#why are you giggling writing little prompts into your note app you stupid bitch
mrkeatingsblazer · 2 years
Me daydreaming about writing my book rather then actually writing it is not the vibe
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lavendoodles · 9 months
Stupid stuff I'd like to draw or animate : a big list
So, back in 2019, I fell in love with a notes app called ColorNote. It's not particularly fancy, It just lets me set up lists, calendar events, I can organize my notes by color, and synchronize my data on my account. So I've been writing a lot on this app, from worldbuilding notes to spontaneous drawing ideas, ranging from quick descriptions to dialogue bits ; that list keeps growing to this day, and I've barely ticked off a quarter of it. So, for the first things I'd post here, I thought it'd be neat to show that list to the public for extra motivation. Here goes...
topless OC asking their tired roommate if they've seen their bra
character with lots of body hair!
me, casually drawing in a hot summer night, immediately engaging a merciless fight against a overly-friendly mosquito
multiple people wearing skirts of various lengths, lined up for a mugshot
my OCs reacting to the mistletoe tradition
a character based on the word 'toxic' : a mysterious person surrounded in green smoke or bubbles. this is the only thing I've ticked off; an OC is born from this silly prompt. I'll definitely show her someday!
"If I could breathe fire, I'd have burned down several buildings by now."
"STOP EVERYTHING AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF" "Sure. You look like you could use some rest too!" "...*wheeeeeeeeze*"
Me or any perfectionnist OC : "If it doesn't look perfect on the first try, I'm throwing everything away and I'll never do anything ever again." Brain, trying to make sense of this : "...bitch???"
an OC taking a biiiig stretch, forgetting they're wearing wired headphones. The wires fall on their head.
my "Green Hair Squad" (a bunch of OCs who accidentally all have green hair and are friends) speedshopping for New Year's Eve
a muscular, feminine man, stepping out of his hot pink limousine, looking charismatic and not in the mood for any of your bullshit
"We could've had something great, but BAM, *slams table* fucking CAPITALISM"
Ellen drawing little roses on Casee (both part of the Green Hair Squad) with colored makeup pencils. Casee can't stop giggling.
an OC solely showing a grand total of two expressions: no smile, or a l l s m i l e s. No in-betweens.
draw more characters with compatible vibes, vibing together (I already have plenty of ideas)
the Bubbly Sapphic and the Grumpy Sapphic characters wearing eachother's clothes
two characters sharing a meal/smoke under a tree on a rainy day (inspired by a pleasant moment with a friend)
three characters taking a nap
"I am perfectly capable of looking friendly without smiling."
"FUCK YOUR BELL PEPPERS" : a silly idea to add to my crappy portfolio
my OCs at their lowest point in terms of motivation (gee, reminds me of someone)
"I HATE DECEMBER" an OC complaining about december, but cheered up by their friends
STUFF I'D LIKE TO ANIMATE (i think i'm seeing way too big, way too soon,,,, I've animated like three things in my whole lifetime)
Two OCs on a musical I suppose (I'm not a musical nerd, sadly, but they're fun to listen to from time to time)
Two OCs sharing a dance on 'Violente Valse' by Caravan Palace
Magical Girl transformations on songs I like
an OC fighting against their glitched alter-ego on this remix of ECHO
an OC casting a spell (i guess i wanted to practice visual effects? magic is cool anyway)
"YES!" (expression study i suppose)
someone kissing their friend/lover/significant other on the cheek (aww)
Walk, stomping their feet on dirty ground...
The most intense game of musical chairs you've ever seen
A duo of badass OCs fighting together on 'Best Friend' by Saweetie and Doja Cat (why not, I like the beat)
"The floor is lava" so it's a bunch of my OCs showing off their parkour skills (may not be canon to their characters, but come on, this is fun)
"Feel Good Inc." by Gorillaz but it's my OC's showing off their fighting skills on that sick rap part (my imagination goes wiiiild at that specific part)
'Audio, Video, Disco (Medley)' by Justice : basically a sort of montage showcasing my universe in the POV of multiple characters
An animation on the chorus of 'XS' by Rina Sawayama (I have ideas, I'm just afraid they won't meet my expectations on the first fucking try)
"...But my legs were toooo long" (I really want to make an OC animation on this marvel of a song. I don't care if the meme is long gone)
That's everything. Now I need to teach myself some discipline and patience, because there is NO WAY I'll finish this list in a year.
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