#who CLEARLY worried about this exact same situation happening and took precautions!!
galsinspace · 2 years
When will tumblr stop slandering Mrs Westenra? She took the flowers because she wanted to HELP Lucy to get some fresh air!! She left everything to Arthur in her will because she clearly had some premonition okay, this is a supernatural story and she was worried for her daughter's health and she turned out to be RIGHT to do this, even if the lawyers noted that it would have been wrong in 99% of cases.
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You will always be the winter soldier - Chapter 5
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Author’s Note: 
This is a flashback of your past with Bucky. Somethings weren’t witnessed by Bucky or you because I just want to give more details about the thoughts of other people as well. So this is definitely written in a third person perspective. This chapter is really long but I hope you’ll enjoy it anyway. 
Bucky sits in a plane to Munich. Sam got information that the leader of the Flag smashers are currently working there. 
Bucky remembers the last time he was in Germany. It feels like an eternity ago.
„Tell me why I need to watch this series again.“, Bucky looked absolutely annoyed. 
„Its a classic. Everyone knows this series. It’s like general knowledge.“ You answered while scribbling something on your paper. 
„ And why aren't you watching this series?“ 
„Well my love, I know this series by my heart.“, you smiled at him and then saying the exact same thing the actor said on the screen proving him that you really do know this series.
Minutes later you closed your math book with a loud thump and throwing it on the ground. 
"I'm sorry. I don't want to torture you with this series. Maybe I can make it up to you." You winked at Bucky and kissed him on his right cheek. 
„Probably you will find a way.“, Bucky smiled mischievously and kissed you right on your lips with both of his hands on your cheeks. 
You and Bucky weren’t virgins but you both never had sex with each other yet. It made you nervous. 
And Bucky was nervous as well.The last time he had sex was an eternity ago and women changed through the times. Now women are so much more emancipated and strong-minded.
You kissed him. On his face, throat, neck and down his torso. You wanted him as much as he wanted you. 
In this night you and Bucky didn’t have just sex- you made love that night. It was something absolutely soft, and warm and caring about it. 
There was no much of talking and there was no pressure- it was just pure love without saying the word itself. 
Everything changed from that night on. From that day on you both were a couple, without labeling it.
Two weeks later Bucky accompanied you to university. It was something he did regularly and you enjoyed it. It gave your the feeling he was just a normal guy spending time with his girlfriend. And James from Bucharest was  indeed almost a normal guy. While you were bubbling about a math problem no one except math students could understand, he noticed a man.
Bucky knew when he was being followed and it agitated him. 
Now that he wasn’t just concerned with his life but also concerned with your safety it made him anxious. 
He grabbed your right arm and pulled you in a small alley.
You looked at him confused and scared. „What’s going on?“, you asked not understanding his sudden behavior. 
„I wanted to give this to you.“ Bucky pulled out a small mobile phone from his pocket. You looked confused because you already had a smartphone in your trouser pocket. 
„It’s a safe line. So, if you’re in danger or you just think you’re in danger- call me and I will come and get you.“
„You’re scarring me. Are you in trouble? Are WE in trouble? Do we need to run?“ You looked at him, touching his face to make sure he calmed down.
„No. Don’t worry. Everything’s alright.“ Bucky lied. „I’m just taking precautions.“
You doubted this reassurance.
„I can ditch university. I can come with you.“
„No. It calms me down to know that you’re safe at university.“ 
„Okay. But don’t forget: If you jump, I jump, remember?“ You quoted the movie you both watched last night. 
„You’re stuck with me. Where you go, I go.“
He kissed the palm of your left hand. „I’m not going anywhere.“, Bucky lied again. 
And with that he accompanied  you to university. As he left, you walked into your class and you took out your phone and your homework. You checked the latest news. The day before there was a bombing in Vienna but on this day there were breaking that there’s a picture of a suspect. The picture showed no other than Bucky himself. Your heart stopped for a moment and you couldn’t think clearly. This explained his behavior and fear. You knew he was innocent- no doubt about that. You knew the man you fell in love with and James would never do such thing. The only conclusion was that he was being fraud by someone else. You decided to skip the class and go home to find James. 
When you arrived outside, the campus was quite empty because the majority of the students were already in their classes. As you walked to the gate a man was calling you.
„Hey! Wait!“ He jogged to you. 
„You’re working with Bucky, aren’t you? You’re his accomplice.“ The man in front of you assumed. 
„None of your business.“, you muttered. You wanted to pass him but he stopped you by grabbing your shoulder. 
„My name’s Sam Wilson and you really need to come with me.“, he said, scarring you with his words.
His grip was so tight that you couldn’t break free.
„Im not coming with you. Who do you think you are?“
„I’m working with Captain America.“ He said. You could hear the pride in his voice.
„So? That doesn’t make you an authority. I don’t trust you.“
„You saw the picture, didn’t you? You saw the picture of him in the newspaper. You don’t strike me as a dumb person, yeah? You know what this picture means. They are after him. They are already here. So I need your help.“
„Why do you need my help? He’s innocent. That picture is fake and I know it. But do you? Do you believe in his innocence or what aim do you really pursue?“
Sam didn’t answer but he also didn’t let go of you. So the only thing that you could do was to kick him between his legs. But your head start wasn’t for long. You can’t outrun an athlete. He caught you with his hand which made you stumbled and you fell face forward on the ground. Your lip was bleeding. 
„Im sorry. I didn’t intend to hurt you.“
As you looked around you saw police officers pointing their guns at you and Sam. 
„You called the police?!“ You asked unbelievably.
„Ey. They’re pointing their guns at me too. So no- I didn’t call the police.“ 
They handcuffed you both and took off. Sam talked with someone via earpiece: „I’ve got her but the police got us both. I’m sorry.“
At the same time, Bucky, Steve and King T’Challa were also handcuffed. Steve looked at his childhood friend and shared the information Sam just gave him: „I’m sorry, but they’ve got her.“ 
To say that Bucky was furious was an understatement: He would burn down the whole city if they’d hurt her. 
When you arrived at the office in Berlin you couldn’t stop all the questions that were floating in your mind. „Why are we here? Since when is Germany responsible for crimes that happened in Vienna or Bucharest? Why were German police officers in Romania? What the heck is going on?“ You asked but everyone was ignoring you. 
Minutes later a man entered the room and you realized that this was Tony Stark. „Who is that?“ He asked, pointing his finger at you. You didn’t bother to answer him. You just turned your head away. „Alright. Kinda mean but we will get the answers anyway.“ He sat down next to Steve. „Is the thing you have with him even legal?“, he asked you again.
„You tell me. He was born in 1917. I was born 80 years later.“
Tony scrunched up his nose. 
The screen was turned on and you saw James. „Why is he in a cage? Why is there no lawyer? Is this how Germany practices its law now? Did you tell him his right to silence?“ You asked almost aggressively 
„You’re audacious and naive.“, said a man in a suit. 
„Stop insulting me. James is as innocence as I am. He wasn’t in Vienna and I told you that from the beginning. And no one in this damn room is listening. You’re just looking for a guy to take the blame. I don’t know how America treats their suspects but here in Germany they have human rights as well. They have dignity and they are still treated with respect and decency. All people have rights. We learned that 70 years ago and we will never ever forget it, understand?“, you spatted. „You imprisoned and treat him as if he’s a monster.“
„My dear child, do you know what he just did today in Bucharest? The damage he caused?“, the man screamed. 
„But it were you with the loaded guns, right?“
„He’s not just a suspect. He’s the delinquent.“
„In some countries there is a trial for this question to be answered, but you seemed to be hangman and judge in once.“ You provoked him. This was so unlike you that you really couldn’t understand the anger that was inside you. 
„I like her.“ Tony said. „She’s loyal like a golden retriever.“
„Stop insulting me even more. I’m defending the man I love that doesn’t mean I’m a puppy wagging its tail.“ 
Before anyone could say anymore to worsen the situation the power was gone for merely seconds but the power was back, Bucky disappeared from the video. Everyone in the room turned around and looked at you. 
„How are you going to explain this.“ Tony asked you 
„Kid, you stay here. Don’t even think about leaving this room.“ As Tony walked downstairs he asked himself if you’re related to a woman he met over 20 years ago who happens to have the same last surname like you did. No, unlikely. Almost impossible. 
Bucky, in his winter soldier mode only had one aim: to kill as many people as possible. But something was off. He hasn’t been the winter soldier for quite some time and the impact you had. The thought that you were hurt made him even more lethal. His priority was to find you and made sure you were okay. So everyone who fought him was a threat, an enemy.
It ended in a cafeteria where Bucky held a gun to the head of a seemingly important man. Bucky was circled with dozen of agents, all pointing a gun at him. 
„Where is she? Where is (y/f/n)?“ Bucky asked
„She’s okay. You don’t need to worry about her.“, Steve assured Bucky
„I don’t trust you. I need to see her.“ 
„We can bring her here. So you can see it for yourself.“ Steve suggested while Bucky just nodded. 
Steve and Tony ran upstairs and Tony grasped Steve by his arm. „What the fuck do you think you’re doing? You can’t bring her downstairs to him. He’s dangerous and she’s just a kid. You can’t control him.“
„He isn’t dangerous and I don’t think he would hurt her. After all they are something like a couple. She knows him. And we will be there as well. Trust me, Tony. Nothing will happen.“
So they both accompanied you downstairs. 
You’ve got nervous, shaking uncontrollably. „You don’t have to do this.“ Tony said. 
„And I’m really sorry that I compared you with a golden retriever. I just think that loyalty is a great character trait.“
You smiled at him. „It’s alright. I’m sorry too. For being so angry and impulsive and arrogant.“
„Are you scared?“ Tony asks. „No, I’m not. I trust him. I trust the man I love. He isn’t the winter soldier anymore. And that he remembers me in this moment- that’s a good sign, isn’t it? So I had a little impact on him.“
Steve opened the door. You felt all the eyes of the agents on you. Thats really made you uncomfortable but you tried to ignore and only concentrate on James. You tried to relax. Your hands where cold as ice- something that always happens when you get nervous. You walked towards him. „You need to let go of this man, James.“, you pointed with your eyes at the man. „I’m alright. I’m safe.“ You approached him. „You really need to let go of him.“ Your voice was firmer. „The agents here are scared of you. They see you as a threat. So I’m begging you: let go of him.“ 
And Bucky let go of him. „They hurt you.“ He stated looking at your bruised lips. „No, they didn’t. I stumbled.“ You reassured him. „James, you need to put down the gun as well. The avengers aren’t the enemy. We can trust them. I do. I trust them and I think we might need their help.“ And you kissed him. Right in front of anyone. You heard the thump of the gun greeting the ground as James let go of it. 
You broke the kiss and caressed his cheek. But before Bucky could say anything you looked to your right and something you saw made you so scared. You pushed Bucky with all the strength you’ve got, making him stumble a few steps backwards. But that was enough to take his spot. 
Bucky saw the redness on your shirt before he heard the bang of the gun. Steve and Tony screamed „NO!“, but it was already too late. You looked at it and all the color of your face vanished. You started to fall but Bucky caught you, laying you softly on the ground. Soon you lost you consciousness.
Steve used the chaos to get Bucky out of there. „They will help her. But you need to come. It’s not safe for you here.“ 
During that time agent Sharon Carter kept Steve and Bucky informed but Bucky had a really hard time. „She’s still sleeping. You are not missing anything.“ She assured him. 
When you woke up you were greeted by non other than Tony Stark itself. He read a German magazine. „Do you understand what you’re reading or are you just looking at the pictures?“ 
He looked up and grinned. „Really nice pictures. But I also get help with the translating.“ He pointed to his high technology-glasses. 
„How do you feel?“
„Exhausted but okay.“ 
You looked around and you saw James standing in the door frame. „James“ you whispered, reaching out for him. „I’m so relieved that you’re fine.“ Bucky looked at Tony who faintly shook his head indicating that you were still oblivious about the fight in Leipzig and the separation of the avengers. 
„What happened after I passed out?“, you asked
„You mean after you got shot.“, Tony corrected you. 
„Why did you pack?“, you ask James, forgetting the last question you just asked. 
„I’m leaving for Wakanda. They offered me to free me from the mind control and I’m gonna take that chance.“
„Take me with you. I want to be with you. I can’t imagine a life without you. Please, James.“ 
He looked you deep in your eyes. You could see how he’s debating on the inside. „Okay.“ And he kissed you passionately. 
Tony didn’t like that idea at all. „Okay, lovebirds. We better should look for a doctor to sign the release papers and you can rest a bit more.“ He ushered Bucky out of your room and when the door closed he let go of his facade.
„You can’t take her with you. Thats really selfish of you. She’s kid. She can’t throw away her life for you. She is not your psychologist. You know exactly what you are. You’re a murderer. Nothing will ever change that. You’re destroying her life. And you don’t care because after all you will always be the winter soldier. Nothing will change that.“
Bucky looked at Tony like he just got slapped. „I know who and what I am. I will never be good enough for her. Yeah, maybe I’m selfish taking her with me but I can’t imagine a life without her. I love her and I will protect her. I promise.“
„But can you protect her from yourself?“ 
As you packed your belongings James waited outside your room. „You don’t have to go with him. You don’t need to throw your life away. You don’t owe him anything.“, Tony stated. 
„I’m not throwing anything away. He’s my future. He’s anything I’ve ever wanted. Wakanda will be an adventure and I’m ready to take it.“
Tony suppressed all the things he wanted to tell you. He hugs you and said instead. „If he hurts you in anyway, call me. I’ll come and get you.“ He caress your hair and without noticing he took a single hair of you. He needed to know who you were to him. He couldn’t ignore his curiosity anymore. 
Chapter 6
@inlovewith3 @jackiehollanderr @homesicam @dreamydreamerwriting @losers-club6 @gengen64 @agentsofsheilds @crimson-darling @akkinda10 @xemine @bubblegumholland @chipilerendi @iamasimpingh0e @bbmommy0902 @madddiiee26 @teenagedreams-bucky @aya-fay @idontknowwhatthisisfam @w-wolfhxrd @useless-creature-213  @angywritesstuff @supernaturalcat7 @harrys-stan @geek-and-proud
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[Right on the top of the letter is a sighing girl drawn]
I really thought I could rest a few days before leaving. Like last time, ya know? I could've been more prepared. Didn't even get the call yet.
But I guess you're right. Exactly when you figured it out Jake did, too. (With a little bit help of goldie. They sent him the Tumblr conversation. The whole conversation. Without any comment.)
So yeah, either the MWAF knows where I work or (and that is a scary thought) even is there somehow sometimes.
Jake wanted me to promise to not go back there, but I couldn't. At least not for now. I want to go back there once, for now I shouldn't be in danger. At least not if he goes the same way as last time.
I should get a call from him later that day. And tomorrow I should find the raven note on my desk (after my lunch break). Later that day I saw the first time a guy with a mask. Then again the morning after I took the picture I sent TSB.
And that same evening I started hiding.
So I thought I still had some time...But it seems that isn't the case.
I would love to take Max, even though he can be a real asshole sometimes, but I don't believe that is clever. [The writing becomes shaky, almost unreadable to the end of the sentence]
I don't know anything anymore, just that I don't want all of this to happen again...
[Here are many ink blots, as if a pen was thrown on the paper]
Sorry..Sorry about that. My door bell started ringing. Surprise surprise, my idiot of a cousin. (I still love him though. Even if I'll never forgive him that he stole designs of me. Urgh. Sorry, nervous.)
He thought I acted weird when we texted earlier and my boss wanted him to check up on me.
What does a nervous little fox Liska do? (Little fox is a nickname he gave me when we were little xD I somtimes start using it when we're both in a weird situation)
He almost called the police, thinking I was in some weird 'abusive relationship' with, and I quite, "this Jake asshole".
It seems someone wrote him a text. An unknown number.
I already texted Jake about that..Any my guess is that the MWAF realised that he couldn't hack Jake anymore. So he tries different ways.
But it's fine now, I think I could convince him that everyone was okay. Even though now I have to take vacation with him. He wants to go tomorrow afternoon if I don't want him to call my parents. Why? That if I'm lying I'm not in danger anymore.
I mean, he's not fully wrong. Just that he doesn't have the facts right. (Which he couldn't. I'm still surprised that me being a suspect of kidnapping Hannah or helping a wanted hacker didn't go beyond Duskwood. But that's good.)
Oh and also, Jake just answered, he thinks it's good if I just go with Max in the moment. I think he stalked his Facebook profile. (Max did taekwondo for many years. Facebook tells his story)
But yeah, I am very sorry if this is an unsorted letter, not much happened and still many unsaid thoughts crossed my mind.
Ps. Also Jake wants me to thank the both of you for taking care of me when he couldn't. And still doing it.
And that I say that he's still not pleased with my decision to go to work tomorrow.
So, Goldie's really taking more of an active role, now. I sort of thought they were finished until we massively fuck up again, but I guess they just don't want us to ask them questions or something. Interesting.
I wonder if that means the TSB timeline is still continuing
So the raven note on your desk comes tomorrow? I really wouldn't assume you're safe 'til then, but I guess if your Jake can't convince you, no one can XD
Still. Maybe now-ish would be a good time to take a long trip somewhere sunny. And crowded. Preferably with as many people as possible, who will notice if you go missing.
This is not going to happen again. We have several Jakes and two fairly smart people plus me helping you, PLUS an entity on your side, PLUS the advantage of knowing AND HAVING DOCUMENTATION on exactly how the previous timeline went. All we have to do is figure out a place you'll be safe, and bam, we're done.
...That's a pretty good opportunity, honestly. I agree with your Jake, you should go with your cousin. Though I'm curious what exactly the MWAF said to your cousin that convinced him that you were in danger. You might want to make sure that, a., the MWAF didn't suggest a location and you're not going there, b., your cousin turns off GPS tracking on his phone or just leaves it at home, and c., that your cousin doesn't post pictures of you on social media wherever you go.
Don't worry about the letter not being neat and stuff, I don't care too much about that. As long as
One sec Jessys texting me
Nothing important, she's still trying to test if I've been kidnapped or not without saying it outright. I lost my train of thought from earlier. Oh well.
You're welcome, Jake :) And I definitely emphasize with you on that one -_-
Passing the letter over to my Jake now.
(The handwriting changes to Jake's.) Hello, Lis.
Your workplace is very clearly an unsafe environment, but upon reflection and having read ahead and read Max's offer, I believe you actually should go into work, at least for the day. It will give less of our cards away to the enemy. However, do be vigilant. We know that our actions have already changed the timeline to at least some extent, the breadth of which is still unclear.
I am not entirely sure what the kidnapper would gain from having your cousin watching carefully over you in the window of time the kidnapper would have taken to track you down, however. Could it be possible that Goldie was the one to send your cousin the message, rather than the kidnapper?
I concur with Yuvon that the previous timeline's events will not repeat, however, for the exact same reasons she listed, though I will edit it slightly: we have three Jakes and three intelligent people working on the case, including Yuvon. I think I may need to speak with her about this.
Most of the advice I would have given about precautions for the vacation with your cousin has already been covered by Yuvon :)
You are welcome, Jake.
I noticed that in my agitation from your last letter, I accidentally skimmed over some key points. My apologies. I'll answer them now.
I will attempt to find a good point to bring up the matter with her, but she is busy enough trying to mitigate the concerns of the "Crow Crew" that I do not think that should be done at the current moment.
While I am... fond of the "underlying desire" theory, I do not, on reflection, believe it. The fact that she would subconsciously choose me, rather than a family member or a friend she has known longer than myself, seems unlikely. Especially not when she had been quite incensed at me very, very recently. It simply makes no sense.
Though, admittedly, if the situation was reversed, she would likely be
The stasis wavering is both good and bad news. It has been both a benefit and a detriment thus far. Ensure that the group does not draw the kidnapper's ire instead, without alerting them that you are in danger, should they break loose of the stasis alone. Until then, based on the results from Yuvon previously contacting them, I suggest you avoid contact unless they open communication first.
Good luck, Lis and Jake.
—Jake & Yuvon
(The letter tucks itself into the paper clip with the others.)
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shortstories123 · 4 years
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Manasvi was a simple girl. Simple yet blessed. She was blessed with everything, a girl of her age would ever desire. A beautiful family with understanding in-laws, a lover of a husband, Anshuman, who would guide and protect her in times of need. Everything seemed to be pretty amazing in both of their lives until, a new wave of happiness knocked at their door. Yes, she found out that the pregnancy test kit in her hand was showing a doble tick mark, which clearly meant the beginning of a new life inside her.
She was beyond happy, no doubt, with all those tears glistening on her pretty face but at the same time, the practical side of her was exhaustively jittery, assuming and analyzing Anshuman’s reaction to this entire volcano of a news. Will he be as happy as her? Will he welcome this pregnancy news with open arms? He was always found in his comfort zone around children but will he be ready for this huge responsibility? Manasvi has never felt so nervous in her entire life like the way she was feeling currently. To her, Anshuman was her abode, her love, her life, her everything! She feared the circumstances, if Anshuman will not be willing to accept this blessing in their lives.
Taking its course of sweet time, the day went by and Anshuman was back home. Fulfilling his daily routine, he instantly got freshen up and was ready to discuss the entire day’s events with her. But on the other hand, Manasvi looked pale and lost. Anshuman was now worried, he simply asked her about the thing that has been troubling her. He was already aware of her morning sickness and dehydration since last few days, but what left him off guard was her nonstop weeping, when asked about the problem. He very gently, took a hold of her face and said, “You can tell me anything Manasvi, we are not two individuals living together, rather we are a part of our soul contract as one! Now tell me, what has been bothering my beautiful wife?”
“I AM PREGNANT!”, came the straight, to the point and firm reply. Anshuman was stunned to the core. His face showed the hint of no emotion. All the doubts, that has been troubling Manasvi, came true. She assumed, how fool of a person she is. Anshuman was hardly 27 years old and it is very conveniently, no desired age to be a parent and moreover, she herself was just 25. A lot has to be achieved before they can even think of raising their children. All these thoughts were running at the maximum pace in her mind, when Anshuman, all of a sudden hugged her. He hugged her like his life depended on this hug. She can clearly make out his tears at her back. He very slowly loosened up and asked, “Why the hell are you worried about such a great news? Oh, I can’t even express my gratitude Manasvi, I am beyond thrilled to know that you’re pregnant and we will soon be having a part of both us in our hands. Do you even realize, how happy and blessed you have made me feel?”
Manasvi didn’t know what to predicate out of all of this. The entire day she has been making plans to make Anshuman understand the gravity of the situation but, here the opposite of it was happening. He was making her believe about the reality of this blessing. This time, she hugged him and thanked him for this beautiful phase of their life which was about to begin.
Next day, they got an appointment from a wellknown gynecologist and Manasvi was undergone all the necessary tests and was now advised with full new eating plan for the upcoming nine months. Both of them were really excited and were very consciously listening to each and every detail prescribed by the doctor. Everything was done smoothly and both of them retired back to their sweet home. Though, now the new tension has taken a home in both of their heads, whether or not the reports will turn out to be normal or not, as the way Manasvi’s body has been responding to this new found pregnancy was anything but normal. She, for the last one week has feeling really unwell and perturbed. They had anyway decided to consult a doctor with her degrading condition.
Two days later, Anshuman received a call from Dr Bakshi and was asked to visit her with Manasvi for the reports. Unfortunately, their biggest nightmare turned out to be true and Manasvi’s reports came out with a significant set of complications and troubles for the mother to be. It was a crucial situation for both of them and unfortunately, this very time they had no clue how to deal with it. Dr Bakshi, on the other hand advised the couple to think about all the pros and cons of this pregnancy and if in case they are still willing to go for it, it shall take every ounce of faith and determination from both of their sides to endure this period of 9 months, which also meant accepting all the risks involved with the baby’s birth.
Sitting on a bench, just outside the doctor’s cabin, both of them were in deep thoughts. On one side, Anshuman was worried about Manasvi and her health and he knew that nothing in this life is more important to him more her love, her Manasvi. Whereas, Manasvi on the other side, was worried about the baby, the new life which she was carrying inside her womb. Nothing mattered to her more, than their child! She was set clear, that she will be bringing their baby to life, even if it meant to sacrifice her own. Very clearly, she told Anshuman what she wanted and promised him that nothing bad is going to happen to the three of them because it was her firm belief that God has tied this the three of them in this serene soul contract and till the time the almighty is protecting them, nothing worse is going to make them apart in this lifetime.
Anshuman had no other option that to agree with her and also, he had always been the support system for her, whenever needed. So, how can he let her down, at this particular phase of time, when she needed him the most. The period of her first trimester began and both of them took every possible precaution and prescription given by the doctor. Anshuman even organized a private yoga instructor for Manasvi, which was a great move according to Dr Bakshi. It helped Manasvi, to keep her body flexible and the baby in proper motion. Both of them left no alternative to be foreseen for the betterment of Manasvi and the baby. Manasvi even followed the strict and to the point diet chart advised to her, inspite of being a brat when it comes to healthy eating and indulgence of green veggies.
Soon the times past by and it was her 8th month in going. With the passing of each day, Manasvi’s jitteriness started to take an increment proportionally. Due to Manasvi’s complicated case, Dr Bakshi has already revealed the couple about the pre-term birth of the baby, which meant Manasvi will have to encounter the birth pangs latest by the end of 8th month or even before. It was a lovely sunny morning of May 11th, Manasvi after following her regular chores was reading a book on ‘Good Parenting’ by Afboz Cleopha. Anshuman, on the other side was getting ready to leave for office. Suddenly, the day took its turn and Manasvi’s water broke! She just couldn’t fathom the pain that she was experiencing currently. Anshuman too lost his cool and just called for the ambulance, without a second thought. Soon Manasvi was admitted in the hospital and Dr Bakshi took her charge with her team. Taking her complications into consideration, Manasvi was taken to the operation theatre and it was decided to go for a cesarean delivery, in her case. Ever single minute felt like a demise to Anshuman. He called his parents and Manasvi’s parents and informed them about Manasvi’s sudden labor. Everyone in the family was now in constant prayers for the mother and the baby. It took every ounce of strength in Anshuman, not to break down and believe in God for the safety of her Manasvi and the life breathing inside her.
Finally, after three hours Dr Bakshi and her team came out of the OT. Her expressions gave a hope to Anshuman, who was nearly shattered in the past three hours. She chuckled and said, “Congratulations, It’s a daughter! Both, the mother and the baby are pretty safe and fine.” Anshuman couldn’t believe what he heard, his happiness knew no bounds and the tears flowing down his cheeks and the neverending smile on his face clearly gave justice to his current state. He without a pause ran towards the OT. The scene before him nearly made him skip a heartbeat the love of her life, her wife was lying unconscious, but safe with their bundle of joy, their very own blood. The nurse gently took the baby from the cot and handled it to Anshuman. He, with trembling hands took the baby in his secured embrace. Their daughter was an exact replication of his Manasvi. She was just like a tiny little blip, safely and securely wrapped under a white cotton sheet. After a few moments, Manasvi too came into consciousness. She was unable to set her emotions correctly seeing Anshuman holding their daughter. The tears of happiness emerged in both of their eyes and it was nothing but a gratitude shown after have been fighting the biggest battle of their lives and eventually coming out of it with a blissful new feeling of being parents to their baby daughter.
As Manasvi mentioned, it was the Almighty’s fabricated plan to enforce their ‘Soul Contracts’ and bring it into action in 3D for this particular lifetime.
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phobiadeficient · 5 years
Speeding bullet cross fraction maybe? Maybe one of them nervous about how to teams would react, had they found out and the other calms their partner's mind with gentle sex
this is like literally more feelings than it is porn but im almost physically incapable of writing cross faction without it getting angsty. call it billy shakes syndrome
“Anyone see you?” Sniper asked quietly, taking Scout’s jacket and hanging it up by the door.
“Don’t think so,” Scout replied quietly, kicking his shoes off and starting to wrestle his way out of his t-shirt.
It was late, stupid late, but the lateness was necessary. Nobody else was awake and about, most likely, and if they were, they would be too tired to go investigate what someone was doing going into Sniper’s camper, and it was too dark out for them to be able to tell that the person was wearing blue, especially with the additional precaution of Scout wearing a black jacket over his regulation civvies. And absolute worst case scenario, if someone came by, it was possible they wouldn’t recognize the enemy Scout when he was out of uniform, and Sniper could say that he was… his friend from town, or his weed guy, or something like that.
Scout seemed a little off, hands shaking too bad to get his laces undone. Sniper was patient, moving to pour Scout a cup of coffee—decaf, but Scout always drank it with about four packets or two spoonfuls of sugar anyways, so it didn’t matter.
Scout took his usual seat, and his hands continued to shake as he took a drink from the mug Sniper slid across the table to him, staring at the blinds every few moments as if sure they were going to come alive and try to strangle him at any moment.
“What’s wrong?” Sniper finally asked.
Scout took a breath, then another. “Nobody saw me,” he repeated. “But… I think Spy—ours—saw me… coming back in late. He started asking questions. Then during the break today he said… he said something, I dunno the exact words, but he was… maybe he was just making fun of me. I dunno. But it sounded kinda like he might know something is going on.”
Snioer reached across the table, took Scout’s hand gently. Scout allowed it. “Well,” he said, “maybe he doesn’t. Just keep acting natural.”
Scout nodded, swallowed hard. “And if he does and we gotta make a break for it…” Scout trailed, looked at Sniper and back away. “…We, we planned for it. We’ve got a plan. We know what’s gonna happen.”
“Right,” Sniper agreed. “Don’t panic. The boss will send someone to talk to us. If she does the same thing she did with Soldier and Demo, she’ll tell us that we’re hired to kill each other specifically, and that the other one already agreed. She’ll say all sorts of things to confuse us and make us doubt ourselves.”
Scout nodded, swallowed hard again. Sniper waited a moment.
“And what are you meant to do?” he gently prompted.
Scout nodded. “Play dumb, then play along,” he managed, although his voice was a little choked. “Act mad for a little bit, then pretend I believe whatever she says to me.”
“Right. And I’ll do the same but give in quick since I’ve got the reputation that I’m a professional about this sort of thing, plan to kill everyone I meet and all that,” Sniper continued. “And then the weekend immediately following, we head to the bar in town, meet up, make our escape. Back before I had a Medic around to patch me up, I knew this sawbones down in southern California, and she’ll do what she has to do to get anything Medic’s put in us back out, and we mail them back to our bases then high-tail it to Canada.”
“And if somethin’ goes wrong, we’ll handle it,” Scout said, voice tight. “We know what we’re doin’.”
“We know what we’re doing,” Sniper agreed, squeezing his hand.
Scout blinked hard a few times. “What if…” he started to say, then stopped. “What if somethin’ goes real wrong though?”
“Then we’ll handle it,” Sniper replied.
“But what if—“
“Love,” Sniper cut in, squeezing his hand a bit harder, heart dropping at the way Scout squeezed his eyes shut, propped his forehead against his hand. “Love,” he continued, more gently. “I know you’re scared. I’m scared too. But we can’t afford to let it eat away at us right now. We need to keep acting natural.”
“I’m gonna fuckin’ die if I gotta keep sitting around pretending I’m not scared twenty-four-fuckin’-seven, Snipes,” Scout said, voice broken. “I just sit around all day worrying about you and if anyone’s found out and if anyone’s gonna find out and if I’m gonna mess everything up for us. It’s all I can think about.”
“You can… let it out in little bursts,” Sniper said carefully. “Like now, when there’s nobody around.”
Scout sighed shakily. “I only get maybe ten hours a week that I can see you and I don’t wanna spend it freaking out like this, I feel like I’m ruining everything,” he admitted, sinking even further.
“You’re not,” Sniper assured. Scout’s exhale told him that he didn’t believe him.
Scout drank his coffee silently, still staring off into middle distance. Sniper dipped as well, watching his expression as well as he could without staring, which would just make Scout feel self-conscious.
“Can we lay down?” Scout asked, sounding tired, and Sniper nodded.
He laid down, and Scout wasted no time in curling up against his chest, pressing them as close together as he was physically capable of. Usually Sniper would get on his case about it, because they lived in the desert and it was the middle of summer, and even with it being past sundown it was hot and uncomfortable and they’d both get sweaty in no time. But this time he didn’t, he allowed it, just kneading and drawing circles into Scout’s bare back, connecting the dots on his freckles while Scout nestled his face in against Sniper’s neck, breathing slowly, deeply.
Minutes passed that way, and then Scout shifted slightly against him, and after a moment Sniper realized Scout was kissing his neck.
“Love,” he said quietly, hardly a whisper.
Scout ignored him.
“Love,” he repeated, a bit louder now, hands stopping.
“C’mon,” Scout mumbled against him. “What’s the problem?”
“You’re upset and freaked out,” Sniper replied, a little sharply.
Scout’s exhale was shaky. “I just need a minute to be out of my head, okay?” he tried, the annoyance in his voice crooked, and Sniper could hear the exhaustion underneath.
So he nodded, said some quiet affirmation, and Scout was shifting.
Sniper mostly just pet at Scout’s exposed skin while he got himself ready, rousing his body and soothing his mind. Stroked and pinched, let himself be distracted from his own nerves and the weight in his chest by the sounds Scout started making and the weight on his lap. By the time Scout was adjusting, sitting up on his knees so Sniper could shuffle his pants the rest of the way off, slowly lowering himself down around Sniper with all kinds of gorgeous little noises, his mind was adrift, too busy trying to register so many nerves lighting up to dwell on things like his life situation.
Scout moved fast, something there in his eyes that told Sniper he wasn’t completely distracted yet, and the jolt of his hips bordered on uncomfortable, on too much, making Sniper’s breath catch in his throat. It only took a minute or so for Scout to make a noise of frustration, motions stopping with a final jerky roll, chewed-off nails digging into the softness of Sniper’s stomach. “Get on top,” he panted.
Sniper nodded, wrapped an arm around Scout’s lower back, braced his elbow. Carefully rolled them, repositioning them, pressing an apologetic kiss in against Scout’s collarbone when he made a sound of discomfort. “Ready?” he asked quietly, and Scout nodded, head falling back.
It only took a few seconds before he looked back up at Sniper though, eyebrows furrowing. “What’re you…?” he trailed breathlessly, clearly confused.
“Taking it slow,” Sniper replied, voice still quiet, gentle. He reached a hand down to adjust Scout’s thigh just slightly higher up on his waist, and Scout opened his mouth, presumably to complain, but all he could do was release a moan at the next slow push, angled just right.
Despite the large majority of his body demanding that Sniper pick up the pace and rail into Scout like there was no tomorrow—and who knew, maybe there wouldn’t be—he kept his pace slow and easy, moving just right to make Scout’s back arch, his hands curl in against the sheets, then Sniper’s hair as he gently guided him to do so. Scout looked up at him with wide, bewildered eyes, and Sniper looked right back, allowing himself now, and only now, only in the privacy and secrecy of his own house and home, to show his love on his face, bright and clear as he watched Scout fall into the throes of pleasure. That was his only goal. He could finish himself off later for all he cared—right then, Scout deserved, needed, to be pampered and shown that Sniper loved him. More than anything else in the world.
Why did he have to be on the other team, Sniper asked in his own mind, eyes squeezing shut for a moment at the weight of the question. He didn’t get an answer, so he just opened them again and moved to start kissing across any skin he could reach, starting to jerk Scout off in slow, easy motions, giving him that little twist at the end that he enjoyed so much.
Scout was practically a puddle by the time he was done, Sniper’s only warning before he came being a hard twitch in his hand and a gasp half an octave higher than Scout ever got. He kept his motions steady, even if his hand sped slightly, wringing out every gasp and half-stammered syllable that he could before shivering took over and Scout fell back limp against the bed. Sniper pulled out as gingerly as he could, wincing as the heat and tightness left him.
Scout tried to start talking twice, and managed it on the third time. “Why’d you stop?” he half-slurred, blinking up at Sniper, dazed and fucked stupid. “You could’ve finished off, it’s okay.”
“That would’ve hurt,” Snioer pointed out gently, finding his boxers and wiping Scout’s mess off of his hand.
“That’s okay, I would’ve been fine,” Scout said.
“No,” Sniper replied, cupping Scout’s cheek now, looking him dead in the eye. Scout’s eyes widened at the suddenness, the intensity in Sniper’s gaze. “I’m not going to hurt you. I’m never, ever going to hurt you. Not if I can bloody help it. We clear?”
Scout looked at him with those big blue eyes for a few more moments. Then, over the course of a few seconds, his expression crumpled, and then he was lunging up to pull Sniper into an embrace, sobbing hard.
Later in the night, Scout would suck him off and they’d talk about other things, minds far away from their situation, finding joy and comfort in each other, and joy of a different kind in each other’s bodies as strength and vigor slowly returned to them. But in that moment, Sniper just held on Scout, wishing more than anything else that he would never have to let go.
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and i will always love you - chapter 8
Fic Summary:
“He feels sorry for her. It’s hard not to. Except it doesn’t change the fact that she’s still the child of an eminent politician, using her wealth and status to arm herself in ways that others in her situation couldn’t. Fitz has protected all kinds of people who’ve done the same thing, and every last one has been a complete and utter wanker.”
When an accidental discovery causes nationwide outrage at Dr. Jemma Simmons, Protection Officer Leopold Fitz is the one called upon to be her bodyguard. It starts off as one thing and ends quite another. A bodyguard au.
Chapter Summary:
A chapter which contains: -moping -some tough love -an apology and trying again.
{read from the beginning}
{read chapter eight}
or read chapter eight below!
He can’t go back to his flat when he leaves Jemma’s and, with nowhere else to go, he ends up driving around the streets of London aimlessly. When the tears blur his eyes too much for him to make out the road ahead, he parks in a supermarket carpark and starts walking.
It’s just getting dark and the breeze is sharp but if anything it’s a welcome distraction from the feeling of a hand squeezing his heart and so he doesn’t even register he forgot his jacket. He doesn’t have his phone – Jemma keeps trying to call and so he left it in the car – and there’s nothing else to think about or to do as he trudges over muddy grass and pot-holed paths.
The events of the past hour keep replaying in his head, a loop that he cannot break. The anger resurges, an anger that he hasn’t felt in the longest time. It takes hold of him completely, its fingers around his throat, its pressure pressing his teeth together. He wants to break something, anything, just to release it. His hands curl into fists, nails cutting half-moons into his palm. He kicks at the ground, a pathetic, childish attempt to make himself feel better. It doesn’t do anything, only hurts.
Then just as quickly the anger disappears, steam evaporating away as quickly as the water boiled. It’s just sadness that’s left, an unbearable hurt that cuts so deep that he doesn’t even know what to do. He can’t do anything except keep walking numbly forward.
He doesn’t know what time it is when he makes it back to his car. His eyes sting, his throat is sore, and his chest feels like someone has reached a hand in and scooped his heart out. It aches all over. It’s a miracle he’s able to drive home.
“Fitz!” Hunter stands up as he comes in the door. “Where the hell have you been?”
Wasn’t it only days ago that Hunter said that exact thing only in a completely different voice, with a smile on his face? It seems like another life entirely.
“Around,” Fitz says. “What does it matter? Thought you’d be with Bobbi.”
For once Hunter doesn’t rise to it. “Jemma phoned, said you weren’t right when you left and she wanted to make sure you got home okay.”
He scoffs. “Yeah, I’m sure she did.”
“Mate, I’ve been worried sick! Bob’s out looking for you now; she made me wait at home in case you came back or the police called!” Hunter runs a hand through his hair; from the looks of it it appears it’s not the first time. “Jesus Christ, Fitz. Look at the state of you!”
Fitz looks down and for the first time registers what kind of state he’s in. His boots are caked with mud and grass, and the laces on one foot are undone. His trousers are ripped at the back on one side – he must have snagged them when he walked through the trees. His shirt is sodden – he hadn’t noticed when it had begun to rain. Fitz catches sight of himself in the side mirror and sees what Hunter sees: his tie is askew, his face is red, eyes are swollen and his hair sticks up, going in fifty different directions.
“I’m fine,” he says robotically.
“’Fine’ my arse. You’re not fine. Anyone can tell by looking at you you’re not fine.” Hunter exhales a shaky breath, and Fitz feels a nugget of shame for making him worry. “What’s gotten into you?”
“I really don’t want to talk about it.” He peels off his boots, leaving them by the door. One thing at a time to keep himself sane.
“Alright,” Hunter says, surprisingly not pushing anymore. “Another time, then. Just get in the shower, would you? You’ll be freezing, and also you smell.”
Now that it’s been mentioned, the cold hits him with full force. He starts shivering almost automatically and he lets Hunter shove him into the bathroom with a clean towel in his hands. It’s been a long time since Hunter has mothered him like this, and the regression makes bile rise into Fitz’s throat.
“Don’t worry about it,” Hunter tells him. “Whatever it is we can fix it, okay? We’ll figure out something.”
It’s not like that Fitz wants to protest. For the first time in his life he’s crying over a girl. He could laugh at the ridiculousness of it except it’s not ridiculous at all because it’s not just a girl he’s crying over. Betrayal is so much worse.
“Have a hot shower, have a sleep, and we’ll talk in the morning.” Hunter sighs. “I’ll call Bob, let her know you’re alright.” Then he closes the bathroom door behind him.
Fitz turns the water hot, following instructions. The small bathroom fills with steam quickly and fogs up the mirror. Good. He doesn’t want to see the mess he’s become.
He hears Hunter on the phone outside. Hello, it’s Hunter…. Yeah, we’ve got him. He’s gotten himself worked up… I don’t need-… right, yeah, I will do. Try not to worry, Jemma. He’ll be fine.
Jemma. So she was worried about him, was she? Like all those weeks he spent worrying over her… he feels used and dirty. He climbs into the shower with the intent of scrubbing his skin raw only for the hurt to get too much to bear and he cries until his stomach hurts instead.
“Are you going into work today, Fitz?”
Hunter waits at Fitz’s bedroom door, listening for any sign of life. There’s nothing. He sighs and knocks again.
“Fitz? Mate? You need to at least phone if you’re not going in, you know how this works.”
There’s a rustle of sheets and then a sad voice calls out, “Told them I had a stomach bug. Can’t go back for another 48 hours.” Then a mumble that Fitz thinks Hunter can’t hear. “Not that I want to.”
“Fitz,” Hunter sighs again, wearily resting his head against the doorframe for a moment. “It’s been three days already.”
There’s no reply to that.
It had taken almost 24 hours but eventually Hunter had managed to weasel the truth out of Fitz.  The whole truth in all of its brutal glory, right down to the parting blow that Fitz had delivered as he left. After they’d spoken, Fitz had retreated to his room and that where he’s remained, leaving sporadically for the basic human needs, ever since.
Hunter flops down on the couch, scratching his head in an effort to understand. He gets the betrayal, he understands the hurt, after all he and Bobbi’s first shot at marriage ended for a reason, but what he doesn’t understand is the seclusion. Fitz has never liked falling out with people, at least not as long as Hunter has known him, and to not return any of Jemma’s phone calls or text messages doesn’t make sense.
He’s hurt, Hunter gets that, but he can’t quit. Him and Jemma’s story can’t end like this.
Bobbi has had messages from Daisy and Mack and Elena, all hearing from Jemma that something’s happened but they don’t know what. Last night, when Bobbi had read out the latest one, she had turned to him and told him, “I don’t care what you do, but do something.” It was all Hunter needed. There’s a plan forming in the depths of his mind, half-finished and probably utterly insane but at least it’s something. If he leaves the two idiots to their devices then it’ll never get fixed and for the rest of their lives they’ll be doomed to roaming the earth in circles, alone and unsure of themselves. Probably.
Relationship drama is meant to be Hunter’s thing, and he’s in the middle of wracking his brains to try and think what Fitz would do for him in this situation when there’s a knock at the door. His head snaps up and he frowns. Nobody tends to visit them during the day, or nobody that would knock, and he knows who it is a split second before he answers the door.
“Jemma,” he greets. “What a surprise,” even though it’s not really a surprise at all.
Jemma looks shifty as she stands in the door, dressed for work but clearly not there. She looks like she hasn’t slept in days, with dark circles under her eyes poorly concealed and cheeks hollow.
“Hello, Hunter,” she says, perfectly politely, but her eyes dart to the hallway behind him. “Is, um, is Fitz here? I was hoping if I could speak with him.”
“He’s out at the minute,” Hunter lies, “but come on in.”
Jemma comes in alone as Hunter shuts the door behind him. He ushers her into the living room and closes that door, too. Fitz is probably already back to sleep but he still takes the precautions. His plan has been expedited and he’s not fully prepared but it doesn’t matter. Anything for his best friend.
“Where’s your new protection officer?”
“Mm?” Jemma looks around as if she too is wondering why she’s here alone. “Oh, Officer Davis? He’s still in the car. I can’t be very long, I’ve got to get to work, but I was just wanted to tell Fitz something but if he’s not here then it doesn’t matter, I suppose.”
“It’s alright, love. I know.”
“You do?” Then Jemma smiles tiredly. “Of course you do.”
“Took me a while to get it out of him if that’s any consolation,” Hunter offers.
“A little.” Then a shadow crosses her face. “So, now that you know...”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” he says, trying to smile and put her at ease. “This is between you and Fitz.”
“But you could go to-”
Hunter holds up a hand. “I could, except I won’t. I’ve got too much dirt on the place for them to ever want to send me to jail.”
“Must be nice to have that kind of security,” Jemma muses.
“Eh.” He shrugs. “A pain in the arse, sometimes. Knowing all these things that you can’t share with anyone.”
Jemma tries to laugh, but it comes out more as a bark. “Tell me about it.”
Hunter doesn’t dislike Jemma, not the way Fitz wants him to. He kind of admires her, for the guts it takes to do something so risky yet selfless. Fitz will see it later when the wound stops smarting. Of that, he is sure.
“I get why you did it,” Hunter says at last.
Jemma tilts her head to the side. Something that’s almost relief sweeps across her face. “You do?”
“Yeah. It maybe wasn’t the smartest of choices but I get it. I don’t blame you for it.”
“Thank goodness someone doesn’t,” she says, her eyes drifting to the door.
Hunter could go and wake Fitz up right now, march him in here and demand the two of them talk it out. He’s always liked the straightforward approach. But people, as Bobbi reminds him, as he himself knows, are rarely straightforward and in this case it just won’t work. They need to do this on their own.
“He doesn’t hate you,” he says gently. “I don’t think he ever could. He’s just hurt, and he’s a baby when he’s hurting. He’ll come round eventually, don’t you worry.”
There are tears in her eyes. “No, he was right. I should have thought it through more I just…”
“You got scared,” Hunter finishes. “We all do stupid stuff when we’re scared. And you had good reason to be.”
“I never expected for it to get this far,” she says. “I truly didn’t think it would. I wasn’t trying to rule the world, I didn’t think I could whatever I wanted. It was,” she breaks off, taking a deep breath. “At the time, it was the only option I could see.”
A daughter of a lord or the son of a plumber, but only human when it comes to making mistakes. There’s really no difference, Hunter thinks, none at all.
“I just want to tell him I’m sorry,” Jemma says, swiping away the tear clinging to her eyelashes with her thumb. “And that I didn’t want to hurt him. I just thought he should know the truth.” But she takes a deep breath and Hunter watches as she draws herself up to her full height and becomes what she knows how to be. “But maybe this is for the best, him not being here. I think… I think I would only hurt him more.”
“Fitz’s job is to protect you,” Hunter says quietly. “But it’s my job to protect him. If I thought you’d hurt him then I wouldn’t have let you in. You fit together; you need each other. You need to make everyone else nauseous about how perfect the two of you are for each other. It’ll work out, love. Just you wait and see.”
“I would love to have your confidence,” she admits. She shakes her head. “I really must be going but, well, thank you, Hunter. For everything.”
He walks with her to the door and gives her a grin that Fitz associates with troublemaking. “Anytime.”
Once he’s made sure that she’s alright and gotten downstairs okay, he comes back up and flops down on the couch, grinning stupidly and feeling awfully proud of himself.
The phone rings once, then twice, then three times.
Fitz almost hangs up. It hadn’t been his own choice to make this call; Hunter had rather pressured him into it. You need to be the bigger man here, Fitz. You need to be an adult, at the very least, and other variations are all that Fitz has been hearing for the last week. He doesn’t want to be an adult in this moment; it’s mentally exhausting. A child seems like the better option.
Though he knows his friend is right, because otherwise he wouldn’t be doing what he says. And also because, well, he misses Jemma. He misses talking to her, laughing with her, working in the same office as her. The possibility of a relationship he mourns, of course he does, but it’s the loss of friendship that has cut him deeper than anything else.
Her voice, the one he hasn’t heard in what seems like so long, jars him for a moment, rendering him still. The last time he heard it she was begging him not to go… he has to close his eyes.
“Jemma? It’s me, Fitz.”
“Fitz,” she breathes, a seemingly automatic response. His heart clenches at the way she says his name. “Hi.”
“Hi.” Big breath in. Slow breath out. “Hunter, um, wanted me to call you.”
“Did he now?”
“Well no. Well, yeah, actually but not just him. I wanted to call you as well. I wanted…” He takes another deep breath. “I wanted to say I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” she says, and he can imagine her face as she does so. “Nothing.”
“I do, actually. The things I said, I shouldn’t have said them. About you being, well, you know…”
The memory comes back to him as he imagines it does to her because they both fall silent at the same moment. There had been so much anger that night that he hadn’t known what to do with it. There’s still a little, he would be lying if he said otherwise, but it’s no longer a mist, doesn’t obscure his vision. Now he’s able to see what it looks like from the other side.
“I get it,” she says quietly. “You had your reasons. I admit it must have seemed that was but I promise you it wasn’t.”
“It hurt.” It still does. “It felt like I was being used. If you could lie to me about that, then what else did you lie to me about?”
His insecurities, when voice aloud, sound pathetic but it has to be said. It’s the only way they’ll move past it and, moving on, is something he really wants to try.
“I didn’t think it would get this far,” Jemma tells him. “I didn’t think you and I would ever be what we ar-were. You were never meant to be permanent but then you became my friend and then you became more and I just- I didn’t know what to do. Telling you seemed like the right thing.”
Now he can appreciate her position. After all, fear does funny things to people. Why else would he be in this job when he could have tried engineering again long ago?
“It was.” He pinches the bridge of his nose. “It was the right thing.”
“I’m sorry, Fitz.”
“For what you did or what happened between us?”
It’s out before he can stop himself but he doesn’t regret it. He has to know.
“I’m sorry for how I made you feel, and I’m sorry for what happened last week, I really am.”
“But,” she says, “I’m not sorry for what I did. I know wasn’t well-planned, and I know there may have been other ways but I can’t say that I wouldn’t do it again, Fitz. Even with everything that’s happened. I’m sorry.”
Oddly he’s not. “No, it’s okay. Honesty, I like it.”
“Thank you.” Her laugh is a little forced. “I’ve been trying.”
They’re at the edge of something, he can tell. Both of them are waiting to see where it will go. Perhaps they could try again. He’d like that.
“I do wish I hadn’t dragged you into the mess with me, though. I regret that.”
“I’ll figure out something,” Fitz laughs tiredly. “Hunter probably has some tips or something like that.”
“I spoke to him, did he tell you?”
“Yeah, he said he saw you. Didn’t tell me much more than that.”
There’s a pause.
“You can turn me in if you’d like,” she says quietly. “If that’s what you want to do. I wouldn’t blame you.”
He could do it. He could tell his boss and he could tell her boss who the leak came from. The thought has crossed his mind. Except he could never actually do it, he knows that about himself. He could never condemn her like that.
“I can’t do that, Jemma. I just can’t.”
He imagines her tearful look on the other end of the line and coughs quickly to change the subject. “I’ve got to go now but it was nice to speak to you again.”
“It was lovely to hear from you, Fitz. I’ve missed you.”
His heart swells. “I’ve missed you, too.”
“And I’ll see you on Monday.”
He can feel her frown. “Monday? What’s happening on Mon – oh. Are you…?”
“Yeah, I’m coming back.”
Her smile is almost audible. “Well I shall see you then. Goodbye, Fitz.”
“Goodbye, Jemma.”
It’s small but it’s a step, and, as long as they’re going in the right direction, it’s enough.
When they meet on Monday morning Fitz nods and hands her a cup of tea.
Jemma says thank you and hands him a pastry.
They both smile at each other, tentatively but real, before sitting down behind their desks, both ready and willing to try again.
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vore-yeol · 6 years
Chanyeol’s Escape-Pt. 1 (Destruction/Gt)
Warning: This story contains giant and tiny interactions and themes of destruction. If you do not like this content and do not want to see it on your dash feel free to blacklist some of the tags. 
I turned to glare at the men dressed all up in their white lab suits. Their blacked out goggles sat heavy upon their faces and made them seem almost inhuman. The one who just said the unfavorable thing stood before me holding onto a strange black remote that held multiple buttons. His name was Carver. Or at least that was his last name, but it was the only thing I preferred to call him by.
“We are not going to shock him,” my arms crossed upon my chest. My eyes narrowed. I knew this whole situation was scary to them but they had no reason to be this cruel.
“You don’t know what he is capable of—” I cut him off quickly holding my hand up.
“I do know what he is capable of and that is why we are doing this test so he can get used to being around small structures. He isn’t some destructive monster and there is no way in hell I am allowing you to harm him because you are scared he’s going to hurt me.” I lean in close making sure he can see my eyes very clearly through his blacked out goggles, “He won’t hurt me. He trusts me.”
Carver nods and hesitantly sets the remote control down. I watch it with careful eyes and know he has already put the collar on Chanyeol. I can‘t remove it myself and will just have to trust these idiots and hope they won’t shock him the second they get a little scared.
“He is our friend, if you hurt him you make him an enemy,” I made the statement very clear. Carver nodded once. I looked around the room at the rest of the lab nerds and made sure they all nodded in understanding before I went down to the massive chamber that sat to my left. They all nodded at some point, albeit with a sort of resistance. I couldn’t fully trust them, but feared taking the controller myself. I didn‘t want Chanyeol thinking ill of me, so I paused a second before turning to leave.
I caught a brief glimpse of the giant test room that could be easily viewed from their high placed platform and safe room. They could watch everything that happened between me and Chanyeol and also create the fake cityscape for his training.
I felt that same familiar tingle of nerves as I made my way down the multiple flights of stairs. I had been the one around Chanyeol the most and his discovery was still a complete mystery. Everything in this place had been as it usually was, boring. Then one day a giant, handsome man had suddenly appeared. Chaos broke loose and also intrigue and I was one of the lucky scientists on the case. Thankfully, the giant liked me and I got to name him, Chanyeol. He warmed up to it easily and now responded to it-however; I was one of the few scientists he seemed to like-the others weren’t so lucky.
That was why this session and process was needed and important. If we wanted to let him go one day so he could be free he would need to get used to being around cities and buildings that are smaller than him. He would need to learn how to walk through streets without harming those who were much smaller than him. So he could live happily and know that people weren’t out to harm him. In fact, the public interest in him seemed to mostly be positive.
I was shocked myself upon finding fan pages made for him. He had become the new smoky the bear. A unique mascot of some sort that had captured the public’s heart, so for the most part he’d be welcome. The main issue was keeping him fed and keeping others safe with his size.
I was pulled from my thoughts the second I made it to the bottom floor. I needed to focus on the situation at hand now; I was definitely in a position where harm could be doled out. But I trusted Chanyeol. I just needed to remember his limits.
With that I pushed out of the small square room and into the impossibly large one. It was a typical experiment room meant for simulations except it was about a hundred times larger. It needed to be big enough that Chanyeol could stand up to his full height and walk around freely, I couldn’t possibly fathom the actual measurements of the space. It was also startingly white, a sterile almost luminescent white. Weird squares were built into the walls and floors, meant to disperse the tremors his footsteps would cause-I would be subjected to his footsteps but nobody else would. We couldn‘t risk a chemical spilling as the result of him moving, so we took all the precautions we could for everyone but me.
I was still trying to process the immensity of the space when a crackle of static burst in my ear and my fingers raised to press gently against my ear piece.
“Eunhye? Can you hear me?” Carver’s voice carried into my ear, too close.
“Yes,” I spoke out feeling stupid as I spoke to nothing.
“Ok good. We’re going to let him come out but you have to explain to him what we’re doing,” I parted my lips to ask why it wasn‘t explained to him to begin with when Carver answered it. “He wouldn’t stay still or listen to us so we couldn’t tell him what was going to happen.”
I scowled and rolled my eyes. As much as I adored Chanyeol it was beginning to feel as though everything involving him was falling to me. As far as I was concerned this was still a team effort even if I was the only one he seemed to like or enjoy or trust.
I inhaled deeply as he spoke a simple question, “Ready?”
I closed my eyes, forced my body to relax and nodded as I let my eyes fall open, “Ready.”
The response was immediate. I felt the rumble as the giant sliding automatic doors at the end of the room began to pull apart. At first all I saw was pitch black darkness, then I saw the definite curves of feet and the wiggle of toes that were thicker than half of my height. The second the doors had pulled apart I heard the squeak and then the full weight of his steps. He took one wide step that crossed more than a mile of space, the second his bare feet hit the ground I had to struggle to keep my balance. It felt like the beginnings of a level 6 on the Richter scale.
“Eunhye!” His deep voice bellowed out excitedly, and I flinched. I tilted my head all the way back to look up at him and pointed at my ears.
“Chanyeol,” his wide chocolatey eyes focused on me. “Remember I don’t have ears like yours, I can’t adjust the sensitivity and when you talk at your regular volume it hurts.”  
My ears still rung from the sound alone, my miniscule eardrums pulsing painfully. His already wide eyes widened further and his cheeks tinged with a subtle hint of pink. I couldn’t help but to find the action adorable, despite how massive he was some of his actions made him seem so small.
“Sorry,” his voice got smaller and softer right away. I found myself smiling, he was truly magnificent. He had special eardrums that made it so he could adjust their sensitivity like a built in hearing aid. He could adjust his voice too but sometimes had trouble remembering that we weren‘t the same size or the same species.
His large hands reached up scratching at his large ears that stuck out. I felt my smile broaden remembering how all the fan pages for him seemed to be absolutely in love with the interesting feature. Then the happiness that was blossoming softly in my chest went cold at the sight of the collar around his neck.
“Carver, I thought I told you I want that collar off of him,” Nothing came back in response. My lips twisted into a scowl. I hated these men. “I swear if you harm him your damned.”
I let the curse stay in the air before looking backup at Chanyeol who now had become completely distracted by the vastness of the space he now occupied. It was the most space he had been given since being taken here and something about that thought made me feel sick.
“Chanyeol?” His gaze snapped back to me like a puppy responding to its owner, a very large puppy. “We‘re going to prepare you to live outside, free.” His lips pulled back into a large and dazzling smile. “We just need you to get used to walking around smaller structures so that‘s what we’re doing today-ok?”
I watched as he slowly nodded his head in response and looked around, moving as he did so sending another alarming set of tremors to shake my posture. His shadow swept over everything and seemed almost too big for the room despite its massive dimensions. I looked up at the glass window that gave Carver and his men a view into the room.
“Ok set it up,” Chanyeol stumbled back, and I had to move quickly out of his path as a small city was quickly resurrected right before our very eyes.
“Chanyeol, you need to remember I‘m down here.” My heart stuck itself in my throat at the thought of nearly being crushed underfoot. He quickly looked down at me, eyes widening once more.
“Sorry Eunnie,” His words soothed the fear slightly—he had grown to calling me Eunnie as a term of endearment. I was the only one on staff who had a nickname given to me by him, I saw it as an accomplishment. Others thought it was worrying though as though he were claiming ownership over me. I didn’t see it like that at all.
“It’s ok, we’re here today to work on that so you don’t accidentally hurt someone,” he nods in response to that smiling softly again. He was so precious sometimes, it was hard to understand the distaste the other scientists seemed to have for him.
I watched in partial awe as the final bits of the city set itself up. It was almost an exact replica of Seoul with some liberties taken here and there and I stared at the size difference between him and everything. He was still small enough that some buildings were taller than him, but a lot of them were around his height or smaller. The streets were littered with parked cars and everything seemed so real, except for the lack of noise. There were no people in this makeshift city. Nobody would be harmed, except for maybe a view buildings.
I looked right up at Chanyeol once more and began to instruct him how to move through the streets. I realized how hard and confusing it must be given his sheer size and weight. I tried showing him a special way to walk that minimized the tremors. We practiced that a bit, the first attempt wound up with him falling and crushing a bunch of buildings under his weight. The resulting earthquake knocking me fall on my ass. The sound of buildings being crushed and utterly demolished was something I had never experienced firsthand and it was an all-encompassing sound that struck terror inside of me. But the feeling was quickly demolished the second I realized crushing the buildings had very real consequences for Chanyeol.
Once he had profusely apologized for breaking the buildings, I noticed the fresh speaks of blood that sprang to the surface of his skin.
“Carver, I need first aid down here,” once again there was a pause where nothing was said. Chanyeol just sat amongst his destruction as I stood next to his massive foot and eyed the arm he was nursing. Chanyeol looked at me for a second after I had said Carver’s name. The look was subtle and held only for a second before he went back to staring at the fresh buds of red that speckled his arm. I stepped forward resting my hand on his foot, feeling the warm thrum of blood pumping through large veins under my fingers. Chanyeol’s gaze fell upon me once more.
“Does it hurt?” I ask.
He nods slowly, then leans down setting his arm down in front of me at an awkward angle. I can see the jagged and little cuts bubbling with blood. I felt myself cringe.
“We’ll get it taken care of—”I turned to point at the door but before I can finish my sentence his fingers brush against my side and I hear a soft click. The subtle strength he used without harming me leaves me breathless, I whip around to stare up at him. My own eyes catching the large digits that could easily crush cars and yet he somehow turned my ear piece off without so much as bruising me.
“Please don‘t let them in,” his voice is beyond soft I can barely hear it. I stare at him waiting for him to continue but he doesn’t.
“Chanyeol, I know they scare you but they are just coming to help,” I try to softly reassure him but his head shakes abruptly.
“No please, don‘t let them touch me,” he bites his bottom lip and looks up warily as they descend. Their figures clear from here. I quickly raise my hand already feeling his body tense above me. They see the action and stop behind the door. I turn and look up at him again, his body is wracked by a sudden and shaky exhale. His already large eyes widen slightly, and the fear is obvious in his hunched posture. He cradles his arm to his chest in an attempt to keep it from their prying eyes, my stomach twists.
They terrify him. I knew he didn’t like them; I knew that—It never crossed my mind that it may stem from fear. I pressed a gentle palm to the warm flesh of his foot then turned and marched to the door to get the supplies. I would take care of his wounds myself.
I took the supplies without much conversation and rushed back into the room. I made my way to him and didn’t bother turning my earpiece back on; I didn’t want them hearing us talk. Upon making it back to him I saw the way tension was strung out in each part of his body. His muscles stuck out, large and imposing. His fingers were curled into fists and his eyes were squeezed shut. I watched the way his adam’s apple bobbed before he let his gaze fall upon me once more. He moved to set his arm before me but I shook my head.
“I’ll come to you, just sit up like normal,” he was ready to protest my instructions, but I silenced him with a simple cutting look. I knew why he didn’t want me to climb his body to fix him. I knew it was because of a fear that he might hurt me. A fear they might‘ve instilled in him. I felt ill.
“You aren’t going to hurt me, you aren‘t a monster,” I make sure he’s looking right at me as I say these words, “Understand?”
His lips stay open for a moment, shifting awkwardly as though he wants to protest till he seals them and then slowly nods his head. I hold the kit out to him and he takes it delicately between the fingers on his fairly intact arm—since it didn‘t take the brunt of his fall. I walk around the front of his bare feet and carefully begin to set my feet upon his own when he drops his injured arm down and changes his seated position. My eyes widen and I stumble back, the ground giving a steady vibration as he shifts his giant limbs letting him move about so that he now sits before with his legs crossed and his injured arm leaned against the front of his calves so that I have easier access to the injuries.
I look up at him, this time my mouth is the one that won’t shut. I didn’t expect the sudden movement from him. I didn‘t expect to be so close as he adjusted himself. It was almost surreal, every time I got to be around him was surreal. I had to remind myself each time that it wasn‘t a dream. This was real, and he was real and my stomach came alive with butterflies. The magnitude of his motions was probably scary to most but to me it was intriguing. I felt heat flood my face, and I dropped my gaze back to his bleeding arm.
He rested his other hand next to me, the flat and slightly rough planes of his palm holding the kit. I leaned against the warm flesh of his hand and pulled it towards me. I quickly riffled through everything in the box grabbing the special bandages we had created in case Chanyeol injured himself and then turned and got to work on taking care of the little cuts. My tiny fingers pressed into warm skin, I could hear the subtle thrum of his pulse as I worked.
Something about it was oddly soothing. His shadow washed over me, and I felt strangely safe and protected. I laid bandages moving closer to his calves as I went and then at some point looked right up at him. I felt his gaze on me as I worked and only now did he have to actually meet my gaze. He jumped a bit, his own cheeks flushing with a bright pink that stood out against his tanned skin. I found myself smiling softly till I remembered why I was looking up at him in the first place. I was out of view of the scientists above and they could not hear me through the earpiece.
The question was a whisper, “Why are you scared of them?”
He blinks, then does it again. His lips disappearing as he thinks hard about what he’ll say next, then in an instant his dark chocolatey eyes are set on me and his mouth is open. His hot breath fans out across me, warming me to the core.
“They,” he stops bitting his lip ,”They hurt me.” He looks away, doing everything he can to not meet my stare. My eyes flutter around his body and I frown at the lack of physical proof, of course there would be none. He was so large and they were so small, any abuse they administered onto him wouldn‘t leave a mark. But I believed him.
It made no sense for a man of his size to be so terrified of people he could easily crush. My fingers reached out and pressed gently into muscle that lines his calf and he almost seemed to flinch at the contact despite how I had been touching him this whole time. He had no reason to fear me.
“What did they do?”
He closed his eyes, brows furrowing, and he didn’t open them once while he spoke as though scared he may see too much from me as he spoke the words out.
“They would press needles into wrong parts and do it repeatedly,” my stomach hollowed out. “They turned the lights off and left me, alone for hours on end while you were gone.” They isolated him further than he already was, I felt ill with the thought. “They,” his voice broke off with this one as he held back something. I ran my hand along the length of his calf in an attempt to soothe him, comfort him but knew it was pathetic.
Big inhale, “They shocked me repeatedly when I was trying to eat once and they wouldn’t stop.”
My own eyes fill with unshed tears, then it’s met with an unbridled anger. How fucking dare they? He had done nothing to them despite his size and they treated him like a plaything. My eyes dried up, and I began to see red, my arms crossed at my chest.  
“Chan—”I break off feeling the way my voice shakes and trembles. His large eyes that could hold a universe in them land upon me and I can see the hurt. The way it swirls into the blackest part makes my stomach flip and drop. My hands clench tightly. “Chanyeol that isn’t ok for them to do, It’s not right!” I am prepared to say more when the door to the room springs open and both Chanyeol and I are pulled abruptly from our conversation.
One of the men in lab coats whose name I can‘t recall is peeking in, his face drained of color having both our attentions centered on him. He swallows hard, his wavering wide gaze focused on Chanyeol as though he‘s terrified…and he should be—Chanyeol could kill him. I wish he would. I swallow the hot coal of anger that sits fresh on my tongue.
“Is there something you need?” The mans gaze snaps to me quickly though he fidgets. Nervous at not being able to watch Chanyeol while he addresses me.
“Uh yes,” his adam’s apple bobs, “Uh Carver said he can’t hear what’s going on—he was wondering if your earpiece broke.”
Instead of answering the fumbling idiot my fingers reach up and press into the piece. Static bursts again and then Carver’s grating voice fills my head, ”Eunhye! What the heck happened down there?? One second you were heard by me then you went silent and that big bru-Chanyeol is blocking you from my view!”
I had to bite back an eye roll as I gave a thumbs up to the guy standing in the doorway who promptly disappears. “Sorry Carver,” It took all my willpower to apologize to this sicko, ”I accidentally turned my earpiece off everything is fine though, just finished taking care of Chanyeol’s cuts.”
“Ok well that’s good,” a pause, ”The simulation is up again so have him try a couple more times.”
I look up at Chanyeol and nod slowly at him and step back. He drops the kit down on the ground and begins the rumbling process of getting back to his full and towering height. His limbs seem to stretch in for miles as he reaches his full height, everything around me darkens under his shadow and he turns to face the newly redone cityscape. I clench my fists imagining him restrained and at their mercy. It’s not right by any means, they were lucky he was so tame. Lucky he didn’t stand up for himself.
“Ok,” Chanyeol turns his head to stare down at me. His dark tendrils of hair shifting at the action, “remember to walk through with little pressure on your heels and twist to get through tight spaces.”
He nods and begins; I watch him struggle clumsily with keeping his balance. This time he doesn’t fall over and hurt himself but he keeps brushing into buildings and damaging them. Having to start all over again, I watch absentmindedly. Feeling the anger from earlier settle in the pit of my stomach. It makes me nauseous knowing what they did to him while he couldn‘t fight back or defend himself. He’d quickly be called a monster, labeled cruel and deemed unsafe for the public if he so much as retaliated.
I watched him fumble again with the small spaces and clearings, then again, and again. I could see the tension building in his muscles that could easily crush buildings and destroy cars. I watched the way his jaw worked itself tighter, and tighter till the line of it stood out stark against his neck. His large fingers curled inwards held in an unbreakable fist. His lips sealed shut, face getting a tinge darker with each failed attempt. His temper was reaching its end and so was mine.
They were lucky, so lucky he wasn’t given the freedom to stand up for himself. I felt my stomach twist and pull as I realized I was part of the reason he didn’t have that freedom. I watched him take another step and knock over and entire building, the next incident happened in a flash. The crash of steel and brick slamming into concrete and destroying other buildings was drowned out entirely as Chanyeol’s deep voice filled the space. I flinched at the shout, the air around me vibrated violently as though his voice was a physical being just like him.
I watched in horror as the angry roar was stifled, curdled, and cut off when his body began to violently spasm. His hands shot up grasping at the collar around his neck and something inside of me snapped, it broke. All the fury he had unleashed in that shout, the sight of him being unfairly electrocuted.
“What the hell Carver!?!” My voice was high and tinny, strained by the read that was quickly filling my vision. Chanyeol went stiff, the electric pulses gone from his body and his eyes hollow and blank as he stared out at nothing in particular.
“He shouted, he could have hurt you!”
I scoffed, “Yes. Totally. That explains why I‘m totally fine and nowhere near him.”
In the next second, I cut him off ripping the earpiece out and throwing it to the ground. My gaze lifted, and I stared at Chanyeol with my lungs shrinking and my body trembling.
“Chanyeol come here,” he didn‘t need more from me. The second my voice snapped him out of his stupor, he approached with little hesitation. I watched with satisfaction as his massive foot came down upon that damned earpiece and turned it into dust with nothing but a simple, crunch. He looked at me, tilted his head curiously and I watched.
“You don‘t deserve to be treated like that,” I began then the words poured out of me like molten lava. “I know we said not to harm humans. That it’s not ok. But there are exceptions and that is when they hurt you or toy with you.”
His eyes change in that moment, he looks confused, troubled. Shaking his head, he leans down and kneels so he hovers above me. His presence now seeming larger than it did moments ago, I don‘t break eye contact.
“But…Eunnie. I—” he struggles with the words for a second. Moving his lips as thought tossing some words around and testing them out in his head. “I can’t. I want to live with humans…I don’t want them…viewing me as a monster.”
He stumbles through the sentences and I feel empowered knowing I have a response. “No, Chanyeol. If you stand up for yourself you aren‘t a monster. Most humans do it and you have fans too!”
His head cocks to the side, “Fans?”
I feel my face heat forgetting that he doesn’t fully know certain words, “It’s like you are well known and well loved by the public. They aren‘t scared of you a-and you standing up for yourself will be supported by them. These men are the monsters, not you.”
His eyes close, I can see the way his pupils bounce around behind his bunched up lids as he processes my words. I‘m telling him it’s ok to get violent, to defend himself against people who are much smaller than him.
“Chanyeol, you don’t have to hurt them but you can at least escape,”  I say the words hoping they are more encouraging than the words of pure anger I spoke earlier. His eyes open to meet my gaze when the door to the chamber is forced open again. I turn to see Carver marching towards me, his own face growing red.
“Eunhye! You just destroyed incredibly expensive technology and have crossed the fucking line with the test subject!” My eyes widen at the way he addresses me as though I‘m his underling when I‘m not. My eyes narrow now, feeling a hot lash curling around my gut at the way he talks to me and looks at me. As though I‘m the dense one. And to dare call Chanyeol a test subject as well, just proving he doesn‘t see him as a living being but an experiment and nothing more.
“His name is Chanyeol,” the words are steady and cutting. I‘m almost startled by how sure they sound. He reels back at the look I give him and then his own face twists into something born of rage and fury as well, it's hideous.
“He is a fucking test subject!” He takes a step closer, too close according to Chanyeol.  One second I‘m staring at Carver’s livid and blistering face and the next I‘m nearly rocked off my feet as a giant foot slams down between us. Carver’s own eyes widen and he stumbles back, struggling to keep himself upright. I struggle the same way except for I know I won‘t be harmed. His lightly aged features get enshrouded in heavy-set wrinkles as his eyes drift all the way up the length of Chanyeol’s towering form. I follow his gaze as well and see it too.
Chanyeol’s soft demeanor is gone. His usually unmarred cheeks are sallow and flushed a deep red. His eyes are blown wide, blood vessels beginning to pop out with the intensity of his burning stare. His jaw is set tightly, the way it was moments ago when he lost control of his temper. If I didn‘t trust him so much I’d be beyond scared. My gaze drops and I see the second it clicks for Carver. He’s fucked. The color drains from his face and he charges back towards the door his hand outstretched. It only takes a moment for his fingers to slam into the red button meant for alerting everyone within the building to evacuate.
The blare of the siren is deafening, close to the roar Chanyeol unleashed moments ago and slightly louder than the way the buildings crumbled under his might. I plan to charge after Carver, give him a piece of my mind but feel a force hold me back. I quickly whip around to see Chanyeol’s fingers hovering behind my head, the loose fit of my shirt suddenly tight as he raises me up. My stomach drops out from below me, my feet are no longer touching ground and I feel weightless and sick at the sudden height shift. The red lights that flash against the weight is disorienting.
I try to tell Chanyeol to set me on his hand, to hold me instead of grasping at my clothes. But my words get swallowed whole by all the noise. I can’t be sure of he heard me or not. I close my eyes tight, feeling my brain skitter around behind my eye sockets. I know I‘m going to puke any moment now, then I feel the soft pad of his hand beneath me. Stability at last. My eyes still kept shut. I hear the steady pounding of his heart and an incredible warmth engulfs me.
I know he’s holding me close now; I part my eyes for a moment, letting a sliver of what is happening come into vision and all I‘m greeted by is the sight of wrinkles and crevices that line his palm. His whole body moves around me, the fabric of his lab clothes press into me.
Then I hear it, the first sound of strain. The sound of plastered walled crumbling under a too large fist. I hear screams of terror rip through the headache inducing blare of the siren. Chanyeol’s breaking out. I can feel adrenaline buzzing beneath my skin at the sounds, the sounds of him being feared and destroying his prison. The screech of metal bending beneath his large hands and heavyweight alights something feral inside of me. I feel the corners of my lips twist upwards ever so slightly—he’s going to be happy.
The chaos seems to go on for hours but odds are it was minutes. Chanyeol was large, breaking out of a pathetic human building couldn’t have been as hard as I imagined it to be and yet my mind stretched it out. I played it on repeat in my head, over and over again. The thought of those who had taunted him when he was defenseless, having them piss themselves the second he tore through their pathetic walls. It stimulated a darker part of my mind, but when we were far away from the wrecked facility and he could look at me openly and I could do the same—those butterflies returned to my once nauseous stomach.
I parted my lips to say something but his warm gaze turned into something cute as he smiled. It lit up every feature of his face and I was left breathless. I had never seen him smile, not like this. He always smiled with a weird tension held in his soft cheeks but now there was none of that—he was free. Before I could say anything though he pulled me on close and the soft plush of his pink lips pressed against my body.
Blood rushed through my body so fast that I left faint tingles in its path as it rested heavily in my cheeks. My heart stuttered in my chest and I couldn’t control the way my own lips curled into a too-wide smile.
He had kissed me and I didn’t have the heart to tell him that it wasn’t an Earth custom to kiss someone so suddenly. So I let him do it. Again and again and again. He was free. Who gave a damn whether he followed Earthen customs or not, he was fucking free.
Nervous about how well this came out so would love some feedback. I know this was probably meant to be cuter than it came out as but I had trouble thinking of ways to incorporate clumsiness and settled with it being part of a simulation. 
I plan on adding a second part to this that will include vore since I miss it a bunch in my writing at the moment!
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nom-the-skel · 7 years
[vore] Razz Noms, chapter 8
Nobody gets nommed in this chapter owo
Warnings: This story has a lot of ruthless fatal vore, just not in this chapter :3
[chapter 1][chapter 7][read on AO3][chapter 9]
Papyrus woke up in a hospital bed. He looked vaguely around the room, trying to place it. What had happened? The last thing he remembered was— “Sans?” he called, stiffening. He shouldn’t be here. Who had brought him here? Had Sans changed his mind at the last second, and been unable to revive him without help? “Oh, y-you’re awake.” Undyne appeared from his blind spot, and as he took in more of the room he noticed a bunny guard by the door. “How do you feel?” She poised to write on a notepad. “Where’s Sans?” “D-don’t worry, you’re safe now.” Undyne fumbled with the pencil and didn’t meet his eyes. “No, I—where’s Sans?” Papyrus demanded. “He was a-a-arrested.” Undyne dropped the pencil and then hit her head on the edge of the bed when she bent down to pick it up. Papyrus tried to jump out of the bed, but he was prevented both by the straps he suddenly noticed holding him down and his own dizziness. He settled for glaring at Undyne and making her squeak when she finally retrieved the pencil. “What happened?” He kept his voice low and even. “Um, I don’t—I don’t know all the details, but—I’m sorry if this sounds ridiculous. Apparently he ate you?” “I know that. What happened after? How did I get here?” “You kn-kn— Well, Alphys went to talk to him about some—some reports she got from—one of those other universes. One where I’m captain of the guard, and also, like, super sexy?” She laughed, blushing. Papyrus groaned, wishing she’d get to the important part. “S-sorry. So she got there and saw—what he’d—that he’d—eaten you, so she arrested him and brought you here.” “Arrested? So he’s okay, though?” Arrested meant not dead. It wasn’t ideal but it wasn’t the worst. Alphys was tough but she wouldn’t let Sans bleed out and dust in a jail cell, either. Papyrus tried to shake off the doubt he felt. Even if Alphys was horrified by what Sans had done, she had more integrity than that—right? And they were old friends— “He sh-should be fine. He should b-b-be safe in custody, even though he must have lost some HP.” That made sense. It wasn’t like Sans to go willingly, so they must have fought. Even Sans couldn’t take on the whole Royal Guard by himself at short notice. “Since she did cut his stomach open to get you out,” Undyne continued. “What?!” Papyrus strained at the bonds keeping him pinned to the bed. “How dare—Where is he? Where is she?” “Oh! Oh no. C-calm down, he’s okay, he’s stable.” Undyne took a step back, trying to placate him. “And r-r-really, you’re lucky she did. If she hadn’t c-caught him off-guard like that, she’d have had to fight him before she could get you out, and by that time it might’ve…” Her assurance that Sans was stable did calm him a little—combined with the complete futility of fighting the straps. He let his skull fall against the hard little pillow, but kept glaring daggers at Undyne. To think that Alphys would ambush Sans and stab him in the stomach—he’d never forgive her. And why would Sans be off guard in the first place? He was probably distraught over everything Papyrus had done—and obligated him to do. He felt wetness drip from his eye socket. “Y-you, um, have a visitor, if you’re feeling up to it,” Undyne said, smiling nervously. “If it’s not Sans, I don’t care.” “I-i-it is! Kind of.” “What?” Papyrus was in no mood for riddles. “It’s a Sans from an alternate universe. He said to call him L-l-lust?” “Never heard of him.” “He said you s-saved his life.” “Oh. Him,” Papyrus spat. “Let me off this bed and then I’ll see him.” He reached for his magic to see if he could summon any attacks, but something was blocking it, whether it was a precaution Undyne or the hospital staff had taken, or just his own weakness after nearly being digested. “I d-don’t think that’s a good idea.” Probably not. Papyrus was kicking himself for not just killing Lust like his brother had told him to. Everything would have been okay if he’d just done as he was told. Like always. But it would be even more meaningless if he ruined everything by not killing Lust, and then killed him anyway. “I’ll tell them to g-go away.” Undyne moved for the door, but it opened before she reached it. “Papyrus!” Alphys strolled in. “You’re awake! I didn’t think you had it in ya. You almost died a hero, you know!” Papyrus felt like the furthest thing from a hero. All his anger at Alphys was crushed under his guilt at having created the situation that set her and Sans against each other. Lust peeked out from behind Alphys. “H-hey.” He was wearing different clothes—Papyrus had dumped his previous outfit in the abyss. The new one was equally revealing. Papyrus turned his skull away, the most he could do with the restraints. “Sorry about strapping you down, Paps,” said Alphys. “We do gotta formally interview you about what happened, at least.” “Didn’t he tell you?” Papyrus twitched in the general direction of Lust, which wasn’t very effective, but seemed to get his point across. “He made it pretty clear you were under duress.” Alphys had turned serious. Papyrus clammed up. He didn’t want to say anything that could get Sans in worse trouble. There was one beam of hope shining into the darkness that was this whole situation: Since he wasn’t dead, he could still take the fall for Sans. He just had to get his story straight first. His mind raced. Ideally he and Sans would tell the guard the same thing, but it was unlikely they’d allow them to coordinate. Maybe he could work around that. Alphys, Lust, and an unreasonably sexy dog guard of some kind crowded into the room. Papyrus stared at the opposite wall. Could he just insist he was guilty, or did he somehow have to convince them he was guilty but trying to look innocent? Maybe he could get Lust on his side if he could talk to him alone—he owed Papyrus his life, after all, and his testimony was critical. “So how did he do it?” Alphys said, as if she were just making conversation. “Do what?” Papyrus asked blankly. “You know. Shrink a skeleton down to…bite size…” Alphys trailed off awkwardly, remembering that the victim was right next to her. “He didn’t do it. I did.” “You? How?” “I made a serum—you saw it, didn’t you, Lust? You were injected with something.” Lust nodded uncertainly. “You can inject it into the soul or spine and it shrinks a monster. I invented it.” “I see,” said Alphys, frowning. “Did your brother ask you to do this?” Papyrus thought back and laughed. “No. It was my own idea.” He didn’t need to tell them that he’d made the serum in order to shrink himself. “Hrm. And who did you use this on, aside from Lust?” “I tested it on myself.” It was true, and they might find marks on his spine from the test. He couldn’t come right out and say he’d shrunk Stretch, Red, and Edge. It would make him look like he was eager to be found guilty. “Y’know, there are some reports of other skeletons gone missing around the multi-verse,” Alphys said, apparently trying to be casual about it. “I don’t know anything about that.” “S-slim,” Lust intervened. “If you—if anything like what happened with me—if that wasn’t the first time, you know it’s not your fault, right?” Alphys sort of agreed. “Well, you might still have some legal culpability, but considering you saved Lust here and stopped whatever was going on—assuming something was indeed going on—” “That was the first time that that exact thing happened.” Papyrus narrowed his eye sockets at Lust. It was true, but he hoped they’d assume it was only the first time his victim had escaped. “So d’you have any idea what happened to those other skeletons?” Alphys cut to the chase. “Anyone can have ideas.” Papyrus refused to give a straight answer. “Papyrus, we’ll go easier on you if you cooperate,” Alphys warned. “Actually,” Undyne interrupted. “I have a feeling things will go easier for Sans if you cooperate.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Papyrus snapped. “N-nothing, just…supplies are limited and…it can be hard to scrounge up things like anesthetics, for monsters who are clearly guilty of attempted fratricide.” Papyrus fumed. “Fine. Fine, I’ll tell you.” “You still care about him a lot for someone who just tried to kill you.” Alphys was skeptical. “I may be pissed that he tried to give me a dose of my own medicine, but that doesn’t mean I want him tortured or dead. Ask Lust there. Would he want to see his brother hurt, just because someone told him he’d tried to kill him? Sans probably wasn’t even going to really hurt me.” Everyone looked at Lust, who quailed a little under the attention of the rough, scar-bearing monsters, but shook his head no. “Okay, then tell us,” said Alphys. “I…I did it. Those other skeletons. I killed them all the same way I almost killed Lust.” The room went silent for a moment. “But why?” Lust was the one to break the silence. “I couldn’t bear the idea of these corrupt alternate versions of me and my brother walking around. The world doesn’t need more than one Sans or Papyrus. Blueberry was first—remember him? He’s like a saccharine sweet version of my brother. Disgusting.” Papyrus couldn’t change the order of the disappearances, because Alphys probably already knew the timing, even if it would have looked better for a Papyrus to be the first victim. “And Stretch—it insults me how lazy and useless he is—was.” He smirked at the correction. “So you’re saying you shrank and ate at least four other skeletons? Was your brother involved at all?” “Of course. I got him to help with Lust, didn’t I? I mostly just needed him to distract them while I jabbed them with the serum, though. It wasn’t always as elaborate as the time with Lust.” “And then why would you spare Lust? It makes no sense to let him go.” Alphys was right. It made no sense to let Lust escape and tell everyone what had happened to him. How much did Lust remember? “Sans must have felt bad for him and gotten him out while I was asleep. I always took a nap when I was digesting.” He grinned cruelly. “So you’re saying Sans felt bad for Lust and rescued him, after letting you kill the other four? Why Lust? Why not Blueberry?” Lust looked doubtful. Papyrus hoped he hadn’t been conscious enough to remember who it was shoving him through the portal. “I don’t know. You’ll have to ask Sans why he chose Lust of all monsters to set loose so he could run to the guard and rat me out. But if I venture a guess, I’d say it’s because Lust is pathetic. Look at him. He’s not a fighter. Those other skeletons had some chance of defending themselves, but this one, he walked directly into a trap and let himself get eaten. My brother has always had more of a sense of fair play than I have.” Papyrus was pleased with his excuse, partly because it seemed plausible, and partly because it insulted Lust, who he really wished he had killed when he had the chance. “It’s too bad his brother didn’t come looking for him. I bet he would have been tasty.” Lust recoiled in satisfying horror. Alphys looked vaguely sick. Undyne was unaffected. Papyrus couldn’t judge the sexy dog’s reaction; it just panted the whole time. “All right,” said Alphys eventually. “I’ve heard enough for now. I will definitely ask your brother about that, and you’d better hope his story matches yours, because things could end badly for you if you’re lying to me. I mean, you’re in serious trouble for four murders already, but we can always come up with ways to make it worse.” Papyrus shivered, and hoped they would interpret that as fear of punishment for his crimes. He didn’t care what they did to him so long as Sans wasn’t hurt in the process. “Lust, did you still wanna say anything?” Alphys prompted. “I just wanted to thank you for s—well, for not killing me, I guess.” The sexy dog held Lust’s shoulders supportively. “From what you said, maybe I should be thanking Razz instead.” Lust didn’t look Papyrus in the eyes. Papyrus prayed that he was just disappointed Papyrus wasn’t the savior he’d imagined, rather than having caught on to his lie about Sans being the one to save him. “Hmph,” said Papyrus. “If I had just been quicker to kill you, I wouldn’t be in this mess.” Lust flinched. “Don’t worry. We’ll get to the bottom of this.” Alphys herded Lust and the sexy dog out of the room, leaving Papyrus to stew in his own worries.
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moreinfinite · 8 years
Gravity (Steve x Reader) Series
A/N- I’M BACKKKKKKK! After taking a personal break I am back with a new series. I have no idea how many parts it will be or what will even happen but right now I am enjoying writing sooo thats what I am going to do!
Pairing- Steve x Reader
Words- 2k
Warning- PTSD mention and some serious angst. It will get fluffy later I promise!
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The early morning air was cold against your bare cheeks, causing them to become rosy. You leaned on the railing of your apartment balcony taking a large sip of now lukewarm coffee. Your eyes shut you breathed in the scent of the fresh rain against the pavement below, a smell you have become quite fond of since you found yourself in Seattle. Every fiber of your being loved this time of morning, just before the sun peeked out over the horizon and the world below you was quiet. You opened your eyes and took another breath. This was going to be a long month.
You hadn’t been an official member of the Avengers long, maybe six months or so but you had been living on the base for at least a year and a half. Banner had been running extensive tests to make sure you were stable enough to join the team, let alone the rest of society. You were a HYDRA experiment, for three years you had been poked and prodded against your will being forcefully turned into a weapon. A SHIELD Agent who was sold out by a partner and it landed you in the hands of an organization that many other believed didn’t exist anymore; but not even years of SHIELD training could prepare you for the constant hell you were put through by HYDRA scientists. They tore you apart and put you back together again, they injected you with chemicals, changed your DNA and molecular structure to create a “weapon for the ages” but you felt like a monster.
The torment felt like it lasted an eternity until one day it came to a screeching halt when the world’s mightiest heroes came barging through the main gates of the facility. You watched as a tall blond man removed your restraints, his blue eyes so striking but all the same warm and inviting. For all your life, the first thing you had noticed about a person was their eyes, it allowed you to read people judge their true intentions. You could tell by one look that this man was here to help. He swept you into his arms, pulling you deep into his chest.
He could feel you shake against him as he moved. He spoke softly, “It’s okay, you are safe now.”
With those words resting in the back of your mind, your eyes began to flutter letting the gentle swaying lull you to sleep.
When you finally awoke you found yourself attached to more machinery, your instant response was to fight. The memories flooded over you, making your blood turn cold. A warm hand touched your cheek and brought you back to reality. You found those same blue eyes fixated on you, this time joined by two new pair. A brown set, perfectly framed behind a set of oval rimmed glasses where he stood in the back writing something down on a clipboard he held in his hands; and gray pair of eyes, you could see the hurt leftover from something terrible hiding within held together by a smile. You held your eyes shut, trying to wrap your head around what exactly was going on.
The blond man spoke again, “There she is,” He was hushed, a tone you would save for a small child. “It’s good to see you again Agent 17, I know you are probably really confused but let me catch you up to speed.” He smiled warmly before taking your hand in his, as a last ditch effort to try and comfort you. “I’m Steve and this here is Bucky,” He nudged the man next to him, the one with the broken eyes. “And that back there is Bruce, we are here to help you.”
You cleared your throat, it was weak and dry but you managed to get some audible words out. “Where am I? How do you know who I am?”
This time Bruce came over, “Sorry about that Agent 17, you are currently at the Avenger’s Facility in upstate New York. We know who you are because he have accessed your SHIELD file.”
SHIELD. That part of you felt like a lifetime ago.
“Please just call me (Y/N).” Your voice barely over a whisper
“Well (Y/N) have you always been able to manipulate objects with your mind?” Bruce arched his eyebrow.
You gave him a puzzled look, before he pointed at a lamp across the room that was floating rather than sitting nicely a top the desk. Your eye’s widened, clearly unaware of what the HYDRA scientists were actually up to.
Bruce walked over and grabbed your other hand, “Don’t worry we will figure this out.” He smiled softly and the corners of his eyes began to crease. He was genuine.
You gave the man a quick nod and let him get back to work. Steve and Bucky moved out into the hallway when a new man came in, another pair of brown eyes and a styled goatee to match. He introduced himself as Tony. He was a confident man, the polar opposite of Bruce; loud and in your face but an eagerness to help. So you let him.
After a few hours of testing they had moved you to a common area as they waited for results. Bruce gave you the remote and left you to it, it had been ages since you have even held a remote let alone watched television. You stared up at the blank screen, wishing you remembered how to work the damn thing.
You could sense someone was behind you, instinctively you reacted sending the nearest object hurdling at them.
“Ow,” You finally looked and found Bucky rubbing the side of his head, a broken remote lay at his feet.
You stood up instantly trying to apologize, “Oh my god, I am so sorry. It’s just you scared the crap out of me and I...”
He grabbed your shoulders and your mouth instantly snapped shut. “(Y/N), it’s okay. I shouldn’t have snuck up on you like that. I of all people should have known that.” He swiftly tucked you in under his arm and made his way towards the couch. “Let’s get you all situated again.” He found a throw blanket in a nearby ottoman and wrapped in gently around your shoulders. “Your reflexes are spot on, I can definitely see that SHIELD training coming out.”
You sat down on the couch, your hands fumbling in your lap. You stared at them.
Bucky sat down next to you and lightly grabbed your shoulder. “Hey, I know it’s a lot right now but you can do it. You can make it through.”
You finally looked up at him, his gray eyes were softer now much more inviting than before. “How do you know that?”
“Because I have been there.” He looked down almost ashamed before he looked back up at you. “HYDRA made me into something I am not, they made me their weapon.” He rolled up his sleeve to show you the metal peeking out behind it. “I know what they did to you, they did it to me. But I am not going to let it consume you like it did me. I have your back (Y/N). We are in this together.”
Your eyes began to water as he pulled you into his chest. You felt a flood of emotions rush over you, and in that moment it felt okay for you to let them all out. From that moment on Bucky had your back, he was your saving grace during your recovery period. He was your rock as you tried to piece back together who you were and who your are now.
Bucky threw on a Tangled, something fun to try and lighten the situation. Your head was in his lap when Tony, Bruce, and Steve walked in. You both turned around to face them,
Bruce looked concerned while in contrast Tony’s face was lit up like a Christmas Tree.
“Looks like we have ourselves and In-House Jedi.” Tony rubbed his hands together. “Our own Luke Skywalker in our midst.”
You and Bucky shared a confused look before he spoke up, “Tony what the hell are you talking about?”
Bruce sat down on the coffee table across from you, rubbing his chin trying to find the best way to explain your new found abilities in layman's terms. “So (Y/N), we have done a few tests to try and pinpoint exactly what caused the phenomena in the lab. We had a hunch it was some sort of telekinesis but we were off, you have gravitokinesis.”
“Gravito-what?” You blinked your eyes trying to comprehend what just came out of the scientists mouth.
“Gravitokinesis; you have the ability to create, shape and manipulate gravity. We want to do a few more studies to evaluate your exact power spectrum, but once we get a handle on this and you finish recovering you can do whatever you please.” Bruce smiled. “We are here to help.”
That was then and things have changed so much since. You had spent the next year and a half mastering your new abilities, and brushing up on your espionage skills. From the very beginning the whole team wanted you on board, so it seemed almost natural to join. All you had ever known was SHIELD and HYDRA, a life as a civilian seemed foreign to you so you felt it was in your best interest to stay. Wanda and Bruce helped you find tune your gravitokinesis, while Natasha and Bucky trained you in combat mixing their styles to find the perfect blend tailored just to you. For the first time in a long time you finally felt like you belonged again, but something still felt like it was missing.
The sun was finally making it’s way over the horizon, so you decided that was your cue to head back inside. The apartment was dark, night still held its presence as you walked into the living room. You sat down on the couch and opened the case file that was sitting on the coffee table in front of you. Your first undercover mission in half a decade, you had been on smaller group missions since becoming an official Avenger but THIS, this was your first serious mission and you were determined not to blow it.
Steve was your undercover partner, a system Natasha created as a safety precaution; she was not going to have another Bucharest on her hands. Bucky opposed, insisting to let him accompany you. He felt this overwhelming need to try and protect you because when he looked at you he saw himself.
“Come on Nat, it’s her first undercover mission in almost 5 years let me go with her.” He pleaded
“Bucky, she needs to know she can do this on her own. For the past year you have acted as her security blanket, she needs you to let her be independent. Besides it’s not like one of us aren’t going to be with her. She will be safe.” Natasha reached out to grab his hand. “We all know what she means to you.”
Steve moved in and wrapped an arm around Bucky’s shoulders. “I’ll go with her. I found her, it is my responsibility to keep her safe.” He smiled at his best friend before pulling him in for a hug.
The man with the deep blue eyes, the eyes that haunt your dreams every night, the man who saved you. His purpose, to keep you safe. To be your gravity.
@avengedwritings @formyfandoms
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evvazi · 8 years
Losing You
Since I didn’t even get close to finishing my AU, here’s my second contribution to the K Rarepair Week, for the prompt ‘nightmare’!
Pairing: MunaYata
Word Count: 2,030
Warnings: Death Mention
Summary: Nightmares are nothing new to Munakata, but tonight, it gets worse.
Blood. There was so much blood. It was flowing freely out of the large chest wound, in sluggish waves in time with a heartbeat that without a doubt would stop soon. Fire was still burning around them, but Munakata didn’t care. This couldn’t be happening. Not again. He couldn’t be completely helpless again as someone he cared about died right in front of his eyes.
Except he could. He wasn’t a king anymore, after all.
He’d just been walking home from a date, his boyfriend Yata Misaki beside him, holding onto his hand and talking excitedly about the movie they’d seen, when someone had decided they needed revenge on the former Blue King.
It didn’t really matter who it was, not someone Munakata could remember, but it was a strain, one with dangerous powers and violent friends, and Munakata was powerless. Unarmed, too, like a complete idiot. But there hadn’t been any time to think. Yata had zeroed in on the strain in no time and attacked him without hesitation.
Munakata had screamed at him to run away, this wasn’t his fight. He didn’t care about Scepter 4, and the strain didn’t care about Homra. It had nothing to do with him.
Of course, Yata had ignored him. Charging ahead with flames bursting out of his fists, he’d taken on the strain. Munakata didn’t have the time to argue with hi as multiple people attacked him at once, though thankfully they were all normal people. Somehow, he managed to steal a knife from one of them and hold his own, but it took him a while to knock all of them out.
By the end of it, he was breathing hard and sorely missing his King powers, but he only spent a millisecond lamenting their loss. He whirled around to where he could still hear the strain and Yata fight, just in time to see the strain’s invisible scythe pierce a whole into Yata’s chest. He should have been able to dodge or block that attack, but only a weak rest of flames was still licking at Yata’s body, testament to how much strength he’d lost since the destruction of the Slate.
Still, Yata grabbed hold of the strain’s wrist, a pained grin spreading on his face as his hand caught fire again. One last time, until there was nothing but a marred corpse left of the strain and he didn’t pose a threat anymore.
Munakata was completely frozen on the spot as his boyfriend turned toward him, too much blood on his shirt and an all too familiar expression on his face.
Then he collapsed, hitting the ground with a sickeningly loud noise that reverberated through the absolute silence around them, and finally Munakata’s legs let him move again, jolt forward to cradle his boyfriend in his arms. Yata felt heavy, but way too small. Too fragile. Nothing like the vanguard bursting with energy he was supposed to be.
“H-hey, don’t make such a face now… I don’t feel too bad, I’ll be fine, this is nothing to Homra’s vanguard!” Yata’s voice was weak, but determined, and it didn’t sound like he was lying. He must’ve been in shock, Munakata concluded, and it was sparing him the worst of the pain and the reality of the situation. He knew he should tell him the truth, but his tongue felt like sandpaper in his throat and he couldn’t form a single word.
“It’s cold though,” Yata mumbled, his eyes losing their focus more and more. Munakata pressed him closer, holding him tight until the warm breaths against his cheeks stopped and a lot longer, not wanting to let go even as the lifeless body in his arms turned cold.
Eventually though, he had to move. Not that he was about to let go, but he figured he could at least get Yata into a position where Munakata could carry him home. As he lowered him though, he couldn’t help but look at his face, bruised and dirty, lifeless eyes staring into nothingness.
Munakata’s stomach churned.
With a silent gasp, Munakata jolted awake. It took him a few seconds to reorient himself, but soon enough, he realized he was in his own bedroom, and his boyfriend was sleeping soundly right next to him, very much alive. He was grinning like an idiot, too.
Just a nightmare.
He took a moment to steady his breathing and calm himself down. Just a nightmare. None of that was real. No need to get upset.
It might as well become reality though, a deceptive voice inside of his head whispered, you’re powerless now. There’s nothing you can do to prevent it, and you know full-well it will be entirely your fault when it happens. You’re so selfish, keeping him by your side when you’re so weak.
Munakata shook his head to get rid of the intrusive thoughts. The dream was completely unrealistic. He had taken precautions. Scepter 4’s Special Ops always knew where he was, and he could call for help with the press of a single button. Besides, he most definitely would have called an ambulance instead of sitting around like an idiot. In the dream, the action had made sense, but in the actual world, Munakata would never lower Yata’s chances of survival with such a stupid move.
Of course, he could never rule out the possibility that there were too many enemies and they would get overwhelmed too fast…
But it was no use fretting about it now. With a sigh, Munakata heaved himself out of the bed and made his way to the bathroom. He blinked at the sudden brightness, once more cursing his absent king-status. Little things like this never fazed him back then.
As his eyes slowly got used to the light, he searched for some stomach medicine, hoping it would calm his still upset stomach and help him go back to sleep. He had work tomorrow, after all. He couldn’t afford a sleepless night. It would only make the chances for accidents skyrocket.
Once he’d found and taken the pills, he went back to the bedroom, only to find his boyfriend sitting upright in bed, a worried expression on his face.
Too bad, Munakata had hoped he would simply sleep through this, tomorrow morning Munakata would have been collected enough to ignore that anything happened at all. But no such luck, Yata had good ears, and it was a miracle if he didn’t wake up when Munakata moved around so much.
“Did you have a nightmare again?” Yata was getting sharper when it came to deciphering his emotions as well, and frankly, Munakata didn’t know whether he liked that or not.
Still, he shook his head. “Not about what you think.” There was no point in denying it, so he didn’t. It wasn’t the first time they’d been in this exact scenario. Though usually, it was because his subconscious was still dwelling about the past instead of fretting over the future.
“Not… exactly, at least,” he conceded, remembering the all-too-familiar posture and the nature of the fatal wound. And the way the blood would flow out… it had all been way too similar to be a coincidence. Or real, for that matter, he reminded himself.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” It was a question Yata asked every time, even though he was denied almost always. Only during the second night Yata had caught him haunted by his dreams did Munakata actually take him up on the offer.
The first night, as Munakata had refused, Yata had simply held him close silently until he’d fallen asleep. But the guilt had been eating at Munakata too much, he couldn’t stand being consoled by one of Suoh’s own clansmen while he was unaware of it. So he’d spilled his secret, fully expecting Yata’s face to turn hard and unforgiving, as the death of his former king was still something of a sore spot between them. It wasn’t something that could be forgiven easily.
But while Yata had looked conflicted for a moment, ultimately, he’d sighed and pulled Munakata close anyway. “It’s okay,” he’d whispered, almost inaudibly. He hadn’t sounded like it was okay, but Munakata took it, knowing this was already more than he deserved.
Every other time, it had been the same dream jolting him awake, and it had been enough to say so, and the quiet consolation followed again.
Tonight was the first time it was different, and Munakata was at a loss about what to do. Judging by his confused expression, Yata wanted to know, but Munakata knew he wouldn’t be angry either if he kept quiet. Should he though? The worry had been plaguing Munakata in his waking hours enough already, maybe it was time to tell Yata about it. But it was all too likely he would be hurt in his pride, after all, Yata hated nothing more than being thought of as weak. Just like Munakata, he wasn’t exactly dealing with the loss of his powers well.
In the end, he decided it was better not to keep everything locked up inside. It only made things worse in the long run. Still, his voice was devoid of emotion as he sat back on the bed and recounted the basic story of his dream. He didn’t include his reactions either, but from the look on his face, Yata could guess them anyway.
When he was done, Munakata simply fell silent, and for a while, neither of them moved or spoke.
“You know, if that happened, it wouldn’t be so bad.”
Munakata’s head whipped around immediately at that. What? Did Yata honestly think so little of his own life? Did he have way worse issues than Munakata had thought? Was there something essential that he’d missed?
“Ah,” Yata seemed to have noticed his own mistake, “I mean, it’d suck that I’d be dead and all, but…” He rubbed his neck nervously. “Now that the Slate’s gone, it feels like we could die any time. I just thought, if I could at least protect you, then it wouldn’t have been in vain.” He paused for a moment, and it seemed like there was more he wanted to say. But his voice was a little bit more light-hearted when he spoke again. “Though it would be kind of a downer if it’s Scepter 4’s enemies, they should at least hate Homra as well, so I can show them not to mess with us!”
It was clearly an attempt at distraction, but Munakata couldn’t help the tiny smile tugging at his lips. Perhaps a bit paradoxically, he loved listening to Yata blabber on about how amazing Homra was. Munakata shuffled back under the sheets, gaze never leaving his boyfriend’s face, glowing with excitement as he described how he was gonna ‘kick all those strains’ asses’.
“Oh,” Yata finally noticed that he’d laid back down, “you wanna go back to sleep? You think you’re okay now?”
There was a distinct sense of worry in his voice as he laid back down as well, eyes carefully searching for emotion in Munakata’s expression. But he’d calmed down, and whatever was left of fear or worry was too little to be noticed.
“I will be fine,” he reassured Yata, “after all, I have my strong boyfriend here to protect me.” He said it like it was a joke, but that didn’t stop Yata’s face from significantly heating up, noticeable even in the dim light of their bedroom. Nor did it stop his fingers from reaching out to intertwine themselves with Munakata’s, or his voice from being completely serious as he answered.
“Yeah, I will try with all my might.”
Some time ago, such a proclamation would have been amusing at best, but right now, it made Munakata’s chest constrict and his heart beat faster than was optimal for achieving sleep. There might even have been an answering blush creeping onto his cheeks, but he was sure it wasn’t extreme enough to be noticed with the current limited light.
Still, Yata’s warm hand in his own and his relaxed face right in his line of sight, Munakata had no trouble falling back asleep.
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