#who knows what my classes will be like next semester but it will probly just be more of the same
garlique · 2 years
i think........... to let myself be happy this year........ i just need to reconfigure my expectations of what it will all be....... 90% of what's making me so so unhappy right now is that ethan feels like he's becoming a physically unreliable person but that's literally my own fault for expecting to rely on him and i just need to like. not expect any rides or anything from him and i need to treat it like i'm doing this year on my own with occasional help from him i just can't actually rely on him at all because he will inevitably let me down
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chromsai · 8 years
top 5 college moments? enlighten me saiiii im so sick of this place
oh wow gather around kids i guess it's time for me to share some of my HARDCORE college experiences (note: it wasn't that hardcore cuz i'm a noob)1. freshman at my school weren't allowed to have cars so my friends and i ofc decide to go out to town on the bus in the early evening becuz why the hell not (our school is LITERALLY 5 miles out of town. the campus is surrounded by a bunch of cow fields i am not kidding you). so anyway, we finish whatever we were doing in town (probly fuckin around at target and... omg we went to a buffet and 2 of my friends dined and dashed and left us at the resteraunt without telling us fuckin assholes) well anyway we finish up and it's 11 or 12am ish and we head to the bus stop only to find there's a fucking fire going on in the building in front of said bus stop so that entire street is closed and the next bus stop is too far away AND that was the last bus to campus from that route. so we walk our asses to the next bus stop that's like a 15 min walk away, we get there and find out the next bus doesn't come around til like 1:30am... so we sit there on the street (lmao no bench ofc) looking like complete losers waiting for the dusk bus to come pick us up to go back to our cow campus. amazing experience i know.2. we rented one of our school's hertz cars spontaneously just so we could drive 2 and a half hours to our friend's house, we got there at 10pm, went to the beach for a bit, slept at like 1am, then drove our asses back to campus at 5am becuz two of us had class at 7:30. and on the way back we got stopped by a cop for speeding. like. a mile from campus. ofc. we went over our rental by an hour. none of us actually went to our morning classes.3. second semester, we got a new roommate who went missing for an entire week and i actually... found out where she was after... uncovering some... clues... listen i'm not gonna go into further details with this story.4. this one time i was gonna take the train to go back home for the weekend and some undercover cops approached me asking if i'd ever had any of my luggage stolen and then when the train arrives the next thing i know the run in there and ambush some guy5. another time i was waiting for the bus from campus to get to the train station to catch yet another train to go back home for the weekend and as i waiting some students approach me asking if i'm on my way to the station and the next thing i know i'm riding in a stranger's car with 3 other strangers i don't know, they put their tunes on and well what do you know they're playing zelda dubstep music i was like wow i got lucky bruh6. (another one cuz i just thought of this) that one time omfg when skyward sword came out i was hella hyped and took the earliest bus to town, picked up my pre ordered copy from best buy + bought myself panda express, then walked back to the bus station to wait for the bus back to town and while i waited a truck with two shady ass dudes circled around looking at me 3 entire fucking times and the next time they turned around i was certain they were gonna do something and i *literally* prayed to Link to save me and well what do you know the bus came around just in time to save me omfg i lived thank u forever Linkanyways these all happened freshman year
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So I’m going to college in Canada in the Fall. I tell most people that it’s for my Master’s in Counseling Psychology, but really I’m going to get my Bachelor’s of Science in either Bio or Forensic Sciences (I got accepted into both programs and am giving myself until the end of next week to decide which one to do). It seems like a silly lie, but it’s easier than answering the “why’s” that everyone would then ask (cuz there is not really a short answer to that). I also don’t really feel like dealing with everyone’s “Oh, well you should at least try to find a job in the psych field first before you decide you don’t like it,” or the “You spent all those years and money on getting that degree, that’s kind of a waste don’t you think?” (which, compared to everyone else, I am really not much in debt, but yeah, it did take time obv.). I mean, they are very legit points when people don’t know the more personal aspects of my life. 
     When I first started college, I was a Bio and Secondary Ed. major because I wanted to become a high school bio teacher. However, I started to realize how messed up and in desperate need of fixing up our education system is in this country and quickly realized that, while under different circumstances it would be a great job for me, that field would not work out for me. That’s part of the reason why I only stayed at the first university I went to for 1 semester; what’s the point of spending all that money when I no longer knew what I wanted to do with my life? I mean, I liked Bio, but I had no clue what else I could do job wise with that degree (you’d think they’d discuss that sort of thing more in high school or something tbh). The other part was because I had never dealt with all my mental health stuff from high school. I was naive and thought that going away to college would magically fix all that, or at least make it a lot better (obv. I was wrong, although being out of my house did do some good). So I transferred to the community college that was in my town and tried to come up with something to major in.
     Now that decision had its good and bad points. I really did enjoy the college and most of the classes and teachers I had were great, I got to work and save up money for a car, discovered the glory of weed (okay that sounds bad, but I probly would’ve been a lot more persistent with trying to kill myself and cutting if I hadn’t started smoking weed when I did), and because my family doesn’t make much at all, financial aid covered most everything (thank god for the pell grant), and I finally came to terms with my sexual orientation. The downside was that I was still living in my toxic home environment (which led to me trying to off myself again, good times), and so I was spending all this time trying to fix myself and then when shit kept going downhill with the parents, fix that, instead of figuring out what I wanted to do with my life. I ended up picking psychology because 1. it is an interesting subject 2. my 3 close friends were also going into that field or a closely related field (aka social work) and 3. I think I was still stuck in that whole “I feel obligated to be perfect and fix everything” mindset. Now I don’t entirely regret going into the Psych. field, it is a legit interesting and very useful field, but no one ever told me until later on that you really can’t do all that much that is directly related to that field without your master’s. And I’m that type of person who only wanted to do one specific thing job with Psych., whereas with science, there’s a lot of different things I could do and would want to do.
     So after I finished up my 2 year degree (I say finished up because the school had sent me a form to fill out to graduate, but my parents never told me I had gotten mail from the school, so I ended up finding it weeks later and by then the deadline had passed, so I didn’t end up getting my legit 2 year degree for another year) I transferred to a different state university to finish up my Psychology degree. I almost double majored in Environmental Science but between hating that school (which is a whole other rant) and going home every other weekend to work and take care of the shitstorm at home (and to check in on my younger brother because I did feel guilty that he was there having to put up with that shit), I ended up dropping it. Before I knew it I was graduating; the first person in my family to do so. But I wasn’t excited because my father tried to kill himself on the last day of classes before finals. I wasn’t proud because I had lied about my internship for my 400 level Psych. class. I didn’t feel accomplished because I didn’t have any jobs lined up for after I graduated. I didn’t feel smart because it was just a Bachelor’s degree, everyone has one of those now. 
     So I graduated and was determined to gtfo of the house I lived in. I wanted out of CT, but still somewhere in New England because I do enjoy the weather and the more liberal people here. I applied for jobs and looked at possible apartments near the jobs until mid-September or so, but I had no luck so I started applying to jobs closer to where I was stuck living. I figured I could pay off some of my college debt while gaining some experience in my field before going to get my master’s so that I could become a high school guidance counselor (I always did enjoy trying to plan my life out). However, once again I had no luck, even applying for second part time jobs. Luckily, I had gotten my passport at the end of that summer because I had a bad feeling about the angry cheeto who was still somehow a legit possible candidate for presidency (yes, he’s part of the reason I want to go to college in Canada, but not the whole reason). I listened to friends start to hate their jobs or not be able to find a decent paying job in this field and I realized, I did not want to deal with that shit, I only ever wanted that once specific job in the psych. field. At least with bio I would not mind most of the jobs I would have to end up doing (I always did like the idea of working in a lab or out in the field or preferably a bit of both). I figured, why be miserable in a field that I probably shouldn’t have gone into in the first place, get stuck working a job I don’t enjoy or only tolerate, to pay off college debt and hopefully be able to support myself and eventually go back for my master’s and then hopefully end up liking the guidance counselor job. Why stay at home in an environment that I have known for years to be unhealthy for me to live in? I’ve learned that I deserve better, but that I also have to put some effort into making a change so that I can actually go about living my life the way I want to. I shouldn’t feel obligated to take care of my family, whom can’t even be bothered to at least make some sort of effort to help themselves. I am done putting my life on hold or simply going about my life doing things just because that’s what others tell me I’m supposed to be or should be doing. Do I have to go to Canada to do that, no, but I WANT to. I am not so naive that I think going there will solve all my problems. I’m not that type of person anymore. I do know it’s a risk, but I’m young, now is the time to take a risk. And who knows, maybe it won’t work out, but at least I can say I tried. And I think that as long as I buckle down and put some effort into this, I will end up changing my life for the better.
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