#get spiders away from Santino pls
bluelolblue · 5 months
Beach and forest headcanon for Santino and John
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When Santino prefers chilling and walking on the beach and John maybe has a slight preference for the forest walks.
Santino would complain about all the bugs in the forest, tho. If he sees a spider, he's turning around and leaving without John, but John leaded the way, and Santino wasn't paying attention, so he doesn't know how to return, he needs John for that. "If you pick up that spider, you're never touching me again. Ever." I'm having way too much fun with Santino being scared of spiders. He'd describe them as "disgusting creatures with too many legs."
The mosquitoes. Santino's cursing in Italian and English at them. He hates mosquitoes. John is literally so patient with him and kills mosquitoes he sees that are near him. And he's overall patient with his complaints because "he will calm down eventually." It's the way Santino is, and John accepted him like that. In fact, he finds it cute.
A way to distract Santino is to point out a deer or any other animal. Since it's not every day they go to the forest, it's nice to see a deer, squirrel, fox... like it actually makes Santino happy. He's taking photos of them, too. He loves animals but no bugs.
Meanwhile on the beach, Santino is calm and chilling. John can finally relax and not have to worry about a spider getting near Santino. The wasps, tho. But Santino is mostly quiet, inhaling that sea smell of salt and it's a nice fresh air. They both enjoy this a lot. Going swimming together, walking on the beach, just chilling on the towel as they snack, drink and talk. Getting ice cream together and making sexy jokes when the ice cream gets on their sides of their mouths or anywhere. And Santino always makes that joke first because it's him.
I almost forgot! Santino helps him put on the sun cream since John kinda burns easily while Santino gets a nice tan. Ofc he's Italian, it's no problem to him. Getting that vitamin D (and another vitamin D 🌚). No, I'm keeping this wholesome.
Anyways, I thought of this few days ago but now I got really inspired to write it down. So have this silly headcanon :3
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