#white label social media agency
gkms-blog · 7 months
Maximizing Impact: Unveiling the Full Spectrum of Social Media Marketing Services for Business Advancement
In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital marketing, social media has emerged as a dynamic force, reshaping the way businesses connect with their audience. Within this realm, the utilization of Social Media Marketing Services has become a strategic imperative for businesses seeking not just a presence but impactful engagement and tangible results. This blog will delve into the comprehensive spectrum of Social Media Marketing Services, revealing how businesses can maximize their impact and propel themselves towards significant advancement.
Strategic Planning for Tailored Success
The journey of maximizing impact through Social Media Marketing Services begins with strategic planning. Professionals in this field conduct a thorough analysis of your business, target audience, and industry landscape. This strategic foundation ensures that every effort is aligned with your unique business goals, creating a tailored roadmap for success in the competitive digital arena.
Enhanced Brand Visibility Across Platforms
One of the primary goals of Social Media Marketing Services is to amplify brand visibility across various platforms. Whether it's Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or emerging platforms, a comprehensive service ensures that your brand is consistently represented and strategically positioned to capture the attention of your target audience. The result is increased brand awareness and recognition.
Engaging Content Creation Tailored to Your Audience
The essence of Social Media Marketing Services lies in the creation of engaging and relevant content. Professionals in this field understand the nuances of your target audience, crafting content that speaks directly to their interests, needs, and preferences. From captivating visuals to compelling copy, the goal is to foster meaningful connections and drive engagement.
Harnessing the Power of Paid Advertising
While organic reach is valuable, the full spectrum of Social Media Marketing Services includes harnessing the power of paid advertising. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer targeted advertising options, allowing businesses to reach specific demographics with precision. Paid advertising maximizes visibility, ensuring your message reaches the right audience at the right time.
Comprehensive Analytics for Informed Decision-Making
A critical aspect of maximizing impact is the utilization of comprehensive analytics tools. Social Media Marketing Services incorporate data-driven decision-making, analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversion metrics. These insights empower businesses to make informed decisions, optimizing their strategy for ongoing success.
Strategic Community Building and Audience Engagement
Social Media Marketing Services go beyond broadcasting messages; they focus on building a thriving community around your brand. This involves actively engaging with your audience through comments, messages, and mentions. Strategic community building fosters a sense of belonging and turns customers into loyal advocates, contributing to sustained business advancement.
Proactive Reputation Management
In the era of instant online communication, Social Media Marketing Services encompass proactive reputation management. Professionals monitor online conversations about your brand, responding promptly to both positive and negative feedback. A strategic and proactive approach to reputation management safeguards your brand's image and maintains trust among your audience.
Staying Ahead of Trends and Algorithm Changes
The digital landscape is dynamic, with trends and algorithms evolving rapidly. Social Media Marketing Services stay ahead of the curve, monitoring industry trends, platform updates, and changes in algorithms. This proactive approach ensures that your strategy remains relevant, adaptive, and positioned to take advantage of emerging opportunities.
Conclusion: Maximizing Business Advancement Through Social Media Marketing Services
In conclusion, the full spectrum of Social Media Marketing Services encompasses strategic planning, enhanced visibility, engaging content creation, paid advertising, comprehensive analytics, community building, reputation management, and staying ahead of trends. By leveraging these services, businesses can maximize their impact, fostering authentic connections with their audience and propelling themselves towards significant advancement in the dynamic digital landscape. It's not just about being present on social media; it's about unleashing the full potential of Social Media Marketing Services to achieve tangible and lasting business success.
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thedigitalbulls · 3 months
Social Media Marketing Company In Noida
Discover the leading Social Media Marketing Company in Noida, dedicated to transforming your online presence. Our expert team crafts bespoke strategies to engage your audience, increase brand awareness, and drive meaningful interactions across all social media platforms. Partner with us to achieve measurable results and elevate your brand’s digital footprint. For More Information Contact us at  +91 6396337849 And Visit us Site- https://thedigitalbulls.com/digital-marketing/
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thethief1996 · 11 months
I can't stop thinking about the news out of Palestine. Israel is sieging al Shifa hospital. Videos of people's limbs being severed off are haunting (graphic video tw). The hospital has ran out of fuel and 39 babies in incubators are fending for their lives by themselves, because Israel has stationed snipers around the hospital and is shooting all medical crew that walks into their sight.
First, the narrative was Israel would never bomb hospitals. Now, the hospitals are Hamas bases. Then, we respect journalists. Now, we have a fucking kill list of journalists because they are Hamas collaborators. First, we are not letting fuel in until the hostages are released. Now, we are not accepting the hostages back because that would stop our ground invasion and let Hamas win. And I could go on about every single lie they're making up. If you look up "Hamas rape" on google, the first link leads to Times of Israel saying Israel has found no forensic evidence of sexual violence, and only one eyewitness testimony out of 3.5k people attending the rave. If you Google "Hamas beheaded babies" the top links say they have no evidence for the claim besides word of mouth from extremist soldiers. Israeli extremists think about the ugliest goriest scene they can make out in their sick heads, tell that to a international journalist and they run away with it like it's gospel.
And children are being killed in the name of these lies. Thousands are being displaced in images that remind me of the pictures of Tantura 75 years ago, with their hands up so the tanks don't shoot them. Amputees are leaving the hospitals in wheelchairs hours after their surgeries because they are being shot at. Elders who survived the Nakba on 48 are having to walk towards Southern Gaza on foot (imagine walking from one end of your city to the other on foot), displaced again. People are cheering for the haunting images of white phosphorus bombs being dropped over Gaza. Gazan workers who were arrested in the West Bank are being thrust back into the bombings wearing numbered labels.
This is not normal. We are seeing the early stages of the settler colonial genocide of an indigenous population. Native leaders who have visited Gaza say its refugee camps look eerily like reservations. We can stop this. For the first time we are able to see wide scale accounts from the hands of the people suffering the genocide, and Israel is so scared of it they have cut all communications in Gaza.
This is our litmus test. I think we have never seen more clearly, with Palestine, Armenia, Congo and Sudan how colonialism has made our world a rotten place to live in.
The South African apartheid collapsed due to boycotts. We have to do everything in our power to stop Israel's hegemony. Even talking to a group of friends about Palestine changes the status quo. There's no world where we can live peacefully if Israel accomplishes their goals.
Keep yourself updated and share Palestinian voices. Muna El-Kurd said every tweet is like a treasure to them, because their voices are repressed on social media and even on this very app. Make it your action item to share something about the Palestinian plight everyday. Here are some resources:
Al Jazeera, Anadolu Agency, Mondoweiss
Boycott Divest Sanction Movement
Palestinian Youth Movement is organizing protests and direct action against weapons factories across the US
Mohammed El-Kurd (twitter / instagram)
Muhammad Shehada (twitter)
Motaz Azaiza (instagram) - reporting directly from Gaza.
Hind Khudary - reporting directly from Gaza. Her husband and daughter moved South to run from the tanks but she stayed behind to record the genocide. The least we can do is not let her calls fall on deaf ears.
You can participate in boycotts wherever you are in the world, through BDS guidelines. Don't be overwhelmed by gigantic boycott lists. BDS explicitly targets only a few brands which have bigger impact. You can stop consuming from as many brands as you want, though, and by all means feel free to give a 1 star review to McDonalds, Papa John, Pizza Hut, Burger King and Starbucks. Right now, they are focusing on boycotting the following:
Carrefour, HP, Puma, Sabra, Sodastream, Ahava cosmetics, Israeli fruits and vegetables
Push for a cultural boycott - pressure your favorite artist to speak out on Palestine and cancel any upcoming performances on occupied territory (Lorde cancelled her gig in Israel because of this. It works.)
If you can, participate in direct action or donate.
Palestine Action works to shut down Israeli weapons factories in the UK and USA, and have successfully shut down one of their firms in London.Some of the activists are going on trial and are calling for mobilizing on court.
Palestinian Youth Movement is organizing direct actions to stop the shipping of wars to Israel. Follow them.
Educate yourself. Read into Palestinian history and the occupation. You can't common sense people out of decades of propaganda. If your arguments crumble when a zionist brings up the "disengagement of Gaza", you have to learn more.
Read Decolonize Palestine. They have 15 minute reads that concisely explain the occupation (and its colonial roots) and debunk popular myths, including pinkwashing.
Read on Palestine. Here's an amazing masterpost.
Verso Book Club is giving out free books on Palestine (I personally downloaded Ten Myths about Israel by Ilan Pappe. If you still believe in the two states solution, this book by an Israeli professor debunks it).
Call your representatives. The Labour Party in the UK had an emergency meeting after several councilors threatened to resign if they didn't condemn Israeli war crimes. Calling to show your complaints works, even more if you live in a country that funds genocide.
FOR PEOPLE IN THE USA: USCPR has developed this toolkit for calls, here's a document that autosends emails to your representatives and here's a toolkit by Ceasefire in Gaza NOW!
FOR PEOPLE IN EUROPE: Here's a toolkit by Voices in Europe for Peace targeting the European Parliament and one specific for almost all countries in Europe, including Germany, Ireland, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands, Greece, Norway, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Finland, Austria, Belgium Romania and Ukraine
FOR PEOPLE IN THE UK: Friends of Al-Aqsa UK and Palestine Solidarity UK have made toolkits for calls and emails
FOR PEOPLE IN AUSTRALIA: Here's a toolkit by Stand With Palestine
FOR PEOPLE IN CANADA: Here's a toolkit by Indepent Jewish Voices for Canada
Join a protest. Here's a constantly updating list of protests:
Global calendar
Another global calendar (go to the instragram of the organizers to confirm your protest)
USA calendar
Australia calendar
Feel free to add more.
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spenzmedia · 6 months
White Label Social Media Marketing Agency in India
We are the top white label social media marketing agency in India that offers complete solution for all businesses. Get our white label social media marketing services to build exposure and drive conversions. Boost your brands with highly targeted ads for their marketing goals.
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valuehits · 7 months
Benefits of Digital Marketing Services for Plumbing Business
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In this actively increasing digital marketing world, are you in search of the best digital marketing services for plumbers? To stay ahead and maintain a competitive edge in the market, you need a comprehensive digital marketing strategy for the plumbing business. But how does one develop a successful digital marketing strategy for a plumbing business?
Do not worry! We are here for you with a guide of all the necessary benefits about digital marketing services to boost your online visibility. Today, we are going to cover discuss the benefits in detail.
Is Digital Marketing for Plumbers Important?
Following all the digital marketing trends in the plumbing business can boost your revenue streams. Digital marketing holds many advantages for brand awareness, including increased conversion rates and the potential for generating new leads. Plumbers or plumbing businesses can achieve severe ROI using a well-put strategy.
The top benefits of digital marketing services are mentioned below.
1. Increase in Brand Awareness:
In digital marketing, any business, including professional plumbers, can benefit from excellent benefits. With SEO, Google Ads, social media marketing, and content marketing, marketers can identify keywords suitable to their business niche. All these mentioned strategies empower your business and attract high-quality leads. Moreover, these marketing strategies can help build trusted relationships with existing customers.
2. Higher Conversion Rates:
Another significant advantage of digital marketing is the potential to boost conversion rates with several analytical tools to monitor metrics, such as user engagement and customer behavior. Digital marketing experts can achieve a detailed understanding of the target audience with their effective marketing strategies. Tailored marketing content as per the target audience helps achieve desired online visibility.
3. Driving Potential Leads:
Businesses boosted with digital marketing can harness their possible customers more easily. With active content marketing and ad campaigns, digital marketers can efficiently adapt to current trends. This will help them to align their strategies and your products accordingly. With an optimized approach like this, the marketing efforts will help to seize huge opportunities and accelerate business growth. With such strategies, businesses can increase the likelihood of getting prospects interested in your product or service. In addition, continuously generating leads can help businesses get more customers in a shorter span.
4. Provide Reliable Outcomes:
In the world of digital marketing, it is important for marketers to offer personalized strategies that perfectly align with the latest trends. With the full potential of SEO techniques, SEO experts can successfully align your products and services with the latest trends. With a strong lead generation system, marketers can help you maintain a strong competitive edge and boost your online visibility.
5. Cost-effective Entry:
Digital marketing strategies have gained huge attention from plumbers because this marketing strategy is cost-effective. These marketing strategies give you a chance to get the benefits of marketing within your budget. Be it implementing blogging, PPC, or SEO practices; all can be achieved within your budget if you partner with a trustworthy white-label digital marketing agency.
Bottom line
The most essential factor is choosing a reliable digital marketing agency to hire a social media expert. When you choose an agency, consider certain factors such as their services, experience, price, reviews, etc. Make sure you do enough research to search for a suitable digital marketing agency that matches well with your objectives. 
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absoluterankingg · 7 months
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nspiresoft · 2 years
Impacts of White Label Digital Marketing Agencies on your business
Looking for more sales?
Are you feeling the urge to hire a brand-new white label digital marketing agency for your business?
However, before we advance forward you ought to know what a white label digital marketing agency really is.
So what exactly is white labeling?
White labeling is the process of marketing your products or services, under your brand name. This entire process resembles renovating or revamping, and in simple words is called rebranding.
What is the relation of white labeling with digital marketing?
In digital marketing, this term is frequently used because most of the digital marketers purchase services or software from other companies. Then they trade them to their customers under their own brand, which is called white-label digital marketing.
Now that you know what a white labelling is and what it's relation with digital marketing is, it's fine to address the elephant in the room.
Which is,
Why exactly you need a white label digital marketing agency?
Here are some reasons that would quench your thirst of answers.
Improves Brand Presence.
One of the key aspects of any business is on-time delivery, therefore, the number one priority that any brand or business should have and concentrate on is delivering on time.
And a white label agency just about does that, as it reduces your stress of delivering on time, as almost all of the work is done by a group of expert individuals' operating in the industry, that too within the given time frame.
Which will for surely assist you in delivering on time or at times prior time, hence, would help you to establish a credible brand presence online and offline.
Moreover, a white label digital marketing agency will without a doubt help you to boost your reliability in the online market as well as social media platforms, and would indeed help you to build up a great prestige online.
Helps in expanding your team without much costing.
Everybody wants to expand their team, right? But expanding your teams with well-versed professionals can at times be healthy for your firm but not for your pockets.
Moreover, if you're someone that's willing to expand your crew and bulk it up with the experts from industry without spending tons of money over infrastructure, a white marketing agency is all that you will require.
As it will enable you to not just add experts from various feeds in your network, but also would help you to work within your budget.
Time and cost effective.
You may be accustomed and eager to learn about the world of digital marketing, but this approach needs a lot of human resources as well as a terrific knowledge of how to execute marketing campaigns.
In addition, there is no guarantee that you will hit the right public with your planning and campaign.. It will not only boost your ROAS, but also waste your time as well as money.
At variance, contracting out your digital marketing campaign to a white label marketing agency will not only save you time, but also save you money.
 Will help you to concentrate more on your business.
Outsourcing your marketing and sales campaign will not only give you time to focus on your business, but also will provide you with the time that's necessary and required to make improvements in core business processes.
Retain more customers.
Digital marketing is a very wide industry a single company may not be proficient in each digital marketing department. Although outsourcing some of the services to some other agency will not only help you to broaden your portfolio of services, but you will have in-house proficiency for all the needs of clients.
This will assist you to retain your customers as you will become an unparalleled answer to any marketing demand.
 Increase in revenue
Increasing the number of services in your portfolio will boost your income. It will assist you in building a new income stream.
Now you contract out all of your additional services to a third company. There is thus no obstacle in terms of infrastructure or human resources to increase the number of services.
Digital marketing was never a minor phrase. As it is known to cover various niches under its name. Digital marketing generally requires continuous learning and everyday efforts to become a unique solution for all marketing needs.
If you want to develop your marketing services without investing in infrastructure, then white labelling services are the right option for your digital marketing agencies.
However, think twice before partnering with a white label agency if you make the right decision, your brand reputation, client management is in the right hands.
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silent-raven13 · 8 months
The Star and the Waiter
(AU: Hobie is a Punk Star coming into a Puerto Rican restaurant and happens to meet a certain cute waiter, Miles! No Spider-man/super powers in this world)
"You fuckers been Ace!" Hobie finished the last song with a big bang having his electric guitar smashing on stage before he jump on to the crowd. The Spider-band kept playing their music while their lead singer stage dive.
The audience cheers out loud a mixtures of joy shrills, screams and tears. They tries to touch every part of the punker, while he sticks his devil horn hand sign in the air.
After another successful concert, the manager of the famous Spider-band got all the members back on the tour bus, "Fucking nice work, guys! Another best show! Ya'll are trending on all social media! Fucking beautiful! Hobie, I could kiss you man!"
Hobie walks in the tour bus with a big grin on his face, "Oh yeah? Never knew you find me attractive, Bruce?"
"Pfft, easy fucker. Figure of speech. Anyway, best way to end the tour. Tomorrow ya'll can rest." The manager chuckles.
Riri, the bass player finally rested on the couch, "Fucking finally! I'm so fucking tired!"
"For real!" Karl, the second guitarist.
"Ugh, I'm so sore!" Mattea groans being so exhausted. "I just want to sleep." She landed on Riri being exhausted.
"Fuck Mattea! Warn a gal!" The dark skinned bass player grunts.
Hobie stood wiping off the kiss marks from his face after they dealt with the VIP fans. There were so many girls than the last time. The popularity of the punk band had grown faster in the last year.
Honestly, Hobie didn't expect his band to made it into fame. Hell, he became one of the most popular, eye candy lead singer around! Anyone would want him. Model agencies, make-up companies, other artists wanting to collab- hell, he even got rich influencers and high class people wanting to pay him to be in a "relationship" with him for the publicity.
No, he's not like that. Maybe that's why his band are so famous. They are the real deal! They never back down on what they believe in. Hobie always doing what he wants and no one can stop him. He is rawr to the core, he never believe in consistency, Chaos, no labels, staying true to his own words got him the fame he needs.
Let's not forget, his looks too! This handsome lad has all the women squealing at his feet. They would faint at the spot. "Hah, crazy you made out with that mum." Karl commented.
"Oh yeah, she was so proud about using her son's college fund to get here." Riri laughs, "Well, everyone wants to fuck Hobie Brown, right?"
Mattea laughs, "For real. Remember that popular celebrity send him a letter begging to be his girlfriend and she was willing to pay him."
"Expensive ass whore." Karl nudges his best friend, "Right, man. You turned down a multi-billion dollar relationship! You'll be set. I heard rich girls like that only into NFL or NBA players, especially black guys."
"That's so true. Didn't her sister marry a basketball player and then, divorce within the week?" Mattea asked, "I say stay away."
"For real, rich white girls like that only cares about flaunting their riches and you know how they love using black men for their sick twisted desire for a mix child. It's all shit." Riri let Mattea lay on her lap while they talk.
"Well, Hobie Brown is never going to be involved with transplants! I prefer the real thing in a person." He walks to sit on a lazy boy, his leather pants made a squeak sound. The lead singer wore all black with a spike battle leather vest jacket, leather black pants with three belts wrapped around his waist, buckled thick combat boots. The sexiest look for the singer, his heavy boots made sounds for every step.
"Hahaha, and that's why you got stalkers. That rich girl didn't take no so lightly." Mattea laughs, "She did a whole story on her social media."
"That's her problem." Hobie chuckles, "Anyway, I'm a bit famish. Is there any food?"
"We got leftovers, dude." Karl checks the fridge to find burgers, tacos, all sorts of leftovers. "I'm sure half of them are spoiled because this fridge stinks!"
"Unless you want leftover old Chinese?" Mattea hums.
"Eck, I'll go grab a bite." Hobie snorted, deciding to get his wallet and smartphone.
"Whoa. Whoa. Hobie," His manager stops his, "Your not going out, again! Last time you did, you got shitfaced and had an all out brawl!"
"Pfft, not my fault a couple of blokes wanted to fight." Hobie remembers he went to a pub to drink and ended up kisses some of these men's girlfriends or dates- Whatever it was. They wanted to fight him so he gladly fought them. That was a trend, all over social media.
Luckily, his fans and most people were on his side. Since it wasn't his fault those women didn't admit they were in relationships. Everyone loses their minds over a Star!
"Let him go, Bruce. Hobie can take care of himself. Besides, we're done with the tour." Riri was on her Smartphone seeing their concert was trending all over on TikTok.
"Hah, yeah. And we go back home tomorrow. So, let's just chill." Karl hums, "Anyway, I'ma order some pizza."
"Oh I'll take a stuffed cheesy crust with pepperoni." Mattea shouted.
Hobie was done with junk food, being on the damn road only got them eating junk. They had only beer, too. He wanted something different, something home-made? He wasn't sure. All he knows he's sick of these take out and expensive dishes that aren't good.
"Bro, you better hurry and get something to eat. Just because it's New York, doesn't mean some restaurants closes later." Riri hums.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'll be quick, besides I know where to look." He waves his hands away, "I'll be fine, pops." He left with a grin on his face toward his manager.
"Fucking Hobie..." Bruce groans being stressed out, "Send me your location, kid!"
"Fine. Fine!" Hobie rolled his eyes before leaving out of his tour bus, he saw how much the crowd died down. Checking his phone, he saw it was nine... shame, his band could've gone longer, but fucking Bruce warns them to follow the schedule.
Anyway, he saw an interesting spot when his tour bus pass through the city. It looked homey, warm with an interesting art wall on the side. Whoever are the owners of the restaurant, they were smart enough to have an artist to create such a beautiful artwork. Shame Hobie wasn't able to admire it long, since his tour bus speed up. He did remember the name... Morales' Kitchen.
"Hmm," He realized he needs to look it up to see what to order. Pulling up his expensive smart phone, he found the restaurant is Puerto Rican basis. It looked appealing and the reviews shows positive reviews.
BunnyFox: OMG I loved coming here since I was a kid! Best Puerto Rican FOOD EVER!!!
ShyGuy23: Man, this place is soo good. If you want to taste Puerto Rico, it tastes just like home! I missed my mom's cooking, so this comes close to it.
And it went on with that. Many recommended the traditional plate which contain tostones, arroz con habichuelas (rice and beans), and a choice of chicken, pork, or beef. Many recommended pork or chicken with a side of salad. He'll probably get that, he never had Puerto Rican food.
Now, this might come a surprised from the Punk-Star with his family descendants of Jamaican and Haitian ancestry, he always loves trying Caribbean food. By now, he would've tried Puerto Rican, but nope. So far, he had Mexican and Dominican food as far as he knows.
Well there's a first time for everything.
He chuckles at his own thoughts, he never thought he would say that, again. The nineteen year old had been through every sexual, adventurous experience so his first times were long gone.
Walking in the slight cold night of the city, he pulled out his cigarette to smoke. His wicks bounces from every step he takes, enjoying his walk.
Ahh, this is nice.
Hobie isn't gonna lie, he so far hates being famous. He didn't think their whole life would be on watch.
In a capitalistic world, only Corporate Greedy, big evil money hungry businesses like the music Industries would leech the blood out of their artists. Do this or don't do this. Hobie thought if he can go back in time to prevent his seventeen year old self to sign his soul away from the contract... would he? Maybe. So far, he hated the constant fans budding in his personal lives, annoying blokes challenging him as they act he never threw hands.
It's funny how the PR teams always work overtime to fix his imagine for the sake of their record labels. There always something with them. That's why he lash out so much the last year, yet his soul takers still try to force him into this mold. A mold of being a basic Poster- HIM A POP STAR?
He would rather eat glass off the subway station floor. Or they try to make him be a rapper or join a Hip Hop reality television show to make a career out of it. They always say, Punk is never forever. Hobie conquer on that, he and his band worked too damn hard to stay true to themselves.
He threaten his bosses that he will make sure he's not going down a fight. There was many "scandals" like nudes, sex videos, drug use, and all to remain trendy and down right fucking true to himself. Controversy can be a powerful weapon, inconsistency is him! All the videos of him kissing men, women, none-binaries- ALL OF IT! He wouldn't care, he never believe in labels and believe in his voice.
His inky eyes saw a poster about Saving Gaza being torn or written. "Hmmm," He knew one of the main reasons to be famous was the amount of power his voice is.
The Punk Star took a photo of the poster, then posted on his Social Media with massive words, "SAVE PALESTINE! FUCK GENOCIDE!" He put the watermelon logo, Palestine flag and rock hand sign.
He's never one to back down for what's right. As he put his Smartphone in his pocket, his phone started to blast with notification of massive people liking, comments good or bad. A smirk on his face knowing the haters will write him a lot of slurs, curse words, but he didn't care. He laughs at them. His voice is POWERFUL!
Now, his record label... his bosses might not take it, too lightly. He didn't care. They got nothing on him and his band.
Then, a savory smell of tomatoes, garlic and cilantro tickled his nose. Huh, I'm here already? He saw the restaurant seeing the warm color scheme of brown, yellow and red. There was a massive Puerto Rican Flag next to the name of the place.
Hobie slowly walks to the mural at the most badass piece. It's a massive mural of black and brown people showing Empowerment with their hands raised into a fist, some figures had face covers wrapped around their mouths with different country flags. A lot of Latin American flags, especially Caribbean flags. There was an abstract city with so many small indication of past racist and discrimination history. What Hobie loves the most about the mural was the massive words that spread on the top, 'We are the People! We have the Power!'
"Fuckin' hardcore." Hobie decided to take multiple photos of the mural. He loves art like this. Art about empowerment in the black and brown community. People of color works on politics, installations about Capitalism ruining this damn world. He looks at the graffiti signature... "MGM?"
Maybe he can find the name on his social media. Hobie can already tell he's going to be a massive fan. The artists already checked off from his list on the art works: Empowerment, check! Representing POC, check! Different from the basic art, CHECK!
His stomach growls, "I should eat." He said to himself, he went to the front door to find the place closed at midnight. "Nice."
When he enters the shop, he saw a very homey restaurant. The walls painted of beautiful scenery of Puerto Rico with people dancing, food, and instruments. The lights were warm, the shades of brown and tiles brick color gave it a very mom and pop restaurant. There was a bar and television up high on the corner next to the bar and other places. So far it's empty.
The punker's inky eyes look down at the Wait list; so far a decent amount people came by through out the day. Then he hears someone coming out of the back of the kitchen, it sounded like two people speaking Spanish.
The person walking out the kitchen to the main floor, his footsteps light which got Hobie to glance up. When he did, he never thought he saw someone so beautiful in his life.
The hostess smiles at him, "Hello, welcome! Is it just you?" His eyes are colored of Honey brown with big doe like eyes.
Hobie had to take a moment to analyze such a beautiful man. He had a tapered short afro with a fade on the sides and zig-zag design on the side. His ears are pierced, nose wide and plump lips with such shimmer warm brown skin tone. Oh shit, Hobie was awestruck.
"Um.. Umm, yeah. Just me." Only a few words came out of his mouth. He wanted to stare at this Host, he had such a beautiful smile it felt like sunshine sending warm kisses.
The host nodded, "Okay, come with me. You want booth or a regular table?" He asked going to the side of the desk to take out a menu.
"Booth." The Punker's voice low like a mumble.
"Okay, I'm Miles by the way. I'll be your waiter." He turns to Hobie with a soft smile.
Such a cute name for a cute lad. Hobie stares at Miles' behind seeing his rear, nicely thick. The young waiter had a basic white and black waiter outfit, the collar white sleeves rolled up showing off his left arm with tattoos.
A sleeve tattoo ain't too shabby.
Hobie couldn't tell what it looks like, but he can tell it looks unfinished from the elbow to the wrist. Then he saw Miles showing him a booth in the middle. "Here's the menu, for now do you care for water or your ready to order a drink?"
"I'll have a water, luv." Hobie casually said being a flirtatious, he sat in the booth looking at the menu.
"Okay. I'll give you a few minutes." He let out another smile. Hobie study those big beautiful plump lips, they were moisturized looks like chapstick.
Miles happily went to get a glass of water for the punker. Damn, he's so cute... Hobie didn't look at the menu but had his eyes on the waiter this whole time.
When Miles came back to place a glass water, "Ar-are you ready?"
"Hmph?" Hobie looking stupid.
"To order?" His waiter arched his eyebrow.
"Oh, um... actually." Hobie felt a bit embarrassed for wasting time. Staring at Miles got him feeling like a little lad. "What's your popular dish? Or what you recommend?"
"We have the traditional plate; it got rice and beans, tostones, salad, and choice of meat. I prefer pollo guisado." Miles flips the menu to show the poplar dish being serve, "But if you want something more meat, pernil with a side of tostones. These are our popular dishes for..." He eyed on Hobie, "new customers."
"Heh, because my accent, mate?" Hobie did have a thick cockney accent.
"Hahaha, pretty much, man. Unless you tried Puerto Rican food." Miles giggles.
Damn, even his giggles are cute.
Hobie felt his cheeks warm. If he can turn pink, he would. "No, luv. Never."
"Then I say pick the first one." He gave another smile this time his eyes seem to be gleaming at the punker.
"Alright, the first one. The way you said it. I'm not into pork..." He casually said.
"Okay, coming up." Miles wrote it down, then took the menu. "Any drinks besides water?"
"I would say beer but I'm underage." Hobie chuckles.
Miles' blink a couple of times being surprised, "What? Really!"
"Yup, I'm nineteen years old. I know I don't look like it." Hobie chuckles.
"Oh wow, you do look like you would be around twenty one. Awe, too bad, man. Can't serve you alcohol if you're underage." Miles look side to side with a small whisper, "Don't worry, I'm nineteen, too!" Then winks at him.
Hobie blinks at couple of times, he felt his mouth dry. "Really?"
"What? I look too young?"
"Nah, your tattoos gave it away." The punker said as he took a sip of water.
Miles arched his eyebrow with those Amber eyes gleaming at the punker like enchanted gems. "Oh yeah, how do you know I didn't get when I was sixteen?" He gave an amusing grin.
"You look like a good lad who follow the rules. Something about you seems like the type to never take risk." Hobie grins at him.
"Hahaha, well you're right I do follow the rules but I wouldn't say I don't take risks." Miles winks at him being flirty.
Oh, he's flirting with me?
Hobie felt stupid for giving a weak response, "Hah, risk taker?" He added, "What kind of risk you take?"
"Well, this tattoo." He lift his left arm showing his sleeve, "Not an easy project."
"What is it about?"
"Many stuff. I design the tattoo myself and went to a tattoo artist to do it." He got closer to show a beautiful collage works of graffiti characters, stars, clouds, sun and moon, and florals. A lot of Sunflowers.
"Bloody hell, mate. You design this? This looks fucking amazing. Maybe I should ask you to design me-self a tat." Hobie admires the work. "I got a spot empty at my right side."
"Nah, you wouldn't want a design from me." Miles chuckles in amusement.
"Come on, Miles. I'm being for real. Look, to show how of honest man I am," Hobie pulls out his Smartphone letting all his accessories from his clothes clank and click together, "give me your social."
"Wow, showing social. You're pretty forward, huh?" Miles giggles feeling his cheeks warm by the punker.
Then the other teenager realized he's basically demanding Miles' social. "Ah, my bad, mate."
"No! No-no," Miles chuckles, "It's cool man. Look let me give you my social. But don't be too surprised about my selfies." He gave a mischievous smirk.
Hobie felt the color from his face drain being replaced by a warm shade of red being so damn bashful. Luckily his dark skin tone didn't reveal anything, but maybe his wide eyes did and the way his mouth slight hang open. "Huh?" He could only say then handed his phone to Miles.
The waiter happily gave him his social, "Here's my art account... it's also my personal account." He hums giving some indication about himself.
Hobie took his phone back to look through, "MGM? Wait, are you the lad that did the mural outside?"
"Yeah, that's me." He admits holding the menu close to his chest.
"Mate, that's a fucking fantastic piece. It's bloody powerful!" Hobie said to him being so impressed. Miles is cute, and an artist! So far, he's peaking more of his interest.
"Awe, you're making me blush, man." Miles giggles with one hand hiding his shy smile.
"Mijo, ya esta!" The two stop hearing a woman's voice from the kitchen.
"Oh your dish is ready. I'll get it." Miles said as he went over to put the menu away and rush into the kitchen.
Hobie had time to look through Miles' social, he found out the teenager likes to read comics, watch cartoons and anime, and cosplay. He had photos of Anime-Con or Comic conventions. His mouth watered when he saw photos of the cute waiter cross dressing, some with complete makeup with a beautiful design wigs.
He's very talented...
Then, what got Hobie very hype was a photo of Miles having two hip tattoos, showing them off with his sweats low enough his happy trail showings, and if any more probably show more than just hair. Sharply inhaling as he saw Miles wearing a crop top with some booty shorts. He's not afraid of being himself that's for sure.
Hobie really likes that, even seeing Miles' at Pride Parade with a group of friends. They were huddle together wearing the skimpiest of outfits. Miles wearing fishnets with bright yellow top with sunflower ankle jeans and converse shows. He certainly knows how to dress colorful, too.
"OKay, here's your meal. Enjoy." Miles came by with a massive plate of food to set down. Those golden honey brown shines over at the punker looking through his phone. "Enjoying my pics?"
"Hmph? Oh um..." Hobie quickly set his phone down seeing the massive plate filled with rice and beans, chicken smothered with a special tomato sauce, hot tostones and salad. "This looks delicious." He sniffs the delicious aroma of Puerto Rica spices like garlic, tomato, cilantro, and so on. With such deepen scent, it reminded him of his mother's Caribbean spices.
"Thank you. Hopefully your'll like it." Miles nodded with a soft smile on his face, "Enjoy your meal. If you need anything I'll be over there." He pointed by the host desk to wait.
Hobie pouted for the moment, then quickly grab Miles' wrist which cause the waiter to look surprised. "Sorry, luv. Um..." Damn, normal Hobie is such a charmer, he can flirt his way through anything or anyone, but Miles sure left his tongue tied. "How about you sit here? I'm curious about your art."
"Well," He took a moment, "I would but-" Hobie being desperate, he let his hand go, "There's no one here, darling. Come, sit by me, Sunflower."
That looks like it worked because the nineteen year old gave a shy almost flustered smile. "Sure, normally it's not busy around this time anyway. My dad will be fine with me talking to our customers." He sat across the punker with his face resting on both his hands, "Demi lo, Papí. Cómo te llamas?"
Ohh, he speaks Spanish, too. Did he call me, Papí? Maybe I can...
"Mi nombre es Hobie." He finally answered as he took his fork to dig into his dish.
Miles' smile widen showing his teeth, his eyes seem to sparkle. "You know, Spanish?"
"I know about five languages."
"Wow, look at you. I only know English and Spanish." Miles giggles being impressed.
He will be the death of me.
"I'm a bit choppy with Korean."
"Oh wow, you know Korean? I know a lil bit, my best friend is Korean." Miles explained, "I wouldn't put it on my list. What else?"
"Let see, Patios, Haitian Creole, French, Spanish, English, Korean, Chinese, a bit of Japanese.... and I'm trying to learn Sawhili and Arabic." He counted with his fingers as he took a bite of his meal.
"Dude, that's more than five languages." Miles giggles having his eyes on the punker who's eyes widen after taking the first bite.
"I mean, English and Japanese don't count." Hobie said while chewing.
"It's still more than five."
"I know a little Swahili and Arabic." Hobie hums, "Not on the list like someone mentions."
"Hehe, still six, Hobie." Miles giggles with amusement.
"I don't believe inconsistency."
"Really? So you mix your info a lot?"
"Yup!" Hobie got a piece of chicken then let out a satisfying sound, "Mmm, this is fucking good, mate. Finally something good! Tastes like home."
"Good, huh?" Miles grins widely.
"Good? This is bloody amazing. I tried a lot of stuff before and this," He nodded with approval, "Tastes the fucking cake."
"I'm glad. I'll let the chef know." Miles hums happily, "So, Hobie... where ya from, man? You got a British accent and what's Hobie short for?"
Hobie grins widely, "Hobart and I come from good ole' London, luv."
"Hmm, Hobart? I never heard a name like that before. It's kinda foreign."
"Haha, not many have this name."
"But it is cute," Miles saw the way the punker look at him, "Hobie. That's a cute nickname."
"Not cute, mate. I'm dangerous." Hobie chuckles, "Look at me."
"Then what should I say? Handsome? Dangerous? Sexy?" Miles flirted being more bold.
"Sexy? I do like the sound of that." Hobie slowly chews with his eyes on his waiter.
"Hahaha, I prefer cute." Miles gave a smug smile, "Your cute."
"Stop, mate. Ya makin' me blush." He wasn't lying.
"Awe, that's cute." He laughs.
Hobie snorted before eating slowly. He wonders if Miles knows who he is. "So, Miles. What's does MGM mean?"
"Miles Gonzalo Morales. That's my full name." He answered rather quickly. "MGM keeps it fast and neat."
"And your works?"
"Mostly the struggle in living in New York, black and brown empowerment. Sometimes about my sexuality, or how we're often silence. You're lucky you got to see this painting. It's fairly new. Last one, I did a Free Palestine and- Oh Boy, the amount of hate we got. I mean, the tagging and pure hateful groups were making threats." Miles winced, "I don't think I'm strong enough for that kind of stuff... it's pretty scary."
"Fucking nazis. Nothing terrible happened?" Hobie asked.
"Thank god nothing did. My dad use to be a the Chief of Police so many cops respect him and we got lucky with that sort of protection." Miles rubs his neck about his latest work, "I know, it's risk making works like that. So this time I play it safe now with murals for empowerment and aesthetics for this place, but my personally gallery works I go crazy."
"You got a gallery?"
"Eh, it's a small one not far from here, but I do make works here and there." Miles shrugs, "It's my passion."
"Good, you should keep it that way. Trust me, nothing beats creativity, bruv." He took another spoonful, to his surprised he was eating the plate clean. Normally, he'll take a few bites and leave the rest for his friends. Never much of eater, but this meal was too damn good.
Thanks for the advice, man." Miles nodded.
"Also, how did your pops work in a place like this? You say he was a pig?" Hobie commented.
Miles noticed the insult for cops, it makes sense. Nobody likes cops in this day and age, especially with all the shit they been doing. "He retired early from an incident and uses the money to built this place. It's actually my mom's dream, so that food you're eating is from my mami." Miles hums.
"Well, your mom cooking is perfection." Hobie took a bite of a tostones with a loud crunch sound, "Mmm, normally I don't eat much."
"I can see, your very skinny."
"But my height balances out, Sunflower." Hobie added.
"Yeah, you're very tall and this is from someone who's six' two"."
"Ah, I'm six'five"." Hobie chuckles at Miles' expression, he couldn't believe it.
"Dude, you're so tall. I think my uncle is the tallest in my family and you passed him." Miles said being in shock.
"I'm always been the tallest around my family." Hobie added as he lift his glass of water.
"Oh let me get you a refill." Miles got up.
"Oi, um... what about a soda pop, luv? Anything Puerto Rican drinks?" Hobie asked.
"We have Good Ole' Kola, it's a popular Puerto Rican soda." Miles said.
"One please, Sunflower."
"Coming right up." Miles went over to the bar to get a freshly cold can, "Say, why do you call me, Sunflower?"
"Your tattoos and your social." The other teenager said seeing Miles handing him a cold can of soda, he opens it hearing the hissed sound from the soda. "Does it offend you, Miles?"
Miles sat back down with his head shaking, "No, it's actually my favorite flower."
"Really?" Hobie could use that. "Why?"
"You know that Post Malone song called Sunflower?" Miles asked.
Hobie took a moment, "Maybe... not into pop."
"Well, that's one of my favorite song, and I like how pretty Sunflower looks. They always make me smile." Miles leans over to rest his face on one hand, "And fun fact, when there's no light or sunshine, they turned to each for energy. Isn't that cute, hm?"
Hobie sips his soda giving a nod, "So you're saying I'm a Sunflower since I'm cute?" He flirted back having to give a slight grin.
"Hmmm, I wouldn't say you look like a Sunflower. Maybe a Moonflower." Miles hums, "My second favorite flower." His honey eyes seem to glisten at him.
This lead the singer awestruck almost too flustered, he never felt like this in years. He didn't know what to say instead he shove rice and beans into his mouth. "Did you know Moonflowers only open at night and closes during the day?"
"No, I didn't know it existed."
"Maybe I should call you, Moonflower since you call me, Sunflower." Miles seems to be very interested in him.
"Oh yeah? Heh, nobody ever called me something nice like a flower."
"First time for everything." Miles added, "So, what got you coming here so late?"
"Oh... um... I was in that concert not too far from here?"
"Oh I heard some punk band, right?" Miles asked being clueless, "That place was packed! What's the band called... Spider Punk? Spider... hmm, Spider Band!"
"That's the one." Hobie nodded, "Listen to them?"
"Nah, I heard one song from them and it was their latest single." Miles shrugs, "I'm very into hip/hop, rap, R&B, Reggaeton, um... hmm a lil bit of pop. My little sister seems to like the song, it got her to sleep through it."
"Oh cool, she's a Spider-head?"
"Hahaha, she likes chaos." He play with hands together, "She's two."
Hobie never laughs so loud, "What, mate? You're pulling my leg?"
"I'm serious. One time I played a song and she started to sleep through it. I dunno I guess it's her Puerto Rican side loving loud music."
"Well, I'm honored a two year old sprog loves m- punk music." Hobie added, "Though, I hate labeling it punk."
"Oh, your that kind of punker? Hate labels?"
"I don't believe in them. I hate the AM and I hate the PM." The punker shoves the rest of his meals into his mouth then wipe his hands with a napkin. Man, he should've ate slow to keep talking to Miles, but the food was so good. "Never believed sticking to one thing."
"That's punk of you." Miles giggles, "Sorry, terrible joke."
"It's fine. I'll let it pass since this food- Mwah, chef kiss." Hobie kisses his two fingers together into the okay hand sign.
"Awe, good thing, too. I don't wanna piss you off." The waiter saw the plate being so clean, not a crumble left behind. "My mom would be so happy to see this plate so clean."
"It was so good, I want a second one to go."
"I can make the order if you want?"
"Please, do." The punker being very polite with him, never did he become so polite to people he's attractive.
"Alright. It'll take a few minutes." Miles got up to pick up the dirty dishes and utensils, the he went back to the kitchen to submit the order. Hobie nervously sat up straight then he sniff his breath wondering if it smell bad.
Smells like cigarettes... shit.
When Miles come back, all he did was giggle to himself while holding a dessert, "You got my mom super happy. She told me to give some tembleque."
"What now?"
"It's coconut pudding. It's really good." Miles places it in front of Hobie with a spoon next to it. "Trust me, you'll want to lick the plate."
"That's kind of your mum to give me a free dessert." He never experience such kindness before.
"Don't worry about it. She does it all the time when a customer being sweet and cleans off the plate." Miles winks at him, again.
"Can you tell her, thank you. I appreciate it." Hobie got a spoon to try the dessert, "Mmm, this is amazing." He mumbles with awed.
Miles could only smile at him, "You know, I really think you're cute." Slowly sway his upper body being a little shy to say.
That caught off the punker, he nearly choked on his pudding, The had to drink his soda then let out a low, "Wha?"
"I think you're cute. Your eyes grew wide like a kid. It's cute." Miles shrugs as he went back to sit down.
"Um... thanks." Hobie didn't know how to react.
"Oh sorry, didn't mean to weird you right." Miles frowned for the moment seeing how the punker looked uncomfortable. "Oh great, Miles. You thought you met someone else that's into the same team. I'm so sorry if-" Hobie quickly said, "No! Nono! I'm just- I was told many things but not cute. Sorry, for being weird about it, Sunflower."
"Oh, so you're gay?" Miles asked, "Sorry if that comes off rude. Normally, straight guys give me that look."
"Haha," Hobie sat back with a low deep chuckles, "Remember I don't believe in labels, luv. I play all the teams. I believe in connection."
"Oh very pansexual." Miles teased a bit.
"Maybe. Never consistent. Also I jump around with multiple partners."
"Ah, I'm bi-sexual and monogamous. To be honest, I don't like share my partners." Miles shrugs, "But that's just mean. Whatever float your boat, y'know?"
"Don't like sharing, huh? I'm into that." Hobie smirks widely at him this time being bold.
"Oh yeah?" Miles' eyes gleaming, his left leg shakes from being a bit nervous.
Hobie nodded with his hand placed on Miles' hand, "Yeah." His thumb gently massage into Miles' soft hand, it felt so tender. Miles couldn't help but let out a boyish giggle.
When the punker finished his dessert, Miles placed him the bill and brought out the take out.
"Say, this is a little heavy?" Hobie noticed two containers.
"I left you a slice of cake. Maybe you'll like it." Miles' voice went to a whisper, "Shh, don't tell my dad." Hobie let out a low chuckle.
"Cheeky minx."
"Shh. Anyway will that be cash or card?" He asked placing the plastic bag with take-out in it.
"Card, Sunflower. Maybe next time, I can DM you?"
"Sure. Anytime."
Hobie pulls out his black card which got Miles tilting his head to the side. He never seen a black card before. Aren't those for rich people? Anyway, he went ahead charging the card and placing it back on the table with two receipt and pen. Miles went to clean up the tables getting ready for closing time.
Before Miles went over to pick up the receipt from Hobie's table, "Miles, mi vida. Can you help me?"
"Sure, mami." He pouted over to Hobie, seeing the punker is going to leave soon.
Hobie could only give him a small smile, watching his Sunflower go to the back of the kitchen. He thought about waiting for him until his manager is blowing up his phone like crazy.
Bruce: Where are you asshole? Get your ass back to the bus.
Hobie: 🖕🏿 fuck off. I'm busy here.
Bruce: Hobie.
Hobie: 🙄 fine. I'll be there soon.
He cursed himself at his manager. Fucking Bruce. Always ruining his game. The punker went into his wallet pulling out a wad of cash, then leaving Miles a wonderful tip.
Hopefully we'll meet again.
Just like the wind, Hobie was gone from the restaurant. With beautiful thoughts of his Sunflower and hoping for the next time to meet... maybe go on date.
When Miles came back after helping his mom put somethings away in the fridge, he rushes to the main floor to find no one around. He pouted, slowly going over to the receipt. To his shock he saw a five hundred dollar tip. "What?" He almost chokes on his gasp.
Then his hand saw the receipt with Hobie's number and note.
See you later, Sunflower 😉
Hobie's number: xxx-xxx-xxxx
Text me when you want to hang, luv. I'm open this week.
The teenager put the number into his smart phone never feeling so bashful.
Miles felt his cheeks warm, "Wow..." For the first time, his heart was beating so fast and palms were sweaty. To think this cutie Punker would give him, his number. Who is this Hobie Brown? And how he got so much money? Miles' curiosity is getting to him, maybe that's why he found the punker so attractive. He's so mysterious, sweet, beautiful like a Moonflower.
He wants Hobie Brown.
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female-malice · 11 months
What Hamas Wants
First, there is Hamas’s notorious charter, a Frankensteinian amalgam of the worst anti-Semitic conspiracy theories of the modern era—the very same that have motivated numerous white-supremacist attacks in the United States. “Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious,” the document opens. “It needs all sincere efforts … until the enemy is vanquished.” The charter goes on to claim that the Jews control “the world media, news agencies, the press, publishing houses, broadcasting stations, and others.” According to Hamas, the Jews were “behind the French Revolution, the Communist revolution and most of the revolutions we heard and hear about,” as well as World War I and World War II. The charter accuses Israel of seeking to take over the entire world, and cites as proof the most influential modern anti-Semitic text, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a Russian fabrication that purports to expose a global Jewish cabal.
“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it,” Hamas declares in its credo. “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews.” In case anyone missed the point, the document adds that “so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.” In 2017, Hamas published a new charter, but pointedly refused to disavow the original one, in a transparent ruse that some respectable observers nonetheless took at face value.
In any case, Hamas communicated its genocidal intentions not just in words, but in deeds. Before it took control of Gaza, the group deliberately targeted Jewish civilians for mass murder, executing scores of suicide bombings against shopping malls, night clubs, restaurants, buses, Passover seders, and many other nonmilitary targets. Today, this killing spree is widely blamed for destroying the credibility of the Israeli peace movement and helping derail the Oslo Accords, precisely as Hamas intended. And it did not stop there. Since the group took power in Gaza, it has launched thousands of rockets indiscriminately at nearby civilian towns—attacks that continue at this very moment and that have boosted the Israeli right in election after election.
Hamas’s anti-Jewish aspirations were evident not only from its treatment of Israelis, but from its treatment of fellow Palestinians. Despite being the putative sovereign in Gaza and responsible for the well-being of its people, Hamas repeatedly cannibalized Gaza’s infrastructure and appropriated international aid to fuel its messianic war machine. The group boasted publicly about digging up Gaza’s pipes and turning them into rockets. It stored weapons in United Nations schools and dug attack tunnels underneath them. (Contrary to what you might have read on social media, Gaza does have underground shelters—they are just used for housing Hamas fighters, smuggling operations, and weapons caches, not protecting civilians.)
When dissenting Gazans attempted to protest this state of affairs and demanded a better future, they were brutally repressed. Hamas has not held elections since 2006. In 2020, when the Gazan peace activist Rami Aman held a two-hour Zoom call with Israeli leftists, Hamas threw him in prison for six months, tortured him, and forced him to divorce his wife. Why? Because his vision of a shared society for Arabs and Jews, however remote, was a threat to the group’s entire worldview. Jews were not to share the land; they were to be cleansed from it.
Simply put, what Hamas did two weekends ago was not a departure from its past, but the natural culmination of its commitments. The question is not why Hamas did what it did, but why so many people were surprised. Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, quick to discern anti-Semitism in any effort to merely label Israeli products from West Bank settlements, somehow overlooked the severity of the genocidal threat growing next door. Journalists like me who cover anti-Semitism somehow failed to take Hamas’s overt anti-Jewish ethos as seriously as we should have. Many international leftists, ostensibly committed to equality and dignity for Palestinians and Israelis alike, somehow missed that Hamas did not share that vision, and in fact was actively working to obliterate it.
Today, in the ashes of the worst anti-Jewish violence since the Holocaust, some analysts have admitted their error of sanitizing Hamas. “It’s a huge mistake that I did, believing that a terror organization can change its DNA,” the former Netanyahu national-security adviser Yaakov Amidror told The New York Times. Others on the left have clung to their tortured conception of Hamas as a rational resistance group, despite it having been falsified by events. Perhaps some fear that acknowledging the true nature of Hamas would undermine the struggle for Palestinian self-determination. But in actuality, it is the refusal to disentangle Hamas’s anti-Jewish sadism from the legitimate cause of Palestinian nationalism that threatens the project and saps its support.
(continue reading)
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thoraeth · 5 months
Nevermind the Blorbos Headcanons
[ One Piece Punk Band AU/modern AU] Part 1 , Part 2
Characters: Law, Doffy, Luffy, Strawhats.
Trafalgar Law runs an indie label, the CoraZon Records. He took over after former CEO died in a mysterious accident.
He's always looking for underdogs and artists who stand up to the polished mainstream music world.
Law snatched the Blorbos away from the Mugiwara Agency. Regretted it right after signing the contract.
He owns a white bear cub, Bepo. Employees are strictly forbidden to mention Bepo as it's illegal to own white bears and Law's already got criminal records.
Donquixote Doflamingo is CEO of S.M.I.L.E. records and most eminent personality in the world of commercial pop music.
Signing with his label will grant anyone an outstanding career. Artists line up for days outside his offices begging for an audition.
Doffy was allegedly involved in his brother Cora's mysterious death but he was later acquitted for lack of evidence.
Rumor has it, he exploits his artists and takes complete control over their lives. He'd be the mastermind behind the scandalous Rebecca's conservatorship affair.
Monkey D Luffy took the spotlight in the show biz after he used his adopted family money to create an angel investing company, the Mugiwara agency.
He's renowned for funding all types of talents: singers, dancers, comedians and a good dose of weird, random people.
His biggest success is a reality doc about life at his agency called "Keeping up with the Mugiwaras".
S10 E4, where star influencers Nami and Usopp lose a 10k Berry earring at the beach, has 20 billion views.
S3, revolving around Zoro and Sanji feud and their fight on the Grammy's red carpet, kept trending for months on social medias.
Luffy also funds younger actors like Chopper, acclaimed protagonist of the medical drama 'Doc enfant prodige'.
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Just weeks after Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes was convicted of seditious conspiracy for trying to violently overturn the 2020 election, a leak of the paramilitary group's membership list has revealed that potentially hundreds of far-right extremists have infiltrated federal law enforcement, the Project on Government Oversight reported on Monday.
Launched in 2009, the Oath Keepers from the start tried to recruit from the military and law enforcement with an ostensible goal of upholding the US Constitution and having its members refuse unlawful orders, per the Southern Poverty Law Center, which labels it an "extremist" group. In practice, that has meant, as on January 6, rejecting the rule of law — court orders and democratic processes that thwart far-right policy goals — in favor of conspiracy theories and armed resistance.
More than a decade of recruitment has led the group to collect at least 306 members who have described themselves as "current or former employees of the Department of Homeland Security," according to POGO, which reviewed the leaked membership documents from the group in partnership with the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project.
DHS agencies include US Customs and Immigration Services, the Transportation Security Administration, and the US Secret Service. Most of the self-described DHS employees asserted that they were retired, but at least one claimed to be an activity-duty Secret Service agent; another said they were a supervisor with Border Patrol, according to the documents reviewed by POGO.
The full membership list, which Insider reported on in September, includes more than 38,000 names.
Rachel Carroll Rivas, deputy director of research, reporting, and analysis at the SPLC Intelligence Project, said the Oath Keepers succeeded at presenting themselves, publicly, as a "constitutionalist" group but that it was always extremist and conspiracy-minded, seeking out law enforcement and military recruits for the perceived credibility it would lend an otherwise fringe organization. But it also targeted veterans and police because their skillset could prove useful in an armed struggle.
"That's a real manipulation tactic, to target people for a particular skill and then bring them into a violent and ideological movement," Carrol Rivas said in an interview.
That they apparently enjoyed success among the ranks of DHS is "unfortunately not surprising," she added, citing the Department's role in policing immigration — a top Border Patrol agent has promoted far-right "replacement theory," while the ICE union endorsed former President Donald Trump — and founding in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a time of heightened Islamophobia. The nature of its work, and the overt sympathies of some of its members, has made it a more receptive target for extremist recruiting, Carrol Rivas argued.
"It was flawed from the get-go and it continues to be flawed," she said.
DHS did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The revelation of possible far-right infiltration of federal law enforcement comes after the Department of Defense last year issued a report detailing its own efforts to combat such "extremist activity" within its own ranks. Under guidance issued last December, soldiers are now prohibited from being active members of an extremist group or sharing their content on social media.
It also follows an FBI warning that white supremacists continue to "pose the primary threat" of lethal domestic terrorism, accounting for more than half of all politically motivated killings over the last decade.
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gkms-blog · 7 months
Unlocking Potential: The Impactful Role of Social Media Services in Digital Success
In the ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses are increasingly recognizing the pivotal role that social media services play in achieving digital success. From enhancing brand visibility to fostering audience engagement, the impact of these services is far-reaching. This blog will delve into the multifaceted ways in which social media services unlock the full potential of businesses in the digital realm.
**1. Strategic Planning for Effective Presence
Social media services are not just about posting content; they involve strategic planning to establish and maintain a compelling digital presence. Crafting a well-defined social media strategy ensures that businesses are not only present on relevant platforms but also communicating their message cohesively. This strategic approach lays the groundwork for consistent and impactful online interactions.
2. Amplifying Brand Visibility
One of the primary roles of social media services is to amplify brand visibility across diverse platforms. Establishing a consistent brand presence on popular channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others increases the likelihood of reaching a broader audience. Strategic use of hashtags, keywords, and content optimization enhances discoverability, making the brand more visible to potential customers.
3. Nurturing Authentic Audience Relationships
Social media services facilitate the cultivation of authentic relationships with the audience. Through consistent engagement, responding to comments, and fostering two-way communication, businesses can humanize their brand. Authenticity builds trust, and trust is the foundation of lasting customer relationships. Social media services provide the tools to humanize the brand voice and connect with the audience on a personal level.
4. Content Creation and Optimization
Effective social media services encompass content creation and optimization tailored to each platform. From captivating visuals to compelling copy, creating content that resonates with the target audience is essential. Social media algorithms reward engaging content, making optimization crucial for ensuring that posts reach the widest audience possible.
5. Harnessing the Power of Paid Advertising
Social media services extend beyond organic reach with the inclusion of paid advertising. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer robust advertising tools that enable businesses to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. Paid advertising enhances brand visibility, drives website traffic, and can directly contribute to lead generation and sales.
6. Analytics for Informed Decision-Making
Comprehensive analytics provided by social media services empower businesses to make informed decisions. Monitoring key metrics such as engagement rates, reach, and conversion data offers valuable insights into the effectiveness of strategies. Analytics not only measure success but also guide future optimizations, allowing businesses to refine their approach based on data-driven decisions.
7. Crisis Management and Reputation Building
Social media services are indispensable in both crisis management and reputation building. Timely responses to customer feedback, addressing concerns, and showcasing positive testimonials contribute to a positive brand image. In times of crisis, swift and transparent communication on social media platforms helps mitigate potential damage and rebuild trust.
8. Keeping Pace with Trends and Innovations
The digital landscape is dynamic, with trends and features evolving rapidly. Social media services keep businesses abreast of emerging trends and innovations. Staying current with platform updates, new features, and industry trends ensures that businesses remain relevant and capitalize on opportunities for growth.
The impact of social media services on digital success is undeniable. From strategic planning to brand visibility, authentic audience relationships, content creation, paid advertising, analytics, crisis management, and trend awareness, these services unlock the full potential of businesses in the digital realm. Embracing a comprehensive and strategic approach to social media allows businesses to not only thrive in the current digital landscape but also position themselves for sustained success in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.
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dingmoneyonline · 1 year
Start Your Own Graphic & Content Creation Agency In 3 Simple Steps
Welcome to the unbiased and informative review of VizualAI, the revolutionary AI-powered design tool. Developed by renowned software expert Deepanker, VizualAI empowers users to create stunning visuals effortlessly. In this assessment, we'll look at the capabilities, benefits, price, and prospective customers of this revolutionary device.
VizualAI - The World's First AI-Driven Design Tool:
VizualAI is an innovative design tool that allows users to create eye-catching social media visuals without the need for expensive software or hiring designers. Harnessing the power of AI, VizualAI transforms ideas into stunning visuals and offers a vast collection of templates for inspiration.
Features and Benefits:
AI-Powered Text to Image and 3D Cartoon Generators: Convert text into captivating images and design unique 3D cartoon characters effortlessly.
GPT4 Powered Emotion-Based Content Generator: Craft engaging and resonating content that connects with your audience on an emotional level.
Keyword to Video Generator: Transform keywords into captivating videos that leave a lasting impression.
Vast Template Collection: Choose from over 2000+ templates for ads, banners, and more, saving valuable time and effort.
Multilingual Content Generation: Create content in 35+ international languages to expand your global reach.
User-Friendly Interface: All users can use VizualAI since it is user-friendly for beginners.
Pricing and Upsells:
The Front-End offer starts at $17 with an instant $3 discount for early birds. Upsells include VizualAI Unlimited, DFY Edition, Automation, Video Creation, Agency License, Reseller options, and White label.
Who Can Benefit From VizualAI?
Entrepreneurs, marketers, bloggers, influencers, educators, students, small business owners, designers, and anyone seeking stunning visuals can benefit from VizualAI.
Pros and Cons:
Pros: AI-driven creativity streamlines design workflows.
Vast template collection offers design options for various needs.
User-friendly image editor enables easy customization.
Multilingual content generation expands global audience reach.
Commercial license allows users to monetize their creations.
Unlimited creation possibilities without restrictions
Initial learning curve for AI-driven features.
Dependency on stable internet connectivity for cloud-based access
VizualAI is a groundbreaking AI-powered design tool that unleashes creative potential for users of all skill levels. With its vast template collection, user-friendly interface, and AI-driven features, it revolutionizes the way visuals are created. VizualAI provides countless chances for producing gorgeous images and interesting material, regardless of whether you work as a business owner, marketer, blogger, instructor, or student. Don't miss out on this chance to elevate your designs with VizualAI. Act now and let your creativity soar!
To more details visit: https://www.moneymakkr.com
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seoauditlondon · 1 year
Keeping Up With The Competition Requires Your Agency To Use White Label SEO Services
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There is a strong competition among businesses in every sector as the Digital World continues to evolve, allowing them to establish an effective online presence in order to compete. A lot of competition is out there, so it is challenging for search engine optimization (SEO) agencies to compete alone in providing premium quality services. It is here that white label SEO services can be of great help. What are the reasons why agencies need white label SEO services to remain competitive in modern markets.
Managing projects better is the key to success
A white label SEO service allows agencies to focus on their core competencies without having to worry about the technical aspects of using a white label service. A professional SEO company takes over the search engine marketing, back-end SEO, white label Google Ads, and content production duties. It results in a better project management process and improved outcomes for the client as a result.
The diversification of our services
Partnering with white label SEO services, an agency can be able to provide a more comprehensive range of services to its clients. The advantage of relying on white label SEO services rather than having a set service catalogue is that an agency can expand its services portfolio through new packages. It is a profitable business model that enables an agency to expand its portfolio and position itself as an authority in the field they are in.
Increased Efficiency and Profits
Working together with white label SEO service providers enables agencies to increase their efficiency and profits, in a way that they cannot attain alone. In this scenario, the agencies will be able to focus on client relationships, sales, and other primary tasks, while the white label SEO partnership will be taking over the deliverables. It is because of this reason that agencies are able to expand their business without having to hire more personnel or incur more operational costs.
We are experts and innovators in our field
White label SEO services have specialists in search engine optimization, content creation, social media marketing, and other internet marketing fields. As knowledgeable SEO experts, they ensure to stay up-to-date with the most recent SEO news and the latest technology trends in the field. By dealing with curated teams of experts, agencies can provide their clients with a better level of service and provide them with innovative solutions to the ever-changing landscape of SEO.
Services that are affordable
In comparison to having an in-house SEO team, white label SEO services are able to offer affordable rates. It has been shown that agencies that outsource marketing functions to white label SEO specialists can save thousands of pounds in operational costs as a result. In addition to the price benefit, this benefit also translates into better prices for clients, which further increases an agency's competitive edge in the market.
In conclusion, white label graphic design services are indispensable to the success of any marketing agency in today's competitive terrain. In addition to providing an agency with a diverse range of services, outsourcing these services can allow for greater efficiency and innovation, while ensuring that project management and costs are kept low for clients. By embracing the benefits of white label SEO services, an agency can enhance their ability to serve their clients and stay ahead of the competition by improving their client service and strategizing.
Take your business to the next level with White Label SEO Services today!
Be sure that your business is not falling behind the competition by not taking action. It is our goal at White Label SEO Services to offer you a wide range of top-notch solutions that can help take your business to the next level by providing high-performing services. Whether you need help with white label graphic design, digital marketing, or IT support, our team of experts is here to give you the support you need to succeed. We are happy to help you by delivering your branding into a reality, so please feel free to call us today on 0203 488 3641 or drop us an email at [email protected] to learn more about what we can do for you. Don't wait, contact us now and let's get started.
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cherokeecharles · 2 years
#Hottakes #8: When You Play Stupid Games, You Win Stupid Prizes, Kanye.
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Kanye West has been the topic of discussion for the last two weeks. Normally everyone chalks it up to Kanye being Kanye and not caring enough to hold him accountable for his outlandish behavior and actions. But this time, he’s officially gone too far with his comments and has landed himself in deep waters. It’s no shock that he is now being blackballed but his actions should’ve been an issue before this incident.
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This all began on September 15 when Kanye notified GAP that he was terminating their anticipated partnership and said that he planned to open his stores, two weeks later he held a surprise off-schedule fashion show at Paris fashion week to present his latest fashion collection under his label YZY formally known as Yeezy where he showed up in an oversized white T-shirt with white lives matter on the back of it which is a phrase of hate speech that’s origin began with white supremacists who used it in response to the Black Lives Matter movement in 2015. From October 7’th through October 9’th Kanye was restricted by both Instagram and Twitter because he suggested that Diddy was being controlled by Jewish people, he was later restricted by Instagram that day. A day later his behavior continues, and he lashes out at Jewish people in a series of tweets where he tweeted he would go ‘death con 3’ on Jewish people. Kanye’s Twitter account was soon locked after that statement, but a couple of days later he does an interview on the podcast ‘Drink Champs’ where Kanye falsely says that George Floyd has died from fentanyl use instead of the police officer kneeling on his neck for more than eight minutes. And he also continues his anti-semitic speech on the podcast causing social media to irrupt and most brands to withdraw business with him.
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Most brands went on to publicly denounce his words and withdraw from doing business with him in the future. It happened rapidly almost every hour there was a new brand or partnership that dropped Kanye West ranging from Balenciaga, Creative Artists Agency, GAP, Def Jam, Foot Locker, and most importantly Adidas which has been the home of the sneaker brand Yeezy since 2015. There have been talks about Kanye West's music being removed from some streaming platforms, and Apple Music recently has taken Kanye West's music off of their streaming playlists but his music remains available on all platforms. He is also currently being sued by the family of George Floyd for his defamatory comments about his death in the misinformation he spread about it. His downfall came faster than I think he ever expected, it almost seems like he didn’t think that he’d be held accountable for his behavior. Especially since he tried to barge into Skechers corporate office and make them the new home to his shoe brand Yeezy, he was later escorted out of the corporate office.
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Kanye West is always referred to as a genius and smarter than most of his peers. While that may be correct for his business ventures and music, I never thought of him to be someone who has intellectual thoughts. Kanye has a cult-like following that would defend his every word no matter how outlandish his words are. Before they acknowledge his obvious mental health issues instead of encouraging him to get help, they weaponize it against people when they condemn him for his repulsive behaviors. I’ve seen a lot of theories that Kanye was trying to ‘get out’ of his contracts with all these brands and he was able to get out of these contracts for free instead of paying out of the contract. That sounds ridiculous. He’s not a genius nor was he thinking ahead of how his words and behavior will affect him in the long run. He somehow thought he was on the same level as a white man where they see no repercussions for their behavior. He was quickly reminded who he was in America, which is a Black man.
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Class and social circles can ultimately change who you are and your behaviors toward people and that’s what happened with Kanye, The more renowned he became his behaviors became more outlandish, impulsive, and flat-out disgusting. People often run to blame someone for his actions, the blame has ranged from his mom‘s passing to Kim Kardashian, to Pete Davidson, and anyone under the sun other than the actual problem. Which is Kanye West himself. After being coddled for so long and only mentioning his mental health after making controversial statements, it’s become a cycle that we were all too familiar with. His mouth was going to get him in trouble one day, but we just didn’t know when. We all thought the ‘slavery was a choice’ comments have been the nail in the coffin and an ideal world, it would’ve. The anti-semitic comments were the rest of the world's breaking point and rightfully so. I do remember, people making excuses for his ‘slavery was a choice’ commentary and saying that he didn’t mean it like that when in actuality, he did. His harassment towards his ex-wife, Kim Kardashian for months over social media garnered so much support and laughs as if it was funny for him to publicly embarrass the mother of his kids in the manner that he did while she’s also taking the blame for him being this way. His behaviors have been enabled to the point where he thought that this was ok and that he will easily be forgiven and that’s not the case anymore with how we are progressing as people.
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Being held accountable may be new to celebrities but it’s common practice in the real world. We don’t all have a cult-like following who can defend our every word even when we’re wrong, it’s up to us to watch our mouths and always remember our words can come back to bite. The saying, ‘you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes’ is an understatement of what has happened to Kanye over the past couple of weeks. It shouldn’t have taken this long to call out his problematic behavior but we’ll take what we can get. I hope in the future when we see some of our favorites saying some outlandish things that we can have enough maturity to call it out. Kanye went years unchecked and instead laughed at when nothing was funny, he accepted his behavior because we accepted his behavior and that’s what led us to where we are today.
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What do you guys think? Did we enable Kanye? Why wasn’t he ‘canceled’ at the first problematic comment? Can Kanye bounce back from this?
Happy Halloween! See you next post!
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valuehits · 10 months
Five Advantages of Adding White Label Digital Marketing Services.
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Through white-label services, digital marketing businesses can increase their revenue potential and grow their organization. 
White-label service providers offer a comprehensive solution for boosting client retention, brand reputation, and customer loyalty, ultimately attracting new customers. 
White Label Marketing Services: What Are They?
A white-label digital marketing company typically offers a selection of services, such as SEO, Content Marketing, Google Ads, or Facebook Ads, which you can rebrand using your logo or name and resell to your clients as your own for a higher price. 
Your digital marketing agency, SEO firm, or consulting white-label marketing agency can obtain a professional staff.
What advantages do white-label digital marketing services offer?
Position Your Agency as a One-Stop Solution:
Positioning your agency as a full-service solution can be a smart business move, but it often comes with challenges. Many businesses need help to afford to hire specialists in various fields, leading to difficulties in meeting diverse client needs. White-label digital marketing services enable businesses to offer a variety of specialized services, like Facebook Ads, SEO, website design, and more. This positions your agency as a comprehensive one-stop shop for clients, increasing your appeal and competitiveness.
Free Time to Focus on Core Competency and Prospecting:
Overloading employees with tasks outside their expertise can lead to inefficiencies, delays, and decreased morale. By white-labeling additional services, you can avoid unnecessary complications and concentrate on what your agency does best. This approach results in higher-quality work, a happier workforce, satisfied clients, and the potential for contract renewals.
Run Effective Marketing Campaigns:
White labeling enables you to maximize the impact of your marketing campaigns. For instance, if your in-house content team creates exceptional content, you can leverage the digital PR resources of a white-label agency to promote it effectively. Utilizing white-label SEO services can boost your content's organic search ranking, increasing traffic and better conversion rates. According to HubSpot, 59% of marketers have found that inbound methods yield the highest-quality leads for their sales teams.
Keep Costs Down:
Hiring full-time digital marketing professionals can be expensive, with average annual salaries. Building an in-house team of specialists could significantly increase your company's expenses. White labeling digital marketing services offer a cost-effective solution. It allows you to scale your services without needing in-house hiring and maintenance, reducing costs while expanding your capabilities. This enables you to upsell existing clients and boost revenue quickly.
Leverage the Power of Social Media:
Social media is a powerful marketing tool for creating brand awareness, boosting engagement, providing education, running campaigns, and increasing conversions. However, achieving these goals requires more than just scheduling posts. Social listening is crucial for measuring brand sentiment and monitoring conversations across major platforms. Finding social monitoring experts and investing in expensive tools can be challenging. White-label agencies provide:
Skilled resources and premium tools.
Saving you time and money on hiring.
Tool acquisition.
It allows you to harness the full potential of social media for your business goals.
Bottom line
Cost-cutting is cited by several organizations as a key justification for outsourcing or white labeling. This, along with the numerous other advantages of white labeling, will keep this firm growing. 
White labeling is becoming increasingly popular, and for good reason. If you still need to become a successful white-label marketing agency, it's time to use it.
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