#why all that unneccessary physical contact
suicidemessagr · 7 months
I will kill myself soon. Hopefully, i don’t chicken out and delay it. I’ve never been good with words so please be patient with me. I have grown up in a house filled with abuse and jealousy, mostly from my siblings. I was sexually assaulted by my father and abused by him but my sisters think that i’m the favorite. The society here also dont care about me i feel like i deserve to die just so my siblings can have a better life without me around.
I never talked to anyone about my past except for my nurse.
I shared room with my father and mother since i was a baby, i assume until 8th grade. He sexually assaulted me and i think i can remember that he threw me into the floor when i was sleeping with him.
When i started 3rd grade, my father and mother became separated and we moved to new country. But i still slept with him. She stayed in the old country.
In fifth grade i think one of my classmates had contact with my eldest sister who i didnt have good relationship with and they started to bully me everyday. They would call me animal names. And all that. I wish i didnt stay in school. Thats one of my regrets. I had pain in my brain and chest since then and it only got worse. I had a fake friend who would only keep me close to spread rumors i think.
I was not allowed to have electrical devices but my siblings did. I occassionally would play games sometimes and my siblings would follow me as if im not allowed to use laptops or something. They would try to make me ugly and take ugly pictures of me.
My eldest sister would steal money from my birthday parties and she would tell everything about me and my past to my classmates. I only assume.
My middle older and eldest sister were close but not me.
In middle school, i accidentally yelled at me "friend" because she began annoying me and i wanted her to leave me alone but she kept following me around. Then these random couple guys began to follow me because of that and bully me.
I think at this time, my eldest sister hacked my accounts and told everyone. She so fucking toxic i hate her this is why i never talk to her. She tries to steal men from others and humiliate me.
My middle sister took pictures of my bank card and upload it online so they could steal more money from me.
The eldest also shook my head and try to pull my hair i think to make me dumb and airhead. She was physically abusive towards me.
I began gaining weight because of stress and boredom. I think i realized by this time that i have given up on having future, going to college or having a family of my own. Just because i dont want to stay with them.
I met a new "friend" she began yelling at me and hitting me in the stomach many times.
Again, my phone were smashed and destroyed. I think i used to write on tumblr during high school and go to vent apps i used to like that. But if my phone were really hacked then everyone must read everything i wrote.
I began eating a lot of healthy and unhealthy junk food and drinking the beer from my father.. then i got kicked out of school by one of my classmates i think because of a boy. But i never really talked with anyone.
I began to gain weight again.. i moved to the city alone and my father would cause unneccessary stress by going back and forth from where i live to back home. He would say i can live with him and his girlfriend far from home then kick me out again.
Something happened in here that i cant say.. my health got worse physically and mentally. I met new guy who wouldnt leave me alone for two years i dont know if its good or bad. But i miss him. My heart would feel like its being ripped apart by having him near me.
I had a lot of pain in my body both side effects and non medication related. I started having medications and going to psych wards and all that.
Anyway, i just thought anyone dont really like me.. and that it’s better if i die or something. I have lots of regrets and i really cant wait to die. I feel like i deserve it and everyone thinks i should do it. It’s my fault no one is guilty but me and im happy im no longer here. I have so many cringy memories. Forget me and i hope you have a happy life without me.
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peachesandmilktea · 3 years
yay! so description = physically i’m 161 cm, i have dark brown straight hair and dark brown eyes, tan skin. other than that i think i’m funny, emotional and kind.. and i’m the mom friend i can’t stop being motherly lol
fav song = the ordinary man by lee seung gi and because of you by lana del rey, i can’t choose
ideal date = a date that we can hold hands.. i love holding hands… also snowy winter day dates 10/10
kinks= praise, breeding/creampie/impregnation, idk its a kink but manhandling, and lovemaking lmao
and male character please, thank you ❤️❤️
Match-up Event Masterlist
I match you with...
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Geten doesn't really know love. Having spent his whole life following Re-Destro's goals, he never really took the time to even think about such a useless, unneccessary feeling, because that's exactly what it is: a weakness, something to be buried deep inside one's mind, forgotten fantasy unimportant next to the PLF's future. And yet, why does that little four-letter word make its way to his every thought whenever his icy gaze lands on you? Why does the idea of dumb, stupid love sound absolutely exquisite to him when it's paired with the sight of you? Just like he's never known love, he's never known a kind, caring touch either. Is that why your every action make his heart flutter in his chest? Is that why he has to tighten his fists whenever you smile to him, just to hold back to overwhelming need to touch you? If that's what love is, he doesn't want it, doesn't want to feel weak and subdued. But he should have known not to be overconfident once again, because as soon as you look his way, your oh so pretty eyes diving into his icy blue, he's on his knees, worshipping, loving, accepting all the weakness that comes with adoring you because there is nothing more beautiful than the smile you give him whenever he takes your hand in his.
His fingers are cold when they tighten over yours, and a shy, faint blush always dusts over his cheeks at the thought that the touch might be uncomfortable for you, but it feels as if all of the ice coating his harsh little heart slowly melts under spring sunrays whenever you tell him that it's okay. He won't let his feelings show, simply letting a neutral huff slip through his lips, but he'll still softly brush his thumb on your silky skin in such a loving, yearning gesture he'll feel like he's going to faint if you ever ask him to stop. Snowy winter dates are a delight with him because he's in his element and he'll use his every ability in the hopes to make you smile. He'll make you cute, adorable little animals out of ice, take you ice-skating wherever you want, and if you wish for it, he can even take you on a snowy winter date in the middle of summer. Nothing is impossible when you're by his side and, after all, there's nothing he wouldn't do for you, if only it would bring a smile on your face or a chuckle slipping through your lips. If this is love, he thinks when you marvel at one of his tiny ice creations, then maybe it's not so bad.
Once he's decided that he loves you, he needs to have you whole. He'll be rough as he pushes you against a wall just to, ever so softly, place a kiss on your lips, enjoying the fact that he has you trapped just as much as the warmth that courses through his veins every time his fingers make contact with your silky skin and the shivers that ran through it under his ministrations. He's not so cold anymore then, will whisper sweet words in your ear as he has you laying underneath him, giving soft little pecks all over your throat and collarbones as he murmurs you're so beautiful, the prettiest thing I've ever laid eyes on. And then, when he's inside you, he'll only have one thing on his mind; filling you with his cum, having you carry his seed until you're dripping on the sheets once he's done with you and even then, he'll gather the little white beads slipping through your folds on his fingers and push all of it back inside. I need to make sure I'm breeding you just right, he'd tell you, satisfied smile on his lips as he finishes inside you over, and over, and over again.
Please tell me if you liked it ♡
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astrarche-x · 4 years
I read “Fangirl” by Rainbow Rowell after I finished 2 books I got for Christmas. It was staring at me from my sister’s shelf and I’ve heard something good about this book, Rowell is also quite famous YA author, so I decided to give it a try. 
It certainly didn’t match my expectations; in fact, my disappointment grew with every page and I grew tired of the heroine, Cath - an introverted first year college student and fanfic writer-  and other characters.
Why so?
- At first, I thought that snippets of Cath’s fanfics are a cool addition to the book, because it’s such a crucial part of this character, and I also thought that they will be somehow related to the events happening in-universe. But they weren’t! They didn’t help me as a reader to understand Cath, didn’t expand my understanding of the events of the plot, didn’t really give me any “story within a story” because they were so fragmented (I know there is a whole book about Simon Snow, but that’s not relevant now, is it?) and I already felt like I knew Cath’s writing style after like 3 examples, so idk why there were so many.
- I felt like the characters don’t develop at all. And what’s the point of the story if it’s not character development? In the end of the book, the only thing different from the starting point is the fact that the heroine has a boyfriend. She isn’t more open, she’s still talking to like 2-3 people (and writing is not like a movie, adding a character doesn’t cost you money, right?) and it’s not like those relationships change a lot. Cath and her roommate Reagan? They form a bond in the middle part of the book and it stays the same. Wren, Cath’s twin sister? They lose contact during the plot and Wren has a new friend to prove she’s a separate person, but eventually they make amends and sisters are together again. The other friend disappears. No big talk about being separate people but still needing each other, no reflecting on that in any way; they make amends and then Wren is just there, spending a lot of time with Cath like her own life never happened. Relationship with dad and mum? Stays the same, even though they were written in a way that suggests big plot points.
- Levi, Cath’s boyfriend. He doesn’t have an inner life. He’s just a smiling, nice guy with learning difficulties. But Cath can always feel safe with him and count on him; honestly, how is he different from her ex? Also some can say that Cath and Levi were cute tohether and they kind of were, but for me it was too much sugar and when their relationship became the focal point of the plot I couldn’t take it anymore. How many times a writer can describe the same physical features with exactly the same words? Like yeah, we get it, the character is in love, change the subject.
(Also his attempts at unneccessary chivalry... ugh. Not cute).
- Nick from the library. He was actually the guy I was shipping Cath with (and myself as well, if I had the chance). They had so much chemistry! But it was also strongly hinted at that he won’t be the endgame; in fact, I don’t really see the point of his existence as a character. He’s Cath’s crush, but after he stops playing this role, he’s mentioned only twice and then dropped completely. But the point of him being the crush and the writing buddy/rival is not even relevant! It’s not reflected in Cath in any way except that she’s a bit sad.
- Cath doesn’t develop as a writer. Actually, after reading a few sentences about how writing is so important for Cath etc, I thought that I would see more of her as a writer, but mostly it looks like “...and she wrote 5000 words that night”. No description of creative process. Talk about how her life influences her writing: 2 times (at the end of the book). Pressure from readers who? I don’t know her. Also I was really surprised that she said “I only ever want to write fanfiction, I want nothing of my own!” - like... who would say that? Sure, they are people who just write fanfiction as a hobby, but there are others who start with fanfic and then create their own stories, so if Cath is an established fanfic writer and went on to study English lit and take creative writing class, then having her say something like this sounds super fake. 
- Cath herself was a boring protagonist. And I’m not saying this because she was an introvert. Lots of introverts make interesting protagonists; take, for example, Offred from The Handmaid’s tale. Cath is boring not only because she literally sits in her room and cries for like half of the book (giving me Rodion Raskolnikov vibes and he annoyed me like hell), but also because so little of her inner life is described in detail. Like, c’mon, I’ve opened this book, I want to know what’s going on in her head. But instead of paragraphs of her thoughts, we are only given a sentence, maybe two or three. And one of them sounds often like “she thought about all the reasons she had to dislike their mother” but then none of said reasons is listed, making this sentence effectively worthless. Very often Cath’s remarks about other people are repeated; I don’t even want to count how many times she noticed that Levi smiled a lot. And then she noticed noticing it; and then she noticed him smiling even more times. Seriously that’s his only feature? (That and his hair). Because this makes the heroine very unobservant; I don’t want to look at the world through her eyes, because it’s nothing there to see. 
- Cath as a (titular) fangirl: she doesn’t really interact with the fandom during the course of the actions in other way than writing and that’s... unusual? Who limits themselves to only one form of fan content? I know she had merch and fanart, but she doesn’t interact with other fans (except for her sister and a random stranger). She also mentions having internet friends at the very beginning, which I assume would be very likely for a fanfic author of her status. Then her roommate says “internet friends are not real” (yes. literally.) and Cath’s internet friends are not mentioned again, because, you know, internet friends are irrelevant to your real life. Generally this book makes it look like belonging to a fandom was about the merch you own and maybe writing your fanfic, if that’s what you use as a coping mechanism for real life. No talk of reading other fanfics, visiting sites like Tumblr or other blogs, no interaction with other fans, no conventions, stuff like this. It made fandom look like something for sad and lonely people, and while it kind of is, it’s also a source of joy and satisfacton for many; in Cath’s case, I only saw it as a straw to which a drowning man clutches. 
(Also I found it kinda weird that sex in this book is like Schrodinger’s cat: existent and nonexistent at the same time. Does Cath write erotic scenes? I guess. Is it adressed? Yes. And then immediately dismissed in order not to talk about it. She also wants it and doesn’t want it at the same time, which is fine irl, but confusing in a book, especially when she doesn’t reflect at that confusion much). 
I thought I will see in Cath a glimpse of myself - first year of uni was also stressful for me (even though I’m certainly not an internet-famous writer). But she was almost extremely unrelatable. And then I started comparing “Fangirl”  with “Loveless” by Alice Oseman, which has very similar setting - first year, loneliness, outgoing roommate, introverted protagonist having trouble opening up, breaking of a sisterly bond, fanfiction (even though Georgia, the protagonist, only reads it). I’d recommend “Loveless” a lot more. You won’t get much talk of the writing process, but hey, you weren’t getting it anyway. You will be given queer characters instead.
My final thought was that I’m probably just too old for “Fangirl”. That it was written for 17-year-olds who are anxious about going to college. But my sister is 17-year-old who is anxious about going to university and she didn’t like this book either (this post is brought to you by our displeased brainstorming last night), so it’s probably just bad, shallow writing. 
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hellguarded-a · 3 years
Why hello there :)
Scent was strong, blood was stronger but it didn’t stop the creature padding through the murky shit-hole of alley ways with a gait that caused bins to rattle, cats to hiss spit and run with rats hot on their tails. Ears arched lazily upon crown as marred mask turned upon lengthy muzzle, nose gape inhales before releasing thick wad of molten ash from core. Talon paws rest near puddle, water evaporating from the heat emitting from fur - fresh from rift that screamed itself out of existence behind.
Tail flared with a rattle of chain, then his head rose - maw parting in a brilliant shimmer of white and red fangs as tongue pushed up base to allow a noise akin to a throatful bark thunder from within chest. Once, twice and then finally a howl that bellowed more like a fog horn on a titanic ship since after-all, it covered the sound of three tearing rifts parting once more to allow a few pups from his true home to pass through on heavy paws that dash through alleyways to snag unexpecting humans from the cobbled grounds.
Screams, of course, deaf to Beschutzer’s ears as his bulk instead shook from releasing the noise of wonder before he pushed on through the mass of hinds in the air as fangs sunk into softened human throats. It was a nice sight, a quick meal for the new pups, a hunt for the teachers amongst them, a day out for Beschu’ as he moved ahead from the bloody pathway to the next, more public as car headlights swerved upon noticing him in the open. 
Beschutzer couldn’t shake the scent of familiarity yet not in his nasal passage either, turning his head with ease to follow one wisp then the other before snorting smoke yet again… Maybe it was best to just wait. So, he did - with gut expanding and jowls tearing apart to release a thick billow of magma upon road, car and tree of some garden before him. Nothing like a suffocating waft of napalm in the evening.
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          if he wasn’t hunting down stray souls he was on the lookout for strays and rogues;  other hounds not under hades’ control, though the king deemed it neccessary to control their population and chaos-causing behavior nevertheless.  ignis wouldn’t know where that sort of  neccessity  came from, whether it was the god’s own will or one of the others’ from olympus —  after all,  those  tended to worry about the mortals a lot more than the underworld ruler.
          either way it wasn’t the hound’s place to ask;  this time in the company of a houndmaster, whom he didn’t  quite  enjoy at all, feeling so restricted and on a  leash,  even if it didn’t physically exist, even if he was under no  physical  restriction at all.  he’d heard mumbles of this being part of the training, but he was far too  disinterested  to really care beyond the fact that he simply  must  obey.
          this time there was a report of an unknown canine wreaking havoc amidst city streets;  numerous murders and property damages.  however, once ignis had caught the scented trail, it was hard to lose.  uncaring for his master’s shouting, he’d simply dashed through a rift on his own, leaving the demon behind to catch up whenever —  he had no intentions on betraying the cause, at least not yet, mind entirely set on hunting down this stranger.
           he could hear it, the growling, barking, howling;  sounds of old and new, several kinds of clawed feet scrambling about, big and small, adult and young.  it created a terrible cacophony in his head that he had to pause to  focus,  to filter out any unneccessary noise to identify his  true target —  and once he had it, he was swift to follow.  a handful of humans were still on and about in the night time but he paid them no mind, much like he ignored the glimpses of  pups  roaming about.  those weren’t his concern, not yet…  if ever.
          ghastly barks escaped the canid’s own maw in warning;  he doubted his presence wouldn’t be noticed as soon as he’d stepped into the mortal realm, and so he made little attempts at keeping  subtle.  eventually he’d found his way to the crossroads where lava was spilled and rolled down the main street, just in time to witness the explosion of a car engine as the thick fluid seared through the metallic shell, all the while burning down the fruit trees and flowers strewn around the once-pretty garden.
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          he snarled, taking a momentary defensive stance, mainly meant to  intimidate  as horned head hung low, coarse fur appearing needle-like as it and the sharp spikes running down his spine bristled up.  while it  did  offer the other hellhound some time for an answer…  of any sort;  to attack or retreat, ignis didn’t care as he quickly rushed him down either way, fully intending to tackle and incapaciate the other.  with so many jagged spikes sprouting from the demon hound’s frame, a couple of them were sure to make contact and tear flesh, just as sharp teeth  snapped,  aiming for the throat.                // @nvrcmplt​.  unprompted.
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heady-senpai · 5 years
One Piece 955: Enma
I took all day to write this up just so much to talk about from this chapter!
Let me just start by saying what a chapter!! 8.75/10
I was not expecting it to drop a day early & had no idea what to expect of this chapter until I saw the title...Enma 🤔😏
First things first. I believe Bege & company just stumbled upon Dressrosa. He mentioned they were stopping there for supplies. I wonder if any Straw Hat supporters are still around and if a conversation will strike up about Luffy.
Ok now to the chapter...
It starts off with Hiyori telling Zoro & Kawamatsu that she will not meet up with the rest of the alliance in order to not stir unneccessary emotions before the battle. Her brother stated this before so it wasn't a surprise. What surprised me was that Kawamatsu told the rest of the Scabbards that Hiyori was still alive & well.
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I guess it's a morale booster but I have this weird feeling that something bad will happen to her now that everyone knows she's ok.
A couple random facts about Hiyori:
• She puts up a coarse attitude but is actually a crybaby
• She was a Tomboy who didn't typically speak refined & politely
(So funny how Momo was like, "A flying kick from someone 18yrs older would really hurt." Lol ik the struggle of being terrorized by a little sister hahah)
Now we get to the crazy good stuff!!!
O-Kiku might be one of the MVPs for finding the randomly lost Nidai Kitetsu. I had no idea where it was. Thought Kaido must've done something with it when Luffy was thrown into the Udon Prison Mines like kept it in a storage within the prison or something. Zoro states that he knew it was a Meito (famous/named blade) I guess with Sandai at his side he could feel the cursed vibes.
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Rarely does Oda show us the actual tying of loose ends.
I guess Hiyori didn't go off to retrieve Enma & Orochi doesn't have Ame no Habakiri...Hitetsu Tenguyama had them both the whole time. That's why he had been patiently awaiting the return of the Kozuki Family.
I love every aspect of the design especially the sheath.
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Seems as if both swords are of the same grade level as Shusui, O Wazamono, 21 Great Grade Swords. So Zoro won't be getting one of the 12 Supreme Grade Swords, Saijo O Wazamono, just yet and I'm fine with that.
Hitetsu tells Zoro only Oden was ever able to tame Enma & ODEN MUST'VE BEEN A BEAST because this sword is crazzyyyyy powerful. Kin'emon even said he himself would not even want to take the blade.
When testing out the sword Zoro tried to cut a tree but ended up cut off part of the cliff/island they were all on! Just insane lmao like I was not expecting that much of a power boost at all!
In the next panel we see the blade going black, coating in haki as Zoro's arm is also clad in haki, but looks drained & frail.
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(Sanji's face was hilarious but damn I feel his pain lol Sanji is my favorite Straw Hat & just got a power boost now Zoro's power up makes Sanji's Raid Suit, look not as powerful so I have mixed feelings hahhaha but I love reading Zoro moments.)
So the thing with Enma is that it draws out its wielders haki to maximum extremes by itself. Any average sword wielder would've been drained completely and left dead.
Typically we've seen Zoro have swords with minds of their own but this one is just on another level.
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Zoro yells for the sword to give him back his Ryou and takes it all back. Then we get that crazy Zoro smile like he knows this is going to be a challenge to tame the blade but he's ready to take that on to become even stronger. Hitetsu asks Zoro does he want another sword & obviously Zoro says he's keeping Enma, further impressing Kawamatsu.
[Now the text heavy part because I don't want to make 2 seperate posts for this review and want to only use my favorite images from the chapter]
Robin, Ashura Doji, & Kin'emon are discussing the sheer numbers that the alliance and their opposition have. Seems as if there will be approx. 30,000 enemies on Onigashima vs their 4000.
We then get quick panels of :
Franky yelling at his workers to prepare the boat to hold 10,000 men
(made me think hmmm Straw Hat Grand Fleet's over 5000 + the 4000+ men they already have...maybeeeee *Spongebob voice)
Luffy practicing Ryuo in Gear 4th stating that he used too much physical force
Zoro and Momo training in the forest and Zoro states an old man from his village is where he first heard Sunnachi (Snatch) & this surprises Momo.
With two days left before the raid Chopper, O-Tama, and Luffy return to meet with everyone else & the Yakuza bosses have added another 200 men to the resistance's ranks. (~4200 vs ~30,000)
Kin'emon states there hasn't been any word from Law (it's been a few days since he's been free & still hasn't contacted the group....hmmmm)
Silly Shinobu tells Kin'emon to forget about Law and Chopper has to speak some truth like hey Law is super strong. Law clearly makes a substantial difference, he's a cheat code in most situations!
There are still many men locked up in the Capital that wish to fight. I'm guessing only a few hundred more but still any help matters at this point. We also get to see many of the Wano townspeople discussing Yasu's encrypted message. Of course some still don't have faith but they will be proved wrong.
The alliance splits into its respective groups with the Scabbards, Shinobu, and Momo headed to the harbor, meeting Luffy there later.
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The literature used here to describe the Scabbards and their shadows as the walked was magnificent. I also loved how the spelling for frost was shimo as in Shimotsuki. 🤔🤔
We see Pedro's & Lord Yasu's grave in the graveyard of Oden & his retainers. We also see Wanda & O-Toko shedding tears at theory loved one's graves. Carrot looks hardened & ready to go.
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Hitetsu reveals to Zoro that he was the bladesmith of the Sandai Kitetsu. And states Enma & the Sandai cannot be wielded by the weak. Hitetsu also reveals why Zoro has had a quick take to Enma: the bladesmith who made Enma also created Zoro's main sword, the Wado Ichimonji. It was crafted by Yusaburo Shimotsuki, who fled Wano illegally over 50 years ago. Hiyori probably saw what swords Zoro held (Shusui, Wado Ichimonji, & Sandai Kitetsu) and decided he was worthy of her father's keepsake.
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I just cannot believe that Hitetsu said that IN ZORO'S HANDS ENMA COULD RISE IN RANK & BECOME A BLACK BLADE! So then would it become O Saijo Wazamono???? Hmmmm I wonder.
It seems like Luffy has gotten a hell of a lot stronger! Didn't even get close to the tree and destroyed it from the other side (almost reminded me of that scene in Naruto when him and Sasuke battled on the roof of the hospital haha if you know you knowwww)
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Law is definitely not the traitor. Like it's too obvious. Simply because Oda telegraphed this traitor vibe a couple times;I swear he's just messing with us.
Will Kyoshiro be revealed to be Denjiro soon?
I just wonder how Orochi found out this info.
And now we get a closing to Act II.
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Just an epic chapter.
I swear Oda is hinting that Zoro may be a descendant/relative of the Shimotsuki family along with his teacher Koushirou.
Could even be a family tree like Hinata/Neji but I'm probably reaching there. Very interesting how bits and pieces of his past is flashed in front of us.
I guess only time will tell, but I bet Koushirou's father was Yusaburo Shimotsuki.
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witchinflesh-blog · 5 years
Well toss me in a lake, if i sink, i’m happy and if i don’t... Well... We’ll discuss that later...
This is my first blog about the my religious and occult ventures, ”my path” if you will. The reason i do what i do, including the blog, in secret is that i am a weakling. I'm honestly afraid of people judging me and the way i've decided to live my life and use my time. I'm not scared of getting burnt at the stake or something like that, but the overall stigma of anything spiritual nowadays keeps me away from the people.
What am i then? I don't know actually but the fortunate part is i don't care. I have always loved the possibility to live my life as i want live it, without unneccessary frames or borders and keeping that in mind, i don't need a label. But just to give this blog even some direction, i could be described as a witch, as a gnostic, as a spiritualist, a new age-dork, pagan or as every christian would and should describe me, a heretic.
I meditate, i respect my dreams as visions of the past, present or future, i practice ”witchcraft” (a bit more on that later) and i also pray every now and then. My views are strictly monotheistic as there really can be only one ”god” (for a lack of a better word). Then there are ofcourse a shitload of different kind of  ”spirits” (again, for a lack of a better word) and such, but they are not ”god” or the creator as i call it.
On the witchcraft-part i have to say that witchcraft truly is nothing like you see in the movies... I've tried to come up with a nifty description for it and it goes something like this: ”Witchcraft is a craft of influencing existence using power of the will, projecting energy.” but i have to say, it is alot, ALOT more. It is also herbal medicine, ”fooling” your self and others if neccessary, respecting all existence and realising, that every single thing in this world includes a tiny bit of ”god” in them. The eternal spirit, the universal energy is in everything and flows everywhere. So, a long story short, witchcraft is learning how to use that energy for whatever you want to use it for and learning to ”charge up” on that energy to use it from yourself and not from your surroundings.
As i mentioned, there are spirits and there are good and evil spirits. For the time being, i haven't seen the need to identify them by name as the feeling they bring with them is all i need to ”take action” if i see neccessary to do so. Sometimes, when something is really going to shits, i study and try to figure out the name of the spirit causing it. This is ofcourse only after i have succesfully excluded all the ”normal” or ”worldly” reasons that could cause something to go to shits...
For example, there was a time my dear friends wife got pregnant and after a couple of months started to feel really weak, depressed and started to see nightmares and acting irrationally. This friend of mine was and is a spiritualist of sort, but had never studied anything ”witchy” or ”exorcisty” (dear fucking zombie Jesus how poor language i use) and after consulting a doctor with zero results told me about it. I really don't know why as we had never discussed about my interest for the occult or especially witchcraft... I took notes as he told me what was going on, studied and meditated on it, found the ”demon” (as it was called in a book i found it on), meditated on it again and ”told” the being i know who and what he is and told him to leave for there are measures i can use to ”hurt” him. Leave he did and no ”the spirit of christ compells you”-nonsense was needed. Still today i don't know how i managed to get the message through as i'm not a psychic for all i know. My original plan was to use my friend as a medium to talk to this spirit but in the end didn't need to. These spirits obviously have a finely tuned ear for someone talking to them. Or then the old ”demonology-fact” is true and ”demons” are vain and like to hear their name etc...
I consider my self as a starting spiritualist and a witch, meaning i'm on my first steps towards what i can and will be. This journey is tough to go on my own, but that's the path i've chosen. I also know, that this path is only as long as my journey on this earth is. After that i either come back here (what a disappointment and punishment that would be) or my soul evolves, ”refines” and gets graded up to the non-physical world.
Why i started to write this blog is, that as i mentioned, this is a hard path to go on on my own and i need some place to ventilate. Also i would like to find other people of similar thoughts, philosofies, practices and interests to compare ways to practice our craft and go about on our individual paths. I know, there are a million and one ways to influence energies and existence with your mind and soul and that being said, i know there are things i can tell someone and things i can be told and taught. So please, feel free to contact me via e-mail.
Did you know, you can use a garlic to ”charge” your negative emotions in and after that, bury it in to the ground and in the ground they stay? Maybe i'll write about it someday...
Thanks for reading! Leave a comment and for further discussions, please contact me at the e-mail address: [email protected]
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justlikeadagger · 6 years
irl ask meme
tagged by @maghols thank you!
1. how often do you smile? not often unless i'm nervous in which case i’m constantly smiling/cringing
2. what’s a word people often use to describe you when they first meet you? quiet
3. have you ever been physically compared to someone? sometimes i get compared to sonam kapoor (a bollywood actress) which i really don't see at all but i wish i did look like her because she's hot
4. describe your laugh? i sound like i'm gasping for air
5. what are some compliments you receive based on your personality? people say i'm funny and smart
6. what are some compliments you receive based on your looks? sometimes people call me cute, i get complimented more on my figure though
7. describe your sense of style: casual smart, shirts (button ups) and jeans usually, i’m trying to wear dresses less often because i wore them too much when i was younger and now i’m sick of them
8. describe one of your favourite outfits: i have this dark green shirt i’m obsessed with which i wear with jeans and flats
9. how do you usually wear your hair: high bun or low ponytail
10. do you wear glasses? if so, what do they look like? yeah they're rectangular, not too large, black and have leopard print on the handles, but i prefer to wear contact lenses when i go out
11. do you wear makeup? how often? what do you use? i'm rarely in the mood to wear actual makeup but at the least i wear mascara and lip balm, if i am in the mood i put on eyeliner and lip liner as well
12. how tall are you? 5’3
13. is your voice high or low? can you describe it? high pitched and baby-like, people say i have a cute voice and i hate it
14. do you move your hands when you speak? nope
15. do you find it easy to sit still or do you fidget often? i can sit still unless i'm nervous or excited
16. do you wear jewelry? if so, what kind and why? no i don't it feels too unnatural to me for some reason, like unneccessary clothing
17. free question (for people i tag): do you do thumbs or piece sign often? what’s your go-to move like that? i'm not too expressive with my hands but i do point at people randomly sometimes
okay i tag: @spaceman-says-look-down @rufuswainwright @ravenclaw-hermione-of-district-4 @flowersyoureastar @sebastiiianstan @b-flows and anyone else who enjoys doing tag memes
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vitabiolabs · 4 years
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Panax Ginseng by LLS | 120 High Strength Capsules (4 Month Supply) | 300mg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PANAX GINSENG BY LLS | 120 HIGH STRENGTH CAPSULES (4 MONTH SUPPLY) | 300MG PER CAPSULE, 10:1 EXTRACT (3000MG WHOLE PLANT EQUIVALENT) | 20% GINSENOSIDES | ALSO KNOWN AS KOREAN GINSENG | USED FOR IMPROVED THINKING, CONCENTRATION, MEMORY AND WORK EFFICIENCY, PHYSICAL STAMINA, AND ATHLETIC ENDURANCE | CAN ALLEVIATE STRESS | PREMIUM SUPPLEMENT PRODUCED IN THE UK | LOVE LIFE SUPPLEMENTS - "LIVE HEALTHY. LOVE LIFE." Live Healthy Love Life. OUR STORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW WE GOT OUR START? Love Life Supplements was created in 2012 by myself, Ben Law. I knew this was the industry where I could make the most impact by helping people as the supplement industry is notoriously filled with questionable companies offering low quality products. I knew I could do better. WHAT MAKES OUR PRODUCT UNIQUE? Our products are clean, high quality, highly effective products that fulfil a need we have identified in our consumer and/or where we feel we can offer something better than the competition. We are also always trying to improve upon our current products and, most importantly, innovating. WHY WE LOVE WHAT WE DO? We comprise of a small but dedicated team of knowledgeable individuals that all share a common mission - helping you achieve your health and fitness goals. This is not work to us, this is our passion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCT DESCRIPTION WHY BUY LLS PANAX GINSENG * High Potency * 20% Ginsenosides * 4 Month Supply * Veggie and Vegan * UK Made under GMP PANAX GINSENG BY LLS - 120 X 300MG CAPSULES (4 MONTH SUPPLY) 10:1 EXTRACT (3000MG WHOLE PLANT EQUIVALENT) - 20% GINSENOSIDES Panax Ginseng, also known as Korean Ginseng, has been used for thousands of years in herbal medicine for its multiple health benefits. Our Ginseng has the highest potency of the active ingredients, 'Ginsenosides'. It is these Ginsenosides that contribute towards improved thinking, concentration, memory and work efficiency. It may also help to maintain normal cognitive performance and glucose metabolism. * LLS is committed to providing the highest quality, effective ingredients with minimal excipients and manufactured here in the UK. HIGH STRENGTH Our Supplements Contains 300mg per Capsule of 10:1 Extract, Which is 3000mg Whole Plant Equivalent. It Contains 20% Ginsenosides - The Actvie Ingredient. CLEAN We Keep all Excipients in our Products to an Absolute Minimum. Our Product Contains NO Bulking Agents to Fill Out a Caspule - Nothing Unnecessary Added. NATURAL VITALITY Many of Our Customers have Experienced the Positve Effects of Our Supplements. Our Products are double sealed to ensure they arrive in perfect condition. We take pride in ensuring our products are as clean as possible. Which is why you will not find any Unneccessary Fillers and Bulkers in our supplement. It is Non GMO, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free. Vegetarian and Vegan Friendly. Manufactured in the UK at a GMP facility. Premium Quality Ingredients. LOVE LIFE SUPPLEMENTS - 'LIVE HEALTHY, LOVE LIFE.' OUR ETHOS Our Ethos is SImple - Help as Many People as Possible by Providing the Highest Quality, Highly Effective Nutritional Supplements with Nothing Unnecessary, Unhealthy or "Nasty" Added. Each Supplement is Developed and Used by LLS Founder Ben Law. Its Our Seal of Approval! UK MANUFACTURED All of Our Products are Manufactured Here in the UK Under the Strictest Conditions. Our Capsules are Manufactured in a GMP Faciltiy and Our Powders are Made in a Grade A BRC, Global Standard for Food Safety 7 Clean Room. All Materials Received into Our Warehouse Undergo Strict Quality Control. Batches are Sampled using FTIR Analysis. WORKING TO HELP OTHERS Love Life Supplements is Proud to Partner with Vitamin Angels, a Charity Organisation Providing Pregnant Mothers and Children Under Five with Lifesaving Vitamins and Minerals. We Make Regular Donations to Help People in Developing Countries - Thank you for helping us make the world a healthier place Product Feature Pure Blend Pure Maca Extract 10:1 Pure Curcumin Potent Antioxidant Bioavailable Omega 3 Ingredients 5 HTP, Schisandra Berry and Reishi Mushroom Maca Root Extract 10:1, Capsule Shell: Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose. Curcumin 95% Curcuminoids, Bioperine, Magnesium Stearate (Lubricant). Broccoli Sprout Extract, Phytofare Catechin Complex Lipid extract from the crustacean Antarctic Krill (Euphausia Superba) Vegetarian ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Vegan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Quantity 60 Capsules 60 Capsules 60 Capsules 60 Capsules IngredientsPanax Ginseng 10:1 Extract (20% Ginsenosides), Vegetable Capsule: Hypromellose, Anti-Caking Agents: Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate.Safety Warning• Always consult your GP before taking Nutritional Supplements, especially if you are taking medication, have an existing medical condition or are pregnant or nursing. • You should not take food supplements as a substitute for a varied balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle. • Side-effects from this supplement are rare but please discontinue use and contact your GP immediately in the event of an adverse reaction.Units120 countDirectionsTake 1 tablet daily with food. Do not exceed recommended amount unless directed by a qualified health care professional. Country/Region of Manufacture: United Kingdom Formulation: Capsule Unit Quantity: 120 Type: Ginseng Active Ingredients: Ginsenoside Unit Type: Unit Ingredients: Panax Ginseng Brand: LoveLive EAN: Does not apply http://nemb.it/p/k=rDVDESkO
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christinaengela · 5 years
Today in a series of replies to FAQ (frequently asked questions) sent to me by fans (and sometimes not so much), I answer the question:  “Why Did I Write ‘Other Kids Are Kids Almost Just Like You’?“
Many kids today face a frighteningly increasing level of bullying at the hands of their peers! Typically this bullying is based on differences in race, gender, sexual orientation or gender identity – and as it always has been, for reasons involving jealousy, fear, resentment, or as it often is with kids, just “for fun”.
In a world where bullying and intolerance of diversity is becoming increasingly a problem, I think it’s very, very important to teach children – and adults – compassion for others. Naturally I think compassion and kindness is something that everyone should’ve learned at their parent’s knees – but unfortunately, not everyone was as lucky as some of us were – or to have the kind of parents I had!
Back in 2015, when I started realizing that children were dying at the hands of bullies, and even committing suicide because of bullying, it was an awful reality to face. Worse still, was the realization that children were being picked on for appearing gay, effeminate, or for being transgender, as I was as a child and teen (and even as a young adult) – as well as for being disabled, sickly or of another race! Seriously?
Where do children get these ideas? They certainly aren’t born with them, that’s for sure!
Children are supposed to be innocent, naive, and a newer, better version of us, aren’t they? Ideally, yes – but it’s often not the case. Some kids can be very, very cruel, even brutal towards others. This sort of behavior isn’t always spontaneous or “part of growing up” – it is often also learnt. The kid who hears Dad mouthing off about “librals” on the TV, or the Sunday School teacher venting insane yet imaginative propaganda about gay people for example, will often integrate that behavior into their own mindset and act that out with their peers.
It’s often the same with adults, isn’t it? John and Jill will go to church and listen to Pastor Jimmy thumping the holy book, misquoting and distorting verses and sermons in order to demonise and incite ill-will towards those darned homosexuals and immigrants who “come over here to rape white women and steal our jobs” – and come Monday morning, John is sharing this view with Pete and Mike over their tea-break and Jill calls the cops on a neighbor who looks suspicious while mowing his own lawn on account of the color of his skin. Meanwhile, little Mikey take their own Sunday School lessons to school with them, and decides that because Albert looks a little like a girl and likes to hang around the girls and play with their toys, he deserves what the other kids in class do to him – and joins in.
Hatred of others – and a lack of compassion or empathy – isn’t something most children are born with, it’s something they learn from those around them.
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Which brings me to a very important point: what kind of learning environment and what kind of examples are adults setting for their kids? Don’t their parents teach them that hate, cruelty and bullying others is wrong or bad? Don’t they teach them to help others, to be kind? Or like many pessemists today think, do they not teach them anything at all, and “just leave it all up to the teachers at school”? In many places today, a lot of children slip through the cracks in the system – if there even is a system in place!
A lot of kids grow up with uncaring, absent parents who don’t involve themselves in their kids lives. Others might be abusive too – and there’re already whole libraries written about that aspect, but there are also many children who grow up as orphans, living in care centers, or even living on the streets. Perhaps not always in places like the US or other first world countries, where mandated foster care or center-living up to the age of 18 is legally enforced – but in places like South Africa and India and other third-world countries where kids not only slip through cracks, they disappear!
Gangs of “street kids” callously and vigorously commit crimes in the darker parts of the world, sometimes to survive, sometimes for entertainment – like the kids who chased a dog and pelted it to death with stones some years ago in a Johannesburg suburb. Then there’re the kids in the UK who were not street kids who made a video of them torturing a puppy by cutting its ears off with scissors. How cruel – how far gone must someone be to do something like that? How sick and depraved! …but yet, I wonder, how did those kids come to be that way? What kind of life have they led, that they find enjoyment in causing pain and in being cruel to a defenseless, trusting creature? Did someone teach them, an adult perhaps – through experience – that hurting and harming others gives a kind of pleasure? Perhaps a fleeting warm feeling inside to help keep the cold, harshness of living at bay?
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Circumstances and environment play a vital role in a child’s upbringing – and if a child grows up in a negative, brutal environment, whether at school or at home – it will more than likely result in a damaged child and consequently, a dysfunctional young adult. Whether or not that individual adopts the same behavior or traits and becomes a bad person – or rejects them to seek the good and beautiful in the world, generally depends on their internal make-up… and their environment as adults, and to me it’s terribly tragic to place children in such a position.
Further, there’s still a lot of animosity towards people with disabilities – which is definitely unneccessary! It seems a cruel streak runs through most of us, but in the right environment it can be negated and prevented from dominating an individual’s personality. It’s difficult to convince cynical kids though, that mocking people for their physical disabilities or characteristics is wrong and unacceptable however, when one of the most powerful leaders on earth builds his entire election platform upon doing just that. What Mr. Trump is saying – and what his revolting single-cell organism followers are saying is: “Bullies are very fine people, be a bully like us, nobody’ll stand up to you!” Nauseating, isn’t it?
Not liking people you don’t know is fine and perfectly ordinary… but hating people for being different to oneself? No wonder so many kids grow up to be such horrible, nasty, sociopathic little gits! Geez!
…And yet, there’s still a lot of hope! Hope is good – hope I can work with!
To try to offset this indoctrination of children with hatred and suspicion towards others, and the undermining of children’s innate empathy and compassion for others – and against the breaking down of their self-worth, I decided to write this book. The text reads like a poem, and it has some really gorgeous, insightful illustrations by Amanda M. Lyons, and it’s available in both eBook and paperback forms.
I wrote “Other Kids” to inspire kids (and the adults who read it with kids) who are bullied for being different without focusing too strongly on the bullying angle.
Anyway, that’s the background of why I wrote the story! Below, a review for “Other Kids Are Kids Almost Just Like You“.
“Other Kids Are Kids Almost Just Like You” by Christina Engela celebrates the concept of diversity and how precious every child is.
This book is about intolerance, diversity, and bullying and encourages readers to accept everyone, irrespective of their differences based on gender, race, and color. The book also emphasizes being compassionate to everyone, regardless of their color, status, and gender.
Bullying and intolerance are relevant topics in today’s times and this book is good for read-aloud sessions in classrooms to help children be more tolerant and compassionate towards others. The illustrations lend clarity to the concept and help readers connect with the author’s words.
The author’s approach to the subject is unique and different, and she makes the book appealing to children with the help of colorful illustrations. It is a good book to teach children to be kind and compassionate. 5 stars” – Mamta Madhavan for Readers’ Favorite, Oct 17, 2019
Until next time,
Where can you get “Other Kids Are Kids Almost Just Like You“? Right here!
You can find my books all over the place – on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Lulu, Smashwords, PayHip, and a stack of others around the world! You can also find them on my website’s Shop page.
For South African readers, Kobo lists all available titles in South African currency!
I hope this answers this question to your satisfaction!
Feel free to email or message me via Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn if you have any comments or questions!
If you would like to know more about Christina Engela and her writing, please feel free to browse her website.
If you’d like to send Christina Engela a question about her life as a writer or transactivist, please send an email to [email protected] or use the Contact form.
Show your appreciation for Christina’s work!
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All material copyright © Christina Engela, 2019.
FAQ’s Answered #15: Why Did I Write ‘Other Kids’? Today in a series of replies to FAQ (frequently asked questions) sent to me by fans (and sometimes not so much), I answer the question:  "
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vitabiolabs · 4 years
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2x Panax Ginseng by LLS | 120 High Strength Capsules (4 Month Supply) | 300mg -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 BOTTLES PANAX GINSENG BY LLS | 120 HIGH STRENGTH CAPSULES (4 MONTH SUPPLY) | 300MG PER CAPSULE, 10:1 EXTRACT (3000MG WHOLE PLANT EQUIVALENT) | 20% GINSENOSIDES | ALSO KNOWN AS KOREAN GINSENG | USED FOR IMPROVED THINKING, CONCENTRATION, MEMORY AND WORK EFFICIENCY, PHYSICAL STAMINA, AND ATHLETIC ENDURANCE | CAN ALLEVIATE STRESS | PREMIUM SUPPLEMENT PRODUCED IN THE UK | LOVE LIFE SUPPLEMENTS - "LIVE HEALTHY. LOVE LIFE." Live Healthy Love Life. OUR STORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW WE GOT OUR START? Love Life Supplements was created in 2012 by myself, Ben Law. I knew this was the industry where I could make the most impact by helping people as the supplement industry is notoriously filled with questionable companies offering low quality products. I knew I could do better. WHAT MAKES OUR PRODUCT UNIQUE? Our products are clean, high quality, highly effective products that fulfil a need we have identified in our consumer and/or where we feel we can offer something better than the competition. We are also always trying to improve upon our current products and, most importantly, innovating. WHY WE LOVE WHAT WE DO? We comprise of a small but dedicated team of knowledgeable individuals that all share a common mission - helping you achieve your health and fitness goals. This is not work to us, this is our passion. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUCT DESCRIPTION WHY BUY LLS PANAX GINSENG * High Potency * 20% Ginsenosides * 4 Month Supply * Veggie and Vegan * UK Made under GMP PANAX GINSENG BY LLS - 120 X 300MG CAPSULES (4 MONTH SUPPLY) 10:1 EXTRACT (3000MG WHOLE PLANT EQUIVALENT) - 20% GINSENOSIDES Panax Ginseng, also known as Korean Ginseng, has been used for thousands of years in herbal medicine for its multiple health benefits. Our Ginseng has the highest potency of the active ingredients, 'Ginsenosides'. It is these Ginsenosides that contribute towards improved thinking, concentration, memory and work efficiency. It may also help to maintain normal cognitive performance and glucose metabolism. * LLS is committed to providing the highest quality, effective ingredients with minimal excipients and manufactured here in the UK. HIGH STRENGTH Our Supplements Contains 300mg per Capsule of 10:1 Extract, Which is 3000mg Whole Plant Equivalent. It Contains 20% Ginsenosides - The Actvie Ingredient. CLEAN We Keep all Excipients in our Products to an Absolute Minimum. Our Product Contains NO Bulking Agents to Fill Out a Caspule - Nothing Unnecessary Added. NATURAL VITALITY Many of Our Customers have Experienced the Positve Effects of Our Supplements. Our Products are double sealed to ensure they arrive in perfect condition. We take pride in ensuring our products are as clean as possible. Which is why you will not find any Unneccessary Fillers and Bulkers in our supplement. It is Non GMO, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free. Vegetarian and Vegan Friendly. Manufactured in the UK at a GMP facility. Premium Quality Ingredients. LOVE LIFE SUPPLEMENTS - 'LIVE HEALTHY, LOVE LIFE.' OUR ETHOS Our Ethos is SImple - Help as Many People as Possible by Providing the Highest Quality, Highly Effective Nutritional Supplements with Nothing Unnecessary, Unhealthy or "Nasty" Added. Each Supplement is Developed and Used by LLS Founder Ben Law. Its Our Seal of Approval! UK MANUFACTURED All of Our Products are Manufactured Here in the UK Under the Strictest Conditions. Our Capsules are Manufactured in a GMP Faciltiy and Our Powders are Made in a Grade A BRC, Global Standard for Food Safety 7 Clean Room. All Materials Received into Our Warehouse Undergo Strict Quality Control. Batches are Sampled using FTIR Analysis. WORKING TO HELP OTHERS Love Life Supplements is Proud to Partner with Vitamin Angels, a Charity Organisation Providing Pregnant Mothers and Children Under Five with Lifesaving Vitamins and Minerals. We Make Regular Donations to Help People in Developing Countries - Thank you for helping us make the world a healthier place Product Feature Pure Blend Pure Maca Extract 10:1 Pure Curcumin Potent Antioxidant Bioavailable Omega 3 Ingredients 5 HTP, Schisandra Berry and Reishi Mushroom Maca Root Extract 10:1, Capsule Shell: Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose. Curcumin 95% Curcuminoids, Bioperine, Magnesium Stearate (Lubricant). Broccoli Sprout Extract, Phytofare Catechin Complex Lipid extract from the crustacean Antarctic Krill (Euphausia Superba) Vegetarian ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Vegan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Quantity 60 Capsules 60 Capsules 60 Capsules 60 Capsules IngredientsPanax Ginseng 10:1 Extract (20% Ginsenosides), Vegetable Capsule: Hypromellose, Anti-Caking Agents: Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate.Safety Warning• Always consult your GP before taking Nutritional Supplements, especially if you are taking medication, have an existing medical condition or are pregnant or nursing. • You should not take food supplements as a substitute for a varied balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle. • Side-effects from this supplement are rare but please discontinue use and contact your GP immediately in the event of an adverse reaction.Units120 countDirectionsTake 1 tablet daily with food. Do not exceed recommended amount unless directed by a qualified health care professional. Country/Region of Manufacture: United Kingdom Formulation: Capsule Unit Quantity: 120 Type: Ginseng Active Ingredients: Ginsenoside Unit Type: Unit Ingredients: Panax Ginseng Brand: LoveLive EAN: Does not apply http://nemb.it/p/zQm4_JmL32
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