lokiitama · 2 years
Prompt Fill - Wanderers
Prompt: Protection
More specifically, this prompt I can’t tag the author of:
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The Outpost wasn't going to be a pleasant experience considering the reports, they just didn't know how unpleasant it would be. 
Milo took out one piece of the pod away, turned it around in his hand and gently put it down next to him. He was sitting cross-legged and bunched over the opened panel of the healing pod, inspecting it to find out why it wasn’t working anymore.
 He’d used the opportunity to also do a maintenance check on the rest of the components. Or Thaska assumed, as he was looking at the humanoid work from the comfort of the couch.
 It was pretty lucky they noticed before anybody needed urgent care.
 …It was also pretty lucky nobody had to get in it during the past week, considering they were still drifting through a pretty dangerous part of the system. Thankfully, aside from Milo’s dislocated arms, and the few bumps in the ride here and there, there had been no other major problem.
Read the rest of the chapter on Ao3
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uwuwhump · 4 years
Hiya! Welcome to the whump community! What are some of your favourite whump tropes?
hi!! sorry this took so long to answer sjhshs i was,,,, Doing Things
i have a lot of tropes that i really like! though if i had to pick like, five, it would be anything with found family, electrocution, magic whump of any kind, sensory deprivation/overload, and hallucinations!!
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The Rules: Tag five or more people that you’re thankful for in your 2020, that you’re grateful exist in a world that’s hard to live in, whether that be through random reblogs on your posts, or people you’ve had full blown conversations with. Whether it’s just seeing them on your dash, or interacting with them. 
I know that I’m a little late to the game but my holiday tree is still up and the year has only just begun, and I would like to take the opportunity to show my gratitude for all those who made 2020 as good as it could be given the circumstances. I actually didn’t even have a diary for 2020 and I will admit that the year has passed in a haze of brain fog, but there have definitely been highlights. I want to say that I appreciate all my followers and all the people who put glorious whump content on my dash every day! You’re all great, and there’s no way I could include everyone I wanted to in a single post, so if you’re wondering if I mean you, the person reading this, I do <3
Thank you so much to @softsharpdaydreams, @whump-txt, @whatgoeswhumpinthenight, @empathetic-whumper, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog, @pretty-thoughts-and-a-pen, @sola-whumping, @hearse-song, @whump-it, @forthetaintedsorrow-whump, @whuh-oh-whump, @whumpfish, @whumpforthewhumpgod, @sideblogformindtrash, @goosewhumps, @bloodyfeverdreams for tagging me in your posts! I am sending that love right back at all of you! (And if I missed someone, I do apologise, because tumblr likes to hide notifications from me)
So here goes: @thewhumpstuff, @lettuceknighted, @beckstriad, @sopwithwhump, @whumpstash, @punchhimagain and all the regulars of whump writing central, hanging out with you has been the highlight of my year and I don’t know what I would have done without you. You’re all wonderful people, with amazing whump ideas and I am so glad that I got to meet you!
@pretty-face-breaker: your writing is always so evocative and gives me all the whumperflies, I love the messed up power dynamics between Nick and Hayko and even though I bully him a lot, I think Nick is a great whumper and I’m really enjoying RPing with him!
@pythagoreanwhump: I’m still not entirely convinced that you aren’t a chinese spy but it’s fine because I would willingly tell you my secrets :’) the VMD would straight up not exist without you and I love hearing about all your characters and the questionable things they get up to. Thank you for introducing me to a bunch of shows and films that I have fallen in love with, for doing linguistics puzzles and writing codes with me, and having an impeccable taste in whump.
@quirkykayleetam: where would I be without you? You are a literal ray of sunshine and you always fill me with so much joy and hope. I love brainstorming whump ideas with you and talking about anything and everything, and I’m really happy for all the wonderful things happening in your life <3
@sableflynn: my favourite lady whump lover! I love being able to share my hot takes with you and knowing that you’ll back me up ;) I promise to provide you with some mean man stronk lady content in this coming year, because you definitely deserve it. Thank you for organising a wonderful gift exchange and running such a friendly and welcoming server!
@a-whump-muffin: you write my favourite box boy story and I really enjoyed getting to talk to you over the past year! I adore the richness in your plot and your characters and how thought out the universe is, and your writing is just a joy to read.
@greatandquestionablecontent: I’m so glad that I got to start talking and RPing with you last year (even if I did forget to reply for months all while thinking it was your turn oopsies). Your characters are all really fun and interesting and I love hearing about them and interacting with them. Also, you are super talented at making playlists because the one you made me is still the main one that I listen to and was really the sound of my 2020!
@paininmyheart-imalive: you were quite possibly the first person I properly talked to on this platform, and I know that we might not interact a ton but I want you to know that you mean a lot to me and I’m really grateful that you reached out to me!
I know that it’s impossible for me to tag everyone who I want to tag, so please don’t feel left out if you don’t see your blog name here! This community on tumblr has been my main form of social interaction this past year, and I really don’t know where I would be if I didn’t have this space so I am eternally grateful for all the people who make that possible and interact with my content, all of you!!! Here’s to a brighter 2021!
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Some more info 🎁
Alrighty, first of all I can’t even tell you how amazing you guys are, the feedback came even earlier than I thought and lots of you pointed out some pretty important things I forgot about in the first post, so thank you all for that 🤗 Now, let’s get down to business
There’s finally a blog for this event! So from now on, all the stuff about this event will be found here (so if you have any more questions, don’t hesistate to send an ask or a message, I’ll try to respond asap 😊)
@misscrazyfangirl321 made two pretty good points - first about alternate prompts - I gotta admit I completely forgot about them 😅 but I’m definitely gonna add them now! There are only 8 main prompts, so I’d say 2-3 alternate prompts should be enough? If you think otherwise lemme know 😊
 The second point was about adding some small bonus mini-prompts which would be released the day they’d take place - I think it’s a great idea, but I’m honestly not sure if I’d be able to execute it properly while still keeping up the theme 😅 but I’m gonna think about it!
@erdarielthewhumper also pointed out some stuff I should have mentioned before - if you have to produce content for all the prompts and if it can be fandom and original stuff. 
You definitely don’t have to do all of them, you’re free do only those you want to do, whether it’s all of them or maybe just one!😃 And of course you’re free to make original content as well as fandom related content!
So, most of you agreed it’d be best to post the prompts early, so, I will release them on... 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
🎄🎇🎄🎇🎄     ✨November 24th✨     🎄🎇🎄🎇🎄
One month before Christmas 😃 Hopefully it’s early enough and it also gives me enough time to do something with the calendar’s design, I’m still not quite happy with it 😂 
So yeah! If you have any more questions, ask away!
@blue-flare10 @whump-me-all-night-long @whumpfigure @whumptywhumpdump @thatsgonnaleaveamark @misscrazyfangirl321 @cupcakes-and-pain @midnight-mismanagement @latenightwhump @whumpology @theladyoffangorn @softsharpdaydreams @whatgoeswhumpinthenight @sleep-deprived-dragon @erdarielthewhumper @whumpforthewhumpgod @vickytokio @books-and-starss @technom0ose @straight-to-the-pain @just-a-fan1234 @realcanadianmoose @thatsthewhump @beautifullytorturedsouls @imposterellie @professional-idiocy @raigash @lektricfergus @ambigiousgelpens @tormentum-ab-intra @rose12335 @morgaylol @starrysky-whumpfics @whump-softie @why-am-i-on-this-website-anyway @satansonecornchip @girlwithacoolcat @eatyourdamnpears @greeneyedmonst3r    
sorry if I didn’t tag you in the previous post 😅 if you want to read it you can find it on this blog, right bellow this post😃
Also since there’s now this blog that’s dedicated solely for this that you can follow without being flooded with posts irrelevant to the event, I won’t be tagging you in every upcoming info-post I make, but if you’d prefer to still be tagged, lemme know 😊
That should be all for now, I’ll explain stuff like tagging your post and other rules when I post the prompts 😃 stay safe 👋
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