#why did Olivier stop the fight? what is she scheming?
decoloraa · 2 years
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Friends and acquaintances part 3
A comic on how Casther and Val got to Briggs. More info below!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
This comic is about my characters Casther and Val and how they interact with the world of fma and it's characters. While I want to stay canon, please note that I take liberties in the world building. Olivier, Buccaneer and Miles are by no means my creations, but keep in mind that I have my own interpretations of them.
Some context: Olivier is about to be handed the command at Briggs, rn she is in her late 20s. Because of her young age and important position, she is currently trying to recruit people she knows she can trust so they can join her to Briggs.
My characters:
Val Beauxclaire: Black hair, early 20s. He and Olivier are childhood friends, him being son of Central city's second whealtiest family (right after the Armstrongs). He recently finished his medical studies and got recruited by Olivier to be a doctor at Briggs.
Casther Wilk: Grey hair, early 20s. Olivier knows him from when he was a teenager. Back then he ran into Olivier and Val and she helped him out of trouble. After leaving for the military academy, the three lost any contact. Because of his fighting skills and principles, she too wants to recruit him to join them to the Fort. However unknown events seem to have changed Casther..
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atamascolily · 4 years
lily watches fma:b, eps. 42-47
In which the Briggs arc goes out with a bang, and I have flashbacks to the “Day of Black Sun” from Avatar: the Last Airbender.
Okay, Al is basically still May's age on the inside, lol. i love those two.
hawkeye reduced to serving tea for Bradley makes me so damn mad.
but bradley is in love with his (human) wife so there’s that.
kimblee double-crossed the drachma dudes? how completely in character.
one of the chimeras betrays Scar's group and brings in Envy. I was hoping he'd be relevant again!! turns out it was a trap and the chimera isn't actually evil again.
so envy uses the philosopher's stone to power his shapeshifting?? sure looks like it.
apparently marcoh has been mixing alkahestry into his work and it's awesome. the ice sculpture in a middle finger is a nice touch.
oh, no, may's hiding out doing action at a distance and envy has no clue. GO TEAM.
okay, marcoh denatures envy down to a little bug form which is simultaneously cute and disturbing. Yoki messes with it at his peril. I love how envy accidentally takes the wrong hostage if he wants people to care about his victim's fate.  
Scar is inspired by Miles to change Amestris from the inside instead of just killing people, so... that's good, I guess?
scar gives may envy in a jar and tells her go home, which seems LIKE SUCH A BAD IDEA ON SO MANY LEVELS
(like, I get that they did this so May could save her clan--which clearly hit of Scar's buttons--does no one even bother to think this through...?)
(the last time an emperor tried to get immortality was Xerxes and THAT worked out so well, so... *cue 'The Genocide Song' from Trigun*)
Anyway, I predict this will not end well.
Meanwhile, one of Greed's chimera buddies, Bido, survived, and learns that the military is searching for Izumi and Sig, but they're on the lam. He follows them back to base when he realizes they're from Bradley; he wants revenge for Wrath killing his boss.
(i love u bido you adorable little rat.)
(also, the fact that the original!Greed was like, "fuck u, I make my own rules" and ran away from Father's schemes with his misfit friends just warms my heart.)
There are only three rules for state alchemists: "don't interfere with the military,""don't make people," and "don't make gold",LOL.
It's so funny to me that the gold thing is included, even though I don't understand how you can MAKE gold with alchemy if gold is a single independent element and you are bound by the laws of equivalent exchange. but whatever, it's still really freakin' funny to me that they don't want State Alchemists fucking up the economy with their magic chemistry powers.
anyway, turns out they don't also want people growing their own armies in the basement - that's what THEY'RE DOING. quoth olivier: fuck.
(fun fact: an RPG character of mine playing a necromancer in a urban fantasy setting did EXACTLY THIS and it was awesome)
somehow, al and winry get to liore (again, DISTANCE? Time??) and "Mr. Ho" is working for Rose's food stand.
And he's all, "oh, I heard about how you lost your body, lol" and then...literally walks off.
(the sad thing is that Hohenheim is literally NOT the worst father in this show - that award goes to Shou Tucker.)
Bido discovers the Zombie Meat Locker, then runs into Greedling... who doesn't remember him until AFTER he stabs him, sob. rip bido.
Winry takes a bath, because fanservice, and she and Rose talk... and it does not pass the Bechdel test, sigh.
there's a "Banks Bank" in Briggs, lol
I wish I could get my glasses to do the opacity thing on command.
Ling yells at Greed for being a jerk and Greed decides to try and kill Wrath because that worked SO WELL last time...(at least he managed to shield from Bradley's signature move this time)
The Armstrong patriarch makes Olivier and Alex fight over who gets to be head of the family, lol. Then he just walks out and starts acting like Olivier won the fight, which she does.
turns out it's to keep the military from taking them all hostage for Olivier's good behavior. She's really good at this.
Envy tricks May into going back to Central, sigh.
Ling regains control of his body long enough to run into Ed and explain before Greed takes over again
they're really laying out the whole "Seven deadly sins as a personal flaw" thing on thick, aren't they?
Greed just wants to be left alone, but agrees to team up if Ed works for him, lol.
Izumi proudly declaring herself to be a housewife as she kicks ass gives me life
the phone chain here is pretty impressive, although grumman loses major points for sexually harassing Rebecca
apparently, Father has to wait for the stars/planets/sun to align in order to do his Evil Alchemy - it's referred to as "the Promised Day" and I'm having flashbacks to the "Day of Black Sun" from Avatar: The Last Airbender (though I think it's supposed to be more like Sozin's comet?).
TIME SKIP! It's spring in Resembool for the sheep festival. Winry is smuggled home and finds Ed in her bedroom - right as she's about to undress. Hijinks ensue.
anyway, Ed and Greed are hanging with Pinako. Ed gets his automail serviced and Winry ups the stakes by refusing to run away in case things go wrong.
she is specifically ordered to stay at home and bake a pie while the men go out to battle, sigh.
meanwhile, greed approves of winry's desire to "have it all" (i.e, victory against Father AND Ed and Al getting their bodies back on the Promised Day) and Ed is Not Amused.
(i love greed so much, he is definitely the #BestHomunculus in this version.)
Scar has been gathering the Ishvalans to help save Amestris and thereby win acceptance back
Grumman calling the Fuhrer "Bradley-chan" is hilarious, full stop.
Al's body keeps calling his spirit back but I'm not sure why it's only been a problem recently, given the gap between its loss and the present day.
we're now up to the "day before the promised day" which means that from now until the end (ep. 64) is likely to take place in 48 hours (plus whatever resolution awaits at the end in 64). yowza.
unfortunately, bradley appears to be on to Team Good's elaborate plan, but it's unclear if Team Good wants it that way or not.
okay, it’s intentional, they blew up the train, but I'm pretty sure Bradley's not dead
(why is grumman narrating the "previously on" intro, tho)
The first thing Ed does when he sees Hohenheim is punch him in the face, #bless.
Hohenheim offers to use his stone to bring back his sons' bodies... which means he COULD have fixed Izumi earlier, but didn't. fuck you, hohenheim.
okay, so it really is "the Day of Black Sun after all" - WHY DOES AN ECLIPSE MAKE ALCHEMY WORK BETTER, PLEASE EXPLAIN.
(he does not explain)
hohenheim asks if ed will help with the plan, lol, what exactly is the plan here, very cryptic of u
I can't believe Pinako asked Ed to tell Hohenheim Trisha's last words. Like, that was her job. She TALKED TO HIM HERSELF EARLIER IN THE SHOW. WHy the fuck did she make ED do it?
hohenheim cries when he learns that trisha said "sorry, I couldn't keep my promise. I'm dying first." AS WELL HE SHOULD, THE FUCKER.
ed buys red cloth and uses it to make his flamel jacket again I'M HOWLING
Al pops out of the bushes unexpectedly and Ling takes over Greed shouting about how his homunculus sense is tingling... I hope Greed doesn't die, but I'm not holding my breath
ed wins by knocking out all the lights, extinguishing the shadows... because pride can only exist in with some light, not full dark? I don't get why shadows work but not dark, despite greed specifically saying “you can’t have shadows without light”. DARK IS DARK, isn’t it?
grumman goes to look for bradley's body,but it's unclear if he's using his allies as a means to take over the country later or if that’s miles’ paranoia
(way to level up, Lan Fan!!)
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damndaehyung · 4 years
Coffee Shop Revenge
John Tucker Must Die AU  Part 3 
Included : Daniel, Emily, Sungjae , M , Minah, Jane,Tara, Arabella Mentioned : Tyler , Maude, Heavily Alluded to : Mindy 
“You really don’t need to follow me everywhere,” Emily said with a laugh as Daniel pushed the door of the cafe open. “It’s not even that bad, “ she said with a shake off her head. “And don’t you have a class?” she asked raising an eyebrow. “Skipping class already?” she frowned. “Daniel you said you were going to try -” she continued.
“Emily, the professor is off sick, I am meant to be studying which i can do here so,” he grinned. “I am just keeping any eye on you, I just want to make sure you are okay and that they don’t overwork you,” he said. “I’d even fight Sungjae to keep you healthy so that should say a lot,” Daniel huffed.
Emily beamed up at him, “Even though it’s not necessary i appreciate it,” she said. “Go get your normal booth, i’ll send over your usual in a minute,” she waving for him to go. He looked over to the counter glaring at M and Sungjae who looked up only to see Daniel making I’m watching you motion. He meant what he said if he had take Sungjae down if something happened to Emily. Turning on his heels he strutted to his booth, now hopefully free of Ty Dollar Sign and his french girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend unless she really was as dumb as she looked.
He grinned at the sound of silence as he settled in his booth, ready to get working on a project. “Banana bread and a Mocha,” Sungjae said placing a plate and a mug on the free patch of the table.
Daniel looked up from his computer, plastering the most seductive smile on his face and licking his lips. “I believe i ordered your number as well -” he said sweetly.
“That comes with our loyalty card, on your fifth coffee with us you get my number, on the tenth you get date with M,” Sungjae joked but that Daniel decided that was close enough to flirting for him. After all, he got the feeling Sungjae was shy a guy, something Daniel would have no problem helping him overcome in the future.
“And what if i wanted a date with you instead?” Daniel asked.
“Ah i am not sure you want to settle for a date with me,” Sungjae said scratching the back of his neck, his cheeks turning a lovely shade of pink.
“You’d be wrong,” Daniel said. “So when should we go out?” he asked, getting straight to the point. He was never one to beat around the bush and Sungjae won’t be any different. Sungjae blinked owlishly at him before avoiding eye contact altogether, a sheepish smile on his face. Daniel couldn’t stop the wide grin that spread across his face, he was in.
He was about to get his response when a feminine figure pushed past Sungjae, the person didn’t look suspicious at all, i mean who would find someone wearing a wide brim hat, Chanel sunglasses and a trench coat suspicious. Daniel rolled his eyes, coughing to get Sungjae’s attention back. “Well -” he started again but was interrupted by a loud are you kidding me coming from the blonde who has just entered the club. Daniel looked over at with a harsh glare noticing that it was the club girl, Jane if he remembered correctly. He swirled back around to Ms Subtle and frowned, even with the glass and stupid hat he could tell it was the French girl. Why did these women hate him, he just wanted to seduce his cute barista boy in peace but no.
“Is this a setup?” Jane asked as she stomped over to the booth, her face red and a scowl on her face. Daniel frowned knowing his chance had slipped by, the drama of the two girls ahead of him was too much, especially since everyone in the cafe had turned to look at them.
“Save your dramatics Jane,” The French girl said dismissively as she pulled off her shades. “Do you honestly think i would plan this? Please spending time near you is the last thing on my to-do list -” she huffed. “Let me guess T messaged you as well?” she with a frown. “Do you think she is going to apologize for her brother?”
“No, I am definitely not doing that,” The sister said, making her appearance known, beside her was the other blonde, Daniel looked at the girls curiously. He expected the french girl, the blonde and Jane to look a little worse for wear considering they just found out their boyfriend was cheating on them but the sister seemed to be taking it worse, her hair was pulled up into a messy ponytail, her eyes rimmed red with deep circles under her eyes suggesting that she stayed up all night crying and she was one of those ugly jumpers with the college’s name on it.
“I should go serve them,” Sungjae whispered. “If i don’t make it back tell M that he can have my comic collection,” he continued. Daniel’s nose wrinkled up, oh my gosh he is a nerd, a very cute nerd but comic books. God help Sungjae if he ever tried to drag Daniel to one of those convention things.
“Tara,” Jane said softly, “Are you okay?” she asked softly. “Did something else happen you know between -”
“Jane shut up, god i know your blonde but really,” The french girl spat harshly. “Tara, as someone who has also felt the crushing disappointment of men let me tell you that your real friends will be here for you,” she said softly, “any time,” she said tapping the booth beside.
“Real friends please,” the other blonde said under her breath.
Tara was saved from sitting or speaking by Sungjae who Daniel noted sounding rather done despite barely dealing with these girls. He knew Sungjae had similar interests to him, but he assumed he was bi, maybe he was wrong and woman wouldn’t be a problem for him it all in the future. With that joyous thought in mind, Daniel turned back to his work, happy that this college thing was working out exactly the way he planned it.
He looked away only to watch the trainwreck that was M trying to place the girls’ orders down. As much as he could tolerate which was a surprising amount considering he wasn’t directly related to him and he wasn’t particularly attracted to him, it was still funny to watch him be intimidated by the girl, so much so he almost dropped Tara’s croissant. With a chuckle and a shake of his head, he took a sip of his Mocha re-reading what he had just written.
“THAT BASTARD DID WHAT?!” Daniel jumped drink almost spilling from his lips as Jane’s voiced echoed throw the cafe, her fist had down on the table so hard Daniel had heard plates clang back down, Daniel chanced it taking another speak at the table watching as Jane shrunk on herself as she noticed that everyone was looking at her. The french girl was wiping furiously a scowl on her face while Tara was looking down, shaking her head. “I’M GOING TO KILL HIM,” she continued, her voice lowered slightly.
Daniel really should have stopped listening and went back to focusing on his work but he loved drama, especially the type that involved potential murder and didn’t include his name. He figured the bastard was Tyler Lee, but if Jane wasn’t going to kill him after cheating on her with three other girls he had to wonder what Tyler did to fuck up this badly.
“Wait so Maude told you?” The French girl asked, “How did she know?” she asked.
“She is friends with Min-”
“No T don’t say her name, that bitches name doesn’t deserve to be said by you,” the other blonde said. “And yes Olivier couldn’t wait to brag about how Tyler trusted her with this, how she has a deeper connection with him - ten guesses to why she wasn’t invited -” she said bitterly.
“I am going to kill her as well and that little Cindy bitch-” Jane said once again causing Daniel to smirk. In another life, he was sure he and Jane could actually get along but her shocking taste in men had all but ruled that friendship out.
“Anyway,” The French girl said, Daniel could tell she was rolling her eyes right now, it was obvious in her voice. “Is that why you called us here Tara?” she asked.
“Not exactly,” Tara said.
“And this is where i leave,” the other blonde spoke. “I want to get revenge on that asshole and his friends but I don’t want to be apart of Tara ruining her relationship with him and i certainly don’t want to work with you two -” she said, Daniel smelled a scheme and bit in his banana bread happily. He was going to get a date with Sungjae and if these girls were any good plotting he’d never have to worry about seeing Tyler Lee and voyeurism kink ever again.
“It’s a bit late for that don’t you think since you know Tyler complete ruined her life -” The french girl spoke contempt dripping in her voice. “And do you honestly think i would want to work with you? I am sorry i don’t play with children -” she said.
“You -”
“Ara! Minah! Stop it!” Tara shouted not nearly as loudly as Jane had earlier but it was still enough to get a few looks from the cafe’s customers. “Stop talking about me like i am not here and stop being so childish, we are all victims of my brother’s schemes so can we just stop with the animosity for five seconds,” she said. Daniel couldn’t see her but he’d like to imagine her rubbing her temples wondering why she had to deal with such fools. “If Ara doesn’t want to be involved in my plans that is fine,” she said. “That is her choice and i respect that, i know that it’s been hard for her to-” she trailed off before the sound of laughter rang okay. “Okay yeah yeah me too,” Tara said.
Daniel watched as the other blonde, Ara walked past him, glancing at him briefly before raising an eyebrow and continuing. “Look i am all for revenge but are you sure you want to do this Tara?” Min-Frenchie asked. “He is your brother and -” she trailed off.
“He needs to be taken down,” Tara said. “He took things way to far, the thing with Mark, dating one of my friends and then cheating on her with several of my other friends who also think they are dating him and being so desperate to get his dick wet that he would….” she said with a gag. “With Maude Olivier, no Tyler needs a wake-up call,” she said.
“And what is your plan anyway and why do we need to be involved?” Jane asked. “Because for all the little pranks that have been happening haven’t worked,” she said just as their phones chimed. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?” Jane and Minah both spat angrily. Daniel turned to see them both furiously staring at their screens, a sleuth of colourful threats and curses were being said about one Tyler Lee. Daniel wondered if his ears were burning right now, he hoped they were.
“What happened?” Tara asked curiously craning her neck to look at one of their phones and gasping. “Oh no,” she said. “He didn’t,” she said.
“I can’t believe that little chipmunk,” Minah ranted, Daniel’s nose scrunched up in disgust, chipmunk what vile inducing pet name. “He dumped me over a text message,” she said followed but what sounded like a muffled screen. “Forget your little revenge plan, I am calling Suho -” she said.
“Dumped you, wow shocking, but what about me?”
“Oh come off it Durand you were never a girlfriend just a bed- “
“Guys stop and Minah put your phone down,” Tara said with the authority of teacher scolding her kindergarten class. “ I think it's time to give Tyler some off his own medicine,” she said before launching into her plan. As Daniel found it out, much to his disappointment didn’t involve murder or any violence at all but it was simply to break Tyler’s heart. How silly from the sounds of it Tyler Lee didn’t even have a heart so why bother.
“So who would be the ultimate heartbreaker?” Jane asked. “I mean he can be pretty charming -” she trailed off. “He did manage to have four girlfriends at a time,” she spat bitterly.
“I hate to agree with Jane but she is right a regular girl won’t do, they’d be eating of his hand in a day,” Minah said.
“How about her -” she said, Daniel swirled around looking to where she was pointing only to find it landing on Emily. Daniel sucked in a breath to stop himself from snapping.
“Her?” Minah laughed. “No, Tara, she’d be on her knees for him in a minute,” she said. Daniel growled, his hands balling into a fist, his nails digging into flesh. Do not react. Do not react.
‘Well from what i heard she isn’t the biggest fan of my brother, plus she is friends with Eunmi Kim, you know the girl who hates Lucas and by association hates everything my brother stands for -” Tara explained. The glaring girl, of course, she would have to somehow ruin things for him.
“She is a little young,” Jane commented as Daniel nodded in agreement. She was too young. Way too young. “Does she even go here or is she a high schooler?”
“Well, Tyler likes them young apparently,” Minah laughed. “Maybe Tara is onto something, hey if this heartbreak plan fails we might be able to send him to prison,” she snorted. “Seriously Tara, that girl wouldn’t last five minutes with Tyler, and even if she did Tyler wouldn’t look at her twice, she is a little how do i say this… plain?”
“Plain?” Daniel snapped getting out of his booth and glaring at the girls. “Like you can talk, that hair colour you aren’t Blair Waldorf and it isn’t 2008 anymore,” he said if looks could kill him and the french one would have committed double murder. “Keep my cousin out of your mouth the only thing that belongs there is Tyler Lee’s dick and apparently he doesn’t even want it anymore,” he said with an eye roll. “Getting dumped by text - tragic,”
“Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that and why were you listening to our private conversations,” she said eyes lit anger.
“You two are making a scene,” Tara said with a shake of her head. “And i don’t think your cousin would like it she gets fired because you were eavesdropping on a deeply personal conversation of one of this cafe’s best customers,” she said. Daniel apparently underestimated the sister. “Now sit, I’ve made some changes to the plan,” she smirked.
“Are you kidding?” “Him?” Jane and Minah said at the same time.
“You want me to do what?” Daniel said laughing in surprise. “Are you on drugs? I know a rehab clinic i can get you in,” he said as Minah muttered a wow shocking under her breath. “Is he - He won’t do it, I’ve seen your brother and he is strictly interested in cats if you know what i mean -” he said.
“Daniel what are you doing?” Emily said coming over the table, well hobbling over to the table. Tara grinned at her before turning to Daniel with a smirk.
“Your cousin here was actually offering a sympathetic ear,” Jane commented patting Daniel’s back. “There was a misunderstanding at the start but Minah and Danny boy here are such hotheads -” she said.
“Do you really expect me to believe that?” Emily said with an eye roll. “I’ve known Daniel my whole life i can count on one hand the number of times he has been sympathetic,” she said folding her arms. “Daniel what is going on?” she asked.
“I overheard Jane saying she was tired of dating assholes and you know me i can’t resist myself so i suggested M and was just giving her some needed information,” he said as Emily tilted her head before nodding picking up the used menus. Daniel let out a breath only to be whacked in the face by a menu.
“Ow Em, not the face,” He whined.
“You are lying to me,” she said continuing to hit him but notable moving away from the face, “Tell me what is going on or i will tell Sungjae that you used to -” she said before Daniel reached out covering her mouth.
“I am sacrificing myself for the greater good so next time you hit with a menu just remember i got dragged into this because of you,” he said as Emily brows furrowed, a confused look on her face.
“What are you talking about?”
“Emily, was it? You seem… interesting… trust your cousin when we say it’s better you don’t know,” MInah said. Emily’s eyes narrowed at her before turning to Daniel.
“We will be talking just know that,” she said glaring. “And Jane would be lucky to be interested in M, especially considering who she -” Emily said looking down at Jane.
“So is being a bitch genetic in your family or -” Jane asked with a laugh. “And i take back what i said, i think she might have stood a chance against Ty,” she said. “And who is M? Is the short one that has been glaring at Minah? Because ew but i applaud his cause,” she grinned.
“M is the tall one,” Daniel said. “And shut up!” he huffed. “Anyway Tara, your plan is stupid and won’t work and i am so sure of it, I’ll actually let you try and use me,” he said. “Your brother is as straight as a ruler,” he pointed out. “And i am not going to act like i am interested in him until i see some sort of sign he is,” he shrugged. “Now i have to go shower, who knows what i caught by sitting here,” he said pushing past Jane and leaving the cafe.
“Jane do you still have Jaehyun’s number?” Tara asked with a smirk. “I know my brother better than anyone and he would never back down from a dare or a challenge.”
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kiruuuuu · 5 years
Doc/Lion oneshot in which they kiss and make up after a fight. And, uh, other things. (Rating E, utter filth + fluff, ~5.2k words) - written for the ever so wonderful @icezero09​ (and welcome back to tumblr!) 💖 Thank you so, so much for commissioning me again :) You’re a joy to write for! Find my commission info here ♥
It’s rare for Lion to hesitate in front of his own damn apartment, keys jangling forlornly in his half-raised hand and a dull, empty feeling in his stomach.
The first time he did so lies a while back and was entirely self-imposed: following one of the most memorable nights in his life (and with his past, this means a lot) as well as a terrifying confession, he announced a trip to the nearest bakery for croissants and fresh coffee, knowing full well he was allowing for an escape. Upon his return, he rested his forehead on the cool, off-white lacquer of his door, hoping to affect reality by repeating a mantra in his mind, over and over again. Please be there still. Please be there still. Please be there still.
When he was greeted by Doc, in his underwear, subtly complaining about his fridge being worryingly empty, he could’ve burst from the pure joy exploding in him.
Another time he wavered because of a question he was about to pose, a question which had occupied his thoughts for weeks by then. The prospect of not being refused was thrilling with how much he wanted to turn his regular visitor into a permanent resident, yet they’d only been together for a few months by then. It might’ve been too early, too much of a commitment to move in together, too much to ask to share their living space. Lion had gotten lucky with his flat, snagged one with large windows, evening sunlight, spacious enough for a dedicated office and both a bathtub and a shower, and picturing Doc becoming a part of it all filled him with giddy anticipation. Regardless, the possibility of being turned down remained and so he gathered his courage in front of the very door which would become their door after a dizzyingly short amount of time.
Right now, he’s also mentally preparing himself for a potentially difficult conversation, though there are entirely too many ways it could go. The backpack dangling off his shoulder is not getting any lighter and neither are the memories of red dust, large tents lined up one after another and helplessness etched into faces. He’d volunteered for the deployment despite knowing it’ll leave him without closure – diseases will always rage on somewhere and their efforts might make a difference in one town, one city, one region, one country, but ultimately it’s like trying to fill up a swimming pool using only a cup. What he needs now is a hug, a little bit of peace and no responsibilities other than buying groceries. He loves his job, it gives him purpose and direction in life, and yet he can’t deny it drains him sometimes until there’s no energy left.
Definitely no energy to continue arguing.
“I’m home!”, he announces into the quiet once he’s discarded his shoes and hung up his jacket, receiving no response. He was looking forward to coming home throughout the entire flight, picturing a warm welcome, an apology, something along those lines and is genuinely annoyed to encounter none of it. The kitchen is empty and so is their bedroom where he drops his backpack onto the mattress he’s missed dearly (among other things), but in the living room he finds Doc in his usual armchair, sipping coffee with a book in his lap and looking up once Lion appears in the doorway.
He’s gorgeous.
It shouldn’t come as a shock but does nonetheless, two weeks of absence facilitate taking a step back and looking at him in a new light; almost as if he’s seeing him for the first time again. He looks… warm, even inviting, his kind eyes making up for the disapproving curl of his mouth, body relaxed and showing off his sculpted arms in the short-sleeved polo he’s wearing. Even casually, he dresses like he’s been invited to an informal business outing; Lion has never seen him just in sweatpants and supposes this is one of the reasons why Doc always comes across as distinguished. And he’s never wanted anything more than to curl up in his lap, cling to him and never let go.
Doc runs his gaze up and down his body, causing a pleasant tingling and maybe, just maybe he’s in the mood for -
“You look like you need a shower.”
His calm words are ice cubes on Lion’s skin. He’s not wrong, a fourteen hour flight will do that to anyone, but it’s far from what Lion has been hoping to hear. “Yeah”, he snaps without meaning to sound this harsh, “I probably do.”
The argument from before he left continues in his head while he’s basking in the heat of the water drumming down on his skull: he was only doing his job, after all. That’s why he got hired – he’s a professional and refuses to let emotions interfere with his work, and that’s a good thing, isn’t it? He nearly drops the shampoo bottle in agitation and hits his elbow on the cool tiles as he proceeds to weave an impenetrable net of arguments in his mind, counters everything Doc could throw at him effortlessly and recalls the things they spat at each other two weeks ago.
Ultimately, it was his jurisdiction seeing as it was a containment issue, albeit a relatively minor one. He planned on taking the necessary steps while Doc undermined his authority along the way, much to his irritation – maybe he did misdiagnose the boy and paint a picture more grim than reality, yet the scheduled tests would’ve cleared it up without a doubt and brought both the child as well as his mother the deserved peace of mind instead of sending them home from quarantine early. In the grand scheme of things it didn’t matter whether she had urgent appointments to get to and the boy was frightened almost to the point of hysterics, not if their staying overnight would’ve ensured they’re good to go, so Doc was entirely out of line by declaring them safe and allowing them to leave.
Even though they were safe. Lion admits that. Everyone knew, but regulations are there for a reason and why allow for making mistakes when there’s safety procedures which benefit literally everyone and hell, he’s getting worked up again.
He curses under his breath and shuts the water off. It’s about the principle of it all. Doc can’t continue being as lenient as he is and it’s bad enough Six and the others are catering to his bleeding heart, Outbreak being only one of the many examples Lion can think of – if they’d lost some of their best ops going on that frankly idiotic suicide mission to save Macintosh, it would’ve been a disaster. The fact that it happened to work out is irrelevant.
Angrily, he shrugs on one of his nice shirts out of spite, buttoning it while glaring at himself in the mirror. He’s going to show Doc what he’s been missing out on these past weeks. Maybe he should casually drop a few names to make Doc really regret not talking to him while he was in Africa. Well. It’s not like he messaged or called Doc, but again. It’s about the principle of it all.
While dressing fully, he prepares an opening sure to grab Doc’s interest while simultaneously sounding dismissive, ends up stomping into the living room to deliver his short speech and is about three syllables in when he realises Doc isn’t even there anymore.
“… Olivier?”
He turns around to an amused-looking Frenchman in the kitchen, lifting a cup to indicate it’s for Lion and he dares to still look utterly irresistible. Lion pushes away the mental image of just tossing the mug into the sink in favour of tracing Doc’s jaw line with his tongue (but fuck, it’s tempting) and instead blurts out something he doesn’t even mean, something which needs far more context than, well, nothing: “I wish people stopped listening to you all the time.”
Doc’s face turns stony and Lion wants to kick himself. “Or we can fight instead of catching up”, he mutters and slams the coffee onto the counter, causing it to slosh over. “That’s fine too.”
Lion has joined his lover in the kitchen now, brows scrunched together. “I don’t want to fight”, he states lamely.
“No. You just want to rehash an argument for which we found no solution while insisting you’re right. Big difference.”
Alright. Maybe he wants to fight a little, if only to get a rise out of Doc who’s infuriatingly composed still. “I met some of your former colleagues from MSF”, he tactically switches topics to hopefully appease his boyfriend enough in the meantime so he gives in once Lion pushes the previous issue some time later. “Martina says hi.”
“I know. We talk regularly.” Ouch. The cutting quality of the remark is not lost on him: Doc is pissed that he didn’t even let him know whether he arrived safely. “She also tells me you got shot.”
This, at least, he can de-escalate. “I was shot at, but not hit.”
“Martina mentioned blood.”
“It was a graze shot on my side. It’s healed already.”
Doc seems thoroughly unimpressed – not undeservedly, Lion has been known to either downplay or exaggerate his own injuries wildly, though he hasn’t told anyone the real reason. Pretending he was worse off than it appeared ensured a trip to Doc’s office, and acting as if everything was fine surely impressed the Frenchman once he was there. A foolproof system. “If you say so.”
“I say it because it’s true. Were you worried about me?”
Brown eyes turn even darker at the teasing question. “Of course. Every day, Olivier. Just because you behaved like a temperamental child doesn’t mean I didn’t miss you.”
Lion sputters in indignation. “I did not. If anything, you were worse, you broke the fucking vase!”
“Only because you implied the lives of my colleagues are worth less to me than those of civilians.”
“I only did that because you said I care more about rules than I do about humans in general.”
“You also slammed the door and actually stomped your foot. I’m not the immature one here!”
“And yet you sat here and pouted instead of checking up on me despite being worried just because you need to be right -”
“I am right. And now show me your stupid wound!”
“There is no wound, Gustave!”
“We both know you’re lying, come on.”
“Do you really trust me that little?”
“Have you given me enough reason to trust you?”
And that does it. That is it. Lion is seething at this point, all the pent up frustration and worry boiling over as a result of Doc’s consistent nagging, his denial of Lion being right concerning protocols, the silence during the previous weeks and his insistence on being always correct, it’s too much. He snaps.
With one swift motion, he rips his shirt open, presenting his naked torso to his lover, and growls: “Does this look like I’m fucking injured?!”
Doc stills.
And during the brief silence which follows the animalistic gesture, Doc’s eyes are glued to Lion’s chest, sun-tanned and skin smooth with only the faint hint of a scar on his ribs, a mark which will completely fade in months. Around them, torn-off buttons plink and bounce on the floor.
Lion knows what he looks like, knows his lugging around heavy equipment paired with fewer meals and small portions has made his muscles stand out, contoured him flatteringly and harmonises with his slightly bleached auburn hair. He probably smells like sunlight.
Maybe this ended up a little too dramatic.
“You need to fuck me right now”, Doc tells him, tone serious, “we can argue later.”
… or maybe this had just the right kind of flair.
Before he’s even processed the words, Doc’s hands are already pulling on his belt and fuck, getting with the program has never been this seamless. He angrily swats his lover’s hands away to complete the task himself, flinches involuntarily when soft lips latch onto one of his nipples and presses out a groan upon feeling teeth on the sensitive skin. It’s all a little too sudden so he’s only half hard when Doc yanks his trousers down, but watching him sink to his knees without hesitation and lick his way from the base to the tip does wonders to remedy this.
Lion threads his fingers into dark, wavy hair, still reeling from what on earth just happened, is still happening, yet he couldn’t be further from complaining once Doc wraps his glossy lips around the head and flattens his tongue against it. His mouth is hot and wet and Lion feels himself swelling inside the cavern, blood rapidly filling his stiffening shaft while Doc mercilessly sucks him into full hardness. He makes for a beautiful picture like this, more submissive than he usually lets himself be, especially in context, though when he glances up at Lion, there’s still something defiant in his dark gaze.
So that’s how it’s going to be.
His grip tightens and he begins guiding Doc’s movements, pulling him further onto his cock with each bob and causing first a strangled moan and then a warning hum which he disregards entirely. There’s some residual anger still and it bleeds into Lion’s motions, makes them a little rougher than normal. Doc’s tongue is slowly driving him insane with the way its tip seeks out all his most sensitive spots almost out of spite, how it massages the underside, swirls over his slit and curls around the glans, and the sweet pressure of his lover sucking on him only adds to the dizzying mix of stimulation. Not only does it feel mind-blowing, it feels like triumph.
Idly, he debates leaving it at that, interpret this phenomenal blowjob as a concession of defeat from Doc and never bring up their earlier argument again – it would certainly be worth it, Doc always looks so beautiful after he’s swallowed Lion’s come, dazed and proud and like his reading glasses would be askew if he put them on. Doc’s slight resistance might be just for show but Lion relishes it nonetheless, keeps dragging him in while testing out the limits, lets up a little when Doc pinches his thigh after a particularly deep swallow – and then he notices Doc palming himself through his trousers.
He seems to be enjoying this just as much as Lion is.
Inside Doc’s mouth, his cock gives a vicious throb at the sudden surge in desire and earns a helpless moan in return. Lion pictures it briefly, him fucking Doc’s throat while his lover pleasures himself, trapped between focusing on Lion’s dick and his own erection, and his hips involuntarily thrust forward at the mental image. Doc, not expecting it, withdraws while gasping, robs Lion of his delicious wet heat and glares. The hand between his legs, however, is not stopping.
Belatedly, Lion realises this isn’t a submission, if anything it’s an act of war – Doc is taking what he thinks is his, rendering Lion useless in the process. He’s furious but unable to keep his hands off Lion. And if that isn’t the hottest thing he could’ve hoped to encounter today.
“Get up”, he orders hoarsely, throat dry, and doesn’t waste any time undressing his lover as soon as he’s obliged. All his clothes are quickly discarded and tossed somewhere, and with every new bit of skin revealed, Lion’s impatience grows: he wants this man, and he wants him now, wants to show him without a shadow of a doubt how much he desires him… but also make him admit Lion was right.
Doc’s skin is warm under his palms and his tongue slick against Lion’s own. Their making out is almost desperate and not at all befitting a loving reunion after a prolonged absence, but neither of them mind while their lips glide over each other, hands roaming over bodies. Doc moans into his mouth when Lion grabs a handful of his ass, and refuses to break the kiss even as he’s lifted up and set down on the table. His legs wrap around Lion’s hips and he pulls him closer, ankles locked, the gesture possessive but encouraging, and both of them voice their pleasure when their erections rub against each other, Lion’s spit-slicked and Doc’s just as hard now.
“Missed me that much, Gustave?”, he teases in between ravenous kisses and almost loses his balance when Doc’s legs shove him a little in protest.
“Don’t be so smug and get the lube.”
“Why don’t you get it yourself if you want me so much?”
“Shut up.”
“Make me.”
They glare at each other and it’s tough not to allow the challenging expression to melt into an amused smile over Doc’s visible frustration. He’s clinging to Lion still, resistance clearly written in his features – if it was for him, he’s not going to give up any time soon. The realisation of what he’s going to do next makes Lion’s dick jump in anticipation and he turns out to be right: if Lion has leverage over his lover due to how horny he is, he just needs to level the playing field. And so he lightly sinks his teeth into Lion’s shoulder, grabs his cock and drags the nails of his other hand over Lion’s ribs. The faint pain is transformed into roaring want immediately upon Doc lightly jerking him and holy shit, why have they never had angry sex before?
He curses quietly, whispers Doc’s name and earns a sharp nip to his jaw; if he wants to keep up, he needs to act. Blindly, he reaches behind him and fetches the bottle of olive oil from the counter while thrusting into the unforgiving grip. The feeling is divine, almost as good as Doc’s mouth and he hears himself groan in bliss after his lover has spat into his hand and eased the slide considerably, producing a whole other kind of friction. He’s got something better, though.
As soon as his oiled-up fingers curl around Doc’s thick shaft, the Frenchman pauses. Takes a deep breath. And expels it again with a sound akin to a whine when Lion begins stroking him leisurely, thoroughly enjoying the way his lover relaxes into him before being aware of doing so. And once he notices, it’s back to struggling.
They relentlessly exploit each other’s weakspots, Lion sucking a purple bruise onto Doc’s neck, right below his ear, and Doc massaging his balls, nearly causing his knees to give in, fingertips brush over nipples, lips latch onto sensitive patches of skin, and all the while they’re simultaneously pushing each other away and pressing closer. Breath mingling, they’re becoming one already, pawing and kissing and attempting to dominate. They’re both worse for wear by now and so Doc doesn’t even protest when Lion orders him to lie back and spread his legs. Fingers generously coated in olive oil, Lion runs them over his lover’s entrance teasingly before inserting just one.
And oh.
Doc’s cheeks darken when Lion adds a second finger without hesitation, finding his insides pliant and wet already – or rather still.
“Couldn’t even wait until I’m home”, Lion tuts and watches, full of wonder, as Doc swallows even a third digit easily.
“If you hadn’t given me the silent treatment, you might’ve gotten some photos”, the other Frenchman retaliates through his teeth, though his grimace slips a little when Lion strokes over his prostate. Being this familiar with his body pays off more often than not.
“And if you hadn’t given me the silent treatment, I’d have talked you through it.” Lion’s own dick is rearing to go, pulsing impatiently at the sight of Doc’s hole stretching around his fingers, and yet he resists the temptation to enter him and instead goes back to jerking him with his free hand. Doc looks like he’s going to start drooling any second now, his resistance forgotten in favour of grinding against Lion’s hands. “I would’ve told you that you’re doing so good, that you look beautiful, that you can take even more fingers than that. How much I want you. That you should imagine it’s me pushing inside you.”
He’s putty in Lion’s hands now, was shoved over the threshold by overwhelming need and has turned malleable, soft, desperate. Lion has won, and victory has never felt sweeter than right now: the person with whom he hopes to spend the rest of his life all laid out in front of him, blinking up at him dazedly and with so much love obvious in chocolate brown eyes that Lion’s heart threatens to burst for a moment.
“Please”, Doc says quietly. And Lion doesn’t make him say it twice.
Slicking up his own cock already forces a moan out of his throat, so he doesn’t expect to last long – not with how long he’s had to wait for this, not with how tight the ring of muscle was around his three fingers. It doesn’t matter, he’s sure they’ll be having a second round later. Carefully, he lines up the tip and pushes in with minimal resistance, both of them moaning when the head slips inside, and once he’s fully bottomed out, he takes a moment to revel in familiar feeling of Doc clenching down on him. Oh, how he missed this. How he missed the disbelief written all over Doc’s face when Lion rolls his hips and brushes over his sweet spot, how he missed the filthy sounds they’re producing together, how he missed the feeling of another body against his own.
Once he slams inside the first time, Doc is already incoherent and the half-syllables he manages only convince Lion to not let up, increase force and speed and intensity to make him forget his own name, to make him forget he ever belonged to anyone else. His lover’s crotch is an oily mess but it’s just perfect for him, allowing him to wank him hard and fast, rapidly building pleasure in time with his thrusts – Doc doesn’t suspect anything yet, thighs trembling already from how deep Lion invades him with every motion, from how calloused fingers run over sensitive flesh. He must think Lion impatient or close to the edge but couldn’t be further from the truth. He’s only just started.
When he ceases his ministrations just as Doc’s abs begin to flutter, giving away his impending orgasm, he expects his lover to react with indignation, possibly take matters into his own hands or at the very least glare at him, but when his eyes open, they’re so full of devotion and acceptance that Lion is momentarily floored. Instead of fighting him, Doc tightens his legs and drags him in, turns the hard thrusts rocking his body even more brutal and unforgiving despite panting already, despite squirming away from the overpowering pleasure. He doesn’t protest when Lion massages his dick once more, struggles to hold it with how fiercely it’s twitching, and even when he stops again due to Doc’s mewling nearly reaching peak volume, the man in front of him tolerates the torture.
Lion keeps up the merciless rhythm of his hips, fucks his way towards a well-deserved climax and marvels at the beauty laid out just for him, but it bothers him how… accommodating Doc has become even though he’s nothing if not stubborn. And yet he rewards Lion’s movements with loving gazes, contracts around his shaft to increase the sweet, sweet pressure, and lets endless, blissful noises drop from his lips. Lion can feel Doc’s toes flexing against his back, so he must be hitting just the right spot and he’s so caught up in his own lust, so focused on the erotic sensation of driving into the person he loves, of making both of them feel good, that it takes him embarrassingly long to understand.
He leaves Doc hanging on the edge again and explores his shapely chest with a slick hand, leaving glistening trails on darker skin, but it clicks when his palm travels all the way up, barely brushing against Doc’s throat. Because he tilts his head back, willingly exposing the vulnerable body part. And Lion gets it.
It doesn’t matter that they disagree on certain topics, their views are unlikely to change and so neither of them will budge, but what does matter is that they love each other regardless. That they accept each other the way they are, and even if they might be angry, their passion and commitment remains untouched. This is why Doc is handing himself over so willingly: his trust is unshaken.
And Lion interrupts his motions to lean down and kiss him, channel all the love and faith and desire he feels for this man into the gesture while burying both hands in Doc’s hair, cradling his face. The smile he feels against his mouth tells him that Doc understands, and when Lion starts grinding against him a few seconds later, both of them gasp.
“I missed you so much”, Lion mutters against parted lips and now everything is pouring out of him. “Fuck, I thought of you every free second. You feel so good, Gustave, you have no idea how good you feel. You’re amazing. I love you so much.”
Doc moves against him, eyes open as he clings to the taller man like his life depended on it. “I love you too, Olivier. And you’re so deep -”
“I even dreamt of you. I still can’t believe this is real, sometimes. You look so fucking hot right now, I want to fuck you until you can’t walk.”
This earns him the very first genuine, absolutely brilliant smile ever since he came back. Doc licks his mouth open and plays with his tongue until they’re both breathless and gasping before whispering: “Do it.”
So Lion does.
He pulls out, half drags Doc off the table and turns him around so his feet are (already unsteadily) on the floor, torso resting on the wooden surface with Lion behind him, and slams home in one fluid motion. From there, it’s a veritable mess, a maelstrom of sensation and want, a barrage of stimulation muddling Lion’s perception entirely. He’s vaguely aware of waves of divine pleasure rushing through his entire body with each thrust, notices Doc looking back at him pleadingly over his shoulder, incredulity lining his features and increasing with every strangled sound. It’s pure heaven, skin slapping sharply on skin, his cock rubbing over Doc’s prostate with every thrust, causing him to whimper and writhe and his legs to almost give in, and all the while he insistently drags Doc’s hips to meet him so he can reach as deeply inside as possible.
The fast tempo wrecks them both, sweat is starting to bead up on Doc’s back and Lion’s forehead, both of them completely lost in their own pleasure, in each other, in the feeling connecting them – and when Lion reaches around to jerk Doc in the same unrelenting rhythm as his motions, another hand closes over his own, squeezes it more tightly and demonstrates just how Doc likes it right now. Knowing how much he enjoys the deep and thorough penetration only serves to cloud Lion’s thoughts further and, in contrast, sharply brings his own desire into focus, steadily building up with every time he invades his lover so intimately until he can’t take it anymore.
When he comes, he folds in half and moans unselfconsciously into Doc’s hair, loud groans wrenched from him with every delicious wave of pleasure rolling through him. The relief is immeasurable, rushes through his veins like liquid electricity and has him shuddering violently in time with his small thrusts accompanying the contractions in his lower muscles. He’s barely aware of Doc’s hand speeding up in desperation but suddenly becomes keenly aware of his lover climaxing below him due to the hard clenching around him all of a sudden, the spasms milking him even further and his own moans mixing with Doc’s. They both shiver, prolong each other’s orgasm with minuscule movements and only come down slowly from their intense high, aftershocks making their muscles twitch and cocks throb.
Doc lets out a content sigh which Lion mirrors, but when he pushes against the larger body draped over him, Lion refuses to budge. He’s still coasting on the elating feeling of loving and being loved, of sharing intimacy, and if he doesn’t say it now, he never will.
Lips brushing over warm skin, he murmurs: “I’m sorry. I… rules help me do the right thing and I’m afraid of acting without them. I’ll try to think for myself more instead of blindly relying on general instructions which might not fit the situation exactly.”
His lover huffs a quiet laugh and catches one of his hands in his own, interlaces their fingers to show him he appreciates the apology. “I’m sorry too. I let my feelings interfere with my work which can be dangerous. I’ll try to take a step back and assess situations more objectively.”
It’s such a relief to hear these words that Lion nearly tears up at the realisation that he’s forgiven, that he made a concession only to be graced with one in return, that they’re equals after all, both human and thus flawed in their own way. They’re both wrong if the result is them not speaking to each other, and the insecurity of what their fight might mean for their relationship melts away, leaving behind nothing more than a fuzzy feeling.
This time, when Doc moves, Lion withdraws gingerly and stands up straight, pulling the other man into a tight embrace once he’s turned around. They kiss slowly and sweetly, both of them smiling into it since they can’t help it and when he playfully peppers the side of Doc’s neck in kisses, his lover reacts with a chuckle.
“That was awful”, Doc tells him matter-of-factly. “Let’s never do that again.”
And though Lion has to agree that the past two weeks rank among the worst of his life, he can’t help but clarify: “You don’t mean the angry sex though, right? You looked so incredibly hot, blowing me while furious.”
Doc snorts, visibly embarrassed, and shakes his head slightly. “If you liked that, I… guess we can have a repeat performance. Just without all the nonsense before it.”
“Yeah. I agree.” Lion takes the opportunity to eye up his boyfriend, take in his messy hair, the shimmery smears all over his body, the absolute mess between his legs – and it looks like he did drool on the table after all. “You look like you need a shower.”
The grin spreading on Doc’s face is almost mischievous and has Lion falling for him all over again, not that he’s letting it show just how smitten he really is. “And I do hope you’re going to accompany me, mon amour?”
How could he say no to that? “We have a lot of catching up to do”, he agrees and drops his gaze to see some of his semen running down Doc’s thigh.
Maybe he’ll end up having to shower three times today.
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malvoliowithin · 7 years
ya boy Richard III
ALL of them? Ooh boy here we go:
❤️ why I love this character:
A lot of reasons, but one of the main ones is I love how diligent he is. I think that comes along with the fact that he doesn’t act entitled - which is good, his character could have easily been written as thinking he deserves the crown by rights but he doesn’t think that. He actually knows full well he doesn’t deserve it by rights but sees it more like a prize, something that you have to bleed and fight and kill and sacrifice for and so he’s not entitled to it, but if he puts the effort in then he can make himself worthy of it. 
Another thing - he’s not motivated by revenge or wanting everyone around him to suffer like he suffered or even sadistic malice (I mean, there’s gleefulness in his scheming but that’s not why he does what he does) his primary goal is actually his own happiness, and trying to find a place where he belongs in a world where he so clearly doesn’t. Which, of course, is incredibly misguided because murder is generally not a good path to happiness. But it’s still interesting since he could have been written as vengeful or just a plain sociopath, but he isn’t. 
💙 why I hate this character:
I mean… pick any number of qualities? He’s deceitful to everyone, including himself, he’s manipulative, sexist, bullying, untrustworthy, heck he’s most loyal to his own brother and then the second Edward’s dead he just starts murdering the shit out of his family. He kills children. I mean when he gets called fiend and a minister of hell that isn’t a lie. 
(Despite all this I do not hate him but there’s certainly plenty about him to hate) 
⁉️ what initially drew me to this character:
Okay I’m one of the weirdos who didn’t know who he was prior to reading, and I started with the H6 plays. So I was familiar with Richard III as the play about the creepy hunchbacked murdery dude but that was literally all I knew I didn’t know he was in multiple plays. 
Basically in 2H6 and early in 3H6 he’s this intense, loud, pissed-off little jerk who will fight anything that comes near him and has a code of family honor and really wants his dad to like him and is simultaneously attached to and also jealous of his brothers. He… kind of reminded me of a slightly meaner version of Hotspur, to tell the truth. And I just thought he was fun. And then at one point someone described him as having a crooked back and I was confused because… he had a crooked back? What…
And then the pieces fell into place.
And I LOVED his arc in 3H6. I think it defined him for me, and still does. But what really drew me in was his speech in act 5 scene 6 because man, I felt that. 
💕 who do I think this character is in love with (if anyone) and why:
No I don’t think he’s in love with anyone. I think he’s tolerant of Anne, mostly leaves her be, doesn’t really have a use for her for most of the play but doesn’t have a use for her death either so she’s just… there. I sort of headcanon that he wants to impress her and wants her to admire him but since he knows she’s not going to, it’s whatever. That’s not love though. That’s just him wanting attention.
I think with Buckingham he’s not in love with him either but they’re friends. And I think Richard would probably call him a friend too, although I don’t remember how he refers to him in canon. See, Buckingham is also a manipulative, scheming, ambitious devil. So they can be manipulative, scheming, ambitious devils together, and I think Richard could love in Buckingham the things he hated in himself. But obviously two untrustworthy people who are naturally suspicious and treacherous are eventually going to stop trusting each other and assume that the other is out for blood, which, honestly? I don’t think either of them were. It’s written as very hard to tell, but taken as a scene of genuine misunderstanding, it’s heartbreaking.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 what do I think this character’s feelings about their family are:
Depends on which family. I think overall he sees them as a commodity, and both an aid and a hindrance. They got him to be in line for the throne but now they’re all in the way.
I do think he loved his father, the canon even suggests that. He didn’t seem to be quite so soured on family loyalty until York was dead, and he has a few lines that are fairly admiring and affectionate, especially for him. 
Regarding George and Edward, they do seem to have been close at one point and their relationship throughout 3H6 is brotherly, but the two of them do turn on him first, at least from his perspective. Which is the interesting thing. Edward goes off to marry Elizabeth, and scandalizes the family name and ruins their prospects, while George betrays them for Warwick and the Lancasters. They come back together but the damage is done then, and Richard can write them off fairly quickly. He’s not forgiving, that’s the thing. 
With his mother… he respects her, but he doesn’t love her. Whenever he’s near her he seems to hold back; doesn’t really defend himself or retort as vehemently as he typically does. He doesn’t have a lot of scenes with her, though. He seems hesitant around her, which would indicate mistrust or even nervousness. But that may just be my reading. 
The rest of his family, his in-laws, including his nephews, are not family. They are enemies and he cares nothing for them. If they get in his way they will die. And often do. 
🕰 what do I think this character enjoys doing in their free time:
Plotting evil.
Also, I think he goes for walks a lot because they clear his head and he does like his time by himself. 
👿 who does this character hate more than anyone else:
I actually don’t know, I don’t think it’s ever made clear. I don’t think he hates most of the people he kills, so to speak, I think he at most resents them and in some cases is just apathetic and needs them gone.
Margaret would be a good contender, having killed his father and little brother, and then insulted him on numerous occasions, but I think the person he most hates…
Would be Henry. Think about it; Henry was given the crown as a baby, he never had to fight for it, never lost a family member in the taking of it except for a father he never knew anyway, he was just born with adoring subjects, the throne of England, and all the power in the world just handed to him and what does he do with all that honor? He tosses it aside and refuses to pick up a sword and spends his days doing anything in his power to avoid conflict, which I think to a man like Richard who would be willing to lay down his life and the lives of so many others in pursuit of the crown must seem like the most ungrateful and cowardly thing someone could possibly do. 
🌈 what is their relationship like with their romantic partner(s) ((cannon or not)):
I already kind of did this one for the love one earlier!
🌕 happy headcanon:
His father used to pet his hair when he was particularly proud of him and since then he’s always liked being petted, it reminds him of feeling safe and almost loved. He doesn’t allow it from many people, though. Only a few individuals are allowed to touch him without him pulling away or snapping. 
🌑 sad headcanon:
When he was five he first got called a toad and thought it was a compliment because toads are fun and have strong legs, so he didn’t really understand why that was what he was like, because his legs were weak and most people didn’t think he was all that enjoyable to be around.
He asked Edward and Edward told him it was because of his back. He didn’t really understand that, either. But he knew it wasn’t good. 
📂 random/obscure headcanon:
He’s sort of jealous of Edward’s ability to wear beautiful clothes and look nice in them. He puts very little thought into his appearance because - well, does it matter? But he still wishes he could look good. 
📱favorite/personal modern interpretation:
The Restaurant AU thing where he’s the manager and he’s highly perfectionistic, good at his job, and has reportedly killed everyone who left a bad review on Yelp. 
📺 favorite film interpretation:
I haven’t actually seen a full film of this whoops. I do appreciate the aesthetics of the Olivier version because of the dedication to the Bright Medieval Color Scheme and weird haircuts. 
🎻 a song I associate with this character:
When You’re Evil by Voltaire. 
📕 my ideal epilogue for this character (if they survived):
He didn’t survive whoops
📗 what I think would have happened to this character if they HAD survived:
Okay I’m actually in the process of writing a version of an AUWND in which he lives but bad shit happens to him.
In the proper canon… I don’t know? I mean I think he would have gotten a bit of an ego boost for surviving the Death Judgement that was passed on him the night before, but I mean… he would still have to go home and be lonely, sleepless, utterly despised and friendless. 
It’s possible he could have just ignored it but I think it would wear on him after a while. I mean, once he’s reached his goal he’s not nothing left to plan for to distract himself. So I think barring the idea of just having to face rebellion after rebellion and eventually getting killed he would probably try to rule well but eventually end up depressed and miserable. 
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