#whisperedfaith the speaker
eliaswoodt · 2 years
Death Row
(Death Row)
(Death, mild gore/mentions of gore)
Oh god he really hates her.
“Hello~! Sorry to be tardy to the party—would you take my coat please?“ She gives the black article of clothing to one of the hooded people that stuffed themselves in the dark basement. A bunch of cultists…what the fuck is his life? “Oh, thank you doll—” One of them hands her a bottle of something (wine he assumes) and a red glass, “—and thank you again.”
She looks down and that turn of the lip widens as she looks at the man chained to the ground. Lexx opens her mouth but Sean interrupts whatever the British woman was about to say, “What are you doing here..?” He says faintly with a little rasp. He hadn’t talked much when any of them tried chatting with him. Not even Lee, who he used to be close to. Close to, and look at what he did to Lee, to his poor hand. He can feel the anger claw at his throat, heavy and burning. He wanted to hand him over to authorities, let them handle a crazy man like that, but Lee wanted to keep him there. Maybe if he was away from that monster long enough he’d break away from those delusions, he had said with a distrusting and hopeful expression. Kait was willing to do the same.
“—doin’ the electric slide, calm down.” He tunes back in the very moment her hand touches his shoulder. “Mo, can I call you Mo?” He shakes her hand off, hating the way it feels. He can feel the imprint of her hand wiggle its way under his skin even after she’s pulled away, a feeling he can’t shake and he feels that anger claw and scratch at his throat once again but he swallows it because he knows it won’t do anything.
He still spits in her face.
She makes a displeased noise.
Good, he thinks pettily.
“Well that’s rude.” Her eyes widened a little. She pinched his chin. “Oh! Love the beard!” The seemingly forever amused smile winds its way over her face once more, and his glare hardens. He never thought someone could sound so annoying. He remembers when he first met her, back then his patience didn’t wane from her saying one. single. sentence. He never knew before hell that hate could be so strong.
She suddenly turns back to Mo and pulls his black beanie over his head. A loud boop sound causes him to flinch and Mo thinks the laugh he heard meant she noticed. “Take him over there, please love!” He struggles far more than he had during this whole ordeal. He wasn’t all too familiar with the basement, he tried not to go down here much even before Sean unwillingly made his home on the concrete.
“Thanks handsome~” Mo focuses on struggling against the guy that had jumped him while he was watching TV. The guy was strong and when Mo gets out of this his wrists are definitely getting bruises, if the way the man’s grip is anything to go by.
He aims a kick to the shins but before it makes contact he gets shoved forward, and he gets kneed in the back leg instead. “Fuck you.” he spits. The man chuckles.
Oh god, his hands are starting to feel numb.
“So, I may be a sociopath and a murderer and you know, great.” It seems she’s as delusional as Sean is. If Lee was here he’d roll his eyes. “But! I do have a set of principles, and unfortunately today I’m going to have to break two of those principles.” She doesn’t sound even the slightest saddened by that. If anything, she seems apathetically disappointed. Okay, his hands really are starting to feel numb, this cannot be good. “—Because what’s really the point? I mean it leaves so much room for error. Or, you know, terrible puns, and rescue. But…at the end of the day, who’s really going to come rescue you? I mean, the only two people who know you’re down here have a combination of 19 fingers and are off doing Scooby Doo shit!” If he knew she and the Family were going to have a last chat with this bastard he would’ve tried harder to convince Lee.
He struggles some more, managing to elbow the guy in his side and the aforementioned guy retaliates by kicking him in the back. “Ow! Fuck!” He couldn’t help but shout.
She doesn’t stop talking but it seems she speeds up ever so slightly.
“Look at those loyal faces over there,” She said. “Such gorgeous women. Loyal! Well, they once were loyal to you. Maybe they aren’t anymore because I don’t treat them like henchmen.” He remembers the Dead Weight video, and the way he acted there was nothing like Lee had once described Sean to be and the few times he had met the guy. “Because they’re my elite.”
He’s tied up now, and that fire inside, that burning wick is getting all too close to the wax of the candle, about to be smothered out. He doesn’t know what else to do as the man steps on him, pushing him further into the ground and he’s never felt so helpless. So humiliated. Well actually that’s a lie he thinks as his treacherous mind shows him glimpses of forest and the starry sky, of being surrounded by cloaked people and Lee…fucking Lee shoving a book in his hands telling him to run. And that he’d follow. A promise of which he broke of course because life hates them and Lee does stupid shit.
“But!” He startles. “Unfortunately,” and this time she does sound saddened by the news. “I got a call from a higher up. And unlike you, I really am loyal. And the Speaker—“ she says the name with utmost importance of which makes him want to spew the leftover pizza he ate earlier. “—a word with you.” His heart was unsteady since he was manhandled by the nameless guy that even now has a foot on his back, keeping him in place, but now…now as he realizes what she just said and what that really means his heart hammers. Banging against his rib cage, banging against his ears so loudly that he thinks the man above could hear it.
“I’M HIS CHOSEN!” He hears Sean scream.
Lexx giggles.
“You see, you WERE the chosen. See? You don’t need to scream. I’m right here. But, you were the chosen.” She sighs, “Now you’re sad, broken—you know what, you put it so beautifully once. Oh what was it? Ah, yes. You. Are. Dead. Weight.” His thoughts become muddled. Thoughts containing feeble hope, a hope that Lee comes and saves his ass, a hope that Kaitlyn comes saves his ass, a hope that for whatever reason the Speaker doesn’t come and kill his ass. And then the regret comes to grace his panicked heart and ringing ears, the regret of not kicking Lexx when he had the chance, the regret of not coming with Lee to meet the elusive Linnie, the regret of not saying goodbye when he left, still upset that Lee was doing this by himself.
“Markmoo!” She yells and he doesn’t reply but the guy above does. “Here.”
He can hear the thing’s whispers, but they sound like rumbles and growls to his un-special ears.
“Well, it was fun while it lasted~” Her wretched laugh follows up, and upward as she steps up the stairs, creaks follow her until she’s well and truly gone. And the man leaves as well, more and more footsteps follow inline up, and upward on the staircase that leads out of the horrible basement until he and Sean are left by themselves. It’s quiet for a few breaths, nobody having the guts to say anything, anything at all. And then the bumps, and the thumps of something being much too wide for the staircase ring out. The scratches of claws scraping concrete floor and growls of something animal follow. And despite all this noise the steps of the beast are careful and calculated as it circles around Sean if his pleading is anything to go by. The way it clearly takes its time as it rips Sean apart says it is not an average animal by far.
And then Sean goes quiet.
And the thing goes quiet too.
The noiseless noise buzzes and fizzes in his ears, he could hear his heart ever so clearly as it beats loudly and rapidly in anticipation. He still doesn’t unblindfold himself, even though he could. He could ever so easily lift up his beanie by moving his head up and down until it slid right off and he would be able to see. At least a little bit in the dark. But he doesn’t. He doesn’t because he can’t move. He can’t move because he’s afraid. And he has never felt more like puking from the smell of something alone. The smell of guts and gore, the iron that fills the air, it’s a smell he would’ve liked to never know.
So as the thing that has tortured Lee, tortured himself, Sean, and many more stalkes towards him he instead imagines something else. Someone else, he imagines Lee’s face…and he says sorry.
He says sorry, as that monster rips him apart.
He says sorry, as he instinctively screams for help as that thing claws at him and screams at him.
He says I am so sorry Lee, as his consciousness dims and that candle lit fire goes out.
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veespee · 6 months
We need some whisperedfaith stuff in here, I've looked and found nothing. So maybe some headcanons for Sean or Lee like with a partner or just general?
of course!! my fav is Sean, so I'll write some for him :)
Sean/Shiny Headcanons
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-He's actually like,,, a MASSIVE loser lmao. He tries to appear like this sadistic, cold, and manipulative cult leader, but in reality he's just a really desperate junkie. Which in a sense, he is a junkie; he's addicted to the Speaker. Like Lee said in the 'Interrogation' video, he has been listening to the Speaker's whispering in his ear for so damn long, he's addicted to it. Now, i'm not sure what the Speaker could be saying, since from Lee's experience, it was torturous, but for Sean i think it would be the opposite. So i guess the headcanon is: the Speaker feeds Sean's ego, showering him with complimentd about how good of a leader he is, or how strong he is, or anything that would appeal to him, and that's how he keeps Sean under his control.
And that makes sense, because it's the Speaker, it's an honour to even be spoken to by him, and he's getting all these compliments? He must be doing something right, he must be special.
-Also, here's just my theory/HC on why Sean of all the members got to be the cult leader: i think that Sean was the easiest to influence. I believe that as a person, he was always a bit egotistical. That might be because of childhood, or him having to harden up for some reason, (i'm too tired to make a whole theory about his childhood sorry 😭) but i think even before the cult he would act very guarded. Like he would have walls up every second as to not get hurt.
So when he learned about the The Family, he thought, 'maybe that's where i belong'. And his goal from the start would have been to be the leader, to be worshipped and loved. So he came in that cult with determination, he was hard and would do anything the higher ups told him, even hurting people if needed. So The Speaker noticed him, and he thought, 'that's my target'. His ego is easy to feed, and therefore, easy to manipulate. So The Speaker fed him with compliments, making him believe he was the chosen one.
-I actually think Sean's story is really damn sad, but also he kinda deserved it. The man left all of his family and friends, wanting to feel loved and worshiped by someone. With the delusions added on by the other cultists, he was completely blind. Although, of course, nothing is black and white, and i'm sure he knew what he was doing. He was aware he was hurting people, people that trusted him, but he didn't care, and was blinded by greed and hunger for praise. Which in hindsight, made him hated by his followers. He was rude, pretentious, and arrogant. He believed he was the Chosen, the One, the man who would create portals between worlds, and The Speaker's favourite.
But in the end, that was all in vain. Because when he was gone, he was replaced. Lexx took over, and clearly she was more loved than him. So he grew bitter, and angry, even after death. Even in 'Limbo', he was bitter and lonely. I guess that was his fate from the start.
alright sorry for the rambling :) this was actually very fun to write, although ik this post won't get much traction due to how unpopular WF is,,, but it was fun anyway. thank you for the request!🖤
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Hey can we get a bit of an explanation about what the family is from it's leader (and or former leader?)
I brought Sean back from the dead for this one.
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Shiny is dead now sadly RIP shiny ✨
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scucharlie · 1 month
Hihi !!! Asking you about the slenderverse !! I haven’t seen much outside of marble hornets (and reading a couple creepypastas). So feel free to advertise it as well :)))))
OKAY OKAY. AHH AHHH I'll go crazy Abt the series I know in order :3
STAN FREDRICK: OH YM GOD. OH MY HOD STAN FREDRICK. JESUSCHRIST. VALERIA SANTIAGO YOULL ALWAHS BE FAMOUS. okay so, Stan Fredrick is SO interesting to me, because it's this series about this guy who instead of being a victim of Slenderman like the usual, he actually is like immune to slendermans shit* and only getd mild headaches. he can scare off slender for awhile , so he uses this to go around helping people. its SOOO good oh my godddddd it's such a interesting fresh take and Stan is such a good characters who is so complicated and oh my godd my little meow.meow <3
*depending on series it's diff, but typical slender sickness shit is being near slender too long and getting nosebleeds, bleeding coughing up blood etc
WHISPEREDFAITH: whisperedfaithhh FREAKIEST RAKE INTERPRETATION I LOVEEEE IT. the whispering, it being this "speaker" fucking FREAK OF A THANG. it's about this guy Lee and his friend mo getting caught up in this cult <- not just using this word it's actual cult, where they worship the rake! and Lee is this "carrier" and they need him so they just keep following him also the rake was in his house just chilling for a few days so. yeah! i love Lee <3 and Mo and lexx and Linnie and -
OH BOY. the series I never shut the fuck up Abt man. okay. so! Everymanhyrbid is this series about these guys doing a health/fitness gig, at first right? they planned to do this Slenderman prank but uh oh! the actual fucking slenderman is after them! shit! so they get deep in this shit of being hunted down by the slenderrr, bringing people into this and fuck. the acting is so good , fuck fuck fuckkk it makes me CRAZYYYYYYY it's also a arg with way too much shit going on that doesn't show up in he playlist but nightmind has explained all that stuff if you wanna listen to it! it's ultimately a series about change! :) change .. and also bloodying men up <3
MLA0: SIBLING ENJOYERS YOU WILL FUCKINV LOVE MLA0. okay! so, mla0 is about this guy, Micheal who's doctor has asked him to record himself after getting released from the mental hospital. he's of just, fine y'know. but then. JUMPSCARE. THE SLENDER.! slender starts appearing around him, scaring the shit out of him so he fleas to his brothers shauns and his roommate Eric to stay. shit goes downhill! its Soo fuck fuck fuck my life. Shaun and Micheal argue, and yell and they love each other and they're both scared and terrified, and theyre just. human. god..I love this series genuinely the series that started me down being obesesed w slenderverse <3 the acting fucks and Shaun is my babygirl <3 Eric is an interesting character andhhhhhhhhhgg I love themmmm god. the soft moments hit so much hardee after the fucked up shit yk? 10/10 series
okay so this one is so special 2 me, bc me and my friend Mike binged it in two days and it'sso ofucking good oh my hod. Alex and Chris are so silly and fucked up. it's once again about a cult, again. Actual cult not like jus using the word, where this time they worship Slenderman directly who goes by this sick ass name in germmen i believe? I don't remember but, yeah at first! It seems like Chris may be haunted, but then yeah the cult is after them for getting too nosey with It and yeag. god. THEY HAVE PRACTICAL EFFECTS FOR GORE ITS GREATTTT EHEHEHE also the actors FUCKK IT MAKES ME CRAZY. SHIUT OUT CHIRS BABYGIRL I CAN TAKE YOU TO THERAOY <3
audgdhdphyhic damage /POS ty for letting me explode u w slender ejnolwdge :3
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m0th-gh0st · 9 months
So in other words the series was great!
kind regards.
your honour i plead oopsie daisies
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sp1tballz · 2 years
To me, Sean whisperedfaith is just a guy who was overcome with jealousy early on and then one day he got a taste of what it was like to be like the people he was jealous of and kinda abused it. Got addicted, and he couldn't live without the speaker's words or having a family to run. I loooove the idea that he feigns competency because he, at the very core of it, was a kid who had no idea what the fuck he was doing and i love him he is so me fr
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deadendwithapulse · 2 years
(@ the domesticated rake post) alex just really fucking hates lee whisperedfaith for some reason. he sees him in public and just sicks his fucking dog on him without cause. "fuck you lee whisperedfaith"
i like to think bc of this post that alex just has craaaazzy beef w/ everyone involved w/ whisperedfaith . hes just trying to pet his cool new dog n lee n mo contact him all like What do u mean hes ‘the speaker.’ What do u mean hes killed hundreds. What do u mean hes a god and prophet of death and animalistic rage and bc of him a cult wants u dead. Not my problem. Ur crazy i think,
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Slenderverse #2
Hi! So in today's post I want to show you some more interesting Slenderseries. Let's jump straight into it! So I'm gonna start with DarkHarvest00. DarkHarvest00 is a Slenderseries which started on November 26 2010. The plot is as follows: The story centers around Chris, who begins filming strange occurences taking place around his home suspecting it to be the force of supernatural entity. He informs Alex a friend of his, who is curious about supposed paranormal incidents. After some deliberation, the two conclude that the strange presence in Chris's house could be a ghost. Chris soon realizes that the strange phenomena he experiencing are in fact beng caused by a masked man with inhuman powers. It is not long before the two are involved int he workings of secret society called "the order" which workships a tall, faceless being called "Gorr'Rylaehotep" believing it to be a god. As the death toll rises and the gravity of situation begins to escalate, Chris and Alex must not only fight for their lives, but also for thier sanity. -DarkHarvest Wiki In this series Slenderman is known as earlier stated "Gorr'Rylaehotep". I forgot to mention this in previous post but sometimes Slenderseries do a crossovers. EverymanHYBRID did a crossover with TribeTwleve and DarkHarvest  did one with TribeTwelve.
                                                 The Order Symbol 
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Next series I want to talk about is called TJAProjects. TJA Projects (abbreviated TJA) is the Youtube channel of TJ and Amy , two film students from Illinois, working on their final, which is supposed to be a short film about the Slender Man. After encountering something in the first video, the two get seperated and Amy has a run in with what is believed to be the Slender Man. The original series is concluded, and with most of the series chronicling the aftermath of the first four videos from the initial encounter.It is discovered in the My Baby is Home video that TJ is a single mom and that her daughter, Dahlia, may be what Slender Man and his cohorts are after.
-TJAProjects Wiki
In this sereies there is one proxy. She is called "The Sight", she has curly dark hair and wears bloody blindfold. This series did a crosover with EverymanHYBRID and 5zer02 also there are some follow ups to this series which I will give a closer look in another post.
Onto next series. Whispered faith is a Slenderseries which started on September 20, 2012. However this series does not focus on the Slenderman but on The Rake in this series known as "The Speaker". The plot is as follows:
The story centers around Lee, who, upon moving into a new home, begins hearing strange noises in his walls. After a strange encounter with an exterminator, he contacts his friend Mo, and the two begin looking into the strange occurrences. When Lee finds an old box containing a knife inside his wall, the two are quickly dragged into a nightmarish series of events, and gain the attention of a deranged ancient society known as The Family, as well as an otherworldly being known as The Speaker.This series did a crossover with series "Keratin Garden" which I will give a closer look shortly, but let's now focus on The Rake shall we?
The Rake is a Creepypasta character that originated on 4chan in 2006. The Rake is a humanoid creature with pale skin with no hair on its skin. It has black eyes and long claws. It also appeard in the Slenderseries "Slenderhaunting".
Ok Keartin Garden. Keratin Garden is a Slenderseries that started on September 17 2012. The plot: Story Parker is kind of new to the YouTube beauty guru scene, but her passion for cool and quirkily-painted nails leads her to create a manicure channel nonetheless. Her first view videos go over quite well, until she starts receiving gory trinkets in the mail, losing periods of time, and repeatedly seeing a tall, thin someone out of the corner of her eye....As she records and investigates the increasingly unsettling occurrences that seem to be following her, Story finds herself embroiled in the elaborate workings of a pharmaceutical company called Ajax, whose pill "Vivirten" is supposed to prevent patients from seeing the Slender Man, but which sometimes has the entirely opposite effect This series is also one of my favorites.. -TVtropes
This is all for this post. Bye!
DarkHarvest00: https://www.youtube.com/user/DarkHarvest00 TJAProjects: https://www.youtube.com/user/TJAProjects WhisperedFaith: https://www.youtube.com/user/WhisperedFaith Keratin Garden: https://www.youtube.com/user/KeratinGarden
Some cool spooky music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTycUxpBmm8
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eliaswoodt · 2 years
Whispers Whispering, Can you Understand?
(Whispers Whispering, Can you Understand)
(Horror, suspense, no gore/death)
He awoke in his bed to the sounds of scratching and thumping in the walls.
Nails digging into drywall, long deep slashes grate on his ears, erratic and unsettling.
Bumps and thumps against the floor and walls, like the thing doesn’t know how to walk.
Echoes of growling and unmistakable whispers, like the thing doesn’t know if it wants to be human or animal.
He frantically looks back and forth, eyes not taking in any information moving much too quickly for his tired, sleep embedded mind to register. Even when his eyes focus and mind untangles itself from the fogginess, he still sees nothing out of the norm. Even while the scratching-clawing and what frankly sounds like whispers carry throughout his room nothing is out of place, no closet door ajar, no chair moved, no window open. Just complete stillness, other than the rapid moving of his chest.
It was unnerving.
It was uneasy.
And he was terrified to find out what’s making those noises because his gut tells him it’s something much worse than an animal. It tells him to run away as far as possible. To never ever come back.
But it also made him angry. Angry that he was scared, angry that it woke him up, angry that it happened on the first day of him being home alone. So like with most things he bottled up his fear and, with only his clothes on him, got out of his room determined to figure out where that damned scratching sound was.
Every creak the floors made, he cringed. Every noise that he usually wouldn’t pay any attention to now amplified; sounding as if a gun was shot through still air as he tried to sneakily make his way downstairs. Now that he was downstairs the whispers were much louder but still as inaudible, the urgent whispers that almost sounded human but not quite, like if he tried hard enough he would be able to get it but no matter how much he listens nothing makes sense, nothing is a word.
His heart was hammering now and his stomach did flips and flops as he made it to the kitchen. The kitchen was completely dark just like the rest of the home, the blinds closed shut and his eyes struggling to make sense of it all. Seeing things that aren’t there, mistaking shadows for people. But the sounds, oh god the sounds were so much louder then they were in his room. It felt like the claws were scratching the inside of his brain and the thumping banging in his skull as the still incomprehensible whispers screeched in his ears, trying to make him listen trying to make him understand but he can’t! He can’t! He’s tried! And-
Deep breathes.
He breathes in.
He breathes out.
Shakily, and not for the first time in his life, heavily questioning why he does these things to himself, he makes his way to the noises. Not taking note of where he was, only that this is the source, the attic. Because of course the creepy whispers and thumping and clawing would be in the attic. Once again he questions his life choices as he makes the move to grab at the string, to pull down the stairs. Once again he asks himself why he’s like this…why he makes these choices as he, with shaky trembling hands, pulls down the attic stairs with a tug. He turns on the light, making sure to keep facing the attic, and numbly recognizes the room he is in as the little room they have a couch in.
And the moment the light is on, the noise stops abruptly. No slow decline, no no no. Just—growling, scratching-clawing, bumping-thumping, whispering, and then nothing. His brain felt blissfully empty, and though a part of him was reluctant, the bigger part of him decided to leave it for now. That as long as it stopped, it’s fine, and he should leave it be.
He’s tired, emotionally-physically and just wants to sleep.
So he closes the attic door.
He turns off the light.
He heads back up the creaky stairs.
Into his room.
Closes the bedroom door.
And falls back on his bed. Waiting for sleep to whisk him away, but he can’t help to think about something before falling asleep…he can’t help but think about the one whisper he could understand, knife the knife, it said with urgency…
…and Lee Colt is out like a light before he has any time to ponder just what that may or may not mean.
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sp1tballz · 2 years
Hello. I saw your post about Sean and the headcanons. If you don't mind, is there anything you can share with us? It's very interesting how people see Sean. (whisperedfaith)
Ahhh my thoughts on Sean are so jumbled rn... BUT! heres. a brief list:
Gay, He/she/it vibes ,,,
Him and Lexx are wlw/mlm VIOLENCE they want eachother dead and forever will (they're like siblings to me tbh)
I imagine Sean to be a very jealous person, On top of the power hunger, he's really insecure and that's why he has such a desperate grasp for power like that
He's incredibly jealous of Mo. Hates how "perfect" he seems (strong, smart, in general just. good at things? He hates it)
He was rly close to Lee,!! He and Lee met in college and, to Sean, Lee was the closest friend he had.
When he started to listen to the speaker, he lost track of all of his relationships. Unfortunately, he reclused INTENSELY and, as a result he fell out of being around them. When he found out Lee was a carrier he immediately rekindled the friendship and, used that as an excuse to get close to him again.
When he died, he became sort of a guardian. He feels bad. he feels /incredibly/ bad, he wants to make things right, so he does this by popping in to help Lee (although he does still mess with him a little- I like to imagine that the knife could work perfectly well with just a little cut but Sean INSTISTED Lee stab himself)
No one asked for this bit but I also rly like to imagine that Lee and Sean started getting closer and eventually were able to start an actual relationship,,, Not much to add there besides its like a love-hate kinda thing yk. "I love you Lee" "Shut up. ...I love you too.." then they kiss
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