#so im putting all that into santino
bluelolblue · 5 months
Beach and forest headcanon for Santino and John
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When Santino prefers chilling and walking on the beach and John maybe has a slight preference for the forest walks.
Santino would complain about all the bugs in the forest, tho. If he sees a spider, he's turning around and leaving without John, but John leaded the way, and Santino wasn't paying attention, so he doesn't know how to return, he needs John for that. "If you pick up that spider, you're never touching me again. Ever." I'm having way too much fun with Santino being scared of spiders. He'd describe them as "disgusting creatures with too many legs."
The mosquitoes. Santino's cursing in Italian and English at them. He hates mosquitoes. John is literally so patient with him and kills mosquitoes he sees that are near him. And he's overall patient with his complaints because "he will calm down eventually." It's the way Santino is, and John accepted him like that. In fact, he finds it cute.
A way to distract Santino is to point out a deer or any other animal. Since it's not every day they go to the forest, it's nice to see a deer, squirrel, fox... like it actually makes Santino happy. He's taking photos of them, too. He loves animals but no bugs.
Meanwhile on the beach, Santino is calm and chilling. John can finally relax and not have to worry about a spider getting near Santino. The wasps, tho. But Santino is mostly quiet, inhaling that sea smell of salt and it's a nice fresh air. They both enjoy this a lot. Going swimming together, walking on the beach, just chilling on the towel as they snack, drink and talk. Getting ice cream together and making sexy jokes when the ice cream gets on their sides of their mouths or anywhere. And Santino always makes that joke first because it's him.
I almost forgot! Santino helps him put on the sun cream since John kinda burns easily while Santino gets a nice tan. Ofc he's Italian, it's no problem to him. Getting that vitamin D (and another vitamin D 🌚). No, I'm keeping this wholesome.
Anyways, I thought of this few days ago but now I got really inspired to write it down. So have this silly headcanon :3
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afanofmanyth1ngs · 10 days
Yellowjackets/IWTV Fanfic
So, about a week ago I put out a poll about doing a weird IWTV fanfic that's basically set in the Yellowjackets verse... And now I'm doing it... YAY!! but I do just want to come on here to basically throw around some things I'm going to do :P So this is going to be where I update people and just basically talk about how I'm going to do this, what my schedule is going to look like, things I need opinions on. This is more so a motivation thing so IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, please please please comment and follow along. I lose motivation quickly, but this is something I'm pretty dedicated to. but either way THIS IS HAPPENING.
First things first. YES I have started working on it. Im not even close to finished with the first chapter because each chapter is going to be LONG. This is not going to be everything that happens in Yellowjackets happens in here, and not even close. Even as I started it... I will sometimes use direct quotes, but thats only if im stuck and cant figure out what im doing.
NEXT as I said this is not going to be yellowjackets word for word, but I will be using each episode as a starting point. scenes might mirror each other, and I will cut between scenes as they do in the show.
Some things that are automatically going to be different from Yellowjackets:
They will not be on a Sports team of any sorts. The one thing each character has in common, is that they all are passionate about one or more forms of art (ex: Louis: Photography - Lestat: Acting - Madeleine - Sewing and dress making and altering (not the right words sorry lol)) SO im having them go to an art school :P little bit of a long shot but not only is it just convinent for me because of all the art forms they like, but also I think it would be kind of cool for just normal (LMAO) IWTV kids who have never touched a sport in their lives to now have to like hunt and stuff... kind of Lord of the Flies with half of the kids being CHOIR KIDS core.
Theyre all gonna be in High school. i was like well im not aging them up cause what fun would that be, so lets just age them down and keep a whole bunch of that trauma and see what happens... and im not super far into the writing process but its working rn!!
Theyre crashing in the Alps. I have zero knowlege of the Alps whatso ever BUT i know i went over them when i flew to Italy so Im having them go to the Uffizi Galleries!!! and then BAM Alps. so get ready for some major inaccuratcies about that cause im gonna make them how they are in Yellowjackets... just in like Italy. Maybe I'll reasearch a bit more... dw about it its ok :D
As I said before each chapter is going to be LONG. so rn I have around 4ish scenes (ones not finished yet) and by the time I'm finished with those and edit it's going to be close to around 4,000 words I'm estimating... that's 4,000 words for not even a quarter of THE KIDS STORY LINE. on that topic, because each chapter is going to be so incredibly long, I've decided to split each chapter in about half. I was originally planning to do one chapter = one episode of yellowjackets but again it's going to be WAY too long, so kids' storyline, adult story line. I like that a lot too because a big pet peeve of mine is in stories where it keeps switching through times and then i get so lost and have to reread like 10 times to understand... LIKE PLEASE JUST SPLIT IT INTO A FEW CHAPTERS SO IM NOT CONFUSED
Last thing! Most of each character's backstory IS WORKED IN... so for example (A HUGE example) is for at least the first few chapters Armand will be called and referred to as Amadeo. Marius is his adoptive father who rescued him from some sex trafficking scandal or something and renamed him, before he eventually changes his name to Armand while out in the mountains. So, like obviously he's not going to get the name Armand from Santino, but you know... working in what I can :P
OK ACTUALLY LAST LAST THING: I don't know when this will come out... I have a deadline for myself and I'm certain I will get to it, HOWEVER I do not have access to the other Yellowjackets episodes, which is pretty crucial if I want to get into a schedule of posting each week regularly. As of right now I am hoping to get the first chapter out on October 3rd... Yellowjackets will be accessible to me AND then I'll be able to post a chapter on Halloween... YAY!! if that does not work out because the following chapters are taking too long and I release before I can make sure the Schedule is set, it will most likely be one of the Thursdays in October because I REALLY want to get one out on Halloween!!
OK!! hope you guys liked my little rant!! I'll keep everyone who's interested updated on here so if you want to be in the loop follow me (or don't! if you don't you can just check my page!) and again comments motivate me, so if you have any questions or just think it's a cool idea let me know!
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mothmage · 6 months
vc picrew drop (all with this picrew) below bc im experiencing mental illness
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wolfkiller lestat and rockstar lestat
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nicki and louis
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gabrielle and claudia
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armand and daniel
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marius and pandora
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bianca and riccardo
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maharet and mekare
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mael and jesse
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akasha and enkil
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last three are sort of randomly put together but theyre all wearing capes so :) khayman, santino, magnus
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half-as-big-as-life · 1 month
What was your favorite thing about Blood and Gold? And what thing, if any, would you change about it?
Ok so. Fav thing is tied. Either thorne fucking exploding santino with his mind (funny as hell and out of NOWHERE) and being like "i dont need any thanks" OR marius's various weeping scenes. In a good way. Im putting him in one of armands blenders (affectionate)
Something id change? I think itd be fun to see more of marius' interactions w mael, or, and this is fully a personal wish, if hed talked a bit about actually painting. Like if anne had gone on a tangent about 1400s painting techniques and even stuff BEFORE THAT i think it wouldve been very cool. But alas
And it all made me crave marius x thorne which has like 5 fics on ao3 so that is also something. Why must i keep falling into rarepair ships. Just looked it up actually. My mistake, 7 whole fics
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lepoppeta · 6 months
Song asks: CharPentious
this was even harder than vaggiebomb holy cow
charpentious is probably my favourite charlie ship (theres like... negative art of it so i have to placate myself with the oodles of delicious charlastor drawings available). pentious and charlie are on the exactly same wavelength of golden retriever dumbass that they feed off of each other in this wonderful pocket ecosystem of support and positivity. they would undoubtedly make everyone else around them absolutely sick to their very gums and thats honestly half the fun.
the thing that was tripping me up about these two and finding songs was trying to find something that wasnt super generic - its all well and good to use any happy love song, but those can be applied to any number of situations. i wanted to try and be a little more niche. i dont know how successful i was.
love is an open door (frozen, sung by kristen bell and santino fontana)
all my life has been a series of doors in my face, and then suddenly i bump into you (i was thinking the same thing! cause like - ive been searching my whole life to find my own place, and maybe its the party talking, or the chocolate fondue)
one of the things i really wanted to highlight about the potential for these two is how EASY i think their relationship would be. after years of being met with adversity and ridicule, heres someone who doesnt think youre stupid or that your dreams are too big or that your inventions are too gaudy and complicated - they think its WONDERFUL. they think YOURE wonderful, in all of your goofiness, because within that lies sincerity.
something to believe in (newsies, sung by jeremy jordan and kara lindsay)
til the moment i found you, i thought i knew what love was. now im learning what is true - that love will do what it does. the world finds ways to sting you, and then one day it decides to bring you
something to believe in for even a night. one night may be forever, but thats alright - thats alright. and if youre gone tomorrow, what was ours will still be. i have something to believe, now that i know you believed in me.
(we was never meant to meet, and then we meet - who knows why. one more stranger on the street, just someone sweet passing by. an angel come to save me, who didnt even know she gave me
something to believe in for even a day. one day may be forever, but thats okay - thats okay. and if im gone tomorrow, what was ours will still be. i have something to believe in, now that i know you believed in me.)
i dont normally copy down that many lyrics, but they fit so well that i had to include all of them!
one of my favourite things about charlie ships is that (ideally) she wins over the other party simply by being kind and almost aggressively genuine. while i have my own opinions on how characters work and what they are within the universe, this song becomes heartbreaking if you put it in the context of show canon and have it be the last duet they have before heaven comes to attack - pentious calls her an angel, and they say that even though he/they might die tomorrow (which, as we all know, is what happens), it doesnt change the fact that charlie forgave pentious and allowed him the oppurtunity of redemption, and pentious in turn actually put in effort and became the hotels proof of concept.
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vampire-sugar · 8 months
Ignore my last posts bruh tbh my fault for interacting. So I’m reading The Queen of the Damned and Part I and Part II were a bit lack luster…. But I just finished reading the first two chapters of Part III and we are sooo back!! These were some of my thoughts reading.
(Spoilers ahead!!)
1. Lestat: In the Arms of the Goddess
The story has finally begun!!!! Lestat drinks from Akasha and gains some cool new powers like flight and teleportation, we love to see it.
Lestat’s back at his old chateau and is forced to remember his past… any time Lestat thinks about the wolves gets to me… “My only moment of glory, and what had it got me? The admiration of an accursed bloodsucker who chose to make me his heir.”
And when Akasha shows him the weapons he used to kill those wolves and asks him to use his new skills to kill for her, he wonders “Wasn’t the same thing happening now? Loved for what I’d been in those early thoughtless mortal years.”
Reminding him of the monastery, and 200 year old Lestat of course remembering it still so clearly “God I didn’t want to think of those times. But some things can never be forgotten.”
Akasha reminding him how he had knelt on the floor of the chapel and begged God to make him good (shoot meeee) and then telling him “You wanted to be a saint when you knelt in that chapel, now you shall be a god with me”. Fire.
And also “I am your true Mother, the Mother who will never abandon you,” OK Gabrielle shade….
Really enjoyed this chapter.
2. Marius: Coming Together
Vampire conference chapter!! So turns out Akasha smoked all the vampires in the world except for the ones in the conference room. Interesting. I wonder if Azim is also smoked he seemed important in the Pandora chapter.
Love all the vampires interacting with one another. We got a lot of backstory for most of the new ones but not for everyone present which makes me wonder whether they will be killed off soon or whether a Santino or Eric chapter will be in this book’s future. I know I complained ab all the previous lore chapters but im low key intrigued who are these ppl lol (I know Santino is Armand’s old coven master, but what’s Eric’s deal?).
There’s a part where Marius is looking around the conference at all the hot vampires and wonders “Was nobody ugly ever given immortality?” I laughed out loud.
I also love Gabrielle going “If I waste this bitch, to use the vernacular, do I waste the rest of us too?”Ooh ok Gabrielle! I really want to see her and Akasha interact.
I’m excited to get the full story of the twins! So far what I’m getting is that Akasha blames the twins and their culture of interacting w spirits for the creation of vampires? And that’s why she and Enkil sent the soldiers to their village and put the twins through hell? I feel like the dreams started bc the Queen had awoken and Makare sensed this so sent out the dreams to warn the other vamps of the Queen’s intentions. Idk excited to find out though.
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verthu · 2 years
now that you said that leon, aurelio, and neo are three of your og sims from when you started ts4, i’m curious about what you did with them.. did they have any kind of dynamic then? you don’t have to answer, i just really like hearing about your sims! i still remember the middle school to college render you did for jay’s room bc it impacted me a lot.. like seeing what kind of ocs exist in your head, you being someone i admire a lot as an artist (i think your renders are art). (1/2)
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love love love LOVE LOVE this ask, thank you so much for making my night🤞 i would love to give you everything about my sims bc reading this message makes me incredibly happy. also apologies if this seems unorganized, im rlly just dumping out whatever i have in my head 😭
first, that middle school to highschool room edit - id say its pretty canon! jay didn't have close close friends in middle school, which explains why he was alone in the room. he then met neo and aurelio when starting highschool, and they became the trio™️. then ofc entering college, the group expanded as they met leon and santino! and thats the origin of the verthu crew! its also worth mentioning that leon and neo are now dating!
for personality, u can just see jay as my self-insert ahaha jk...unless? 🫡 HAHAH no but tbh i rlly put a lot of me into creating jay, especially aesthetics/fashion sense/etc. id like to imagine jay to be a bit introvert, but he can be very fun around the right people. neo and leon are the clowns of the group bc they are just funny like that. aurelio is the mom-friend: calm, caring, and gentle. santino gives fuckboy vibes unfortunately, but i swear hes nice 😃
now may (viet name is mây which is cloud!), my most recent oc! definitely the silly older sister like you said AHAH i think they have great chemistry, and pretty much ur comedian siblings in general. i am considering to make may a tattoo artist, maybe also doing some modeling gigs on the side!
ever since my ts3 days, ive always been using sims as some sort of a creative outlet so my sims are literally just pixel dolls in an expensive dress up game tbh 😭 i put lots of creativity into my edits so when it comes to like developing them as ocs, my mind just goes blank 🫥 jay is like my ultimate muse so he pretty much dominates my blog here, but theres more of the other boys on my gameplay blog (@migisyte)! i love seeing them with in-game animations bc its just so fun and cute AHAH and it also helps me slowly flesh out their backgrounds too!
i didnt expect this to be so long but i think it covers quite literally how they exist in my head 🤤 no guarantee as for now, but i do hope to have even more in-depth development for them at some point! thats all i think, thank you for letting me host a TED talk 🫶
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predoom · 2 months
Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006 4:19 pm "baby im getting on a plane in a minute i wanted to say bye and i love you..." its funny the way being young exaggerates everything. when we fall in love or fall apart its all magnified. ive been waiting on a change. ive been waiting for you to not give up on me. i should have bet against myself and thrown the game. its always the same. the same people that are not me with the strange coastal breeze and the strange coastal boys. the truth is even funnier. its slippery. it looks different at 1am than it does at 10am. it looks different two weeks later. you know what the fuck i am talking about. its always new names and numbers. but its the same. and i am dirty, forgetful, lonely, arrogant, stubborn, secretive, and many other things i hear in whispers. but my heart is fucking in it. you could set your watch by it. and that has been thrown out and trashed. lied to. ignored. run away from. i have the opposite of midas' touch.
no matter how you spin it- it hurts. words cannot explain- congratulations! you did it again.
but being in the bitter boys club just keeps the cycle spinning. so this is me walking away. this is the closure i needed. or close to it.
i want to be in love again. she is the start of it- she reminds me of sweet child o'mine and staying up all night talking and the truth and winks that are just for me.
there are no futures here. there are no more second chances or arkansas- or wrong text messages. 'the girl i loved never really existed at all'...
this journal doesn't really make sense anymore. the purpose i started it for is out the window and out of my mind. this will be the last entry in here. its gonna be okay.
"its not that id die for you, its that i already have."
next time try telling the truth.
Current Music: "wish you were here" pink floyd Saturday, March 4th, 2006 3:15 pm i know its true because i read it on the internet and everything on the internet is true i am sick in new york city. watching top model. i loved the secret show at knitting factory. its like someone hit the rewind button on my life. perfect. i am in love with my band at times like this. they get me, i get them. words fail me right now. my head gets to me sometimes. congratulations. you hurt my feelings. yep. thats right. ive got feelings (barely hehe). threw up right before we went on and fell asleep right when we got off. down with a sickness. natalie portman thinks we are geeks. i think she is right. time to eat grilled cheese and tomato.
santino > pete wentz.
for realz. Thursday, February 23rd, 2006 1:50 am "just like in the 1 9 9 9- before model chicks were bending over..." its late. i cant sleep. when i have noone to turn to, i usually turn to the words. right now the words disappoint me. just like everything else. i always said that when this stopped being fun and cathartic that i would walk away. it seems as though this time is quickly approaching. i tired of the endless explanations as you tire of the excuses. nothing is ever good enough on either end. i have not changed the way i think or feel any more than anyone has. i am ordinary- i am just some boy. be careful what you wish for pete.
i will write more here only tommorrow. hopefully the sunlight will change how i look at things. its funny i think that our video contains some predictions of the spirit of where we are now. if this doesn't get better then...
im sorry. i am not equipped for this.
goodnight moon. Sunday, February 19th, 2006 11:34 pm we put the f.u. back in fun so ive been reading many peoples diatribes lately. about what punk rock is and how bullshit this whole scene is. about how we all need to fuck off and die. well the truth is youre so fucking brave and i am so fucking cliche. i am okay with that. but i believe in these songs and these eyes and these sweated out rooms. the words your write hurt my eyes and my back is sore from being hunched over the screen all night. you cheapen what i do by casually throwing barbed statements at my friends and fans. leave. we don't fucking need you. we dont care what you think about us. we dont need to sit in clubs and watch you excuse yourself to the bathroom every 20 minutes, just cause we know how it goes. we dont need to watch you onstage. the best songs sing themselves. ive said it since day one. this is my rushmore. this saved me. fuck you for trying to ruin it.
new songs are my middle finger back to you. im sorry youre gonna have to wait awhile to hear yourself called out through the speakers.
i love the way they always ask to see my room key when i walk into my hotel at night. like i do not belong. because i do not belong. i love opposition. i love the haters. i love mondays. i love accidents. i love "no more chances". i love walking through this city at night where i do not know anyone. because i do not know anyone. i love secret shows. i love coded messages. i love the way you have me figured out so much better than i have myself figured out.
peterabbit Wednesday, February 8th, 2006 5:04 am so you want the truth been living just outside of okay for awhile now. but its changing. whatever story you heard about me is not true. im pretty sure im not gonna bring home a grammy tommorrow. but i will have lots of good pictures. how i am feeling about someone is always changing. except i am allowed to be happy inside my head right now. ive been scared of everything for far too long. i haven't let myself be alright. but ive done alot of thinking on the 12 hour flight here. i just like being around certain people. new friends make my heart flutter. old ones make me feel homesick. been going to grammy parties all week. yeah im that guy in the corner lurking hard. its kinda creepy. ive been training the last month for our video- however i think i may have sprained or fractured my foot in the last day. if this thing turns out the way it is supposed to- it will be the most epic thing fall out boy has ever done. i dont miss you but i do miss the idea of you. i went and looked at houses out in california again today- i want to get a dog and a backyard. maybe not just yet. but maybe. my clock is ticking on your pretty face. my dad got drunk tonight and talked shit to all of my friends. pretty amazing. i wish i had it on video. total release the bats two material. i want to do a tv show like the wonder years starring fall out boy. i don't think any networks would be too interested. dont call it a comeback.
put pennies on my eyes when i die.
you are new moons and fresh sheets and the end of that one dream.
love the fancy kid.
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evilthotiana · 10 months
14, 16, 22 :)
14. deadman bone by cruel santino ft koffee // so many interesting things at play in this song but it never loses the plot, it's an extreme warm weather tune. im still waiting on cruel santino to gain traction in the us because i think there's a market for what he makes
16. sexzzy creep by rezzett // rezzett is pretty one of a kind, no one else makes freaky, crunchy electronic like them. this track had my attention in a major way last spring but the full record is a wintertime classic
22. dream by young thug ft. yak gotti // 2023 was the year in which i realized that young thug is the greatest rapper to ever live and barter 6 is one of the greatest albums put to record in all of history
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cynon777 · 2 years
Sometimes, the trash takes itself out.
cw: nazism
Some arrogant little shit named Brandon (because of fucking course that’s his name) thought it would be a good idea to downplay Nazi dogwhistles in a discord I run on Holocaust Remembrance Day.
So here’s the backstory; Santino Ferrucci is going to be driving for Foyt this year in IndyCar in the 14 car. That family has some curious ideological links to Trump and Nazism (his dad dressed up as a Nazi for ... seemingly no reason multiple times, and Santino himself has a long history of racist statements and not apologizing for them). Santucci (as I like to call that little shit) has found money to pay his way into a few races in IndyCar, but suspiciously, whatever company if paying for it (almost certainly Cly-Del) is never shown on the car. Weird coincidence! 
Anyway, the Foyt team’s second car was switched to 88 at the apparent request of a sponsor. A sponsor that had not been a primary sponsor for them before. 88 is not a number they’re known to use at all, 41, 84, 48, 11, and 4 are numbers they’re known to use for their second car. Anyone who knows anything about AJ Foyt Racing knows that 14 has been their number for like 50 years for reasons unrelated to the 14 words, so they’re always keeping that.
People called the Foyt team out on the 14/88 car number choice, and a week later, the Foyt team withdrew the 88 and switched it to the 55, apparently after consulting the sponsor. Pretty sure the 55 is a dogwhistle to the SS, but the fault of all of this is on whichever sponsor wanted it, and on the designer and PR people. I personally doubt A.J. Foyt himself is involved all that much or that Larry Foyt is aware. Either way, someone should have caught it, and a weird amount of Nazi dogwhistling follows Santucci around wherever he goes. Weird! Anyway, back to the trash kid who decided to downplay that Nazi dogwhistle on Holocaust Remembrance Day.
I have a server group I put people in occasionally when they need to watch what they say and straighten themselves out. Most people don’t stay in this group for too long unless they’re just enough of a community nuisance. I put him and another kid I thought knew better then that in that group immediately. In the other kid’s defense, I feel like he’ll wake up tomorrow morning and get it together.
So Brandon says; “ Oh of fucking course I say one opinion not on tune with the conversation and tyler and I get the server role you give people you find shit. What fucking ever, farewell I guess. Feel free to meme the shit out of me while im gone.” This guy got really defensive over F1 driver Logan Sargeant’s connections to Ron DeSantis to a room with a lot of queer people in it, myself included. ... Sometimes the trash really does take itself out in the funniest way possible.
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hall0ween-twn · 2 years
ok so i'm caught up on "love me to death" and there are DEFINITELY some frankenstein elements, the main character's name is victor franco-santino 😅 but yeah the worldbuilding so far is gorgeous and what we know of his powers and his bond w/mercedes is interesting. particularly how they get super horny for each other while touching and how touch is also a way for his magical powers to imbue physical strength upon her, like she can carry him around for hours, no problem 🙃🥵
i had kinda figured there was some frankenstein elements to it when you were explaining it to me. it just sounded very frankenstein-esque. im gonna have to check this out, you got me all intrigued.
if i were to write something similar to this, i’d probably put some more gothic elements to it. i’m totally adding some body horror to it, not a lot tho bc i know people aren’t into it.
idk, the idea of taeil in the middle of a cemetery in the middle of the night really gets me going.
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gwoongi · 4 years
(abandoned) it’s late, just stay
john wick / reader genre: sugar daddy au rating: general, mature themes words: 2.4k warnings: sugar daddy relationship, slight john wick 2 spoilers i guess a/n: this 1 is for me. i wrote her in a heat,,,she’s literally not finished. but im adding her to my online portfolio 4 the memories. Also fyi the profile was made before i indulged in seeking arrangements and as a sugar baby i know that ur not allowed to mention 90% of brooklynbaby’s bio in ur bio but who cares man this is fiction and im making it up
At that, she tossed her head back with a laugh and leant forward. “And since when are sugar babies a relationship status?”
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Sometimes, John doesn’t really know how he gets himself into awkward situations.
The first few occasions, he figured it was merely a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. While, actually, this always worked out in his favour, John began to notice that it was more frequent that he ended up at a bar with some people he didn’t really know, or being invited to a baby shower as the date of a woman he had never even met before. Granted, John enjoyed company whenever he could get it, and whenever it avoided conflict; however socialism has never been his strongest asset. No, he simply prefers silent gestures or glances across rooms, ‘eye conversations’ where he says hello and nothing else for the remainder of the evening.
“You just need to loosen up a bit,” is what Addy had told him, whilst slipping him a glass of straight Bourbon. It had been a relatively quiet evening in the Continental, and just when John thought he could have five minutes of peace and quiet, Addy has slipped in his line of sight. “You know, go out. Make new friends.”
“You’re my friend,” John replied. He made no room to elaborate on that statement, swallowing the contents of the drink and pushing it back to her with a short nod. She sighed and rolled her eyes, doing her job.
“No, you know what you really need?” He didn’t answer, glancing at her through his hair as she filled his drink and rested her weight on her elbows. Instantly, John didn’t like the feeling in his stomach when Addy raised her eyebrows suggestively, tugging on her bottom lip with newfound excitement: “I think you need to get laid.” 
And when John scoffed with humour, she tried again, “and not like, laid as in you have a one night stand. No- hear me out, John! You should invest in a sugar baby. You know, someone you can spend time with when you’re not doing the dirty work for everybody else. It’s fun, and frisky, and also means you can start spending some of the millions you have stashed somewhere not being used.”
She tutted like a scolding mother, “Selfish boy.” Addy then smiled, “Maybe instead of retirement, what you really need is something to help you unwind.”
John scoffed, gulping back the Bourbon. “I’m married.”
At that, she tossed her head back with a laugh and leant forward. “And since when are sugar babies a relationship status?”
That’s really all the thinking he had done on the subject of John- John fucking Wick- investing in a sugar baby. He simply took it in stride, almost complimented by the assumption that he was attractive and rich enough to have someone leaning on him for money and sex, and stored it away for future thought when he was lost and drunk. John never actually considered the possibility of “putting his bills to good use” until fucking Santino D’Antonio decided to light a bonfire inside his house. Having lost virtually everything related to Helen, he found himself back at the Continental, back to listening to Addy sympathetically give her condolences and five seconds later, introducing him to Seeking Arrangements.
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John doesn’t know why he’s doing this, staring at the laptop screen that smiles at him. For circumstances, Addy had loaned him her laptop for the evening he spends at the Continental, and he’s too busy browsing the elaborately made profiles that he barely registers the fact that he is still wearing his suit. He pulls at the cuffs of his blazer and is midway through taking it off when he stumbles across a profile- one of which is oddly amusing- titled brooklynbaby. He racks his mind for the reference but can’t seem to place it.
“A sugar baby suggests that I sleep with them, and as I said,” John had mentioned back in the bar, “I’m married.”
Addy had grabbed his hands and groaned, “Look- you might surprise yourself. And, I’m not suggesting that you throw your wife away for somebody new. I’m just saying you need to...make use of yourself. Honestly, you’re too sexy to be stored away like this. Most sugar babies are dumb and unobservant, they won’t even know who you are.”
brooklynbaby makes an adorably hilarious first impression, and John is hesitant to browse her profile. If he wanted to “make use of himself” by investing all of his personal time into somebody who in truth wanted him for his dick and his bank balance, then it needed to be somebody at least near to his wavelength. Somebody who was smart, but clueless at the same time, and somebody who was the complete opposite of Helen. The last thing he needed on top of a handful of a baby was the guilt of moving on. But still, even when he pinned her tab and returned to scrolling through the profiles, John realised that most sugar babies were simply trolls hidden behind pretty pictures, or girls who wanted money for pleasure and not for need.
He went back to brooklynbaby. Three times. Three times, before he pinched the bridge of his nose, muttering a quiet, “Oh, fuck it,” and favoriting her account, and pressing to send a message.
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Even online, John was never great with words. He typed, and backspaced, and typed again, trying to come up with something interesting to make up for the bland profile he made around thirty minutes ago.
From: johnwick So. You like dogs?
If Addy were here, she would have slapped him.
Almost immediately after it sends, John lets out a frustrated noise and tears his gaze away from the screen. Dating just wasn’t like how it was when he met Helen. Why did everything have to be so complicated, and mysterious, and why the hell does he even have to waste his money on somebody when he could be saving this money to eventually, whenever the day comes, retire? John wrestles with the dilemma of deleting the whole account when a notification bell rings through the laptop speakers.
From: brooklynbaby yes, I love dogs!!! :D (typing) do you have a dog?
John breathes a sigh of relief.
From: johnwick Yes. I do.
From: brooklynbaby oh, great. :) (typing)
John’s leg begins to bounce quickly, the table wavering with the glass on top, like an earthquake. Suddenly, brooklynbaby stops typing and John stills. Why did she stop? Did he do something wrong? Honestly, women are so hard to please nowadays.
From: brooklynbaby want to be my sugar daddy?
Never mind.
From: johnwick I would.
From: brooklynbaby cool
Neither him or brooklynbaby says anything for a few moments, and John doesn’t notice. After-all, he is still a working man, busy with life and revenge and trying to stay alive for more than three seconds. When he goes back to the laptop and sees no reply, he frowns.
From: johnwick I am sorry. I really don’t know what I’m doing. What am I supposed to say?
He makes a mental reminder to have words with Addy later.
From: brooklynbaby /(*u*)/ you’re cute we could make dinner reservations and talk over terms if you’d like!!! i say reservations because they’re fancy and if anything goes wrong, we can pretend we’re… business partners? discussing business?
Without even really realising, John finds himself laughing shortly, settling back into the chair. All of this feels weird, as in typing to a stranger he’s planning to spend his money on and occasionally fuck. John quickly revisits her profile and spends four minutes analysing her profile picture. If this is her, then she’s really very beautiful. A steal.
From: johnwick When are you free for dinner?
From: brooklynbaby hmm well i’m dogsitting tomorrow, but i can be free for the day after!!!! is that okay ^_^
From: johnwick That would be fine. [Address] at 7pm, does that work for you?
brooklynbaby pauses.
From: brooklynbaby omg am i gonna have to dress fancy?
From: johnwick Don’t feel pressured. I only own black.
From: brooklynbaby well….guess i’ll bring out like one of my old uni party dresses :( but you have to promise not to judge me!!!
John laughs again. At some point during the evening, he ends up with a planned dinner reservation at one of the most expensive restaurants in Brooklyn, and he’s also 2 grand poorer thanks to the generous donation in brooklynbaby’s bank account for a nice evening outfit.
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When John returns the laptop to Addy the following morning, he was admittedly expecting the rant that followed. She had glared at the laptop being handed back over the bar and refused to serve him until he came up with a reasonably valid excuse as to why he wasn’t putting himself out there for a bit of company. John had blinked with an unimpressed look and drummed his fingers.
“I have dinner reservations with someone tomorrow at 7pm. Also- can I have a drink?”
But of course, with work being as tedious as ever and with his whole day being completely ruined by a blood stained shirt and poor room service for the first time in his many years of frequenting the Continental, John didn’t amuse himself with brooklynbaby until he logged onto the site on his phone, and saw that she had messaged thrice during the day. He almost felt guilty, until he saw a string of numbers at the end of the last message. He deemed it less necessary to read her above messages and instead went right to texting.
brooklynbaby ok. so should i just ask for mr john wick when i get to this restaurant??? sorry for so many texts im just kinda nervous
me Yes. I booked under my name and I will be waiting for you when you arrive. Why are you nervous? Didn’t you ask me to be here?
brooklynbaby well if we’re going to be technical then YOU asked me to dinner first :P and im nervous because i have nooo idea who you are send a picture?
John sank into bed.
me Maybe I like the element of surprise.
brooklynbaby seems a lil unfair that you get to see me but i dont get to see you :( ive seen ur dog before you thats saying something
me You could have used any image. If we’re going to be technical, I don’t even know your name, or if that is really you in the image.
John really hadn’t been expecting a full blown nude image at 4:15pm in the afternoon, but he will admit that it was nevertheless what he needed to break some steam. He had arrived at the restaurant twenty minutes earlier than expected, but that’s okay, Mr Wick. Right this way! Now that he was sitting here, at an empty table overlooking Brooklyn and the lights, with an already ordered bottle of wine, John could understand and relate to the first date nerves. He hadn’t felt this way in a long time. Not since-
brooklynbaby uhhh im kind of here like ten minutes early should i wait outside for you :3
He laughs, mostly to himself.
me I’m already up here. I ordered a rosé, is that alright?
brooklynbaby YES IM RUNNING
And, surprising himself also, John had clammed up and reached for his glass. Thankfully, the owner of this restaurant knew John by face and order, because, after-all, this had been his go-to with Helen. These days, he doesn’t have time to go out to new places and eat new things, and so had panicked, and picked a place with sentimental value, and a history of good food. He gulped back his glass of Bourbon and waited until the door at the other side of the room opened meekly, and he tried to appear vacant as the waiter led a woman across the room and towards him.
“Your date, Mr Wick.”
He left curtly and brooklynbaby followed his body as he left, her feet firmly glued to the floor as her head looked back over her shoulder. John took this as an opportunity to look at her body, covered in a beautiful dress he felt proud of paying for. Finally, brooklynbaby looked towards him and paused, observing him and his clearly surprising appearance. John then remembered the gash on his cheekbone and the way he probably looked very off-putting with an unshaven face and long hair, but brooklynbaby smiled softly and raised her brows, beating him to helping her in her chair as she quickly sat down and looked at his glass.
“How did you know I liked beards?”
John didn’t say anything for a moment. “I didn’t.”
brooklynbaby rolled her eyes with a grin. “Of course you didn’t.” She looked up, then, properly taking in his face. John did the same, looking at every feature present and coming to the quick conclusion that yes, she was definitely the woman in the pictures, and yes, she was one of the most gorgeous humans he had ever seen on planet Earth since Helen herself.
“You’re not what I expected,” she said honestly. “But, more than my expectations. I don’t believe I’ve really introduced myself- I’m Y/N. Y/N L/N.”
He tried it out in his head. Y/N. Y/N L.N, Y/N L/N, Y/N Wick-
“John,” he replied and she sniggered and rested her chin in her palms.
“You’re seriously so handsome,” she complimented. “Are you sure you’re not married, or something?”
Her gaze panned to his hands where she noticed the wedding band, and for a moment, she hesitated. John wasn’t ashamed of the ring, nor embarrassed to be seen wearing it. He toyed with it on his finger, looking at her from across the table. “It’s complicated.”
Y/N nodded meekly. “I see.” She cleared her throat, “divorce? Planned divorce? Affair?”
“No, I’m widowed,” he tried out a joke, but she only looked more uncomfortable. Her mouth gaped and she fumbled for words.
“Oh, John, I’m really sorry- no, really, I’m so sorry,” she stumbled, and John watched her carefully across the table. “God, how fucking insensitive. Sorry, I guess that just. Wow, that never really crossed my mind. That sucks, I’m sorry.”
“It’s in the past,” John said, finding finality in that sentence. “I’m trying to move on from it.”
Y/N nodded sympathetically. “No, yeah, wow, I get it. Completely. I...hope I live up to great expectations, then?”
John smiled and looked past her, noticing the waiter rounding the corner with the bottle of rose. “You’re getting there, Miss L/N.”
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thatfoxnamedfinley · 4 years
[SPOILER ALERT FOR POST] ok so I marathoned the John Wick series over the course of 3 nights (one per night) and SOMEONE TALK TO ME ABOUT THIS SERIES I;M FUCKING **EXPLODING** FROM WITHIN
 ok first of all 
ok so Keanu Reeves, I’m fucking dead. What a fucking movie star. Like. I remember listening to a podcast where they said he reminds them of John Wayne, Cary Grant. Just real leading men with gravitas and pathos of such intensity....his presence evokes sympathy.
John Wick is an amazing character. He’s conflicted. Torn between the violence of the job that he is so good at. The best at, actually. So much so that there are stories about him. A lot of stories. Stories meant to scare. True stories. People stop when he walks in. He gets respect wherever he goes.  The Baba Yaga. 
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When he comes for you, you run. I remember this one scene in John Wick 3 when he was fighting Zero. It pans behind Zero to darkness. And, while wearing his signature black suit, he spins and emerges from the darkness like a real monster. I LOVEEEEEEED that shit.
ok so wait
John Wick Chapter 1:: Viggo was hilarious. YOU STRUCK my SON. Why? uh bro he stole john wick’s car and killed his dog. OH.
introduction of the “He once killed 3 men with a pencil. A FucKInG PenC iL.”
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chills ~~~
When he read the letter from his wife, actual waterworks, I was hiccup crying when his puppy died.
Winston (IAN MCSHANE aRG) looking so so happy to see John and then buying him drink. I guess we know who the favorite is now...
The fight in his house then the cop was like “uh yeh, noise complaint”
“you....working again John?” The dark humor was greattttttttttt
John Wick Chapter 2:: yo Santino exerted massive bisexual energy. Just me? like WOAH. lookin at John with bedroom eyes
For half a second during their initial meeting I thought Santino was going to reach out and put his hand on John’s but he was just sliding his Marker to him. I was like
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This was a REALLY great sophomore entry. So good. 
Uh the scene with Gianna understanding the meaning of why John has to kill her; CONSEQUENCES. Her brother has a Marker. He has to honor it. The Marker is what got him out of the game. And the woman he loved was worth it. Her understanding of that and then proceeding to kill herself was a GREAT scene.
“I lived my life my way” I was like DAMMMMNNN GIRLLLLLL yeah okkkkk
Oh right Common was in this too as....Cassian. I think was his name. He as interesting. The fight was cool. I like that they had a weird respect thing going on. I love world building in this way;; there are rules and they must be followed. 
No business on Continental grounds. They have a drink together to understand the other’s motivations.
Ruby Rose was the weakest link imo but she was fine. She used sign language but I just didn’t find her convincing enough to perceive her as a threat. 
LAURENCE FISHBURNE BABBBYYYYYYYYYY and he was playing a dope character that actually helped John too! “SOMEONE **PLEASE** GET THIS MAN A GUN” lololuolololololololol
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John Wick Chapter 3:: *folds hands* I watched this one last night. First of all, John Wick throwing knives is one of the greatest things ever. ALSO. The camera LOOOOOOVES Keanu Reeves. He just holds the entire screen with ease. He’s a true movie star. I really mean that. He invokes sympathy. He has an overpowering magnetic quality that makes him so fascinating. 
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((And honestly don't even speak to me about the fact that he is in Cyberpunk 2077 coming out later this year I CAN NOT WAIT FOR THAT SHIT, DAY 1 BABY AND IM GETTING THE PS5 TOO)
ok anyway
Then when Winston decided not to step down and John decided not to kill him and they both turned around to look at The Adjudicator like
and she was like “no cool, that's fine. ima deconsecrate your hotel”
I want him to FUCK UP the High Table in John Wick 4
HALLE BERRY WITH HER DOGS FAMMMMMMMM when that guy shot her dog and then she shot him and she was like HE SHOT MY DOG BRUH
And John was like *sympathetic nod* I get it
then she backwashed into his water lol what
tHE ENDING MorPHeUS and NeO A TeaM aAGaiN??????!?!?
This series is so good. Consistent. PLEASE Let me know any thoughts yay have on this or want to talk about this shit.
ok that’s all I feel for now
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the-darklings · 5 years
to add onto my question of V x The Elder... can't you perhaps make an angsty au! where V, hypothetically speaking, is the wife of the elder 😗 you don't have to do it, i just feel like there is SO MANY possibilities with V x [anyone]... it's INSANE... anyways thank you for answering my question! it made my day (or night) and im smilling from ear to ear my cheeks hurt ❤️
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“Trouble sleeping?”
Your head slants to the side, your arms tightening around your folded knees at the sight of the approaching man. His robes billow in the desert wind and you don’t reply as he lowers himself beside you. 
The night is freezing cold but the sky overhead is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. The stars are so clear here that you feel like you could reach out and touch them, grab them and hold them between your fingers.
“I have a lot on my mind.”
“You are unhappy here,” he assumes and when you don’t contradict him, he continues, “You yearn for the world outside of this haven. A place that has hurt you repeatedly.”
You sigh quietly, finally glancing down and towards the horizon. Sand dunes stretch as far and as wide as your eyes can see. 
“Do you read minds?” you wonder carefully, making an effort to keep your voice respectful. “Or do you simply assume?”
The man beside you smiles briefly when you glance at him but it disappears as quickly as it comes. “You do not have to hide yourself here. Not with me. Speak freely, I welcome it.”
You turn to face him, staring at him head-on. The gentle rustling of his robes is the only sound between you for a long while as you watch his shadowed features. 
“Yes, I miss my family.”
Winston. Santino. John. Ares. Charon. Roberto. Even the guards. 
“But you understand why you are here,” he remarks, his dark eyes watching you coolly, calculated. “It was your decision to make. You made it.” 
Yes, you did choose this. 
A viper for your family. 
The choice was almost startlingly easy to make.
All debts cleared; a slate wiped clean. They can live as they please; happy and content. And you…you gave them that freedom. The freedom you never had—could never have now.
The ring around your finger burns like a brand. The wedding is a month away. To give you time to get to know him, to get to know his people and his culture. So it seems less like a forced engagement and natural progression.
The most powerful man in the world would only ever settle for a female equivalent of the same.
He told you as such when he put that ring on your finger. 
Every night you force it off your hand and sleep with Santino’s necklace and John’s ring clenched tight between your digits instead, pressing your lips against both.
Wherever they are, you hope they are safe and alive and putting every thought of you far away. 
“You can have a new family,” he states, a touch wry. “If only you wish. You are not my prisoner. Happiness can be found anywhere if you are willing to work for it, reach for it. As it is, you have the world at your fingertips. Take it.”
He rises from his spot and shrugs off his outer robe, draping it over your shoulders despite the hard coil of your shoulder blades. 
“Nights here get cold, my bride,” he says and his fingers graze against the side of your jaw briefly. “Protect yourself as I would.”
With that and one last look at you, he walks away.
But you only look up towards the stars once again and hope.   
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keanuvibe · 5 years
Bodyguard (John Wick x Reader) Pt. 4
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A/N: Hi! sorry im awful at uploading lol. my personal life rn is on fire and i haven’t had all the time in the world to write, but managed to pull this chapter together so :) thats coolio. 
Words: 4.7k
Warnings: swears, violence, a lil fluff
“So, tell me everything.” June smirked, leaning over the table towards you. You had managed to meet the girls on time, only a few minutes past twelve- thirty. The three of you got seated shortly after, and ordered your cocktails; beginning the rounds of catching up you had to do. The restaurant is diner themed, set in the 1950’s. One wall of the building was a bar, fit with barstools, an ice cream machine, as well as a soda machine. There was even a section where you could order homemade candy. Little booths scattered the wall across from the bar, and tables separated the two. The floor was checkered design donning many muddy footprints and the walls were covered in old-timey photos of local streets. You and the girls sat at a booth, June and Dottie sitting across from you.
“Okay, get this,” You began, leaning in towards your friends, “Santino, you know, mio cugino pazzo. He’s mad at my father and is trying to kill me for it.”  ‘[My crazy cousin.]’ You finished and took another long sip of your cocktail. June and Dottie stared with their mouths agape. You calmly set down your drink and smiled shyly, eyes bouncing between the girls. You loved your friends, honestly. The three of you have been close since you were young teens. June and Dot also had connections to the Italian mafia, their fathers having run a section of both New York and New Jersey; although they aren't as intertwined as you. June is the oldest, one year older than yourself. She’s an old soul, that you know for sure. She wears dated clothes and uses dated household items; in fact, you can't recall June ever purchasing something new from the stores you and Dot go to. Hell, even her car is a 1978 AMC Pacer. Dottie is only a few months older than you, on the other hand. She is the spitting image of a pinup girl. She wears her hair in elegant waves and has bangs, she even wears button up dresses and has big hair bows for when shes feeling fancy. You can’t recall a time when she didn’t wear red lipstick nearly everyday.
“Should you even be outside?” Dottie whispered, leaning closer to your figure. Her New York accent was a little amplified by the drinks she’s had already. You shrugged as your answer, and June scoffed. 
“You, (Y/N), are unbelievable.” The waiter to walked up to your table, halting your conversation. The three of you blinked at the other, little grins holding back giggles ready to erupt. The waiter asked for your orders, then as soon as the young man had left, you jumped right back into it. 
“You guys should see my bodyguard.” You spoke, a smirk donning your face. Your mind wondered as to what he was up to right now. Maybe he's still sitting waiting for you to exit the bathroom, or, maybe he's already begun the witch hunt. 
“Ah, yes. John? As you've mentioned. Show us! the way you've described him- He sounds gorgeous.” Dottie eagerly bounced in her seat, urging you to show them a picture. You pulled out your phone, stomach dropping at the several messages that donned the lock screen; John’s contact name on each one. Witch hunt is it. 
12:47: Very funny. Where are you? 
12:59: Where are you. 
1:13: (Y/N). This isn’t a game.
1:21: I’m coming to find you. 
At least it took him almost an hour and a half to notice. You bit your cheek, looking up at June and Dottie. The two girls were engaged in conversation, talking about something or another. You cleared the notifications and unlocked your phone, hoping to god you got to finish your lunch before John caught up. You opened the camera roll and scrolled through until you found a picture of you and the bodyguard. Somehow, you'd gotten him to agree to a photo. He was bent over so his head was level with your own. Due to the lighting, the man was squinting, however the dark gaze caused a chill to form down your back. You cleared your throat and flipped your phone around to show the girls. Dottie stopped talking and immediately looked at the screen
“Oh my god.” She murmured, sitting back and putting her hand over her chest. “He’s so handsome.” June grabbed the phone from you to get a better look. 
“You have to fuck him.” The eldest commented with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders. You let out a short laugh, snatching your phone back from the girls grasp. The two girls giggled at your embarrassment, Dot even took a coy sip from her drink. 
“Was that gray in his beard? How old is he?” Dottie asked, looking you in the eye and sipping on her own cocktail. 
“Don’t laugh, okay? He’s mid fifties.” A blush crawled across your cheeks as your words escaped your lips. June and Dottie blinked a couple times before Dot finally let out a snort. 
“Going geriatric, now? hm?” June spoke, raising her brow and taking a gulp of her drink. While Dottie laughed at June’s question, you glanced over their shoulders, witnessing two burly men sit down at a table across from yours. One of them made eye contact with you, glare evident in their gaze, before looking back to their buddy. You felt your skin crawl and cleared your throat, pushing the feeling away. June’s laughter brought you back, now looking between the two girls again. 
“Well, He- He really doesn't feel old. Not when we're together.” You shrugged, playing with the condensation on your drink. 
“I mean, you’re only twenty-six,” Dot spoke, her eyes glancing between you and June. “You’re young and hot. I don't see an issue.” Your eyes shot up to meet Dottie’s. She smiled at you, her dark brown eyes warming your core. 
“Who are we to judge,” June began, a laugh escaping her throat. “I slept with that old guy, remember? He was, like, almost sixty and I was drunk as hell.” You and Dottie laughed, remembering that night. It was June’s twenty-third birthday. You three went to the club to celebrate and the eldest of your group ended up getting too wasted on absinthe. Which resulted in her sleeping with Mitch Johnson, an old friend of your fathers. Small world. 
“And you,” June pointed to Dottie, “Are a homewrecker.” 
“He never said he was married.” Dottie responded, sticking her tongue out at the woman. The three of you chuckled amongst yourselves before a silence took over. Your eyes once again scanned the room, not being able to shake the eerie feeling those two men implanted. They still sat across the diner and occasionally their eyes would make contact with your own, causing a chill to run up your spine. You quietly flipped your phone over, checking for any more messages from John. The screen remained blank, setting panic to freely course through your veins. His previous message was sent fifteen minutes ago, which meant the man was probably on his way right now. Plus, your parents didn’t live far from Coopers. 
The men both stood up now, locking eyes with you. They then looked at the other, as though confirmation was in order, before beginning to walk in the direction that you and the girls sat. Anxiety courses firmly through your veins now, and you could feel your palms gather sweat. 
“Girls,” You murmured, gathering their attention. “There are two men walking in our direction now, and I’m pretty sure they are after me.” You kept your voice low, trying to pretend as though you are oblivious. June and Dottie became physically uncomfortable, now shifting in their seats and looking over their shoulders. You felt guilt cross your person, now realizing how serious the situation is. You put your two best friends in harm's way. I mean, It’s not like they’re completely useless; they have parents in the Mafia, they’re trained in combat and weaponry. However, the guilt still bothered you that it was your fault.
“How do we go about this?” Dot asked, reaching for her purse. Your eyes watched as the woman dug into her bag. The pop of a gun chamber sounded as she began to fill it with bullets. June tied her hair back and began to stretch her arms. You sometimes forget that June is trained extensively in Jiu Jitsu. You also looked back to the men who were still making their way to you, passing through the crowded dining room floor. 
“Should we leave the public space?” You murmured, “I don’t want civilian casualties.” 
“Yes.” June agreed, standing up. “Gather your things, quickly.” She added. The oldest tossed a fifty dollar bill onto the table to pay for the drinks and the food you didn’t get to eat. You led the way, pushing through the crowded dining room to the exit. You glanced back, seeing the men become more frustrated. You are aware of the other, knowing what little cat and mouse game was occurring. 
Your palms shoved the door open, the three of you stumbling over onto the sidewalk. You looked both ways before leading right. You didn’t know what to do, whether you should try to outrun them, or stick up and fight. Maybe if you kill them it’ll send a message to Santino. Though, he may not even care. As he’s got twenty more men to fill the space those two would leave. You made sure June and Dottie still followed, checking over your shoulder occasionally. The three of you pushed through the crowds of New York, your main destination being Dottie’s vehicle. Your eyes also kept a lookout for John. He probably tracked your phone, you knew he had the ability anyways. You’re just glad the little ploy worked for as long as it did. You turned right down an alleyway, taking a shortcut towards the parking garage that Dot’s car was in. June looked over her shoulder, alarm blaring through her veins as she spotted the men. 
“They’re still behind us.” She spoke, looking between you and Dottie. You took a deep breath, placing your hands on your hips. 
“Va al diavolo!” ‘[Go to hell!]’ You cursed, throwing your hands up. Dot quickly grabbed you by the arm, pulling you as she began to run to the end. June grunted as the three of you approached a dead end, meeting a chain link fence.
“Fanculo. Okay, you two climb over.” ‘[Fuck.]’ You spoke, gesturing to the fence that stood in front of you. Your eyes met those of your friends, all breathing heavily from the sprint. Echoed footsteps could be heard at the entrance of the alley. You glanced over your shoulder, seeing the silhouettes of the men headed in your direction.
“Go!” You spoke with a harshness towards your friends.
“Not without you!” Dottie raised her tone, hands on hips. You turned your head again, seeing them get closer.
“Dot, just go!” You finally yelled. The girls hesitated, however respected your wishes and quickly climbed the fence, hopping to the other side. They stood now, staring as the men approached, getting ready to jump back over if need be.
“Santino it ha Inviato?” ‘[Did Santino send you?]’ You asked the men, slowly walking towards them.
“Si.” ‘[Yes.]’ One responded, their faces finally becoming clear from the backlight. You looked at them, noting how they both looked like average Italian men. Dark hair, olive eyes, and warm skin. Their faces were covered in a few scars, and you noted how they both wore suits with visible holsters resting on their hips
“It ha mandato per uccidermi?” ‘[Did he send you to kill me?]’ You asked, the men now only ten feet away from you. The darkness of the alley sent a chill down your spine, and you glanced back at the girls to make sure they were alright. Dot had her hand in her purse, most likely gearing up for when shit turned sideways. June held a stoic look, almost a resting bitch face, staring down the two men. 
“Si.” The same one answered again. They now stood only five feet away, stopping in front of you. You felt the sweat drip down your forehead, the buggy summer heat beginning to take claim of your body. You took a deep breath, wondering where John was, and how now would be a good time for him to suddenly appear. The men cracked their knuckles, rolling their shoulders and looking at you with sinister smiles. 
“Di ‘a Santino: E un peccato che sia troppo codardo per uccidermi.” ‘[Tell Santino: It’s a shame he’s too much of a coward to kill me himself.]’ You spoke, remembering the moves that your bodyguard had taught you. You leapt forward, first knocking one of the men down by pushing in his kneecaps. You took the moment to quickly hit the next guy, however, he blocked your blow, sending you back a few feet. The second man took advantage of your hesitation and grabbed you, throwing you into one of the walls. You let out a yelp, feeling the brick scrape bare skin harshly. The first guy stood up, and threw a fist at you, however, you quickly dodged and used his own momentum to toss his body into the wall. 
You felt as the second lackey quickly punched your gut, causing you to double over in pain. June and Dottie stood yelling which you could hear through ringing ears. You recovered quickly, countering the second man with a swift kick to his shin. He groaned, but recovered and swung a fist at you. You managed to dodge the blow and delivered a hearty boot to his groin. He quickly dropped to the ground in pain and you grabbed the pistol from his holster, pulling the trigger and placing one bullet into his skull. The second man used this moment to grab your loose shirt, and throw you into the brick, scraping your skin once again. He lifted his foot and conveyed a kick to your gut, sending you to double over. He used his fist to hit the sides of your face, throwing your head back and forth. You could feel blood begin to drip down your face, the pain that each snap of your neck caused, you could hear June and Dot yelling but it was faint. Time felt slowed, your heartbeat was like a drum in your ear. Then, a gunshot. 
All movements stopped, followed by the thud of a body hitting the ground near your own. You slowly slid down, ignoring the burning chafe the brick left. Hot tears stung your eyes as you covered them with your hands, a harsh sob leaving your throat. Your body ached, your face burned, and blood was the only taste that donned your mouth. You heard the chain link rattle as somebody climbed over it, as well as a huff when they landed. A gentle hand placed itself on your shoulder, and you saw as they knelt down, due to the shadow.
“(Y/N).” John. A hoarse cry escaped your throat upon hearing your bodyguards gentle voice. He wasn’t angry, like you expected. Instead, his tone seemed more worried than anything. You managed to look up at the man from your hands, your eyes greeting the sight of his own.
“Oh my god, (Y/N)!” You heard Dottie yell as she approached your side. The two girls quickly examined your body, nearly shoving John out of the way. 
“I fucked up.” You didn’t even recognize your voice as you spoke— your throat burned. June dotted your bloody forehead with a napkin from Dot’s purse.
“We should get her back home.” Dottie murmured, looking up at John. The dark haired man nodded, agreeing with the woman. June moved out of the way so he could scoop you into his arms. You lay your head onto his chest, faintly hearing the sound of his heartbeat and breathing. The man carried you out of the alley with June and Dottie close behind. You felt the summer sun warm your face as you exited the cool shade of the alleyway. The fresh breeze brought your attention to the cuts on your face, feeling the coolness from the semi-dried blood. Dottie opened the vehicles door and John placed you in the passenger seat, buckling your body firmly in. The two girls hopped into the back, John promising they’d be returned to their car later this evening. You heard the rumble of the engine, and closed your eyes, feeling tiredness numb the pain that ravaged your figure.
“How long have you been employed by the (Y/L/N)’s?” Dottie’s gentle voice quietly echoed throughout your bedroom. Mellow sun rays shone in through the window, casting a warm haze throughout the space. After the incident in the alleyway, John brought you, Dottie, and June back to your parents estate. However, after you all got back, John discovered they'd left on business to Rome for a few days. He carried your figure all the way from the car to your bed, carefully depositing you. Dot and June then got to work, bandaging your wounds, though after you seemed stable and well asleep, they backed off and let you get some rest. Now, John watched as Dottie cared for your sleeping figure. His heart couldn’t help but ache to see you so helpless laying there. Your face had been drained of some of its color, leaving it more pale and sickly. Your hair stuck to your skin, and a thin layer of sweat covered your body. Your bodyguard wanted so badly to climb into the bed with you, stroke your hair from your face, tend to your bandages, hold you, kiss you. 
“Month and a half.” John answered, looking over to the woman. She nodded at his answer, dotting your forehead with a wet washcloth. The woman sat next to your bed with a rag in hand, occasionally cleaning your skin of sweat and dried blood specs. June was asleep on the small couch you had in your bedroom next to one of the windows. John stood on the opposite side of the bed from Dottie, watching her every movement when it came to caring for you. Occasionally your body would stir, but you still hadn’t woken up since the car— four hours ago. 
“Are you liking it?” The vintage dressed woman asked, a smirk crossing her red lips. She cast her eyes between John and your sleeping figure, hinting as to what she was meaning. 
“I am.” He responded. Dottie noticed his softened gaze when he looked towards you. She glanced back down at your face, wiping your skin with the washcloth gently. Your brow bone contained a nasty laceration and your cheekbone held a nice bruise with a cut as well. There was also a gash on your bottom lip, and your left eye held a hefty black bruise. That man really got ahold of you. 
“They're a good family. I know Francesco means well,” Dot murmured, “Speaking of, have you let them know?” John watched as the woman stood up and walked to the bathroom retrieving a fresh bowl of water for your face. 
“I called Francesco shortly after we arrived here.” The dark haired man spoke. He sat on the edge of the bed, leaning towards your figure. He brushed away a few strands of hair that had fallen in your face. His thumb caressed your cheek afterwords, carefully avoiding the wounds that donned your skin. He felt your body stir, and a quiet groan escape your lips as you started to wake up. Dot walked back into the room, noting Johns figure looming over your own. A little smirk crossed her lips as she set the bowl down on the nightstand. You peeked your eyes open for a second, wincing at the brightness of the room. 
“Good afternoon, sleepy.” Dottie smiled, sitting beside your figure again. “Careful.” She murmured, watching as you shifted to sit up a little better. You knew Dottie was next to you, but could feel the weight of somebody on your other side. A large hand quietly placed itself on the side of your arm and you looked to see who it belonged to.
“How do you feel?” John’s words were gently spoken. His fingers squeezed your arm slightly before he released. 
“M-my throat hurts.” Your voice came out scratchy and withered sounding. Dottie quickly placed a cool glass of water into your palms, hers then wrapping around yours before releasing entirely. You gave her the best smile you could manage, due to your cuts, before sipping the drink. John stood up from the bed and made a comment about going to grab pain medicine before he exited your bedroom. 
“I'm going to wake up June.” Dottie spoke, walking over to her sleeping position by the window. You blinked your eyes, feeling the pain from the cuts, and groaned silently. It was stupid of you to think you could take on both of them. Your training with John was going fine, you figured if you at least got one down… No matter, at least you were still alive. The footsteps of your two friends caught your attention as the girls returned to your side. June immediately began to gush over how happy she was you were awake and okay, hugging you tightly. 
“We thought you were a goner.” The girl whispered, worry still evident in her tone. You raised your brows but winced as the sting from the cut became overwhelming. 
“I'm glad John showed up when he did. Like a superhero. He stood there with his gun and you should've seen the animalistic look in his eye.” Dottie sighed dreamily, “You are one lucky girl.” 
“I know about your ‘no dating’ rule, however, I don't think you should let this one get away.” June commented quietly, brushing some hair from your face. Dot agreed, shaking her head vigorously. The three of you cut the conversation short as John's footsteps echoed closer. He entered the room quietly and padded over to the bed, handing you a bottle of painkillers. Your fingers brushed as the container was passed and you felt a longing for the touch to remain; however just as the warmth arrived, it left. 
June and Dottie stayed over for another hour before leaving. They helped you change your clothes and settle in for the night before they left you in the capable hands of John. The two of you remained in your bedroom the rest of the evening. You went in and out of sleep a few times. One time, you woke to the man humming quietly while sitting in bed next to your figure. Another, he was checking your bandages and cleaning the sheen of sweat from your skin. Maybe what June said is right, you can’t let John get away. Nobody has cared for you like he has. But that begged the question, would he even want to be with you? You’re half his age and apart of a mafia family. Plus, you still don't know much about him; his past, his home life, etc. He is a mysterious being, quiet too. It only made you want to know more.
“John?” You murmured, gathering the strength to sit up. It was late evening now, just past eight. The summer sun had just set, leaving a gray tone to cover the space. 
“Yes?” He answered, turning to face you. He had been sitting at your desk, cleaning his gun. 
“Parlami di te.” ‘[Tell me about yourself.]’ The man responded to your request by putting down the parts in his hand. He then quietly cleaned his fingers of grime before standing up and padding over to you, but not sitting. 
“What would you like to know?” He murmured. You studied his face for a moment, taking in the features he donned. His normally combed hair was disheveled now and he had bags under his eyes. He wore a suit and shoes too, obviously still dressed for work. 
“Everything.” You replied, ignoring the throb of pain that coursed through your body. John nodded, then loosened the tie from his around neck. He shed off his suit jacket next, leaving him in a black button up and vest on top. You admired his figure in the darkening room. He stood tall, confident, maybe a little tired, but didn't let it show much. The man settled on the edge of your bed, by your feet. The room remained silent for a few moments; you not daring to speak, and John taking the time to gather his thoughts. 
“I was married.” John’s voice was so soft, you had to lean towards him to hear better. The man kept his gaze towards his hands, fidgeting with his fingers. 
“Was?” You asked, pushing aside the slight feeling of jealousy that rose. 
“She- she passed due to an illness years back.” The bodyguard paused.
“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.” You let out quietly, as to not bother John’s story process. 
“I was retired and wanted to live my days as a widower, however I was dragged back into the business by an old friends’ idiot son.” The man sighed, pushing some fallen hair behind his ear. You caught a glimpse at how sad he appeared, and felt an urge to comfort him. Pain shot through your body as you scooted down the bed until you were close enough to John. You grabbed his hand and his fingers instinctively intertwined with your own, making you realize just how large his palms actually were. It felt right, his hand being wrapped with your own. 
“Ever since then, I haven't left the business again. I see no point. I can't seem to leave anyways, I keep getting dragged back in.” He sighed heavily and you began to rub your thumb along his hand, as your way of comforting him. He fell silent, but you didn't push anymore questions just yet. He was being open and raw, which was probably difficult for the man to do. If he wanted to tell his story, he would. You wanted to know more, obviously, about the kind of work he's done; his jobs, the people he’s met, and if he knew anyone in your family. You wanted to know why the man was so troubled, and why it seemed everybody is against him. 
“Will you stay with me tonight?” Your voice escaped softly, barely above a whisper. John's hand squeezed your own, before he finally made eye contact with you. His dark gaze caused a chill to slither down your spine.
“Yes.” He spoke softly, “I need to go change.” He gave your hand one last squeeze before removing it and standing up. You watched as his figure walked across your room and disappeared behind the door. It only took him about five minutes before he returned, ready for bed. Sure, it was barely nine, but you figured you could put on a movie. You drank in the sight of him, admiring his pajamas. Blue with plaid stripes, and a plain white t-shirt. You’ve never seen him in anything but a suit, nevermind the sweatsuit outfit from when you train. This is different than that, this is a side of John that doesn't say ‘Hey, i'm a killer!’ This side is domestic; make you coffee and toast in the morning domestic. 
“Would you like to watch a movie?” You then asked, watching him tidy up his mess from cleaning his gun, which he didn't finish. 
“Sure.” He responded, walking over and climbing onto the bed next to your figure. You turned on your TV, and picked a movie from a streaming service, before fully settling in. You scoot your body close enough to John’s that you were able to lay your head on his chest. The man wrapped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you even closer, but gently as to not cause you more pain. You listened to his heartbeat as it slowed to a resting rhythm, and then closed your eyes letting sleep overcome your senses.
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thelordstears · 4 years
I can’t possibly stop writing. I fear I’d cease to exist and crumble into ashes (And that’d suck)
“ People don't need to drop a single drop of blood from their own kind to make it in this world, but unfortunately, we call ourselves animal to excuse such animalistic acts.” - Brooke Woodwarde 
“ We are no wolves, we are no sheep, we're people. But I don't see us acting as such. We act as if we were beasts, sent here to destroy. Odin, lives in honor, we do not reflect that. There's no honor in unnecessary bloodshed. We aren't human, anymore.” - Brooke Woodwarde
“ Who cares if the knights worship one Lord? For all we know there could be nothing in the skies but clouds and stars.” - Brooke Woodwarde
“ This is a land of war, not a land of honor. We poisoned the garden and asked why it withered." - Brooke Woodwarde
"Your mind is not so sympathetic, your mind is the greatest torture device in your arsenal. It works against you, just as a shattered clock ticks in the wrong direction, your mind thinks all wrong, wicked deeds plague you, but once you learn to accept you're no decent human being you learn, perhaps broken never meant bad.” - Elton Sederfault
“ I have been through many a torment, many a tragedy, so much so that I believe I became one.” - Elton Sederfault
“ My heart has been torn from my chest so horrifically, you wouldn't believe what beats inside my chest. Oh it's such an ugly creature, wrought with sin and hatred, but once upon a time a love for the world. But this gem inside my chest, this beautiful diamond lost it's glimmer. And now, it's nothing but coals, and the fire shalt only burn other's." - Elton Sederfault
“ Tom is broken, in some ways. But da most beautiful of things always are. 'E's stronger den 'e could eva' know, he's me damn son, and I love 'im, and if 'e ever needed a shield against da bullet's the world sends 'is way, I'll stand in front'a him and make sure 'e knew, I's got 'is damn back, always.” - Cleopatra Peterson
“ Look, ya could act as if yer past were chains that drag ya down, or ya could realize ya hold the key, and it's a little bit 'a faith.” - Cleopatra Peterson
"Perfection is an abnormality we can't achieve, who ever says they're perfect is either a liar or extremely lost in their very own delusion.” - Cruz Santinos
“ Reality is much, much, stranger than fiction. Because what I see, it's real, perhaps not to you, but I see it, and by God, does it scare me.” - Cruz Santinos
“ Here I am, lost in a world unraveled travelling these lands, wishing I was alone. But with a plague such as mine? I ain't never alone. By God do I wish I could be lonely, for once. These voices don't leave, and with a world devoid of medicine, there ain't no cure no more.” - Cruz Santinos
“ People don't give a fuck, they'll tear into you, and say you were the one serving the platter. What's a rabbit to a wolf but a means to an end?” - Cas Holts
“ Ya know, the sun always rises but that don't mean the days always warm. There's morning dew, the frost that lays against the damn trees, and snow that cuts against your damn cheek. The sun rising don't bring warmth it just brings a little bit of damn hope.” - Cas Holts
“ Welcome, welcome, come round, gather to watch the greatest show of all time. The fall of Ellsworth Davis, the showman, the mad man, the tyrant of the circus! He's watched you all suffer, so why not make him suffer huh? Suffering leads to hatred, and hatred leads to villainy.” - Ellsworth Davis
“ I watch the lion leap through the ring of fire and let his mane burn simply for my pleasure, the one whom tames the animals gets eaten alive by the wolves he though family, the strongman is crushed beneath his own weights, and the clown puts on a smile for all, but deep inside knows, a painted smile is all he could ever manage. You might as well call me P.T Barnum, because I am a cruel being, using humans as my very own freak show attraction! The elephant man would snap his own neck because all he ever wanted to do, was be normal. But no, he was a freak of nature they said! An atrocity! A circus act only to be displayed but never sympathized for! We are all freakish in nature, knowing normality is something we can't achieve.” - Ellsworth Davis
“ I run the sinners circus, I let lions leap through flames and trapeze artists swing through the air with no net. And I suppose, the joke was always on me." - Ellsworth Davis
"If this is life, and all I ever was is a perpetrator of evil deeds, than give me the very thing I've given so many other's. Besides, death is the only thing that could save me.” - Dylan Huffers
“ I got some devils ta slay and some damn debts ta pay. Ya listenin', devil who broke me so? Cause if ya thought Hell was bad, let me introduce ya ta vengeance.” - Dylan Huffers
“ I coulda been a saint long 'go, but now I'm nothin' but an angry bull, ready ta charge at the matador who provoked me. Show me the color 'a red, and I'll show you a darker hue.” - Dylan Huffers
“ I'd pray ta bring back my wings, but where has prayer ever gotten me? An echo of silence and my thoughts, so right where I began.” - Dylan Huffers
“ My mother is a memory, she was a hero, maybe not in the world's eyes, but my own. I guess, we get what we fucking get and don't throw a fit. So save me, or don't. I can deal with both salvation and damnation, so long as I get peace." - Dylan Huffers
"They say fear is a survival mechanism, it keeps you alive, but from what I've seen first hand fear is no survival mechanism, it is in fact the very opposite. Fear is what gets you killed, and he who lives without it, pulls the trigger.” Redacted
“ I am a God, a dynasty, a ruler. They say all rulers fall, but here I am, opposing that rule. I could sweep down and cut anyone I please down, because I'm feared. The key to ruling a kingdom is fear, your subjects fear the consequence of their actions, whether it be death or suffering they'll never know.” Redacted
“ All you need to appease the crowd is a jacket of good deeds.” Redacted
“ If you live life in sorrow, that is no life at all, perhaps you're past is a sorrowful tale, but don't let that define your future.” - Lacey Rose
“ Family can be anyone, people you met while you held onto Hell, or people who dragged you into the light, even if you kicked, screamed and resisted. We are all of us beautiful, and we deserve the chance to know it.” - Lacey Rose
"I think the path we're given is often one to follow, and if you go astray, just listen to your heart, it'll usually lead you in the right direction. Sure, it might break every once in awhile, but who said a little love can't fix the heart? It's the only remedy known to cure a broken heart.” - Gideon Rose
“ My mother has always said, "Son, don't let the world kill ya. You're stronger than the image the world wants to paint you as." And isn't that just beautiful? You don't have to be the canvas someone has made you out to be. You hold your own brush, and though your canvas may be filled with scars, paint over them. Yes, they'll remain upon the surface, but they'll be hidden from the present, and you don't have to face them unless you're ready.” - Gideon Rose
“ You look at me as you would a homeless man, "Oh he's just another drug addict, lost to the world's poison." But alas, society has never been a caring one, they say, "Look! Look at this poor mistreated fool! Watch him suffer! It's all he can do these days!" Isn't it amusing, how we damn what we don't understand because it'd be too much of a burden to understand it?” - Arthur Wellburn
“ We're all broken these days, wishing we could fix what we can never have, but we were never given the tools, so how do you expect us to create?” - Arthur Wellburn
“ I have a daughter, but surely she couldn't be proud of me, because I'm not even proud of myself, these days. So how can another claim a lie the truth when I already know it's heresy rolling of their tongue?” - Arthur Wellburn
“ No one man can withstand the storm forever. Eventually he chokes on the rain, it scalds his flesh and lightning strikes him down because all he ever was, is another casualty of a naturality.” - Arthur Wellburn
“ Ya might as well call me young Icarus, because I've put up my defenses and I'm damn well ready ta fly into the sun ta get what I seek. I may plummet from the sky on burnin' wings and hit the damn concrete face first, but if I can find myself after all these years, I'd rather be ashes then who I ain't.” - Zane Harrenburrow
“ Ya know, my life's been filled with scars that I wear on my damn sleeve, but I'm battle ready and unafraid of the god damn night. Because I've been through the dark before, and he who knows his own shadow, don't gotta fear what it'll do when the sun sinks and it ain't visible no more.” - Zane Harrenburrow
“ I've learned a helluva lot in this life of mine, most of all a bullet is the only thing that'll save a sinful man from himself. A threat or a reality, either way he'll be free from his actions, and so will the world.” - Delana Whinrich
“ When you stand in the midst of the option to save the world or yourself, choose the world for God's sake, don't make the same mistake I did.” - Delana Whinrich
“ Ya know, a man once told me, it was me pulling the trigger, whilst he held a gun to my father's head. But I've come to realize, whoever holds the gun has a choice, and thus is the one letting the damn bullet fly. Perhaps I pulled the trigger and pressed the detonator, but ya know what? I'm still a damn soldier. I fight for myself, the ones I love and the freedom of a shackled world. I'm a killer, but at least I can benefit the damn world huh?" - Delana Whinrich
"The world doesn't miss anybody, it's the people who grieve, not the earth." - Delana Whinrich
"The Queen's gambit, the act of moving a pawn upon your board as a means to sacrifice him but give the opponent a disadvantage. I think if one is to proceed with the Queen's gambit, the pawn should always be oneself.” - Romiro Smilowitz
“ People say God don't speak, but I think his actions speak a helluva lot louder than his words. We're still alive, and isn't that proof that he still has something in store for us? We may not have an instruction manual to fix the world, but all we need is our hearts and each other.” - Romiro Smilowitz
“ I'd rather be remembered as a man who did what was right, then a man who did what would keep him kicking. Survival is about how far you'll go, but life? It's about where you cross the damn line." - Romiro Smilowitz
"I'm brave, but not in the traditional sense. I block off my emotion in a battle, because I've found all it'll do is hurt me. I've let emotion control me in life before, all it resulted in was loss of life. I'm a blank slate of empty emotion.” - Cosmina Winchester
“ Everything I am is often associated with the vultures, because death hovers around me, it's as if I'm to be picked clean of good intentions and left out to rot with nothing but an ill mind.” - Cosmina Winchester
“ This cell of myself is constricting, because I fear myself, but I won't let that fear consume me. Because if I fear myself well and truly, I can't pick up a blade and show others, I am too be feared.” - Cosmina Winchester
"The roots of my family tree are wicked, but, as am I. I hang from this blackened tree, my body three feet above ground, I swing from my very own wickedness, choking on the feeble distraught of my very own sin. I look at the hands that put me in this noose, and I recognize them, the rings and the scars, the bruises and the callouses, because by God, they're my own.” - Mike Duster
“ I'm sinful down to my very core, because I was born a monster, my father has always told me, "If ya can't sin, you can't survive." But my mother has always said, "When ya get bucked off the path, you get back on the saddle." How am I to do both? Because I fear I am the very horse who bucked me off a cliffside and careened my way towards a safer clearing.” - Mike Duster
“ How is one to breathe in existence, if she doesn't even know the definition?” - Cathletta Mason
“ The hands of my father can't touch me in death.” - Cathletta Mason
“ I'm a demon in human form, a demon princess as Zargrod would say. He's sinful to his very core, and one day, he'll be my King of scorched intentions and wicked deeds. I'll be his Queen of bloodied gown and sinful lust, because what am I to do but let this love burn me to ash?” - Cathletta Mason
“ Life don't last forever honey, but my story will." - Cathletta Mason
"I look inside my chest and find my heart is a blood moon the shade of black.” - Idian Witson
“ I have claws made of sin and bone, all they do is rip into saints, its as if I'm a cheetah, because these claws don't retract, they tear into the soil as I bound and leap through the fields to pounce on the unaware gazelle who only ever wanted to graze in the grass, but would learn it was a hunting grounds.” - Idian Witson
“ I suppose I'm out of my mind, my heart is as pitch black as the nebula and as far away from warmth as Pluto.” - Idian Witson
“ They say we're all sinners, I just wish I hadn't taken it ta a higher degree.” - Greg Metals
“ I've lived my life on the highway, the revving of engines and the roar of motorcycles. But if only I hadn't become the damn crash everyone looks upon in horror. My bones broke, my heart cracked and scattered across the damn highway, but it wasn't me who was killed by the horrific accident, by God it was other's, and by God it haunts me.” - Greg Metals
“ So raise a damn glass for the tired biker, or poison the glass and finally let 'im drop. Cheers, am I right?" - Greg Metals 
  “ Sluzmink says it's about time someone told the damn truth. So you know what? He'll find the truth isn't bloodstained, it isn't glorified sin and bone, it's me and my six shooter with nothing but my fucking rage.” - Vivian McDermot
“ Life don't gotta be bloodstained, but Sluzmink's will be.” - Vivian McDermot
“ When someone loses everything, she's free to do whatever she pleases so long as it's in sorrow. And this vengeance of mine is  a sorrowful tale. Because by the end I'll hold the broken corpse of Sluzmink fucking Jones, but I'll also hold the corpse of me.” - Vivian McDermot
“ Vengeance is a slippery slope, and I'm gonna tumble down this cliffside and take Sluzmink with me.” - Vivian Mcdermot
"You want injustice you have to get through law, and these days that wall is thin as a sheet of paper.” - Alberto Newhill
“ I've got my badge of honor and my pistol, but God, how can one man face a thousand and come out the other side of the battle alive?” - Alberto Newhill
“ One man can bury a secret, but a whole town can unbury it with integrity and will power.” - Alberto Newhill
“ The runt of the littler is the least likely to survive it's a sad fact, but true. You can't be a sheep when wolves have taken over the world, monsters hide in plain sight and I suppose I'm one of em.” - Redacted (Different one from before)
“ The street lights shine light on me only because they fear what I'd do in the dark.” - Redacted
“ A wolf in sheep's clothing is deadlier than a wolf in fur." - Redacted
"They called me sadistic killer, countess of blood, a reincarnation of Countess Bathory, the story upon the News naming me Countess of death. I'm nothing more than sin and divinity wrapped in barbed wire and glory.” - Tilda Hawsberry
“ 'm so wrapped in flames it's become my dress, I twirl through this stage, embers and sparks alighting a blaze so magnificent that even the bug burning in the firepit would call it beauty.” - Tilda Hawsberry
“ Most live in a single moment, and forget that their life is made of up many little moments that define who they are. We all live ruled by fate, but what if, fate, betrayed you? The roll of the dice land on snake eyes and you end up in debt, or worse, in a coffin.” - Tilda Hawsberry
“ How is it I am to survive in a world that's already damned me? Am I to cast myself into the flame so another can not?” - Shandalar Belrie
“ I fled from the place I found pain, but still it follows me.” - Shandalar Belrie
“ I wish such cruel harms on the King, but if I were to kill him, I would in turn stab myself in the back and leave myself bleeding on his floor.” - Shandalar Belrie
“ How am I to live in the moment when all I can remember is the past?” - Shandalar Belrie
“ Forgive me, Gods, for I have sinned. And I only wish to survive so long as I have a path to follow that leads me to you." - Shandalar Belrie
"I haven't lost faith in God, only myself.” - Jack Samson
“ I brandish a pistol and a badge, but do I brandish a heart?” - Jack Samson
"Heroes aren't remembered, but that don't mean they're lost in the soils of history. A hero don't gotta go down in history, just up in flames for a good cause.” - Miella Fang
“ I'm a hero, not because I pull a trigger but because I don't. A bullet won't save someone who wishes to be better, sometimes all ya need to do is put that gun back in your damn holster and offer your hand to the broken soul in front of ya.” - Miella Fang
“ He says no one can kill the idea of him, that he'll go down in history, then I'll give him his damn wish. But to go down in history, first he's gotta go down.” - Miella Fang
"You first have to light a match to feel the flame, but who said it's gotta scald your heart? Why not let it melt instead? In love, in another's heart, in joy to be alive. Not every flame is lethal.” - Lorelei Metals
“ I used to weep because I thought love was a lost cause, but when Lillian holds my hand and tells me I'm hers, I feel truly, alive. And isn't it beautiful, to live for another while still living for yourself?” - Lorelei Metals
“ I could let my thoughts be bullets, or I could let them be flowers that'll blossom into the most beautiful and prospering ideas.” - Lorelei Metals
“ I love who I am, I've evolved so much, and.. I think my sister would be proud of that. God, how I miss her. She was always my hero, in all her tattooed bisexual glory.” - Lorelei Metals
“ I've been wild all my life, been caught in the riptide 'a all my pretty lil sins, but I had ta do those things ta stay topside the soil, so is it a crime ta wanna live? If it's a crime ta defend myself, give me a death sentence and call it justice” - Ivy Felinmote
“ I ain't the best woman, but I do try my best. I ain't no hero, never have been, I'm just a girl with a baseball bat and some elbow grease.” - Ivy Felinmote
“ I miss pops, he didn't deserve the fate 'e got. But now he's in the soil, and I suppose I got myself ta blame for that. I can spin the tale a thousand different ways, but it always ends with a bullet and tears.” - Ivy Felinmote
"I am the singular black rose in the garden.” - Madam Stephanie Rose
“A gardener would cut me from his garden of silk red roses and yellow poppies because I don't fit the aura in all my darkness and thorns. Not even my petals are beautiful, they reek of death and corruption.” - Madam Stephanie Rose
“ But now she's a wisp in my mind, a ghost haunting the halls of my mind, because she's gone, by the Gods she's gone and there's nothing I can do to bring her back. I've looked in every spell book, prayed to every God, but you need a body to bring back the dead, and I have nothing of her but memories.” - Madam Stephanie Rose
“ I could step into a garden and every rose would wilt and whither away into nothing but dust. I'm such a sinful creature that even nature can't accept me. As I said, I am the singular black rose in the garden, my thorns dig into my heart and the pitch of my heart becomes dark, the flowing of my blood in my veins becomes venomous and the petals I brandish whither and wilt and turn to dust before my eyes.” - Madam Stephanie Rose
"I'm a shootin' star hurtlin' towards greatness as if it were the got damn dinosaurs. I know greatness is a relative term, but all it takes ta be a great man is ta help other's with your actions, eh?” - Church Godsel
“ I'd rather be alone with my thoughts than surrounded in people who don't know what it is ta live.” - Church Godsel
“ I'd step inta the frontlines ta save an innocent man, my father don't like bloodshed, he wonders how we made such an egregious deed honorable, but I think so long as you got good intentions with that rifle 'a yours you gotta save who you can with the bullets you got.” - Church Godsel
"I am woven in the most beautiful of horrors, and the most delusional mystique.” - Alviro Conritz
“ I met evil when I was only a child, he was my father, after all. In all his delusions and all his horrors, he was my father, and I only wish for him to see one thing. My revolver before his final moments flash before my eyes.” - Alviro Conritz
“ I am the thing that goes bump in the night, I am the boogeyman and one of the thirty six murderers you will pass in your lifetime.” - Alviro Conritz
“ I drowned myself and people expect me to be my past self. But he's dead, isn't he? That scared little boy is gone, buried somewhere deep inside the woods behind his childhood home. I could look myself in the eye, and I'd stab myself in the back just to get ahead. Perhaps this is why I bleed so heavily, because I betrayed myself in a sense. But I won't stop, there's something therapeutic about all this madness.” - Alviro Conritz
"Ya know, I thought history was cruel. And then I lived it." - Marv Callemritz
"Sometimes, the monsters are the ones we trust the most, even if we don't wanna believe it." - Mathias Gonvable
"Oh I have long since learned that when it rains, it pours heavy on your beaten and tattered soul. Hold a dollar to the sky, the wind will pick up, and take it away in one gust, the wind, blows, blows, blows, and in its wake, trouble comes, but oh it surely doesn't go, friend." - Shawn Werdelstein
"I am the dark, and where I go trouble follows, so tread lightly, this territory is protected with fangs and old scars." - Shawn Werdelstein
"Livin' in reality, it gets dark, twisted. I suppose that's the nature of all things." - Shawn Werdelstein
"Zachary ya ain't so much a God, you hold the power 'a one, there's a difference in that. The statue of a God can be toppled, a God himself can not." - Klaus Van Velk
"When the world is at it's all time low, I am at my all time high." - Klaus Van Velk
"We already were fuckin' free mate, do you fink your politicians fought for freedom? Dey fight for bloodlust and bloodlust alone. Dey fight for demselves, if dey cared bout da cause, dey'd pick up da rifle demselves." - Winfield Coleman
"I could look into my soul, but all I'd find is desolation." - Scarletta Bonewhistle
“I'd say you deserve mercy, my brother. But that'd make both of us liars." - Violetta Gursoch
"Sometimes you have to realize the only way to win, is to own a black heart." - Ares Malstone
"Blame God all ya want Wes, but c'mon, give me a lil credit." - Gunther Mirowick
"I am but a wolf, feasting on his own wool." - Drake Chains
"Salvation holds no price too heavy to pay." - Shilo Downsworth
"I've learned justice and mercy can not, and will not, live side by side. I've watched as people tried, to show mercy to the wicked, yet in turn, they shoved a blade in their back, and the cycle of evil only continued." - Shilo Dowsnworth
"The element 'a surprise will be enough ta take out more than a few soldiers. Trust me, when guns go'a blazin' and the echo of mortality falterin' starts ringin' through the damn sky, even soldiers cower." - Davy Blight
"You could call me a saint, but I'd prove you wrong for a single gold coin." - Lugarn the Shadow
"I can't call myself a hero when I've never saved a life." - Grifold Hangers
"Life will pass you by if you don't live it." - Leonard Bakers
"I found living the wild side of life will only end in a wild way. There's no peace when you're living in chaos." - Moon Crimsonburn
"We're all saints in a world that forces us to be sinners." - Terrance Possematto
"People born into a bad life will think that's what it means to live." - Sarkelus Johnson
"I've found if it is darkness you seek, it is darkness you shall find. Seek out the light between the shadows, and you'll find it." - Victor Da Ville
"In that house of God, in that holy church, all I found was darkness and secrets no one would ever wish to see in the light." - Samina Gelbrook
"We're far from Heaven, close ta Hell, burnin' in our sins as if we were nothin' more but the trees in a forest." - Fallows Diamond
"I think, in every bad situation, there's something to be learned. Don't let the people who hurt you become imbedded so deep into your skin that they become a part of you." - Quinn Greaves
"Sometimes life kicks ya down. Just dust yourself off, and roll your die again, based on pure statistic, one day, you'll get that twenty, and find everything you never knew you needed." - Quinn Greaves
"Sometimes the world is a prison and we're the convicts polluting her atmosphere in our darkness but other times the sun shines our beaten souls." - Issac Abernathy
"He may not give two fucks about the pain he's caused, but when I'm standing before him, a gun at his damn head, he'll hear me loud and fucking clear." - Brandon Killovitch
"No one guns a man down and calls it peace except for he who tells the soldier to pull the trigger." - Messiah Morrington
"Revenge is immoral. So call me unholy." - Leola Jenefine
“If your demons are silent, listen for your angels.” - Caramel Pettagrew
"I'm covered in the blood of everything I was, I'm dancing in the ashes of me, but I held the very match that lit the damn flame.” - Sostias Hoffman
“ If my footsteps lead me inta the dark, then let me light a candle ta guide the way, and if my candle snuffs may my feet lead the way, and find the light that waits at the end 'a the tunnel.” - Alonzo Graves
"Most days my demons are silent, but on the days they speak, they break the sound barrier and leave it difficult to find any peace and quiet.” - Veronica Villenwicker
"It is in my darkest hour, in the hottest flame, the coldest ice, I have found everything I thought I had lost.” - George Stinson
“ I've lost a helluva bloody lot in life, I lost my innocence when I was thirteen, my 'ome when I was sixteen, and my will ta fuckin' live at twenty god damn one.” - Saria Romiro
"If you've seen hell, in all it's unholy flame and damnation, tell me, what does the welcome sign to Evergreen's bay look like? It's rusted around the edges, it's been weathered down by time as all things. It's hell in all it's darkness.” - Remo Gonvable
“ I don't know how the world twisted and turned in such a dark direction, but if I can't find light in the day, I'll create my damn own.” - Sheila Gonvable
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