heyiwrotesomethings · 2 years
First time requesting- because it always freaking closes when I even try lol.
Anyway I don't know if you had a prompt/request yet witha girl with the hanahaki Disease, and yes I've read your recent post. I'd also like it too have a good ending sooo.
I was going to ask you, when you can create either an Asa Mitaka (yoru?) x Female Reader. where Asa has the Disease right but listen she's jealous before she want's too confess to the reader but sees that reader has been hanging around with yoshida lately and you know that how she develops the Disease.. and get's really sick, so that Yoru has too take over too get asa to confess to the reader who's currently hanging with Yoshida..
The reason being is that the reader is Yoshida's co-worker also as a private devil hunter..So Yoru understanding the new information then tells the reader that (Asa) likes her and then disappears (go back?), so that Asa can properly confess.
That's it I really want it to be an happy ending. But if you're not comfortable with the character who can change it :)))
Asa Mitaka (and Yoru too kinda) x She/Her Reader
A/N: Writing for these two was so fun. Probably too fun because Yn doesn’t get very much time to shine, whoops. I’m not sure if the scars and eye pattern that show up when Yoru is in charge is just for the reader’s tracking benefit or if it’s a physical thing that all the other characters can also notice, but I decided it was the former because if the other characters can see the change, it would be weird for no one to bring it up. Thanks for the request, hope you like it! Word Count: 1,736
“Pathetic, I couldn’t have possessed someone more pitiful.”
“Shut up.”
“How long do you think we can survive like this? Why are you so stubborn?”
“I told you to shut up. I don’t know.”
Asa spat another petal into the toilet, wiping the blood from her lips with the back of her quivering hand. She flushed the toilet and shuffled out of the stall to the nearest sink, washing the blood from her hands and lips.
Feeling a little faint, she gripped the edges of the sink and closed her eyes, breathing in deeply. After taking a few breaths, she opened her eyes, finding her sickly pale reflection staring back at her. Asa blinked sluggishly. In that brief time, her unblemished reflection had morphed into a scarred, visibly annoyed version of herself.
“Go to her. Tell her now, or I will.” Yoru warned.
“You will do no such thing!” Asa spat, her fingers curled tightly over the rim of the sink.
“You know how this disease works. Will you really allow yourself to die without even trying? Is your sense of self-preservation really so weak?” Yoru snarled.
“It doesn’t matter.” Asa swallowed thickly, “She’s already with that private devil hunter guy. They hangout all the time now,” her grip on the sink caused it to crack beneath her finger tips but she paid it no mind, too busy recalling where it all went wrong.
“I was going to tell her… I was, but then that whole thing with Bucky happened and then the Class President and you invading my body. And then there was what happened with Yuko too. All while my life was becoming fucked, Yoshida Hirofumi used that time to steal my chance with (Y/n) away.”
“Spare me,” Yoru rolled her spiraled irises, “Humans are fickle. Even if she is with him, that doesn’t really mean anything. And if she doesn’t want to leave him, who cares. We just kill this Yoshida guy and she will be single again. She could be yours by the end of the day.”
“Why do you even care anyway?” Asa grumbled. She was in no mood to try to explain to a devil why everything she had just said was not only stupid, but also laughably insane.
“Because this is my body now too. I rather not go back to hell in such a depressingly dull manner. Besides, if she grew to love you, she’d make a very powerful weapon.”
“Yoru!” Asa hissed through gritted teeth.
“Not saying it has to be her,” Yoru groaned, crossing her arms, “but if you ever found yourself getting bored of her…”
“I’m done talking to you. I have to get back to class. I’ve been gone long enough as is.”
Asa pushed away from the sink on wobbly legs and exited the bathroom just as the clock tower chimed, signaling the end of classes. Damn it, had she really been in the bathroom all hour? She slunk against the wall as she walked through the sea of bodies making their way to their extracurricular activities and cleaning duties. Though she was sure it was pretty evident to her teacher that she appeared ill, she still didn’t want to run into him and suffer through an interrogation about her deteriorating health.
Asa was tired. Her throat burned and her chest was unbearably sore so she was going to head straight home to mope in her bed. Yoru would no doubt be pissed that she was going another day without looking for a suitable weapon, but she quite frankly didn’t care at the moment.
She froze at the top of the stairs before descending, having heard a familiar laugh that caused something to tighten around her lungs. She saw (Y/n) coming up from the opposite direction, Yoshida smiling by her side. Of course.
Asa clenched her jaw, ready to stare daggers into the boy, but then she had been spotted.
“Hey Asa, always good to see you,” (Y/n) called with a friendly smile as she continued to ascend the stairs, “How have you been?”
“F-fine.” Asa could hear Yoru scoff. “How are you?”
“Pretty good. It’s a shame we aren’t in the same class this year. I‘ve missed you.”
Asa’s vocal chords might as well have been ripped out of her throat, but before the silence could last too long, Yoru yanked her into the metaphorical backseat.
“I’ve missed you too,” Yoru spoke with as much fondness as she could muster, “we should do something together soon. Maybe this weekend?”
“Yoru— don’t embarrass me I swear to god—!”
“I’d love to. I really would, but I’m busy this weekend.” Asa took at least a little comfort in seeing that (Y/n) looked genuinely disappointed. “Can I take a rain check?”
“Of course,” Yoru nodded, “It doesn’t have to be on the weekend either. Any day of the week, I’ll be there.”
“Yoruuuu,” Asa blushed, “You are being weird!”
Fortunately (Y/n) seemed to take the words in stride and her smile brightened, she opened her mouth to say something else, but then Yoshida put a hand on her shoulder.
“I don’t want to rush you, but we should keep moving if we’re going to make it to the meeting on time.” He said, the kind way he looked down at (Y/n) was enough to make both Asa and Yoru want to bare their teeth.
“Oh, right! Talk to you later Asa!”
“Later…” Yoru smiled tightly as the pair passed them by and continued on to the next set of stairs to take them to the next floor above.
“We need a plan.” Yoru said as she picked up Asa’s previous task of walking down the stairs. “I can already feel those damn flowers crawling up again.”
“I hate this. I hate him.” Asa fumed.
“I want to cut his hands off.” Yoru agreed.
“I’m not cutting off anyone’s hands.” Asa groaned.
“If you don’t confess soon, there will be hand cutting and so much more whether you like it or not.”
Another week of suffering had gone by, leaving Asa and Yoru feeling so much weaker. They didn’t even go to school on Monday, or the next couple days to follow. Asa seemed pretty content to wallow in her apartment, leaving bloody flower petals in her wake, but Yoru had had enough. On Friday morning, after it became apparent that Asa wasn’t going to leave her bed, Yoru commandeered the body and got ready to go to school despite all of Asa’s protests.
They arrived bright and early, Asa pleading with Yoru to just let it go before she made a fool out of them both and then inevitably died with a mouthful of flowers. Yoru paid her no mind, instead scanning the campus.
She caught sight of (Y/n) near the bike racks, scowling when she saw that Yoshida was still glued to her side. She could feel Asa’s negative emotions bubbling as well, quite possibly responsible for her own growing discontent.
“Yoru, turn around right now!” Asa demanded.
“Unless you have the strength to take back control, which I know you don’t, I will do as I please. Be grateful I’m going through the trouble of helping you with your insipid little teenage romance at all instead of simply killing you and taking your body as my own. It would make my life so much easier.”
It really made Asa wonder why Yoru hadn’t done just that and killed her when the disease began, or even before that since she hadn’t made any progress on finding out who Chainsaw Man was or making a powerful weapon to kill him. She didn’t dare ask, but it was something to think on.
Yoru walked over to where (Y/n) and Yoshida stood, nearly inserting herself between them before finally coming to a stop.
“Asa! Hi!” (Y/n) perked up, not at all put out by the interruption. “I heard you’ve been out sick most of the week, are you feeling any better?” She reached out to rest her had against their forehead, the gentle touch causing their collective heart to skip a beat.
“Mostly.” Yoru answered almost impatiently. “Hey (Y/n), I want to talk to you alone. Please.”
“Sure!” (Y/n) looked back to Yoshida, “See you in class, Calamari.”
Yoshida chuckled, a sound that grated against Asa and Yoru’s ears.
“Yeah, see you in a bit.” He confirmed with a smile before walking towards the school doors.
“So what did you want to—?”
“Come with me.”
Yoru took (Y/n)’s hand pulling her to the trees, further away from the students slowly taking over the campus.
“Why are you with that guy so much lately?” Yoru asked without preamble.
“You mean Hirofumi?”
“Yeah, are you dating him or something?” You won’t be for long if that’s the case.
“No,” (Y/n) laughed abruptly, “no, no, no. We’re coworkers. We both work in the private sector for devil hunting. We get along pretty well, but that’s the extent of it. Why? Do… do you like him?”
Was that unease Yoru sensed from (Y/n)’s tone, perhaps even a hint of jealousy?
Asa blinked, finding herself back in control.
“I’ll leave the rest to you. Don’t mess it up.” Yoru hissed against her ear.
“I- No, I don’t like him. I only asked because I,” she swallowed thickly, pressing her palms together, “I like you.”
The way (Y/n) seemed to brighten up at the confession gave Asa a boost of confidence.
“Yes, really. Would you like to go out on a date with me?”
“Yes, I would! I really, really would!” (Y/n) grinned, enveloping Asa in a tight hug.
“There are too many reallys flying around. You idiots deserve each other.” Yoru scoffed.
Yoru would never admit it, but she was feeling quite pleased about this development and not just because it would rid them of choking on scratchy flower stems in the middle of the night anymore. Yoru hummed thoughtfully,
“This whole ‘private devil hunter’ thing might pose a problem if she finds out about me… A problem for another day, I suppose. After she becomes too infatuated to care, perhaps. Again, if it doesn’t work out, very promising weapon potential.”
Asa gave Yoru a warning glare over (Y/n)’s shoulder before pressing her face flat against her, feeling the best she had in several weeks as the constricted feeling in her chest slowly began to ease.
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cosmosoracle · 1 year
Deadbridge: Notak
Councelor Notak was the reason why the party entered the Protectorate in the first place. While the Black Marquis, the ruler of the region, seemed to depend on him more and more through the years, he gained all he desired, allowing him to take all the important decisions for the territory and eventually closing off the borders to outside influence, ignoring the consequences it would have had on the population.
He was an elf of a murderous family from the Shadow Plane with a thirst for power and a place to rule. A pact with the man named Dos'ra, apparently affiliated with the Black Tears, saw him gaining the drug needed to subjugate the Black Marquis of Deadbridge to his favor, in exchange for a place for the other to experiment and a killing contract signed - the one that earned Hoyt his curse.
When the party met him, he had the loyalty of the captain of the guards, Wylia Greensword, and none in town who suspected him could figure out how the Marquis became so dependant on him: all that was known is that the governor was absolutely charmed by the charismatic elf, and fully trusted him with everything in the end - and how could anyone go against their Marquis, if not some strangers coming from outside?
The investigations, mainly led by Hoyt, earned the party the silent approval of Wylia, who left the town for a few days right before the attack. The first fight ended with Evangelia's death and Notak being captured, so that Hoyt could interrogate him, but he managed to escape once. After Lia was brought back to life and the assassin realized that even Notak was just a pawn for the Tears, there was no more reason to hold back. This freed the capital and the region from his tiranny, and the city was free to reorganize itself. The Black Marquis was temporarily lifted of his role to stay in the care of Wylia, who also swore loyalty to the new Blue Marquis, Jinny; she chose Echo as her new counselor, with the approval and support of the rest of the leading figures around her.
~ Send me an NPC name or an area and I’ll speak about a character from there. Check the list here!
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claymoresword · 10 months
I Choose Her | Chp: 17
Hermione Granger x Slytherin Fem!Reader
Summary: You are the daughter of two known death eaters from one of the oldest and richest families in the wizarding world. Are you truly prepared to give up everything you know for Hermione Granger?
Pairing: Hermione x Reader
Wordcount: 3.9k
Warnings: plot heavy, a sprinkle of fluff , smut (?) , dark themes
Note: hi! sorry this one took so long i'm not even going to get into it, what's important is that it's finally here lol I'd say there's maybe 2 more chapters left of this story including the epilogue. i'm not too sure yet, but we are definitely nearing the end which is sort of bitter sweet.. but anyway, as always i hope you enjoy this one!
Taglist: @gvrsto @aweidlich @xxsekhmet @arielj @poppyflower-22 @scarleigh1989 @smut-religiously777 @cocoyeehaw @blackbirdv98 @arcturusseer @iamcapitalgbicorn8287 @lonewalker17 @karasonromanoff @httphayn @bigbadsofty07 @cherryflavoredcoke @dumpsapphic @idontwannabehereatm @js-a-writer @baylegend6 @puta1 @t-wylia @raven-ss @unexpected-character
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“Here, this should do.” Hermione states in a hushed tone whilst dragging you behind a pillar to hide.
You stood behind her as she retrieved the cloak of invisibility from her bag, quickly draping it over the both of you.
Hermione pulls you even closer to remain as hidden as possible, so you instinctively wrap your arms around her torso.
You were allowed limited time to devise a plan as Snape summoned all students out of bed, all ordered to assemble in the Great Hall at once.
Harry made the impulsive decision to hide amongst the crowd of students so he may confront the Headmaster. The rest of you are forced to follow his lead, entirely improvising as you go.
Despite yourself, you do hope that Ron has managed to sneak out of the castle in time to fetch the other members of the Order. 
The Dark Lord and his followers are expected to march against Hogwarts any minute now, Harry needs all the help he can get.
Hogwarts always felt vaguely warm and comfortable to you, but now it is dense and inhospitable. You hardly recognised it anymore.
It is consistently hard to catch your breath, and you can't seem to ignore the uncomfortable chill running down your spine.
Hermione's presence being your only source of comfort, during a time that you otherwise found utterly debilitating. 
“Well, I don't know about you but this is quite nice. I really wouldn't mind staying like this with you, forever.” You attempt to lighten the mood as you further pressed your front against Hermione's back, earning a light chuckle in response.
“Honestly, I wouldn't mind either.” Hermione leans back slightly allowing you to place a quick kiss on her cheek before standing upright once more.
Your girlfriend keeps her eyes on the large group of students marching past, in anomalous unison. The sounds of their rhythmic footsteps echo through the halls. Not a single word is uttered amongst them. 
You can feel Hermione tense against your hold, as if she was trying to fight a similar feeling of deep and inescapable unease.
The final group of students enter through the doors, the large wooden panels shut with a large thud. 
Then, it is only silence, you can only hear the sound of your own breathing, the loud thumping of your raised heartbeat in your ears.
“Y/n..” Hermione's voice is a welcomed distraction from the unbearable quiet, it nearly makes you smile. 
“Yes, darling.” You respond, the other woman turns slightly so she may look at you as she speaks.
“I've been thinking..” Hermione starts. “It is no use that we find the other Hocruxes if we don't have the means to destroy it.”
Hermione's words make you pause. Truth be told, it hadn't even occurred to you until now. You had been so caught up in trying to locate the next object that you had entirely forgotten you no longer had the sword of Gryffindor in your possession.
“There's no chance we can take back the sword.. not now.” You think aloud, searching your mind for a solution. Hermione releases a groan at that, frustration and defeat. “I know.”
Then it occurs to you, a miraculous solution to your issue, or a shot in the dark, you were not yet certain.
“The Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets..” You trail off, now capturing Hermione's full attention. “What happened to it after Harry slayed it?” You ask, hoping your girlfriend will give you the answer you were looking for.
“Nothing, it's still there, left to decay in the Chamber.” Hermione replies, and a beat passes where nothing is said between you, but your girlfriend manages to catch up to your train of thought anyway.
“If we find a way to the chamber we can retrieve the Basilisk fang from the skeleton and destroy the Hocrux.” Your girlfriend voices the contents of your mind for you.
“With some luck.” You add.
Then, Hermione grins, a look of relief washes over her. Still underneath the cloak Hermione manages to turn around, she loops her arms around your neck, quickly guiding you in for a searing kiss, one that leaves your lips tingling even moments after she has pulled away. 
“You are brilliant.” Hermione utters, and this time it is your turn to smile.
“That's all you, my love.” You quip. Watching as Hermione makes a face in contentment before turning away from you once again.
Snape's voice can be faintly heard from where the two of you were standing, you tried to listen but Hermione's kiss ignited something within you. A sudden sense of serenity, now you are convinced that everything will turn out as you plan, as if you weren't currently in imminent danger.
As you held Hermione in your arms you allowed yourself to forget the threat of battle, if only for a few moments.
You can't hardly help the way your hand slips underneath her sweater, you feel her goosebumps forming underneath your touch as your palm grazes her bare stomach. 
This only works to urge you on as you carefully part her hair away from her neck, so you may plant gentle kisses against her warm flesh. Hermione's eyes flutter shut at the sensation, and you can hear her breath quickening. 
Although, you aren't allowed to carry on for long as she finally places her hand atop yours, removing it from underneath her top.
“Stop distracting me, I am trying to listen.” Hermione scolds, half-heartedly, her tone makes you smirk, a fire threatens to ignite, but you relent.
You could still only make out bits and pieces of what the Headmaster was saying, and nothing coherent. 
Soon deciding that you needed to get closer to the doors if you hoped to find out what was going on inside. You observed the lack of teachers roaming the halls, it appears you and Hermione were alone.
“Let's move closer.” You suggest, pulling the cloak off both of you so you may move freely.
“Alright.” Hermione agrees, clutching your hand as you advance forward together. 
Through the crack in the door, you are able to spot Snape, on the podium, addressing the students, the Carrows standing by either side of him.
“Punished in a matter consistent with the severity of their transgression.”
“Any person to have knowledge.. who fails to come forward, will be treated as equally guilty.”
You listened as the Headmaster continued hurling his veiled threats towards the group of blameless students. It makes your blood run cold and it appears Hermione felt as equally unsettled by Snape's words.
“Now then, If anyone here has any knowledge of Mr Potter's movements this evening. I invite them to step forward.. now.” Snape's words are met with complete silence, and your belly tightens with nauseating suspense.
The sound of sudden footsteps that echo from behind the two of you breaks the tantalizing quiet. It makes you whirl around in a panic, only for you to spot Ron next to his brother, Shacklebolt behind him and then the rest of the Order.
“What's going on?” Ron asks, looking between you and Hermione, and you merely hold your hand up to silence him as Hermione continues peeking through the crack.
The next thing that can be heard is a mass of gasps coming from the other side of the doors, students muttering amongst themselves. Before you can question it, the sound of Harry's voice validates your anxiety. 
You freeze, whereas Hermione merely steps forward, bracing her hand against the door, as if prepared to push it open, ready to come to Harry's defense.
“It seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you seem to have a bit of a security problem, Headmaster.” Harry's voice can be heard clearly as Hermione pushes the wooden doors open, you along with the rest of the Order follow her lead, now wands in hand, entering the hall as a group.
All eyes are now on you, more gasps in disbelief as you all stood behind Harry.
You then make the mistake of letting your eyes wander, it doesn't take long before you catch Pansy's gaze. Her stare, hardened and unforgiving enough to make you look away in an instant. You decide to focus your attention ahead.
Harry's harsh voice makes the walls in the hall vibrate.
“How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night, tell them how you look him in the eye, a man who trusted you and killed him.”
Harry continues to taunt the Headmaster, all he is granted with is silence, for a long moment, until Snape retrieves his wand.
He points it at Harry but before The Chosen One is allowed a chance to properly react, he is shoved out of the way, Professor McGonagall shielding him with her person.
It all happens quickly, the Professor flings spell after spell at the Headmaster, and everyone can merely observe with bated breaths as Snape deflected every blow.
The Headmaster lifts his wand to shield himself but this time the curse rebounds. As a result, the Carrows fall, unconscious.
Professor McGonagall steps closer but before she can attack once again, Snape is no longer upright as he quickly transfigures into a black mass, apparating out of the window behind him. The broken glass falls with a large crash.
A stunned silence before an eruption of cheers from the bystanders. Celebrating the Professor's triumph. 
Hermione glances at you with a similar look of relief, but the both of you recognize that it is fleeting.
Just as you expected, the moment of joy is over as quickly as it began. The mark on your arm, what was a dull ache turns into a searing pain, so sudden and paralyzing that it knocks you to the ground, still clutching your arm.
Hermione rushes to your side, but before she can attempt to question what was wrong Harry can also be seen collapsing onto the floor in front of you.
You catch a glimpse of Hermione's panicked expression, she turns to her best friend and then to you. Your girlfriend attempts to speak to you but you cannot hear her.
The pain in your arm has now spread, you shut your eyes tightly as you endured it. The hall grows dark once again, stagnant and cold. A spine chilling voice of the Dark Lord echoes through the air, easily distinguishable and unsettling. 
Soon there is a mass of screams coming from each corner of the room, students plugging their ears in terror.
Lord Voldermort aims to convey a message; a threat.
Hermione is holding you tightly against her own body, the pain in your arm is finally reduced to a dull ache once again.
“I know that many of you will want to fight, some of you may even think that to fight is wise, but this is folly.”
“Give me Harry Potter, do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter, and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded.”
“You have one hour.”
The Dark Lord's attempt to entice has merely immobilized everyone for a prolonged moment.
You finally get back on your feet, Hermione does not let go of you still. “Are you alright?” She manages to find the words and you only nod in response.
As you glanced around the room, you realized that once again, all eyes are on Harry. This time the stares are hostile, some uncertain, others, plain terror.
Pansy's voice is first to break the tense stillness. “What are you waiting for? Someone grab him.” She points to The Chosen One.
Ginny is first to step in front of Harry, followed by Ron, Hermione, yourself and the rest of the Order follow suit.
As Pansy catches your stare again she scoffs, this time your hardened expression mirrors her own.
“Mr Filch, if you would, I would like you to please escort Ms Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin house from the hall.” Professor McGonagall orders the caretaker of the castle. 
The man emerges from the crowd, his tired long haired cat in his arms. “Where exactly will I be leading them to, Maam?” He asks.
“The dungeons would do.” The Professor quickly states. This makes Hermione reach down to hold your hand once again, you respond by intertwining your fingers.
There was more sudden applause from the students as they celebrated Mr Filch leading the other Slytherins out of the hall.
As expected, you notice Pansy walking towards you, and you make the hasty decision to turn away so you could hopefully avoid her. However, you don't get the chance to try as she gets close enough to grab your collar harshly, then you react on instinct, getting a tight hold on her wrist.
“Fucking traitor.” She hisses, the sudden nature of the interaction makes you wince.
You open your mouth to speak but Hermione quickly steps in. “Let go of her, or I swear you will be leaving this hall with no hands.” There is enough vitriol in her voice to make anyone cower, but Pansy was not yet done, in fact she barely acknowledges your girlfriend at all. 
“If I had known you were with your muggle pet this entire time..” Pansy trails off, she shakes her head slightly, repulsed.
“You're an embarrassment. I can hardly believe I ever considered you a friend.” Pansy retorts.
The same Pansy you have known since first year. You can't help the pang in your chest, her words manage to graze you.
She grants you a scowl before storming off, Blaise follows immediately after her, having listened to the entire interaction. He bumps his own shoulder against yours before slipping past, purposefully setting you off balance. 
You held your tongue, reminding yourself to remain calm.
When you turn to Hermione once more the look plastered on her face makes you ache. She recognizes your hurt, and she can't help but feel it too. “Y/n–” She starts but you quickly interject with a change of topic.
“I have half a mind to carve this thing out of me.” You quip, only partly joking. The dark mark now stifled by your sleeve.
Your joke doesn't translate, in fact it only urges Hermione to worry about you more. “You will do no such thing.” She warns with furrowed brows as she reaches up to fix the collar of your shirt, badly creased from Pansy's fury.
Hermione's own wrath yet to dissipate, you feel it in the way her hand trembles. 
You smile faintly at her in gratitude, in an endless sea of chaos, she is your helm.
As the rest of the students begin clearing the hall, Harry rushes past as well, urging Ron, y/n and Hermione to follow. “Come on.” He exclaims without looking back.
Terror pollutes the air surrounding Hogwarts, contagious and unrelenting. It infects everyone, guiding and inspiring frantic behaviour. 
As all the Professors remain in the outer courtyard, securing the castle, students are left indoors to their own devices. Everyone is pushing, shoving. Coming and going. No one knows what to do, the only thing that's certain is that fear hangs over them a dark cloud enveloping all. 
“Harry, wait!” Hermione exclaims, trying to get her friend's attention but dark haired man barrels forward, Ron by his side.
Your finally manage to catch up to him, Hermione tugs on Harry's arm, forcefully urging him to look at her. 
“I've had an idea– well really it's Y/n's idea it's completely brilliant.” Hermione gestures towards you as she raises her voice slightly so she may be heard over the commotion.
Harry stares at you, inquisitive yet impatient so you decide speak quickly. “It doesn't matter if we find the Hocrux unless we can destroy it.” You say.
“You destroyed Tom Riddle's diary with the Basilisk fang, right?” You question rhetorically but Harry nods regardless.
“Well, Hermione and I think we know where we might find one.” You add vaguely, a precaution against prying ears.
“Okay, fine– but take this” Harry seems only half present in the conversation now, he is not even looking at you as he retrieves the Marauder's Map from his pocket.
You grab the bit of parchment, admittedly perplexed by his response. “That way you can find me when you get back.” Harry explains and you nod.
The Chosen One turns to continue up the stairs without looking back, Ron blindly trails after him, it seems asking Harry questions now will only slow them down.
“Where are you two going?” Hermione on the other hand cannot contain her curiosity.
“Ravenclaw Common Room. We've got to start somewhere.” He explains, practically shouting above the clamour.
As Ron and Harry dissapear into the crowd 
Hermione quickly intertwines your hand with her own, dragging you up the stairs in the opposite direction. “Come on, this way.”
The girl's lavatory remained vacant as you both made your way down the long winding slope, a pile of something soft breaks your harsh landing, in the darkness you are not able to make out what it might be.
The chamber was dark, every surface caked with dust, you can feel it in your lungs everytime you took a breath. No doubt the chambers has been left entirely untouched since the event all those years ago. 
Every step you took echoed towards the void, the faint noise of critters scampering on the walls was enough to unsettle you.
“Lumos.” Hermione says with her wand in hand, illuminating your path. It was only then you had the sense to do the same with your own.
You finally get to the entrance but only to realize it is locked, intricate stone carvings of serpents mounted proudly on the door; a warning. 
You inspect it carefully, but there is no visible keyhole any clues of how to unlock it.
Hermione bravely places her hands upon it, a feeble attempt to pry the heavy door open, but it is no use.
She sighs, exasperated.
“Any ideas?” Hermione looks to you, desperate.
You remained silent as you deliberated, your first instinct was to enter with force, throw a curse large enough to hopefully break apart the stone door atleast enough for the both of you to fit through.
That plan does not come without it's risks, you set it aside for now.
You begin considering other solutions, and naturally your mind involuntarily turns to the events surrounding the chamber of secrets all those years ago, your second year at Hogwarts. 
The perpetual anxiety that plagued you, and every other student in the castle. Everyday, the Basilisk claimed a new victim and for several weeks, you were only allowed to wonder who it might choose next.
You distinctly recall the way Draco reacted to it all, how he insisted on learning parseltongue so he could gain control of the beast. Feeding into the widespread fear that Harry was the true heir of Slytherin. That he would target him next if he did not learn how to defend himself.
Countless nights where your best friend would stay up memorizing phrases in parseltongue, certain that he would then gain the ability to control the beast if it ever came after him.
Whether he was driven by jealousy or plain and simple fear is unclear, but Draco's relentless efforts, as a result, forcefully imprinted the unfamiliar dialect into your vocabulary. 
Although, time certainly did it's duty, and now you are only able to recall certain words. 
You wonder if it will perhaps still be enough to possibly unlock the door to the chamber.
“I have an idea, but it might not work.” You reply, although entirely lacking confidence.
Hermione doesn't share your doubts, she nods assuredly eventhough she has no notion of what you intend to do. “Go on then.”
You speak the words ‘door’, ‘snake’, and ‘open’ in parseltongue. With your limited knowledge, you cannot hope to form a complete sentence, but luckily enough, the chamber unlocks. The heavy door opens, wide and eerily inviting.
Hermione stares at you wide-eyed in bewilderment. “How–” She tries but you only start forward towards the door.
“Long story– if we survive this I'll tell you all about it.” You quip as you made way for Hermione to step inside before you.
As it seems your streak of luck has yet to wear off as you succeed in extracting the Basilisk fang. It was just as Hermione said, all flesh has rotted away, now what was left of the beast was only it's skeleton, set to fossilise with time.
The both of you stood unmoving, hovering over the Hufflepuff cup, readying yourselves for the next step. “You do it.” You extend your arm so Hermione may grab the fang but she quickly shakes her head in protest. 
“No, I can't.” She admits but your gaze doesn't falter, courteous and true, you grab her hand.
“Yes, you can.” You state, lightly forcing the fang into her grasp, and she remains hesitant but accepts it anyway.
“I'll be right here if anything happens.” You reassure with a gentle hand on her shoulder.
Hermione moves to crouch next to the cup and you do the same, holding it in place.
Your girlfriend glances at you a last time for reassurance and you can only nod. As Hermione lifts her arm with the Basilisk fang in hand, you hold your breath.
In an instant she brings her arm straight down, the tip of the sharp tooth proved sturdy enough to pierce through the ancient relic. The Hufflepuff Cup begins spinning uncontrollably, as if trying to escape the cause of its injury.
Then, the room awakens, the body of water once still on either sides of the pathway you stood suddenly rises in anger. 
The water continues to twist and shape itself into a horrifying sight, the same vision of Voldermort that tormented you when you destroyed the locket.
You grab Hermione's hand, pulling her away from danger, but the being follows you until there was nowhere else to run, you fish out your wand from your pocket but before you can attempt anything, water crashes down onto the both of you. 
You are soaked and breathless, but the room was asleep once more. It is over.
Another Horcrux is destroyed, and air sharply fills your lungs. “You did it.” You state with true relief and Hermione doesn't respond, not with words. 
In one large stride she is directly infront if you, her lips against yours. The kiss shocks your entire system. Open-mouthed, and aguished. Her hand is firmly against the nape of your neck, Hermione melts within your embrace and you react all the same. Before you can protest or question further, your girlfriend pulls away. 
You stare at her, dazed and almost in a trance, consumed in everything and all Hermione. You nearly fail to notice the fact that she was removing her shoes, and then her jacket.
“What are you doing?” You remain staring at her, now with a hint of amusement, but mainly awe.
“We might die today.” Hermione states plainly, the nature of her words do not match her tone.
You observed as she removed her top, now leaving her in only her jeans and bra. She approaches you again, her hands slipping underneath your shirt, warm touch against damp skin makes you shiver in anticipation.
Then you feel her soft lips against the shell of your ear, and soon your jaw. “When I take my last breath I want to remember what it feels like to be with you.. all of you.” Hermione utters, her hands already moving to undo your belt.
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star-girl69 · 8 months
@voidashh gave me this idea so credits to them i love this little family
synopsis: ivy and y/n comforting clarisse after her spear breaks!!!!!!
basically you and ivy do nothing the entire game
you like hang out in the woods
near enough to clarisse so she’ll hear you if you shout for her
but far enough away so you don’t draw attention
except this particular game clarisse says she’s changing her strategy and you’re like hm ok suspicious…..
so she leaves you by the flag/her siblings protecting the flag
and you and ivy are just having a fun time she’s running around and jumping up and down and you’re like ok girl!!! jump!!!! run!!!!!! do it!!!!!!!!
then you hear the conch blow and you do do do do make your way to the beach and THE BLUE TEAM WON?????
ivy is so pissed off bc red is her favorite color
she’s about to have a tantrum in your arms and then you look at luke and chris and start jokingly yelling at them
so then you go to find clarisse bc you KNOW she’s gonna be mad and ivy loves screaming with her about how STUPID the blue team is and how AMAZING the red team is
but she’s nowhere to be found
and then you overhear someone talking about clarisse, her spear getting broken, percy being claimed
you’re like oh 😱😱😱😱😱
so you and ivy go walking around looking for clarisse and she’s not anywhere near the cabins or in hers or yours and ofc you find her in the training field
she’s beating the crap out of a dummy with some random sword
you’re like stressing and like AGGHJJDHJN
but then ivy just let’s go of your hand and starts running towards her
she drops the sword in shock and laughs as ivy jumps up into her arms
then ivy kind of realizes OH clarisse is REALLY sad so she’s like “what”
and clarisse is like “it’s nothing” bc she’s a baby and you can’t rly burden her w that
ivy then proceeds to fall asleep
playing is really hard work ok!!!!!
so you go back to your cabin and lay ivy down in bed and then you’re all just like cuddling tg bc it’s cute
and clarisse is telling you about what happened while ivy is asleep in between you
you try to comfort her as best you can but she doesn’t really want to talk about it
she got most of her initial anger out
now she just wants to be sad
which she never gets to do
so you all just take a nice nap together
and clarisse is sad but she has her girls here so it’s okay
like she loves her spear but she would snap it in half on purpose to save you two
also when percy actually found out that ivy is like yours and clarisse’s adopted child he is so SCARED
ofc ivy over hears the two of you talking in bed so the next day she finds percy and kicks him in the shins
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008 @liballer @heyimadison @nvirskies @pnsteblnme @mar2ss @restellsss @ravisinghs-wife @marsconer @evangelinexo @randomhoex
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jjsmaybank20 · 10 months
Tara Carpenter being protective of her younger sibling hcs?
Tara Carpenter Being Protective of Her Younger Sibling
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Tara Carpenter x GN!Younger!Carpenter!Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 354
A/N: These are my first headcanons, so bear with me pleaseee
navigation  scream masterlist
She may complain about Sam’s overprotection, but you best believe that she goes all out with you
Taser, check. Pepper spray, check. Backup taser, check.
Because she’s small, when the two of you walk down the street (especially at night) she holds onto the loop on your backpack or the back of your shirt so you two don’t get separated
If your walking alone at night she makes you facetime her or call her so that she can know you're okay
Tara has a habit of checking in on you multiple times a day, by both texting or phone calls
Tara may have installed a location-tracking app on your phone
She checks it every hour or so if you’re not with her, except when the two of you are at school
She's extremely cautious about who you associate with and tends to be skeptical of newcomers, especially people who you might be romantically interested in
If you go to a party, Tara insists on either being with you or having a trusted friend keep an eye on you
Before allowing you to go out with new friends or on dates, Tara conducts an intense screening process. She investigates who the people are, where you're going, and what the plans entail
She once gave you a full background check that she had run on someone you had gone out with plus a 45 minute presentation on why you should never go out with them again
Tara seems to have a sixth sense for detecting when something might be off. If you seem even slightly uneasy, she rushes in to investigate and address the problem, sometimes before you fully realizes there's a problem
Before allowing you to spend time with new people, Tara asks them a barrage of questions to assess their character and intentions with you. She may be little, but she is intimidating as fuck when she wants to be
Tara schedules regular check-ups with you, even if you're just at a friend's house or the library. She drops by unexpectedly to make sure everything is okay and assess the safety of your surroundings
@alotofpockets @t-wylia @hehehehannahthings @ampitrit3 @didyoubringauntienat @jensortega813 @ortegalvr
Join my taglist!
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novannna · 4 years
fghsdfkhas i love how the second i start a new wip, after i figure out the general plot (sometimes) and like character vibe, i immiedietly make as many picrews of my mcs as possible fsadgkfjsd
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deetvar-moved · 6 years
ur levin tears ass in grand conquest thank u for being my friend
Your DeeDee is a great dragon/mage tank, thank YOU for being my friend. 
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zephiel · 6 years
happy birthday. i would die for u.
No dyin allowed but thank u!!
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chromsai · 7 years
u talking about chrom is like....PEAK CHROMSAI CONTENT
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) give me more chroms please( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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heyiwrotesomethings · 6 months
Have you seen "Delicious in Dungeon" yet? It's a new anime out.. I'm having a blast with it.
I've read the manga before hand, so I know what's gonna happen but seeing it animated is always fun..
I got to see my girl Marcille Animated finally.
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( one of my favourite manga panels finally animated ^^^ )
I haven’t heard of it until very recently. I saw a couple clips on TikTok. It looks cute! I’m still trying to catch up on Spy Family and The Apothecary Diaries, but I might have to add this one to the list :D
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cosmosoracle · 1 year
8. how many fights has your muse been a part of? how did they fare?
Oh so many! Only since she set foot on land, she fought several cultists, undead, clockwork machines, a hydra, several of the draconic kind, monstrous creatures, shadow creatures, demons, mimics, ghosts, blood aberrations! And also several figures like Councelor Notak, Wylia Greensword and Ozz the Barghest, the necromancer Jormat and what was left of the fighter Arda, and so many others.
Her role was especially that of a support at the beginning, but as she grew stronger and her magic flourished, the cosmic influence of her mystery broke the shell and sometimes she leans lots to an offensive style instead. She's still learning to balance that, but now she's not alone: her magic also influenced her pet jellyfish, Lumen, who now acts as a familiar and delivers spells to those too far away from her.
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claymoresword · 4 months
I Choose Her | Stand Alone Series Chapter: 2
Hermione Granger x Slytherin Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/n and Hermione attempt to deal with the emotional and mental turmoil that came after the 'Battle Of Hogwarts' & everything else that led up to it.
Pairing: Hermione x Reader
Wordcount: 1.6k
Warnings: angst, depiction of cutting & self harm, death & violence, a bit of fluff somehow
Note: this one gets pretty graphic so please approach with caution. like stated there is mention of self-harm and a depiction of it so i have indicated that section with asterisks. if that sort of thing is triggering for you please skip and stay safe! but other than that, hope you enjoy. <3
Taglist: @aweidlich @xxsekhmet @poppyflower-22 @cocoyeehaw @blackbirdv98 @arcturusseer @cherryflavoredcoke @js-a-writer @baylegend6 @puta1 @t-wylia @raven-ss @unexpected-character @brocoliisscared @aki-ham @theheartwants-what-itwants
(comment to be added to or removed from the taglist)
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You cover your ears, a feeble effort to dull the incessant ringing.
Squinting to find your way through the courtyard, the dust began to make your eyes water. Yet the sting was a welcomed distraction from the near deafening noise that reverberates through the air.
You gaze up at the sky and it only helps to disorient you further.
The sun is out, but there is no light.
“Harry Potter is dead!” A voice dulls the noise, his voice.
The large snake that slithers past your foot makes you recoil, it circles you continuously, as if stalking a prey.
You reach for your wand on instinct, but you find that it is not in your pocket.
Your breath catches in your throat as Voldermort advances towards you. Half of his body deteriorating into dust, yet a spine-chilling grin remained.
You attempt to call for help, but you have seemed to forget how. So instead, you take a frantic scan of your surroundings.
Your stomach turns as you catch sight of a bloodied arm, sticking out of a pile of rubble to your left. You shift closer, motivated by a curiosity that you quickly learn to regret.
What you once thought was rubble, turns out to be a mountain of corpses.
They lay limp and lifeless atop one another, some nearly burnt to ash– others bloodied beyond recognition.
Your schoolmates, reduced to pieces of charred flesh and bone.
The urge to wretch overcomes you again.
“Harry Potter is dead.”
Voldermort's voice again, now only above a whisper, still makes you wince. You followed the arm he has left outstretched, pointing to the highest point of the mountain.
There you spot Harry, laying on the top of the pile, unmoving.
The noise that leaves you is involuntary when you notice Ginny pinned underneath him. Then there is Fred, Neville, Seamus– Ron.
All dead.
“No!” You cry out, this time your voice does make it past your lips.
At last, you are able to locate your wand, you retrieve it swiftly as you point it at Voldermort.
His face has changed again. This time he appears to you younger, human.
You are left staggered for a heartbeat, still you continue to aim your wand towards the man standing before you.
“The snake, y/n, you have to kill the snake.” Her voice carries through the courtyard. Hermione's voice.
Still, you can't see her.
You just barely manage to bite back a sob.
Her absence is like a dagger to your chest, twisting relentlessly.
“I will try.” You respond to no one.
The man's head morphs into one of a serpent, and soon, a bright flash of green erupts from the tip of your wand. With a large thud, the man before you drops to the ground.
It leaves you unsettled– killing still feels unnatural, it made you sick, and you vow to always feel that way. To never let it be a part of who you are, you cannot allow it to be.
You stand over the body now only to realize there is a serpent head no longer.
The corpse now bears a resemblance to someone you recognize all too well. A blade twists in your chest again, hacking away at your heart.
Hermione remains motionless as you kneeled over her. Frenzied, you pull her head onto your lap, feeling her pulse.
You did wish to see her, but not like this.
How can a sight you desperately yearned for, so suddenly turn into something you utterly dread?
“No, no. Wake up, my love. Please, wake up.” You beg in anguish, clutching her body close.
She is so cold.
The only bit of warmth you feel comes from the uncontrollable flood of tears that escape your eyes. You cannot sense the dagger anymore, and soon, you cease to feel much of anything.
Your chest– your very being, vacant.
You have killed Hermione, and the last bit of your soul in the process.
When you open your eyes again, you are in bed. You wake, alongside the familiar blinding ache in your arm.
All you can hear now is your quickened breathing, and the pounding of your heart as you sit up.
“Shit–” You mutter, clutching your head, your shirt sticking to your frame from sweat.
It wasn't real, only a dream.
The Dark Lord is gone, and you are safe.
Instinctively, you reach for Hermione, only to find the empty space next to you.
Panic sets in once more as you climb out of bed.
It can't be– it was only a nightmare.
“Hermione?” You call out into the darkness, but you receive no response.
You know she is alive. You spent the day with her and you went to bed with her.
It has been that way for weeks, you concede.
That is unless, you've managed to escape one nightmare only to wake up to an equally bleak reality.
The thought makes you shiver, you wrap your arms around yourself as you call out once more.
“Hermione?” You speak slightly louder as you enter the kitchen, still, she is nowhere.
You swallow uncomfortably, rubbing your throat when you realize just how parched you are.
You quickly approach the sink, retrieving a clean glass. “Aguamenti.” You watched silently as water started to fill it.
Soon you throw your head back, entirely emptying its contents.
You attempt to set the now empty glass down but a sudden sharp pain in your arm causes it to slip out of your fingers.
Before you can save it, the glass shatters across the counter.
The sudden noise causes you to flinch, but any shock you experience quickly morphs into pure anger as you observe the dark mark etched in your arm.
Truth be told, after the battle you had expected it to become dormant, obsolete. There is no use for it now that Voldermort is dead. but to your dismay, the effects only got worse and far more agitating.
Still driven by hot rage, you carelessly reach for a piece of glass, clutching it firmly.
Simply desperate to put an end to it all. The wretched memories– the pain and anguish that you carry with you every waking moment it is a result of this symbol in your arm.
Without another moment's thought, you run the sharp edge across your skin. You groan at the pain, but a queer sense of relief sets in as you watched the blood trickle down your arm.
The warm, red substance defaces the dark mark, you began to relish in the fact that you could hardly see the symbol now. So you decide to cut again.
You have no intentions to stop until it has been carved out of your arm entirely.
Although, you are only allowed to continue for a moment longer. You are caught by surprise when Hermione distrupts your plans. She wretches the piece of glass out of your hand in distress, it makes a loud crash as it lands it in the sink.
“What on earth are you doing?” Your girlfriend exclaims in horror. She immediately grabs a wash towel, quickly placing it over your arm to stifle the bleeding.
You don't respond for a prolonged moment, you can only afford to stare at Hermione. She is safe, she is alive.
You have not harmed her.
“Darling..” Hermione coos, you only realize you are crying when she gently wipes the tears from your cheeks.
“I just wanted it to stop.” Is all you can manage to utter, and your girlfriend's expression only grows more concerned.
She averts her gaze, lifting the towel to inspect your arm. Whereas, you mantain your stare upon Hermione– you cannot bear to acknowledge the damage you've inflicted upon yourself.
“This.. that was not the way to do it. What if you had cut too deep? Please, y/n, you can't do things like that. You frightened me half to death.” Hermione reprimands, her frustration entirely justified.
You nod in resignation, the fact is you weren't thinking, you simply acted, as you always do.
“I'm sorry.” You say with real remorse and Hermione swiftly wraps an arm around you.
She kisses the side of your face, embracing you tightly. The both of you remain like that, without speaking, for a while, simply taking comfort in each other's presence.
“Where were you?” You finally mumble against Hermione's shoulder. She pulls back to look at you properly before speaking.
“I couldn’t sleep, so I went out onto the balcony.” Your girlfriend explains, loosely gesturing to the sliding doors in the distance that remain open.
“I lost track of time because I was reading.” Hermione adds, more sheepishly, and it only makes you smile.
“Of course you were.” You quip.
Your girlfriend shifts her eyes away from yours once again to look at your arm. You observed as she set her bottom lip in between her teeth, always a sign that she was thinking.
“You know, I think it's almost romantic.” You say suddenly, and Hermione blinks at you in confusion.
“What is?” She asks but you don't allow her to ponder on your statement for too long as you reach for her left arm.
You lift it up. It is tough to see under the moonlight, but you could still somewhat make out the scarring on Hermione's forearm.
Her flesh once carved until bloody with the word ‘mudblood’, now fully healed, leaving only a thick scar.
“Now we're the same.” You remark with a smirk, an effort to make light of a otherwise grim situation.
Hermione scoffs, retracting her arm.
“You are an idiot.” She claims, but there is no bite to her words, and you catch a faint smile playing on her lips as she rolls her eyes at you.
“Come on, let's get you cleaned up.” Your girlfriend coaxes, tossing the bloodied wash towel into the sink.
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pikespendragon67 · 7 years
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It’s @wylia‘s birthday! Drew this right after taking a midterm, but I hope she has a good birthday today
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slanax · 7 years
  The true Pokemon Experience ™ is blowing half your...
oh no bby what is u doing save before getting it cut
me? saving in a new pokemon game? who has the time
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chillmayo · 3 years
just found there might be canon hestadil in the movie and im slightly freaking out :D let's go lesbians
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opendoorlorien · 7 years
i love ur loveposts love is great
since Kaze doesnt love himself I have to love him EXTRA HARD
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