datura-tea · 2 years
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@whitephobic-cyclonus i know you said lake but the idea of ulysses chilling in a pool, reading and drinking cocktails just stuck in my head haha
[start id: three drawings of ulysses from fallout: new vegas in a pool. his hair is styled in an updo in all of them
he's standing in the water, smiling at the viewer
he's relaxing in a floating pool lounger while reading a book. he's wearing square sunglasses
he's drinking a cocktail, half-submerged. he's wearing pink heart-shaped sunglasses. there's a thought bubble beside him which says, "yum ❤️"
end id]
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heavenpierceher · 1 year
oh we submitting requests for ask memes now? ....tailpipe lmao
thank you for doing this so i did not have to send myself an ask as three psilocyns in a trenchcoat. original here
1. What is the character’s go-to drink order?
he orders a) whatever “special” there is, if there’s a drink of the day he gets that, b) “you pick”/“something you think i’d like” (annoying but endearing), or c) the cybertronian equivalent of whatever’s the sweetest and fruitiest. he never gets the same thing twice, except when he does multiple times in a row because sometimes the familiarity is comforting. swerve knows he’s feeling down when he gets the same few orders in a row from him
2. What is their grooming routine?
initially he pays a lot of attention to looking cool and important therefore buffing the ever loving shit out of his frame while strategically leaving alone cool looking scratches. post-RiL he doesn’t have much of a reason to do that anymore so he’s just Normal but he also likes, like. i think he’d enjoy braiding holoform whirl’s hair for her
3. What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go?
he LOOOOOVES trinkets. LOVES them. he gets a souvenir for every planet they stop on. doesn’t collect anything in particular, just has an eye for kitschy little desk toys and stuff to put on the walls
4. Do they have any scars or tattoos?
no engravings (he’s skittish) but he could probably be very easily talked into getting one. obviously physical scars aren’t much of an entity in canon since they can Just Go Get A New One but i do think he’s got some residual weakness in his legs from having them crushed+cybercrosis and prefers to use his alt mode to travel short distances
5. What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances?
yesterday. he accidentally stepped on someone’s foot and got scared. poor guy
6. Are they an oldest, middle, youngest or only child?
again, not applicable, but i think he has, like, “second youngest of 6 kids” energy
7. Describe the shoes they’re wearing.
human au—cheap workboots, but he’d rather be wearing cool, fashionable chunky sneakers. maybe air maxes. he thinks the little window is cool
8. Describe the place where they sleep.
more closely resembles a nest. he’s fucking comfortmaxxing. sleepy and nappilled. genuinely a little difficult to see him under all the pillows
9. What is their favorite holiday?
all of them! he’ll take any excuse to celebrate something. he actually likes holidays he doesn’t celebrate but his friends do the most, and also holidays he can use to tell stories
10. What objects do they always carry around with them?
see, he’d like to be the friend who always has hand sanitizer and scissors, but he’s not quite that organized, so at any given time you’d get like… one of his trinkets, wrench given to him by someone and never used “in case he needs it”, snacks (he can always be counted on to have snacks at least), small weapon (mostly to aid in bragging), and a datapad with notes on literally everything, half diary and half encyclopedia. you are not allowed to read it but he’ll read parts of it to you if you want
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dad2uncle3 · 1 year
Weeheehee. 18 for the ask game 👀
aigoo I didn't see this til now! okay I will chest a little and pick two, one for hooting/hollering and the other for emotional impact.
this epic gamer moment from devastation was just *chef's kiss* for me bc I'd been a Wheeljack fan for years when I saw this for the first time, and on top of my awe at being able to play as him, here he was being cool! it felt like a "my hole made for me" moment
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okay and then for the emotional moment, (slight spoilers) Megatron among flowers in mtmte . i mean how is that not a massive punch to the gut. I remember crying the first time I saw this panel
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rocket-69 · 1 year
Wawawawa. 11 and 31 for the game asks 👀👀👀
DUDE I'm so sorry it took me forever to have time to sit down and answer ;_;
11. Do you prefer ‘blank slate’ main characters you make yourself or otherwise project onto, or characters with a set personality and backstory?
I love love love creating my own PC for whatever game I start up, but when there's a specific narrative/linear story at play I think that a distinct protagonist is very important. And of course blank slate =/= silent protagonist, even if people ignore the individual traits that shine through regardless of how much the protag talks.
31. Someone has never played a video game before but is open to trying any genre. What game would you recommend as their first?
It depends on the person themselves (what settings they like, accessibility) but my first instinct is to say Portal. Maybe Fallout 4 because it's very simple and gamey.
Ask Game
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onlineviolence · 2 years
HI WOOF!!!! Perhaps Blurr for the catformers request?
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blue and more blue and more blue
(refrenced his tfa design because it’s very shapes! i tried to incorporate his funny wheel feet into a Coil Tail all the arrow stripes are like representing speed yknow)
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howgalling · 2 years
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bottomcyclonus · 1 year
Hmmm 🔮 🥑
🔮 = Advice You Would Give To Your Younger Self?
You liked June from the little einsteins too much, that's gay people behavior
🥑 = Favorite Food(s)?
You tellin' me a Shrimp 🦐 fried this rice????
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Eleanor told him it's the hip new way to make money.
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macadam · 1 year
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I posted 4,038 times in 2022
That's 3,091 more posts than 2021!
754 posts created (19%)
3,284 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,722 of my posts in 2022
Only 33% of my posts had no tags
#transformers - 369 posts
#mac asks - 344 posts
#mac mumbles - 272 posts
#maccadam - 209 posts
#transformers shitpost - 141 posts
#mtmte - 93 posts
#transformers prime - 79 posts
#tfp - 58 posts
#megatron - 53 posts
#the adventures of scrat - 46 posts
My Top Posts in 2022:
I think transformers takes the cake for being one of The Most confusing franchises ever. Especially for outsiders/beginners.
To start off the confusion, every design stems from 80s toys that already reuse models like crazy but because these ones are so COMPLICATED to design the recycling is even more prolific. We’ve got the same 8 guys walking around with the same body but different colours or maybe just an accent/detail or two that’s changed. That is IT. And it’s gotten so intense that there’s a whole culture around frame types both within canon and fanon at large.
But that’s not all!! Because there are also so many transformer anime. So there’s also this tendency for people to confuse transformers with other robot designs. You’ve got gundams and voltron and the angels from evangelion and literally every other mecha design out there all crammed into one lexicon.
It is all in one pot for most people. It is insanity. Then you’ve also got the fact that in IDW they introduce so many more background characters (did we not have enough already) and kind of start running out of designs so they just make characters all look almost the same and don’t give a single fuck. Not one.
But there’s MORE. Because even with all this insanity, transformers had the nerve to start changing characters around. So even if you get ratchet down in one continuity good fucking luck figuring out that’s the same person in another. Ratchet is easy, though, because his name is distinct and they keep his character and colours decently consistent if one of you fucks mention bayverse I will end you. Others aren’t so lucky. For example, good luck keeping track of either of the waves. I certainly couldn’t for quite a while.
Transformers has so many characters in it but they get swapped around and so many canons that also kinda get swapped around and nothing makes sense but I’m sure if you know enough it must start to. At some point. There has to be a pattern there of some sort.
But the fact that any of you have a decent grasp on more than one chosen continuity, let alone the whole franchise, is beyond me. I am in fear. I am in awe. I am locking my door at night and shutting my blinds. Good day
1,334 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
I was really skeptical of cyberverse ratchet because he didn’t seem grumpy or weathered enough but this scene changed the whole game for me.
1,416 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
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See the full post
2,399 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
Results are in. It’s the eyebrows
As Optimus his eyebrows sit right above the eyes. It makes him look older and more serious.
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Even when he’s smiling his eyebrows are low and focused.
See the full post
2,770 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
See the full post
2,957 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bifurious-rex · 2 years
stit’s WIP wednesday thursday! @neechees tagged me 💖🥰 i posted the first wip of this last week but i got some progress on the lines done 😌💅
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i'm the worst at remembering to tag so if you're not tagged feel free to join in, if i tagged you and you don't want to ignore it, etc etc. but! @yourbitchystudentartist @whitephobic-cyclonus @ruffolive @diasporawar @cleaverchine
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I posted 23,891 times in 2022
That's 9,107 more posts than 2021!
411 posts created (2%)
23,480 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 23,888 of my posts in 2022
#deposit - 23,389 posts
#nikkiverse - 1,526 posts
#animal - 1,297 posts
#dabi - 720 posts
#megatron - 646 posts
#optimus - 596 posts
#important - 590 posts
#aesthetic - 507 posts
#prowl - 483 posts
#starscream - 447 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i am only willing to forgive incorrect pronounciation of â because it seems a lot of foreigners geniunly don't seem to be able to make that
My Top Posts in 2022:
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130 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
Love the inherent homoeroticism between death sworn enemies in Transformers fiction
142 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
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Raise your hands if your
nail art deters the enemy and makes them defenseless too.
157 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
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This is not a fake tweet.
267 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
So many people in the fandom barely now realising Stella is abusive as if in one of the first episodes she doesn't throw heavy objects at Stolas (his plants! Which I'd go as far as to say he cares about them), yell abuse at him while he's trying to calm her down and then later on she hires Striker to kill him in classical abusive ex who doesn't want their lover to leave them fashion
And ALSO! In one of the Instagram posts she holds Stolas' wrist and he looks nervous.
Did you all really need to see someone almost get physically hit on screen to realise she's abusive? Really? There are many kinds of abuse and it has been really blatant so far, but only when she slaps him y'all realise something is wrong?
530 notes - Posted July 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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datura-tea · 1 year
🏺 with moz 👀👀
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moz would be the goddess/patron saint of safe travels! may you never unwillingly get lost, may your packs always be easy to carry, and may you find the journey just as rewarding as the destination. padayon!
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heavenpierceher · 2 years
coming to you with the important questions psi. gotta know which mtmte characters would play neopets and which would be more of a club penguin gamer (i have played neither)
tailgate club penguin rewind neopets. neopets has lore and a depth and complexity that club penguin lacks in favor of social mechanisms. i trust the distinction is self explanatory from here
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dad2uncle3 · 1 year
Rule: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better
tagged and flattered by @figgiforever thank you! :)
Relationship status: Single
Favourite colour: purple/gold
Something I want right now: to finish this cardigan I started in January! haha
Song stuck in my head: "Danny Boy" (Peter Hollens version lmao)
Three favourite foods: kimchi, Vermont curry (Japanese curry brand), white rice
Last song I listened to: "All of Me" as covered by James Roach
Last thing I googled: (in japanese) "gochujang doria" making dinner and ended up not using a recipe. it was good!
Dream trip: hiking in slovenia or croatia
Tags (you don't have to ofc <3) : @transformersloversworld (who tagged me in another thing haha), @thisisfrenchhouse, @chromlita, @orionapraxnia, @whitephobic-cyclonus
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rocket-69 · 2 years
I was sent this by @whitephobic-cyclonus for my Fallout Music tag and I simply have to agree. This is some fallout as hell music
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onlineviolence · 2 years
Wishbone and Riptide 👀👀👀 what would their first date be like?
aquarium visit… I would want to go to a cybertronian aquarium
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(no clue how big riptide actually is I just saw a panel of him looking similar in height to megatron so I just went with that?)
wishbone is able to sit in riptide’s hand . they are microscopic (4 feet tall)
and then riptide probably loses them somewhere
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