#white-crested guan
worldismyne · 2 years
Crest of the Dragon: Kimiko's Epilogue
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S5 Kimiko with her temple guardian Hotaru.
Season 5...
S5 arc for Kimiko would deal with finding balance. Kimiko's outfits would be softer/looser more fairy kei. Think like a box of candy hearts. She tries her hardest this season to be the best, still feeling a little nervous that the other boys will cry out favoritism now that her and Raimundo are being openly sweet on each other.
They'd go to the fire temple second and Kimiko would confront Master Monk Guan and Chucky Choo; only for Kimiko to be denigned. Following rules of threes, Kimiko tries after each temple to challenge Master Monk Guan. She eventually would get a solo episode with Dojo that would go more into the origin of dragons, with Kimiko asking Dojo if the other forms of dragons are also real, or if it's only Chinese dragons.
This leads them to finding Hotaru, (design is based on lion dogs and other paintings). Hotaru isn't a guardian at the time, but agrees to help Kimiko take over the fire temple to prove her worth.
With Hotaru's help, she finally beats Master Monk Guan and rather than accepting the blessing of the current temple guardian, appoints Hotaru instead. Finally overcoming her imposter syndrome and realizing she gets to decide what her legacy will be.
Kimiko's new fire is smaller and a bright white, the accent color ranging from blue to yellow depending on her mood. It's actually easier for her to use, but means she must show more restraint in battle. It's easiest for her to channel through weapons.
In the future...
Kimiko's temple is the most modern of the four, taking a blended influence from Xiaolin and the culture she grew up in. She takes a lot after Master Fung in that respect. However, her lingering insecurities have bled down onto her students.
Everything's very combat oriented, who's the strongest, etc. Her teaching style is very pass/fail and it only got worse after Rai's health declined. Her main goal is to make the next Dragon of Fire undefeatable.
Her prize student Ayden is a relative of Raimundo's, and she's staunchly in denial that it's caused her to favor him over other potential candidates. That is, until he openly tells other applicants that it doesn't matter what they do, he will be the future Dragon of Fire. She sends him to Omi hoping that the combination of being kicked out and training with someone who went through something similar will humble him. Jury's out on whether this works out in the end.
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March 30, 2023 Monteverde, Costa Rica
Awoke to a view of clouds in the distance – though not the genesis of the Cloud Forest name. With a 9:00 AM start, we took our time rousing and headed down for a made-to-order breakfast: nice to be in a hotel without a breakfast buffet. Afterwards, we got ready back in the room and met Oscar and Roy, our driver, to head to the Curi Cancha Reserve (one of multiple private reserves in the area). We checked-in and even before we headed into the reserve, Oscar, calling us over with his normal affectionate “chicas,” gave us fantastic context about the Quaker influences in Costa Rica, and Monteverde specifically, and the genesis of the conservation movement here – fascinating. That while looking out at the hill across and the multitude of colorful humming birds on the bushes right in front of us. Despite the fact that they’re elusive, speedy little creatures, Jillebob managed to get a good pic!
As we started in on the trails, Oscar quickly heard from another guide about something ahead. We asked what, and he said something to the effect of “oh, some birds – two kinds” so as not to disappoint us if they were gone by the time we got there. He did not disappoint. There was a gathering of 25 people or so, huddled in small groups, gazing up at an avocado tree, pointing cameras, binoculars and large scopes like the one Oscar carried. There were hushed moments, interspersed with ohhs and ahhs, interspersed with talk about the birds in rather hushed tones, followed by everyone repositioning for new views. Everyone seemed respectful, giving each other space to see the quetzals. OMG! Neither of us came into this being bird people, but it’s impossible not to be awe’d by their beauty. Vibrant blues and greens with dark red and white on the breast, long flowing feathers in back and a mohawk on top. Simply stunning! The wind was, as usual, wild and when they were well within the tree leaves it was a matter of finding a glint of the bright emerald green to spot them among the green of the leaves. We alternated simply looking into the tree, using binoculars for close-ups, trying for a good photo, and looking though Oscar’s scope. The coolest thing is that Oscar had a gizmo to attach his phone to his scope. From that, we could see close ups through the phone’s camera and he was able to use it to take photos. It was still fun to try to get “the shot,” but so nice knowing that we’d have his photos regardless. Oscar was clearly enjoying himself as much as we were, and encouraged us to stay as long as we wanted. Another apparently good sighting was a crested guan whose speckled body was quite interesting but whose beauty paled in comparison to the quetzals. It was great to have the time to really observe the magnificent birds, and even see them fly a few times; it is, after all, mating season and they have to show off!
Finally, on we went and saw two more beautifully colored birds: a Lesson’s motmot posing on a “Don’t Feed the Wildlife” sign, also lovely blues and greens, and a collared trogon, whose orange was something new. Other creatures we saw (“friends” as Oscar called the wildlife of Monteverde) as we meandered up and down the trails: a large millipede; coati’s, racoon-like creatures with the strangest shape pointy nose with a flat end to sniff the ground; and an agouti (well-spotted Jillebob), the same creature we saw yesterday at the hotel. Oscar was a font of knowledge about both flora and fauna, clearly passionate about it all. His hope is that he will plant the seed of conservation with each tourist he guides. And he’ll be happy, if sometime in the future when they assume conservation practices, they think it’s something they thought of on their own! What a wonderful morning!
On the way back, we stopped at a women’s co-op with a mix of sort of kitchy things and quite lovely ones, most hand-made. Lunch was at a little local café at the back, with fresh fruit juices (blackberry for Jillebob; guava for Seb) and a tasty, thick corn tortilla topped with beans , shredded lettuce and tomato. Roy and Oscar dropped us at another craft place and we walked back to the hotel from there (a very short walk to the long steep driveway). Back at the room, we chilled before heading off again.
Our afternoon excursion was a three-part demonstration at a coffee plantation. Well, it used to be mostly a coffee plantation; now it does some of that, but does a good business of coffee/chocolate/sugar cane tours. Our guide, Ross was entertaining and the tour was fun and educational. There were a few kids in our group who Ross had participate in some of the demonstrations. It included chocolate making/tasting demonstrations (yum) and sugar cane juice tasting (sweet, but not at all exciting). And in the margins of the tour, Oscar entertained us further with everything from silly faces to playing with a bug who was walking around the demo of drying coffee beans. Fun facts we didn’t know: moisture is added to the coffee roasting process and coffee bean drying on raised racks copied from chocolate bean drying practices have accelerated the production process (slightly) without compromising quality. Of course, the overall pitch was that Costa Rican chocolate and coffee production using traditional methods are superior to volume-produced products every else in the world. At the end, we had a taste of honey coffee (yum); “moonshine” which was reminiscent of mouthwash; and hot chocolate that was to die for. Love all the nature we’ve been immersed in for two weeks, but this was a nice change.
Back at the room again, we had a short break over a glass of grape juice, and then off to Jillebob’s birthday dinner. Having a driver at our beck and call to get us to the restaurant – oh so nice. Allison’s was such a nice experience. Allison and a waiter were there. Not a lot of business; they’re only five months open and a bit out of town, presumably still unknown. The service was wonderful, chicken delish and we’re hopeful they get more well-known in the coming days/weeks/months.
The end of our penultimate day in paradise.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 6 years
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Andean Guan by Nomdeploom, CC BY-SA 4.0 
Name: Penelope 
Status: Extant
First Described: 1786
Described By: Merrem
Classification: Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Tyrannoraptora, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, Pennaraptora, Paraves, Eumaniraptora, Averaptora, Avialae, Euavialae, Avebrevicauda, Pygostylia, Ornithothoraces, Euornithes, Ornithuromorpha, Ornithurae, Neornithes, Neognathae, Galloanserae, Pangalliformes, Galliformes, Cracidae, Penelopinae
Referred Species: P. albipennis (White-Winged Guan), P. argyrotis (Band-Tailed Guan), P. barbata (Bearded Guan), P. dabbenei (Red-Faced Guan), P. jacquacu (Spix’s Guan), P. jacucaca (White-Browed Guan), P. marail (Marail Guan), P. montagnii (Andean Guan), P. obscura (Dusky-Legged Guan), P. ochrogaster (Chester-bellied Guan), P. ortoni (Baudo Gaun), P. perspicax (Cauca Guan), P. pileata (White-Crested Guan), P. purpurascens (Crested Guan), P. superciliaris (Rusty-Margined Guan) 
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Spix’s Guan by JoJan, CC BY-SA 3.0 
Penelope is the primary genus of Guans, leading to the name for the entire Guan sub-family. These birds have loud, honking calls, and live in tropical forests in Latin America. Many of these animals live in high altitudes and are shy; in addition, many others are critically endangered and rare to spot even in the best of times. They probably originated in the Andes mountains, and then dispersed from there; though it is difficult to figure out exactly when they first diverged from other Guans. 
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Band-Tailed Guan by the Carnegie Museum, in the Public Domain 
The Band-Tailed Guan, P. argyrotis, is a currently nonthreatened species from Colombia and Venezuela, though it natural tropical mountain habitat is being degraded and could lead to general decrease in its population. The White-Winged Guan (P. albipennis), on the other hand, is one of those rarely observed and thus rarely photographed species - it is currently considered critically endangered. It’s last known range is in northwestern Peru, and it grew to about 70 centimeters in length, generally resembling turkeys on a superficial level. Due to severe loss of suitable habitat, as well as extensive hunting, it is extremely rare; but there are repopulation efforts ongoing. They have dark brown feathers, white wing feathers, and pale flecking on the neck, as well as a bare red throat. 
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Bearded Guan by Francesco Veronesi, CC BY-SA 2.0 
The Bearded Guan, P. barbata, is a vulnerable species from Ecuador and Peru, mainly in wet mountain forest. Due to deforestation for agriculture and mining, it is threatened by habitat loss. It is uncertain what it eats, though it is known to be monogamous and territorial in its breeding range. They reach sexual maturity at two years, and reproduce until they are twenty years old. They are brown birds, with white speckled neck feathers, and a silver crown of feathers on it its head. The Red-Faced Guan, P. dabbenei, is a nonthreatened species known from the borders of northern Argentina and the southern border of Bolivia, living mainly in moist mountain forest. 
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Spix’s Guan by Patty Ho, CC BY 2.0 
Spix’s Guan, P. jacquacu, is a nonthreatened species found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, and Venezuela. Living in tropical moist lowland forest, it isn’t as threatened by habitat loss as other members of this genus yet. It has speckled feathers and a bright red wattle that makes this species fairly distinct. 
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White-Browed Guan by Huub Veldhuijzen van Zanten, CC BY-SA 3.0 
The White-Borowed Guan, P. jacucaca, is a vulnerable species from Brazil, and a very limited region of Brazil, which means that the species is extensively threatened by habitat loss as well as hunting. These birds are distinctive due to their white tufts of feathers on their heads. 
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Marail Guan by Hector Bottai, CC BY-SA 4.0 
THe Marail Guan, P. marail, also has a red wattle, but is mainly known from Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, and Venezuela, and so it rarely overlaps in range with Spix’s Guan. It is not threatened with extinction, and lives mainly in lowland tropical wet forest. 
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Andean Guan by Joseph C. Boone, CC BY-SA 4.0 
P. montagnii, the Andean Guan, is a nonthreatened species mainly associated with the Andes Mountains, especially in Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and even Argentina. They’re medium sized, growing about 58 centimeters in length, and look similar to other Guans in having round bodies and skinny necks and heads. They have blue facial skin and mainly brown feathers on their bodies. They live in the cloud forest and they follow the migration of army ants for food. They build their nests in trees, laying only one egg per season. They are vulnerable to habitat destruction, but doesn’t appear to be threatened, though it might be affected by habitat fragmentation going forward. 
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Dusky-Legged Guan by Andreas Trepte, CC BY-SA 4.0 
The Dusky-Legged Guan, P. obscura, is a nonthreatened species from Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay, and Brazil. It lives mainly in mountain forest as well as lowland forest, and is quite large, growing up to 73 centimeters in length. It also has a red wattle, though not as flappy, and speckled black feathers. It eats fruit, flowers, and buds from the ground, as well as seeds. 
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Chestnut-Bellied Guan by Andreas Trepte, CC BY-SA 4.0 
P. orchrogaster, the Chestnut-Bellied Guan, is vulnerable species with distinctively brown feathers as well as a bright red wattle, in addition to white speckles all over its body. It also has bright red feathers on its chest to lead to its name. It is threatened with habitat loss, due to dry forest destruction in Brazil for farmland, which is th eonly habitat in which it lives. 
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Baudo Guan by Frank Finn, in the Public Domain 
The Baudo Guan, P. ortoni, is an endangered species that has lost much of its natural range due to habitat destruction, as well as hunting. It is known from Colombia and Ecuador on the slopes of the Andes mountains, there might be less than 10000 mature individuals left today. It is mostly dark brown in color with some white patches on its neck. It lives on fruits in humid forest habitat, and makes loud, guttural calls, as well as warning whistles. It is, luckily, a species protected by law, with many programs in place for species conservation. The Cauca Guan, P. perspicax, is another very endangered species, living on the western slopes of the Andes of Colombia. They grow up to 76 centimeters in length, and live primarily in trees. It also has a red dewlap, and brown grey feathers. It is both threatened due to hunting and habitat loss. 
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White-Crested Guan by Dalton Scavassa, CC BY-SA 3.0 
The White-Crested Guan, P. pileata, is another endangered species from the Amazon River in Brazil. It lives primarily in moist lowland forest and is threatened by extensive habitat destruction. It grows to about 80 centimeters in length and has a large crest of white feathers that gives it a very distinctive appearance. It makes a cackling call that is also distinctive in its habitat. 
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Crested Guan by Autosafari, CC BY-SA 3.0 
The Crested Guan, P. purpurascens, is a large Guan from the lowland forests going all the way from Mexico to Ecuador and Venezuela. They have red dewlaps, brown plumage, and white speckles across their bodies. They make very keeling songs at dawn, as well as whistling calls. They grow very large, up to 91.5 centimeters in length. Luckily, the Crested Guan is not threatened with extinction, due to its very wide range and common presence within that range. It is a very social bird, living in family groups of up to 12 individuals, and walks along the branches looking for fruit in its forested habitat. 
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Rusty-Margined Guan by Eurico Zimbres, CC BY-SA 2.5 
Our last species of Guan is P. superciliaris, the Rusty-Margined Guan. Brownish in color, with red eyes and a red dewlap, it is found in dry forests of Brazil, as well as Paraguay, Argentina, and Bolivia. It isn’t threatened with extinction, as it inhabits both shrubland habitat and tropical lowland forest. They even wander into Rio de Janeiro! 
Buy the author a coffee: http://ko-fi.com/kulindadromeus 
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squawkoverflow · 2 years
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A new variant has been added!
White-crested Guan (Penelope pileata) © Marc Athanase Parfait Œillet Des Murs
It hatches from broad, brown, dark, dense, humid, large, rich, and white eggs.
squawkoverflow - the ultimate bird collecting game          🥚 hatch    ❤️ collect     🤝 connect
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therosecrest · 4 years
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laborgayer · 5 years
Wanted to get a feel for what the most popular ARMANOX from Granbelm is (among western fans, at least)
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coppercookie · 2 years
My favourite cracidids
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tinytourist · 5 years
In another attempt to memorialize this amazing adventure (and make good use of my new GoPro), I put together a compilation video of the whole trip which can be seen above.
Throughout our travels I kept note of the various animals we saw in both Mashpi and the Galápagos - oftentime asking our guides to spell out the species’ names for me. We saw over 40 different species! Since most of them were birds, I put a * next to those to differentiate.
Animal Sightings in Mashpi:
Rain frog
Crested guan*
Northern barred woodcreeper*
Baudó guan*
Blue swallow*
White swallow*
Lemon-rumped tanager*
Tropical kingbird*
Collared trogon*
Broad-billed motmot*
Yellow-bellied euphoia*
Crimson-rumped toucanet*
Flame-rumped tanager*
Owl butterfly
Emerald glass frog
Moss-backed tanager*
Glasswing butterfly
Animal Sightings in the Galápagos:
Marine iguana
Sea lion
Galápagos lava lizard
Red-footed booby*
Blue-footed booby*
Galápagos hawk*
Santa Fe land iguana
Green sea turtle
Swallow-tailed gull*
Yellow warbler*
Nazca booby*
Medium ground finch*
Española Mockingbird*
Waved albatross*
Galápagos shark
Lava heron*
Blacktip shark
Whitetip shark
Spotted eagle ray
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thejajoftravel · 2 years
JCR Monthly: Fall Getaways
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Autumn — that glorious time of year when the air turns crisp; the leaves crayola hued; and orchards show off their apples, pears, and pumpkins — is fast approaching. Fall is considered prime time within our JCR collection — a perfect time to travel, as it’s not too hot, not too cold, but just right. Take Sheen Falls, Ireland, when the country’s dazzling greenery is laced with color; and The Greenwich Hotel, New York City, where celebs hide out for Fashion Week. Following, a few of our favorite travel locales for fall. Enjoy.
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The Emerald Isle is stunning year-round, but autumn is when the glorious green (landscape) and blue (sea) intertwine with red, orange, yellow, hues. Shoulder season starts September; low-season, mid-October. Among our favorite autumn Ireland stays:
Sheen Falls Lodge: (in scenic Kenmare) Forest bathe along lush wilderness paths, ride horseback on white (and multi-colored) horses past the changing leaves, fly falcons, and fish in the lodge’s famed Sheen River. Warm up later, by the wood-burning fireplace, over a cup of hot Irish tea or for an even more stylish affair, book afternoon tea in the Sheen Falls Lounge — a feast of finger sandwiches, delicate pastries, scones, and exquisite cakes created daily by the hotel’s pastry team. For the ultimate fall immersion, book into one of the storybook thatched-roof cottages. So divine.
Foodies will also love Sheen Falls Lodge in autumn. The aptly named (two AA rosettes) Falls Restaurant offers an elegant dining room, tantalizing seasonal menu, and Irish chef who fuses local ingredients with French know how. The seasonal menu offers up favorites like estate-smoked salmon, mountain lamb, organic veggies and micro herbs grown just up the road — perfectly paired with wine from one of Ireland’s finest cellars.  More casual dining options include The Stables Brasserie & Bar, housed in the beautifully reimagined stables, offering a contemporary restaurant, terrace, and bar with a big screen; and the old-school Sheen Bar, featuring 90 whiskeys (including 60 Irish single malts and blends), an eclectic collection of Scotch, leather chairs and a piano player.
Ballyfin: Explore the Demesne (just a short distance from the house) and ‘feel lost in nature.’ Paved and grass paths wind through the property. Follow on foot, bike, horse, or even golf cart.
Castlemartyr: Grab a vintage bike and explore the castle grounds, dip into the spa for a warm body wrap, followed by massage, and during your stay sample Irish whiskey at the nearby Jameson distillery.
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Autumn in New York means Fashion Week and spectacular weather, with the place to stay  — Tribeca’s chic Greenwich Hotel, co-owned by Robert De Niro, and a favorite celebrity hideaway. Swim in the lantern-lit swimming pool before a cocooning spa treatment (the menu alters with the season), then head to Locanda Verde for Italian, before retiring to the guests-only drawing room, complete with a fireplace.
Other notable autumn escapes:
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Chan Chich Lodge, Belize: Travel to Belize tends to slow a bit in the fall which means fewer tourists and a more authentic Belize experience. Bird watching is also spectacular, look for toucans, red-lored parrots, crested guan.
Hacienda AltaGracia, Costa Rica: During a stay at this world-renowned wellness resort, visit  Trapiche Nery, a local Costa Rican family farm. Don Nery and his wife Doña Yamileth welcome Hacienda guests into their home and farm, where they share the local way of life — from extracting sugarcane from their own trapiche to mastering the technique of homemade tortillas.
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Glenapp Castle, Scotland: Photograph the forest’s most stunning creatures. With a professional tracker, follow the trail of stags and deer through the forest and glens, capturing on film the  beauty of these silent forest dwellers. Note: visit September and October, the hotel closes November to April.
Grantley Hall, England: What better season to ‘spa’ than autumn. Especially when the offering here includes a rhassoul chamber, steam, sauna, snow room, and cryotherapy tank. Added perk: low-season starts mid-October, perfect for spatime.
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Hotel Esprit Saint Germain, Paris: Springtime in Paris gets all of the glory, but autumn is pretty spectacular too. The city is vibrant after a slower summer pace, but not overly crowded with holiday merrymakers. Stroll the Seine, take in the museums, and return to this private apartment-esque hotel.
Family Twist: Family Twist creates the ultimate travel-education program outside the classroom, from creating perfume in Paris to engaging to making cheese in Amsterdam.
HL Adventure, Iceland: The weather is milder (but not cold), the crowd is thinner and the colors are spectacular — even the soft green moss turns to warm shades of red, yellow, gold. HL Adventures guides autumn visitors to the most authentic Iceland experiences (festivals and cultural events), with a luxury twist, of course.
Katikies Santorini, Greece:Fall is still high season in Greece, so September and October are a lovely time to visit the ‘original’ Katikies flagship. A legendary Oia landmark, Katikies is most known for its stunning sea views, filmy white rooms, and signature pink bougainvillea. Yes, even in autumn.
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Tierra Chiloé, Chile: This enchanting 24-room hotel, featuring water views, reopens for the season in October (Chile’s spring). Explore (on foot, boat or horseback) the rugged beauty of this northern Patagonian archipelago and be sure to sample the traditional cuisine —steamy fish stews cooked underground.
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Solio Lodge, Kenya: Beat the holiday safari rush with a November through mid-December trek to Solio Lodge. View, up close, the extremely rare white and black rhinos; then relax afterward in one of the lodge’s five beautifully appointed cottages, complete with a fireplace.
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Soneva Fushi, The Maldives: It’s always summer in The Maldives, even in autumn. For a fascinating adventure, join Soneva Fushi’s sunset dolphin cruise. While sipping champagne and munching on canapes, watch dozens of dolphins play in the light of the setting sun.
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(Low-season, mid-October to mid-November)
Aerial BVI, British Virgin Islands: Season changes are an ideal time to start a cleanse or new health regimen so autumn is a great time to visit JCR’s newest client, Aerial BVI, a private island completely focused on health and wellbeing.
Eustatia Island, British Virgin Islands: Hang on to summer at this stunning, private island, known for its impeccable service and water sports —did someone say kite surfing.
Hotel Le Toiny, St. Barth: The ‘see-and-be-seen’ crowd arrives (by mega-yacht and plane) in December, making autumn (starting mid-October, when the hotel reopens for the season) an amazing time to visit. Have the beaches to yourself, dip into your private infinity pool, and hang at the hotel’s tony beach club.
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Announcing the Contenders of This Season's High-Stakes GRANBELM!
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  Hey all, and welcome back to Why It Works! A few weeks ago, I wrote an article gushing about the clever uses of color in this season’s GRANBELM. I felt pretty good about that article, but in retrospect, I may have been burying the lede just a bit - after all, “interesting color work” is rarely the most convincing pitch for watching a show. But that’s a shame, because GRANBELM is one of the most thrilling and action-packed shows of the season. In fact, I’d go so far as to call it my top action show of the season, offering a story that falls somewhere between Fate/Zero and Madoka Magica, full of beautifully animated mecha combat, and helmed by the talented director of Re:Zero.
GRANBELM centers on a group of young mages all competing to win the titular GRANBELM tournament, as painful histories and unique powers clash on and off the battlefield. In the real world, these champions are a group of talented, troubled young women with messy personal histories; in the GRANBELM, they pilot beautiful mecha known as Armanox that serve as living embodiments of their strengths and personalities. It’s a battle royale, basically, and there’s no better way to sell a battle royale than to hype up its contestants. So without further ado, let’s break down the magical champions of this year’s GRANBELM!
Shingetsu Ernesta Fukami
Armanox: Viola Katze
Key Quote: “There’s no way you can defeat me.”
  Having recently returned from Germany to Japan, plentiful mysteries surround the black-haired Shingetsu, from her revolutionary motives to her history with the proud Anna Fugo. What is abundantly clear is her magical power; adept at both close and long-ranged combat, Shingetsu’s control of her Armanox demonstrates both a keen understanding of tactics and a profound degree of magical strength. Shingetsu’s cold confidence and obvious strength make her one of the clear frontrunners of this year’s magical melee!
Anna Fugo
Armanox: Aconite Gris
As the representative of the prestigious Fugo mage family, Anna is bearing a heavy responsibility. But Anna seems unconcerned by the weight of her duties; instead, her commitment to the GRANBELM is centered on her passionate hatred for Ernesta, the kind of fiery hatred strong enough to consume your whole identity. Anna might not be the Fugo’s most talented mage, but what she lacks in raw ability, she makes up for in furious passion. Her fire is perfectly embodied by the royal red Aconite Gris, an Armanox capable of both brutal physical exchanges and scorching magical attacks.
Suishou Hakamada
Armanox: Drosela Nocturne
Key Quote: “Toying with people’s hearts is so much fun.”
Though she’s ostensibly an apprentice of the Fugo family, Suishou seems to only truly be loyal to her own desire for amusement. Casting a poisonous pall over the GRANBELM, her needling comments wear on the hearts of her competitors, all to sate her own ravenous appetite for suffering. Suishou’s Armanox mirrors her facade, a hermit crab-like robot that’s quick to hide in the shadows, only to resurface with a dagger and a smug smile. Don’t turn your back on Suishou.
Armanox: Crest Anthurium
Key Quote: “I’m a qualified mage, and I’m in this battle, too!”
    Another apprentice of the Fugo family, Rosa seems to take more directly after Anna, both in her mannerisms and magical powers. Rosa is determined to surpass the Fugo’s eldest daughter, though her anger and ambition can’t match the sheer magical power of her competitors. Rosa relies on her summoned Winglings in battle; for all her bluster, she’s well aware she can’t match this tournament’s heavyweights in a true duel.
Nene Rin
Armanox: Ji Guan Long
Key Quote: “Mother… watch me!”
Having inherited her mother’s Armanox and her sisters’ dreams, Nene fights passionately on behalf of her whole family. Nene is guided in battle by her two sisters Nana and Mimi, who collectively make use of Ji Guan Long’s stealth features and long-range siege capabilities to utterly dominate the battlefield. However, Nene herself is a talented martial artist, and when her enemies approach, she’s ready to demonstrate the skills and spirit that brought her this far.
Kuon Tsuchimikado
Armanox: Setgetsu Baika
Key Quote: “Give my sister’s soul back!”
A quiet and sensitive girl, Kuon participates in the GRANBELM for one reason: to break the curse upon her sister. Kuon has little interest in proving her supremacy as a warrior or mage, and is willing to make whatever alliances might propel her towards the end of GRANBELM. In spite of her single-minded focus, Kuon is also quite a fighter; her Setgetsu Baika uses its fans and speed to create afterimages, ferociously attacking from the last angle you’d expect. You don’t need to be the strongest if no one can touch you!
Mangetsu Kohinata
Armanox: White Lilly
Key Quote: “I’m not good at anything. But… I kinda want someone to notice, you know? That I’m here.”
The latest addition to the current GRANBELM, Mangetsu’s qualifications for this tournament are a mystery; she hails from no established mage family, and appeared on the battlefield seemingly without even trying to. In spite of this, Mangetsu has quickly established herself as a formidable power, relying on key alliances and White Lilly’s profound strength to defeat rival after rival. Fighting not for any dramatic personal goal, but simply to prove her own identity, Mangetsu is one of the most dangerous contestants in GRANBELM; a fact even she has yet to fully understand.
That covers the spread of remaining contestants, as we move towards the endgame of this year’s cataclysmic GRANBELM. Who will rise, and who will fall? Which treasured dreams will be realized, and what hopes will be shattered in the dust below?
Let me know all your own favored contenders in the comments!
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Nick Creamer has been writing about cartoons for too many years now, and is always ready to cry about Madoka. You can find more of his work at his blog Wrong Every Time, or follow him on Twitter.
Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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onfourfeet-blog · 5 years
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Our no.1 - Crimson Rumped Toucan - Our first ever birdwatching tour.... was simply: INCREDIBLE. This beautiful guy was Spotted in mindo cloud forest, Ecuador. We spotted over 50 different species of bird in one morning! Here are some of them: Crested guan The brown inca Cock on the rock Crimson Woodpecker Maroon tailed parakeet Lyre-tailed nightjar Masked trogan Mountain wood creeper Blue winged mountain tanager Smoke-colored pewee Golden-naped tanager White-tailed tyrannulet Golden-crowned flycatcher Red-faced spinetail Andean emerald hummingbird Fawn breasted brilliant Slate-throated whitestart Chestnut-crowned antpitta Crimsom rumped Toucan Plate billed mountain Toucan Toucan barbet Speckled hummingbird Buff-tailed coronet hummingbird Yellow breasted antpitta Red-headed barbet Golden tanager White-booted racket-tail hummingbird White-tipped sicklebill hummingbird Purple-throated Woodstar Violet tailed sylph Tawny-bellied hermit hummingbird Flame ramp tanager Ochre-breasted antpitta . . . . . . . . #onfourfeet #toucan #bird #birds #nature #aves #tropical #jungle #animals #birdsofinstagram #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #birdsofinstagram #birdphotography #naturephotography #birding #wildlifephotography #best #ig #birdlife #birdlovers #bestbirdshots #photography #aves #birdstagram #naturelovers #perfection #sonya7ii #wildlife #photography #birdlovers #aves #love #instagram #brilliance #pa#birdlife (at Mindo, Ecuador) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0VuQvOAUu-/?igshid=1t6apgopw39td
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Fantasy Verse Census: Redux
Below is a list of the characters who survived and are now in the time skip. They will be split into species rather than clans as all gods, demons, and dragons are counted as different clans. For dragons I will list what kind they are for reference.
Myrrdin McGrath - Rowena (Snowy Owl)
Rhiannon McGrath
Casey McGrath - Erskine (Ocelot) cirquedeyokai
Brian McGrath - Frederick (European Rabbit)
Sif McGrath - Gunilla (Wolverine), Eira (Bonded Horse)
Guinevere McGrath - Cedric (Southwest African Lion)
Khione McGrath - Altair (Snow Leopard)
Chulainn McGrath - Kelvin (Rock Sparrow)
Brianna McGrath - Druce (Golden Eagle)
Albion McGrath - Llyr (European Hedgehog)
Cairbre McGrath - Jennifer (Red Fox)
Ullr McGrath - Malvyn (Scottish Wild Cat), Cid (Carbuncle)
Eumolpus McGrath - Cecil (Arctic Fox), Lugh (Carbuncle)
Liam McGrath - Sheamus (Mountain Hare), Emil (Carbuncle)
Isolda McGrath - Aislyn (Red Squirrel), Claire (Carbuncle)
Tyr McGrath - Calahan (Pine Marten), Desmond (Carbuncle)
Elpida Vassos
Gaia Vassos - Ismene (White Common Ground Dove)
Nemesis Vassos - Myra (Panther), Cassiopeia (Bonded Wyvern)
Poseidon Vassos - Delphinus (White Common Bottlenose Dolphin)
Amphitrite Vassos - Leviticus (Great White Shark), Aegis (Bonded Wyvern)
Hades Vassos - Atlas (Western Jackdaw), Cerberus (Hell Hound)
Semele Vassos - Ula (Spotted Seal)
Arsen Vassos - Cleon (Transvaal Lion) hanaeemi
Susanna Vassos - Amara (Masai Lion) hanaeemi
Hermes Vassos - Aquila (Red-tailed Hawk)
Melinoe Vassos - Nicodemus (Barn Owl)
Triton Vassos - Lazarus (Angel Shark)
Voluptas Vassos - Nemea (Pampas Fox)
Aesop Vassos - Lici (Masai Lion) hanaeemi
Julia Vassos - Zoro (Snow Leopard) hanaeemi
Alec Vassos - Jase (Carpet Python) hanaeemi
Macaria Vassos - Group of Fireflies, Arete (Carbuncle)
Tyche Vassos - Ophelia (Hooded Sisikin), Lycus (Carbuncle)
Pallas Vassos - Alexios (Gray Seal), Perseus (Carbuncle)
Ra Sabah - Ahkanaten (Saker Falcon)
Mut Sabah - Senusret (Arabian Oryx)
Sobek Sabah - Thesh (Nile Crocodile)
Aerith Sabah - Kalwyn (Southern River Otter)
Tefnut Sabah - Nefertiti (Masai Lion)
Khonsu Sabah - Qa’a (Horned Viper), Mutenhotep (”Bonded Horse”)
Osiris Sabah - Raneb (Apis Bull)
Hera Sabah - Lucina (Green Peacock)
Anhur Sabah - Djoser (Masai Lion)
Mehit Sabah - Semerkhet (African Lion)
Horus Sabah - Khafre (Peregrine Falcon)
Hathor Sabah - Sahura (Egyptian Long-horned Cow)
Imsety Sabah - Sneferka (White Rhinoceros), Muntu (Carbuncle)
Duamutef Sabah - Tiu (Side-striped Jackal), Anpu (Carbuncle)
Qebehsenuef Sabah - Baeufre (Gyrfalcon), Urshu (Carbuncle)
Aten Sabah - Khaba (Egyptian Mongoose), Nekht (Carbuncle)
Ptah Sabah - Amhose (Crested Gecko), Thutmose (Carbuncle)
Qetesh Sabah
Thor Bystrom - Okilinir (Himalayan Brown Bear), Bjorn (Bonded Horse)
Himechi Bystrom - Hertha (Eastern Cougar), Sassa (Bonded Horse) hanaeemi
Balder Bystrom - Brimir (White Mule Deer), Asmund (Bonded Horse)
Ananke Bystrom - Augustine (White Crested Eagle), Asta (Bonded Horse)
Loki Bystrom - Fensalir (Dire Wolf*), Viggo (Bonded Horse)
Yui Bystrom - Kibou (Peregrine Falcon), Senso (Bonded Horse)
Freyr Bystrom - Gullinbrusti (Central European Boar), Brynjar (Bonded Horse)
Hachiman-Jin Bystrom - Yuki (White Turtle Dove), Sarumaru (Bonded Horse) hanaeemi
Freya Bystrom - Sindri (Norwegian Forest Cat), Brynhildr (Bonded Horse)
Tove Bystrom - Ove (Prarie Falcon), Unn (Bonded Horse), Bunbun (Carbuncle) hanaeemi
Agape Bystrom - Bifrost (White Siberian Tiger), Brenna (Bonded Horse), Lars (Carbuncle)
Eirik Bystrom - Gustav (European Goldfinch), Hemming (Bonded Horse), Olav (Carbuncle)
Fenrir Bystrom - Embla (Dire Wolf*), Finn (Bonded Horse), Sven (Carbuncle)
Jormungandr Bystrom - Skjalduf (Titanoboa*), Agnar (Bonded Horse), Vathlauss (Carbuncle)
Hnoss Bystrom - Sigrid (Iberian Lynx), Gunnar (Bonded Horse), Otto (Carbuncle)
Gersemi Bystrom - Shy (Japanese Crane), Brunn (Bonded Horse), Lala (Carbuncle) hanaeemi
Hel Bystrom - Ingrid (Carrion Crow), Hilda (Bonded Horse), Aslaug (Carbuncle)
Ryujin Totsuka - Arata (Striped Dolphin)
Umi-hime Totsuka - Ami (Hourglass Dolphin)
Hotei Totsuka - Hitomi (Japanese Badger)
Toyotama-hime Totsuka - Mitsuki (Showa Sanshoku Koi Fish)
Fukurojuku Totsuka - Hayate (Japanese Weasel)
Tamayori-hime Totsuka - Miki (Hi Utsuri Koi Fish)
Amaterasu Totsuka - Hikari (White Japanese Sparrow)
Ame-no-Uzume Totsuka - Izumi (Black Pipe Fox) hanaeemi
Tsukuyomi Totsuka - Usamaro (White Japanese Hare)
Susano’o Totsuka - Hiraku (Manta Ray)
Kushinada-hime/Samarah Totsuka - Mayumi (Yellow-lipped Sea Krait) huntersxandxangels
Sakuya-hime Totsuka - Koharu (Japanese Sparrow)
Ninigi Totsuka - Ryunosuke (Shiba Inu), Atsushi (White Pipe Fox), Furusawa (Carbuncle)
Hoori Totsuka - Isamu (Sika Deer), Akuma (Hell Hound*), Koetsu (Carbuncle)
Suseri-hime/Leila Totsuka - Kenji (Spotted Eagle Ray), Asha (Bengal Tiger*), Touya (Carbuncle) huntersxandxangels
Haru Totsuka
Hitoshi Totsuka
Bolin Ruan cirquedeyokai
Lilu Ruan cirquedeyokai
Nu-Wa Ruan - Chang-Pu (Clouded Leopard)
Beiji Ruan - Fai-Li (Chinese Ferret Badger)
Lung-Mo Ruan
Yao-Jin Ruan
Azure Ruan cirquedeyokai
Zhilan Ruan cirquedeyokai
Guan-Yu Ruan - Wu-Tao (South China Tiger)
Xi-Fe Ruan
Po-Shang Ruan cirquedeyokai
Liling Ruan cirquedeyokai
Cho Ruan cirquedeyokai
Ao-Qin Ruan
Li-Fen Ruan - Duan-Xia (Golden Pheasant)
Ao-Shun Ruan
Zhu-Li Ruan - Fu-Zhong (Chow Chow)
Dionysus Ruan - Cyrus (Amur Leopard), Callista (Amur Leopard)
Jin-Hai Ruan
Ao-Bing Ruan
Vonungein Ruan cirquedeyokai
Jade Ruan cirquedeyokai
Hanba Ruan
Meng-Po Ruan - Biming (House Mouse)
Xing Ruan - Liang-Shui (Black Giant Squirrel)
Feng Ruan cirquedeyokai
Zong-Ying Ruan - Tao-Ping (Giant Panda)
Bao Ruan cirquedeyokai
Ren-Shu Ruan - Liao-Ming (Carbuncle)
Kundo-Star Ruan - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Aoi Ruan - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Yin-Lin Ruan - Yi-Huo (Carbuncle)
Mei-Lin Ruan - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Mao-Yu Ruan - Su-Jian (Carbuncle)
Shai-Ming Ruan - Min-Wu (Greater Short-nosed Fruit Bat), Wang-Guo (Carbuncle)
Chung-Tao Ruan - Mei-Wu (Lesser Short-nosed Fruit Bat), Zhen-Xun (Carbuncle)
Bo-Xiu Ruan - Cheng-Gong (Yangzte Chinese Softshell Turtle), Hoo-Gwo (Carbuncle)
Many unnamed members.
Marduk Nidnantum - Autu (Gray Wolf), Rigiljo (Bonded Griffin)
Benthesikyme Nidnantum - Helene (Commerson’s Dolphin), Sophie (Bonded Griffin)
Dumuzi Nidnantum - Lugalngu (Arabian Oryx), Uras (Bonded Griffin)
Ishtar Nidnantum - Kuwari (Eurasian Otter), Urnina (Bonded Griffin)
Atar Nidnantum - Omarosa (Sumar Leopard), Enusat (Bonded Griffin), Balum (Carbuncle)
Lulal Nidnantum - Humbaba (Striped Skunk), Samuqan (Bonded Griffin), Bau (Carbuncle)
Shara Nidnantum - Sabit (Spotted Hyena), Inanna (Bonded Griffin), Anbu (Carbuncle)
More unnamed members.
Acheron Iblis - Mandala (Canadian Lynx), Bael (Nekomata), Cairo (Wyvern*) cirquedeyokai
Bael Iblis - Merida (Dire Wolf*) cirquedeyokai
Amunet Iblis cirquedeyokai
Eve Iblis
Calypso Iblis - Eerie (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Seti Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Ariel Iblis - Houdini (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Alister Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Felisha Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Kufu Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Mei-Li Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Arthur Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Suzaki Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Ayato Iblis - ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Lucas Iblis - Pete (Carbuncle)
Maksis Durand
Maria Durand
Roen (Durand)
Aiko Durand - Roen (Hell Hound)
Lilith Fuza
Urie Fuza - Charon (Hell Hound)
Rem Arlond - Jasper (Hell Hound)
Akemi Durand - Hazel (Carbuncle)
More unnamed members.
Amoxtli/Tatsuya Coaxoch
Ihuicatl/Rei Coaxoch
Anna Coaxoch
Lyra Coaxoch - Cindy (Carbuncle)
Tezcacoatl/Sho Coaxoch 
Mage Himura - Harper (Hell Hound)
Alice Himura hanaeemi
Shuu Himura hanaeemi
Rachel Himura hanaeemi
Ichijo Himura hanaeemi
Hima Himura hanaeemi
Sosuke Durand - Rin (Carbuncle) hanaeemi
More unnamed members.
Regime Abernathy werekxnglives
Dexter Abernathy werekxnglives
Erebus Abernathy - Life (Giant Golden-crowned Flying Fox) werekxnglives
Nyx Abernathy - Echo (Golden-capped Fruit Bat)
Tai Abernathy/Wepwawet Sabah - ? (? Jackal) werekxnglives
Kenta Abernathy werekxnglives
Alexandria Abernathy werekxnglives
Mordred Abernathy werekxnglives
Reed Abernathy werekxnglives
Aisha Abernathy werekxnglives
Isaac Abernathy werekxnglives
Yuki Abernathy - Shiro (White Pipe Fox)
Maddie Abernathy - ? (? Pipe Fox) werekxnglives
Hajime Abernathy
Sakura Abernathy
Neville Abernathy werekxnglives
Helios Abernathy werekxnglives
Hypnos Abernathy - Nike (American Black Bear), Chronos (Carbuncle) werekxnglives
Demona Abernathy - Raichu (Carbuncle) werekxnglives
Cain Abernathy - Deadpool (Carbuncle) werekxnglives
Ozalie Abernathy - Thunder (Snow Leopard*), Starlight (Carbuncle) werekxnglives
Madoka Abernathy - Etsuko (Carbuncle)
Arsene Lupin
Reah Argyris - Baron (Persian*), Opal (Carbuncle) renas-rp-universe
Impey Barbicane - Sisi (Corgi*)
Menta Barbicane - Tippy (Corgi*), Cupcake (Carbuncle) renas-rp-universe
Abraham Van Helsing
Kaori Kasegawa - Hak (Peregrine Falcon*), Shirayuki (Carbuncle) renas-rp-universe
Victor Frankenstein
Cardia Frankenstein - Garnet (Carbuncle)
Saint Germain - Nicholas (Javan Leopard)
Neith Germain - Itet (Lesser Bird of Paradise)
Markos Thanos - Mirage (Sumar Leopard), Karnak (Wyvern*) cirquedeyokai
Serqet Thanos - Unas (Yellow Palestine Scorpion), Moswen (Giant Cobra*)
Grimm Thanos cirquedeyokai
Syrina Thanos - Sarabi (Jaguar), Nightmare (Bonded Unicorn), Luxor (Wyvern*) cirquedeyokai
Destroyer Thanos - Sherlock (Great Horned Owl) cirquedeyokai 
Hecate Thanos - Arcadia (Least Weasel)
Thoth Thanos - Djaty (Egyptian Ibis)
Seshat Thanos - Dalila (Southern African Cheetah) hanaeemi
Kuk/Riaghan Thanos - Imhotep (Caracal) cirquedeyokai
Sekhmet Thanos - Bijou (White Masai Lion) cirquedeyokai
Makoto Thanos - Chiasa (Ocelot) cirquedeyokai
Bast Thanos - Kakhent (Panther)
Sinbad Thanos
Seth Thanos
Dante Thanos - Mim (Timber Wolf), Archimedes (Timber Wolf), Cali (Ammit Child), Ruby (Hell Hound*), Milo (Phoenix*), Aodh (Dire Wolf*), Vesper (Wyvern*) cirquedeyokai
Wenet Thanos - Kashta (Desert Cottontail Rabbit), Omen (Dire Wolf*)
Viper Thanos - Nagi (White Indian Cobra), Nox (Dire Wolf*) cirquedeyokai
Apollon Thanos - Leon (Forest Raven), Iiakada (Phoenix*), Fos (Pegasus*)
Ming-Chi Thanos - Shiva (White Siberian Tiger), Lin (Bonded Wyvern) cirquedeyokai
Anubis Thanos - Ahmes (Golden Jackal), Kemet (Hell Hound*)
Yue Thanos - Amun (Clouded Leopard), Khan (Bengal Tiger*), Willow (Dire Wolf*) themoondragoness
Zephyrus Thanos - Rhode (Blue Jay)
Iris Thanos - Group of Monarch Butterflies
Eris Thanos - Menwi (Serval), Laika (Dire Wolf*)
Kaito Thanos
Dupree Thanos werekxnglives
Zarah Sabah - Nenet (House Sparrow), Hawkeye (Dire Wolf*)
Asteria Thanos - Balthazar (Dire Wolf/Hoshi-no-Tama*), Areiseus (Carbuncle)
Maahes Thanos - Akudo (Ragdoll Cat), ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Kebechet Thanos - Pepi (Golden Jackal), Seka (Carbuncle)
Sah Thanos - Rino (Screech Owl), Evermore (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Citlali Thanos - Chipahua (Margay), ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Ajit Thanos - Samar (Lion-tailed Macaque), Starsong (Bonded Griffin), Imaran (Carbuncle)
Sati Thanos - Himmat (White-bellied Sea Eagle), Ishvara (Carbuncle)
Esi Thanos - Cleopatra (Eurasian Wolf), Neema (Carbuncle) hanaeemi
Dakar Thanos - Ramses (Eurasian Wolf), Khem (Carbuncle)
Orpheus Thanos - Icarus (Harz Roller Canary), ? (Carbuncle) cirquedeyokai
Melete Thanos - Jocasta (Red Salamander), Aurora (Carbuncle)
Pothos Thanos - Aenea (Cardinal), Cygnus (Carbuncle)
Eurydice Thanos - Roxanne (Papillon), Dione (Carbuncle) 
More unnamed members.
Sherlock Holmes - Annabelle (Corgi*)
Xanthe Vermillion - Chamomile (Carbuncle)
Nanase Sabah
Shirah Zaliyah huntersxandxangels
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 6 years
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Blue-Throated Piping Guan by Dick Daniels, CC BY-SA 3.0 
Name: Pipile 
Status: Extant 
First Described: 1856
Described By: Bonaparte 
Classification: Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Tyrannoraptora, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, Pennaraptora, Paraves, Eumaniraptora, Averaptora, Avialae, Euavialae, Avebrevicauda, Pygostylia, Ornithothoraces, Euornithes, Ornithuromorpha, Ornithurae, Neornithes, Neognathae, Galloanserae, Pangalliformes, Galliformes, Cracidae, Penelopinae 
Referred Species: P. jacutinga (Black-Fronted Piping Guan, Extant), P. cujubi (Red-Throated Piping Guan, Extant), P. pipile (Trinidad Piping Guan, Extant), P. cumanensis (Blue-Throated Piping Guan, Extant) 
Pipile is a genus of guans - specifically, the Piping Guans! These birds are very closely related to the genus Aburria, but for now we’re keeping them separate. The Piping Guans probably originated in eastern Bolivia, sometime around 4 million years ago, in the Zanclean age of the Pliocene of the Neogene. It probably started out in the Andes mountains, somewhere in the foothills of Bolivia, and they probably had an extinction event during the Late Pliocene due to brackish lagoon habitats spreading and then receding, destroying their available habitats and majorly affecting their evolution. 
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Black-Fronted Piping Guan by Bruno Girin, CC BY-SA 2.0 
The Black-Fronted Piping Guan, P. jacutinga, is an endangered Piping Guan from the forests of south-easter Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. Increasingly rare due to habitat destruction, it’s also the only Piping Guan in its range. Large birds, they get up to 74 centimeters in length, and they have small heads, slim necks, and large bodies. They are mainly black, with white streaks on their wings and a white crest on its head, as well as a little red throat wattle. 
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Red-Throated Piping Guan by Charles J. Sharp, CC BY-SA 4.0 
The Red-Throated Piping Guan, P. cujubi, is a nonthreatened species essentially identical to its cousin, but with more of a throat wattle and fewer white patches on the wings. It lives in the tropical lowland forests of Bolivia and Brazil. 
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Trinidad Piping Guan by Alastair Rae, CC BY-SA 2.0 
The Trinidad Piping Guan, P. pipile, is a critically endangered species of Guan from only the island of Trinidad. Large, about 60 centimeters in length, and generally resembling a turkey in appearance, it is mainly found in trees and feeding on fruit and flowers and leaves. They have thin necks and small heads, with black feathers and blue skin on their heads, as well as white feathers on their wings. They build their nests in trees, which only the female incubates. Only known from the Northern Forest ranges of Trinidad, it is threatened mainly by illegal hunting, as well as some habitat destruction. Sightings of it are increasingly rare. 
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Blue-Throated Piping Guan by Drew Avery, CC BY-SA 3.0 
P. cumanensis, the Blue-Throated Piping Guan, is a non threatened species from Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, and Peru, as well as possibly northern Bolivia. I tlives mainly in lowland forests as well as those around river habitats. It usually can reach about 69 centimeters in length and, like other Piping Guans, it has a long thin neck and a tiny head. This gives it very weird, almost nonavian proportions and general appearance. Making piping calls during the breeding season, in addition to rattling wings, it allows for the name that all the members of this genus share. Other than the mating season, however, it’s silent. They also are in groups mainly in the breeding season, where they walk together by hopping through the forest canopy. 
Buy the author a coffee: http://ko-fi.com/kulindadromeus
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squawkoverflow · 2 years
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A new variant has been added!
Crested Guan (Penelope purpurascens) © Andy Witchger
It hatches from bright, bushy, dark, due, high, large, long, overall, red, small, striking, tropical, visible, wary, and white eggs.
squawkoverflow - the ultimate bird collecting game          🥚 hatch    ❤️ collect     🤝 connect
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squawkoverflow · 2 years
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A new variant has been added!
Baudo Guan (Penelope ortoni) © Frank Finn
It hatches from brown, common, crested, dark, high, little, northwestern, red, remote, sensitive, similar, small, undisturbed, western, wet, and white eggs.
squawkoverflow - the ultimate bird collecting game          🥚 hatch    ❤️ collect     🤝 connect
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onfourfeet-blog · 5 years
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Crimson Rumped Toucan - Our first ever birdwatching tour.... was simply: INCREDIBLE. This beautiful guy was Spotted in mindo cloud forest, Ecuador. We spotted over 50 different species of bird in one morning! Here are some of them: Crested guan The brown inca Cock on the rock Crimson Woodpecker Maroon tailed parakeet Lyre-tailed nightjar Masked trogan Mountain wood creeper Blue winged mountain tanager Smoke-colored pewee Golden-naped tanager White-tailed tyrannulet Golden-crowned flycatcher Red-faced spinetail Andean emerald hummingbird Fawn breasted brilliant Slate-throated whitestart Chestnut-crowned antpitta Crimsom rumped Toucan Plate billed mountain Toucan Toucan barbet Speckled hummingbird Buff-tailed coronet hummingbird Yellow breasted antpitta Red-headed barbet Golden tanager White-booted racket-tail hummingbird White-tipped sicklebill hummingbird Purple-throated Woodstar Violet tailed sylph Tawny-bellied hermit hummingbird Flame ramp tanager Ochre-breasted antpitta . . . . . . . . #onfourfeet #toucan #bird #birds #nature #aves #tropical #jungle #animals #birdsofinstagram #birdwatching #nature #wildlife #birdsofinstagram #birdphotography #naturephotography #birding #wildlifephotography #best #ig #birdlife #birdlovers #bestbirdshots #photography #aves #birdstagram #naturelovers #perfection #sonya7ii #wildlife #photography #birdlovers #aves #love #instagram #brilliance #pa#birdlife (at Mindo, Ecuador) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ZSCtvgiOz/?igshid=1u3eswkv3sdp9
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