#and very quickly you will or should notice something disconcerting. you could be getting your information from any of those ten.
87dvhnk · 4 months
"i read the wiki and i saw the pages/panels already, why do i need to read the comics?"
because a) some those comics fuck with awing dexterity and stamina b) there's a good chance shit is out of context or simply misrepresented (innocently, humorously, ignorantly or maliciously) and c) you know the beats/endings of tons of shit, but it doesn't impede your enjoyment of it, now does it? sure it's nice to go in spoiler free, but if the gimmick of spoiling material is all a piece of media has, then that piece of media is meritless. you knew who luke skywalker's father was before you saw the movie. is it still worth watching? you knew romeo and juliet died before you read the play. is it still worth reading? do you not want to go on a journey? do you not want to feel something? do you not want to commiserate about the human experience through art? a wiki will never be comprehensive enough to cover everything you would have read or seen yourself--it can't be, not without being the thing itself. even then, you still miss the things not on the page/screen, the things that are only implied, the things that go unstated, or else conspicuously omitted. don't talk to me about shit haunting the narrative if the only haunting you've ever been apart of was your passing despite your dogshit analysis skills haunting the conscience of your eng 101 adjunct professor in perpetual fear of losing their contract and being relocated from their car to under a bridge by demanding college students demonstrate basic reading comprehension, critical thinking, and coherent argumentative skills. boast about killing the author? my friend, you are cain advancing in the fields, skulking, stepping in abel's footprints, filled with murderous intent, with nothing but the chinese telephone-equivalent of a description of a weapon cutting into your soft palms.
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mechaknight-98 · 5 months
1800-hot-Nfun (NSFW) FT Sakura Miyawaki
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Author’s note: Sakura Miyawaki hype train continues. She continues to plague me in the best way possible.
After Sakura finished up with her schedule, her next task was finding Daigo. She assumed he'd be just a quick text away. But as minutes turned into hours, and midnight approached with still no word from him, her worry deepened. Approaching Porter and Aaron, Sakura couldn't contain her concern. "Hey, have you guys seen Daigo? He was supposed to meet me after the schedules, but he's been radio silent." Before anyone could respond, Sakura's phone began to ring. It was Daigo. Despite her mounting frustration, she answered, putting the call on speaker so everyone could hear the piece of her mind Daigo was about to receive. "Finally, Kkura, I've been trying to reach you! My battery's almost dead, so listen up. I got abducted today, but don't freak out, I handled it. However, I need some assistance. I'll send you my location, could you or the guys pick me up? Oh, and bring some towels, please. I'll need them. Ah, my phone's dying. Gotta go," and with that, the line went dead. Sakura and the others exchanged perplexed glances, but Aaron and Porter were quick to react. Grabbing Sakura and towels, they wasted no time driving to the location Daigo had sent. When they arrived, they found a weary-looking Daigo waiting for them.
As soon as Daigo spotted Sakura, relief flooded him, and he hurried over to her. Unfortunately for Sakura, she quickly realized why he was in such a rush as he almost engulfed her in a bear hug, forgetting entirely about the ink and blood covering him.
"No, this is a loaner," Sakura interjected, gesturing to her outfit before Daigo could embrace her. Recognizing his oversight, Daigo nodded and backed away, accepting the towel she offered to clean himself off before getting into the car.
"So, what happened?" Sakura asked, barely concealing her frustration. "Why were you abducted?"
"They were after you, Kkura, but don't worry, I took care of them," Daigo replied matter-of-factly.
Porter glanced back at Daigo, concern etched on his face as he cautiously inquired, "What do you mean by 'took care of them'?"
"I… I killed them. They said they planned to kill all of you," Daigo stated calmly, sending a shockwave through the car. Aaron visibly recoiled at the revelation. "Excuse me," he managed to say.
"Well, they mentioned you and your friends specifically, so I included Porter and Aaron by proxy since we're all friends with the Fimmies," Daigo explained with a disconcerting ease that unsettled everyone.
"Um, Daigo, are you okay? You seem to be taking this rather well," Sakura questioned her boyfriend's unnervingly composed demeanor.
"Probably not. The adrenaline hasn't worn off yet. My heart is still racing, and my mind is racing a mile a minute. Based on my symptoms, I'm probably still in shock, but it's fine. Plus, the guilt hasn't set in yet, but give it about an hour. I should be reacting appropriately once I'm out of 'fight or flight' mode," Daigo replied with an eerie almost joy.
By the time they returned to the hotel, Daigo had begun to settle into a melancholy state, just as he had predicted. Sakura kept a watchful eye on him as he showered and changed into the clothes she had arranged to replace his ruined ones. She felt possessive and protective, holding back her questions for when he was ready to answer them. While observing him in the shower, she noticed him removing his ring and necklace. The necklace intrigued her; a simple design with a drill attached to an inconspicuous chain, featuring an angry-looking T-rex charm.
After showering and dressing, Daigo smiled as Sakura admired her handiwork. He seemed surprised when she held out his necklace.
"Hey, babe, can I have that, please?" he asked, his expression somewhat forced.
Sakura hesitated, sensing something behind his facade. "Wait, why?" she inquired.
"It's very important to me. It was a gift from a mentor of sorts, so I keep it close," Daigo explained. Satisfied with his answer, Sakura handed over the necklace, and Daigo hugged her, hoping to divert her attention from the charm.
As they stepped out, they were met by the Fimmies and Tobi. Daigo sighed, turning to Sakura. "So much for a quiet night," he remarked. Sakura looked at him, puzzled.
"I'm with them. You need to explain what happened today," she said, prompting Daigo to prepare for a discussion he'd rather avoid.
Daigo stretched his back until it cracked, catching Tobi's eye on his necklace, the recognition evident in his widened gaze.
"Well, I was kidnapped by this group who called themselves the Ozunu. They told me they were after Kkura because of her family," Daigo explained, though Sakura noticed his hesitation. He carefully skirted around the details of why they were after her, a gesture Sakura appreciated immensely.
"So, how did you escape?" Yunjin inquired. "It's because he's the heir to the Godbolt Gang, a notorious bandit group dating back to the 1800s," Tobi chimed in.
Daigo's demeanor shifted, his voice taking on a tone that Sakura recognized from their more intimate moments, a tone dripping with menace. "Be abundantly careful with your next few words," he warned, the temperature in the room seeming to drop several degrees. Sensing the tension, Tobi laughed dismissively.
"So, that was you this morning with the temperature thing. I should have known you'd throw a tantrum when things don't go your way. What, are you going to kill me? With all our friends here?" Tobi challenged defiantly.
Daigo recoiled at the suggestion. "No! Killing is something I actively avoid. I was merely cautioning you because if you push me, everything I've carefully kept hidden might come spilling out," he clarified. Confusion rippled through the group.
"What are you talking about? Kkura, what's going on?" Chaewon asked.
"Don't worry, Chae. Mr. Godbolt here is just bluffing. He doesn't know anything, especially about Kkura's ninja status," Tobi interjected. Synchronized, Kkura and Daigo both facepalmed, groaning in unison.
"What ninja?" Eunchae asked, perplexed. Daigo turned to Kkura, a silent agreement passing between them.
"It's all on you, babe," he remarked.
"Wait, babe," Kazuha interjected. Aaron shot her a look, silently communicating that it wasn't the time, and she nodded in understanding. Daigo approached Tobi, delivering a light cuff to his head.
"Thanks, dummy. I was trying to avoid exactly this scenario," Daigo remarked, and Tobi finally realized his misstep. After Daigo's correction, a tense silence settles over the group, broken only by the sound of their collective breaths. Tobi, realizing the gravity of his mistake, casts his gaze downward, sheepish and apologetic.
Sakura steps forward, her expression a mix of frustration and understanding. "Tobi, you really need to learn when to keep your mouth shut," she scolds gently.
Tobi nods, chastened. "I'm sorry, Kkura. I didn't mean to cause any trouble," he mumbles, contrition evident in his voice.
Daigo sighs, the tension draining from his shoulders as he gives Tobi a reassuring pat on the back. "It's alright, Tobi. Just remember, some things are better left unsaid," he advises, his tone gentle yet firm.
"Okay can Someone please explain what's going on," Yunjin asked massively confused.
"Yeah, what she said," Porter affirmed.
Daigo sighed, before explaining, “Well for me before we met any of you or even knew about K-pop I was chosen as the successor to the Godbot Gang by the previous leader. I have been running the gang for several years at this point (it's only been 8) and have garnered quite a reputation among those in the know. For Kkura I believe she is head of or heir I guess to the Miyawaki ninja clan which uses shadow magic to achieve its goals in a similar vein to its brother clan the Ozunu who kidnapped me today,” Daigo turns to Kkura who looks at him with pride
“Did I get it right Kkura,” Daigo asks. Kkura nods and smiles. After that, the rest of the fimmies Tobi ordered takeout. Sakura had taken her favorite position seated on Daigo’s lap. it was a new position for her. She did it once and realized the safety and security she felt with his big body wrapped around her brought her immense comfort. It also gave her easier access to rile her stud up discreetly, and quickly. She began to grind on his crotch hoping to get him ready for later when she would drain his balls tonight. Having trained furiously to improve her dancing Sakura had Daigo hard within moments under her care. At this point, the two of them barely stayed engaged in the conversation going on around them. Realizing how hungry Sakura was Daigo leaned into her ear and whispered “You're so naughty,” Sakura smiled knowing she had her stud ready to go at a moment’s notice. She decided to put more pressure on her stud.
When the food came (it was Chinese) Sakura went to the washroom and took off her panties before rejoining the others. After that, she took her place back on Daigo’s lap but this time secretly unbuttoned his pants and plunged his cock into her greedy cunt. The shocking sensation caused Daigo to jolt making him thrust violently into Kkura. Who barely held back a moan. Jen looked at the two confused until she saw Sakura’s blushing face. Sakura and Yunjin’s eyes met and Sakura mouthed “Don't tell anyone,” Yunjin smirked as she watched Daigo squirm to whatever Sakura was doing to him. No one else noticed, however.
Sakura smiled however as she sank deeper into Daigo's cock. She felt him grow harder each second he stayed inside her as they ate. She wanted to torture him a bit more so when the others were distracted she would grind on him. She knew she was playing a dangerous game. Her members could tune into their activities at any time but watching her stud lose his calm and collected aura. She loved seeing him feral. She didn't know why but the more flustered and less collected he became the wetter Sakura got. So she pushed further.
"Kkura please stop I beg you," Daigo whimpered quietly into her ear. Sakura smirked and shook her head as she rolled her hips having him go deep into her cervix. Daigo gritted his teeth knowing if she didn't stop he'd fuck her in front of everyone. Sakura smiled at his anguish and knew he was almost ready for her.
"So how did you beat the Ozunu clan," Chaewon asked. Daigo processed her words for a moment trying to clear his mind for an answer before saying scrapping it,
"Sorry chae my brain is fuzzy right now. I think I need some rest. I can't really think," Daigo said as he mounted a counterattack on Sakura's body. he started by pressing down on her tummy which caused her to jolt as it made his cock hit her Cervix. She moaned which caused the rest of the group to look at her weirdly. She quickly recomposed herself by saying a piece of chicken was too spicy. Everyone nodded and let her finish eating.
When everyone was finished and both Daigo and Sakura's arousal couldn't be fought anymore she stated that she and Daigo needed to have a private chat and then would probably fall asleep. Yunjin catching on to what was going on spearheaded getting them their privacy. when the door finally closed as the last of the group left. Sakura and Daigo were off. She threw off her clothes a behavior mirrored by Daigo as they pawed, groped, and pet their way to the bed. Sakura pushed Daigo onto the bed and said, "Okay stud you ready. because I am not stopping until we pass out."
Daigo smiled and invited her to try. Kkura growled as she fell into a heated and torrid Kiss with Daigo. the couple lost themselves in each other as the kiss began to heat up their bodies. Tongues invaded mouths and Saliva swapped bodies.
"God enough foreplay please fuck me stud," Kkura demanded as she got up and moved to a Doggy position further center on the bed. Daigo got up and like the proper stud he was he got behind her and aligned himself with her entrance before ramming her. Sakura moaned uncontrollably, and loudly. "Fuck. Fuck. you're getting so deep," Sakura said as Daigo pushed further into her. her eyes rolled into the back of her head before screaming and cumming all over his cock. She collapsed on the bed but undeterred Daigo began to thrust while holding onto her fit waist. Sakura moaned as Daigo reamed her. her face buried into the bed as he trapezed in and out of her insatiable pussy.
"God Stud. Claim my pussy. It's yours." Sakura moaned as Daigo reminded her who she belonged to.
"Oh, you like that bitch? Your slutty pussy demanding my cock and cum until your pussy is full," Daigo replied and Sakura nodded. So Daigo picked up his pace wanting to give her what she craved.
"Cream this slutty pussy," Sakura growled.
"Mark me as your bitch ruin me so anyone who sees me only sees you as my owner," Sakura said to light a greater fire in Daigo.
"I was so wet when you threatened Tobi. Your voice when you embrace your accent is so sexy. I wanted to pounce on you," Sakura moans as Daigo pulls her hair (and by proxy her) up. he gropes her right tight with his free hand.
"This slutty body is all mine, and I'll be damned if I let another try to take you away from me. That little weasel saying I can't protect you. I am the big Boss of the Godbolt Gang, and you are my breeding bitch to fuck and breed as I see fit. What kind of stud would I be if I couldn't protect what's mine," Daigo stated. Sakura's pussy clenched around his dick, His words accented by the fire that blazed within. he massaged Kkura firmly but with a focus on her erogenous zones so that he could bring her to another orgasm before his, but it was too late.
Sakura's earlier Cock warming had him dangerously close and when she said, "Come on Stud make me yours again ruin this pussy!" he couldn't take it anymore and ruptured in her. For four long minutes, his cock released an unrelenting torrent of cum into her lower maw, which greedily devoured his seed. when their bodies calmed down and the lusted mind haze cleared another quickly took its place as Daigo began stroking himself again.
"Yes empty those balls in me so I leak you everywhere I walk," Sakura moaned as he pierced her again."
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Creature Watching - Rest Stop
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There was a rest stop on the highway, miles from any kind of civilization. A shining outpost of fossil fuels and cheap convenience store snacks, standing tall against the wild mountains that overlooked them.
Most people did not stop here unless they were short on gas. At which point, they would stop for as little time as possible, and then go speeding out of the place.
They justified it by saying that they had places to be. Best not to linger. Just ride on past. They could stretch their legs out on the side of road, preferably three miles away from this place. People only stopped at the gas station if they were desperate.
And Elizabeth Newman was very desperate. As in, rolling her broken-down car along the increasingly steepening highway desperate.
She had just passed into Churyl city limits some minutes ago, and she had been desperately looking for the first sign of help in this place devoid of human contact. Except for the metaled roads and the telephone wires that stretched overhead.
Her eyes lit up when she realized what she had stumbled upon, and her failing limbs regained their vigor. In mere moments, she had the car on flat land, and was stumbling into the convenience store.
As she made her entrance, she tried to wipe away the grease and sweat that was no doubt staining her face. She didn’t think it helped much, but whatever it took to make a half decent impression.
There was a cashier at the counter, but they didn’t look up at all when she entered. Elizabeth wondered faintly how they could work at such a remote location in the dead of night and still manage to not get spooked by the slightest sound. They must have nerves of steel.
“Hey.” She waved, more honestly, rasped, “I need… help with my car.”
The person looked up and nodded agreeably. They had on eyeglasses, but one lens was cracked, making their left eye appear warped and multicolored. It was disorienting to look at.
They said something, but Elizabeth didn’t hear. She felt off-balance, all of a sudden. As if she had been bowled over by some great thing, but there had been no motion. No contact. No great beast. Just a person standing there, with disconcerting eyes, but it wasn’t that jarring, so why was she reacting like this?
The cashier was still talking. Repeating what they had said before. Elizabeth had to force herself to pay attention.
“There’s a mechanic on the other side of the stop.” They were saying, slow and steady as if her reaction to being in their vicinity was not an uncommon occurrence, “I’ll go get him, you can freshen up, get a bite to eat, whatever you like.”
“No, that’s alright.” Elizabeth protested, despite the fact that she would like that very much, “I’m sure everyone’s really tired in the middle of the night and all…”
“Nonsense.” She was shut down firmly, “This is a twenty-four-hour establishment. We never shut down. How about you go get yourself settled? At least wash your face. You look a sight.”
With no rebuttal to that, Elizabeth found herself nodding. The next second, she was sitting at a small table, out on the cement parking lot where a series of plastic foldout chairs and tables had been set out for customers. She… wasn’t sure how she got here.
There was a quaint roadside restaurant in front of her, though, with a curious waiter casting glances through it. He must be getting impatient with her. She should decide what to order quickly. Didn’t want to hold him up any more than she already had.
She had a menu in her hand. How hadn’t she noticed that before? Oh well, all the better to order from.
Except when she looked at it too closely, the words seemed to meld together, becoming unintelligible. The pictures warped and twisted, until what had looked appetizing turned downright foul upon closer inspection.
She would simply get a sandwich. That was a menu item on every rest stop restaurant, right?
The waiter appeared without any prompting from her, and she was so tired that she could do nothing other than simply ask for a sandwich and a coffee. When she asked how much that would cost, the waiter simply laughed and went back inside. Oh, well.
Elizabeth’s eyes wandered away, looking through the glass and into the indoor dining area. There was a painting on the wall opposite the door. A large family – mother, father, grandparents, five children – all standing in front of a backdrop of scenic mountains. Or, no, not a family, upon closer inspection. Not a family of humans, at least.
It was a portrait of bread. Just… loaves of bread where there should have been heads. Little nubs of dough poking out instead of hands. It was bizarre. And the longer she looked at it, the more off-kilter she felt. Almost like with the cashier at the convenience store, but more subtle. A creeping sensation of dread instead of a nausea-inducing wave.
There was a banner underneath the portrait, she saw. It had words on it. Elizabeth had to squint to get a better look at it, and yet she still couldn’t make them out. What did it say?
“Join the family?”
The waiter was standing in front of her again, blocking her view. She blinked up at him, confused, “What did you say?” She asked, voice too shrill to be polite.
“Your sandwich, ma’am.” He repeated, and she felt the cold flush of embarrassment fill her.
“Right. Thank you.” She muttered, handing over the amount of money that seemed reasonable for a sandwich. The waiter didn’t complain, pocketing it and leaving her to smother her anxiety with food. The sandwich was as tasteless and dry as sand, but she didn’t dare complain.
The second she had choked it down, she was standing back up, rushing over to where she had left her car. There was a mechanic there, and he of all the people here seemed to be the most normal, filling her ears with talks of radiators and oil changes.
By the time her car was humming again – just needed a jump, no need for the lecture – and she was getting ready to return to the road, she felt a lot calmer. Driving out of the rest stop was a little more challenging than getting in, because the place seemed to be shifting around to box her in, but Elizabeth didn’t think too deeply into it. There could simply be three different franchises of the same restaurant on this one rest stop.
She managed to navigate out of it, though, and was soon out on the open road again.
A milestone zipped past her, displaying the words ‘Churyl Proper – 300 km’ and a smile came to her face. Her new life was right there for the taking. She could just feel it.
Wind whipped through her open window, only serving as a reminder that she never did freshen up the bathroom as she had been offered. Oh, well, no way she was turning around now.
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Amber Leroy wandered up to the rest stop early one morning.
The sun was bright, albeit hidden by the clouds, and the air was pleasantly chilly, the mountains in the background an enticing promise on what was to come next. But first, before she got down to business, she needed to eat.
Not a moment could be wasted in Churyl for food or refueling. She was determined to make the most of the trip, especially because she only planned to stay for two weeks. That just wasn’t enough time to get all the material that she needed.
Even now, miles away from Churyl, she made sure to have her camera out and filming, just in case something interesting passed by her.
“Do you have chicken sandwiches?” She asked the staff – wow, they were efficient, already waiting for her even though she had just parked her car. He nodded and went inside. Amber wished that she had talked to him some more. Made conversation. Pressed him about the strange reputation Churyl had. But the moment was gone, now.
Her eyes wandered over to a picture set up inside the indoor dining area. A picture of a generic tourist family standing in front of the mountains. A mother, a father, grandparents, five kids, and maybe an aunt? Or another mother, if she had to guess.
Except they weren’t people. Someone had photoshopped loaves of bread on their faces.
Muffling a snort, she took a picture on her phone, making sure to capture the moment on camera. Hopefully all the weird testimonies from Churyl weren’t like this, because her job was depending on there being some kind of real monster in the area. There were only so many times you could do the ‘sewer monster’ thing without showing any proof, and if there was one place Amber was convinced she would find proof, it was in Churyl. She ate her sandwich in peace, already planning out the script for this next foray into haunted cities.
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I hope you enjoyed this!! This weird rest stop is a place that I have actually gone to. No one talked about it but it was really uncanny valley with that bread family portrait and multiple copies of the same stores in such a small area.
This is a pilot for an absurdist horror series that I plan to do if this gets enough attention. I have five different pilots for different web series I want to try out, and have put up a poll to see which one I should develop more. You can find it here.
In the meantime, if you want more of Creature Watching, there are utterly unique three chapters on all tiers of my Patreon, or on my ko-fi for pay what you want.
Please consider reblogging this to help me get an audience. It's hard to do this as a writer on tumblr.
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randomshyperson · 2 years
Illicit Affairs - Milf!Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: Westview was everything Wanda ever wanted, but then came you. Will she be able to resist temptation and curiosity for the safety of her marriage, or what Vision doesn't know can't hurt him?
Warnings: (+18), mentions of smut, strap-on use, fingering, bottom!Wanda, cheating (fuck off vision), Westview mind control and stuff, canon divergence, secret relationship, a bif of angst and betrayal but happy ending| Words: 3.982k
A/N-> This may also be known as my contribution to that Lizzie scene in Love&Death.
dicionary-> kurva dieťa - fuck baby
General Masterlist | Wattpad | AO3
Westview should be perfect.
A home, a husband, and adorable children to care for.
So why was Wanda so damn bored?
"See you later, Mom!" Was the boys' unison goodbye before they walked out the door, dressed in their school uniforms. 
Wanda isn't sure when or how school for the boys started, but it was part of the routine now. As long as Vision was at work, she had the whole house to herself.
And it was fucking tedious.
She would clean, read a little, and if she was lucky Agnes would visit with some gossip for an hour or two until it was time to pick up the kids. 
Everything is in its proper place.
Until one sunny afternoon, Wanda hears a motorcycle.
She is not the only one who is curious about the sounds - Agnes and the neighbor across the street, Mrs. Bennet, are also on the sidewalk, trying to get a better look at who is arriving at the house next to Wanda's.
It is noisy, and out of the norm. The vehicle, the sound of the radio. The person, with dark jeans like glasses, and messy hair.
Something in Wanda's chest flutters as she meets your gaze, and she swallows dryly at the complete coldness in your eyes in turning away and getting off the bike, ignoring not only her but all the other curious neighbors as you make your way to the house next door, now with the 'sold' sign covering the previous 'for sale'.
She is back in her own living room in record time, her heart racing in a disconcerting way.
Well, that seems to be the end of the boredom at least.
For the next few days, Wanda is determined to find out everything she can about her mysterious new neighbor. Luckily for her, Agnes seems equally interested and shows up at her house shortly after the kids have left.
"[...] No children, or partners. The moving truck arrived earlier today, and I saw some painting supplies, which suggests we have an artist among us." Narrated the neighbor cheerfully, and Wanda tried to disguise how very interested she was. "Ralph also recognized an NYU sweatshirt, so she must have a degree. And she looks pretty young to me, doesn't she?"
Wanda nods, half thoughtfully. Your house was next door to hers, and at this point, she could hear some sounds of objects being dragged around that suggested you were tidying up the place. Agnes took advantage of the distracted silence to suggest:
"Maybe we should say hello?"
Wanda immediately raised her eyes. "You think?"
The older woman chuckled. "Of course. But let's bring something as a welcome gift to her. May I ask, are you good at baking, honey?"
You were wearing a half-open jumpsuit and pinned up your hair to answer the door, and Wanda was seeing too much skin to be able to say anything. 
Thank god Agatha was present.
"Welcome to the neighborhood, darling, we've brought you a welcome gift." She greeted cheerfully, and you blinked in surprise at her sudden arrival. "I'm Agnes, Wanda's next-door neighbor on the right. And you?"
You quickly said your name, accepting the other's greeting. "Let me put that away." You said as your gaze fell on Wanda and the cake she brought. She didn't notice that you took the warm package without any difficulty, busy returning Agnes's look of complicity as she took your cue of leaving to enter the house as well.
"Nice changes you're making all around, dear." Agnes commented on the new paint being put over the old, and you let out a short chuckle from the living room.
"Oh, thank you. I like this color better." You muttered as you placed the cake on the countertop.
"Forgive us for not coming sooner, we were waiting for you to stabilize yourself first." Said the older woman, and gave Wanda a gentle nudge for her silence. The witch cleared her throat softly, trying to start a decent conversation.
She - More Agnes honestly - ended up confirming that you had moved in alone and that you had just graduated from college. No family, and in your words, you allowed a dice to pick your new town. Agnes found the story a bit absurd, but Wanda felt her stomach fill with butterflies.
Something about your care·free attitude and casualness made her shiver. 
"Anyway, I'm here now." You finish with a small smile and your hands in your pockets. "Painting my new home in American suburban New Jersey."
There was regret or sarcasm hidden in your tone of voice that made Wanda's curiosity explode. She wanted to know you, inside out, every thought, dream, or wish.
But when she thought of peeking in, Agnes gave her a gentle nudge.
"Well, let's not take up any more of your time, dear." Said the lady, discreetly pushing the redhead toward the door. "Come by some time at the local club, you need to meet Ralph and Vision."
You blink, raising an eyebrow. "Vision?"
"My husband." Wanda replies half hoarsely, having completely forgotten Vis's existence for all that conversation. She clears her throat. "You two should-must meet. Him and my boys, Tommy and Billy."
You smile, and because Wanda is already outside, you put an arm around the doorpost and she feels her face heat up. "I'd love to, Miss Maximoff."
Agnes clears her throat. "And of course don't forget my husband, Ralph."
You don't take your eyes off Wanda. "Sure, Agatha."
Wanda frowns, but the woman next to her lets out a loud exclamation with a graceless laugh. "It's Agnes, dear!"
You blink away from the redhead, equally ungainly. "Oh, yes, of course, Agnes. My mistake."
"Come on, Wanda, let's just let her get back to work."
You offer the redhead a wink, and it's enough for Wanda to remember nothing strange about that encounter.
Not that Wanda was counting, but it took six days for her to talk to you again.
She saw you before though - twice in the supermarket, and because Billy and Tommy were making a mess, Wanda didn't have the heart to disturb your choice of apples by approaching you, you didn't see her. And on Monday she watched you leave the house early with a little animal house under your arm, and she almost dropped her lunch to run and ask you about it, wondering if you had pets or not, but on second thought, she figured it would have been kind of creepy.
It was only on the weekend that you went to the club, and everyone was around, and Wanda thought she was going to suffocate.
Vision was rubbing sunscreen on the boys, and Wanda said she forgot a magazine in the car, but she just searching for you.
"Hey, stranger." She tried to greet you in the most casual way she could, getting the impression that you were a little startled by the soft jump you gave. But when you turned around, you smiled so sincerely that Wanda almost melted.
"Hello, Miss Maximoff, good to see you." You said gently.
Wanda giggled shyly. "When you call me that I feel very old."
You smiled with the worst intentions, licking your lips and making Wanda shudder with the intensity of your gaze.
"Old is not an adjective I would use to describe you, Wanda."
She sighed softly, her cheeks warm. "And how would you describe me?" She risks.
But you chuckle short and affected, lowering your gaze and shaking your head softly. "Married." You reply, and Wanda feels as if a bucket of cold water has fallen on her. "See you around, Miss Maximoff." You say as soon as the bike is locked, holding her arm in farewell before heading to the pool area. 
Wanda feels her skin tingle all the way back.
Okay, she clearly had a problem.
Her perfect life was being threatened by an inconvenience, and that should be completely impossible because everything should be perfect in Westview.
And the more Wanda tried to fix it, the more wrapped up in her throbbing attraction to her neighbor, drowning in plot after plot that only made her wonder how much she wanted to satisfy her curiosity and drove her more frustrated and irritated as time went by.
You seemed to be everywhere - Somehow, the school had an art program and now Wanda saw you every morning when she went to pick up or drop off Billy and Tommy, and of course, the boys loved their cool new teacher, and wouldn't shut up about it. But your presence seems to have influenced - in Vision's words - the young troublemakers in the neighborhood, who should be learning from your bad influence to do graffiti everywhere. Vision grumbled about this when not talking about work.
And Wanda, well, she had enough.
You found the knocking so late at night strange, but you were awake - or Wanda assumed you were, by the sweater and the speed in answering the door. Or maybe you were already waiting for her. No, that would be ridiculous.
"Can I help you...?" You started, but Wanda bumped into your shoulder as she rushed in, and you let out a wry laugh. "Sure, come on in."
She ignored your joke, making her way to the living room, and ran a hand through her hair nervously, waiting for you to reach her.
"What do you want Wanda?" You asked with your arms crossed.
Wanda took a deep breath. "You have to leave."
You frowned. "Excuse me?"
She stepped forward. "I have everything I ever wanted here. You can't just show up and threaten all of that."
You raised an eyebrow. "I don't-"
"I'm not done talking." She interrupts and you bite your tongue, a smile threatening to break on your lips as Wanda continues to approach. "I have a husband and children. It's perfect. Everything is...perfect."
"Then why are you here?" You challenge, and Wanda swallows hard.
"I don't know." She responds, but you chuckle, and it's your turn to start approaching to which she responds by taking a step back with each one you take near her. Once her back hits the wall of new, dry colors, Wanda chokes softly.
"I think I know." You begin toward her, one hand landing at the side of her head, and the other reaching up to move a strand of hair behind her ear. Wanda, though trembling over the touch, lifts her chin proudly, challenging your response. Your smile is cocky when you speak. "You are desperate to feel something real."
Wanda opens her mouth, once and twice, indignant. But she has no words to disagree. She takes a deep breath, and all your perfume fills her senses, and she resists the urge to close her eyes. She makes mention of speaking, but you do so first.
"Shh, let me show you how it is supposed to feel." You whisper before breaking the distance, and not too surprisingly, it is the best thing Wanda has ever felt. 
Your lips are soft and experienced on hers, almost as if molded to kiss her. You slide your tongue into hers as soon as permission is granted, and the sensation makes Wanda's legs buckle. She doesn't have to worry because your arms tighten around her and her back is pressed against the wall. The kiss grows hungry and you gasp against each other's mouths, hearts racing in synchrony.
"Fuck, I need to touch you." You pant between kisses, and it's the only line of warning Wanda has before she feels your hands invade her blouse, scratching at her belly and making her squirm. But suddenly you hesitate, and are almost unsure when you ask, "Can I? You... are you sure?"
Wanda almost laughs. She feels that she is burning from the inside out and that if you don't fuck her now she might have a little breakdown and you still have doubts that she wants to. There will be another time for her to investigate this, she will learn about you. At that moment she just brings one hand to your neck and spins you around on the wall so that your back hits the concrete.
And now when she kisses you it is firm and possessive and makes you whimper. Your hands wander and bring her pleasure, but it is clear who is in charge.
It starts out casual, but certainly, this is not how Wanda feels now.
Whenever the opportunity is there, she takes it. And honestly, part of her feels that the opportunities are blooming like flowers in spring. It's probably because Westview is supposed to be perfect, good, and amazing, and the only time she feels that way is in your company.
You haven't given a name to what you are doing, and Wanda doesn't want to think about the ring on her finger, not when you make her feel so good.
So you keep meeting her; with more and more ridiculous excuses than the previous ones, helping with a broken pipe, bringing supplies of paint even though Wanda doesn't paint anything, bringing schoolwork that the kids could pick up the other day, helping to mow the lawn, staying the afternoon for cake, tea, helping her with the grocery bags. And these were just the days that happened in her house.
After a while, you got the impression that Wanda didn't even worry about excuses anymore. Maybe it was your fault - for the way you have grown jealous of Vision and she knows it. She knows not because she tries to scan every inch of your mind in her frustrated attempts, but because every time you witness Vision showing any kind of affection, she is at the forefront of a rough and intense fucking session.
Like when Vision left for work last week while you were collecting the newspaper in your backyard and he thought it was a sweet idea to come back and kiss her before he left, and you barely waited for the kids to leave for school to come in the back door and fuck Wanda in the kitchen counter. 
Without her magic, she wouldn't be able to hide the marks of your lips on her body.
And despite the risk, Wanda loves it. 
But then it starts to scare her because she just might love a different thing.
Westview is a ticking time bomb. Wanda doesn't know it, but you do. Things happen to the breaking point, and it's in everything-from starting to ask questions that would require a little more thought that will make people stutter at the fantasy flaws, to immensely more pleasurable things, like affecting Wanda enough.
"Ah- kurva dieťa!" She cursed breathlessly, shuddering beneath you, her nails digging hard into your back. But your movements didn't fail, the fake cock thrusting inside her wet pussy with a delicious precision that made Wanda see stars. "D-don't stop-don-ah!"
You ripped orgasm after orgasm, until she was exhausted, begging for a break, the wet sheets of her juices beneath you.
"Just one more, my love. Just one more." You coerced so meekly that Wanda almost came with your voice alone, and this time your hands entwined with hers at the side of her head. And it was too intimate.
Your thrusts were deep, and with each movement of your hips, Wanda gasped, struggling for air as the knot in her belly prepared to break.
Her room around you however began to fail. The illusion sustained by her magic vibrating as if the transmission was failing. The sound drew you in, but as soon as your movement faltered and you made mention of looking away, she brought a firm hand to your chin and pulled you down as she entwined a leg around your waist.
She looked absurdly stunning beneath you, and there was no interest in looking away from her.
Wanda came so hard that the whole room vibrated, and you followed her, getting a satisfied moan when she felt the hot cum inside her.
You held her for the entire moment as you both calmed down from your orgasms, and this time, when you went to get up as you always did, she held you back.
"No." She interrupted sleepily, pulling you back onto the bed so that she could hold you and lay on top of you. "No one will come. Stay here with me."
You didn't question, sliding your hands to wrap around her.
You're not surprised that Agatha rats you out. Time bomb after all. 
Still, seeing the look of hurt in Wanda's eyes breaks your heart into a thousand pieces.
"You too?" She asks with tears in her eyes, powerless in that dark basement you have just entered. 
"It's not what you're thinking." You try, but Agatha rolls her eyes impatiently.
"No time for Shakesperean drama, be honest, Y/N. Wanda is in need of facing the truth, for once in her life." Ironizes the witch, and you swallow dryly, taking a step forward but remembering not to cross the determined space of the runes.
"Witches everywhere have felt your magic, Wanda. But only a few have made it into Hex." You say. "Each came here with their own reasons."
"And why are you here?" Wanda asks wearily, and you sigh.
"It's hard to explain..."
"Nonsense." Agatha cuts in again, gesturing. "We all want power, in one way or another. No more games, or drama. Everyone wants to know how you did it, Wanda, and it's time for you to show us."
The redhead gives you one last hurt look before raising her chin to the older witch.
And you know she won't give anything up without a fight.
She wins, and Agatha is trapped in the only remaining illusion of what was once Westview.
You watch from a distance as Wanda goes to say goodbye to her family, and you don't intrude on that moment. You wouldn't want her to hate you even more.
Your motorcycle really is yours, so it is what you drive to get out of town.
Your grandparents' cabin has been your home since you completed your training at the Kamar Taj - and since you gave it all up for a quiet life in the mountains. 
You only have a few days since Westview in your familiar solitude, however.
"You are unbelievable." That's the first thing Wanda says as she appears in your yard, impatient and angry. "After everything that happened between us, you just walked away?"
You blink in surprise at the scene for a moment, but recover when she starts walking toward you.
"I thought you didn't want to talk to me."
"Oh, but you will talk." She retorts with a poisoned sarcasm as she grabs your wrist to pull you inside the cabin. "You'll explain everything."
"Yes, ma'am." You murmured affectedly, Wanda pushing you in the first armchair and crossing her arms and tapping a foot, waiting.
You cleared your throat and told her everything - From the Hex power emission that alerted the Kamar Taj and made Wong recruit you to investigate, to the fact that you in theory were in Westview to undo the spell but you ended up getting distracted.
Wanda ignored the redness of your cheeks. "But Agatha said you wanted power."
You rolled your eyes. "That nosy old hag." You grumbled. "She was distorting things, but the way it all went down, I figured you wouldn't believe me. She had you in a basement and your kids locked up, and I was there, you see? Even if I tried to explain the whole story, you wouldn't believe me."
"And why didn't you help me? Why did you let her take the boys?" Inquired the impatient witch, and you swallowed dryly, bowing your head guiltily.
"I'm sorry, I... I have to admit that I wanted to see where that would go." You say, taking a deep breath. "Wanda it was all an illusion in that town. It was the best kind of magic I've ever witnessed, and when I arrived, Agatha approached me first. She told me that she was also there to investigate and that we didn't need to get in each other's way, we could even help each other."
Wanda narrowed her eyes. "In what way?"
You swallow dryly again. "I was there to undo the spell, and Agatha, well, she's a special kind of witch. She didn't lie, you know? When she said she takes power from those who don't deserve it. I heard that she made some kind of magical bargain, and now she is a collector. She would take your power and the spell would undo itself, so we'd both go home with what we wanted." You recount and settle uncomfortably on the couch, "B-but that was before you and I..."
Wanda looks away, running a hand through her hair. "We didn't mean anything, Y/N." 
A hint of pain hits your chest, but you give a sad laugh, "You're full of shit."
But your accusation makes Wanda look at you with tear-filled eyes. "You were going behind my back, waiting for the right moment to stab me. Everything we had was a lie, a game for you to gain my trust and make me vulnerable. You're the one who's full of shit."
You sigh, getting up. "A witch kidnapped a town and held the entire population hostage. I was offered a deal, I took it." You begin seriously. "I had no idea who you were, what was going on. It was never personal. I went there to accomplish my mission, and I never thought I would fall in love with you." Wanda's eyes widen, but you are not intimidated by her shock, and you continue talking, taking another step forward. "I didn't know how Westview worked exactly, but everything was all too real there. You had a family, a husband. And you were my target. And I was completely surrendered to you. You have to understand, Wanda, that I had to consider all the possibilities. That maybe you were enchanting me too, that everything that happened was just part of your desires reflected in the magic. Agatha knew how to use my uncertainties against me when I confronted her, wishing to end our partner because I didn't want you to get hurt."
Wanda's gaze softens, and when your hand reaches for her cheek, she doesn't pull away. 
You smile, "But I didn't have to worry. You totally kicked her ass."
Wanda moves her hand up to your wrist. "You could have told me." She whispers. "Or at least allowed me to take a look."
You smile in a corner, bringing your other hand to her cheek and enjoying the way Wanda leans into your touch.
"Haven't you ever heard the saying that we should only share our thoughts with our spouses?" You tease, rubbing your nose against hers and Wanda chuckles softly, sighing when your lips touch hers.
The kiss is tender, full of longing. And before she can deepen it, you break off, taking a deep breath with your forehead pressed against hers.
"You've got the book." You gasp softly, feeling the magical aura now. Wanda frowns softly, pulling her face away just to look at you. 
"Do you know it?" 
Her question makes you hesitate. But you force a smile and nod. Wanda catches every reaction, and proceeds to add:
"It is my only way to understand what I am." 
You swallow dryly, your hands caressing her cheeks.
"Just promise me that no matter what the book shows you, you will remember that I am here. You're not alone."
Wanda doesn't understand at first, a mixed expression of confusion and curiosity fills her face. But she nods, and breaks the distance, whispering I promise between kisses.
You both stumble into the bedroom, and the darkhold is left somewhere in the dining hall.
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
I too never even noticed PJO in the list of fandoms you write for! Except now that I have, I am super excited to ask you for some headcanons! Could I please have some headcanons of yandere Annabeth and Percy(not platonic for both) for a daughter of Aphrodite who's friendly(which also comes with the fact that she trusts people to easily)? Thanks a bunch if you accept this! (BTW I love the stuff you two make, the platonic yandere Annabeth headcanons were great)
🌊 Lady L: Ah, ah, feel free to ask for hc's, anon. We won't be closing requests anytime soon, so feel free <3 hope you like this one and thanks for the compliment :)
🦉 TW: yandere themes in general, obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of murder, torture and blood, implicit dub-con and kidnap.
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Oh yes, the heroic and beloved Percy Jackson and the smart and beautiful Annabeth. A perfect couple, right? Well, they used to be, until you came on the scene.
Percy was the first to set his eyes on you. You were the newest camper at Camp Half-Blood and belonged to Aphrodite's Cabin which made perfect sense considering how beautiful you were.
He was thinking about you for days. He knows it's wrong for him to be so burdened by someone that he only exchanged a few compliments and he also has a girlfriend! But Percy couldn't stop thinking about you.
Annabeth is smart, it didn't take long for her to discover her boyfriend's sudden interest in you. But Annabeth wasn't angry or jealous, no, she was relieved that she wasn't the only one who felt that way about you.
In fact, Annabeth was the first to have contact with you. She was the first to know you and to have these feelings for you. Chase was confused, she's never felt this way about anyone but Percy before, so why couldn't she take her eyes and her thoughts away from you?
You were a friendly and kind person by nature, a bit naive to be honest. You trusted people too easily, completely unaware of the evils of the world.
But its alright. That would only make it easier for Percy and Annabeth to get close to you. They were already very well known and popular at camp when you first met them, but you were surprised and disconcerted by the intimate way they acted when they first spoke to you. Touching you subtly and it felt like the words they spoke had something hidden behind.
They were inflexibles about staying with him all the time. You didn't have privacy, it should have bothered you, but it didn't, you felt grateful that you'd made friends so quickly. Although, these friends want to be much more than that to you, but for now they can be content to be your best friends.
Percy has become overprotective of you. He considered himself your own protector and anyone who tried to raise a hand to hurt you would bitterly regret it. Percy feels responsible for you, so if something bad happened to you he would blame himself, but not before erasing the existence of whatever touched you.
Annabeth is extremely possessive. She feels entitled to you, that you belong to her, she would glare at anyone who looked your way. She hates it when someone looks at you, when they talk to you, when they touch you or even when they breathe in your direction. You are hers and she would make you understand it one way or another!
When they got tired of hiding their feelings for you, you had only two options: accept to be with them or be kidnapped and forced to be with them. Fortunately, you made the ''right'' choice and accepted they feelings. You liked them too, trusted them and knew they would never hurt you. So why not be with the two people you love? Too bad you have no idea how obsessive and crazy they are for you.
After the relationship starts, they don't like the fact that you're so friendly, it really bothers them a lot. They get jealous when you give someone that beautiful, attractive smile, the way when you're so kind and understanding to everyone gets on Percy and Annabeth's nerves. While this is one of the traits that make them love you so much, it eventually became what they hated the most. It would only bring you more attention than you already get from being Aphrodite's daughter and they don't like the idea of you attracting attention.
They would try to hold your reins, whispering things in your ear that aren't true, like the fact that they're the only ones who really love you, that everyone else hates you, and you, silly and naive, believe in your boyfriend and girlfriend. They would never lie or deceive you in any way, right?
The more you separated yourself from others, the more satisfied they were. Now everything was going well. You would be protected by Percy and Annabeth. They are the only ones you need and it would stay that way forever. They will make sure of it. That they would be the only ones you would come to when you needed help, the only ones to hear you complain about your problems, the only ones to see you cry and dry your tears. The only ones to love you.
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ushidoux · 3 years
Power Struggle - Ushijima x Reader
Summary: You’re set up on a blind date with a man who might just be your match.  (~5.1k words)
Warnings: fem pronouns, fem!reader, blind date, exhibitionism, public sex
A/N: Part of @cherrytenko​’s CEO collab! Surprisingly this is possibly the longest fic I’ve written as a oneshot and it’s a little softer than I expected it to be but please enjoy!
It’s about half past 6pm when you add the final touch to your makeup, a smear of matte lipstick (Rouge Hermes #48, to be exact), to your lips.
It’s not often that you’re able to leave work early but your mother and father had called you from overseas in the late afternoon, interrupting their own third honeymoon, to remind you of your final meeting for the day - 
A date.
“I know you hate these things, but just go! You might like what you see,” your mother insisted over video chat, her voice muffled by the sound of wind whipping past her as she and your father cruised along on a shaky speedboat they’d purchased just for the day. You weren’t completely sure where they were, only vaguely aware that they were somewhere around Jeju Island, and not exactly sure why they still had phone service, but you weren’t going to ask too many questions.
“No obligation!” Your father adds, just out of view and yelling slightly. 
Sure, never any obligations.
As you smack your lips in the mirror to smooth out the lip color, giving yourself a brief once-over to decide whether or not you feel the need to adjust your hair or if you will wear falsies or not, you frown ever so slightly, then let out a sigh.
You hate this. 
This is the third “meeting” they’ve arranged for you this month, and they’d been at this for almost six months overall by now. This search for a ‘suitable husband’ was getting stale -  not to mention, time-consuming - and you weren’t sure you would be willing to appease your parents any longer.
In fact, you weren’t exactly sure you were interested in a partner anymore. The clock would hit thirty any moment now, and the math of falling in love, getting married, having kids, and still heading a successful company no longer seemed to be adding up. You didn’t know how exactly to tell your sweet parents who were the picture of domestic bliss that they’d probably have to give up on the idea of grandchildren, and consider raising puppies instead.
Regardless, for the time being, you could still bother to meet this stranger for dinner.
There’s a clasp seal envelope atop your dresser - a portfolio that had been left on your desk by your father’s assistant at the beginning of the week - that still seems entirely too formal for the process. This is matchmaking, not a job application, was the first thought that came to mind once you realized the envelope held a set of photos, a resume and an admittedly curt but formally written statement reminiscent of a cover letter.
Ushijima Wakatoshi, the signature at the bottom of the letter read in an extremely neat script. He must be particularly organized and detail-oriented.
There were two pictures, one that looked almost like a passport photo and the other much more relaxed, where he was dressed casually in a t-shirt and pressed jeans, standing with his arms crossed beside a redheaded man whose smile was wide and infectious, his arm around his neck. You wondered if he picked those photos himself. 
You’d perused the first photo much more carefully because you could see more of his face. He’s quite handsome, you’d admitted, the faintest warmth in your cheeks, but he seemed awfully uptight. For one, the look on his face was very neutral, not bothering to smile. He was clean shaven and his hair was close cropped at the edges, a woody brown that paired well with serious olive eyes. You wondered if he ever laughed out loud, and what he looked like when he did.
The taxi driver is prompt and waiting outside of the high-rise in which you live by the time you make your way down the elevator. The click of your heels is loud on the tile as you make your way past the revolving doors. As you slip into the back of the car, you wonder if you’re dressed too professionally. You may have forgone the women’s pantsuit, but you’re still wearing a feminine pantsuit-esque ensemble in a creamy beige - pink would have seemed too ditzy, white would have seemed a bit too innocent (not to mention risky) and yellow too juvenile.
You’re not sure why you’re thinking so hard about this, but really years of paying attention to your appearance in public, not being taken seriously because you’re pretty and young and your personality is more bubbly than bossy puts you on your guard, especially when it comes to first impressions.
The location appears to be an upscale sushi restaurant, the type that you have to call ahead for months to get a reservation unless you have some kind of special arrangement with the owner. A staff member checks you in and brings you to the back to a private room, and as you pass through the dimly lit hallway, clutching your purse a little too securely, a scene from a yakuza movie comes to mind.
“Your room, madam,” the young man nods and motions you to enter a room that is brightly lit enough that it is almost blinding, large and round as though you were in a fishbowl yourself. You look up and notice that even the ceiling is curved. Elaborate paintings hang off the wall. 
He’s not here.
You glance at the attendant and he raises his eyebrows as though he is expecting you to say something. You must look surprised, and continue to look so as you remove your shoes to sit at one of the thin mattresses set before the low table.
You wish you’d worn stockings perhaps, tucking your bare feet beneath you in a casual seiza position. You can’t recall the last time you’ve been this traditional/formal, and the thought of a man you barely know already knowing what your feet look like bare bothers you just a bit. 
The attendant pours water and then tea for two wordlessly and slips out of the room. 
Your heart pounds once you’re finally alone. Why is this so intense? 
You fidget nervously with the thin silver necklace you are wearing, looking for a menu. There is none so far. Just square plates, both chopsticks and forks (odd for sushi, you think), and a steaming cup of tea set right next to a sweltering crystal glass of ice cold water. Opposites.
For a fleeting moment, you actually wonder for once if this man will like you. 
“My apologies, Ms. ___.”
You’re startled by a rich voice, a tiny gasp revealing that you’re more spooked than you realize, and your eyes shift towards the direction of the sound to see what looks like your date finally arriving in a hurry. 
You instinctively readjust yourself onto your knees to look formal, then realize you should probably stand instead, but before you can get up he waves you to sit back down, now settling down himself across from you.
“I had intended to arrive early but quite a few things happened at the company to make that unfeasible.”
He said this while removing a suit jacket in a way that was in no way intended to be sexy, not at all, then let out what sounded like a single, semi-nervous chuckle. 
Wordlessly, you replied with a nod, transfixed as you compared photography to reality. The photos didn’t do him justice, not at all. The suit jacket was picked up quickly by a waiter who you had forgotten was still in the room.
Ushijima extended an arm to you across the table, intending to shake your hand.
“Did you wait long?” He asks as you shakily take his hand for a handshake that consumes your hand almost entirely in his large one.
You shake your head, then embarrassed when you realize you aren’t using your voice, and add, “No, I didn’t wait long...”
“Are you hungry?” He replies, quickly. Your instinct is to say no, no you didn’t need anything, especially not from him, but you are pretty sure your stomach would growl loudly any minute now, and you’d only look like a fool. 
Ushijima glances at the waiter, who finally hands the two of you menus.
“Please order anything you like.”
You look down, swallowing hard again, and for a moment it is difficult to focus on the unnecessarily elaborate handwriting on the menu.
Something about him already grates on your nerves and you couldn’t exactly pinpoint what. You could forgive people for being late, and you were used to people being a little forward, but something about the way he was both familiar and unfamiliar in the way he spoke to you seemed to veer into patronizing behavior. 
Why wasn’t he nervous? Every man you’d sat across from in the past half a year had just a little waver in their voice when they spoke to you at some point, even those who had started off boasting their fancy degrees and their villas and their large bank accounts. 
But he sits perfectly still, all broad shoulders, gently wafting cologne, and a gaze that is both disconcerting and impartial, so you don’t know what to think. 
When you look up from the menu to him, his eyes are still heavily focused on you, and you can’t really fault him. There’s nothing else to look at in this room, after all.
You take this opportunity to tease him. No man has ever intimidated you before and this one is no different.
“Are you going to order anything? I barely saw you look at the menu.” Your voice is light and coquettish and it implies, all you’re doing is staring at me.
“I already know my order. I’ve been here enough times,” he replies, immune to the playfulness in your voice. You watch him roll up his sleeves as he answers, and take note of the shape of his hands as he takes a sip of tea.
Maybe you’re the one staring.
“Would you like a recommendation?” He offers as he sets the cup down. 
You shake your head no, and wonder again why you’re making gestures instead of talking. He smiles as though he can read your mind.
Once the waiter takes your orders and leaves the room, you’re left in silence, facing your would-be partner. It’s a stalemate of sorts and you lose, asking the first personal question.
But you ask it semi-clinically, refusing to lose the upper hand. You’re not sure why there’s an upper hand, but there is, and it will be yours.
“I read a little about your company before arriving. You gave me quite a few details, which I appreciated,” you state, turning your head to the side politely to take a sip of tea yourself. “You’ve done very well for yourself as CEO,” you add.
His eyes don’t crinkle from the flattery. “My employees do great work at all levels so it’s only natural that there would be positive growth,” he replies matter-of-factly.
You smile politely, but this answer doesn’t give you very much information about him. He’s shifting the success away from him, you remark, however he accepts the compliment as though expected. Is this genuine humility or arrogance?
You lean very slightly forward, just enough to see if he’ll take the opportunity to glance down your blouse, as other suitors have invariably done. He doesn’t, and you proceed to ask the next question.
“What do you do outside of work?”
His eyebrows raise, and you wonder if it’s because he realizes you are pretending you didn’t read that section on his application, but he answers anyway.
“I don’t have very much free time, as you are probably aware, but I garden and paint. And of course, I like to keep fit through team sports.”
A quick look at him makes that last part quite clear. You clear your throat slightly and then it is silent again. It’s not exactly an uncomfortable silence, but it’s not comfortable either.
Just as you wonder why he isn’t asking you any questions, he suddenly speaks up.
“Pardon me if this sounds inappropriate, but you’re beautiful. Why would you need a matchmaking service?”
You’re taken aback, and while your brain is scrambling for understanding of what his intentions are, he adjusts his sitting position so that he’s cross-legged with both hands on his knees and lets out a sigh before continuing.
“You’re also accomplished and clearly articulate. I don’t imagine you’d have trouble finding a partner through more organic means.”
It seems like there are a million butterflies that suddenly inhabit the small space in the pit of your stomach. Again, you’re at a loss for words, something that is rare for someone as opinionated and cordially fierce as you.
Should you be offended? It’s almost as though he’s asking what’s wrong with you?
He asks frankly, “Why a blind date?”
You want to ask him the same question, but you hear the waiter return and you fall silent, letting the butterflies in your stomach die down.
“I-is this the first time - ah - you’ve done this?”
You’re no longer laid out on the tatami like you were just an hour earlier, Ushijima nibbling on your lower lip and your collarbones instead of the overpriced, high-quality fish that sat atop your table, but now laid under him, spread eagle save for the hands you use to hold on to his shoulders as he slowly and deliberately thrusts inside you. 
Your voice is breathy and catches in your throat every time he moves, but you have to know. How often has he ended up like this?
The heat that fills your whole body now isn’t just from the shame of letting a stranger fondle your body in an upscale restaurant, it’s because Ushijima somehow knows exactly where and how to touch you, as though he’s always known. His fingers have traveled your body like a hiker on a well-beaten path, from the softness behind your earlobes to your squishy center and back, and now have settled into a hold that is firm yet gentle on your hips. 
When he replies “no” with immense honesty, his mouth sinks into the crook of your neck and he goes just deep enough that you don’t have time to factor this new information into your impression of him.
So instead you savor the thickness that fills you and the strength that holds you close, the soft grunts that fill your ears before they get drowned out by your equally loud whimpers and moans.
You don’t spend the night, partially out of shame that Ushijima bedded you so quickly and partially because you have a full schedule for the next morning. The parting of ways is brief and awkward and you seem to feel it more acutely than he does.
“I enjoyed our time, Miss ___,” he offers. You’ve dressed up faster than he has so you find yourself unwittingly ogling at the expanse of his sculpted chest and the flex of his muscles as he redresses. You’re almost sad to see him cover up.
You nod and walk out of the room, trying your best to hide the fact that your legs feel far too wobbly to be walking on these heels.
“Miss ____?”
Your eyes widen as you realize you’ve been daydreaming through a meeting with the board of trustees and now the wrinkled old men who hated the fact that your father thrust you into leadership you “didn’t deserve” are staring at you with disgruntled expressions.
“Oh, um,” you think quickly, recalling where the presentation left off and glancing quickly at the notes you’d jotted down on a notepad before wondering why Ushijima hadn’t called or texted since you met two weeks ago.
“Um?” The most senior of the group repeats, and your stomach turns for a moment before you steel yourself. He bares his teeth every time he’s displeased with you and you get the impression of an ancient and disgruntled wolf. 
You clear your throat loudly, and settle back in your chair, crossing your legs and your arms over your chest.
“I have some disagreements with the current approach, but I’ll start with the pertinent positives,” you start.
“Was the sex at least good?”
Your best friend from high school glances at you briefly, as you face forward on the Peloton you are riding side by side with her. She’s much less out of shape than you are given that she also is your personal trainer and thus rides hers effortlessly, taking some time to wait for you to respond.
You begrudgingly say yes.
“Wow, for once someone dropped you before you could drop them!” She teases in a sing-song voice. You would slap her on the shoulder if she was close enough and if you weren’t out of breath. It stings just a little bit that you’ve heard nothing from him nor the matchmaking company and don’t have a good response to tell your parents aside from I guess we didn’t click.
“He’s missing out, though.”
“Yeah, no shit,” you huff, and cycle faster. No hard feelings.
Scratch that, there were absolutely going to be hard feelings now that he was not just fucking with you but also with your livelihood.
Admittedly, it was strange that despite the fact that your companies had never crossed paths until now despite working in the same consumer domain but this was unacceptable.
You’d opened an email that had just slipped into your peripheral vision as you worked on reviewing a couple of interns’ executive summaries, only to find that Ushijima might have just royally fucked you over.
A curt email from a crucial business partner read,
We apologize but we’ve decided to move forward with Ushijima Industries instead. I understand that this is last minute, but we believe that it will be mutually beneficial to discontinue our relationship at this point in time.
Your blood boiled. What the fuck was this?
Your phone rang, one of your team leaders calling immediately and likely looking at the email at the same time you were. He apologized profusely.
“What happened?”
“It seems like they just showed up and offered twice as much as we offered them last minute.”
This bastard. Then in a moment of horror, you wondered if this was your fault, if you had blabbed a little while slightly tipsy off of sake, and revealed that you had this acquisition in the works.
Voice smaller now, you asked, “So we can’t do anything to woo them back?”
“No, I don’t think so. I just have to make sure our other deal doesn’t fall through,” the slightly frantic man answered, the sounds of keyboard keys clicking rapidly heard in the background of the call. 
“Okay, thank you for your hard work,” you stated. “I’ll see what I can do,” you replied with a click. 
Maybe calling someone who’d ghosted you as you drove home, fuming and irritated, wasn’t the best idea, but you needed to confront him somehow. The idea of being bested in more ways than one was too much to bear.
The phone rang once, twice, then three times, and you were getting angrier with every tone through the car speaker. You hung up in frustration.
How embarrassing.
You made it home still irritated, indulging yourself in a relaxing bath to quell your anger. By the time you had soaked for close to an hour, you were mad at yourself for reacting impulsively and now having your number in his phone as a missed call… if he recognized it anyway.
It turns out he did.
“Ms. ___, did you call me earlier? I wasn’t able to make it to the phone in time.”
His voice was even lower on the phone, a slightly gravelly quality making you wonder if he’d actually been napping or just had a smoke. You couldn’t imagine him doing either of these things.
“What kind of game are you playing, Mr. Ushijima?”
There was a bit of hesitation on the phone, and you let out a sardonic laugh once he replied, as expected, “What?”
“How did you know about that deal other than what I told you?”
He paused again, and you too, stood still, a towel wrapped around your still dripping body.
“I assure you, I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he then said, carefully. “I, uh… assume you were calling about something else.”
You grit your teeth. What the fuck else? The fact that he sounded genuinely confused only served to aggravate you further.
“Did you or did you not use the information I gave you to intercept my deal with MNY?”
Finally the lightbulb went on.
“Oh, that was you. Hm.”
If you’d been talking in person, you probably would have slapped him at this point. Or at least considered it.
“I didn’t know you were our competitor in that aspect. I… probably would have reconsidered if I had known.”
“Excuse me?”
That tone of over-familiarity, patronizing… the care when you’re not supposed to care was back and you realized you regretted this phone call. 
“How would it be any different? Are you implying that you’d let me win?”
“No, of course not, I…” He trailed off. “Would you like to come over to my apartment and talk? I can give you my address, I would rather talk in person.”
Why? So I can get over there and end up fucking you again?
“I respectfully decline,” you answered curtly, and hung up, tossing your phone onto your bed and letting out an aggravated sigh. 
The next morning, you leave an early executive meeting only to find that your office had been overrun with flowers between the hours of 7 to 8 am.
There are yellow roses, stating admiration, spilling out of an oversized bouquet on your desk and a separate bouquet of light red carnations and white camellias that imply that he finds you ‘adorable’. A white card is placed in the yellow bouquet, and on it is written Ushijima’s neat script - you realize it’s from him before you even finish reading the note.
I would like to see you again. Please accept my call around 6 pm.
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Your hands hover over the wastebasket in your room with the flowers in your arms, but instead you sigh, and stuff them behind you on your shelf. At least you won’t have to see them while you work, but they’re pretty. They’re clearly bought from a floral shop, but you recall that he had said he gardened in his free time.
Ushijima calls promptly at 6 pm and you let it ring twice before deciding to block his number just as he’s calling. Something about the action is satisfying. 
You can’t be won over with a couple of flowers and kind words. Women aren’t as easily swayed as he may think.
It’s another Friday, and surprisingly you haven’t been contacted for a blind date, whether it’s by your parents or the matchmaking service they’ve subscribed you to.
Maybe they’d gotten the message after you’d been ghosted that you were tired of this game. Maybe they were giving you a break. Maybe they’d run out of potential suitors. You were surprised, but not upset.
Ushijima had truly gotten under your skin.
After blocking his call, there were no more attempts at contact for the rest of the week. The only thing left to consider was that if you ever crossed paths in your careers, you would pay him back for snatching your investor. 
And snatching your dignity in the process.
It was about 4 pm and most of the employees were wrapping up their tasks for the day. You usually aimed to have everyone out by 5, especially on Friday so this was boding well. 
“Hey, Madam President, are you okay with an add-on?” You hear your secretary call from outside your door.
“Oh, I mean, I guess but-”
She’s already letting Ushijima through the door.
You smile sweetly, maintaining professional behavior as best you can, while your secretary leads him to an armchair across from you, up until she exits, your expression souring the moment she closes the door.
“Mr. Ushijima, what are you doing in my office?”
He’s settled into the chair so comfortably that it feels as though you’re in his office, not your own. He’s dressed more casually than he was at the restaurant, no suit jacket, just a brown V-neck sweater over a dress shirt that almost seems too tight and a pair of chinos. He’s also wearing a pair of glasses, which is new. 
You hate that he looks good.
“Apologizing and requesting your company.”
He looks at you sincerely, his hands clasped together in his lap. You narrow your eyes.
“Please leave.”
He actually frowns, and the small action actually surprises you. 
“Do you actually want me to leave or are you still upset about the investor? Because if it’s that, we can make an arrangement-”
“No, I’m upset because you did that after not following up after our one night stand!” You finally blurt out, then bite your lip realizing you might have said too much.
“I… got busy.”
“Busy screwing me over?” You quip.
He runs a hand through his hair, a nervous gesture.
“I didn’t call because I thought you didn’t like me.”
You’re a little stunned by this reply, then decide you don’t believe him. What was there not to like? At least at that point he hadn’t done anything wrong.
“Why would you think that?”
His hands leave his hair again and rest on his knees. You notice it seems like a default position for him. 
“I’ve been referred to as ‘stiff’. It’s great at work but not great for relationships.”
Ushijima’s brutal honesty is again sending you for a loop. You raise an eyebrow, bidding him to continue. Your arms uncross and you rest your elbows on the table.
“So usually by the time I’ve had sex with someone, it’s all they’re after. And since you didn’t call, I assumed even the sex wasn’t good.”
You unwittingly burst into laughter. Here was this successful, attractive man with a perfect pedigree who was insecure about how good he was in bed?
His eyebrows furrow, and you recollect yourself, realizing that this is a bit cruel.
“You could have sent a text,” you murmur.
“I’m bad at starting conversations.”
You stifle another laugh. “So you just don’t?” You tease. It’s gently mocking but mostly incredulous. It seems that he’s the opposite of the confident man he appears to be.
“That’s why I got excited when you called but then you were upset.”
You purse your lips.
“I promise I didn’t intend to put you in a bad situation,” Ushijima insists.
You sigh, then offer him a small smile. “Are you normally this persistent?”
He glances at the flowers that are only partially hidden from view, which makes your face warm up bashfully, and then looks right back at you.
“No. I just like you.”
Again with the directness, a confidence that is effortless, even when he’s not confident at all.
You don’t want to melt but you do. So instead you rise and clear your desk, stuffing a few items into your handbag as you prepare to leave. He watches, unsure of what you’re up to, sitting still as you walk around towards him and place your hand lightly on his shoulder.
Your body faces the door, but you turn to the side to look at him and grin.
“I’m done with work for today. Take me out.”
A couple months later...
“Fuck, you’re - ah - they’re gonna know, I-” Your voice morphs into a mewl instead once his ring finger reaches just the right spot; you’re squirming as much as possible under his touch but he has you laid back on your work desk with both ankles rested on his shoulders and his weight leaning onto you to essentially keep you in place.
“Move your hands,” Ushijima whispers in a hushed tone, leaning in to kiss between your breasts as he readjusts your legs atop him. His pants are down and his cock is already up and ready, the base and swollen balls rubbing against your wet cunt that you are desperately trying to protect from his intrusion. You know there’s absolutely no way you’ll stay quiet when he’s pounding the shit out of you, he likes it entirely too rough, and the walls are thin. You don’t listen, continuing to reach for his hands to swat them away from you.
There’s a part of you that is almost certain that at the very least your secretary knows that every time Ushijima comes for a ‘meeting’, it really is just to fuck the shit out of you before you leave together for the evening, or to relax you right before you once again have to defend your dad’s establishment of you as Company President.
This isn’t a good look.
“I-I can’t…” you whine.
“You can,” he assures you.
He gently kisses your face before prying your hands out of the way and keeping them pinned up against you with one hand and guiding his trajectory with the other before sinking inside of you. You moan at the breach of your privates and he quickly presses his lips to yours to swallow the sound.
Once he’s bottomed out, he rolls his hips, and soon you start to see white once you climax, clenching and cumming around him.
“T-Toshi!” You moan his name, and he clasps a large hand around your mouth before continuing, picking up the pace as he fucks you through your orgasm. He can’t deny that he likes the fact that you’re noisy, that the fact that the heavy desk he’s fucking you against is making a squeaky noise that suggests he’s really putting some force behind these strokes, and that if anyone could see the two of you now, it could be an issue for both of your corporations. Misconduct, they would call it.
He doesn’t care and while you act like you do, you don’t really care either. 
When he lets go of your wrists to use the edge of the desk as leverage and tilts backwards, you scream in pleasure, a terribly obvious sound, and it’s enough to have him tip over and spill into you with a groan. He collapses onto you and the two of you almost slip onto the floor, but don’t; you wrap your arms around him. 
Your hair is disheveled and so is his, and your legs are sticky with sweat and cum. You sigh, letting him soften inside you and stroke his hair.
“You’re getting me in trouble,” you murmur, and he lets out a breathy laugh.
“We don’t really have to answer to anyone, do we?” He replies with a smirk, and pecks you one more time on the lips.
He’s right - only you two are a match for each other.
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vinnieswife · 3 years
Hey could you please do a Vinnie imagine where y/n is was in a toxic relationships before vinnie so she has trust issues. They get into a fight and she ends up crying and vinnie reassures her that he would never do anything to hurt her.
Trust issues
Vinnie Hacker x reader
Angst, fluff at the end Vinnie being a cute baby
Warnings: mentions of toxic relationships
Your past relationships had gone well, everything was happy, healthy relationships as everyone would see, but, in your last relationship, everything was different, when you saw it you thought it was a somewhat strange but normal behavior, but from the outside everything looked Extreme and disconcerting, when both of you went out you had to always be by his side, you had to give him the passwords of all your social networks and you could not publish things without his permission, he reviewed all your conversations with any man, whether friend or family member.
Every time you were going out, you had to send your location in real time and send photos of you and your friends, you thought that he only cared about you, until one day he cheated on you, and how he had led you to believe that without him you were not nothing you fell into his horrible arms again.
So you kept forgiving him over and over and over again until you got tired and finished with him, based on screams, tears and a thousand notices from your friends, you got it, you managed to end the relationship.
After all this you took a break from relationships and men in general, until Kouvr introduced you to Vinnie, you both met at one of the parties at the Hype House, you started talking realizing the amount of things that you had in common, you both exchanged numbers and started talking day and night, making long video calls whenever there was time, meeting at the skate park or just watching movies in his room, when suddenly Vinnie confessed his feelings for you, which you corresponded (who didn't? really)
You both started dating 3/4 months ago, with which you made it public, to your surprise people were already shipping you and they accepted you quickly.
Vinnie had taught you everything that a healthy relationship entailed, and he was surprised when you wanted to give him the passwords of your social networks, refusing to accept them assuring you that it was completely fine since you should have privacy
I also taught you that you shouldn't tell him where you were all the time, or ask if you could post x random photos or videos. "Sweetheart you don't need to ask me that things, you control that, it's your decision not mine"
I assure you a thousand and one times that any item of clothing would fit you perfectly, and that you should not ask her permission to go out with your friends, “why do you ask me that? Im not your father, you can hang out with your friends everytime you want love ”or to meet friends since he had full confidence in you. Everything was fine, and it made you feel safe with yourself, reminding you every day how Precious you were, how much he loves you, leaving soft kisses anywhere on your body whenever he has the opportunity, taking an interest in your tastes, hugging you when you are afraid , teaching you everything your ex deprived you of, making it an everyday act.
One afternoon Vinnie went to a party at his old house, the Sway gaming, everything was fine with that, you decided to stay home since you didn't feel like going to a party surrounded by people you don't know or just don't You wanted to get out of the comfort of your bed.
"See you later, I'll text you as soon as I get there, okay?" "Mhm" Vinnie placed a kiss on your forehead stroking your cheek in the process. "I love you" "I love you more" he replied making your heart jump with joy, finally being able to feel that happiness in you.
15 minutes later your phone buzz, you caught it by flipping it over, seeing Vinnie's message on the wallpaper.
"I'm here, I'll see you in 2 hours, I love you <3"
To which you replied with a "okay, see you later, I love you <3"
You lay back on the bed, refocusing your attention on the series you were watching, some time later you fell asleep for the tranquility and comfort, you woke up with a call from Maddy, you and she had become very good friends since Jordan and Vinnie were like brothers.
~ on the call ~
"Hey Y/n"
"Hey Maddy! Is everything okay?" You Asked
"Have you not seen it yet?" She asked
"What? See what Maddy? "
"Just enter the TikTok room"
"Give me a minute"
~ End of call ~
You quickly opened your Instagram, typing the TikTok room user in the search engine, in which you saw a photo of Faith (no hate on her, just her name) being so-so close to Vinnie, too close, he was talking to Jordan while that Faith was clinging to his arm, you trusted Vinnie, of course, why wouldn't he do something like that to you, right? All your insecurities began to surface, and if just going to the party was an excuse? just to fool you? No, impossible, Vinnie wouldn't do that.
You waited for two more hours, eating your head, turning it over and over to try to make sense of it, you started to pen- Knock knock on the door.
You went down quickly and opened the door to find a smiling Vinnie.
"Hello beautiful" he leaned down to kiss you, but you moved away causing him to kiss your cheek.
"Y/n, is everything okay?"
"I don't know, ask Faith"
"What are you talking about?" He asked in clear confusion and with a frown.
You took your mobile from your pocket showing him the TikTok room publication with a description of:
#Vinniehacker with his new girlfriend? What happened to Y/n, have they broken up? Or maybe Vinnie is cheating on her?
He looked at the photo in amazement.
"Y/n is not what it seems, I promise you, it is not so bad"
"As it is not so much apart, Vinnie I am your girlfriend and I would never think of approaching one of your friends like that, besides Faith? Seriously? Of all the girls at the party, did you have to get close to Faith? The girl who hates me and who humiliates me every time she can or comments horrible things in my videos? That Faith? "
"Y/n, she is just a friend, nothing will ever happen between her and me, why you don't understand it?”
“Be-because I am afraid that you will do the same as him" you said with a shaking voice, tears running down your cheeks, and little sobs escaping from your mouth "I am afraid that you will use me, that you make me believe that you love me and then make me damage, that's what scares me "
Vinnie quickly hugged you, pressing you against his chest, one of his hands traveled down to your lower back, pressing you,even more, if it’s possible, while the other hand went up to the back of your head stroking your hair, giving you gentle caresses.
"Hey, hey look at me." He took her chin in one hand, forcing you to look at him.
“Y/n, I want you to know that never. Can you hear me? I would never do something like that to you, you are literally the best thing that has ever happened to me,being with you is like living a little adventure every day, because you are the first person I want to see when I wake up and the last person I will see when I go to sleep, Y/n you make me feel like no one has ever done before, you make me feel good, and I want to do the same for you, yes, that guy filled you with insecurities and you know what? That I will not stop until I eliminate each and every one of them, because I love you Y/n, I love you with everything I have” With each new phrase that came out of his mouth, more tears fell down your cheeks, but these were of happiness and not of sadness and fear. You had finally found someone who loved you in the same way that you loved him and that is happiness.
Then he leaned down and kiss you properly, his tongue dancing with yours in a passionate lovely kiss,one of his hands cupping your cheek and the other one on your waist,your hands traveled to the back of his neck,pulling him closer to you.
AAAAHHHH I hope you like it like that 🥰
I also want to notify that my orders are open, in case someone wants any special one💕
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strawbabysimp · 3 years
Loving Dominance || Sub!Illumi x Reader
Genre: Smut
Category: Sub!Illumi x Fem!Dom!Reader
Warning(s): Handjobs, Vaginal Sex, Unsafe Sex, Praise, Pet Names, Mommy Kink
Request(s): "Can I request smut for Illumi with fem SO who likes to be a soft dom and is very gentle and attentive with him? 👉👈 Thank you luv!♡"
"you should do illumi with a mommy kink 🤩 and how are you doing? 💕"
A/N: I really wanted to combine these two requests to show a more sensitive side of Illumi~ I hope that's okay with you both💕
You woke to a small movement coming from beneath you, your clothed chest pressed softly against your boyfriend's as you woke up from your rest. It had been a tiring day for the both of you, Illumi having gotten home from a short yet tedious job and you having to deal with his more unresponsive than usual self left you a bit drained. You didn't mind taking care of the boy, in fact, you cherished his allowance, but it still took its toll on you.
You didn't bring this up though, only shifting yourself slightly so that you were peering up at him. His eyes were open, staring up at the ceiling blankly in a way that would have left you disconcerted if you weren't already used to it. The only thing that bothered you was the reason why he was doing such a thing. He usually slept through the night, only disturbed when there was an unfamiliar sound or disturbance so this was peculiar.
"Illumi," you called out in a quiet voice as you tried not to disturb the calm atmosphere of the room. He turned his head towards you, already sensing you were awake. "You okay?" Your voice was cautious and you noted the way his body was tensed up underneath yours, not having noticed it in your former sleep-hazed state, but you had quickly snapped out of it upon seeing him upset.
You squirmed to get a better view of his face and in the process, he flinched away. Your movements halted. You felt your chest tightened at his reaction, not faulting him for it but your worry did rise. Detangling your legs from his you sat up beside the assassin. He mirrored your movements while consciously keeping his body from touching yours.
There was a moment of silence before he spoke, "I'm sorry that I woke you." He was still getting used to phrasing what he wanted to say especially when in such an intimate place as your bedroom, his eyes bore into yours emotionless and it was moments like this where you wished you could read him better.
"I just need a moment. You can go back to sleep now."
You ignored his words and moved to sit up straighter, pulling the sheet closer to yourself by doing so. The strain in the fabric had it clinging tighter to Illumi's figure. You couldn't help but glance down at his lap for a moment, your eyes drawn to what must have been the problem. He was hard. His unmistakable arousal looking uncomfortable as it moved against the sheets.
"I'm not supposed to bother you when you're resting," he explained clearly. You could sense the slight guilt coming off of his usually maintained aura.
A small smile graced your face at knowing it wasn't something too serious. "Illumi, that's what I'm here for," you cooed at the man before you, "if you need me then I'm here. Simple."
He nodded as he allowed his limbs to relax slightly, looking up at you with a hesitant gaze. You slid in closer to him with your smile still in place. This time he didn't move away. Moving your hand up to lightly graze over his thigh, not yet coming in contact with the source of his discomfort but making your intentions clear.
"Do you want me to help you, Illu?"
He nodded.
"Baby," you moved your other hand to press against his cheek, "You have to use your words for me okay? What do you want?" His hips moved forward slightly before he finally voiced his needs. "I want you to touch me."
Still not good enough. You spoke again. "Where do you want me to touch you, hmm?" Your fingertips drew circles on his lower thigh, trailing up to his hip bone and back in a coaxing gesture. "Please touch my cock," he muttered in the same shy voice he always did when talking in such a lewd way.
The more you continued your ministrations the more noise spilled from your lover's mouth. Even his moans sounded angelic, smooth, and breathy, perfectly fitting for the eldest Zoldyck boy. You allowed your hand to take on a slow and steady pace, sliding your thumb across his cock head every few strokes just to hear his unsteady breathe that urged you on even more.
"You do sound so sweet Illumi," you praised from above him, his glassy eyes paired with the slight flush to his cheeks were a welcome sight and you felt privileged to be able to see this side of him. "I wish you would let me hear you more often." Another soft whine left him as you ran your thumb over the leaking tip once again.
As his breathing began to grow heavier and his gaze shifts around trying to gain awareness, you slowed your pace slightly. "Look at me," you gently prodded, the hand that was once on his thigh coming up to thumb for his cheek. "You're fine," yours whispers calmed his frantic gaze slightly, "I'll watch out for you. Relax." You set your lips tenderly against his, the slow tongue-less kiss calming his nerves as your hand regained its previous speed.
You pulled away from the kiss, choosing to travel down his jaw to give him a small break from the action so he could focus on simply feeling the pleasure as you took care of things for him. You started to suck lightly at the soft skin, lapping over the tender spot found just above his collarbone. You could feel just when the tension started to seep from his body, tenderly muttering praises into the soft skin as you did so. Your mouth left a trail of purple marks as Illumi arched into your adoring touch.
Your hand lowered further to lightly fondle his balls, easing away from his cock before stopping your ministrations altogether. Illumi stared back at you with wide eyes, his need sounding through the air with a disappointed whine.
You dropped a chaste kiss to his shoulder and made quick to reassure him that you weren't stopping, "Shhh... I'll take care of you." Your leg swung over him, successfully straddling the man before you as you look at his appearance from the new angle.
His fingertips grabbed firmly onto your shirt, pleading silently as he pulled on the fabric covering your body. He ground himself against you needily, begging you to remove your clothes and allow him to see more of you.
"Do you like looking at me Illumi?" You asked tentatively. His eyes shined up at you as he hummed in agreement. Without another moment you quickly stripped yourself of your last remaining garment, you never wore much to bed since the room was always a comforting cool temperature and Illumi was usually beside you to keep you warm.
He struggled to sit up more, holding onto your hips with a force that had no right being as adorable as it was. You could feel his hardness press against you in earnest but he didn't move against you just yet. Instead, the Zoldyck pressed your chests together, resting his head against your collarbone as you roamed your fingers through his hair comfortingly. Unable to ignore the arousal yourself, you began to rock into him slowly. He was cautious of his strength as he rests his palms against you, not wanting to hurt you as you cared for him so gently.
As his soft breaths turned more intense with your movements and the pressure against your chest rose with his added weight you pulled his upper body away from you. "Use your words? What do you want?" The question hung in the air for a moment as he worked through his phrasing.
"I want you to touch me more."
Fingers played with the ends of his hair as your hands fell from his scalp. Asking once again, "How do you want me to touch you, baby?" The pet name seemed to ease him into his headspace even more before he answered, "I want to fuck you?"
His words brought a bigger smile to your face as you pressed a kiss against his forehead. You were proud of how far he had come with expressing his wants and you weren't going to hide that from him. "Okay, we can do that."
You ground yourself against him, the material of the shirt no longer creating a thin layer between the two of you. His precum coated your core as you lifted yourself, conscious of how his body shuttered beneath yours whenever his skin came even slightly in contact with your own.
"P-please," the assassin begged, "Please I need you." The words were slow yet filled with bliss, stuttering slightly as he tried to word himself correctly.
"You've been such a good boy for me Illumi. You deserve a treat."
His head titled cutely as he stared up at you, his hands traveling to your waist as his nails grazed the skin found there. Before he could question what you meant, you clarified with your body. Sinking onto his length in one quick motion, you felt so deliciously full. Your mind blanked for a second, eyes shutting as you allowed yourself to adjust to his size. You could hear him whine in the back of your mind, no doubt restraining himself from thrusting against you from how needy he had become.
After a moment you looked down at the glistening-eyed boy in front of you, bringing your thumb to your lips before gently wiping away a stray tear that had spilled from his waterline. You ground your hips against him experimentally, gaging his reaction as your walls squeezed him reflexively. Your walls squeezed reflexively when you ground yourself against him once again, finding a steady momentum as you rode the deliciously submissive boy beneath you.
You steadied your body with a firm grip on the headboard, the slap of skin against skin sounding throughout the room as you yourself struggled to maintain eye contact. The feeling of him filling you up so well was overwhelming and soon after you picked up the pace something far sweeter than any amount of times he hit that sweet spot in you occurred.
"Mommy," Illumi whined as his hair began to stick to his hairline as he got closer to his climax. He only used that title when he was especially wrecked and you knew the sight of him mouthing the affection-ridden word was a privilege no other got to experience.
"Spit it out baby," you encouraged your boyfriend, "Tell Mommy what you want." His whines increased as he struggled to get it out but you trusted in the fact he would tell you if it was too much. "I want to come Mommy. Please, c-can I come? Will you let me come?"
You smiled softly at his request. You were happy to give him what he wanted and you told him just that.
"It hurts," he said, too lost in the blissful torture of being on the edge of his orgasm brought him to be self-conscious about the words leaving his trembling lips. You leaned forward to press a gentle kiss against his lips, reassuring him that he'd be just fine and you'd let him come soon. As you pulled away he quickly scrambled after you, arms holding you tighter than before as his head fell against your shoulder. You could feel his body shake slightly and you allowed yourself to fuck yourself on him as your own need to became too great, confident that he'd come soon no matter what you did.
The feeling of him throbbing inside of you, slowly bringing him to over stimulation as you did nothing to slow your movements, was what quickly brought you over the edge. You tightened around him, shaky breathe sounding between you as it was almost too much for him.
It always took you a moment to get your breath back but once you did you we're sure to give him the praise he deserved.
"You were such a good boy for Mommy."
You felt wetness against your neck but the way he hugged you gently let you know that he was okay as long as he had you there and it would always be that way.
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taecalikook · 4 years
Love, Rekindled.
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summary : even if you’d rather cut your tongue short than to admit it, love was easy when it was with Jungkook—no matter how short it had been. yet when the guy fortuitously joined your company four months ago, he has been an expert in pulling your strings that you’ve been fighting every will to punch in his annoyingly ravishing face. but can you further deny the old feelings to rekindle when a certain company event and a group of gullible friends are involved?
{enemies2lovers! au, ex!au, professional!au}
pairing : jeon jungkook x reader (side kim taehyung)
genre : major fluff, slight angst, mutual pining and smut!
word count : 32.780 (one-shot)
warning ! fingering, sex with feelings, dirty talk, big dick, jealousy, dom(?), raw (use protection yall) its my first smut story soooooooo bear with me lol enjoy! 
Working directly after you graduate in one of the biggest fast moving consumer goods companies in the country might be the dream. While to an extent it might be true, you realize that you have so many things to sacrifice—including your sanity and personal life.
So one dawn you spent all night working on the procurement report you have to submit to the finance team in just five hours, you are so distressed you bawl your eyes out so hard you feel like it is about to fall off. You were too loud to the point that Namjoon, your roommate, was awakened and had to console and accompany you, finishing the report for another hour until you could finally sleep.
And the next morning when you wake up after only three hours of sleep, you have to drive early in the morning to submit the signed reports to the finance team. You are not ecstatic to say the least. Not only that you had the worst night and don’t have the time to conceal your excessive eye bags, you have to submit the physical report to the most notorious, annoying person to ever exist—Jeon Jungkook.
You don’t even understand why destiny had to be that cruel to pair you with Jungkook for a tad bit too many of your tasks. He is annoying, self-centered, impolite, and probably the worst person that you have ever worked with. And it is quickly proven when you are going to submit the report and stride to his desk, finding he is still calmly typing on the laptop. Irritated by how divine he looks at eight in the morning compared with your hideous self, you slam the report right beside his laptop.
“Here it is. And once again thank you for making me change every fucking numbers in that report right the night before.” You hisses, folding your arms in front of your chest. He looks up to you with a grin, his fingers swiftly opening the report.
“I’m sorry, dear but if you wanna complain, you can directly do it to your boss.” He chuckles lightheartedly, and you roll your eyes in disgust. How can he still be this composed is beyond you. “And besides, it’s your team who mistakenly input the data. How is it my fault?”
“I can actually give you an essay for that as an answer, but I don’t want to violate the rules since we are now in working hours.” You harshly respond, tapping your feet impatiently while his eyes are skimming the report.
Another five minutes until Jungkook closes the report with a loud tap and smirk in mirth at your obvious disconcert. “So is that an invitation for a meet-up outside working hours?”
You hiss after hearing such an expected sentence coming out from the jerk. He really is that self-centered, and it shouldn’t have baffled you by now. “I hope you are very well aware that you are annoying and I don’t like you.”
“I am aware of that, beautiful. You have explicitly reminded me in every email chain—better tell me something I don’t know.”
“Nah, I don’t have anything good to say for you.” You scoff and stomp your heels around to leave him behind. The fury is still booming inside your head, so you repetitively let go of your breath, trying to detox your mind of his annoying, but forsakenly handsome face of that jerk out of your mind.
After arriving at your desk, you throw your belongings on the desk and sit on your seat after sighing loudly. It immediately attracts the attention of one of the team peers who sits beside you, Hoseok.
“Wow. Why the long face, Y/N? It’s Friday, lighten up a little.”
“I literally cannot ‘lighten up’ if I keep on working with Jeon Jungkook. Is there any way I can just… not see him or contact him even just for a day? Or even better, forever?!” You hiss while raucously opening your laptop. Hoseok chuckles in amusement.
“Y/N, I don’t know why you are so against the guy. Yes, I know he might be a little cocky—”
“A little?!” You immediately cut Hoseok, but he has been in this conversation too many times before to know that he needs to continue before you begin your patriotic speech of why Jungkook doesn’t deserve anything good in his life.
“—but he is not that bad. People, especially girls like the guy. He is great looking, charming and good with words. One of the best in his team too, even with such short time joining the company I even heard he might be promoted soon. I think you should give him a chance.” Hoseok shrugs.
You huff and stare at Hoseok in heavy betrayal painted in your face. “That’s not going to happen, Hoseok. Yes, I know people might be blind and think so highly of that cocky ass jerk, but you are my friend and should be educated about not seeing one person only by the assumption of other people. Jungkook is not as good as everyone thinks he is.”
“But why? I know you, Y/N. And I know this is not hatred only based on work—there is something else that happened.” Hoseok calmly speaks his mind, but it successfully throws you off guard. Not that you want to admit it, you are well aware that the dislike you got for the guy is not majorly caused by professional work. But you’d rather bite your hand off rather than voluntarily telling it to someone else.
Seeing how silent you have become, Hoseok immediately turns aghast. “Just a shot in the dark... Did you sleep with this guy before?”
The thought immediately puts you to shame and your face turns vermillion. God, how can he say that?! “What are you saying?!” You squeal in alarm, and you do realize you are too shocked to even speak clearly right now. Damn Hoseok and his outstanding deduction skill! “You are talking nonsense now, Hobi. Why-why would—fuck this I’m going to the restroom.”
You can hear Hoseok's distinctive laughter behind you when you stride towards the restroom, and the desire to knock your head to the wall is too much. You are literally fucked.
After working hours, you are finally able to escape the office and ask Namjoon to accompany you and eat in your favorite steak restaurant near both your offices. Namjoon looks at you munching on your steak like a starved woman while silently sipping his glass of red wine.
“Well, I never understood how people say they can get full only by seeing someone else eat, but I kinda get it now.”
You glare at him and hiss, stabbing the steak with your fork in pique. “Stop bothering me! I hate it. I hate everything! Work sucks, life sucks, everything sucks. And I literally don’t have any friends to hangout on friday night beside my own roommate whom I see nearly 24/7. I really had no life beside work it’s embarrassing—”
Namjoon winces, and you immediately halt every movement and stare at him in shock. You know that gaze. It literally screams apology and regret.
“About that…”
You gasp and smash your utensils in the table that few other people are glancing weirdly your way, but you cannot care enough about those prodding eyes. “No! You can’t do this to me, Namjoon! You are ditching me tonight, aren’t you?!”
He grimaces. “I’m sorry, Y/N but I promised the guys for drinking tonight. It’s already planned since god knows when, I can’t bail on them.” You sigh, massaging your aching temple. Noticing how upset you’ve been—probably due to the possibility of ending the stressful weekend only in your pajamas watching bad tv shows, Namjoon quickly continues. “But you can come if you want! We would love to have you there.”
You suddenly put your hand together, moving closer to Namjoon in vivid interest. There’s a possibility to drink your pain away tonight and you are all down for it. “I would love to! I am so stressed lately, I desperately need an outlet. I am going crazy for this work and another second just sitting around I will go mad. And I would love to hangout with the guys! It’s Seokjin, Hoseok, and the others right?!”
“Yeah… about that.” Namjoon’s hesitance is too obvious that you immediately squint your eyes in suspicion. “Yes, I’m with those guys. But there is one additional person joining us and… you won’t like it.”
You giggle at his concern, easily shrugging it away. “Who? I don’t think so, Namjoon. Don’t underestimate me, I may not be as friendly or outgoing as you are, but I can manage to meet new people well and—”
“It’s Jeon Jungkook.”
You immediately close your eyes and heave a breath, your fingers are gripping hard on the edge of the table until Namjoon literally had to move his chair a step back out of fright. It is not the first time he had to face your immeasurable wreath, and it is literally not a good sight he’d do anything to avoid it to happen ever again.
“Why?! In what circumstances would you ever hang out with that bastard?!”
“It just happened! Jimin is friends with the guy, both are from the same department as well. He is new and nice—to us, at least.” He quickly adds before you go into a screaming match yet again. “It’s harmless! And he needs friends too, Y/N. He is new in the city, and doesn't have many friends. I still have no idea how you can even hate the guy when he literally just entered his four months in town.”
You look up to Namjoon aloofly. Jungkook has no friends? What happened to the jerk you knew a few years back? He seemed to be doing well with his bunch of jerks he called as friends. “Pssh—I don’t really care about that. Just do whatever you want!” You childishly pout and continue in stabbing your steak. You know that with Namjoon you can always count on him being a brother that would gladly endure your annoying traits and childishness.
“Hey, I am sorry. Don’t be mad, okay? What if we get ice cream tomorrow, hmm?” He kindly persuades and then you are unable to prolong your fake burst. There is no way you can stay mad at him, as he is literally a heaven-sent angel to you. You don’t even know how you can stay sane if it weren’t for your kind roommate.
“M‘kay. But you’re paying and I am taking home a litre of shooting star ice cream.”
Namjoon sighs and you giggle at his easy forfeit. “You are neither easy on the eyes nor to my wallet. I hope you understand how generous I am to still want to participate in this friendship.”
“By the way, have you seen VoE email this afternoon?” Namjoon nonchalantly asks, smiling to the waitress that places his own steak. You meekly shake your head, cause ain’t nobody got time to read another email from the Voice of Employee team. You already arranged your inbox neatly and automated those emails to be placed inside the folder which named ‘emails i probably will never read ever in this lifetime’. “I shouldn’t have asked, of course you haven’t.” He continues, unimpressed and you grin devilishly at that.
“So, they announced the new employee engagement event. This year’s event is kind of a blind pen pal thingy that is arranged by Jimin.” Namjoon explains while cutting his steak in boxes. “Albeit lame, I thought it was kind of interesting. You should join, you know?”
“Pen pal?” You scrunch your eyebrow. The idea is not appalling even a little to you. “Really? What year does he think it is?”
“It could be fun! You know it must be nice meeting new people across the company. Funny that they also recommend the participant to hide their identities and stay anonymous while chatting at least for the first few weeks.”
“What? That’s so lame! Why do they have these kinds of things?!” You giggle and shake your head in.
“Actually, because people like you, Y/N. You said yourself that you had no friends and life outside work. It could be great to meet someone new and talk freely, even in the company. It’s also good that it’s anonymous in the first weeks so people won't be judgy and busy talking about work stuff and making friends instead.” Namjoon replies back and you pretend hurt at the truth shoved at your face.
“Ouch! That hurts.” You jokingly wince but nonetheless shrug. “I think it kinda made sense, but I think I’ll pass.”
“Oh, come on! It can't be that bad.” Namjoon groans at your stubbornness. “You know you have to pick an employee engagement event. If you choose to go with your boss for the fishing competition event when you know he’ll talk about work all the time, I’ll gladly say go for it. And you literally can’t even boil water, there’s no way you’ll be joining the ‘masterchef’ event. Or that singing competition! Are you kidding me? No way.”
You sigh at the reminder since Namjoon is indeed correct. There’s no way you’d be joining the other engagement events since you are talentless in nearly any other area, and whilst pretending you can cook might be interesting, the possibility of burning the whole kitchen is not since you are not risking the lives of others because of your carelessness. And singing is the one you already gave up on. You are not embarrassing yourself and be the joke of the year in front of your boss and colleagues.
“Gosh..I hate it when you are correct. I’ll think about it later, okay?” You frustratedly hiss, ruffling your hair in distress. “Let’s talk about something else, please.”
After another half an hour chatting while you finish your food, you and Namjoon quickly pay with another dramatic debate of which one of you will pay. After humorlessly swearing that you will twist his figurine if he still insists on paying, you easily win the debate and pay instead.
“So, are you going straight to the bar?” You inquire after walking out of the restaurant. Namjoon hums and swiftly picks the phone from his pocket, checking his friend’s current whereabouts.
“Nope, I think they should be here anytime soon, but—”
“Namjoon! Y/N!”
Both of your eyes quickly divert to three guys coming your way. It’s Jimin’s jovial voice calling your name, Hoseok beside him and… Jungkook. The huff instinctively comes out of your mouth after noticing the guy wearing a blue navy buttoned up shirt who irritatingly still looks too good for him. Noticing that Jungkook’s intense gaze is never diverted from you, you quickly shift your face somewhere else.
“You guys finished the dinner?” Jimin asks and you nod with a smile. “Ah, long time talking to you again, Y/N! I am sad we don’t get to work together again.”
You giggle, definitely sensing the irony in his sentence. The fact that he is assigned to another project in Finance was the biggest turning hill in your career, as it was also the point you were introduced to Jeon Jungkook, as the new hire who replaced him and whom you would be working closely with. You don’t even want to remember how stricken and betrayed you felt at that time.
“Yup, true.” You quickly smile and clearly avoid both Jungkook whom you detect is still staring at you and Hoseok who is literally glancing at Jungkook staring at you. This is getting ridiculous and you detest each awkward second spent with these men.
“Hey! You guys know that we are sending the last reminder for choosing an employee event!” Jimin suddenly chirps and you wince. “I noticed you guys haven’t been picking yours.”
“Last reminder? I thought it was just announced this afternoon.” Namjoon innocently asks while scratching his temple. Jimin instantly sighs in distress.
“I began sending it two weeks ago, Namjoon. Damn it!” He hisses and Namjoon immediately points at you.
“Y/N didn’t even read the email!” You slap his shoulder quickly in embarrassment. Jimin looks at you in disappointment and you smile, inevitably guilty for him.
“You guys are such a pain in the ass. I’ll be waiting for your emails monday morning. And please do pick the pen pal option arranged by me!” He singsongs proudly. You nod dubiously. “There’s a lot in store and I can guarantee you it would be very fun!”
You are still nodding, before looking to Namjoon. Freaking Jungkook is still reading you like you are a book, so you need to head out fast before anything unwanted happens. “So, I think I’ll head out first. You guys have fun—”
“Let’s go together! I parked in our usual.” Namjoon says and you briskly nod, your legs are desperate to put distance between you and Jungkook’s intense and unnecessary stare. You bite your tongue to hold yourself from snapping. Seriously, what is wrong with that guy?!
“Namjoon, Jungkook is going with you, he didn’t bring his car. Hoseok is pooling with me, we need to stop somewhere first.” Jimin nonchalantly mentions but you are immediately struck. Why?! Why would Jungkook pool with Namjoon? It means that you are going to spend another five minutes walking to your car parked in the basement where you’ll have to spend an elevator ride with him. Ugh, even the thought repulses you.
“Let’s go. Seokjin and Yoongi are already on the way to the bar and ten bucks say Yoongi is cranky as fuck now.” Hoseok wriggles his eyebrows at you. You reponds by mouthing him curse words as you know what he is implying. He is clearly having fun at your misery.
“Y/N, let’s go.” Namjoon quickly intercepts your clear avoidance for Jungkook by pulling you by the elbow. He gestures Jungkook to follow behind the two of you.
It was only uncomfortable silence even inside the lift that descends to the parking lot. You are this close to Jungkook, but you are still feeling his wary glances on your skin. It is too much of a burden and your last string snaps, unable to hold yourself.
“Is there something on my face?” You spit at him. Jungkook immediately looks away. Instead of answering with another trash reply, he decides to stay silent. Well, that’s new.
“So, tomorrow we need to choose an employee event. Can I sign you up for the pen pal one?” Namjoon asks suddenly, probably trying to take your minds off things, especially the fury you have for Jungkook.
“Namjoon, I don’t think so. At this rate I think I’ll just join that fishing one.”
Suddenly, an unexpected voice behind you is heard. “I don’t know, but they say fishing needs patience and you clearly are lacking that one, Y/N.”
You immediately throw your head back and glare at Jungkook. He nonchalantly looks back like he did not just diss you. “The fuck you say?!”
“I said what I said. I thought you’d know that by now.” He smiles civilly, and you just know he is the one begging you to snap and scratch your claws at him.
“Come here you little shit—“
Namjoon instantly holds you by the waist, stopping all your movement. “Y/N, don’t! Let’s go now.” He reliably holds you and leads you back to your car until Jungkook is safely out of your sight.
“Y/N, enough. It doesn’t matter. Just go home and take some rest.” He persuades and you have to take multiple breathes in and out to calm yourself. “I know you are angry but please don’t run him with your car.” He jokes, but you immediately form a chilling smirk with your lips.
“That’s a great idea, actually.” You vigorously pat your wheels.
“Y/N, I was joking, please—“
You giggle at his clear fright. “I’m joking too. I’m okay, Namjoon. He was just being a jerk again. I got used to it. That’s not even the most hurtful thing he said to me. I’m fine.”
Namjoon heaves a breath and moves to pat your head with a grin. “You gave me a fright, you fool. Drive save, okay? Let me know when you’re home.”
You hum and Namjoon moves to close your door. You move your car and catch Jungkook standing on the side. He was waving at you with a condescending smile, the one you answer by flipping him off.
It’s been nearly two in the morning. You are exhausted, but your body is still too much alive to be sleeping right now. At times, your body is still accustomed to your college routine when you’d only be sleepy when there’s still so much to do. Usually at these times, you would be watching movies with Namjoon, commenting on every single thing you can comment about the movie while he’d do anything to shut you up.
Already going to the sixth episode of your netflix series, you glance at your phone. Speaking of Namjoon, you notice that he hasn’t given you any signs of going back home. He always does, especially when drinking out with friends. The thought suddenly scares you that something might have happened to him, so you quickly dial his number.
Three beeps and finally someone picks up. “Hello? Namjoon? Where are you? Are you not coming home? If you’re not you should’ve told me sooner!”
An incoherent groan is heard along with a faint voice of someone you’d rather not mention. Another seconds of silence until an abrupt deafening, slurry voice is heard. It’s still him. Jeon Jungkook. “Y/N, can you help us? Namjoon passed out and I am not completely sober enough to drive. Come here and get us, please?”
“Ugh, get a taxi! It’s freaking two in the morning, I don’t want to go.” You groan, even if inside you are contemplating. Namjoon is drunk, and he brought his car with him. You’ll not be able to sleep if knowing he is out there drunk and in need of help. “Where are the others? Can’t they get you home?”
Five seconds of awkward whimpering of Jungkook babies himself, refusing to give Namjoon’s phone to someone else. It turns out to be Yoongi, also your workmate from IT. ”Y/N? Y/N! I am so happy you picked up. Can you get these guys? Everyone here beside me is drunk, and this petite body of mine can only take Hoseok and Jimin since they’re in my building as well. Can you please get your huge ass roommate home?”
You sigh, aloofly agreeing to help Yoongi. The place they are drinking is not far from your apartment, so not even bothering to change your peppa pig pajamas, you overlay it with a peach sweater and hitch a taxi right after.
Not even fifteen minutes on the way you finally arrive. The bar itself was rather vacant, the music has changed, and you can immediately detect a group of moron on the corner booth of the bar, looking severely drunk. Detecting your presence, Yoongi instantly lightens up.
“Y/N! Y/N thank god.” Yoongi exhales. “I really fucking desprate to go home. Can you bring Namjoon and Jungkook together? Jungkook lives near your apartment, and he is not that drunk. Just drop him off in front of his buildings, or whatever.”
You groan in distaste. “Really? I really have to bring this guy with me?” You peer your squinted eyes at Jungkook who is limping to stand beside you.
Jungkook rests his palm on your shoulder with an intoxicated smile, wiggling his eyebrows. “Yes. Let me come along, Y/N. I promise we’ll have fun, hmm?”
You instantly push him away in disgust, the empathy you surprisingly have for him has disappeared into thin air. “I’m not getting in any car with you, jackass. Have a great time sleeping on the street.”
Yoongi groans at your stubbornness. It is not an uncommon sight as he is already well informed of your bad blood with Jungkook. “Y/N, for the love of god please stop arguing with a drunk idiot and lets just go fucking home.”
Still scowling, you move to wake up Namjoon, circling his arms around your shoulder. Jungkook is somehow still sober enough to voluntarily help you carrying the giant to his car. After safely securing Namjoon on the back, you stride to the driver seat and Jungkook follows to sit on the passenger seat  beside you. Driving out, it was only cold silence inside the car that you have to glance to see if Jungkook is asleep. It turns out he is not sleeping, instead catching him stealing glances at you.
“What the hell are you looking at?” You frown at him. He shrugs, diverting his eyes to the window. Another three minutes of silence until he opens his voice.
“Are you dating Namjoon?”
You stare at him, befuddled. What the fuck is he prattling about? “I am quite certain it is none of your business. Why are you asking anyway?”
“Nothing, just a question. You don’t have to answer.” He somberly responds, not mimicking the edge in your tone the way you expect him to. It leaves a sour taste in your tongue, feeling guilty in such a strange way.
“Namjoon and the other asked me why we hate each other so much.”
At the sudden information, your body tense. Namjoon asked him? Did he possibly tell the guys about what happened between the two of you? Even the thought only scares your whole being. “And what did you say?”
He heaves a deep breath once again. “I said I don’t not hate you. You may hate me, but I never hate you.”
The answer and his tone is astoundingly civil, so you glance at him in confusion. Hard to believe it is him talking right now. “What are you saying?”
He massages his temple. “I never hate you, Y/N. I know. I know what happened between us. And even if it’s too late, I know I was wrong and you have all rights to be furious at me.”
The fingers you have on the wheel tightens. You don’t know why you feel this way. The moment Jungkook acknowledges the mistakes he has made, it seems like everything shifts into a different light. You bit your lips in irresolution. Is it actually you who is too irrational not to let go something that is clearly in the past?
As if not realizing your current distress, Jungkook continues. “I know there is no time we’re not at each other’s throat, but I always wanted to ask how you’ve been. Are you living okay? How is your family, is everything good now?”
At his questions, you find yourself snapped. You don’t need it. You don’t need his sympathy. All things he said are never going to change what he did, and frankly it is too hard to imagine he might have changed. You had enough of him and his bullshit and one thing you will never do is to repeat history again. You are not that much of an idiot.
“Save it, Jungkook. I don’t want to hear it.” You shakily say, the tears are already swarming at the corner of your eyes. “I’ve had it enough. I am not going back again to that phase again. You hurt me, bad. And I’m not an idiot whom you can fool around with and will be there at your doorstep the moment you want it.”
“Y/N, I—”
You immediately step on the break that jerks everyone inside the car including you. “This is your apartment, right?” If you’re explicit gesture for him to fuck off is not clear, you don’t know what is—but it seems like he understands well enough and reluctantly nods. Releasing his seatbelt, he gazes at you again, eyes swarming with anonymous emotion.
“Just so you know, I never told them anything—what happened between us, I mean. I’ll never say that to anybody. If you still hate me this much, I know it’s not my place to tell.”
You are still unmoving, only looking straight ahead as he dejectedly continues. “I know this is wistful thinking, but I wish we can sometime talk, Y/N. Just talk. Like two people who are not desperate to hurt each other, or to bicker, or anything.”
You shift your head, ironically smirk at him with tears already falling down your face. Talk? Now he wants to talk to you? Does he think you’re a joke? He is a bastard and you should’ve known better than to deal further with him again.
“Well, maybe you’ve lost your chance to talk when you told me to fuck off that time.”
After spending all weekend balled up inside your blanket while Namjoon constantly queried you about what happened, it is finally Monday morning. You woke up in a troubled mood, all because the first thing you do in the morning is to prepare for the 8.30 meeting you have with your boss and team, in which one person from finance is invited and it is freaking Jeon Jungkook. You literally have no idea what happened to your luck, since everything seems to be going downhill recently.
Arriving exactly in time, you can see two of your planning teammates, Hoseok and Jungkook are already seated. You greet them and directly take a seat beside Hoseok, silently opening your laptop to prepare the meeting, trying to be as nonchalant as ever. You notice that Jungkook is avoiding your eyes at all costs, and you are grateful for it. Your boss arrives directly in a minute, and then the meeting starts.
An hour into the meeting, your boss finally concludes. While you are arranging your belongings, your boss unexpectedly asks. “Y/N, for the employee engagement. Which one do you choose? If you’re still unsure, you should pick fishing. We can team up, and maybe talk about the project—”
The thoughts alone scares you and you abruptly answer in panic. Inside you are cursing Namjoon and his great predicting skills. “No, sir. I am picking the pen pal one. Might be great to meet and make new friends.”
He nods in understanding, and right after he walks out of the meeting room Hoseok chuckles. “Smart choice, Y/N. Otherwise you'll be stuck discussing work and faking laughs all the time.”
Smiling, you look up to Jungkook who stands near you. You feel the cold of nerves over his intimidating presence.
“Gotta go, talk to you another time.”
He quickly walks out, a tad bit surprising to both you and Hoseok. There is something different about Jungkook—he is not the confident, all-rounders man he used to be. There is a hint of rush in his voice and you might have an idea why.
“So, have you received your pen pal username?”
You look up to Namjoon, before re-reading the email Jimin sent to you yesterday about the person you are going to be anonymously chatting with. You’ve already downloaded the chatting applications, signing up yourself yesterday and now it’s you who should add and start the chat.
“Yes. I have, actually.” You breath out, before throwing it back on the sofa. “I don’t even know why I’m nervous! This doesn’t make sense. This is just talking, Y/N. Get your shit together.”
“I am now chatting with a certain person, username doofenshmirtz.” Namjoon mentions while typing on his phone. “I don’t know whether this is a good sign that she or he loves doctor doofenshmirtz or just another heartless jerk like anybody else.”
“Well if it's the preceding, he or she is indeed a keeper.” You hum in agreement, finally braving yourself to add. But now you have to begin the chat! God, this is indeed a struggle. “I am so awkward. What do people usually say to introduce themselves?”
“Well, most people usually go with a simple ‘hello’.”
You sigh at Namjoon’s useless advice, but when you are typing, sudden pop up chats arrive, shocking you altogether.
91snowball : wow, this really work [21:38]
91snowball : tell me if i’m correct or fuck it i’ll just delete this app now [21:39]
“Snowball is chatting with me right now!�� You freak out, raise to your knees in tension. “Namjoon, what should I do! I don’t know what to say!”
Namjoon weirdly glances at you, then proceeds to continue whatever he is doing on his phone. “Just say something. Why are you thinking about it too much…”
blueberry_25 : yes i think we are pen pals😅 [21:40]
91snowball : ah, finally [21:40]
91snowball : so get this, blueberry_25. Which one travels faster? hot or cold [21:40]
Your eyebrows wrinkle at the unexpected riddle, but giggle otherwise. “My pen pal just asked me a riddle. Which one travels faster, hot or cold.”
Namjoon groans in disgust. “If the answer is hot because you can catch a cold you better block that person right now. That’s super fucking lame, what the hell.”
blueberry_25 : did you just search ice breaking riddles at google because i read the same one you asked me lol [21:42]
91snowball : wtf haha thats embarrassing but since you did too im fine 🥴 [21:43]
But soon enough, you find yourself chatting to snowball until nearly two in the morning. It is beyond you how easy it is to talk with him, about the recent movies, your unending love for how i met your mother, his addiction to brooklyn nine nine, and a little about each other. You know he is a male around your age (as you decide not to disclose age, just range) and he loves skiing. You tell him about your love of classical and grunge music—in which fascinates him due to the heavy contrast of the two—and ending it with a debate about which music defines puberty the most, my chemical romance or fall out boy. Both of you agree to end it with a draw.
In the end, snowball kindly reminds you you should be sleeping and have a good rest for tomorrow’s work. Reluctantly agreeing, you thank him and say you’re looking forward to the next chat. Even with the exhaustion you feel, you can only fall asleep after reading your exhilarating chat with him for one more time.
You forget how easy it is to talk to someone new. Or maybe you have been trying to forget you ever did.
Walking to your desk, you rest all your belongings and open your laptop. Hoseok beside you instantly slides his chair next to yours, eyes squinted and eyebrows scrunched.
“Why the fuck are you singing in nine in the morning, that’s so unlike you.”
You look at him in confusion. Are you singing? You did not even realize. “Oh, am I singing? Sorry if it bothers you, I didn’t know.”
The horrified look in Hoseok’s face is getting prominent. “You literally never apologize in the mornings. You always have a foul mood with an ugly frown on your face. Tell me who kidnapped you! Are you even Y/N?!”
You roll your eyes at his dramatic response. “Yes, I know I haven’t been in the best mood lately, but just let me live, okay? And why is this chocolate on my desk, this is yours.”
Hoseok looks at the ferrero rocher leaning on your desk with the small card on it. “It’s not mine. But let me check.” He swiftly takes the chocolate and pulls the card, his eyes scanning the words written on it. Five seconds passes before the mirth is detected on his face.
“This is not mine, this is for you.”
Flustered, you quickly take the card back from Hoseok’s grasp and read it. Someone is sending you chocolate, along with a hot pack glued on the back, and you don’t have any idea who or why.
It might be a little cold since it’s November soon, so here's a hot pack and also chocolate for you. Hope you’re having a great day today, Y/N!
“Wow, a secret admirer? The fuck, this is 2020–who does that anymore.” Hoseok cringes while getting back to his seat. Even so, he quickly opens his skype with a mischievous smile on his face. What an obvious moron, he giggles to himself.
“I told you a million times it is not me, Y/N.”
It is lunch at your office cafeteria, while Namjoon looks at you in distress at your accusation of him sending the chocolate you also bring with you to lunch. Hoseok is silently sitting in front of both of you, with Yoongi and Jimin on both his sides.
“But who else? There is no one supportive enough to send me a chocolate and a freaking hot pack beside you.” You huff while cutting your broccoli. Namjoon sighs, glancing at Hoseok discreetly.
“Even though I’m honored that I’m the only one who is strong enough to be your emotional support, it’s not me, and—“
“Enough about that! Hey, how’s it going with your pen pal?” Jimin suddenly asks, a wide smile on his face. You expect Jimin to ask the question to anyone, so when you notice the table is too silent you find everyone is peering at you.
“Why are you asking me?! Ask Hoseok.”
“It was so so. A man from HR.” Hoseok nonchalantly answers. “And we only introduced ourselves last night.”
“Mine was fine! She’s a girl from procurement.” Namjoon smiles. “But yeah, we just introduced ourselves last night. Maybe I should talk to her again today.”
“I just knew he is a guy. I didn’t really know where he’s from, but he’s around my age. It was great! He was very kind, and we had fun.” You nod silently.
“Fun? You literally were laughing like a hyena at 2 in the morning. I heard it through the wall.” Namjoon snorts and you side-glare him. Namjoon’s loose lips again, what’s new. “I figure it must be your pen pal, right? What ‘fun’ were you having, Y/N?”
“You’re literally disgusting, Namjoon.”
“Hey, Jungkook! Sit here!”
You instantly look up, finding Jungkook’s eyes peering at your desk, a tray of food in his grasp. You don’t really know why, you really thought he was heading to your table—but when his eyes find yours, he immediately pauses on his step. “Ah, sorry but I am here with someone.” He thinly smiles and excuses himself.
Unable to hold yourself, you look to your back and find him sitting with the tables of girls whom you recognize is also in finance. You are not certain if it is only you, but those girls really seem to be too amazed at his presence, instantly leeching themselves to him. Even if it’s not really a strange view to you, it is difficult to hold back your scoff.
Same old, same old.
You are waiting in the lobby of your office for Namjoon, since you are not bringing your car with you today. He said he’ll come down soon, so you are waiting patiently—but then a pair catches your attention from the corner of your eyes. It is Jungkook and Seojoo—the one you recognize also from Finance who was also at lunch with him.
You don’t even realize your eyes are squinted at those two, along with a scowl on your face. But at the possibility of being caught, you instinctively divert your eyes and duck your head to the other side. Even still Jungkook somehow is still able to capture you and head to your side. At that you internally curse.
“Y/N, why are you here? You’re not heading home?” He asks in concern, closing to you while your eyebrows wrinkle at his so-called familiarity. What is he doing talking so assertively—does he really think you are on that basis with him?
“I’m waiting for someone.” You curtly answer, not even a shift in your expression.
You look at him while scrunching your eyebrows. What the hell does he think he has a right to ask you that? “No one. It’s okay, I’m going home.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to go with us? Seojoo here is pooling with me—Ah, sorry I was impolite. Do you know each other?” Jungkook asks, like he is suddenly waking up that there is someone beside the two of you. Holding back your snort, you put a strict smile and offer your hand to the woman who is not even concerned to hide even a bit of her judgmental eyes at you.
“Seojoo.” She whispers which you mutter your name as a response and fuck is it awkward. You can obviously feel that Seojoo is marking his territory around Jungkook and you don’t fancy it one bit. Why does she have to feel that way towards you?
“Seojoo, you said you are going to the restroom. Aren’t you going?” Jungkook suddenly asks after your short and tense introduction. At that, Seojoo is bewildered, presumably bothered by the thought of leaving you alone with him, like you are going to eat him up right after she leaves. Fuck, what is wrong with her...
She hesitates, “I’m fine, though—”
“Hey, it’s okay. I’ll be waiting here. You can go.” Jungkook amicably says with a wide smile, and the insecure chick had no other option than to comply. After she leaves, his prodding eyes are immediately focused on you.
“Can you just say to that fling of yours that I am just a nobody? I will not steal you, damn it. If looks can kill I’ll already bleed to death right now.” You scowl in irk. But just seeing your scowl somehow brings giggles to his smile. “Why are you laughing, you dumbass?”
“You know what, if I’m that presumptuous I’d think you are jealous right now.”
You scrunch your nose, severely abhorred by his annoying big head. “But you are that presumptuous.”
Irritated, you push him by the chest until he erupts in loud laughter. “Fuck, why should I be jealous? We are literally nothing and will never be more than that—Gosh, we’re not even friends.”
“Well that’s just saddening.” He frowns while clutching on his chest even though he cannot say it’s not expected. “What are you saying, Y/N? We are more than that, we go way back and you know it.”
You hum and fake a contemplating expression. “Hmm, you’re right but I’m drawing blanks here. How did it go again?”
The wide mischievous grin on his lips dims, shifts into a thin smile. “I could not change the past, I know. But you know regardless of what happened—”
“I’m done.” Seojoo suddenly says, clings on Jungkook’s arm that it stops whatever words he is about to say and you are kind of thankful for that. “We can go now.”
Finally detecting Namjoon tapping out to the lobby in such perfect timing, you send both of the morons a lofty grin. “I should go. You guys have fun, but don’t forget a condom, okay?” You turn your gaze to flabbergasted Seojoo. “Or you know what? Maybe you should prick on it too, so then he’ll stay forever. But if I were you, I wouldn’t count on it. Good luck!”
You can sense the jaw drops at such provocative statements coming out of you, but you don’t even give an ounce of care and leave the scene. After managing to humiliate or hurt both of them, you feel good. You feel strong. However, when Namjoon is at your side and glances at you, he shouts, utterly stupefied.
“Y/N, why—why are you crying?!”
It’s eleven pm, you are still settled inside your blanket. You are physically tired, but still your mind is too conflicted to sleep. Half is because of your work, and the other half is caused by that freaking jerk, Jeon Jungkook.
You despise the fact that you are still thinking about him. You suppose to be hating on that guy, but even the hatred is too difficult to maintain right now with his strangely devoted and warm self. Even if it’s a hard to swallow pill, you know you’re enjoying the banter with him. God, you are fucking weak for Jungkook and you hate it.
Rolling in your bed, you try to remember the bad things he has done for you. Forgetting you, abandoning you, playing with your heart like it did not matter—but it eventually ends with the treasured moments with him you wish will never resurface again. Like the moment he holds you all night after your parents fight. Or the moment he defends your honor like it matters the most. Or the moment he first kissed you that fateful, rainy night. Everything is coming back to you now like a trainwreck.
Suddenly among your wandering thoughts, your phone rings. Heaving deeply, you pick up to detect a new message on your anonymous chatting apps. It’s snowball.
91snowball : hi hi hi hi hi what are you doing [23:02]
91snowball : are you sleeping no you cant be sleeping dont sleep on me blue [23:02]
Chuckling, you proceed to type a response.
blueberry_25 : hahaha im not sleeping [23:03]
blueberry_25 : i can’t sleep. Too much thoughts [23:03]
91snowball : care to share? I swear im a good listener [23:05]
91snowball : someone bothering you at work? let me know and ill gass ‘em up for u blue [23:05]
blueberry_25 : really? you’d do that for me?  [23:06]
91snowball : of course just tell me who it is they’ll be gone by tomorrow [23:06]
blueberry_25 : lol it’s nothing. Im just confused [23:07]
blueberry_25 : have u ever been confused about someone? Like u thought u hate them but… its hard to say you do [23:09]
You don’t even know why you just have the urge to tell a stranger about your current contemplation about Jungkook. You desperately need a third perspective on this, and maybe just telling it to someone that wouldn’t know and judge you might be a good change for once.
91snowball : why do u hate them? [23:09]
Blueberry_25 : he hurt and lied to me. when i thought there was something real, he was just in for fun and i should hate him. but why is it so hard to say so now? [23:10]
It’s true. Jungkook was someone you thought you’d love. You trust him so much that you opened up to him better than anyone else, and thought something was there. But all of it was just a lie—he was just in for the thrill. All because of his annoying male ego that made you realize he was just a patronizing jerk that used you for his own benefit and left when he’s done. He is the reason you are insecure about meeting someone new. He is the evil one.
91snowball : maybe because they changed? I know its hard to believe but people change too [23:12]
blueberry_25 : maybe… [23:14]
91snowball : what i’m saying, maybe you should give them a chance to explain? [23:15]
91snowball : but if they’re still the same, punch them and never see them again [23:16]
91snowball : you don’t want to be thinking about it forever, blue. just give the closure your heart deserves [23:17]
He is right, you desperately need closure with Jungkook so you can finally move on with your life—but even the thought scares you. A question arises inside your head that settles strangely in your chest—a question that answers why all your pain and resentment are still so vivid even after years have passed.
Closure with Jungkook scares you… Because you do not know if you’re ready to close it.
Another late night, but you are still sitting at your desk. All of your teams already went back, and Namjoon told you he went home an hour ago. He did offer to keep you company, but you quickly refuse, saying you’re doing alright on your own—but now you indeed start to regret your decision. You hate being alone, especially at night but you really need to finish the planning report asap for finance to check again. Seriously, these endless tasks are going to be the death of you.
“Why is this—” You furiously tap on backspace, anger rises inside your head. You have no idea why the recent planning process has too many hiccups like this. The data given to you is not tally, and you don’t even know why. There must be something wrong.
Among the stress inside your head, your eyes fall at the lilies resting on your desk and smiles. Your eyes linger on the notes stuck on it for already the nth time already today.
Here’s beautiful lilies for you. Hope you have a great day too today, Y/N!
“Hey, you are still here?”
Surprised, you abruptly look up, finding Jungkook’s concerned face at you. You release a deep breath of relief. “I thought you went home, it’s pretty late.” He continues apprehensively.
You clear your throat, suddenly finding it a bit hard to speak with the realization that it’s only the both of you on the whole level. “Yes, haven’t finished the report I need to submit. No worry, I’ll submit it soon.”
He carefully slides and sits on Hoseok’s seat beside you. “I’m okay if you submit this tomorrow. You should head back, you must be tired.”
“Nah, it’s okay. I just want to finish this tonight, head home and sleep.” You give him a short, civil smile before continuing your work. “You can go home if you want to. I’m okay.”
“I think I’d rather stay. My cousin is having ‘dinner’ with his girlfriend right now, god knows what I might go home to.” He lightly jokes, and it kinda works in entertaining you a little. You know based on your resentment to him you should curtly answer or ask him to leave, but you do know that you’d rather have someone as company right now, even though it has to be Jeon Jungkook.
“You got flowers?” He pensively asks after minutes of silence, raising his eyebrow.
You glance at him staring at the lilies at your desk. Suddenly, your throat dries and you don’t even know why. “Y-yes.”
“From who?”
“I.. I don’t know. Someone put this on my desk this morning.” You whisper, more to yourself. You hate yourself for explaining when you have the right not too, but deep down, this shameless part you are expecting Jungkook might be the one sending all these gifts. You know it makes no sense whatsoever—but involuntarily you are still foolishly hoping so. Yes, you are that delusional.
“A note too? Wow, a secret admirer. How poetic.” He sneers, then shifts his gaze back to his screen. At the obviously sarcastic tone, you scoff in irritation. What a jerk.
“You have a problem with that? What—jealous that you never have someone you truly care to give gifts to?”
He meaningfully stares at you, making it difficult to breathe. “It’s not true and you know it.”
At your befuddled expression, Jungkook sighs, not even wanting to prolong the debate. “But no. None whatsoever. I don’t care, it has nothing to do with me anyway.”
You bite your lips in evident shock and disappointment, and try your best to make the unpleasant thoughts disappear. Did he just implicitly address your past together? About the time he gave you a gift you could never forget for your whole lifetime? About the time when you foolishly thought he was someone you could give your heart to?
A few minutes passed in deep, tense silence and Jungkook is sitting beside you now, working on his own tasks. He is so focused on the screen, with his lean fingers stroking his chiseled jaw and he leans to the seat, eyebrows scrunching like something is bothering him so much. And the scar prominent on his upper left cheek is as palpable as ever, and you notice how much he has changed, but still hasn’t. Jungkook grew up really well from the last time you saw him a few years back. No wonder all the girls are flocking on him like he is a magnet or whatever.
“Hey, Y/N, get this.” Jungkook suddenly turns to you, and albeit surprised, you are trying to look as unfazed as ever—like you did not just spend minutes to admire his attractive features. Even if your face heats up at the possibility of Jungkook finding out your antics. “I see the reports from the planning and other supply chain teams are not tally. This has been going, since approximately two months ago. Do you have any idea why?”
You squint your eyes at the reports. Yes, it is the data you get from Junsu, the new-hire for your team. “I don’t really know why. I got this data from Junsu, he said he received it from the plant team.”
“I really think we should check this. I’m not sure.” Jungkook whispers, chewing on his lower lips. Another seconds of silence passes before he notices your intimidating stare on his face. “...everything okay, Y/N? Something’s bothering you? Are you tired?”
Fuck, you really spend those seconds staring at the way he chewed his lips. There must be something wrong in your head now. “No—no.. I’m just.. Yes! Yes, I’m tired. I think I need to go home.”
Jungkook nods in all seriousness while you are packing your belongings. You need to flee, fast. “Yes, you really should go home and rest. Let’s talk about this tomorrow again, hmm?”
“Yes, yes! Okay, see you tomorrow.” You hastily smile, quickly escape the room without minding his voice calling your name. Damn, you need to set your head straight. It is Jeon Jungkook you’re talking about here. You can’t be weak for him.
The night passess in a blink, and then the morning arrives a tad bit faster than you expect it to. Especially since you wake up to your boss' message, ordering you to come to his desk right after you arrive at the office—which means a disaster happened and you are not mentally prepared for that.
“Y/N, why the hell the sales director called and yelled at me?” Is your boss’ first sentence when you enter his room. You gulp instinctively, then move to proceed to sit because you know it won’t be over before it’s too long.
Another hour and you came out from the room looking as exhausted as ever. There is some mistake in either the planning and manufacturing side that creates untally numbers in reports between units which then escalates to the higher management. And now you have to manually check the numbers without the intervention of people and present it by tomorrow afternoon, which means you will have to go to the plant as of right now—it’s two and a half hours drive from your office.
Feeling terribly unfit to drive due to the pain in your head, you choose to get there by train—in which you spend by checking the numbers again for the first hour, but the pain in your head is getting unbearable and you decide to sleep it off. Few hours later, you finally arrive at the plant, weakly entering the office side of the plant. Upon finding a space to place your belongings, someone immediately catches your attention, finding him talking with a group of people and a stack of paper on his grasp. Are your eyes lying to you right now? Is he really here?
Hearing his name is called, Jungkook instinctively looks back to find your confused expression. The shock in his expression is palpable too. “Y/N? You’re here.”
“What are you doing here?”
He looks bewildered at your simple question. “I-I am talking to—to these people. Umm.. for my reports.”
Your eyebrows raised, as he should be coordinating with plant finance folks instead of your team. “But they are in supply chain.”
Jungkook is abashed, you sense it clearly. “Y-yes, I just—can we talk about this later? You can join us if you want, this might help you too.”
Decide to ignore the strange fact that he is here, you and Jungkook spend another hour talking to the manufacturing team, and then manage to get the in hand documentations of work orders. After settling inside the empty cubicle, you look at Jungkook who is already eagerly jumping into the documentations. “Hey. Are you here to help me?”
Jungkook looks at you, avoids your eyes and clears his throat. “No, of course not. Why would I? What’s in it for me? You’re talking nonsense now, Y/N.”
“But this shouldn’t be your job to go to the plant and check all the data.” You whisper, more to yourself while looking at the overwhelming stack of papers. “Why are you doing this?”
He suddenly stops, and looks at you with all seriousness painted on his eyes. “Don’t sweat on it, Y/N. Let’s just finish this and get to the bottom of it asap, okay? I am here to help.” Jungkook whispers and manages to silence your retaliation. Yes, you know you are seriously in need of help right now. Doing this alone will not be as helpful as having Jungkook with you, especially having to present the result by tomorrow afternoon—it makes no sense to do it alone.
Two months worth of documentation is a lot and overwhelming. And even after six hours working on it, you can only focus on the amount of work you still need to go through. The looming pain inside your head is not helping either.
“Hey, hey, you are pale, Y/N. What’s wrong?” Jungkook instantly stops when he detects you are unmoving, resting on your chair while closing your eyes. You yourself do not know why you are feeling so unwell today. “Hey, you haven’t eaten, right? Damn it, your blood pressure—wait here, I’ll grab you something to eat.”
Ah, that must be it. You just realized you haven’t eaten anything today beside one slice of bread in the morning. Especially with the low blood pressure, it must be taking a toll on you. But one thing that catches your attention is the fact Jungkook remembers your condition even after all these years—it settles strangely inside your chest.
In no time he is already back with a paper bag. “Here, I brought you this. Let’s eat in the pantry.” He immediately holds you by the shoulder, helping your weak legs to walk to the pantry. After ensuring you are sitting well, he opens the food box and juice and offers you the utensils. “I bought the first thing I saw, this should be good for your blood pressure. Eat.”
You nod thankfully and proceed to eat. After three spoons and a few minutes, you can finally breathe clearly. But as you see that Jungkook is just looking at you expectantly, you feel severely self-aware. “You’re not eating too?” You ask shyly.
Jungkook smiles and scratches his nape abashedly. “Sorry, ‘was so rushed that I forgot to buy one for me.”
He forgot to buy one for himself but buy this one for you? You instinctively offer him the food. “Eat this, then. We can share.”
Jungkook kindly rejects with a smile. “No, I’ll buy something else. Yours is too healthy for me.” He jokes and walks out of the pantry. Finally alone, you stare at the food in front of you, somehow frowning.  
“I really think we should go back.” Jungkook stubbornly says after the nth time debating whether you should stay in the office or go back to your two hours away apartment. The answer should be easy—you have to stay back since tomorrow you will be meeting another plant team. Especially since it’s already seven in the evening, and the plant is closing off soon. “But you need to rest! Stop forcing your body, you moron. You seriously can be sick because of your stubbornness, you know?”
“I’ve been through this! You should’ve seen me in college, I do this every single time. I’m good and alive now. See?”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, folding his arms to his chest. “Really? And tell me how’d it go again?”
You wince at the remembrance that you were bedrested more than you’re proud of, all because of your bad habits of staying late and overworking yourself. A question arises inside your head, but you briskly push it away. “You know Jungkook, you’re worse than my aunt, you know that?”
He giggles, showing his bunny teeth that somehow knocks the air off your chest. That heartfelt smile, you remember it like it was yesterday. “If you want, we can stay near here somewhere and continue the work. You need to sleep, and in the morning we can go back to the plant.”
“I’ll check the nearest hotel. Get ready, after this we’ll leave, okay?” He says while walking further from your desk. You bite your lips, silently nodding.
Suddenly, your phone rings. It’s Namjoon. You gasp, remembering that you haven’t let him know you are going to be away for work. “Hello, Namjoon?”
“Hey, where are you? I went to your desk two times today, thinking you had a meeting or anything. You haven’t even returned my calls or messages.” He hisses with obvious worry lacing his voice. “When will you be home?”
“Ah, I don’t think I’m going home today. I’m at the plant, have urgent work to finish so I’ll stay in a nearby hotel.”
“Is it safe? Are you okay? Do you want me to pick you up?” The worry and hurry instantly doubles the moment he heard you’ll be staying far away. You giggle, noticing how Namjoon is already too accustomed in taking care and worrying about you.
“It’s fine, you don’t need to worry. By the way, Jungkook is also here—”
“Jungkook?” He immediately cuts you, clearly confused. “The Jeon Jungkook? Your archenemy?”
Two seconds of silence. “And he’ll be staying with you? In the same hotel?”
“The same hotel, yes! But not the same room. I know what you’re thinking, Namjoon, but it’s nothing—”
Namjoon tauntingly laughs that makes you totally self-conscious of your own skin. “Ah, the beautiful, old devil’s tango you both play. I have nothing to worry about, then. Tell me how it goes, okay? Bye, Y/N, remember to use protection. I’m not ready to be an uncle.”
“The fuck—”
But Namjoon is already cut off, and now you are staring harshly at your phone, your grasp is sucking the life out of your phone. Fuck Namjoon! You know you should never trust a guy who literally ruined a good pair of sunglasses he just bought. Seriously.
“I got one.” Jungkook suddenly interrupts your busy thoughts, walking to your side with a large frown in his lips. “But can you believe it? He said there is a concert near here tomorrow so all the rooms are full beside one large suite, and the other nearest hotel is like eleven kilometers away. What do you think?”
At his statement, your sight is suddenly blurry—all you can think about is fucking Namjoon and what he just said to you.
Ugh, you hate how statistics shows that he is often right, like 95% of the time...
Thinking you have no other choice than to get the one room left, you accept your fate that you have to be in one room with Jeon Jungkook for the rest of the night. Even if the suite only has one king-size bed, you get a compensation of a large suite that the distance you have with him may be kept well—and Jungkook agreed that he will not make any funny business on you after you ultimately warn him that you’ll be submitting charges if he even tries to.
“Y/N, I am not a sexual offender or anything. I will not do anything against your consent.” Jungkook sighs for the nth time as a reply to your threat of stabbing him with a fork. Again. “But it’s a different case if you’re willing…” You instantly send a lethal punch to the guy’s shoulder until he whimpers of pain. “What the—that hurts! I was kidding!”
“I was not kidding.” You roll your eyes, folding your arms on your chest. “This is a bad idea. I don’t even know what I should wear. I don’t want to sleep in my work clothes—and I have to be in a room with a pervert. Can’t you just sleep outside?”
He smirks while stealing glances at you. “You can always sleep naked and I won’t be complaining.”
“Fuck you.”
Jungkook greasily winks at you. “With pleasure.”
You groan in disgust. “God, you’re still the same, annoying piece of shit you were a few years back. I can’t believe this.”
“Well, you dated this piece of shit years ago, so…”
You look at him weirdly. Dated? What is he saying now.. “We were not dating. It was just a fling, you know it.”
Jungkook stares at you, with undeciphered emotions painted on his eyes. “We.. we weren’t?”
He clears his throat, his cheeks are suddenly turning red. Your eyebrows slant at the thick air between the both of you. “Y-yes. Yes, of course it wasn’t. I was joking.” He continues with a forced laughter.
You slowly nod, clearing your throat out of sheer awkwardness. What happened between the two of you that time—it was a mere fling. It took nearly months to admit it was just that and nothing more, and now why is he here saying that it’s something more? He probably is just messing with your head, so no need to overthink whatsoever. That’s what got you inside the mess in the first place anyway.
After safely parked in the hotel lobby, you are about to walk out when Jungkook stops you. “I have a change shirt here, you can wear that to sleep. I believe there is a boutique here, so you can buy it for work tomorrow.”
He gives you a pair of clean shirt and pants, while you are only able to look at him with an unknown feeling in your chest. All these things—it feels too familiar to be true. You are unable to resist reminiscing the past. “You remember when I ran away from my house that time? I forgot to bring anything—and you lent me your shirt that time.”
Jungkook looks at you in evident shock, until a smile is suddenly formed on his lips. “Of course I remember. You were crying at that time, I was so panicked. You were wearing my shirt for like.. A full week.”
You giggle, smiling to yourself. Your parents were fighting again at that time, it was because of you. Your mother wants to take you back to Seoul, while your father wants you to stay in the states with him. You were so angry at that time, the fact that they weren’t even thinking to discuss it with you first so you fled, begging Jungkook to accompany you. That’s how you spend a full week running away with him bringing nothing to change into.
“I still can’t believe I stayed in your parent’s house for a full week without them finding out. That’s like… super mind blown.” You giggle again, remembering the time you stayed in his family house. It is undoubtedly one of the best times of your life, sneaking inside Jungkook’s house, staying in and having to spend all your days with him.
“It was crazy.” Jungkook breathes at you, smiling so wide his bunny teeth are visible. “I was so happy that time.”
Suddenly realizing how real it all gets after the unexpected nostalgia, you clear your throat trying to manage your emotions in. You really need to get your head straight. “Wow, this got mushy real quick, right? Let’s—let’s just go in.”
After a good ten minutes, you are settling inside your shared room with Jungkook. It was definitely larger than you think, so it was comforting to say the least. All because you cannot trust yourself when he’s around, and the fact that you’re starting to tolerate the guy isn’t helping either.
“I’m starting on the documentation, you take a shower first.” Jungkook mutters while settling himself on the corner of the room. You nod, and whilst getting ready with the pair of clean clothes he lent you, you catch Jungkook staring.
“What are you staring so intently at, you freak.” You snort and Jungkook chuckles while shaking his head.
“Nah, just remembered the old times. ” He smiles and suddenly you forget how to breathe. “You were so… pretty.”
Your heart literally skips a beat at how unreal everything is, but then are reminded of something that immediately makes you feel like an idiot for thinking he might mean it. “Didn’t you think like that because we just had a shower sex that time?”
Jungkook immediately blushes at your upfront mention. He most definitely did not expect that. “No, I wasn’t thinking—damn, Y/N, how can you say that!”
Rolling your eyes, your hand moves to slide the bathroom door. “Whatever, I’m going to shower now. Don’t even think about moving even a muscle from there.”
Jungkook sighs at your non-stop cautiousness, but is still unable to get that one last kick in. “You sure you can do it alone? I can help you shower, you know. ” He teases mischievously which you instantly answer by flipping him off. But you know the smile is too wide—you are enjoying this light banter too much now.
After having a very delightful bath, you walk out while drying your hair with a towel. Staying true to his words, Jungkook is seated still on the sofa, eyes not even blinking—too focused on the work in front of him. You move to his side, carefully resting your hands on his shoulder that he instinctively jumps on his seat. “Sorry to interrupt, but you should take a shower first. It must be suffocating still wearing that.”
Jungkook seems flustered, and immediately rises. “Yes, okay. I’ll be a second, then we can start. You should...rest a bit.”
Sitting on the couch he sat on, you stare at nothing in particular when your ringtone is heard. You mindlessly open your phone and find it’s Hoseok on the other side, pinging you endlessly—of course about you spending the night with Jungkook. You hiss just thinking about Namjoon literally can't keep his mouth shut, so instead, you leave him a fuck off emotion and move to open another chatting app, strangely miss chatting with your anonymous friend. Maybe you should update him about another conflict you are having right now, having been forced to be around the one you had a huge crush a few years back.
blueberry_25 : hiiiiiiiiiiii are you there? [20:15]
Right after sending the message, suddenly a ringtone is heard—it must be Jungkook’s phone. Shrugging the fact, you send another message, and Jungkook’s phone is ringing again. What is this coincidence? Why is his phone ringing at the same time you send yours?! The possibility of Jungkook being paired as your anonymous friends literally makes you dizzy beyond words, and you quickly move to grab his phone from his office bag, trying to detect if your notification is there. Fuck, fuck! If he really is your anonymous friend, you’d literally run away and sink yourself in the nearest waters. You’d rather set yourself on fire than having to spend another second around him.
Picking up his phone with your heart beating unhealthily fast, but all you see in his notification is Hoseok’s messages. You scroll slowly on his notifications, but fortunately nothing about your message is seen. You sigh deeply in reassurance. God, that was close.
Realizing how improper it is to be preying on his privacy, you clear your throat and put the phone back on the desk. Fuck, you are really shameless. But in your defense, it’s really a matter of life or death, because you have no idea whether you’d rather spend another second breathing when knowing you’ve been talking to Jungkook about Jungkook all these times. But seeing that there’s no notification, you feel slightly assured. Slightly.
Yet to think about it, he is using the basketball keychain you gave him a few years back and it makes you feel incredibly unsettled. Why is he wearing this? He changed his phone and really went through the hard work to still keep something he hated the first time receiving? You even thought he threw the keychain away after receiving it.
“Hey, what are you looking at?”
At the sudden low minister you look up in surprise, seeing Jungkook walking out of the shower, still with wet hair, wearing a white shirt and a pair of shorts that looks really comfortable, but not really for you as a silent bystander. Fuck Jungkook and his incredible charm!
“Is it my phone?” Jungkook asks, eyebrows scrunched.
Suddenly realizing that you are cornered by his great smell, you are stuttering to even let out an answer. “I’m-i’m sorry! Your phone rang and I thought it was something important, and—”
“You shouldn’t check my phone, really.”
Remembering how Jungkook hated to have anyone messing with his privacy, you wince internally and prepare for his wrath. “I’m sorry, I didn’t see anything, I swear.”
At your regretful gesture, Jungkook sighs and rests himself on the space beside you. “It’s okay. Just.. just don’t do it again. I don’t want you to be shocked to see what’s in there.”
Seeing an opportunity now that he has relaxed a bit, you push him by the shoulder with your own with a mischievous smile. “It’s okay, I’ve seen your porn collection. Nothing will really shock me at this point.”
Waiting for Jungkook to respond to your laughter, but instead you only find him gazes at you with indiciphered emotions. “Why? Is there anything wrong?”
“No, It’s.. it’s just weird. Actually the first time you acknowledge our past without wanting to rip my head off my body.”
At that, you find your gaze falling back to the basketball keychain on his phone. “You’re using that lame ass keychain you hated so much now?”
You remember that time you went to an old market with your friends the morning of your third date with Jungkook, seeing a cute basketball chain and you instantly remembered how much Jungkook always wanted to play basketball even if he was in a football team, so you bought that keychain for him. He begrudgingly received it with so much complaints, about how he didn’t like any accessories for his phone, or how he literally played football, or how it didn’t match his fashion concept, and you haven’t even seen him use it… until now.
“Yup. I have been using it since… you left actually.” Jungkook looks down to his phone, and you look at him with a contorted face.
Jungkook looks at you, staying silent for a good ten seconds while you bite your lips, wondering if you are ready to hear whatever he’ll say—cause any scenario playing in your head is just a trainwreck of mess after mess—until he answers with a heavy sigh of distress. “I’ll answer that later. Let’s just.. Work now.”
Silently thankful that he decides not to answer your pointless question, you agree and proceed with work. It is not exceptionally hard to focus on your work when the deadline is just around the corner, and you are thankful Jungkook is very helpful and kind with everything. But after a few hours spent working, from the corner of your eyes Jungkook is massaging his sore neck with contorted face. You know why—he severely strained his neck muscle during a practice a few years back, and will always feel pain whenever he is overworking himself, like he is right now.
“Hey, you should take a rest.” You tap his shoulders with worried gaze. “Your neck must be killing you right now. I can continue, there’s just a few of these left.”
Jungkook really wants to refuse your mindful offering, but the pain is disagreeing with him. So albeit half-heartedly, he moves to rest on the bed. “Laying on the bed would only worsen the pain, though..” You whisper to yourself, somehow still vividly remember everything.
“You want me to massage you?”
Jungkook looks at you in surprise. “Are you serious?”
You are fumbling with the hem of Jungkook’s shirt you wear and hesitantly nod. “I don’t want you to hurt yourself… Because… you’re my ride tomorrow to Seoul! We really need to get back right after, so—”
Jungkook nods with a thin smile, and you decide to shut up and just move closer to his side with a bottle of baby oil from your bag. After smearing a few drops on his neck, you proceed to move your fingers to give slight pressure around his neck—just the way you remember it.
“Now I know why you still smell like that. You’re still using that baby oil.” He hums in delight and you inevitably smile. The fact that he still remembers sends warmth to your chest.
After spending a good ten minutes massaging his upper neck, you notice that the neck area of his t-shirt is wet with the oil. “Ah, your shirt..”
“It’s okay. Are you done?”
You bit your lip. Not really, you know by the look of it the pain is still far from being off, but you don’t know what you should do. The convenient way is to have Jungkook out of his shirt, but then you’d literally be out of your mind. You most certainly do not have the capacity to do with a shirtless Jungkook, right on such a closed space, especially on a bed. Even thinking about it makes you feel rightfully ridiculous.
“You’re still in pain, though…”
“Ah, this is okay.” Jungkook gives you a comforting smile, trying to move his head, “I’m now as good as—Ow!”
Now you don’t even know how can that man survive another day being this careless. He is moving his head excessively only to prove his lies and end up with more pain. Really Jungkook-like. Sighing, you pull on his shirt. “Take off your shirt, you moron. I’ll massage you.”
At your bold statement, Jungkook literally shivers on your grasp. “No, It’s all well. You don’t need to—”
Greatly unimpressed, you warn him not to reason with your request and just by your stare, he begrudgingly complies. “But don’t laugh. I haven’t been working out recently, super swamped at work so if you just laugh, even a little, I’ll leave you here to take the bus alone to Seoul tomorrow.”
Giggling at his pouts, Jungkook moves to open his shirt and instantly lay on his stomach on the bed. “Don’t see it!”
“Why! Are you shy at me now? You literally used every chance to be shirtless back then.” You chuckle and mischievously poke him around the waist with your forefinger. “Why are you shy? You six pack no more?”
Jungkook buries his head on the pillow, while you still proceed to poke him repetitiously with your fingers. “Stop it!” He groans yet you disregard it without any further thoughts.
“You’re nooo fun! Don’t be shy Kookie, even if you’re bloated, I—Ah!”
Jungkook growls at your constant bother, and spends no other second to pull you around to secure you around his grasp, bare chest just a breath away from yours.
“Are you seriously going to do this now? Don’t you know how crazy I was just to be around you for the night?”
At his deep stare prodding at the depth of your minds, you feel terribly heated. “What-what are you saying..”
“Are you seriously not seeing this, Y/N?” He slowly breathes. “It’s hard. To be around you again, and trying to hold myself from thinking about what could have happened with us.” Is he seriously addressing what happened with your relationship before?
“You asked why I still use that keychain you gave? You really wonder why?” He asks in unpredicted determination that it terrifies you. “It’s because what we had meant that much. You, me, us—we were so happy. Or at least, I was.”
Like it’s not surprising enough, he is apparently not done. “Being with you, I’d never trade that for anything. I was doubtful it even happened—you left so quickly and I need a reminder that it did happen. We happened.”
Realizing that he indeed is going to unveil anything that happened in your past, you weakly push him away, trying to create a safe distance in between. But of course it’s no match with his unbelievable strength. “Jungkook...”
“I know I was a jerk, Y/N. I was childish, foolish, I was an idiot and I did not think about your feelings. I did not consider that you must’ve had a reason to leave the country, we were fighting like crazy, but—I would’ve understood if I had known the reason, you know? And I start to wonder about the what ifs, will everything be different with you and me?”
You look up to him gloomily, the pain in your chest is unbearable now that he is opening up the past. You remember everything like it was yesterday—how infatuated you were with each other, how beautiful was the time of being in such love with him, how heartbroken you were to find out you had to follow your mother after the divorce and go back to Seoul, and how instead of clearly stating why, you and Jungkook had a huge fight that literally lasts for years and until now.
The sadness momentarily engulfs you, that you instinctively respond to the sentence you’ve been repeating to yourself these whole time. “Well then, maybe we are just not meant to be.”
Jungkook glares at you, not liking a bit that you had to pull that card with him. “Don’t you fucking say that. What we had meant that much to me, and I loved you so much, Y/N. Why can’t we just—” You know it was a past tense, he said he loved you. But why does that hurt? Unexpectedly a thought crosses your mind, and you speak faster than you think.
“Jungkook, what happened with that girl?”
His eyebrows scrunch in confusion. “What girl?”
You look down, unable to see him right in his beautiful, doe eyes.“That finance girl—the one coming home with you when clearly taxi exists—what happened that night?”
Jungkook clears his throat, finally getting what you’re saying. “Ah, her. No, I had Jimin take her home that night.”
Jungkook bite his lips, it’s obvious that he is conflicted to answer. Ten seconds pass until he finally opens his voice to answer. “Because she was talking shit about you, and I don’t like it.”
“You what? Seriously?!” Are you hearing correctly? Jungkook seriously abandoned all his mighty ways with girls just because someone is talking shit about you? “It’s inevitable, and you know I don’t give a shit what she thinks about me. You don’t have to do that—I can’t believe this.”
“Y/N, don’t overthink it. Even if we are off to a rocky start and you might hate me, you’re still my friend. I won’t let anyone talk shit about my friends, especially you.”
The way he speaks, it is full of sincerity and succeeds in melting your whole being. The way he cares about you, you hate to admit that you still like it too much. You can’t believe that you are still this reactive for anything regarding him.
Another seconds of comfortable silence passes and somehow, you get comfortable just laying there with him. Even your heartbeat is too fast for your likings, yet the familiarity is what keeps you on spot. You start reminiscing those beautiful times when it’s just you and him, the feelings you get whenever he looks at you like this—it feels amazing.
“What happens to your mother? Is she okay now?” Jungkook carefully asks, like he is testing the water. His palms are soft on your back, featherly soothing it with his whole deliberation.
You hum with a faint nod. “Yup, she is recovering well. My aunt and grandma are also very helpful with the therapy, so...yes. How did you know, by the way?”
“Well, after you left I… I just got around with your friend. She actually explains your condition and.. then I try to dig around for you as well. I found your social media and really wanted to message you, but.. Yeah, I never got to.”
What Jungkook does not explain is how much time he spends on his phone, typing and retyping his words to send you, but never got the courage to. After knowing what happened to you and your family—especially about your mother’s illness, he felt overwhelmingly guilty beyond words. He took it on you, taking all his disappointment for the false information he made for himself, without thinking what you might have felt. He deserved it, he deserves everything that happened to him. Being miserable, chased with the guilt feeling rooting on his back, it might be just the right price he must pay for letting you down, disappointing you the way he did.
“I am sorry, Y/N. If I can take back what I said, I would. In a heartbeat.” He whispers and you understand how much he means it. At that time, it’s even difficult to think he is still the same Jungkook who hurted you back then. He changes so much, and hopefully for the better.
“What about you? Everything is good back in the states?” You ask, resting your palm on his bare arm and you can sense how Jungkook is tense, but instantly relaxes after your hand is safely settled. “Your family is still there?”
“Yup. Family is there, only me here.”
You hum, fidgeting your fingers resting on his arm. You really want to ask one question that has been running in your mind since four months ago.“If I ask why you moved to Seoul, would you answer honestly? Like.. I know what you said to your peer, about the great offer whatsoever, but… there must be something else, right? There’s literally no good reason why you should move to somewhere new and not even lots of people you know here..”
Jungkook gives you a thin smile. “I.. I just needed a fresh start. My life there, everything that’s been going on with my family, my friends were too… exhausting. I just—I wanted to see how far I could go on my own.”
“Something happened with your family?” You curiously asks, suddenly curious about his last statement. You know how ruthless his father was with his ambitions for his only son, directly lining him up for the best school in the states and already planning all his future for him, including entering one of the most sought up corporate as well.
“Yup. You know, I don’t hate his plans. What I dislike is the way he single-handedly does everything for me. It was so stressful.” Jungkook whispers, more to himself. “He wants me to go Investment Banking, but I don’t want that. He promises that he can make me in Forbes list, or whatever it was he said, but I don’t want that too.”
“So I planned on moving out of the city, but I don’t know where or how. Then the idea to go back to Seoul arised. Something happened—the decision time was quite short. What turns out to be a joke turns into a serious option. Having dual citizenship really eases my access back to Korea, and my grandparents and cousins are also here so.. Yeah. That’s about it.”
You nod in understanding, cause everything he said seems plausible. But one thing still doesn’t settle right. “But.. why my company? You know I’ve been working here for a while now, right? It’s like… too much of a coincidence it scares me.”
“If I say it’s all the grand plan of the universe, will you believe me?” He lightly jokes, eyes turning into crescent moons. You roll your eyes, but nevertheless giggle.
“I think that’s enough for now. You must be sleepy, Y/N. Go to sleep, in a few hours  we still need to head back to the plant and directly go back to Seoul. Okay?”
You are expecting Jungkook to move away and leave you to sleep on the bed, but he is still there, holding you close, and you are not complaining at all. You are conscious that he is waiting for you to shoo him away, but you’d not even dare to do it. Cause being with him again, his large palm caressing your back, his breath tickling your face, everything seems like a very vague, far dream.
Another twenty minutes and you are already far too deep in slumber, Jungkook smiles at your sleeping face. You seem so at peace, and he is loving every second just laying here with you.
But the rest of work ain’t gonna fix itself, so he is still groaning, and wakes up and moves back to the sofa. Getting a canned coffee from his duffle bag, Jungkook quickly gulps an adequate amount until he is sure he won’t be sleeping for a while now. Trying to relax his strained neck, his finger moves back to the laptop in front of him.
“Let’s finish this once and for all, shall we?”
Due to staying up until three in the morning, Jungkook wakes up around nine to a cup of coffee in the kettle, along with a thank you note for finishing the rest of the work and promises you’d do anything he asks in return. You also permit yourself for going to the plant first. At that, a slight disappointment arises inside his chest and he doesn’t even know why. Jungkook heaves a deep breath, waking up and directly going straight to the shower.
Not even thirty minutes later, Jungkook is already parked on the plant, walking inside to the office side where he expects you will be. But he is met with disappointment, because you’re not there—not even your belongings are in sight.
At once, he feels terribly anxious. What happened to you? Where could you be? He tries dialing your number, but is met with no answer. When one of the supply chain teams he was talking to yesterday is walking beside him, he stops her right away. “Hey… Did you see Y/N? Was she here?”
“Y-yes. She is currently meeting with the team leader.” She mutters nervously, especially with Jungkook’s hardened stare prodding at her.
“Team leader? Where?”
“They’re meeting downstairs, probably in the cafe? I don’t really know..”
Finally self-conscious about how freaky he has been, Jungkook quickly mutters his thank you and descends to the elevator. Team leader? He doesn’t know why he feels terribly on the edge with the fact she is meeting the team leader. Probably due to something he heard yesterday…
“Y/N, you’re disappointed, right? The team leader is in the plant right now since there's a production problem. Tell me, you actually wanted to see him, right?”
That was that a fellow supply chain team was whispering to you during the discussion yesterday, which you answered with a lousy no. It did not settle right with him and now he is proven right. Who is this team leader, actually?
While in the elevator, he swiftly reaches for his work phone, trying to find a certain supply chain team leader. He squints his name, finding a name that certainly is not too strange if he thinks about it...
Kim Taehyung.. When did he hear this name before?
“I told you I can pick you up from the hotel and then we can get a proper breakfast. Why are we even meeting at this lousy, overpriced office cafe.” Taehyung fizzles with a deep pout while cutting the maple syrup pancake he ordered. You thinly smile, stirring the cup of chamomile tea on your grasp. It’s certainly strange to be in the exact situation with him as it was during your college days.
“It’s okay, I can’t stay long anyway. I just got a few things clarified from your team and I’ll be on my way back to the headquarters.”
“Really? That fast?” The pout on his lips deepens. “If I know you are going to leave so soon, we should’ve done something last night. I don’t even understand why you checked in a hotel instead of staying with me. It’s way cheaper and easier, you know?”
“Taehyung, you know I can’t do that…” You warn him, feeling cautious of the overly familiar sense between the two of you. It is dangerous, and you don’t want to ruin everything with you and him. Again. You will not foolishly repeat history.
Noticing how tense the air has become after your last sentence, he suddenly leans his palm over yours, eyes filled with regret. “Y/N, please don’t be like this. We are friends before anything else. What happened, it was in the past. I don’t want to lose you like this.”
The irony of hearing that too many times now literally put a painful grin in your lips. Why the fuck men keeps on saying that to you these days? Fucking annoying.
“I get it. We are friends. So please keep the line, Taehyung. I don’t want to lose you as a friend like this too.”
Realizing that not even a hint of mirth on your face, he realizes that he indeed has crossed the line. Taehyung immediately pulls his hand away, clasping it on his lap. “I am sorry.”
“It’s okay. But can we talk about work, now?” You sigh in distress. You know by the look of it, Taehyung has millions of words he wants to say, but you don’t want to hear it. You just had enough with all the drama.
Taehyung was your friend. Your first friend in Seoul. Your first friend in university. Your best friend. At that time, he helped you a lot with adapting to the new environment. He helped you with every part of your life, your study, your family, everything. He was the son your mother never had—you were that close to him. At the beginning, regardless of what people said that the both of you would end up being in love with each other, it was easy to disregard it with a simple laugh. Because Taehyung had a girlfriend back in his hometown. Because you were busy with working part-time to make a living, and love was your last priority.
4 years being in a platonic relationship was easy when it’s with him. You graduated together, sealed with a picture of Taehyung kissing your cheek in front of your alma mater hanging on your living room’s wall, you never knew something indeed has changed with you and him. Not until one night he confesses he wants to try something more serious with you, for you to seriously consider him as a boyfriend. And as easy as it was, you agreed. Because in all sincereness, you knew you’d do anything for him, and even if you wanted to be with someone, it just had to be him.
Having the same dream, both of you applied for the same company, and were accepted in the same team. You were working alongside him, and seriously could not be happier. Day by day, you start to gain feelings for him, and it was as easy as expected—because he was a very great guy, everything you wished him to be. Until one day, an email arrives in your personal inbox, filled with cursive words accusing you were the one Taehyung was cheating with. From his ex-girlfriend.
At that time, you directly confronted Taehyung for an explanation. And you found out that before graduation, he measly broke up with the girl through a freaking message and blocked every contact with her right after. And when you thought everything couldn't go worse, more digging led you to find out that he broke up only after you agreed to try something serious with him.
You were heartbroken. Even if you knew that in his defense, he thought that nothing was going to work with his ex-girlfriend for way before they broke up, but it did not justify anything that he did for her, or for you. You expected more of him, and were excessively disappointed. And even when you tried to forget it and move on like what it was before, you can’t shake the feeling of betrayal. That’s why you decided to call it off.
Taehyung was disappointed in your easy choice of way out, it was as clear that both of you are not on the same page with everything. Knowing that both of you couldn’t just disregard everything and keep on being professional at work, Taehyung directly applied after an opening for a plant team was announced—and in no time he left. Just like that.
“Hey, are you okay? Y/N, don’t be like this. I won’t talk about it again—let’s just talk about work. Okay?” Taehyung asks in worry at your deep and long silence. You dubiously nod, realizing that you cannot keep on being like this. That’s why you reach out for your laptop, intending to start on questions for your report.
“So, is your mother okay now?” Taehyung asks, and you know he is sincerely curious instead of making small talks. You kind of understand though, since your mother saw him nearly everyday as he was practically glued to your side.
“She is doing much better now. And she asked about you too, you know.”
Taehyung immediately smiles at that. “Yeah, of course I know. I was literally the best child she could ever have, since her daughter was busier than the president himself.”
You roll your eyes but still chuckle at the remembrance. “Shut up. I was working! And you know, you are the weird one. You kept on hanging out in my house, even without me. My aunt and grandma were literally in love with you.”
“Yeah, they were so kind and lovely. How could I not miss them.” Taehyung smiles more to himself. You can detect how sincere he is, and the guilt is slightly eating you up. If you weren’t such a selfish person, maybe everything would be different. Maybe you and him would be different.
“Then come again to my house. I’m still in my apartment, but I come back to my house once or twice each month. You know my family house is closer to the plant than the headquarters. You should come with me.”
You know that Taehyung seems to be at shock at your unexpected invites—as you too were shocked—but he instantly forms his signature boxy smile and nods in agreement before you could change your mind. “I would love to.”
Suddenly, a ruckus was heard directed from the door. You instinctively turn to the source of the sound, and unexpectedly find Jungkook marching to your side. You immediately stand from your seat, somehow anxious over the fact that you left him in the hotel with only a lousy note to excuse yourself. And probably, the fact that Taehyung is here too.
“Jungkook? Why are you here?”
Jungkook looks at you, then at Taehyung, then at you again, implicitly showing how bewildered he is. “Ah, it’s nothing. I just.. I just want to check where you are. You left so quick from the hotel, so—”
Taehyung immediately stands up from his seat, staring at you while squinting his eyes. “Hotel? He is staying with you, Y/N?! That’s dangerous, why are you—don’t tell me.. You’re not staying in the same room, right?”
Jungkook’s eyebrows scrunched, disliking the fact that Taehyung looks really bothered at the fact that you are staying with him. “So what if we are? Do you have a problem with that?”
You bite your lower lips in distress at both of the guys who look like they are ready to have the showdown of their lives. Fuck, why does this have to happen now?!
If you had any thoughts that Taehyung and Jungkook will be fighting because of you, you were surely an idiot—because right now it’s like you literally don't even exist. Both of those idiots are too busy playing phone games as teams while laughing like maniacs, while you are busy trying to finish all your work before having to rush to Seoul in an hour. Yes, you don’t really have anything left for them to work on, but… it feels difficult when you don’t even understand what they are doing with their damn phones.
“Taehyung, what the hell… you can’t fucking shoot! He was literally in front of you!” Jungkook groans at his phone, then Taehyung kicks him on the shin until the younger guy hiss in pain. You roll your eyes, fucking child they were.
“Jungkook, let’s go. We need to head back to Seoul.”
“Why?! There’s another hour! There’s no need to rush, you know.” Jungkook pleads, yet not even looking at you. Since Taehyung steals a glance at you, he immediately notices you are not in a mood for a joke. At all.
“Five minutes. This will be finished, okay? You can get ready, Y/N.” Taehyung replies calmly and even with deep resentment, you still comply and pack up your belongings.
Just another thirty seconds and Taehyung is cursing before throwing his phone back at the table. “Fuck, I’m dead.”
“That’s because you suck.” Jungkook mocks playfully, and Taehyung rolls his eyes at the childish remarks. Taehyung turns to you scrolling on your phone, looking as unbothered as ever—even if he knows how irritated you are right now. That’s probably on how much he understands you.
“Hey, Y/N. When can we meet your mom?”
Jungkook suddenly chokes on air at that unforeseen statement. What the fuck did he just hear? Why is Taehyung meeting your mother?
Only sending Jungkook weirded out stares, you turn to Taehyung. “I’m planning on going back tomorrow, as I haven’t gone back for weeks. You want to come with me?”
“Sure, that’d be great.” Taehyung nods, literally insensitive to Jungkook’s hazy state as more information comes in.
“Okay, should we meet directly at my mother’s?”
“No, I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning. I’m going back to Seoul tonight for a drink with Jimin, Yoongi and Hobi.”
“Ah, drunkard night. Must be fun.” You sarcastically joke and Taehyung is unable to deny as he giggles. Meanwhile on the other side Jungkook’s sight is literally shaking, probably to the current state he is in. Fucking pathetic is what he is.
“So, did you receive my flowers this morning?”
Your mouth and eyes are forming a full circle, remembering the gifts resting on your desk nearly every morning from last week. “That was you?!”
“Yes.” He giggles with reddening cheeks which literally sends flutters inside your chest. Not even once you thought Taehyung would be the one behind those thoughtful gifts. “I just want to give it to you. I hope it’s not a bother.”
“It’s not, but you shouldn’t have…” You suddenly feel guilty for not realizing it any sooner. Of course it’s him, who would be? But by the fact how bad your vague relationship ended nearly a year ago, it’s hard to imagine him being the one sending those.
“I want to! Don’t be like that, you know I’d do anything for you.”
Abruptly the sound of chair feet against the floor is heard as Jungkook stands up. He looks at you with an undeciphered smile, yet you literally can’t even look him straight in the eyes. God, you don’t want everything to be like this in the first place. “Let’s go, Y/N. I’m done.”
“Good. You should go, the traffic can be bad.” Taehyung nods in understanding, insensitive to Jungkook’s killing aura that you literally are on the edge of. He quickly walks out of the room without even a goodbye, and you nervously look back at Taehyung again.
“Taehyung, I’ll go now.”
In a blink, you find Taehyung is now hugging you closely inside his arms. It doesn’t last long though—and you literally don’t know what to feel about that. Your feelings are too complicated.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? Be safe.”
You hum and directly walk out, not even seeing Jungkook right on the door. Slightly panicked, You walk outside to the elevator and he is there, hands buried in his pocket, his jaw clenched and eyes that literally screams fire. Everything literally makes you dizzy.
God, you don’t really know how you’d make it a few hours being with him...
And fuck were you right, because after thirty minutes settling inside his car on the way to Seoul, there’s no sound beside the radio between the two of you. The air was so tense like you can slice it and choke it down your throat, and probably it would be better rather than having to face Jungkook’s expected silence at you.
“Jungkook, it’s been half an hour. Are you going to ignore me like this?”
Jungkook sighs, but still not sparing you even a glance. “What do you want me to do?”
“I want you to talk to me.”
“Then talk. No one is stopping you.” He irks.
“But I want to talk to you without that scary face you are having right now.”
“Y/N, I don’t want to be like this. Please let me be angry in peace.” He finally looks at you with a hint of sadness on his eyes. “I don’t want to say anything I’d regret.”
Another five minutes of silence until you decide to speak out your mind. “Do you want to know what happened with me and Taehyung?” You carefully ask, he looks at you and lets out a sarcastic laugh.
“Why do you think I want to know that?”
At the bluntness, you feel completely ashamed of yourself for thinking and assuming way beyond you should. You duck your head in shame. “Sorry.”
Jungkook then realizes he has been too far with his angry game, and instantly reaches out to you in regret. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean that.”
But it’s too late because you are already crying and you don’t even know why. You’re usually not this much of a crybaby. “Fuck, you are really that self centered, you know? How can you say that? Is it too wrong for me to assume that whatever the fuck you are angry about is because of me and Taehyung?”
Jungkook locks his hand with you, and even if you are struggling to let your hands go, you are still too weak compared to him. “I’m sorry. I was angry at myself, Y/N. I was angry because I know you don’t deserve it. You don’t deserve my nonsensical wrath. I was too selfish, I’m sorry.”
“You are.”
“I am.”
“You fucking are.”
“I am. So please accept my apology, hmm?”
Another thirty minutes of sulking, while Jungkook doesn't even say another word and only moves to massage through your hands. You know how apologetic he was, and he probably doesn’t mean it as well. And since you know that your wrath is already dissipating, you proceed with your story, not even caring whether Jungkook wants to listen or not.
So you go through everything. Every single detail about what happened with you and Taehyung. And it would be a lie to say that it doesn’t affect Jungkook even a little bit, because seeing your gleaming eyes and your voice telling every word about your relationship with him, Jungkook knows how important he is to you, and how much of the past you have together with him written on the pages of your lives. The relationship you have with him, lasts a whole four years and even more. How can he even consider to compete with that?
And one question does bother his mind. Do you still love him?
But no. He is not taking that risk. He doesn’t want to break down now. So he lets out a statement that somehow, even with the huge consideration, still succeeds in killing all will inside his body.
“He was really special, right?” Jungkook asks as a past tense.
You look down to your lap.
“Yes, he really is.”
You are already settling inside your blanket, ready to drift off to sleep yet your mind is wide awake. Everything is so overwhelming lately, you don’t even know what to do with yourself. Everything about Taehyung and Jungkook is more than confusing, and you really don’t like yourself right now.
“Argh!” Just when you are kicking the blanket off your legs, suddenly a loud knock is head on your front door. Who could it be? Is it Namjoon? But you are a bit uncertain it is him, since Namjoon does not usually come home this early on a Friday night. Damn it, you really need another activity other than waiting for him to come home like a sad sexless innkeeper.
Another boom on your door and you rush to open it. “Wait!”
But instead of the face of drunk Namjoon on your door, you find Jungkook’s instead. And it could be the last person you expect to be standing in front of your door right now, with a bottle of wine and a pack of cheese.
“Jungkook, what are you doing here?”
He shyly scratches his nape. “Ah, actually I was drinking with my cousin and his girlfriend so I steered clear to give them space and went to your apartment instead. Sorry to disturb you. Were you going to sleep?”
“Was going to, but I can’t sleep.” You answer truthfully, looking back at him. Jungkook is only wearing a black t-shirt with loose pants, his hair is messily tousled yet irritatingly still looks very breathtaking to you, his lips are eye-catchingly shimmering—a habit he adopted from you to deal with dry lips. You immediately feel self-conscious about what you were, an old night dress that doesn’t really do anything except making you feel comfy to sleep.
“Can I come in?” He vigilantly asks after a few minutes of odd silence. You instinctively scoot out of his way and let him walk inside your fortress.
“Your apartment is nice.” He compliments, resting the wine and cheese on the table to walk around the apartment, through the photos and embellishment. “Very cozy. And everything here screams you.”
“Thanks. High chance that’s the reason why Namjoon is very, very vigilant about bringing women back to this apartment, I think.” You joke and giggle, even though your head is filled with anxiety of the fact that Jungkook is visiting your apartment at ten pm. The last time he visited you around this time you couldn’t walk the next morning, so… yeah, you feel entitled to be nervous.
“Let me get the glasses and bottle opener.” You stutter, abruptly walking to your compartment. You let out a few deep breaths, trying to assemble your head straight once again. Fuck, why can’t you just speak like a normal person? It’s just Jungkook for god sake, and he’ll only be here for a drink—probably to celebrate the result of your presentation this evening to the boards. And then he’ll be gone, and you’ll go to sleep. Yet you somehow doubt it.
Walking back, you find Jungkook is settled on your couch, his eyes are looking at the bottle of wine on the table, yet you know those stares are too far and empty. It’s proven with how he is startled when you soundly occupy the seat beside him.
“You okay?”
He glances at you and his lips turn into a thin curve. “I am. Sorry, I was zooming out.”
“It’s fine, but sure you're okay?”
The smile widens until it shows his extraordinary bunny teeth, his palm hovering around your arm. “I am good, but can be better after a glass of this wine. Don’t worry about me now.”
In a short while, a glass of wine is already served on your grasp, while Jungkook is busy picking songs to play on your bluetooth speaker. Right when a smooth violin sound is heard, you reluctantly open up a conversation.
“Thank you.” You lower down your gaze to your fidgeting fingers. “For everything. You literally saved my ass from even getting denounced from my position. I still can’t believe everything could be so messed up.”
“I know it must have been difficult—with Junsu now investigated for supplier fraud.” He whispers slowly. You knew that all the untally reports and data are from Junsu, and now he is being investigated for fraud. It could have been worse, since in the beginning it was you whom the board suspected—since you are the one creating the report—but as what you and Jungkook has proved after going back to plant and going through all the documentation, the lead is now on Junsu.
“Hey. You don’t need to worry. If he’s not doing it, it would be proven.” Jungkook rests his palm over yours, squeezing it a little after seeing the contorts on your face. He is able to easily read how perturbed you are right now with the fact that your teammate is indeed in trouble.
“Yes, you’re right.” You nod after taking a few deep breaths, sipping the tasteful liquid down your throat to subside your anxiety. “I’m fine. I’m fine.”
But even still, Jungkook knows it is not effectively working. You are still in possession of the habit he found whenever something deeply bothers your mind. He identified it during your presentation this evening, or the night you ran away after your parents quarreled, even the day both of you were pugnaciously fighting and ended with separation a few years ago.
“Hey.” Jungkook envelopes your quivering fingers and pulls you closer to him, hand buried in your hair. “Please don’t worry. I don’t—I feel terrible when you’re sad.”
And then it was silence. All you can feel is Jungkook’s warmth all over your body, his arm around your shoulder, your head leaning on his shoulder, while your mind is in haze, wandering far, far away. Then you broke off the silence with something that has indeed been bothering you a lot.
“I don’t know since when, but I’m getting weaker every time.”
Jungkook hum as a notion for you to continue. “They say.. They say we should be stronger as we’re getting old. But it’s not for me.” You whisper weakly, holding your fingers together to stop it from quivering. “I hate it. I hate everyday I have to wake up, walking purposelessly. I hate feeling insecure. I hate not knowing where I should go in the long run. I am living, only for the day to pass by. And it’s killing me, that whenever something comes up in my way, I feel.. I feel weak. I’d dry my tears, then spend all the time doubting why I should go through all this pain, but I don’t know any other way.”
You feel every word comes out, Jungkook’s hold around you is tighter. And you’d be crazy not to lean back your every worry to him. “Hey, I understand what you feel. And I think it is a phase in life when we need to rethink everything and start chasing things that make us happy, and let go of the things that are holding us back. Life is about the journey, not a mere destination. No need to rush in anything, hmm?”
You reluctantly nod, agreeing to what he said. What’s inside your head now is only to make lots of money that can sustain your mother’s treatment and family’s lives, and that’s about it. And you love them to death, but you know you don’t want to do this in the long run. Even the sense of accomplishment doesn’t exactly make you happy anymore, and it’s mentally tiring as fuck to be doing something you know that is extracting you from everything you used to love about life. You’re practically a zombie now, with no sense of directions.
“Have you ever felt this way before? Like.. Helpless. And no matter how you think that you should do something about it, you can’t because you’re fucking scared?”
At that, Jungkook smiles and pecks the top of your head. His heart clenched at what you just said, cause that's exactly what he felt before he did something about it. “Yes. I felt that when I was in the States. I was helpless, visionless, and… day goes by only with me taking it for granted, letting myself think that I will never change and I should just suck it in. What they say, I have a great, wealthy family and all—I should be thankful. And that’s also what my father said to me.”
“At one point, I knew I felt humiliated. All I had was given to me, I just had to the bare minimum, and boom—I got it. I knew if I just went with it yet again, I’d go crazy. My father will put me at a gunpoint for what I gained, but I was scared since I was too comfortable.”
You look up to him, feeling the urge to give him comfort somehow. You do realize how contorted Jungkook’s face is now, he is literally so upset that it makes you feel horrible. “I had a fight with my father, as he forced me to move from the small startup I built with my friends to join his partner’s company in Investment Banking. When I rejected, he took a different approach and convinced my friend to cut me off the team. I confronted my father, and it was literally the greatest fight I had with him. Then the plan I purposelessly created became true. I fled to Korea.”
“So..” You whisper, looking down and clear your throat. “Are you still in contact with them?”
“My mother, yes. My father, no.”
“You must be missing them.” You whisper low while caressing his side. “But.. is it worth it? Are you happy now?”
He grins. “It’s worth it, of course—but not yet. But I’m getting there, I think.”
“The more I think about it, being happy is non-negotiable.” You whisper, more to yourself. Before it was just a far dream, but when Jungkook is here beside you to listen, it’s already a true-hearted promise. “And when I get that chance, I will surely prioritize it. At all cost.”
Another twenty minutes of silence just enjoying each other’s warmth, Jungkook’s whine is heard. “Can’t you hug me?”
You mindlessly glance at Jungkook who is now intensely staring you back. But seeing your noticeable confusion, he rolls his eyes and puts your arm around his waist. The blush is inevitable, you are literally holding him with no distance whatsoever. If you just straighten your head, your lips will be locking into his and you’ll lose your breath that easily. Your heart is too fast for your liking, but truth to be told, you wouldn’t trade this moment with him for anything else.
“Did you remember, we literally did this.” Jungkook chuckles, stroking your hair in somehow a very affectionate way. “That time, during the party and you force me to take you in after your parent’s fight. We were back to my room, and then we just hugged it out and you told me everything that happened.”
You nod with a distant smile, remembering how you literally came crying when Jungkook was in the middle of a beer pong with his friends, but he didn’t even wait another minute in complying to your request, seeing how hysterical you were. “Yes. I remembered how after we watched Bruce Almighty. It’s freaking nuts.”
“Let’s watch it again.” He giggles after refilling the glass for wine. “For old time sakes.”
The next five minutes you are scrolling down your netflix, Jungkook is contemplating whether he should ask the question that has been bothering his mind. The alcohol on his spine did help though—it is easier to just go with what he wants to say regardless of the rationality his mind would stop him.
“So tomorrow, you’d be with Taehyung? To your mother’s house?”
Indifferently nodding, you click on the movie. “My mother has been asking a lot about him, and I just reasoned that he moved away and was busy. I don’t want to let her know we’re not… close anymore.”
“Taehyung is actually that important, huh?” Jungkook asks, staring down to his drinks. The fact predictably settles strangely inside his chest, and it is fucking suffocating that he knows he has nothing and no one to blame but himself for feeling this way. “Understandable, though. Four years—I wouldn’t say I am shocked.”
“It is a long time indeed.”  
“I hope I have someone like that too.” He stopped for a while, eyes faraway. “So at least I can tell you that I stopped thinking about you after you left.”
That statement literally freezes all your movement—to the point that you think it’s all just your drunk hallucination. “What are you talking about?”
“I never stopped… thinking about you.” He dubiously murmurs, eyes trailed down his lap. “After I broke up, I’m still thinking about us, what could have been, and… regret?”
“I know this might sound creepy, but.. After you left, I tried finding your whereabouts and what you’re up to. And after knowing what you’ve been through, I felt tremendous regret for being such a jerk to us.”
Suddenly, just when you’re about to turn around as you’re desperate to see through his eyes, he clutches on you, latching on your back. “I lied when I said I loved you, because I am still in love with you, Y/N. I know it’s silly—we were only a month together, not even official—but I just can’t shake the feeling away. Especially after seeing you again, talking to you again now..”
“And if you asked my last night why I worked in your company—it’s because after arriving, I was in a phase where I don’t know what I should do. At least if I work with you, I can see you again, and apologize, but at first we were not in the best term. But even then, I was happy to see you and talk to you again.”
Then, at once, you feel the back of your shirt is soaked wet. Your heart clenched with pain and sadness at how pained Jungkook must have been all these times. “Y/N, I am very sorry…”
“You told me you’re staying! You said you’ll stay with your father, with me here.” Jungkook cried when you told him you needed to move back to Seoul with your mother after the divorce. “You said your mother is horrible, Y/N. You are not doing this for yourself. You can’t leave.”
“Fuck, don’t act like you care about me now, Jungkook. You know, I was always wondering why you suddenly introduced yourself that night, but it’s because of Alex, right? Because I rejected him—and you wanted to check for yourself!”
Jungkook slammed the table in front of him that made you flinch. “Don’t you dare to change the topic. You’ll leave your father, your life here and me, because of your horrible mother that always made you cry, feel alone and horrible. Why are you so naive, Y/N?!”
You were already crying by then, the frustration built up in your chest. You knew the reason was already on the tip of your tongue—your mother is terribly sick and needed you the most—but you couldn’t let it out. Jungkook didn’t deserve to know. “Don’t act like you know me. One month fucking and you already think you can read me like a book? Grow up.”
“One month.. Fucking?” Jungkook weakly whispered, the tears were building up on the corner of his eyes. “Fine. I don’t fucking care about you. Fuck off to wherever, I don’t care.”
“Sure. You only cared about me because of a fucking bet anyway, right?!” You cried, the grief and constant fear of the end approaching, when Jungkook walked away.
It was the end.
The memory of your separation with Jungkook flashes inside your mind like it was just yesterday. You remember every word, every feeling, every tear spent that day. You couldn’t even count how many times you wished everything was different.
Jungkook is crying on your back, and you force to turn and see him right through his eyes. “Apology accepted, Jungkook. I was at fault too. I should’ve been clearer. I should’ve said it better. I am sorry too..”
You wipe his tears with your two palms and hug him, your chest against his, your arm around his waist. “Please don’t cry, hmm?”
Another seconds of light sniffles until he opens his voice. “You know, this is better than what I expected. With how many years has passed in guilt, I could’ve been puking with tears.” He lightly jokes and you giggle. Fuck, how is he so cute now?
“By the way, just in case you forgot—I just said I love you. It still stands.” Jungkook thinly smiles, his fingers fixing the strands of your hair falling in front of your eyes. Your heart is beating unhealthily fast now. “I don’t need you to answer now, of course. I just… I just want you to know.”
“I know.” You whisper softly, leaning into your will to tiptoe and press your lips against his. Jungkook instinctively closes his eyes, feeling the wondrous taste of cherry chapstick and wine from your lips. The feeling is addictive and wondrous that he seriously thinks he is hallucinating right now.
You are about to release the kiss, when his firm palm secures on your back, pressing your waist against his, his lips are chasing yours to engage in another breath-taking kiss. You welcome it at once, arms settling around his neck. “Tell me if you want to stop.” He murmurs into the kiss, but you’re way into cloud nine to stop. You’d be insane to let him go now.
His palm travels south to grab the flesh off your ass and pushes his hips closer to yours—if it’s even possible. You can make out the hard-on he has nurtured for a while now, and instantly suck your breath. “You can feel it, babe? It’s because of you—being such a minx tonight. Are you really going to keep on teasing me like this?”
You grin, feeling the adrenaline rush with the realization that you have Jungkook here, beside you, whispering you all these dirty words to your ear. You shift to press butterfly kisses to his neck all the way to his collarbones—encouraged by the bemoan he is letting out, intending to suck marks on his sun kissed skin until he gruffly pushes you away.
“Who gave you rights to mark me now, huh kitten?” He throatily purrs, swiftly scooping you into his arms, both your legs are crutched around his waist with his painful erection knocking on your clothed entrance. You spend no more second to entangle your lips with his again, his tongue gladly seeking warmth from yours—and god, he feels amazingly sweet, the taste of wine vivid on your taste bud. Fuck, he seriously can’t drive you crazier than this.
“Don’t want Namjoon to see my dry cum on your sofa, right babe?” Jungkook hoarsely wheezes, and those words literally screws all leftover sanity inside of you. Fuck, you missed this so much. Drowned in lust and desperate for friction, you find yourself continuously rubbing your core to his erection, until he paces you for himself. “Stop. I didn’t bring extra pants with me, babe—don’t wanna go home with pants wet with cum now.”
Jungkook hurriedly pushes your bedroom doors and throws you away on bed. “Y/N. Tell me to stop now, or I’ll never get a grip until I can finally have you.”
Instead of giving an answer, you inch closer until your fingers are in contact with his pants’ band. “You need help with that?” You brave yourself to whisper, gazing innocently right to his lust-darken eyes.
“Fuck, you’ll be the death of me.” He gratefully bemoans, as your finger moves to detached his pants and boxer to the ground—his erection immediately springs like never before. It is such a pretty, thick and long dick that your saliva literally pools. You instantly get on your knees, closing with eagerness to have a taste until he stops your advancement by pushing you to the bed.
“Not today, kitten. Maybe tomorrow—I need to have you now or I’ll go nuts.”
You pout, stubbornly moving to give a good caress on the length, satisfied with how Jungkook’s pupil immediately dilates at your ministry. “Are you sure, baby? I can do anything for you, though. My throat is ready for you to choke on.”
“Stop it. I want to be inside you now.” He hastily howls, so close to creaming your palm now that he needs to stop you. Jungkook’s mind is on cloud nine with your warm fingers around his girth, but he realizes he needs to have his dick pushed inside your cunt now, not even your hand or mouth can make it up. “Take off that fucking dress.” He orders.
“Yes, anything for you, sir.” You literally do not know what kind of courage is seeping through your vein, but seeing how affected he is literally made you ecstatic to tease him more. You briskly moves the satin night dress to your head and throws it across the room, baring all your lower body area.
“No underwear? Fuck, kitten, you better not act this carelessly when your roommate is here.” Jungkook breathily irks, enjoying the view of your almost naked body against him, yet spends no more second to detach your bra until your breasts are dangling freely. He immediately sucks a breath at the amazing sight.
“You are so fucking beautiful.” Jungkook throatily whispers, more to himself before he engulfs both your breasts with his palm. He moves to pinch your hardened pebbles, feeling high with your moans that is literally a green light inside his mind that you are indeed enjoying his act. He swiftly buries your right nipple inside his mouth, giving it a light suck, flicking it with his skillful tongue which turns you to a moaning mess. You close your eyes, feeling the tension inside your body build up while cradling his face closer to you, your fingers pulling the hair on his scalp. You do not even realize his left hand has left your breast, now moving to circle your bare clit, and you instantly mewl in pleasure.
“What are you so wet for, kitten? Tell me.” He breathily hisses, moving to coat his two fingers with your remnants, dips it inside his mouth and licks it dry. Your pupil dilates at such a dirty act, but still Jungkook is unhappy with your lack of response, he hits your throbbing cunt. “Use your fucking tongue to answer.”
You instantly mewl to reply, albeit stuttering when you feel his forefinger finally buries inside of you. “Of course you, sir. I am wet because of you.”
Jungkook grins in satisfaction, before he wastes no mercy and buries three fingers inside you, stretching you deliciously until you whimper in satisfaction. “So freaking wet, I bet I can slide right in. Are you going to let anyone do this to you, kitten? Hmm?”
“No, sir...” You groggily answer, your head is soaked in all kinds of lust.
“Louder! Let your fucking neighbors hear it.” Jungkook growls, pushing his digits further inside until you claw on his clothed shoulder. Fuck him for still being in his shirt—you’d do anything to mark him now.
“No, sir. Only you can make me like this…”
He sinisterly laughs, pleased with your easy compliance. “You better not be lying, kitten. Don’t you let anyone do this to you, especially fucking Kim Taehyung.”
Your eyebrows immediately scrunched at the name, but it could probably be the last thing you can contemplate now that his fingers are still beautifully moving in and out of your wet cunt. “I will, I fucking will. But get this fucking shirt off and fuck me, sir—I need to feel you bare against me.”
As he is about to enter you, he suddenly freezes. “Do you have a condom here?” He breathily asks, realize that he did not take even one with him—as fucking you was literally the last possibility he could think of before. God, does he really need to stop now?
“I don’t have a condom—but I am on the pill and safe, I swear.” You whisper, the ache on your core starting to cloud your head and better judgement. Fuck, Jungkook better be fast or you’ll be dead by then.
“Me too. I tested myself back in the States, and haven’t been sleeping with anyone since.”
“Really? How can?” You unconsciously ask, seriously flabbergasted with the fact that Jungkook hasn't fucked anyone after he moved into the city. The Jungkook you knew was so much of a god of stamina—he literally lasted five rounds with you before and still managed to have an erection after, when you can’t even feel your legs. He is that crazy for sex.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’ll tell you all about it later, but I need to fuck you raw now or I’ll go insane.” He hurriedly answers, instantly throws his shirt away as his whole body is bare against yours. Jungkook reaches for his dick, as his fingers move to give it a few strokes. He is now coating it with your remnants by hitting your entrance lightly with his dick. Even with such action you are already a moaning mess, as you bit your lips in anticipation.
Yet when the head is about to dip inside you, you reach for the bed sheet, clenching the fabric harshly. You haven’t been sleeping around for months now, you’re sure it’s going to hurt a bit—especially with that excessive size of his.
“How are you so freaking big? Fuck, don’t go too rough on me, Jungkook..” You softly  whisper, and Jungkook instantly nods. No matter how crazy and a true dom he is, he would not hurt or go against your consent—that’s just how much he loves and respects you.
Even with the heavy urge to fuck you senseless like he wants to, he surely takes his whole joyful time in making love. His length pushing inside you, stretching you wondrously that the pain turns into pleasure in no time. You let out a breathy moan when he flicks your nipple to keep you on the edge. “Damn, you are wonderful. I can’t believe I was able to live those years without this taste.”
“Fuck, Jungkook.” You moan, biting your lips as you nearly can’t hold yourself from screaming. How can sex with Jungkook be this mindblowing? You had one night stands previously with other person, but sex with him is like on another level—that’s probably what feelings can do to sex. “Faster, now. Don’t hesitate.”
At the invitation, the worries that he’s going to hurt you dissolve as he fastens and follow his own pace, his dick fucking you senseless with ragged breath. God, how he wishes he can do this every second of the day, buried inside you, looking at your pleasured face drowned in lust and pleasure, your beautiful moans and fingers scratching his back. He’d trade anything to have you like this again.
“Fuck, kitten, how are you so tight? I am fucking close.” Jungkook groans as he chases his high, sensing your walls are now clenching him tightly. He inches closer to engage you in another kiss, his tongue pushing inside you while his digits are circling your clit. You claw his back, letting out all sound with no holds back as the pleasures are too much now—the orgasm building up inside you, and Jungkook definitely can sense it coming. “Cum now, kitten.”
While Jungkook and you are still engaged in another heated kiss, your high finally comes as you cum on his dick. “Good girl.” He whispers with one last kiss before he chases his own, and not even another second he pulls out, squirting his cum all over your stomach.
You frown, looking at the liquid on your stomach. “Damn it, you should’ve cum inside me. I’m on the pill anyway.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes at your remarks, yet he is grinning from ear to ear. He lays beside you, engaging you in another soft, slow kiss as you close your eyes, your palms settled on the side of his face. “I love you.” He whispers after letting go, his beautiful doe eyes literally shining with the creases that is apparent whenever he is smiling wide. It seeps warmth to your heart.
The reply for his confession is already at your tongue, but Jungkook quickly scoots away to stand on the floor. You bit your lips, disliking the fact that he is too far from your reach, no matter how fast he’ll be back. You need him here, to ensure that everything is not just a wet dream of yours. “Come back, don’t leave me.” You whine, and Jungkook giggles breathily.
“Let’s get you all cleaned up, clingy McGee. I’ll get you a wet towel.”
Another minute and Jungkook is back with what he promised, as he closes beside you and wipes his own cum off your stomach.
“What a waste. You should’ve cum in my tongue and let me swallow it all.” You mutter half joking half seriously while yawning, as your eyes follow his every movement. He sends you a warning glare, unhappy with your constant teasing.
“If you don’t want me to pin you against the matters now and fuck you against the wall until you’re screaming for mercy, stop it.”
“Geez, sooo grumpy.” You giggle, scooting closer to him as in chase of heat after he settles beside you, draping the blanket to cover both your bodies.
“I’ll take you up on that tomorrow, though.” He lightly giggles, and you’re the one now rolling your eyes on him. He envelopes you around his arm, pressing another kiss on your forehead before caressing your head to sleep—just the way he remembers would instantly send you to slumber.
But no matter how tired you already are, your body are still high on adrenaline due to the great sex you just had—you just cant seems to sleep. Not when Jungkook is here holding you close, looking at you like that with evident love in his eyes. And suddenly an idea pops inside your head, until you smirk in mischief.
“Why are you smiling like that? I told you to sleep.” He asks cautiously. You shrug to pretend innocence, before scooting closer until your bare waist is glued on his own, slightly rubbing it against his semi-hard dick. Wow, the self control on this guy is impressive for not initiating a second round.
Jungkook immediately curses at your teasing, yet the pleasure in his face is unmissed. “Fuck, what are you—“
“I’m sweating, Jungkook. I want to take a shower.” You whine seductively, your fingers stray to the lower parts of his body now, caressing his semi. Jungkook’s eyes are now unmistakably dark, as you realize that you might just awaken the true dom in Jungkook.
“I was literally being civil since you got to go back home with fucking Taehyung tomorrow, but damn—I’ll fuck you so bad anyone know who fucked you tonight, huh? I’ll make sure you can’t walk straight tomorrow, kitten.” He smirks, and that literally sends jitters right to your core in deep anticipation. You missed it—the feeling of Jungkook mercilessly fucking you like there’s no tomorrow.
Jungkook instantly scoops you out of bed in one movement, the blanket falls on the floor.   Your legs are linked around his waist, your throbbing entrance pressed against his erection as you rub it for relief. His mouth aggressively attacking yours for domination, as his firm legs walk towards your shower.
“Let’s get my kitten thoroughly cleaned, okay?” Jungkook teasingly moans to your ear, his thumbs are now pinching your hardened nipples. Your whole body shivers.
Thus begin the best sex you ever have in your whole life.
You wake up groggily with the sunshine seeping through your window. What happened with you, why are you feeling the biting pain all over your body? The memory of last night instantly hits you like an explosion.
You had sex with Jungkook—which lasted three freaking rounds.
And fuck wasn’t he holding back. He literally was just like you remembered, a true dom that sent your knees weak, pleasuring you like nobody could. He took care of your body like it's the only thing on his mind—and you would be lying if you say you didn’t enjoy his true dom self released, marking you all over your body with love bites, forcing you to plead for his mercy and leaving you breathless nearly all the time.
But he is not here now.
You gaze to the cold side of your bed where Jungkook slept last night. It must be long since he left, only with a small note on your bedside that ensures you that what happened last night isn’t just a mere dream.
Hi, thanks for last night. I had to leave, something urgent came up. See you around.
Fuck, if that wasn’t such a lousy note to start the day with. Such a fool you are to expect the sex matters to you as much as it is to him.
Regardless of the ticked off feeling you had for Jungkook, you scoot off your bed, trying to use both your throbbing legs to stand up. The pain instantly shoots up that you instantly bite your lips, limping your way out of the door. Fuck Jungkook, you loathe that fucker so much now.
“Whoa whoa—slow down babe.” Namjoon instantly shouts after you’re carelessly limping out of the door closer to him. “Someone got a good dicked down yesterday.” He teases, and you sent him an annoyed expression.
“Why are you so grumpy? You finally had sex after months, you should be glowing.” Namjoon giggles while stirring his coffee. You flip him off, settling to sit on the sofa. “You want some coffee?”
“Yes, thank you.” You mutter. “What time did you come back home?”
“Around two, maybe? Wasn’t really in my best state of mind, so that could be wrong too. What’s up?”
He walks closer to you, offering a cup of coffee with scent that succeeds in relaxing your mind a bit. “I did not meet the guy, you don’t have to worry. Who was it anyway? If you don’t mind me asking.”
Around two? He left before two? “Did you check up on me when you come?” You ask dubiously, knowing Namjoon has always checked up on you when he arrives in the apartment.
“Yes, there was no one. I saw you sleeping, and went to my room right after.”
“Fuck—he really left that early?!” You hiss, not liking the fact that he left you just later after you sleep with such a lousy note that clearly indicates nothing—he probably uses the same note for all his previous one night stands.
“But.. You know, it could be weird for strangers to stay the night after sex—“
“But he’s not a stranger.” You vengefully replied, the hurt evident in your tone. “It’s Jungkook. Jungkook slept with me yesterday and fled right after with a fucking lousy ‘thanks for last night’ note.”
“Jungkook? Jeon Jungkook?” He asks with goggling eyes. He seriously thought he misheard your words. “But you hated him.”
“It was complicated. We.. We had a past together. And these few days just rekindled those feelings, and.. I thought he was really serious about it.” You whispers, the tears are welling in the corner of your eyes. “I tried thinking positively, that he really had something to do, but he left so quickly and also with this note.. got me thinking. Was it too fast? What if everything is just in my head, and he’s only after sex?”
Namjoon looks at the yellow note on your grasp, taking it to read the messy handwriting for himself. Yet no matter how hard he thinks about it, he understands your doubt. It was indeed a messy, hurried note that he indeed heard people often leave their one night stand.
“It’s still uncertain. Just talk to him, okay?” Namjoon asks, his palm resting on your knees and giving it a light squeeze. “There might be something you don’t know yet.”
You sigh, crumpling the note and throwing it carelessly. “I fucking hate him.”
“Hey, by the way you left your phone here, and Taehyung called this morning.” He informs, but you know that expression he wears—something is troubling his mind.
“What is that face?” You instantly point. “You always use that expression when you have something to say.”
“You know me so well.” Namjoon grins, eyes trained on the coffee on his grasp. “I had a drink with Taehyung and others yesterday. And yeah, after the drink, I just think that he.. He might be still in love with you.”
“What do you mean?” Your eyebrows scrunched, severely confused.
“That’s all I can say. If you want to know, better ask the man himself. You’re meeting him soon, right?” Namjoon reminds you, and you abruptly stand up—still holding back the pain, after being reminded that Taehyung shall be here in no time.
“And, Y/N?”
You halt your steps, looking back to the guy. “What?”
“Just.. don’t hesitate. Go with your heart.” Namjoon advises. Your throat constricts. Follow your heart? You don’t even understand what that idiot wants. Your heart is a drunk fool, doesn’t really know what’s good for itself, and always foolishly seeks something that is not going to happen. Why should you go with it?
He is apparently not done, and clears his throat and points to his own neck. “And maybe, put some concealer on? Don’t want your mother to have a heart attack seeing those marks on your neck.”
And that’s how in forty minutes, you ended up wearing navy green turtleneck and long skinny jeans—thankfully the chilly weather does support your outfits—descending your apartment building after Taehyung said he’s already parked in front. You were distinctly nervous, going back to your family home with Taehyung after the longest time. Just being around him sends you on your edge, and you could only wish nothing is going to mess everything up.
The first thing you see when the elevator is opened is Taehyung’s face that you abruptly take a step back in shock. His face immediately lightens up. “Good morning. You’re here.”
“Yes. I thought I’ll see you in your car?”
“Sure, I just thought it would be great to see your apartment.” Taehyung answers, a soft smile appearing on his lips. Namjoon’s sentences instantly pass through your head as a warning. You clear your throat.
“Namjoon is upstairs, though...”
“So? Is that a problem for me to see your apartment?” He mischievously teases, pulling you to exit the apartment. “What were you thinking, huh?”
“Nothing!” You abruptly answer, silently letting Taehyung hold your palm against his, no matter how conflicted it makes you feel.
“By the way, are you okay, babe?” Taehyung asks in concern after arriving at the car, reminding you to put on your seatbelt. Your eyebrow raises.
“I think so. Why?”
“Did you fall or anything? You are..  Kind of limping.” He questions in deep concern, looking straight to your eyes. At once, your breath hastens with anxiety. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yes! Of course—I fell in the shower yesterday, and got hurt a bit, yeah..” You tightly mutter. At least it was not a hundred person lie.
Gosh, how you wish you can punch that annoying motherfucker now…
“Taehyung! You’re here!”
You glare at your beaming mother slightly skipping to welcome both of you from her tended yard, crushing Taehyung in a big hug. “Mom, I’m right here too. And last time I checked, I’m the one who is related by blood to you.”
“Don’t be such a party pooper, Y/N.” Taehyung giggles, affectionately hugging back your mother. “I’m sorry mom, Y/N is soooo grumpy this morning. She may have woken up on the wrong side of the bed.”
“It’s just I haven’t seen you in so long. How is my precious son doing?!” Your mother beams, instantly welcoming Taehyung inside the house, leaving you alone to pick up the fruits and cake you brought from Seoul. But not even long, the scowl changes into a contented smile on your lips.
You are grateful that nothing really changes, especially with Taehyung. He is still the one person you can depend the most in this whole world.
Suddenly, among your wandering thoughts your phone rings. You hurriedly pick up, not even checking the caller. “Hello?”
“Hi, is this Y/N?” You notice the change of language, and silently checks the number. Abroad numbers? Suspicious.
“Yes, this is she.” You doubtfully answer.
“Hello, This is Jess. I’m here in Seoul today, can we meet?”
Jess? Who is Jess? You can’t literally remember anyone called Jess beside… your friend back in the States. You were not even remotely close, so there’s no way it could be her.
“Sorry, but which Jess?”
She instantly clears her throat, probably embarrassed at the possibility of you not remembering. “We went to the same high school back in the States, before your parents divorced and you moved to Korea.”
So that’s the correct Jess then. But that still doesn’t explain why she is calling you right now, especially with that unnecessary mention of your parent’s divorce. “Ah, I remember now. But why? Is there anything I can do for you?”
“Yes, I am in Seoul now. I have to talk to you about something, I promise it won’t take a while.”
“But why? We haven’t talked in years, what could possibly be the reason why we should meet?” You annoyedly point out, not even caring that you have turned hostile to her. You really don’t want to waste any time, especially with Taehyung now at the door, signing you to come in.
“It’s about Jungkook.” She curtly answers, and your heart literally skips a beat at the name. What’s with Jungkook? Your heart clenches with the fear rising in your chest.
“His family and I are here now to take him back to the States, so I have to let you know something. Let’s meet.”
It is not long until you and Jess are already sitting in front of each other inside a cafe near your family home. You left Taehyung at home with your family, and promised them you’ll be back in no time.
“You want to order something? My treat.” The girl says after ordering her drinks. You shake your head, not even enjoying the seconds uselessy passed with her. You are just desperate to get it over with and head home.
She shakes her head. “I didn’t remember you being this uptight, Y/N. Loosen up, will you?”
“Well, you don’t know, probably because we weren’t even that close?” You shoot and sigh. “Can we just go straight to the point? My mother is waiting at home.”
Jess hums. “And Kim Taehyung too?”
You glare at her, the uneasiness rising in your head. You have no idea why she should know anything about Taehyung. “What the—”
“I’ll cut to the chase. Jungkook is his family’s only son. His father already had his future all planned out, but then one day he ran away to work in a country far away, with a job that probably pays a quarter from what he could have back home.” She halts after the waitress serves her drinks. “And then we finds out that he is here because of you, a fucking ex—who was just a mere fuck buddies. So we need you to think straight and stop seeing him.”
You stare at her for a full minute until you break in laughter. “What’s funny?” She irks.
“Fuck, this is all just like a midday telenovela, that’s what.” You giggle, still finding mirth in her previous statement. You clear your throat, and send her an not amused look. “Let me fill you in. I don’t fucking care. He’s here because himself, you’re thinking too highly of that one month we fucked. And who are you to say that anyway? You’re his mother or what?”
Jess condescendingly smirks in triumph. “I am his girlfriend. We have been dating all through college before he moved here. I have all right to tell cockroaches like you to scoot off. Besides, you already have Kim, no? Are you really that thirsty for lots of men?”
That statement literally catches you off guard. Girlfriend? Jungkook never mentions anything about a girlfriend. He literally said that he hadn’t been with anyone and that he thought about you most of the time. Was it all… just a lie?
It was like a knock to your chest, but you won’t let it show. “Then you should know better that if you dated all through college, there is no way he could move here because of me.” You calmly explain, the anger and sadness of betrayal building up in your chest. It feels hard to even breathe, and you feel so stupid for believing his words could be true—now that you rewind literally made no sense whatsoever. Jungkook is not with anyone for years, only because of you? Fuck, that’s literally nonsensical.
“And if you’re his girlfriend, you should know he’s here because he is depressed—feeling the inadequacy and constant restriction in doing whatever he wants to do. If you’re his girlfriend, you should support whatever he wants to do for his happiness, instead of teaming up with his father that literally treated him like a fucking robot.” You spit out in dismay, the tears are welling up in your eyes. You hated the fact that you’ve foolishly put your trust on someone undeserving, yet again.
It’s clear now that you have left the girl speechless, and you quickly stomp out of the cafe inside of Taehyung’s car you borrowed. You quickly drive out, with tears freely running on your cheeks, your heart turns hollow and vacant now that you know.
You are a fucking idiot, that’s what.
It’s already eleven pm, you are now resting in your room in the family home. Your mother successfully tricked you into staying the night, but Taehyung said he needed to go back to his apartment because he doesn’t have any shirt to change to—denying your mother’s forward offer to let him stay the night with you in your room. The level of trust your mother has in Taehyung is seriously ridiculous—but still he said he’ll be back tomorrow morning to pick you up, as he needed to work in the headquarters for a full week next week.
‘Are you okay?’ Taehyung queried when he was about to drive back, hand clasped against yours. ‘You seemed a little bit upset after that meeting.’
Even then, you could only answer him with a vague shrug, a hug and you cried. Taehyung didn’t ask any further, patting your back calmly while whispering calming words to your ear. He understood you need your space more than anything, and you were thankful.
But now, flipping on your bed for hours hasn’t drifted you to dreamland yet, especially with a head filled with Jungkook and overwhelming queries on how he’s doing right now. And you hate yourself for still caring—it’s freaking Jungkook, who left you after he had enough, who easily lied to you just to sleep with you. Why can’t you just ditch him like that?
Maybe you’re really in love. A total dumbass.
Suddenly, your phone rings. Unknown numbers. Call with Jess did traumatize you, but not taking it will leave you close to no wink of sleep, so you do.
“Hello?” You warily questions. There are around ten seconds before the familiar sigh is heard on the other side of the call.
“Y/N, this is Jungkook.” The familiar voice is close to whispers, and all you can hear is how tired he sounds. Something definitely stirs inside of you. “Are you in your mother’s home? I’ll be there in ten. Can we talk?”
You know it. You know it very, very well. He might as well done it over the phone—it may hurt less. “Is it urgent? Can’t.. can’t we just do it over the phone?”
“No, we need to talk directly. It doesn’t feel right doing it on the phone.”
Fuck, it’s really is. Jungkook is breaking up with you—with no relationships to begin with. The tears are clamming up on your eyes, and you can only hope you’re strong enough to pretend everything’s okay. Cause you hate to show him how weak you are for him.
And not even ten minutes, Jungkook messages you he’s already waiting outside. You walk outside your room to see that your whole house is already dark—your family must have gone to sleep. Good, so they don’t have to see you bawling your eyes out.
When you are at your porch, you can already make out his silhouette from the car. His hand is on the wheel, other hands are resting on his temples—the lines of his face are harsh and cold. Taking a deep breath, you give yourself one last warning and enter his car.
“What is it?” You curtly ask, and Jungkook looks at you with a weirded out stare.
“Why are you angry?”
You roll your eyes, arms folded on your chest. “Because I know clearly why you are here. Jess explicitly told me about everything—you don’t need to waste both of our times, going all the way here just because you want to break up with me. That too if anything of what we did was more than something to you.”
Jungkook stares at you like you’re spluttering nonsense, which you actually are and it leaves you disconcerted. “What—what the fuck are you saying now?”
You scowl. “No need to lie. I know exactly what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna need to move back, right? And you’ll leave your whole life here—” The tears choke you up. “You’ll leave me here. But let me say it, do whatever, Jungkook. It will be just like before, right? It’s not like we've never done this before.”
If you’re really doing it to hurt him, you succeed. Because the pain is literally insufferable.  “Is that what we mean to you? Are you going to just let everything like this like not a shit happened to us?”
“You’re funny, Jungkook. There’s never been an ‘us’, you know it.” You vex with a sarcastic grin. “There’s never been us. Because you lied to me, fuck me and stood me up like nothing happened, right?”
“That’s not true.” He firmly said. “I left first because of my father, Y/N. He told me he’s in town. I need to meet him, why can’t you understand?!”
“I know that! But you expected me to believe all you said when Jess literally came all the way from the States to tell me to fuck off and that you’re in a relationship with her all through college.” Jungkook freezes on his spot, but you’re not done. “Is that wrong, Jungkook? Tell me she lied and I’ll grovel at your feet for forgiveness.”
At Jungkook’s silence, you can feel a stingy pang inside your chest. It was true, he lied. “So she was right? You lied to me—telling me there was no one, only to sleep with me?”
“It’s not true, Y/N. Jess was just… someone I affiliated with. We were not in a relationship.” He hurriedly tries to explain, hand scratching his hair in frustration. “And why does it matter anyway? It’s all in the past, it doesn’t matter now. I only care about you, you know it.”
“It matters! Because you told me there was no one. Because you lied to me, Jungkook. Why can’t you see how wrong it is?”
“She was just someone I fucked with all through college. Even if she thought there was something else, there was none. I set it straight to her, but she never understands.” He softly whispers now. “I regretted it, Y/N. But you can’t hold it against me. I had no feelings for her.”
You know his words should’ve brought reassurance, but the words clearly strike something inside you—a remembrance of pain. You croak. “You know what, that’s exactly what Taehyung told me that time.”
“What-what’s that fucker doing here in our talk?” His voice raises in displease at your mention of another man during your serious talk. “So was everything about Taehyung? All of this—even when we’re fighting, you’re thinking about him. It was all about him all along.”
“No, but the exact thing happened again. You were being dishonest to me. You hurt me, Jungkook.” You whisper softly, cheeks already flowing with tears that it literally throws him off at how fragile you look. “I can’t… I can’t shake that feeling. How I felt when she said everything, like she owned you, like… like she has rights for you. Like I was someone you played with behind her. It was exactly.. that.”
“Hey, I’m sorry you had to feel that way.” Jungkook whispers and pulls you closer inside his arm, heart clenched in guilt at your weak sob. He hates himself for doing that to you—to let you enter the maze of problems he has tried to escape from a while now. You don’t deserve that. “I’m sorry for being such a jerk. I know I should’ve been clearer about everything.”
Ten minutes of crying your concern and heart out inside his arms before you open your voice. “So, she was right? Are you leaving, then?”
He dubiously hums. “I have to, otherwise my father will never stop trying to get me back. I’ll try finishing whatever I can there, and come back right after.” He whispers, palms buried on your hair. “I promise it won’t take long. Can you wait for me?”
You look at Jungkook's hopeful eyes and the ‘yes’ is already at your tongue—when something awakens you. You cannot do that to yourself. You cannot let yourself be miserable, waiting for him again like a broken clock. You cannot gamble your way to mend everything when he leaves, not when there’s any possibility like he’ll leave you again like he did. You’re not that strong.
“I can’t.” You shortly reply, and at the unexpected answer, Jungkook is visibly aggrieved.
“Why? Why can’t you? I’ll be back soon, Y/N—Why do you give up on us that easily?” Jungkook is peeved at your easy surrender. He loves you, he is willing to work it out for you, and it weakens him to see you’re not on board to fight for any feelings you both have for each other. “I know you, Y/N. I know me. We had something together. Please, don’t give up on us.”
“I can’t, because I don’t want to let you hurt me again, Jungkook. Happy?” You shouts, carrying the long pain you have carried throughout your days. “I hate myself for letting myself trust and ending up getting hurt. If I wait for you, I’ll always feel insecure, Jungkook. I’ll always wonder if you’re going back, if you have found someone else, if we’re just going to hurt each other. Because that's what people did to me—to my mother, to us… I can’t.”
Jungkook shudders at the mention of your family. Did he hear it wrong? “Did you mean… your father? But I thought… I thought—”
“Yes.” The hurt multiplies, palpable on your face. “My father lied to me. He is a manipulative jerk who never gave a shit about his family, and made my mother the bad guy in front of me. He didn’t care at all—my mother was struggling with cancer and he didn’t give a shit and still went with the divorce. I just knew after my mother went to find me, beg me to come with her after the divorce.”
The regret at his old self, patronizing you without knowing the truth hits him like a brick. “God, Y/N, I’m sorry. I was—”
“I know. It was such a stressful time, and the pain my mother had to endure because of him—I hated him so much I could die, Jungkook. He hurt me, he hurt us. And he is now living well with his new family, the one he cheated with before. It is not fucking fair.”
Jungkook moves forward to hold you close, his heart wrenching in pain to imagine how agonizing it must have been for you and your mother. “I’m sorry for everything. I was a stupid jerk who thought I knew everything, you had every rights to hate me. I am very, very sorry, Y/N.”
“That’s why I have trust issues. I know very well that one bad apple doesn’t define everything, but it made me more cautious above anything. I can’t afford being weak now, I can’t gamble on the future whether what we had now is gonna last. I don’t want to be naive.”
No matter how he wants to refute your words, he can’t. Because Jungkook understands where you’re coming from, and how traumatizing it must have been. He’d be insensitive to shrug your concern away. “I understand. But I won’t ask for more, Y/N..”
“I’ll be back before December ends.” Jungkook determinedly claims, holding you closer that his nose point is touching yours, warm palms against the side of your face which sends your whole being to instant chaos. His eyes are like a deep sea, that you’re willing to fall in and never out, and all you want to do is hold him close, kiss him and never let go.
“And when we finally meet, I’ll let you know that I will still be loving you then and I’m going to fight for us. No matter what happened.”
After having breakfast with both your mother, grandma and Taehyung, you hug the goodbyes. You regret it though, the days passed so quickly and you don’t really have much time to completely be in the moment with your family since your mind is wandering far. If your mother knows, she doesn’t comment—but you know that soft gaze she endows, she is worried for you.
“Goodbye, son! Do visit us regularly, okay?” Your mother beams, hugging Taehyung. She glances at you walking to your room to grab your purse and continues. “I’m very worried for her. Can you please make sure she’s okay?”
“What happened?” Taehyung asks in concern. He did notice something changed after you met your friend yesterday, but it’s definitely getting prominent this morning. 
“Someone came to our house yesterday, and spent some time in the car. After, she walks out crying.” Your mother frets, squeezing Taehyung’s palm. “I’m worried. Can you keep an eye on her?”
“Of course I will.” Taehyung smiles in a comforting manner, tapping on your mother’s palm. “You can count on me, mom.”
Your mother instantly smiles, as she understands by heart she really can count on Taehyung for you. “Thank you. Get going now!” She gestures to walk you out to Taehyung’s car.
Sitting inside the car, your eyes are trained out the window, minds wandering far to last night’s encounter with Jungkook. He said he’ll be back, and you shouldn’t believe him—you told him you won’t, but deep inside you never stopped wishing his words are true. You foolishly believe him with all your heart.
Taehyung’s call abruptly takes you off your wandering thoughts, shifting your gaze at him. You clear your throat. “Yes? Sorry, I was daydreaming for a while there.”
“I think you’ve been daydreaming all the time we’re here.”
He said the words softly and didn’t mean anything, yet it instantly hits you with guilt. “I’m sorry, I was—”
“Was it about Jungkook?”
“What?” Your eyes widened, heart literally skips a beat. Are you really that obvious?
Taehyung stares at you for a few seconds, then focusing back on the street. “It’s just a lucky guess. And seeing how shocked you were just now, it must be true.”
“It is.” You look down to your lap. “I’m sorry for concerning you.”
“What are you sorry about.” Taehyung chuckles, tapping the top of your head. “He is finally here. The one you’ve been thinking about all through college, your first love, your first heartbreak is here. You should be happy.”
It’s true though. You can’t even count how many people you have pushed away only because you’re thinking about Jungkook. In the period where everyone is just desperate to find love or mere sex, you are not even remotely close to it. You weren’t with anyone all through college. All because you’re thinking about how it feels right to be with Jungkook, how in love you actually were and how foolish it could be to let go of one thing that could have been true just because you were too deep in emotion.
And Taehyung was one of the people that lived through that phase of shutting any possibility of love. He couldn’t even forget how his college friends, or even strangers asking him why are you so closed off, refusing any advancement anyone did. But Taehyung shrugged it away, because he knew how you still couldn’t forget your first love. He didn’t even know how or why you are still able to hold into that love for such a long time—not until he fell for you himself.
When he asked you to be his girlfriend a year ago and you said yes, he really thought you were ready to move on. Finally. And maybe you were, before he messed up everything and it’s already too late. Because Jungkook is back, and how can he compare to the first love, which vaguely ended and still left a sour taste of regret in your heart.
When he saw Jungkook that morning, he knew. He knew that he didn’t stand a chance. Because it’s apparent how head over heels he is still with you, like you are with him. And he just needs to accept it.
“Go with your heart, Y/N.” Taehyung croaks, holding the deep urge inside him forcing him to stop being such goody two shoes. Taehyung is still in love with you. Madly. He loves you for quite a long time now, and he wanted to be yours. But how can he be selfish when you are clearly struggling like this?
“Do you know? The biggest regret I have is to let you go.” 
You glance at Taehyung, as something stirs inside your heart with him addressing your past. “I regret not making everything clear. I regret not fighting for us. I regret not being honest with you, because I was selfish and too much of a coward.”
“I still love you.” Taehyung whispers, the grip on the wheel tightened. You stare at him, speechless while Namjoon’s past words suddenly run through your mind. “But it’s okay. Because above anything, I want you to be happy. Seeing you being miserable makes me extremely sad, Y/N. Please, just go with your heart and be happy.”
Another minute passed in silence, before you mutter gloomily. “I’m sorry. I just don’t know what to say..”
“Let me guide you, then.” Taehyung smiles, his palm resting over yours and gives it a light squeeze. “Thank you for loving me, Taehyung. I know we’ll get through this, as best friends. And you are right, I’ll go with my heart and try to take risk in love, because even though it might hurt me, at the very least I followed my heart instead of my fear.”
His words literally punch you in the gut, because now that he’s the one saying it to you, it never felt clearer. You indeed have been following your fear, discarding how you truly feel for anything or anyone. You love Jungkook, but being afraid has shielded you from following what you really want to do.
Another ten minutes before you give his hand a light squeeze. “You know, I never thought you'd be that much of a bigger person.” You lightly joke, in which Taehyung responds with a snort. “You were not usually like this. Where’s my selfish and self-righteous bestie at?!”
“Well, don’t consider I’m letting you go just yet.” He shrugs jokingly, rolling his eyes. You heartily laugh at that. “Besides, life is still long, right? Don’t count it on me giving up just yet, Y/N. I might just steal your heart away, and that lucky bastard Jungkook should be nervous.” You gaze at Taehyung who is looking back at you with his signature boxy smile, and your heart lightens. God, how lucky you are to have such a great companion like him.
“You know what? He really should.”
7 Weeks Later…
Jungkook is looking at the watch on his wrist. It’s already 4PM in his time and 8AM in Seoul. You must be preparing for work, he thinks to himself, unconsciously smiling. That’s what he does whenever it concerns you. He’ll be adored at the thoughts of you walking hastily inside the office, throwing all your belongings on your desk before you begin working. He always finds it endearing. And then, he’ll miss you. He will miss looking at you, talking and bantering with you again.
But not today, since he’ll be over in Seoul in no time.
All seven weeks back in the States were dreadful, but he managed. He knew that it was longer than expected, but he managed to steal the time to find you again. Because in all sincereness, all that he can think of is you.
blueberry_25 : good thursday morning! Soo happy gonna end the week soon! [16:05]
blueberry_25 : what are you doing this weekend? Do you wanna meet? :) [16:06]
It’s funny how he gives you the space you deserve, yet still manages to talk to you again nearly everyday. All because of the pen pal event held by the company which he has resigned from. He needed to take a long break, and had to resign after. The company did give him an option if he wanted to return back, but with the current condition, he is not really sure whether he can return for good.
But at least he got some time to see you again. Which is good.
91snowball : hi, blue, hope you have a great day today too! :) [16:07]
91snowball : we’re going to meet tomorrow. The christmas event, remember? [16:07]
blueberry_25 : I nearly forgot! So hectic today since that finance guy resigned and caused such chaos again. Thanks for the reminder though lol [16:08]
Jungkook literally winces, as you haven’t stopped complaining about the sudden resignation of the finance guy that is literally him regarding your overwhelming work caused by a certain prematurely resigning self-centered jerk. Even one time he mistakenly apologized for it. Nevertheless, it was all fun and games before he thought about how to break it up to you. That he is a snowball, the person you’ve been chatting with anonymously for months, and nearly everyday now. Talking to you were the highlights of his days, and he couldn’t stop. Even for a day.
And he is in the dark on how to break the truth to you. 
The soft chimes of his phone takes him away from the busy thoughts. Jungkook looks down and finds another message from you. The heartfelt smile instinctively appears on his lips.
blueberry_25 : did you get me anything? ;) Can I set my expectations high? [16:10]
91snowball : haha hope so. See you tomorrow, okay? [16:10]
The announcement for passengers to onboard is heard, so Jungkook raises from his seat to join the queue. An anonymous feeling shot through his chest, a heartfelt smile formed on his lips. He is going back. Finally. He finally is going to see you again and it feels terribly unreal. 
Right when another message arrives, and at once the corners of his mouth instantly flattens.
Mom : Son,don’t forget. I’ll pick you up next week. [16:12]
“Bye, Y/N, Hoseok!” 
Another person from your team has escaped the dreaded office, yet you and Hoseok are still not showing any sign of moving from your respective places. There are still a few action items on your list that need to be checked off by the night if you want to have a peaceful weekend, and you are determined to have them finished asap.
Because you are going to meet Snowball tomorrow. And you’re going to spend your whole weekend with him too.
“Y/N, why are you not going home?” Hoseok asks in worry while glancing at your screen. “This report needs to be submitted on Monday. You can finish it tomorrow.”
“But tomorrow we are having that Christmas event. I want to finish this before then.” You answer nonchalantly, still typing agilely on your keyboard. Seeing how befuddled Hoseok looks, you roll your eyes. “That pen pal secret santa event. Remember?”
Hoseok instantly turns silent at the mention of the event. God, how could he forget? Tomorrow the office’s Christmas party will be held, along with the first meeting of the anonymous pen pal buddies. Jimin and his team have everything planned out, in which the pair would give a gift inside a box which includes a card to describe and help find who is their pen pal.
It was indeed a brilliant idea. But maybe not to the fact that Jungkook is literally your pen pal, and the fact that you are unaware of how close he has been even after he left.
It doesn’t even need an exquisite skill to guess that something happened with Jungkook and you, especially discernible after he left. You turn greatly silent, and he found you zooming out more than you’d like to admit, and you’re shine dimmed. It was incredibly saddening for nearly everyone, but it’s not for long since you found someone to take your minds off things—who turns out to be your pen pal, or ironically, Jungkook.
And Hoseok has multiple times warned Jungkook that it’s not going to work. You would be furious to find out—who would adore the fact that someone is indeed lying?
“So… your partner will be coming?” Hoseok hesitatingly asks, looking down his lap. “Are you sure?”
“Of course. I know he’ll be coming.” You shift your gaze to Hoseok and beam. “He’ll give me a present and I’ll finally meet him.”
Hoseok nods, but something urges him to continue. “But… what if he won’t come?”
Your eyebrows scrunched. “What do you mean?”
He clears his throat. “Maybe? You know, he might have something to do tomorrow, urgently. Or maybe he is not that invested in this like you are? Because let’s be real here, Y/N, you are too deep into this.”
You send a thriving punch to his shoulder that Hoseok immediately winces and. “What is that for?!”
“For being such a source of negativity. Seriously, Hoseok, you used to be sooo positive. Stop hanging out too much with Yoongi.”
“I’m not kidding, Y/N.” Hoseok sternly gazes at you. “Don’t put your hopes too high. I don’t want you to be disappointed.”
You smile at him, not even an ounce of doubt seen on your face. “Snowball won’t disappoint me, Hoseok. He’s not like Jungkook.”
At such ironic statements, Hoseok immediately turns speechless—something inside him literally withers. God, how he wishes he could cease you from hurting...
It’s already eight pm, and Jungkook is still settling inside his car in front of the building where the Christmas Event is held. His right hand is tapping lightly on the wheel, inside his left grasp is a midnight green colored box in which is the present he prepared for you.
The event will be starting soon, but he’s still waiting for a cue from Yoongi—the only person who knew about his arrival in Korea—when he should be entering. Attract attention is the last he would want, especially when too many people or the bosses are around, as he is obviously not invited now that he has resigned.
Yet needless to say, it is not the main issue concerning his mind. He couldn’t even care less if he is going to be kicked out of the event, as long as he can see you and be with you again. But how can he hope so? All kinds of scenarios are running through his mind about how you would react to him being Snowball, your anonymous pen pal in which you have told him about nearly everything. And it's foolish to even think that you would be fine about him catfishing you—hopefully it’s not the correct term for that.
At first, it was just a mere idea during work, Jimin was joking about how he would make you as his anonymous pen pal after he was informed of a small piece about your past with Jungkook. And Jungkook was not going to think about it more, but he was desperate. He wanted to talk to you again without any resentment—but it could probably be the least thing you want to do in this lifetime, so he begged Jimin to arrange it for him. Even if it was merely anonymous.
But now it could probably be the best yet the worst thing that he had done to you. You are the thing that keeps him sane after being locked again in his hometown, but he is now gambling with the relationship you both have. He is literally lying to you again—just like the worst fight happened in front of your house porch. God, everything is literally a mess.
Suddenly, the sound of an incoming call disrupts his trainwreck thoughts. Min Yoongi.
“Jungkook, the event will be conducted in half an hour, you need to submit your present. The bosses are gone. Come.” Yoongi calmly informs, conflicting to the thoughts on Jungkook’s mind. The fear and insecurity instantly strikes him.
“I don’t know whether I should do this, I mean—”
“Look at your chat.”
Yoongi has an authority tone on his voice that Jungkook immediately obeys, opening his chat. Yoongi has sent a picture of you, lively talking with your friends. You look exquisite, wearing a red ball gown dress that falls on your knee, the blush is apparent on your cheek. You simply look.. stunning.
“She has waited and prepared all this shit because she believed her idiot, fucking selfish so-called pen pal is here. Seriously, you’re not doing any good by pretending again. Just come, Jungkook.”
At once, it was like a knock to his heart at how selfish and undeserving he is to you. It’s okay if you’re angry, he’ll grovel at your feet. And if you don’t want to see him again? Well, he just needs to wait again. He waited for five years to see you again—what is another waiting, right?
Heaving a deep breath, Jungkook finally steps out of his car. He cannot lie that he is excessively frightened, the image of you crying and pushing him away is vivid and it stings. But he promised you he’ll be back before the year ends, and he’ll live up to that promise.
Walking out of the lift, the first person he sees is Jimin, sitting behind the front table from the ballroom. He is now receiving gifts from various people, which Jungkook assumes must be for the pen pal event. He walks closer, until Jimin can finally see him, and somehow, upon meeting your face, he literally falls a few steps back, face bleached like he just saw a ghost.
Jungkook smiles and rests the gift on the table. “Hi, Jimin. This is my gift for her.”
“B-b-but how—why? How can you’re here? I thought—I thought you’re moving and—”
“Yes. But I’m here now.” Jungkook thinly smiles. “May I know what I should do next?”
“Y-yes. So, the pair will be divided into two rooms, and when we cue, we will let you find each other, with the stuff and card inside the gift.” The panic is still evident on his face, but Jungkook just shrugs it away. Jimin can be overreacting at times.
“May I enter my room now?”
Jimin instantly nods as an answer, and points to the room on his right. “You can enter the room on the right. But Jungkook?”
Jungkook stares at Jimin, waiting for the continuation. “Good luck there. And I’m sorry.” He clears his throat, and points to the room. “You go now.”
Jungkook doesn’t even know if that’s really something for Jimin to be sorry about, but he literally couldn’t care less when he’s just minutes away from meeting you. “Thanks.”
Inside the room, there are a few people who are high chance waiting for the pen pal committee as well. The moment he enters, he can see a few confused eyes staring at him, but the moment he finds Namjoon, he can finally breathe. Namjoon is not too different though, staring at him with weirded out eyes.
“Jungkook, you’re here?” He blinks a few times, rubbing his eyes. “Am I drinking too much champagne or are you really here?”
“I am.” He chuckles. “I came back to fulfill a promise, I guess.”
“Y/N? Because she’s your pen pal, right?” Jungkook nods slowly. “God, do you know there’s a very high chance that she’ll kick your ass for all this bamboozling shit?”
“Affirmatively.” Jungkook grins, yet his fingers are nervously fidgeting, a habit he inhibited since a month ago. “But, I just… I am trying, you know?”
Namjoon nods and taps on Jungkook’s back to relay comfort. “She loves you too. Even if she’s furious, she’ll come around.” Jungkook can only hope so.
At that time, the committees enter with a trolly of boxes that must be the pen pal gift. One of them hands Namjoon and Jungkook’s respective gifts. “You can start finding your pen pal now.”
Jungkook looks down on the blue box on his grasp, and he flinches with palms turning clammy from cold sweat, heartbeat too fast he could even hear it with his ear. Step by step, he enters the other room. Scanning the room, his sight instantly falls to you, smiling while looking down to the familiar box on your grasp. Your wavy hair settles perfectly on your shoulder, a serene smile formed on your lips.
‘I can’t, because I don’t want to let you hurt me again, Jungkook. Happy? I hate myself for letting myself trust and ending up getting hurt.’
Just when he is about to take another step closer to you, the remembrance of that night hits him straight in the gut. He is hurting you. Again. And you’ll leave. You’ll never want to see him again.
The weight on his shoulders triple at the petrifying scenario running through his mind, and Jungkook instinctively takes a step back and runs outside the room. No, he can’t do this. He is too scared. He thought he is ready to take every chance, but it turns out not much has changed, because he’s still the coward he was nearly five years ago.
Jungkook walks to the hotel balcony, heaving several deep breaths. The sky is exceptionally beautiful, the full moon is wandering in the sky and it invokes a memory within his mind.
About the night you cried in front of him for the first time.
“Are you afraid?” Jungkook whispered that night, gazing down at you. The loud blazing sound of bass was faintly heard, but both of you are sitting near the gate, looking out to the sky. You stare at him and shift back your empty gaze to the full moon. You despise that no matter how strenuous you tried to suppress the pain, it kept on rising back and numbs all your feelings.
“I am not afraid of you.” You weakly replied, the exhaustion vivid on your tone.
“I know.” Jungkook followed your gaze. “Are you afraid you’ll cry in front of me?”
You gazed at him, eyes filled with sadness and animosity. “What?”
“It’s literally a party inside. And you’ve been looking like you’re in a freaking funeral—well, beside the drinking part.” You were surprised with how susceptible he was. The day had indeed been counted as one of the worst days of your life, and it’s not even over yet. And you were fucking tired of crying, hence you decided to numb everything and wasted all your energy to alcohol instead. So at least you won’t remember again.
“Just cry.” He tranquilly whispers, his palm settles on the side of your face. “Those tears—I’ll catch them for you.”
And you just did.
Looking down to his lap, he is looking at the box on his grasp from you. Huffing a deep breath, he moves to open the box with not much thoughts—yet his mind abruptly turns blank after seeing the items resting in the box. 
What… are these?
“Are you afraid?”
Turning on his heel, Jungkook’s strained gaze fell on the eyes he thought would never see this up close again. It’s you. You are literally just a distance away in front of him right now, that he might need to pinch himself to ensure everything is not a piece of his hallucination. 
“Because you look like you’re about to cry.” You whisper calmly, arms folded on your chest. “Are you that afraid to meet me again?”
Jungkook is now staring at you, face conflicted. He is at haze on everything that just unfolded. “How did you—how did you know?”
“You think I won’t find out that you’re snowball?” You took a step closer, glancing at the items on the box. A basketball keychain and a frame of photo taken five years ago, the two of you side by side with a shy smile on both your faces. It was something he never thought would receive from his pen pal, even in his wildest dream.
“You think I won’t recognize you?”
Jungkook stutters. “What do you—”
“I know everything.” You cut him right away, face still expressionless. “I know it. You are snowball, I know you bribed Jimin into arranging, I know you are hiding by talking to me anonymously with snowball as an identity—everything. I know it’s you who I’m talking to these past seven weeks.”
A good five minutes passed before Jungkook could even let out a sound, let alone a coherent statement. 
“Are you… angry at me?”
“Yes.” You respond, not even missing a hint of hesitation in your tone. The physical pain is even more evident now. “I hate you. I hate you for fabricating lies about us. When I found out for the first time that it was you, I was furious. I felt played, like an idiot. I told you, I hate when someone lies to me. Do you remember?”
“I know.”
Another minutes spent staring each other, then you sigh in tiredness. “But more than anything, I missed you.” You continue, your tone falters as your eyes are far away, the sudden weakness stirs something inside his chest. “I miss you like crazy, and I took it. I took the lies, if it means I can talk to you again. Like an idiot, I didn’t think straight.”
Jungkook stares at you, waiting for you to continue. “I know I decided not to wait for you, but it was foolish. Waiting for you—that’s not an option I could make. And no matter how much I decided I need to stop thinking about you, I can’t. I am an idiot, who—”
At once, Jungkook is now hugging you close, not even a breath between the two of you. The feelings are familiar, yet so strange since the butterflies are knocking your stomach with nerves now. Jungkook is here. He is finally here, hugging you close. It’s literally the dream you’ve been having for a while now.
“I came back.”
You hum.
“For you. For the promise I made us.”
You hum.
“I am sorry. For everything. I shouldn’t have lied. I shouldn’t have bribed Jimin.”
You hum.
Jungkook lets you go, anxious at the possibility of you lying and suppress all your feelings just for the sake of him. “Can you say something? Anything. Please be mad at me, or anything, because you have the rights to. But please don’t be silent, I beg you.”
“I love you.”
Those three words are most absolutely not the word he is expecting. He confusedly searches your eyes. “If you said I can say anything, I want to say that for the first time. I love you, Jungkook.”
Jungkook stares at you, still in disbelief of the possibility of his hearing deceiving him. “What?”
“I love you. And I want to fight for us.” You whisper, squeezing his palm against yours. “ I am sorry too. I let my emotion and fear take over, and I hurt you. I am in this just like you are, so don’t blame yourself alone, hmm?”
“I love you too.” Jungkook responds, as he pulls you close by the nape, crashing his lips on yours and taking your breath away. “I love you more than anything. I love you more than anyone. I am sorry, I am very sorry.”
You hold him closer by the waist, minutes passed just to feel how warm he is against you, the familiar scent seeps inside your brain that disoriented your whole being. As he lightly bites your lower lips and instinctively forces a moan out of you,  you shivers. Jungkook swiftly takes the chance to push through and leaves a beautiful taste on your tongue. Your fingers run through his hair, feeling the soft hair falls between your fingers. Giving it a light tug, you are more than satisfied to find Jungkook is just as affected as you by the way he bemoans.
“Do you want to get out of here?” Jungkook creakily whispers, not even hiding the lust and desire lacing his tone and not even a second thought is spent, you nod. You are desperate to have him again like the way it was before, to leave nothing between the two of you, to feel him close and beg for him to take you again, pleasuring you like no one could. 
“By the way, you look beautiful tonight.” He smiles, squeezing your waist with his palm. “You always do, but maybe the fact that I haven’t seen you for seven weeks, now that you are wearing this beautiful dress—It’s just.. breathtaking.”
You roll your eyes, but are unable to suppress the beam on your lips. “You better keep that mindset, okay? Don’t you fucking dare say I look better naked later.”
Jungkook grins at that. “You know what? You just get me.”
“You know, I need to tell you this, but… I actually threatened Jimin to confirm that you are indeed snowball. And I have to say that it wasn’t pretty, and I wasn’t proud of it. We haven’t really been talking with each other after that..”
“What?!” Jungkook literally shouts, the imagination of you threatening Jimin with a knife forms on his head. No wonder he looks like a ghost after seeing him attend the event. “What did you do to the poor guy?!”
“Well, I may or may not… have caught him getting a blowjob from his teammate in the office one time.. And yup, you know the rest.” You wince, and hold out your palm together. “I swear, I have no intention to let anyone know, it was just a self defense method—”
“You just told me, you know.”
You pout, tugging on his blazer. “But you’re my Jungkook! It’s different.”
Jungkook sighs, but it’s foolish to lie that the possession terms you used before his name literally sends him into a blushing mess. He is unable to resist to steal a kiss from you once again. The moment your lips touching, you are left speechless—and wanting more that you still chase for his lips even after he pulls himself. You frown, folding your arms in indignation that you caught him grinning after. “Looks like someone is missing me too much, huh?”
“I hate you.” You obnoxiously spit.
“No, you love me.” 
“Yes, but I’m starting to regret it now.” 
Jungkook giggles, caressing the side of your pouty face. God, how is it possible to be luring and cute at the same time? Being with you is all kinds of emotions lured into one, and it left him wanting for more and more.
“I feel like I didn’t say this enough, but I love you, Y/N. I really, really do.” Jungkook whispers, as his finger pushes strands of hair to behind your ear, and you give him a smile which brightens his whole world. The moment he looks at you like this, he know he is sold. You’re his only sole chance, nothing and no one else.
“We’ll fight for each other, right?” Jungkook whispers and you stare at him back with a smile, and unlike before, this time you reply with a determined nod. One thing you know is that you’ll do anything to make the best out of each other—you’ll finally fight for what you feel instead of following your fear. Because you love Jungkook, and he feels the same way.
Oh, how he would trade everything to have this moment last forever...
I should have write this better lol was too distracted with life and kim soo hyun that its 🅱razy. I wish I have will to edit this too, tho
If you wonder if there’s an epilogue, there is! kindly follow me and slide into my ask box! stay safe, all!  💜💌
UPDATE : Find the Epilogue HERE !
1K notes · View notes
fangirlings-things · 4 years
First Costumer
Fandom: Peaky Blinders
Pairing: Arthur Shelby x female reader
Summary: you just got hired to do the job you always wanted and your first costumer, is no other but a Peaky Blinder
Word count: 2.1K
This is based on the moodboard below, made by my friend. You can find the original post here
A/N: I wrote this for @flowers-in-your-hayr 650 followers celebration. congratulations, love!! you're amazing, thank you for understanding my brazilian jokes lol and I hope you like this 💖
TAG LIST: @sophieshelby ; @charmingvalkyrie ; @inglourious-imagines ; @fairyofvoid ; @locke-writes ; @regalbanshee ; @captainshazamerica ; @lotsoffandomrecs ; @flowers-in-your-hayr ; @too-spoopy-to-be-frukd
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You heard the doorbell ring and the sound filled the bookshop. Finally, a costumer. Your very first costumer. How exciting! 
You got down of the ladder you had previously climbed to fix some of the higher shelves and passed your hands through your brown simple dress, making sure it was proper and in order. Mr. Cuthbert had taken a long time to finally accept you as an employee in his establishment and now, you had to make him proud. 
You had always loved books. Since you were just a little girl, you mother had given you novels to read and you grew up living in many different ones from the reality you actually found yourself in. Books were your passion, your refugee, your ideal spot. To be able to work around them and make people happy by buying books, well, it sounded like perfection! 
The costumer took his time to walk through the shop, eyeing the shelves like they were unusual strangers in the street and then, he got to you at the back of the bookshop. Your first costumer was a man. 
He was tall. Not too tall, but just enoguh to make him able to look at some of the upward shelves without having to raise his head too much. His skin was white, giving a nice contrast with the black coat he wore. He had a moustache and you could only see a few strings of his brown hair, due to the cap he wore.
Then, you realized. After taking notice of the cap, the fine clothing made sense. No ordinary man in Birmingham had such fine clothes to wear, especially not in the middle of the week, during the lunch break time of the factories. Oh no, that man absolutely did not work in a factory. That man was a Peaky Blinder. His only bosses were the Shelbys and the Shelbys only. 
"May I help you, sir?" you asked him with a polite smile, pushing to the back of your mind the realization you had just come to. It didn't matter who he was outside Mr. Cuthbert's bookshop. He was a costumer. Who clearly, for the way his eyes were going from one shelf to the other, intended to buy a book. 
He focused his eyes on you and you saw that his stare wasn't harsh or the one of a demon, as many people said the Peaky Blinders were. His eyes were kind, even though there was an agitation in them that you couldn't quite comprehend. Maybe not even he could. "Yes" he said simply and as you kept staring at him, waiting for further information, the man looked even a bit disconcerted, like he wasn't used to having such attention upon him. "It is my sister's birthday this week and Ada, well, she really likes books, has a great shelf of them at her house. So I thought it would be a good idea to you know, give her a new book as a gift"  
You couldn't help but smile. That man, whomever he was, seemed so genuine in everything. You could see the care in his expression when he spoke of his sister. It was a nice thing to see. The stories you had heard about the Peaky Blinders seemed to be all wrong. He was a normal person. Not some crazy, openly violent man. 
"Do you have any specific book in mind?" you asked him, hands joined in front of your body and excitement filling your body because that was apparently going to be a successful sell. The man just squeezed his lips on a thin line, eyes going to the floor  as if he was embarrassed. It got to you. "Don't worry, I am sure we can work something out. What kind of books does she like?" 
He watched as you moved around the place graciously. Clearly you knew every corner of that place, every shelf, every single book and where it was. You looked at a particular spot, frowned then moved on like there wasn't anything interesting for whatever you wanted him to take to Ada. "Well, she's a communist, so she does like politics" 
"Very well" you walked towards the politics shelf, searched the titles, but nothing particularly got your attention or seemed fitting. You turned back to the man. "Does she like classics that have to do with politics?" 
"I think so, what do you have?" he asked, seeming kinda excited for what you would come up with. He accompanied you as you went to shelf on the other side of the corridor and pulled out a book. "Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo. It's centered around the French Revolution" 
The man looked down at the floor again as a quite nervous laugh escaped his mouth. "I don't think that is a good idea. France does not give my family the best memories, you see" 
"You fought the war?" you asked, smile fading a bit because of the seriousness in his tone. Maybe that's where his agitation was from. Maybe, he never did get back from France at all. He only nodded in agreement, still not looking at you. "Thank you, for your service" 
He gave out a little smile, but you knew by the way the corner of his lips didn't rise too much that he was anxious to change the subject. Honestly, see the obvious hurt in him made you want to change it either. "Alright, no France. What about Bram Stoker's Dracula?" 
"Dracula?" he frowned, eyes meeting yours in utter confusion at such a strange name. 
The fact that he didn't knew about it made you smile as you began to describe que novel's story to him with a mysterious tone in your voice to cause suspense. "It's about an old man, Count Dracula, who lives in a castle and feeds on the blood of young women to survive. Sometimes he kills them so they can join him in the after life and also drink blood from innocent people" 
The man laughed due to your clearly forced misteirous tone and the way you raised your eyebrows at him while speaking, seeming to forget the previous sadness that had overwhelmed him with the memories of the war. You were glad for it. "That sounds bloody awful, love" 
You could not help but also laugh, trying to ignore the heat that took a hold of your face when he apparently without thinking, called you love. "It is, actually" then you shrugged, passing your hand through the said novel's cover at the shelf. "But is a fine horror book" you crossed your arms over your chest and squeezed your eyes in his direction. "Be honest with me now, will your sister like this one?" 
He squeezed his lips again, this time his features assumed a expression that clearly said 'sorry'. "I don't think so. Ada is a feminist. I think she would not like a story where a monster man kills women and faces no consequences" 
"That is a very good point" you said with a sight and then turned around, biting your lower lip as you thought and thought about more options. The challenge on your very first sell was being quite exciting and you could say, interesting. Much of it of course, was because of that man. Suddenly, an idea popped into your head and you turned back to the Peaky Blinder with a smile. "What about On the Origin of Species? It's a book about pure knowledge, scientific one, about evolution. No France, no monster that slaughters women" 
The man gave it a minute of thought and then returned your smile. "Knowledge and evolution. It does sounds like Ada" you both felt silent for a moment and then, he cleaned his throat and nodded towards the book you had just gotten into your hands. "I'll take it" 
"Very well" you motioned for him to follow you and then made your way towards the back of the shop again, placing it in the cashier. "You want it wrapped up as a gift?" he quickly agreed and you raised two options of gift wrap in the air. A green and a blue one. He chose the green one. "You can also add a small card if you want" 
"That is nice, thank you" he said and again, as you looked at him, the kindness in his eyes seemed to shine out from everything else. 
You grabbed a gift card from the inside of a box where they were kept and placed a black pen upon it. "You can write it or if you want, I can write it for you" 
"You should write it, I bet your handwriting is better than mine" he said and you chuckled, nodding as you agreed to his request. 
"What do you want it to say?" you waited as he clearly thought about the question, looking unsure. With one of his hands, he took off his cap and then passed the other one through his hair. When he claned his throat, you were ready to start writing. 
"Dear Ada, happy birthday" he looked at you as if that was it but then, seeing the expression on your face that clearly indicated you wished him to talk more, he thought for a second and then continued. " Since you like books so much, I hope you will like this one, that a very nice girl helped me pick" as you wrote with a smile on your face, you did your best not to raise your eyes to meet his. "I know I am not always a very good brother, but I love you. Happy birthday, Arthur" 
"That was beautiful" you told him, letting go of the pen and starting to wrap up the gift carefully, slowly, in no rush to let the Peaky Blinder go away. Arthur. His name was Arthur. It was a beautiful name. Suited him just fine. 
"Alright, then" his eyes went to the floor again, seeming now embarrassed because of your words. 
You finished to wrap the gift in silence, then when it was done, you sighted and looked at the man. "If you want us to deliver the gift at your sister's house, in case you're busy, we have a delivery boy for such" 
"That sounds good, I appreciate that" he replied. 
You nodded in agreement and got a piece of paper, to then grab the pen again. "Can you tell me her adress, please?" he did so, and you wrote it down so the boy Mr. Cuthbert had hired a little while before you could do his part of the job later. "He is supposed to look for Ada...?" you left the question in the air, waiting for him to answer, eyes still on the paper. 
"Ada Shelby" 
Your eyes snapped up on the very same instant. 
His sister was Ada Shelby. 
He was Arthur Shelby. 
"Something wrong, love?" he asked, and he didn't seem harsh like you expected him to, for the way you not in the slightly hid just how astonished you were to know his identity. His eyes were still kind, but a part of the previous sadness had come back. 
"I'm sorry, that was rude of me" you wrote down Ada Shelby and then left the paper upon the gift, at the corner of the cashier. 
"I'm used to that kind of reaction by now" he said with a nervous laugh, that carried absolutely no humor at all in it. Even if he was indeed used to the said kind of reaction, he clearly did not like it. You felt guilt consume you. "How much do I owe you?" 
You told him the price, still lost in your thoughts and cursing yourself for being so stupid and rude. So rude. He gave you the money, you placed it in the due place. "Have a nice day" he told you and then turned around to leave, placing his cap back in his head and then his hands went to the pockets of his clothes. 
You watched him leaving with a intense feeling of exasperation, tried to think fastly enough to say something and then before you could even really process what you were actually going to do, the words left your mouth. "Mr. Shelby?" he turned back around as he heard you calling, a bit of gentleness in his features. "If you ever need to buy another book, I am sure I can help you find something good" 
His lips curled up in a smile, a pure one. A bit of the guilt you felt left your body like he had just taken it completely away, just by smiling again. "I'll remember that, love" 
And then, Arthur Shelby left the bookshop.
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vminity21 · 4 years
Speak Now | myg
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Pairing: groom!yoongi x bestfriend!reader
Word Count: 3,124
Genre: angst/fluff
Warning(s): curse words used, mention of a toxic relationship, mention of advances toward infidelity Rated: pg 13
Summary: When the love of your life is about to marry the wrong person, you muster up enough courage to profess your heart before it is too late. By late, you mean the day of your best friend’s wedding.
Credits to: @suhdays​ for making the cover, you are my favorite! 
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With clammy palms, you relieve a steady breath descending into the pew while bundles of people bustle through the chapel doors in search for a place to sit. You picked the first available section that you saw and with a silent prayer, you hope that whoever chooses the same row will maintain their distance. With your mind racing, you frantically observe the scenery encompassing the audience from the colorful stained windows, the mahogany pulpit to the rich color of the carpet- absolutely anything to distract you from the overwhelming anxiety plaguing your tightening chest. There is, rather, one thing you are searching for. More like, someone. You are aware he is hidden in a room in preparation for the event about to take place, but unbeknownst to him, you did reluctantly, after many nights of pondering, decide to show up with a mission in tow. Your heart shattered in millions of pieces when you discovered, scrolling through social media, that Yoongi’s wedding ceremony was shared on his wall.  
Upon assumption, you were not invited to the event for reasons you are certain of. But this post gave you a date and a time to organize your thoughts and the words that you want to say.
Since elementary school, you and Yoongi have been inseparable. Thick as thieves as your best friend Monnie would say; two peas in a damn pod her boyfriend Jeongguk would say, and even your mother supported the dream of you and Yoongi getting married one day. That day seemed to vanish suddenly even though Yoongi has been your best friend for as long as you can remember, and regardless of him being taken, you have also been his shoulder to lean on throughout his incredibly toxic relationship with his soon to be bride to be. The comical part of it all to you is that she has never been fond of you from the beginning which you inwardly knew it boiled down to jealousy. And as you figured, you were not invited because she demanded so.
Anger brims harshly beneath you and in attempt to clear your unwanted thoughts, you shake your head. She’s irrelevant anyway. It is Yoongi I am here for. In the end, you are here for one reason and one reason only. For Yoongi to know how you feel about him once and for all.
“Y/N?” Jung Hoseok approaches you, one out of the six best friends Yoongi has other than you. From afar, shoulder leaned against the brick wall of the school, you stared in evident longing as Yoongi set his backpack in his car irritatingly. A fight unfolded between him and his girlfriend and the pair were oblivious to you being a witness. Uncertain of yet again why she was mad at him, you turned to face Hoseok with a gasp of surprise since he unexpectantly caught you hiding.  “Look,” he wets his lips, “If you don’t tell him how you feel, I will.”
“Please don’t!” You gasp, watching your volume as you switch your gaze to make sure Yoongi and the blundering wench hadn’t seen your presence. Turning to Hoseok, you plead, “It’s not-! What if?” You sigh, “What if I can’t? What if he still doesn’t get it?”
“But she’s not good for him and you know it. If there’s anybody who deserves each other it’s the two of you,” Hoseok’s expression becomes saddened when you look away from him. Emotions gather in the form of tears as you fight to hold them back.
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Well, I wouldn’t be standing here telling you to confess to him if I felt it was a bad idea.”
The church pews continue to become occupied until the echoes of conversation simmer to cease once the out of tune organ cringingly serenades the atmosphere. Wincing in response, you grit your teeth to stifle a giggle because of course the wench of the west would choose the most untuned instruments there are. Ultimately, how fitting can this be for a wedding that should not even be happening? Turning to look at the first coupled bridesmaid and groomsman, memories start to churn when you see each of Yoongi’s friends. Hoseok was not the only one who warned you ahead of time to profess your feelings for Yoongi.
“So, when are you going to tell Yoongi you’re ‘unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him?’” Taehyung’s fluffy curls fall into his eyes as his cheeky grin enters your vision. He is leaned over the back of the couch as he bounces from his knees hitting the cushion.
“And this concludes the last and final time that I will ever watch Twilight with you,” you announce, crinkling at the wrapper of a rice krispie treat from the kitchen. “I’m not as wanted as Bella Swan.”
“You see that’s where you’re wrong. What makes you think you are the only one who feels the connection?”
Pausing from your eventual snack, you glare at your friend, “I’m not in love with him,” you denyingly mutter.
“Your eyes say you are.”
“Gah! Taehyung, how many times do I have to tell you that it’s not going to happen, alright? He has a girlfriend. Obviously if he wanted me, he could have chosen me a long ass time ago. We’ve been in each other’s lives all this time, so why hasn’t he said anything?”
“Have you ever considered that maybe he thought he couldn’t?”
“Excuse me?”
“As being a previous ex of yours, let me explain.”
“We dated for two days. In the first grade!”
“It counts.”
You scoff, pressing the krispie treat underneath your palm as you lean onto the counter to steady your rising nervousness. After a moment, you signal for Taehyung to proceed.
“I think you tend to forget that you’re not the only one who is afraid to confess your feelings to someone. Yoongi may be afraid, too.”
You shrug in reply.
“You are his best friend, Y/N. Maybe he didn’t want to be at fault for ruining a friendship if you happened to not feel the same, so he settled for her.”
He’s right, and deep down beneath the fear, you know it. Stepping toward Taehyung, you ruffle his frilly tendrils, “I loathe you.”
Playfully slapping you away, he chuckles, “Hence why I force you to binge watch chick flicks with me. I loathe you, too.”
Taehyung and his bridesmaid LenLen remain poker faced as they gradually step down the aisle. The memory of Taehyung fades when you find Namjoon sitting alone staring straight ahead with the same expression and another flashback ensues.
After ranting about how hurt you are by the upcoming wedding date, Namjoon visits to console you since counseling is something he does daily, and he is the perfect friend who listens to every word you say other than Min Yoongi. “I just don’t get it. She treats him so poorly and all it does is break my heart. And of course, I never got an invite. She despises me!”
With crossed arms, Joon’s glasses sit daintily on his face while the turtleneck he is wearing shapes his frame- he looks incredibly professional even on his day off. “Yoongi asked me to be in the wedding,”
“Oh?” you say, “As he should. You are one of his best friends,”
“I am, but she happens to despise me, too.”
“What?” You gasp incredulously, “How could? Joon, how do you even know that?”
He settles upon the couch while your gaze follows him, a brief sigh brushes his lips, “He asked me to marry them which she openly opposed.”
“That’s.. That’s a really huge deal, Joon. So, are you going to do it anyways?”
“No,” Namjoon responds quickly, “The reason she despises me is because she thinks I will ruin her and Yoongi’s relationship, the same as she sees you- a threat.”
“But how?”
Joon rubs at the crease in his eyebrows, “She made advances toward me when they first started dating, and I couldn’t bring myself to tell him which is why I can’t push you to tell him your truth until you are ready. I was scared he would think I was lying. The last time I saw her was at a sports game and when he left to grab her a drink, she started touching my thigh and I left immediately.”
“That’s why,” your voice trails off as you remember something, “That’s why Yoongi was so worried about you! Because you never miss a game with him! It was because of that conceited, selfish bi-”
“Hey, let’s not stoop to her level. I strongly dislike her as well, she put me in a very uncomfortable position which is why I am never around when she is. I refuse to be pictured as whatever she decides to manipulate.”
“Joon,” you murmur, leaning forward to squeeze his shoulder, “We all know who you are. Yoongi adores you. Knowing how she is, we would have believed you over her most definitely. Are you going to attend the wedding at all?”
“I’m not sure,” your eyes flicker between his as sadness clouds them, “I want him to be happy and the only person he would be happy with is you.”
It was silent immediately after Namjoon said those words that are still repeating within your mind. Did all of Yoongi’s friends concoct a plan to nudge you to profess the entirety of your heart to him? And what happened to Namjoon was so cruel and it was the final straw that motivated and fueled you to do exactly what you are about to do today. She doesn’t deserve Yoongi, she doesn’t deserve his family, she doesn’t deserve his friends, and she most definitely doesn’t deserve his love. It is time for Min Yoongi to know the truth and nothing but the truth.
The piano chimes in with the organ clashing hideously as the time drags, and you notice Hoseok who is arm and arm with a bridesmaid you are unfamiliar with, stifling the urge to react to the disconcerted music. He takes his place where the best man stands and links his hands before him- a quick grin is shared with whoever he makes eye contact with and his dimples appear for the slightest of seconds. Seokjin and Jimin as well as Jeongguk are completely lined already and when Guk finally locks eyes with Monnie who is sitting in the audience, they share loving smiles. After today, if all works accordingly, Yoongi will be yours and you no longer would envy the love you always longed for with him.
Looking back especially after all the encouragement from you and Yoongi’s friends, there are moments where you almost worked up the bravery to tell him the truth, but it seemed with every opportunity, his girlfriend would find some way to interfere. It was as if she disturbingly knew your schedule and your thoughts which is something you never truly admitted to your friends. You didn’t want her to sound like an excuse that is holding you back from saving Yoongi’s heart from further turmoil.
Flitting your gaze to the handsome lineup of groomsmen, you realize not even one is smiling. Before you can contemplate further on all the reasons why there aren’t any smiles, you move your gaze just for your heart to halt instantly. There he is. Min Yoongi, the love of your life, dressed in a well fitted tuxedo that clings to his thin frame, makes his way timidly to stand in front of the pulpit. His blonde hair spreads neatly upon his forehead while his lips stay in a firm line once he takes a moment to fix the cuffs of his sleeves before resting his hands together in front of him. Gaping at how beautiful he looks; the nerves swerve tremendously inside you because the time is inching closer for you to tell him everything without holding back.
Your shoulders tense once the reverend directs the audience to rise, you are so focused on Yoongi, you hardly can hear the beginning of the wedding march as you swallow roughly. Standing to your feet, your hands are freezing when you hold them together, yet you muster enough to turn to see her make her entrance- the bride who wanted to hold captive of Yoongi’s heart. It’s hard to watch her smile at him as if she truly cares for him, it takes everything not to feel nauseated by the scene. The way she has treated Yoongi, Namjoon, and everyone else it feels like, will never settle with you. The times she obsessively called Yoongi whenever the pair of you would study together, interrupting the time he wanted to spend with his guy friends, or the curse words she would spew at him when she didn’t have her way; or the times she made him cry by threatening to leave him just to turn around and post a selfie of her and a random guy to make Yoongi jealous. So of course, Namjoon would have been heard. He has a heart of gold as well as the rest of the crew. And Yoongi deserves to surround himself with this serene positivity.
She stands before Yoongi as the two join hands. He hardly gives a smirk; doubt seems to exist within his glance, or so you hope. Your icy palms clasp together once the preacher bellows for the guests to now take their seats. The ceremony proceeds, yet you wait for the preacher to say the exact words you are desperately wanting to hear. Lightheaded, you feel the blood drain from your body despite the hammering your heart is profusely beating against your rib cage.
Never in your life did you dream you were going to do what you are about to do. It is bold. It is courageous. And you could care less about what the aftermath will be. The only person whose reaction matters is Min Yoongi’s. The reverend seems to drag his sentences, but when he clears his throat, you straighten your back in preparation for what is coming next.
“Speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Here’s your chance.
Hands shaking, body trembling, you jolt from your seat,
Dramatic responses of collected gasps reverberate to the ceiling of the building. Eyes turn to stare at you in congruent with the hushed whispers scattering amongst the pews wondering why you made such a bold choice; and, if looks could kill, you would drop lifeless by the dark daggers burning through your skull by the witch trying to be Yoongi’s forever. Fingertips numb, you try to tune out the raving murmurs, you hadn’t realized you closed your eyes for a few seconds to gather yourself, and when you open them, they instantaneously connect with Yoongi’s that enlarged in shock. His thin lips part and as you gaze at him, tears pool though you relentlessly try to fight them.
“Yoongi,” you speak between stammered breaths, “I know this is…. Sudden, and possibly the most insane thing I am ever going to do,” you put a quivering hand to your lips for a second then dropping it to your side, “But Yoongi, if there is anyone who deserves to spend the rest of their life with you, it’s me.” You cannot believe that sentence slipped from your mouth, but in your heart, you know it’s the truth. Just like that, without your knowledge, smiles begin to bloom from the men standing by Yoongi’s side. Not only do you see it, but so has everyone else who has been in each of your lives. Why else would his “bride to be” have been jealous of you since their whole relationship began a few years ago? She could even sense the chemistry you and Yoongi have shared and still share.
“Yoon, she will never see you the way I see you; the way your family sees you; or the way your best friends see you.” From your peripheral vision, you see a gleamingly proud Hoseok along with Namjoon whose hopes are flying as high as yours, but your gaze never once falters from Yoon’s. Wetting your lips, you continue, “I know you. I have always known you. And you deserve the world and so much more.” Yoongi steps forward then pauses to hear more of what you have to say, “And Yoon,” a tear escapes, trailing warmly down your burning cheek, “I am deeply, undoubtedly, and wholeheartedly in love with you.”
In that moment, Yoongi begins to walk down the stairs, Taehyung’s boxy smile lights up his face as he fist pumps excitingly in the air. You may not have used the exact words from his favorite script, but you know you are beyond words with how much you are in love with Min Yoongi. The horrified bride agonizingly tries to stop Yoongi, but he refuses to take his eyes off you, brushing past her, she lights up in prominent rage. You, with glistening hope sparking across your soul, you shuffle past the gawking people in the pew, ready to crash into Yoongi’s arms.
When he reaches you, his tepid palms cup your face, swiping away the tears that just keep falling as you stare into his umber eyes that mirror the emotions you have brought to him that he is finally seeing. Before you can take a breath, he leans in, capturing your kiss exactly how he has desired, but never found the courage to reveal, that he in fact would dream of you too on countless nights. Or when he felt uneasy or sad, he would relive the best memories that happened to be with you to give him peace. Everything you have ever dreamed of is coming true as the fireworks explode in every direction within your chests. He kisses you so passionately that you both forget about the world, your hands dig into the sides of his tuxedo jacket as he deepens the kiss, tugging him as close as he can be.
Namjoon starts clapping as he stands to his feet until the entire place erupts in a fit of cheers. Even though hundreds of people are encompassing the two of you, it still feels like it is only you and Yoongi within the vast universe. How long have you waited for this moment with the one person you have loved for so long? How many stars had you wished on to finally end up where the two of you are now?
Breathless, Yoongi rests his forehead to yours while the sensation of his kiss still lingers, dazed and filled with immense happiness, you gaze at him fully, he speaks, “I love you, Y/N. I love you so much.”
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Checking Sources
I’m taking a stab at the trope I’ve seen all over the place recently. But with a different twist. Oneshot - might continue if I get the desire.
Paris’ spotted heroine jumped slightly after being pulled from her thoughts. She’d been staring out over the city’s glittering lights, lost to the maelstrom of voices and recalled memories swarming her mind with a thoughtful (at least she hoped it was) frown on her lips. So much so, that she hadn’t noticed when her leather-clad partner had shown up to sit next to her on a night he was supposed to be taking off.
When the hell had he gotten there? She wondered, looking around quickly for any indication of how long she’d been stuck in her own head. 
“Hey Chaton, what are you doing out here? It’s my night to patrol.” She asked as another entirely panicked thought came to mind - that she’d been so dazed she’d missed the tell-tale signs of an Akuma.
But, before she could freak out any further, she took in Chat’s relative ease - or at least, he didn’t look like he was on the verge of jumping into a fight. He did seem apprehensive, though. She could tell in the way it tensed and squeezed his shoulders together like he wanted to be close, but wouldn’t dare come in contact with her.
Which made her wonder if she’d said or done anything recently to give him the idea he was overstepping his bounds. Or maybe he was mad at her for something? And wasn’t that just the icing on the cake that was her day? 
First, Lila had caused a major scene that got Marinette detention for the rest of the week (it all happened so fast, she barely remembers what the hell had even happened). Now she was having a panic attack over whether her partner was mad at her for something she didn’t remember doing? Who else was she going to piss off today?
“What’s your stance on sharing your identity?”
Panic attack on momentary pause, a dark brow shot up at the question, and if she wasn’t so wary of the way he’d said it with that uncomfortable look on his face, she probably would have been angry. But he seemed so off tonight that it was throwing her usual emotions for a loop. So, choosing not to go off on her partner, she sighed heavily, trying to keep her focus on him despite the bubbling irritation, “Chat, I’m sorry, but we’ve talked about this. Our identities are a secret for a reason.”
For the first time since he sat down (she thinks), she sees him glance her way if only slightly. The uncomfortable look on his face had softened a bit but he still has something unreadable in his eyes that makes Ladybug anxious, “So... you’ve never shared your identity? With anyone? Not accidentally or otherwise?”
If she didn’t know any better, she’d say his words were a little accusatory. 
Which, okay first off, what the fuck? And second, why was he suddenly giving her the third degree? 
Again, though, the entire display was throwing her and she knew she had to be rational about this. 
“No. Of course not. I promised you didn’t I? Once Hawkmoth was defeated, you would be the first person I told.” She stated as calmly and resolutely as she possibly can. She’d been clear from the start where she stood on the subject. 
As soon as the words left her mouth, Chat Noir visibly relaxed. Shoulders slumping and a breath heaving from his chest as he nodded, “Right. Right, of course.” He finally managed to turn to look at her and the discomfort was quickly hidden by a small smile.
The shift in his attitude was almost as disconcerting as his arrival.
“What is this about, Chatton?”
That smile faltered a bit as he looked away from her again, “There’s this-” he began but his words died before he shook his head, “No, it’s - it’s nothing. Sorry for bothering you about this. It was stupid.” 
Chat made to stand, but Ladybug caught his wrist before he could get away, “Obviously not if it brought you out here as upset as you looked. I know I can be a real stickler about the secret identities thing, but Chat, I’m not doing this to hurt you. I promise!” She implored, feeling like she’d missed something major. “If you’re being hurt or-”
Blonde hair flew as he shook his head quickly, “No, no. Nothing like that. Really. I know why you do. I won’t pretend it doesn’t suck, but I get it. Really, I do.” He tried to assure her, and while it did seem like he understood and he was being honest with her, he was still hiding something. Something that had driven him to come out and ask her these strange questions.
“Then what was all of this about?”
He had the decency to look apologetic at least as the corners of his mouth pulled up and he shook his head again, “It’s too personal - talking about it might give me away, Bugaboo, but I really am sorry about this. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Ladybug’s eyes darted back and forth as she watched him closely, but eventually, hesitantly, she let go of his wrist and allowed him to get up.
The whole conversation left an unsettling anxiousness over her and a rather uncomfortable tenseness in the air between them as he backed away and saluted before she even had the chance to say anything - disappearing into the night.
That unease followed her home and through her restless sleep and when she woke up the next morning, she couldn’t help but let it consume her thoughts. Distracting her as she made her way to class earlier than usual.
Distracting her so much, in fact, that she almost didn’t notice the crowd gathered around two individuals crammed into her usual seat next to Alya giggling and talking loudly.
As much as she hated it, Marinette had developed something of a sixth sense for the Italian exchange student Lila Rossi. A personal radar to warn her of the liar’s presence.
And it was going off big time.
It wasn’t uncommon for Lila to try and steal her spot when she could. Usually, it resulted in some sort of argument between Marinette and Alya when her supposed best friend defended the other girl for just wanting to hang out, and why didn’t she try being nice to the girl for once?
This time, though, Marinette was quickly made aware of three things:
1. Lila wasn’t alone.
2. Whoever this other girl was, she and Lila were already very close and that didn’t bode well for anyone - especially Marinette.
3. Adrien, who was an unfortunate captive in the crowd around his desk, looked really uncomfortable - more so than usual as he openly frowned at the desktop in front of him, trying not to associate with the things going on around him.
What the hell was going on? Marinette had only been gone from class for one afternoon! 
Alya was the first to notice her entrance to the class, giving her an unsure look from her seat (she had been pretty mad at her yesterday for whatever it was that landed her detention for the week), causing a ripple effect as Lila and her ‘guest’ looked up at her too, quieting down and catching everyone else’ attention.
The unfamiliar girl sized the noirette up before speaking, “Is this the girl you were telling me about?”
Lila put on her biggest, fakest, puppy-dog eyes and nodded softly, watching Marinette like she might lunge at her any second now. 
Like parting the red sea, the unfamiliar girl stood from her place at Marinette’s desk and the crowd around her gave her room to move, allowing her to make her way to stand haughtily before her. The girl was a tad taller than Marinette, but the platform sandals she wore made it so Marinette would need to look up at her slightly. She had dark, almost black, shoulder-length hair that hung loosely, but the color of her brows made it clear that it wasn’t natural. She’d dyed it, recently too, if the lack of root discoloration was any indication.
Marinette watched her approach with a raised brow, unimpressed by the superior gleam to the girl’s blue-green eyes.
“I heard you’ve been bullying my best friend.” She said, authoritatively, her hands propped on hips clad in Gabriel branded jeans.
There was a collective gasp among her classmates like this was some big reveal in a soap opera. 
The class rep merely blinked a moment, brow still raised because who the fuck even was this girl and why was she squaring up to her like she even had a chance? Actually, no, she didn’t care.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Marinette asked, but her tone gave away how few fucks she actually gave about the girl’s answer.
“For your information, it’s Bianca. I just transferred yesterday. But don’t change the subject. I’ve heard that you’ve been bullying my best friend Lila.”
Before Bianca had a chance to say any more, Marinette gave her a deadpanned look, “Well, sorry to inform you, but your best friend is a liar.”
Lila could immediately be heard breaking out into sobs somewhere in the background but Marinette was quickly losing interest in this conversation. 
“I don’t think she is. I think you’re the liar. In fact, I think people like you are what’s wrong with Paris. Always trying to hurt others so they get Akumatized and I have to clean up your mess.”
I’m sorry, what? 
That had Bluebell eyes snapping to focus on the girl in front of her. Interest piqued. 
“I’m giving you one chance. Stop being a menace to society or my partner and I will take action.”
There was quite a bit to unpack from that. Like... a lot. Menace to society? Partner? Take action?
Who did this girl think she was? Ladybug?
The one thing that seemed clear to Marinette after reviewing the word choices in her own head a few times, was that this was not a friendly recommendation.
“Are you threatening me?”
She probably should have sounded a little angrier. In fact, anything would have been better than bored. But she just couldn’t find the energy. 
A triumphant smile spread over Bianca’s face, as she disregarded the lack of fear in Marinette’s voice, “I don’t threaten people. But that is a promise.”
Marinette was left to blink at her a little longer. 
Because what even was happening here? What on earth had she done that the universe saw fit to drop this steaming pile of bull on her morning?
And why did it feel like the girl was hinting at something she wasn’t picking up on? Why was her body telling her that she needed to react while her brain was taking its sweet time to catch up with everything?
“Dude,” someone from the peanut gallery stage whispered, finding it in their heart to give her a helping hand, “That’s Ladybug!”
Lila shushed them loudly, “Guys, not everyone is supposed to know! We don’t know who we can trust!”
Wow. When she’d made that comment in her head before, she’d been joking but... seriously? Did she really just?
“You’re Ladybug?” Marinette asked, wanting to clarify and make absolutely certain that she hadn’t just imagined that last forty-five seconds of her life.
Bianca’s chin raised, literally looking down her nose at Marinette, “Normally I wouldn’t share that information with someone like you.”
Behind her, Adrien stood from his seat looking absolutely livid, but Marinette barely had a moment to even register the malice in the gaze he pointed at Bianca before - 
Marinette covered her mouth with her hand to stop it, but nothing could hold back the onslaught now. 
They were giggles at first, tumbling from her in waves as she tried to clear her throat and treat this seriously. But before long, she couldn’t help it. She was laughing out loud, doubling over, completely ignorant (maybe not completely, but she didn’t care at this point) to the looks of confusion on the faces around her.
She made the mistake of looking back up at Bianca and that only renewed her laughing fit until it literally brought her to her knees, clutching her sides as she laughed so hard she cried.
Fucking cried.
It was a solid five or six minutes before she could breathe again. Sitting back up, wiping the tears from her eyes, she beamed at the girl standing awkwardly before her, “Wow. Thanks. I really needed that.”
She cleared her throat, clearly unsure of the strange behavior. She couldn’t blame her for that. “I don’t see what’s so funny.”
“All of it. Really.” She stood up from the floor, making a show of dusting off her pants before turning her full attention back on the girl. 
Because this was going to be fun.
“So, Ladybug, tell me this; if I’m such a menace to society, why would you entrust me with a miraculous?”
Bianca's smirk faltered, her eyes darting over to Lila for a moment, both of them looking a little lost for words. As was everyone else for that matter.
Even Alya, whose mouth hung open at this revelation. But the reporter flew to her phone, swiping quickly, "when?! There were no new heroes! How do we know you're not lying?"
Oh good. They were playing right into it. One thing you could always count on with sheeple... they always follow.
"Huh, well, then I guess if you can’t believe me at my word, it would be pretty easy to fact check." Her tone was a bit forced on those words and the reporter had the decency to look taken aback, "You could always just ask Ladybug, here."
"Well I-"
"Or you could ask her partner. Seeing as how he saw me transform."
Bianca's mouth snapped shut. It was still hit or miss whether or not Marinette was bluffing. And it's easy to claim something like that when the only other person who could confirm or deny the facts was not present.
This had been Lila’s game the whole time. The difference was, Marinette wasn’t lying.
But neither of them could take that chance.
Because neither of them knew what she knew.
And Ladybug was definitely in this room, but it wasn’t who they all thought it was.
"I asked her to give you a chance. Because I wanted to help you. I thought being a hero would make you a better person. But you just kept bullying me!"
Ah, so they were going to go this route, hmm? She could work with that. And given Lila’s proclivity for being Akumatized, maybe she could mess with Hawkmoth too while she was at it. 
Because it was only a matter of time before someone was targeted.
"How very generous of you, Lila," She said in her sweetest voice possible, but even to her own ears, it sounded fake. How did Lila keep this up all the time? “But, that’s not what you said on the tower when we fought that Akuma together.”
"What did you think I would say when you were obviously unfit to be a Hero! I didn’t want to risk you turning on me.”
“You didn’t think I was unfit when I helped save you and Chat Noir.” This time, it felt a little more realistic when she put the hurt look on her face, glancing away.
In the process, she caught sight of Adrien giving her a strange look. One she couldn’t really put a name to. But it was different than all of her other classmates. Why did he seem so much more confused than the others? 
The girl scoffed, "leave my partner out of this." She demanded, and it felt like a desperate attempt at redirecting the conversation. 
Fine. She could work with that too.
"You... do know that your 'partner' is my best friend, right?" She turned an apologetic look to Alya she only half meant, "sorry Als, but - you know," Marinette pointed between the two of them indicating the distance that had grown between them. They weren't nearly as close as they'd used to be. And while they were still friends, Marinette had a hard time categorizing her as her 'best friend'.
And the implication wasn't wasted on the reporter either. She was left staring wide with bewilderment and hurt. But Marinette was less positive it was because of not being best friends anymore and more that she hadn't told Alya that she spent time with one of the heroes she loved to chase.
"My partner would never hang out with someone like you."
God, she was just a broken record, wasn’t she? Did she really still think she was bluffing?
With a scoff and a soft shake of her head, Marinette pulled her phone from her pocket and swiped through her pictures until she found what she was looking for.
She wasnt trying to be smug about the way she flipped her phone around so she could show the class, but she definitely couldn't help the little smirk that pulled at her lips as the class gasped again, pulling closer so they could study the photo.
A photo of her and Chat Noir sitting a little too close together on her chaise lounge. Marinette sticking her tongue out at the camera, while chat gave the overly kawaii victory peace sign over his left eye like he was straight out of an anime. It was one of her favorites. They'd spent nearly the whole night binging on shows together after a particularly stressful day. The pictures had been a side effect of too much sugar, not enough sleep, and good company. And for some reason when Chat found out she’d been Multimouse, that increased her ‘coolness factor’ and they had something in common.
Of course, she couldn’t tell him that wasn’t the only thing they had in common.
Either way, it had brought them closer together as friends and they hung out often. 
Which was a reprieve given that most of her friends had abandoned her anyway. 
As Bianca stared a little blankly at the picture, a number of voices all began to pick up around them.
"You're actually friends with chat noir? That's so cool!"
“Does that mean you hang out with the other heroes too?”
“What is Chat Noir really like?”
"Wait, then that means you really were a hero? I thought heroes had to keep their identities secret."
That’s the one she’d been waiting on. Quickly silencing the others with a pointed look back at Bianca, "They do. But I'm not a hero anymore, am I Ladybug?"
"Why was it again that I’m not allowed to be Multimouse again?" She put a thoughtful finger to her chin, but she felt her own fire building in her core, “I’m pretty sure it was nothing to do with being a menace to society.”
She tapped her chin a few more times, looking around deep in thought. Catching another glimpse of Adrien studying her carefully, but she refused to let his perfectness distract her because fuck these people.
Fuck the high road.
If he was going to be mad at her for standing up for her alter-ego then fuck him too.
But he didn’t seem mad. 
In fact, as soon as she locked eyes with him, a slight smirk pulled at his lips. It was roguish and totally out of place on his angelic face, but goddamn did it do things for her.
But the smirk paired with the slightly raised brow aimed at her said, ‘Yes, what did Ladybug say?’
It’s sarcastic and playful and familiar in ways her heart is not ready to admit.
But that would have to come later.
Marinette spun back to the imposter, narrowing her eyes dangerously, "Oh right! Because I'd accidentally revealed my identity to Chat Noir. Because identities are supposed to remain a secret."
"W-well th-there are exceptions!" Bianca tries to defend, but Marinette isn’t going to let her.
“No, I think you, just like your supposed best friend, are a liar. You’re not Ladybug. You don’t know a damn thing about Ladybug. Because if you were, you’d already have been beaten. You’ve been in this classroom all of what, one day? And the entire class already knows your ‘identity’? We’re all lucky you aren’t one of the heroes, otherwise, Hawkmoth would already have won!”
She was fuming now. All of the emotions finally catching up with her. She thrust an accusatory finger at Bianca, making the girl stumble back slightly, “You don’t know a damn thing about what it takes to be a hero. What they have to sacrifice to keep people safe. Besides, Ladybug and Chat Noir don’t even know each other's identities - why the hell would Ladybug share something like that with a classroom full of people who’ve been Akumatized at least once and not share that with her own partner?!”
Whatever fear she’d instilled in the new girl quickly swapped for something much closer to fury as she reclaimed her balance and advanced on Marinette with a fire burning in her eyes. “How dare you call me a liar, you little fucking brat!” 
Surprised at the outburst, Marinette didn’t move when she saw Bianca raise her hand to strike her, instead, closing her eyes and bracing for the blow.
A blow that never connected. 
A gasp brought Marinette to peak open her eyes before they widened at the scene.
Bianca stood where she had previously, hand raised and poised to strike. But just behind her, Adrien had moved - impossibly quick, seriously when the hell had she gotten up? - and grabbed the girl’s arm, hand clutching tightly at her, keeping her still.
“That’s enough.” He hissed at her, voice low and threatening. “If it wasn’t clear before, it definitely is now. You’re not Ladybug. She would never raise a hand to a civilian like that!”
“B-but - !” Lila tried to come to her ‘friend’s’ defense but was silenced when he shot her an equally terrifying look.
“I’ve had enough of you trying to turn everyone against Marinette. I knew you both were lying when you ‘accidentally’ revealed Ladybug’s identity to me yesterday, but I didn’t have proof to prove it. You’ve been lying to everyone about everything!”
Wait... The way he’d said accidentally... why did it seem so familiar? 
Her thoughts of the blonde-haired, green-eyed model were very suddenly replaced with thoughts of a similarly blonde-haired, green-eyed superhero who’d come looking for her on his night off, asking if she’d ever ‘revealed herself, accidentally or otherwise’.
“Adrien! Y-you’re hurting me!”
Marinette’s eyes were drawn to the boy’s hand, still tightly clutching Bianca’s in a vice grip that would likely leave bruises.
But that’s not what she was focused on. Instead, it was the familiar shape of his silver ring that drew her eye. Familiar because she’d seen him wear it since the first day she’d met him and never took it off. 
Except for the day they’d done the shoot for her website.
The day she and Chat had to switch Miraculouses.
Adrien was Chat Noir.
Her kitty had been there the entire time.
That’s why he’d been so angry. That’s why he’d looked so upset. That’s why he’d come looking for her and asking such strange questions!
Because Lila and her lackey had chosen the one person who’d know for a fact that they were lying.
And if she thought she couldn’t love him any more than she already did, she was sorely mistaken.
“What is going on in here?!”
She didn’t pay much attention to the chaos that ensued after Madame Bustier had walked in the room. Lila and Bianca had claimed Marinette attacked and Adrien had stepped in to help her and they were both sent to the hall because a number of people started speaking up and coming to their defense, suddenly not blinded by Lila’s lies any longer.
But now, she was standing in the hall next to her crush and her partner. 
“I’m so sorry Marinette.”
Her thoughts came to a startling halt as she turned wide eyes on him.
“I shouldn’t have ever told you not to call her out. I was stupid. I just hope you’ll forgive me someday.”
Marinette couldn’t help the smile that pulled at her lips, because how could she not have noticed? Model or not, that was the heart of her partner beating in that beautiful body of his. 
“There’s nothing to forgive, Adrien. Besides, at least you checked your sources.” She chuckled, finding so much irony in that statement. If he hadn’t come looking for her, she probably wouldn’t have put it together.
He turned a confused look on her.
The smile she turned on him in return was brighter than she’d given anyone in some time, “I told you, didn’t I? You’d be the first to know.”
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anemcia · 2 years
@risingsouls​​​ asked: Love me for the drabble meme. gimme some celldew fluffers
Ancient Drabble meme I’ve needed to get to LMAO ;0; - [NO LONGER ACCEPTING]
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🌊  𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒆  🌊   -  CELL X HONEYDEW
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Cell loathed her more than usual, but not for the reasons he once understood. The gears of their relationship had turned unexpectedly, a foreign entity nestled comfortably in the depths of his very core. Hands would twitch and curl, praying for a chance to claw out this disconcerting invader; futile as he unfortunately knew it to be. He became careless, weak, desperate, all for a lowly human well overdue for disposing. She had grown too familiar, foolish enough to entertain utter monotony at her behest. Games, movies, idle chit-chat, standing closer each time before they had inevitably cornered themselves into a direct confrontation. He was sure they had argued over something banal, bickering slowing and tensions heating abruptly. Honeydew’s scent had changed soon after, one he would grow to familiarize in these ‘situations’.
What should have remained ‘professional’ between the two had spilled from his fingertips, enamoured with the soft complexion of her cheek as he currently caressed it. For all the training time he’s spent beating her into submission, never once did he acknowledge how tender flesh could be. Honey’s candid gaze remain steady against his own, a mixture of uncertainty and trust silently laid before him. It stirred warmth in his features, subtle yet noticeable from this distance. He leaned closer, just enough to feel his breath dance against her neck. Strange... To think this is not the first time he had seen her nude figure in full, circumstances greatly differed from the context they share now. Now that he has the time to process-- he hasn’t been able to take his eyes off his farmer. 
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“...Are you that confident I won’t kill you? Brave as you are, your glaring naiveite is just as apparent. What are you hoping to gain from me? Love? Are you sure that is what you want? It could very well become the thing that damns you...” He asks, almost hesitantly, before his lips locked themselves against her own. A muffled gasp was all he could hear, noting how quickly her body released tension and relaxed. Pulling away suddenly, another pause fell between the two as he collected his next set of thoughts.
“And yet, your luck is seemingly endless. So many times have you defied me, enraged me, impressed me... Perhaps I am finally seeing why you are so special to me. There is no one else who could... Challenge my boundaries and live to see another day-- at least no one of your kind. You... Fascinate me.”
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It was painfully clear she racked her own brain for responses, anything to match his own confession without overtly gushing. While their entire time together was far from perfect, the smaller moments of peace had, ironically, turned the tides in equal interest for one another. Her chin trembled, so caught up in her attempts to spit out a single word that he had all but caught her lips once more, applying heavier pressure than the last. Arms would instinctively wrap around his neck, pulling him that much closer into their kiss that it was practically suffocating. This posed no problem for Cell, relishing in her struggle for breath until he allowed it.
A sharp rise in hunger quickened his movements as her scent grew stronger, one hand gripping the back of her hair as the other clasped firmly against her rear, earning a quieted yelp from his victim. In spite of the mental haze thickening, she would find her voice just before he would continue his onslaught of affections.
“You...! Y-You fascinate me just as much!... I’ve learned so much as your student and I don’t ever want to stop, not even after I become the strongest Earthlin’. I can’t predict what the future holds, whatever it is you choose to do with it-- but I... Want to be there with you. Always. As long as you wait for me, I’ll wait for you.”
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He stared at her, longer than what he had intended. Maybe it was the way she phrased it, but he could not shake the feeling that a silent promise was made. For as much as he yearned to be away from the farm and out of this human’s life, he can no longer picture a life without her presence. No one else but her could receive such an honor, passionately commemorating their revelations with intimacy that would now occur a bit more regularly.
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knockknockchicagopd · 4 years
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❚❙ REQUEST BY @supervalcsi: Yayyyyy requests are open!!! Can I pretty please get random prompt #13 with my man Kevin Atwater? Thank you, so much love!!! 💕❤💕💕
❚❙ Prompts: “You could have gotten yourself killed!” “But… I didn't?”
❚❙ WORDS: about 1.2k
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted.
❚❙ GIF credits: to the author.
❚❙ Tag list: @melblacc @rebelwrites @skyofficialxx @sesamepancakes @scarletsoldierrr @mondefantastique @that-chick212 @enbyamaro @inlovewith3 @ocetevasgirl @destynelseclipsa @jadakiss13 @mcgreads @graniairish. If you want to be added to my tag list, send me a message.
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When you woke up this morning and noticed how cold was the other side of your bed, you knew something was wrong. The lack of texts or a call from Kevin was the confirmation. You have been dating for the last three months, but you already know him better than anyone. Whenever he's not working or having a break at Molly's, he is with you. He told you he had to go to see a friend and after that, he would drive to your house. But he never came. That's what took you to the twenty-first District. You didn't know anyone there, beyond what you had heard from your boyfriend, but you were aware of who you were to look for.
Walking to the desk, you waited patiently for the old woman to attend to you. Platt. Kevin had talked about her a lot of times and, in your opinion, she didn't look that grumpy.
“How can I help you?” She asked, putting down her glasses.
“I… I need to… talk with Adam Ruzek”.
She raised an eyebrow with curiosity, quickly noticing your nerves and the way your eyes became crystal, at the edge of the tears. Her gesture turned abruptly, nodding with parted lips before stepping out from the desk to guide you upstairs through a fence. You were almost shaking when you reached the top floor. Recognizing Kevin's best friend instantly, after seeing some pictures together, you ran towards him to wrap your arms around him. You broke into bitter crying, while your boyfriend's partners looked at Platt waiting for an explanation.
“Huh… you okay?” The man asked confused, stroking your back in an attempt to calm you.
Hardly sniffing, barely breathing, you pulled yourself away trying to form a phrase with sense to explain your paranoia. A brunette girl offered you a kleenex, as a blonde one helped you to sit on a chair. Burgess and Upton. You were very sure. The other men at the other extreme of the place were Dawson, Olinsky, and Voight.
“I am… Kevin's girlfr—girlfriend. I think he's missing”.
You cleaned the tears wetting your cheek, while Kim squatted close to you. Everybody was confounded and disconcerted because of your affirmation. Because of both.
“He texted me telling me he'd go to see a friend and the—then... he'd come to my house. But he didn't come. He didn't text me or anything. I… I know how it sounds. I know it sounds crazy, but… he never shut his phone off…”
“What hour was when you talked to him for the last time?” Ruzek whispered thoughtfully.
“Eight o'clock”.
Your eyes went straight to the sergeant, to his boss. He saw the desperation in your eyes. He saw you were telling the truth and, for him, it was strange that Kevin hadn't come to work yet. It was almost ten in the morning.
“Burgess, stay with her and give her something warm to drink. Everyone else; I want Atwater's phone and car signal. Let's find him”.
Soon, the whole department was patrolling the city, even looking under the stones. Officers walked from one place to another making phone calls, checking security cameras, triangulating every move Kevin could do last night… Anything to locate him and bring him back. Apparently, all his friends agreed with your paranoia, turning it into reality when Adam received a call on his undercover phone. But Burgess didn't let you hear it, closing the door after abandoning the small kitchen separated from the work zone.
You were a bundle of nerves not being able to stop sobbing, feeling a strong headache growing in the center of your forehead. Just by thinking that something had happened to him, the pressure within your chest contracted your lungs and closed your throat. No one noticed before you did. What if you hadn't given it any importance? Sitting on the sofa and nailing your elbows on your lap, you covered your face with both hands. You couldn't hold the furious and frustrated tears for any longer. Even if you didn't have a reason to, you were feeling guilty.
The incertitude was driving you crazy as the hours continued passing away without any news about Kevin. You could see his Unit working through the large window, trying to read lips to figure out what was happening. But nothing. You were good at serving drinks, not being a detective. The sensation of being useless was killing you. The only thing you wanted to do was to help, but Kevin's boss asked you to wait there for them before leaving the building.
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It's almost noon when you hear voices and steps again coming closer, going upstairs. You can't help but jump from your seat to open the door of the kitchen, trying to recognize Kevin's voice, but you don't. Their partners appear on the scene with satisfied smiles on their faces and you don't know what it means until they open the way for your boyfriend, walking behind them. He looks exhausted, but he isn't hurt. Your lips start to tremble about to cry when he raises his eyes towards you and you can't feel your heart stopping for a second.
Taking some steps closer, you don't question why their friends leave you alone continuing their way through another door at the right of the stairs. You want to say sorry for coming to the District because maybe a call would be enough, but you couldn't wait. Even so, you're aware that if it hadn't been for you, he probably would be missing yet.
“I was worried”. You babble rubbing your hands and biting your bottom lip.
But Kevin doesn't reply, going straight to you to place his arms around your body, embracing you with the strength he has left after all that has happened. You break into a soft cry, a happy one for finally having him back. Safe and sound.
“It's okay, baby… It's okay”. He whispers trying to comfort you, tilting his head to place some kisses on your temple. “I got you really spoiled, uh…? I don't text you and you think I've been kidnapped”.
Gulping a loud laugh, you nod pulling yourself away a little. Luckily, you weren't wrong and his friends didn't think you were crazy.
“Why did you go alone? You could have gotten yourself killed…”
“But I didn't”. He jokes drawing a funny gesture, turning it after in a brief smile. “You were protecting me, weren't you?”
“Kev… I just…”
“You did the right thing coming here, okay? I'm not angry, or upset”.
Your boyfriend cups your cheeks onto his palms, leaning forward to press his lips on yours, pecking them once and once before spreading kisses all around your face.
“Lemme take you home, alright? You've earned all my attention for today”.
“I will take care of you today”. Shaking your head as you sniff, you hug him again as much tightly as you can, not wanting him to be separated from you another time. “I… I love you, Kev”.
“I love you too, (Y/N). You can't really imagine how much. What you've done today… I'm sure other girls would've thought I just ghosted them. But you came here and put my friends to work”.
“I'm more like the psychotic kind of girlfriends”.
“Yeah, you have mobilized more than eighty cops to find me. Should I be scared?” The jokingly on his voice, while he raises both eyebrows, makes you laugh cleaning your tears with the fist of your sleeves.
“Maybe just a little…”
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chaoticpuff17 · 4 years
Something Wicked
part 9
Alright my darlings! It’s a little shorter than I would have liked, but it’s here!--- chaotic puff. 
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Every day with Jin was lived in fear, but there was something especially disconcerting about him now. Jin was terrifying enough as it was, but seeing him truly angry with her was another story all together. The fact that Jinnie was there with her now was a small consolation though. The dog had a distaste for Jin though not as great a one as she would have preferred, and it didn’t stop the way that Jin was absolutely seething. They both knew that he was angry, but Jin had decided to treat her indiscretion as a onetime mishap along with the warning that if she defied him again she wouldn’t like the consequences.
The evening had been tense. She couldn’t stop the way she trembled ever so slightly, and Jin kept a hawk like gaze on her. Y/N never thought that she would miss the days of being his step and fetch, but she would have given anything to go back to that. There was something so inexplicably wrong about Kim Seokjin. She had always found him annoying, trying, but she had never thought that he could do anything like this.
“You’ve barely touched your dinner, darling.” Jin mused setting aside his own utensils, quirking a brow at her from where he sat on the other side of the dining room table. He preferred meals to be served in the dining room. The breakfast in the kitchen her first day had been a special occurrence. Everything in Jin’s home was done by the book, the perfect home for the perfect family.
“Is everything alright?” He asked his gaze dark and unsettling.
She froze, straightening up in her seat at the question. “I’m fine.” She smiled weakly pushing her food around her plate.
“Was my gift not pleasing?” His tone was sharp and accusing causing the tremor in her hands to increase to a more noticeable shaking. “Really, darling. I try so hard to please you.” He sighed placing his napkin on the table, leaning back in his seat to stare her down. “I’d hate to think you were being an ungrateful little brat.”
He loved the way she trembled so delicately in her seat. She looked so small and fragile, so perfect. If only she would obey, he sighed to himself. She was supposed to be settling in, but she was more stubborn than Jin had given her credit for, his poor stupid darling.
“I’m sorry, Jin.” She whimpered trying her best to keep a stiff upper lip and quell the trembling in her hands. He found too much pleasure in her weakness, and she hated showing it to him. She hated him.
Every whispered apology tasted like ash on her tongue. Every touch sent a shiver of disgust running down her spine, but none of that mattered. She had to survive. She had to survive long enough to get out and tell the police just how crazy the supposed golden boy was.
“Come here, darling.” He beckoned watching closely as she hesitated to follow his order, but the still fresh and aching wounds across her body prompted obedience. She didn’t want to risk further injury.
She got up a little stiffly partly due to the fear of Jin and partly because of the welts. Jin was in charge of medication. She’d found one of the bathroom cabinets completely locked to her, presumably that was where the medication was so she’d been denied any Tylenol without his presence, and much like he had always been, Jin was a petty bitch. He was upset with her so he continued to withhold any sort of pain relief.
Once she was by his side, Jin pulled her down into his lap nuzzling into her neck as he trapped her in his arms. “Did you like your gift?” He asked again his tone clearly telling her what her answer should be.
“It was perfect.” She murmured doing her best not to shy away from him.
“Mumbling, mumbling, mumbling.” He sighed pulling back and turning her chin in his direction so that she was looking at him. “I don’t like mumbling, darling. Speak up.” He ordered squeezing her head a little more roughly than was comfortable.
“It was perfect.” She repeated her voice louder and clearer now.
He hummed in approval, smiling softly as he placed a quick peck on her lips. “Then how will you thank me, my love?”
“What?” She asked the dread unfurling in her belly.
“I think I deserve some thanks for such a thoughtful gift.” He murmured placing an open mouthed kiss just below her ear. “Why don’t you show me what a good girl you are?” He asked his arms tightening around her.
“Jin.” She whimpered squirming uncomfortably in his arms as she tried to loosen his hold.
“Shhhh, darling.” He hushed trailing his nose up the line of her neck. “Don’t you want to be a good girl for me?”
“Jin, please.”
“I’ll make you feel so good, darling.” He promised nipping at her ear and chuckling at the way she shivered. He pushed her up delivering a swift smack to her ass as a prompt for her to start moving, but she stood still staring at him like a deer caught in the headlights as he stood up as well.
He watched her for a moment waiting to see if she would move on her own before sweeping her up in his arms like a new bride, relishing the way she yelped and wrapped her arms around his neck to keep herself from falling.
“Up we go, darling.” He laughed jostling her slightly as she clung to him in fear as he started to take them to the bedroom.
“Please, Jin.” She whimpered. “Please don’t.” She begged bile rising in her throat as they reached the top of the stairs.
“Hush, darling.” He grinned down at her the expression anything but comforting. “Be a good girl for, daddy.”
Daddy? When had that happened? Granted the most Jin had done to her was some kisses and some very uncomfortable forced nudity on her part. She had no idea what he expected of her when it came to any of that.
“I don’t want this!” She squirmed trying desperately to get out of his arms as they reached the door to the bedroom.
He let her tumble down from her arms watching with sick satisfaction as she thumped against the floor with a shriek of pain.
“My poor clumsy darling.” He sighed grabbing her arm to pull her back up from the floor. “What would you do without me?”
“Please!” She sobbed as Jin pulled the zipper down on her dress pushing it off her shoulders and letting it pool on the floor as she tried to squirm away from him.
“Hush, darling. Be a good girl for daddy.” He purred yanking her arms away from her torso where she tried to keep herself covered. “Beautiful.”
His gaze swept over her figure taking in the dark blue bralette she sported and the matching lacy underwear. She had chosen it because the underwires on the normal bras hurt her still fresh welts, but Jin could only focus on how the lace molded to her body like a present just for him. He loved seeing her in the clothing he bought. He especially loved seeing her in the array of lingerie that he had provided. Every piece was picked out by him for him, and he did so love her in blue.
“Jin!” She shrieked pushing him away and packing away shaking like a leaf.
Jin didn’t care though. She was his. Why shouldn’t he have her in every way? And hadn’t he been patient? Hadn’t he waited, let her adjust to life with him? Was that not kind of him?
He backed up against the bed watching in delight as she stumbled back sprawled out against the mattress looking so enticing with her wide eyes and trembling limbs. “You look so pretty for daddy. You always look so pretty.” He murmured shrugging off his shirt and crawling on top of her trailing hot kisses up her chest up towards her neck as she struggled beneath him.
“Stop!” She screamed scratching at his chest in an effort to make him get off of her.
“You always looked so good in those tight fucking skirts.” He growled nipping at her neck. “You don’t know how many times I wanted to bend you over my desk and ruin you.”
“Stop!” She sobbed pushing back against him desperately.
“Hush, darling. Be good for daddy.”
“No!” She shrieked as Jin pinned her legs down followed quickly by her arms.
“Don’t fight it, darling.” He purred keeping her still beneath him as he began to tug at the straps of her bralette.
“Stop! Stop! Stop!”
Jin paused looking down at her in annoyance. “Why must you always fight me?” He growled.
“I’m not… I’ve never!” She was sobbing her words coming out in a jumbled mess, but it caused Jin to stop, to pause and consider.
“You’re not what, my darling?” He purred nipping at her throat seductively. “You know daddy doesn’t like it when you mumble.”
“I haven’t! Please!” She gasped squirming underneath him.
“Always mumbling.” He sighed trailing his free hand down her body towards the lace of her waist band. “Don’t worry, darling. I’ll have you screaming for me soon.” He promised placing a kiss between her breasts before dipping his hand into her panties slipping one long finger into her woefully dry heat.
They were both surprised as Jin reeled back in shock staring down at her still covered pussy as though it was going to bite him before a pleased smirk settled over his features.
“My poor sweet darling. Why didn’t you tell daddy you were still a virgin?” He purred leaning down to nuzzle into the space between her neck and shoulder. “You kept yourself nice and pure for daddy.” He purred pleased as punch by the discovery.
“Please don’t!” She sobbed pushing against his chest again now that he had released her wrists.
“Hush, darling.” He cooed gently rubbing his thumb back and forth against her cheek. “I’m not mad at you. How could I ever be mad about this?”
“I don’t… I don’t!” She sobbed still desperately pushing against him. “Please!” She shrieked pushing him back, and for once, Jin actually backed away, sitting up. Even though he was still on top of her, but not hovering directly on top of her anymore.
“Shhhh, darling.” He cooed brushing a piece of hair away from her face. “Tell daddy what’s wrong.” He pulled her up turning them around so that he was leaned back against the headboard with her leaned back against his chest wrapped up in his arms.
Her mind was whirring as she tried to come up with an excuse as to why he needed stop, why she needed him very very far away from her. The hardness pressed against the small of her back wasn’t helping anything.
“I was… I was waiting for… I…”  Jin hummed nuzzling into her neck again as he waited for her to collect her thoughts. “I was waiting for… for marriage. I haven’t… I’ve never…”
Jin shushed her fully understanding and pride welling up in his chest. Of course she was waiting. She was his pure little darling. How could she ever let herself be soiled by anyone else? If she wanted to wait for marriage, he’d indulge her. He’d simply have to move up his time table, not that that would be an issue. He was thrilled by the prospect of making her Mrs. Kim Seokjin sooner than anticipated. He wanted nothing more than to bind her to him legally and forever.
“Of course, darling.” He cooed. “Of course we can wait.” He would agree to anything after having been pleased by the knowledge she hadn’t been touched by any other man, especially by that worm Kim Minseok. She was perfect, perfect and unspoiled just for him.
He scooped her up in his arms taking her towards the bathroom. “Let’s take a bath, hm?” He suggested as he set her down on the counter. “Just relax, darling.” He cooed placing a sweet kiss on her lips. “I’ll take care of everything.” He promised smiling happily.
But his happiness was anything but reassuring for Y/N. She had put him off for now, but how much longer could she fend him off? What plans did he have forming in that twisted mind of his? She didn’t know if she could survive much more of him, but did she have a choice?
part 10
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peggyrose19 · 3 years
Hold Me While You Wait
Welcome to part 2 of me writing St. Tweedle instead of sleeping! What can I say, they’re fun. So here’s Remus finding out about the two of them. ( if you know the song from the title you get a gold star) also in case you weren’t aware i don’t know how actual conversations work.
characters by @lumosinlove
@im-oknutzy-trash, @wonder-womans-ex
Luke found himself fiddling as he waited in his room. He didn’t normally get so antsy, could usually keep a relatively calm exterior. But in his room, hidden from curious eyes, his walls dropped, letting his nerves peek through. His expression, staring back at him from the mirror he stood in front of, was stony and pale.
“Relax,” a familiar voice said. Luke didn’t even flinch, so familiar by now with Saint’s random appearances. 
“How am I supposed to relax?” he asked exasperatedly, moving on from the buttons of his jacket to his cuffs. He didn’t look at Saint, but could hear him moving, could imagine his lithe body sliding through the window, blond hair catching the last strains of golden sunlight. He could picture the smirk too, as Saint came up behind him, close enough to touch. 
“It’s just Remus,” Saint murmured softly, surveying Luke in the full-length mirror they stood before. Luke watched his face in the glass. “We hang out with him all the time. And besides,” he added, “you look good. No need to fix what isn’t broken.”
Luke turned to face Saint, mere breaths separating them. “When did you become all philosophical?”
There was a softer side to Saint, Luke had discovered over the past few months. One that only came out when they were alone, as if Saint was afraid of anyone else knowing that he did actually have a heart. And he cared a lot more than he ever let on. That was the thing about Saint. He always held things inside. He was this wild swirling storm of emotions, warring with each other constantly and held at bay by an icy wall of sharp wit and easy sarcasm. Luke liked to tell himself that it was him who brought Saint’s walls down, let him show that delicate interior beneath. 
“It’s all your fault,” Saint replied then, and Luke smiled. “You’re a bad influence on me, Tweedle, what can I say?”
Luke smiled, and leaned forward to kiss Saint gently. He too was softer with Saint than anybody else, letting him see the caring parts of himself. There was something about Saint that felt safe, felt like home. 
“Tell me it will all be okay.”
Saint’s expression flickered. “Well, I can’t tell you that, Tweedle,” he replied, not unkindly. “I can’t control it, can I? And I mean, he’s your friend, is he not? You should know better than to ask me, what do I know of Remus Lupin? That he’s mad? That he’s in love with Sirius? That’s about all I can give you, babe.”
Luke knew that wasn’t true—from the gleam in Saint’s eyes he did too—but he also knew that wasn’t Saint’s intention. Saint had never been the type of person to respond with logic. His intention was always to make Luke smile, to distract him. And most of the time it worked. Saint had an uncanny ability to pull your focus away, make you think of something else entirely different in a mere sentence or two. In this case, he was once again successful. 
“Wait, Remus is in love with Sirius?” he asked.
Saint shrugged. “I dunno. He certainly stares at him enough though. It’s like they both have hearts for eyes these days, I swear.”
Luke just blinked. “Since when have they been together?” Saint shrugged again. Luke spluttered. 
“Have you not noticed?” Saint asked amusedly. “Jesus Christ, he’s your best friend is he not? Must I do everything?” Luke stifled a laugh at Saint’s dramatics. 
He had noticed Remus acting differently lately if he was honest, cagey and inconsistent, disappearing randomly throughout the day and reappearing with flushed cheeks or the occasional bruise. The more he thought about it, the more it all began to make sense. How Sirius never seemed to be around when Remus was missing. The way they always seemed to end up beside each other when they all hung out together. The sudden—or maybe not so sudden—lack of animosity between the two. He just wondered how the hell Saint had noticed before him. 
Luke was pulled from his thoughts by the light brush of Saint’s lips against his own. He smiled into the kiss, let Saint push him back until he hit the wall, let his hands slip under the edge of Saint’s t-shirt. Saint always kissed like a burning fire. Pushing and taking, meeting Luke step for step. It had always been that way, ever since that very first kiss right here in this room, the two of them pushing and pulling, taking and giving what the other put down. 
A knock at the door startled them apart. Standing in the doorway was Remus, staring at them with wide eyes. Luke felt like his heart had stopped. 
“Um. Hi.” 
Remus stood there awkwardly, not moving. He looked truly surprised, Luke noted as he studied his face and desperately tried to control his own pounding heart. As his breathing began to slow, he noticed Saint had stepped nearly to the other side of the room, seemingly trying to put as much space between them as he possibly could. Luke tried not to feel offended by it; it’s not like they could pretend they weren’t just making out thirty seconds ago. 
“What’re you doing here?” 
“I was coming to get you. We were supposed to leave five minutes ago? The party, remember?”
“I remember,” Luke replied faintly, still grappling with the sudden change. 
Luke had known Remus would find out eventually, had known he really should have told him back when it first started. Remus was his best friend after all, they trusted each other with almost everything. Almost. Some things gave him pause though, not because of Remus but because of himself. It was hard to trust someone completely, was something Luke had learned when his father had been arrested. You never truly knew everything about a person. 
“So…” Remus started awkwardly. “Are you two like, together or…?” 
“Um,” coughed Luke. “Something like that.” 
Saint stayed eerily quiet. Luke glanced over at him quickly, finding his face stony and pale. It was uncharacteristic of him, and a bit disconcerting to see that vibrant color drained from his face. 
“Oh well, uh. Good for you, I guess.” 
“Could you give us a minute?” Luke asked, gaze flitting back to Saint. Remus watched him warily for a second but he nodded and left, shutting the door quietly behind him. Luke had the fleeting thought that he was only going to listen through the wall, but he pushed it from his mind. Remus wasn’t like that.
Luke turned to Saint, stepping cautiously toward him the way one might approach a spooked horse. “You alright?” he asked softly. 
Saint’s gaze snapped to his, icy cold for only a single moment. Then his face crumbled. He said nothing, simply stepped closer to Luke and pulled him in, wrapping him in a tight embrace. Luke’s eyes slipped shut and he felt Saint lean into him. He took the weight silently, nuzzling against Saint’s neck and breathing in the familiar smell of sea salt and fresh air.
 He didn’t pull back until Saint did, cradling his face in gentle hands and looking into those lost hazel eyes. 
“It’s just Remus, remember?”
Saint sniffled. “Damn you Tweedle.” 
Luke smiled. “Come on.” He held out his hand and, surprisingly, Saint took it. They headed for the door and, when Luke opened it, Remus was waiting on the other side.
“I’m sorry,” Luke blurted out then, surprising even himself. If possible, Remus’ eyes grew wider.
“What are you sorry for?” 
“Not telling you.” 
Remus sighed. “It’s… I mean, do I wish you would have told me? Yeah. Am I gonna make you tell me everything? No. Besides, I’d be a bit of a hypocrite if I did.” He swallowed hard. “There’s something you should know.”
“About you and Sirius, I know,” Luke interrupted, wanting to stop the terrified look on his friend’s face. It seemed that fear didn’t go away, even with those you were closest to. 
“You know?” 
“Yeah. Well. Saint told me. I wouldn’t have figured it out.”
Remus’ gaze shifted to Saint, who just smirked and shrugged as if to say ‘what can I say, you aren’t subtle’. At least, that’s what Luke got out of it. 
“Oh. Well uh… guess that makes this night a bit easier then.” 
“Guess it does.”
Saint sighed long-sufferingly, that indifferent mask fixed back on. “Oh, for fuck’s sake, let’s go.” 
Luke couldn’t help a small smile, but it hurt his heart that Saint felt the need to pretend around everyone, even their friends. It was true that Remus was more his friend than Saint’s, but they had gotten closer over the past few months. On occasion, Saint had even been polite. But Luke should have known that wouldn’t be enough. Saint didn’t trust people, didn’t open up to them. He still found it miraculous Saint ever opened up to him. 
“Luke, you coming?” Remus asked, and Luke glanced up to see both him and Saint standing at the top of the stairs waiting for him. 
Luke grabbed Saint’s hand again as they headed down the stairs towards the front door, squeezing gently. Saint glanced at him curiously, once. But he didn’t say anything, and he didn’t pull away. 
When they reached the first floor, Remus headed outside without a second thought, but Luke paused, pulling Saint towards him.
“Hey,” he whispered, Saint falling against him. Their lips met, just a brush of a kiss, before Luke pulled back again to look at Saint fully. “Are you okay? Truthfully.”
Saint smiled Luke’s favorite smile. “I’m fine.”
With another gentle kiss, Luke let Saint go and followed him outside into the cool night air to where Remus was waiting.
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