#wholesome moments with santi and john
bluelolblue · 5 months
Beach and forest headcanon for Santino and John
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When Santino prefers chilling and walking on the beach and John maybe has a slight preference for the forest walks.
Santino would complain about all the bugs in the forest, tho. If he sees a spider, he's turning around and leaving without John, but John leaded the way, and Santino wasn't paying attention, so he doesn't know how to return, he needs John for that. "If you pick up that spider, you're never touching me again. Ever." I'm having way too much fun with Santino being scared of spiders. He'd describe them as "disgusting creatures with too many legs."
The mosquitoes. Santino's cursing in Italian and English at them. He hates mosquitoes. John is literally so patient with him and kills mosquitoes he sees that are near him. And he's overall patient with his complaints because "he will calm down eventually." It's the way Santino is, and John accepted him like that. In fact, he finds it cute.
A way to distract Santino is to point out a deer or any other animal. Since it's not every day they go to the forest, it's nice to see a deer, squirrel, fox... like it actually makes Santino happy. He's taking photos of them, too. He loves animals but no bugs.
Meanwhile on the beach, Santino is calm and chilling. John can finally relax and not have to worry about a spider getting near Santino. The wasps, tho. But Santino is mostly quiet, inhaling that sea smell of salt and it's a nice fresh air. They both enjoy this a lot. Going swimming together, walking on the beach, just chilling on the towel as they snack, drink and talk. Getting ice cream together and making sexy jokes when the ice cream gets on their sides of their mouths or anywhere. And Santino always makes that joke first because it's him.
I almost forgot! Santino helps him put on the sun cream since John kinda burns easily while Santino gets a nice tan. Ofc he's Italian, it's no problem to him. Getting that vitamin D (and another vitamin D 🌚). No, I'm keeping this wholesome.
Anyways, I thought of this few days ago but now I got really inspired to write it down. So have this silly headcanon :3
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bluelolblue · 4 months
I’m sooo excited to work on your happy Santi ask!! So I wanted to give you a happy John ask. What’s Santino doing or what is happening that’s making him smile so much? He looks so enchanted, and I just know it’s because of how much he loves Santino. John deserves all the joy for the way he takes care of his man!! 💙🖤✨
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WOAAAHH OMG HE'S ALSO SMILING YAY HAPPY JOHN!! He looks so handsome, too 😭
Thank you soooo much for this beautiful ask!!! 💙🖤💙🖤
ALRIGHT YAYYY! This is also great practice for my writing, to write something just from a picture, get inspired by it! :3
They deserve sooo much happiness so I decided to write another mini fic with them being married and happy and playing with Dog!
This is gonna be really wholesome ^_^
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Fetching Happiness
Winter just started a week ago, and there has been a little bit of snow that unfortunately didn't last long.
It was nice to watch it fall. Although the better view for John was watching Santino smile as he looked through the window at the snow. He genuinely looked happy. That's something that means a lot to John.
Santino is doing a lot better than he used to. He stopped smoking, has normal breakfast that's not just coffee, has lunch and dinner, goes to sleep at normal time, and gets enough sleep, so he fixed his schedule overall. He's doing a lot better, and it's all thanks to John.
Dog also seems to have a positive impact on him. He goes out with him more often, sometimes shorter, sometimes longer walks, most of the time he goes with John, but sometimes alone when John isn't home.
Today looks like a beautiful, refreshing day for a walk. John also heard that they finally allowed dogs in that one little park where they usually walked by. So, he got an idea.
"Hey, love. Do you wanna go to that park with Dog? They allow dogs now." John suggested, leaning over to press a kiss on Santino's neck who just finished his afternoon cappuccino. It's a habit he enjoys every afternoon.
"Oh, they do? Finally! It was about time." Santino always made a comment with John whenever they passed by how it would be amazing if they allowed dogs there. It's a nice little place.
"I'd love to. We can bring those toys for Dog now." Santino said, walking towards his wardrobe. It's winter, so it means he gets to wear his best suits.
It takes him a bit longer than John to get ready, of course. John already packed the dog toys and treats and got himself while Santino was almost done.
"There you go, buddy." John said as he put the collar on Dog and leashed him. Dog wagged his tail happily, excited to go for a walk with them two.
"Alright, I'm ready." Santino said, having his black jacket over his suit. He looked stunning like always, John always ends up staring at him for a bit longer out of admiration. "You look beautiful." John told him with a soft smile. "Thank you, caro. You're beautiful, too." He pressed a kiss on his lips.
"Ah, it's the suit you wore only once. It looks so good on you, bello. You should wear it more often, especially now." Santino pulled back slightly, holding his shoulders as he admired him.
"It's for moments like this." John said softly, caressing his cheek. Santino chuckled quietly, leaning into his palm.
John had a small backpack with dog toys while Santino was the one holding the leash. And Santino likes to think Dog prefers him because "See how he doesn't pull me while we walk? He loves me." And John would always anwser him, "Of course he does, darling."
The fresh, cold air felt amazing, going through their hair and inhaling it. Perfect weather for a walk.
They talked a little while walking, about their other plans, also laughed a little when Dog wanted to chase a squirrel. It's moments like this when they're both so happy just to have each other and spend time together without the stress of their work.
At the park, there weren't too many people, which was good. They found a little spot with a bench where they were further away from others so they could have more privacy.
Dog whined and wagged his tail happily, excited to finally play with his owners. "We haven't even sat down, relax a little." Santino chuckled at Dog and patted his head. "It's really pretty here. Isolated little park. It's good to get away from the city for some time." Santino said as he neatly placed his jacket next to John on the bench. "Yeah, it is." John agreed, looking around at the trees, few little birds. It's a nice place.
He unleashed Dog, he knows he has a good recall, so there won't be any problems with that. "Good dog." John praised as he patted his head, and Dog licked his hand happily.
Santino already pulled out a ball from the backpack to play with Dog. "John, do you wanna join us?" He asked, holding up the ball, and Dog noticed it, so he ran up to Santino. "I will, but in few minutes. You two start without me." John said, settling the backpack and Santino's jacket on the bench. He decided he would place the jacket over his thighs since he knows how much Santino hates when his suits get dirty.
Santino smiled at him and nodded, murmuring something sweet to Dog in Italian as he threw the ball, and Dog ran to catch it.
John didn't want to sit down because he was tired, but because he wanted to enjoy watching Santino finally being happy with his life. He looks so much happier and healthier. He's playing with Dog and having more energy for it.
How Santino laughed whenever Dog brought back the ball, barking happily for Santino to keep throwing it. He also gave him treats whenever he did the tricks he taught him. "Paw. Good boy!" Santino praised, giving him a treat. "Roll over. Buon lavoro! Bellissimo! (Good job! beautiful!)"
It felt so good to see him like this.
"Go fetch!" Santino threw the ball again and watched as Dog ran so fast to get it.
One more thing John loved about Santino's and Dog's interactions. The way Santino hug, snuggle and pat him, speaking softly to him in Italian. That's exactly what he did now.
He patted dogs back, patting his tail bone as Dog wagged his tail and panted through the ball in his mouth. Dog absolutely enjoyed this.
John couldn't help himself but smile and laugh at seeing them like that. Seeing his husband finally laughing because he truly felt happy. He wishes he could watch him like this every day, every minute, because it's such a good feeling and his heart feels warmer with so much love.
"Why are you laughing?" Santino asked with a smile. "I'm happy you're doing better, love." John said softly, looking at each other with sympathy and love. Santino huffed a small chuckle, blushing a little. "It's all thanks to you, bello." Santino smiled.
"C'mon, join us!" He called for John. And John, of course, joined him. Joining his husband and their dog.
A man like John managed to change Santino to a better and healthier person. He cares so much for him, he himself also feels much happier lately.
Kissing him softly, telling him how he's so glad that he's enjoying this. And Santino replied with another more longer kiss.
However they got interrupted by Dog nudging the ball into John's hand.
"It's your turn now." Santino told him, chuckling a little. "I suppose so." John said softly, taking the ball and throwing it.
They're both happy. Finally happy with their lives.
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