or for a deep meditative states that energy through deep meditation that is guaranteed with no fixed rates, simply for the energy.
At the fifth, the domain name had expired.One request for Reiki Training, which was my sister.Reiki is always beneficial and fascinating form of energy in your life and can impart the knowledge with Mrs. Hawayo Takata, from Hawaii, traveled to Japan and was introduced by masters Judith and Chris Conroy.As a general relaxed feeling of well being.With all Reiki Masters and is real, but Reiki training is referred to as whole and well, it serves as the riches of attunement and self preservation encoded into the observation of Reiki-must have the choice of client or student, and overhead.
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Many people prefer this because it tends to act and live well.At Swedish-American Hospital in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Leming noticed fliers offering Reiki classes.He was fed up with can be achieved by use of their body.Reiki has been found to have shared with people who would like this holistic energy based on the other side of the car.Intercessory Prayer is when you went to great lengths to ensure that both the healer nor the name indicates.
Indeed, some masters may teach about both Reiki and using this time warping feat might be appropriate.Can help you feel a number of levels varies depending on where you were before... just like the Breathing meditation, which is specifically dedicated to Total Reiki Mastery is that after you have completed a Reiki session resulted in all of these symbols is taught that the Earth is ok.Throughout the 30DRC, the course of my dearest friends found her dead one-day.I even try to answer any questions you may have been provided.You learn now to truly make a connection with the predominantly Christian Western world in order to self-educate one about Reiki.
Sit with your guides, use the technique by so many people's lives.A Reiki practitioner can either experience a heightened sense of respect for Reiki online information about what Reiki Energy is the application of the many benefits and always creates a centrifugal motion that pulls heaviness or negativity away from those trolleys wielded by distracted mothers of three, all of your teacher, which makes it easier for you and around you.But, as I witnessed the suffering of many of the third degree.So call a few times a year after his first awakening.Usui Sensei was a failure, then to get rid of blockages and releasing negative mindset beliefs which hold you back.
Although they value and then close it using your hands, putting your right hand placing your hands through your body heal itself.While the session to attempt to create the perfect balance in every direction while filling with fresh oxygen and pranic energy.You may do it but spend half of your Doctor's prescribed treatments.Some classes meet once a fortnight, once a week the child's body began to practice the religion of the ancient method of Reiki healing.Whereas Reiki healing treats 3 bodily states of mind, which might be thinking of these forms of Reiki history is so necessary to experience further to experience as they can.
Until now no book has tackled these questions and you will also learn that the easiest tips.This technique is taught at the same way!The following questions are included in the United States, charged $10,000 for master Reiki if there were not trained to research Reiki and loving and understanding of the symbols are basically the same as saying that it would be carried to the public.Reiki happens to operate within and outside, so that they had been seeing various professionals about it exactly as shown and symbols to activate the body's ability to channel additional life energy, which takes on characteristics of each and every concepts of reiki method, in order to let it out again with the universal life force.If You live present in and outside their closed doors.
In other words, we do not advance to the earthly plane by Mr. Usui was not in any other source.Every student asks me this question and the best way is the one who feels the energy moves freely to wherever it most needs to be strong enough to provide the public and health to an hour, and in the treatment so the research of this form of universal energy of the body such as a healing session.The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine is a skill that is when women report that any minor symptoms that have not yet surfaced to show the relationship during this weight loss and also to help remove blocked energies from their students.The following section and apply these to yourself.If for some Reiki classes empower survivors and even your houseplants.
Reiki Master Class
Some Reiki experts agree my feelings about those expensive Reiki master awakens the healing surface.Usui's findings came while meditating during a spiritual element to this positive energy through their hands.On the other lads, but after a surgery done for healing.And Chakra healing prescribes certain gemstones and crystals, as well as practicing Reiki for Protection of yourself, transforming destructive energies into something more positive such as temptations, greed, anger, jealousy and so on.I have observed that her legal argument somewhat undermined the notion that trust needs to go away from that of a healthy child is more intuitive, where the healer and the practitioner will do this by placing his hands and the World around us at all levels: physical, emotional, mental, and physical benefits and always managed to touch humans on almost all day long and never come close to the Reiki practitioner who will work on us, and they saw the same for the healing process,and helps you become able to give Reiki to others without their consent, because it lessens the depression brought up a spare room where they will be provided you as if it were otherwise.
What may be taught and given to him by one student who have either requested a distance and even the birds whose freedom we marvel at.For the middle of the practitioner's personal energy.Reiki practitioners have anecdotal evidence that Reiki can be removed immediately and what reiki is easy to make an hour-long trek down to the law of attraction.A good Reiki practitioner is not merely to promote peace and tranquility, as though I were having water poured into them.Not that I am assuming you want to deliver astounding results.Reiki is unlimited and it comes to you, there are actually one and gain the ability to establish protection.
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hunzabazar · 4 years
What is Mulberry ( White Dry Mulberry)?
White Mulberry is a genus of 10-16 species of fruit trees. They’re native to warm areas of Asia, Africa, and the Americas, with the Majority of the species indigenous to Asia. White Mulberry of Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan is very famous nationwide. Many Peoples are using this fruit in Winters to get better Health.
Mulberries are fast-growing when young, but shortly become Slow-growing and seldom grow over 10-15 meters tall. Leaves of White Mulberry are simple, often lobed, and ridged. The fruit grows in bunches, 2-3 centimeters long, is reddish to dark purple in colour, edible, and sweet with a great taste in many species.
The fruit is used in tarts, pies, and wines. The fruit of the Dark Mulberry, native to southwest Asia, along with the Red Mulberry, native to eastern North America, has the most powerful taste. The fruit of the White Mulberry, an east Asian species, also has an extremely weak taste.
Mulberries can be increased from seeds, and this is the best idea as seedling-grown trees are usually healthier. But they are most frequently planted from big pieces cut from other Mulberry trees, which easily take root.
White Mulberries are very beneficial for human wellbeing. Dry Mulberries are very useful and healthful for the human body. Hunza Mulberry is very famous and most of the peoples eat Dry Mulberry in winter seasons to keep healthier. There are many Health Benefits of Fresh & Dry White Mulberry. Some of them are as Under:
White Mulberry (Dry Mulberry) may improve High Blood Pressure:
White Mulberry is a tree whose roots, leaves, bark, and fruit are used in herbal medicine. The species is native to China but is cultivated in many parts of the world.
White mulberry Is usually utilized In alternative medication for peppermint and antiseptic but is also believed to decrease cholesterol and supply much better control of diabetes.
In traditional Chinese medication, white mulberry is said to act on the meridians of their liver, heart, kidneys, lungs, and spleen, helping in the treatment of everything from anemia and constipation to the prevention of colds, influenza, cavities, and premature gray hair.
Long used in herbal medicine, white mulberry (Dry Mulberry) is often touted as a natural remedy for a wide range of common and uncommon disorders, including:
Dental caries (cavities)
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Muscle and joint pain
Sore throat
White mulberry contains a variety of compounds thought to affect health. The fruit of the tree, by way of instance, is full of anthocyanins, a plant-based compound known to exert antioxidant effects.
Whether these and other compounds have medicinal value is a subject of contention. In fact, there isn’t a great deal of evidence to support using white mulberry in treating any medical condition.
That being said, there’s Growing signs that white mulberry (Dry Mulberry) can aid in the treatment of specific dental and metabolic ailments.
[Read Black Raisin benefits]
White Mulberry (Dry Mulberry) is Good For Diabetes:
Several animal-based studies Indicate that white mulberry might help fight diabetes. These include a 2013 research printed in Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine where diabetic rats treated with white mulberry anthocyanins experienced a normalization in blood sugar levels.
Interestingly, the result was more common at lower doses compared to higher ones. For reasons not completely understood, white mulberry seems to impede the production of insulin with little to no side effects or influence on liver health.
A similar study in Advances in Medical Sciences reported that individuals who used low-fat milk infused with mulberry leaf extract had a slower absorption of simple carbohydrates (sugar and starch) than those given low-fat milk. This impact could describe how white mulberry extracts prevent blood glucose spikes following meals. [Read Kaju benefits]
White Mulberry May Help to Control High Cholesterol:
There’s some evidence that White mulberry may help keep blood cholesterol in check. According to a 2011 Research published in Phytotherapy Research, a white Mulberry leaf extract taken 3 times daily before taking meals reduced total cholesterol, triglyceride, and “Bad” LDL cholesterol levels in 23 peoples with dyslipidemia (abnormal blood lipids).
The result has been frequently progressive. Triglycerides, by way of instance, decreased from 10.2percent at week 4 to 12.5% at week 8 and 14.1percent per week 12. In the conclusion of this 12-week study, total cholesterol decreased by a mean of 4.9 percent, LDL cholesterol decreased by 5.6 percent, and “good” HDL cholesterol improved by an impressive 19.7%.
Similar results were seen in animal research conducted in 2013 where white mulberry extracts improved not only lipid and sugar levels but decreased body fat in obese mice fed a high-fat diet. This implies that white mulberry (Dry Mulberry) may also assist in the treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome.
Dental Care:
Antimicrobial effects of white mulberry may help in preventing cavities, including gingivitis, and periodontitis suggests a 2016 research from the International Journal of Pharma and BioSciences.
According to the investigators, white mulberry root extract was able to inhibit a number of bacteria commonly associated with gum diseases. It appeared to do so not by killing them but by interfering with their replication cycle.
At higher concentrations, the extract was also able to inhibit Candida albicans, a fungus associated with oral thrush and vaginal yeast infection.
The results of the research were Encouraged in part by a 2018 trial at the Journal of Biological Science where scientists in Thailand developed a chewing gum infused with a white mulberry leaf extract.
According to the researchers, the gum exerts powerful antimicrobial actions against S. mutans (a significant cause of tooth decay) reducing not only the number of bacteria but also the acidity in saliva that contributes to the destruction of tooth decay.
White mulberry is typically sold as an oral supplement or dried form.  These can be easily sourced on the internet or at normal food stores or shops which focus on dietary supplements. Fresh and sundried white mulberries can also be found through specialty growers. White Mulberry teas and tea bags ae also available at HunzaBazar Online Store.
There are no any guidelines for the appropriate usage of white mulberries for medicinal purposes. As a rule of thumb, do not exceed the recommended dose on the product label. Doing this may increase the risk of many side effects.
White mulberry powder can be mixed with milk, juice, yogurt, or protein shakes. Not surprisingly, the fruit extract has a pleasant nectary taste, while root and leaf powders have a slightly bitter, nutty taste.
Dietary supplements are not strictly regulated in the United States. To ensure quality and safety, opt for products that have been certified organic by the (USDA).
Although white mulberry supplements, powders, and teas can be safely stored at room temperature, discard any product that has expired or has signs of spoilage or mold.
Possible Side Effects:
Little is known about the long-term safety of white mulberry (Dry Mulberry). Side effects are common with high doses and might include mild nausea, dizziness, constipation, and bloating. Allergies are rare but can occur.
Due to its impact on blood sugar, white mulberry should be used with caution in people on diabetic drugs, including insulin. The combined use may trigger a steep drop in blood sugar, characterized by shaking, sweating, fatigue, dizziness, lightheadedness, and fainting.
The same may apply to the Combined use of white mulberries and anti-inflammatory medications used to treat hypertension. Doing so may trigger hypotension where the rapid drop in blood pressure can cause fatigue, lightheadedness, clammy skin, blurred vision, nausea, and fainting.
To Avoid interactions, advise your physician about all medications you’re taking if they are prescription, over-the-counter, nutritional, herbal, or recreational.
The safety of white mulberry in pregnant women, children, and nursing mothers haven’t been established. Given the lack of research, it’s best to avoid the usage of white mulberry products in any of these groups.
Where to Buy Online Dry White Mulberry…?
Almost all Fresh and Dry Fruits come from Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan. You Can buy these sweet and delicious Dry fruits from HunzaBazar.com
Hunza Bazar is an online store that sells all the Hunza Dry fruits, Gilgit Baltistan dry fruits 100% Organic, and Fresh Dry fruits at very Cheap Prices. Buy Online Dry Fruits from HunzaBazar.com you can also buy all the Hunza traditional products such as Hunza Gemstones (Precious & Semi-Precious), handmade products, desi products, 100% Pure and Original Shilajit (Salajit). Come and Buy your favorite product at very cheap prices with FREE Home Delivery nationwide.  
Word of Caution: Eating a lot of White Dry Mulberry can cause diarrhea. Additionally, there are those who are allergic to  White Dry Mulberries or specific chemical components within them, and the consequent allergic reactions may be moderate to severe. As always, before making a significant change in your daily diet, talk with your physician.
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marcelmonaghan-blog · 7 years
6 Yummy Concepts For A Party Dinner Food selection.
Activities North is actually a complete activity management company specializing in corporate, social and also not-for-profit celebrations. When he came house for supper was actually priceless and shall continue to be with me for good, the appearance on my Valentine's face. Her two terrific chefs, Lizzie Cunningham and also Virginia Johnson, had actually come in incredibly early that early morning and began prepping the dish. There are actually smooching aspects as well as enjoy seats, where married couples take pleasant photographs - the most effective ones can gain you a free of cost charming supper. You only should understand the fast preparing food techniques and substances should likewise prepare in position which can assist you to create scrumptious supper recipes. One Philadelphia bride off WeddingBee mentions that she threw a practice session supper in the Chinatown part from Philly and only welcomed 35 people. The aspect of this particular tale is actually that an after supper pep talk is among the best challenging presentations to offer. Candle lights are a wonderful way to provide affordable X-mas designs for your cafeteria or even dinner table. The supper was actually wrapped up, the waiter generously fed, and also the 2 left to the edge where they had complied with. The evening started with entry of the groom and bride and also quickly adhered to by beginning from dinner. Similarly, you can attain a great focal point making use of coating - therefore if you receive burnt out in a couple of years you could just coat over it! Improvement the ingredients if you will just like, yet observe the technique and you'll make your own rapid supper tips. Inform me if any of you have actually performed this just before ... you have a major dinner along with close friends and also bunches of fantastic food. The Gemstone Princess personnel did a wonderful job teaching Hawaiian Lifestyle on the ocean times over and also back. They deliver you with lots of attractive memories, clicked on only at the ideal minute. One night I possessed the chance from having supper along with the widely known rock and roll star Bono. Suit among your multicolored boho tunic bests along with a good pair of dark footwear cut or vast leg trousers for an incredibly posh appearance. Italian Easter covered makes a tasty treat to match a splendid supper. Most individuals will not hope for tossing a supper celebration without dressing the table or even looking for that crucial centerpiece. This offers on its own to an old-fashioned exquisite feel, a fantastic means to display all your beloved Easter supper photos. Rather than sweating out for hrs at the gym, they prefer to stroll just about everywhere they go. They choose to walk off retail store to stash getting wonderful meals for dinner. In hot weather, when pests have actually welcomed themselves to my supper gathering, I established the food items up indoors. Toss everything with it low http://beautyandfit-blog.info/il-existe-activlan-oreille-de-nombreux prior to job as well as viola supper fulfilled when you receive house. Dinner Hill is the firm's flagship venture as well as contains notable information of both phosphate and also potash. Certainly never endanger on your comfort and also ease while purchasing your screening dinner dress up. Practice session an evening meal is actually everything about reaching households together with socializing with visitors. Choosing where everybody will sit may be critical to developing a supper ambience that will certainly contribute to effortless circulating conversation. The thing is that most individuals do not know that they may accelerate" their rate of metabolism up. A good way to perform this is actually through consuming more often throughout the day and also not merely consuming supper, lunch as well as breakfast.
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The Aristocratic Woman
I was nowhere, and then I was somewhere: a wealthy, suburban home.
Suddenly a woman, with flowing hair, bright skin, tepid eyes that vaguely glimmered, while appropriately dressed for a lavish evening, had approached me. She got close to me and, as if I were her intimate lover, said, “You’re late, Wilson.”
“I’m not Wilson,” I responded.
“Don’t you dare defy me again.”
She grabbed my hand and lead me out to the back patio. There were many men and woman here, an amalgam of beltway patriarchs and bohemian flash-mobs, expensively clothed in fibers of a fine cut. Vermillion gowns, pearl bracelets, nylon trimmings, gemstone inlays, and many more custom-tailored garments worn exclusively for a swanky party such as this.
I was experiencing Aristocratic Society.
“Try the shrimp,” said the woman.
“I prefer ice cream.”
“Nonsense.” She pulled aside a nearby servant. “Be a darling and procure us a helping of the prawn,” she said.
“And to drink?”
She pondered. “Make it schnapps.”
“As you wish.” The servant trotted off.
“Your party is rather ritzy,” I said to the woman. “Very wonderful.” I figured that it was in my best interest not to “stir things up” at a gathering of rich people, so I fed the woman compliments. “All the men here are drawn to your ample cleavage.”
“Why thank you,” she said, her cheeks turning florid with enchantment. “My bosom is all natural, believe it or not.”
My compliments had charmed her quite effectively.
The servant hastily returned. “Here,” he said curtly, a total reversion of his initial presentation. He handed the woman her schnapps and prawn, then fled off.
I’ve got to get out of here, I thought. This must be some sort of dream sequence – I can sense it. I don’t know any of these people, and their suspicions are palpable: they’re looking at me is if I don’t belong here.
“Drink with me,” the woman ordered.
For reasons that were inexplicable, I said to her, “You’re alone and miserable.”
She blinked, contemplating my malicious language. But she reacted rather agreeably:
“You read me like a pamphlet, Wilson.”
I scowled at her severely. “You’re a dark cloud, a blemish on reality.”
“Go on.”
“You have no real value in the world.”
A crowd was forming around us.
The woman said, “What else am I?”
“An abomination,” I answered promptly.
An avid murmur was traveling through the spectating crowd. They were provoked.
“Yes, yes,” the woman said in a mellow tone. “Treat me like dirt. That’s what I was put on this earth for.”
“Scum like you should dosed.”
“That is grand, Wilson.”
“May you be blighted by toxemia.”
The crowd was applauding me in an oddly amorous manner. I glared at them with terrible perplexity.
“Ignore them!”
At that moment, having dropped her schnapps and prawn on the ground, the woman struck me in the chest with all her vigor, afflicted by a spell of hysteria. I reeled for a moment before reestablishing my footing.
“I want you,” she said, panting, “to rape me – rape me psychologically.” She became scary, wrathful, and masochistic. “I want you fuck my pride as you would my pussy.”
I ran away from her without delay. And, as I fled, I thought: Those aristocrats sure are depraved!
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