#why can't the second card go to the graveyard it would make so much more sense too :'(
herzblutrose · 2 years
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So, I just had to draw that one scene in the Streets of New Capenna story. And then I figured I can put it in my deck as well, bc why tf not.
I love drawing things for my core target audience (me).
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talesofsonicasura · 3 years
We've finally made it guys to the last few Fluffals for the Broken Toys AU! This means that every one of MK's monsters for this AU will fully been discussed!
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These last few Fluffals are in a special group of their own that I call the Turnabouts. Why they're called this is because all 5 of these remaining monsters are known for instantly turning a dangerous situation around with proper use.
Before we go in, I like to clarify some terms for you guys. In Yugioh, there are different types of areas cards can go in a duel. I realized I didn't do a good job of fully explaining which is since there isn't going to be any actual duels. I'm just adjusting how the cards act outside of it. So have this.
Deck should be referred as the Card Pool or deck pool. This were most of MK's cards are.
Hand will be known as Standby. A place where the cards available for him to use can be held at and ready to be set, summoned or activated.
Monsters, and Continuous Spells or Traps will be marked as Active on the field. For spells or traps, it means MK can activate their effects should the situation calls for it or certs requirements are met at any time.
Graveyard for monsters means they are either in recovery via destruction/on field tribute or benched. Spells or traps in the graveyard meant they have been used up despite any success.
Banished or Out of Play, any monsters or cards sent here are even harder to retrieve much less access. Think of them being sealed away or exorcised.
So why not get started?
Three in One Squad: Fluffal Mouse 'Charlie, Blitzo and Spinnie'
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A type of monster MK calls upon in a battle where numbers matter. Fluffal Mouse are fairly weak in both offense and defense, only surpassingly Fluffal Wings or Fluffal Patchwork. Luckily this little rodent can call upon one or two Fluffal Mouse onto the field. Quite useful when our Monkie Kid needs to call upon more powerful Frightfurs or a scout to survey the battlefield.
Charlie, Blitzo and Spinnie are triplets who can be pointed out from their Fluffal Mouse brethren by the symbols on their stomach: Charlie has a blue diamond, Blitzo has a gold star and Spinnie has a spiral. It is quite rare to see one sibling on their own unless it's a scouting mission.
Charlie is the leader and oldest of the group by a few seconds. Docile, kind and a bit gluttonous, this Fluffal Mouse is often seen snacking on any food he gets his paws on with noodles being his favorite. Pigsy usually asks MK if he can borrow Charlie whenever he has a new noodle recipe that needs taste testing.
Blitzo is the second oldest of the group. He's a bit of a spitfire and quite aggressive, often picking fights with other monsters even Frightfurs. The only ones this Fluffal Mouse does respect is his siblings, MK, Mary, Arlo and Sandy who rarely don't have to worry about the aggressive Fluffal.
Spinnie is the youngest of the group. She's incredibly shy, often hiding and most of the time being in MK's hair. Her name comes from that this Fluffal Mouse likes stuff that spins such as Merry-go-rounds, pinwheels, windmills, gears, etc. Mei is trying to boost her confidence at the moment.
Rescue Salvager: Fluffal Octopus 'Ming Ling'
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A deep sea monster perfect for situations that MK needs to restock. Fluffal Octopus are some of the rare type of Fluffals who aren't of the Earth element, this being Water. These toy cephalopods can fish out a fallen/sacrificed Fluffal or Edge Imp back on standby for later use. Should Fluffal Octopus be used for Fusion, MK can return any exorcised or banished monsters back to the 'graveyard' for easier access.
Ming Ling is a Fluffal Octopus with a blue patchwork stitch on the back. She was once a Frightfur Kraken but had to be reverted back to a Fluffal as she couldn't handle her power and went berserk. Some Fluffals can't become Frightfurs since there are cases where such abilities would make them go wild.
She's quite kind and assists other Fluffals who can't become Frightfurs come to turns with their condition. Ming Ling helped MK calm down back when he had mental and emotional issues after he became a toy demon. Currently, this Fluffal Octopus plans on helping the Monkey King with his repressed centuries long trauma.
Adorable Switcheroo: Fluffal Sheep 'Wesley'
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A wooly ally MK relies for a battle that needs a bait and switch. Fluffal Sheep are more defensive in their battle capabilities albeit fighting isn't something they excel at just like Fluffal Octopus. They are really good at backup since MK can summon one for free if he already has an active Fluffal. Fluffal Sheep can switch any other active Fluffal with an Edge Imp on standby or even one that fell in battle/sacrificed(graveyard).
Wesley is a Fluffal Sheep with a pair of aviator goggles on his head. He often has his head in the clouds, thinking about what wonders that can be found in the clouds. This particular sheep likes to fly around in his free time, accidentally causing the Sky Sheep legend in Megapolis when a few passing airplanes spotted him.
Mei and Tang often ask Wesley about any incredible things he finds during such flights. MK is just happy that the Fluffal Sheep has more people to share his love for the sky with. Even if it comes at the request of getting a special camera to broadcast flights to Mei's phone.
Reinforcing Supplier: Fluffal Penguin 'Mimi'
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A water foal MK can rely on when he's some extra luck. Despite their cute appearance, Fluffal Penguins actually tie with Fluffal Leo in natural Attack, only a bit weaker than Fluffal Dogs. Something that makes them a force to be reckoned with combined alongside their special abilities.
An active Fluffal Penguin lets MK special one Fluffal on standby and if used for a fusion, he gets to add two cards from the deckpool but has to discard one. Quite useful for setting defense or unleash another combo.
Mimi is a Fluffal Penguin that wears a blue scarf around her neck. A lover of the outdoors, it's easier to find this particular plush in the forest or mountains than any body of water. She even lives in the Frightfur March woodland instead of with the other Fluffals.
Mimi is also quite sassy and won't hesitate to whack her friends for being stupid or fight bigger enemies that anger her. She doesn't even care if that person was Demon Bull King or Lady Bone Demon either. Get on her nerves then you better expect an angry plush penguin in your face.
Resurrector of the Pendulum: Fluffal Angel 'Babylon'
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A mysterious monster that MK summons in a battle where only miracles could claim victory. Just like Edge Imp Cotton Eater and Frightfur Meister, these angelic Fluffals are beings of the Pendulum.
Fluffal Angels are more defensive in physical combat but it's their unique powers that can truly disrupt the battle. In their Spell state, they can bring back a fallen Fluffal or Edge Imp onto the battlefield.
As a monster, they can sacrifice themselves alongside a card on standby to resurrect a fallen Frightfur!
Babylon is a Fluffal Angel that wears a autumn gold laurel around his head. Just like Egil and Mary, he leads the Fluffals faction and is in charge of resetting Frightfurs back into their cuter forms.
Babylon is kind and soft spoken, usually doing his best to help others despite the danger. He isn't easy to anger either, as it takes rare circumstances to set off this particular plush.
It is even rarer for Babylon to actually hate someone. If a person does earn distaste from this Fluffal Angel, then caution needs to be warranted around that individual. An ability that saved his home from terrible danger more times than one.
And that's all the remaining Fluffals! Now, before Broken Toys became a thing, it was originally called the Summoner AU.
Back at the beginning, Frightfurs were just ONE out of four different options. The only factors that would remain the same were: MK loses his humanity due to an accident, how he encountered said cards and the familial bond with them, it starting before canon and how correspond with MK in some way. Here are the other three choices.
Flaming Ancients of Destruction: Jurrac, Leader Jurrac Meteor
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Dinosaurs imbued with destructive powers of fire, Jurracs! These monsters came to MK's aid upon sensing his strong fiery heart similar to their own. Jurracs are fire elemental dinosaurs that were quick on increasing their strength and numbers but also destroy any fool that stood in their path.
Their leader is Jurrac Meteor, a monster that destroys everything in his wake and brings out a Tuner Jurrac through the ashes.
Wrathful Cadavers: Vendread, Leader Revendread Slayer
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Vengeful corpses that refuse to stay down with regrets, the Vendreads. These dangerous zombies crawled from the grave upon feeling the boy's inner cry for justice and vengeance. Vendreads are monsters that ritually sacrifice themselves to grant more power to their stronger counterparts. Even to the point of rending their core contained souls asunder just to shut down any chance for their opponents to win.
Their leader is Revendread Slayer.
Heaven's Fallen: Darklord, Leader Darklord Morningstar
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Holy beings of light banished to the darkness, the Darklords. Fallen angels that wish to protect MK and keep his pure soul from being lost forever. Darklords hold power so incredible to the point that only life energy and sacrifice can allow them to unleash their true potential. Seal away their enemy's power, smite every soldier, and call upon more fallen angels to leave all opposition utterly hopeless.
Their Leader is Darklord Morningstar.
That's it for now. Until next time folks, I'll see you back at Megapolis.
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Frightfur Enforcers
Edge Imps
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l-egionaire · 3 years
Owl House Fanfic: I Did Not Account For This
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Amity had kissed her.
Amity had kissed her!
A cheek kiss sure, but still! Her abuela's cheek kisses definitely hadn't felt like that!
She had to talk to someone else about this.
Luz's mind raced as she ran down the street of Bonesborough. Her eyes darted around until they finally locked onto Gus's house.
She headed over to it and hammered on the front door. "Gus, Gus, Gus, Gus, Gus, Gus, Gus!"
When there was no answer, Luz groaned and dug around in her pockets until she found an Ice glyph. She tapped the paper and it morphed into a key that she then used to unlock the door.
Luz dashed inside and up the house stairs to Gus's room. She kicked open the door.
"Gus, I need to talk you! I-."
But Luz fell silent when she saw what was going on inside: Willow and Gus sitting on Gus's room floor, their eyes closed and their lips pressed together.
Willow's right eye chose that moment to slightly open, only to pop wide when she saw Luz standing there. She pulled away from Gus and leapt up, her face burning red. Gus opened his own eyes in confusion only to panic and become flush faced when Willow tapped him on the shoulder and pointed out Luz in the doorway.
"Luz! I can explain! This is, uh, just an illusion!" Gus said meekly
Willow looked at Gus with a raised brow. "Really?"
"What? It was all I could think of!"
Luz regained her voice and cried out "Wha- when did this happen?!"
"Well, kind of just now." Willow said. shrugging her non injured shoulder.. Though her voice was calm, she was still blushing brightly.
Luz eyes ping ponged back and forth between Gus and Willow for a few minutes until her mouth turned into a face splitting smile.
"Tell me everything!" She yelled with glee.
Gus and Willow looked to each other.
"You want to take this one or should I?" Gus asked.
"Lets just both tell it." Willow said.
"Come on! I want to know" Luz said excitedly.
" Okay. So, those Glandus kids turned out to not be that great. Their "quest" turned out to be robbing an illusionists graveyard. I couldn't go through with it, so Mattholomule and I scared them off. It was actually pretty cool. I put an illusion over the graveyard and-."
"Get to the shipping parts already!" Luz cried.
"Okay, okay. So, after I came home, I found Willow here."
"I was worried Gus was still feeling down after what happened with the pixies, so I thought I'd come by and try to make him feel better." Willow chimed in.
"So, we sat down and started talking. About the Glandus kids, the pixie incident, and kind of just us in general. I-I kind of had a crush on one of those Glandus kids and she was the one who was probably the meanest to me. But Willow told that it was her loss and any girl would be lucky to have me."
"Awwwww" Luz 
"And then I started to realize how much Willow meant to me. We'd been friends a long time and been through a lot together. Next to my parents, she's probably the most important person in my life.  And well, I kind of, sort of, started to realize that she was really pretty." Gus's blush deepened.
"And hearing that that Glandus girl shot him down made me think over some things too. Gus was always there for me.  Even when everyone else saw me as 'Half-a-witch-Willow' I still had Gus. And I started to notice he was kind of handsome.  After that we started talking about how we felt and then, well, you saw what happened next." Willow's cheeks darkened as well.
"Oh dios mio, eso es tan lindo! I can't believe this! So, are you guys a couple now?" Luz asked.
The two of them once again looked at each other.
"Well…" Gus started.
"We're taking things slow." Willow said. "The kiss was nice, but we're not going to rush into anything."
"Right! Of course. Taking things slow…..But if I asked If you'd be interested in getting lunch with me tomorrow?"
"I'd like that." Willow took Gus's hand into her own.
"Eeeeeeeeh! Okay, you two are officially my new OTP! Ugh, I'm so happy for you!"
Gus chuckled. "Thanks. But what are you doing here anyway? Did you find something at the library with Amity?"
Hearing the name "Amity" Suddenly returned Luz's mind to its buzzing post-kiss state. Now it was her turn to blush brightly. "Oh. Right. That."
Willow's eyes narrowed knowingly as if she could read Luz's thoughts. "Did something happen between you two?"
"Well. Funny story actually. Amity kind of, sort of…..kissed me."
The two of them stared at her for two minutes until Willow turned to Gus, held out her hands and said "Pay up."
Gus groaned and dug unto his pocket. He pulled out a handful of snails and dropped it into Willows open palm. "Aw man. I'd been saving up."
"I promise I'll put it all towards our lunch date." Willow said. She looked back to Luz. "So, What happened?"
"Well, I went to the library and Amity and I tried to find out more about the last human who'd lived here. But she said that the book was in a restricted area so we had to be careful while looking for it-."
"Get to the shipping parts already!" Gus teased.
"Urgh, fine. So, I accidentally made Amity lose her job. Than, I went through some trials to get her job back. And when I went to take her her job card she had purple hair and was pretty and she helped me realize I have an Echo Mouse with the information I needed and she said I had a way of digging into people's hearts and then she kissed me on the cheek!"
They both stared at her with wide eyes.
"Wow. Good for Amity. I knew she had it in her." Willow said.
"Wait, what? What's that supposed to mean? And why did you two exchange cash?"
"We kind of had a bet going on which of you would act on your feelings first." Gus admitted sheepishly.
"And I bet Amity would act first." Willow boasted.
"How did you know she would?"
"Because I know Amity. When push comes to shove, she goes for what she wants."
"Wha- wait, you mean Amity does like me?"
"Duh. I'm shocked you didn't know. It was kind of obvious." Willow pointed out.
"But-but-but what about her crush? At Grom, she had someone she wanted to ask out!"
Gus and Willow just stared at her pointedly. It took Luz a second to understand and her eyes widened in realization.
"I'm her crush?" She whispered. 
"Duh." Gus said.
"But-no that's-why? Why would Amity have a crush on me? After all the trouble I've caused her, why would she like me?
"Because you're a good person, Luz," Willow said, coming over and placing a gentle hand on Luz's shoulder. "Sure, you can get in over your head sometimes but you're also brave and you care a lot about people. It’s not hard to see what she saw in you."
"Yeah. You're great. Heck, I’d date you! Er, if I wasn’t dating Willow I mean” Gus chuckled nervously.
“Nice save.”
Luz was completely stunned into silence. Someone liked her like she liked them. And not just anyone, but Amity. It almost didn’t feel real.
Finally, she said. “So, what should I do now? With Amity I mean.”
“Well, maybe you should do what Gus and I did.” Willow suggested.
“You want me to go kiss Amity in her bedroom?!”
“What?! No!” Willow spluttered. “I meant that you should go and talk about how you feel. Make sure that you’re both on the same page with what to do next.”
“You’re right. Thanks Willow.”
“No problem.”
Luz went over to the door, but before she left she turned back to Gus and Willow and teasingly said. “I’m going to leave the door open up here. Wouldn't want you two love birds doing anything inappropriate."
Willow glared at her. "Oh why don't you go make out with Amity already?"
"Going to work on that!"
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rojaceartandgaming · 2 years
The Dragon Duelist : Chapter Two
Hehe oc content go brr
The next afternoon, Clay met up with the group in a random park. They all seemed as chummy as usual… how had this group POSSIBLY gotten so far in Duelist Kingdom, he wondered. But it seemed to matter little as he strapped his trusty duel disk to his arm, noting Joey did the same. He sighed, shaking off any last second nerves.
Surely this would be easy, right?
"So, you actually showed!" Joey called, that insufferable cocky grin on his face.
Clay scoffed. "I initiated the challenge, dimwit. I would never back out."
"Just sayin', you're goin' to regret this!"
"Hmph, I doubt this. Are you done prattling, or can we duel?"
"Oh hell yeah!"
Clay ignored the others cheering on Joey, put his deck in his duel disk, and drew his first seven cards. He quickly scanned over the hand, then smirked. A well balanced hand? Surely this twerp wouldn't even stand a chance! He briefly glanced up at Joey, then sighed.
"Hm, shall we begin?" He said, narrowing his eyes.
"Who do you think I am, of course let's begin!"
"In that case, I will throw two cards face down, then summon a creature you may not be too familiar with. A trusty companion, and creature to be feared - Evilswarm Zahak!"
The multiheaded dragon was summoned, and announced it's presence with a great roar and a beat of its wings. It fixed it's many eyes on Joey, roaring again.
Joey huffed. "Starting that quickly already?!"
Clay rolled his eyes. "What, already scared you can't keep up?"
"Are you kiddin'? Since you're done, I'll draw a card!" He did so, looked at the card, and smiled. "This card is one o' my favorites! The Flame Swordsman!"
Clay just scoffed. "Flame Swordsman? Are you daft? My dragon easily can eliminate your swordsman. And that is something I intend to show off now. Evilswarm Zahak, rip his swordsman to shreds!"
The dragon surged forward, and he smirked. His monster was stronger by fifty points, something that'll make this far too easy-
But wait, Joey interrupted his preemptive gloating. "You didn't let me finish, and now you gotta pay the price! I got a spell here, Stop Attack! This will force your monster into defense position. Your dragon won't even scratch my Flaming Swordsman!"
Clay growled. "... surprisingly good play… hmph… I'll just place a card face down and end my turn." He looked through his hand again, annoyed. So the twerp got a leg up on him, big deal.
It wouldn't last.
He watched Joey mumble to himself, trying to figure out something. Then he grinned. "Alright, I'm going to put a card face down, and summon another creature, Axe Raider. Axe Raider and Flame Swordsman, take out this guy's monsters!"
He rolled his eyes. "I'll let you take out my dragons, but I've got a choice for you."
"Eh? A choice?" Joey paused, seeming confused.
"I'll activate a trap card, A Hero Emerges! Now, your attacks will go through in but a moment, but you choose a card in my hand. If I can summon it, it joins the field. If it's something that can't be summoned, it'll go to the graveyard." Clay squared his shoulders, adjusting how he held his hand. "Make your choice, Joey Wheeler. And be careful. You wouldn't want to choose your own poison, would you?"
Clay smirked. He knew that that line would make any duelist nervous, and he witnessed Joey freeze up and start mumbling to himself. Probably over-rationalizing his choice, something he had seen time and time again in the past. Mind games would make any duelist more nervous, and in his experience? He would probably pick the card in the center of his hand.
"Well, uh - that one! Third from the left - my left!"
"Why thank you, Joey."
"H-huh? What are you thanking me for?"
"You picked the exact card I wanted you to."
He deftly picked the card out, holding it to the side. "I'll let you destroy my two monsters, sure. But in their place, comes something much better! My personal favorite card -" Clay slammed it down on it's spot on his Duel Disk. "Arkbrave Dragon!"
The white and gold dragon leapt to life, wingbeats loud. It roared, not seeming to care as its fellow creatures got destroyed and placed in the graveyard. And clearly, Joey Wheeler was losing a bit of his nerve as he looked between the Arkbrave Dragon and Clay himself, forgetting the temporary victory.
"Tch - you were just waitin' for me to do that!"
"And I thank you kindly for doing so. My favorite dragon on the field so early? Perhaps you should concede."
"I don't think so!"
"Then prove me wrong."
"Oh I will!"
Clay watched Joey fumble, and resort to placing a card face down. He must not have anything good, he figured, with how nervous he looked. "Is that seriously all you'll do? You bore me…"
"Don't count me out yet!"
"Did you end your turn?"
"Well, yeah-"
"Good. Arkbrave Dragon, put him in his place!"
There was nothing Joey could do as the dragon swooped in, making quick work of the Flame Swordsman. The life point counter popped up, and they both watched Joey's life points tick down from 8000 to 7400.
"First blood." Clay said with satisfaction. "Your move."
"Don't count me out just because you got first blood!"
"Oh, that's not why I'm counting you out. Come on, Joey Wheeler. Show me just how you got as far as you did."
The duel continued for several more turns, monsters dying and coming back, Clay seeming smug throughout it all on the outside. But as he adjusted his scarf, he started to worry. This sandy haired duelist was good. He may still have his Arkbrave Dragon, but he was down to 2050 life points, Joey down to 3450. It seemed this duelist really depended on luck - and the cheers of his friends.
How preposterous, he thought. He had gotten this far, and didn't need support from people like that…. Surely this couldn't be all to it? No, perhaps he had just been getting lucky. Much like with those bloody coin flips. Surely the luck would run out. Though he was shocked upon seeing him summon the Red-Eyes Black Dragon! How had he gotten one?
But he noticed something while dueling. In the past, a lot of duels like this seemed like a chore. But there was just something infectious about this group of five. He couldn't help but let a real smile slip at some parts during the banter, or real pride as he made a good play. How long has it been…?
"I'll admit." Clay said, folding his arms. "I am impressed that someone like you has such a formidable dragon as Red-Eyes. But this duel grows tiring, and I don't exactly feel like letting you continue on. And I have no qualms sacrificing my own monster to end yours. Arkbrave Dragon, take out Red-Eyes in a blaze of glory."
He felt some satisfaction watching his dragon charge Red-Eyes, knowing that it would leave an opening for his Luster Dragon. Smoke clouded the field, and he was ready to see the clear path. But as the smoke cleared, confusion clouded his own head.
"Gh- but how?!" He questioned, seeing his dragon wrapped in a chain, and Red-Eyes completely fine.
"Ha, you forgot about my trap card - Kunai with Chain! Not only is your dragon all tangled up, but my Red-Eyes gains 500 attack points, just enough to take out your beloved dragon!" Joey gloated, a large grin on his face. "Come on Red-Eyes Black Dragon! Use Inferno Fire Blast!"
Clay's hand balled into a fist as he watched his dragon go up in smoke, and his life points tick down to 1550. "...good move…" He growled out. "You are a surprisingly good duelist."
"Aw, thanks!"
"...I suppose I will draw my card now…" Clay did so, searching his hand. This isn't good, if I'm not careful, I'm good as dead! Hmph. I think this will buy me time.
"I put down a card face down and leave my Luster Dragon as is! Your move, Joey."
"Ha ha! You didn't even put it in defense mode? Are you admitting defeat?"
"Make your move." Come on…. Take the bait…
"I will! Red-Eyes, Inferno Fire Blast!"
"Why, you actually did what I wanted to do! I'll slip my face down card around - Enemy Controller!"
"With it's special chest code, your monster is put in defense mode! Left, Right, A, B - a simple code to remember!" Clay made himself sound confident, before allowing himself to heave a sigh of relief.
Joey growled. "Damnit, that would've almost knocked you out!"
"I know. And so the game passes to me."
"Don't be so cocky! Next turn, Red Eyes will take you out!"
"That's where you're wrong."
"What now?"
"I've drawn a card that will bring your demise! Polymerization! With my Luster Dragon, this face down card, and three dragons in my hand combined, I bring forth your demise - COME ON OUT, FIVE HEADED DRAGON!"
It was a lucky draw, he knew that. But Clay felt a sense of pride as his end-all, just-in-case monster took the field. And, that feeling grew as he saw Joey grit his teeth, his nerves coming back.
"Oh come on, a five headed dragon? That's overkill!"
"It may be overkill, Joey, but it is also your doom! Next turn, you're doomed. So say good bye to your Red-Eyes!"
Both duelists looked over as the shorter, good natured seeming chap named Yugi called to the now panicking Joey. "Joey! Don't lose your head, you know exactly one combination that can help you!"
"Huh, Yuge, what do you mean?"
"You know what I mean! Think for a second, you've got this!"
Crap… the power of friendship again…
"Oh yeah!" Joey said, after looking a little confused at his cards. "First, I'm going to flip this card face up, Baby Dragon!"
Clay raised one eyebrow, completely unimpressed. "A Baby Dragon? Please, I love dragons as much as the next guy, but that is a weakling compared to my monster!"
"Well don't discount it yet!" Joey put down a card into his duel disk. "I've got a little friend who, if this goes right, will make things a lot better. Time Wizard!"
"Are you kidding me? You're going to take a risk that could kill you?"
"What's life without a little risk! Time Wizard, use your ability!"
Clay knew this card's ability. Either this would age all cards on the field 1,000 years, or destroy all of Joey's cards and make him take half of the total damage to his own life points. As the monster used its ability, his eyes were glued on the dial. Trying so hard to will it to the more beneficial option.
"Ha! There we go!" Joey practically crowed with success. "With that, Time Wizard ages everything forward! And after one thousand years, my baby dragon is all grown up into Thousand Year Dragon! And your five headed beast is-"
"Shriveled and decrepit…" Clay mumbled in disbelief, looking at his drastically weakened monster, 5000 attack points going down to 500.
"Ha, that's right! Thousand Dragon, end this!"
He winced preemptively, not even wanting to watch as he heard the roar of the Thousand Dragon, knowing that his life points were ticking down.
Clay kind of fell to his knees, as his life points hit zero.
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