#who is a Palestinian blogger that checks the legitimacy of fundraisers and campaigns.
greek-freak101 · 4 months
Please, I need to share my family's story to help them have a better life, I hope you can help me spread the Gofundme account to reach the goal I hope that your humanity calls you to help me
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من فضلك، انا بحاجة لنشر قصة عائلتي لكي أساعدها في الحصول على حياة اجمل، أتمنى أن تساعدني في نشر حساب Gofundme لبلوغ الهدف وكلي أمل أن انسانيتك تدعوك لمساعدتي
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Yes, of course!! Boosting!!! Keeping you in my prayers, I hope you and your family reach your goal and successfully evacuate safely as soon as possible. 🙏
Please help this family, guys, give what you can and share around! Please reblog this to boost, go and follow Mohammeds blog to keep up with updates and donate what you can! Little money has been raised so far, so please, if anybody can help out, this would be a great place to do that.
They've only reached 1,831/37,000 of their needed goal as of May 16th.
Link: https://gofund.me/bbc8fdaa
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transmutationisms · 1 month
yeah fuck that anon but their second question is legit do you know how to check for other fundraisers??? I know the one you’re promoting is legit but what about others?? Is there like a database or something?? Sorry if its a dumb question Im just concerned bc I got scammed once by a friend of a friends alleged medical issues :/
i actually have a whole tag where i've been collecting posts about the legitimacy of palestinian fundraisers, how to boost and promote them, and details on the vetting process.
here on tumblr, the most centralised part of the verification process has been this spreadsheet of fundraisers that are checked (details on that process in my tag above) by palestinian users. formerly these users included @/el-shab-hussein and @/nabulsi; currently the vetting is being done by @/mohameddd, who is in gaza. there is more info on this in el-shab-hussein's pinned post, and he is slowly shifting fundraiser posts over to @gaza-evacuation-funds, so that's a great blog to follow for vetted campaigns.
not all verified campaigns are on the spreadsheet. click on the notes of a fundraising post or search their url on tumblr; look for posts or comments from palestinian users who have checked and vouched for them. @/90-ghost is probably the most well-known; he has had to take a step back from tumblr recently, but there are still lots of people fundraising whose campaigns he's shared or vouched for. @/bilal-salah0 is another palestinian who has verified and vouched for people he knows personally or has reached out to. many users who get their own campaigns verified will later vouch for their friends or family members. if you trust the first person's verification, you can also take their word about other people they know.
off tumblr, there are several grassroots organisations that have their own verification processes. this post (also in the tag i linked above) lists the ones i know of currently. victoria of Pali.pals on instagram has also recently established a tumblr presence @/victoriawhimsey. she shares campaigns that she has vetted through mutual friends, contacts in gaza, video calls, etc. you can reach out to her if you have other questions about her process.
if a fundraiser has not yet been verified at all (this happens especially for new campaigns), some people may share it with a note about whether it seems provisionally legitimate. sometimes the person fundraising will link to their other social media accounts, which can help you determine whether they're likely legitimate. some people also try checking by reverse-image searching, although that's a very imperfect test (details on that in my tag above). for a full verification it's generally important that someone who (at the very least) speaks palestinian arabic, and/or is in gaza, is involved. however, this process takes time, and can be harder for people with more internet connectivity issues.
it's always a good idea to do due diligence when someone asks you for money, but to be clear, the vast majority of palestinian fundraisers i have seen on here have verification from the spreadsheet, other verification orgs, palestinian bloggers, or a combination of the above. at the very least, always check the notes of a fundraiser post or search the url; most of the time you will turn up verification info this way.
if you're not sure about someone's legitimacy, just move on and put your effort into other fundraisers.
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dude-iloveu · 5 months
mohbardaweel asked:
Please, I need to share my family's story to help them have a better life, I hope you can help me spread the Gofundme account to reach the goal I hope that your humanity calls you to help me
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من فضلك، انا بحاجة لنشر قصة عائلتي لكي أساعدها في الحصول على حياة اجمل، أتمنى أن تساعدني في نشر حساب Gofundme لبلوغ الهدف وكلي أمل أن انسانيتك تدعوك لمساعدتي
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This fundraiser has been vetted by el-shab-hussein who is a Palestinian blogger checking the legitimacy of fundraisers and campaigns. Please help this family, give what you can and share around!
Direct GFM link:
Link to el-shab-hussein's post:
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thethief1996 · 4 months
Please, I need to share my family's story to help them have a better life, I hope you can help me spread the Gofundme account to reach the goal I hope that your humanity calls you to help me
Donate now
من فضلك، انا بحاجة لنشر قصة عائلتي لكي أساعدها في الحصول على حياة اجمل، أتمنى أن تساعدني في نشر حساب Gofundme لبلوغ الهدف وكلي أمل أن انسانيتك تدعوك لمساعدتي
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Sure thing!
This fundraiser has been vetted by el-shab-hussein who is a Palestinian blogger checking the legitimacy of fundraisers and campaigns. Please help this family, give what you can and share around!
They're at $1.796/$37.000 as of May 15th!!!
I can't donate much since I'm currently unemployed, but I'm giving 10 dollars. Can anybody match?
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