#one more ask and you’ll get blocked 😊 then you won’t have to see my posts again hehe
misssakurapetal28 · 2 years
As an Rise Apritello Fan and creator, I would have to politely ask to not:
Tag my Rise Apritello post that’s intended as shipping as “BEST SIBLINGS!” or “BEST FRIENDS!”. You know? Just passive aggressive stuff that tries to label them as siblings when it’s obvious that I don’t see them as such.
Try to go to my inbox or post, saying things like “Donnie and April are siblings, whether if you want to see them as that or not!”, which is why I can’t ship them.
Try to go to my inbox or post, trying to push your headcanons onto me (“April is a Lesbian!”, “They’re literal siblings!”, etc).
Act immature, sensitive, rude or belligerent about the fact that I ship Rise Apritello.
Send me “proof” that Donnie and April are “siblings” or see each other as siblings (I really don’t care. They aren’t biologically related, so I CAN ship them).
Try to manipulate/intimidate me into not shipping them.
Compare Apritello to t///cest or Splinter///cest, accusing said Apritello shippers (like me) of shipping in///cest.
Bully/harass/tell people or me to KYS for this and being completely unremorseful about it.
You can’t interact with me if you dislike Apritello.
No one is saying that you have to ship them. If you like them as platonic buddies, that’s prefectly fine! I do too despite me also shipping them! 😊 However, please, let others ship them if they wish. At the end of the day, its an innocent ship lol! Of course I believe that we can get along/be friends even though our opinions differ about the ship! I’m a open-minded person, and I love Rise for more than just Apritello! But if you truly believe that we won’t get along because of this, then it’s best you just move along.
I’m really not in a mood to argue about this anymore. Just let people do what they want.
So if you still just don’t get it and still try to start anything, you’ll be blocked.
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xiaosean · 2 years
Seriously xiaosean are you sending these msgs to yourself and replying it? No one insinuated you are xiao zhan, just asked to stop pretending to be a fan when you are so clear that you are not.
😂😂😂 i’m not even that active here unless xz releases a drama tho // since it’s been cleared that i am obv NOT xiao zhan, then what’s up with this ask?
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god forbid me to use someone’s non-legal eng name to start an multi fandom appreciation blog that has the tendency to bias xz (is that clear enough for you?) and seems like you’re just wanting to start shit on my platform… who are you to tell me what i am? MAYBE you’re the 黑粉 here
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espresseo-cafe · 4 years
i got you | johnny | mini coffee
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pairing: johnny x reader
coffee type: mini latte w/ shots of syrup, halloween!au
bean count: 916
t/w: none but feel free to tell if there is any!
a/n: ok my phone’s quite alright so i managed to post this even though it’s late!! anyway i found this cute while writing it hahah 🙈 enjoy reading my lovely beans! 📖☕️
“citizens please be watchful on the recent events in public transportation. travel safely.” the bolded words you read emitted from your handy device. you were aware of this news, and nothing petrified you more than this.
the situation was bothersome, the fact that people with such twisted minds would think of doing certain things to get what they wanted. in this case, you were told to keep an open mind and alert eyes. because this, this involved needles- hidden under the seats. a single prick felt from it you were already under its spell for the night.
some people said that the easy targets were high school and college students. and as for you, you were part of the latter group.
it was one of those nights where evening classes were the norm for this semester. because the professor had other lectures the whole day, you and other students were forced to have lessons when the sun sets.
“y/n, do you think all that stuff happening around is true?” soyeon asked, putting her things in her bag. “there aren’t any cases on our area.”
you shrugged, “doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen. you’re lucky you just live three blocks away from here. i have like two districts to pass by to get to my apartment. i have to keep alert.”
“y/n, honey.” soyeon popped her lips. “.. you got johnny for a boyfriend. you’ll be more than fine.” she smiled cheekily and patted your shoulder before san wrapped his arms around his girlfriend. “i gotta go, stay safe y/n!”
you waved a goodbye before heading out as well, sending a quick text message to johnny to inform him you were on your way home. you were bummed out that he hosted a halloween party at taeyong’s without you. since you had projects and presentations to tend for, a halloween party would be a distraction. you giggled at the thought of johnny pouting after telling him you had to miss it for once or else your credits wouldn’t be enough for you accelerate.
[ you ]: “hi bub, i’m omw back to my apartment. how’s the party going? 😊”
[ johnny ]: “hey sweets, we had to stop the party earlier than expected cuz jungwoo threw up badly on taeyong’s couch so the whole dorm reeks of jungwoo rn lolol 👀”
[ you ]: “oh that must’ve sucked 😣😣”
[ johnny ]: “anyway can i crash in your apartment for the night? you live close by yong’s.”
[ you ]: “sure! see you in a bit 😘”
[ johnny ]: “love you ❤️”
you placed your phone in your bag as you put your hands in your pockets to warm them from this cool weather. with the autumn breeze kicking in, you’d want nothing more than to sleep through the night.
a sigh of relief came from your lips when a taxi appeared in the late night. your arms stretching in front of you, the vehicle slowly stopping by in front of you. sitting inside, the familiar face of the driver assured you that there was nothing to fear.
“hey y/n, back to your apartment ey?” he asked through the rear mirror.
“yup. thanks jangmin.” you smiled at him as a response before quickly unlocking your phone to message johnny that you managed to get a ride.
if you were tired you would’ve asked johnny to pick you up. however, your eyes were blurring your vision. maybe it was the phone’s light? you weren’t imagining things though, because your arms and legs were starting to feel numb. it took you a while to notice and feel the small prick as you sat down.
no way..
jangmin’s involved in this?
trying your best not to show any expression of weakness or panic, your fingers found its way to the dial button on johnny’s contact number.
“hey sweetheart, i was just about to call you when-“ johnny cut himself mid-sentence when you sounded a bit off, slurring a little in your words. “where are you at?”
“by the roundabout..” you quickly took a glance at jangmin, who hasn’t noticed your nauseous state. “i’ll be there in a minute.”
johnny’s hand gripped his phone and his heart was uneasy. he had heard about the scary rumors going around and his guts told him you were a possible victim. looking at his vampire outfit, he cursed at his choice of costume. so he jogged towards renjun, who was startled at his sudden approach. “sorry, but could we swap costumes for a bit?”
your heart had never been this hectic, knocking towards your now numbed chest. two more minutes, just two more minutes you’d be out of this situation. it was hard to stay awake while your body was pulling you down across the backseat.
the taxi pulled to a stop and your body couldn’t fight back the heavy weight on you. you were about to fall into a deep slumber.
your eyes were dropping and you wanted to leave quickly before the door suddenly opened wide.
please no..
the grip on you was strong, pulling you up by the arm. but then.. this hold was familiar, gentle, and you could’ve sworn you could cry right now out of relief.
it was johnny in a police officer costume, a worried expression worn on his face. “hey.” he said softly, “stay awake, babe.”
you blinked drowsily, and your lips quivered. “john..”
“don’t be scared.” he cooed, “i got you.”
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missymae531 · 5 years
How We Met! Part 4
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It’s been almost a month since your date with Shawn and it is now September 25, 2018 and you have been on multiple more dates with Shawn and feel as though you both have really gotten to know one another and feelings are starting to grow stronger. You guys have been texting back and forth non-stop since he had to go to L.A. He has been enjoying time off from his last tour, and planning and promoting things for the upcoming tour for his newest album. At first he was kind of hesitant to tell you all the details about until you promised him you wouldn’t tell anyone the major details but that you would post stuff to promote his album if he wanted you to.
After some convincing he finally spilled everything, and was cool about you promoting his album if you wanted to, the whole time you were texting each other you were smiling and giggling because you could tell even through text that he was still so passionate and happy about his career. You are so proud of him and how far he’s come from being a 14 year old on vine and YouTube song covers of songs to selling out arenas and stadiums on tours around the world.
You don’t know exactly what is is about him yet that makes you want to just be around him all the time and to be a part of his life, despite the lifestyle that comes with it. You would gladly take all the hate and paparazzi photos in the world that would come with being in his life without hesitation if he asked you to because you really do care about him.
Maybe it’s his heart of gold, kind nature, or his gentleness and respect for himself and others around him, but it’s pulling you in and you don’t want it to stop. You think to yourself “Is what I’m feeling real or is it just all in my head? Because if it’s real I don’t want it to stop.”
Your phone goes off and you hear the notification specifically for when Shawn texts you.
Shawnie Boi🍁: Hey I’m going to be back in New York sometime tomorrow maybe you could pick me up and we could go on another date if you’d like?
Liv🌹: Yeah I’ll pick you up from the airport you’ll just have to let me know when you land, and yes I’d love to go on another date with you!
Shawnie Boi🍁: Great I’ll keep you updated.
~Next Day!~
You wake up to at 9:30AM to a text from Shawn saying he’s just boarded a flight to NYC. You respond with a sweet and simple “Be safe and I’ll see you soon😊.”
You realize you have a while before he arrives in New York because it’s usually a 9-10 hour flight from LA to NYC.
So, you decided today’s a good day to clean your house so you thrown on a sports bra, underwear, athletic leggings, and an old t-shirt and start cleaning. Once you’re done cleaning you head outside and jog a few times around the block because you were already cleaning and being productive so why not get a work out in for the day.
After jogging you take a break from being productive you turn the tv on you choose to watch Captain America because you can’t go wrong with a marvel movie. After the movie you go take a shower. You’ve done everything you can to preoccupy yourself all day so you won’t be bored waiting for Shawn’s plane to land. Once you get out of the shower the time is 5:30PM and you decide to change into some nicer but still casual clothes for when you pick Shawn up from the airport.
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Then you throw your hair up into a messy bun, and then you put on some eyeliner, mascara, and lastly some chapstick.
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You go and sit on your couch and put your shoes on when you get a text notification and see that it’s Shawn.
Shawnie Boi🍁: The plane has landed and I’m heading to get my luggage if you want to head over now it’ll probably take about 20-30minutes for me to get through everything.
Liv🌹: Ok I’m heading to my car now, I’ll see you soon Shawnie Boi 😊
You head down to your Silver Honda Civic drive to the airport. You get there and park in a somewhat close parking spot and head in to wait for Shawn to get out of luggage and exit his section to meet you. Fifteen minutes have gone by and you’ve been on your phone scrolling through Instagram and your timeline, when your phone buzzes and you read a text from Shawn asking where you are. You tell him where you’re at and you look up and wait to see him approach.
A couple seconds go by and you finally see his curly hair and brown eyes walk through to the waiting area, and you get up and walk towards him. He sets his luggage down and you pick up speed and jump into his arms. He secures you by holding you thighs, after a few seconds he sets you down and hugs you back.
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“I’ve miss you a lot, like it’s just not the same for me seeing without those beautiful brown eyes and your bright smile that I so dearly missed.” He says to you while holding your cheeks with his hands.
“I could say the same thing about you because wow I missed you too, I isn’t realize just how much until now.” You say to him laughing a little bit.
He takes you in for a moment. and then he leans in and kisses you softly and slowly, while still holding your face in his hands. You hands move up and around his neck pulling him closer to you.
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You wait a few more moments and pull back from the kiss and give him one more small kiss before telling him to get his stuff and follow you to your car. You both get to your car and you help him load he luggage into the trunk of your car. Once you’re done you both get in the car and you drive from the airport to your apartment.
Once you arrive he gets his stuff and you both head up to your apartment, you let him set his stuff down and settle in the guest room that you have. Standing in the door way of the guest room you ask him, “So, what did you have in mind for this mystery date?”
“Well I was gonna keep it a surprise, but I was thinking just going up to Time Square and being a tourist for a bit and then maybe grabbing something to eat, is that ok?” He asks you kind of unsure, “yeah that more than ok, well if you need to get ready I’ll let you get to it because I’ve got to get ready too.” You tell him.
You pick out your outfit which consists of a grey tank top with a black lace bralett, a nice deep red cardigan, with some blue jeans that have some rips in them, and some Birkenstock’s to finish your outfit.
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You leave your hair the same, and do your make up. Your make up is brown Smokey eyes look with some eyeliner and mascara to finish the look. You give yourself a once over and head to the living area.
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About ten minutes later he comes walking out of the guest bedroom and into the living area, he’s wearing his black “lift” hoodie with his signature black skinny jeans and his adidas shoes.
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During the date he asks you to be his girlfriend like officially and you of course say yes because he’s a great guy and he treats you like a princess every time you’re with him. After that you go and eat, once you’re both done eating you head back to your place and watch another marvel move then talk most of the night, before both of you heading to bed.
~A Month Later~
It’s now halloween and Shawn had flown out to see you and spend time with you. You had planned everything from the party you’d be going to and the costumes you’d both wear. So, you had matching costumes and you went with Ariel and Prince Eric because let’s be honest Shawn is the spitting image of Prince Eric.
You bought a red haired wig and the other costume parts.
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You both had a great night celebrating Halloween and partying at Selena’s Halloween party and just being in each other’s company.
Three weeks later you and Shawn had driven down to Florida to meet up with your family for Thanksgiving. He met your mother, father, two brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, and your grandparents. They all loved him and he got along with all of them really well, and you both had a blast.
You headed home from Florida and took a small break at your place in NYC before you both would eventually be going to Canada for Christmas with his family. So, I guess you could say that you and Shawn had gotten serious really fast but it was all fine and you loved every second you got to spend with him.
It was during the few days of November and early days of December when you and Shawn were together that you realized that you love him. He was just siting on your couch watching one of the Harry Potter movies with you that you really realized that you loved him. He was so focused on the movie and the magic taking place, and you were just looking at him and his features.
His eyes are the most beautiful shade of brown you’d ever seen, his smile was the sweetest smile to ever seen, his lips were the perfect shade of pink and the perfect shape too. The little scar on his face that you knew he got while he tried to shave as a kid, you loved it because you love him. You love his heart that is so kind, and gentle, you love his passion for music, family, and friends.
You love how no matter how busy he was he always made time for you whether it was a text, phone call, FaceTime, or just physically being with you, he always made time for you and you always made time for him too. You just loved everything about the man siting on your couch next to you watching one of the movies from favorite movie/book series.
When the movie was over you both headed to bed, but not before he gave you a kiss goodnight that in your opinion should’ve lasted a little longer but ended way too quickly for you liking. You got ready for bed and got in your bed and tried to get some sleep, but ended up lying awake thinking of al the way you love Shawn and when and how you would tell him.
Until Next Time My Lovelies❤️
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missymae531-2 · 3 years
How We Met Chp.4
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September 25, 2018
Olivia's POV
It's been almost a month since your date with Shawn and you have been on multiple more dates with Shawn and feel as though you both have really gotten to know one another and feelings are starting to grow stronger. You guys have been texting back and forth non-stop since he had to go back to L.A. He has been enjoying time off from his last tour, and planning and promoting things for the upcoming tour for his newest album. At first he was kind of hesitant to tell you all the details about it, until you promised him you wouldn't tell anyone the major details, but that you would post stuff to promote his album if he wanted you to.
After some convincing he finally spilled everything, and was cool about you promoting his album if you wanted to, the whole time you were texting each other you were smiling and giggling because you could tell even through texting that he was still just as passionate and happy about his career. You still are so proud of him and how far he's come from being a 14 year old on vine and YouTube singing covers of songs, to selling out arenas and stadiums on tours around the world.
You don't know exactly what is is about him yet that makes you want to just be around him all the time and to be a part of his life, despite the lifestyle that comes with it. You would gladly take all the hate and paparazzi photos in the world that would come with being in his life without hesitation if he asked you to because you really do care about him.
Maybe it's his heart of gold, kind nature, or his gentleness and respect for himself and others around him, but it's pulling you in and you don't want it to stop. You think to yourself "Is what I'm feeling real or is it just all in my head? Because if it's real I don't want it to stop."
Your phone goes off and you hear the notification specifically for when Shawn texts you.
Shawnie Boi🍁: Hey I'm going to be back in New York sometime tomorrow maybe you could pick me up and we could go on another date if you'd like? Read at 12:00PM
Liv🌹: Yeah I'll pick you up from the airport you'll just have to let me know when you land, and yes I'd love to go on another date with you! Read at 12:03PM
Shawnie Boi🍁: Great I'll keep you updated. Read at 12:05PM
September 26, 2018
You wake up to at 9:30AM to a text from Shawn saying he's just boarded a flight to NYC. You respond with a sweet and simple "Be safe and I'll see you soon😊." You realize you have a while before he arrives in New York because it's usually a 9-10 hour flight from LA to NYC.
So, you decided today's a good day to clean your house so, you throw on a sports bra, underwear, athletic leggings, and an old t-shirt and start cleaning. Once you're done cleaning you head outside and jog a few times around the block because you were already cleaning and being productive so why not get a work out in for the day.
After jogging you take a break from being productive you turn the tv on you choose to watch Captain America because you can't go wrong with a marvel movie. After the movie you go take a shower. You've done everything you can to preoccupy yourself all day so you won't be bored waiting for Shawn's plane to land. Once you get out of the shower the time is 5:30PM and you decide to change into some nicer but still casual clothes for when you pick Shawn up from the airport.
Then you throw your hair up into a messy bun, and then you put on some eyeliner, mascara, and lastly some chapstick.
You go and sit on your couch and put your shoes on when you get a text notification and see that it's Shawn.
Shawnie Boi🍁: The plane has landed and I'm heading to get my luggage if you want to head over now it'll probably take about 20-30minutes for me to get through everything. Read at 5:40PM
Liv🌹: Ok I'm heading to my car now, I'll see you soon Shawnie Boi 😊 Read at 5:45PM
You head down to your Silver Honda Civic drive to the airport. You get there and park in a somewhat close parking spot and head in to wait for Shawn to get out of luggage and exit his section to meet you. Fifteen minutes have gone by and you've been on your phone scrolling through Instagram and your timeline, when your phone buzzes and you read a text from Shawn asking where you are. You tell him where you're at and you look up and wait to see him approach.
A couple seconds go by and you finally see his curly hair and brown eyes walk through to the waiting area, and you get up and walk towards him. He sets his luggage down and you pick up speed and jump into his arms. He secures you by holding your thighs, after a few seconds he sets you down and hugs you back.
"I've missed you a lot, like it's just not the same for me without seeing those beautiful brown eyes and your bright smile that I so dearly missed." He says to you while holding your cheeks with his hands. "I could say the same thing about you, because wow I missed you too, I didn't realize just how much until now." You say to him laughing a little bit.
He takes you in for a moment, and then he leans in and kisses you softly and slowly. While still holding your face in his hands. You hands move up and around his neck pulling him closer to you.
You wait a few more moments and pull back from the kiss and give him one more small kiss before telling him to get his stuff and follow you to your car. You both get to your car and you help him load he luggage into the trunk of your car. Once you're done you both get in the car and you drive from the airport to your apartment.
Once you arrive he gets his stuff and you both head up to your apartment, you let him set his stuff down and settle in the guest room that you have. Standing in the door way of the guest room you ask him, "So, what did you have in mind for this mystery date?"
"Well I was gonna keep it a surprise, but I was thinking just going up to Time Square and being a tourist for a bit and then maybe grabbing something to eat, is that ok?" He asks you kind of unsure, "yeah that's more than ok, well if you need to get ready I'll let you get to it, because I've got to get ready too." You tell him.
You pick out your outfit which consists of a grey tank top with a black lace bralett, a nice deep red cardigan, with some blue jeans that have some rips in them, and some Birkenstock's to finish your outfit.
You leave your hair the same, and do your make up. Your make up is brown Smokey eyes look with some eyeliner and mascara to finish the look. You give yourself a once over and head to the living area.
About ten minutes later he comes walking out of the guest bedroom and into the living area, he's wearing his black "lift" hoodie with his signature black skinny jeans and his adidas shoes.
During the date he asks you to be his girlfriend like officially and you of course say yes because he's a great guy and he treats you like a princess every time you're with him. After that you go and eat, once you're both done eating you head back to your place and watch another marvel movie then talk most of the night, before both of you heading to bed.
October 31, 2018
It's now halloween and Shawn had flown out to see you and spend time with you. You had planned everything from the party you'd be going to, to the costumes you'd both wear. So, you had matching costumes and you went with Ariel and Prince Eric because let's be honest Shawn is the spitting image of Prince Eric. You bought a red haired wig and the other costume parts.
You both had a great night celebrating Halloween and partying at Selena's Halloween party and just being in each other's company.
November 22, 2019
You and Shawn had driven down to Florida to meet up with your family for Thanksgiving. He met your mom, dad, your two brothers, cousins, aunts, uncles, and your grandparents. They all loved him and he got along with all of them really well, and you both had a blast.
You headed home from Florida and took a small break at your place in NYC before you both would eventually be going to Canada for Christmas with his family. So, I guess you could say that you and Shawn had gotten serious really fast but it was all fine and it seemed to be going well between you two. You loved every second you got to spend with him.
It was during the last few days of November and early days of December when you and Shawn were together that you realized that you loved him. He was just siting on your couch watching one of the Harry Potter movies with you when you really realized it. He was so focused on the movie and the magic taking place, and you were just looking at him and his features.
His eyes are the most beautiful shade of brown you'd ever seen, his smile was the sweetest smile to ever see, his lips were the perfect shade of pink and the perfect shape too. The little scar on his face that you knew he got while he tried to shave as a kid, you loved it because it represents innocence to you, and you love him. You love his heart that is so kind, and gentle, you love his passion for music, family, and friends.
You love how no matter how busy he was he always made time for you whether it was a text, phone call, FaceTime, or just physically being with you, he always made time for you and you always made time for him too. You just loved everything about the man siting on your couch next to you watching one of the movies from favorite movie/book series.
When the movie was over you both headed to bed, but not before he gave you a kiss goodnight that in your opinion should've lasted a little longer but ended way too quickly for you liking. You got ready for bed and got in your bed and tried to get some sleep, but ended up lying awake thinking of al the way you love Shawn and when and how you would tell him.
Until Next Time My Lovelies❤️
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