#why don’t you tell the billions of users out there not to use someone’s celeb name as an url if they post other stuff as well
xiaosean · 2 years
Seriously xiaosean are you sending these msgs to yourself and replying it? No one insinuated you are xiao zhan, just asked to stop pretending to be a fan when you are so clear that you are not.
😂😂😂 i’m not even that active here unless xz releases a drama tho // since it’s been cleared that i am obv NOT xiao zhan, then what’s up with this ask?
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god forbid me to use someone’s non-legal eng name to start an multi fandom appreciation blog that has the tendency to bias xz (is that clear enough for you?) and seems like you’re just wanting to start shit on my platform… who are you to tell me what i am? MAYBE you’re the 黑粉 here
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topicprinter · 7 years
A few days ago I made a post about Instagram secrets which got a lot of hype. Later I made a post about the Facebook Fraud which too got a lot of hype.These both posts had a lot of common questions. One of them being the blue print of Instagram that worked for me after 11 months of research.If you haven't already - PLEASE - have a look at the post The Facebook Fraud or else you'll just hate all the techniques I'm going to discuss in this post. Yes - THEY ARE dishonest (a lot of cheating) - but I guess if Facebook, Instagram and billion dollar social media agencies are OPENLY fucking everyone over for making an extra buck then why should we be the righteous men?If you choose the honest path then I guess you should better leave all social media platforms as they themselves are nothing short of blackhat thieves.The Blue Print(Once again this would make sense if you had read the other two posts I made) You can check them here - https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/7ezgco/the_facebook_fraud/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/7erlr3/hushhush_secrets_to_instagram_no_one_would_share/Step 1Make an Instagram account that has possibility of getting monetized. At the end of the day - if you're going to work hard to build an Instagram audience / fan base - it has to give you something in return right?There are some niches that are BOOMING and always will get a LOT of hype on Instagram.Don't get me wrong - almost everything can be monetized but some niches are easier and quicker to monetize.My personal experience is that niches related to beauty, fashion, travel, hotels (basically industries that are super visual) will always convert quick.Think of your potential sponsors and then build up a niche related page accordingly.If Fashion - your sponsors would be - fashion brands, fashion events, fashion retailers, malls, beauty products, beauty services (salons, parlors) and so much more - almost every big city has a MILLION fashion retailers. They wouldn't mind giving you $1000 for a post. (If that statement makes you feel a bit confused - wait a bit - I'll explain later)If Travel - hotels, restaurants, bars, travel boards - all these would be your potential sponsors. I can name 1000+ travelers who travel the world for free and do it on the back of their YouTube / Instagram. Its pretty doable. And they get invited to stay at 5 star resorts - they travel first class AND they still get money on TOP of it.Step 2Post regular content. This one is so obvious. Have a clean feed that has a unique look and feel. A lot of Instagrammers develop a set of colors (filters) that they use for all their photos to make their feed look 'unique'. Not much to talk about here. Post good content. Thats all. A few tutorials on Lightroom and Photoshop and you're good to go.Step 3 (Cheating)Social validation is the key. Its the classic example of a bar. A girl would be more attracted to a guy who has himself surrounded by a few girls (and guys). That is social validation right there. A girl that is in demand would want a guy who has some social proof. This is just so BASIC.I'll tell you a short story. This is like year and years ago. A far relative of mine opened up a small snacks canteen in his town. The place had a small area for seating on the inside and a bit of outdoor seating for customers. The place (street) where he opened up this snack bar was one that saw a lot of school kids pass by as there were a lot of schools located nearby.What he did next was epic. He literally paid $10 each to a bunch of kids to come at his canteen everyday after school hours and sit and eat for free. As much as they wanted.What happened next was the fun part. All the other kids noticed that these kids are sitting there having snacks and just hanging out. You can guess what happened then. Social proof. Automatically in a weeks time the place started getting flooded with these school kids. They all made this place THE place to hangout after school hours.Every retailer does this in some way or the other. When I go out to dinner on a weekend with my friends - we obviously JUDGE the places (options) we have by the crowd size. I'd rather go to a diner which has 5 customers already than go to one that looks deserted. You see how we think? Its just so obvious. Don't you think?This applies to social media too. If 5000 people have likes your photo and then I see it. I have a higher chance of liking it (obviously if the content is decent enough). If your photo has a handful of likes - I probably won't like it UNLESS your content is just mind blowing.If I see an Instagram page that has 1 mil followers I immediately assume that this person is a big deal. Its just so natural. Do I care if that 1 mil followers are real or fake? Man who the fuck got time to check and shit? Haha. Yes, for us people who are actively building a base on social media and are marketers - yes we may give a fuck - but the general population? I guess not.They'd see that 1m on your Instagram page and worship you.Step 3 is simple. Buy yourself some social proof bruh! Ain't no way around it. Wait until you have like 100 posts (upload 4 a day that would mean in 25 days you have like 100 posts) and start pumping them fake followers.Do it to point where you have 100,000+ followers in about 3 months since you started. That would mean 90 days of posting and pumping. Lets put it out at 1000 followers per day x 90 days = 90,000 followers 4 posts per day x 90 days = 360 postsStep 4 (This happens alongside step 3)During the time in which you build your posts and followers (fake) - you will have to get yourself some engagement to match the growing base of followers right?This is where engagement pods come into picture. For the millionth time - these are groups of Instagrammers who come together on a chat platform and exchange engagement.99% of the engagement pods are FREE. My advice? Its really not worth joining a paid engagement pod. You'd just be disappointed.Just Google for Instagram Engagement Pods - there are a hundred of those out there. Join them all and see what works best for you.So far You have some social proof. You have a clean feed. You have 100k+ followers. You have 300+ posts. Your posts get 800-1000 likes per post and 100-200 comments per post via engagement pod.Step 5 (Laundering the blackhat followers into whitehat followers)This is the step that all billion dollar social media agencies that manage celeb accounts do that most of you always ignore.There a TIME and place to convert it all into reality.We faked it until step 4 and by step 5 we need to make it.Gaming the Instagram algo to get a ton of real followers daily.Instagram algo is changing drastically. Every day they are trying out something new or the other. Just like Facebook - Instagram is trying its best to fuck you over so that it can make money. So - if honest way is you motto - be ready to spend a million dollars to attract Pakistani and Egyptian followers who are bots and never engage (see my posts about The Facebook Fraud if you don't know what I'm talking about).To my knowledge - as I'm writing this post - Instagram is playing around with its algo.Instagram wants to get more local and less global (user experience/interaction). It wants peoples reach to become more local (so that if they wish to go global - get their posts noticed beyond their base - they'd have to pay) - Thats what Facebook did.Instagram now will show you content (explore / top post feed) based on what you interact with and whom you interact with. If you're follower a user A and that user liked a photo X then the chances are that you will see that photo X. I hope that makes sense.If you interacted with a user (watched their live video / checkout their stories in the past) - Instagram will show you that too.This is both good news and bad news. Bad news as top post page is no longer global and more tailored to the user (you).What you see on top post page for X hashtag won't be the same as the other user (unless if they're your friend / follower).So the reach is getting more limited (Thanks Instagram for fucking us over - we came - you said we could have fun on your platform for free but sooner or later you had to get greedy!)Off topic - Its funny when redditors get horny when someone (a redditor) offers something for free to the public and redditors go like (sure - sooner or later you will make it a paid thing and you'll fuck us over) - Haha. Funny isn't it? Thats exactly what everyone does isn't it? Somehow or the other they make that cash back. Either they sell your data for pennies like you're nothing but a piece of shit or they make you into an advertiser so you pay them cash and still get fucked over. Lol.Moving on ... In this step - you will need to inject (cheat) fake likes to your posts. There are a billion companies that provide this service called auto like. Meaning - whenever you post on Instagram you get X amount of likes based on your package right when you post. So lets say you buy a package that gives you 5000 likes per post whenever you post within like 15 mins of you posting.Thats a ton of social proof man. This will push your post and make it appear 'trending' to Instagram and make your post appear on top post and explore page to a wide audience.Get this done - buy a small package for the start - maybe 1000 likes per most and gradually increase it to 5000 likes per post.But wait. What is point of all of this?HERE IS ANOTHER SECRET - Getting thousands of likes (fake ones) from these services + getting a thousand real likes FROM engagement pods (that are filled with authority accounts like 10k,50k,100k,500k and so on) will get your post to appear to millions of people.As in this way you start out local - but you go global as all those people on pods are from all around the world - so NOT ONLY they will like your posts - but with you having a ton of likes - their own followers will see your posts. Thats when it goes global.STEP 6 (Becoming Jesus)Here is when you wash away all your sins. Its funny how every teenage girl who is obsessed with Instagram knows this but most mediocre marketers don't.THE GIVEAWAYYou have no idea how many giveaways Instagrammers (the ones who are serious) do. Thats the same with YouTube isn't it? All the YouTubers I follow (most of them are really famous) - they all have these giveaways right? Be it iPhone or a trip with the YouTuber itself or a chance to meet the said YouTuber and so on.Instagrammers are doing the same.You NEED to take part in giveaway loops. If you don't know what this mean (giveaway loop) then you are NOT AT ALL a serious Intagrammer. Basically - you connect with 5-7 Instagrammers that are IN YOUR NICHE and are big. Lets say you connect with 7 of them who are travelers (you too are one) and each of them have like 100k-500k followers right? You start a giveaway. You each put in X amount of $ and one of buys a bunch of iPhones and other X/Y/Z things to giveaway and you start a giveaway loop. That way you gain followers from each others base.You must be thinking (but my base is of fake followers - what will I give?) - nothing. Haha. Not for the start at least.You should make 2-3 giveaways every month for 2-3 months and you'd SURELY reach 500K with JUST that.Don't believe me? Checkout this company called Sunny Co Clothing. Its a swimsuit company and they got 600k Instagram followers in 48 hours. You know what they did? Everything I described above AND they went all in with giveaway. Basically they told that everyone who reposts their (Sunny Co) photo will GET a free bathing suit.What happened in next 48 hours? They gained 600k real followers? You see? You gotta be serious and smart if you gotta go big man. Stop fooling around with them bots and shit. Stop hating the game. Sooner or later we all wash away our sins. Haha.Partnering with the right Instagrammers for loop giveaway can be tricky but then again if you're in Instagram pods filled with amazing Instagrammers and you get to know them then you just have to shoot out a message to them. Chances are they too know you as they'd be commenting and liking your photo on a daily basis right?So it becomes easy.Yes - it will cost you money. But you gotta have money to make money.YouTubers these days do a lot of drama. Wherein they act and make drama as if there is a fight between two big YouTubers ... they start making diss tracks and exchange insults (drama) and what not.Everyone falls for this ... but its all a hoax. In this way - they both (the both Youtubers) get to have more subscribers.Lets say I have 1mil subscribers on YouTube. I am Nate. And lets say you have 1mil subscribers on YouTube and your name is Joe.What happens when Nate makes a diss track about Joe? And then Joe makes a diss track about Nate?Haha. Obvious. The both get A TON OF VIEWS and all that drama? Its funny as most of these drama people on YouTube after a few exhange of disses they make an apology video and become friends.That base of followers? Its get exchanged and they BOTH go BIG.So funny that no one realizes this (the marketers on Reddit specially).Its all game bruh. Either you play it and get that Lambo or someone else will and then you'd sit and cry.STEP 7 (Making money)Well by this time - say you have 500+ posts, with all the fake and real and engagement pods combined you have 10K likes per post - you are somewhere near 500K followers - its all good man. Haha.This is when you FIRST start trading shoutouts with the BIG sharks. If you're a traveler and you're sharing your Travel experiences via Instagram then reach out to those who are the BIG sharks. Ones which have big big big fan base. I'm talking about those who have 1mil or more. You have so much going on - the people you approach would surely reply to you won't they?Meet up with them - its FUN - collaborate - exchange drama - and exchange base (NO COST INVOLVED here) You see? Its all going to become real now.You got a fashion page? Get in touch with the big fashion bloggers and meet with them - call them - make some drama like YouTubers do. Repost each others stuff. Get the word out. Go even more bigger.Do this for a while and the next step will happen naturally.FINAL STEPGotta get that green stuff right?Honestly speaking - by this time - based on your niche - brands would be on their knees asking you to advertise for them. Would it matter that 6 months ago you started out with fake followers? I guess not. Haha. By now you have 600K+++ and only 100/200K is fake. So no harm to anyone bruh.If you have an engaged community then you can safely charge $600 per 100k followers. At 600K that would mean ~$3K per post.But then again - you should have experience working with brands. If you're a traveler - during the first few months (once you've crossed 100K by fake followers) - you should mail hotels for free stays. I doubt anyone would say no.Once you grow to 200-300K then approach larger hotel chains (5 star hotels and resorts) and ask them for more longer stays. I can name a 1000 travelers who travel the world on the back of their Instagram.Just keep doing this.By the time you reach 500K+++ you'd have all hotels inviting you to stay with them. They'd pay for your round trip. Expenses. AND pay you cash too.Aren't most of the travelers who are famous on YouTube and Instagram doing just that? Why can't you?Phew - Thats all for this post guys! This is a LOT of stuff. You guys can complain all you want down below. Just remember - if you ain't driving that Lambo - someone else will - and if Facebook and Instagram themselves LOVE stealing views and money, faking stats - then why can't you? Its all fair if in the end you come out clean is all I'm saying.Good Luck to all.FYI - DO NOT ask for recommendations on where to buy fake shit. Google is your friend. If you want to join pods or buy fake shit. Just Google it. When joining a pod - be sure that you DO NOT pay to join one. More often than not, you'd regret it.
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New Post has been published on http://attendantdesign.com/world-agrees-to-just-take-down-internet-for-a-while/
World Agrees To Just Take Down Internet For A While
Pronouncing the world Internet  wide laptop network will quit being available to users as of midnight this night, the human beings of the sector announced plans Wednesday to close down the complete net until such time as a great use for it may be located Agrees.
In keeping with the earth’s 7.5 billion inhabitants, the internet—a era that allows every human at the face of the planet to talk and percentage facts with every other human—appeared like an extremely good conceAbefore everything. But even as limited parts of the net were deemed beneficial and might someday be salvaged, the worldwide populace concluded that the overpowering majority of it is certainly awful, and in a few cases, even risky.
“Positive, it’s convenient to have this astounding quantity of facts at your fingertips, However once you keep in mind that almost none of it’s far positioned to any sort of productive use, it simply doesn’t seem well worth it having it around, you already know?” stated Cleveland-based internet person Rhonda Tibbs, 39, echoing the thoughts of all humanity as she defined a technology that basically serves to increase the voices of alienated, misinformed and overly aggressive humans. “I assume it turned into truly ok inside the beginning, even useful. But, man, it sincerely has long past off the rails.”
“That’s why we’re pulling the plug, right now, earlier than it receives any worse,” Tibbs added.
Talking to reporters, people throughout the globe stated social media as possibly the net’s maximum difficult element, having wrongly assumed it changed into wise to allow people to share their opinions through a tool that generously rewards whoever makes the most shocking and abhorrent statements maximum regularly.
But the populace also discovered that the net, at the start designed as a way for studies establishments to proportion statistics, became now in large part a repository of subsidized content material, pop-up commercials, movies no one will ever watch, junk mail, difficult identification theft schemes, financial institution debts susceptible to hacking, center-aged guys badly masking Aerosmith on YouTube, futile online petitions, grossly embellished OkCupid profiles, spyware, fan-generated Lord Of The Earrings erotica, celeb gossip, anti-Semitic memes, revenge porn, misleading condo listings, and loss of life threats.
“The internet is terrible—there’s a lot of this factor that humans simply shouldn’t be the use of in any respect,” said Graham Curtis, a 52-year-old Dublin, Eire, resident. “I think the authentic concept turned into that you’d go online and explicit a perspective, and then a person else might express theirs. Then some kind of semi-constructive communicate could take location. Rather, you go online and someone nearly at once tells you he’d giggle so tough if you offed yourself.”
“I’m glad we’re taking it down, and if it ever receives put lower back up, optimistically there could be some form of nice manipulate,” he added. “if you’re the use of the net simply to inform me what your 10 favorite Amy Adams movies are, and now not even in any specific order, then perhaps you shouldn’t be using it at all.”
Across the world, discussions have taken location as to how the internet, if it’s far sooner or later revived, might be made less appalling. Several guidelines have reportedly been proposed, which include a minimum age requirement and a questionnaire geared toward identifying the most frivolous or virulent users, after which either barring them entirely or corralling them inner a section of the internet dedicated to folks who do not anything However make humanity worse.
Even as get admission to electronic mail and online climate offerings would continue to be in large part unchanged, assets showed that Reddit and 4chan could be removed completely, and the net could be strictly limited to an unmarried, reliable database of tune lyrics.
“We can put the internet returned up eventually, But right now we want to take a step again and absolutely think about what we need from it,” said Devansh Patel, 27, of Chennai, India. “Linking networks of computer systems to facilitate the unfastened trade of thoughts become splendid in concept, However, it just hasn’t produced anything of benefit. I nonetheless assume it has potential, even though, and with a bit of luck, We can deliver it again in my lifetime.” The sector’s maximum Lovely Bridges
They may be small or They will be large, They may be wood or concrete- However bridges are something that can be discovered nearly anywhere all over the international. But, this article focuses on the bridges that make our heads flip around. These bridges are architectural miracles that without a doubt have the capability to take our breaths away. So without further ado, we convey to you a listing of bridges around the world which might be simply the factor you want to visit. (also, here is a seasoned journey tip for you – ensure you look at British Airlines while you ebook your flights)
1. Brooklyn Bridge, New york: Featured heavily in many movies together with the famed Batman Trilogy, this bridge is a cable suspended bridge that paves the way out of latest York. it is up to now, one of the oldest and most complex bridges of new York. The towers giving balance to this bridge are simply made of granite, limestone, and cement. The maximum wonderful thing is this bridge become built in 1833 and remains to survive until these days.
2. Golden Gate Bridge: This Bridge, additionally located in U.S. of us, hyperlinks the town of San Francisco with Marin County and is a properly diagnosed image of California or even the whole of The united states. This bridge is likewise protected inside the contemporary day wonders of the sector. earlier than the bridge changed into constructed, the only way to tour between the two edges became the usage of a boat. This bridge became built in a time span of four years. This bridge has also been featured in many movies around the globe.
3 Tower Bridge, London: This Bridge is also an icon and global consultant of the area where it was made – London. This bridge took eight years to build and was constructed between 1886 and 1894. This bridge has two towers which were related by way of walkways and encompass sections that are suspended on each side of the tower. Those sections than in turn stretch closer to the banks of the Thames. At the time of its construction, this bridge becomes the most important and most state-of-the-art bridge in the global.
4. Sydney Harbor Bridge: This Bridge was opened for public use in 1932. This mixed with the Opera houses of Sydney are a main cultural symbol for Australia all through the sector. This bridge is thought to host the excellent New yr Celebrations in Australia. This bridge holds the file for the world’s largest metallic bridge. But, it isn’t always considered to be the longest. It took 8 years to build this bridge with a hard work of 1400 guys.
Now which you recognize the first-class bridges which you should visit, it’s time to % your luggage and takes a journey to those extremely good locations. additionally ensure that every time you are buying tickets, you check out British Airlines to get the excellent on the subject of travel and airfare How to Keep away from Fake hyperlinks
There are distinct methodologies which facilitate this development. One of them is the Spry method. it is one of those systems which are in the main used as tools of task control in programming enterprise. It especially depends on additive and regular development.
The internet is complete of deceptions for beginners. whilst they are attempting to download software, by means of clicking the “download” button, in fact, they may be clicking on Faux or false hyperlinks that download junk or unwanted software bundles without the person’s knowledge. this text will help you in getting to know how you may Keep away from downloading These sort of undesirable programs getting mounted for your laptop gadget.
Typically the geeks or nerds know How to Keep away from Those traps of junk at the same time as downloading These sort of false hyperlink software. For an amateur, it’s miles difficult for them to identify the Fake hyperlinks. Lots of them don’t even know that when they may be downloading video games or any sort of software program, they also replica or deploy many other computer virus bundles which are routinely mounted in their machine.
The Fake link makers realize How to entice the person into clicking the one’s hyperlinks. Fancy buttons, nude pics, and other methods are used to make the customers click those hyperlinks. This is the most commonplace trick this is being used everywhere on the internet. The primary reason in the back of this logic is that users have a tendency to get drawn toward nudity and luring snapshots like getting rich short schemes. The customers are unaware of a majority of these.
So How to Keep away from all this. It is quite simple. while you are downloading something, just hover the mouse cursor on the hyperlink. You will see the link on the popularity bar under the display screen. It’s going to show you the internet deal with of the hyperlink in which it results in. For example, you spot a hyperlink for downloading your preferred game. even as hovering over the link You’ll see the outside link. If it is displaying you the hyperlink of an executable or compressed file for the same recreation you have been seeking out, then it’s far a proper hyperlink. If the hyperlink is showing a different cope with or exclusive call, know that it’s far a Fake link and cannot be depended on.
So right here you’re. Now you know the way to check it and Away to Keep away from These links. simply beware of this kind of hyperlinks the subsequent time you need to download your preferred software program or your favorite game.
Tony Robbins Agrees With Me
The method myth is answerable for the failure of maximum organizations In keeping with Tony Robbins in his White Paper, Mindset Over Advertising. Alas, most might be entrepreneurs are doomed to fail because they do not simply recognize what it takes to achieve success. They observe conventional questioning and location they agree within the strategy myth, he says.
The strategy fantasy is based on the idea that the fundamentals of the business are a killer product, a high-quality goal marketplace, and a properly written business plan. This could no longer create lasting achievement says Tony, the achievement guru. at the same time as the approach is necessary, business owners first should set up the true foundation of entrepreneurial fulfillment; vision, ardor, and Mindset.
Anthony Robbins is a leadership and peak performance expert and he applies the eighty/20 rule to the look at of achievement. He states that in nearly each condition, 80 percentage of fulfillment is due to psychology-Attitude, ideas, and feelings and handiest 20 percentage is due to method or movement.
See, I informed you Tony Robbins Is of the same opinion with me. That is something I harp on approximately all of the time. Attitude, Mindset, Mindset. Tony and i do not come at this from precisely the equal perspective, although. I have by no means heard him communicate about the Regulation of Enchantment, and I am no longer Certain if he subscribes to it or no longer.
Whether or not you accept as true with inside the LOA or not, like I do, one component is sure. Anyone who makes a has a look at of fulfillment could agree that Attitude is an important factor in achievement, regardless of what the precise cause is.
If this is the case then, why achieve this few commercial enterprise people absolutely vicinity plenty emphasis on wondering or supply it any critical consideration? possibly because-because the appearance of the Scientific Age, we’ve based our ideas on evidence, on the concrete, on what We will see and contact. Mindset or thinking is incredibly ephemeral. It can’t be visible or evaluated and it’s miles difficult to define.
Mindset is an internal exercise and education and particularly business schooling and indeed all sorts of know-how are outside paperwork like facts or information. We are able to manipulate and evaluate outside practices like balance sheets, commercial enterprise plans, and strategies. How can we train and evaluate thinking? How can we test beliefs and grade hence? The reality is we can not due to the fact our information of Mindset is still in large part theoretical.
As a High School teacher, I used to be appalled at the shortage of hobby in wondering as a topic even the various instructors, and I used to be also appalled At the initial outcomes my students attained with the conventional statistics based coaching that I had been taught to apply.
Being the obsessive and (in those days) perfectionistic kind, I needed to give you a technique that might reap higher consequences. Lamentably, maximum of my English and Social Technological know-how college students simply didn’t ‘get’ How to compare a topic, shape a response and write a powerful essay, something that I should do without difficulty. So, I asked myself, ‘What procedure does my mind go through that allows you to obtain this assignment effectively?’
I quick realized that if I taught my students How to suppose then they’d the tools no longer only to write down essays, However, to understand the troubles involved in any selection making pastime. The effects were surprising and the development in overall performance attracted the attention of the administration. Lengthy story, But had been my attempts to educate the lecturers this system established and included into the College curriculum? Of route now not, because Bertrand Russell becomes proper when he said, ‘Most people might as an alternative die than assume,’ and that includes instructors.
As increasingly more human beings move into business and far away from the security of the job marketplace, it turns into even extra vital for the look at of enterprise to include the coaching of wondering as a legitimate area of examine.
How lots money and time do you spend money on taking control of your Mindset and learning to think like a real entrepreneur?
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topicprinter · 7 years
Back in the days when social media platforms started purging bot accounts, the sellers (bot farmers) took a big hit to their business. Obviously. They all lost 100s of millions of bot profiles overnight. That is millions and millions in losses.Before the purge – in the beginning – these coders used massive and complicated bots that would do the process of creating / registering a social account (Facebook, Instagram … every social platform basically) – the bot will also create an email account for verification of said social profile. Lets just take Instagram as an example for further details. The bot creates an Instagram account – it creates an email account – it then verifies it. BEHIND THE SCENES – bot creates a random username and password. It will just use random characters for both username and password. It will also solve captcha – it will flip proxies (create 2-3 accounts per proxy and then switch to new proxy).These bots that they coded could create upto 100,000 Instagram accounts a day. That is A LOT of accounts right? The problem – these accounts / profiles had NO DP. No or random characters of bio. No phone verification. No posts of their own. No followers of their own. No daily human like activity. These bot profiles just sat and whenever the orders came in – they did MASS follow. So if someone bought 1 mil followers from the retail seller – the order will reach the Russian base and that base will make 1 mil of their bot profiles follow this customer’s username.When the purge happened it all went bad - they all got shut (bot profiles).The Russians relaxed for a while – went back to coding for a few months and created something so bullet proof that it basically made it impossible for Instagram to differentiate between a bot profile and a human profile.The new bot that Russians created would create a profile – it will create an email to verify with – it will use a SIM card to verify by too – it would then run that profile on auto – it would make that profile make a few posts – it would get this profile a few followers. These profiles are called High Quality in the Russian market of bot farms. High quality followers = they have a display photo. They MIGHT have a bio. They usually have a handful of posts. They have a few followers of their own. The username is not a random string but a smart AI that builds realistic human names by permutations and combinations. Obviously the capacity went down from creating 100,000 low quality followers a day to 30,000-50,000 high quality followers a day BUT the lifetime of these high quality followers was and is high. Meaning – the chances of these getting shut is pretty low.But wait. They went a step further. This is where they made it happen.They then created a new class of bot that was so advanced that they called these type of followers REAL (its kinda funny naming a bot class as REAL) followers. There is a good reason for this. These followers are SO FREAKING REAL – even humans can’t tell if it’s a bot or its a human follower. Basically they upgraded their bot like crazy.Whenever a bot created a profile – it would be put on auto – it would post photos regularly (FOREVER) – it would follow celebrities – it would get followers and likes of its own – it would have a smart bio – it would have a matching display photo. They’d give likes/followers between bots. They’d shuffle likes / followers amongst the bot profiles. So each bot profile will have a healthy amount of likes per post - comments - followers - the whole deal. End result = accounts that have 100s and even 1000s of posts of their own – a matching DP – a human like name – phone and email verified – likes and followers of their own – daily human activity – following celebs every now and then too.Basically – even Instagram – even humans can’t tell the difference between a REAL bot profile and a human profile. That’s how real they got. THIS is the category of followers that politicians and celebs buy. These are expensive. So – by now – even ‘experienced’ marketers and ‘advanced’ techniques can’t differentiate between a fake bot profile (REAL class) and a human profile. So – all marketers assuming that they can find out if an influencer has faked it – well you’re out of luck. You don’t fuck with Russian hackers. End of story.When building an Instagram account – be sure to find such class of followers. It WILL take a lot of research / trial and error. But once you get this class of followers then you’re good to go.NOTE – Just cause a site says they sell ‘real’ followers DOES NOT mean they are selling you ‘real class bot followers’. Most sites out there will just dump on you low quality or if you’re lucky – you’ll get high quality.Moving forward – as always – this is all that happens behind the scenes. Its your choice to get into this or not. You be the judge. I just want the truth to be out there so that everyone can make choices based on the whole truth and reality. (Instagrammers, Marketers, Social Agencies,...)At least you ‘experienced’ marketers who think they know what they’re doing when it comes to hiring influencers now know that you’re way behind.And remember – its one thing to hack to gain profit and cause harm to others (like those hackers at doxagram that stole millions of Instagram logins and sold it for profit – or the usual weekly case with Equifax getting hacked by hackers – that is BRUTAL and unethical. That is what hacking truly is. Stealing shit for personal gain and profit. In our case – if we are buying likes and followers – WE ARE LOSING CASH. Haha. We aren’t stealing shit. Losing cash on followers to build up a profile that can attract real base is something almost everyone does. Even Facebook fucked YouTube over for that matter just to steal views and showcase their investors that the ‘video’ content of Facebook is doing wonderful.Isn’t that blackhat? If that is – then PLEASE leave Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus and the other companies owned by Facebook. When Google manipulates the search results to induce people into choosing and buying Google products is that black hat? Yes it is – Google has been penalized by the EU for billions of dollars for doing that. Why the fuck are Facebook and Google pulling such black hat tricks? You can keep yapping about the same old shit ‘If they did it – why should I?’ By that logic – if they did it – they stole – they went black hat – then you being you (Jesus) – should ideally leave and stop being a part of those businesses right? Leave Google. Leave YouTube. Leave Facebook. Leave WhatsApp.You know what? Leave the banks too. I could pull out MILLIONS of scams pulled out by the banks that you’re using. Isn’t that correct? Do you even know how many times Facebook has been fined around the world just in 2017 for breaking multiple laws? Do you know how many times Facebook has fucked its users over? Its just so funny when Facebook breaks the law – everything is good. But when someone goes to buy followers – OMG – hang him. Haha.Either leave all these services and THEN preach or stop complaining as you’re just being hypocritical. Another thing that is obviously going to come up – So what if Facebook is doing wrong – they are paying for it – they’re getting fined. Well sure. That’s the best response isn’t it. Oh look I’m rich – I have the cash – I can fuck up. Those million dollar fines don’t mean pennies to Facebook. They’re rich – they can afford it. The thing is – they’ll keep going blackhat – fuck people over – take their data (read into why FB is being fined – read about what they kept from EU regarding WhatsApp deal and read about extensive user tracking) – and they’ll pay a few pennies. End of the day they broke the laws. Does anyone give a fuck? I guess not.I could go on and on and on. In the end – it doesn’t matter. There are a lot of viewers who know exactly what to do with this information that I’m sharing. And I’m certain they’ll make it.Cheers all!PS - Remember - the aim of these posts is not to make you steal money from sponsors in the name of fake followers. The whole IDEA is - if you didn't get it already - is to build social proof - use some fake stuff to get a bit of push - convert it all into reality - leave behind all the fake shit - and get real. (Fake it till you make it). That is the reason these posts are so complicated. I mean if we want to steal money from sponsors by injecting fake followers then there are very good, easy and quick ways to do that. But - I guess all the readers who seem interested are NOT looking to fuck the sponsors over- they're looking to build a real base in the end. A base of niche specific real interested human followers.
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