#whizzer and delia i mean
jason-wuz-here · 3 months
Don't think you're getting out of this either. It can't feel great to have every adult in your life be a fucking failure?
Marvin is pretty obvious.. You're scared of him, he's pushing everyone away, he's pathetic. Barely scraping by and is falsely claiming to being a changed man.
Trina is hardly holding on, and I mean dealing with you and your idiot dad can't help. She sits around all day cleaning up after you, cooking, and still isn't parenting properly!! What kind of mother is that.
Mendel is a creep, ditching professionalism for Trina, then manipulating her and you? And you two are so gullible you fell for it!
Whizzer.. I mean he's doomed. Constantly being pushed around and strung along, treated like an object and he's pathetic enough to let it happen. What successful person allows that? His whole personality is fashion and loving your sad sack of a father, and that'd saying something.
Cordelia is strung on false hope, clinging onto nothing and trying to say shes fine. She's not good at her career, and is seemingly jealous of her girlfriend! Is that a healthy relationship example for you?
Charlotte spends all her time at the hospital, not spending enough time with anyone else. She tries desperately to convince herself she's doing enough for others but she's not doing enough for the people who seem to care about her.
Is this what you're living with Jason? Doomed to grow into a culmination of these six bad examples of people? Doomed to get into a toxic relationship and live miserably?
I almost feel sorry for you.
why would yuo sya ehat?? I love my dads whiz is so great and smart and mendel is my best friend and he’s amazing and dad is great I’m not no mom is so sweet and I try my best auntie delia and auntie charlotte are amazing I don’t no stop this isn’t fair I can’t do this why would you do this please
this isn’t fair
why us
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dogwhizzer · 2 years
i know so hard that whizzer brown adopted his mother's fascination with little kitschy sassy grandmas-house-esque signs and t shirts and antiques like the shit you see at buccees and hobby lobby and that's what he and cordelia initially bond over because you KNOW her kitchen is chock full of that shit
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They were fighting, because of course they were fighting. They were getting better about that, but that didn't mean that they still didn't fight from time to time. Their words were all sharp edges while they were normally soft, all insults instead of compliments. All pointless shouting instead of civil conversation.
Marvin didn't even remember why it was that they were fighting he just knew that he was determined to win because he was too damn stubborn for his own good. They were both red in the face from yelling so much, hands flying up into the air and jabbing accusatory fingers at each other.
They had both taken a step to far, there were hurt feelings on both side of the argument. Whizzer said something, it got under his skin, it made him even more angry than he had been. He didn't know what to say back to it, he couldn't think of a comeback. To him, that meant he was losing the argument and he couldn't stand to do that.
So he did the next best thing that he could think of, which, in retrospect was a very stupid idea.
"Fuck this," he spat. "I'm going for a walk." he yanked a coat off of the coat rack that stood directly next to the front door and turned his back to his boyfriend. He could still hear him, saying something along the lines of him being a coward that runs from all his problems and decided to ignore him.
And that's how he ended up walking around the streets in winter at seven o'clock at night, wishing he wasn't such an idiot and had the ability to hold his tongue so he could be at home with Whizzer, curled up on the couch.
God, he'd kill for that right now.
What he should have done was go back home, give a sincere heartfelt apology. He, however, did not do that. He decided to be an idiot and continue to wander around the streets of New York with the sun setting over the horizon and the cold nipping at every inch of exposed skin.
He thought back to their argument, thought about what the last thing Whizzer had said to him. Now that his head was clear of an angry fog, he could think of a proper response, the perfect comeback.
He wanted to slam his head against the nearest brick wall, which happened to be about ten feet to his right.
He did not slam his head against the brick wall.
He did, however chastise himself. He was an idiot. Here he was, wandering the streets alone regretting an argument he had just had, and all he could think about was what he could've said in return to the insult that had landed him where he was in the first place.
He truly was an idiot.
He eventually found himself sitting on a park bench because he was tired of walking, he was tired of thinking, he was just plain tired.
Though it was publically frowned upon to sleep on park benches, he found himself struggling to keep his eyes open and to keep his head from falling forward.
An hour or two later, he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket, which spurred him into a state of consciousness. He didn't know how long it had been, he just knew that it hadn't been this dark out before. He glanced down at his phone, the screen displaying a picture of Whizzer, and asking him to accept or decline the incoming call.
He cursed at himself and answered it quickly. A short walk had turned into a couple hour long pondering session. "Whiz?"
"You dumbass." He sounded like he'd been crying.
"I... pardon?"
"I thought you were going on a walk, it's been three fucking hours, and you're still not home!" He sounded less angry and more on the worried side. And marvin had been the cause of that.
He was a shitty boyfriend.
"Shit, baby, I'm sorry, I swear, I'm sorry, really-"
"Shut up," he sniffled, "just shut up. And don't bother coming come. Stay with Char and Delia, I don't want to see you right now." The call ended.
Well, fuck.
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deplcythebattery · 6 years
Please please please refuse this if it’s too much but could you maybe do one where Whizzer used to Self Harm and like Jason or Cordelia see the old scars? It’s weird but knowing that my fav characters go through what I have is kinda comforting. Have a wonderful rest of your day
I’m happy to write this for you, no worries! I myself have been really anxious about my scars lately, so this will help me as well. Thank you so much for the prompt 💖
This one might be a bit triggering to some people since it deals with depression and scars! Be careful if you know you’re easily triggered, I don’t want to cause anyone to feel anything they’d rather not deal with right now
Whizzer started to stir as the sun hit his eyes through the blinds. He groaned and turned to his side, pulling the blanket between his legs and tightly against his chest. It was still warm all over - it hadn’t been long since Marvin had gotten up and left for work. Whizzer usually woke to the sounds of Marvin quietly shuffling around getting ready, or the latest when Marvin bent down and kissed his forehead, mumbling a soft ‘bye’.
That morning Whizzer hasn’t stirred. He’d been up till the early hours of the morning working on photography. Since it was summer, the nights were long and the soft, pale light of the setting sun had painted everything pastel and gold. It had been way past four when Whizzer finally crawled under the blanket he shared with the love of his life, too tired to remember to put on his plaid pj pants.
Whizzer groaned again as he pressed his eyes shut even tighter, trying to will himself to fall back to sleep. If Marvin had just left, it meant the clock wouldn’t show much more than 8am and Whizzer just didn’t want to wake up just yet. He’d kind of fallen back into the habit of sitting up when Marvin left, pretending like he was about to start his day too, but just going back to sleep as soon as he heard the door fall shut. This time, sleep just didn’t seem like it wanted to stay in bed with Whizzer. He tossed and turned for a while and then just gave up, threw the blanket aside, and frustrated he stood up.
The past few months had been a kind of a fog. Whizzer’s head seemed to be full of static and he couldn’t seem to concentrate. He either slept too much or too little. When Marvin was home, he kept up the happy exterior of a happy husband - well, boyfriend, since Marvin still hadn’t proposed - since everything between the two of them was good. They’d been together for two and a half years now, after growing a bit while spending time apart and then finally loving each other unconditionally after that fateful baseball game. Not that Whizzer complained or anything, he never admitted that he kind of would’ve wanted a wedding since Marvin didn’t believe in marriage after what happened between him and Trina. Whizzer couldn’t blame his lover, though, so he just stayed quiet when Marvin bashed on weddings and ceremonies and vows.
Eyes distant and face blank, Whizzer made his way towards the living room. He pulled his boxers up to keep them from falling and ran a hand through his messy hair. Marvin was good to him. Apart from the wedding thing, there wasn’t much they viewed differently. Their continuous fighting from the early months of their relationship had disappeared, replaced by loving bickering that made them both laugh in the end. Of course they still fought every now and then, but the toxicity of their love was gone. Now it was just that. Love. And Whizzer should’ve been over the moon. They had a beautiful home and Marvin took care of everything, meaning Whizzer got to do what he loved. He sold his photos to newspapers and worked gigs every now and then - wedding photography and whatnot - and everything was simply good. The quality of their lives together was good.
And yet, Whizzer woke up almost daily now and felt absolutely nothing.
The two years Whizzer and Marvin spent apart had been rough on Whizzer. He knew Marvin thought he’d spent them sleeping around and partying, but the reality was something different. He’d spent weeks behind closed doors, forgetting to eat and sleep. Of course every now and then he went to the bar and brought home a gorgeous stranger to drown out the ice that tore his skin where Marvin used to place his lips. In all honesty, Whizzer didn’t even remember that time too well. He’d been full of static and darkness and when he wasn’t drinking his brains out, he was sleeping. It was like a drunken haze minus the drunk part two thirds of the time.
But that feeling had disappeared when Marvin stepped back into Whizzer’s life. At least that’s what he thought and for a long while, over a year, that had been true. Everything was just so good and it really seemed like Whizzer had gotten clear. The only thing reminding him of the hardship that their breakup had brought him were his thighs, full of thin scars like a tiger’s coat. Whizzer had hated himself for pushing Marvin so far away that he’d actually left. He’d hated himself and he’d felt disgusted every single time he brought a stranger home. Booze and loud music couldn’t take that away and when Whizzer was alone, it had become too much.
The scarring had faded a ton, but the once rather deep slashes never really disappeared. They were there, a constant reminder for Whizzer to never let Marvin go. A constant reminder that he might not be enough. A constant reminder that he’d pushed Marvin’s buttons hard enough to make him walk away once already. The haze had started to come back and Whizzer’s days started to blend together again. He smiled to Marvin and kept his cocky grin up at cocktail parties, but when he was alone, he didn’t do much. Marvin didn’t know, but he hadn’t been on a work gig for a while and the previous night had been the first time he’d gotten out in days. Whizzer knew he was a good enough actor to hide it from the people around you and honestly, he didn’t want to feel like a burden. After all, he’d wrecked Trina’s family, Marvin didn’t need anything more to worry over, and the lesbians next door had enough on their plate with Charlotte being a doctor working long hours. He could handle it alone. And even if he couldn’t, would it really be that big a deal? He was just a pretty boy and nothing more.
Absentmindedly, Whizzer sat on the couch and ran his fingers over the uneven skin of his right thigh. He didn’t even really register he’d walked across the apartment and into the living room, but there he was, and his foggy eyes stayed still staring into nothingness. The silence felt deafening and soon enough Whizzer turned on the tv, curling up and letting his mind stay blank. The white noise made it feel like the crushing weight of feeling nothing, feeling like nothing, wasn’t as heavy and it was easier to just sit there. If the tv was on and Marvin came home early, Whizzer could always say he was watching some show without him just sitting there being questioned. The static in his head combined with the white noise from the tv filled his ears and numbed him, in a way, and he missed the knock that came from the door.
Whizzer didn’t realize someone had entered until he heard a voice from the doorway that led to the kitchen. It made him jump and his brain took much longer than was normal to decipher what had been said to him.“Hey, Whiz,” a soft voice had called and Whizzer blinked his pale eyes, trying to figure out what was going on. When he finally turned around to see who it was, he met the eyes of a worried blonde.
“Cordelia,” Whizzer stated with little emotion in his voice, trying to sound delighted, “what’s up?”“I just brought you some gefilte fish,” she said and offered Whizzer a smile. Cordelia walked over and sat next to Whizzer, worry evident in her eyes. “Aren’t you cold?”“No, not really,” Whizzer replied, but Cordelia was already pulling the blanket off the back of the couch. Before Whizzer could react, she’d already bent over and started to place it over his lap.
A gasp escaped Delia as her eyes shot wide, then her shocked expression immediately turned into a worried frown. Her motion had stopped completely and she just stared at Whizzer’s bare thighs. Confused, Whizzer turned his head to glance down, sure that he was definitely wearing his pj pants like he always did. His heart skipped a beat and then broke into pieces when he realized he was just in his boxers. Blinking, he had to turn his head as not to cry from the humiliating feeling of Cordelia finding out just how weak he was. The spiderweb of scars were clearly self inflicted and by the look on Cordelia’s face, she hadn’t missed that.
In that exact moment, Whizzer wanted to die. He swallowed hard to get rid of the knot forming in his throat as Delia sat beside him, gripping the blanket so hard her knuckles turned white. “Whizzer, baby,” she started with a choked voice, “what happened?” When Whizzer didn’t say anything and just kept staring away and blinking away tears, she finally looked up with tears in her own eyes. “I knew Marvin was worried about you, but we had no idea it was this bad.”
Hearing Marvin’s name pulled Whizzer from his static and his eyes moved to his friend. For a moment, he just looked at Cordelia. Then, with another blink, his cheeks got wet with pouring tears and a sob tore free from somewhere deep in his chest.
Whizzer lowered his head to his hands and just cried, broken and hurt, sobs shaking his body. Cordelia immediately dropped the blanket and moved closer, pulling Whizzer against her chest, trying to keep it together. “I-I-I-“ Whizzer started, unable to get any words through the violent sobs he couldn’t control.“Shh, honey, just breathe,” Cordelia soothed him in response, hands already going through his hair in a soft way, letting him know he was loved, “it’s okay.” Whizzer’s arms moves away from his face and wrapped around Cordelia’s torso, like a desperate and lost child, and he buried his face against her shoulder. For a long time, they sat there, Whizzer sobbing continuously and Cordelia holding him, saying it’d be okay, ignoring her own wet cheeks.
When Whizzer’s sobs finally started to die down, replaced with hiccups, Cordelia pulled away a bit. “I’ll go get you some water and tissues, okay baby?” She asked and stood up and Whizzer let his arms drop from around her waist. He nodded his head, avoiding looking at her and pulled the blanket up that had fallen on the floor. Cordelia moved fast and was back in what felt like a heartbeat with a big glass of water and a box of tissues. She sat back down next to the mess of a man and held out her hands. Whizzer mumbled a thank you as he took the glass of water, downed it in one, and placed the glass on the living room table to be able to wipe his face with the tissues. He took the box from Cordelia and blew his nose, drying his snotty and wet face, knowing he looked slightly dead.“Now,” Cordelia started softly again and Whizzer just fiddled with the messy tissues, “what’s going on?”
At first, Whizzer just shrugged his shoulders as another wave of tears tried to wash over him. He took in several sharp breaths to keep it from happening and tried to keep it together.“Whizzer, I love you and you can tell me what’s happening,” Delia continued and Whizzer nodded silently, swallowing hard again. Then he sighed out and finally spoke.“I just- I just feel so broken,” his voice was rough and full of pain, “like I’m absolutely nothing.” Cordelia put an arm over his shoulders to help him stay grounded, but her eyes spoke about how badly her heart broke at the words.“I don’t- I don’t know- I should be happy, yknow? Marvin and I, we’re- we’re so good, we’re happy, and I should be happy. I just can’t do it. When we were apart, it was the first time of my life, and that’s documented on my skin. That’s what you saw. I’m just- I don’t feel like I’m enough. We’re good but I still feel like he deserves better, like he deserves someone who’s worthy. I broke us up once, I feel like I’ll do it again,” Whizzer word-vomited, his hands shaking.“Marvin loves you,” Cordelia responded with kindness, “he wouldn’t give up on you. He’s noticed that you haven’t been yourself lately and that’s why I’m here. He asked me to come see you. But you said those scars are old? What’s up with you now, you’ve lost weight and I can’t remember the last time I saw your laughter reach your eyes.”
Cordelia’s words hit Whizzer hard. Maybe he hadn’t been as good at hiding the pain as he’d thought he was. A dry, almost bitter laugh that choked into a sob left his lips before he could say anything more and he had to gather himself again.“When I see my scars, I remember all that again. I just- it’s that- everything’s a haze nowadays. I should be happy and instead I can’t remember the last time I had a coherent thought or actually enjoyed waking up,” he explained and shook his head, “even showering is difficult.” Cordelia had noticed that Whizzer’s usually perfect hair was greasy and unstyled for a while now and it alone should’ve been a warning bell. “Oh could’ve come to us earlier, Whiz,” Cordelia said quietly and stroked his cheek with her soft hand. Whizzer nodded again.“I know, I just- didn’t want- want to feel like a burden.”“You could never be a burden,” Cordelia said, sounding almost scared of what Whizzer had said. He just shrugged his shoulders.
“When’s the last time you ate?” Delia suddenly asked and it made Whizzer finally look at her.“Uh, I had a candy bar last night…”“Proper food, Whizzer,” she shoved his shoulder gently, smiling softly though she dreaded his answer.“I- I don’t really know, honestly,” Whizzer said and averted his gaze again.“Okay, we’re gonna get you some food now, then we’re getting you in the shower and I’m calling Marvin. Together we can figure this out and get you to someone who can help get that static out of your head and your cocky arrogance back,” she said with determination in her voice that filled Whizzer with a strange kind of warmth. He didn’t want Marvin to know, but deep inside he knew it was the only way for him to get better. And he wanted to get better. He wanted back the happy life he had with the love of his life. And he wasn’t alone. He didn’t have to fight alone anymore. Whizzer just needed to hear that, to know he didn’t need to be brave anymore. And now he didn’t. Delia an Marvin would fight with him.
Cordelia stood up and held out her hand. Whizzer took it without hesitating and stood up a bit shakily, returning Delia’s soft smile with a real one for the first time in months. It would be okay.
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22.Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?Umm, nobody? I mean, I talk to Marvin about certain things, Mendel about certain things, Trina about certain things, etc etc, but they’re all good about helping in certain ways, I couldn’t see myself talking to only one of them about everything. Marvin understand my frustrations with school and people with no common sense, Mendel helps me learn about myself and others, Char and Delia are a great outside source about my family, Whizzer makes me feel happier when I’m down, and Trina helps me get everything out and said.I could never imagine going to Marvin about girls or Delia about dumb teachers, they all have their special things that they can help me out with.
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whizzvin-asks · 6 years
How the hell do you deal with being touch starved? I feel like im going to go crazy
I mean, you could masturbate. Or perhaps you could give a friend a long hug and ask them to play with your hair. That's what I did to Delia when I got lonely.-Whizzer💕
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transwhiz · 6 years
oh whizzer for that ask thing hfhdjs
How I feel about this character
literally u know how much i love whizzer,........
All the people I ship romantically with this character
honestly just marv
My non-romantic OTP for this character
him n rich for sure but also???? him and delia????? he loves her?????? wtf?????? and not rly an otp per say but, him n mendel are frien ds.,
My unpopular opinion about this character
i mean i dont rly have one???? oops flkdsjfl
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
i wish he hadnt had to die, but i understand why him dying was so important to the show as a whole
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Which Disney character do you associate with each member of your family? //also @mod which disney character are you most like//
@ask-trina-falsettos is Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She’s determined, beautiful as a rose, reads anything and everything, and always tries to see people’s inner beauty. She’s also courageous and tough (I mean, come on,  did you see Belle try to take on those wolves?), and she’s selfless. If a Beast imprisoned me, I’m sure she would take my place in a heartbeat-- and I would for her.
@ask-jason-falsettos is Oliver from Oliver and Company. He’s ridiculously clever, curious, and sometimes gets into messes by accident. But he’s good at getting himself out of sticky situations! And he’s definitely not a dog person. Though I know he’ll kill me for saying this, he’s awfully sweet, too. 
@ask-marvin-falsettos is Bagheera from The Jungle Book. He’s cautious, wise, and maybe a little uptight, but his heart’s in the right place. He’s an awesome “dad” to Mowgli, just like Marvin is to Jason. Dry sense of humor, definitely. And, also, cat person. 
@ask-whizzer-falsettos is Flynn Rider from Tangled. For one, Whizzer isn’t his real name, but it suits him. He’s got the hair and the smolder down, too. He’s tough, hilarious, and likes adventure. And even if he’s kinda snarky, we all know he’s a “secret” romantic. You guys should see him and Marvin. (Both of them are saps).
@ask-cordelia-falsettos is Rapunzel from Tangled. She’s creative and inventive, and bakes every day, just like Rapunzel. She’s also not afraid to take risks and knows what she wants. I think it’s hilarious that Delia has the long blonde hair, too, which she just cut short. Aaaand she may have accidentally knocked me out with a frying pan once....
@ask-charlotte-falsettos is Jane Porter from Tarzan. She’s hardworking, compassionate, and never stops making new discoveries. She trusts her gut, and tries her hardest to get people to do the right thing. She hates it when people get hurt, and is determined to help them however she can. She doesn’t back down from a challenge, either. I have so much respect for her after watching her down twenty blazing hot wings. 
//i’d say i’m probably Roger from 101 Dalmatians. i’m a snarky bish, i  love my doggo, and i’m as hopeless at flirting as he is. i, too, aspire to own a house full of 100 puppies// 
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jason-wuz-here · 4 months
hi auntie delia
in ordwr of when i aquired them
mom - she's so good at like everything (she almost beat me in chess once!!)
dad #1 (marvin) - he's really kind. like when you get past all the meanness hes really sweet actually
dad #2 (WHIZZER!!!!) - YEAHHH he's so damn cool like oh my god his leather jacket is so cool and his kitty is the cutest and he's like SO COOL man
dad #3 (MENDEL !) - he's so FUNNYY he's my best friend too
auntie deliaaa - she's a great cook and gives me free food :D but she's also so friendly my other best friend
auntie charlotte - SHE SMELLS LIKE LEMON :3
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moreracquetball · 7 years
6 platonic Cordelia x whizzer?
Young Gods
She finds him. Of course, she finds him.
He’s sitting on a hill, crushed beer cans scattered around him. For a brief moment, she can pretend that he’s just a drunkard, reckless and dumb and temporal.
But then she gets closer to him, and she can feel the pull - the kind of magnetic power that thrums in his veins, just as it thrums in her own.
He undoubtedly senses her presence, but he doesn’t greet her or even look at her as she sits down next to him. The wet grass soaks through her pants, giving her a chill that reminds her that she’s alive - to some degree, anyway.
“You can’t be mad at me forever.” She tells him after a long stretch of silence.
“Yes, I can,” Whizzer says, “I literally can.”
“But you won’t.” She lays her head on his shoulder, frowning when she feels the tension in him coiling like lightning.
“I have a fucking right to be,” Whizzer points out, “You promised me, Cordelia.”
“I didn’t - “
“You did!” Whizzer accuses, anger ripping through him like a tidal wave, “July fourteenth, 1936. You told me that you would never leave me, that I wouldn’t be alone - “
“Whizzer, you’re being selfish.” Cordelia interjects darkly, causing Whizzer to scoff.
“So are you!”
And she supposes that he has a point. But still.
“I didn’t mean to fall in love.” Cordelia tells him, gently. 
“Yes, you did,” Whizzer says, bitter but nonetheless right, “That’s all you would talk about. How you wondered what it felt like. You longed for it.”
She stares at him, disbelieving, “And you don’t - not even just a little?”
Whizzer shakes his head, brutally honest, “No.”
Because Whizzer has always just wanted a good time, in forms of booze and music and men. Whizzer was made to be divine, as bright and burning as a distant star.
But Cordelia - Cordelia is different. She was made for this life - sewn from the stars, just like Whizzer - but she doesn’t want it. Not anymore.
Really, she doesn’t think that she ever did.
“You’d get over it.” Whizzer tells her, quiet. The anger has left him as devastation and heartbreak coat his voice now.
“Maybe so,” Cordelia allows, “But I don’t want to.”
She wants to love Charlotte. She wants to be loved by Charlotte.
And that sort of love doesn’t come without a price, but she’s willing to pay for it.
“You’ll lose everything,” Whizzer reminds her, like she doesn’t already know, “You’ll be nothing.”
“I’ll be human,” She corrects him sharply, “And that’s everything to me.”
Whizzer looks at her, searching her face for any inkling of doubt or fear, for any crack in her armor. Instead, all he finds is stone cold resolve, painted on her face.
“You’re crazy, ‘Delia,” Whizzer says finally, a ghost of a smile on his face, “Batshit crazy.”
“Oh, definitely,” Cordelia agrees, “No argument on that.”
Whizzer laughs, with a tinge of sadness.
“Don’t forget about me,” Whizzer says, sobering up suddenly, “I know that it isn’t up to you, and that all the specifics will be erased from your memories - but. Don’t forget me. Don’t see me on the street and then look straight through me. I couldn’t bear it.”
Cordelia doesn’t have any power in that, but Whizzer is looking at her with those pleading eyes, like he did decades ago in that dirty shit-hole when she saved him.
And she might not remember him, but she’ll always love him.
“Okay,” She promises, reaching to take his hand into her own, “Okay.”
“I’ll visit you.” Whizzer murmurs into her hair, “I won’t let anyone hurt you.”
That’s against the rules. They aren’t supposed to make contact with those that give up their divinity.
She thinks about telling him this, but he already knows. And he doesn’t care.
“Who knows?” She muses, “Maybe you’ll find your own prince charming and join me.”
“Yeah,” Whizzer snorts, “Look, if that ever happens, could you just shoot me? I think I’d rather be dead than be a romantic.”
Cordelia laughs, and it strikes her in the chest - how much she’s going to miss her friend.
They sit there for hours, two young gods in the dark, overlooking the city lights.
“Where is she right now?” Whizzer asks.
“She’s at home,” Cordelia tells him, smiling at the thought of her, “Waiting for me.”
“Well,” Whizzer says, the sadness unmistakable in his voice, “Better nut up and do it already.”
But she doesn’t make a move to leave. Instead, she gives Whizzer as much as she can - a little more time.
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Secret Santa Gift- High School AU One-shot
Sorry I’ve been super inactive but I’ve been busy between finishing my production and school and working on this for @singaroundelay for the @falsettossecretsnowmen event. Hope you like it!
Marvin felt totally out of place walking to the stands. He really wasn’t a sports person and if he was being honest he didn’t totally understand the game of baseball. Yet, there he was sitting amongst the crowd of his peers as the two teams warmed up. The longer he sat as people talked around him, the more he wondered if maybe he should just leave. He could say he had an assignment to finish or claim a headache. Surely, Whizzer would understand. He sighed and pushed the thoughts from his mind. That’s part of why they broke up in the first place. This was what Whizzer was passionate about so he could sit through it. 
Whizzer was worth it. 
As if he could read Marvin’s thoughts, Whizzer walked by and winked as he noticed Marvin. Marvin decided then that seeing Whizzer in those tight baseball pants already made staying to watch the game worth it. “Oh, hi Marvin. Didn’t expect to see you here,” a voice said next to him. “Hey Trina. Mendel. Still bringing your kid brother on your dates, I see,” Marvin teased. “Jason wanted to come,” Trina said as they sat down. “How are you, kid?” Marvin asked. He was never that close to Jason when he and Trina were dating but over time their relationship has gotten better. “I’m alright. I thought you weren’t into baseball,” Jason said sitting next to Marvin. “Well, I’m not into baseball but I’m pretty into Whizzer,” Marvin admitted. He smiled a bit as he heard Trina complain about him under her breath. “Whizzer’s been doing great lately!” Jason said excitedly. Jason had always held a fascination for Whizzer, especially when it came to his baseball. It was cute to watch the way the kid idolized Whizzer. “I even heard that a bunch of scouts have been coming to watch him. Whizzer would probably play wherever he wanted to.” “Is that so?” Marvin asked. Jason nodded and began to talk on and on about the way Whizzer pitched and his statistics. Marvin did his best to pay attention even though he had no clue what half of what Jason was saying was. “See, Cordelia. I told you everyone would already be here.” Marvin could hear Charlotte before he saw her walking towards them. “Oh, relax. We didn’t miss anything,” Cordelia said sitting on the other side of Marvin. “We didn’t miss anything, right Marvin?” “Not unless you wanted to watch guys stretch in tight pants,” Marvin teased before giving Cordelia a quick kiss on the cheek. “Then we’re right on time,” Charlotte said. Marvin couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his mouth. "Hi everyone," Cordelia said smiling "So what made you late this time?" Marvin asked curiously. "Delia burned some cookies in Home Ec and had to clean out the oven," Charlotte said. "You didn't have to stay and help," Cordelia reminded her. "Oh yes, what a wonderful girlfriend I would've been, leaving you behind to come sit around doing nothing," Charlotte said. "How sweet of you," Marvin teased.
Although Marvin knew very little about baseball, he knew enough to know that Whizzer was playing really well. He was scoring and helping his teammates score and striking people out. Jason was enamored by Whizzer as usual and made sure Marvin knew just how well he was playing. Before long the game was over and their school had won by a landslide. As much as Jason protested, Mendel and Trina left with him right after the game and Cordelia accompanied Charlotte home to work on an assignment so Marvin was left waiting for Whizzer alone. As he walked to his car, he noticed Whizzer talking with a man outside the locker rooms. He leaned against his car and watched as the two of them spoke. He couldn’t help but think back to Jason’s word about scouts watching Whizzer. Marvin smiled as Whizzer finally shook hands with the man and walked to his car. “Who was that,” Marvin asked helping Whizzer put his gear in the trunk. “Oh, just some scout asking a couple questions,” Whizzer said with a shrug. “Oh, really? And what did you tell him?” Marvin asked. “Just that I’d been talking to other teams and school but was keeping my options open,” Whizzer said with a smirk. “That ought to light a fire under their asses.” “You know, a little birdie told me that you’ve got scouts coming to every game now,” Marvin said as and Whizzer slid into the car. “Is that so?” Whizzer asked with a soft laugh. “I guess I’ve gotta bring you to every game so I can keep playing well.” “If that’s what it takes,” Marvin said smiling. “Really? You’d come to my games?” Whizzer asked. “If you wanted me to, yeah. I may not like baseball but it’s what your passionate about so of course I’d go and support you,” Marvin told him. “Aw, look at you being all sweet. I guess you actually have a heart,” Whizzer teased. “Oh shut up,” Marvin said shoving him. “You know, if I play this good when you’re around, what if I turn to complete crap when you go to college? What if you're my lucky charm? I guess this means you’ll have to stay with me next year instead of running off,” Whizzer said as they pulled into the parking garage for Marvin’s apartment complex. “You don’t need me to play well. Besides, nothing’s set in stone yet. You might be worrying over nothing,” Marvin said as he turned the car off. “I’m gonna miss you if you go away,” Whizzer said turning to look at Marvin. “Then I guess I’ll just have to bring you with me,” Marvin said before kissing Whizzer. "As much as I’d love to make out in your car, I really need a proper shower,” Whizzer said against his mouth. “If you insist,” Marvin told him pulling away. "Besides, I know for a fact you have not started on calculus." "Please, calculus is so easy it's boring. I could finish it on the ride to school if I had to," Whizzer said as they walked up the stairs to their shared apartment. "Well, not all of us are gifted with the ability to differentiate functions at will so you could help me for once," Marvin said bumping his shoulders. Whizzer gave a dramatic sigh. "If I have to," he teased but couldn't keep the smile off his face. "Hey, no matter where either of us go for college or baseball or whatever, we'll be alright," Marvin promised as they stopped in front of the door to their apartment. Whizzer nodded. "Everything will be alright," Whizzer said smiling.
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falsettolandhigh · 7 years
(kinda strange but) what does each member of the tkf smell like?
okay this is a strange answer but there’s this one friend of mine who has a particular jacket. i can’t place what that jacket smells like, but i love it and marvin smells like my best friend’s jacket.
whizzer smells like that good cologne. you know, the kind that doesn’t give you a migraine (i’m v sensitive to smells, so cologne is almost a no-go)
trina smells like vanilla extract. not that imitation vanilla either. that real shit.
mendel smells like rain. idk how much else to describe it. it’s not an unpleasant smell by any means, but it’s not whizzer either.
charlotte smells like a fresh-brewed pot of coffee. it may be on account of the fact that she’s always carrying a thermos of coffee around with her, so the scent just lingers.
and cordelia smells like green apple shampoo. that shit smells fucking delicious, and you bet delia uses it religiously.
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elle-cz · 7 years
Pep Rallys are fun I swear
Marvin x Whizzer
Red riding hood Au created by @cornbees
Tw: two bros chilling at a pep rally their kissing cause their both gay, cursing, underage drinking
Hey I’m sorry if this really wasn’t what you envisioned! This is just my take on what happened.
“Marvin wasn’t one pine over someone. If you ever ask him about crushes he will tell you about how there was this thing on the news and make you forget about the question. The only person to get any answer out of that question was Red, the school hottie, but the answer was very vague like “I liked someone once.”
Red was a fashion icon. They could get guys and girls to follow them like they were under a spell. You could always spot Red in a crowd because of their jacket and heels. They were not supposed to fall for someone. They were just too damn popular and important to be caught up with that, but fate was a bitch and had other plans.
It was the infamous first season pep rally at school. Kids would get drunk and have sex in a closet. Jenna once said that Dustin caught Stacy’s hair on fire. It gets amazing. Everyone looks forward to it. Except Marvin.
The only reason Marvin agreed to go to the “time waster” was to see Red. Being in a crowd helps hide the fact that you’re staring at someone. Trust me I would know.
So Marvin is staring at Red. Red is having the time of their lives. Everything is going great. Until someone put liquor in Marvin’s drink. He isn’t the best drunk because he gets very truthful and flirty.
Drunk Marvin decided to go over and say hi to Red while drunk and flirty. What could go wrong? Everything.
“Hey Whiz!”, hollers Marvin as he slings an arm around Red’s shoulder. The music seemed to have a cliche record scratch stop while everyone stared in horror at the scene that just occurred. Calling Red Whizzer or Whiz was a death wish at school and it was a non-spoken law to never say it ever.
“Sup Marv. I didn’t think you would come here.”, calmly replied Red. As everyone stood in shock, Red was whisked away by Marvin to under the bleachers. “Marvin what are we doing here?”
“Whiz I want’d to-to tell you s’mthin tht I’ve been holding in fer the longest time”, replies the drunken Marvin slurring his words.
“You’re a theatre nerd and you quote Shakespeare daily? I know this Marvin.”
“No-no-no-no I like you.”
“I like you t-“
“No! I mean I like-like you.”
“Marvin we aren’t 3. Use your big boy words.” The words just stumbled out of Red’s mouth. They were really living up to their name because boy was their face red.
“I lo-love you Whizzer Brown.” Then Marvin did the most unspeakable thing and kissed Red on their lips. Before Red could pull away or kiss back, Marvin ran away. Like a little school boy telling Sally her pigtails were cute and giving her a peck on the cheek.
The next day was terrible because Marvin remembered everything. He remembered getting drunk, calling Red Whiz, and most importantly kissing Whizzer Brown.
It was like an unspoken rule that they wouldn’t talk at all. Everyone at school was perplexed because they used to be attached by the hip. I guess not.
They would take different hallways on purpose, dont even get me started on lunch time, and they stayed like that for weeks. It was a mess and someone had to fix it.”, a blonde caterer closed the book and put it away on the shelf
“I’ll tell you how they resolved this issue but that’s a story for another day.”, spoke the woman.
“Come on Delia! I want to know if Red and Marvin get together! Do they?”, asked the curly haired boy violently.
“Isn’t it time for you to go to bed?”, Cordelia said in a motherly tone.
“Just tell me please.”, Jason held out the word just to be annoying.
“I promised one story. And besides, I think you already know how it ends.”, she kissed his forehead.
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Hey delia, i don’t think whizzer really means anything at the moment.... people do brash things when they’re angry and Im sure he doesn’t want to intentionally hurt you
But @ask-whizzer-falsettos’s right… I fucked everything up and I feel like shit for it, but I deserve it. I should just stop trying...
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What's the worst thing each of your parents have done to you
Marvin: Came to my school to “personally” advocate for me as the middle school’s VP. Apparently, that’s what his dad did for him. It was horribly embarrassing, and I didn’t even win!Whizzer: Scared me in front of my friends on Halloween. With a puppet. I got him back by stealing his candy, though ;)Cordelia: Tricked me into eating a “home-made pizza roll” that was FILLED WITH HOT SAUCE. My mouth STILL BURNS.Charlotte: Okay, I deserved this one, because the week before Delia and I double-teamed her with water guns, but she shot me like, 30 times with a nerf gun when I went into their place and let me tell you, it’s been an all out war since.Mendel: Tried to give me “The Talk.” I mean, they all did, but his was the worst.Trina: Okay, she really hasn’t done anything too bad, but once she took me to a “Mommy & Me” bongo class because she thought it said “ages 5+” not “5>” and 8 year old me was just sitting with a bunch of toddlers, learning how to play The Itsy Bitsy Spider on the bongo because Dad didn’t want to waste the money. Truly, they are the worst.
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What is your absolute favorite item that you own?
I could be cheesy and say Whizzer's heart, but I'll spare Delia the cuteness. But after my grandfather passed, my grandmother gave me his chess set.He wrote me out of his will when I told him I was gay, but my grandmother knew how much it would mean to me to have the chess set. Plus at the time my father and I were the only ones who knew how to play chess and he didn't want it.Its in the bottom drawer of my nighttable at the moment.
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