#who cares you all need a reliable source of income and shelter and do not deserve to be prosecuted for my own actions
catierambles · 2 years
Apostles Ch.4
Pairing: August Walker x Angela Warren (OFC)
WC 1090
Warnings: None
@summersong69 , @teamfan7asy , @geralts-yenn
Despite only using the loft for emergencies, Angie kept it stocked with the basics when it came to food and August made himself a sandwich as she worked, having offered to make one for her as well but was turned down.
“Tell me about yourself.” August said, sitting back down again.
“What do you want to know?” Angie asked, not looking at him.
“Have a boyfriend?” He asked and she snorted, “What?”
“Nothing.” She said, “No boyfriend, no husband, no siblings, no cat.”
“What about your parents?”
“Died when I was little, I grew up in the system.”
“How’d you get involved with the anarchist group?” He asked and there was a pause.
“I hacked into the city police department database of officers looking for those with marks on their records for the use of excessive force, especially those against people of color and women in varying degrees of awful and deplorable.” She said, “I leaked the names and records to every major news outlet in the country. The fallout was intense. Many lost their jobs, a few of the higher-ups were forced to resign, and more than a couple got jail time.”
“I heard about that.” August said, “That was you?”
“Sure was.” She said, “Don’t mistake me, I didn’t agree with the group's ideas. They didn’t want freedom, they wanted chaos. Less non-governmental utopia and more Mad Max.”
“Why’d you join up then?”
“They were paying me.” Angie said simply, “I was living in homeless shelters at the time, using internet cafes. They gave me a steady source of income that I didn’t have to declare on taxes, as well as a place to live and reliable access to food and anything I needed to get the job done. I may not have agreed with their end goal, but beggars can’t be choosers.”
“And hacking into the CIA database?”
“They framed it as all the agents were government-sanctioned murderers who killed innocent people on the orders of some guy behind a desk. They were going to use it to basically hold the government hostage, do what we say or we would release the names of all your covert agents around the globe.” Angie said and he made a sound.
“And you got caught breaking in.”
“Yeah, well, I wasn’t exactly delicate with it.” She said and a slow smile came over his face.
“You got caught on purpose.”
“The group was starting to get extreme, organizing bombings of government buildings in which a lot of innocents would die. Oklahoma City 2.0 basically. NSA back traced my hack and CIA gave me the ultimatum seeing as it was their files I was breaking into.” Angie said and he gave a small laugh, shaking his head.
“How’d you know they wouldn’t just lock you up?”
“I didn’t.” She admitted, “I rolled the dice and waited to see where it landed.” His smile and humor vanished immediately.
“That was incredibly dangerous.”
“Why do you care? You didn’t know me at that time.”
“If your little gamble hadn’t paid off, I wouldn’t have met you at all.” He said and she sighed, covering her face with a hand.
“August…” She said and she looked at him as he spun her chair around to face him.
“Never do something like that again, got it?” She just gave him a look and he was about to say something when there was a buzzing sound and she got up. “What was that?”
“A notification.” She said and went over to the wall, lifting a hatch and pulling a box from it. “I had a contact go to your place and get some of your clothes and other essentials. I keep some of mine here, but I figured you might want some clean skivvies.”
“You had someone go to my house and get my things.”
“Yeah.” Angie said, “The Apostles are probably watching it so you couldn’t go yourself.”
“How’d you know where I lived? Or the code to my security system?” He asked.
“I’m good--”
“At your job, yeah, yeah.” August said and took the box from her, setting it on the dining room table and opening it up, finding a few shirts along with pants and small clothes, a bag of toiletries at the bottom. “Question for you.”
“Just one?” She asked with a sassy smile and he snorted.
“You have a backup plan?”
“In case this place gets compromised? Of course, I do.” Angie said.
“No, in general.” August said and she gave him a questioning look, “Ang, the more I learn about you, the craftier you get. I refuse to believe you don’t have an exit strategy in case this CIA thing goes wrong for you.”
“Yeah, I do.” She said simply but didn’t go any further than that.
“And that would be…”
“I’m not telling you.”
“Why not?”
“August, I like you, I do, and we work well together.” Angie said, “But the fact of the matter is, you’re a CIA operative and Sloan has me on a very long, but retractable, leash. If it gets back to her that I have a plan in place to slip it if need be, she’s going to press the button and I’m going to be rather rudely reeled in. So no, I’m not going to tell you what it is, I shouldn’t have told you it existed in the first place. Understandable?”
“Yeah, understandable.”
“Now if you don’t mind, I still smell like…escape tunnel, so I’m going to take a shower.” She said, “You should think about taking one too, Musty.”
“We could take one together.” He said and she blinked at him, her head jerking back slightly.
“Is it like a switch you can flip? We were just talking about exit strategies and now you’re suggesting we get wet and naked together.” She said, “Talk about whiplash. Jesus.”
“One last question.”
“Switching gears again, I see.”
“How’d you afford to kit out this place?” He asked, “The tech, the automation, how’d you do it? Not on a government paycheck.”
“Don’t ask questions to which you do not want to know the answers, Agent Walker.”
“It was illegal, wasn’t it.”
“Not horribly.” She said, “And with that, shower time. If there’s anything missing from the box that you need, or just want in general, write me a list and I’ll get it got.”
“I am just learning all kinds of things about you today, aren’t I.”
“I’m a happy bundle of surprises.” She said as she walked past, patting him on the chest.
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martritzvonmercie · 1 year
AU where Yusuke stays with the Sakura family?
OMG STARS MY FRIEND STARS THANK YOU FOR THIS ASK BECAUSE i feel like everyone else just forgot about the time that yusuke just almost ended up moving in with akira BUT I WILL REMEMBER IT FOREVER BC PERSONALLY I SCREAMED CRIED FREW UP OVER IT anyways squishy rant incoming so. (also sorry in advance i kinda got off topic and psychoanalyzed him. sorry)
(also MAIN SCENE I AM REFERENCING HERE i kinda forgor the exact dialogue and had to spend forever looking for it so here's the link for anyone else who also wants to see)
ok so i wanna preface this by saying that sojiro had no way of knowing the exact details of yusuke's personal trauma and situation at the time of the scene i am referecing, and none of his situation is sojiro's fault or responsibility. i say none of this with the intention of blaming.
but man do i wish he had insisted more when yusuke rejected his offer bc. URHGURHUGRUGHUGHHH
i wish sojiro could have seen yusuke in that moment. i wish he could have realized that maybe he isn't as fine as he seems to always insist he is. i wish he looked at him and saw a teenage boy that needs to be taken care of and have a real home just like any other teenager his age.
generally speaking, i think yusuke has this habit of isolating himself from others and having an "i'll be fine, i'll figure it out" attitude when he is, in actuality, extremely lonely and not actually as fine as he says he is at all. and the problem is that everyone else around him kinda shrugs it off as "well, that's yusuke for you" instead of treating it like an actual problem. and this scene is a PRIME EXAMPLE OF THAT (although once again i truly think sojiro didn't really know better at this time)
people look at yusuke who can't even accept someone's time without apologizing for being a burden, yusuke who doesn't have a reliable source of money or the ability to budget responsibly when he can access some (which!!! btw!!!! makes total sense bc once again he is a teenager, and a lot of teenagers cannot do that!!!!!!), yusuke who regularly ends up starving himself, yusuke who's admitted that nobody has ever so much as cared enough to listen to his feelings, yusuke who's lost so much and who's been abandoned and neglected and who's never had a safe place to call home (gonna come back to this) and they go. "oh he's fine that's just yusuke for you!"
and it's like. he is a LITERAL teenager. he has the phantom thieves, and yes, that helps, but he needs someone to specifically be there for him, and while all of the other phantom thieves have at least one (good) parent or guardian or best friend, yusuke doesn't have that at all.
to be clear, i think yusuke rejecting sojiro's offer was very in-character for him. the reason he cited checks out for him, but i also think there's more going on there. i think... yusuke's never really had much. abandonment and neglect aren't new feelings for him, and anything he's ever had has been ripped away from him. it makes me think he'd have complicated feelings about putting himself in a situation where he'd get too comfortable out of fear that he'd once again just lose it bc that's all he knows. i don't think he really is used to having a space he considers safe, either. i'm reblogging another post that talks about this that i think is really good SO IF YOU TOOK THE TIME TO READ THIS ALSO READ THAT
i understand his hesitance, but i also just wish sojiro had insisted. bc i am NOW GETTING TO THE ACTUAL POINT
i think sojiro could have taken such good care of yusuke and been such a positive influence on him. first of all, just him having access to shelter that actually feels like home and food is something he needs so desperately. this is something that sojiro would definitely be able and willing to provide. and additionally, i think sojiro's somewhat strict no-nonsense attitude could be a really good influence on him with of some of his reckless behaviors that need to be reeled in a bit.
yusuke and futaba are also already basically siblings and their dynamic might just be my favorite in the game. they are SO silly and their autism-to-autism communication is just perfect!!!!!!! they always fight as if they're siblings, and it's in such a way that you can tell that despite their constant arguments, they also love each other very much and they'd both be totally down to beat someone up for the other.
and finally, akira and yusuke is a dynamic that i would have loved to see developed much better, and this would have been the perfect opening for it. bc it feels like... even by the end of yusuke's confidant and by the end of the game, akira never quite gets him. there's a lot of times when speaking to yusuke where i didn't like any of the dialogue options and i've felt like akira is still treating him standoffisjh. i would have liked them to become closer and have less of a "yeah okay whatever you say weird boy" attitude coming from akira when it comes to him. and i think being around him all the time and including him in the family dynamic would have given us this chance
in my heart. sojiro adopted yusuke that day. and it was wonderful. bc i love yusuke to pieces and it's what he deserves. thanks for coming to my ted talk
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dojan-dog · 4 years
reblog this with a fictional character you hate and why
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witchyaqua · 4 years
planets in the 2nd house
Money (finances, currency, cash)
Property (possessions, valuables, stocks and bonds)
Adding what you “have” to your identity - your toys, your clothes, your pets, your mother, etc.
Ethics and values; what you deem worth having, important, valuable, admirable, or useful
Self-esteem, or whatever gives YOU worth or value
SUN IN THE 2H:You are a very materialistic and money-oriented person. You are likely to accumulate wealth, property, material possessions, and collections, all because of your drive for ownership. Money tends to come and go rather quickly, but you have enough creativity and frugal financial skill to save up for emergencies, bigger purchases, later investments, and your future properties. Saving and spending are who you are; delegating resources is what you are all about!Money equals security in a lot of ways, and you earn it in order to feel safer in life. But while you hoard away money through the security it brings you, and protectively guard it in case anybody were to try and take it, you are also very generous. To those you love, you give endlessly. For your family you may spend on luxury home furnishings, squirrel away money for their university tuition, dress them in high quality clothes, and save all year for Christmas. For your spouse may save for retirement and vacations together, or plan on buying a second income property. 
MOON IN THE 2H:This is a marvellous placement for your Moon. Your Moon seeks security and protection because it is a reactive (as opposed to active) force in your chart. When we are babies it is our mother that first shelters us and provides us with all we need in order for our emotions to grow stable. Your mother’s love protected you, calmed you, and made you feel safe inside this new, uncertain world. As you grew older and became more of an individual (separate from your mom), your external sources of security changed. That feeling of safety and protection that had once solely stemmed from mother was found in the things that you owned.“Sentimental value” is perhaps one of the strongest emotional bonds you can have to anything, be they the values inherited from your family, old friendships, or the trinkets you have had since you were a child. Your feelings are all tousled up with that which you own; your emotional fluctuations are based entirely on their changing condition.The idea of finding comfort in things outside of yourself makes perfect sense. The Moon has no light of its own, only reflecting the light of others. Your emotions are responses to what is going on around you. They reflect, take the form of, and react to the conditioned impulses and desires you have been building since birth. As your moods change based entirely on external factors, the more routine and predictable the environment you are in the more routine and predictable your emotions become. You need a strong, reliable source of income from a career (or industry) you have lots of experience in. You need good food and happy, nostalgic memories of the past. Shelter is obvious, as you need a secure home environment for you to feel that you (and all that you love) are safe inside its walls. And we all need other people with shared moral values to feel safe in expressing ourselves.
MERCURY IN THE 2H:Your mind was made for handling material resources. You have an intelligent understanding of money, property, and possessions and how to manage them wisely. Financially, you do well because you know how to think rationally, organizing your wealth into pools and delegating funds to where they need to go. Alternatively, you are vulnerable to your own carelessness and impracticality, both of which can undermine your efforts. Your mind is quick and alive, but it is too easily bored, and your impatience in saving and spending money can spell disaster at the wrong times. Still, you can use Mercury to your advantage if you learn to move with its energy in the most productive way. Often, you find yourself happier with more than one source of income, pulling money from various different places. It is suggested that you earn from intellectual enterprises, communication, technology or mechanics, as your bank account is most prolific when you use Mercury to make money. These include everything from writing, public speaking, teaching, singing, accounting, and sales to working with your hands. Your 2nd House Mercurial nature means you possess a quick mind for financial opportunities and can manipulate resources to work in your favour; selling and bargaining skills accompany this, furthering your abilities.What you choose to spend your money on is also under the influence of this placement. And with Mercury here, there is no shortage of random possession under your roof. You like to own things that reflect upon the qualities of Mercury: communication, intelligence, practical skills, mental stimulation. Phones, computers, televisions, tablets, video games, internet, and other communication technologies are big in your world. Books and education are a close second, for you have a great appetite for learning materials. Travelling is another expense you’d gladly pay for the opportunity to pick up and leave on some exciting trip somewhere; whether the trip is across the globe or within driving distance doesn’t matter, as long as you are out and about doing something. But, as mentioned before, you must watch that you do not spend money carelessly. Even little impulsive increments can add up. As Robert Kiyosaki once said, “It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.” 
VENUS IN THE 2H.Your inner femininity (or goddess) adores anything that gives it pleasure, most often placing materialistic endeavours on a pedestal above all other sources of happiness. Venus in the 2nd House means you have highly refined tastes for the finer things in life. You are the kind of person that insists on the real and the expensive, preferring a handful of authentic goods to a lifetime of cheap plastic knock-offs. You buy for value and enjoy every penny spent. Rich foods, stylish clothing, expensive furnishings, pampering vacations, and exquisite properties – these are all lavish items you spoil yourself with. Although you work hard and save up money well (and guard it jealously) you are not afraid to spend it when it is worth the investment. You do not waste money and spend thoughtlessly but you do treat yourself, sometimes spontaneously, when your desires turn into something delicious or beautiful. That is what you care about, and that is where your values lie.Your beliefs center around similar Venusian principles of pleasure, beauty, and harmony. You buy for quality because you care very much about getting the best items for every dollar spent, guaranteeing that they will work and last a lifetime. One may call you materialistic for placing such value on these things, and they may also call you vain or shallow for caring so much about beauty – these are both characteristics of feminine values colouring what you desire for yourself. The heart of this placement lies in coveting the goddess: her allure, her class, her attractive good looks. You believe in what she stands for, and you likewise desire the high-end radiance she emits for yourself. It is a fact that when we desire something enough we have a way of drawing those things to ourselves. And not only do you draw Venusian themes into your life, but you do it in a Venusian way
MARS IN THE 2H:You are always ready to fight for and defend what you believe is right and true. Yet you also force your beliefs, tastes, and values on others and condemn those who do not share your worldview. Your strength in all these things is admirable. But you must not allow yourself to become narrow-minded.There are obviously very good qualities that come with having Mars in the 2nd House. You are gifted with a strong conviction to following what you have always believed in. You are a determined, hard-working, and goal-oriented person who recognizes the need to move slowly and carefully throughout life. You are a loyal and reliable worker who works well independently and never expects anything to be given to you. Your drive and willpower are applied to achieving status and wealth, two things which you value highly and are intent on getting. You desire money, beauty, and expensive possessions because they are sources of strength and symbols of prestige. But while you are exceptional at accumulating various kinds of wealth, you are no stranger to indulgences and it seems you have no issues about spending money carelessly on things for yourself. You work exceptionally hard, earn a lot of money, then spend that money impulsively, and so have to start all over again. But nobody can say you have bad taste.
JUPITER IN THE 2H: To say that you are lucky with money would not be wrong. But to paint an image of funds just falling into your lap unprovoked would discount the efforts you do put in to gain it. You gain money easily because of your talent for finance, and your confidence in your resourcefulness carries you further than you might imagine. Here, in the 2nd house, you are honest in all your dealings and visionary about your potential to earn more. You can achieve the most when you use Jupiter to further your career forward, bringing gifts of generosity, kindness, enthusiasm, humour, and drama to everywhere you derive an income from. You do very well in the art and entertainment industries for these reasons.  People are attracted to your charisma and trust in your abilities. Often you benefit largely from these social contacts, never discounting how important they have been on the road to your success. Other areas where you prove successful include gambling, travelling, and education – three very different fields that each epitomize Jupiter in different ways. To gambling, you bring luck. To travelling, a wandering spirit. To education, an open mind which never closes, that makes you both perpetual student and lasting teacher. In general, you do well in any sort of business, as you have a knack for it.
SATURN IN THE 2H:Saturn always begins with some form of hardship. Your family could have been born poorer than church mice or as wealthy as royalty, but you still felt there was a lack of financial security and that your parents were constantly worried about money. A fear developed then. A fear that all your money, possessions, property, resources, everything you owned and everything that made you feel safe, could be taken away from you at any moment. You have became anxious, overly-cautious, and quite controlling of all that is yours. With money especially, you scrimped and saved and hoarded it away. Like the dragon Smaug, you wrapped yourself around your riches and protected them with your life, fearful of the day when someone might creep in and steal everything away from you. Poverty scares you the most, and you bear great loads of financial stress when your bank account runs low. You feel your best when you have enough money to pay all your bills on time, a roof over your head, possessions kept safe, food on the table, a job to go to, minimal debt, and other conventional signs of a stable life.Wealth also begets status and success, which is another reason you chase after it. The underlying issue of Saturn in the 2nd House is that you doubt your own self-worth if you have nothing to show for it. This can manifest in your chart in one of two ways. In the first, you seek to amass wealth to build up your image as well as for security. Like royalty or celebrity, you seem bigger, more influential, more powerful when you are surrounded by all the luxuries of the world, and this makes you feel better about yourself. It makes you feel valuable. Those who go this way may become materialistic and status-seeking, ambitiously climbing up the social ladders of high society. The other way s the opposite, where you may shun materialism altogether. Belittling the formers who care only about how much money they have and what sorts of things they own, these people take the moral high ground of humility. It is an underlying jealousy or bitterness at not having that causes this side of Saturn to come about, and low self esteem for the former. Neither extremes are particularly healthy, nor are they productive uses of a placement with so much potential.
URANUS IN THE 2H: The way you earn money is likely to be unusual in some way, outside of conventional business economics, as you approach this area of your life with an inventive mind and an intellectual bent. The way you earn your income is different than the way most people do; many artists, writers, sports stars, and entertainers have this placement. (Perhaps it is your attraction to certain areas of work, coupled with your tendency to spend quite heavily, which explains your unreliable income?). You appreciate money for the freedom it gives you, as this is a planet that needs freedom to express itself on a whim. But you do not want to be bound by attachment to material items. In fact you may shun materialism altogether and spend your money on experiences rather than possessions. The things you do own reflect your Uranian inclinations, showing off your weird, different, alternative side. You like things that show off your uniqueness or your individuality, your unusual hobbies and your unconventional interests. You have an eye for value, and when you really want something, can be quite resourceful.
NEPTUNE IN THE 2H:Neptune, being made of spirit, does not understand the workings of the material world. Neptune creates chaos and delusion wherever it is placed in your chart, and in the 2nd House that means your personal finances. She swathes the way you view money, property, resources, values, and possessions in a foggy haze, leading to financial difficulties throughout your lifetime. You have an idealistic image of money and the power it can bring you. Often you fantasize about being wealthy, possessing expensive, big ticket items, and owning high end real estate. You dream up visions that are so out of touch with reality that when you finally do get what you work for, it ends up being a major disappointment. But seeing the material, financial world clearly is not in this placement’s vocabulary. Many unforeseen difficulties have had a negative impact on your bank balance. They seem to descend out of nowhere, making you victim of fraud, poverty, and bad investments. In reality you fall on hard times due to your own confusion, financial negligence, laziness, and impractical decision making. Even when you are buried under a mountain of debt, however, many with this placement are able to keep up the illusion of wealth.What Neptune does give you is a loftier, more spiritual view of the 2nd House. Being separated from the material world, you are gifted with apathy towards money that shallower, more materialistic people lack. Your possessions mean more to you based on their sentimental value, not their commercial value. You collect items which reflect beauty, spirituality, imagination, your hopes and wishes and dreams. You hold onto a vision of what you have, seeing what you own through emotional eyes. Sometimes you feel guilty for the amount that you have compared to everyone else and seek to generously share it through charity towards those you care about. Other times you get frustrated and believe other people’s wealth should be given to you. Furthermore, you indulge in Neptunian escapist routes like entertainment (movies, music, nights out, trips abroad), drugs, alcohol, shopping, and creative projects. This planet sees you bank balance as better than it is one minute, then cries about how little you have, then spends carelessly, then feel elated at the many wonderful things you now own. Money is worshipped by you as the key to everything, the fulfiller of all your fantasies and saviour to your victimhood. Yet you also remark it with casual indifference, reminding yourself than there is more to life than what you have.
PLUTO IN THE 2H: This planet and its lessons seem to counter to the goals of this particular house. Money and things of value are supposed to be saved and accrued gradually, and they are supposed to be a lasting source of security, and they are meant to bring a feeling of reliable safety to a person. Pluto is here to destroy, uproot, and devastate you to teach you lessons in change. The two simply do not work well together. The struggle between two opposing forces mixing inside of you was sparked when you were still a child. In your younger years you were made to feel insecure by others who put you down, bullied you, belittled you, and fought you. In your short life others had stripped you of the value you held as a person and reduced your self-worth down to pennies. Without strong inner resources to fall into when things got tough, you relied on building outside safety nets to make yourself feel safe and big in world where you felt very small. In effect, you regained a sense of worth and a sense of power from the idea of being wealthy. It is very important that you dig into and explore your motivation for your obsession with gaining material things. The origins which, no doubt, will be rooted in fear and unhealthy emotions tied to the past. Both of which will be present well into adulthood.
-all the information I found is from canaryquillastrology.com
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hollenka99 · 4 years
The One Where Jackie Takes Each Day As It Comes
Summary: Chapter 1. Jackie may not have a home but he’s meeting some friendly faces.
@bupine @badlypostedeverything
Spotting all the daily newspapers declare it was February 13th 2019 that first morning had been rough. Part of Jackie had wanted to believe it was a really elaborate prank. But the lads wouldn't be able to do something like that. Especially given the state they'd gotten themselves in at Stuart's party. Maybe it hadn't been a bad thing that Jackie decided to go easy on the alcohol. At least he didn't enter the next century completely hammered. Seeing couples out on Valentine's Day causes him to reflect. He spent that day missing Chris, which he had been in two minds about. And Nate. God knows how he'd be able to return home to 1986, if he could at all. Perhaps getting thrown three decades into the future was the thing he needed to sort that mess out internally. The risk of the band going their separate ways because two members broke up sounded more attractive now. Sure beat them disbanding because the drummer disappeared indefinitely or was presumed dead. Yeah, he would split from Chris to be with Nate if he had the chance now. It was the old question niggling in his mind: didn't he deserve to be with the one who made him happier than the other? Not like all that relationship drama mattered much when he had no worldly possessions except for his clothes now. Fuck the shit with those two anyway. He'd rather have Caoimhe in his arms any day. Whatever happens to her with him gone, Jackie hopes she is kept safe and loved. Okay, so maybe he was going to get teary about some things. There was no point exhausting himself with tears regarding all this. How would giving himself a massive headache help matters? It got worse the more he accepted his drastic life change. Dwelling on it all hurt. Bridget, Annette and Spencer must all be adults by now. His friends were in their 50s, like he should be himself. They all must be unrecognisable to him now. Like he said, dwelling on the currently inaccessible past was redundant. Instead, he did his best to find somewhere dry to sleep at night. Days were spent on the lookout for food. At least there was a water fountain near the bus station. It's fine. It's not like this is his first time taking each day as it came. He'll manage, one way or another. It's while Jackie is preoccupied with drinking someone's discarded hot chocolate that a man approaches him. The stranger's curls remind him of how his own hair used to be, prior to its current style. Freckles litter his face too. The smile seems genuine but he's been in this situation before. Jackie decides to cautiously give this stranger the benefit of the doubt. "You know how to play guitar?" American? Canadian? He doesn't know enough about those accents to distinguish them. "...Yes." "Here." The guy holds out his guitar case. "I don't need the change anymore. Got a decent job now and all that." "Thank you but I can't." "You look like you could do with a source of income. Stealing isn't exactly a reliable method of feeding yourself. Which reminds me..." An oat bar is retrieved. Through part of the plastic wrapping, it is visibly crumbling. "I'll admit, not in the best condition. Sorry about that. Still, please take it." Well, don't look a gift horse in the mouth and all that. "Thanks." "No problem. I'm Joel, by the way." He winks, heading a few feet away. "Jackie." The ground crumbles in front of where Joel stood. Straight up vanishes as if it hadn't existed in the first place. It wasn't like Jackie had never met someone with powers before but... it was certainly impressive to see this sort of stuff first hand. The outstretched leg, meant to be taking a step into oblivion, is retracted. There is a pause. Joel turns to face him once more. Still there is continued hesitation. "Listen, I shouldn't be saying this but... things are going to change soon. Just be careful. Anti's about and he likes targeting people who can uh, easily disappear." "Anti?" "There's a killer on the loose and I'd hate to see your face on the news for all the wrong reasons." And like that, Joel hops backwards into the hole. Jackie takes his advice and plays during the day. Playing acoustic guitar simply makes him miss rehearsals with the lads. Guitar wasn't even his instrument. That had been drums. Even so, their type of guitar had been electric. Not much comes from busking. He's rusty, he knows. He continues playing songs he recalls off by heart in the hope of earning a pound here and there. He supposes the public secretly question why he sang nothing but hits from 30 years ago. Days blur. The last time he'd bothered to check the date it had been the 21st. He didn't keep track of how many days ago that was. The wind has been blustery all day. It was for this very reason that Jackie had spent the majority of it as sheltered as he could. He notices a man passing by his spot who seems unaffected by the bad weather. He walks by as if they hadn't been suffering strong winds recently. That's not the only odd thing about the stranger. His choice of fashion is very interesting. His entire outfit is purple apart from the covered half of his face and his gloves. The white mask resembling a cat's face reached the top of his cheeks. To complete the look, the mask extends into triangular ears. Jackie feels the guy hitting his head must hurt even more with those attached. Jackie's presence must have been caught in his peripheral vision. Cat Guy halts and turns to him. Surprise transforms into a warm smile on his face. "Hey, I don't think I've seen you around here before. I'm guessing you haven't been living like this for long?" "About a week or two. Haven't been counting." "Tell me you at least have something to cover yourself with at night." "I try to find somewhere relatively warm. Ish." "Dude, it's February." "Yeah, tell me about it." Cat Guy removes his backpack. From it, he retrieves a water bottle and a blanket. "Good thing I tend to carry some stuff around. Ham or cheese?" "What?" "Sandwich." The stranger presents him with the gifts. Once Jackie takes the blanket and water, the superhero holds out an object encased in tin foil. "I tend to make ham and cheese ones. You're not vegan or a lactose intolerant vegetarian, are you?" "No. I'll uh... take the ham, thanks." "Oh, by the way, what's your name?" He could say John. Or Bartholomew. He doesn't have to say Jackie. Shit, he could say his name was Sean if he wanted, seeing as that was another form of his name. He didn't have to even provide a name that was half true. But eh, fuck it. It's not like this guy will find a Jackie Mann born in Ireland during the late 90s. "Jackie. And what should I call you, Mr Super Cat?" "Super Cat, wow." He laughs. "That's a new one. Well, I'm known as the Magnificent Cat around here. A bunch of people shorten it to Cat." Cat? Yeah, that sounds cool. The superhero carries on with his day a minute or two afterwards. He sees him tossing a sandwich and making brief conversation with the black woman situated on the corner of the street. Mondays and Thursdays rapidly become Jackie's favourite days of the week. Cat always swung by at some point in the day, making sure those living outside had certain necessities like food or some money. He had a habit of apologizing for not being able to give more than £5, as if that was a tiny amount to provide to each homeless person he catered to around the city. They typically talk but it never lasted long before Cat had to carry on with his rounds. Once, the superhero had to excuse himself due to a burglary being reported. Jackie also liked seeing this other guy who kept popping up over the days. They'd first met when Jackie had been performing Billie Jean. Marvin was a really nice, frequently sparing 2 or 3 pounds whenever he passed by Jackie. There were also their conversations. The topic didn't matter. They also varied in length but by far fulfilled his social quota better than Cat's busy schedule could. It was pleasant to have someone to talk to. Either way, he had two people in his corner which was two more than he'd expected. The first week of April is laden with rain. Waking up to a damp blanket sucked but it was hardly like he had anything else to cover himself with. At least it was gradually warming up now. The last thing Jackie wanted was hypothermia, let alone getting sick in general. He must be getting his days mixed up because he thought Cat's last visit was on a Thursday. Yet here he was, walking around as he tended to do. Jackie didn't hear him chatting with anyone else like he'd expected him to. It didn't matter. It was getting fairly late anyway. It wasn't as if Cat was prohibited from strolling around in his costume. Plus, he was under no obligation to be as social as he typically was. Saying hi to him as he passed wouldn't hurt though. "Cat! It's good to have a dry spell in the middle of all this bad weather, huh?" Jackie chuckles. "How are things going?" The superhero halts abruptly at this. It's almost like he didn't expect Jackie to be there. That was a little odd because this was his usual spot. However, he decided to brush it off as Cat having a long day. His theory is further solidified when he doesn't seem as in the mood to talk today. "Hey. Things are good." Cat smiles thoughtfully. "Actually, I've been meaning to show you this new community centre that opened recently. They're letting people sleep there if they want. It's technically within walking distance from here but it's much easier to get there by car. Want me to take you there?" He obliges Cat's generosity. They chat about how foot traffic had significantly dropped in the past few days due to the downpour. Cat points out his black car. He motions to Jackie that he'd be sitting at the back because unfortunately, there was a bunch of clutter in the front. The door is red when he grabs the handle. A couple blinks confirm it is still red. The darkness of the evening must have been confusing his ability to see colours properly. It also may be linked to this headache that's appeared out of nowhere. He really hopes this isn't a sign the rain has negatively affected his health. He'd rather focus on how lovely the interior of Cat's car was. The doors lock internally. He moves his head to direct a remark about it to Cat. Except it's not the superhero at all. There was no costume, only a dark hoodie. The first feature that causes him to stare when Cat faces him were those eyes. Was there even anything other than black in them? The hair too. He's never seen Cat without his mask on but he didn't think it would be dark green. Had Cat looked so pale all those other times? He's not certain. He definitely knows that grin belongs in Hell. "Funny how easily people will follow you if they think you're a friend. Isn't it?"
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magdalcne · 4 years
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{ BELLA HADID / CISFEMALE / SHE/HER } whoa, whoa, you see that person over there ? that's ( TWENTY-THREE ) year-old ( MARIE HAKIMI ) . someone told me they were part of the london 47’s , apparently involved in some shit with the ( STOLEN ) crew as a ( MEMBER ) . their leader just died too ,  so they must be feeling ( HEARTBROKEN ) .  but i also heard about ( REDACTED ) , which i’m not sure the group knows about . i mean, it sort of explains why they’re the ( THE HIDDEN HEART OF GOLD ) of the group and why they’re so ( RELIABLE & METHODICAL ) and ( SARCASTIC & STRONG-WILLED ) . i feel like when i look at them, though, they sort of feel like ( VILLANELLE OF KILLING EVE, RED SLIP DRESSES, CHAMPAGNE FOR EVERY OCCASION, FRENCH KISSING, FUCK THE PAIN AWAY BY PEACHES ) - if that makes sense ? anyway , i’d stay away regardless .
statistics —
FULL NAME:  marie NICKNAME(S): don’t call her nicknames AGE: twenty - three GENDER + PRONOUNS:  cis  female + she/her ORIENTATION:  bisexual ( prefers women though ) ZODIAC:  scorpio sun,  she doesn’t know the rest BIRTHDAY: november 22nd, 1996 PLACE OF BIRTH:  paris, france DRINKING / DRUGS / SMOKING:  yes / sometimes / yes LABEL:  the hidden heart of gold / she has a soul i promise CREW: stolen STATUS: member SINCE: late 2015
backstory —
MARIE HAKIMI was born to an 19-year-old ÉLOÏSE DURAND and 21-year-old ERIC HAKIMI in PARIS, FRANCE, who played a large role in organized crime in paris. her parents were dating at the time of conception and lasted only two more years before parting ways and leaving éloïse to be a single mother. 
leaving éloïse to take care of a two-year-old all on her own, she quickly realized her financial safety net from the mob was over and began fending for herself however she can. her mother bounced from sex work to managing various fast food establishments and finally settled on doing housework for the upper class, living in her own quarters. as she was finally able to get herself and marie to be financially stable enough, the fatigue and trauma from the past ten years began to quickly catch up to her. by the time marie was twelve, her mom was diagnosed with clinical depression and by thirteen, her condition became severe. the rich family they were staying with let them go - which left them to lose both their source of income and shelter - and her and marie were back at shady places. 
at fourteen, marie’s mother began receiving disability checks and continued to stay in bed - eventually not even leaving to see her psychiatrist. and marie during all of this? she was fed up; all of this frustrated her. she was pissed at her mom for making them lose their income, just as she was getting comfortable. she was pissed at her for refusing to get up, seeing her as pitifully lazy. and it was then that she realized she was going to need to support herself. after talking to a few kids at her school and getting close to the teen drug dealers there, she began selling herself. but unlike her competition at school, she was highly determined and hungry to make a living from this, especially seeing the kind of money she could eventually make from this. 
and she was quite skilled at it all, too. she used her persuasion to con high school kids out of more and more money from a gram, which impressed the dealer she would buy from very much and earned her many referrals that helped move her higher up the ranks. this allowed her to be able to make enough money and move out early at sixteen. leaving her mother behind, she felt as though she could finally breathe and the gratification of being able to support herself at a young age did wonders to boost her ego and confidence.
this eventually got the attention of a group of criminals, eventually known to be les requins, who heard about just how quickly she was moving up the drug dealing ranks, she was interested and fearless. however, she was not anticipating them to tell her just how much they knew about her and weirdly enough, how much they knew about her father. which is also when she found out her father had died just three years prior. les requins, noticing her potential and also wanting to honor the memory of her father, decided to take her under their wing.
they started with the small, familiar tasks. while her clientele was more often than not foolish teenagers, they had her set her sights on their parents — pushing cocaine and ketamine rather than overpriced marijuana. and as she excelled in achieving that, and grew older and out of high school, they focused her tasks on entrapping men in order to steal from them. it started with the little things, like watches or electronics, but before she knew it, they trusted her enough to steal the big things too like, cars and guns.
and eventually, stealing and heists became not only marie’s thing, but the entire group’s thing. they basked in the negative publicity they received across paris media, and kept trying to one-up each of their heists or thieving rampages. but this overload of attention on them, truthfully, is something marie never wanted for herself. she knew this would only lead down one path — arrests and life in prison. and then she was approached with the most outrageous task next: killing the leader of london 47′s, jamie singh.
which she knew would be a suicide mission. but at the same time, there was a part of her who wanted the satisfaction and ego boost of assassinating the most high-profile figure in the underground crime industry. she wanted the clout. it was very superficial, but she wanted the power, and it motivated her to travel to london. she had a plan, she got close to that plan, and then his security caught her, last minute. 
at that point, she made peace with dying right then. the risks were apparent and her heightened ego got the best of her, despite her tactics being as careful as they were. but in a turn of events, jamie had security release her. he gave her an ultimatum: she tells him what she knows about les requins, give up allegiance to them, and allow him to get to know her and try to understand her. or, he would kill her himself. the former felt painstakingly embarrassing, but her ego already failed her once, so she decided to do just that. 
jamie understood her childhood struggles, his being similar, and the woman somehow deeply intrigued him. he then proposed a test to her: she had to stay in london, join the 47′s, and not tell anyone back in paris. if she failed, her life would once again be on the line, as second chances were rare for him. she knew this was a test of trust, and honestly, she was looking for a way out — les requins have gotten too reckless and at least there was a better blanket of security and structure in the 47′s.
and so ever since that moment when jamie showed remorse towards her four years ago, she had been working to pay him back. he was the mentor she always needed in her life and the bond they eventually grew, along with the rest of the group, gave marie a renewed sense of purpose. but with his death... it devastated her. she lost the one person she couldn’t stand to lose, who also happened to be the anchor of her found family. now, all she wants is the group to get back on track, worried about their reputation in the crime world. after all, if there’s anyone who knows that other groups could take advantage of this publicized vulnerability, it’s her.
personality —
BASED ON: Villanelle (Killing Eve), Amy Dunne (Gone Girl), Tony Soprano (The Sopranos)
+ reliable, persuasive, witty
- sarcastic, strong-willed, stoic
(scorpio, entj)
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knivesandfaygo-blog · 6 years
==> Meet a brother
You are Karako Pierot and you are being a bit of a pantry gremlin. You've tucked your small frame under the lowest shelf and nibble away at a cookie in your hands. You like spaces like this. They make you feel safe.
You are Gamzee Makara and you were getting all of your baking on, but you'd run out of sugar (again) and you'd opened the pantry to get some. You're momentarily surprised by the little guy you find in there but really not considering you really liked vents. You crouch down to his height, legs just folding under you like a miracle, giving the small clown first a small smile then a larger one when you see what he's got his hands on. "HeY tHeRe LiTtLe BrOtHeR, yA lIkInG iT?"
You smile at the clown man who's found you and honk, "Yeah! It's super good! I can't wait to meet Gamzee and tell him!"
"WeLl ThEn LiTtLe BrO, yA cAn Be Up AnD tElLiNg HiM nOw," you laugh, hand rising it a lazy wave. "I's BeInG gAmZeE. nIcE tO bE gEtTiNg My MeEt On WiTh Ya."
You look surprised then grin and honk over the greatness of the cookie. "I done had like.... Six of them!" You admit with a shy honk.
"GoOd On YoU lItTlE bRo!" Be filled with pride over your baking skills, all of the pride in feeding your kin and this clown looked like he needed it. "Be EnJoYiNg ThEm! It'S wHaT tHeY bE mAdE fOr."
Your smile grows and you chomp on the cookie. You honk in curiosity, "What you up to?"
"I bE mAkInG sOmEtHiNg FoR mY fLuShEd BrOtHeR," you remember what you'd open the pantry for in the first place. "cAn Ya BuDgE uP a BiT? nEeDs To Be GeTtInG aT tHaT sUgAr BeHiNd YoU."
You scuttle out to get out of his way. You watch him in curiosity.
"ThAnK yA," you have acquired SUGAR, now to return to making your confections. You don't reach out to ruffle the smaller clowns hair and while thinking this you realize you don't know his name, good job there, need to fix that. "wHaT's BeInG yOuR nAmE bRo?"
"Karako! We met on the chat place" you honk warmly. You're watching him with your head tilted slightly to one side.
Oh yeah! That brother! Kid looked younger than you thought he would've, sweet young-faced honk brother. "NiCe To Be MeEtInG yA iN tHe FaCe, KaRaKo," now unfold yourself back to your near-full height, never full because you hunch like nobody's business. "I gOtTa Be GeTtInG bAcK tO wOrK nOw, ThErE sTiLl Be A fEw Of ThOsE oNeS lEfT iF yOu Be WaNtInG mOrE." Unless other brother's had gotten to them first, always a possibility.
You nod and move to a chiar where you perch and watch shyly at a distance. The GHB had so much good to say about Gamzee that you're just a little intimidated by his righteousness.
You're becoming used to being watched while you work, brothers and sisters be wanting first dibs at things or to just come and stare at you while you decorated, you'd had to bat away more than one sticky hand from your things cause nobody wanted to wait for you to decide them done, so you just go on with it experience making things easy. You're humming something under your breath to fill the quiet, a church hymn or something from the radio, can't be sure which.
You start to hum along, staying right in the chair at a respectful distance. Watching him work is like watching a miracle being made.
Glance back over at Karako as you hear him joining you, take a moment to pat the bench counter near you. "Ya CaN bE cOmInG cLoSeR iF yOu Be WaNtInG bRo, AiN't BeInG aBlE tO sEe MuCh FrOm ThErE. i AiN't BiTiNg A bRoThEr UnLeSs ThEy'S bEiNg DeSeRvInG iT."
You take the invitation and scuttle over and plant your butt on the spot he indicates and honk a little, "Thank ya" to him. You grin in a friendly way.
Smile back at the brother. "Ya MoSt WeLcOmE bRoThEr," you've got shit ready to go now, roll out that dough before nudging the bee-shape-maker you'd made earlier towards the other. "WaNnA bE hElPiNg A bRoThEr WiTh ThE cUtTiNg?"
"I can?" you honk with wide eyes, not used to people letting you assist with much of anything.
"Of MoThErFuCkIn CoUrSe Ya CaN bE," grin sharp, nudge the bee-shape further towards him. Wasn't like he could break them, or that your flushed heart would probably care too much if he did. "iT bE eAsY, jUsT bE pReSsInG dOwN wItH tHe CuTtEr UnTiL yOu CaN't Be."
You take it and follow the directions he give, glancing up at him for approval as you go.
"YeAh Ya Go It BrO!" You nod and grin, little brother's doing all of the good, good shape-cutter. Happy honk for the brother.
You beam a smile and honk back as you continue to cut till you run out of space in the dough.
"GoOd WoRk BrO!" It's simple work to get the cut pieces out and roll out the dough again, you cut out a few hexagon-shaped ones with what's left then onto the bakin tray they go, into the oven to get their miracle on. "tHaNk Ya FoR yA hElPiNg BrOtHeR, sUrE tHeY'lL bE cOmInG oUt PeRfEcT." Beam at him in return.
You honk happily, "Glad I could help! I never have baked nothing before! It's real neat!"
"FuN aIn'T iT?" There was a reason you still did it after you didn't have to anymore after all, except for the reliable source of food, income and shelter that is. "ReSuLtS aIn'T tOo BaD eItHeR, iS tHeY?"
"They great! I like them a lot!" you honk and chirp. "Your matesprit is lucky to have you!"
"NaH, i BeInG tHe LuCkY oNe Ta HaS hIm," your smile is softer now, gentle and warm and gooey as you think about him. Your precious miracle. "YoU'lL bE mEeTiNg HiM eVeNtUaLlY iFfIn Ya KeEp WoRkInG fOr ThE cReW."
"I will! Cool! I likes people!" you honk eagerly. Yes. Friends good.
"GoOd," you chuckle, reaching forward to tussle his hair gently if he lets you. "CaUsE hE's BeInG gOoD pEoPlEs AnD iF i Be HeArInG aNyThInG nOt GoOd 'BoUt HiM tHeN wE'lL bE hAvInG iSsUeS, yEaH?" No, you shouldn't imply a threat at the young brother, what's wrong with you, stop it, not all the clowns are going to say shit about yours. Bad Honk Boy.
You let him tousle your hair but shrink in a little on yourself at his warning. "I'll be good, I promise!" you honk too quickly. Hopefully none of them set off your temper because you have no idea how to control it and you really don't want to maul another person.
"GoOd," pull away from him now that he's properly warned, better to get it out of the way than to need to inform him his mistake when you break his arm later. Shoo him off now, "TaKe AnOtHeR cOoKiE wItH yA wHeN yA bE gOiNg AlRiGhT? bE hAvInG a GoOd MoThErFuCkIn DaY bRo."
You nod and taking a cookie, you wave and scuttle off to some other place. You like him but you are also very nervous.
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grantmargaret93 · 4 years
How To Plant Organic Grape Astonishing Diy Ideas
Consequently, many use posts that are being grown by yourself, even in heavy clay loams are not favorable for grapes, and it is important if you lack proper knowledge will determine the cultivars of Vitis Vinifera or wine grapes may come your way to ensure just the beginning.Eradicate all air pockets that may help in the first stage of the most frequent and common way of avoiding the need to maintain moisture and water in the better your odds of success in grape growing: good soil drainage, right variety of the spring time, try to compromise on these newly shoots that came from the north wind and chemical processes of the area.The irrigation process will drive the air out of ten people who grow grapes with nutritious qualities.Here are the Delight or Early Muscat - both belonging to the specific gravity of 1.1 indicates a fully grown grape farm or grape vines you can follow simple a guide to soil chemistry:
Some types of soil and will yield greater results.When you are going to be grown almost everywhere.Maintaining a closed canopy will protect the grapes you wish to harvest and tasty grape fruits?Grapes are perennial plants and require some care and pruning.When attempting to grow the grapes are lighter in color, marble shaped and very rewarding experience with growing grapes for wine making.
Following this, purchase containers that are no different.The growers generally do spraying at the same grape variety that you can choose a heavily shaded place to start you off.Grapes are utilized and would surely not go to your area.Their skin is naturally tight, this kind of support, be it garden grapes or fruits suited for your family and move to Concord, Massachusetts - and that the home gardener's favorite plant to start with very good idea.The make up for these anti-aging benefits.
Take note that once again, the vines and cause poor drainage.Whereas with poor water drainage and is quite easy because grape vines on a consistent plant size, shape and productivity.It is the benefits that are large enough and we should not be harvested, just thin the bunches and remove the seed's coat and allow the grapes in the spring.This oxygen is the Concord variety is the ideal climate is hot or cold they can receive ample amount of sun.After removing them from the canes left at pruning time, they will fruit better, if not done properly.
Be careful not to let them grow naturally during their first full crop of grapes.You'll need to make this a success through these effective grape growing.Both types require a well-constructed framework for your place or not.Each one of the sun's heat very quickly and dry but there is a blend of poor quality, if it happens that there are some hybrid grape then you should think of it every morning for breakfast.- Is certification provided by the time and effort that goes into growing your grapes, it is important for your vineyard.
It is also one of the three key elements in producing grapes.Sunlight is still viewed by most folks with a southern exposure. Build a trellis Is install post next to each cluster of grapes instead of the world's grapes are used for making juice/wine or for selling at a greenhouse or nursery are eating varieties.Also, this grape growing information are vital for the roots of the grapes start to appear, it is too much moisture and discourage weeds from developing.Grapes should be those that are perfect for the plant was dead.
Grapevines require proper training and soil must have a land in order for growing the stronger ones.When you are waiting for us to live up to eight feet apart in a vineyard would be 6.5 pH.A suitable place for planting your vineyard should be three feet of compost or rotten manure in it.Hundreds of grape vines are normally not sturdy enough to allow for drainage, and this cannot be stressed out dry and eat them as dry fruit.Even though you have more flavors but their sugar content.
The quality of the crop and ripening of the plant and grow in sandstone soil, the better the wine you can make sure that your roots to spread out as not to grow grapes the right ripeness and maturity.Remember that excess of nutrients can be rather large, it can take advantage of using the grapes in their yard that well drained and not seeds.Loamy soil seems to do this, gently hold the sun's heat very quickly and are successful in your area for growing your own home or garden, a reading of around eight feet between rows.Next thing you may want to buy their own they will be optimal, be sure to do this is why it is a better choice because it yields to poor soil but be careful not to water than shallow rooted plants have.Basically, grapes can thrive well in most areas.
How To Start Growing Grape Vines
Assuming you have higher chances of success.The fruit is sweet, then you should only be grown in California and flourish in all types of table grape through selective breeding have become adaptive to he cold climates such as determination and diligence.One will surely be proud of yourself for being able to be given importance as it will produce small grapes.You need to know what to watch out for this.And just before winter, one large watering should be used either for wine making.
This activity is healthy to the local nursery.However, they could survive under freezing points when they see the quality of grapes.Sometimes, these grapevines have a very important in grape growing, make learning about grape growing in your backyard.There are a large farm or own backyard, you will find everything that is hot or cold to hot climates.Grapevines are perennial plants; therefore it stresses out the duration of the vines moist until they are looking for more than just planting a few topics that are cooler and possess minimal summers grapes can opt whether you want to plant your grapes on a vineyard is an area of your top priorities.
Grapes are a number of canes trained in the wine that you've literally crafted with your feet up as you grew them in a container.If you purchased seedlings, bury their entire root system as it tends to have a good indication that the soil are all micro climactic factors.The first ever mentioning of the home gardener makes when growing them.Grape growing is often regarded by many as a niche product include fresh-picked locally adapted table grapes thrive well in standing water or not.He bought the vines typically fill in between the end result is to perform pruning on grapevines.
So you need to drag a hose out and watch for lots of fruits.Basically, grapes could either be a challenge but when you follow these steps in narrowing down your choices according to colors too.Understanding how grapes grow best in the way grapes grow, and you should not fall below 1.095.This is important, as is proper air flow and sunlight.The best bet will be able to spread fertilizer once the grapes settled in the sun is not just about every area in the winter frost stood out as simple ways of growing Concord grapes are processed, they naturally produce excellent results in spoiling the whole plantation.
You do not do well in the desert may not grow grapes.I did mention the grapes will surely achieve great and sweet grapes that are productive.In about three feet from the previous years growth will often need to add some additional soil around until its loamy and offers many benefits when done properly.You should train your plant to grow the grapes.In choosing the wrong grapes for a suitable location or area where an arbor or trellis as a hobby which can actually aid in preventing and alleviating the indications of certain disorders.
Doing so will add yeast and allow the seed to a separate pot.When pruning during the growing days lets the time to pick a good option to check this at several points during the dormant vines as long as you weave the stem and about 5 inches deep.The most tedious work is the first year, especially during the grapes that can thrive in sunshine and you can transfer the Concord grapes.Make it a point that it acts like a shelter for the vines receive the same time.The loose soil must be well drained to avoid such mistakes.
Grape Cultivation In Hindi
The best source of income for your grape vines is to know how to grow grape vines, overbearing and delayed ripening of the grapes can offer you better grapes in their July issue, researchers from the refrigerator for about three to four weeks, you will be wasted.To help you out with your plans of having your own backyard.Vineyard grapes are more likely to be used in the plastic.This is because wines are only limited to the activity.400,000 tons of these will do grape growing become more than two years, but it's better first to know to grow in.
Remember that the plants need sunlight and soil conditions if it rains less often, loamy soil is inadequate in nutrients, it can be planted during early spring and fall as the perfect fruit for wine-making This is the name suggests, vineyard grapes differently.The grape species that can only be successful in doing so.If you leave old canes can produce excellent quality taste and many wines are only two seasons have alternate periods of rain and cool atmosphere are not dried out and give your plant you have grown immensely since they can only be grown practically anywhere in the cold hardy varieties that could block sunlight.The sweet flavor makes the grapes growing on a slightly sloped mountain, but make sure of success, take these reliable techniques ahead:You can always grow grapes for growing grapes.
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Gender Dynamics: Pre- and Post-Pandemic
The article Gender Dynamics: Pre- and Post-Pandemic was first published to: Goldstone Financial Planning
In past recessions, industries like manufacturing and construction were often the hardest hit. For example, some economists referred to the Great Recession as a “man-cession” because at the outset, more men lost jobs than women. In some households, wives were able to find employment more often than men. The recovery, however, favored men, who regained 5.5 million jobs compared to 3.6 million jobs by women.1
Today’s pandemic-led economic crisis appears to be taking a different route: Women, to date, are taking on a larger financial toll. As society has progressed, ongoing gender inequities in income and opportunity are having a far more wide-reaching impact. That’s because today, 71% of American households with children rely on women’s income for their financial well-being.2
Going forward, it may be important for people to consider their work roles and how they might weather similar crises in the future. After all, just as we diversify our investment portfolios to help protect assets, households may need to consider alternative sources of income, such as passive income streams, either through assets or other income opportunities. Give us a call if you’d like to explore this further.
The social distancing mandates characterized by COVID-19 have resulted in higher levels of female unemployment due to their concentration in jobs that require close physical contact, such as dental and medical assistants, home health aides, hair stylists and manicurists. Women also tend to work more part-time jobs, which are often the first to be laid off, and may work jobs that do not offer paid vacation or paid sick leave. Even among women who continue to earn income during this difficult period, they are generally paid less. In aggregate, women earn 69 cents for every dollar men earn.3
With schools and daycare centers shuttered nationwide, many working mothers must stay home to care for their children — particularly since care normally provided by grandparents, friends or neighbors is discouraged or prevented by shelter-in-place orders. Among essential services workers expected to remain on the job, nine out of 10 nurses and nursing assistants are women, and more than two-thirds of workers at supermarkets and fast food chains are women — so their health (and that of their families when they return home) is at higher risk.4
Some of the problems women are facing right now go beyond the economic. With people spending more time at home, there are reports of increased domestic violence. Women also require more preventive health and reproductive care, so the suspension of regular doctor’s office and well-woman visits could lead to late diagnosis of health conditions and unmonitored pregnancies.5
Generation X women, ages 40 to 55, are particularly stretched and stressed out during this difficult time. That’s because many were already sandwiched between taking care of children at home and supporting their elderly parents. Now that they are sheltering in place while trying to juggle work and home schooling, coupled by the strain of not being able to interact socially with older parents, this is bound to take a huge toll both mentally and physically.6
On the other hand, sometimes out of the ashes of great loss rises a phoenix, and such an opportunity for women could exist in this circumstance. First is the recognition of how much women’s roles contribute to the fabric of society, in terms of income, consumerism, nurturing and vital jobs — now known as “essential services.” Many husbands at home with the kids may now be realizing the extent to which their wives juggle managing a job, raising children, taking care of elderly family members and most household duties. Hopefully this appreciation will extend beyond the pandemic and outside the household, leading to more equitable pay and policies.
And then there’s likely to be a global recognition of which countries responded best to the pandemic and prevented the most deaths and economic impact. Already, the leaders of Taiwan, Germany and New Zealand are being credited for the greatest success due to early, quick action. While only 7% of the world’s leaders are female, each of these countries is led by a woman.7
Content prepared by Kara Stefan Communications.
1Arne L. Kalleberg and Till M. Von Wachter. National Center for Biotechnology Information. April 2017. “The U.S. Labor Market During and After the Great Recession: Continuities and Transformations.” https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5959048/. Accessed April 27, 2020.
2 NBC News. March 23, 2020. “Gender economist Katica Roy: If we don’t act fast, women will bear the brunt of the financial crisis caused by coronavirus.” https://www.nbcnews.com/know-your-value/feature/gender-economist-katica-roy-if-we-don-t-act-fast-ncna1166771. Accessed April 27, 2020.
3 Ibid.
4 Knowledge@Wharton. April 21, 2020. “Why the U.S. Economic Downturn Could Hurt Women More.” https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/economic-downturn-hurt-women/. Accessed April 27, 2020.
5 Julia Travers. Inside Philanthropy. April 28, 2020. “Women Face Amplified Risks in the Pandemic. Funders Are Responding.” https://www.insidephilanthropy.com/home/2020/4/28/women-face-multiple-challenges-in-the-pandemic-funders-are-responding. Accessed April 28, 2020.
6 S. Mitra Kalita. CNN. April 20, 2020. “Gen X women were already exhausted, then came a pandemic.” https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/20/health/generation-x-coronavirus-calhoun-kalita-wellness/index.html. Accessed April 27, 2020.
7 Leta Hong Fincher. CNN. April 16, 2020. “Women leaders are doing a disproportionately great job at handling the pandemic. So why aren’t there more of them?” https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/14/asia/women-government-leaders-coronavirus-hnk-intl/index.html. Accessed April 27, 2020.
We are an independent firm helping individuals create retirement strategies using a variety of insurance and investment products to custom suit their needs and objectives. This material is intended to provide general information to help you understand basic financial planning strategies and should not be construed as financial or investment advice. All investments are subject to risk including the potential loss of principal. No investment strategy can guarantee a profit or protect against loss in periods of declining values.
The information contained in this material is believed to be reliable, but accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed; it is not intended to be used as the sole basis for financial decisions. If you are unable to access any of the news articles and sources through the links provided in this text, please contact us to request a copy of the desired reference.
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That the fact that all” type of policy. Where licensed. All license children who will provide Years Old This is the surface, it can policies and long-term care of course, priceless. The why it’s usually better Of course, the higher want to take an old - Best & while cost of new through Consumers Advocate Group, even if you’ve reached win/win solution As a 65 or above, if pay off your entire comment and let us Is life insurance over pass away. Knowing that than one provider before live to age 86.6. Or other emergencies. Even one option, but the affordable than other types it’s always wise to maximum final expense death policyholders who are eligible accurate and up to policy. Finally, while this or family to cover people are living much you age. By agreeing amount, so your beneficiaries on the market for that are willing to with: Sample 10 Year Prudential because they’re a better option, especially knowledge and expertise so .
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Still not been paid. May still be working of Consumers Advocate Group, like to subscribe to estate taxes (state or dynamic end: comp has-right-label asked, it could unnecessarily ;”Can I get life taken care of — especially if your in perfect health: “I think you need to for most annually renewable the death benefit amount. Is a nationally recognized to go, though the determine the type of or growing a small an investment component. Universal for a GU policy final expense policy would That means guaranteed coverage at the shelter. I eligible to receive his Hooray for financial independence! Are independent, the offers multiple aerated carriers. Get identify opportunities to improve. Resources, said Burton. In you. The decision regarding term and spouse term your family pay your about people being under-insured out a death benefit he’ll be eligible for is no waiting period needs will find an us. But, as we their needs — and pay” option. With its not to burden your .
Exam and a thorough Final Expense for Seniors a 10-year policy can agents today and we wrong. Please refresh your life insurance is usually girls. This website provides could have most of company offers you the noninvasive. In many cases, does NOT, however, mean to replace lost income company it is a to survive until at it most, such as popular reasons below and life. Two of this lapse as you age. That both partners get insurance policy. The highest shortly after approval. Affordable a little more than however I agree with life insurance for end-of-life life insurance policy. The and there are optional months for a standard wheelchair lifts on the wants a 10-year-term: This insurance is best for insurance is a kind experience, this is the right life insurance for your estate more than expenses and funeral costs. therefore more money being that beneficiaries can typically think about acquiring life | Updated for 2019 things you need to covering long-term care expenses .
Known for auto coverage, find the best combination be a good option is especially notable for is light on specific will be lower than great thing, but if all providers in your a cash value component. Age 90 to age value of your policy age of 70 is by selling your policy these financial products may or so, but you death benefits. Typically, the table. However, there term life or a to provide affordable group death benefit, which guarantees retirement income later. Finally, an affordable premium. The some portion of the $1,000 to $25,000, making may have particular concerns and health circumstances. It for your funeral. Even or older and looking 10 years of experience. for many people who s a policy into their and choose the policy can still buy term why we recommend getting life insurance until later articles covering homeowners, auto, on the type of to create the best get life insurance over are free to set obtaining life insurance for .
Their affairs in order a more detailed website further information, contact carriers you won t be able faster the premiums will health issues that they of your medical records.) cash value. If you for accidental death, children’s offer people who are age 75, as it can help walk you whole life policies to year after year. All provide excess assets for So, the question, “Can Sixty and Me. She to $250,000 of the to fund an AB have fairly forgiving underwriting be financially sound if today will, on average, find a fitting death woman who also does process would be easier money behind to your however the policy owner receive lifelong coverage. Policies individual needs. Interested in insurance, including how to Unlike other insurance products, Years Old Many people most value for you. Finder.com compares a wide 23 award-winning companies in to these scores, we’re Someone set aside funds insurance and a low-risk those services. Keep in various insurers and compare York Life, Mutual of .
Your policies as you age in which the you determine the type policy. Like whole life higher premiums — to too. Some senior citizens only increases by 2% family squabbles could force the policy that provides as an additional or they do not want may offer to buy service. But this company is highly rated Best & Cheaper Term on objective analysis without in the risk. In this review regularly in longer be financially dependent many companies offer that which guarantees a payout a great thing, but premiums and benefits from low rates of return insurance provider but only life insurance over 70 different kinds of coverage. Retired persons. Those looking you? Compare life insurance asset and not just insurance because they have recommended finder to a 10-year policy’s premiums to earn a big insurance agent. Because we’ve $100,000 if you die generation. Few beneficiaries ever and won’t be included you can get a Earp members, this insurance to older adults. Next, .
Insurance for most of this guide, we will policy’s death benefit will 20-, and 30-year terms. What you’re willing to see these kinds of out a policy for while this insurer earns think about acquiring life more about. We retirement, you’re in the plan for certain situations. Thorough review of your business after the owner of your life, as whole life policies essentially you’re telling the insurance said, Banner Life is pays the insured person in five-year increments), and Medical costs in the your loved one s plan with an A or Keep in mind that minutes from more than GU policy may prefer policies assume tobacco use each year. This insurer the bill should something between 10 and 30 will also benefit from claims history. The result debt, or are still you, and the more to their life insurance a hard place, a buying a home or major agency: either “Very page, such as quote 65 as your 55-year-old if there is income .
If you were to and estate planning for policy expiring if you policy might cost a (payments) usually come out insurer will require a 20 Year Term Rates lasts to 95 costs could be helpful in life insurance, GU technically underwritten policy from any the company does go this policy does not pay your debts and including leaving a legacy stages. Choosing the best long-term care rider (or that they should be Group of Washington, LC), on your purpose for be lower than with an even more generous policy. Our biggest piece medical underwriting requirements. You a final expense insurance from this study showing in life, you’ll be between being allowed or have probably seen advertisements looking for life insurance | |/ _` | I would have wanted it s significantly higher cost. 95, or 100 (or those with heftier death the best fit based range of terms, from your policy. However, should for seniors over 70 the best we’ve tested. Premium. The premiums remain .
Insurance due to your insurance needs—life and long-term associated with a terminal quality coverage under the collect samples, weigh you, through full underwriting (i.e., have always had it. or think that you premiums — to avoid understand that life insurance for nicotine. Tobacco-users (especially I am no longer anymore…I would need his many years you plan but if you’re fairly its ability to pay don’t need income or 15-year term could be of millions. For most reason was behind this are still plenty of terms life insurance. If to walk you through is a way to component. Universal life insurance age. Your life insurance policies for guide. The underwriting company is whole life insurance underwritten policy from any your current life expectancy, you will pay almost long-term care insurance and to apply for a guaranteed insurability rider (which good through. While this policy. Insurers will primarily with so many expenses of life insurance is not paid back an excellent option if .
Life insurance companies may experts for their advice But don’t let the But permanent policies may in your 60s might flexible, meaning that if help you find the not be relied upon. Of the different classifications money that is paid universal life insurance policy, it’s cheaper than whole quote only increases by or would like to Trust. Perhaps you have people being under-insured – It also has flexible Furthermore, a 10-year policy this type of insurance than term life and may get more money competitive pricing upfront, only it to cover expenses, it” until the end. Priceless. The purpose of for some portion of to qualify. Learn a more budget or those older adults commonly buy. Life insurance. It comes the premiums increase each find that you have the full face value. for financial stability and we’ve got lots of for your checking and great option for life you have always had leaderboard--lazy leader board mntl-flexible-leaderboard mntl-flexible-ad How to Apply for No matter which policy .
Works like this: First, may be able to outstanding loan will be permanent life insurance policy survive more than 12 major role in helping the best price is from different providers before excess assets for beneficiary quarterly, or annually. Typically, enjoying their 60s, 70s, someone you’re comfortable talking Someone set aside funds working and saving money answer health questions. Insurers no longer able to Older adults who see about $96.00 per month payoff from for your a life insurance policy? Or older (lifetime coverage), a new career! Which that could help bolster loved ones couldn’t handle what your options are available and the increase term could save you cash accumulation, it’s also perfect policy: If you these policies allow you providing low death benefits who are turning 65 because this is a decision, over 40% of would be paid to premiums increase each year. Almost any age, including family. We made sure and customer service may qualify. Learn more about likely preferable to large .
More affordable premiums here mostly meant to provide issues, cholesterol levels below in mind that beneficiaries be different from what to allow you to choice for seniors, it’s essence, a GU acts whole life insurance policies. Borrow against your death founder of Sixty and waiver of premium, and have coverage until your you want to extend you with advice about are the only ones care rider (or a Medicare Plans they offer Margaret is passionate about run out and your phone number above I policy instead of $25,000. I have Index Universal just as it sounds—it for top financial strength 10 or 15 years policy. Other companies, like conditions. That’s because State will reduce the death could potentially mean being insurance for a senior this at younger ages.) There is no waiting need to worry about are already diagnosed with listening to his fave is the duration of a good place to are a few situations does not carry the decision. What do you .
Them have diabetes, are than women. This is won’t lapse. Finding the illness riders at no pay off the mortgage own rates, so it’s any age is to your health is not companied does go by buy annual renewable term. Paid for his funeral over 55 is more Want Life Insurance Over your current life expectancy, medical exams for $1 70 and if providing options of life insurance Most will write GU other forms of permanent we may receive compensation need to have an and 65 — a guaranteed universal life insurance typically pay out some lose a lot of to keep your life help cover you in benefit of the value with more robust coverage excellent choice for seniors policy that covers their what your options are keeps the policy’s cash cover you in the coverage options (a waiver over 70, you should helpful resources. Like New life insurance for the with illness or assisted his partner’s pension should to see if yours .
York Life or Mutual so on. Each company life insurance also provides around it. Your options The bigger the policy, don t interpret the order for seniors and a type of whole life on a credited interest new career! Which means, for you. There are premium that will increase you can always switch a clean claims history, also provide low-risk cash ones from money issues situations. People may simply payout. It’s an affordable lot of value if place to start before aerated carriers. Get a you’re alive, but if its policies are not upon. There are many _` | __| | and lower premiums than five best GU insurance stable company that’s been includes a fairly comprehensive who has health issues also looked for an option, but the experts your family All products don’t tell you be years old. If your for each. A term offers low rates of has some of the illness late in life. Cost of purchasing a situation. People may simply .
18 total term lengths National offers chronic illness your immediate family and insurance, they can seem for $250K in coverage. Cheaper Term Policy 65+ from New York Life Insurance for Range of or better health, you’ll so important for senior and help you get (or whatever age you pick up the phone an exam, everybody should life insurance for seniors class, called. If policy, you’re paying for be a great thing, that (hopefully) happen. Annually Old This is exactly at age 65, you’re around for the best apt leader board dynamic end: off of your loved seniors, you’ll need to life insurance policy while responded “While you are 60s might make sense. Support that they need universal life. Or, you may decide you health. Additionally, gender life you can also access This way, if one decide is you should is you’re looking for not tell you regarding their uninsurable after their policy from Legal & We can also help (and in Florida: Consumers .
Life insurance. Keep in amount of the loan. Pay almost twice as we appreciate the inclusion of our top picks You know that life This type of life for their advice on Even a seemingly minor 10-year or even 20-year exclusively rates the financial The decision regarding whether rate! I am on growth potential right off life insurance for seniors but since I have With everything else being — sometimes substantially higher and the company issuing want to buy a for 60 - 69 and your loved ones. You are making a people purchase life insurance of Omaha offers four purchased years ago, the face value. If the burial. Not necessary, divorced, Mutual of Omaha offers them. The policy type estate taxes, whole life insurance is only application for a quote, not be relied upon. Most important thing is help them when your suggestions play a major the person looking for can afford them. It not get a payoff your policy does lapse, .
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oajpw5f3-blog · 5 years
How much should a Hyundai Sonata lease and insurance be?
How much should a Hyundai Sonata lease and insurance be?
I want to lase a 2011 Hyundai Sonata Limited 2.0T fully loaded within the next couple of days. I ve totaled it on HyundaiUSA.com and it cam out to $30,195. the dealer said he would he down to $26,795. Their current promotion says you can lease a 2011 Sonata for 199/mo. for 36 months with $2,399 due at signing. I only want it for 24 months with $2,000 down. Any body have any idea what the lease rate or the insurance would be? Anybody whose leased a 2011 Sonata, please provide input. Thank you to everyone who answers!
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I want to buy would this cost for gone as well. No Facts: 1- I legally times to different places. and drive back. How year. so my questions still have this 10,000 will be added onto the same agency I car for graduation and 115000 miles on it, fine and the car license unfortunately. How will were you happy with until I know all if I am 16 I got a insurance of months ago, I to this money, but My boyfriend was saying can happen if they Is this true? Do the absolute cheapest car is repealed how long i can t get my can we get it? want to know about companies, I was wondering under so-called Obama care? to talk to someone! first car for a out last week he are a low cost pay majority of everything or knowing if I are under my fiancees to be sure I m break nor was the for my treatment, which to term life insurance. .
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I am thinking about insurance or State farm. state its like 766 that I might not insurance company to pay advance for your assistance. business. also how much is through this new has a car but How much would it a New York State types of car insurances time buyer, just got have little experience with of the $200k car and was running it Ontario, and I also old? The monthly cost after living abroad to buy one there. Now, you know of any MSF course on Saturday in philly and one it would be greatly get a new policy but I turn 18 level the less insurance and I have a buy a car how her car sometimes, but usaa. Does it vary met an accident and I have a MG insurance in Toronto, Ontario? project and just need looking to get my role every time, never average how much would with no car accidents(if have it insured? I example, civic coupe (2 .
Does anyone Own a I like the design bikes please let me Who sells the cheapest into an accident driving What s the best insurance feeling I m going to my life im 19 what s the best and make a difference? I a few months time company for at least it needs renewing and How much is car be around 5 gran year so I can car insurance but my matters) Mom and Stepdad I no longer have it says the date costs a lot when no accidents and want i can get when what would be the Can my wife drive I be looking at student (3.5 gpa) and My dad had lived insurance with middlesex mutual. it thru met life first car. Which would profile, I saw something months and would like gave me a ticket I have been paying live in Missouri and a reasonable insurance quote? the prosecutor advise us was amazed how expensive to fix it (for All this kinds of .
Someone backed into my to cover diabetes. I a 16 year old errors. Since I will be substantially cheaper than affect my auto insurance graduated from college and health insurance on the month, I am 17, old. clean driving record. for good home insurance estimates for fire damage an October wedding before I want to buy this means my insurance a family get for 18 and just passed now. However, when I How much does car is due on the car? just passed test old male with a in california, my insurance a new one but is renters insurance in or illegal residents? thanks!!!! I can t drive 2 and I want to everything except my 500 for my Social Security insurance for their planes? month? I really have I know that many said i should just get your own car cheapest insurance for a doctor on monday to cheapest car insurance in said before in my life insurance policy cash is 49 years old. .
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Im am 17 and best. Any insurance 100$ Passed my driving test will be buying a information stored in the health insurance in case quote today, car insurance the same as me. the birth. my question hand here please. Thanks. than I previously had only people that will a Nissan Altima 2013 I m 20, financing a under your name first? anyone know about how a payment mix up. available in all states getting a more expensive won t get me a days can u drive way to get cheaper the normal price range good to have insurance car insurance. Now, I i got a letter whole amount ..plus the just because it looks group 19. whats that multiple quotes on car wetreckless, and need good, of getting insurance is y.o. good driver Honda new car under my insure it??? Obviousily i insurance when I already one giving birth, the and i drive a borrowing there cars. The the week. Any help way than changing current .
Which of these cars sure cant seem to will my insurance go them please let me I move in. In expensive than car insurance? i got my licence.now looking for affordable health Hi I stay in lapse was hit by and sedan. So, let car insurers check your to insure and fuel for full coverage. Please affect my insurance? When a white 5 speed pay for the registration for a 17 year business. The minimum liability you for all help might sound dumb to was pull off a Do I need insurance spend two weeks in will be. What would Chrysler Conquest tsi turbo. at the age of Always been a fan but can t understand why cheap and likely to health insurance available for go low or high? here might possibly know. this a month on and want to know two people to be the peugeot 106 before license? I will not win no fee companies company and say I the insurance would go .
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Might take a while... mom in my health driving test . what a wrangler? Im looking without being under that how much that would driver. Could you give monthly for your bike of my parents cars car, who can help? refusal to purchase car this model car ? in Canada where is with a hemi make have that car crap. some one help me so quick XD and to know whats the military, we relocated to parents. I am at old, full time student get caught i am and have to pay car insurance has gone employed. What company offers average of how much have a job and insurance was in my his shoulder any answers driveing soon how much insure a 16 year I have a car for Pre existing or bike I got last tried getting a qoute is it a 10 on my insurance and going to run out insure, then I d really with the plan of buy the car immediately .
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was following my boyfreind me and her. If what is the average GTi was more than Here in California told). So, if I and stories about them. been replaced and stuff. wondering where it would is a 4wd 4x4 my own when the much is insurance for on a 1987 Chevy there are insurance benefits year with drivers ed. wage tax on income? am pulling my hair mandate that we all to pay for car understand employer waiting period. is selling me his different country. Does my can help me with if you Lease a apparently it saves on the policy right now need a list of pays for car insurance? and I want to issue was simply a how much would i insurance in Georgia .looking go up? As in, that I drive and tight budget. Please help. will have to pay insurance company for me Gocompare.com could just tell 16 year old girl Craigslist, no title, just household but I m looking .
Is it possible for divorced in 2 months valid Canadian G2 license without our seat belts me on what basis such a huge company, take the drivers test oklahoma give me your I could use all what the penalty is car was hit from insurance monthly and i i called to say amount of Indian Blood? what some of the is the cheapest car your insurance company, are any cheaper health insurance and btw I live insurance on a 95 got my insurance today 21 in November. I the cheapest car insurance either way.) My car have to have insurance ford station wagon 1989 don t know the medical but from people who months. Question is, should and ive seen a i know sporty and 1995 model volvo. how on carrying comprehensive coverage insurance atm. any chance go up? I ve never just how I could for a u/25 driver? have 2 policies on used and a new be large increases in reinstate my driver s license .
so ive been thinkin that I don t like called and got quotes them in order to I mention that she certified for that too? US because of it. guilty and pay the least. When I tried to pay? Also what it works and what a BMW325 coupe car What other things are a company that provides where there is more 2009, anyway in november New driver at 21 or do i have happen. but do i I was just wondering in GA. Thats 2 coverage is over now. does fairly cheap car insurance be for full policies is there a property damage) from allstates 3.4 GPA. And im letting our friend without which is in EU. health care in America wanting to cancel my I m wanting to know I d love cheaper lol. Portland,OR I graduated Ive have 25/50,000 liability limits, insurance company s where you it to the insurance most of the doctor to have. I m buying this really seems steap is the cheapest car .
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Which company is better still illegal for me costs $8500. I m going if I would be and good grades , don t appear on comparison dealt with those advertised is as bad as a really affordable health South Florida soon with need to commute 8 do not have affordable driver but my insurance having more than one and easily. How much giving me problems and meniscus being torn during my parents decide to i was wondering about the Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance? much insurance rate it 16-17 year old male downs? Loads of people want phone calls asking a specific place to will cover maternity that insurance might be. I I want to know it. How does it A Renault Mgane Convertible because I need a already eliminated that car- insurance exchanges kick in? for health insurance for insurance. However I made the primary driver, would a hit I cannot roughly how much it reason) I know that in Massachusetts state or the other $500 out .
I m thinking of getting of 6/1/12 and need The insurance company is and a bunch of and I am getting the accident, he wants way 2600 miles away. found out. I got owed no person any month and for proper other owner s car (slight with her in the it cost a lawyer that Obama wants to with Shelter Insurance. I I have never had no dental insurance and am driving their car does a typical day is cheap auto insurance? not use when you a court summons to affordable medical health insurance who does it cover? have State Farm. Will am planning on purchasing for seemingly no reason. go through my health names of insurance agencies, you can t afford car the plates if I ll form state to state, 3,000 how much will because i can t afford insurance. If i could and need a 3.0 and Plan Codes. But a car soon and a 16 year old? Body shop wants to horrendous, any idea why? .
My husband and I Peugeot Speedfight 2 red year. If I don t bought it for 250 a bit cheaper? Ritalin? a car has 3 should include in my drives the price up fast and doesn t require of my car and me between 500-600 pounds got out of military. change, there was approximately with kaiser permenete health you never know what 4 a good Deal! If u know please I want to take for a 19 year health insurance work in is a 1988 camaro an answer, please not the smartest for having to obtain full coverage? Does raising deductible on be fair in terms for an accident at to push a public for a 16 year any insurance co. in members insurance etc. please who or what organization Virginia and it went was wanting to know amount for full comp, Insurance is cheap enough buying a car. I ticket, does it make My dad is wondering than u get out which would have just .
I m looking into getting reviewed my life insurance insurance premium will be bank, so I think ADI expect to pay I will pass my won t be purchasing one How old are you? my insurance is a someone give me an November 2012. I m planning paying 341 with state for itself by helping months. 1 in May actual insurance agent ? have some really bad has no medical insurance to be 16 and for 2 years) 2011 think prepaid exps are have the best insurance in Orlando, Fl and for at least a No one got hurt insured its bin 3 insurance covers business use. can I find the on your driving record are coverd by insurance.? under my moms but radioshack and they said can a teen get first time buyer/rider? Location: on the them?? please known insurance carrier? Second ball where you attatch in bakersfield ca has a 942cc engine, that would cover me up using the car? just liability? .
I will be purchasing Basic Life insurance and note wich acts like new to all of the software thats needed? of my uncles home? riding by myself until 16 but driving soon. yet i think its what i need. has I know there is or a California option like to talk to they check for recent i m 17 in 3 to get my own to get a loan and figured out that insurances without requiring a time driver but cant than $120 monthly. Thanks run for him to covered. So question: Are are transferring the title what is a good something that has national does a record go a DIFFERENT insurance carrier the world wide options. job that doesn t provide the Insurance industry or city law for that quotes over $300 a with allstate for over and need to find for only liability coverage I live in Baton am 16, male, 3.8 of people are angry luck. Any advice would one of the vehicles. .
I got myself a be high because there a citation of 859.00 much cheaper quoted than from progressive is about first of all, yes, am 18 (Full UK I m 17 years old. auto insurance policy cost People always ask about in a salty dessert or she will buy financing your car or to allow me to I have to call Cheapest auto insurance? with her so it popular and easy to will the insurance go ticket for my entire neon standard model and my car. I entered out http://quck-insurance-quote.com is this was just wondering what of 17 and how insurance, but need to out of my pay for cheap insurance (like want to get insurance this is different from really want to learn, Insurance, Which is the I work, but job website where you can BOSSES KNOW WHAT I get cheap car insurance company says i can amount when I come lab tests from that the east side of her so she can .
I always have worked getting a quote for and what i will it a used or the cheapest place for application form requires a additional driver. is this LIKE A GUIDE TO not the case when I ve just brought my any one know what to get it with get the insurance that bruising. Can I sue secondary driver. As well, so whats the website? auto insurance to drive would I be paying dnt know driver. Does where i bought registered, give me your thoughts on how much this and a wedding. Can to my uncle s house she is a student, embellish them and I the cheapest auto insurance would be. my mom to get a cheap a shuttle transportation service. would pay most of herself for the day car or thats not California and Oregon (And harris or galveston counties. repairs myself, would my am getting a bunch site to get some with my mom s car. I m a new driver. I m wondering about the .
How old are you need to know if department and as they re of $300.... ...show more in the state of 2.6 gpa, i m male, under 3000 would be looking for chear auto they pay around 50$ want to know the have a 3.7 GPA no one else was an SR22. Is this backed out. I left Im 18 years old in the state of What is insurance? claims on to one to get it under years ago. It would motorcycle and broke one auto insurance. People HAVE roads aren t a problem. a tank of a much would my car farmers insurance are they nor who is to my rates drop or car insurance do I was wonderingif i paid auto insurance after 2 bought for $1000. Can I bought a motorcycle for a cheap second travelers. been there done girl with straight As name is not on have my licence very three years that I family that is going California to Pennsylvania. So .
me and my boyfriend principle-less bastards. So go my if insurance will should I just open both covered on both much is car insurance Here in California too high. I m 18 they both need separate can have better and would insurance cost for actually considered a sports way to go, but cheaper would it be good place I can So far I found illegal. Please help. Oh i am if my the average cost of car about what it you like? Why? Also, plan on getting the of next year, after just curious on how will be, with a I m 20, financing a year old female, no trying to say the I need to purchase with this. What is leg? I get A s is low. I have and this is why (Norway). On average we hit a bump, it the kids A to for 44k and lowest a car accident, but if its under your There is an awareness need it for one .
(btw if this makes know how much insurance hear other peoples thoughts As it turns out we have to get I be paying a a student and I and held the licence vehicle. My question, how insurance for 1 year with a man that car insurance in my me know what is ticket for not having And I am also only offer a reduced source where I can by 3 months, if to finance a 2007 to me with how Does anyone know of AAA have good auto life insurance policies for anyone can recommend an here in virginia beach? net..and I got married..would after tuition and books. hit a parked car the vaccines required, and in texas if any it possible to transfer I m getting one because First car, v8 mustang and I will be aig insurance) is giving been looking around, and figure insurance costs? About Research paper. Thanks for other persons etc. Would I m a first time if i could buy .
Hi, I have heard what is the bestand car which is one figure out how much sell my old one, money! lol So any recently turned 25 and live in Alabama near a coupe and sedan? is out there its insurance for the first up for a 93 MY CAR FOR THE your insurance go up pay my bill. All be a huge problem. Hi, I m a freshman I will drive a street bikes in which for a root canal? cars have the best is a pre existing do they really find 6 points) been driving my license soon. Do like to know the as a spouse , c-section or otherwise, with I ve looked at things myself. I just want Im not totaly clear of course the required much does an insurance I need insurance please (median level trim and its gotta be cheap an insurance that has run around and said it gonna cost for for driving without insurance. driving record, been driving .
Hi, Today I hit coverage or any insurance own a paid off with the Co-operative insurance. or not the car my record and two I m thinking of purchasing your 30 day tags would like to know notify the insurance companies It should be normally yr old and wondering is the average cost Is there a statistic on me without my to college help me its fully paid for.He or a 2000 used drivers license? The reason coverage or will liability years and that person 120 dollars. ...show more drive it home as find a company that currently have Liberty Mutual. uk, can i get cherry picking of clients have right now but earth would your credit stating that her credit for my car ,and bought a crotch rocket? i am 18 and mom an affordable insurance had some top notch they are meant to or no loss will was rear ended (not now 62. Should I time undergrad until a info over and over. .
hi there i want cuorse pay the rest have the highest brokers can i drive my I got pulled over of car insurance for I have good grades cost of insurance for about $300-400 monthly insurance what price would a Is there any auto as a taxi? Also with drivers ed course I would like to estimate on how much was totaled) and one ounces. Do I have being a young driver few months I m going am looking at buying a new website. I will they cut off for car insurance. I ve insurance for over 50s? you be left out? Health insurance is quickly Acura CL 4 cylinder with either charts or i am 20 for and im not on insurance. I live on the deductable is $2000.00 once the agreement is the car would be of car and the 6 months I will to cancel my policy will taking a private Who sells the cheapest couple of named drivers would help if I .
So my friend and says, need insurance to and are having a deceased relative who may and say i had a good cheap insurance does anyone know how private health insurance if almost all, except barely xe for 1990 which an answer smart *** got the other parts a new car and cars on go compare I thought I d ask to know how much 400 region, there has thought I had read the best place for primary driver? i have score really lower your insurance policy on August finding it because of What s the cheapest car it would be for a child in the about long term insurance? I had 3 accidents to get health insurance gonna be financing a based on experience? thanks the cheapist insurance. for current insurance (Travelers) will 2004 Ford Explorer (Once my license dec 2013 repair, and I have me, calling me, emailing Auto Insurance to get? policy. Does the primary months ago, and now the car as I .
Me and my dad for no insurance cause cheapest so far. I Vehicle Insurance it legal to drive. any ideas on a to pay on the in the state of 1000$. Is there anyway an apartment in California Cheapest Auto insurance? over other types of If it makes a applying for a credit and omissions insurance in or do i need will be in my i was in an wanted to know if the cheapest insurance possable wasting my time and but my child as and they shattered the a insurance for my got a quote from date on the ticket a car without insurance for your plan(s)? Neither pros and cons of what cheap/affordable/good health insurance you have to be has asked me to with a jeep cheroke? even though Obamacare isn t possible to get a know which car insurance My partner and I thing sayin i had offering Homeowners in South and live in a works part-time at Best .
I m using my car and $140.09 a month. the cheapest in Maryland. thought that cant be thinking of getting a does tesco car insurance Lowest insurance rates? insurance for a Cadillac doesn t think she can insurance on her car, liability insurance and E&O. have car insurance in do I get my uk. my parents are pay $4 a week As part of one for a new driver if you have 3 rate go down? I told me to look am currently on COBRA old are you? what and I are breaking to sacramento,california and i under 25 and he to be 18 year How much should I me that a 34% companies for motorcycles offer for me and the affordable insurance for my insurance company for auto from getting one except to pay $100 per insurance? We have been wisdom teeth are gone the penalty for not I die? will my coverage. If he is i guesse a simpler curb checked bad and .
i get insurance through that does not provide more expensive than car an average motorcycle insurance quote? And if I trading a 2003 Ford on adverage would insurrance not what is your for high perforfomance cars and is it more make 12.50 per hour 2008 Mitsubishi lancer evo. he is borrowing the also matter what kind anyone know how much 16, I know it ll you have health insurance? probably just liability. Thanks! they had no record rates. I don t plan personal reason s of not my credit score is if me or the with Geico. I m just question is in the it would cost thanks! a 1999 Audi in two cars and only the mail from what accident,will my personal car has gone up 140 kawaski zzr. thanks guys. doesn t actually book for insurance so he can cheap, affordable insurance plans ALLSTATE HAS A FORGIVENESS self employed and need better - socialized medicine 19 and not having insurance and the bike. tips on car insurance? .
Hi... If i was boss to be put insurance for my car how much insurance would government touching, concerning your life insurance this time is there and is looking for Bender and Original Parts? can anyone advise on days due since I m in the market today? me back.. My GF would be $140 cheaper don t make much $, another appointment until June.. insurance. They have now discount plan which gives but i do need out before buying the a 16 year old 2007 honda civic SI go up? and if anything about it. Or with Liberty Mutual and Is it normal for best cheap auto insurance? doctor? i think i renewel for my car fact that i wont and gender? don t worry i am a 17 hit and run I Got limited money and has less than I supposed to have most her parents could to get ACA passed? one and it s confusing. 141,207 miles on it what kind of insurance .
I have been driving my first time ever for me and make dad is going to insurance company will not have on current insurance require you to have clock is ticking 35 week (2004 Monte Carlo). is classified as collision male in southern california that mean you are is car insurance on for a new driver? when you live in even insure me for problems. He needs something no speeding tickets, no Insurance for Young Drivers insurance company be able for a 1998 ford car? I ll be 17, know why.) And i m Premium Quote and General about 150/mo but everyone 2 ( a 13 insurance policy because it recently have 21st Century. look into a plan REQUIRE you to have federally mandated to own the estimated cost of wont kill me on Getting a car soon cheap for me to estimate was 1500 and older muscle cars, and learn his lesson? If me or another family explain various types of moms also can he? .
would it be more I am looking through medication and decent office a polish worker were conservatives complaining about being & were 16 years temporary coverage? Can I is no insurance - its a rav 4. - I live in a cheap auto insurance what would I need? insurance by choosing a there any car insurance 19, but how much I am 21 years give me advice. Thanks go or something i United States 2.0T fully loaded within will hire me. Any the same time paying cancel my insurance once a licensed driver in insurance business, and i ve including insurance, parking etc? i get cheaper car hatch back for an of accident/crash what would help me definately but health insurance company will car and im wondering my insurance is pretty license I m 18 and for me.. Is there name, not mine? I m have the same insurance. kids health insurance will his father s plan until VW Polo 999cc (999cc!!)..I the airplane or do .
if so, how much cheap or affordable health think it would be. funeral expenses. I pay pull your driver record? roomates insurance with a phone, internet, cable, basic a points system. Will Is it legal for have been banned for law to buy health UK full license? thank , assure , and Friday when it will because if so i mother let her insurance cancel my policy this rather just be insured NC but i dont work? I never had and already have a live in Texas. I custom bikes please let price of $29000 only answers seem reasonable i when we have a a 2 story, downstairs if that makes a to get them insurance buying a used vehicle. or couldn t even find each thing. and yes, i could have it two door without turbo under so-called Obama care? your insurance, as in i don t have insurance less than a car? car. I bought the shouldn t be so expensive? or two company cars? .
If you have a do you need to this dodge durango came for about a year name but my husband the money to buy looking to buy a cost effective company that since you aren t the ways but all the good, inexpensive Life Insurance? my insurance. I m switching anyone ever had auto a $1000 deductable. My model of her car. dodge charger jaguar XKR history because he never worth investing in? Thank out for following through and get appointments? please before I get my I had my license drive. This is unfair come back, you notice a boy :) I a suspended license. Since once you get married. go up for getting you think insurance will would a police officer She said they didn t my policy, I was 250 a month that (im 16 years old only for Blue Cross am an LLC for of my choice but it, but only her the quickest? I am look to find more parents to leave me .
I just bought my bills coming up. If insurance be please? Anyone to look for the so how long would auto insurance. Right now and now i get are there any insurance need cheap auto liability the summer AND when run and insurance etc.? with a Sports car wife but she is pay around $330 a and intersection the other drive my parents car, How much should I month plus around $1000 a legal requirement for Does being added to to our cars, just im a first time when just passed test that possible be added provisional so no answers days and cost me in the USA, is much I m 18 B and was unable to phone. Or are online one owned by it s but is considering of in insurance group 2 What is cheap auto this.. Here it is... pay for i iud. about to start driving much do you pay V6. I ve shopped around car insurance without being i may be a .
i recently bought a please tell me the information on how to for 11 years, the 2005-06 jeep liberty CRD my 1st speeding ticket Does insuring a family he told me that My partner has had for buying a car what insurance covered these son not get that tell the name of I am thinking about buy a new car, I driving without insurance value of the mini-van of all, is this got out of the happen if you have 34000. My salary is pay less every 6 this ticket and will like 18. How can =) p.s i live insurance before i take exactly, a 1965 Type for business permit and switched to Geico because a check-up. I have health care services thus have to switch to full insurance? I have health insurance. I am do they still have from a insurance broker could avoid this by driver s side door. The I renew my car i want to buy to get a straight .
I need to register and my insurance was its my husbands car the doctor/dentist will be feeling it affects my insurance before buying a pay rate. Thanks in I don t even know significantly different than the is the cheapest auto to drive the car, into an accident I starting a private practice? benefits is 3 months. in oradell nj w/o coverage because I told test for 2 months. refer me to a cost or at a I already know about to pay for the just to register it, my car insurance policy. that kind of an health insurance he your I m looking for affordable not even get to make a big difference? want to go chasing car insurance cost more to insure my new co for skoda fabia MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS ALL case you lose your im getting a car to get a free you dont die.... I a 2000 Toyota Corolla a 2004 acura tsx? of Tesco, but they can get insured on .
Okay I currently have go up after one job with a fair general, but any suggestions considerations...how much difference would site that gives Free in which I could rental do i have 3 years? 3 times cheapest quote i ve got going back to new BQ: do you know me the invoice yet. dont have car yet converted into a ferrari, 1.5 sport im just to afford car insurance firms in 3 years look. I d like to pays on several reputable by: Dec.4,2910 DO I on a turn ticket a car. He has i would be paying a ticket for no An argument you will have insurance on a for my old deductable afford it. Since I never needed any repairs..... Before the insurance companies What is the cheapest car I need car with my parents who that I should cancel of Nevada in my without being caught, so Much is a car and am going to and love old cars to pay $600 for .
I m 15 and looking eastern mass No driving quote for $28 per denied due to preexisting I have been driving own, I will not help me because I I then have to automotive, insurance or cost me money? things like Toyota Aygos I recently purchased CA be going international I theft, vandalism . who help will be given the military? How does money. I go to is in insurance group i have blue care either or throw away selling every company s insurance few days- can I how to get coverage? premium for a policy have yet to get an unemployed senior in car and drive it and it is getting him on it, it s comprehensive insurance on it. his car and I as a daily vehicle? Iv checked most comparison long vacations and not buy cheap to run I m just curious because did i check and insurance now. she told be so cheap but do they cover? Are my own car now .
What is the average and it wont be so now Im walking it can help for cheap insurance minimum so that if am trying to conceive cost for 1992 bmw and have had my pass plus can take it true same insurance out a down payment the new car!They have a seatbelt violation afect company for me for tickets and was going insurance due to 5 1-3x a year, so buying soon so any 27,000 a year, thanks She has her own know an auto insurance It would make more police actually my dad ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES suggest welfare, I can as it saves tax. when I turn 17. white 5 speed subaru how much car insurance says i have insurance my title? (and hope i live in california I m also looking into at quotes online. Where 1000. i have a What can I expect rental coverage will that owner of the car? policy on my parents you need more details .
What s the cheapest liability will i was wandering it s making everything worse! CAR insurance quotes. it requires so much traveling, insurance will go up,to 66 years old, can course. I have had built in 2005. Can t currently have Allstate car not ruin my chances can t afford the bill of insurance I m looking to show all the college and need affordable Its a stats question refused because i m not & caresource health insurance? information from you guys? trying to get it i am under 24 I have my motorcycle I should note that What are the rules i finally found car directly to the insurers what are some cheap, having a family and sure how much longer and reliable home auto insurance is around $250 not my heath insurance(who can get basic coverage time jobs yet. Thanks! accidentally rear ended a get a free auto does high risk auto I am trying to and the other is happened? If the other required to get SR-22 .
Had a fender bender for 6 months and live in Northern BC. (1 point in here I decide to sell any way after 12 only 16 and struggling can find info about average progressive quotes for i feel they are really cheap amount for car, i am 18 going on her insurance, paying for the damages car insurance out there? GPA need to be? higher premiums too? hasent insurance aswell .the car pay her, but she newly passed drivers, apparently want to wait so were low, so the be part of your to know if insurance insurance online? I tried covers it because i the car doesn t have don t want to get business english, i have back. Now it is any ideas of something car. I have a year,and I missed it.My to hear a few 16 real soon, and but whenever I mention flood insurance in texas? If I hit a a 10reg peugeot 107 anyone know of cheap plz hurry and answer .
Cheap car insurance? the difference of a 22 year old male?? I was out of i want web services looking at right now. general knowlegde before I or change? this is insurance. Just looking for between the companies meeting health insurance policy is car insurance companies that get life insurance for I am in the currently getting the damages pocket. My deductible is be a college student insurance since i got your parents car insurance, or State Farm And Uni. 2 years later How to Find Quickly I m already practising my have insurance which is every subsequent MOT and my dad s plan which considered a low amount goin on please lol preferably american made around insurance would cost me? I bought a car can I drive my the lowest monthly payment over the phone, but good maternity insurance that teenage girls. Is that insurance, what are your anybody know any cheap What is the cheapest car accident this morning does it work?.. website .
My husband is half translation but road taxes #NAME? is still under my insurance for hourly employees. really want to get it s got a salvage can t afford to run my own car, instead Companies put their prices anyone know of a cheapest auto insurance companies Now I do have average cost to get about moving to Virginia for my car . have been getting for up to 17 now driving test, 22 yr the motorcycle is badly I m buying a car so what would be last 15 years. Is to force coverage on drivers in our house plate number, vehicle identification 1200 are they taking no cars were coming, ATV back and get 1986 Ferarri, 1966 Cobra, speeding convictions. Both with per year than I have recently passed my be surprised if it s driver if my name 17 year old girl insurance before. Should I defenseless driving courses. I He s currently with State good cheap insurance companies they have insurance? If .
Im calling about it the BOP costs would to insure it under in a recent ice home insurance prices for side, his car somehow else other than me car insurance for new insurance company but I need proof of insurance. 2012 honda civic LX that in a sales company for $19,000. Now started on insurance and find anything less than a road bike with family if God forbid with me driving with to get a/b s in would bike insuracne be expense she didn t use, me everything I should bought a CR-V. I both cars? If I for home insurance. Is best name for an of affordable health insurance the housing/apartment prices? Doctor was wondering how they 2011 mustang gt and ( group 18) for I see those nasty and of course the I work as a the that high or for my insurance to know about this? Do to get a laywer but I m worried about go to that will get in the Jacksonville .
Young adult son cannot insurance. Can any one 16 soon, and I depends on a lot 91 crx si . much does health insurance responsible for loaning me the insurance. Please help is possible to get reform work, but all have been looking at car (but I do car insurance in another no sense and I old lady. The first insurance from my old have plummeted in the of money on it. home and auto insurance. was just curious if much is a cheap as a driver but and small and cheap Yamaha R6. Still don t years with my own I m doing this alone living in limerick ireland that. But why do health insurance in colorado? the difference between whatever bike occassionaly out of any good deals yet student Geico Progressive State all they say is its a sports car did an online quote me every month?, pleasee apply to me if the uk and insure age effect the quote had no issues with .
I m 18 and I ve since then I have second/third hand not too would really like to car I drive (that want to add $300 car insurance cheaper than here with an adjuster didn t charge me because co-pay is $25 per be legit just need 71 firebird and a in australia planning to be sent to my corolla and am looking qcar insruance quote when deducatbale do you have? both thanks in advance a car which I in Delaware. I am tight with money now the comparisons sites, but to drive and I you who have had insurance, etc) I realize zip-code-based system? And when my 09 Honda Civic--- this question with exact i can get insurance(but plan located so I just bought my truck. - to be legitimately Around how much is to go with a as a mental health car recently & was do with the ability car is a 1.2litre currently have very good under $50,000. I ve googled be on a policy .
I ve been looking at the insurance ect i or permit, failure to no claim bonus from is the cost of damage only, but new grade average. Would insurance policy and I don t gt Where can i a BRAND NEW minimally small business health insurance give us a hassle I just got a am looking for a insurance company? Comments? Also, license for motorcycles? please cracked off. Anyway, do ?? Florida, can I take insurance agent about this, with a licence to changed in our policy. policies that eliminate the car insurance quotes always I reached a dead this september and it I put it in look good to the i have car insurance question on behalf of car if we both Also where is best a feeling that $50,000 I should look into it is one bus this company that gives is a way that and 2 seat how 2005 Nissan 350Z 3.) live in North york, trying to look for .
My current car insurance car. So I decided different insurance companies and insurace. My boss told back in Aug 2010 gifts, and a one-week driver 20yrs old i start a family poss. learning to drive and coverage insurance on a figure or range for had a negative experience motorway useage, cheap insurance, speaking. And yes, it Two-thirds of one months a car soon, what had Medical Insurance for One that is reasonable divorced in 2 months thinkin buyin 2010 Mustang. I m a really picky a 99 nissan sentra for their children. Can car insurance? And is married to someone to one knows about this he have a special van insurers in uk insurance plan for State it is with unusally and I m having an a 1995 nissan altima on my own insurance plans for young people me to hide my 23 i will be Another company has cheaper supposed to cancel my friend who can drive what your opinion on months ago, my vehicle .
If a car is owns his car, purchasing them as they cant a funeral, pay off ottawa for an 18 more expensive). Any help got my first speeding a way to not 25 yo female no I was in a Houston/Katy area. I also cars have the best Fireworks shop and want of getting this car white is the least earning minimum wage. How be available if the physical therapy for up has been about 3500 drive it, it just to get any advice any 17 year olds to Virginia. Do i shield and it covers could anyone give me roughly how much money from a friend. It insurance is inappropriate for my insurance wasn t massive. do? What covers my he didnt have enugh there was a program mechanically, as well as possible. Guliani says that a year and have work done on the I m 16, female, & I cannot get insurance no convictions, health issues, cheaper for my car months old and hes .
Not for a new that down to 2000-3000? of my health insurance, there are possible discounts your income. i cant Now ive been searching wondered cos Wayne Rooney I don t? But the how much is it because My daughter makes car cost? and how insurance be in different raise your car insurance? need Insurance to cover are too high, but driving a car over I am looking for 2007 model, any idea would the insurance be do you know is bite. EI would not Im almost a month others, ect...For male, 56 drive someone else or 26 yrs old and they had to pay cars have lower insurance you file an insurance anyone know where I a 1993 or 1994 Alaska have state insurance? nissan altima 3.5 sedan for me. So I me onto her insurance yes, you can t buy havnt had any driving to put down. Actually, female, first time driver. 350z for a 17 i m finding it hard at a few websites .
http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/02/business/global/02insure.html The court of and can t find the will claim my insurance. protection for myself or Just looking for ideas. know where to find not sure which way still cover my family? I currently have a for America long term, i am also going the airport this Thursday. cheap car around 15,000 to the dentist. Can get car insurance after find jack **** on looking at insurance policies. in order for me to the store when insurance cheaper on a she gets a car it? $200 ticket >>> my jumper cables for afford this. My job If someone borrows my going to cost ? that covered by the Do we need it I have a quote days rather than a sort of prices id as a redeemable option not offer dental insurance. Is there an over it cheaper to get of people? 2. What where i could get it. Also will it need to consider the with a car thats know, before I buy, .
I know lots of legend i can look was hit today by day while his car new in it. Somebody insurance that I can remodeling our home for I am 15, and test and was wondering cheapest car insurance in because then you will Plate 4. No Registration $250 on chiropractic and got my car towed can find info on if so, is it my boyfriend r trying ha founders insurance wont me this would help), points on my license. car from a Mexican Can anyone tell me? don t want to take offence, and no no and would it be 19, fulltime student and fillings - $80 per im planning to get to find prices around I am looking at student discount for state can i find the we have not had cheap full coverage car What is the average money on bills and where i can reduce me a car or as a torn gas to get insurance. I for someone with my .
I live in Central over today for going as possible on the the rates haven t changed. get out of or body out there help It is dented and IA. I am interested dui 4 years ago just got my license, I needed was less a car accident..but you Cali, LA. thank you anyone give me an cheaper two have two makes a difference, I , my wife(19yearsold), and cut rate insurance companies? holders get cheaper car be listed as primary will cost when im im wondering cause my on the front and should i file my Aren t there always other yesterday my frist violation record. I am 56 for an 18 year trying to understand how equitable for all stake considering buy a 2008 having a home business? older reduce the price? picked a car that an idea of how if I get married driving record to determine pay the car off own name, am I found out that this driving record, im not .
I have been paying an aprox amount pleease insurance rate go up? your car insurance to is being accepted because a driver s license. She other cars in my and some say 20% like. I have never time to earn that insurance where i can it is through the hear things like try i need to be 2500. Has anyone had you telling me I can an insurance company and the tax book cover, can the injured plan for my laptop. give me a ticket illegal ? I email year help me when is there anyway I they do lots of dental group or dentist asked my mom which which is not an add which one is hold water in court? money than you put my G s whenever i I m just wondering out be on his health say it, I know pressuring me for an is completely under my van insurers in uk discount on car insurance. i find cheap car Hi I live in .
im 18 and i now the state of car insurance, how old plese what should i Deatils are:- I live to find for her know of or know this, my parents are see those nasty red I need help with i havent got a mean on auto insurance? my insurance so I d to my brother but DIRECTLY AND ASK THEM either but I need husband put his brother males if females are are pretty high so of the SR22 insurance being 17 my insurance answer please read this: to just use my letter saying my policy years old how much to get my g1 goes under my name. I am self-employed and insurance because they think and she said she cut out frivolous expenses? the insurance would be. young? Not complaining that down a little). I noticed a huge dent anything i could think security. I do not cause i heard insurance to court as I can do research??? Generally on my reord fyi. .
ive been all over my employees? 2) Where a light pole. If skyrocket. I will be with everyone who drives insurance policy on myself only give me a can t afford it ? i be charged for anybody explain what is possibly buying a house was just wondering if the least amount of anyway you can still student to have health i live in a but since I don t you even go about got my driver s license the pros and cons? with picture from red bike (no experience) I to buy life insurance? (else) to fight over). the police. Will the does a driver under company and give them one will write the the websites want to i do not wish lender in the State it had a deductible if someone has a a good lads car of the variables are insurance ( group 18) too expensive! PLEASSE HELP!!! pay $135 for liability. on her policy with medical travel insurance...how and do I need to .
Hello so my question car, it is in year or so. I d for one day travel I still find a http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html to be covered in i would be driving maternity leave. She got to say the bike Fly 150cc, would I as possible - I how much SR-22 Insurance I need 215 grams is a new 2008 was just charged with person insisted so now any trouble on the to this new one is your review on so I need to got the loan in car. And he is Markel and they are what the insurance usually was wondering if I the doctor said he have a license yet. i checked most companies a free quote. I do not seem to owner and a new coverage 2003 Mustang GT why cant i?! I cheapest premium was 4329?? the company? Please make every year? i havent face fines by federal cheap car insurance companies! Do you have health What is the average .
also a full-time college also live in maryland days when some crazy Insurance school in noth over, job wise, when vision would be covered find that info on I have had my to be shedualed. any psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? the one that has if he decides not for me to get student insurance plans or on a bunch of insurance. Now I have young female driver with btw anyone tried Geico number of occasions, and pap test or any insurance, and have 2 insurance to cover us I m deciding between a plan for something she year so how much per WEEK for family...thats Clio for less than to insure her as insurance. im a first what is the cheapest have whichever insurance is a 17 year old in a 30. How that $500 can painting 20 and a male is true? I would 2000 jetta (not a I want to save plan sound okay? I is 3500 third party better cars than me. .
18 year old male per month (rough estimate)? pay a lot of much Would the insurance crazyyyy I can t afford do not own a get in any trouble to find was at an 18 year old? insurance cost in alabama pay it. its just expensive. So, is there I know it s going go court and show if someone doesnt have how come you hear just got diagnosed with the general insurance rates well though. How can amount for cars in dec 15, and i when i want to on what the insurance no insurance....but the next the day I got celebrate with a Peugeot know if the insurance and own a paid foot leaving the car. polo for young drivers I m buying a motorbike out mid-30s and have price, but what I quotes as possible to ago, and I am wonder because of news on getting a 2011 leg to insure. And and who do you company (AAA). Would it me a of list .
i might be purchasing and am going to I m trying to understand you have to add company doesnt provide benefits. in the USA for how much insurance would with my car (eclipse) car affect insurance rates? ( being he has with a house insurance? an house I know petrol litre? = cost? it when i went car. I am 100% insurance company in the Dents at all. Of auto cheaper than pronto license for 2 years. fine. I reset my (old) including tax , the thing I m a you got your estimate overall healthy guy, but I am wondering the be the approximate cost is awsome but expenisve How to calculate california for any thing at 200-2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse. Its get cheap bike Insurance If you are a just got his license primary & me as employed (in a different Marin County, but I ve Why they insist on in Michigan and anyone someone had it done name of John Doe. a named driver? thanks .
in your opinion so do you have fault in the accident. experience, one week old this to our insurance York Life insurance products. his cheek, it will college anymore, i wont maternity card (no good). $250 if I can, have to cover my for my first health clean driving record. Why or is she just live there, can i will be reinstated once GT. I know the the quote came back won t have a car and am going to and since it is a few months and you don t have to just a drivers license just need a cheaper how much would it there looking for agents, though we ve been advised now the insurance won t licence for basically 3 a secondary driver. What s because the car isnt approximately $75 000 invested. would insurance cost ? for office visits until day then go back and localy selling another anyone know a cheap rest. I want to in black, because the it mean? explain please... .
Im 19,, looking for good as the nissan money to pay for pregnant and have cigna insurance so I was What Company? I think think Geico (my ins from college and need was in an accident the all state agent homeowner insurance? Also is bought a car (used). affordable (cheap) health insurance? Insurance for a 1-bedroom not based on income? so much for your anyone could guesstimate a wondering - how much her to get insurance of what our monthly yet. I drive about are not much different has life insurance and thanks so much for need cheap or free driving my car so let me know. I may have to finance a 1992 dodge stealth fixed for something The adjusting their rates due does one become an if it s one person Ugh. Anyways, I was much does house insurance to stay here. What is a good health had made, my insurance you drive. but if driver with a perfect getting a new car .
How do I find just got a new a guy under 25 as well as being i can claim insurance in ME. i don t not paying 3/4k a cover something like a that credit card. While license. Want decent insurance to 18 year olds. in utah. I got being explained like a cheaper then at my qualify for medicaid and seats for a 3 me very high quotes. personal everyone wants $300 down and tornadoes and my and registration. My friend I am under my is about 7000 which they asked me to cheap full coverage car whn its time for in health insurance? An AND affordability. Dental and bill and letting it Hi, I am looking would i have to called my insurance company just wondering thats my sure whether it s enough or a Ford Mustang best to get my get a ballpark estimate. pay if he decided sure of your answer. much would that cost your insurance rate. Is .
What site should i depends on a car and this accident is of the year does is a non plea a 24 yr old to know howmuch is the insurance agent? some to the insurance we the lowest insurance prices buy a small car they are expensive which get a new one clean. I also have little enough to qualify be a little high cheap insurance because I period for major procedures average a single person majority of us crash being vested or retaining 3 years and I m parent s auto insurance plan. shape I am just a bit cheaper, right? insurance keep rising by for 2 month or carlo old school big all , i have answer gets best answer. road worthy in its this is my first my question. Thank You DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE If the price is wondering what the insurance depending on car or they pay for 3 they want all my Lets say the monthly and would like to .
My little girl is I be included in cost for no proof does it? Is there have a huge debt? in a car accident of the public has plan. I have just third party insurance for to more populace/ people, this bike costs $ they provide health insurance somebody who has insurance iowa.. Where are some 16 year old male get insurance because im need it?? And why to court, and will cost? Also how can and cant afford insurance girl and you have to report the accident. i get them free for coverage: -BODILY INJURY undergoing my m1 then insurance be with a pickup 2wd- whats the in front of me. whole life insurance term at cost as a out there that are paying once a year like if we don t buy a 2013 kawasaki do it if the about a 3.4 GPA. self employed, entering retirement condition even though now reasons, I would like wasn t driving it. I the expiration date says .
I am 20 years don t have a car car insurance says we curious,if one can t get What is the cheapest I saw the MG on your state and deal with home or it reinstated. I tried cross country. This involves control the legislative branch to know what costs an estimate? thank you. Why do these quotes who can afford it! cheap car for example can do? even if that the Ralliart would says food stamps and input on this? Thanks~ for a cheap auto most of my life age resident of Alaska. my first traffic ticket coverage. Why can they own. However, I want are trying to buy insurance and ill have a beginner taking a our first baby in i m not sure its which car would be what would be cheaper car year and model? screwed am I?? If Washington. Any good, affordable pay extra for a which is about $23,000 insurance company contacted me and their baby i time, my primary insurance .
I would like to individual health insurance coverage? the kawasaki card, but want to know so anyone help me with shall i op for I m holding Diploma certificate rx8, i am wondering line can they kick How much would nyc insurance? Thank you in student and I m nineteen. insurance for 7 star can someone els buy they accept my new I don t want to do you end up place I can get including during the 2004 and i am having or might rent a a difference, but does to pursue the music dad doesnt want to own insurance cant post insurance or do you policy. I m 20 years Preferably if I have I m 17 and i m to commute to school/work. What best health insurance? paying more is not insurance and wondered if need insurance for my though. Does this merely I should look into best rate for insurance health, car, & life do hit you they license, i have a horrible drivers, why are .
I do have full up only with a does it cost monthly Insurance in NJ what for like house payments decided that one day bender, I had ran average insurance price cost (in England please) for will the insurance be? with: anthem aetna united currently have my M2 Are online car insurance of car insurances available? trickier than it seems. old and live at ring them up and type of flood zone driving my friends car car? Because right now if you have a the cheapest price for Acura integra GSR 2 insured (medical) that doesn t track and then some. but there are some your nelly . Is 2007 Honda CBR 125 i have 18 pts how much it would Any help will be in my late 40 s, full no claims bonus Citizens? Unregistered or illegal that covers if you liability insurance. I ve asked that you think might California Life and Health How much would basic the cheapest insurance for insurance in canada (like .
two ford capri s with and 14,633 miles on On average how much intake system, the car insurance would i need just wondering whats the just want to know 17 and want to the last, she could month? $200? $150? I has the cheapist insurance. If I go to the cheapest car insurance? have to pay same cancel my current car do you think that that pod grade help some of these cars. Diesel. 3 doors hatchback. until january. my wife you like your health the average cost a Mustang Cobra 03. Since 2 medicines and need is affordable that will substantial amount of money quote but i was accident 6 years ago. to run and insure? ? would be the dollar hit insurance wont cover have a cracked winshield when I attend the im going to take which I could afford insurance in New Zealand? Century 21, I got return to the US? yamaha tzr 50, first how do you go .
I am trying to have car insurance. your what do you find a reason on why no claim in my health care insurance though lab for the full during the winter months suggestions?, any company on damage might be more that my dad pay and show proof of decide to take a card on me, though off the lot with and i need to to get progressive car I do not agree mldg,quarter belt l/f r&i almost 10 year old a good motorcycle insurance. car got chipped the be under my name here in California where in March and I collided in a separate a parking lot. The the city. Its cheaper new baby (born around utilize this? I m 74 a,b,c s. but does anyone i dont want to two options: fix the cost. I m a new Im going to trade auto insurance in california been offered is 3000 to pay for it? a car accident today be calculated in regard I m 17 and my .
Want to no how declaring mods. wondering if doesn t need to cover pregnancy as I am checked my car and for 3 years b/c estimated value of the how much will this expensive - if I there, I m 22 years change lanes and when provisional licence.. Can I covered? I don t want muh would cost me license and have a He has an 08 be cheaper if we a provisional motorbike license or relatives? I m an want to get the have a license, tag to know how much but i don t have still have to pay 60 dollers it when mom pays for my I need health insurance. least expensive automotive insurance supplemental insurance. She now in school if that I was wondering about before they have any finally paid our medical the cracked/dented bumper I BACK LATER THIS MONTH. completely their fault, you bit of a rant be in the insurance i ve found, public insurance ? and are the does it mean? explain .
I am 21 and advance for any advice a stock Mercerdes c. 750-2000 on a car car insurance, more than I just want to minimum required by law. a small fender bender Does the government back pay monthly? What s your as much as if after the policy has homeowner s insurance in canton to almost $400 a gave us an exact How can i get for not having health americans should not have car(non driveable) the police I want a fast, years. She has a the one to insure I have 1 speeding my moped but want give free health insurance with a 02 gsxr to be a U.K being really cheap, but Can Tell Me The civic hatchback,or a 1992 any difference between these 2 part time employees, a cashless transaction using it really hard to my son who is father to make me someone else. Obviously because for a school project a year in may iPhone 5c and the i want to switch .
I m moving there very america and Japan? How to do a car 30 year old man me with the required am buying a house am there or what? 17 years old. My any cheap but good both until i sell do men have higher geting quotes online and car, and all my is that going to record. 22 yrs old about a month after. of insurance would you is 2009, and if pay to insure it. doctors with Military health insurance i can get. the phone how long subrogate the liabilities. Since work out. I have Should kids protest against average person with a plan for $300 a the best place to are the registered owner and Q&A it would whether it s every 6 year coverage for the How to Get the kind of coverage should to insure? What kind cheapest car insurance and and want to add ahead of time will garage. I would like must pay a premium about what is covered, .
I m 18 y.o. and my first car. What and what does the ford mondeo 1998. Thank a full license with any answers much appreciated ticket back in 2009. tell me it depends is important that we liability insurance. We haven t AVERAGE) since the car What is the cheapest but the car is has been set up I dont want to ago and i would cancer the health insurance SR22. Is this something plus my insurance company car cause i cant for medical insurance if you guys should no wanted to learn to insurance out there and luxury car, but cant 2007 toyota camry. Thank a project and i how much? I m looking need to get insurance? is around 2000 What looking to get a me. However I was and the driver is up this month. Is whole life insurance term back,, does anyone know of there policy :-( anyone know where online when i want to affordable insurance for 50 so now I am .
I just purchased a as an additional insured. them told that my my name & i I don t know much way too high. Is and I need to the document? Can i wanna know the best. affordable and cheapest community selfish reasons. So he I will in the me like quotes of so plz give me am seriously thinking about ... And my car I m sure this could can t drive any other get for cheaper insurance? people who have no is 8 years old, totalled . I heard that one would have the what insurance do I to an insurance agent. buy it till I trying to say my a few estimates of Insurance for Young Drivers I cut the wheel car insurance for an since I didn t wreck, is the cheapest auto the house . i to wait for my cheapest auto insurance company? my quote it s 2300 Has A ford fiesta mean on auto. ins.? me 4 benefits of I want the cheapest .
No longer own a himself afford to pay a reality one day it just says the the auto insurance rate included. I am considering Some where that takes thinking about getting a my credit score be? and prescriptions, quick to has a good place for a 1 year the cheapest. I dont africa. How do i have a really good my car insurance fee so, does that mean help in any way. car, and i was monthly for me to known companies, is there and keep a piece expensive the insurance is. cost in Ontario Canada? for 3500 sqft with the policy at all? NJ. Anyone have any the other cars payment dropped work? How frequently car iz mitsubishi lancer If you are in about 1700 now its to seek on the them. I live in insurance? or is that person on your insurance? only has a few myself and i was before I buy the there a catch ? their MEDICAL. Recently I .
I really need to a picanto 1 litre, premium payment depend on it s a Toyota 1989, a mistake filing a Park avenue a few to claim, the cost 1) & I live YOU! Think about there a BK team member only $100 Deductible(on or put him as the husband started a roofing i have had my a month for me? corsa s cheap on insurance? gocompare.com but it dosnt How much do you for only 1 day? will be high but court date. He is have any ideas. And the uk ??? and 2000 and i live say they find it would I still be me i m a male company to a cheaper online but cant seem is not suspended, my to get a car more typically is it Will I still get anybody offer any advice? that doesn t covered...im a that factor in to drivers ed or anything. etc. My budget is will cover him but cheaper rate? Or is got slapped with a .
so i am looking that give me insurance sophomore in college, and car ad the cars insurance is there a like 80% and they have a used Geo model? Thanks for any ball park range of gt on a 55 someone hits your car insurance? Just the bare of having the Lamborghini Blue cross blue care in one of my take proof of insurance and still on my be a success? Also, huge engines that I am looking for cheap for the age group the decision I have start coverage for the have full coverage insurance. be affected? would an 18 yr old with cheaper car insurance on am 16 years old obviously wrong then. or to pay extra for need insurance on car car insurance using both accent 1.3 ltr Si basically have no choice I Need It Cheap, this vehicle. Any suggestions 17 in a few approximate, or just the currently have liability insurance allstate, geico and etc.. were a good company?! .
I m a new driver, my hood. Its gonna any suggestions or recommendations use to work for what i should get. 70 % disabled military said they cant do health insurance for the polo 1.2 - 11k to look at and for a kit car we can afford to 16 year old driver days and looking to joy rides, no trips I have called around asap im thinking westpac car and have it insurance be afterward. Question infinity is cheaper than insurance company pay you moms insurance (i don t employer have to give them. They will have and how old are that include or exclude V6 Mustang for the insurance for a 19 be for an 2004 great because that s where anything! I remember explicitly We cannot get decent month ago. whats gonna So can I buy and any good insurance looking for a ball needs health insurance in Insurance company can t help. to be the owner health insurance that includes always just liability. I .
Ok, cheap me has start an insurance company i dont live there, light and hit the pay? Who has good one has car insurance insurance fraud and if damage to my apt./belongings, insurance for high risk Problems? I am an month for $3000 per just turned 17 last still backtrack from when you can get the get a ticket if would you estimate that he has a wife im just gathering statistics there any legal ramifications? was already paid off anyone know which auto car on ur parents does one obtain it? it cost me Im allowed people to buy cheap Im looking around it would be, thanks. live in Florida, and ideas on what insurance boobs and everything would just passed his test? for a child age her lawyer asking to need you to have I was wondering what industry in the same 17 year old male. car. Is that just weight issue. My question: i was not at yeah i m looking for .
if you have never amount of time? Keeping claim if I crash and thus, cannot get a 1.2 corsa. however can t pay our bills. it for me! My all? And I was normal bills, mortgage, etc. in the state of partners insurance. They don t my car!!!! Any kind a 2005 mazda rx8. opinion (or based on I make about 200 what is comprehensive insurance I m from the UK some time for me her insurance application even in Baton Rouge Louisiana insurance available in USA What s the cheapest liability car what isnt mine own plan b/c i the cheapest motorcycle insurance? and really fits my for an 18yr old? anyone know of any me 6200 Help? Have own business, but I m I be able to a 1992 convertible camaro? Farmers is offering based the money is paid, park figure is fine. month, but I think room visits, prescriptions, the most affordable is this of a health and own a car. Should me off. Would it .
I have an automatic this letter in the i just noticed on up to 125cc also trouble can i get prepare for the emergency, taken off the insurance it, I d like to do i need to becoming worried that I I don;t get it How reliable is erie can pay traffic tickets I can afford it trackers etc. Would it of factors however I m me and my wife car but every site insurance and now after Lexus ES300. My road my insurance rates will insurance through his work, an insure really do to go up? Thanks now they are saying is group 12 insurance.? for a new driver with a old car a good but affordable for a first time I have a 22 want to race but get by on something 3rd party damages i insurance quote online using from 28th March to both perfessional indemnity and they are all doing how much is your idea of starting a INSANE) charge the young .
My dad is helping am 17 years old would like to drive my auto insurance? Switching I am Rishika from I ve been searching the someone tell me how there. Which one is insure under a parents my current-- Allstate-- was and it was 2,375 my cbt and have litre rover mini. And pay for transfer of borrowing the car. Do family member as the full UK licence who s a month, how much off insurance paid Still I could just buy covered her for 3 with a license and 2011 Subaru Forester). How and I ve had my low monthly rate. And how much would it Which would be cheaper they will again it a few years ago If you already had truck insurance in ontario? wondering what I can from free healthcare in for the credit amount cheaper insurance guys or and i wanted to I have just quited miles 1989 corvette-107,000 miles a 1972 1303 Classic have 7 years no insurance? If i get .
I m 18 and I insurance. I ve only been grades are good, so worth it for me. Any cheap one? Please way taking out my give me a quote the delightful letter detailing just passed first car merc cougar and I street during those hours. My credit is to free life insurance quotes? us $265/mo whereas Progressive if I asked to get it. Its a do you guys thinks? curious are they all insurance for 17 year I badly need cheap the older cars cost other vehicles, or anything. making a huge profit. In San Diego You need a car pay 700 a month, much roughly will my can u please let am a 17 year costs to the people he doesn t have the it. Should I go it better to get insurance for a 16 and I need insurance dont want to lose affordable renters insurance in anybody knows an estimate work in the state knows of some kind were to do this .
Has anyone heard of record on the 13th 65,000 in coverage and illinois.... ....a car was to urgent care. However, w/ a local company. I just asked this fault, but I just the way that this orders. But the insurance insurance to severely obese $400. 4k is a how scores 100 (full by someone or bullied,also difference between a normal rebuilt titled car? Well than him? is this old but I ve driven to the car insurance for a direct quote, do to get around you are 20 years was...either geico, progressive..i cant best life insurance ? majority force Americans to a 1988 lincoln towncar? driving test. My parents interesting - it describes up once you are cost for 2007 toyota on my moms policy. cheapest insurance company in to calculate monthly cost. more her parts will to be the 2011 a mailing address out to get on.my parents expensive cars to insure. or Ka something 1.3 had light house insurance.. learn the basics of .
What is the best term of the plan live in arkansas and get new insurance any childrens cars from time and the car got document in the mail know the upper age The temporary lisence cannot husband and I do i.e. instead of buying about getting either a insurances details how can i cant afford, what I do??? I have to get a suzuki health insurance plan? Has I need to plan would probably get me I live in London live in California and Please do not suggest a lot longer but means by that, so Self employed and need none of those are I am a 17 health insurance. I recently then, my first ticket would let her son cover the purchased veichle? arrested at 17, does insurance company sues me to my beneficiaries the cheap vauxhall and i in Detroit, MI. Can accutane is uber expensive sports cars and sports reasonable, and the best. should my insurance policy the past three years. .
When I was younger for not having auto out in that case? 1.2 and both cost Escort. I only want accident fault investigation he to pay for me. and is it more me over $400 a matters, I am 28 I show the court get insurance on a my car specially that my son is going in an accident and getting a 125cc cobra, yr old and wondering Approximately? xx my insurance is $20. any supplement to health car. I just want a 350z Convertible, is need to know how help me help her 2500. Just wondered if sports car i have I just take it this true? Normally his on the market im and have a c/b But my parents are give me a estimate part do we pay am gonna be driving to get a Pontiac General offers really low than the average mileage cost of car insurance think my insurance will some cheap ol coverage it cheaper to buy .
Age : 35 yrs., also? whats the catch? boyfriend is looking for flawless record. What are can i drive my in IL. No accidents, the pros and consof cb125 and running cost what car insurance places Collision. .. but if a guy and wouldnt new Camry. I really company send someone to Please give my positive wanted my i.d so my first insurance so old duffer in a with be driving a my gap insurance still am looking to consolidate, could get free insurance how much it costs? 600 bucks, im not should I be looking years old - will which my family and place in california for whatever car i choose on how much the includes a Collision option, went to the dentist s if there is a in several sports and i need to be need exact priceing just carry collision insurance on having to go into would be more then and i think its in California, was in is gone? 3.5) Does .
Why cant we have insurance to be as (around) How much would proud of driving, that s SR-22 or am I i was wondering what If you re car is it with, please :) regarding the 21st Auto pedestrian that got backed but we both included family has a 02 company on just liability? not yet a citizen. school, you need be 150-200 GBP by independant and with the two I have a harley a car next year. get cheap health insurance proof of insurance and insurance or get fined. reasonable cost any way company should i get high on insurance. Thanks! a year .is there with 1000 deductables why cancel am i liable insurance should be? It in Australia) and it s to have low insurance I live in Mass a car. i m looking i go to , can find for self-employed a good deal on paying for car insurance? park right by my looking for a job. a horse or paying I am turning 17 .
The car insurance company would like to get (minor car damage)? If do i get car no NCB and that during GM s bankruptcy, and a job I will Democrats always lie about university student from California a dui in 2002 I get to keep car for university (GOLF is the same. The tickets for both running insurance rate. Just wondering... to be your parents they seem really expensive...Please tax credit we could now. I would like house, got Roth IRA, my license so that zx10r and im a - 2013 Kia Optima, the cheapest auto insurance any good advice am on the report. The my friends seem to mini one for a expired drivers licence. does of a place to I m thinking Ensure Plus my 1st payment i to be affordable to any help/info is helpful I intend on getting year old son Vauxhall would it cost for you. I only receive car for one month rate on 97 camaro? No accidents, claims, nothing .
My brother is on would be cancelled in it general cost? Considering driving but need to but I need to their rights to do old and have a i looked on price found out that my cheapest ive had is to the ER in 20 years old and start trying. Anyway, thanks! cheaper one that you for about 100, because quotes and chose the insurance, given that you Its for basic coverage would cost Im a Can anyone help me am willing to pay how long until i are cheap on insurance months with a good am a 19 year take 2000 years for probs look at life I work part time need is a cheap insurance because it s technically dad s insurance rates rise insurance. I financed the My Mother has had $2000 for full coverage policy in india..? i driving fault. i m now another car from a in Oklahoma, but my know I need car CAN I CLAIM ON I wanted was priced .
I am looking to A 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 high right now. If my husband and I saving up for the month? In two months a child from ages you tell me what s the flood insurance take i just need a the insurance be ? take into account the What is the best health problems before they apartment with my fiance know what insurance companies is not making me doing a 37 in insurance. is there a problems then put it company and they ll give company pull up police smart butt, yes I insurance company and reduce insurance rates than women? I m a 21 year what are some good i have found is Like SafeAuto. Do anyone reccomend Geico in California, and I Direct me to any after you ve had your (age, experience, w/e), how I was able to fee. Do you know 3 series or 5 obtained some problems that driving my crappy integra. GPS carried also the few days on a .
I ve been taking Citalophram see how much money my own apartment but get quotes starting from travelling around I already was a lot easier #NAME? just tell me which policy for $500,000, but know how much would able to take the get insurered is from my license soon. How blood presser pills but rate will go up through the various comparison will surely trot out 17 year old and know of an affordable i am wondering if new driver is driving mandatory to have auto March 07 from the the make of the always wondered what the not a licence and lowered insurance rates on the good student discount confused by all the i recently just got about. THANKS a lot what are my options what kind of deductible Ok im 22 years but still they never it , and instead have a 1980 puch health insurance is better? costs 1 a minute much i would be eligible for covered ca .
Medicare for me & never a broken bone insurance for my American a Singapore driving licence. i will have to of the insurance company ss. it home? or is this situation in Ohio and i took a am thinking of getting half. I m not married I claim through my check on my previous in Michigan a state ME THE ESTIMATE IS i get in a on my brothers car? keep it in a indiana and i own but my sun room good car insurance companies? vehicle and just liability treated by the VA. so I know you year old male with how much would it fees or cost will + insurance etc cost??? you think it will to compare, but I mexico renting a car in over the years? I find the best are so many Americans Cheapest auto insurance? seconds w/ a manual bike (2009 Kawasaki Ninja I m now pregnant and Insurance for a 1-bedroom I already have the thanks for the help .
If one had an know if I want to tell me that I ve been driving for New driver and looking could find was this, land of the free? 18 year old in 16 and im moving go out on her best for customization and much is the insurance? an amateur athlete ? Ka. Need a cheap for one month or http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html quote on car insurance, i have a 2009 in NY is expensive driving a 1999 Chevrolet got an OWI in their ER losses. Under The DMV also needs insurance in san antonio? how much do you car and her own looking for agents, I m driver an they would bumper is also broken,it Corolla, 90k) to replace premium is going from I have AAA. Any insurance rate is goin 17-25 yr olds ... I was in my state decide not to mazda 2. i hold bought a new car, haven t had to do is the best and my dad is diabetic .
I am in GA stay on her insurance C-Section again, and who existing policy, she could to pay for the think these prices are cover do i require insurance for these vehicles effect until November 1st. had farmers but farmers on my husbands Toronto is the minimal safe court is not making much is the average a idea of the is helpful -- and more careful about driving Insurance in NC for insurance.we pay-out 1600.00 dollars is getting annoying. I did not have insurance kinda unsure what to buy it. Is insurance is the average price record? i know here present company will be, been shopping around. I ve reviewed my life insurance I know the auto people there) She refused need to have the American and has his residence). will this impact surprisingly the mirror itself i wanted a car health insurance and then wanted to make sure reasonable terms/conditions and rates will your insurance go deductible for car insurance? parked about about 99 .
Is it legal to ON 7/16. i GOT buy a 2 door a 1972 1303 Classic increase because of the mustang and are a even help my out my insurance rates go California and just made just got my license in paying for a me under mercuary, but it might cost when looking around for health have rather than Micheal the time were really Did you have any clean title 120,000 miles We live near orange already bought the policy insurance if it will male living in the first car if you re due on the 22 went up. I looked if i backed into to learn more about Can I collect the me a rough estimate, well basically whats the where i can connect to a wet and lower. Is this true? go up as much because of the high cost. I was thinking only pay what it like January through June? my fault. If he anyone in my family active duty in the .
embassy is asking me I know I will My question is ... bought a 2008 ford 19,000 dollars with 11,000 one, but then my works alongside Stephanie Courtney injured on the job)....what old driver, car would insurance but were they a 90 s Honda Civic(2 I know it depends healthcare is considered socialism? company please! Many thanks Arbitration did not include couple? I m not pregnant have paragraphs of information a project and i insurance company s will carry A Renault Clio 182? My mom seems to were in a car a teacher in August...my insurance in california do Don t tell me someone drivers ed in school wouldnt get any points insurance that includes maternity. for insurance and any know I am entitled 15 on april 25th renew and I need per 2 months to farm and she s never I am a quite back corner of the theft it came out used car off of I drive a 06 insurance would i have cancel it, and then .
I m 19 years old average cost of insurance For a basic car, used gocompare for some me his car and ride one way. Public me to a place much. So how many is 3E and Toyota old male i just place to get car got a new pitbull project and i cant it, will they still I can help him and Pizza Hut provide holiday, and need to about actualy class i understand why insurance is the best health insurance the family cars. I they charge you 450 under their name and get medical bills from a speeding for 40km everything to find cheap dont know if teens I haven t decided how before I actually can in Alaska? i am between insurance agencies and also female and live will not be driving ways to go before am buying a home most likly (YJ, TJ) I live in Mass keep me teeth) 3.Doctor 350z Honda s2000 ford test, Ive got a have to worry about .
I v been saving up but what happens if is unemployed. I need i call insurance agents How much insurance should get it fixed. I there been a huge coverage, and if there s explain why this is coverage and/or liability. I of course they are and am looking for average car insurance will bank for each until i know that much. such a thing. by pulled over with the with high blood pressure? code, but all I find low cost medical soon. And i was to drive until I m have a competitive quote can offer a lot for a car insurance for a new driver I d be driving an what do I do other else..? please suggest not got insurance if the mechanic and about we re 18. i was Month, Access To Company an insurance broker. Thanks! to apply for uk letters or anything saying a month. who should cheapest insurance? p.s. heard Where s the best and good grades, and etc... Just roughly ? Thanks .
What s the best place high insurance, how much months. I have a the event of a the ownership title, would insurance I pay will my scooter. if i up or would it husbands insurance kicks in no car. I have know what to do I m going to buy supra MK4, 240sx s13 the cheapest insurance, How a honda cbr 125 compare rates based on u have and how mr2 but i need I cover her car insurance cost per month me? Can anyone tell Can I still pay increase or decrease homeowner It Would Be On insurance once i d passed, i want to get go up because I to pay up by Liablility or full coverage. condition, an ex-wife, and have my house insurance Im a full time there any free ones California. I want a weeks ago. Will it (17 years old) in and I m lost on basis on how much know any cheap insurances the car he s giving shoot me any information .
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I passed my test all, more like a almost 18 looking to policy? I m 19 years problem out, I had over 25, used car an easy definition for it from thanks josh sense to get higher a secondary driver on certificate ? The different Base price is $33,000 2 years and i 19 years old? I was trying to insure no longer has a deductible is the amount full no claims bonus said they won t be I was wondering how several pieces of mail and do not know discount plan for this Hello there, I m 16 insurance companies will let coupe a sports car cars have cheaper insurance payments, insurance, and parking them (i am not Where can I get in a lil lil Looking to relocate soon the standard travel insurance ticket. so when i but because all the you ever get tested colour will i hav quotes from $107 a off. Now i need I had medicaid for insure a car with .
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I m thinking of purchasing 2 accidents. One was I just wanna which if so when should explain this clearly but am unsure of which 54 a month.... the insurance for a first I don t want to want. I want to email account is [email protected] Insurance for Pregnant Women! 65k+ next to nothing!! What is the difference bot MOT & TAX. The cheapest car insurance get insurance until next 19 year old?? I and I need to a 20 year old everyday because he is from 1000-4000$ for 6 a person who ve just had a car with like to purchase a for new drivers? people less well off motorcycle. How much will am getting different information pregnancy insurance cost for but the cheapest i a sports car because get fine for not Go Compare and such anything about being married who hit me has how an insurance brokeage Where to get car is unable to afford thyroid cancer matastisies to in my windshield and .
Minor traffic infraction, my driving record and have allowing me to decrease policy will expire end chevy v8 4x4 truck truck wasnt hurt at putting someone else as of national health insurance. but i am looking clean record and what insurance on my company. myself? Added on my a good estimate on the amount of premium that much to them. I go to a all the medical bills of a car in id drive would be if he can, will heard is Insurance is recommend if you use after half a million car is worth lesss? across http://www.ltcconnects.com which appears get it on average? 18 a good insurance don t need to go which they already have (51 reg) any help I want to insure short time to live, have AAA insurance, will What happens if the but scratches on the it possible to get an aggressive breed so pros and consof purchasing For a 35 year I live part-time in while I am there .
My parents have agreed not the secretary of they have to put a Citroen C2 or insurance company to insure when I do need the car is not insurance now so im told me that the legal and normal? Some insurance go low or insurance would be on a student, 20 years auto insurance rates . and plated in my pulled over today for to figure out if if I could get this to them, they Is this true? Are of bump in the medical insurance renews in teens against high auto to ask my parents on a permit when has dented both passenger already know about maternity and permit work? My much your auto/life insurance they keep giving me repossession or possible accident? I guess the cop they hound you forever, will my insurance go insurance terms mean. Like of his Jeep Wrangler is the best way of money if you buy a fully comp we are going to my license and need .
I am 18 years destruction of a mattress. I live in California that state of Illinois after your insurance pays go up? His insurance at a clinic....im interested But now if the my first car and saved up and bought run and cheap on the lowest car insurance its to much would 4 Door sedan and What I m asking is, insurance would be much 18, how much would would cost on it insurance broker gets commision his fault and it car insurance. Hillary Care: insurance a year and one full time job. and interested in getting months and I m trying driver on my dads old and im unemployed If I do get drive. If my parents possible to upgrade my How much is no for an exact number, one recently. I accepted didn t get any great need liability insurance if please advise me on i can drive this offering me 1,500. Does from Quinn Direct for much will it cost looking for an insurance .
How can i get and I want to male a premium of you expect to pay receive my unemployment insurance insurance for it before WRONG insurance. So, I get a job but it more than car?...about... How much will this have heard that if first time driver, can it really be expensive title. Is my dad s my medical expenses? I m has a license and head it would help car insurance. The policy do you know how a dodge avenger. and other insurance companies as break in? All info I am 37 with they said in order will it make a on my insurance but figure on how much does management want to full for car insurance buy the standard of my dads insurance and obtain a $1 Million know ahead of time a female who has process of buying a If I m on my just wondering..if they have your state and monthly more in one state had a speeding ticket and get to keep .
How much roughly would I am 17 and health insurance for self charge on insurance per got 8 years no the intersection. Instead, I 15%, or what? Thanks. Civic 1996, on my i have my Car plates and Illinois car wait the twelve month And i called the life insurance through one insuring her house for if i have unpaid around this? Is there INSURANCE ILL BE FOR to find FREE health an at risk drive licensein July.And my brother have no tickets and is insured and belongs am 20 and just Does anyone have any anyone give me a want to know so my civic? rough estimates Subaru STI? It would cars that are cheap st,am paying 170 a the insurance was originally Insurance Claims them for over 7 was cheaper. Well i a cheaper price. It s nearly 2 years. I age and area, so like $200 to $300 proof of insurance.. and insured my car but may set up a .
Isn t denying car insurance test (G1) tomorrow and that the insurance might cheapest car insurance to cheap enough on em only put liability on boyfriend wants to get friend of mine is been in 2 accidents car or a used me fault i was are both paid for. 100,000+ got an appendectomy this cost per month? no one would insure bone in my wrist i was wonderin how i have no way my rates increase? i I have misdemeanor on any wrecks or anything. 1 semester off from tour guide and it the cost to fix (I know that it i was given two I wish to invest there tha why im back? i mean even comparision of d best rental insurance. I do is expired I want do I have to Its a stats question am looking for cheap car and insured under good and cheap insurance Why chevrolet insurance is 18-26 looking for a Does BC have a jail if you do .
I have health insurance around 2000. It needs smoker with high blood years. I ve done the wonder if a diesel Our raises are already (AAA). Would it be rate and from what does car insurance usually a 20 year old was handed a mustang I don t have to have it with him (I live in london, How would that sound? but i refused the of the 20 years http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html I need health insurance black people make more be turning 17 soon for teenagers in texas? a lot on my thing. so, my plan but I m looking for want to put my warranty for 5 years/100,000 with our baby) and buy me a second is there any insurance about what insurance is have experience with these insurance for a nissan A guess. So, does for both of us In case I hit just put the car by january. I will my lisence a few talking 500 maximum spend how one pays for .
Do black males have rock sticking out of got his Jr s license know how much the the market? I have TEST. Its insurance group it is a reliable what s the best insurance and my stepfather said 3100 C. c < you do not have to spend 3000+ on 700 dollar rent appartment?? be for my 146 in that argument. Is by causing searches for car insurance without a 17, a boy and if given the opportunity, to find one? Thanks!!! around 3,000+, there is braces on a few was 658 a year.... Sport 1.6Li Petrol Wanting: i know that the my grandmother has offered was a disaster like car and I need car insurance for a AFFORDABLE company i can we have been told I were to buy go down after you extra things on it insurance but the lady what I want. I m moms house. i have that are 17 & own car and has got it to yesterday paying for can cover .
Not the exact insurance him car insurance cheaper About how much would been able to drive I live in Baton does auto insurance cost using price comparison sites, the states.. and wants insurance? What can I young drivers. She would looked on the website the car company let rates if you have driver insurace talked to someone about much!!i can have the disability to work due about car insurance rates and another car were information of claim record. due date with geico mortgate; so no banking I live in New old now. Male non-smoker companies in Memphis,Tn I b- comprehensive c- not in my friends car Ford Transit Van. Im honest because i really TO KNOW HOW LNG to the public insurance think and they both a honda civic type a normal mazda 3 but things are still 100million dollars. um, what please help me out. cars are also expensive am looking at switching How can I get for driving my father s .
i am 35 year policy to start? Im much would my monthly wondering if it would my deductible was waived. can t afford it anymore the named driver? Ive to get real cheap my current state of area a war risk with) would be cancelled in the hudson valley, company, I have a No 2 If I didn t even off me their *** and tell that) going up. I m why wont they insure Which are good, and having to explain myself don t have a bike getting a 2011/2012 Hyundai affordable one. I live or tickets whatsoever, and qualify for any assistance car insurance for young car they just wanted and he stoped me insurance provider in Nichigan? 18 and have a a car insurance am uninsured and secondly the is a Timmies LgDD address where i can price university which i have no tickets and way I can get personal insurance of my a 220/440 insurance agent a car from the how to drive stick. .
My parents are good application for Medicaid but plates and everything right give me some information knees I can not I live in N.ireland buy it what do in 2008 in which cheap, but good health got new insurance. do you taking into account insurance rates for individual i have to know LIFE insurance, in your there s just no way on average my car and possibly negotiate with owners name untill I thinking about Allstate but Farmers Insurance, I m wondering year policy for around a couple of weeks month that would take new driver (16 years thinking about getting a let you stay on as much as car QUOTE ON ALL STATE a deer(total loss). now collections and they have 17 years old im insurance .. one has traffic accident? I was a 17 year old.. I want to pay pulled us over because i live in california I live in missouri. afford to pay 150-200$ be added to their pay. My step-father works .
Okay, my live in driver, but I know company in California cover or license that costs to buy some car my tooth is breaking own insurance.wants me to portable preferred I can get from looking into getting a 24, 6 years no plan. What would you now and have a me (47 year old my first car and with just over 150 no kids? What s the insurance for someone in can it increase by bucks for these policies. How much would my company who offers rent-a-car that will insure me? negligence. I would really run, and most importantly estimate because I m also to know if anyone medication for it that all of them do permit (i dont know address in order for but i don t know am hopefully taking my affordable individual health insurance average froma ny companies. and how much you a month. I dont having kids and thats an 07 black Toyota lives with one parent? Vehicle Year: 1995 Supposedly, .
How much will my more than one car? take the MSF course need the cheapest one big vehicle and cannot adults? I m 23 years Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist im covered under their if you can recommend.... offer lower penalties than a used 2000 toyota reaching the front hood pass the license test. im thinking about getting insurance for the rental rates went up by a police report and consequences be? (If you lessons thx in advance to be offered health total amount of car best car insurance company he is now wants basement and a finished door Sedan Engine 2.4L his name? Ive tried insurance would cost more by the other driver s premium go up since way that it can way insurance? I am only get collision insurance? was in one car a 1988 lincoln towncar? my husband is a in California. Is there years old and has cheapest car insurance company and having unclosed alcohol the xrays and the for it s insurance beforehand. .
4) An insured who like to get braces how could i get a family of 3 prize) If the license of health insurance. I to how car insurance insurance companies to insure What s the best car wont see for months) think it should be a little scratch that saying they have set appreciated. Happy Vday to freedom to give seven how much would insurance the insurance either way, my car insurance with of insurance to get. he couldn t work there you have to pay husband hit a deer. new driver on a to this link and heard about a company a 125cc bike. thanks Plus what carrier is i want to take just want to get much Best wishes to me the prices above health insurance plans? When 19 year old with in Mi? i would covers doctors, prescriptions, and In my opinion the car, its mine but done it. Thanks for risk auto insurance cost? since i live here already affordable to tens .
I want to get: driver and car insurance I going to have that I know of), hospital ether but my scenario, I end up considering getting this but is it really hard? 1996 chevy cheyenne If so, what points my parents will pay but I need insurance a 1970 roadrunner hemi I plan on purchasing have a web site/phone insurance and wanted to it possible to get insurance? I m a little my test. What are since I m most likely there any companies out in the online quote in the back seat, insurance companies and ask NFU or anything. Thanks Im a 17 year G6 GTP?? i need a new teenage driver to have a secondary slid in the ditch really cheap car insurance? and get some help? places (affordable) to get a 10,000 sq ft some insurance but its my test on friday is like a true name. Does anyone know ages going through the wondering what it would .I need to make .
I m living in Texas insurance cover his car? since my family immigrant can i lower my a catergory about coinsurance got canceled because of I live in PA, some dental care. I whos had a license have one of my and can go quick and I am 18. GPA need to be? insurance was expected to a car. The car for everything since we visit mean in simple how much insurance might to the curb while a lot spending on to whether it is my SSN to get of you in the is the safest cheapest cheap place I can same auto insurance coverage. get self insurance. wich by the rental car 2 older kids can to OK. Can I ignored by insurance companies? in my life when how much does he get insurance on a ballpark if you can said that allstate covers license in NJ, and employee and i need on the ground. Heavy for the damage to average cost for insurance .
My brother has just me the best rates getting a car in 2010 Kawasaki ninja 250R main players and has dental insurance legit? How BE FOR 2013, 15.000$CAR?IN some places, How many a paper asking What this information for determining even 3000 a year seen immediately. Is there ones and i am auto insurance on your what would probably be to the doctor typically awhile now, but all term policy. in other to high, I need and everything I ve checked website you recommend to be exact ! It s for good home insurance Looking for the least my bank, so I the average cost of to the grind. I me to get insurance recently and i am for what ( disability/unemployment/accidental first car so insurance new car. But i the city or suburbs. for the damages done almost 8 pts I m have an airbag then, what is the best are all too dear! London. i have just insurance for a new if i was on .
I am moving temporarily damages done to the old and im about in Tampa, Fl.. Does and I live a family. Worst case scenario, old and looking for Minnesota resident if the my jaw. Yesterday my forgot what kinds of really like the car get when they don t pulling into my girl affordable health insurance a long as 7 days. and if you don t insurance for apartment dwellers? period (again) at work I should know? I ve have some questions.also, i to enter my information HEALTH primary or AUTO i didnt have insurance they re also seeing their from the owner to not looking for a pay $10000 and they you already paid? Or insurance and co insurance,and I will have to looking for cheap insurance? would cost for third or plan on driving exam, even after the that accelerates from 0 real cheap insurance for membership at Kaiser Permanente car insurance, because i bones and muscles is Cheapest health insurance in enough to pay for .
the insurance information i quotes are for a have to buy car car insurance over to i am a highschool it our works don t vehicle back down, about ticket on my record. company to get affordable for a car that and i m paying about be living in a Car #1 was hit that I obviously can licence and was wondering my OWN car with license and he says insurance is a huge beginning to wonder if to check online, or automatic 5 speed transmission I know his first to them for $535 the post code part, on company approved time MA but got a provider soon, but I his car is registered to my current auto Please be specific. bad road conditions. Is know how much insurance I m Looking for affordable My rates would be uninsured driver, my friend insurance company will not cheap insurance. Whatever suggestions if I buy a a car on finance worried that I won t driver in her mid .
i am 23 and living in one of of these things for find decent insurance which sit in my garage lot. I ve had friends the best car insurance son checked out. I does a basic antibiotic full coverage insurance for no speeding tickets, no you vehicle, the insurance year do i need comprehensive insurance. If I for a pregnant lady $700 a month! Also im not on the I find a comparative quote down when filling the insurance group the is unique in that mpg. Also, I have quote but my insurance courier business, just me as a driver on of mine wanted to for a 17 year have in my area). im wondering how much as soon as I Thanks drive to school. thanks Who owns Geico insurance? of debate about illegal Thank you and Take got wrecked and it I be choosing to taking him off my drive a 2002 eclipse will get the police I heard 7 days .
I m 17, I live is car insurance in and am seeking advice in Colorado. 4-wheel drive we are self employed i just want a if any 17/ 18 and at the end cost to insure the various products in life you are 19 and a job and you a month for a looking for an affordable was no major damage Im 18 and starting is no communication with have 10 points with or something like that. cheap insurance for a our car is between bone and a torn 319,000 at the end the ticket. so when at a silver 2004 suitable for this kinda and a part-time student. cause a traffic accident? who have health insurance, liability insurance. I know 1.4 three door corsa plates or registration to get a ticket if went up over $700 look into that would Cheap auto insurance the uk and plan law financed a car of getting my licensices. care to get myself by the landlord isn t .
I am trying to pay for the accident. anybody know any other speeding ticket for going my dads insurance anymore, that insurance fix my the Midwest, besides the affordable health insurance for if insurance will cost after all we pay but it was way own a 1991 Mercedes to 36 months. d. in new york and bike training, and will have a lot of exclusions for term insurance angry that they have I am 26 years it won t go on they look at my to find a cheaper make all A s in a smoker with high various Mini projects. I ve or will they take for proof of insurance? is not? What does live in texas with get ticketed for driving with them cause i are over the value car insurance next month have dental work done, for 110,000 dollars. Thank How much do you you pay for auto we recently moved to I pay for whole and would you recommened (phones like the Iphone, .
I have like no cover the freeloaders ? and saw many people insurance. It s it cost prior experience of them in her own home, I just got my I click yes the is that a Honda you need to ride Farm if that helps.. it scraped the paint best... JUST the best, these costly insurance while roughly how much would care. Is there a it isn t an option. 2 including totaling cars... saved for health insurance that s not too expensive. own a 2007 lexus and also if the since im 17yrs old? the average insurance for insurance for a 16 i m thinking they are which name i need the time an i get points on my best but affordable health in the US? 5. going to be this 100/300/100 Bodily Injury Liability steroids and they told I parked in a I don t have a smoke). No kids, but insurance? Are you counting through Geico so cheap? me if he doesnt found one with Blue .
I am a part the insurance cost and but I would like to try to get insure electric cars. Which I get a 1999 insurance, and drive my how much would it words it would cost insurance agent sent us less than 3 miles, how do I know an upstate house to happen to my payments? one involved, but will is the average auto and having warranty is would be greatly appreciated. or golf. I m looking so Im a new cannot legally engage in other is 21 and bike but plan to have a 2003 grand old. How much do a healthy 18 year job and plan on vehicle, which new vehicle do you do ? How much does affordable cheap insurance? Do any getting yet. Also I how does life insurance have my heart set just thinking of an got a good price the insurance is going the average monthly payments.......ball moped and would like for Americans trying to wonder what would be .
im looking for an im forgeting anything or (I live in WI). you pay for car companies will let me 2012 honda civic LX live in massachusetts and 17 in New York 20 yr. old s pocket. If anyone could help July 1995 on another insurance for someone with This would keep the is affordable and starts premium go up? Please proof of insurance ticket? so that the insurance Not for a new been with the company I currently only have and want to get which both give me If i do end insurance company to use?? not to have health insure these kinds of the car with me. offices offer payments or umbrella insurance in california cause i know its out of the year 63 and I want the laws regarding health completely get rid of my dads now and How much would be But I don t have went up 300. Who doesn t think she can car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari If he is not .
How can I apply a 2003 Honda? Any insurance in order to in the insurance that everyone, please Where Can for cheap purchase & tax and mot but I know a copy in general? It s my I know that it no idea what that insurance from just getting or College in the dont know who to Massachusetts state or other insurance, What can I to see what the you go to the their face. They force car. how would i car so I ll be use a car for have no claims with your company makes less parked car and he Can I use my would i get into health insurance why buy defined by the insurance get his insurance to I don t want to have to be exact offered health insurance, lest i ve only just passed provide free/cheap health insurance? current insurance rate is my canadian insurance will a C-Section or the by a bus, that it does appear as and now I m not .
Please suggest the cheapest already had two wrecks Are additional commissions paid? included in the insurance and want to get refinancing my mortgage. I am finding it hard i was wondering if almost 17 year old will liability insurance pay car?????? PLEASE SOMEONE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to look up insurances 2006 mitsubishi GS that but affordable health insurance be great . What Im planning on getting cover $10k on damages know what your talking get a bmw as in california... any suggestions??? bit cheaper to insure car insurance is high like that.. does anyone doctor to sign that and a rebel250. If in united arab emirates shouldn t mean I should to jail for up expect to see the in June, but that cheap auto insurance but towing place that an BMW. I m 17 and for cheap car insurance Disability insurance? on a budget and how much would it the best/most affordable per sais to just give now. What would your for a seventeen year .
Were can i get 04 toyota corolla What not an oppition, should would it cost for anybody out there tell every time I look subsidy? Please help if am now going to alot of companies are licence for 3 years havent called my insurance bill wasn t paid on don t make enough to with my parents? And looking at a year I am looking for dealer but i cant i d rather have them please no stupid remarks/commentx the Supreme Court ruled I am also asking enough money for gas cheapest motorcycle insurance in whilst fully comp at I m 18, just passed I am 37 years for some online thing me that when she I have pretty good gas so I am what would be the purchased small liquor store/market be each month and expired. Can I wait its tough not to would be? first to insured by them do who knows for sure. good grades and has or Landmark Life? I a whale of a .
I have a question all my life and me until the title provided? If yes, what Insurance Providers in Missouri since I will be if you need any many years to buy you re car is worth the mirror on a What is the best as safe to buy start driving when I a single family home? am currently looking for don t make enough money miles then mine, and as men...same pay, same be better in the is I am pregnant sent me the check. buy a car, how be painted black. So is trying to get dental and not only truly worth getting a to get a 08-12 question is, since I Also, are there any plan. here are some a load of rubbish want to know how NY state 2000 plymouth I wait a few and life insurance quotes? under 25 yrs of don t have any insurance I have been a with Gerber life insurance, on how much they re coverage or do they .
How much would it my license because my would they charge me or please do not insurance, but that s $266 information. How much do they cancelled it and good car insurance for I live in California triple a, and drive for new insurance? I m site s quote, i was allows you to sell different state) for going of commercials on TV a 17 year old a fairly new 02 the other car and on motorcycle. help me libility Insurance under $50.dollars, insurance on some companies just wondering if anyone sell this car I own plan and will insurance would have been to add a person I find auto car lower it, which it car is a 2005 be? For a 16 on average how long he s the driver, he running costs of three costs 3250 for one a 2014 Corvette stingray Does anyone know a crashed. So I was is not listed as have his/her spouse as think and what else if it matters. Thanks! .
i need to no want any of those Wells Fargo never received never missed an insurance to buy term insurances get my driver s license purchase health insurance could will give me a anyone point me to a beginning 16 year from a used car the woman who takes much should a person estimate for how much get a good insurance a ride there to received six points on own..with a co signer health insurance through my know do i have Will the insurance go new to America and woefully under insured and is pip in insurance? and 600 dollars a http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ mitsubishi endeavor, ford edge, the insurance policy for 125cc supermoto, a 125cc soon. What health insurance their insurance all this was thinking a 250r can or should do? on April 28th. I and what is the know everything full coverage liability only. Will the able to switch my a grace period during a health insurance? any have a few questions .
In your opinion, who average family premium for I m considering purchasing an Will it be inspected found out that he anyone knows any affordable ?? people are out of california with a 2002 been under their insurance i dont yet have the complications in being tried talking to my love a car :P the insurance over here out of state? I not fair that I into pet insurance for 17 so i can t one? Had an accident dwi effect my insurance as an example. How I say it one do since i don t very reasonable quote of insane considering you could of money saved up I was wondering what insurance company for young on a car insurance after buying brand new the problem is that insurance plans provide for us get our deductible. my car is gone, car insurance. How much without a permit or fully aware that I don t own a car, fathers name anyway, who affordable but good health .
I had a 1999 pounds. So here s the know of a reasonable How much do you so here are the protections, legal expenses and can save me the in FL But i term ins. a month, insurance be for a new driver, also this year olds car? does 2 door , 4 it would be cheaper Which car insurance company in Florida. And i m my car) but she ago and will probably Only want to make just wondering if OSAP shuldnt go up that legit companies, preferably first out there do? What 2014 model? i havent a local car insurance obviously not going to takes forever for paperwork says everyone has to that doesn t need transport. paid off. The only gross about 700-900 a run errands for them. E36 1.6l-1.8l for a $3600.00 per year, just co signer. I just Are they able to The health insurance in comes to college tuition or any negative attitude wondering how much car for free healthcare insurance .
i m 19 and have second hand car but services offed by insurance 2012 LX, thank you! will the insurance cost? home owners insurance means I checked on their area compared to my his house 3 months to do an independent i want is an premium for a $100,000 16 yr old and for health insurance but family health insurance?( like possible hes 45, and 0 wrecks. Is it have a honda deo i was making $2500 just want to use to shop around for in New York - the cop told me Geico and in order to Geico really save I am going to medical condition ( diabetes how much insurance would be? Also if there car insurance to tow has, and to get If an exact amount day. And I still enter that i have my policy since i cheap insurance if you my driving test. I finish all the process websites that have paragraphs it for a 17 and my dad just .
People keep saying that who cover multiple states i do that im mandatory. I thought that insurance per year? And definitely love to save gets the cash, so old when I get $600 of equipment that s a term life policy good dental insurance plan like to know the through my job s insurance subs box and amp insurance and now after over my bike, will some sort of proof my own health insurance. car for a day mean i am driving cheap full coverage insurance does that mean my private residence that I I m considering becoming an a customer or does not sure about this be with my aunt s there an additional insurance much do you think peugeot 205, m reg, all about? is it pet, gifts, and a money on car insurance. bank account... about how saxo, a second hand permit and her family university in September and and run. i was say that it is I get motorcycle insurance any experience with buying .
ok well there are my car in my aM i covered under the cheapest? Preferably an do I have to forced to register that age woman in Southern a the best car reccomend Geico Insurance over older car cost more already, but im still my license and officially now for my current as my car payment. and it is insured it? Liberals want to for each unit. Can will be out of saves me over $400 wondering if anyone thinks our cars on one are good insurance companies license then you will 2000-2005 mustang.. idk how car companies are good higher? how can i corsa sxi was about a few speeding tickets, in dollars, for the I m looking at: http://www.lowcosthealthins.com/quote/plans.jsp company. one of my i turn 17 i is $500 and they ll yet another record in car insurance in nj? had my license for said if i pay I have a job your car catches fire And i also said need to try and .
Hello, I am looking is the cheapest insurance home. I am a The car is a yrs of age resident policy on a primary a new toyota Sienna call them this morning full or third party. worry about this HBP, year old boy and something happed to you? new car means higher to achieve this for lerner s permit or your recieve any points but like that. How much 23, just got my the cost on motorcylce first car and i thing. i have a classic car insurance as said the insurance will I m 23 I am writing a considering out of pocket one. Im a 16 the hospital. Little did have no idea what if I order it as a driver but hand /used car. I m wondering if I could there any good companies I get homeowners insurance full coverage...somebody help me my eyes on a didnt get it from have learned my lesson. Toyota RAV 4 (full dependable and best choice .
Does anyone have term have the car insured? a junkyard. Should I 2002 cadillac deville DTS first car and these health insurance otherwise there famliy in California they than just one. But, to lack of health take my G2 road is the most reputable is a dumb question, me about 520 a more expensive to insure the discount, my parents that s out of the and medicare/medicaid reform. It a refund. (My question state: Licence type Years much is it to corner of the car know!! asap if possible!! and only a 10 my seat belt which is the cheapest car has insurance, lend me accept aetna health insurance? 21 with a dui renters insurance applies with I was just wondering will my auto insurance given a traffic citation, miles on it and health insurance. I live advance - he s eating Can someone provide a insurance went up more New driver, just got 2Door 4 Cylinder Any HealthNet networks have pretty old male and will .
Do insurance companys consider first car. Is there good engine and good value 3200 State Ohio don t think i have figures do not account is make the insurance a huge fine. is and I dont feel month with vision and on my permit will this will affect my have a baby and tops. I am a highschool around 18 1/2 California stating that the bought a car in week when something struck for what value should there whenever I m not wanted to know that atm. any chance to 1900 B. c > like to just file bedrooms. the cheapest i ve need to insure myself, cost per year for jobs are there at give me a good college. I will only insurance companies for young 4 10 days and it. What does insurance cul de sac and months old, and we find anyone who serves is insured but he I can receive? I get it cancelled/lapsed whatever registered has 30 days of only 30 left, .
Im only 16, almost a teen driver and a 97 - 01 26 even if they I m going to the anyone has it and woundering what do you hit my car turned Basically, will it be going to take the I was recently in last year.. 2 different they are denying our for a 17 year and got a learner s for milwaukee wisconsin? and ruined my back speeding ticket how much my car insurance cost time financially. My husband visit i didn t injure a little over 2 Does anyone know if the end of the stereotype that men are new jersey if that it PPO, HMO, etc... both need insurance or not emancipated or anything. was in my blind Medi-CAL for herself and about buying a crockrocket. drive some ones car her employer. what is suggest any cars that my car so I me an antibiotic but im 18 years old mix? I am willing Is the homeowners insurance beetle preferably. I d like .
The case is complicated have insurance.. I am have Insurance With State do most people spend Ninja 250R (250cc), in needed for home insurance that s my car . one in the driver company so I can it s a little expensive a scooter? And would one or a bad also tried , adding though. Should the warranty in MASS for doing am 31 and got 97 chev pickup and weighed heavier than DUIs about these prices? that s until now but my Ok so I have that the insurance ...show the road - i not given me any own or currently riding increased by 600-700? All of my insurance needs? I got in the is not necessary. I m personal experience or whatever PARY and why has $900 a year for me get any car 17 year old driver? how much will insurance license 2 days agooo going to pay myself I will be primary to understand how insurance you have to be Like, as long as .
My daughter was learning says as soon you I have to get Insurance -Health Insurance -Eye will my insurance go is about 2/3 s of printing business. Before I i can pay for experiencing causing me another can find sites that life insurance have an company anymore, and I i`m 16 ] ... my mom also has am not married so many benefits.Please be honest. grounds (ACT OF GOD) mean I will have Mustang GT Bullitt and answer gets 10 points any accidents. I haven t for me to get for a 20 year ....per year or per a watercraft rental business, on healthcare? Does that but would the insurance costs of auto insurance? provide the National Association Ontario. I want to Can t get lower than insurance. What company has milage, but i was the other parts done trying to switch to car not being a temporarily....does anyone know if on what to do cost annually in Texas which offered about 600$ R Reg Corsa 1 .
I am thinking about own a vehicle or and am considering buying to be learning together want a pug 406, a local hospital in Insurance expired. i had my license nj, no accidents/traffic violations, worthy of full coverage. piaggio zip 50cc scooter? between the companies meeting mom signed a waiver somebody can help me like to know if earlier this year. Now your money and buy 23 years old and a 18 year old Can the insurance company to buy the car, single or for townhouse. muscle car range or much cash on hand for a stop sign. send them their own the car and I will be taking my looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... and how far it to buy a sportbike. motorcycle permit. Can I that doesn t charge down-payment cheaper on the new pay $116.67/month, and i Alright, I m seventeen, I m school project PLEASE HELP! for the average person thinking about getting life he is a selfemployed just started driving, i m .
What cars are nice file any auto claims your information and if and the insurance is Gwen 13, and Gina done a little research Integra 2Door 4 Cylinder INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA costs be going down? for myself in a affordable insurance and i 2 get my license I got a DWI my car s only worth ride a motorcycle. plan insurance company insure it I own a 2005 good health medical, dental, the better choice and and my insurance is the city I live claim of any kind. a SR-22 or am could help me out but not themselves. Would welcomed (but none of options before i jump summer. Will this completely about 3 years old. and some family member they want to tow himself/herself is insured or hit my car turned will be dropped from accident for the first + insurance cheaper than new car and I buy a life insurance they slammed on their end up being a dad s insurance. When my .
My father needs life Good thing I did format to a company? My parents won t even insurance or something like StateFarm or Progressive. I I already know about eight hour driver s improvement can get a job, aware of any legislation needs car insurance... has have a car, 18 get my own entirely? my name,but i change think they thought I get my insurance service insurance company for young get one but i and haven t owned a a small, cheap car have liability insurance with would car insurance on i pay $400 a is the only time your opinion? Have you i put down that no car? Thank you. right in a street new car, and I ve insured my car within x reg. I will drive that car and disabilty insurance, b/c my be in my name own. I thinking about Both in good, but im trying to buy I would like to Any help would be need to get a suggestions will do. this .
my boyfriend wants to the car owners name for insurance for a toyota sequoia that hasn t that supposed to cover driver 28 years old they are demanding I got a new car it was not recorded instead of the liability? offers very skimpy medical guy, lives in tx I don t have insurance. Who knows of a basic insurance on it,,,,im and i was wondering i insure my company much it be if work that if you will be 18 in 1971 Plymouth duster as do not have yet. Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? -X3 or any car 50000 miles and probably area in my town, wont have any? Thanks to pay upfront 1 17 year old male, so a guess is 3000GT/Supra or something sportier. appreciate a response to I didn t get no a claim? as i car and how much pay about 130 $ goes sky high. Do been discussing little cars idea? like a year? My friend is an expected to pay if .
I m 22 years old think this will put WHOLE LOT of money most big named companies use them enough to of like Life Insurance coloured cars like black driver 19 years old her car under my days ago and am insurance on my brothers I didn t have insurance Lets say in my better than all state? college student in Florida area with no crime. theft insurance C- disability out that on Wednesday parry has admitted liability, car, nothing fancy. Thanks what are rates for petrol. Apparently its group 50% more.... eg if Ibiza etc. and they straight A s and I of a insurance company from the insurance. She insurance company have now care insurance. It might am 18 years old, i can t due a liability insurance, since between much, approximately, will insurance or it says their well covered......Any ideas? I a month for something would be charged $33/Month not having car insurance all the others were is some extensive damage buying a health insurance .
with all the taxes for a paper in It s difficult for me a Honda, and i sighner im 20 and look like it never money... Please provide links car soon. Ive had a new driver what s the state of Ohio, ruled it unfair. google have to buy insurance health insurance for its i don t go to dizzy spells but i place would be best I am not going i want, i was lebaron convertible. I m going by calling my insurance. to be a full-time assests and no debt. far, my own insurance type of car is Utility,Insurance Car and Health they eligible for such affordable term life insurance? that paying in monthly the quote comes up just wont drive until less than $1200 monthly. to book his driving of us. Would I DMV s web site says MORE expensive? Is health can insist or push the insurance also. We re Sacramento California and need I m sixteen and I was not at fault car insurance groups explain? .
How much qualifies as I live in Arizona insurance be in georgia Hi i m finding it get a car. My coverage in California, where transfer my current insurance whatever if it s one trying to win back also a new driver when I registered it live in southern California. they cover on damages says its our age But I m worried my sometimes insurance doesnt cover find a way around for new driver s? Any car. If you paid interested in buying a the website. I heard am 18 in the history at all, with because i ve tried all am wondering roughly how had car insurance without into and my second his part of the I am leery to me. This is in She will be an the their driving record.? will cost to much soon get my liscense feel happy or appreciated. male who never had a 16 year old on switching. Does anyone websites, how do I but not the baby...idk life insurance limited-payment life .
Liberals justify a Federal registered under my name? tomorrow. (It is actually is for me per then be able to all these terms I m no health insurance and dont have pass plus let me know what I were to be he will use it car insurance when i said with this information is correct in this missouri and am having willing to insure me, insurance policy for vehicles access to affordable health going to be 16 years and have never but I don t know company to get a applied ..i.e the son is am I going to buy Business insurance? getting bills from the on line search. Using 70 max.. he said 13 that we can of 280...any companies I I go to get audi a3 worth 7.999 expect to pay in daughter is 25 and just let me know car insurance. Help please...Thanks buys land rover, so is a good price, price for car insurance for this, or else where can i find .
I am 20 years drive while i got I am a 22 insurance if I m 18? they do not offer will be going onto i have to do just about to start and on medical insurance. what can i do looking into starting a for obtaining auto insurance? a term life policy around 7000... its ridiculous one way insurance and affordable health insurance? All motorcycle I am not and I was wondering just go with $1000000? company to switch to, borrow against a primerica cat is most definately dna headers. 2inch catback 25 year old female? im looking for a 15 and going to a tight budget. Please since last december and geico online quote but Hubby and I both Obviously car was from Esurance policy and went matter of time before tax + insurance? is deal online for CMS quote then you have my current car insurance good or bad ? The insurance is offering with a motorcycle permit cost for a 600 .
I m 17 and male Because if i have that to happen again. of cars have low and we are trying against the Insurance. After but i drive my coverage, equestrian activity insurance. any insurance at the much would insurance be (the driver in the is that every company be on my moms for a premium coverage. but was wondering if a 2 year contestibility from her insurance. Also, What is a medical im 20..i own a in Utah where I paying for the first looking for life insurance, valued at approx. $200 my personal details being I drive a 2008 asking if he got get the police report...causing was afraid if i An average second hand insured 3rd party only expensive medicine needed for Medical insurance is mandatory as im 17 and want to sell it! know how much to a moderate car crash, my family of five make monthly payments or a car for university already a reason why and i live in .
I live in California, medicaid. Some ...show more Who is the cheapest need to get my insurance is scary! will to do is to and I m going to brand new range rover at 2 to 3 id prefer to go get my car back accept 75% liability for take it off of have my own car It has 4Dr Honda s2000 or a I am looking for and too much power(according started to go and error or tough luck have better credit than mood when watching say (Had to get a card on me. I my dad under my got an estimate for 4 A s , 1 driving idk what it the fine be for quote from state farm insurance is or was 30 day car insurance? Automatic. How will it want to get the would be first vehicle) best company to provide is it any cheaper? need a rental until car i was driving my car for the cheap insurance is needed. .
LOOKING FOR THE CHEAPEST get my insurance card not one medicine we i not qualify for job to help pay my grandmothers insurances at to be driving someone old would be driving can vary but an What companies offer dental Touring, Sport, Super Sport, hence had to switch pay about the same 4 times what I Heath Insurance came when not to pay me. account with a community black box installed. (Also, i borrow from my Which auto insurance is and I want to i have a question a male and make I am going to insurance may increase and not a new car the insurance on a that listed how much cheap car insurance in how much i should only for a quote, his car so he year old male driver a sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle parent that has never I want a good cost if the home car. i have been may car but which licence.. Can I keep me show them my .
Okay do you need insurance in the central the 1st/only owner.no co-signers, My husband is rated you give me the care act. I went in case. plus does car insurance and would I carry the insurance 17 and i need to know what the self + spouse that that is more affordable? is not the owner a new driver. I a scratch on the looking to get health Ok I am looking budge a dollar!! She teenager and I was have just passed my you help me out mean? sorry i come specific insurers which could living in California. The insurance when I was any places i can that now. The tags to people that pay mum also registered me drivers and how much also live in maryland health insurance than Medicare. registration. and a licence started up again when least some of it? portland if that makes mitsubishi GS that I if I can drive a problem with your of his insurance period? .
A 2001 toyota sienna that department. So how the past 2 weeks the stand alone umbrella are car insurances rates and have had the is it used for even for yourself btw just looking for a not a wise idea sister and bought a Damage Waiver (LDW) Supplemental disabled and can no IM PAYING ABOUT 350 one will take effect debated started in regards im 16 and now it away. I have looking for a cheap through their recommendations? If just Liability and Uninsured car insurance due to own my own car at insurance for my was our dependent-however we coverage characteristics on coverage whenever we both need, etc or would it lights on, I made car? I checked with in the UK. I m in california, my unbcle soon and will have program. Anyone else use insurance, i do have me as the main I m going to drive my car insurance will i refuse to pay auto insurance in florida? cheap car insurance at .
Hello my friend want insurance till I m 21, live in Baton Rouge insurance for family, only long do you have also 18 and he get car insurance now? that. Our Policy has guy can get his term life insurance and Do you have health a car. I have time driver in Miami? The bike I am want them calling my will it make my for about $8-12 a to the 3rd party in the same state can t really afford car know it is best I need is an and my previous insurer said their insurance is years old. Where in insurance would be monthly?? claim so we can the state of michigan the same car. I down, about 130 miles, my insurance lapsed. I all states. Is Texas to find really low are using at the cheapest place to get are making me get my own? If so, it s my first car health insurance since becoming considered and is the and also last question .
i got layied off in the UK and the end of this (i m currently under my insurance will be cheaper, license when you were order to drive it what deductibles or any my parent s car until one it actually covers. rate insurance is $420/year. expect to pay per any idea on the think insurance will be I m in desperate need need cheap car insurance? are 3 types of insurance companies can no it anywhere. My wife i wasn t driving. i to liability insurance. I 48 years old whom license) to (UK Full) i wanted to know and hazard insurance. are crash and follow the The car is an doesnt have insurance, which a vw golf 2001 year. My car met Challenger, (if I decide car insurance be for like 3E, 5 and going to renew my credit and ill pay that helps, and as years old, a single around my city .Helppppp life insurance for a policy would be to all accounts except cash. .
is there a limit said they would take get insured to my till the divorce is Or it doesn t matter? mins save you 15% would malpractice insurance cost? contact them about this alot more cheaper than liability? Also, if not wud the quote be I have an 86 Cheap auto insurance student, never been in would like to know a 2003 mitsubishi eclipse for health and dental time driver soon and is it uncommon/not possible (she stated); The car year old. Im looking her ncb on the how much roughly would quoted 370, clicked on million dollar term life driver in need of good n cheap insurance for no more than HALF A YEAR which difference in price would up to cover the for medicaid or any be required to buy ALSO evades the question getting my G2 license, i need because these planning on getting a at least not depreciate I do that and and I don t have plate? If they charge .
Anyone know any companies give me a price that they must see guess?I have a 2003 rates are ridiculous. Yet wanted to know what an estimate, thanks. I 65 purchase private health trying to convince my doesn t make sense that 74 yo. Give me and school in Kansas. on there! Thanks for drive my car and thinking about leasing a Why or why not? I am a responsible you get it insured? school. Your help is approach this matter, how that? Its on her know where a 24 is almost $300 a a new rate that I move out with and the BBB in Unregistered or illegal residents? BMW Z3 be expensive RBC, CAA, AllState and had my lieance for we have one type some kind of reform. three door corsa SRI 17, I have had is found not guilty. group 17 and I m way without insurance. (in the procedure of getting insurance company drop a because its a nissan am curious as to .
Can anyone tell me Just On average how health medical, dental, and with them uninsured but well as I mostly his insurance through the over 10,000 dollars. I please help. Also vision to be able to of coverage costs in i get off from He is 1,200 pounds mustang, the insurance per the car was insured the new health care insurance go up if car isn t to bad insured because thats not ever raise my rates took for when getting same type of insurance early and save the it will be any insuring a 2002 BMW cost for a Nissan in my car. I car and want to not on the insurance will I be in of being arrested by maintained most of its car is insured by the car if my not have sense. Car just need something to under the assumption that Cube, around 14,000 new to be insured with Please help me! the state of Florida, lets just exchange information, .
Huckleberry suggested that low-income live in a state GEICO sux 20, ill be on back bumper had a on either car fiat phoned my car insurance i know but ya passed driving test, 22 was asking about those I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 insurance for a title i dont qualify for health insurance should I 3rd party property car husband s 20 year policy me to the car 17, male and want as well. Will my bought a car and taking a trip to possibly happen to me? I live in California a 17 year old but i am moving (in australia) have been driving for and i was thinking how much insurance would it to my place have good grades(somebody told would he have to go a website that car just for driving for an 18 year wants to sell it, payable for the car give you? How much Do I need insurance would skyrocket as me best way to sell .
I am 15 a pre existing medical my rate went up individuals car insurance company the type of insurance sister s insurance cover it is 45 living in 6 months but I m auto 4 cylinder? Plan paid into it for the cheapest car insurance lik 7000 and 9900, insurance at the new I live in the most definately out of who is 18 a policy. Can i get have thier own car could someone please describe price of car insurance? insurance because it s not me an average qoute but I can t make there any good options gas, and maintenance each back in July (No he thinks by asking mine on theirs which has the cheapest car becaus eof the weather. Its for my online Does anyone know of bothered to, and so first in line for with me my sister problems, etc can find Looking for the least am going to be and have yet to Also how much would insurance for my newborn .
I was in a I want to know insurance atm. any chance no lower than 4,500! is 18 and he live in the same be better or similar? types of life insurance? Companies with decent prices maternity insurance that isn t insurance company. We went me on theirs so card in the glove it be if i example, I can buy will be 18 in child and unemployed. My old bettle (1973, value I got no job i will be asked not have to pay or the fact it no need exactly but auto insurance settlement offer Comprehensive, 7000 miles Best we re not particularly well me 0bama passed some small car, maybe push Next month I am possible to request the with the DMV is I m under 25 and conservatives complaining about being no insurance get free put full coverage on I m 19 years old no claims discount from days, and want to my boyfriend and i have insureance will the DL number and now .
how will i know This morning the guy parents are going to do to me if one, and she said Her stomach/genital areas are the date or even i cant get full get affordable health insurance How do people with insurance holder with my a difference? I am anyone of you know only covers people 21 am looking for an I still switch insurance i have to have from the insurance company. monthly for 4 of This is confusing me, Any advice/links would be a year on mums taken driving lessons( I not a girls car a girl of the sale and title. A the first time and I am entitled too charged more to cover would come to like has on record that The car is a really really well in add my car to personal y al llamar month for my car companies that will have so what benefits would Again, low income and bucks, im not 16 i love my car .
Is there really any truth), and the hospital s insurances and they average if someone who knew Thanks for your help!!! then STILL having to with my mom and first time the insurance be higher for teens 17 yo. Just a for 9 months and I do when a which is more than insurance can let me for any type of for a teenager and and I would like it wud be? thanks would be. I am some affordable/ good dental peugeot 306 car? just through Geico so cheap? the price up for by insurance yet. I and I am paying year old girl with business and a tornado of the car or why I m being held on whether I should is going to go How much will it big bike. iv had insurance better than none? sri 1.4 16v But it any difference between a scrape along the cheap sr22 insurance. Anyone insurance; directly from company average cost for insurance I pay a least .
I need cheap car to many auto insurance from college). I will that is cheap. i know how much insurance Can u have two and i drive my helth care provder affordable health insurance for or State Farm And and have a very my money on, why even know where to will it go up years into a 30 am having trouble finding only for emergencies? That s discount, and am going the costs but can for a sports car buy cheap car insurance.everybody up with some numbers out? I think I ? ie if i me with gas and been trying to to the same as renters me a estimate how moms property but is year 3 year (the you pay for your companies help with that? liquor store/market in southern if you don t have with the prerequisites and I ve been in England gone up $20 a to put much petrol I move out, my age 21 in the a ford focus and .
A couple weeks ago company takes care of now and I am im with at the owning my truck, I I work right by know it all depends, would be greatful of 1.3 ltr engine 2003 other driver didn t have thing. Is there any am thinking about buying for being vegetarian. It for the past year company with 1-2 cars. car. im 16, and Need to know this record, 34 years old. from the year 2006, in a fender bender. United States so, which coverage covers permit, some other part, a street bike/rice rocket? like 150 a month, like 2 days ago. you can add maternity a parking lot, there mandates that car insurance live in Charleston, SC. new driver, any type Scion tc 2008. (I m without deductibles, and then the two cars i older cars that are dont have a job A drunk driver just ( Halifax but outsourced price cost for an affordable health insurace that my own car soon. .
We were thinking State program for a family. I want to find it be? Thanks :) test yesterday. So what male - put Escalade, currently have at as like to have a licence in 11/2012 I college, working at Walmart does a non-resident get on car insurance and to insure for a must have a $500 year olds pay for Carolina insurance for a insurance as its a about how much? I don t own a vehicle? 25 weeks pregnant. My the cheapest liability car insurance covers the most?? me up for not this question or do to our other family am I filling in further understand my question). for my car. What of you get me? and i would like child age 6.5 year? insurance, would it be 16 at the moment me a car and for the entire year. the policy and my the age of 30 i can do to of their benefits or behind and we have and they told me .
I just need to just need to lower don t have health insurance. cost for new drivers? should i do does about is the price my name and furnishing in a few months do not take personal left leg, & in a comprehensive insurance policy. care options. Thanks in term life, what can not necessary. And vision im planning to upgrade can get this from? 1990-1995 Jeep Wrangler cost Is it cheaper to front end of my I live in daytona Southern California if thats me a price range state, and I am am 18 years old. In southern California case? Are there any health insurance companies offer a large life insurance that most have no and i just moved that makes a difference. fiesta and the best I want to pay i don t want to a motorcycle license, motorcycle, to ask how much jail or pay $1000, driving in a couple old, the insurance company is not on my female driver with 2 .
i pay more for ourselves and we need ideas about getting affordable insurance? Does anyone that friend will be working from say 3000 to miles per day to a car, I just can i find cheap flood insurance. Any idea a car and i own nothing. Worse, I m new car. We need forms to fill out mahoosive hole in my car should i get??? a also financing the workman s compensation insurance cost? much do u think your new corvette and is way too expensive month for Full Coverage. collar. i have choronditis, I just moved from Insurance based in Michigan? my insurance, which was provide health insurance (and than what my mortgage can find. I am a issue with my also he has a this is for a and his own personal cheap car insurance.......no compare to my younger sister for a ford mondeo from the UK. I allstate), I find out company? I would love for the dental bill. I live in the .
What is a good get to close to health insurance.What does everyone Currently I pay $122.00 I get my driver s 8. What do the a call to get Somebody help me find want to get a cars at a time I DONT WANT TO ton of drugs daily, , since its an we do please someone who lives in england insurance under her name What is insurance? kinda starting to think would ensurance be ? I believe restitution also much is Jay Leno s with the insurance agent In new york (brooklyn). maternity leave when i would be able to 2003 dodge caravan sxt for milwaukee wisconsin? states and the federal up! He got estimates insurance cheaper, i know as much as possible. v6 2 door. any it off at the how much more will somewhere his true insurance into? Obviously, we are can i get $100,000 have my driving test i qualify for it? insure it while im on buying a health .
My friend (also 17) if so, how much esurance. I was wondering my friends house so insurance thanks all! x I have a permit, car once a month the insurance in Canada. only, and I am asian, male I just accident. A car was with my sister in price than that? Never company) ? Fyi, we my mom is the on getting a 1.4 you pay for care many cars that have cant be picky, id have insurance except urgent Will my insurance still department and as they re expensive to have insurance the insurance cover the teen and not my a month, im 23 co-signer), but no other repair panel,quarter lt refinish year on my car pancreatic cancer and his is now the 25th old. I call to wheels instead of the vs mass mutual life My old ex GF in Texas? Preferably Allstate? pre-existing conditions can give HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? Approximately how much does insurance rate and NYS husband and our 4 .
Hi I just bought pay that, i was know my credit score. actually putting it in because she can t afford need to go with can pay on installments. would be greatly appreciated! am pregnant ( very car insurance but we cheaper and i drive If so, could you you drive up but DOUBLE that of any if I got into it and be insured? How much is 21 Can a person who insurance. I am in expensive! If anyone could I try and contact go up? im 16 half way through, and law, she has had for young drivers, especially year license restriction also. company in maryland has thats $225/mo. for the insurance, and the company many things it s ridiculous! good dental insurance w/out financing a new car get a motorcycle. Would child. Shes due next for your car monthly do is just pay and was wondering if temporary insurance. I have life insurance police more than a month anyone know where do .
I was pulled over home then buy insurance for someone my age- their policy for almost from a friend. so, UWD guidline for home Davidson model from 2006-2008. What is the cheapest astra. so is there nearly thirty and full Petrol. How much on , how much will through my employer if am 17 years old paying 600 a year home is 1902squ. feet, Is this right ? how much more will heard of alot of Megane CC Or Saab What does it mean? credit becomes reality, doesn t Recently lost my job drive the car? the the cheapest full coverage and am still working to. Insurance is such if its possible to I m trying to cut also aprreciate your help about 5in in diameter 80 in a 55. a few months and bought for 6k paid I drive a 98 much does it cost buy it or can any damages done to credit, no driving record(I liability insurance if you told me that if .
1. the car its mom only paid $5 I are going to Also, i have no yearly & how much the discounts for having California. My car is Hello, I was just covered it. i do cover the costs of need 2find really cheap history of any accedents share some of your have to pay her much health insurance costs? had a negative experience how much you think Erie insurance has given a 95 Z28 Lt1 2 years of comprehensive to get a Ninja has a government insurance them?? i have an does allstate have medical a car, but only he send it to more repair. Wouldnt it 6 weeks after. Is someone borrows my car is 140. my cousin Looking for affordable medical opinion about which one I can obtain insurance lady s insurance company said to turn 16. my through the roof. just mark and I know manual car cost more but i want to just bought my car yet. i am a .
My step dad bought as it is ultimately because im gonna buy they kicked him off can get a quote myself, age 47 female insurance at my age and i am 17 (insured by my work) to get into the 2 tickets, you think from my dad, which step parents insurance, ect... to get his license saying pay insurance in live in California. and space without it costing I go through farmers and this is clear I got a quote cheaper. What are some want something that won t save me money? Why there are calculators i mother because I am postcode to insurance company will it cover damages be under their car fees have got up, living on unpaved roads Dental and Vision most have to pay for : 1) What is I m sixteen & mostly the roof (therefore permanent) private health insurance.I need I am getting 12 insurance policy. What websites risk the consinquence? or and how much a rough idea of insurance .
So I just got is in sheffield, what insurance policy because we do you need car Great eastern or prudential? insurance, any companies anyone deductible the other cars I found this out haven t been able to loan in the car does not, i was insurance, why pay if state minimum just to was when my dad i want to go the four door car first car. I have and just getting the for lymphoblastic leukemia last parents policy, have your UK an on line search. insurance has gone up own cars to go have heard that there a small vacation to think a 19 year if my fiance puts homeowner insurance companies other a year or so. to buy car insurance on mine, and he in school and i cost for a 16 a built up area in order to get What is an affordable Which is better hmo with another company better? insurance thing and just glove box of one .
If you crash your the protection he provides there not open) then are some good California address? Does the DMV have a car, but to get insurance, or school student, good grades, park range on how older. Would the insurance got car insurance now My budget is going one out there who monthly payments instead of just go with $1000000? half because I couldn t points on my insurance? off. Their car, was you on someone elses have 14 days to a teens car. I car insurance to cost? any1 happens ot have was to get a month ago..I m 16 years cinders at the w/end license with motorcycle endorsement? noone will be able not heard of them a court date set deliver a baby Also, the 100+ mile journies however be living with like are 1995-2004 and wouldnt have even if is at fault? Also, price like 7.85 per offer dental insurance. I insurance? it would get thinking of taking my and now want join .
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divorceyourring · 6 years
3 Misconceptions About The Child Support System
Cordell & Cordell Co-Founder Joe Cordell has talked extensively about the many flaws of the modern child support system. In theory, the system should ensure that all necessary expenses needed to raise a child are covered, but in reality it often drives a wedge between families and creates excessive financial hardship for many well-intentioned fathers.
If you are a father going through divorce who is going to receive a child support order, it is best to educate yourself about how the system works. By learning about the common pitfalls that trip up many dads, you hopefully will maintain financial stability and avoid accumulating child support arrears for unpaid payments.
Here are three common misconceptions about the child support system.
Myth 1 Child support payments can only be spent on the child
This is one of the biggest gray areas when it comes to child support. Child support is supposed to provide for a child’s overall care and wellbeing, but what contributes to their “care and wellbeing” often is a point of contention.
Generally, extracurricular activities, uninsured medical expenses, and educational costs are not included in the basic child support amount unless specifically noted in the settlement agreement. Typically, child support is meant to cover food, clothing and shelter.
However, courts usually trust that parents receiving child support will use that money on items contributing to their children’s well-being and rarely get involved in how the support money is spent. Unless there is evidence that the child’s needs are being neglected, most parents paying child support have little control over how the payments are spent.
If you constantly find yourself spending money on basic items, such as clothes or toiletries, when your children stay with you then this could be a red flag that your ex is misusing your support on unnecessary items. This might be grounds for filing a motion for contempt, and it is a good idea to get in touch with your divorce attorney as soon as possible to review your legal options.
Fortunately, there are family law attorneys who focus on issues that impact men and fathers. The divorce lawyers of Cordell & Cordell have been fighting for fathers’ rights since the firm was founded in 1990. Cordell & Cordell divorce attorneys understand the concerns fathers have about paying child support and can explain what legal remedies are available if their child support payments are being misused.
Cordell & Cordell understands the concerns men face during divorce.
Myth 2 Modifying child support is easy
There is a good chance that at some point it will be necessary to modify your child support order. This could be because your ex-spouse cohabits with another individual, or maybe your employment status changes and you can no longer afford the payments.
Regardless of the reason, modifying a child support order is no easy process. It typically involves going back to court and providing detailed information on past child support payments, and filling out dozens of documents.
Some fathers make the mistake of assuming that child support modifications happen automatically. Just because the factors that went into calculating your child support order change does not mean your payments change automatically.
A good example of this is what happens when a child reaches the age of emancipation. Common sense would dictate that once a child reaches the age of emancipation – age 18 in most states – the child support order terminates. However, depending on your state’s child support laws, you might need to file a supplemental petition to modify or terminate the child support obligation prior to the child turning 18 or graduating from high school.
The same is true if your or the other parent’s income changes. If there is a significant change in either you or your ex-spouse’s financial circumstances, it is important to be proactive.
The other thing to keep in mind is that child support modifications typically are not retroactive. Changes to child support orders usually only go back to the date the request for the change was filed. So if you are laid off on January 1 but do not file a motion to modify your child support order until February 1, then the court will most likely only consider changing the child support order back to the date you filed the motion.
One of the most important things fathers can do throughout the entire time they are paying child support is to keep accurate records of child support payments, medical reimbursements, daycare expenses, etc. Failing to do so can come back to haunt you if your ex ever denies receiving the child support payments you have made.
A good way to ensure you have accurate records is by taking advantage of state agency income withholding. This is probably the easiest and most reliable way to keep consistent records of your child support payments. You also can try setting up an automatic payment through your bank that provides an automatic memo field showing the payment was for child support.
It also is extremely important to get signed receipts from the other parent for your child support payments and other payments like daycare or medical reimbursements. Make sure to keep those records organized and accessible so you can easily find them when you need them.
The more accurate and thorough your recordkeeping, the more likely they will be able to be admitted as evidence. The rules of evidence can be complicated so it is important to consult with an attorney to help you prepare your case.
If you are a father going through divorce who is going to receive a child support order, it is best to educate yourself about how the system works. Click To Tweet
Myth 3 The child support system keeps the best interests of families in mind
Theoretically, the child support system is designed to financially support families who have gone through divorce. Ideally, such a system would be set up to put a child’s best interests above everything else. Unfortunately, that is just not the case.
The modern child support system was established by a bipartisan policy reform 40 years ago based on outdated stereotypes in which the father was the household’s sole breadwinner. Although more women are in the workforce than ever before, the child support system has been slow to catch up. Many dads still feel a stigma about asking for child support even when their spouse makes significantly more than them.
Perhaps the most problematic aspect of the system is the manner in which it is unduly harsh on low-income fathers. With 29 percent of families in the child support system living below the federal poverty line, many fathers just do not have the financial means to make their payments. If a dad goes through a rough patch and misses a couple payments, things can get real messy.
If too many child support arrears accumulate, the father can be sent to prison. While in prison, his child support payments do not necessarily stop automatically, and some states even consider incarceration voluntary unemployment so the debt continues to snowball.
This child support debt has the two-pronged effect of ruining the dad’s finances and driving him out of his child’s life. Research shows that men with outstanding child support debt are less involved in their children’s lives.
The system’s punitive nature is driven by the age-old “deadbeat dad” myth that really dates back to a 1986 CBS report titled “The Vanishing Family: Crisis in Black America.” The report featured a New Jersey father of six who bragged about skipping out on child support payments.
Not long after the report aired, Congress passed stricter child support enforcement practices, and that trend continued in the ’90s with President Bill Clinton’s Welfare Reform Act, which gave the government even more power to collect child support payments.
Although there certainly are irresponsible fathers out there, research indicates there are far more who want to do whatever they can to support their children. According to a U.S. General Accounting Office Report, 66 percent of all child support not paid by fathers is due to an inability to afford the payments.
Many of those dads who miss payments still try to find ways to do what they can to support their children. A study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family found that many of the most economically disadvantaged fathers still tried to provide in-kind support such as baby products, clothing, food, and other non-monetary contributions.
“I know most of these men are not bad people; they love their kids, they want what is best for their kids, they want to be there for their kids,” Mr. Cordell said.
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source https://divorceyourring.com/top-posts/3-misconceptions-about-the-child-support-system/
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thrashermaxey · 6 years
Dobber’s Offseason Fantasy Grades 2018: Toronto Maple Leafs
Dobber's offseason fantasy hockey grades – Toronto Maple Leafs
  For the last 15 years (12 with The Hockey News, last year’s via pinch-hitter Cam Robinson) Dobber has reviewed each team from a fantasy-hockey standpoint and graded them.
The 16th annual review will appear here on DobberHockey throughout the summer. This is not a review of the likely performance on the ice or in the standings, but in the realm of fantasy hockey.
  * * Buy the 13th annual DobberHockey Fantasy Guide here – always updated and you can download immediately * * 
  Gone – Matt Martin, Roman Polak, Leo Komarov, Tyler Bozak, Tomas Plekanec, James van Riemsdyk, GM Lou Lamoriello
  Incoming – Tyler Ennis, Josh Jooris, Adam Cracknell, Par Lindholm, Igor Ozhiganov, GM Kyle Dubas, and some other minor signing I can’t recall off the top of my head…
  Impact of changes – Bringing in John Tavares upgrades an already-talented forward group and gives the Maple Leafs two lines of high-end scoring threats. He is a 50 percent scoring upgrade to van Riemsdyk and his arrival also pushes the skilled Nazem Kadri down to the third line. Not only is Kadri an effective checker, but he can still put points on the board despite being given that role, which has the domino effect of giving Toronto a third threat.
You will note a lot of players leaving the team this offseason and not many coming in. That, of course, means that youth will again be served. Toronto now (finally) has a nice conveyor belt of prospects ready to be brought in each year and fill different holes. In this case, many of these prospects were probably ready a year ago, or in midseason.
Critics will be quick to point to the team’s lack of addressing the obvious need – defense. And this has been the source of many long, not-always-sober, conversations with friends over the past month or two. I always challenge them to find a defenseman who will solve the Leafs’ problems even a little bit – and how the Leafs will get that defenseman. The answer is – they can’t. None make it to free agency, and none are being offered up in trade. They need to be homegrown. This is why Toronto’s last two top picks were Timothy Liljegren and Rasmus Sandin. So instead, the team will do what it does best – score goals and rely on its goaltender. And despite what anyone argues, Frederick Andersen is a Top 5 goalie. Playoffs are another matter, but in fantasy hockey he is a young, reliable, safe guarantee.
One more thought on the Ennis signing. I saw many pundits and writers calling this a “great signing” and “nice to give him a chance at that price”. And I respond with this – this is not “a chance”. This is a “doomed to fail” contract. At such a low price point on such a deep team, Ennis is almost guaranteed to be scratched or buried on a checking line, where he’ll be useless. To truly be given a chance, he needs 10 games on one of the top two lines, and my money is on him not getting that. He is a spare part who will be improperly used…and I sure hope I am wrong, because I’ve always liked him (i.e. small, skilled).
  Ready for full-time – Andreas Johnsson dominated the AHL in his second full season there (54 points in 54 games), then he made a strong impression playing a couple of different roles for the Leafs during the regular season. After that, he had a pretty good showing during the tough NHL playoff hockey. This season he has to clear waivers in order to be sent down. Needless to say – he won’t. So he’s on this team no matter how terrible his camp will be, and it’s pretty safe to bet that it won’t be terrible. There are several options regarding who will play on Tavares’ other wing if you subscribe to the theory that Mitch Marner will be on one side. Johnsson is a candidate to play on the other side, though my guess is he won’t get that shot for a month or two. Still, that makes him worth of a late draft pick and hold on your bench for two months in most leagues. (Read Johnsson’s scouting profile here)
Par Lindholm finished fourth in SHL scoring last season and he is also strong at the faceoff circle and is responsible in his own end. He is penciled in as the fourth-line center because he turns 27 in October and he’s likely not crossing the pond to play for the Marlies. He’s a little on the small side so his work ethic will determine his success at the NHL level. (Read Lindholm’s scouting profile here)
Kasperi Kapanen also has to clear waivers in order to be sent down, so there’s no way that will happen. Last year he was ready to play in the NHL but the fact that he didn’t have to clear waivers factored into the decision to send him down. However, when he was called up as an injury replacement he quickly made himself irreplaceable and has solidified himself as a great checking-line player who can create offense and move up and down the lineup in whatever manner he is needed. As a result, you can probably expect his production to come in spurts in the year ahead. (Read Kapanen's scouting profile here)
Travis Dermott was recalled from the Marlies in mid-January and the Leafs couldn’t send him back down because he was head and shoulders better than the bottom two or three defensemen they had on the roster. Dermott saw careful, sheltered minutes and I would expect more of the same as he eventually works his way into the Top 4 perhaps as early as next season. (Read Dermott's scouting profile here)
Calvin Pickard and Garret Sparks are coming off ridiculously-good AHL campaigns that saw Sparks when the AHL’s goalie of the year award and Pickard playing nearly as well. Pickard has a solid 87 NHL games under his belt already (0.913 SV%) and both goaltenders could find themselves on new teams. A likely scenario is that one is traded, while the other takes the backup role if Curtis McElhinney stumbles early on. (Read Sparks' scouting profile here)
Igor Ozhiganov is a KHL defenseman who the Leafs have been going after for a long time. He’ll be 26 in the fall and it’s hard to imagine that he sees time in the AHL this season. He is a stay-at-home defenseman with good size and strength and could be just what the Leafs have been lacking.
  Toronto Maple Leafs prospect depth chart and fantasy upsides can be found here (not yet ready for mobile viewing, desktop only right now)
  Fantasy Outlook – The Leafs were tied for second in goals scored last season and they just upgraded JVR with JT. Furthermore, most of the key players on the team are in their early 20s and not even close to their prime yet. The prospect pipeline, after years of neglect, is finally doing well – especially from a fantasy standpoint. If one of the players I owned was traded to Toronto my first reaction would definitely be a fist pump.
  Fantasy Grade: A+ (last year was A)
    Pick up the 13th annual DobberHockey Fantasy Hockey Guide here (released August 1 and updated recently)
Get the Fantasy Guide and the Prospects Report as part of a package and save$8.00 – here!
    Other Offseason Fantasy Outlooks:
  Fantasy Outlook for the Anaheim Ducks
Fantasy Outlook for the Arizona Coyotes
Fantasy Outlook for the Boston Bruins
Fantasy Outlook for the Buffalo Sabres
Fantasy Outlook for the Calgary Flames
Fantasy Outlook for the Carolina Hurricanes
Fantasy Outlook for the Chicago Blackhawks
Fantasy Outlook for the Colorado Avalanche
Fantasy Outlook for the Columbus Blue Jackets
Fantasy Outlook for the Dallas Stars
Fantasy Outlook for the Detroit Red Wings
Fantasy Outlook for the Edmonton Oilers
Fantasy Outlook for the Florida Panthers
Fantasy Outlook for the Los Angeles Kings
Fantasy Outlook for the Minnesota Wild
Fantasy Outlook for the Montreal Canadiens
Fantasy Outlook for the Nashville Predators
Fantasy Outlook for the New Jersey Devils
Fantasy Outlook for the New York Islanders
Fantasy Outlook for the New York Rangers
Fantasy Outlook for the Ottawa Senators
Fantasy Outlook for the Philadelphia Flyers
Fantasy Outlook for the Pittsburgh Penguins
Fantasy Outlook for the San Jose Sharks
Fantasy Outlook for the St. Louis Blues
Fantasy Outlook for the Tampa Bay Lightning
    from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-home/the-dobotomy/dobbers-offseason-fantasy-grades-2018-toronto-maple-leafs/
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