#why am i so obssessed with these fictional people????
kafanizdakicokiyi · 3 months
I say all of this in a neutral, informative tone.
You asked why people romantacise yandere? Dismiss my ask if you don't want to know, it's not as bad as you might think tho.
[point of no return for explanation]
Most important/Main point ->
Many people who romantacise it or consume content regarding it, would never want it to happen in real life, but the fantasy of it is appealing. Similarly to how we read books about fantasy wars but would never want a war to occur in real life.
Other points I would like to bring up ->
A lot of us are mentally ill or attention/touch starved. The idea of someone devoting themself to you so wholly like that can be endearing.
Some people just like angst and feeling hurt. I dont personally, but I understand, it's similar to watching horror movies even if they scare the hell out of you, or sad movies even if they make you cry your heart out.
Some people have been through stuff and have come out in a way that sort of simulates what people would call a yandere, and they romantacise it to cope, or to feel liketheir love/obssession is reciprocated.
thank you for explaining this in a kind language <3
personally, i also like reading angst and such things, i know that these can change depending on the person's mood. but i don't think it's right to romanticize yandere or toxic relationship themed fictions. as i said in the previous post, these are traumatizing things and it bothers me when these are shown as sweet or pure acts of love in fictions. (there is no problem with the fictions that say this is wrong or show the effect of these situations on the person experiencing them!)
as you said, it may be a coping mechanism for some people, it's not my place to say anything about it. but the romanticization of yandere themes for different purposes seems as disturbing to me as pedophilia or incest relationships.
still, this is my opinion, and i respect every opinion :) i wanted to share this opinion because i've seen a lot of yandere themed fictions lately. and the reason i say i don't want to understand it is because i think it's wrong. i am open to peacefully discussing this with those who respond to me and defend this, i'm just not going to try to understand and empathize <3
(i'm tagging the tags where i've seen this plot before)
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unfilteredcurse · 3 months
100% agree on the entire tekken fandom being so fucking weird with jin kazama smh (especially fucking reddit, twitter, and the youtube comments section which is why i rarely look up tekken content on those sites in particular). that would be like if you were a star wars fan and you can't even enjoy luke skywalker without someone talking about how "luke tried to kill his own nephew yet he forgave his father, he is a hypocrite and a bad hero you're a bad person if you like luke". just like luke in star wars the last jedi, jin was ooc as fuck in tekken 6. even the writers themselves admitted they didn't want to do this, it only happened because of harada and they got so much backlash for that character assassination back when tekken 6 was first released. so why...why for over 10 years do i have to constantly see so many unfunny repetitive jokes, hate, and slander about jin kazama. why is the only thing i see when i look up jin is "ww3" for the billionth time. why did i have to see people making customizations of jin dressing up like h*tler, p*tin, and fucking s*suke uchiha. why do i have to see fucked up fan fiction of kazuya, miguel, or fucking s*suke uchiha raping and torturing jin kazama to "punish him for his war crimes and also because he never suffered what kazuya/miguel/s*suke suffered from". i'm also so sick and tired of seeing fucking s*suke uchiha stans and r/Tekken daring to comparing my boy jin kazama to that stupid uchiha from naruto who is a misogynistic egotistical narcissistic irredeemable skinny femboy twink asshole. jin would never try to kill xiaoyu multiple times, unlike s*suke who tried to kill two women who admired him. jin has no ego unlike that ego obssessed jerk s*suke. jin is actually handsome and hot, he's a muscular toned man and not just anohter generic femboy twink. jin was never cruel to either her or hwoarang. if anything jin was always more like itachi uchiha, jin always said "forgive me" to his opponents and his motivation, both jin and itachi have the whole black feather aesthetic, both jin and itachi hate their own bloodline, and jin's goal is to kill/stop his own bloodline for the greater good just like itachi. jin would fucking choke and then brutally murder s*suke for what he did to both team 7 and team taka. damn it harada, why didn't you just retcon it like how you retconned kazumi having the devil gene but not jinpachi. why didn't they just say that jin kazama was brainwashed by azazel or something. sometimes i can't help but think about an alternative timeline where tekken 6 scenario campaign never happened, jin was still loved and the side characters (ex. Asuka and Paul) were not made irrelevant joke characters and had something to do.
forgive me if i got a bit too extreme here, but i...i...i just had to let out my emotions now. jin has always been important to me, he's my childhood crush and also one of my biggest comfort characters (along with mitsuru from persona 3 and kiryu from yakuza). which is also why i'm so glad i found posts like these, my feelings feel validated.
Oh believe me, I feel ya, anon. I guess this is just what they call the pain of loving a cursed character doomed by both the fandom and the narrative... but in the end, we all know what's actually beneath all that and that there is much more than meets the eye to Jin (and other characters too).
Also, comparing Jin to fucking P*tin and H*tler is.... something entirely else and I am honestly terrified of those people if their reading comprehension leads them to these comparisons. I just-
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You don't know how much patience I have to build up to (sort of) stay in the fandom with all these "jokes" still running around kn freaking 2024. I wanna say that I sincerely hope it will get better, but seeing the overall state of the fandom now and 5-10 ywars ago... I kind if doubt it will get better any time soon.
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sherlockholmeson · 3 months
Nine people I want to get to know better
Thank you @gaylilsherlock you make my days by tagging me :)))
Favorite Color: emerald green, teal, purple
Currently Watching: so I started Love Sea bl but I have mixed feelings about it, also My Stand In and Wandee Goodday (as evident by my reblogs every week when it airs)
Last movie: uhhh I honestly don't remember I am more focused on tv shows, let me think... ahhh right I was in the cinema to watch Furiosa which disapointed me, Fury Road was much better somehow.
Currently Reading: tons of ZB1 fics, which is suprise to myself cause I was never really into RPF (real persn fiction), but what can I say Jebewons are feeding my delulu. Haobin, Mattwook (in their recent youtube folder video (x) they lay down together in tent and when Taerae asks why he is laying with Gunwook he said and I quote "there's only one bed", fanservice at its best if you ask me) and Gyubrik mainly but there are also some Jiwoong/Matthew in the roster too. For my defence it was hard couple last months mentally for me and obssessing over them helps me not to think about bad things. Maybe not the healthiest way to deal with depression but it does help so fuck it.
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory?: Savory
Relationship: single af but honestly not sure if I want to change that
Current Obsession: ZEROBASEONE, Jeff Satur, BLs in general.
Last googled: honestly idk, I have it turned off in my google privacy settings so can't even check, I am mostly on apps these days so rather than googling i use app searches bar and tags
Currently working on: getting a bit healthier mentally wise... it was rough couple of months
tagging: @risu442 , @callipigio @lazzarella @mirabella96 @amloveabledeathmo @timotey @salamander89 @the-widow-twankey @la-vie-en-lys @howlingwolf23 @scarytheory and also if I haven't tagged you but you want to do this feel free I will gladly read it and get to know you!!!
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hopeyxii · 3 months
tw for gr0oming and its romantization, p3dophiliac jokes, child manipulation, vore (sexually) etc.
first sorry if grammar errors, i am from brazil. second that this isnt misinformation, this is actually real stuff benjamin/sbaguyos243 did to us. last of all, go to one of my friends profile for more info (@cowardlysimon)
hello, i am hope or hopeyxii, call me what you prefer. so, we all know benjamin the wolf, right?
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not to mention these characters were never theirs, i am the original creator of maxus (the big one) and akeko (the small on maxus' mouth.). but benjamin claims they are "adults in my au" but they dont have a single spot of adult appearence, otherwise that, what benjamin did just add wings on maxus' back and an "a" on maxus' sweatshirt. akeko didnt change anything at all.
i am just warning more people about this "drama" that the voices of the people who were manipulated emotionally or sexually by them need to be heard, they groomed me, but not in a sexual way. they blackmailed, manipulated and etc. just to be with my characters. specifically this one, i will show the new reference but for my comfort i dont want to let nobody else beside my close friends draw him because benjamin just over obssessed trough this character.
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altough this is the new design, the first design was made by me when i was 9 years old, as a kid lying my age being 13 (i am a 12 year old, growing on 13 in august so give me happy 17th agust/hj)
so, this is it.
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9 year old/legacy design.
benjamin was always obssessed with my characters, not only mine, but simon's characters too.
as i said they always blackmailed me and simon, only for god damn characters, wich one time i just raged so much out of it that i let them use, but after i knew some of the things they did (now i know all, to be honest.) i said they couldnt use anymore. they just ignored and just fucked up to somewhere with the characters.
oh, evidences.
the first one was on a video they tried to victimize themselves, but they failed miserabely because a lot of people was in me, alex and simon's side.
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(luax is other character who is canonically 11y/o)
they said i emotionally manipulate them, but what goes in a mind of a 9 year old is thinking everything the older person does is right. they said in the comment section of their video that if what i said was grooming i groomed them (9 year old grooming a 15 year old is freaky) and also said one thing just,, oh god generic fictional character groomer who ages up them for weird reasons phrase.
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this was from benjamin, they wrote a gigantenormous text over my arguments and yeah
what i said to this
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yes, i have a late diagnosis of borderline personality disorder.
back to the topic, proof of them talking about the "hope trauma"
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not to mention a question of mine, if they have so much "hope trauma", why do they use maxus?
oh yeah, i have a lot of more evidence to show. but, my doc is not complete, wich will help in the tumblr posting and a video i am working on because i am doing more research. thats all for today, bye.
honorable mention for alex and simon for exposing them
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
I discovered so many cool ifs thanks to your blog. I must say your taste in characters and stories is exquisite. Do you have a certain type of favourite ROs as in are there some romance tropes that you always go for? I'm a sucker for the emotionally unavailable ROs, so Orion and August have me in a chokehold rn. I'm honestly having so much infamous brainrot after reading that amazing demo. Do you prefer gender-selectable or gender-locked ROs? I personally don't mind either way as long as they're well written and portrayed. And you're so right we need more NB/Trans ROs for sure! Specially more that are POCs! <3
Oh, anon you don't know how much this makes me SMILE! Not so much about my tastes (though I'm smiling on that too, you flatterer :-P) but because of the IFs. I think Interactive Fiction is such a delightful medium with SUCH potential, and I love trying to stuff it into more people's faces.
Oh, man. I've actually been thinking of this -- because I once semi-jokingly said/had the thought that I always go for the characters of color [that's not TRUE, but I feel like I'm more inclined to give them a chance regardless of trope as long as I find the character intriguing enough] because I want to make sure they get love. So, I feel like I haven't really been looking at games/stories through tropes of late -- because IFs haven't yet reach a place where I'm afforded that? I don't know if I'm making sense.
BUT this question definitely took me back, lmao. And it is going to expose why TWC will always be on my neck, as well as that I am a LITTLE bit of a liar (because thinking on this made me realize though I may try and be broad with my interests to support characters of color, my subconious is a clown and likes what it likes werew lmao).
TL;DR I do love the stoic ones. I do love the ones that seem indifferent and/or cold or just So Serious and Don't Have Time For Your Tomfoolery but also have a sense of humor, a sense of justice/loyalty, and can get super soft/flustered for MC (but not just mc but their loved ones:
A du Mortain 🤡
Orion Quinn (Orion chuckling at Rowan's jokes privately? I knew he was the one for me BUT THAT SOLIDIFIED IT. I AM GONE FOR HIM)
August Pierce (letting themselves be suckered into things by their sister, being flustered by MC in a romance??)
Calderon (Andromeda Six)
Elliot (OFNA) - though I haven't gotten far in ofna.
D (atoc)
I love the soft and bright ones. Sometimes they're sarcastic (but to a point. There's a reason why I love the Scott McCalls more than the Stiles Stilinkis), they're mischevious. They don't need to have a dark past but I'm not against it. They're still KIND despite all they've gone through. Their hearts are just so BIG. And if you throw in a bit of friends to lovers? I'M THERE.
F Hauville.
Bash (a6)
I think Victoria might fit here, but more of a hardened shell version (which I wanted to add I feel this type has a lot of subcategories that I also enjoy). A more defiant version, a version who is less impulsive, more in control? idk what im saying. Which I'd also put Ayame from A6 here.
Skye Cortéz from Skin and Scales.
I feel Kiran from Unseelie will fit this.
Those are clear off the top of my head but there are other ones I like. I love characters that have poise but also are cunning (I think A from ATOC would fit here if you need an example; Sabir from the Exile, Straasa from TSSW, Leonie from Reaper's Bay .... that theyre all black is a coincidence -- one I JUST realized wqere lmao), I love childhood friends to lovers as I stated, I love enemies to reluctant allies to friends to lovers, I love second chance romances (or reunited friends that turn to romance). I'm blanking at personalties, right now. I'm sorry.
Oh, negl. Sometimes I go for the 'fuck everyone but you' Villain. I like it when the powerful "bad" guy (gn) is obssessed with MC. Like, not an RO but for an example Falk. Or an actual RO Manerkol from The Soul Stone Wars. Krios from Dying Stars.
Sometimes, but not always, I go for the hopelessly devoted and utterly loyal to MC bodyguard sort like Kai from Reaper's Bay. Devoted and protective does usually get my pitter patter - like John from Made Marian, but like I said not always. Especially if OVERPROTECTIVENESS can be a point of discussion between the pair (ie mc and the ro).
There are other stuff but i am blanking right now.
As for gender, I don't care generally -- but I do tend to shy away if there isn't an NB option when they're gender selectable, and if there isn't I want at LEAST ONE NB ro (more than one) that isn't gender selectable. I like it better tho when it's all gender selectable or like two are gender selectable and the rest are set genders but evenly so.
and yes that SPECIFICNESS -- you make a point I hadn't even thought of: DEFINITELY need more trans/nb options, PERIOD, but please writers and artists should consider having them of color as well!!
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katyspersonal · 2 years
Hello, I just want to say that your art is amazing and not to worry because fandoms are made more fun and tolerable by people like you who really care about the source material and not using it to spread hate. I hope you keep making art.
Heeeeeey! Don't do me so dirty - I DO spread hate..... towards people that don't care for the source material and just want to hate. XD Aren't we all just hunters vs beasts loop, not realizing we are ALL beasts with the only difference in time passage?...
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Ffgfuhhjv okay but seriously, thank you very much for the nice words, anon. It just sometimes feel like there is little to no point because not many other people are deep dive fans learning every single detail. Randos that do not even like the source material all that much come in a fandom to use the stories and characters that we hold dear to sell their products and their ideas.
And don't get me wrong - we love products! Keychains with Henryk and Gascoigne? Hell yes I'll take both! Doll plushie? I'm buying the entire stock! Like, good, THANK YOU for the products! Official merch is so often underperforming in quality or missing characters we really want to hold. But like... won't it be nicer coming from someone who loves the source material for what it is and is willing to listen to the actual fans when they correct them about wrong take or design error? I remember there was a newbie that started doing STONKS very soon thanks to their skill but I could tell they were dramatically lacking source material knowledge and just checked what takes were popular in the fandom to deliver them (leading to missing important characters, doing wrong lore assumptions and even drawing strongly wrong colors of characters). But they proven that they respect the hardcore fans and listened on being corrected, and it was so refreshing!
That's why no gatekeeping should be absolute, because any other person that is not well-versed might be willing to learn more and gives us credit. But reverse happens too - us 99 lvl autism fans get mocked for "having no life" or "being obssessive" or "having no girlfriend", and this is just... bad. Fandoms should be safe space for loosers, geeks, autists and alike first. The normies got the whole world yet they choose to come to one place where we can obssess over a thing and bully us FOR obsessing because... why? Right, because this is a good grinding ground for audience. Endless loop of 'but no one cares about original universes!' vs 'but we want people who care about the source!' that I don't know how to break either. Right, nobody should feel obligated to dive into [insert a fictional univerce] just to get enough people to hear out what they ACTUALLY wanted to say, but also there is a good reason WHY this or that fandom is so popular - because source material spoke with people's very hearts!
In grand scheme of things, of course, the true problem is that nowadays EVERY single person is looking for their purpose in creative field specifically, because alternative jobs are just so terrible and soul-crashing for the same low income. So as far as it goes on, fandoms ARE threated as grinding area for "platform" for those creative jobs to go swell. The big problem is that not everyone's very ESSENCE is to create, yet everyone has the potential and skill (if they study enough). And creative work is the last resort where peoples souls do not get destroyed. That's why I hate AI "art" so much - it is destroying the last place where a SOUL can exist and grow and heal. But really, the true issue is that alternative jobs should be less soul-crashing - so people who are not built to be creators can work at factories, in offices, malls, stores, transport, etc without feeling like such pitiful existance is not even worthy of this low ass paycheck. And that... well, not getting fixed anytime soon, if at all. I am speaking as someone who used to work a normal job but capitalism disease rotted it TOO, and now it is not about being useful but about doing the sales plans and too many jobs for one person, and it IS soul-crashing. -_-
Alright, sorry for the rant, I just have a lot to say on the matters of fandoms! I think the most ironic thing is how fandoms also often attract the opposite; so very dark, fucked up fictional universes that teach you how to just give up and die tend to attract nice and level-headed individuals, but wholesome, bright and lovely ones that teach kindness attract the most toxic people ever, but I don't have theory on why is that. I just know one thing - whatever will be my new fictional special interest, I am not touching any E or PG-13 rated universe with a ten yards stick. Only 16+ and darker, babyyyy!
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nobodyelsethinksso · 7 years
I know this seems far-fetched but I am really hoping for a grand, lavish Rikara wedding once our jathadari hippy accepts Gauri as his wife and their relationship just for the sake of it. Also, no Shivika-Rikara combined wedding (since a remarriage will definitely be the route that CVs will take once Shivika get back to their senses). Rikara should have their own wedding so the two couples can shine separately and can be given the undivided focus and attention that they deserve on their wedding functions!!! Gosh!!! I am going to be so happy seeing my babies happy and them actually, willingly getting married and enjoying the process :') Yeah, I know I am reaching but a girl can dream, right?
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I didn't even know who Evan Peters was like a week ago and I saw your reblogs and for now I have developed this CRAZY obssession of him. Like I am a 26 years old grown ass woman fangirling like back in my teenage years. (help me, how can someone have this sexy hands?? the fucking veins!! is this legal? and the voice oh.my.god. this man is something else)
*evil smirk* ah hell have this one instead :)
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Welcome to my world Nonnie! I'm a 31 almost 32 year old holy shit where when why how fuck and yeah I'm right there with you!! I DO. NOT. Get attracted this bad to real people let alone baby fever with fictional characters but here I am squeeling over Dad! JPM, Dad!Zabel and Dad!Peter and devouring every single photo, gifset, fanfics, headcanons just anything I can get!! I DON'T EVEN LIKE BABIES EWWWW WHY IS THIS HAPPENNNINGGGG
Omg tell me about it, his hands are just kxjdjfkdkdkdkdjdkksdjksndksnsns I saw a close up of his hand/wrist once and was JXKDKNDJENDJDIJXKZNZKSBXJDJSKNZKSBSJS and OMG HIS VOIIIIICEEE OH AND have you seen his lil nose freckle??? 🥺🥺 He has like a neck one too I think?? Bdbd dbsjdbsmzb oh and his smile could stop global warming...or just warm everything up quicker cos 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
So yes Nonnie welcome to hell aka my mind 😂 where all these guys love rent free. Sam always does too ofc but well um........
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writerman · 4 years
Interview tag!
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
I was tagged by @dumbfilmschoolkid Thank you for the tag! <3
- nickname: L wow the first letter of my name imaginative ahah
- pronouns: He/him
- star sign: Libra
- height: 5′9
- time currently: 12:54pm
- when is your birthday: October 5th
- favorite bands/groups: Coheed and Cambria and AFI right now.
- favorite solo artists: Hozier
- song stuck in your head: Give You The World from the Carole and Tuesday soundtrack
- last movie watched: The Meg and it was awful lmao
- last show you binged: Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix with @unholycarrierpigeon
- when you created your blog: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 (I did have a blog before this one but I deleted it so it should be older than this but it isn’t.)
- last thing you googled:  Xavier Dupont de Ligonnes
- other blogs: I had a From Eroica With Love confessions blog once, now I just have some casual RP blogs.
- why you chose your url: well, I wanted to change it because I wasn’t fully on the  Eroica fandom much any more and writerman suits me best because I write a lot.
- do you get asks: Every so often, not as much now because I haven’t posted any prompt responses for a little while.
- how many people are you following: 656
- how many followers do you have: 1,102
- average hours of sleep: About 4-5 hours
- lucky number: 13 yooooo
- instruments: Not anymore
- what I’m currently wearing: sweat pants with skeleton legs printed on them and a red jurassic park t shirt.
- dream job: Published Author.
- dream trip: Japan because I am obssessed with the food and their cities and just their culture in general. Also America to see my dearest friends.
- favorite food: Spaghetti
- favorite song: The Homecoming by Coheed and Cambria at the moment.
- top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: The Hobbit, The Vampire Chronicles and maybe Carole and Tuesday
tagging: @morticia-butler @daisy-birb @nocompromise-noregrets @auroreamethyste @saschagemruler @thinkbythewishful @rubberduckiemel @pancakesandcaffeine @kagesu @platinummice @thranduilland @goldenglitterydusk @brsboyer @sleepy-santiago No one is obliged to do this I just tagged a few of you cool cats because it seems like fun!
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serpentinerose · 4 years
Tbh being an anti has become like a sort of trendy cultures among all fandoms. I am not even talking about 2ha which has indeed some very problematic things. Even fandoms that are way more clean have antis. MDZS has antis! Like, I don't know why people love hating so much. Why they love discourse and obssess over their opinion over fictional things.
My thing with “problematic themes” is that writing about, wanting to read about, or otherwise engaging with said things does not mean you agree with them? I don’t understand why antis lack that critical piece of information. Problematic themes are present in almost literally every piece of media. They drive conflicts, plots, and characters’ motivations, and sometimes they are just pure fun to read about. 
What I’m saying is sometimes it’s deep, sometimes it’s not, and if I want to watch a cannibal cook beautiful dishes that doesn’t mean I think it’s ok for someone to kill people irl or eat them. Same with any other piece of problematic media. 300? Genocide. Will I watch it in all its shitty cinematic glory and did it gross extremely highly at the box office when it debuted? Yes. Game of Thrones? Incest galore. Was it the most popular show of the 2010s and I love it? Indeed. Lord of the Rings? Wow, weren’t Arwen and Aragorn raised together? Isn’t that... found family... incest... yada yada yada. Nobody was complaining about that. So why are we being so hard on danmei? 
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astronomicpusheen · 4 years
tagged by @merldruck, as always thank you so much for tagging me 💕  I really love doing this kind of things fbgndjkfgnd
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs (whaaat not gonna tag this much people lmao) you are contractually obligated (naaaah you’re not) to know better.
name/nickname: liz / eli (in italian lmao) gender: female star sign: taurus height: 159 cm. time: 16.00 birthday: may 12th favorite bands: the lumineers, one republic, coldplay, mumford and sons, major lazer (and a whole lot more that I don’t remember) favorite solo artists: this is a tough one, I can’t actually think of specific ones 🤔 I’m gonna go with billie marten, mree, aurora, elisa, cesare cremonini (and lots and lots more lmao see what I wrote before) song stuck in my head: “kiki’s song” by mree last movie: the edge of seventeen last show: vikings/fleabag/a discovery of witches when did I create this blog: like a month ago? lmao I don’t remember what do I post: everything i love (tv series, movies, etc. and goddamn ALEX because yes and vikings related stuff the most), healing stuff and things I relate to, gifset and artworks from wonderful artists (shoutout to my mutuals  💕) last thing googled: “colley cibber books” other blogs: I still have a blog somewhere out there in the tumblr mess about bts but I don’t use it anymore - I wanted to reinvent myself lmao. do I get asks: so far only once which was the sweetest message I ever recieved from an anon! why I chose my url: because I like pusheen (I relate to its roundiness lol) and I like the word astronomic lmao following: 50 followers:  average hours of sleep: 6/8  lucky number: my mum once bought me a chart with the meaning of my name and stuff and it says my lucky number is 9, so... 9? instruments: ukulele/guitar (although I can’t play lmao) what am I wearing: sweater and leggins dream job: editor dream trip: australia, new zeland, denmark, ireland favorite food: parmigiana (eheh) and pizza nationality: italian favorite song: can’t choose only one, I’m gonna go with “cartoon people” by billie marten because it’s second one I’m obssessed with beside “kiki’s song” last book read: it’s been ages since i’ve read a book. suggestions? top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: marvelous mr.maisel, narnia, teen wolf
I’m tagging @luinen-bluewater, @hitchcock-blonde, @hvitserkk, @wjntersoldjcr, @exhaustedpidgin and anyone who see this and wants to do this! 💕
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martiestudies · 4 years
30qs tag game!!
thanks @stemacademia for tagging me, sorry i took like three weeks to see it
1. name/nickname: name's martina, call me mar/martie/starlight/whatever derivate of those
2. gender: she/her pronouns
3. star sign: aquarius!!
4. height: i have no idea but uhhh between 155 and 160
5. time: rn its 12:42 (pm)
6. birthday: january 20th
7. favourite bands: idk if there's a difference between bands and boygroups BUT i stan bts and txt (and i appreciate any chance to talk about them so ask away if you want ;))
8. favourite solo artist: taylor swift
9. song stuck in my head: none rn thank god but the last one was cry for me by twice
10. last movie: oof it's been a while. maybe disney's soul?
11. last show: s16 of grey's anatomy
12. when did i create this blog: second half of 2016
13. what do i post: study stuff!! and aesthetics and tips and all that
14. last thing i googled: marked for later page of archiveofourown.org sdfkjdsfjhs
15. my other blogs: my personal is @qquietnights but i haven't used that one in a while (and sideblog @allthestarss for fandom stuff if you wanna see what works of fiction i obssess over)
16. do i get asks: once in a blue moon
17. why i chose my url: i followed the most basic formula for a studyblr blog name lmao
18. following: i have no idea how many ppl, nor i care
19. average hours of sleep: iii think it's been around 6-8 lately?
20. lucky number: 7
21. instruments: i wish
22. what am i wearing: not pajamas for once jeans and a tshirt! autumn just started on the right track so the jacket has been on and off all day
23. dream job: oof i don't know? somewhere in a lab hopefully
24. dream trip: roadtrip through the south of my country (aka Patagonia por la ruta 40)
25. favourite food: pizza
26. nationality: argentinian
27. favourite song: OH NO YOU CAN'T ASK ME THAT. at least a top 10 (first thing that came to mind was people by agust d)
28. last book read: breve atlas anecdótico de la ciencia by juan manual carballeda! for el gato y la caja!! love them
29. top three fictional universes i'd like to live in: the wizarding world ofc, the his dark materials one aaaand that's it i think?
30. favourite colour: blue
if you see this post, you're tagged. sorry i don't make the rules tag me so i can see it tho!
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bumble-beckie · 6 years
get to know me tag
eep thank you so much for taggin me @mo0n1e you absolute fabulous human
Rules: Tag 10 followers you want to get to know better!
Star Sign: Gemini
Height: 5’2
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 4 songs:
Cry of Achilles - Alter Bridge
Queen of Hearts - We the Kings
Piece by Piece - Katie Melua
Nobody - Niia
Grab the nearest book next to you, turn to page 23, what is line 17?: ...Damen recalled his situation. In Akielos, he had thrown himself...
Ever had a song or poem written about you?: nu
When was the last time you played air guitar?: listening to muse on the bus yesterday,, yaas
What’s a sound you hate? One you love?: chewing, like people nomming loudly just no but i loove the sound of fire
Do you believe in ghosts?: yeah i think so, i definitely believe in spirits so why not
Do you believe in aliens?: yaas, i think there is definitely some form of extra-terrestrial life
Do you drive? If so have you crashed?: i kinda crashed into the tree when practicing driving but i cant legally drive yet
Do like the smell of gasoline?: i’m indifferent to it
What’s the last movie you’ve seen? Bohemian Rhapsody
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?: Umm I broke my wrist when i fell down a toilet as a kid... i think thats probably the worst i’ve had
Do you have any obsessions right now?: Umm baking I guess?? I’m not really obssessed with anything atm.. although muse has released lots of new music an i am living for it!
Do you tend to hold grudges?: naaah not really
In a relationship?: nope, im a single pringle
(second tag)
First name- Beckie
Height - 50000000cm short
Age- 17 :3
Hair color- currently it is pink, blue, purple and silver
Favorite fruit- strawberries or green apples or grapes ooh nom
Farvorite season- winter! just the cold weather and warm house srggbjrdnj
Farvorite animal- duck billed platapi
 Favorite fictional character- oh god there is so many but maybe Laurent from Captive Prince or Calcifer from hmc
Favorite tv show- The Great British Bake Off
Favorite color- all the colors... but like yellows pretty good
Dog or cat person- Meow
Tumblr crush- ooh umm @allthefawkesigive and @rose-grangerweasleyisbae cuz such soft beans i can’t deal and their rp and writing is just top notch
Dream trip- ooh either visit Canada or japan
Post your most recent selfie-
Tumblr media
ty so much for tagging me :3 i love stuff like this you fab bean <33 
tagging: @therubyjailcell @scrapbook-of-y-our-memories @queen-of-ice101 jdjfhfjfk idk,, I just tagged the people latest in my notes sooo lemme know if you do or don't want to be tagged
Have a fantastic day!
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pingu89 · 6 years
Q&A Tag Game
Tagged by @valkyrieofsmut 
I haven’t done one of these in a loooong time so thank you for tagging me darling!!! These are always fun to do!
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 people you want to know better
Nicknames: Most used nicknames are Kata and Keti, my mum often calls me Nina, King (I once wore a white Michael Jackson type fedora as a joke and the nickname stuck with me), kitten
Gender: Female
Sign: Capricorn
Height: 5′9″ or 176 cm :)
What time is it: Night time! 
Fave band(s): The Ramones, The Beatles, Green Day. Those bands are the ones that have been with me since my childhood and I always turn to them no matter what mood I’m in. I can’t imagine my life without music and I don’t choose music based on the type as much as on what moves me physically or emotionally. Also,powerful voices are my weakness (which is funny cause neither of those lead singers are amazing vocalists, although they are very recognizable) 
Fave solo artist(s): Leona Lewis, Jessie J and Janis Joplin. Strong female vocals, powerful voices and personalities, amazing lyricsts. They are my Holy Trinity! 
Song stuck in my head: Light & Shadow by Kos. The song is mesmerizing.
Last movie I saw: Age of Adaline
Last show I watched: Lucifer, it was the least shitty thing on TV. 
When did I create my blog: Turned 7 a month ago. I remember creating it when I was supposed to study for my finals but couldn’t focus. Probably like most of the people here. 
What do I post: Whatever I like of feel like at that moment. Also, my posts usually consist a lot of my current obssessions. 
Last thing I Googled: types of tomatoes cause I just ate the best tomato of my life and I need that type in my garden. (which is weird cause they are my least fave veggies and I was blown away by this one) 
Do I have any other blogs: Nope.
Do I get asks: Rarely. I do get DMs often. Not always the type that makes me happy or amused though . XD
Why did I choose my URL: I used to love cartoon Pingu when I was a kid (I still do) and I was born in 1989. (oldieeeeee) No creative explanation for it. 
Following: 165 :)
Followed by: 755. Used to be somewhere around 1000 but when you’re not active for a year a number drops. (not that it matters, thought it would be more people leaving) 
Average hours of sleep: Sleep… what is sleep? Definitely not my best friend for the last month...
Lucky number: 15
Instruments: Guitar, a bit of percussions and my voice (oh so cheesy) 
What am I wearing: Old capri pants that have way too many holes in them(but they are sooooo comfy) and star wars t shirt.
Dream Job: I really love the job I have. I do still have a chance to be a rockstar though hahaha
Dream Trip: Japan, Ireland-Scotland tour and my fave one (and closest) is an Eastern European road trip:  Hungary-Ukraine (Kiev, Chernobyl is my most anticipated destination) -Romania(Bucharest,Constanta,Sighisoara aka Vlad’s hometown)- Bulgaria. The last one will hopefully happen next year. We’ve been planning it for 3 years, but someone was always broke.
Nationality: Croatian with a bit of Hungarian flavour.
Fave song: Who you are by Jessie J and One more song by The Kelly Family (I know they are shit, I was a child so don’t judge. But the song is amazing. ) 
Last book I read: A book about ADHD in classroom. In every generation of my kids I have at least one kid with ADHD so I’m always looking for new books to learn more about it. 
Currently reading: Elizabeth Taylor biography, Creative school gardeners, Roald Dahl kids collection. I’m taking a break from fiction and adult books and I’m taking care of my nerd needs. 
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna join: Marvel, Harry Potter and Buffy the vampire slayer universe. Those three have always been and will always be my top choice no matter how bad and risky life in those could be. 
Tagging people… I no longer communicate with so many people here so I’ll just tag people whose work I like to read, who make me laugh and a few I kind of still keep in touch with. @sgtjbuccky @han-rawr @gorkipelin @my-secret-world-of-passion @nishtavilo @upinthefluff @bitnost @votka-sprajt @hiallhyles @beautiful-messssss @notimetoblog @the-beauty-of-being-a-psycho @paralysser and my baby @turquoise-in-bloom
Sorry if I left someone out, these are quite random and once again Thank you Val! :)
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automatismoateo · 3 years
The Bible is a comic book that was taken too seriously via /r/atheism
The Bible is a comic book that was taken too seriously
I wasn't sure where to post my rant as its not fully about atheism but here it is:
Religious people would say that atheists are the scourage of the world but religious people can't even agree on which group to hate. I am fully convinced that the Bible is a book whose ancient fanboys were too excited to read fiction for the first time and so obssessed over it and made their own Comicons to celebrate it. Nowadays, we have the Marvel Universe to satisfy our need for superheros and ever so often, we would say things like 'My superhero is stronger than yours!' and have a soft debate over their capabilities. Whereas back then, they had the Bible Universe where they would say things like 'My God is stronger than yours! Let's battle to the death to see who's is stronger!'. Now that this comic book has gotten out of hand, it is seen as one of the most successful published fiction book and so society sees that it is not silly to believe in an almighty being that has control over absolutely everything. An almighty being who uses free will as a reason for evil is a little off putting seeing that if he can't restrict our free will, then he is not almighty and if he doesn't want to restrict our free will, then he is evil. This book was created at a time of lesser creativity and since then, its been overhyped. Religious people will call you a nerd and anti social if you tell them about the lore of the Eldritch gods but if you raise your voice against the words of their sky daddy, they will lose their minds. Atheists mind their own business but the religious sects keep trying to encourage us to pick a side but its like, why? We aren't delusional. For all we know, religious people be preaching about a book whose author was either demented or didn't exist.
Submitted January 05, 2022 at 11:15PM by wombatttttt (From Reddit https://ift.tt/3eT51Ho)
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mari-m-rose · 7 years
Tagged by the lovely ♥ @b-griveros ♥
30 questions tag
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 10 people (we’ll see)
# following: 237
# of followers: 2700+
average hours of sleep: 5-7
lucky number: 21
instruments: piano, flute (that I can play)/Violin, piano (my fave)
what are you wearing: hmm dunno its name in English, but something like this in blue
dream job: independent fanartist
dream trip: Japan, Spain, USA, Germany, Argentina
birthday: December 21st
height: 5′2
gender/pronouns: female/ she/her
other blogs: art only blog: @m-la-rosa /best magi fanart :3c: @sinja-gallery/ dead like my faith in Magi: @magipositivityproject​/ weeks: @sinja20anniversary / @sinja-au-week​ ​/ Collabs: @sinja-art-telephone-game
nicknames: Mari, Mariano sdjvop, Mido (FMA OC friends only), sinja-mom, mom ;;;;; 
star sign: Sagittarius
time: 12:21 am (UTC-5)
favorite bands: Currently loving Muse and Imagine Dragons (also listening to The Killers as usual and Coldplay)
favorite artist: several
favorite tumblr artist: it used to be paipai-ponpoi I think Tv T, now it’s Siod, raion when she draws my otp only tbh....
song stuck in your head: Mahoutsukai no Yome’s OST
last movie you watched: Darkest hour
last show you watched: Mahoutsukai no Yome ep 18 ♥
why did you make your blog: My deviantart friends moved here, so I tried it too, tho I didn’t like it at first. However, now I’m one of the few of them who has abandoned deviantArt almost for completely....
what do you post: Mostly Magi and my current side fandoms! Right now I’m obssessed with Donten ni Warau, Mahotsukai no Yome and Devilman Crybaby I think.
last thing you googled: headaches that last more than 2 weeks
ao3: I suck at writing and reading makes my eyes tired or I become nauseous really easily Tv T
do you ever get asks: I doooo but I still haven’t replied like 100+ so that explains why I’m not getting new ones more often
how did you get the idea for your url: It’s the short version of my real name and an English word that resembles my second last name.
favorite food: Aji de Gallina hands down!
last book you read: ............I haven’t read in a long time :< wanted to read Cujo but I don’t have the time :<
top 3 fictional universes: FMA, Magi, Harry Potter
I tag: @miru-p, @eleore, @patchwork-panda, @one-true-fangirl, @sinbad-ai, @yamineftis, @ferchozaki, @alemanriq, @ivoryrosewood, @floofyfluff
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