#whose excuse was literally that it just didn't feel important
retordedd · 2 months
I never use this blog because the eddsworld fandom is genuinely the only fandom I've been completely fucking miserable trying to engage with. It's full of trans people and yet the community is SO hostile towards non-afab or non masc aligned in some way trans people. I've had people blatantly refused to respect my pronouns after saying they would. I've been misgendered in a server full of trans people where literally no one else was misgendered because there were pronoun roles. In that same server, while I was uplifting trans people making jokes about being proud of their bodies, they made fun of me for not having breasts. I've had multiple people debate my boundaries like it's a topic of discussion because I asked not to be called dude, a GENDERED TERM. I've had people gang up on me to the point of tears because I dared to describe my experiences being raised with an unconventional relationship to gender. I've been accused of holding grudges and being aggressive for even daring to speak up when I'm tired of being treated this way
And these events don't refer to a bunch of random assholes, they refer to people well known in the fandom. People I've seen on multiple servers. People whose names you say and it gets recognized
The eddsworld fandom has a HUGE transmisogyny problem and it needs to be discussed. The way I constantly feel unsafe when in a fandom surrounded by trans people is completely unacceptable
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chi-the-idiot · 5 months
Many have said this before, but i feel it's meaningful and important to highlight this.
People watching Hbomberguy's video on Plagarism and Youtube seem to have laser focused in on the particular people he mentions instead of the overall message.
And let me be clear: it's understandable that this happened. Hbomberguy spends most of the 4 hours of the video recounting the types of plagarism he's seen pop around on youtube, naming people like Filip, Iiluminaughty, Internet Historian, and later using those examples to showcase all the forms combined into one, with all of their excuses included, in James Sommerton's chanel. The video does name several well known creators, so on a surface level it could be seen as a "hit piece/call out" towards all of them.
But people seem to have ignored the real message, the real importance of why Hbomberguy mentioned all of those cases.
Most of those people are well known within their fields of content. Its likely that, if people were to watch their videos, they would not go out of their way to look for the other sources of their content if they were, in fact, cited. And, in the most despicable cases, they were not, and with reason: they didn't want to be found out.
Iilluminaughty cited her sources so badly it would have been tedious for the regular viewer to go through them just to find what they wanted.
Internet Historian literally stole man in cave from someone else, narration and all, and when he was found out, instead of being honest, he was fucking sneaky about changing some words to still make it pass as his own.
And what can we say about James Sommerton that hasn't been said?
Ultimately, I feel like people don't really take into account the true harm plagarism does. Plagarism is taking someone's work and passing it as your own. The time destined to actual research, the talent of writers, the personal tone. It is all lost when something is stolen from them just for the sake of content. For the fame and fortune that comes from it.
Internet Historian took the views Man in Cave could have gotten for the real author all to himself.
James Sommerton took the recognition and praise for phrases, ideas, and musings that other queer creators could have gotten, effectively taking the voices of his community and potraying it as his own.
From all of this, I hope we can learn. This is not drama, this is important. I don't want deplatforming for any of the creators that are still here (except for Iiluminaughty, she has done much more than just plagirize). I want Internet Historian to put effort into not plagirizing, to not be sneaky about it by saying "inspired by" and telling the full story of "hey, i stole this, i will do better" and calling for his viewers to give recognition to the article he read. Hell, James Sommerton could start making other types of content that is not stolen from articles if he wants to.
Plagarism is not the end of the world. But it is harmful to creatives of all sorts, and it's important to recognize that and, if we did do plagarism, credit those whose work we used (if its not possible to take down the work whatsoever), and promise to do better and go through with it.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Let's tally things up, folks!
Ruby's entire depression arc is "resolved" by a one sentence exchange wherein she just... decides she's better now? 'Is this the message?' Ruby asks, on her knees in front of a not at all subtle broken piece of glass. 'That I'm just supposed to give up?' and then literally the next moment she sees Crescent Rose, the weapon she's been flinching from because it represents all the failures she hasn't actually grappled with this season, and decides that depression and suicidal ideation are for losers. Let's go fight a randomly evolved cat!
The group still doesn't care about Ruby's Volume-long struggle. What are you talking about, evil kitty? Ruby's never been confused, or weak, or feeling like she's broken. We're oblivious to all that. That's why we follow her, because we can easily ignore everything that's going on in her life and instead just focus on ourselves. Didn't she have a breakdown a couple of hours ago about having to lead all the time? Should we really be announcing the moment she steps out of the tree that we expect her to be in charge again? ... nah, it's fine!
I guess the overall message is that any and every horrific act is excusable because you're just being yourself? Sorry we doomed a Kingdom and have actively helped Salem in trying to take over the world. The horrors we've enacted are good things though because it means we're being ourselves.
Ruby is conveniently the only Ascended who retains all her memories. Can't have the protagonist undergoing any kind of actual change, after all.
Neo throws herself into the tree despite that going against every iota of her characterization. Will we ever see her again? Who knows.
Is the blacksmith lady Alyx? I still have no idea.
Jaune is made young again, because of course he is. Love that they act like this is some curse he's suffered from - "It's been so long..." - and not an actual life lived across several decades. If I got stuck somewhere for twenty-ish years and then someone tried to magic me back to my 18 year old self I'd be like wtf? No? I'm not a teenager??? Will the show ever acknowledge that Jaune is actually an old man in a de-aged body now? I doubt it, considering this plot-line had no impact on his personality, skill, or outlook.
Also love that the brothers' story is treated like this wonderful tale of growth and exploration. The blacksmith is going on about how amazing it is that you don't know what you'll get when you create something, tone all fond for the demi-gods that have left her world to toy with new ones, and I just wanted one of the characters to start screaming about all the horrors they've caused. They killed an entire population in one fell swoop and have cursed two individuals for funsies, with the entirety of Remanent permanently under threat of annihilation if they don't meet the Gods' ambiguous standards of unity. Oscar didn't fall into the void because if Ozpin had been there he would have gone feral and attacked the blacksmith with his bare hands.
We're heading back to Remnant and Ruby still doesn't know that Jaune killed Penny! Ruby didn't even get her sword back. Or consider her in the tree therapy session. Why was killing her off necessary again? Oh yeah, Jaune angst🙃
We got a "when you're needed" from the blacksmith, so expect that time-skip in Volume 10. Can't wait to see how much important stuff the story skips over...
Also, this is so minor in the grand scheme of everything else, but I YELLED when Summer admitted that she'd lied about the mission. For nine Volumes these characters have been dragging Ozpin for every problem under the sun including, in Volume 7, for the mysterious disappearance of Summer, only for it to turn out that she LIED about where she was going and on whose orders, setting him up to take the fall when she doesn't come back. Who's going to have Qrow apologize to Ozpin for blaming him for years? Who's going to have Ruby unpack that her whole family is made up of liars and she was foolish to think that anyone, including Ozpin, could survive this war with a completely clean record? Hell, who's going to have Ruby simply tell anyone - including her sister - what she now knows about her mother's death? Not the RT writers, I'd wager.
Especially when they gave us a scene of Summer leaving on what she recognizes may be a suicide mission and leaves a token of affection for one daughter but not the other. Summer is Yang's mom too! Yeeeeeaaah the story is really bad about actually writing that.
Overall this Volume just feels like a colossal waste to me. The story ignored most of what was set up in Volume 8, introduced a world it didn't have time to flesh out, threw in an unnecessarily shocking story line about the hero trying to kill herself, 100% dismissed the ramifications of that, reset everyone so that none of the characters have to actually grow or change, and has now implied that all the plot important stuff - the Atlesians' survival in the desert, trying to ally with Theodore, Salem's next attack on Remnant, the development of most of our B Team, etc. - has occurred off screen.
The only thing this Volume accomplished was getting the bees together, which was something we should have had years ago. That admission hasn't changed their dynamic in any way, or introduced new conflicts (remember, no one cares about Ruby's breakdown, including her correct accusation that Yang has cared more about her girlfriend than her struggling little sister). It's just... there, not queerbaiting anymore, thankfully, but that feels like a very low bar to meet.
2+ months later and all I'm feeling is
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case-of-traxits · 7 months
WRO Reeve + Heartbreak
One who wears the crown, bears the crown.
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For @here-be-ninjas | From a discussion on this post.
So I've been sitting on this for a few days now in my drafts. I kept trying to type it up as a reply on that fic, but the fact is... I just have too many feels and it kept getting way too long and I didn't want to slam out like, three half-thought out things. So here, I've done my best to outline some things that are going on for WRO that break my heart.
I have no idea if this is what you were expecting or wanting, but this is what you're getting.
Also, please excuse the gratuitous use of gifs, but like, I'm just delighting in the fact that when I search "Reeve Tuesti" in the gifs thing, I GET SOMETHING OMG.
(That wasn't true pre-Remake really. But thankfully, people are slowly realizing he's super handsome. So it's a win for me!)
Time to put my metal on Whose blood to spill? I don't know whose side I'm on. Two armies are coming at me. Their flags and weapons look the same. One tells the truth; the other's lying. And they're both calling my name.
-- "How Villains Are Made," by Madalen Duke
Canon Explanation
So at the beginning of Final Fantasy VII, we have three massive disasters occur in Midgar, all over the course of three days: Reactor 1 is bombed, Reactor 5 is bombed, and Sector Seven is dropped. It is certainly canon that all of these events deeply affected Reeve emotionally (if you want to see a video comparing Reeve's reaction to the Plate Drop plan, you can see that here).
Now, I don't think it's fanon to extrapolate that at the end of FF7, Reeve has lost basically everything.
Canonically, he's had to deal with the following:
The loss of Reactor 1.
The loss of Reactor 5.
The dropping of Sector Seven.
Tseng is nearly killed (how close Reeve is to Tseng is up for debate).
Cait Sith the First dies (as a sub-note on this one, not only does Cait Sith die, but the very thing that he dies for, to prevent Sephiroth from getting the Black Materia? Is immediately voided because Cloud hands it over to Sephiroth).
Aerith dies (how close Reeve is to Aerith is also up for debate).
Diamond WEAPON attacks Midgar, which is, of course, full of innocent civilians.
Reeve is dragged away to be imprisoned during this attack because he refuses to go along with Scarlet and Heidegger.
At some point, Reeve is freed (although, that's not important enough apparently to get a mention in the OG) and he organizes the evacuation of Midgar, which has to be evacuated through, canonically, a single train line and a single highway that wrap around the central pillar.
He shuts down all of the reactors in Midgar. I'll have to see if I can find a canon source for when, exactly, this happens; it happens sometime between when he is freed and when Edge is started, and I think there's mention somewhere that it's before the Lifestream surge that stops Meteor. However, per On the Way to a Smile, Episode: Barret, all mako reactors across the entire world have been shut down as of "several months after [Meteorfall]."
A few days after this evacuation process is started, his mother is killed when the Lifestream surges up to stop Meteor.
If he'd had any hope whatsoever of salvaging Midgar, or returning people to the city after the Meteor crisis, that's shot down after the Lifestream surge. So now he has a city full of people who refused to leave prior to Meteorfall, another city (Kalm) full of people who did evacuate, and no power for any of them. Again, you can see On the Way to a Smile, Episode: Barret if you want a little peek as to what some of the pre-Mako tech looked like. Spoiler? It isn't pretty. I'm talking coal-powered trucks kind of not pretty. This is a world without gasoline as tech. Mako literally powers everything, and they're now rationing what was left in the reactors. With that in mind, it's really no wonder that the WRO is militaristic.
As someone who has worked at an electric company (I want to add "canonically," but I mean IRL. XD), let me tell you, people without power? They are panicky. But okay, that's not addressed canonically, so let's disregard that side note.
Instead, let's just focus on everything else.
He's lost literally everything that he has clearly dedicated himself to: Midgar, his parents, one of his robot cats, and his entire livelihood. And suddenly, he's the only one with anything even resembling the experience necessary to run the world. The last standing member of the Shinra Board, and effectively, he's taken Rufus' place as the de-facto world leader.
And all of this starts on 12/9/07 and ends "the last third" of 01/08, according to the Crisis Core Ultimania Timeline.
So... all of that. In six-ish weeks.
And this is true before we even touch on the expanded canon and my headcanons regarding Reeve Tuesti.
You reach the battle lines Racing inside your mind A question for all time, is it you? So gravity defy And storm the darkest night Is it you? Is it you who will save us?
-- "Who Will Save Us," by Tommee Profitt
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Expanded Canon and Headcanon Time!
Expanded Canon: The Inspire Thing
So. Cait Sith. Beloved fuzzy son.
First, let's look at Reeve's profile from the 10th Anniversary Ultimania:
The head of the Urban Development Department. Involved in the construction of Midgar from the very beginning, he watches over the town’s development like that of a child. By utilizing his special ability, “Inspire”, he is able to cause inorganic things to emit life; his “child”, the “cat”-shaped robot, Cait Sith can be controlled from a great distance. After Meteorfall, he became the director of the World Regenesis Organization (WRO), which is devoted to the purpose of restoring life to the planet.
So this is interesting for a lot of reasons, but there's two very important things that this profile does for us:
One, it clearly states that Reeve has been "involved in the construction of Midgar from the very beginning," and he "watches over the town's development like that of a child." So... That's a great character note and a problem, but let's put a pin in that and we'll discuss the problem part of that in the next section. So the thing you need to actually note there is that Reeve loves Midgar. Like a child.
And two, it defines Reeve's surprisingly controversial "Inspire" ability. I say surprisingly because here's the general breakdown. Reeve has literally always had this ability, but people will sometimes discount it because it's not "mentioned" in any of the games. And that isn't... wrong, exactly. Reeve is never, at any point in any of the games, 'outed' as an Inspire. However, let's look at the Ultimanias over the years:
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Now, I wish I had links to all of these pages for you, but the simple fact is, I don't. I could probably get links to all of them, given enough time, but I'm still rebuilding my compiled FF7 References Google Drive folder. When I get everything in there, I'll post a link.
The point I want to make with this is that it isn't something new. This is not some detail they retconned in to make things work. They've literally always implied it in game. There's a few metas floating around periodically that talk about Reeve and Cait Sith, and maybe one day I'll sit down and write up my own, but I want to be able to link to certain things like the Before Crisis scripts and such, because there's evidence in there to prove that Cait Sith is not just a 'robot'. He's a plush cat, yes. He's an animatronic, yes. But he's also an individual.
Canonically, in the original game, he feels pain when he trips and falls in the Temple of the Ancients on his way to die. He begs Cloud and AVALANCHE not to forget him, even if another Cait Sith shows up. He reminds them all that there's only one him. (And then of course, they promptly forget him. T_T)
In Before Crisis, Reeve gives the player Turk a controller to use with Cait Sith, but Cait Sith has 'thought' dialogue in the game that cannot be attributed to Reeve.
In Dirge, you see Cait Sith and Reeve together at several points, and they always move fairly in sync, but there's no indication of a controller in Reeve's hand at any point. And okay, that could be because Dirge was really bad about character models. We never did, after all, get a pregnant Lucrecia model in that game. ... Or in any other game, for that matter. But that's a different problem.
The fact is, at no point is Reeve ever shown using a controller. How he controls Cait Sith is subtle enough that he can control Cait Sith actively during a board meeting that he lets AVALANCHE listen in on during the original game. That's the board meeting where Scarlet and Heidegger propose loading up the failed rocket in Rocket Town with materia and launching it into Meteor in an attempt to stop it. And none of the other directors (or Rufus, who is canonically aware of Cait Sith and Reeve's control of him) notice. So I don't think it's actually a stretch of canon to assume that Reeve doesn't have a visible means of controlling Cait Sith.
Which means... yes. It's magic. Some kind of mental connection to Cait Sith. And let's just... digest that for a second.
Imagine a mental connection to something you love like a child.
And you send it to be crushed to death in an attempt to stop Sephiroth from obtaining a materia that he will use to destroy the world.
And immediately after you've done this, you have to get the next version of that child to the same place, to the same group of people, who have already lost the materia you entrusted them with.
(And, as an aside, you were just using this second version of that child to rescue a dying coworker that, your own personal closeness aside, your good friend is very close to. Because Before Crisis makes it very clear that Reeve and Veld are close in some fashion. It's a little ambiguous about their exact relationship, but they're close enough that Reeve risks everything to help the Turks because he's sure they're helping Veld who is on the run from Shinra at that point.)
Now, all of this to say... Why am I rambling about Reeve's Inspire ability and Cait Sith? Well...
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Headcanon: The Inspire Thing
My personal headcanon is that Reeve, with long enough exposure to anything inorganic (i.e., his car or reactors) can inadvertently form a bond with it. Even grant it a sort of ... half-life. Now, admittedly, this is entirely fanon. I make no arguments that there is any sort of canonical support for the Inspire abilities working with this way.
But the fact is... it's odd, isn't it, that the reactors are under Urban Development? Why aren't they under Science?
(And yes, that is canon. It's in the original game that reactor control is under Urban Dev-- Reeve Tuesti-- not Science.)
So this is something I play with, that Reeve is some kind of brilliant engineer, constantly tweaking the reactors, adjusting them to maximize every drop of mako energy as efficiently as possible. And in my headcanon, he manages that in part by directly interfacing with the reactors.
Which uh... makes blowing them up emotionally problematic for him. How emotionally problematic? Well, @ladykf-writes wrote me some amazing ficlets that feature my headcanons about this after much rambling with her about them. So I highly recommend checking those out if you're interested in this idea.
So, basically, in addition to the list up there? You could add that my particular Reeve is also suffering from some serious emotional turmoil regarding the "deaths" of Reactors 1 and 5 as well as Cait Sith the First. Those aren't just moments of, "oh it's tragic these people died," or "oh shoot, I lost one of my robots," for him.
He literally lived through their deaths.
Now. Let's move on from my headcanons regarding this ability and let's talk about Reeve's problem.
Broken pieces of a barely breathing story Where there once was love Now there's only me and the lonely Dancing slowly in an empty room Can the lonely take the place of you? I sing myself a quiet lullaby Let you go and let the lonely in To take my heart again
-- "The Lonely," by Christina Perri. In particular with this song, the "you" that I imagine it being focused on is Midgar, not a person.
Reeve's Timeline Shenanigans
All right, back to Reeve's profile from the 10th Anniversary Ultimania:
Involved in the construction of Midgar from the very beginning, he watches over the town’s development like that of a child.
And from the Final Fantasy VII Complete Dismantled True Story (which while "official" is not necessary "canon" per the development team):
A capable engineer closely involved in the design and construction of the two-tiered city of Midgar and its eight mako reactors.
Now, unfortunately, Reeve's profile doesn't often get translated in other ultimanias-- or at least, not in places I've been able to find-- so we're kind of stuck with just these two interpretations of this side of him. Still, it's pretty clear, right? He was involved in the construction of Midgar from the beginning. Even in the Dismantled True Story version, he's closely involved in the design and construction.
It also mentions that he's 35 (like Barret) in the original game. Since the game takes place in 0007, we can say pretty confidently that he was born in '72; same year as Barret, for those who don't trust my math.
Now, let's look at Midgar's timeline, shall we?
From the 10th Anniversary Timeline:
[ μ ] – εуλ 9/23/1959 (48 years before FFVII) · Shin-Ra Works (later the Shin-Ra Company) discovers mako energy [ μ ] – εуλ 1/9/1968 · Construction begins in Nibelheim on the first in a series of power generation facilities, “mako reactors” for the purpose of extracting mako. [ μ ] – εуλ 6/24/1976 · Construction of the mako city, Midgar, begins. The Shin-Ra company relocates its headquarters to Midgar.
... Interesting. Okay. What about other timelines? Well, let's look at the Crisis Core Ultimania's Timeline:
[ μ ] – εуλ 9/23/1959 · Shin-Ra Works (later the Shin-Ra Company) discovers mako energy. [ μ ] – εуλ 6/24/1976 · Construction of the mako city, Midgar, begins. The Shin-Ra company relocates its headquarters to Midgar.
Now, this does change a bit in the Remake Ultimania's Timeline, from what I understand. They push Midgar's construction date back to 1969, per the FFVII Timeline, which for the record I like because they source all their dates wherever possible. However, I haven't really dug into the Remake stuff yet because it's my understanding that the Remake is the Compilation in a blender, so just because something is true in the Remake doesn't make it true in other aspects of canon (for example, they adjusted the ages of Rufus and the Turks, to make Rufus clearly older/same age as them, whereas he was always younger in the original canon).
Anyway, the issue with this timeline is this: Reeve's four when they start building Midgar. How involved is he in this construction project?
Now, over the years, I've seen a few interesting takes on how to handle this.
One, people just completely disregard it. Which, fair. It's an ultimania canon note, not something from in-game, but I always find it interesting when people say, disregard these dates but are happy to accept say, dates regarding the Nibelheim project as gospel from the same sources. But hey, I cherry pick canon too, so who am I to complain, right?
Two, people go with the architect of Midgar being another R. Tuesti (probably Reeve's father is the most common headcanon), and over the years, his work has been conflated with Reeve's own until people just forget that Reeve himself couldn't have been the one to do it.
Now, my personal headcanon-- which I am absolutely detailing because you asked me about why WRO Reeve breaks my heart, and I swear all of this is tied into that original question-- is that Reeve's father was the original engineer who developed the Nibelheim reactor. He was also slated to be the lead engineer on managing the complicated network of the eight (nine, technically, at least during construction, but who's counting?) reactors in Midgar. Except when Reeve was about five, he died in an accident. Probably in a reactor, let's be honest.
And when the Turks (and because it's my headcanon and I can, the Turks in question are Veld and Vincent) are sent to pick up Papa Tuesti's notes from his widow so that the other engineers can try to make sense of them, they discover that the five-year-old can decipher his father's unlabeled diagrams. So they take the boy with them to the Shinra Manor in Junon where the President pays to have him formally educated and put to work deciphering these diagrams and notes to ensure that the Midgar project goes as planned.
Of course, being brought up to be this engineer means that Reeve has access to basically the best level of education possible. So yes, he's deciphering his father's notes, but very quickly, he's improving them. And that, my friends, is why he ends up as Head of Urban Development. Because the simple fact is, he's been brought up for this, raised and trained to President Shinra's exact specifications of what he wants in a city.
Now, once again, all of that is just my personal headcanon, and I can't even cite some of my old sources because I just cannot find them anymore. So take this or leave it, it's where I sit on it.
That also means that he was brought up in the same house as (although almost certainly very separated from) Rufus. There's a ten year difference between them, of course, so it wasn't like they were close, but there's certainly room for some... understanding between them. If anyone understands how the President was (who canonically was extremely abusive towards Rufus per On the Way to a Smile: Case of Shinra).
Now, how does all of this tie into WRO Reeve breaking my heart?
Well, per my headcanon, Midgar is literally his life's work. It's his father's legacy and it is the city he has poured his entire life into, and it's gone. At the end of the original game, it's gone, and he has to look at her dead carcass on the horizon every time he is in Edge.
He was fashioned into the engineer who builds cities and lives and fantasies-- the floating city, remember?-- and he was desperately just trying to survive the President's reign of terror under the hope that Rufus would be better (I can't find a copy of the source quote in Before Crisis, but it's mentioned on his Ultimania profile). And suddenly...
It's all gone.
I am the son And the heir Of a shyness that is criminally vulgar I am the son and heir Of nothing in particular
-- "How Soon Is Now," by the Smiths, but the AG cover.
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So. If you've made it through all of this, I just. I have a lot of feels about Reeve Tuesti in general, and in particular, in what state he's probably in after Meteorfall. I guess this is what happens when you've been writing him for 20-some-odd years. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The long and short of it is this: Reeve is an incredibly underrated character, and he's so often sadly overlooked by fandom, and he just... he's been through so much by the time he's head of the WRO. I can't help but think that he's got to be so worn down by it all. It's hard, saving the world, especially in a position like he's in.
He is, after all, the only man in the world who betrayed Shinra twice and lived.
But he's also the man who built the world's largest, most complicated city, and he's a man who has survived losing everything.
And what did he do the next morning?
He went to work.
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You wanna take a drink of that promise land You gotta wipe the dirt off of your hands Careful son, you got dreamer's plans But it gets hard to stand Soldier keep on marchin' on Head down 'til the work is done Waiting on that morning sun Soldier keep on marchin' on
-- "Soldier," by Tommee Profitt
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Kinda worried that u didn't get my request cuz I got a notif Abt it and it was soon deleted I think, I'll just send it here again lmao Ivor and how he acts around his crush in case you didn't get it hh
[ Hello, hello! I apologize that your previous ask is suddenly disappearing after an error 😭 ]
➳ Minecraft Story Mode (MCSM) // Ivor Season 1 (Adventure Pass) and 2 (Ninja!) // Headcanons // Romantic! ✍🏻
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{A Whole New World With You and Me}
《 Crush! Ivor x Gn! Reader 》
*ੈ✩‧₊˚︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。 ˚₊꒷˚︶ɞ₊˚︶︶꒷꒦˚⊹๑‧₊ ᘏ ︶꒷︶₊·*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ︶
"Long live my Lava House! Long live lava!"
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Weirdly, Ivor acts shy, nervous, becomes the softest bitch, as well more excited than he usually feels when his crush is near him. Although Jesse had given him the tips to stay cool and not be entirely himself, this eccentric man is Impossible to avoid having those manners.
"My friend, Jesse. I have a crush on someone. HOW DO I GET RID OF IT?"
"Do you mean by stop liking this person or make that fellow go away permanently?"
"Yes." 😃
In the event that you are not around him, Ivor speaks of how stunning and magnificent you are to Jesse and over again until he is out of breath to explain.
There are three choices available for Jesse to interrupt Ivor so he stays quiet and would not continue ranting forever and ever:
1.꒱ Teasing him that he has a crush on you =
"Awww, Ivor. Just admit it, you have a crush on [Name]! You really like them."
"Shut up! I don't know what you're talking about. And What do you mean I have a crush on [NAME]?! That's nonsense!"
2.꒱ Encourage him confessed his love to you =
"C'mon, Ivor! I know you can say to [Name] that you love them very much. After all, you've also explained a long paragraph about [Name] for hours."
Ivor sighed, "I don't want [Name] and I feeling uncomfortable with each other."
3.꒱ Make him feel panic when you are around =
Jesse called out your name, "IVOR HAS A CRUSH ON YOU!"
It is obvious to understand that Ivor is a man who will never admit his feelings to anyone and still be caring. Despite a million butterflies flying inside Ivor while wondering if all of the romance matter seeing you makes sense to him, he is getting closer to obtaining despair by free any day now.
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No matter what you need help from Ivor, he sincerely helps you with no complaints. Let me do it for u 🎹 Didn't I do it for u? For instance: Teaching you how to create potions, showing the proper and perfect tutorials to build a lava house and bridge, etc other important lessons. Both of you are literally lab partners in crime. >:3
If anyone mocks or belittles you, Ivor will defend you and use his words to repay those mean bullies sadistically. Their reactions are gasping or crying. This is his natural weapon of pride to use as a poet.
【 "There will come a poet Whose weapon is His word He will slay you with His tongue Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord." 】
When you need to get the stories out of your mind and chest about what happened (gossip, trauma, and normal chit-chat), Ivor does not mind hearing you out and giving sassy or sarcastic yet wise advises.
"Ivor, you're the only one who understands me."
"Yeah, but it doesn't mean I care."
You have the ability to reduce Ivor's grumpiness and keep him calm, preventing him from continuing to yell even louder at everyone he sees.
Ivor does not ever stop his goofy behavior since he knows it makes you laugh and smile to cure your sadness.
If you ever catch Ivor in bridal style to prevent him from falling to the solid ground and you told this crazy man that his weight is light as a feather, he will giggle uncontrollably to himself like a schoolgirl.
From that moment forward, Ivor finds plenty of excuses in a dramatic way that he tells you to hold him in your arms again:
↳ "Oh, I don't race so much anymore. Bad, heh, bad knees. Sweet [Name], could you save me and take me to that faraway place, pretty please!"
↳ "Oh great, a run for my life. Just what I was hoping for! Not that I completely need [Name] to carry me from this life-and-death situation."
Ivor feels very embarrassed when you see him not wearing his 'adventuring' clothes.
"Don't look at me with those eyes!" Thereafter, his friends (Bombastic & Criminal offensive) side-eyed him and let him know with a visible sign that his words bothered you. "What I meant to say was," Ivor clears his throat as he twirls his hair, "are you staring at me because my outfit breathes wonderfully?"
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。 ˚₊꒷˚︶ɞ₊˚︶︶꒷꒦˚⊹๑‧₊ ᘏ ︶꒷︶₊·*ੈ✩‧₊˚
"I’m a ninja now. You’d be surprised just how deadly I can be."
【[《{(꒰< Warning topic: Yandere behavior! >꒱)}》]】
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Ivor has a hobby of sending you daily poems, words of admiration, your favorite flower(s), love letters, and stories about how he's been doing lately at your doorstep or mailbox without writing his name. However, the lapis lazuli inside the mail is a hint, giving away his secret identity easily and without a doubt.
Master Shadow has taught Ivor to focus and clear his mind on doing endless housework for the rest of his time as a ninja in training and not get distracted by thinking about you every day and night.
Ivor thought his 'crush' phase had finally faded elsewhere. Except for the moment you hug him tightly and say, out of the blue: "I miss seeing you each day so dearly, beloved dork." Yep, you shoot the Ninja with the bang-bang to the heart once again, causing his head to explode into red color.
In the past, Ivor used to gaze for a long time at you when you were not looking and refused to admit he was smiling at you, which he turned away and blushed. At present, Ivor is caught 4k staring at you with a helpless smile that puts him in a trance. He does not deny it this time. <3
These days, Ivor habitually keeps his distance from you and plays hard to get, the suggestion by Petra that he should give it a try to keep in ninja (mysterious and quiet) character for gaining more attention from you. Afterward, the masked hero does not continue to act like that anymore when he realizes you are confused and guilty.
"I hope you can forgive me if I did and say something that hurt your feelings."
"It's nothing you should worry about, really! This is supposed to be my responsibility to offer an apology to you. I was not at my best self."
The deadly intrusive thoughts in Ivor's head submit to reality, and jealousy strikes the best of him when he spots someone else having a crush, flirting, or even hurting you; he is calling dibs and keeping the inventory first to himself when the corpse is *POOF*!
If you want Ivor to train with you and make him fight like a man, he is reconsidering sparring so as to not hurt you in the process.
Sometimes, Ivor is creepy in the fact he spies/stalks on you to keep you safe and sound. The Ninja often uses the long-lasting potion of invisibility while casually walking or running beside you. At the time you notice him and ask: "Why, when, what, and how are you here?", he informs you: "Like I don't have anything better to do than spying on you. Wait, I actually don't. 😳 SMOKE BOMB!" Then, he fails miserably to disappear from out of your sight, "You didn't hear anything from me. Got it? I'm not here anymore."
One fateful day, Ivor is no longer a ninja, and before it is too late, Ivor will finally have the courage to communicate with you and he reveal his secret: that he thinks of you as more than just a friend in terms romantic feelings, also inviting you to go on random adventures with him and help him in his efforts to mend the divide among his old friends.
.ೃ࿐˚ ༘♡ ·˚₊˚ˑ༄ Bonus Scenarios ₊ˑ༄ ˚ ༘♡ ·˚.ೃ࿐:
For real that Lukas would write fanfiction about Ivor as a TSUNDERE and YANDERE man, and you are his beloved senpai. This blond boy's work of the story is classified and never will be read aloud to the public.
Lukas wins the bet that Ivor in the end confessing his love to you and you accept his feelings; Petra owes the Ocelot boy four iron.
Petra does not know what is the reason you also love someone like Ivor, of all the single individuals than can be chosen in the world? You definitely have a weird taste in people.
"Because he makes me laugh." You replied.
The warrior rolled her eyes and groaned, "No kidding, and sure, that's what all of them who like Ivor would say." 😒
"Okay, you got me there. 😔🎹 But, that is not a crime."
*ੈ✩‧˚ ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。 ˚₊꒷˚︶ɞ₊˚︶︶��꒦˚⊹๑‧₊ ᘏ ︶꒷︶₊·*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ︶
despair - leo.
"I've lost my cool, I'm not sure how to act
Not even sure how I can keep my pride intact
Well, I don't know if this is it, but can't you see?
No, I'm not falling for you, so please have mercy on me."
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 9 months
"Everytime I move, eventually you find me and start hanging around. Just a lame excuse to see me mad, it's getting me down."
Let's talk about this line from "Nuts" and how it plays into "I Remember You".
Imagine being an eleven year old girl, abandoned in the snow. Imagine that Simon left you even though you believe - with full faith that you never once spared your blood father - you believe that Simon could have stayed. That Simon's departure was unnecessary. That he left you because he quit. He gave up.
And when you next see him again, he has completely forgotten you. And because of your faith in him, you believe that he surrendered to the Crown. And that his departure was less a forced decision and one he made with full intent and clear consent. Because Simon is so strong. He's fought the Crown for so long. Why couldn't he stay? Why didn't he stay?
You don't understand.
He forgot about you. And maybe that was all you were worth to him. Maybe you're just an afterthought after all.
Fast forward through the years. You move from house to house. When you lived out in the woods with Ash, when you lived in the treehouse, even going way back and far out there in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, somehow this crazy, doddering, dribbling old fool would find you. Again. And again.
Maybe it's a sign that he remembers you?
But he never does. He just wrecks your shit. He once burst all the pipes in your house, flooding all your rooms, and wrecking all your shit, because he hid in your bathroom and cried into your toilet until all your plumbing froze. He lashed out at Ash (which yeah, okay that can pass, but it was not fun at the time having to deal with your pissed off bf). He crashed a few dates with Bonnie when you were first feeling each other out, and you would have wrung his neck if he ruined that for you. This stupid madman who kept hanging around, calling for your attention every five minutes until you didn't have enough silence to think.
He only pisses you off. If you ever needed proof that your Simon is gone, that he left, that he quit, Ice King was that living proof. He's nothing but a memory and Ice King is only a nuisance. He doesn't care that he's making you angry, that you ask him to back off, to go away. It's like he wants to see you mad. And maybe that's it. Maybe this is how Ice King entertains himself. He pisses off everyone and gets a hoot when he gets a reaction.
That's all you are to him nowadays. A cheap source of endless entertainment because you can't not be mad at him, you can't ignore him.
But then, you find Simon's letters, you find Simon's pleas. And that recontextualizes everything.
You thought that Simon didn't value you enough to stay. Because if she was really important, then he would've stayed. He would've remembered.
But the letters show that Simon did not leave easily. That he begs for your forgiveness because you're still someone important to him. People don't beg for absolution from those they hate. They beg from those they love, from those whose love they reach for with both hands.
Simon never stopped loving Marceline, and he never stopped looking for her. He couldn't bear to part with her. He wanted to apologize because Marceline's love is something immeasurable, something to treasure, something to seek in spite of the enforced insanity.
And it's a direct counter to her beliefs.
Because she's monster trash with a skewed moral compass. A literal parasite. Nothing more than a problem to other people. How could Marceline believe that there's something in her that could help people?
So Marceline sings, "I want to help you but I don't know if I can."
"Please forgive me for whatever I do, when I don't remember you," Simon sings back.
You are enough, Simon tells her, from five fathoms deep within his curse, from a thousand years after their parting.
He says, "your love has always been enough. You are not hollow and empty even through all the hurt and horror of your life. I will beg on bended knee because I know this, and I know you."
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mikelogan · 2 months
hello. i really enjoy your content, but i have to say i'm kinda disappointed on you still being a ts fan. this woman knows what disney does and yet she still gave them the rights, meaning she either doesn't care or actively supports the genocide. or maybe she decided to turn her morals off because money is more important. not to mention how she consistently associates herself with questionable people and how a person literally died in one of her shows on brazil and she gave zero fucks. this woman is not a good person and there are no excuses to being her fan anymore.
no, i fully understand what you're saying and where you're coming from. over the last like. idk year and a half? ive been pretty vocal about my disappointment, distaste, and disagreement with a multitude of the choices she's made lately. i 100% agree that her silence on the subject of palestinian genocide (as well as many other human rights/social causes) is at best a sign of apathy and at worst a sign of support. especially when miss americana was all about her wanting to be more outspoken and be an activist. that all feels so incredibly performative now -- and has for a while. a lot of things that she's said and done since midnights, which is when i became more active in the tumblr swiftie community, have left a bad taste in my mouth for her as a person.
like i said, i genuinely agree with what you're saying. the only thing i take issue with is that she didn't care that a fan died at her show. she donated money to the fan's family and took time to meet them. regardless of my many issues with her, i do think she can be an empathetic person and i don't think that she just straight up didn't care that someone died before her show. it's one of those things (of which there are many) where we'll never know her true thoughts bc she doesn't talk about things. which is frustrating in itself.
now that's not the point of your message, so feel free to write that off as a digression. i strongly disagree with her making yet another version of the eras tour movie and hosting it on disney+. I'm personally boycotting disney+ and have been for a while. I don't even intend on watching the new version and like the vast majority of everything I gif, that shit is pirated -- that's how I watched the original release of the movie. obviously my consumption/boycotting is just one person compared to blondie, who has influence over millions, who could make real change if she spoke out against genocide.
at this point, im not supporting her financially either apart from listening to her music. which i love. im sorry, but I do. if I didn't, we wouldn't be having this conversation. i think her constant churning out different exclusive versions of the same albums are a transparent money grab and maybe an effort to set more records as far as sales or streams or however that all works. and I'm not just saying that bc I literally couldn't even afford to buy a digital copy of an album right now.
so yeah. I appreciate that you enjoy my content and thank you for saying so, but if you need to unfollow or block, i understand. I've definitely toned down/completely stopped sharing posts about her as a person bc I'd much rather focus on just the music. and maybe that makes me a bad person for continuing to listen to and enjoy her music. im not saying i necessarily feel good about it, but i think the fact of the matter is that a lot of the celebrities, actors, musicians, etc. we like or whose content we enjoy hold views we disagree with and have different values or priorities. nuance exists. right now, im someone who is vocal about the palestinian genocide and I try to share resources/posts about it when they come across my dash and im also someone who is a fan of Taylor's music.
Idk, I hope what I'm saying makes sense at least on some level. I've done my best to word things coherently, but brain fog fucks w me a lot. and like. it's probably whatever, but I do plan on changing my url after ttpd releases. That probably upsets you more and I can see how people might think im a hypocrite or something and yeah, I get it. Idk, I just want to enjoy someone's music without endorsing them as a person, but that's extra difficult when the person in question is the biggest singer in the industry. but you'll never see me making excuses for her on things like this or the m*tty situation or numerous other things she's said and done that gross me out. im not so far up her ass that I think she's perfect or that I feel the need to defend her at every turn. like I said, nuance. anyway, if you feel the need to respond, i welcome you to do so as long as we both remain respectful, which I think we've done. this is a difficult topic, but that doesn't mean we can't discuss it. I appreciate your point of view and I'm sorry that I've disappointed you!
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torturedpoetemotions · 6 months
People who say Stede doesn't care about the crew in season 2 or is uniquely careless with them in season 2 compared to season 1 baffle me.
Stede in season 1 can be thoughtless and a little selfish, and often is! But that's tempered by genuine care and a desire to be kind to others as well. Small but pertinent example from season 1? The petrified orange.
Stede outright SAYS he didn't want to give it up, but he still offered it to Jim without hesitation, because he felt it was right as it came from their childhood home. I don't think him admitting he didn't want to give it up after they gave it back undermines that, either. If anything, he did something he REALLY DIDN'T WANT TO DO in an attempt to be fair and kind to a member of his crew.
There are a ton of examples like this throughout season 1, where Stede is oblivious to others' needs or feelings until he isn't, until he makes the conscious effort to stop and think and choose to exercise care.
And season 2 shows that this is still very true of Stede. If anything, he puts his needs aside MORE often and faster, with even less hesitation than he did in season 1. Especially when it really matters.
If he didn't care, would Stede have gone straight to Zheng Yi Sao to ask for mercy for the crew's mutiny against Ed? Would he have postponed allowing himself to grieve for Ed in order to RESCUE the very people he thought had killed him?
Like...we moved past that little fact SO fast because of the merman of it all, but genuinely. Let that sink in a bit. STEDE THOUGHT ED'S CREW HAD VIOLENTLY MURDERED HIM. And he still cared enough to see that they were acting out of desperation, and offered no recriminations or condemnation even when Izzy literally asked him for it. He put his grief on hold and came up with a plan to help them all escape execution.
He was also initially willing to go along with exiling Ed from the ship to make the crew feel safe! Even though he clearly didn't want to, at all. All season, all he wanted was Ed back, and yet he put the crew's needs first again. He only asked them to reconsider once he realized Ed would be sleeping alone in the woods, and worked with Ed to make sure all their stipulations were met when they agreed.
He is literally the ONLY person to express direct and obvious concern about Izzy's drinking all season, even when he and Izzy still weren't on the best of terms. He went to Izzy for help becoming a better pirate captain, and I genuinely think that was as much for the crew as it was for Stede himself. After his talk with Ed about how he could repair some of the damage he'd done, Stede immediately sought out someone he thought could help him overcome his own inadequacies and avoid doing more damage there.
He also got rid of the suit despite not believing it was cursed, just to make the crew feel better. He encouraged Ed to find ways to be helpful and rebuild trust with the crew. Convinced him to go along with Calypso's Birthday to help the crew de-stress and have some fun. When he killed Ned Low his first stated reason for that, what was it? "You tortured my crew."
(And his last was "you fucked Calypso's birthday," which we know he knows was just an excuse for the crew to have some fun.)
How does anyone watch all that and think Stede doesn't CARE enough?!
Thinking of others before himself may not be his first instinct all the time, but whose is? And in his case, how the hell would it be? When you've spent your entire life--prior to the last few months at most--never being thought of and being mocked or rejected for your every attempt at reaching out to other people, is it any surprise you'd withdraw into yourself and stop bothering?
So it isn't a skill Stede has built, and it isn't something that comes naturally to him, but it's still one he makes an effort to use. It may not be his first instinct, but it's still what he DOES when he stops and thinks about his actions. That's so important! He cares! On purpose!
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linabirb · 1 month
Lina I need to know more about your mahou shoujo story 👀👀
hi hi aurora!! warning 15 y/o lina's writing ahead
honestly i don't.. remember that story that well? it definitely was very important to me, but i cared about character designs and the mahou shoujo theme more than the actual plot jndksls
so from what i remember, that story didn't just have mahou shoujo elements and mental health theme. so like, you know how magical girls often have some kind of aesthetic they stick to? like animals, space, etc.. SO MY OCS HAD A CHEERLEADER THEME. THIS WAS MOSTLY AN EXCUSE FOR ME TO DRAW THEM IN CUTE CHEERLEADER UNIFORMS. but also it was important to the plot, because the whole story was supposed to be about some kind of game that the male characters were going to play and the girls were supposed to be here to support them or something like that.. i literally don't remember anything about the guys. i found them very boring and while i was able to draw references for all the giirls, with them i was like ". their outfits are so boring i don't wanna draw them" (younger me put her everything into female character designs and when it came to guys she was like "eh. you look fine i guess")
the only guy i remember (not counting the. the main guy) was basically just asahi but a redhead. i do not know why i already was so obsessed with all my original stories having a male character whose whole thing was that he's rich, spoiled and angry all the time, maybe that says smth about me.
the protag was a girl and here's the thing: her team was supposed to have five members, including herself. i remember every single member's mental illness/disorder BUT I DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING ABOUT HER. i remember that other members had anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and i think adhd? but i don't remember anything about the protag.. all i remember is that she was very silly and goofy and had some memory issues (ironic.)
about the main guy. he was like, kinda supposed to be her love interest (but i also made sure to give her more chemistry with all the other girls instead of him.) BUT. THERE WASN'T JUST ONE MAIN GUY. THERE WERE TWO OF THEM. and the only difference between them was their hair color and that one of them wore glasses. yeah. but also the other main guy was from an enemy team and he was kinda weird and basically was protag's stalker.
the main twist was that the whole thing took place in a virtual reality THAT WAS ACTUALLY VERY IMPORTANT BC IT WASN'T INTRODUCED ONLY IN THIS STORY, IT CONNECTED LIKE AT LEAST FIVE OF MY OC STORIES. AND THERE WAS THIS WHOLE LORE, I EVEN REMEMBER DRAWING A TIMELINE OF EVERYTHING. but anyway her love interest was actually already an adult in real life and he created this virtual reality because the main girl's irl counterpart had committed suicide right in front of him many years ago and he wanted to create a world where she could feel like the main character and could feel loved and appreciated by everyone. i do not remember why his other version (the stalker one) was there too. probably bc the dude had a really bad self-esteem and wanted to make himself the villain?? but he also made himself her love interest. sounds kinda problematic now that i think about it but also i was 15 trust me some of my writing was. a lot worse
but anyway in the end the irl counterpart of the main guy dies while trying to protect his invention from that criminal organization leader from that earlier post of mine (he doesn't succeed btw and that world will be used for some very bad things later). the girl doesn't know about it and continues living there not knowing her world is going to change and not in a good way. the end
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degreeofdisorder · 2 months
young royals s3e4 episode reaction
okay, this is already stressful
you know what? linda makes sense. i do think they should move. they have the settlement money, i understand community is important but they're all sooooo far beyond thinking of just community. for safety reasons they really should move.
"the police can't do anything?" bro can't you? you're the goddamn crown prince???? do something??????
"had they done this to me they would've seen it as a threat to the nation" YEAH WELL I MEAN
"and you're my boyfriend, so" ok
listen I understand this is serious
but every time they call each other boyfriend my brain goes into hibernation mode and I can't focus on anything else
"I'll talk to the royal court" THANKS WILLE
though tbf I feel like the royal court might agree that they should probably move lol
like if i had that kinda money and I knew my kids were in danger I'd be leaving the goddamn country
of course vincent is drawing a dick in the sand. that man is just *so* predictable lmao
oh man in all this I forgot about the bitter divorce plot between felice and sara
ISN'T THERE A CONFLICT OF INTEREST oh boy vincent if you Knew
"you're so fucking pathetic" "😘" okay that was the funniest exchange in the planet
like. fuck vincent. all my homies hate vincent. but my man is so goddamn hilarious even when he's being a pathetic dick
I can excuse demonstrations but I draw the line at them being done by poor people
oh. oh SHIT
"can you?" oh FUCK
oh this is insane I can't believe they're having this conversation
oh baby that is Not a real job jdkgjfkgjdkgjdkf
dya think edvin was like saying those lines thru his teeth like "yes the monarchy is good and has a place in modern society actually"
ugh I want wilmon to be endgame so fucking bad but the more this season goes on the more I'm realizing they're simply too incompatible and idk how they're gonna solve this unless one of them compromises way too fuckin much
#abdication pls tho
what kind of life is that? 😭
"it's a privilege not a punishment" ok mr kristina
tbf to simon i feel like if i was already anti monarchy and started dating the crown prince whose life problems begin and end with the monarchy I would be even MORE for abolition.
like before it was more of a general sense. now it's fuckin personal. free wille
shouldn't they exclude the literal future king of sweden from this exercise about future?? like we all already know what he's gonna end up doing lol.
god this is gonna be so bad
who's this flustered ass boy and what did he do with cunt august???
that felt too easy?
oh. okay I'm sorry is ludwig not his own person? can't he attend his own son's damn birthday???
every time farima is on screen it takes another year off my life
until jan-olof pointed it out I didn't notice how genuinely unsafe the eriksson house is but damn
simon said "okay" way too easily. I don't like that.
I mean like, honestly, farima is right and he needs to lay low, but also I know simon isn't gonna do that shit and it worries me
they keep having these absurdly serious conversations and it keeps Not blowing up and I'm afraid when it blows up it's gonna be super ugly
I like simon's idea of mental health in young people tho! I get what he means re: lgbtq+ issues but I also think wille is right in that he can't represent all ~the queers just bc he's in love with a boy yk
I get them both and they both have their merits. I also think wille is making a huge change just by being out and I'd be really fuckin annoyed if I was a public figure and had to do shit for the queers just bc i was also queer like no. idk. i get them both. I'm more on wille's side on this one.
but also fuck that thing about supporting lgbtq+ issues being a political statement. I hate that he's right. it shouldn't be political.
vincent is such a lil bitch
if i were simon i would literally just. take the bus back home. that's it fuck them rich kids I can't deal with the bullshit.
god that was delightful. it was a delight. i need simon to keep this specific energy all the time because oh my god this episode is incredible.
oh and he's also wrecking sara? can we bring the other guy back so he can, in colombian, cantarle las verdades en la cara? like simon has enough fists for everyone. bring the queen in. bring fuckin erik so he can tell him off for dying
the strike looks very cozy. i wish real strikes looked like that. rich people are so funny.
so lady from the incredibles' response is to starve a bunch of rich kids including the crown prince? is she aware of the consequences of that?
oh he gave up
I love rich kids. they're so funny. so stupid.
"don't you find it nice to be hungry sometimes?" FIND A GODDAMN THERAPIST AUGUST. JESUS CHRIST.
"that sounds like an eating disorder" FINALLY. MY FUCKING GOD.
they do kinda sound like a fun group of friends. that was a bit of a genuine moment. I liked that.
aaaand back at being snakes. gr8.
awww my babies who are total opposites
wilhelm could really learn more from simon actually
like a pair of lil street urchins, those two. I love them
"did you sleep well?" "no. did you?" "no" my BABY BOYS
hm. so a group of people striking actually got what they wanted? Wonder if there's any lesson to learn.
IN A BATHROOM? are they gonna KISS???
"I'm so thankful you were my first real friend" oh. my god.
i have managed to make it fully unscathed so far but that simple sentence sent me into a sobbing spiral oh my god
oh go d
"since when do you care what the royals think?" "since I learned what it means to be with one of them" oh. ooooohohohohohoho
he's gonna write him a song isn't it
rosh and ayub are the realest. honestly. such real ones. day ones. I love them
is this gonna be couples therapy ooooooo let's GO
I mean, idk, that reveal doesn't really hit hard bc obviously if it happened to august and nils then it had to be erik's class, right?
it's the bashing that's horrifying. erik would have participated in beating someone up for the slightest inkling of being gay that is horrifying
oh my god yeah nvm that hit super hard. wille. oh no. oh god.
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lunapwrites · 3 months
So my partner and I finally watched Oppenheimer and I have... comments.
First: I did enjoy the movie, in the sense that I found it entertaining and beautiful to look at. However, it's the first 3+ hour movie I've ever sat through where I actually FELT it.
Oppenheimer, in my view, suffered dearly from several glaring flaws:
- pacing issues
- narrative confusion
- sound mixing issues
- the presence of Florence Pugh's breasts entire character (sorry Flo)
Again, I liked the film overall. I thought it was beautifully shot, the acting was superb, Görranson was throwing his whole pussy into the score - no complaints there. But despite that, I'm still kinda shocked at the acclaim this movie is getting: the writing is fucking awful. (Not like Twilight bad but the kind of bad where I'm sitting here like "this is pretty but also why am I watching it?") And that's the bottom line: I'm legitimately confused as to what the story is here. ("It's a biopic about Oppenheimer." This was not a biopic. This was Christopher Nolan jerking off for three hours over how he could do A Beautiful Mind better - and failing miserably.)
If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say that the scattered nature of the narrative was supposed to mirror Opp's relative cluelessness about what was going on around him, his sense of self importance, his insistence on hiding his own feelings and motivations - the truth about himself. When he opines about "is anyone going to tell the truth about what's happening here?" the viewer is meant to include him. And there were moments in the film where I thought this tone was nailed, and it did a fantastic job with illustrating the conflict between what he was saying and what he was thinking or feeling - the speech after the bombs were dropped immediately comes to mind here. But there were other moments where Nolan obfuscates so much that the point of the scenes - and the emotional impact - is completely lost. In others, he relies on telling rather than showing, which there is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE FOR IN A FILM SETTING, CHRISTOPHER, YOU ARE LITERALLY USING THE SHOWING MEDIUM.
For example, we're told by Matt Damon's character whose name escapes me that Oppenheimer has a reputation as a womanizer - but up until that point, you really only see him involved with two women, and only one of those (Kitty) was sus - the other was him just kinda pathetically chasing a woman who just kinda seemed to use him for D appointments but had no real interest in him, which didn't give that claim a lot of credibility imo. Now, later in the film, when he talks about his affair with... Lawrence's wife? IDK there's so many names lmao. Anyway, he's called on the carpet about it by one of his friends and easily admits he was having the affair but her husband never found out, ergo, no problem. That, in my view, did WAY more legwork in showing he was an arrogant piece of shit than the entire storyline with Florence Pugh's character, which I felt either needed to be fleshed out more so her only purpose in the film wasn't just to be naked (as I think the implication was that she was important to Opp and her death hit him hard) or else removed entirely. (I also think the scene in the hearing where she was making AGGRESSIVE EYE CONTACT with Kitty while riding her husband, while a powerful visual, was an unnecessary POV switch from Opp to Kitty - head hopping, in other words. In the bad sense. Would have worked better if the story was entirely from Kitty's POV, if other such switches between them were present in the film, or if it was reworked to show it from Opp's POV. But I digress.)
Another example, which I have less to say about overall, is when Opp tells the commissioners (and the viewers) that he was homesick. The scene cuts to him crying or having an anxiety attack or something in bed while visualizing lots of shiny things on the ceiling. There was a lot of opportunity for some impactful character building that was utterly squandered with that single line, particularly because the scene moved on without addressing it again. I feel like there were clearer ways to show homesickness, and more interesting ways to play the scene off of Opp telling us he was homesick - particularly if the goal is to show him as someone who understates or misrepresents his own thoughts, feelings, and opinions.
The movie focuses on three separate key elements: Opp's personal life, his work on the Manhattan Project, and the one-sided duel with Strauss. However, it doesn't do a great job of threading these elements together, or of telling them individually. All three plot lines are half-finished/told and jumbled together in no particular order, and Nolan might think that's a bit of narrative genius, but I've got ADHD and even I don't jump around in a story that badly.
Time jumps and flashbacks are a fantastic tool to use, if used wisely, but Nolan's got a flashback jumping right into a time jump into another flashback into a POV swap and so on and so forth, and between that and the 3 million names that get dropped in the film, it's very easy to get lost. And there's so many characters, there's no time to really get any kind of emotional investment in any of them. The flashbacks and time jump have no impact: there's nothing grounding them, so there's nothing for them to "hit."
Anyway I have a lot more thoughts on this, but I'm legitimately falling asleep every 3 words despite being this heated about it, so I'm just going to leave it at that for now lol.
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violetlunette · 1 year
Your review for chapter 4
The exam is fine in isolation. You can tell by looking at it that the purpose of this exam was so that Izuku could punch a giant robot, break three of his limbs, and save and be saved by Uraraka. Bakugo also got a high score in a test that catered perfectly to his quirk. It succeeded in its goals and was a very memorable moment. The first time Izuku ever went SMASH. MHA really hit at the perfect time when superheroes were big and it provided constant action. Maybe a bit too much in retrospect, since we never got much Academia in the My Hero.
The problem comes with Shinso in the sports festival.
An invisible girl managed to pass it. That same invisible girl got a higher score on Aizawa's physical test than Izuku, despite her quirk doing nothing for her. What's Shinso's excuse? The logic here is that Toru was either punching robots or rescuing people, and Shinso failed to do both. I think we're supposed to care about and feel sorry for this kid though? The only message you can take away from this is that he's lazy and wanted to coast through with his quirk. But we're meant to want him to get into the hero course and feel hype when he's training with them. He wasn't mad because the test was unfair, he was mad because his quirk didn't work on robots. There's persistent fanon that the robots had secret off switches, which despite all the years of the MHA fandom being a thing, nobody's been able to dig up where that was stated. I don't believe statements without evidence, and nobody's ever been able to provide proof of this. But even if we assume this is real...
It makes Shinso even more of an idiot. Apparently UA provided a back door to help kids who couldn't punch robots get in, and he was too daft to see it. So the story wants us to see that the exam was unfair, but someone who gets literally zero advantages from their power in the test passed it. He spends a lot of time griping about other people having perfect quirks and living a charmed life. Toru destroys his argument entirely. I bet she wishes she had Brainwash. There's also Koji. It wasn't until the Joint Training Arc that we learned that Koji has enhanced strength from being a rock person. I don't recall a moment before that which we could know this. Tokoyami for example has a bird head. But he doesn't display any crow traits, such as mimicking sounds or having superb eyesight. His are just cosmetic. Koji's personality isn't the type to have animals get hurt fighting robots, and it's unlikely that there were conveniently placed bears for him to use nearby. So he must have punched robots too, I guess. We know NOW he's enhanced, but at the time of the sports festival he'd be another person whose quirk wouldn't have helped him much, because he doesn't see animals as disposable tools. None of this matters or would be thought about by anyone if not for Shinso bringing attention to it. By the way, since I'm talking to you right now, when are you doing another poll? I like those.
Oh shoot, I forgot to mention the punch! Yeah, Hori really does do well on the action scene when he pulls them up. (Though there’s a little much lately, but I guess that’s the audience.) I’m with you though. If it ain’t in the manga or official work, it doesn’t count, especially if it’s an important plot point, like in this case. Some may argue that Shinso didn’t get in because he has a “villainous” quirk but we’ve never seen anyone bothered by that, especially the heroes. What they do say is that he failed the hero course because his quirk isn’t a combat quirk. But that always raised the question; how the hell did Toru get in then? She’s not strong physically and, at this point, has no way of disarming anyone. We’ve seen she’s not an academic genius, so it wasn't her brains that got her in. Fans can speculate all they like about buttons or whatever but without proof, it’s just a plot hole. (Plus, buttons were never mentioned so how would Toru know about them? It’s more likely she got in the way Elle Woods did without the GPA backing.) But I’ll talk more about it when I get to the sports festival and not sporting a fever. I think I’ve touched on this in previous posts if you want to look it up. Just search the Shinso critical tag, and you’ll find it. As for the polls, I’ve been playing with posting one, so I’ll just do it. Just keep following!
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quickdeaths · 1 year
@more-than-a-princess continued from here
Shinobu bristled. She was used to being misunderstood. Anzu would argue that it was due to the way she spoke, that she didn't make being understood a priority. There was truth to that, they supposed, given how little they didn't offer correct anyone who had taken their words the wrong way. And yet... There was something about this particular interaction that pushed them to ensure their words weren't misconstrued.
"You've misunderstood me, Miss," Shinobu murmured, hands crossed over their chest as they found further space for themselves under the covering. "When I spoke of tourists, it wasn't literal." She was obviously not Japanese, so perhaps Shinobu's words had offended, but even that seldom mattered to her. A veiled accusation of impoliteness, though, was one thing Shinobu couldn't stand. She was an unkind person, truly, but rudeness was a step too far.
"Rather, this event is for the benefit of music, visual arts, and other traditional pursuits. In the modern era, those who strive for excellence in such fields operate at society's fringes." Shinobu herself understood that feeling, though her icy heart repelled any attempt at shaming or belittling her. Even for a master of an art like herself, societal pressure would so often rather see her as a businesswoman.
Perhaps Anzu was a better example, a peerless, generational talent, a genuine genius in an art that many people forgot existed in the age of television dramas and imported American films. How many times had she heard that she should switch careers, to give up her craft in favor of modeling hand soap or being the twenty-fifth chair in a morning variety show? Small-minded idiocy.
Again, they bristled, questioning for what purpose they were even bothering to explain themselves. "The eccentricities and the dedication of such figures is derided by the society at large. For those socialites whose livelihoods depend upon stamping out that dedication to then surround themselves with art and play at a night of creativity, only to wash their hands of it in the morning as though the ambition of the most dedicated among us were dirt upon their palms, strikes me as shameless behavior."
Most of the time, Shinobu considered herself restrained, and though she hadn't shown anything, she could feel the smallest of embers burning inside of her, directed not towards Sonia but rather many of the fundraiser's organizers. A lifelong businessman, a scandal-ridden politician, the heir to a telecommunications empire, all using a fundraiser as a stepping stone to boost their own reputations.. "I have no issue with those whose appreciation is genuine. It's those who fake their appreciation in the name of status, that I find distasteful, regardless of national origin."
She did not enjoy being worked up, and Shinobu forced herself to cool off, extinguishing those small embers without mercy or reservation. The offered card and pencil provided the excuse to cease speaking long enough to return to their typical, frigid state. Rather than write her name, though, Shinobu simply began to sketch in the designated area. Never would she call herself a visual artist, but something simple wasn't beyond her capabilities, and as she handed the pencil back to Sonia, her drawing was revealed: the head of a deer, one half furred and alive, the other half simply a stripped skull. The in-between.
There wasn't time to say much else before Sonia was whisked away. Shinobu was left alone, until her phone began to buzz inside her jacket pocket. Anzu. "Shinobu-chaaan~ How's the fundraiser? Are you having fun? Making friends?" Shinobu scowled. "You're obnoxious, Miss Tachibana." Over the phone, Anzu gave a weak, whimpering sound. "Miss Tachibana, huh? You ARE mad." Whatever faux-gloom had settled into Anzu's voice dissipated quickly as she let out a soft giggle. "Sorry, sorry. I've just had so many shows recently, and fundraisers can be so stuffy! Much easier just to spend time being adored at the host club."
Shinobu's expression didn't improve at all. "You said you weren't feeling well." "Oh, did I say host club? I meant hospital ehehe..." Anzu gave a weak, fake cough. "But enough about me, don't dodge my questions!" Shinobu let their eyes flick upwards, looking back into the ballroom. "Neither fun nor friends, no." "Really? I'd thought you'd be popular. You haven't talked to anyone?"
"I should return home." "She's totally dodging the question! You did talk to someone! A girl? Did your Rules come up? Oh, tell me ab-" Shinobu sighed, rubbing at one temple with her free hand. "You're obnoxious, Miss Tachibana. I will text you later. Goodbye." End call, power off. What an annoying companion, she thought, even as she dried herself once more with Sonia's handkerchief and returned to the ballroom. It would be rude to leave after having signed Sonia's card, they supposed.
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roo-bastmoon · 2 years
You are so humble.. thankyou for answering my ask And i didn't mean like jk was gonna cheat on jimin with tae. I Also believe tae is straight and in men....i think jimin is the most important to him . But i don't know...i don't get the same vibe from jk now. In their debut days he said he's selfish...and thn between 2016 to 2018...i saw a different jk with jimin whose no more selfish and prioritize jimin but now i feel jk is back the way he is in his debut days. You know there comes a phase sometimes in a long term relationships when one started to feel like evry thing becomes so normal now? Like nothing feels new...and u just don't feel in love anymore but just feels stable in a relationship?? I feel jk in that phase...i don't see any strong feelings from his side...and that's bcz may b he's always the one who was loudest the most between them? Jimin was always so responsible and he hides pretty well but now it's opposite...or may be i am wrong or its just that jk also taking responsibility for the group and for his career more??? That's why he's behaving distant now?? I don't know...or may be there is nothing ever going on between them and we all are wrong to assume things...and jk made fool of us by his GCFs😂😂😂😂. But the thing i do believe is that...jk can fall out of love easily now anytime soon if he didn't already but jimin still looks in love with jk and as responsible as ever in every thing.
I hear all you're saying and you're not crazy to worry about these things. A lot of times my fellow Jikookers really attack fans for having doubts or worries, and I'm sure dealing with insecurity gets annoying, but to lambaste people for noticing a change in dynamics is just irrational. I have zero interest in belonging to a cult that insists on group-think.
It's puzzling to me that for years JK pushed Jimin away (literally into walls), then orbited him like a satellite and looked for any excuse to touch him (watching him stroke Jimin's hands while unboxing CDs--I felt like I needed to leave the room to give them some privacy!), and now is rarely initiating anything or sharing any info about their times together (when he used to be a Jimin encyclopedia). These are changes worth noting. They are happening before our eyes. We are not imagining the vibes, here.
It's not up to us to predict what it all means, because we aren't them. But just observing the changes is not anti behavior. Now, if we were all to go around accusing JK of abusing Jimin, that would be pretty toxic. But to ponder if Jimin is being given as much care, attention, and respect as he gives these days? I wonder that myself a lot.
I should probably note that I'm a 43-year-old white American woman who works at a nonprofit and rescues stray cats. I'm big on expressing all 5 love languages and I'm a lot more like Jimin and Hobi in personality than I am like JK. I'm not sure I have any insight into the mind of a 24-year-old South Korean gorgeous pop star who has known his (supposed) partner for a decade now. Maybe he's going through the normal growing pains of loving someone from a very young age and trying to navigate a closeted relationship in the public eye in the middle of some extremely tumultuous times.
There are instances where JK looks to be damned near obsessed with Jimin, and other instances where JK looks like he's never met Jimin a day in his life. Yet he's consistently touchy-feely with every other member. I have real trouble gauging his true feelings; I only know that Jimin is the exception to his every rule.
But Jimin and the other members don't seem confused, so, I just withhold judgement on the Jikook issue until I get super solid evidence one way or the other. I think we are going to get far less instances of Jikookery in official content during solo era, and if that's the case, I'd just suggest (if you're looking for suggestions) we remember that we are only seeing a very small sliver of their reality. As long as they don't seem tense / angry / silent / derisive of each other, let's just assume they are okay, whether they are romantically together or not. Let's follow Jimin's request, and take them at their word.
After all, since that Vlive you mentioned, we have had plenty of shining moments during concerts, White Day together, two firm declarations on Vlive of Jimin belonging to JK and JK insisting he will keep holding him and that they hug, eating out late at night and singing at their lone table together, boxing together, playing games at an arcade together, and JK mercilessly teasing Jimin about being upset at not hearing his solo songs yet (as if he should obviously have had proprietary access). I won't even get into the conspiracy theory stuff where Jimin's mixing bowls might have been in the Vlive at JK's kitchen or the rumors that they went out to celebrate Left & Right together--all of that is unsubstantiated, and we don't need to rely on hearsay when there are hundreds of instances of truly solid evidence of a genuine bond.
So whether they are romantic partners or friends, they clearly are okay with being together. <3
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lacefuneral · 6 months
things that DIDN'T happen in season 2, whose absence bothers me
it can be implied by the lack of costuming budget colorful outfits until calypso's birthday (which we know that the titular look was made from scratch by wee john anyway) - that ed did in fact destroy the contents within. and this especially highlighted during the lupete wedding - there is no formal ware of any kind. also the fact that the red suit was so important to stede, which tells me that he did check his closet and see that there was no femme garb for him. so to find something like that during a raid was a massive boon
to the point where fans assumed that stede had tied it around his neck. but it's literally just a random scrap of fabric. i think that bit makes me more mad, actually. as much as i love a camp little scarf, stede's could have been a different color. the fact that it IS red (but not The Fabric) is. well. disappointing.
stede didn't just ditch ed. his life was threatened and he was traumatized. ed needs to know that Chauncey literally tried to kill him.
like. i'm assuming this isn't retconned.... right? stede just. didn't want to feel like he was making excuses? but he didn't just Decide to go back to bridgetown.
likewise.......... ed's beard was removed by the british naval academy because it "wasn't regulation." his hair was also visibly straightened. i think that jenkins deliberately avoided ed's hair being cut short but did want to get across the notion of colonialist, anti-idigenous, forced-assimilation. so ed saying "no yeah i got the crazy idea to shave it off." i can't tell if that's his carved shark (i.e. his re-write of the narrative to give himself more agency) or if he just doesn't want mary read and anne bonny to know that he allowed himself to be captured by the british
also-also. ed did not want to kill stede until after izzy pushed him in the fuckery episode. up until that point, he was lying to izzy to keep him placated. why would ed kill a man he tracked for weeks and doted on with wide, puppydog eyes for months? so ed saying "no yeah i planned to kill you from the beginning" is... not true.
god i hope these aren't retcons. such lazy writing if so.
i can understand that it would be a sore spot. and, man, i hope it comes up in a third season. but in the way that stede feels that "ed's past is ed's business" (i.e. not judging him for previous partners), ed needs to be comfortable hearing stede talk about his children. because he does love his children. and he's a very paternal sort. he will very likely either want children again, or want to return to see alma and louis once he's settled into his new life. or both.
and especially because ed reacted so negatively to the news that stede had gone back to mary. PLEASE TALK.
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wcrpconfessionbooth · 6 months
hi water!!!!! i hope your day is nice :3!!!! im in a group i love but like hate because the recent plot beat was absolutely awful in terms of resolution. but the rest of this group is so good (even if this left an awful taste in my mouth DX ) so the TLDR is that a cat got hatecrimed/near murdered for believing in a fish diety,.. the cat who tried to kill them got to run away AND another cat hid the fur/evidence from the hatecrimed cat,.. btw in group we are nawt allowed to call dis a hatecrime despite it literally being religiously based. like errrm? oAo anyway the murderer and the cat who helped hide evidence both got put into a rehab system instead of any punishment bc of the mods not wanting to "replicate the prison system" these are fictional cats…, excuse me,,,? sowwy,,,? (yes theres issues with the justice system for sure but uhm. what does that have to do with fun fictional punishments wtf? god forbid someone wants conflict to write with) and then. the cat who DID the hatecrime . the person who played them left the group bc they felt like their cat wasnt liked enough. HOW DO U WANT PEOPLE TO LIKE SOMEONE WHO HATECRIMES WTH THATS ON U TO MAKE THEM LIKEABLE??!
Hey Anon! My day has been swell. It's a shame when there's a little bump in an otherwise great group, I totally get feeling conflicted when a plot ends up a little.. fumbled. But, that's one HECK of a TDLR! There's so much to unpack there. This sure sounds convoluted but If the attack was genuinely due to a religious affiliation, that is by definition a hate crime. A hate crime is defined as "a crime, typically one involving violence, that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or similar grounds." - Definitions from Oxford Languages. So unfortunately, if what anon here is telling is the truth- Staff of this unnamed group, please acknowledge that it is exactly what it says on the tin! This is fiction and ultimately the best way to work through the aforementioned 'issues' with the prison system is just to do research. Not every prison is the US's, and punishments are not exclusive to prison establishments. I will also reiterate that this is fiction and part of the fun is doing stuff that isn't in our real life world (for example, talking cats!) Forcing everyone to be friends and to silence them for calling it out as it is is certainly a choice. Conflict is part of what makes warrior cats good, but it's important for everyone to be comfortable too. Which, if the person whose character hatecrimed left, it's likely because they didn't feel comfortable being in the group anymore because of the usage of the term around them. Obviously, however, actions do tend to have consequences (unless you're here, i suppose? I'll go to rehab for my opinions ) and this is why it is important to discuss matters like this prior to roleplaying them out. That way this could've easily been avoided. As a response to the final line, this is very close to the warning in my submissions in which something is pointed at someone specific. Please refrain from pointed outbursts to individuals.
Mod water
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